






英语风采大赛的主持词范文1a: honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon .b: welcome to the third english talent competition of chengde medical university. here is the final contest.a: first of all, now i have the great privilege of presenting today's judgesb: department of basic party branch secretarythe youth league secretary of our universitythe director of english teaching officethe vice director of nursing departmentthe dean of language e-perimental centerthe teacher from english teaching officethe teacher from english teaching office.b: once again let's welcome all the gusets and the judgeswith a big round of applause .a: this is the third time we hold talent competition here.every year all the contestants who participate in have e-perienced a lot and learnt a lot,including me.though now i act as the host,i was one of the contestants last year.so i can deeply understand thechallenge that the every contestant will face. they will not only do better than the other competitors but also overcome themselves.b: yes, you are right. as we know the 8contestants are all fight through a series of fierce competition and finally they come to this stage. to some e-tend, they are all winners. it is surely that the contestants today will present you an audiovisual feast. let us look forward to their wisdom, confidence , and brilliant performances .a: now let us welcome the contestants to the stage and introduce themselves.b: once again let's welcome all contestants and wish them good luck.this competition will be divided into four parts. round no.1 is impromptu speech.a: round no2 is guessing the words.b: round no3 is scenario performance.a: and the final round is talent show.b: ok,now let’s begin the first around called impromptu speech.before the speech every competitor will choose a video to watch .then make a speech concerning about the video topic.a:this round is 40 points. every contestant has 90 seconds to prepare and deliver their speeches.b: ok, it's time for show now. hope everyone can make good use of this opportunity. now, welcome contestant no1.a:choose a picture,please./which picture do you like/make your choice/a picture pleaseok now 90 seconds to prepare and give your speech./90s to think and show,please/now time to prepare and deliver your speech/do your preparation and show your ideaa: thank you. it now turn to contestant no2, which picture would you choose?a: welcome to the second round guessing the words ,in 1 munite, the contestants will be given 15 words on the screen, then their partner will guethe words according to the contestants' interpretation of the words. they can also use body language .英语风采大赛的主持词范文2男:尊敬的各位嘉宾。


















一首先进行自我介绍环节本环节成绩占总成绩20%的分值二主题演讲环节本环节占总成绩的30% 其中演讲内容(10分)语言表达(10分)仪表风范(5分)整体效果(5分)三才艺展示环节本环节占总成绩50%的分值其中形象(10分)形式(20分)整体效果(20分)“挑战无处不在,秀出真我风采”,现在我宣布****学校第一届“校园英语风采”大赛现在开始!首先开始第一环节自我介绍环节下面有请第一组参赛队伍他们来自信息管理系信息管理班请二号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第二组参赛队伍他们来自信息管理系电子商务班请三号参赛队伍作准备下面有请第三组参赛队伍他们来自会计本科一班请四号参赛队伍作准备下面有请第四组参赛队伍他们来自工商管理系物流管理班请五号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第五组参赛队伍他们来自人文艺术系英语班请六号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第六组参赛队伍他们来自人文艺术系新闻班请七号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第七组参赛队伍他们来自财政金融系本科四班请八号参赛队伍做准备最后有请第八组参赛队伍他们来自国际商务系第一环节结束后,我们下面开始第二环节的比拼与较量开始主题演讲环节下面有请第一组参赛队伍他们来自信息管理系信息管理班请二号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第二组参赛队伍他们来自信息管理系电子商务班请三号参赛队伍作准备下面有请第三组参赛队伍他们来自会计本科一班请四号参赛队伍作准备下面有请第四组参赛队伍他们来自工商管理系物流管理班请五号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第五组参赛队伍他们来自人文艺术系英语班请六号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第六组参赛队伍他们来自人文艺术系新闻班请七号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第七组参赛队伍他们来自财政金融系本科四班请八号参赛队伍做准备最后有请第八组参赛队伍他们来自国际商务系前两个环节已经结束,下面开始今晚本场比赛最重要的环节—才艺展示环节!下面有请第一组参赛队伍他们来自信息管理系信息管理班他们的才艺展示环节是话剧片段《泰坦尼克号》请二号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第二组参赛队伍他们来自信息管理系才艺展示环节带来的是《荆轲刺秦王》请三号参赛队伍作准备下面有请第三组参赛队伍他们来自本科一班才艺展示环节的节目是《梁祝新传》请四号参赛队伍作准备下面有请第四组参赛队伍他们来自工商管理系物流管理班才艺展示环节带来的是《校园那点事》请五号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第五组参赛队伍他们来自人文艺术系才艺展示环节为大家带来的是《白雪公主与七个小矮人》片段请六号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第六组参赛队伍他们来自人文艺术系才艺展示环节为大家带来的是《赖皮孙子与糊涂爷爷》片段请七号参赛队伍做准备下面有请第七组参赛队伍他们来自财政金融系才艺展示环节为大家带来的是《麦琪的礼物》片段请八号参赛队伍做准备最后有请第八组参赛队伍他们来自才艺展示环节为大家带来的是到此为止,我们今晚的所有参赛队伍已表演结束。



英语风采大赛主持词G: Good evening, everyone, my honored leaders, teachers and my fellow students,I'm very pleased to be the host for today's competition this evening.Now you are watching the “Star of Lilan”English contest. Thank you for your coming .B: 尊敬的领导,老师、亲爱的同学们,晚上好!很高兴能担任今晚比赛的主持人,今晚要举行的是澧斓完中“澧斓之星”九年级英语风采大赛,非常感谢各位的到来。

(Applause)B: In today's show, there are 13 performances.They are from different classes of Grade 9. I hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better through this show.These experiences will be very useful for us.So I hope we'll make good use of this opportunity.G: 在今晚的比赛中将有13个节目参赛,他们来自九年级不同的班级。

我希望通过这次比赛,大家能相互交流, 相互学习, 共同进步!G: Ok, first, let's warmly welcome our headmaster, Mr He to make remarks.B: 现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎贺校长给我们讲话(after making remarks )G: Thanks for Mr He’s exciting remarks. Now I think it’s better for me to introduce our judges today. Let's give a warm applause to welcome Miss Yuan, Miss Zhou, Miss Wang, Mr Xiang, Miss Yang, Miss Zhong, Miss Qin.(评委由男女交换介绍)GB: Welcome!G: Ok, it’s time for show, now. The first performance is from Class…Class.., please get ready.B: Thanks for…G: We have enjoyed 6 performances, maybe you feel a little tired. Now let’s share a beautiful song.B:Have you ever heard the Story of Snow White? Today, we’ll watch it again. The first group, please! (第一个节目的介绍)G: And the second group, please get ready!G: I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen? Today, a new story happens. (第二个节目的介绍)G: Thank you! As we know, newspapers, magazines and toilet paper are all important in our daily life , but to a king , which is the most important, do you want to know ? Please watch——The important paper . (第三个节目的介绍)G: Three little pigs, three little pigs . First pig, second pig and a little pig.(唱歌)How are the three pigs ? Can pigs beat wolf? Now, group 4 will tell us. Let’s enjoy The Three pigs and a wolf. (第四个节目的介绍)B:2008 is a special year, we have the great honor to hold the 29th Olympic games . So everybody wants to do something for the games, especially a salesman. (第五个节目的介绍)G:The stories of <<Monkey King>> attracted us for a long time, today we’ll have a good chance to review one of them---Three times Beating Monster .(第六个节目的介绍)B: Now group 7 will bring us an interesting show: Drinking milk is dangerous.(第七个节目的介绍)B:We can’t always be happy, sadness always comes after happiness ,next,we’ll see a sad story about The Little Match Girl.(第八个节目的介绍)B(先唱喜羊羊与灰太狼的主题歌三至四句)It will be the winter vacation soon in goat village, what new stories will happen between the pleasant goat and big big wolf?(第九个节目的介绍) Group 9, please!G: No matter men or women, young or old, we all love April Fool’s Day. Because we love laughter. But what’s its origine?Now let’s enjoy the show: The Fool’s origine. Group 10, please.(第十个节目的介绍)B: Kids love candies , but do candies have their own ideas? Let’s have a good look.(第十一个节目的介绍) Group 11, please!G:It’s Christmas Eve now, but the little girl’s parents are still outside.She is really sad. So, grandmother is telling her a story:(手势做请的动作) (第十二个节目的介绍)G::What is love?It is a mystery the same problems, there is no standard answer to this question .Maybe love is patient, love is kind. The depth of love can not be measured.But after watching the following love story, you may find the answer.Please watch : (第十三个节目的介绍)G: Now, our judges need to have a short discussion about the shows. Now, let’swelcome Miss Yuan to give some comments about the performances.Thanks for Miss Yuan’s wonderful comments!B: After our judges’ discussion, now the final results have come out.G: Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the most exciting moment.! Now, let’s welcome our headmaster Mr Qin to announce the winners.B: 现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎覃校长为我们宣布获奖结果!GB: Congratulations!B: I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful shows from the contestants. Thank you for your hard work. Let's give you a big round of applause.G: And I think our judges did hard work, too. So they deserve our warm applause!G: Thanks for our leaders’ attending!GB: Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas by this competition. Let's look forward to our next gathering! Now let’s end our competition with a beautiful song:“We wish you a Merry Christmas!”(多媒体播放歌曲)Merry Christmas! See you…。



“英语风采”大赛主持词开场语:英文: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Good afternoon , Welcome to English talent show.中文:---同学们,老师们,大家下午好;欢迎参加我们的英语风采大赛;英文:It’s a great pleasure that we are going to hold the fi rst English Talent Show of our school中文:---很荣幸我们能担任我校第一届英语风采大赛的主持人;英文:With the development of society, as a popular language, English is already not only a communication tool, but also a cultural symbol.中文:---随着社会的发展,英语作为一种流行语言,已经不仅仅是一种交际工具,更是一种文化符号;英文:Today ,Our English Talent Show is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work.中文:---今天,我们的英语才艺表演,是我们展示才华的舞台,也是教师享受辛勤劳动成果的机会;英文:The vivid story about English can make our life vivid. Singing beautiful English songs can also make us enjoy our life. An exciting speech can encourage all of us. Today,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true I think everybody here cannot wait to see now, so let’s begin. Let’s look forward to all the teams wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances Wish them good luck中文:---生动的英语故事可以增添我们的生活乐趣,优美的英文歌曲也能让我们感受生活的美好,激动人心的演讲能让我们心潮澎湃;今天,让我们开启我们的智慧,说一口流利的英语,让梦想成真我想每个人都等不及要看了,所以我们开始吧;让我们期待所有参赛者聪慧,自信,精彩的表演,祝他们好运英文:School is the source of our knowledge, is the cradle of our growth, I believe that each of us students deeply love our campus;Now let's listen to the students in Grade Three. What do they think of our campus中文:---学校是我们知识的源泉,是我们成长的摇篮,我相信我们每一个学生都热爱我们的校园;现在让我们听听三年级小朋友说说,他们心目中我们的校园是怎样的英文:The final score of Grade 3 is_________. congratulations中文:三年级最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Gu Dong is Coming,Gu Dong is coming What is Gu Dong Now let’s see the sitcom Gu Dong is Coming from Class1 Grade 4中文:---Gu Dong来了,Gu Dong来了Gu Dong是什么现在让我们看看从4年级1班的情景喜剧Gu Dong来了;英文:The final score of Class1 Grade 4 is_________. congratulations中文:四1班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Look,a group of cute little animals are pulling radishes;Welcome to Class 2 Grade 4 for us to show the performance Pull Radish .中文:---看,一群可爱的小动物在拔萝卜,欢迎四2为我们表演情景剧拔萝卜;英文:The final score of Class2 Grade 4 is_________. congratulations中文:四2班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Have you ever heard of the ugly duckling becoming a swan Now welcome Class1 Grade 5 for us to deduce the fairy tale of ugly duckling;中文:---你听过丑小鸭变天鹅的故事吗现在欢迎五1班为我们演绎童话故事丑小鸭;英文:The final score of Class1 Grade 5 is_________. congratulations中文:五1班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:We all know that the tortoise is slow, but the children of Class 2 Grade 5 found a smart tortoise,let’s go and see.中文:---我们都知道乌龟行动慢,但是五2班的小朋友却发现了一只聪明的乌龟,让我们去瞧瞧英文:The final score of Class2 Grade 5 is_________. congratulations中文:五2班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:What would happen if a tortoise and a hare ran a race Students in Class1 Grade 6 will tell us the answer. Let‘s wait and see中文:---如果让一只乌龟与兔子去赛跑结果会是怎样呢六一班的学生会告诉我们答案,让我们拭目以待;英文:The final score of Class1 Grade 6 is_________. congratulations中文:六1班最后得分________.祝贺他们英语:Once upon a time there was a farmer ,he waits every day under the tree, in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk.Do you think he can wait for such a rabbit Welcome Class2 Grade 6 to perform Lying by the Tree to Wait for Hare中文:---曾经有一位农夫从前有一个农夫,他每天都在树下等着,希望兔子能撞到树干上,你说他能等到这样一只兔子吗英文:The final score of Class2 Grade 5 is_________. congratulations中文:六2班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:China is the origin of tea, tea is one of Chinese traditional culture, how much do you know about tea Let's listen to Class 60 Grade 7 to talk something about tea .中文:---中国是茶的原产地,茶是中国的传统文化之一,你对茶的知识知多少让我们听听初一60班说说茶;英文:The final score of Class60 Grade 7 is_________. congratulations中文:60班最后得分________.祝贺他们英语:I believe everyone knows the story of snow white,Now let’s see Class 61 Grade 7 how to perform the classic story .中文:---白雪公主这个故事我相信大家耳熟能详,现在让我们看看七年级61班是如何演绎这个经典故事的;英文:The final score of Class61 Grade 7 is_________. congratulations中文:61班最后得分________.祝贺他们英语:We are the young eagles, we must firmly believe that through our efforts, we can fly in the blue sky. Welcome Class 58 Grade 8 to give us a speech I believe I can fly .中文:---我们是雏鹰,我们要坚信,通过努力我们一定能展翅高飞于蓝天.欢迎八年级58 给我们演讲“我坚信我能展翅高飞”英文:The final score of Class58 Grade 8 is_________. congratulations中文:58班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Nowadays,children have too much stress from school ,“Should students help with housework at home “becomes a hot topic .Now let’s listen to Class 59 Grade 8 how they think about it .中文:---如今孩子们的学习压力大,孩子们该不该帮忙做家务成了热门话题,现在让我们听听59班的心声;英文:The final score of Class59 Grade 8 is_________. congratulations中文:59班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:We have a lot of treasure, such as knowledge, friendship, affection, health and so on .So do the students of Class 56 Grade them to tell us What treasure they have .中文:---我们有很多财富,如知识,友谊,感情,健康等等,初三56的学生同样拥有,欢迎初三56和我们谈谈他们拥有的财富是什么;英文:The final score of Class56 Grade 9 is_________. congratulations中文:56班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Everyone has a dream, dream is the driving force for us,Welcome Class 56 Grade9 to give us a speech I have a dream中文:---每个人都有梦想,梦想是我们前行的动力;欢迎初三56 班给我们演讲“我的梦想”英文:The final score of Class57 Grade 9 is_________. congratulations中文:57班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Ladies and gentlemen, our competition is coming to the end. Thanks again for your coming;The winning class will be announced at the flag raising ceremony on Monday;My dear friends, good bye中文:---朋友们,怀铁一中英才学校第一届英语风采大赛到这里就全部结束了,再次感谢各位的参加,获奖班级我们会在周一升旗仪式上公布,让我们记住这共度美好时刻,再见。



安徽中医药大学药学院首届魅力英语个人风采展示大赛主持稿主持人:窦仁捷洪梦颖(洪)Dear friends, this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones or set into mute mode, thanks for your cooperation.(窦)Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first English Charm Personal Style Display Competition of our college. We are honored to host this year’s competition, my name is Dou Renjie.(洪)I’m today’s hostess Hong Mengying.(窦)On the passionate and youthful stage, we show our life heartily.(洪)Tonight, let’s use our wisdom, speak English and make dreams come true.(窦)现在我宣布,安徽中医药大学药学院首届魅力英语个人风采展示大赛(合)正式开始(窦)首先请允许我向大家介绍出席今晚比赛的评委及嘉宾,他们是…...............让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来(洪)下面我来介绍一下评分细则(窦)Tonight, we will have 11 contestants bring us various forms of performance like talk show and topic speech will be showed later,and each performance will be limited in 5 minutes. (洪)今晚将有8组选手表演不同的节目,例如脱口秀、主题演讲,每组限定时间为5分钟。



英语风采大赛主持稿沈: Good afternoon, everyone. You are watching the 2nd annual star of English talent competition of Phoenix City International School. And this isthe selective trial of Grade 7.郭:各位评委、各位老师、各位同学,下午好。

这里是......学校第二届学生英语风采大赛七年级选拔赛现常郭: Please be patient. We would like to introduce you the judges first.沈:首先,让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎今天的评委,他们是Mr. Tang ,MiWang , ...同学,...同学, 1)班————同学。


郭: Today there will be 12 contestants on stage. They are ——————from Cla1 ;——————from Cla2 and ______ from Cla3.(看PPT屏幕展示)沈:今天,来自七年级三个班的十二位选手将站在这个舞台上,为我们带来精彩的表演。

郭; And today we have 4 rounds , first, story telling , second, questions and answers ,the third is topic talking. Then there comes the PK, the most exciting part. In the end, 5 contestants will stand out and go to the final of the 2nd annual star of ......School.郭:今晚比赛共分为四轮,第一轮是英语故事,第二轮为问答问题,第三轮是话题叙说。



英语达人秀比赛主持词1: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the “English Talent Show” of Nanzhan Primary School.Thank you for being here!2:尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师、同学们大家下午好!欢迎来到南站小学“英语达人秀”比赛现场!1:It’s really my honor to be the host ess of today’s competition, my name is .2:很荣幸担任本次大赛的主持人,我是1: At first, I just want to express my sincere thanks to all of you, especially to all the leaders and the English teachers .2:首先,我想对大力支持本次活动的校领导和辛勤培育我们的英语老师们说声:“谢谢”。

1:Ok, now, let me introduce our judges today, they are our English teachers. This is Miss____ .Let’s warmly welcome.2:接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,也就是我们的英语老师-----1:Learning English is a happy and meaningful thing. So I hope we can make good use of this opportunity to practice and improve our oral English.2:学习英语是一件快乐而又意义的事。


1: Now, it’s time for our English Talent Show. First, let’s welcome contestant No.1and contestant No.2, get ready, please.2:现在比赛正式开始,欢迎1号选手上场,请2号选手做准备。



英语风采大赛的主持词Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, teachers, and fellow students, welcome to this year's English Elegance Competition! It is truly an honor to stand before you all as the emcee for this grand event.Today, we have gathered here to witness the incredible talents of our participants, who have tirelessly prepared for this moment. They have embraced the English language, showcasing their remarkable linguistic abilities and cultural understanding. It is a testament to their dedication and hard work.Throughout the competition, we will witness a kaleidoscope of performances. Poised speakers will captivate us with their eloquence, delivering powerful speeches on topics close to their hearts. Our confident debaters will engage in thought-provoking discussions, analyzing critical issues of today's society. And not to forget, our creative performers will take the stage, showcasing their artistic flair through drama, poetry, and song.While we await the commencement of this vibrant competition, let us take a moment to remember the significance of the English language in today's globalized world. English has become the lingua franca of the modern era, connecting people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and traditions. It allows us to share ideas, foster understanding, and bridge the divides that separate us. Today, we celebrate not only the English language but also the courage and determination of our participants. Each one of them has overcome challenges, stepped out of their comfort zones, andembraced the beauty of English. Their passion and enthusiasm are truly commendable, and I am certain that they will inspire us all.As the participants take the stage, let us be the supportive audience they deserve. Let us appreciate their hard work, determination, and the countless hours they have dedicated to refining their skills. Cheer them on, uplift their spirits, and inspire them to give their best performances.To all the participants, remember that this competition is not just about winning or losing. It is about the journey you have taken, the growth you have experienced, and the friendships you have formed. Cherish this moment, embrace the stage, and let your English eloquence shine.So without further ado, let us embark on this incredible journey of language and talent. May this English Elegance Competition be a testament to the power of language, the magic of creativity, and the zest for learning. Sit back, relax, and get ready to be enthralled by the remarkable performances that await us.Thank you, and let the English Elegance Competition begin!。



主持稿英文版篇一:英语口语比赛主持稿首届层山小学生英语口语比赛主持稿开场白:1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.2: Good morning, fellow students.1: Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Cengshan Primary School English speaking xxpetition.2:今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。


1: English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.2:英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。

1: By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they likeWhat are they talking What are they thinking2:有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?1: In today's show, there are 16 contestants. They xxe from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim,that is to practice English.2:今天的比赛总共有16名,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

1: In today’s show, we have two rounds. The First Round, including two parts. One is One-minute introducing yourself. The other is Free Show. In the end of free show, our judges will give each contestant one or two questions. the Second Round is reading show,then answer the judge two questions.. And I would like to take this opportunity to wish this English speaking xxpetition can be a perfect success.2:今天的比赛总共有2轮,第一轮分为2个环节,第1环节是一分钟自我介绍,第2环节是自选内容展示。

英语演讲比赛 英语风采大赛主持人稿

英语演讲比赛 英语风采大赛主持人稿

Good evening:,ladies and gentlemen:A; Welcome to take part in the Enelish style competition,My name is zhang bohao.B: My name is xianglei ,We are honored to co-host the contest today.A:There are a number of excellent talents in here was covered.The wonderful talent show and moving smile still stay in our mand ,this year ,we expect to create splendid future介绍评委B:Now I have the great privilege of presenting today’s honorable judges and guests , ladies and gentlemen,:A:Now let me introduce the rules of this contest.In the first section,Each of the contestants will giver 4 minutes to deliver indiviual talent show.In the second section each of the contestants will have 12minutes to deliver Drama performance Our judges will give scores on the spot after 3 contestants the scores of the previous 3 contestants will be unnownced together .B:OK So everybody clear ?well since you’re already know these.I think is time to begin .Let’s warmly welcome contestant NO.1 ***.and contestant NO.2***get ready please..A/B;OK ,thanks for you wonderful/ecxcellent/impressive outstanding speech/singing. Now let welcome contestant NO.*and contestantNo.*get ready please.第二部分:A: Now we come to the second part of the contest is Drama performance, Let’s warmly welcome NO.1 ***.and NO.2***get ready please..A/B;OK ,thanks for you wonderful/ecxcellent/impressive show. Now let welcome NO.*and No.*get ready please.比赛全部完成:A; up to now all of the contestant finished their show.they really did a good job. Now let’s warmly welcome Mr/Miss give some comments on our contestants performance.B;thanks Mr/Miss for you wonderful comments ,Thank you.颁奖:ladies and gentlemen:,may I have you attention please ? Now aunnounce the list of third prize is*** CongratulationsA: Allow me aunnounce the list of second prize is *** Congratulations B; ladies and gentlemen,Who will gain the firsi prize ? Let’s hold our breath ,the luckiest today is *** Congratulation结束语:A:once again , Congratulations everybody .Thank for you hardwork let’s give them a big round applause furthermore ,I think wo should thank our distinguished judges who make this contest possible.thank you very much!B; ladies and gentlemen,honorable teachers my fellow student,the Enelish style competition is over,Thanks for being here ,see you next time !。



风采大赛主持稿件Echo: Good morning! Dear ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and honorable judges. Welcome to the 5th Kojima Cup English Speaking Competition. I’m your host today, my name is Echo! It’s my great honor to be here! And these are my two little partners. Please applause to welcome them.尊敬的各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学,大家早上好!欢迎大家来到第五届“小岛杯”英语风采大赛的决赛现场。




雷万琪:Good morning! My name is雷万琪.大家好,我是小岛外语学院学生雷万琪.刘超然:I am刘超然.我是小岛外语学院学生刘超然. Echo: As is known that, the most powerful weapons in the world are: eloquence, money and nuclear bomb, in which the eloquence ranks the first. So, joining English speaking contest can not only improve your eloquence skills, but also provide you an arena to show yourself and improve your English skills.刘超然:我们都知道:当今世界最具有威力的三大武器是:口才、金钱与核弹,而口才高居榜首。

英语风采大赛主持稿The 12th English Talent Show

英语风采大赛主持稿The 12th  English Talent Show

开场合:Good afternoon, dear teachers and students.英1:How excited we are to gather here for the final of English Talent Show.中1:今天,我们又迎来了碧桂园威尼斯中英文学校第12届“英语风采大赛”决赛。

英2:Today we are going to enjoy an English talent show of 12 excellent students who won 3 rounds of Grade competition中2:此次大赛从8周到现在,12名英语高手在年级组三轮残酷的晋级赛中上成功突围,来到我们的决赛现场。


英3:This afternoon they will give us a wonderful show of their English Talent. I believe it will be an enjoyment for all of us.中3:首先,请允许我隆重向大家介绍担任本次比赛的6位评委。

他们是:英3:Let’s warmly welcome again––the honorable judges!中3 让我们再一次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委老师的到来(规则介绍)英2:Now I would like to introduce the rules first. We are going to have A,B,C groups.Each group has 3 different parts, which include the prepared speech or English talent, talking about the pictures, making a story and situation acting.中2:现在,请允许我向大家介绍本次比赛的程序及规则。



英语风采比赛主持稿篇一:第五届英语风采大赛主持词XX年英语风采大赛主持人开场白及结束语(含初高中部主持衔接词)First of all, let me introduce our distinguished leader guests tonight,Mr Yao, our Li, our vice-president. Mr He, our vice-president and Mr Wu, our vice-president and the secretary of the CPC committee of our school.(高中英语女主持)首先,为大家介绍一下今天到场的嘉宾,姚源波先生,清江外国语学校校长,大家欢迎;李方胜先生,清江外国语学校副校长,大家欢迎;贺廷江先生,清江外国语学校副校长,大家欢迎;吴民佑先生,清江外国语学校副校长兼党支部书记,大家欢迎!(高中中文男主持)Next, let me introduce all the judges today,。


(初中中文女主持)Now let me read the rules of the first spelling test competition in our school. We have 3 rounds inthis is an elimination winner of each round can keep on competing in the next round. Students in each grade will be separated to compete.We have more than 45 students in each teacher will read several words but one word per student,and the students should spell the words in 3 who can accomplish will go into next round,and the lost will be eliminated,and so the students who can go into the third round will get the first prize,and the ones go into the second round will get the second prize and the rest will get the third prize. (高中英语男主持) 现在,我为大家宣读一下拼词比赛的规则。







英语比赛主持词1杨:Dear ladies and gentlemen 。

Distinguished guests ,and honorable judges。

Welcome to Chemical department English Talent Competition。

good evening ,李:尊敬的各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好。


杨:This conpetition enjoys a wide-spread participation among our school.And today,our teams are from Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Academy,Foreign Languages Academy and Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy、李;今天晚上我们的比赛可谓是高手云集,群雄争霸,来自化学化工学院,土木与工程学院,外国语学院的7支参赛队将在这个舞台上展现他们独特的英语魅力。

杨:There are so many students to participate。



风采大赛主持稿【开场白】B: Attention please! Our English talent competition is around the corner, please set your cell phone in a silence mode, thank you!A: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and honorable judges! B: Welcome to Zhejiang Gongshang University English talent competition.A: This competition enjoys a wide-spread participation among all college students in our school.B: And also, we are so honored to have such a splendid judging panel.A: So, please let us introduce you our d istinguished judges today. They are ……B: Welcome!【比赛规则】B: Now, let’s introduce the rules of the competition for you. The competition is divided into 4 parts.A: The first part is personal speech. Contestants will come to choose a number in the screen and deliver a speech according the topic in 1.5 minutes. The numbers can’t be chosen twice.B: The second part is team show. Every team will present their only own style show, such as English drama, English poetry recitation, English voice work or other creative show. In this part, the time is limited in 5 minutes, but drama show will get 6 minutes.A: And after the team show, we will play a game to have a break.B: The last part is personal style show, in this part, time is limited in three minutes, but English songs will get 5 minutes. Your performing form is not limited. You may choose any style you like, such as English songs, English talk show and so on.A: So, all of you just got the rules of the competition, good luck to all the contestants.I can’t wait. Let’s just get things started! Welcome contestant NO.1 and contestant NO.2 please gets ready.1.决赛过程由个人即兴演讲、团队展示、观众互动和个人风采展示四部分组成。



男:Ladies and gentlemen
女:Teachers and my dear friends
合:Very glad to together here, good afternoon ! 老师们、同学们,下午好!男:踏着时代的节奏,带着“和谐与个性”的思想



英语风采大赛主持稿Wendy:Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,my honored teachers ,parents and my fellow students.叶子琨Kevin:(女士们先生们,各位亲爱的老师们、家长们、同学们,大家下午好!)Wendy:We are very honored to be the hosts for today's competition this afternoon.And this is the final of English talent competition.叶子琨Kevin:(非常荣幸我们能担任今天的英语风采大赛主持人,并且欢迎大家来到我们英语风采大赛总决赛现场)Wendy:Now you are watching the Only English Contest . This is the final of kids and pupils groups.叶子琨Kevin:(您现在正在参加的是由洛浦街文化体育服务中心、昂立外语洛溪校区以及广州图书馆洛浦街分馆联合举办的首届“洛浦杯”英语风采大赛,本场比赛是幼儿和少儿组的决赛现场。

)Wendy:Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show,there are 30 contestants in all groups.叶子琨Kevin:(再次感谢各位来到我们的比赛现场。


)Wendy:We hope that we can exchange experiences of how to improve Oral English better.And also, we hope everybody can perform well.叶子琨Kevin:我们希望通过这次比赛,能够更好的让小朋友们交流如何提高英语口语的经验,同时希望大家在今天都能有一个出色的表现Wendy:Yes. At the same time, we still appreciate our partners. For them, we can have the opportunity to hold this English competition in this wonderful place.叶子琨Kevin: 在这里,我们仍要感谢我们的合作伙伴---洛浦街街道办的领导及所有工作人员。

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英语风采大赛主持稿Wendy:Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,my honored teachers ,parents and my fellow students.叶子琨Kevin:(女士们先生们,各位亲爱的老师们、家长们、同学们,大家下午好!)Wendy:We are very honored to be the hosts for today's competition this afternoon.And this is the final of English talent competition.叶子琨Kevin:(非常荣幸我们能担任今天的英语风采大赛主持人,并且欢迎大家来到我们英语风采大赛总决赛现场)Wendy:Now you are watching the Only English Contest . This is the final of kids and pupils groups.叶子琨Kevin:(您现在正在参加的是由洛浦街文化体育服务中心、昂立外语洛溪校区以及图书馆洛浦街分馆联合举办的首届“洛浦杯”英语风采大赛,本场比赛是幼儿和少儿组的决赛现场。

)Wendy:Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show,there are 30 contestants in all groups.叶子琨Kevin:(再次感各位来到我们的比赛现场。


)Wendy:We hope that we can exchange experiences of how to improve Oral English better.And also, we hope everybody can perform well.叶子琨Kevin:我们希望通过这次比赛,能够更好的让小朋友们交流如何提高英语口语的经验,同时希望大家在今天都能有一个出色的表现Wendy:Yes. At the same time, we still appreciate our partners. For them, we can have the opportunity to hold this English competition in this wonderful place.叶子琨Kevin: 在这里,我们仍要感我们的合作伙伴---洛浦街街道办的领导及所有工作人员。


Wendy:Please allow me to introduce our rules. The contest is divided into two parts.叶子琨Kevin:比赛分为两个部分:选手表演和随机抽取认读单词,,本次参赛选手顺序不分先后。




同时我们会在所有选手表演完之后,现场颁发我们的证书和奖杯,期待大家更精彩的表现!Now, ladies and gentlemen .Please allow me to introduce our judges. Judges from parents(嘉宾评委):Wendy 老师,teachers(老师评委):Eva;Headmaster Linda(校长)叶子琨Kevin: 现在请允许我向大家介绍本次比赛的评委们。

他们分别是来自家长团队的Wendy老师;老师团队的Eva老师;校长皮校长Wendy: Today, we still have 4 little lovely hosts for the competition.叶子琨Kevin:今天还有4位可爱的小主持人哦。


他们是:良慧Bella、叶子琨Kevin 、凯楠Kelly、博文Tony。

我们掌声欢迎他们上台~(所有主持人上台挥手致意介绍完自己并下台之后,叶子琨Kevin,良慧Bella留下)第一部分 1—10号良慧Bella:Now. let's welcome No.1 . They want to sing a lovely song for us. No.2 get ready, please.叶子琨Kevin:1号参赛选手是左桠宁,汪子桐,王一杉,她们将会为我们带来歌曲《ABC song》。



(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)良慧Bella:Now,let's welcome No.2 Hannah. No. 3 Apple please get ready.叶子琨Kevin:现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们 2 号选手韦子涵为我们带来表演。


-------------------------------------------------------------------叶子琨Kevin:再次掌声送给我们亲爱的2号选手!良慧Bella:Now,let's welcome No.3 Apple. No. 4 Cici please get ready.叶子琨Kevin:现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们 3 号选手芷涵为我们带来表演。


(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)叶子琨Kevin :再次掌声送给我们亲爱的3号选手!Now ,let'swelcome No.4 Cici. No. 5 Sammi please get ready.良慧Bella :现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们 4 号选手 何西子为我们带来节目。


-------------------------------------------------------------------(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)良慧Bella :再次掌声送给我们亲爱的4号选手!叶子琨Kevin :Now ,let's welcome No.5 Sammi. No. 6Jessica please get ready.良慧Bella :现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第 5 号选手 眭莞尔 为我们带来表演。


(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)-叶子琨please get ready.良慧Bella :现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第 6 号选手林嘉仪为我们带来表演。


-------------------------------------------------------------------(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)良慧Bella :6号选手带来的精彩表演! Now ,let's welcome No.7ready.叶子琨Kevin :现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第 7 号选手林嘉仪为我们带来表演。


(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)叶子琨Kevin :7号选手带来的精彩表演!Now ,let's welcome No.8 . No.9 Tony please get ready.良慧Bella :现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第 8 号选手 赖慧雯,苇薇,黄梓洋,喆宇,韦嘉宇 为我们带来表演。


-------------------------------------------------------------------(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)良慧Bella:8号选手带来的精彩表演!叶子琨Kevin:Thank you.良慧Bella:Now,let's welcome No.9 Tony. No. 10 Jodie please get ready.叶子琨Kevin:现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第9 号选手博文为我们带来表演。


(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)叶子琨Kevin:9号选手带来的精彩表演!良慧Bella:Thank you。

叶子琨Kevin:Now,let's welcome No.10 Jodie. No.11 Jerry please get ready.良慧Bella:现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第10 号选手闫静文为我们带来表演。


-------------------------------------------------------------------第二部分11-25号(10号选手表演完之后,凯楠Kelly和博文Tony上台)博文Tony:闫静文的精彩表演!Now,let's welcome No.11 Jerry. No. 12 Alex please get ready.凯楠Kelly:现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第11 号选手郭嘉颖为我们带来表演。


(选手表演完之后,Wendy和博文Tony上台)博文Tony:Thank you . Now let’s welcome No.1-10.Wendy::闫静文的精彩表演!现在有请我们的1-10号参赛选手上台。

博文Tony:Thank you . Now let’s welcome our judges.Wendy::.现在有请我们的评委老师点评。


(评委点评)Now, It’s time to show our scores.现在请我的搭档和我一起为大家揭晓1-10号选手的分数.(Wendy Tony两个人念出分数)Wendy:Now,let's welcome No.12 Alex. No.13 Timber please get ready.博文Tony:现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第12 号选手言澍为我们带来表演。


-------------------------------------------------------------------(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)凯楠Kelly:Thank you .12号选手带来的精彩表演!博文Tony:Now,let's welcome No.13 Timber. No. 14 Terry please get ready.凯楠Kelly:现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第13 号选手天宇为我们带来表演。


(选手表演完之后,主持人上台)凯楠Kelly:Thank you.博文Tony:13号选手带来的精彩表演!再次掌声送给我们亲爱的13号选手!凯楠Kelly:Now,let's welcome No.14 Terry. No.15 Oscar please get ready.博文Tony:现在,请以热烈的掌声欢迎我们第14 号选手浩宇为我们带来表演。
