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Have you ever noticed that every time you look around, what you receive is not a smile of kindness, but a glance of indifference, or in most cases, you can just find people doing their own business, like playing with the smartphone, and not paying any attention to you? Electronic devices can help us get easy access to whatever is happening all over the world. They shorten the distance between the individuals and the world, but they are separating people apart.

There’s a heated discussion on t he internet recent years: should you help the old when he or she falls down on the street? I believe everyone has come across this question. It’s really a misery that such a topic can arouse the attention of the whole society. But at the same time, I have to admit that the answer won’t be clear for me until I am actually confronted with this situation. And when thinking about it, I care more about my own interest. I offer my seat to the old and I’m willing to help when other people turn to me. Aren’t I supp osed to say yes when confronted with such question? Then I realize that I help others more out of custom or manners, not humanity.

Talking of humanity, a movie named Saving Private Ryan comes to my mind. Before I watched this film, I’ve heard about this mo vie for a long time. And I think most of us have either heard about or watched it. Have you ever had a question that is it worth saving one life while sacrificing eight people? Let’s put this question aside and talk about another film Schindler's List. Schindler used to be a typical German capitalist who cared nothing but making money. His accountant and what the Germans had done to Jews changed him into a real human being. He saved more than one thousand Jews with all his money. What has shocked me is that at the end of the movie, Schindler kept saying ’I could have saved more.’ He felt guilty for spending too much money for pleasure, which could buy more people’s lives. One thousand lives seem to be a remarkable honor to me, but it’s not enough to Schindle r. Then I realize that every single life means everything to the one who owns it. It can’t be measured by anything. It’s never about whether it’s worthy or not.

There is no way for us to be human without other people. Everyone in this world is connected to some degree. What the world lacks now is not only good manners, but more importantly, the care for human beings. A little kindness from a stranger can sometimes mean a lot to the receiver.

I would embrace the world with kindness and help others as long as I can from my heart. Believe it or not, it will make a difference.
