ABB PLC - AC31选型样本

选用手册ABB低压电器元件1SXF100200L2006 10-2006低压产品低压产品20062006低压电器元件选用手册目录页1.断路器1空气断路器- New E ............................................................................... 1/ 1-4塑壳断路器- T ....................................................................................... 1/5-8塑壳断路器- Iso................................................................................... 1/9- 10漏电保护组件/漏电保护继电器........................................................................ 1/ 11双电源自动切换装置- DPT ............................................................................. 1/ 12配电智能化元件-IPD ............................................................................... 1/ 13- 142.工控产品软起动器..................................................................................................... 2/ 1-7 2接触器........................................................................................................... 2/8手动电机起动器- MS系列........................................................................... 2/9- 11短路保护电器和接触器及热继电器的配合.......................................................... 2/ 12电动机保护.............................................................................................. 2/ 13- 17指示装置.................................................................................................. 2/ 18- 19接线端子.................................................................................................. 2/20-2 1电子产品和继电器..................................................................................... 2/22-243.开关及熔断器组3开关熔断器组- PowerLine ............................................................................... 3/ 1负荷开关- Sw itchLine .................................................................................. 3/2-3熔断器开关- Easy Line .................................................................................... 3/44.终端配电保护产品4建筑电器元件............................................................................................... 4/ 1-8建筑用接触器- ESB 导轨安装........................................................................ 4/9电涌保护器- OV R ......................................................................................... 4/ 10优化脉冲提前放电避雷针- OPR ...................................................................... 4/ 115.箱体终端配电箱- A CM/A CP/A CF 系列..................................................................... 5/ 1 5三相配电箱- SDB系列................................................................................. 5/2-3动力配电箱- MDS系列................................................................................. 5/4-56.电网质量产品6电容器专用接触器........................................................................................... 6/ 1无功补偿控制器件........................................................................................ 6/2-3有源动态滤波器........................................................................................... 6/4-57.断路器保护配合表7断路器保护配合表...................................................................................... 7/ 1- 10●因产品技术不断改进,所有数据应以本公司最新确认为准。
ABB AC31可编程控制器 硬件操作技术手册

AC31可编程控制器硬件操作技术手册40..50系列1SBC 260400 R 1001-c中文修订版2004年12月北京bABB(中国)有限公司关于安装的说明除了DIN VDE* 0100电力安装的基本说明,DIN VDE 0100 Part 1漏电的额定距离及其消除说明和Part 2带电子元件的电力安装说明外,DIN VDE 0160与DIN VDE 0600 Part 500也作了相关事项的说明。
DIN VDE 0113 Part 1和Part 200对运转和处理机器的控制作了进一步说明。
如果运转的部分安装在带有危险接触电压部件附近,DIN VDE 0106 Part 100作了附加的说明。
如果直接接触保护依照DIN VDE 0106,这可以确保用户(例如在开关柜内各部件的接线)的安全得到保证。
AC31系列可编程控制器的设计符合IEC1131 Part 2。
依照DIN VDE 0100 Part 2的过电压种类II的分类也是符合这个标准的。
对AC31系列可编程控制器的直接连接,通电或感应到过压种类III的交流线电压,采用了符合IEC-Report 664/1980和DIN VDE 0100 Part 1标准的防过电压种类II的保护措施。
目录1系统概况介绍..............................................................................................................................1—1 1.1AC31可编程控制器系统概况.......................................................................................................1—1 1.2设备配置通用规则.......................................................................................................................1—2 1.2.1带本地扩展功能的中央处理单元....................................................................................................1—2 1.2.2带CS31总线接口的中央处理单元..................................................................................................1—2 1.340和50系列中央处理单元的操作运行.........................................................................................1—3 1.3.1功能框图........................................................................................................................................1—3 1.3.2程序执行........................................................................................................................................1—5 1.3.3总线传输........................................................................................................................................1—6 1.3.4刷新时间/响应时间........................................................................................................................1—6 1.3.5通电/程序启动................................................................................................................................1—7 1.3.6断电或电压跌落(后备电池可保存过程数据)..............................................................................1—7 1.4参考.............................................................................................................................................1—82启动.............................................................................................................................................2—1 2.1需要的材料..................................................................................................................................2—1 2.2接线.............................................................................................................................................2—2 2.3编程.............................................................................................................................................2—3 2.3.1启动AC31GRAF软件.....................................................................................................................2—3 2.3.2项目生成........................................................................................................................................2—3 2.3.3变量声明........................................................................................................................................2—5 2.3.4程序编辑........................................................................................................................................2—6 2.3.5保存...............................................................................................................................................2—8 2.3.6编辑...............................................................................................................................................2—8 2.3.7和PLC的通讯.................................................................................................................................2—9 3技术说明......................................................................................................................................3—1 3.1一般运行条件..............................................................................................................................3—1 3.2CS31总线系统的技术说明..........................................................................................................3—2 3.3中央处理单元..............................................................................................................................3—3 3.3.1中央处理单元前面概览(参见图3-1)........................................................................................3—3 3.3.2技术说明........................................................................................................................................3—6 3.4可扩展的远程扩展单元..............................................................................................................3—11 3.4.1外形一览(参见图3-3)............................................................................................................3—11 3.4.2可扩展的远程扩展单元技术说明..................................................................................................3—13 3.5开关量本地扩展单元.................................................................................................................3—14 3.5.1外形一览(参见图3-5到图3-11)..............................................................................................3—143.5.2开关量本地扩展I/O单元技术说明.................................................................................................3—19 3.6模拟量本地扩展单元.................................................................................................................3—23 3.6.1外形一览(参见图3-12,图3-13).........................................................................................3—23 3.6.2 6.2 模拟量显示说明(参见图3-14).........................................................................................3—27 3.6.3模拟量本地扩展单元技术说明.....................................................................................................3—28 3.6.4模拟量输入端接线图....................................................................................................................3—32 3.6.5模拟量输出端接线图....................................................................................................................3—35 3.6.6模拟量扩展模块地址设定.............................................................................................................3—36 3.6.7模拟量扩展模块接线....................................................................................................................3—38 3.6.8模拟量扩展模块硬件设置.............................................................................................................3—40 3.6.9对XC 32 L1和XC 32 L2的编程和设置.........................................................................................3—46 3.7附件...........................................................................................................................................3—48 3.7.1编程电缆:07 SK 50和07 SK 52.................................................................................................3—48 3.7.2ASCII/Modbus通讯电缆:07 SK 51和07 SK 53..........................................................................3—50 3.7.3操作面板通讯电缆.......................................................................................................................3—52 3.7.4接线端子(参见图3-25到28)...................................................................................................3—52 3.7.5标签.............................................................................................................................................3—53 3.8XC32L1和XC32L2的连接描述..................................................................................................3—53 3.8.1电缆线号......................................................................................................................................3—55 3.8.2带HE10/20接头的20 芯电缆图 (0.14mm2 – 26 AWG).................................................................3—57 3.8.3HE10/20 头带自由接线电缆 ( 0.14mm2 – 26 AWG )...................................................................3—58 4安装.............................................................................................................................................4—14.1一个AC31系统的安装与装配.......................................................................................................4—1 4.1.1装配条件........................................................................................................................................4—1 4.1.2输入/输出接线................................................................................................................................4—1 4.1.3尺寸图(mm)...................................................................................................................................4—1 4.1.4接地...............................................................................................................................................4—3 4.1.5CS31系统总线...............................................................................................................................4—5 4.1.6不同的供电系统的接地..................................................................................................................4—5 4.2中央处理单元和远程单元接线.....................................................................................................4—8 4.2.1电源...............................................................................................................................................4—8 4.2.2输入/输出接线................................................................................................................................4—8 4.2.3输出保护........................................................................................................................................4—8 4.3连接开关量本地扩展.................................................................................................................4—10 4.3.1扩展模块XI 16 E1(参见图4-21)............................................................................................4—10 4.3.2扩展模块XO 08 R1(参见图4-22)..........................................................................................4—104.3.3扩展模块XC 08 L1(参见图4-23)...........................................................................................4—10 4.3.4扩展模块XO 16 N1(参见图4-24)..........................................................................................4—10 4.3.5扩展模块XK 08 F1(参见图4-25)...........................................................................................4—11 4.3.6扩展模块XO 08 Y1(参见图4-26)..........................................................................................4—11 4.3.7扩展模块XR 08 R2(参见图4-27)..........................................................................................4—11 4.3.8扩展模块XC 32 L1(参见图4-28)...........................................................................................4—11 4.3.9扩展模块XC 32 L2(参见图4-29)...........................................................................................4—11 4.4连接模拟量本地扩展.................................................................................................................4—12 4.4.1扩展模块XM 06 B5......................................................................................................................4—12 4.4.2扩展模块XE 08 B5.......................................................................................................................4—12 4.5地址定义....................................................................................................................................4—12 4.5.1输入/输出变量..............................................................................................................................4—12 4.5.2中央处理单元作主站或带本地扩展的独立中央处理单元的地址定义...........................................4—13 4.5.3中央处理单元作从站或CS31系统总线上的远程扩展单元的地址定义..........................................4—15 4.5.4摘要.............................................................................................................................................4—19 5编程.............................................................................................................................................5—1 5.1软件介绍......................................................................................................................................5—1 5.2变量表.........................................................................................................................................5—2 5.3中央处理单元初始化...................................................................................................................5—5 5.4配置.............................................................................................................................................5—6 5.4.1AC31GRAF编程软件配置工具......................................................................................................5—7 5.4.2带CS31CO功能块的配置.............................................................................................................5—23 5.4.3模拟量配置(扩展)....................................................................................................................5—24 5.5编程举例....................................................................................................................................5—30 5.5.1练习建议......................................................................................................................................5—30 5.5.2AND操作......................................................................................................................................5—31 5.5.3NAND 操作..................................................................................................................................5—31 5.5.4OR 操作.......................................................................................................................................5—32 5.5.5NOR 操作....................................................................................................................................5—32 5.5.6布尔逻辑功能组合.......................................................................................................................5—32 5.5.7定时器功能..................................................................................................................................5—34 5.5.8使用变量M 255.15检测第一个程序循环......................................................................................5—37 5.5.9Up/Down 计数器功能..................................................................................................................5—37 5.5.10模拟量值的缩放...........................................................................................................................5—38 6通讯.............................................................................................................................................6—16.1一体化MODBUS 接口的网络通讯..............................................................................................6—26.1.1协议介绍........................................................................................................................................6—2 6.1.2MODBUS 协议说明:..................................................................................................................6—3 6.1.3通讯配置........................................................................................................................................6—5 6.1.4编程.............................................................................................................................................6—10 6.1.5MODBUS 通讯应答时间............................................................................................................6—15 6.2使用一体化ASCII 接口进行点对点通讯.....................................................................................6—16 6.2.1协议描述......................................................................................................................................6—16 6.2.2通讯配置......................................................................................................................................6—17 6.2.3编程.............................................................................................................................................6—17 6.3使用编程协议进行点对点通讯...................................................................................................6—207诊断.............................................................................................................................................7—1 7.1故障类型......................................................................................................................................7—1 7.2故障检测......................................................................................................................................7—2 7.3通过编程软件读取PLC状态.........................................................................................................7—4 7.4通过编程进行故障管理................................................................................................................7—4 7.4.1诊断变量说明.................................................................................................................................7—5 7.4.2故障代码定义.................................................................................................................................7—6 7.4.3Class错误描述...............................................................................................................................7—7 7.4.4编程举例........................................................................................................................................7—9 8附录.............................................................................................................................................8—1 8.1A1 变量和物理地址对照表..........................................................................................................8—1 8.2A2 历史记录................................................................................................................................8—11 系统概况介绍本章提供了使用Advant Controller 31 (AC31可编程控制器)的自动化产品的说明,从40和50系列中央处理单元的整体结构到使用规则。

通过用万用表测量的方法来确认 (电阻至少为 1 M Ω)变频器的输入 U1, V1 和 W1 三相与地之间没有电压。 • 在变频器或者外部控制电路通电时,不要对控制电缆进行任何操作。即使变频器 的电源已经切断,由外部电源供电的控制电路也会将危险电压引入变频器内部。 • 不要对变频器或者变频器模块进行任何绝缘或者耐压测试。 • 如果在 IT 系统(不接地电力系统或者高阻抗 [ 超过 30 Ω ] 接地的电力系统)中使用 了 EMC 滤波器,那么该系统可能会通过变频器 EMC 滤波器电容器接地。这可能 会造成变频器损坏。 • 如果在一个角接地的 TN 系统中接入了带有 EMC 滤波器的变频器,变频器将被烧 坏。 • 必须在等电位联结区域内使用与变频器连接的所有 ELV ( 超低电压 ) 电路,即在该 区域内,电气连接所有同时可触及的导电部分,防止在它们之间出现危险电压。 这可以通过正确的工厂接地来实现。
5. 启动和通过 I/O 进行控制
如何启动变频器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 如何通过 I/O 接口控制变频器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3. 机械安装
安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

型 号
型号中"口"可选1,2,3,4表示开关极数 动力回路将"C"改为"D";另外,在一 般住宅项目上主推SH200系列(分断 6KA,无附件,可参选用手册的5/3页) S20口-C20 S20口-C25 S20口-C32 S20口-C40 S20口-C50 S20口-C63 S28口-C80 S28口-C100
浪涌抑 配电柜,入楼总箱(一级) 制器 SPD 型 OVR3N-65-440SP (配OS125D22保护SPD) 号
具体选型可进一步参选用手册的5/31 页及5/34-35页
OVR3N-40-275sP (配S264H-C32保护SPD)
OVR1N-15-275sP (配S262-C16保护SPD)
T3N250/R口口 T3N250/In口口 PR221
T4N320/R口口 T4N320/In口口 PR221
T5S400/R口口 T5S400/In口口 PR221
T5S630/R口口 T5S630/In口口 PR221
除热磁的TMD/TMA/TMG脱扣器外, 可选电子脱扣器的PR221/222直到 PR332脱扣器。 微型断 路器 0.5A MCB 型 S20口-C0.5 号 微型断 路器 20A MCB

四串口通讯模件 RS232C/RS422/RS485 Modbus 协议
诊断电缆(RS232) 每根电缆长度 5m
仿真盒可运行单个 CPU,而不需要机架.它具有连接模件及机架的功能.带有 CPU 的仿真盒可用于测试, 培训及演示,
如可在办公室进行无 I/O 模件组态.
模拟量输入模件 mv, RTD,TC , 8 通道
模拟量输入模件 0/4-20ma R=250 欧 16 通道 带配电功能
模拟量输出模件 0/4-20ma R=400 欧 16 通道
通讯模件 型号 DLM01 DLM02
描述 机架电源连接模件 机架冗余电源连接模件
电源模件 型号 DPW03
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Freelance 2000
概述 Freelance 2000 是一套规模可选的控制系统,它集集散控制系统(DCS)和可编程控制 器(PLC)的优点于一体,吸取了 DCS 系统的丰富的操作员界面及控制能力,和 PLC 高 速的顺序及逻辑控制能力.
CPU 模件 CPU 作为 Freelance 2000 过程站的核心部件,内置 32 位 RISC 高速处理器. 高性能 的处理器具备高速逻辑控制能力
高性能 RISC CPU 用于以太网通信的协处理器 高达 8 MB RAM,并具有电池备份功能 硬件配置信息存储在 EEPROM Flash EPROM 允许对模件进行软件升级, 无需更换 EPROM 芯片 DigiNet S 系统总线采用以太网标准 RS 485 串行接口,支持 MODBUS 通信协议 模件通过诊测接口进行自测试与诊断 前面板安装复位按钮及运行/停止开关 LED 状态显示灯 安装用于保持 RAM 信息的备份电池

低压产品目 录页1.断路器空气断路器 - Emax 空气断路器 - New Emax 空气断路器 - Megamax 塑壳断路器 - Isomax 漏电保护组件/漏电保护继电器 塑壳断路器 - Tmax 双电源自动切换装置 - DPT 配电智能化元件 - IPD 2.工控产品软起动器接触器建筑用接触器 - ESB (导轨安装)手动电机起动器 - MS 系列短路保护电器和接触器及热继电器的配合电机控制/保护器件指示装置接线端子3.开关及熔断器组开关熔断器组 - OS/OESA (32…800A)负荷开关 - OT/OETL (16…3150A)熔丝开关 - Easyline/Fastline 4.终端配电保护建筑电器元件电涌保护器 - OVR 5.箱体终端配电箱 - ACM/ACP/ACF 系列三相配电箱 - SDB 系列动力配电箱 - MDS 系列6.电网质量产品无功补偿控制器件有源谐波滤波器7.断路器保护配合表断路器保护配合表因产品技术不断改进,所有数据应以本公司最新确认为准。
ABB 公司对本手册的接受或使用无任何商业承诺或保证,由使用者根据具体应用考虑本手册的适应性。
0/1ABB 低压电器元件选用手册1234567...................................................................................... 1/1-3.............................................................................. 1/4-7................................................................................ 1/8-9................................................................................ 1/10-15........................................................................ 1/16.................................................................................. 1/17-20............................................................................ 1/21............................................................................... 1/22-23..................................................................................................... 2/1-7........................................................................................................... 2/8........................................................................ 2/9......................................................................... 2/10-12.......................................................... 2/13................................................................................... 2/14-22................................................................................................. 2/23-24................................................................................................. 2/25-26............................................................. 3/1................................................................ 3/2-3........................................................................ 3/4-5............................................................................................. 4/1-13........................................................................................ 4/14..................................................................... 5/1................................................................................. 5/2-3................................................................................. 5/4-5........................................................................................ 6/1-4.............................................................................................. 6/5........................................................................................ 7/1-5。

输入/输出接点数量 开关量输入接点 跳闸回路监视输出接点
REF 541 15 2
REF 543 25 2
REF 545 34 2
大容量输出接点(NO 单极)
大容量输出接点(NO 双极)
0,IEC 60870-5-103 及 SPA 协议,通讯波特率最大可 量量、控制、报警和参数的详细信息。
至 19.2kbps。这些端口可以方便用户简易快速地接入各
REF 541,REF 543 和 REF 545 的差别仅仅在于三者的开
二 订货号
三 端子接线图
*) 功率方向 **) 典关 Q1 合 隔离开关 Q1 分
隔离开关 Q2 合 隔离开关 Q2 分 隔离开关 Q3 合 隔离开关 Q3 分
REF 542plus 开关柜保护和测控装置
在中压开关柜的无论有无后台系统各种应用场合中,均能 使用数字式控制技术的解决方案。开关柜保护和测控装置 REF 542plus 就如同它的前一代产品 REF 542,集成了测 量、监视、保护、控制和自检等功能,同时拥有完善的通 讯规约,REF 542plus 能够方便地集成到 ABB 或其他第三 方后台系统中。上述功能和其他一些电能质量检测功能都 基于可编程环境中,新一代装置特别的灵活性和可扩展性 使得一个装置可实现所有的二次方案,甚至传统的方法无 法实现的方案,它都很容易实现。

目 录页1.断路器空气断路器 - New Emax 空气断路器 - Megamax 塑壳断路器 - Isomax 漏电保护组件/漏电保护继电器 塑壳断路器 - Tmax 双电源自动切换装置 - DPT 配电智能化元件 - IPD 2.工控产品软起动器接触器建筑用接触器 - ESB (导轨安装)手动电机起动器 - MS 系列短路保护电器和接触器及热继电器的配合电机控制/保护器件指示装置接线端子3.开关及熔断器组开关熔断器组 - PowerLine 负荷开关 - SwitchLine 熔断器开关 - EasyLine/FastLine 4.终端配电保护产品建筑电器元件电涌保护器 - OVR 5.箱体终端配电箱 - ACM/ACP/ACF 系列三相配电箱 - SDB 系列动力配电箱 - MDS 系列6.电网质量产品无功补偿控制器件有源谐波滤波器7.断路器保护配合表断路器保护配合表因产品技术不断改进,所有数据应以本公司最新确认为准。
ABB 公司对本手册的接受或使用无任何商业承诺或保证,由使用者根据具体应用考虑本手册的适应性。
0/1ABB 低压电器元件选用手册1234567.............................................................................. 1/1-4................................................................................ 1/5-6................................................................................ 1/7-12........................................................................ 1/13.................................................................................. 1/14-17............................................................................ 1/18............................................................................... 1/19-20..................................................................................................... 2/1-7........................................................................................................... 2/8........................................................................ 2/9......................................................................... 2/10-12.......................................................... 2/13................................................................................... 2/14-22................................................................................................. 2/23-24................................................................................................. 2/25-26............................................................................... 3/1.................................................................................. 3/2-3................................................................... 3/4-5............................................................................................... 4/1-8........................................................................................... 4/9..................................................................... 5/1................................................................................. 5/2-3................................................................................. 5/4-5........................................................................................ 6/1-4.............................................................................................. 6/5........................................................................................ 7/1-53/1开关熔断器组 - OS/OESA (32…800A )开关熔断器组 - P o w e r L i n e 3说 明:1. 开关熔断器组不包括熔断器,熔断器需另行订购2. 熔断器应符合 IEC 有关标准。

B-语言说明B 语言参考1 项目结构………………………………………………………………B-31.1 程序……………………………………………………………B-31.2 模块结构………………………………………………………B-31.3 非模块结构……………………………………………………B-52 变量……………………………………………………………………B-52.1 变量根据类型分类……………………………………………B-52.2 变量根据范围分类……………………………………………B-53 FBD 语言………………………………………………………………B-53.1 FBD图的主要形式………………………………………………B-53.2 跳转和标识符…………………………………………………B-83.3布尔反…………………………………………………………… B-93.4 从FBD中调用函数或功能块…………………………………B-94 LD和快速LD语言……………………………………………………B-104.1 母线和连线………………………………………………………B-104.2 复合连接…………………………………………………………B-114.3 LD的基本接点和线圈…………………………………………B-124.3.1 正向接点……………………………………………………B-124.3.2 反向接点……………………………………………………B-134.3.3 具有上升沿检测的接点……………………………………B-134.3.4 具有上升沿检测的接点……………………………………B-144.3.5 正向输出线圈………………………………………………B-144.3.6 反向输出线圈………………………………………………B-154.3.7 设置输出线圈………………………………………………B-154.3.8 复位输出线圈………………………………………………B-164.3.9 具有上升沿检测的输出线圈………………………………B-174.3.10 具有下降沿检测的输出线圈……………………………B-174.4 跳转和标识符…………………………………………………B-184.5 梯形图框图……………………………………………………B-194.5.1 “EN”输入………………………………………………B-194.5.2 “ENO”输出………………………………………………B-194.5.3 同时使用“EN”输入和“ENO”…………………………B-205 顺序流程图(SFC)语言……………………………………………B-215.1 SFC框图主格式………………………………………………… B-215.2 SFC的基本构成………………………………………………… B-215.2.1 程序步和初始程序步………………………………………B-215.2.2 执行…………………………………………………………B-225.2.3 定位线………………………………………………………B-225.2.4 跳转到程序步………………………………………………B-225.3 分支与会合……………………………………………………B-235.3.1 单复合线分支………………………………………………B-235.3.2 双复合线分支………………………………………………B-245.4 宏程序步………………………………………………………B-265.5 程序步内的动作………………………………………………B-275.5.1 布尔动作……………………………………………………B-275.5.2 脉冲动作……………………………………………………B-285.5.3 非保存动作…………………………………………………B-285.5.4 从动作中调用程序或程序块………………………………B-295.5.5 IL协议………………………………………………………B-305.5.6 程序步的激活期……………………………………………B-305.6 执行的条件……………………………………………………B-315.6.1 LD协议……………………………………………………B-315.6.2I L协议………………………………………………………B-315.7 SFC动态标准…………………………………………………… B-326 IL语言…………………………………………………………………B-326.1 IL主语句…………………………………………………………B-326.1.1 标识符………………………………………………………B-336.1.2 操作数变址数………………………………………………B-336.2 IL操作数…………………………………………………………B-336.2.1 LD运算符…………………………………………………… B-356.2.2 ST运算符…………………………………………………… B-356.2.3 S运算符……………………………………………………B-356.2.4 R运算符……………………………………………………B-366.2.5 JMP运算符…………………………………………………B-366.2.6 调用子程序和中断程序……………………………………B-376.2.7 调用功能块…………………………………………………B-386.3 IEE IL与ABB IL的主要区别…………………………………B-391项目结构AC31GRAF 项目分为几个编程单元,即程序。

ABB的AC31:40和50系列PLC在0.4KV低压备自投中的应用一.概述 (3)1.1.ABB的40及50系列PLC基本参数及配置要点 (3)1.1.1.样本摘录:PLC主机CPU的基本参数 (3)1.1.2.样本摘录:功能扩展模块和远程功能扩展模块 (4)1.2.两进线单母联低压系统备自投PLC硬件配置范例类型之1:BZT1类型 (5)1.3.两进线单母联低压系统备自投PLC硬件配置范例类型之2:BZT2类型 (6)1.4.两进线单母联的低压系统备自投操作进程概述 (6)1.4.1.低压电力系统首次上电的初始化进程概述 (6)1.4.2.低压电力系统备自投进程的第1阶段:备自投启动阶段概述 (6)1.4.3.低压电力系统备自投进程的第2阶段:备自投恢复阶段概述 (7)1.4.4.低压电力系统备自投进程的“前加速进程”和“后加速进程”的定义.7 1.5.AC31系列PLC的逻辑图符和简介 (8)1.5.1.与逻辑“AND”功能模块 (8)1.5.2.梯形图逻辑 (8)1.5.3.延迟动合“TON”功能模块 (8)1.5.4.脉冲输出“TP”功能模块 (9)1.5.5.闭锁“S”功能和解锁功能“R” (9)二.应用简图 (10)2.1.适用于BZT1程序的ICMK14F1接线图和07KR51接线图 (10)2.1.1.用于QF1的ICMK14F1接线图 (10)2.1.2.用于QF3的07KR51接线图 (11)2.2.适用于BZT2程序的控制原理图 (12)三.程序分析 (13)3.1.输入信息处理程序段 (13)3.2.电力系统状态分析处理程序段 (14)3.3.手投手复程序段 (15)3.3.1.在手投手复操作模式下QF1的操作过程和程序进程 (15)3.3.2.在手投手复操作模式下QF2的操作过程和程序进程 (16)3.3.3.在手投手复操作模式下QF3的操作过程和程序进程 (16)3.4.自投手复程序段 (17)3.4.1.在自投手复操作模式下的电力系统初始化操作进程 (17)3.4.2.在自投手复操作模式下低电压故障的备自投操作进程 (18)3.4.3.在自投手复操作模式下低电压解除后的恢复进程 (19)3.5.手投自复程序段 (20)3.6.自投自复程序段 (20)3.6.1.自投自复的初始化进程 (20)3.6.2.在自投自复操作模式下低电压故障的备自投操作进程 (21)3.6.3.在自投自复操作模式下低电压解除后的恢复进程 (22)3.7.出口继电器驱动程序段 (23)四.应用的扩展 (25)4.1.07KR51的RS485通信接口设置 (25)4.2.07KR51的MODBUS-RTU通信设置软件模块 (25)4.3.07KR51的RS485通信网络设置 (25)4.4.关于内存安排 (25)4.5.MODBUS-RTU通信协议以及专用软件模块 (25)4.6.通信范例程序:与M102-M的通信 (25)4.7.通信范例程序:与PMC916的通信 (25)五.BZT1梯形图 (25)一.概述PLC 的高可靠性和方便性是人所共知的,利用PLC 进行0.4KV 低压电力系统备自投操作比较起传统的时间继电器方式显然要先进的多。
abb低压电器元件 - 选用手册

abb低压电器元件 - 选用手册1. 引言在现代工业生产和家庭生活中,电气设备已经成为必不可少的一部分。
2. abb低压电器元件概述abb低压电器元件包括断路器、接触器、继电器、隔离开关等,涵盖了电气系统中各种重要的功能。
3. abb低压电器元件选用手册abb低压电器元件选用手册是abb官方提供的一本重要参考资料,其中包含了各种abb低压电器元件的技术参数、选型指南、安装要求等详细信息。
4. 深入探讨abb低压电器元件的选用要点(1)技术参数分析在选用abb低压电器元件时,首先需要仔细研读选用手册中的技术参数。
5. abb低压电器元件的未来发展abb作为全球领先的电气设备制造商,其低压电器元件在性能和稳定性上都有着显著的优势。
6. 个人观点和总结通过研读abb低压电器元件选用手册,我深切感受到abb在电气设备领域的技术实力和丰富经验。

老版本型号(V1.3版本) Code No. Type 产品代号 产品型号 3ABD10058692 PM571* 3ABD10058693 PM571-ETH* 3ABD10057972 PM581* 3ABD10057973 PM581-ETH* 3ABD10070377 PM582* 3ABD10070378 PM582-ETH* 3ABD10083374 PM590* 3ABD10083375 PM590-ETH* 3ABD10058696 PM591* 3ABD10058697 PM591-ETH* 3ABD10058694 TB511-ETH* 3ABD10057926 TB521-ETH* 3ABD10058695 TB541-ETH* Code No. 产品代号 3ABD00029563 3ABD00029564 3ABD00029565 3ABD00029566 3ABD00029565 3ABD00029566 3ABD00029567 3ABD00029568 3ABD00029571 3ABD00029572 3ABD00029573
CM574-RCOM CM575-DN CM577-ETH CM578-CN CM588-CN CM579-PNIO CM579-ETHCAT DC541-CM DI524 DC532 DC523 DC522 DX522 DX531 AI523 AI531 AO523
CPU 扩展通讯模块
CPU 扩展计数模块
3ABD00029502 3ABD00029503 3ABD10082961 3ABD00029501

z 虽然低压开关柜中每个具体回路中的DI、DO、AI数量并不多,但因开关柜内的回路
z 在总线通信方面,AC31-50系列PLC具有4套的通信接口,其通信速率可选范围从
做到基本一致,有利于控制线路的标准化设计。模块之间的通信接线必须按菊花瓣的连接方 法,同时还要注意模块的地址安排(图5)。
图5 两进线单母联低压系统备自投类型一 2.3 应用案例三:两进线单母联低压系统备自投PLC 硬件配置类型(BZT2 类型)
若两进线断路器与母联断路器相隔较近,例如在同一排柜体或相邻,此时采用功能扩展 模块XI16E1 配合PLC 主机07KR51 较为方便。但是系统间的互锁、联络、控制和信号等等接 线必须引入PLC,给控制线路的设计和实际接线带来一定的困难。从图6中可以看出,所有的 输入开关量信息均引入到功能扩展模块XI16E1 中,而所有的输出控制量信息均来自于PLC 主机07KR51。在实际使用中输入接口可以通盘考虑: PLC 主机加上功能扩展模块总共有24 个开关量输入点。每个断路器有5 个输入点(断路器状态、断路器保护动作状态、低电压信 号、合闸按钮信号、分闸按钮信号),自动/手动选择开关和操作方式选择开关(手投手复、 手投自复、自投手复和自投自复操作模式)共4 个点,合计共19个输入点。这19 个点可以 按顺序从07KR51 到XI16E1 依次编排。
远程功能扩展模块ICMI14F1 配合PLC 主机07KR51 较为方便。两进线回路使用ICMI14F1,而

IEC 61131-3 标准下的指令可在没有连接 PLC 硬件的情况下进行仿真,对用户程序进行 调试,包括相关的各种功能。程序调试后再下载到 CPU 控制系统中运行。
跟踪变量变化时序图,带事件触发的环形缓冲区的数据存储可在线实时的监视所有过程变 量随时间变化的情况。
● 完整、详尽的功能库 ● 标准 32 位 Windows 操作环境 ● 系统运行在 Windows 2000 和 XP
可编程控制器(AC500 / AC31)
AC500 可编程控制器
AC500 可编程控制器
AC500 全新可升级-功能灵活、物超所值、与时俱进
符合 IEC61131-3 标准的编程
对于自动化应用的设计编程、测试 和试运行,下面的功能十分实用 :
Member of Automation Alliance
● 六种标准的编程语言 : 功能块(FBD)、语句表(IL)、梯形图(LD)、结构文本(ST)、 顺序功能图(SFC)、连续功能图(CFC)
编程 ......................................................................................................................... 1/2
AC500 可编程控制器
产品概述 .................................................................................................................. 2/1-4

2 个硬件 ; 1 个软件
- 基本单元用户程序保护方式
- 时钟:
编程 - 编程软件
AC31GRAF (IEC 1131-3) Window平台
AC31GRAF Windows 平台® (IEC 1131-3)
Low Voltage Product
1SBC 0014 99 R1001
2A/5A 2A 1A 0.6 A
0.35 A 2 A AC-1 0.5 A AC-15
1 A 对于 O62.00
及 O62.01 0.5 A
对于其他输出 -
6x2A 2 (2+4)
4 x 0.5 A +2x1A
2A/5A 2A 1A 0.6 A
0.35 A 2 A AC-1 0.5 A AC-15
2 (2+4)
- 开关次数: AC-1 AC-15
- 模拟电位计
- 每一基本单元的扩展模块个数
- CS 31接口
1 million 100 000
1 million
1 million
1 million
100 000
100 000
100 000
- 接口:用于编程 MODBUS® or ASCII
1 RS 232
(可定义为 MODBUS主或从) 1 RS 232 / RS 485
- 用户程序存储量: 无在线 有在线
- 用户程序及常数存储 - 数据存储
17 000 字 (通常: 8.5 k 指令) 8 500字 (通常: 4 k 指令) Flash EPROM SRAM

MS-DOS是微软的注册商标Windows是微软的注册商标Windows NT是微软的注册商标所有其它品牌或品名是其所有者的商标或注册商标。
目录A 用户指南1 开始…………………………………………………………A-32 使用项目管理器……………………………………………A-43 制定模板项目………………………………………………A-114 使用编辑器…………………………………………………A-155 编辑器常用工具……………………………………………A-486 控制面板……………………………………………………A-627 用户库………………………………………………………A-75B 语言参考1 项目结构……………………………………………………B-32 变量…………………………………………………………B-63 FBD语言……………………………………………………B-74 LD和Quick LD语言………………………………………B-105 SFC语言……………………………………………………B-206 IL语言………………………………………………………B-31C 功能块说明1 库……………………………………………………………C-22 基本操作器/功能……………………………………………C-83 程序控制功能………………………………………………C-694 CS31功能……………………………………………………C-855 通讯功能……………………………………………………C-1196 调节功能……………………………………………………C-1577 格式转换功能………………………………………………C-1778 标准双字节功能……………………………………………C-2039 高次幂功能…………………………………………………C-21910 存贮功能…………………………………………………C-29511 特殊功能…………………………………………………C-32012 历史数据…………………………………………………C-32513 运行时间…………………………………………………C-328名词解释A 用户指南A用户指南1 开始……………………………………………………………………A-32 使用程序管理器………………………………………………………A-4 2.1 程序管理器概述…………………………………………………A-42.2 打印程序文件……………………………………………………A-73 创建模程序………………………………………………………A-114 使用编辑器…………………………………………………………A-15 4.1 使用FBD/LD编辑器…………………………………………… A-154.1.1 FBD/LD语言简介…………………………………………A-154.1.2 进入FBD流程图…………………………………………A-174.1.3 对现有流程编辑……………………………………………A-194.1.4 显示选项……………………………………………………A-214.1.5 AC31GRAF的其它工具…………………………………A-224.1.6 格式及修改跟踪……………………………………………A-23 4.2 使用SFC编辑器………………………………………………A-264.2.1 SFC语言概论……………………………………………… A-264.2.2 进入SFC流程图…………………………………………A-284.2.3 对现有流程图编辑………………………………………A-304.2.4 进入二级编程………………………………………………A-314.2.5 从列表中选择变量………………………………………A-354.2.6 使用SFC图库……………………………………………A-36 4.3 使用Quick LD编辑器…………………………………………A-374.3.1 LD语言概述………………………………………………A-374.3.2 进入LD流程图…………………………………………A-394.3.3 对现有流程编辑……………………………………………A-424.3.4 显示选项……………………………………………………A-434.3.5 调用AC31GRAF其它工具………………………………A-434.3.6 从列表中选择变量………………………………………A-44 4.4 使用IL编辑器…………………………………………………A-454.4.1 “文件”命令………………………………………………A-454.4.2 “编辑”命令………………………………………………A-464.4.3 “选项”命令……………………………………………A-474.4.4 从列表中选择变量…………………………………………A-475 编辑器常用工具……………………………………………………A-48 5.1 定义变量………………………………………………………… A-485.1.1 在定义模式下使用变量列表……………………………A-485.1.2 在选择模式下使用变量列表……………………………A-49 5.2 交互参考………………………………………………………… A-53 5.3 建立应用程序…………………………………………………… A-55 5.4 建立图表………………………………………………………… A-565.4.1 绘图…………………………………………………………A-565.4.2 目标定义…………………………………………………A-585.4.3 “文件”菜单的各项命令………………………………A-605.4.4 选项………………………………………………………A-606 控制面板……………………………………………………………A-62 6.1 使用控制面板…………………………………………………… A-62 6.2 时间框图………………………………………………………… A-66 6.3 在线列表………………………………………………………… A-68 6.4 状态/诊断…………………………………………………………A-716.5 设置……………………………………………………………… A-727 用户库………………………………………………………………A-75 7.1 用户函数………………………………………………………… A-75 7.2 用户函数变量…………………………………………………… A-76 7.3 编辑用户函数…………………………………………………… A-761 开始本章讲述AC31GRAF平台的安装及一个小的应用实例,使用户对该软件性能有一个初步了解,并能立即予以应用。
ABB Control - AC 31 1SBC 260xxx 中文名字说明书

AC 31 technical documentationChapter 1007CR42 / 07CT42This chapter gives you an introduction to the AC 31 automation, from the overall architecture to theoperational rules of the 07CR42 and 07CT42 central units.1. PresentationThe 07CR42 and 07CT42 central units bring accessibility to beginners and experienced automationusers alike, for any application with 14 to 110 inputs / outputs, using the same set of basiccomponents.It is therefore possible to realize applications throughout a site, a workshop, or a machine whereeach component (input / output unit, central unit) is close to the sensors / actuators. All informationfrom the sensors is sent after processing by the central unit to the actuators. The followingcommunication interfaces are available, to extend the AC 31’s possibilities and integration with thecompany's other automation systems: MODBUS®, ASCII.2. General set-up rulesAn ABB AC 31 system always includes an AC 31 central unit.Each 07CR42 and 07CT42 central units incorporate a specific number of binary inputs / outputs andanalog inputs. It is possible, to increase the number of inputs / outputs, to add input / outputextensions connected directly to the 07CR42 and 07CT42 central units.07CR42or 07CT42 XI16E1XO08R1 XC08L1 XM06B5Page 2ABB Control - AC 313. ReferencesProducts Description References Central units07 CR 42 - 24VDC Extensible stand-alone central unit,1SBP260023R1001with 8 isolated inputs 24 V d.c. and 6 incorporated relay outputs250 V a.c. / 2 Aand 3 analog inputs with 2 voltage inputs +/- 10 V and 1temperature inputRS232 interface for programming or ASCII or MODBUS®communication24 V d.c. power supply.1SBP260024R100107 CR 42 - 120/230VAC Extensible stand-alone central unit,with 8 isolated inputs 24 V d.c. and 6 incorporated relay outputs250 V a.c. / 2 Aand 3 analog inputs with 2 voltage inputs +/- 10 V and 1temperature inputRS232 interface for programming or ASCII or MODBUS®communication24 V d. c. power supply output to power inputs120 / 230 V a.c. power supply1SBP260025R100107 CT 42 - 24VDC Extensible stand-alone central unit,with 8 isolated inputs 24 V d.c. and 6 incorporated transistoroutputs 24 V d.c. / 0.5 Aand 3 analog inputs with 2 voltage inputs +/- 10 V and 1temperature inputRS232 interface for programming or ASCII or MODBUS®communication24 V d.c. power supply4. Technical specification 4.1. General characteristics07 CR 42 24 V d.c.07 CT 4224 V d.c.07 CR 42120/230 V a.c.Number of I/O- Incorporated binary inputs8- Incorporated binary outputs6- Incorporated analog inputs3- Analog potentiometers2- Maximum number of extensionunits per central unit6- Max. number of binary inputs104- Max. number of binary outputs54- Max. number of analog inputs51- Max. number of analog outputs12 Interfaces- CS 31 interface no- Interface for: ProgrammingMODBUS®or ASCII1 RS 232Memory- User program memory size:without ONLINE with ONLINE 17 000 words (typically: 8.5 kInstructions) 8 000 words (typically: 4 kInstructions)- User program memoryand the constantsFlash Eprom - Data memory SRAM- Data backup:Backup autonomyCharge time under power yes with battery 20 days at 25°C 100% in 12 hWeight400 g800 gPage 4ABB Control - AC 314.2. Functionality and programming07 CR 42 24 V d.c.07 CT 4224 V d.c.07 CR 42120/230 V a.c.- Execution time for 1kbytes:100% binary instructions 65% binary, 35 % words 0.4 ms1.2 ms- Internal bits2016 - Internal words2016 - Internal double words128 - Chain steps2016 - Word constants496 - Double word constants127- TimersTime range42 simultaneouslyfrom 1 ms to 596 h 30 (24 days + 20 h 30)- CountersCounter rangeunlimited- 32767 to + 32767- High speed counter function:Incremental encoder Stand-alone counter1 with max frequency 5 kHzon the I62.00 and I62.01 inputs2 at 7 kHz on the I62.00 and I62.01 inputs- Interruptions:by alarm (on rising edge) cyclicmax length250 µs delay2 on the I62.02 and I62.03 inputs1 (from 1 ms to2 s)3 ms- Command output of step motorwith frequency modification(cyclic ratio = 50%)10 Hz to 2.66 kHz- User program protection in thecentral unityes with password- Clock Drift (typical) 4.3 min / month at 25°C- Programming software AC31GRAF under Windows® (IEC 1131-3) - Programming language FBD/LD : Function blocks and ladderdiagramsQuick LD: Ladder diagramIL: Instruction listSFC: Sequential function chart- Program execution sequentialtriggered by clock ortriggered by alarm (interruptions)- Sub-program: Level 12 1- Operation set:Basic functionsAdvanced functions Boolean, arithmetic, comparisonover 804.3. Power supply07 CR 42 24 V d.c.07 CT 4224 V d.c.07 CR 42120/230 V a.c.Power supply- Power supply voltage:Nominal valueAdmissible range24 V d.c.19.2 to 30 V120 / 230 V a.c.97.75 to126.5 V or195.5 to 253 V- Consumption:central unit alone typical. Maximum configuration typical.120 mA400 mA60/30 mA100 mA- Polarity reversal protection yes no- 24 V d.c. isolated power for the inputs:Voltage rangeOutput currentShort circuit protection no---yes19.2 to 30 V400 mAyes- Dissipation 5 W (6 W for 07 CT 42)10 W 4.4. Incorporated binary inputs07 CR 42 24 V d.c.07 CT 4224 V d.c.07 CR 42120/230 V a.c.- Number of inputs888- Isolation of inputs / electronic1500 V a.c.1500 V a.c.1500 V a.c.- Input types PNP orNPN PNP orNPNPNP orNPN- Input voltage:Nominal valueSignal at 0 (IEC 1131-2) Signal at 1 (IEC 1131-2)24 V d.c.0 to + 5 V+ 15 to + 30 V24 V d.c.0 to + 5 V+ 15 to + 30 V24 V d.c.0 to + 5 V+ 15 to + 30 V- Input current at 24 V d.c.:Inputs I62.02 to I62.07 Inputs I62.00 and I62.017 mA9 mA7 mA9 mA7 mA9 mA- Filtering time:Standard inputInput with counter configuration Input with interruptionconfiguration 5 ms70 µs90 µs5 ms70 µs90 µs5 ms70 µs90 µs- Cable length:Unshielded (not for the high speed counter inputs)ShieldedNon standard inputs 300 m500 m50 m300 m500 m50 m300 m500 m50 mPage 6ABB Control - AC 314.5. Incorporated binary outputs07 CR 42 24 V d.c.07 CT 4224 V d.c.07 CR 42120/230 V a.c.- Number of outputs 6 relays 6 transistors 6 relays- Isolation of the outputs / electronic1500 Vrms1 min 1500 V a.c.1500 Vrms1 min- Total charging current under voltage:direct 24 V d.c.resistive load / inrush current L / R = 20 msL / R = 30 msL / R = 40 msL / R = 60 msalternate 24 to 230 V a.c.2 A / 5 A2 A1 A0.6 A0.35 A2 A AC-10.5 A AC-151 A forO62.00 andO62.01 and0.5 A forother outputs-2 A / 5 A2 A1 A0.6 A0.35 A2 A AC-10.5 A AC-15- Total charging current 6 x 2 A 4 x 0.5 A+ 2 x 1 A6 x 2 A - Output leakage current-< 200 µA-- Output waste voltage-0.5 V to500 mA max.-- Minimum cut-off values10 mA under12 V d.c.12 V10 mA under12 V d.c.- Breaking capacity under 120 V a.c.(contact rating code B300) (UL)2 A 2 A- Breaking capacity under 250 V a.c. (contact rating code B300) (UL)2 A (1.5 Aaccordingto UL)2 A (1.5 Aaccordingto UL)- Number of common 2 (2+4) 2 (2+4) - Switching frequency:for resistive loads for inductive loads for lamps< 1 Hz< 0.2 Hz< 0.2 Hz5 kHz< 1 Hz< 0.2 Hz< 0.2 Hz- Number of switches:for AC-1 for AC-151 million100 000--1 million100 000- Short circuit and overload protection envisageexternallyyes:thermicenvisageexternally- Surge voltage protection envisageexternally yes envisageexternally- Outputs diagnosis no overload andshort circuitno - Cable length:unshielded shielded 150 m500 m150 m500 m150 m500 m4.6. Incorporated analog inputs4.6.1. Technical characteristics07 CR 42 24 V d.c.07 CT 4224 V d.c.07 CR 42120/230 V a.c.- Number of analog inputs:Voltage Temperature 212121 Voltage Temperature- Nominal range:Maximum values :+/- 10 V+/- 30 VRTD10Ω up to 7MΩ- Resolution11 bits + sign( 5 ms )12 bitsPt100Pt1000 - Min resolution at input (± 1LSB)+/- 2,5 mV0.6° C0.3° C - Full scale precision≤+/- 1%≤+/- 2%- Word value range read by the central unit +/- 32767Full scale dependson the type of sensor- Amplification error between twochannels70 dB70 dB- Input impedance>20 kΩ>20 kΩ- Linearization for Pt 100 / Pt 1000By FKG functionblock- Sampling rate 2.5 ms 2.5 ms- filtering time0.5 ms50 ms- Diagnosis No No- Cable length:shielded 50 mYes50 mYesPage 8ABB Control - AC 314.6.2. Cabling of the analog inputsExample : connection on 07CR42 120/230 V a.c.The 3 analog inputs are not electrically isolated.Warning: the connector for analog inputs is different of connector for binary inputs.Use rigid or multi-conductor AWG 18 (0.96 mm2) to AWG 14(1.95 mm2) wires for binary inputs and the rigid or multi-conductor AWG 14(1.95 mm2) wires for the binary outputs.And use rigid or multi-conductor AWG 28 (0.08 mm2) to AWG 16(1.5 mm2) wires for analog inputs.The address 62 is assigned to the analog inputs.-IW62.02 Voltage format-IW62.03 Voltage format-IW62.04 Temperature formatAssignment of the 3 analog inputs4.6.4. Voltage format on analog inputThe voltage format is only available on the analog inputs IW62.02 and IW62.03Measuring ranges ±10 V 11 bits resolution plus sign.1 LSB = 20 / 212 = 4,88 mV with minimum value ( step 8 )Value = [ V ( in volt ) / 10 ] * 32767 with value ( - 32767 ≤ X ≤ + 32767 )1514131211109876543210- 105 2.5 1.256253131567839201050000Sign V V V mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV0Relationship between the measured values and the positions of the bits in the 16-bit wordThe value range corresponds to the numbers - 32767…. + 32767Range overflow: + 32767 , range underflow: -32767Warning:Without connection or Open-circuit, the analog value read in the user program is:= +10800 (+/- 1%) corresponding to around 3.5 voltsShort-circuit : 0 (+/- 1%)Fast reading with fix frequency, independently of the cycle time, around 2.5 ms4.6.5. Current format 4 - 20 mAThe analog inputs IW62.02 and IW62.03 can be also configure in current format 4-20 mA in usingan external additional resistance in parallel of the analog input.In the same time, inside user program, it is necessary to use calculation function blocks or directlyFKG function blocks (just two couple of points is enough) in order to converter the read analogvalue in value corresponding to current format.To choose the right additional resistance, you have first to check the technical data of the currentsensor and identify the Max load resistance allowed.The resistance should be less than 500 Ohms, and according to the value chosen, it is possible todeterminate the resolution:For R = 500 Ohms => dynamic 2/10V resolution around 11 bitsFor R = 250 Ohms => dynamic 1/5V resolution around 10 bitsFor R= 125 Ohms => dynamic 0.5/2.5V resolution around 9 bitsPage 10ABB Control - AC 314.6.6. Temperature format on analog inputsThe analog input IW62.04 can be used with all universal temperature sensors like PT100, PT1000, PTC or others…. The analog input can be configured individually in a lot of different operating temperature modes.The complete table of corresponding resistance / analog value can be found in § annexes.The configuration will be performed by FKG function block, this function allows to define a curve by n points ( X0 / YO… Xn-1 / Yn-1 ) and this function block make a linear interpolation between the interpolation points. The resulting curve representing the relationship between X and Y will be the current analog value.-X will correspond at the current analog value of IW62.04-Y value according to the table corresponding Resistance / Analog value(further details can be found inside software manual AC31GRAF - 1SBC006099R1101 – Volume C and Chapter “High order functions”) Configuration for PT100 sensor (Platinum 100 W / 0°C)Value = ( 32737 * R ) / ( R + 768 )The measuring range for PT100 is 12 bits,the value range: (-100.3 to +524.4 °C) by FKG function blockrange overflow / open-circuit: : +32688,range underflow / short-circuit of the sensor : 0Example of configuration PT100 sensor with FKG function block:Possibility of using only a point everything them 30 °C to assure a precision lower than0.5 °C for PT100 sensor. (the values can be found in table next § Table of corresponding Resistance / Analog value / ° Celsius /° Fahrenheit for PT100 sensorsPage 12ABB Control - AC 314.6.6.3 Configuration for PT1000 sensor (Platinum 100 W / 0°C)Value = ( 32737 * R ) / ( R + 768 )The measuring range for PT1000 is 12 bits,the value range: (-100.3 to +524.4 °C) by FKG function blockrange overflow / open-circuit: : +32688,range underflow / short-circuit of the sensor : 0Example of configuration PT1000 sensor with FKG function block:Possibility of using only a point everything them 20 °C to assure a precision lower than 0.3 °C for PT1000 sensor. (the values can be found in table next § Table of corresponding Resistance / Analog value / ° Celsius /° Fahrenheit for PT1000 sensorsPage 14ABB Control - AC 314.6.7. configuration with another temperature sensor typePossibility to use another temperature sensors like PTC, NTC…etc…The configuration will be performed also by FKG function block, the parameters can be found according to the characteristics temperature sensor type used in the complete table of corresponding resistance / analog value (see in § annexes)Example with PTC thermistor, thermal machine protection, use to protect electric motors from over temperature. The resistance / temperature characteristics of PTC thermistor is defined by theTypical characteristics curve R(°C) for PTC thermistorWith T = limit to protect electric motorExample:- with PTC 80 T = 80°C corresponding to about 1000 Ω- with PTC 120 T = 120°C corresponding to about 1000 ΩUse the corresponding analog value in user program (comparison functions) to realise the protection motor. Possibility also to use several PTC thermistors connected in series and use the additional resistance values of different thermistors before to use the analog value corresponding in the user program.4.6.8. Diagnosis identificationValues for the different version of 42 series of correspondence table between the error and the diagnosis variable values are:- Unit type:22807CR42- Unit type:22907CT42(further details about diagnosis procedure can be found inside Technical manual AC31 -1SBC260400R1001 –Chapter 8 “Diagnosis”)4.6.9. Overview of electrical isolations120/230VACElectrical of isolation for 07CR42 – 120/230VACElectrical of isolation for 07CR42 – 24VDCElectrical of isolation for 07CT42 – 24VDCPage 16ABB Control - AC 314.6.10. AnnexesComplete table of corresponding Resistance / Analog value for only IW62.04Page 18ABB Control - AC 31Page 20ABB Control - AC 31。
ABB Control - AC 31 1SBC 260400 R1001-d 04.03 国际版

AC 31 technical documentationChapter 12NCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancyNCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancy(blank page)Page 2ABB Control - AC 31NCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancyThe purpose of this chapter is to describe the general characteristics and operating conditionsof NCBR-M MODBUS® amplifier with redundancy.1. NCBR-M presentation1.1.1 The front of NCBR-M1 – Removable connector for 24 V d.c.2 – Removable connector for MODBUS® input 13 – Removable connector for MODBUS® input 24 – Removable connector for MODBUS® output 15 – Removable connector for MODBUS® output 26 – One green led display labelled as “POWER” to indicate the presence of supply 24 V d.c.7 – Two yellow led displays labelled as “IN” and “OUT” to indicate the communication betweenmaster or slave devices and NCBR-M8 – Four red led displays labelled as “OUT1” , “OUT2” , “IN1” and “IN2” to indicate the defaulton the different MODBUS® buses9 – selector not used - ReservedNCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancyPage 4ABB Control - AC 31Electrical connections for MODBUS® system bus amplifier NCBR-MElectrical of isolation for MODBUS® system bus amplifier NCBR-MNCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancy1.2 General operating conditionsThe NCBR-M unit was developed according to the European EC directives, the main nationaland international IEC 1131-1 and IEC 1131-2 standards and the EN61131-2 product standardconcerning automation devices.Ambient conditions- Temperature:operation: storage transport 0°C to + 55°C - 40°C to + 75°C - 25°C to + 75°C- Humidity:annual averageup to 30 days per year occasionally DIN 40040 class F without condensation ≤ 75%95%85%- Atmospheric pressure: operationstorage DIN 40050≥ 800 hPA (≤ 2000 m) ≥ 600 hPA (≤ 3500 m)Mechanical data- Protection index - Unit- Vibration stress - Shock stress IP20UL V2CEI68-2-6 test Fc CEI68-2-27 test EaTolerances for main voltage- 24 V d.c.- Maximum consumption 19.2 to 30 V (- 20%, + 25%) 6 WVoltage isolation RS485- IN1, IN2, OUT1,OUT2 and power supply.- IN1/OUT1, IN1/OUT2, OUT1/OUT2, IN1/IN2, IN2/OUT1 and IN2/OUT2 Yes ( 500 V a.c. ) Yes ( 1000 V a.c. )Maximum delaybetween input/ output signal < 2 µsWeight 340 gWidth x Height x Depth 120 x 80 x 85 ReferenceNCBR-M 1SBP260161R1001NCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancyPage 6ABB Control - AC 31Creepage distances and clearances IEC 664 and DIN VDE0160 Insulation testIEC 1131-2 Electromagnetic compatibility Immunity tests against: - Electrostatic discharge - Radiated fields - Fast transient bursts - High energy pulse- Conducted high frequenciesIEC 1000-4-2 (level 3) IEC 1000-4-3 (level 3) IEC 1000-4-4 (level 3) IEC 1000-4-5 IEC 1000-4-6 (level 3) Voltage drops and short power cut off - D.C. power supplyDuration of the power cut off: ≤ 10 ms Time between 2 voltage drops: ≥ 1 s Clearance IEC 664-664A DIN VDE 0160 Dielectric test IEC 1131-2 Mountings - only with DIN rail 35 mm Connections - Connectors - Section for: Power supply Bus- Screws tightening torqueRemovable terminal blocks (2.5 mm²)Rigid or multi-conductor wire AWG 14 (1.95 mm²)Twisted pair AWG 24 (0.22 mm²) to AWG 18 (0.8 mm²)0.5 Nm (given as an indication only) Interface - For the bus RS 485NCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancy 1.3 MODBUS® system bus technical specificationsType- Number of RS485- RS485 Transceiver type 2x RS 485 inputs2x RS485 outputs for loop connection Low EMIMode Half-duplexNumber of connection points RS485 standard- standard load 32 max ( CPU or RU…)- ¼ load 128 max ( 07KP53…)Support- Section- Twists- Resistance- Characteristic Impedance- Capacity- Shielding- Line impedance adaptationInputsOutputs- Line polarisation ( high impedance level ) InputsOutputs Shielded twisted pair 0.22...0.8 mm²> 10 per meter≤ 300 Ω / km100 à 150 Ω< 150 nF / km BraidingIntegrated ( 120 Ω ) Integrated ( 120 Ω )2 x 1 KΩ2 x 330 ΩProtocol MODICON MODBUS® RTU Maximum length- Input line - Output line 1000 m Maximum depending of speed 1200 m Maximum depending of speedIsolation yes by optocoupler Speed- Maximum speed - Self detection 115200 Bauds9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, and 115200 BaudsNCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancyCabling of MODBUS® network with NCBR-MPage 8ABB Control - AC 31NCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancy1.4 Presentation of MODBUS® system bus NCBR-M1.4.1 IntroductionThe NCBR-M is an amplifier for MODBUS® protocol with integrated redundancy function byloop connections on outputs. The loop will be able to have a maximum of length up to 1200meters depending of speed used.It also ensures an amplifier function whereas the maximum length on MODBUS line canreached 2200 meters with a speed at 57600 Bauds, (1000 meters between MODBUS® masterand NCBR-M and 1200 meters on the output loop).The use of NCBR-M is totally transparent, and a Led diagnosis is available on NCBR-M andone output line (OUT1) can be forced for communication by the Master MODBUS®, in order tofind where the loop is opened in case of line faulty.1.4.2 ConfigurationThe NCBR-M can be used with all type of master MODBUS® modules.The number of MODBUS® slave modules accepted by the RS485 lines depend of type ofMODBUS® slave modules (low or high RS485 impedance).For example:Up to 31 MODBUS® slave modules when the slaves are central units 40/50 & 90 seriesor remote units ICMK14F1/N1-Mor up to 127 MODBUS® slave modules when the slaves are MODBUS® coupler MCD orMODBUS® coupler 07KP53.Any configuration is necessary by the user,The NCBR-M is able to work with six speeds from 9600 Bauds up to 115200 Bauds, the speedis automatically detected by the NCBR-M .Speed ( Bauds ) Maximum length of loop OUT1-OUT2meters9600 1200meters19200 1200meters38400 1200meters57600 1200meters76800 900meters115200 600The MODBUS® address of NCBR-M is fixed at 245, This MODBUS® address will be used bythe Master MODBUS® to question the NCBR-M1.4.3 InstallationThe NCBR-M product has been conceived for operation in extreme industrial environments.The correct operation of these products is only ensured if all EMC protection rules have beenapplied.(see technical documentation 1SBC260400R1001 chapter 4)NCBR-MMODBUS amplifier with redundancyPage 10ABB Control - AC 311.4.3.1 Assembly conditionsThe NCBR-M must be mounted on a DIN rail (35 mm) by using the support lock . It may be installed vertically or horizontally. For a cabinet assembly:operating temperature from 0 to 55°C, envisage sufficient free volume around the units to allow the heat to dissipate correctly. It is recommended that the cabinet is fitted with a ventilation system.Warning avoid placing heat generating devices next to the products (transformers, mains, power contactors, ...).All electrical connections are realized through removable terminal blocks with an acceptable wire section equal to 2.5 mm 2.The tightening torque, for reference, is equal to 0.5 Nm.In order to guaranty the safety and error free data transmission over long distances, theselection of an appropriate MODBUS ®communication cable is very important. Power supplyUse rigid or multi-conductor wires to connect the external 24 Vd.c. power supply for NCBR-M. The connection of an external thermal fuse is necessary to provide material protection.The NCBR-M executes a complete series of auto tests and configuration at each start-up. During power ON, all Led displays flash and the red error Led displays IN1 and IN2 stay at Onas long as any communication between Master MODBUS ®and the NCBR-M.The green Led display POWER indicates presence of 24 V d.c. power supply on NCBR-M. Connection on inputs IN1 and IN2The maximum length between master MODBUS® and the NCBR-M is 1000 meters.A redundancy function can be provided by two parallel lines between Master MODBUS® and inputs of NCBR-M. These two parallel lines can have different lengths.In case only one line is used between Master MODBUS® and inputs of NCBR-M, it will be necessary to connected in parallel the inputs IN1 and IN2 of NCBR-M.Warning always connect inputs IN1 and IN2 to avoid red error Led displays.The connections of inputs IN1 and IN2 are realized through removable terminal blocks with an acceptable wire section equal to 2.5 mm2 and tightening torque, is equal to 0.5 Nm.The MODBUS® communication cable used to connect Master MODBUS® and inputs of NCBR-M is a RS 485 serial interface and composed of a shielded twisted pair. The same cable type should be used for the whole system bus and bus interruptions should be avoided.Use a AWG 24 (0.22 mm2) to AWG 18 (0.18 mm2) twisted pair.The bus ending resistance of 120 Ω is already integrated in the NCBR-M. Connection on outputs OUT1 and OUT2The NCBR-M allows only to realize a redundancy by loop connection on outputs between OUT1 and OUT2. This loop will be able to have a maximum of length up to 1200 meters depending of speed used.The connections of outputs OUT1 and OUT2 are realized through removable terminal blocks with an acceptable wire section equal to 2.5 mm2 and tightening torque, for reference, is equal to 0.5 Nm.The MODBUS® communication cable used to connect the loop is a RS 485 serial interface and composed of a shielded twisted pair. The same cable type should be used for the whole loop system bus and bus interruptions should be avoided.Use a AWG 24 (0.22 mm2) to AWG 18 (0.18 mm2) twisted pair.The bus ending resistance of 120 Ω is already integrated in the NCBR-M.diagnosisand1.4.4 Operation1.4.4.1 How the NCBR-M is workingThe speed of communication is automatically detected by the NCBR-M , the NCBR-M can workwith different speed from 9600 Bauds up to 115200 Bauds.Input communication: The NCBR-M is waiting a character from master MODBUS® on theinputs IN1 and IN2. When the first character of a frame is received on one of two input lines,the corresponding line becomes valid and then the characters on the other input line areignored. After the complete frame has been received (delay>300µs), the NCBR-M waits again anew frame on the two input lines or on output lines (answer).Output communication (loop): After initialisation, the electrical signal on OUT1 is changedand the NCBR-M checks if the electrical signal on OUT2 follows this change.- If yes, the loop is closed and then the data frame is sent only on output OUT1.- If no, the loop is opened and the data frame is sent from both outputs OUT1 andOUT2 now and the red Leds OUT1 and OUT2 are alternatively ON. And the NCBR-M checks if character arrives on OUT2. If the loop is closed again, the two framesare overlapping each other.If a transmission error occurs, the telegram currently sent is ignored and has to be sent again.After power supply ON, the red Leds go out and the yellow ones indicate the communication.The Master MODBUS® can interrogate the NCBR-M in order to check the status of input oroutput lines, in case an error is present.- The MODBUS® slave number of NCBR-M is fixed at 245, This MODBUS® slavenumber will be use by the master MODBUS® to read or write a special wordcommand inside NCBR-M in order to realize diagnosis of the lines in case an erroris present.- The MODBUS® address corresponding to word command is fixed for read andwrite =2555 in hexadecimal or 9557 in decimal. Only one word is available forexchange between master MODBUS® and NCBR-M.Only the following MODBUS® operation codes may be processed by the master MODBUS® :Function codes DescriptionIn Hexadecimal In Decimal03 03 Read n words06 06 Write a wordThe MODBUS® frames transmitted by the master to interrogate the NCBR-M will contain thefollowing information:- The MODBUS® address of the NCBR-M ( 1 byte ) = 245- The function code defining the master request ( 1 byte ) = 03 or 06- The data commands ( N bytes )- The CRC16 control code ( 2 bytes )The MODBUS® frames to interrogate the NCBR-M with series 40/50 and 90 will be realized bythe function block MODMASTK with AC31GRAF programming software or by function blockMODMASTW with 907AC1131 programming software.Page 12ABB Control - AC 31displays1.4.4.2 LedLed displays on the front face allow to indicate and control information about communication process and status of NCBR-M.ERRORS OUT1 ✹ POWER ✹✹OUT2✹IN1✹IN2RUN IN ✹✹OUTLedPOWER GreenIndicates presence of supply voltage 24 V d.c. on NCBR-M.LedsRUN YellowIN Indicates data reception on input, is flashing during communication.OUT Indicates data transmission on outputs, is flashing during communication.ERRORS Red LedsIN1 & IN2Indicate error of communication, no communication or short-circuit.OUT1 & OUT2Indicate error of communication, open loop or short-circuit.The flashing frequency depends on communication rate:- If only one frame per second => flashing frequency = 0.2 Hz.- If ten frames per second => flashing frequency = 0.5 Hz.Page 14ABB Control - AC 311.4.4.3 Diagnosis through the MODBUS ®masterAn open circuit or short-circuit on Inputs or outputs on the MODBUS ® system bus is detected by NCBR-M (Led displays) and after that the MODBUS ® master is able to identify the type of error and where it is located.In order to interrogate the NCBR-M, the MODBUS ® master will use a MODBUS ® request, with function codes to read or write only one word, always at the same MODBUS ® address 2555 in hexadecimal (9557 in decimal) and the MODBUS ® slave number is F5 in hexadecimal (245 in decimal).Function code 03 (read a word) : To identify the presence and type of errorMODBUS ® status request of the masterAddress Number of wordsCRC control codeNCBR-M slavenumberFunctioncodeHighLow High Low High LowF503 25 55 00 01 8A 62MODBUS ® status answer from NCBR-MAddress AnswerCRC control codeNCBR-M slavenumberFunction codeHighLow High Low High LowF503 02 00 00 09 91F5 03 02 00 A3 49 E8 F5 03 02 00 35 C9 86Answer = 00 correspond to “ No error “Answer = A3 correspond to “ Input error “ connection IN1 or IN2 is open or in short-circuit. Answer = 35 correspond to “ Loop error “ loop OUT1 and OUT2 is open or in short-circuitFunction code 06 (write a word) : To identify where the loop is open and reset force modeWriting = 00 correspond to “ Reset force mode “* If value of Data is different from 21 H or 33 D, same effect than value = 0MODBUS ® request of the masterAddress DataCRC control codeNCBR-M slavenumberFunctioncodeHighLow High Low High LowF506 25 55 00 00 87 A2MODBUS ® answer from NCBR-MAddress AnswerCRC control codeNCBR-M slavenumberFunction codeHighLow High Low High LowF506 25 55 00 00 87 A2Writing = 21 H or 33 D correspond to “ Set force only OUT1 ON “In case of loop error, this command allows to send MODBUS ® request only on OUT1 line and after checking the list of MODBUS ® slaves number with a time-out error, it is possible to define where the loop is opened.To reset force OUT1 ON, Send writing = 00 or XX or switch ON/OFF power supply of NCBR-M.MODBUS ® request of the masterAddress Number of wordsCRC control codeNCBR-M slavenumberFunctioncodeHighLow High Low High LowF506 25 55 00 21 47 BAMODBUS ® answer from NCBR-MAddress AnswerCRC control codeNCBR-M slavenumberFunction codeHighLow High Low High LowF506 25 55 00 21 47 BA-(blank page)Page 16ABB Control - AC 31。

ABBDCSPLC初步了解与配置13页word文档ABB DCS PLC初步了解与配置AC800F控制器是ABB公司2000年推出的带现场总线功能的控制器,有丰富的现场总线接口,可实现控制器冗余、通讯冗余和电源冗余。
AC800F控制器主单元型号PM802F 8MPM803F 16M电源模件型号SA801F 220VACSA811FSD802F 24VDCSD812F以太网模件型号EI801F 10BASE-2EI811FEI802F AUIEI812FEI803F 10BASE-TEI813F其它通讯模件型号FI810F CANFI820F SerialFI830F Profibus DPFI840F FF软件包型号CBF-S 工程师站软件(标准版)CBF-P 工程师站软件(专业版) (带DigiLock、UFB、FDT)DigiVis C 操作员站软件中文版CombiVis 二合一操作员站软件附件型号TK807F SA801F供电电缆TK802F SD802F供电电缆AM895F 前面板SB808F RAM后备电池(用于EI8**F模件)AC800MAC800M控制器是ABB公司2019年推出的又一家族现场总线控制器,按照性能划分AC800M有多达9种控制器供选择,与AC800F 不同的是AC800M只配有组态软件CCB,没有自己的人-机监控软件,可选用第三方软件作为自己的人-机监控软件,所以较适合工程公司使用。
AC800M控制器主单元型号PM851K01 8MPM856K01PM860K01PM861K01 16MPM861K02 16M 冗余PM864K01 32MPM864K02 32M 冗余PM865K01 32M High IntergrityPM865K02 32M 冗余High Intergrity其它通讯模件型号CI853 双RS232-CCI854 Profibus DPCI855 MB300CI856 S100 I/OCI857 INSUMCI858 DriveBusCI862 TRIO软件包型号CCB 工程师站软件4.1,Product BoxOPC OPC Server for AC800M License附件型号SB821 外部备份电池模件SS823 电源切换单元TK851V010 冗余控制器连接电缆TB852 冗余控制器连接终端AC500AC500控制器是ABB公司2019年推出的一款性价比较高的控制器,它是一个简单,但却可灵活、一致的扩展和增加不同总线能力的系统。
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