


Part IV: Para. 7-9
• Reflections on man’s role in the “classic situation”. “The man in the water” represents human nature at its best.
Air crashes usually involve _a__h_ea_v_y__lo_s_s_o_f_l_iv_e_s_. _C_o_m__p_a_re_d__w_i_th__other air crashes, this one was not the_w__o_rs_t_. This air crash was remembered for__a_d_i_ff_e_re_n_t_r_e_a_s_o_n_.
(2) to criticize sb. or sth. severely. n. (1) an explosion; (2) sudden strong blow of air.
Guess the meaning
• A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.
• a slap in the face • a slap on the back • a slap on the wrist
an action that insults or upsets someone 耳光;公然受辱;突然的责备 an action that shows praise for sth. you have done[口],称赞
– Turn chaotic: become chaotic; be thrown into terrible confusion.
– A blast of real winter: a sudden strong really cold wind.

现代大学英语听力1 课堂听力Unit 4

现代大学英语听力1 课堂听力Unit 4

Unit 4Task 1【答案】1) He stood up and rang the bell.2) He wanted to make sure that the driver heard him.3) The conductor came and shouted at him.4) The landlady told him that’s the signal for the driver to go on and only the conductor was allowed to ring the bell twice. That’s why the conductor got so annoyed.【原文】A strange thing happened to Henri yesterday. He was on a bus and wanted to get off. So he stood up and rang the bell. To make sure the driver heard him he rang it twice, but the bus didn’t stop, and the conductor came and shouted at him.The conductor was so annoyed, and spoke so fast, that Henri didn’t understand a word. The bus stopped at the next bus stop and Henri got off. As he got off he heard someone say, “I think he’s a foreigner.”When Henri got home, he told his landlady about the incident.“How many times did you ring the bell?” she asked.“Twice,” said Henri.“Well, that’s the signal for the driver to go on,” his landlady explained. “Only the conductor is allowed to ring the bell twi ce. That’s why he got so annoyed.”Henri nodded. “I see,” he said.Task 2【答案】1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) F, 5) T, 6) T【原文】The Taylor family, who live in North London, are planning to spend a day in Norwich. They can’t agree how to get there.Mr. Taylor: I don’t want to drive all that way. Let’s go by train.Mrs. Taylor: But that’s so expensive. It’s much cheaper for a family to go by car.Peter: Why not try the coach? It’ll be cheaper than the train, and Daddy won’t have to drive.Alison: But I’ll be sick! I hate traveling by coach.Mrs. Taylor: Which is the quickest way to get there?Mr. Taylor: Well, it’ll take at least three hours by car.Peter: No, it won’t. Not if we take the motorway out of London.Alison: I’m sure there’s a fast train service.Mrs. Taylor: But we’ll have to get to Liverpool Street first. And then there’s the tube fares at this end, and bus or taxi fares at the other.Alison: And the coach station is at Victoria, so that’s an extra journey too.Mr. Taylor: I think there are som e special family rail fares. Perhaps that’ll be the cheapes t way.Peter: But it won’t be the most convenient.Mrs. Taylor: Why don’t we check all the facts and then decide?Peter: OK.Task 3【答案】A.of, without, of,for, to, by, to, to, intofrom, withon, in, around, aboutB.1) school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When their children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school.2) they can save gasoline and it is easier for them to find parking places3) too many cars are on the road and have created many problems【原文】The United States is full of automobiles. There are still many families without cars, but some families have two or even more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a necessary part of life.Cars are used for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school. One mother drives on Mondays, taking her own children and the neighbors’ children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use of cars.Task 4【答案】1) T, 2) F, 3) T, 4) F【原文】Mr. Fine: Can anyone in the class explain some differences between a zip code and an area code?Mary: Both of them are numbers.Mr. Fine: That’s how they are alike. But how are they different?Mary: A zip code is for mailing letters. An area code is for making phone calls,Mr. Fine: What kind of phone calls?Mary: Long distance calls.Mr. Fine: All right. And what is a zip code?Mary: When I write a letter to my friends in New York City, I write 10027 on the envelope.That’s their zip code. I have some other friends i n New York City, but their zip code is10003.Mr. Fine: In a big city there are different zip codes for different parts of the city. What about area codes?Mary: Sometimes a whole small city has the same area code.Mr. Fine: That’s right. And sometimes a whole state has the same area code if it doesn’t have many telephones. For example, the area code for the whole state of Arizona is 802.Mary: But New York State has millions of telephones, so it has more than one area code.Task 5【答案】A.1) c, 2) b, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b, 8) cB.1) would have got up on time2) would have woken up James3) would have been on the plane that crashed4) would have lost his life in the crash【原文】James wrote a play for television about an immigrant family who came to England from Pakistan, and the problems they had settled down in England. The play was surprisingly successful, and it was bought by an American TV company.James was invited to go to New York to help with the production. He lived in Dulwich, which is an hour’s journey away from Heathrow. The flight was due to leave at 8:30 am, so he had to be at the airport about 7:30 in the morning. He ordered a mini-cab for 6:30, set his alarm for 5:45, and went to sleep. Unfortunately he forgot to wind the clock, and it stopped shortly after midnight. Also the driver of the mini-cab had to work very late that night and overslept.James woke with that awful feeling that something was wrong. He looked at his alarm clock. It stood there silently, with the hands pointing to 12:10. He turned on the radio and discovered that it was, in fact, ten to nine. He swore quietly and switched on the electric kettle.He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when the nine o’clock pips sounded on the radio. The announcer began to read the news, “... reports are coming in of a crash near Heathrow Airport. A Boeing 707 bound for New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning. Flight number 2234...” James turned pale.“My flight,” he said out loud. “If I hadn’t overslept, I’d have been on that plane”.Task 6【答案】A.1) 1964, the United States2) safety belts3) 404) about 155) 24B.1) They do not smoke while driving.2) They have had more education than non-users.3) They know someone who was injured (but not killed) in an automobile accident.C.the importance of using seat belts in driving【原文】According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts. (These are also called safety belts.) Many studies of automobile accidents have shown that safety belts can save lives. One study showed that 40 percent of those killed in auto accidents could have been saved if they had been wearing seat belts.Unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers — about 15 percent in cities, and only 9 percent in small towns. And safety belts cannot protect people who do not wear them.In order to find out what kinds of people do wear seat belts a study was made in seven cities in the United States. The following facts were learned about those who use their safety belt:1. They do not smoke while driving.2. They have had more education than non-users.3. They know someone who was injured (but not killed) in an automobile accident.Advertisements based on these facts have been printed in newspapers and magazines in order to teach people the importance of using seat belts. But these advertisements have not helped much. Some people believe there should be a law requiring drivers and passengers to use safety belts. In Australia, where there is such a law, deaths in auto accidents have decreased 24 percent.Task 7【答案】A.1) Miss Brown.2) Mr. Phillips was Miss Brown’s boss.3) He sounded very angry.4) He had been in a traffic jam for more than an hour.B.1) congested2) alternative routes3) South Circular Road4) broken down5) blown down, in useC.1)T, 2)F, 3)F, 4)F, 5)TD.1) He left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route.2) The traffic lights were out of order because of the storms last night.3) After that there was a breakdown.4) He ran out of petrol.5) He was in traffic jams for three hours.【原文】PartⅠ(Telephone ringing constantly. Sound of key turning in lock, door opening.)Miss Brown: (answering telephone) Good morning. Blue Star Travel Agency. Can I help you? Mr. Phillips: Is that you, Miss Brown? I’ve been ringing the office for 10 minutes. Where have you been?Miss Brown: Sorry, Mr. Phillips. I’ve just arrived. The traffic was terrible this morning.Mr. Phillips: The traffic is still terrible. I’ve been in a traffic jam for more than an hour. Look after the office until I get there. It may take a long time.Miss Brown: certainly, Mr. Phillips. Good luck.(Sound of hanging up.)(to herself) Thank goodness the boss is late too! The first thing I’m going to do istake my coat off. Then I’m going to sit down and have a cup of coffee. I think I’llswitch the radio on too.PartⅡ(Radio being switched on.)Radio: Here is a message for all motorists. Most major roads leading in and out of London are congested. Motorists should use alternative routes wherever possible. The time isnow 9:30. Here is the local traffic news.Announcer: Heavy rain during the night has flooded parts of the South Circular Road. An articulated lorry has broken down on the M1. Traffic is now only 2 lane and movingvery slowly. Strong winds during the night have blown down a number of trees on theM6 and many sections are not in use. That is the end of the local traffic news. Formore news listen again at 10 o’clock.(Sound of radio being switched off and door opening.)Betty: (breathless) Hello, Carol. Sorry, bu t I couldn’t get here earlier.Miss Brown: Never mind, Betty. Have a cup of coffee and relax.Part III(Door open and slammed. Background of typing.)Miss Brown: Oh, it’s you Mr. Phillips. We’ve been worried about you. Are you all right? Would you like a cup of coffee?Mr. Phillips: I’m going straight to my office. Are my letters waiting for me? Yes, I would. And some biscuits.(Door slams.)Miss White: Phew. What’s the matter with him? Why is he in such a bad mood?Miss Brown: Let’s make a cup of coffee for him and find out. If you make the coffee, I’ll sp eak to Mr. Phillips.(Polite knock at door, door opening.)Miss Brown: We’re making some coffee Mr. Phillips. Would you like to have it with us? You could tell us about your awful journey.(Background sound of cups.)Miss White: Was the traffic bad, Mr. Phillips?Mr. Phillips: Was the traffic bad? We were in traffic jams for three hours. I left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route. For the first time, I used the M4. Never again.That was because of the storms last night. Then the traffic lights were out of order.After that there was a breakdown and.., finally, I ran out of petrol.(Giggles from Miss W. and Miss B. Footsteps. Door slams.)Task 8【答案】1) b, 2) a, 3) cB.a) It was chosen because the cost of energy is not so great as with a bus system.b) It was chosen because it is much easier to carry a greater number of passengers by train than by bus or car.c) It was chosen because the noise and pollution are not so great as with buses and cars.C.1) 12.5, above and below2) Germany, Canada3) Calgary4) 245) only one man6) separate7) 30 seconds8) open the doors themselves.9) automatic ticket machines (placed) on the platforms, zipcards10) get a $25 fine【原文】Calgary is an oil town. It is home for more than half a million Canadians, and this population may well be much closer to three quarters of a million or more by the end of the century. Downtown Calgary is famous: the tall office buildings in the center of the city were in the “Superman” mov ies. But Calgary is also the home of a very modern transport system, and the Light Rail Transit (LRT) is part of it.The rail system was chosen because the cost of energy is not so great as with a bus system, because it is much easier to carry a greater number of passengers by train than by bus or car, and because the noise and pollution is not so great as with buses and cars.But what is the LRT? It is a 12.5-kilometre route, above and below ground. The light train cars are made in Germany and Canada. In Germany they are made by Siemens in Dusseldorf, and then taken to Canada where final assembly is done in Calgary. Each car is just over 24 metres long, and each train is operated by only one man — the driver. The driver is in a separate cabin, and he can’t talk to passengers.The trains stop for about 30 seconds at each station, and passengers who want to get in or out must open the doors themselves.Automatic ticket machines are placed on the platforms. Passengers can buy a ticket from these, or they can buy special monthly tickets called zipcards. However, if passengers are caught without a ticket they may get a $25 fine.Task 9【答案】A.1) deaths and people injured2) drivers, pedestrians, and road conditions3) may cause drivers and pedestrians endanger lives through no fault of their own4) too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of a street, and congested parkinga) drive too fast and without any consideration for othersb) think they are safe at the wheel even though they have drunk too much alcoholc) out of some curious sense of power, are incapable of understanding that their car is a lethalweapon if improperly used6)a) step off the pavement without first looking to the left or rightb) cross roads when the traffic lights are against themc) jump off a moving busB.Pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame for road accidents.【原文】There are far too many road accidents in this country: too many deaths and too many people injured. One wonders who are most to blame: drivers or pedestrians. Some people say that the blame cannot be put fairly without considering the state of the roads and the whole transport system. In crowded cities like London, Birmingham or Manchester, road conditions are so chaotic that both driver and pedestrian often endanger lives through no fault of their own. Such deficiencies as too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of a street, congested parking are all a sure indication of bad road conditions.On the other hand, many experts are convinced that the larger part of the blame for the death toll must be put on persons and persons alone: drivers who drive too fast and without any consideration for others, drivers who think they are safe at the wheel even though they have drunk too much alcohol, drivers who, out of some curious sense of power, are incapable of understanding that their car is a lethal weapon if improperly used. Pedestrians, likewise, must share the guilt: stepping off the pavement without first looking to the left or right, crossing roads when the traffic lights are against them, jumping off a moving bus. To be fair, pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame.One looks forward to the day when the motor car has been replaced by some less dangerous means of transport.Task 10【答案】A.1) 11, 2) Over 400, 3) Over 4,000, 4) $ 400, 5) 60 daysB.1) Most people are going to die from accidents caused by drunk drivers.2) Joe’s sister is worried because it’s getting late and he is drunk.3) The green Ford that Joe is driving is weaving from left to right.4) When Officer Williams asks Joe to walk along the white line, he can’t do it. Joe also fails the breath test.5) He’s going to appear in court next week. He is going to receive a $400 fine. The judge is also going to suspend his license for sixty days.C.enjoying, family party, leave, stay, wait, drives, fine, slowly, had, drinks【原文】It’s a holiday weekend. The police officers were sitting in a hot room receiving instructions from their captain. One of these officers was Ed Williams. He and ten other officers were on special duty. This weekend alone, over 400 people are going to die from accidents caused by drunk drivers. Over 4,000 people are going to receive serious injuries, all caused by drunk drivers. The officers are going to try to prevent these accidents before they happen.Meanwhile, Joe Forest is enjoying himself at a family party. It’s getting late and he’s telling his sister that he’s going to leave. She’s asking him to stay and wait a few hours before he drives. “Don’t worry. I’m going to be fine. I’m going to drive slowly. I only had a few drinks.”Officer Williams is at a toll booth, watching cars enter the area. A green Ford is approaching, weaving from left to right. Officer Williams stops the car and tells Joe to get out. He asks Joe to walk along the white line. Joe can’t do it. Joe also fails the breath test. Officer Williams is telling Joe that he’s going to issue him a summons. And he can’t drive his car home. Joe calls his sister. She’s going to come and drive him home.This was Joe’s first offense. He’s going to appear in court next week. He is going to receive a $400 fine. The judge is also going to suspend his license for 60 days. This first time, other drivers were lucky. Joe didn’t kill them. But what about the future, is Joe going to stop drinking and driving?Task 11【答案】If you are a daily Transit rider, carry a zipcard. It’s quick, convenient and gives you unlimited rides on any regular Calgary Transit service. The zipcard saves you money too! Pay the adult fare of 90c, twice a day for 22 working days each month, adds up to $39.60. But a zipcard costs just $31 a month. It also saves you the extra 10c on all express buses. Buy a zipcard and take advantage of the best way to ride.。



Unit 8Task 1答案1 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation2 Association of Southeast Asian Nations3 European Union4 Food and Agriculture Organization5 International Atomic Energy Agency6 International Labour Organization7 International Monetary Fund8 North American Free Trade Agreement9 World Health Organization10 World Trade Organization原文1 APEC is the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.2 ASEAN is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.3 EU is the European Union.4 FAO is the Food and Agriculture Organization.5 IAEA is the International Atomic Energy Agency.6 ILO is the International Labour Organization.7 IMF is the International Monetary Fund.8 NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement.9 WHO is the World Health Organization.10 WTO is the World Trade Organization.Task 2答案1 recently attacked an elementary school2 have begun hunting crocodiles3 planting gardens on the tops of buildings4 resettle more than 125,000 people5 help rebuild Afghanistan6 11 million dollars in aid for the Asian nation7India has more than one billion people8 China’s population has increased to more than one billion two hundred million原文1 Giant kangaroos from a national park near Canberra, Australia’s capital, recently attacked an elementary school.2 Officials in Uganda have begun hunting crocodiles around Lake Victoria.3 Officials in Chicago, Illinois, are hoping to help the environment by planting gardens on the tops of buildings.4 China plans to resettle more than 125,000 people because of the huge dam being built on the Yangtze River.5 Delegates from more than 60 nations and organizations are gathering in Japan to open a conference to help rebuild Afghanistan.6 Officials from Mongolia and the United Nations have appealed for 11 million dollars in aid for the Asian nation.7 Early results from the government’s population count show that India has more than one billion people.8 The government says China’s population has increased to more than one billion two hundred million.Task 3答案News Item 1A.1 b,2 c,3 d, 4aNews Item 2B.Lead: Thousands of demonstrators have forced the cancellation of the opening ceremony at the World Trade Organization meeting in the American city of Seattle, Washington.1 Ministers from 135 WTO member countries2 police, demonstrators3 big businesses, workers, the environment4 aid to farmers, labor rules, trade taxesC.1 They accused the WTO of protecting the interests of big business at the expenses of those of workers and the environment.2 The WTO is criticized by both poor countries and disadvantaged groups in the Western World. In News Item 1, the WTO faces the criticism particularly from developing countries that demand more concessions from developed nations in trade talks. In News Item 2, the WTO was accused of protecting the interests of big business at the expenses of those of workers and the environment.3 Yes. Throughout history, rich people and developed countries have benefited most from the existing international trade arrangements. Now it’s time for them to give more considerations for poor countries and people.As a leading actor in the process of globalization, the WTO should do more to reduce its negative impact on the poor and the environment.原文News Item 1And this news from South Africa— Commonwealth leaders have called for fair treatment for poor nations at the World Trade Organization talks later this month. Commonwealth Secretary-General Emeka Anyaoku read a statement from the leaders during their meeting in Durban. It calls for removal of all trade blocks for the exports of poor countries and it says that strong export growth is necessary for improving the living conditions of poor countries. Ministers from the 134-nation World Trade Organization will meet in the American city of Seattle, Washington, 2 weeks from now. They will plan a new series of trade talks for next year.News Item 2Thousands of demonstrators have forced the cancellation of the opening ceremony at the World Trade Organization meeting in the American city of Seattle, Washington. A WTO officialsaid ministers from 135 member countries will continue trade talks. However, he said the official opening ceremony will take place later. The decision was made after police clashed with demonstrators in the center of Seattle. The demonstrators accused the trade group of defending the interests of big businesses. They say it does not care about workers and the environment. Representatives at the conference will attempt to settle differences involving aid to farmers, labor rules, trade taxes and other issues.Task 4答案Mexico, 1989, America, economies, community, 21, two and one half thousand million, almost half, joint statement, terrorism, security, goods原文Leaders from many nations are attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference in the holiday area of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.APEC was established in 1989 as a trade group for the nations of Asia and the America. It was formed in reaction to the growing dependency among economies of countries that border the Pacific Ocean. Its goal was to support economic growth among those countries and to create a sense of community. APEC has 21 member economies. The combined population of APEC countries is about 2,500,000,000 two and one half thousand million people. The countries are responsible for almost half of all world trade.APEC foreign and trade ministers started talks earlier this week. On Thursday, the foreign ministers approved a joint statement that promised to suppress the financing of terrorism. The statement also promised to strengthen security for air travel and shipping of goods.Task 5答案A.1 Computer products, and particularly an operating system.2 The judge ruled that Microsoft company has acted a monopoly.3 Monopoly means blocking competition from other companies to gain control of the market.4 People who buy computer products.B.1 more than 500, 000 million2 operating3 the 9th4 blocking/ending/stopping5 harmed原文News Item 1And this news. The computer company— Microsoft has become the first company in history to be valued at more than 500,000 million dollars. Microsoft produces an operating system that is used in most of the computers in the world. Microsoft was established by Bill Gates. If the company were a country, it would have the 9th largest economy in the world.News Item 2In Washington, a judge has ruled that Microsoft Company has acted as a monopoly. Thismeans Microsoft took steps to end competition from other companies to gain total control of the market. The judge said that Microsoft’s business actions harmed people who buy computer products. The court decision is considered a major defeat for the company. Microsoft is the world’s largest maker of computer software products.Task 6答案A.1 T,2 F,3 F,4 T,5 T,6 TB.Judge Jackson’s rulings1 misusing, computer programs2 two smaller businessesThe Federal Appeals Court’s rulings1 block competition2 reconsider3 fair/being fair, Microsoft and Bill GatesLegal experts’ comments1 the Federal government, Microsoft2a The Supreme Courtb a new trial, the unresolved legal questionsc negotiations, privatelyBill Gates’ responsethe situation, solutionProspects1 an agreement2 punished, pay money原文In November, a Washington D.C. judge found the Microsoft Corporation guilty of misusing its power to control the market for computer programs. Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson announced his findings after months of trial. He said Microsoft uses its power to illegally block competition.Judge Jackson later ordered that Microsoft be divided into two smaller businesses. The Microsoft Corporation quickly appealed Judge Jackson’s ruling to a Federal Court.Last week, the Federal Appeals Court ruled on the case. It said Microsoft Corporation was guilty of creating a company that used its power to block competition. The seven Appeals Court judges agreed with Judge Jackson that Microsoft limited creativity in the computer industry and harmed the public. They said that Microsoft was guilty of violating several federal laws.However, the Federal Appeals Court also said the Washington D.C. court must reconsider its order to divide Microsoft into two smaller companies. The federal court dismissed Judge Jackson’s decision. The Appeals Court judges accused Judge Jackson of not being fair during the Microsoft Trial. They severely criticized him for comments he made about Microsoft and its chairman to reporters during the trial.The Federal Appeals Court also said Judge Jackson repeated these mistakes several times. Itsaid the public would lose its trust in a legal system that permits judges to speak their opinions to reporters during a trial.Legal experts say both the federal government and Microsoft can claim small victories with the Federal Appeals Court ruling. The experts say government lawyers were able to prove that Microsoft is guilty of violating federal laws. At the same time, Microsoft can claim a victory because it may not have to divide into two smaller companies.Legal experts say government lawyers and the lawyers for Microsoft must now choose one of three different possible paths. First, either side could appeal the Federal Court’s decision to the Supreme Court. Or, they could request a new trial before a different lower court judge to consider some of the unresolved legal questions. A third choice is for both sides to reopen negotiations to try to settle the case privately. Such efforts failed during the Clinton Administration.Bill Gates is the head of Microsoft Corporation. He says it is now a good time for all the groups involved to discuss the situation and see what kind of solution could be negotiated.Most legal experts believe that the Microsoft Company and government lawyers will come to an agreement during future negotiations. They say Microsoft may be punished by being forced to pay money.Task 7答案News Item 1A.1 It will send Destiny into Orbit.2 It is a scientific research laboratory.3 Destiny is the most technologically complex research center ever put into space.4 Over one billion dollars.5 It will last eleven Days.6 The will make three walks in space to attach the laboratory to the International Space Station’s Control Centre.News Item 2B.News Lead: The first laboratory has been connected to the International Space Station.1 launched, Wednesday, February 7th2 Destiny3 mechanical arm4 a linking device5 protective clothing, complete work原文News Item 1In space news. The space shuttle Atlantis has taken off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The spaceship will send the Destiny scientific research laboratory into orbit. The laboratory is an important part of the International Space Station. NASA officials say Destiny is the most technologically complex research center ever put into space. The laboratory has cost over 1,000,000,000 dollars to build. Space shuttle astronauts will make three walks in space during an eleven-day mission to attach the laboratory to the International Space Station’s Control Center. News Item 2The first laboratory has been connected to the International Space Station. The American space shuttle Atlantis was launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Wednesday, February 7th. It carried the new laboratory Destiny to the space station, which is orbiting Earth. Destiny is the first of six space laboratories that will be launched and added to the space station. The five crew members of Atlantis used the space shuttle’s huge mechanical arm to take the laboratory out of the shuttle. The arm carefully moved Destiny to a linking device on the International Space Station. Two members of the Atlantis crew put on protective clothing. They left the shuttle and moved out into space to complete work on the link.Task 8答案110 stories, employing, desks, collapse, figures, recovered, crashed, dead, searching, 800原文The World Trade Center is 110 stories high. Four hundred firms had offices there employing tens of thousands of people. When the planes hit, it’s thought between 10 and 20 thousand people would have been sitting at their desks. Before the collapse of the building, many people did manage to get away, but figures aren’t yet known.So far 55 bodies have been recovered. 260 police officers and firefighters who went into the building after the planes crashed are missing and feared dead. In the Pentagon, the world’s largest office building, rescuers are still searchin g the rubble. It’s thought around 80 bodies there have been found but estimates of those who died could go up to about 800.Task 9答案A.released, number one, terrorist attack, The Rising原文Bruce Springsteen’s new album was released July 30th. It is number one in record sales in more than ten countries. Most of its songs are about the September 11th terrorist attacks. Shep O’Neal plays some of the songs on the album, The Rising.“You’re Missing” is probably the saddest song on The Rising. A woman’s husband has died. She and her children see the many things that belonged to him around the house, but he is gone.“Into the Fire” is about one of the hundreds of police, firefighters and rescue workers who died in the terrorist attacks. The song honors the love and sense of duty he showed that day. It is also a prayer for the strength and hope that his sacrifice represents.Songs on The Rising also express anger about the attacks. But, the anger is mostly a personal statement, not a political one. The song “Empty Skies” describes the desire to strike back that a person feels after a senseless loss.The album’s title song appeals to listeners to come together and heal each other. We leave you now with Bruce Springsteen’s hopeful title song, “The Rising.”Task 10答案News Item 1A.1 A four-year exhibition of the work of the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh has opened in Amsterdam.2 It is one of his early drawings in water color, pencil and ink, depicting a woman carrying a child along a windswept road.3 A German art dealer acting for an anonymous collector.4 In 1883.News Item 2B.movie industry, directing, editing, released, Oscar, metals, statue, weighs, priceless, offers, earning 原文News Item 1A four-year exhibition of the works of the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh has opened in Amsterdam with the unveiling of one of his early drawings which has only recently come to light; the drawing in water color, pencil and ink depicts a woman carrying a child along a windswept road. It was sent to the museum by a German art dealer acting for an anonymous collector. The work dated 1883 is one of the main attra ctions in the exhibition at Amsterdam’s van Gogh Museum.News Item 2Sunday will be the most important day of the year for hundreds of people in the movie industry. Filmmakers will receive Academy Awards for the best acting, directing, writing, editing, sound, music and other work on movies released last year. The winners will receive an award called an Oscar. It is shaped like a man. It is made of several metals covered with gold. The statue is only about 34 centimeters tall. It weighs less than four kilograms. But the award can be priceless to the person who receives it. Winning an Oscar can mean becoming much more famous. It can mean getting offers to work in the best movies. It also can mean earning much more money.Task 11答案News media are the means, or methods, by which people learn what is happening in their city, in their country, and in the world. The news can be classified into two general categories. The categories are print media and electronic media.Print media are usually divided into magazines and newspapers. Most newspapers print news daily. For example, the newspaper The New York Times is published every day of the year. Most news magazines are published weekly. For instance, Newsweek and Time magazines are published once a week.The electronic media are generally divided into radio and television. Radio news is news that you listen to. In the United States, many radio stations broadcast 5 minutes of news every hour on the hour. Television news is news that you not only listen to but also watch.。



Unit31【原文】My hobby is sky-diving. Do you know what that is? I jump from an aeroplane and fall through the air. I open my parachute only when I‟m very close to the ground. Of course it‟s rather dangerous. Perhaps that‟s why I enjoy it. I think it‟s fun. Very few women do it. But we‟re just as good at it as men.I‟m very interested in music. In my free time I play and listen to it. I can play the guitar and the flute. I enjoy all kinds of music but my favorite is folk music. Good folk music. I like classical music, too. But I prefer folk music. I‟d like to have my own group some day.I love all kinds of sports but my favorite is tennis. But I don‟t enjoy watching it. I only enjoy playing it. And when I play I want to win. That‟s very important. I hate losing!2【原文】I made my first parachute jump because I had read an article about it and I had always wanted to try it.Before the jump I went to six training classes. I was taught where to sit in the aeroplane, how to jump out, how to guide the parachute, and how to land on the ground safely.On the big day I was very nervous. The weather was cloudy, but the pilot thought it was all right, so the two of us (the instructor and I) got into the aeroplane with the pilot, and Helen Gray got into the other. (She wanted to take some parachuting photographs.) We took off and climbed to 1000 metres. I was really very frightened waiting for the big moment! Then the instructor told me to jump. I looked out of the open door and saw the ground below. It was the most terrifying moment of my life! I closed my eyes and jumped.It was a great relief when the parachute opened! I looked up and saw the orange canopy. Below me was the landing area. It was really beautiful falling peacefully through the air. I landed well and waited for the instructor. Then we picked up our parachutes and went off to have a coffee and talk about the jump.Parachuting is definitely more exciting than other things I have done before — like mountain climbing and sailing —and it‟s more fun, too. I‟m going to make my second jump next week.3【原文】When I was seven years old, my family grew our first square watermelon. No one had ever seen a square watermelon before, so it became an instant celebrity. People visited our garden to see the unusual fruit, and I even took it to school for show-and-tell.What‟s so great about square watermelons? Well, besides their odd shape, the melons stack nicely, fit in the refrigerator, and won‟t roll off the table.Whenever people ask how they can grow their own square watermelons, my dad tells them to “use square seeds”. Truthfully, though, my dad discovered the key to square fruit by accident.Every summer we plant a small vegetable garden. To keep the young fruit from rotting on the moist ground, my dad props them on cinder blocks. In 1996, we returned from vacation to find a young melon stuck in the centre of a cinder block. The watermelon had grown inside the block until it was wedged too tightly to remove.“We didn‟t want to kill it, so we just left it there,” my father remembers. “At harvest timewhen we broke the cinder block, we found a perfectly healthy melon — but it was also perfectly square.”Since that summer my family has been growing square watermelons on purpose.4【原文】Philip: My special visitor today is Matthew Treharn e, one of this year‟s Children of Courage. Good afternoon, Matthew.Matthew: Good afternoon.Philip: Where do you come from, Matthew?Matthew: From Cambridgeshire, in the east of England.Philip: Now you‟ve got a black belt for karate, haven‟t you?Matthew: Yes.Philip: And you‟re the first ten-year-old with a black belt?Matthew: Yes, that‟s right.Philip: That‟s fantastic. When did you start karate?Matthew: Six years ago. When I was four.Philip: Only four? Why did you choose karate?Matthew: Because I liked it. And because I wanted to be strong.Philip: Weren‟t you strong?Matthew: Oh no. I had a hole in my heart when I was born. So I was very ill. Then I had a big preparation in hospital. But I was still weak and tired all the time. So I started karate. Philip: Was it difficult at first?Matthew: Well, at the beginning, yes, it was. But my parents always encouraged me to go on.Philip: When did you get your black belt?Matthew: I got it this summer.Philip: What a wonderful fight against a handicap! Now you are strong and a champion! Matthew: Oh, it‟s just fun now. I play other sports too.Philip: Do you play football?Matthew: Yes, and rugby.Philip: You give special karate shows, don‟t you?Matthew: Yes, I give local karate shows. Near my home in Cambridgeshire.Philip: So you are rich too?Matthew: Oh no. I give the money away.Philip: Do you?Matthew: Yes. I gave £1,000 to a hospital in Peterborough.Philip: What did they buy with the money?Matthew: They bought a heart ventilator —that‟s a special machine for people with weak hearts.Philip: So they can help other people with problems like yours?Matthew: Yes, and then they can learn karate too!Philip: What a splendid story! Thank you Matthew. And enjoy your special day in London. Matthew: Thanks. Goodbye.5原文】My hobbies are collecting stickers and writing songs. I like collecting stickers because someare cool and if I collect enough I can fill up my wall with stickers. I also like writing songs, like “Baby,Don‟t Leave Me”, because I always think of them in the shower.My favorite hobby is stargazing, because I think it is a challenge to look for the Big Dipper, Little Dipper, and all those other constellations. I think it is almost like doing a word search because you have to concentrate and look carefully for the constellations.One of our favorite hobbies is looking for license plates of other states. So far, we have seen 22 different sta tes, and we‟ve also seen Guam, a territory of the United States. We enjoy this hobby because we usually see Texas, so it‟s fun to see another kind of license plate.I have many different hobbies. But my favorite hobby is writing. I have dreams of becoming an author, novelist, or journalist. I enjoy writing stories and poems the most. I love writing because there are so many different styles and because writing is the best way for me to express myself and to get my troubles out. I don‟t really like to talk in front of a lot of people or about serious matters. So that‟s where writing comes in handy.Dancing is my favorite hobby. I have given three to four stage performances. I have also participated in the inter-school competitions, and I have won first prize for my school. Winning prizes and dancing on stage encourages me to learn more.6【原文】David was a young man who worked in an office in a big city. His hobby was fishing, but he didn‟t often get a chance to practice it.Then one summer he decided to have a holiday in a beautiful place in the mountains where there were a lot of streams. “I ought to be able to have some good fishing there, “he said to himself.The first morning after he arrived, he walked to the nearest stream with his fishing rod. He saw an old man standing beside the water, so he asked him whether it was a private stream. The old man answered it was not, so David then said to him,”Well, then it won‟t be a crime if I catch some fish here, will it?”“Oh, no.” answered the old man. “It won‟t be a crime, but it will certainly be a miracle.”7【原文】Joe was going to his usual bar before lunch when he saw a poorly dressed man fishing in a small pool of rain-water about five centimeters deep outside it.Joe stopped and watched the poor man for a few minutes. He saw that most of the people who passed by him believed he was mad.Joe pitied the man, so after a few minutes he went up to him and said: “Hello. Would you like to come into the bar and have a drink with me?”The fisherman was delighted to accept his offer and the two men went into the bar together. Joe bought the fisherman a few drinks, and finally said to him, “You‟ve been fishing outside here, haven‟t you? How many did you manage to catch this morning, if I may ask?”“You are the eighth,” the fisherman answered merrily.8【原文】Journalist: Er… roughly, when did you begin collecting badges?Simpson: At my primary school, I think. The teachers used to give out badges to pupils who were particularly good at certain things. So I got a little blue badge with the word“swimming” on it, and then another one I remember — it was green — which had theword “tidy” on it! Ha!Journalist: And have you still got those badges in your collection?Simpson: No… well, I‟ve got the swimming badge, but I think I was so untidy that I must have lost the tidy badge years ago!Journalist: And you started collecting badges, then, from that, the age of about nine? Simpson: Er, yeah, I guess so… eight or nin e or so. That‟s right. In those days — we‟re talking about the early 50s — there weren‟t so many cars around as there are today. So fillingstations didn‟t have so many customers. So the petrol companies used to give outbadges. I suppose they thought that kids whose parents had a car would keep askingthem to go to a particular filling station so that they could get another free badge. Mydad bought our first car in 1956 — I think it was a black Ford Popular—and every timeI went out with him in it I used to ask him to go to a different petrol station so that Icould add more to my growing badge collection. Actually, he was a very shy man, myfather, and I‟m sure he didn‟t like asking for free thingd.Journalist: So petrol company badges were the first ones in your collection, weren‟t they? Simpson: After “swimming” and “tidy”, yeah. But soon all sorts of companies started making badges to advertise their products, even cigarette companies. I‟ve got one in mycollection f or Will‟s Woodbines — they were the cheapest cigarettes in those days —and on the badge, at the bottom, it says, “Smoked by Millions”— no health warningsin those days.9【原文】In the United States a university professor is granted a few months of freedom from his duties approximately every seventh year for travel or advanced study. This period of freedom from teaching is called a “sabbatical” leave.Few sabbatical leaves are interesting enough to be described in national newspapers and magazines. Recently, however, there was an exception. The public learned how Dr. John R. Coleman, president of Haverford College, had spent his sabbatical leave.“I wanted to get away from the world of words and politics and parties—the things a president does,” Dr. Coleman later explained to reporters. “As a college president you begin to take yourself very seriously and to think you have power you don‟t. You forget things about people. I wanted to relearn things I‟d forgotten.”Telling no one of his plans, Dr. Coleman started his sabbatical leave on a farm in Canada, hundreds of miles from his college. Getting up at 4:30 each morning, working 13 hours a day in fields and barns, he prepared himself physically for his next job, digging ditches, in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, the college president washed dishes in a Boston restaurant. During the last ten days of his leave, he worked as a garbage collector.This unusual sabbatical leave was conducted in great secrecy. Coleman telephoned his family once a week, “just to let someone know where I was and that I was healthy.”None of his students or co-workers at Haverford College knew what their president was doing. On each job he avoided letting people know who he was. “When people would ask me about myself, I‟d try to turn the conversation back to them,”he explained. “Some co-workersmight have thought I was a little different, a little quiet maybe, but I doubt anyone knew I was a college president.”There was only one employer who sensed something unusual. “At a restaurant in Boston, I had been on the job exactly one hour — I was washing dishes — when the boss came over and said, …I‟m afraid you won‟t do.‟ and handed me two dollars. ““Immediately I asked him why, but he just said, …It‟s not your work. Sorry.‟”That was the first time in more than 30 years as a job holder that Coleman had heard such words. It helped him understand how a man of his age might feel when he suddenly realized he had lost his job.After two months of working with his hands, Coleman returned from his unusual sabbatical leave, convinced that the experience had been worthwhile. He had some good things to say about people who do hard physical work. “A lot of my co-workers would complain when the work was too heavy,” he said, “but they‟d complain a lot more when there was nothing to do.”He found that pride and satisfaction came chiefly in the form of praise from co-workers. Even though pay was important, what brought the greatest satisfaction was knowing that someone had noticed how a job was being done.Unit 41【原文】A strange thing happened to Henri yesterday. He was on a bus and wanted to get off. So he stood up and rang the bell. To make sure the driver heard him he rang it twice, but the bus didn‟t stop, and the conductor came and shouted at him.The conductor was so annoyed, and spoke so fast, that Henri didn‟t understand a word. The bus stopped at the next bus stop and Henri got off. As he got off he heard someone say, “I think he‟s a foreigner.”When Henri got home, he told his landlady about the incident.“How many times did you ring the bell?” she asked.“Twice,” said Henri.“Well, that‟s the signal for the driver to go on,” his landlady explained. “Only the conductor is allowed to ring the bell twice. That‟s why he got so annoyed.”Henri nodded. “I see,” he said.2【原文】The Taylor family, who live in North London, are planning to spend a day in Norwich. They can‟t agree how to get ther e.Mr. Taylor: I don‟t want to drive all that way. Let‟s go by train.Mrs. Taylor: But that‟s so expensive. It‟s much cheaper for a family to go by car.Peter: Why not try the coach? It‟ll be cheaper than the train, and Daddy won‟t have to drive.Al ison: But I‟ll be sick! I hate traveling by coach.Mrs. Taylor: Which is the quickest way to get there?Mr. Taylor: Well, it‟ll take at least three hours by car.Peter: No, it won‟t. Not if we take the motorway out of London.Alison: I‟m sure there‟s a fast train service.Mrs. Taylor: But we‟ll have to get to Liverpool Street first. And then there‟s the tube fares at this end, and bus or taxi fares at the other.Alison: And the coach station is at Victoria, so that‟s an extra journey too.Mr. Taylor: I t hink there are some special family rail fares. Perhaps that‟ll be the cheapes t way.Peter: But it won‟t be the most convenient.Mrs. Taylor: Why don‟t we check all the facts and then decide?Peter: OK.3【原文】The United States is full of automobiles. There are still many families without cars, but some families have two or even more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a necessary part of life.Cars are used for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school. One mother drives on Mondays, taking her own children and the neighbors‟ children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use of cars4【原文】Mr. Fine: Can anyone in the class explain some differences between a zip code and an area code?Mary: Both of them are numbers.Mr. Fine: That‟s how they are alike. But how are they different?Mary: A zip code is for mailing letters. An area code is for making phone calls,Mr. Fine: What kind of phone calls?Mary: Long distance calls.Mr. Fine: All right. And what is a zip code?Mary: When I write a letter to my friends in New York City, I write 10027 on the envelope.That‟s their zip code. I have some other friends in New York City, but their zip code is10003.Mr. Fine: In a big city there are different zip codes for different parts of the city. What about area codes?Mary: Sometimes a whole small city has the same area code.Mr. Fine: That‟s right. And sometimes a whole state has the same area code if it doesn‟t have many telephones. For example, the area code for the whole state of Arizona is 802. Mary: But New York State has millions of telephones, so it has more than one area code.5【原文】James wrote a play for television about an immigrant family who came to England from Pakistan, and the problems they had settled down in England. The play was surprisingly successful, and it was bought by an American TV company.James was invited to go to New York to help with the production. He lived in Dulwich,which is an hour‟s journey away from Heathrow. The flight was due to leave at 8:30 am, so he had to be at the airport about 7:30 in the morning. He ordered a mini-cab for 6:30, set his alarm for 5:45, and went to sleep. Unfortunately he forgot to wind the clock, and it stopped shortly after midnight. Also the driver of the mini-cab had to work very late that night and overslept.James woke with that awful feeling that something was wrong. He looked at his alarm clock. It stood there silently, with the hands pointing to 12:10. He turned on the radio and discovered that it was, in fact, ten to nine. He swore quietly and switched on the electric kettle.He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when the nine o‟clock pips sounded on the radio. The announcer began to read the news, “... reports are coming in of a crash near Heathrow Airport. A Boeing 707 bound for New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning. Flight number 2234...” James turned pale.6【原文】According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts. (These are also called safety belts.) Many studies of automobile accidents have shown that safety belts can save lives. One study showed that 40 percent of those killed in auto accidents could have been saved if they had been wearing seat belts.Unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers — about 15 percent in cities, and only 9 percent in small towns. And safety belts cannot protect people who do not wear them.In order to find out what kinds of people do wear seat belts a study was made in seven cities in the United States. The following facts were learned about those who use their safety belt:1. They do not smoke while driving.2. They have had more education than non-users.3. They know someone who was injured (but not killed) in an automobile accident.Advertisements based on these facts have been printed in newspapers and magazines in order to teach people the importance of using seat belts. But these advertisements have not helped much. Some people believe there should be a law requiring drivers and passengers to use safety belts. In Australia, where there is such a law, deaths in auto accidents have decreased 24 percent.7【原文】PartⅠ(Telephone ringing constantly. Sound of key turning in lock, door opening.)Miss Brown: (answering telephone) Good morning. Blue Star Travel Agency. Can I help you? Mr. Phillips: Is that you, Miss Brown? I‟ve been ringing the office for 10 minutes. Where have you been?Miss Brown: Sorry, Mr. Phillips. I‟ve just arrived. The traffic was terrible this morning.Mr. Phillips: The traffic is still terrible. I’ve been in a traffic jam for more than an hour. Look after the office until I get there. It may take a long time.Miss Brown: certainly, Mr. Phillips. Good luck.(Sound of hanging up.)(to herself) Thank goodness the boss is late too! The first thing I‟m going to do istake my coat off. Then I‟m going to sit down and have a cup of coffee. I think I‟llswitch the radio on too.PartⅡ(Radio being switched on.)Radio: Here is a message for all motorists. Most major roads leading in and out of London are congested. Motorists should use alternative routes wherever possible. The time isnow 9:30. Here is the local traffic news.Announcer: Heavy rain during the night has flooded parts of the South Circular Road. An articulated lorry has broken down on the M1. Traffic is now only 2 lane and movingvery slowly. Strong winds during the night have blown down a number of trees on theM6 and many sections are not in use. That is the end of the local traffic news. Formore news listen again at 10 o‟clock.(Sound of radio being switched off and door opening.)Betty: (breathless) Hello, Carol. Sorry, but I couldn‟t get here earlier.Miss Brown: Never mind, Betty. Have a cup of coffee and relax.Part III(Door open and slammed. Background of typing.)Miss Brown: Oh, it‟s you Mr. Phillips. We‟ve been worried about you. Are you all right? Would you like a cup of coffee?Mr. Phillips: I‟m going straight to my office. Are my letters waiting for me? Yes, I would. And some biscuits.(Door slams.)Mi ss White: Phew. What‟s the matter with him? Why is he in such a bad mood?Miss Brown: Let‟s make a cup of coffee for him and find out. If you make the coffee, I‟ll sp eak to Mr. Phillips.(Polite knock at door, door opening.)Miss Brown: We‟re making some coffee Mr. Phillips. Would you like to have it with us? You could tell us about your awful journey.(Background sound of cups.)Miss White: Was the traffic bad, Mr. Phillips?Mr. Phillips: Was the traffic bad? We were in traffic jams for three hours. I left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route. For the first time, I used the M4. Never again.That was because of the storms last night. Then the traffic lights were out of order.After that there was a breakdown and.., finally, I ran out of petrol.(Giggles from Miss W. and Miss B. Footsteps. Door slams.)8【原文】Calgary is an oil town. It is home for more than half a million Canadians, and this population may well be much closer to three quarters of a million or more by the end of the century. Downtown Calgary is famous: the tall office buildings in the center of the city were in the “Superman” mov ies. But Calgary is also the home of a very modern transport system, and the Light Rail Transit (LRT) is part of it.The rail system was chosen because the cost of energy is not so great as with a bus system, because it is much easier to carry a greater number of passengers by train than by bus or car, and because the noise and pollution is not so great as with buses and cars.But what is the LRT? It is a 12.5-kilometre route, above and below ground. The light train cars are made in Germany and Canada. In Germany they are made by Siemens in Dusseldorf, and then taken to Canada where final assembly is done in Calgary. Each car is just over 24 metres long,and each train is operated by only one man — the driver. The driver is in a separate cabin, and he can‟t talk to passengers.The trains stop for about 30 seconds at each station, and passengers who want to get in or out must open the doors themselves.Automatic ticket machines are placed on the platforms. Passengers can buy a ticket from these, or they can buy special monthly tickets called zipcards. However, if passengers are caught without a ticket they may get a $25 fine.9【原文】There are far too many road accidents in this country: too many deaths and too many people injured. One wonders who are most to blame: drivers or pedestrians. Some people say that the blame cannot be put fairly without considering the state of the roads and the whole transport system. In crowded cities like London, Birmingham or Manchester, road conditions are so chaotic that both driver and pedestrian often endanger lives through no fault of their own. Such deficiencies as too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of a street, congested parking are all a sure indication of bad road conditions.On the other hand, many experts are convinced that the larger part of the blame for the death toll must be put on persons and persons alone: drivers who drive too fast and without any consideration for others, drivers who think they are safe at the wheel even though they have drunk too much alcohol, drivers who, out of some curious sense of power, are incapable of understanding that their car is a lethal weapon if improperly used. Pedestrians, likewise, must share the guilt: stepping off the pavement without first looking to the left or right, crossing roads when the traffic lights are against them, jumping off a moving bus. To be fair, pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame.One looks forward to the day when the motor car has been replaced by some less dangerous means of transport.10【原文】It‟s a holiday weekend. The police officers were sitting in a hot room receiving instructions from their captain. One of these officers was Ed Williams. He and ten other officers were on special duty. This weekend alone, over 400 people are going to die from accidents caused by drunk drivers. Over 4,000 people are going to receive serious injuries, all caused by drunk drivers. The officers are going to try to prevent these accidents before they happen.Meanwhile, Joe Forest is enjoying himself at a family party. It‟s getting late and he‟s telling his sister that he‟s going to leave. She‟s asking him to stay and wait a few hours before he drives. “Don‟t worry. I‟m going to be fine. I‟m going to drive slowly. I only had a few drinks.”Officer Williams is at a toll booth, watching cars enter the area. A green Ford is approaching, weaving from left to right. Officer Williams stops the car and tells Joe to get out. He asks Joe to walk along the white line. Joe can‟t do it. Joe also fails the breath test. Officer Williams is telling Joe that he‟s going to issue him a summons. And he can‟t drive his car home. Joe calls his sister. She‟s going to come and drive him home.This was Joe‟s first offense. He‟s going to appear in court next week. He is going to receive a $400 fine. The judge is also going to suspend his license for 60 days. This first time, other drivers were lucky. Joe didn‟t kill them. But what about the future, is Joe going to stop drinking and driving?。

全新版第一册听力原文unit1-unit 4

全新版第一册听力原文unit1-unit 4

Unit 1 Part B Talking about studying EnglishAt the gathering ,students in china and some countries. Yang Weiping ,Virginia Wang ,both first year college students are talking about their learning of English.Hello, my na me is Yang Weiping. I’m a freshma n at Peking University, and my major is Chemistry. At college we have to study a foreign language .I choose English because I like to listen to English programs on the radio and TV. I also like British and American pop songs. Someday I hope to visit Britain and the United States. I started learning English several years ago and I’m getting better at it. My favorite activity is listening, especially listening to songs and stories .My big problem, is ,however, speaking. I feel nervous whenever I speak ,and I never seem to know what to say when people talk to me. But I’ve decided to overcome my shyness, and learn to speak English by speaking as much as I can.Hi, my name is Virginia Wang. I’m a library science major at the National Univers ity in Singapore. In our country, English is important. It is one of official languages and you have to be fluent in English to get a good job. I’ve studied English at high school. I’m good at reading because I like learning about new things and new ideas. There are so many books and articles written in English and our textbooks at university are written in English too. I know writing is also very important, but I find it really difficult. When I graduate from university ,I would like a job in the city library where I can read all kinds of new books. Part C 课本上有原文。



Unit 7Task 1【答案】1) They are Emma, Mark and Jane.2) Emma wants a joke book; Mark wants a model train, and Jane wants a radio.3) The joke book costs two pounds fifty. The radio costs twenty-seven pounds ninety-nine pence. We don’t know the exact price of the model train, but it must be very expensive.【原文】Jane: What are you doing Emma?Emma: I’m writing to Father Christmas.Mark: Oh —she’s asking for Christmas presents. What do you want Emma? Emma: Well, I can read now. I like books. So, I want a joke book.Jane: Look. Here’s one in this magazine. It costs two pounds fifty. It’s very nice.Emma: Yes, it is. I know, I can ask Father Christmas to bring presents for you and Mark, too.Mark: Good idea! Well, I like...Jane: Trains! You like trains. We know.Mark: So I want this train. Look. Isn’t it splendid?Jane: Mark, that model train costs...Mark: Yes, Jane, I can see the price, but look at it.Jane: Well, I don’t want a train.Emma: There are some nice dolls.Jane: Oh Emma. I’m fifteen years old. I don’t like dolls. I want a radio for my bedroom. Then I can listen to all my favourite songs.Mark: A radio. Here’s one. Look. It costs twenty-seven pounds, ninety-nine pence. Jane: That’s OK. Right Emma. Finish your letter to Father Christmas. Tell him to put a joke book, a train and a radio in his big sack. And don’t forg et to put the right address on the letter!Task 2【答案】A.1) EmmaShe is going to bed now.2) MarkHe’s having a bath. Now he’s washing his feet and singing a carol.3) JaneShe is putting the last Christmas Cards on the table in the hall.4) Mr. PhillipsHe’s putting all the presents under the tree. He’s thinking about his busy day.5) Mrs. PhillipsShe’s preparing all the food for tomorrow’s mealsB.1) d 2) a 3) c【原文】It’s 8 pm on Christmas Eve. Everyone is happy because tomorrow is Christmas Day. But everyone is busy too. There’s a lot of work to do. Here is the Phillips’ family in their home. What are they all doing?Emma is going to bed now. She’s hang ing up her empty stocking for Father Christmas. She’s thinking of the presents under the tree. She wants to open all her presents now, but she can’t. She must open them in the morning.Mark is in the bathroom. He’s going to a party tonight, so he’s having a bath. Now he’s washing his feet and singing a carol.Jane is putting the last Christmas cards on the table in the hall. She can’t put them in the sitting-room or the dining-room because they are full of cards. She’s listening to the carol-singers.There is no one in the dining-room. It’s empty.Mr. Phillips is in the sitting-room. He’s putting all the presents under the tree. He’s thinking about his busy day. Parents always work hard at Christmas.And where’s Mrs. Phillips? She is working in the kitchen. She’s preparing all the food for tomorrow’s meals. The Christmas pudding is ready, and so is the turkey. Now she is decorating the cake. She’s having a glass of sherry because it’s Christmas.There are some carol-singers in the street. They are singing carols and collecting money for poor people. Now they are knocking on the front door of the Phillips’ house.The church bells are ringing too. Everyone can hear them. And there, in the sky, a. long way away... Who’s that? It’s Father Christmas. He’s driving t hrough the sky in his sleigh. Tonight’s a busy night for him. He’s thinking about all those black chimneys. And he’s looking at a long list of children’s names and addresses. Is Emma Phillips on his list?Task 3【答案】A.read, drew, made, drank, had, flew, went, see, rememberB.1) a, 2) c, 3) b【原文】How much do you remember of the time when you were a child? You got up early every morning and went to school. You read books at school. You drew pictures and made things out of clay. You drank milk every day and ate things that were good for you. Perhaps you had plaits. Perhaps you flew a kite. Perhaps you went abroad for your holidays. You can see photographs of yourself in the family album. They help you to remember the distant past.I remember the Christmas holidays best. It was always cold. The days were very short. The nights were long and dark. It wasn’t a good time of the y ear — except for one thing. I always received presents at Christmas. I can remember the brightlights in the streets. I can remember the big shops and the crowds. My mother always took me to London to see the lights. And she always took me to one of the big shops to meet Father Christmas. This was a special event every year. I always met Father Christmas in a big shop. I always asked for lots of presents and he always brought them for me.Two weeks before Christmas one year, I went to London with my mother. I was five years old at the time. I shall never forget the day. It was cold and dark. But the shop windows were very bright. The streets were full of people. There were crowds in the streets and crowds in the shops. My mother held my hand tightly and we both went into a big shop.It was warm and bright in the shop. We both went upstairs to the toy department. The toy department was full of children. There were lovely toys everywhere: cars, bicycles and planes. Then I saw my old friend at one end of the department store: Father Christmas himself! I pulled my mother by the hand. “Please take me to Father Christmas,” I said. There were lot s of children near Father Christmas. They were standing in a line. Father Christmas spoke to every one of them. At last it was my turn.“Hello, little boy,” he said to me. “Where do you live?”“Don’t you know?” I answered. “You came last year.”I can’t rem ember what Father Christmas answered. But I remember one thing.I was very sad. Father Christmas hadn’t remembered my name. He called me “little boy”. And he hadn’t remembered my address. I got my presents that year, as usual, but it wasn’t the same. Something had changed.Task 4【答案】A. past, future, memories, hopes, fearsB. b【原文】In late October in the northern half of the world, the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It is colder and darker. There is mist and fog, and cold winds blow. The leaves fall from the trees, and their black skeletons stand out against the autumn sky. The year is ending and everything is dying. Winter is coming, with its long dark nights. People stay at home in the evenings and at weekends. Old people remember the past and young people think of the future. It is a time of memories, of hopes and fears. It is the time of Halloween.Halloween marks the end of autumn and the start of winter. In the past this festival was a time of fear. People believed in ghosts and witches and they stayed indoors. On October 31st, Halloween, the ghosts of the dead rose from their graves, and all the witches of the world rode through the sky on their broomsticks. Today this ancient festival is a time for fun, for Halloween parties. You can see ghosts and witches, but they are ordinary people in fancy dress. Everyone eats rich autumn food, pumpkin pie or ginger cake. People make lanterns from pumpkins. And they try to tell the future.Task 5【答案】A.1) There were only seven small houses to live in. So everyone had to squeeze in together. You might have had four or five extra people living with your family. 2) Your house was dark inside. You couldn’t see anything out of the tiny windows because they were made from oiled cloth, not glass.3) The air was full of smoke from the fish-oil lamps and from the big fireplace, where something was cooking all day long.B.1) F, 2) F【原文】What would it be like if you were there on the first Thanksgiving Day? (PartⅠ) What would your house be like?Crowded! There were only seven small houses to live in. So everyone had to squeeze in together. You might have had four or five extra people living with your family.Each house had only one room, called the hall. The hall was your kitchen, bedroom, dining room, and your living room. There was also a loft upstairs, but that was used for storage.The furniture got moved around a lot. When it was time to eat, out came the wooden benches and boards that were used to make a table.At night, the benches and the boards were laced against the walls. Out came the lumpy mattresses, which were laid right on the cold dirt floor.If you were one of the lucky ones, your family might have a real bed. Your parents slept on top and you slept in the “trun dle” bed hidden unde rneath. It was like a big drawer that was pulled out at bedtime.Your house was dark inside. You couldn’t see anything out of the tiny windows because they were made from oiled cloth, not glass.And it was smelly! The air was full of smoke from the fish-oil lamps and from the big fireplace, where something was cooking all day long.Task 6【答案】A.1) Because most of the water in England was polluted in the early 1600s. You could get very sick from it. But beer was safe because it has alcohol in it, and alcohol kills ge rms. So, that’s what people drank every day.2) Doing the laundry was a really big job in those days. First, the women had to make soap out of animal fat and ashes. That took a long time. Then the children had to carry water from the stream, so it could be boiled in big outdoor pots. After everything was washed, the laundry was hung on bushes to dry.B.1) F, 2) F【原文】What would it be like if you were there on the first Thanksgiving Day? (PartII)Did the Pilgrims think drinking beer was wrong?No. The Pilgrims were very religious. They thought it was a sin to get drunk. But they did drink beer. They drank beer because it was safer than water.Most of the water in England was polluted in the early 1600s. You could get very sick from it. But beer was safe because it has alcohol in it, and alcohol kills germs. So, that’s what people drank every day.But their beer was not like the beer today. The women made it at home. There was very little alcohol in it, so you wouldn’t get drunk from drinking it w ith your food.People had beer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They thought it was good for you. Children started drinking it as soon as they were able to hold a cup in their hands.Who had to clean the dishes?Nobody! The Pilgrims didn’t clean their dis hes with soap and water the way we do today. The women and girls just rinsed the pottery bowls, wooden platters, cups, knives, and spoons and put them back on the shelf.Napkins were washed only once a month. You can imagine how dirty they got! But the Pilgrims weren’t bothered by dirt the way we are. They were used to it. And doing the laundry was a really big job in those days.First, the women had to make soap out of animal fat and ashes. That took a long time. Then the children had to carry water from the stream, so it could be boiled in big outdoor pots. After everything was washed, the laundry was hung on bushes to dry.Task 7【答案】Every Saint Patrick’s Day, my whole family has to wear green. If someone does not, then everyone gets to pinch that person! Last year, my grandpa forgot to wear green! He finally found some, so we didn’t pinch him.Every Easter, my Nanny gives my brother and me a small Easter egg with a clue in it. We follow clue after clue until we come to a prize. This is my favourite holiday tradition.My favourite traditional holiday is the Chinese New Year. I like it because my family goes to a Chinese temple in Los Angeles. It is very beautiful and exciting. We get to see Chinese dragons dance on the streets.On the night before Christmas, we go around our town and look at the Christmas decorations on all the houses. While we look at the lights, we eat hot boiled peanuts. When we get home, we read The Polar Express and Christmas story.At our church on Easter, we put a bunch of flowers on a cross out by the road. It turns out very colorful and very beautiful! I love getting my picture taken in front of it. That is my favourite holiday tradition.In India, we have a holiday called Holi. We call our friends, get together, and throw at each other water with paint mixed in it. It is great fun. I love Holi!Task 8【原文】In Japan, New Year’s Day is also celebrated on lst January. At midnight on the last day of the old year, the bells in every Buddhist temple are struck one hundred and eight times. As the sound of the bells dies away, the New Year begins and Buddhists think about ways in which they can live better in the year to come.The theme of water, which is used in baptism to wash away the sins of the world, is also linked with a pre-Christian custom — the tradition of Well-dressing. At one time, the fear of summer drought led people to make offerings to the water spirits, who were thought to live in springs and wells. Decorating wells with flowers, shells, moss and other natural objects depicting a religious subject is an art passed on from father to son in English villages.Each year, on the fifth day of May, Japanese boys look forward to Kodomono-hi or Children’s Day. On this day, families with young boys fly colourful streamers and enormous kites, in the shape of carps, from a large pole in the garden. The streamers and carp kites symbolize a family. The first kite represents the father, the second kite, the mother and the third kite, the children. Inside the houses,families display traditional warrior dolls and bathe the children in iris leaves. The main purpose of this festival is to show young boys the importance of qualities such as strength and determination.Task 9A major festival of the Chinese year is the Dragon Boat Festival or Duanwu Jie. This commemorates the death of a national hero, Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in protest against a corrupt government. It is said that dumplings made of rice, meat and other ingredients were thrown into the river to feed the fish so that they would not eat his body and the water was beaten with paddles to scare off other dangerous creatures in the river. Today, boats decorated with dragon heads and tails compete with each other in a race accompanied by a great deal of drum beating and noise. One of the most colourful Dragon Boat Festivals takes place in Hong Kong where an international boat race has been held in the month of June each year since 1976.The Ferragosto on 15 August is the climax of the Italian holiday season. It is a family occasion that takes place each year on Assumption Day, the day on which the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches celebrate the ascent of the Virgin Mary to Heaven.In Mexico, one of the most important festivals of the year is the Festival of the Dead on All Souls Day. This is both a Christian and an early American Indian celebration at which people light candles in memory of the dead.Task 10【答案】At midnight of Christmas Eve or early in the morning on Christmas, Christians go to church for a special service. On Christmas morning, everyone opens their presents and then it’s time to decorate the table with candles and Christmas crackers. For Christmas dinner people eat roast turkey, roast potatoes, green vegetables and sauces. Then they have Christmas pudding. After dinner they put on paper hats. They read out the jokes from the crackers or play games. At five o’clock pm it’s time for tea and Christmas cake.The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. People visit their relations or go to parties. Or they just spend a quiet day at home. No one works on Boxing Day, After Christmas everyone needs a holiday!。

大学英语听力第一册Unit 4答案

大学英语听力第一册Unit 4答案
Miss White: Was the traffic bad, Mr. Phillips?
Mr. Phillips: Was the traffic bad? We were in traffic jams for three hours. I left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route. For the first time, I used the M4. Never again. That was because of the storms last night. Then the traffic lights were out of order. After that there was a breakdown and.., finally, I ran out of petrol.
Mr. Phillips: The traffic is still terrible. I’ve been in a traffic jam for more than an hour. Look after the office until I get there. It may take a long time.
But what is the LRT? It is a 12.5-kilometre route, above and below ground. The light train cars are made in Germany and Canada. In Germany they are made by Siemens in Dusseldorf, and then taken to Canada where final assembly is done in Calgary. Each car is just over 24 metres long, and each train is operated by only one man — the driver. The driver is in a separate cabin, and he can’t talk to passengers.



Unit 11.Okay, okay, let’s begin. Hello, everyone. My name’s Susan Hudson and I’ll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication.Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the syllabus in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays from 3:15 to 4:50. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class.Uh, this is the text for the class, Beyond Language. Unfortunately, the books haven’t come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to purchase them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroom participation.My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays, and you can set up an appointment to meet with me at other times as well.2.Librarian: Can I help you?Student: Yes. I am a bit confused. My sociology class is supposed to read a chapter in a book called Sociology and the Modern Age. According to the syllabus,the book is in the library, but I haven’t been able to find it.Librarian: Do you have your syllabus with you? May I see it?Student: Yes, uh...I put it in the front of my sociology notebook. Yes, here it is. Librarian: Let me see. Oh yes. Your professor has placed this book on reserve. That means you cannot find it on the shelves in its usual place. You need to goto a special room called the reserve room. It’s down the hall and to theright.Student: I’m sorry—I still don’t understand what you mea n by on reserve. Librarian: You see, your professor wants everyone in the class to read the chapter. If one student removes the book from the library, it is likely that none of theother students will have the opportunity to read it. So, your professor hasinsured that all students have the opportunity to read it by placing it onreserve.Student: So, will I be able to find this book?Librarian: Yes, when a book is on reserve, a student can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for the book. The student can have the book for afew hours, and he or she MUST read it in the library during that time. Thatway, the book stays in the library, and all students have a chance to read it. Student: OK. Thank you. I understand now.Librarian: Will there be anything else?Student: No! I am on my way to the reserve room. Thanks again!3.Hello and welcome to the university library. This taped tour will introduce you to our library facilities and operating hours.First of all, the library’s collection of books, reference materials, and otherresources are found on levels one to four of this building. Level one houses our humanities and map collections. On level two, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals, and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on level three. You can also find back issues of periodicals and journals older than six months on this level. Finally, group study rooms, our microfilm collection, and the multimedia center are located on level four.Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times. There is a 50-cents-a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $15. Periodicals and reference books cannot be checked out.The library is open weekdays, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm. The library is closed on Sundays.4.Randall: Hi Faith. Do you have a minute?Faith: Sure. What’s up?Randall: Well, I just wanted to go over the schedule for Wednesday’s orientation meeting to make sure everything is ready.Faith: Okay. Here’s a copy of the tentative schedule. [Okay.] Now, the registration starts at 8:30 and goes until 9:15. [All right.] Then, the orientation meeting will commence at 9:30.Randall: Okay. Now, we had planned originally for the meeting to go until 10:30, but now we have someone from the international center coming to speak to thestudents on extracurricular activities, so how about ending the meetingaround 11?Faith: Fine. And, uh, then students will take the placement tests from 11:15 until noon [OK.], followed by 20-minute break before lunch. [OK.] And, immediately after lunch, we have reserved a campus shuttle to give students a 45-minute tour starting at 1:30. [Oh. OK.] We want to show students around the university, including the union building, the library, and the student services building.Randall: Great. Now, how about the oral interviews?Faith: Well, we’re planning to start them at 2:15.Randall: Uh, well, teachers are going to be up to their ears in preparations, and they’ll be hard pressed to start then.Faith: Ok, let’s get things rolling around 2:45.Randall: Ok, here, let me jot that down. Uh, could you grab a pen off my desk? Faith: Right. Finding anything on your desk is like finding a needle in a haystack.[Oh, it’s not that bad.] Here, use mine.Randall: OK. And we’ll need 150 copies of this program guide by then.Faith: Hey. That’s a tall order on such short notice! How about lending me a hand to put things together [OK.] by this afternoon so we don’t have to worry about them?Randall: OK. And I think the manager has given the green light to go ahead and use the more expensive paper and binding for the guides this time.Faith: OK. So the interviews will go from 2:45 until, let’s say, 4:30. [OK.] I hopewe can wrap things up by 5.Randall: Great. I think the bottom line is to keep things running smoothly throughout the day.Faith: I agree. I’ll pass this schedule by the director for a final look5.Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?Student: Yes, please. I would want to have some information about the…erm…the courses at Swan School.Recep tionist: Is that a summer course you’re interested in?Student: Yes. Yes, please.Receptionist: Yes. Fine. OK. Well, we have…erm…short intensive full-time courses during the summer.Student: Mm-mm. I would want to know the length of one course. Receptionist: Yes. Each course lasts for three weeks.Student: How many hours per week, please?Receptionist: Well, it’s about 23 hours a week. Usually four and a half days each week.Student: You must have a lot of students in the c lass, haven’t you? Receptionist: We have a lot of students in the school but in the classes only about between 12 and 14 students.Student: 12 and 14. Could you please give me the dates of the first and the second course?Receptionist: Yes, certainly. The first course begins on the 3rd of July and lasts until the 20th of July and the second course is from the24th of July until the 10th of August.Student: What about the fees per course?Receptionist: Yes, each…each course costs £150 plus V AT, which is 15 percent, anda £5 registration fee.Student: And deposit, please?Receptionist: Yes. For each course we need a deposit of £20 and the £5 registration fee.Student: Oh thank you. Do we have to find our…our own accommodation? Receptionist: No, we can do that for you. We have a lady who arranges the accommodation for you with Oxford families.Student: How much does it cost?Receptionist: Well, you can choose to have bed and break fast only which is £20 a week, or bed, breakfast and dinner which is about £27 a week.Student: £27. Thank you very much.Receptionist: You’re welcome.6.Every year, high school juniors and seniors from across the US take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT 1).The SAT 1 is a three-hour exam that tests students’ math and verbal skills. Most universities will not accept students without this test. It is also used to help decide how much financial aid should be given to each student.Scores range from 200 to 800 for each part. There is a total of 1,600 points. Thetest is held every year from October to June. But seniors must take it before December in order to include their scores in their university applications. The average total score for an American high school student is around 1,000.A poor SAT score can prevent a student from going to a good university. Students who want to go to one of America’s best universities, such as Harvard or Yale, must score between 1,430 and 1,600.The test can be taken over and over again, but all the scores will appear on the students’ records. However, unlike Chinese universities, the score is not the only thing needed. American universities also look at a student’s subject gra des, what they do outside of school, and their teachers’ recommendations.In addition to the SAT 1, some universities require high school students to take at least three SAT IIs. These one-hour exams can be taken in any subject, for example chemistry or French.7.Japanese students need 12 years of study before entering universities.They choose the places they want to go and apply before January of their final year. The university entrance exam is a standard nationwide test held every year in January. It provides tests for 31 subjects in six subject areas: Japanese language, geography and history, civics, math, science and a foreign language. All national and public universities, as well as some private ones make use of this exam. But many places also have their own tests in February or later, before the new school year starts in April.In order to pass the exam for the best universities such as the National University of Tokyo, many students attend special preparation schools on top of their regular classes. These extra schools can last for one to two years between high school and university.Although every student has the chance of going to a Japanese university, only 50 percent of high school seniors actually choose further study.8.The School was opened in 1955 and is part of a non-profit-making educational foundation. Its 200 students, from 30-40 countries, work in large, attractive buildings set in extensive, beautiful gardens, within easy reach of the centre of Cambridge, The School has dining rooms, a library, video filming studio, language laboratories, listening and self-access study centres, computers, as well as facilities for tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and football.General English classes are for students aged 17+. Complete beginners are not accepted. Students have classes for 21 hours a week. Other subjects available within the General English timetable include English for Business and English Literature. The cost of tuition, materials and books per term is £1,130. Accommodation is with local families. Lunch is provided in the School Monday to Friday. All other meals are taken with the family. There is a full range of social activities including excursions, discos and theatre-visits. The total cost of all non-tuition services is £670 per term. There are 3 terms of 10 weeks and summer courses of 9 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks.9.This school has a capacity of 220 students. It occupies a 19th century building in a quiet tree- filled square close to Victoria Station in central London.General courses, either in the mornings or afternoons, comprise 15 50-minuteperiods per week. We cater for a wide range of classes from beginners to advanced, enabling us to place students at the level indicated by the special entry test which all students take. There are usually no more than 14 students in a class. In addition to the 15 lessons, there are daily individual laboratory sessions and lectures on life in Britain at no extra costThere are 8 classrooms, a multi-media learning centre, language laboratory, video, computer, lecture hall, canteen. We are open from January to December for courses of 3 to 14 weeks. There is a special 2-week Easter Course and Refresher Courses for overseas teachers of English in summer. Fees are approximately£46 per week for general courses. Accommodation can be arranged with selected families with half board. There is a full social programme and regular excursions.10.This school, founded in 1953, is a non-profit making Charitable Trust. Situated in residential North Oxford, 3 km from the city centre, the College occupies a complex of purpose-built blocks and 14 large Victorian houses providing academic and residential accommodation. Facilities include an excellent library, video room, language laboratories, computer room, science laboratories, assembly hall and coffee bar.A particular benefit for the EFL student is the opportunity to live and study with native English speakers taking the two-year International Baccalaureate course, or courses at university level.All students are encouraged to participate in social and extracurricular activities including sports, horse riding, drama, art, crafts, photography, films, concerts and excursions.Academic Year Courses (21 hours per week) leading to all principal EFL examinations, concentrate on language with selected studies in Literature, Politics, History, Art History, and Computing. Most students live in college houses each supervised by a resident warden, but some prefer family accommodation.Unit 21. 1) They live in Africa and India. They have four legs and a tail. They are very big and very strong. They are intelligent, too. They have a trunk and some of them have tusks. They sometimes live for 70 years.2) They live in Africa and Asia. They are brown. They have arms and legs, but they don’t have a tail. Their arms are very long and they have big ears. They are good climbers. They are very intelligent, too.3) They live in Africa. They are very tall. They have four legs, a tail and a very long neck. They eat leaves and twigs. They can run very fast. They are brown and white.4) They live in very cold countries. They have wings, but they can’t fly. They are good swimmers. They eat fish. They are blue and white or black and white.5) They live in Australia. They are red or gray. They have short front legs, long back legs and a very long tail. The back legs and the tail are very strong. They can run very fast. The females carry their young in a pouch.6) They live in Africa. They have four legs and a tail. They have a beautiful coat withblack and white or brown and white stripes. They eat grass and plants.7) They live in very cold countries. They have four legs. They are very big and very strong. They have a white coat. They can swim. They eat seals and fish.2. The fastest animal on land is the cheetah. It can run at a speed of about 100 kilometres an hour. The fastest bird in the world can fly at 170 km/h, and the fastest fish can swim at more than 100 km/h.Human beings are not very fast. The fastest man in the world can only run at about 40 km/h.Many animals can run faster than this. But most animals run on four legs. Four legs are better than two, aren’t they? Why do we onl y have two legs?Scientists say that we are more intelligent than other animals because we stand on two legs, so we can use our hands for other things. We can pick things up with them. We can use tools. Human beings have used tools for millions of years. That is why our brains have developed. That is why we have become the most intelligent animals in the world.In the past few years, we have made all kinds of machines. We have made cars, ships, aeroplanes and spacecraft. In these machines we can travel faster than any animal—by land, by sea, or by air. We can even go to the moon. No other animal has ever done that!3. A: You know, we’re studying dinosaurs in science class.It’s really interesting.B: Oh, yeah? Hey, have you learned why the dinosaurs disappeared?A: Well, no one knows for sure.B: I thought it had something to do with the climate. The temperature might have gotten cooler and killed them off.A: Yeah, that’s one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food.B: Uh-huh. And you know, there’s even a theory that they could have been destroyed by aliens from outer space.A: That sounds crazy to me!4. For the shortest life, the first prize must go to the mayfly, which typically lives only a matter of a few hours after it emerges from its shell. Few mayflies live to see the sun rise again. These creatures devote their whole lives to a single desperate mission: finding a mate and producing young. They don’t even have functional mouths and stomachs. They simply have no time to eat. In fact they have no time for anything else.The record-holder for the longest life may be the Arctic clam, one of which lived quietly underwater for 220 years. However it did not have any birth certificate to prove this. One could only judge by its growth rings.If you insist on better documentation, the oldest animal ever was probably a tortoise that died in 1918. It had been captured already full-grown in 1766, nine years before the American Revolution began and it died 152 years later as World War I came to a close5. Every year about 17 million animals are used in Laboratory experiments. But in many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the right to use animals in this way?People who are for using animals in research argue that the use of animals in medical research has many practical benefits. Animal research has enabled researchers to develop treatments for many diseases, such as heart disease and depression. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals.Future medical research is dependent on the use of animals. Which is more important: the life of a rat or that of a three-year-old child?Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted animals. Last year, over 12 million animals had to be killed in animal shelters because no one wanted them as pets.However those who are against it point out that the fact that humans benefit cannot be used to justify using animals in research any more than it can be used to justify experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages, and they may be unable to move.Much of the research that is carried out is unnecessary anyway.Animals have the same rights as humans do— to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them. Researchers must find other ways of doing their research, using cell culture and computer modeling. There should be no animals in research laboratories at all.6. Visitors to the National Zoo in Washington D. C. can see three new young tigers. The rare babies met the public for the first time late last month. Chip O’Neal tells us about them.The mother tiger sat nearby on the grass as her babies rolled, chased and bit each other playfully. Then Korenchy also jumped into the games. Her cubs were born at the zoo four months ago. They are called Mike, Eric and Chrisy. The new young tigers at the National Zoo each weigh about 13 kilograms. Their fur is dark orange with black stripes. They eat horse meat and drink milk from Korenchy.Korenchy and her babies are Sumatran tigers. Sumatran tigers came from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. They are now in danger of disappearing from the earth. Fewer than 500 of these tigers remain in the world. That includes about 60 living in zoos in North America.Korenchy came to the National Zoo from the Jakarta Zoo in Indonesia. The girl was part of the Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Program. Korenchy has given birth to live cubs three tines. The father of her new cubs is Rokan, a Sumatran tiger who arrived two years ago from another zoo. Korenchy and Rokan had their babies the natural way instead of the scientific method often used to produce young animals in zoos.A wire fence separates Rokan from his babies. Zoo workers who care for Rokan say he reaches through the fence to wash the cubs with his tongue. They say this means he recognizes Mike, Eric and Chrisy as his cubs. However, zoo officials are hoping that Rokan will produce more cubs with another female Sumatran tiger at the zoo, so they do not want him to become too interested in this family.The National Zoo hopes to keep the Sumatran tiger cubs for at least 18 months beforesending them to other zoos. That is about the age when most tiger cubs in the wild leave their mothers. The National Zoo has placed cameras in the Sumatran tigers’ living area, so people with computers can see them. To do this, use your computer to find the National Zoo’s Website at www. /natzoo.7. An old expression says, “Man’s best friend is his dog.” Today, however, it seems that cats have replaced dogs as the most popular pets in American homes.Americans have more than 62 million pet dogs. But even more cats— more than 64 million — live in American homes.These pet cats may have long hair or short hair. They are different colors and sizes. Some are costly animals that take part in competitions. Many more are common American mixtures of several kinds of cats.Most house cats live a good life. They are not expected to work for their food. Instead, they rule their homes like furry kings and queens. They wait for their owners to serve them.Americans are increasingly serious about their cats. These concerns have made the care of cats into big business.Each year, cat owners buy tons of food especially prepared for cats. They buy toys and other equipment. They buy jewelry and clothes for themselves with images of cats on them. Some owners even bury their dead pets in special burial grounds.Humans have loved and respected cats for centuries. Scientists have evidence that cats and people lived together as long as 8000 years ago. The small house cat was once a highly honored animal. In ancient Egypt, for example, people who killed a cat could be punished by death.Early in American history cats were not treated as gods, however. They probably arrived in the United States with settlers and traders from Europe. These cats worked. They killed rats and mice.Sometimes, Americans mistreated their cats. During the early days of the nation, religious extremists believed that some cats were working for the devil. Black cats were especially suspected of being evil.Later, American families who had enough food began taking cats into their homes. People cared for the cats because the animals gave them pleasure. The cats thanked people for feeding them by making a purring sound. This pleasant noise usually means a cat is happy.Animal experts offer several reasons why cats have become so popular as house pets. They say cats need less care than dogs. And cats do not seem to suffer as much as dogs from being alone if the owners are away.Still, millions of other people do not like cats at all. They say dogs are better and more loving pets. They say cats do not have much feeling. They believe cats stay with people only to be fed. Cat owners defend their pets against such criticism. They say cats are just much more independent than dogs.A student of animal medicine explains the situation this way: dogs follow you around — they want you to talk to them and play with them a lot of the time. Cats like more space and more privacy — this does not mean they do not love their owners.。



Task 4【答案】1) The mayfly. A few hours.2) They just do two things: finding a mate and producing young.3) We could judge by its growth rings.4) It was kept for 152 years.Task 5【答案】A.People have different opinions on using animals for research.B.1) fora. was tried first on animals.b. is dependent onc. using unwanted animals.2) againsta. sufferb. unnecessaryc. the same rights3)a. cell cultureb. computer modeling.Task 6【答案】A.1) No.2) Because zoo officials want him to produce cubs w ith another female tiger, so they don’t want him to become too interested in this family.B.1) four months2) 13 kilograms3) horse meat, their mother’s milk.4) the National Zoo’s WebsiteC.1) c, 2) c, 3) bTask 7【答案】A.1) Cats have been more popular, because there are more pet cats in American homes.2) About 8,000 years3) They probably arrived in the United States from Europe.4) No.B.1)a) food especially prepared for catsb) other equipmentc) with images of catsd) in special burial grounds2)a) pleasureb) carec) being aloned) independentC.1) F, 2) F, 3) T, 4) F, 5) FTask 8【答案】Little Steve has a pet rabbit, Bunny. He plays with it every day after school. One day his mother sees that her little boy is holding Bunny by the ears. From time to time he gives the poor rabbit an angry shake and says: ―How much is two plus two?‖―Steve,‖ says his mother, ―Why do you treat your poor little Bunny that way?‖―Well,‖ explains Steve angrily, ―Our teacher says that rabbits multiply very quickly, but this dummy can’t even add.‖Task 9【答案】Most mammals live on land, but not all of them. Millions of years ago, some mammals went back to the sea and lived there. The legs of these animals disappeared, and after a long time they looked like fish. These animals became whales and dolphins.Whales and dolphins are still like other mammals in many ways. They are warm-blooded and they breathe air. They also have big brains. That is why they are more intelligent than fish. Whales have the biggest brains in the world. Their brain is bigger than the brain of a human being.Unit 3Task 1【答案】1) Her hobby is sky-diving. She jumps from an aeroplane and falls through the air. She opens her parachute only when she is very close to the ground.2) He wants to organize a band.3) To win.Task 2【答案】A.1) F, 2) F, 3) T, 4) TB.She was taught where to sit in the aeroplane, how to jump out, how to guide the parachute, and how to land safely on the ground.Task 3【答案】A.1) a, 2) cB.a – c – bTask 4【答案】A.Name: Matthew TreharneAge: 10Hometown: Cambridgeshire, in the east of EnglandAward: a black belt for karateTime of getting this award: this summerTime of starting practicing karate: 6 years agoReason practicing karate: He liked it and he wanted to be strongOther sport he plays: football and rugbyB.1) He gives his karate shows near his home in Cambridgeshire.2) He gives the money away.3) It was used to buy a heart ventilator, a special machine for people with weak hearts.Task 5【答案】1) On the wall. In his bath.2) They are constellations.3) Texas.4) Through writing, she could express herself and get her troubles out. She could write about things she is reluctant to say in front of people or some serious matters.5) The first prize in inter-school competitions.Task 6【答案】A.1) a, 2) b, 3) aB.1) F, 2) TTask 7【答案】A.1) b, 2) dB.1) Because the man was fishing in a small pool of rain-water about five centimeters deep.2) Joe also thought that he was out of his mind and he pitied him.3) He was trying to catch some people who are willing to offer him free drinks.4) Eight.Task 8【答案】A.1) d, 2) a, 3) bB.1) F, 2) FTask 9【答案】1) In the United States a university professor is granted a few months of freedom from his duties approximately every seventh year for travel or advanced study. This period of freedom from teaching is called a ―sabbatical‖ leave.2) Some of the usual duties of a college president are giving speeches, dealing with the government and taking part in various social activities.3) Dr. Coleman started his sabbatical leave on a farm in Canada, hundreds of miles from his college. Getting up at 4:30 each morning, working 13 hours a day in fields and barns, he prepared himself physically for his next job, digging ditches, in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, the college president washed dishes in a Boston restaurant. During the last ten days of his leave, he worked as a garbage collector.By doing the hard manual labor, Dr. Coleman wanted to remind himself of the common things about people. Therefore he could com to life with the fact that he was just the same as everyone else, not the ―powerful‖ person he might think himself to be after being the college president for too long.4) After two months of working with his hands, Coleman returned from his unusual sabbatical leave, convinced that the experience had been worthwhile. He had some good things to say about people who do hard physical work. He found that pride and satisfaction came chiefly in the form of praise from co-workers.Unit 4Task 1【答案】1) He stood up and rang the bell.2) He wanted to make sure that the driver heard him.3) The conductor came and shouted at him.4) The landlady told him that’s the signal for the driver to go on and only the conductor was allowed to ring the bell twice. That’s why the conductor got so annoyed.Task 2【答案】1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) F, 5) T, 6) TTask 3【答案】A.of, without, of,for, to, by, to, to, intofrom, withon, in, around, aboutB.1) school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When their children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school.2) they can save gasoline and it is easier for them to find parking places3) too many cars are on the road and have created many problemsTask 4【答案】1) T, 2) F, 3) T, 4) FTask 5【答案】A.1) c, 2) b, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b, 8) cB.1) would have got up on time2) would have woken up James3) would have been on the plane that crashed4) would have lost his life in the crashTask 6【答案】A.1) 1964, the United States2) safety belts3) 404) about 155) 24B.1) They do not smoke while driving.2) They have had more education than non-users.3) They know someone who was injured (but not killed) in an automobile accident.C.the importance of using seat belts in drivingTask 7【答案】A.1) Miss Brown.2) Mr. Phillips was Miss Brown’s boss.3) He sounded very angry.4) He had been in a traffic jam for more than an hour.B.1) congested2) alternative routes3) South Circular Road4) broken down5) blown down, in useC.1)T, 2)F, 3)F, 4)F, 5)T1) He left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route.2) The traffic lights were out of order because of the storms last night.3) After that there was a breakdown.4) He ran out of petrol.5) He was in traffic jams for three hours.Task 8【答案】A.1) b, 2) a, 3) cB.a) It was chosen because the cost of energy is not so great as with a bus system.b) It was chosen because it is much easier to carry a greater number of passengers by train than by bus or car.c) It was chosen because the noise and pollution are not so great as with buses and cars.C.1) 12.5, above and below2) Germany, Canada3) Calgary4) 245) only one man6) separate7) 30 seconds8) open the doors themselves.9) automatic ticket machines (placed) on the platforms, zipcards10) get a $25 fineTask 9【答案】A.1) deaths and people injured2) drivers, pedestrians, and road conditions3) may cause drivers and pedestrians endanger lives through no fault of their own4) too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of a street, and congested parking5)a) drive too fast and without any consideration for othersb) think they are safe at the wheel even though they have drunk too much alcoholc) out of some curious sense of power, are incapable of understanding that their car is a lethal weapon if improperly used6)a) step off the pavement without first looking to the left or rightb) cross roads when the traffic lights are against themc) jump off a moving busB.Pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame for road accidents.Task 10【答案】1) 11, 2) Over 400, 3) Over 4,000, 4) $ 400, 5) 60 daysB.1) Most people are going to die from accidents caused by drunk drivers.2) Joe’s sister is worried because it’s getting late and he is drunk.3) The green Ford that Joe is driving is weaving from left to right.4) When Officer Williams asks Joe to walk along the white line, he can’t do it. Joe also fails the breath test.5) He’s going to appear in court next week. He is going to receive a $400 fine. The judge is also going to suspen d his license for sixty days.C.enjoying, family party, leave, stay, wait, drives, fine, slowly, had, drinksUnit 5Task 1【答案】A.1) a, 2) aB.1) T, 2) FTask 2【答案】A.1) c, 2) b, 3) aB.1) F, 2) FTask 3【答案】A.1) b, 2) cB.1) T, 2) F, 3) FTask 4【答案】ation del Sol, Spain eer PersonSpan k s ksmeals a day entioned t by the touristsmmodation ain farmhouses y hotels oatl Features fresh air weather air, plenty of sun and sailing activitTask 5【答案】A.1) F, 2) T, 3) T, 4) FB.1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) aC.family, 660, camping, 1499, first-class, swimming pool, night clubTask 6【答案】1) a, 2) b, 3) c, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c【原文】Two people were having dinner in the Waverley restaurant. Here is their conversation:Man: Are you enjoying your meal?Woman: I thought the soup was very nice.Task 7【答案】A.1) b, 2) d, 3) aB.Seven. He lost his way in the forest. He burned his steak. He was woken up by the noises made by the people next to him and couldn’t go back to sleep. The pouring rain soaked his tent and he ended up sleeping in his small car. He had all the food stolen. His car was stuck in the mud and he had a flat tire on his way home.Task 8【答案】1) It is beautiful and peaceful. There is food — fish, coconut and wild bananas. There is fresh water, too.2) The civilized life is too complicated. And the traveling also makes Buck sick.3) The weather is bad. The food is dull. The fresh water is not enough. There are too many insects. He has nobody to talk to and no books to read.4) Some matches, some insecticide, some modern tools such as a good axe, a saw, a hammer and some nails and a radio.Task 9【答案】A.1) c → e → a → b → d2) c → a → bB.1) F, 2) T, 3) T, 4) FUnit 6Task 1【答案】but not very small, the centre of the city, pets, dream of, living room, floors, bedrooms, dark, hobbies, swimming poolTask 2【答案】A.1) kitchen, bathroom, hall2) shops3) central heating112 pounds, first, Mary Jones, 41, 40414B.1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) FTask 3【答案】1) b, 2) c, 3) d, 4) dTask 4【答案】1) Electricity comes through an underground cable. Then a thin cable enters our home through a fuse box and a meter.2) The meter counts the units of electricity.3) No. Because they are normally under the floors or in the walls.4) Usually for refrigerators, cookers, water heaters and washing machines.Task 5【答案】1) b, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) cTask 6【答案】1) The Kienasts’ Housing Problem.2) It means five Children born of the same mother at the same time.3) They were too small to leave the hospital.4) T hey decided to add some extra rooms to the Kienasts’ house.5) 12.6) No. The neighbors want to help them.Task 8【答案】A.Social and economic, America’s housing system1.1) smaller houses or apartments2) rental housing3) cooperatives2. the rising energy prices1) cities2) less to heat and light3) underground3. economic factors1) the cost of houses getting higher and higher2) higher interestB.1) It is a way of solving housing problem and helping keep the cost low. In the cooperative, everyone buys a share of an apartment building. If a low-earning requirement is met, the buys can get a low-interest loan from the government.2) During the day, heat from sunlight is collected through windows on the south side of the house. At night, the windows are covered, and the collected warmth heats the home.Task 9【答案】A.1) Debate on Radio Time.2) Four guests are in the studio. James and Alice are from Sheffield; David and Louise are from a small village in Yorkshire.3) The topic is how living in town compares with living in the country.B.s gainst town life nsin town)much to do;many places to go;d public transport;ng near school and friends.t in town)fresh air;y with traffic;y;gerous roads.t in the country)er to nature, quieter;ndly people;traffic, more fresh air.in the country);quiet;lace to play;gerous drivers;ance from friends and clubs;public transport.Task 10【答案】First speaker:point ter to live in a village.ant arguments ndly people, a lot of fresh air, healthier life, close to natureable for his work as a writerSecond speaker:point ter to live in a city.ant arguments e going ond for her career (actress), more cinema, theatre, and other entertainmente open-minded peopleer shops and storesThird speaker:point ter to live in a village.ant arguments r (less crime and less traffic)aper (rent, house price)cefulFourth speaker:point e her husband’s idea of buying a home in a village.ant arguments practicalfar from the children’s schoolTask 11【答案】to, are, of, is, in, for, to, to, of, or, of, toUnit 7Task 1【答案】1) They are Emma, Mark and Jane.2) Emma wants a joke book; Mark wants a model train, and Jane wants a radio.3) The joke book costs two pounds fifty. The radio costs twenty-seven pounds ninety-nine pence. We don’t know the exact price of the model train, but it must be very expensive.Task 2【答案】A.1) EmmaShe is going to bed now.2) MarkHe’s having a bath. Now he’s washing his feet and singing a carol.3) JaneShe is putting the last Christmas Cards on the table in the hall.4) Mr. PhillipsHe’s putting all the presents under the tree. He’s thinking about his busy day.5) Mrs. PhillipsShe’s preparing all the food for tomorrow’s mealsB.1) d 2) a 3) cTask 3【答案】A.read, drew, made, drank, had, flew, went, see, rememberB.1) a, 2) c, 3) bTask 4【答案】A. past, future, memories, hopes, fearsB. bTask 5【答案】A.1) There were only seven small houses to live in. So everyone had to squeeze in together. You might have had four or five extra people living with your family.2) Your house was dark inside. You couldn’t see anything out of the tiny windows because th ey were made from oiled cloth, not glass.3) The air was full of smoke from the fish-oil lamps and from the big fireplace, where something was cooking all day long.B.1) F, 2) FTask 6【答案】A.1) Because most of the water in England was polluted in the early 1600s. You could get very sick from it. But beer was safe because it has alcohol in it, and alcohol kills germs. So, that’s what people drank every day.2) Doing the laundry was a really big job in those days. First, the women had to make soap out of animal fat and ashes. That took a long time. Then the children had to carry water from the stream, so it could be boiled in big outdoor pots. After everything was washed, the laundry was hung on bushes to dry.B.1) F, 2) FTask 7【答案】ren’s No. ays ay Traditionsrick’s Day whoever does not wear greenthe cluesse New Year g dragonsmas boiled peanuts and read The Polar Expresste the crossul water thrown at friendsTask 8【答案】hs als rating Country ties for Celebrationy Ye ar’s Day g the bellsressing ting wells with flowers, shells, moss and othesmono-hi streamers or kites, displaying traditional warrthing the childrenTask 9【答案】als rating Country ties for Celebrationn Boat Festival g dumplings of rice, meat and other ingredients &ompetitionosto ly occasion celebrating the ascent of Virgin Mnal of the Dead o g candles in memory of the deadUnit 8Task 1【答案】1) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation2) Association of Southeast Asian Nations3) European Union4) Food and Agriculture Organization5) International Atomic Energy Agency6) International Labour Organization7) International Monetary Fund8) North American Free Trade Agreement9) World Health Organization10) World Trade OrganizationTask 2【答案】1) recently attacked an elementary school2) have begun hunting crocodiles3) planting gardens on the tops of buildings4) resettle more than 125,000 people5) help rebuild Afghanistan6) 11 million dollars in aid for the Asian nation7)India has more than one billion people8) China’s population has increased to more than one billion two hundred millionTask 3【答案】News Item 1A.1) b, 2) c, 3) d, 4)aNews Item 2B.Lead: Thousands of demonstrators have forced the cancellation of the opening ceremony at the World Trade Organization meeting in the American city of Seattle, Washington.1) Ministers from 135 WTO member countries2) police, demonstrators3) big businesses, workers, the environment4) aid to farmers, labor rules, trade taxesC.1) They accused the WTO of protecting the interests of big business at the expenses of those of workers and the environment.2) The WTO is criticized by both poor countries and disadvantaged groups in the Western World. In News Item 1, the WTO faces the criticism particularly from developing countries that demand more concessions from developed nations in trade talks. In News Item 2, the WTO was accused of protecting the interests of big business at the expenses of those of workers and the environment.3) Yes. Throughout history, rich people and developed countries have benefited most from the existing international trade arrangements. Now it’s time for them to give more considerations for poor countries and people.As a leading actor in the process of globalization, the WTO should do more to reduce its negative impact on the poor and the environment.Task 4【答案】Mexico, 1989, America, economies, community, 21, two and one half thousand million, almost half, joint statement, terrorism, security, goodsTask 5【答案】A.1) Computer products, and particularly an operating system.2) The judge ruled that Microsoft company has acted a monopoly.3) Monopoly means blocking competition from other companies to gain control of the market.4) People who buy computer products.B.1) more than 500, 000 million2) operating3) the 9th4) blocking/ending/stopping5) harmedTask 6【答案】A.1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) T, 5) T, 6) TB.Judge Jackson’s rulings1) misusing, computer programs2) two smaller businessesThe Federal Appeals Court’s ruling s1) block competition2) reconsider3) fair/being fair, Microsoft and Bill GatesLegal e xperts’ comments1) the Federal government, Microsoft2)a) The Supreme Courtb) a new trial, the unresolved legal questionsc) negotiations, privatelyBill Gates’ responsethe situation, solutionProspects1) an agreement2) punished, pay moneyTask 7【答案】News Item 1A.1) It will send Destiny into Orbit.2) It is a scientific research laboratory.3) Destiny is the most technologically complex research center ever put into space.4) Over one billion dollars.5) It will last eleven Days.6) The will make three walks in space to attach the laboratory to the International Space Station’s Control Centre.News Item 2B.News Lead: The first laboratory has been connected to the International Space Station.1) launched, Wednesday, February 7th2) Destiny3) mechanical arm4) a linking device5) protective clothing, complete work.Task 8【答案】110 stories, employing, desks, collapse, figures, recovered, crashed, dead, searching, 800Task 9【答案】A.released, number one, terrorist attack, The RisingB.Titles Descriptions (themes, contents, etc.)are Missing‖rhaps the saddest one on the album, which is about the unbearable pain a lady and her chilencing when they see the many things that belonged to her husband, a victim in the terrorist he Fire‖out one of the hundreds of police, firefighter, and rescue workers who died in the attacks. Ie and sense of duty he showed that day.y S kies‖ribes the desire to strike back that a person feels after a senseless loss. It is a personal sthan a political one.Rising‖als to listeners to come together and heal each other.Task 10【答案】News Item 1A.1) A four-year exhibition of the work of the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh has opened in Amsterdam.2) It is one of his early drawings in water color, pencil and ink, depicting a woman carrying a child along a windswept road.3) A German art dealer acting for an anonymous collector.4) In 1883.News Item 2B.movie industry, directing, editing, released, Oscar, metals, statue, weighs, priceless, offers, earningUnit 9Task 1【答案】1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b, 6) a, 7) c, 8) b, 9) a, 10) bTask 2【答案】Name Age Position Feeling Reasonsle‖sework; go shopping; be nice to her younger brother and sisterest it.‖ed earlier; less pocket money; smaller room; ―No one ever listen to me.‖orst place of all‖ecial; wear old clothes and use old schoolbag of older sister; no presents whir hasTask 3【答案】1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b, 6) a, 7) cTask 4【答案】1) F, 2) T, 3) T, 4) F, 5) F, 6) FTask 5【答案】1) b, 2) c, 3) b, 4) b, 5) aTask 6【答案】1) They never interfered with her plans too much and she was allowed to take up the career she wanted.2) She became independent financially. But she still stays with her parents a lot.3) Yes.4) She doesn’t always get along well with her parents.5) They treat her as a child and they try to control her.Task 7【答案】A. dB.1) A writer for the ―Agony Column‖ in Flash magazine.2) Fifteen in two months’ time.3) Manchester.4) Quite a rough city.5) Christine.Task 8【答案】1) F, 2) T, 3) F, 4) F, 5)FTask 9【答案】holding a job, even tougher, playing cops and robbers, shot, yelled, slumped to the ground, ran over, had been hurt in the fall, bent over, It’s the only chance I get to restTask 10【答案】A.1) turn off the television2) feed the cat3) wash up dishes4) dry the dishes5) put away the dishes6) tidy the kitchen7) put out the cat8) lock all the doors9) turn out all the lightsB.1) She said she was going up to bed.2) She was sitting up in bed reading a book and eating chocolates.3) A gate banging downstairs.4) He had to go to shut the garden gate.Task 11【答案】1) b, 2) c, 3)a, 4)b, 5) bTask 12【答案】Main idea: are becoming more and more diverse1) Horizon Research Group, families in China’s cities are becoming more and more divers e, several generations under the same roof, a double-income-no-kids (DINK) family2)a) 48 percent, 1997, 37 percentb) one-person, linear, generational, 7.2 percent, 1 percentage point, six years agoc) 6.8 percent, 3.9 percentage pointsd) a married couple living with their parents, three generations, 6.4 percentage points, 49 percente) cohabitation, celibacy3) pluralistic society, diverse values, 1980s, 10,000, 60,000a 38-year-old businessman, a graphic designer, their two-person family is one of the happiest inthe world, have so many plans to do things together, we are two kids who like playing together, satisfied with, bother with children。



I had two months until my new job began. It was like waiting an entire summer for school to start. I spent those two months talking to figure skating coaches and judges. I read boring rule books. I drove to the rinks where the skaters trained, and made notes about our conversations. I even took a lesson, which made some of the skaters laugh.Unit 6Task 1【答案】A.[d]—[b]—[a]—[e]—[c]B.a【原文】Laura usually leaves the offices of Quest Productions at about 5 o'clock, but last Monday she left at 5:30. She wanted to get home by 6:30 and she ran to the bus stop but she couldn't get on a bus. There were too many people and not enough buses. Laura was desperate to get home so she decided to go by tube.In the station she went to one of the automatic ticket machines but she didn't have enough change, so she had to join the queue at the ticket window. She bought her ticket and ran to the escalator. Laura went to the platform and waited for the tube. It arrived andthe crowd moved forward.Laura was pushed into the train. It was almost full but she was given a seat by a man with a moustache. Laura thanked him and sat down. She started to read her newspaper. In the tunnel the train stopped suddenly and Laura was thrown to the floor together with the man with the moustache. Somebody screamed. The lights went out. It was quarter past 6 on a cold, wet December evening.Task 2【答案】A.1) a 2) b 3) d 4) cB.1) T 2) T 3) FC.wondered; television plays; exciting; every cigarette lighter; tape recorder; held in a certain way; the touch of a gold ring against the hand of; reveal; How wrong they were【原文】X was a secret agent. He had rented a furnished room in a provincial town not far from the public park and had been there two weeks. He was standing at the window looking out at the dull beds of geraniums, the park gates and the cold, uninviting statue of QueenVictoria that stood across the street from him, It was raining hard and the few people who passed by looked wet and miserable. X was miserable, too. How, he wondered, could anybody think there was anything interesting about the life of a secret agent He knew it was because people had seen so many television plays about glamorous spies that they thought the life of a secret agent was exciting. They were convinced that every cigarette lighter concealed a secret tape recorder; that a fountain pen held in a certain way would open a locked door, that the touch of a gold ring against the hand of an enemy would make him reveal all his secrets. How wrong they were! He looked round his room. The wallpaper was in the worst possible taste, the pictures horrible, the carpet worn, dirty and faded; and he was cold. This was the third Monday he had come to the window to look out. He prayed it would be the last.As if in answer to his prayer, a certain meeting he had been sent to investigate was about to take place. He took out his camera. Just beneath the statue two women had stopped to speak. He knew one of them, and it was she who pointed in his direction. The other woman looked up towards him and in that brief moment he photographed her.Task 3【答案】A.B.1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) d【原文】Harry: Well, Robert, have you made up your mind yet what you want to do when you leave collegeNora: Oh Harry. Surely he's a bit young to decide on his career. He hasn't even got to college yet.Harry: Not at all, Nora. It's wisest to decide in good time. Look at me, for example. I really wanted to be a sailor, but nowI spend my days sitting at a desk in an office. Yes, it's sillyto train for the wrong job. And after all, Robert will be going to college soon.Nora: Now if I were a man I'd be a farmer. To see the crops growing--that's my idea of a good life.Harry: Yes, and to see the money rolling in is more important still. Robert: Well, that's not the way I look at it, Dad. It's the job I care about, not the money.Harry: Maybe not; but you'll learn to care about the money too, when you've got a family to keep.Nora: And of course Peter —well, he's keen to be a racing driver, or else an explorer.Robert: Oh, Peter's not old enough to make up his mind about such things.Harry: You haven't answered my question yet, Robert. What would you like to doNora: Are you sure you don't want to be a farmer, Robert Or a market gardenerRobert: No, I'm sorry Mum, but I don't want to at all. I'd rather be a civil engineer. I want to build roads and bridges.Harry: Not ships Isn't it better to be a shipbuilding engineer Robert: Look here, is it my career we're planning, or yoursHarry: All fight, all right, there's no need to lose your temper.But you'd better win that scholarship first.Task 4【答案】I. correspondents; columnistA. may not need eitherB. to go to places where events take place and write stories aboutthemII. first; bigger; better; who will soon leave to work for other peopleIII. working hours; free time; work long hours to begin with【原文】Here are some of the things a young man or woman should not do when he first asks an editor for a job:He should not tell the editor that he wants to be a foreign correspondent or a columnist. Very probably the editor does not need either. He wants a reporter who will go to such places as government offices and police stations and write a true story of what is happening there. Being a foreign correspondent or a columnist will come later.A young person should not tell tile editor that newspaper work is only the first step on the way to bigger and better jobs, such as those in government. The editor must take a lot of time and trouble teaching someone to be a good newspaperman or woman. He does not like the idea of teaching people who are soon going to leave him to work for someone else.A young journalist should accept the working hours and free time the editor gives him. As a new journalist, it is very probable that he will work longer hours than others and work on weekends.The editor did the same when he was a young newspaperman with no experience. He expects a journalist to understand how things are on a newspaper.Task 5【答案】A.1) acd 2) abeB.1) she is the wrong sex 2) she wears the wrong clothes【原文】SYLVIA: We've got a new manager in our department.LARRY: Oh You hoped to get that job, didn't you?SYLVIA: Yes, I did.LARRY: I'm sorry. That's too bad. Who is it Who got the job, I mean?SYLVIA: Someone called Drexler. Carl Drexler. He's been with the company only two years. I've been here longer. And I know more about the job, too!LARRY: Hmm. Why do you think they gave it to him and not to you?SYLVIA: Because I'm the wrong sex, of course !LARRY: You mean you didn't get the job because you're a woman?SYLVIA: Yes, that was probably it! It isn't fair.LARRY: What sort of clothes does he wear?SYLVTA: A dark suit. White shirt. A tie. Why?LARRY: Perhaps that had something to do with it.SYLVIA: You mean you think I didn't get the job because I come to work in jeans and a sweater?LARRY: It's possible, isn't it?SYLVIA: Do you really think I should wear different clothes?LARRY: Well. . . perhaps you should think about it.SYLVTA: Why should I wear a skirt Or a dress?LARRY: I'm not saying you should. I'm saying you should think about it. That's all!SYLVIA: Why should I do that I'm good at my job! That's the only important thing!LARRY: Hmm. Perhaps it should be the only important thing. But it isn't. Not inthis company.Task 6【答案】A.B.1st speaker(bcd) 2nd speaker(ae)C.1) F 2) F【原文】Al: Is this the right line to file a claimBob: Yeah. It's the same line for everything. You just stand here and wait.Al: Oh. Is there always such a long lineBob: Every week. Sometimes longer. Is this your first time here Al: Yes.Bob: What happened Your plant closed downAl: No. I'm a car salesman, or, I was a car salesman. But we just aren't selling cars. It's the interest rates. Two years ago,I averaged ten new cars a month. Do you know how many cars Isold last month One. One car to a lady who had the cash. But the interest rates are up again. The boss let three of us go.How about youBob: I worked at a vacuum cleaner plant with about fifty workers.We put in a good day's work. But the machinery was getting old.As a matter of fact, the whole plant was old. So the management decided to build a new plant. You know where In Singapore. The workers here made about seven dollars an hour, a couple of people made eight or nine an hour. You know how much they're paying the workers in Singapore $ an hour! Anyway, all fifty of us got laid off.Al: How long ago was thatBob: They closed down ten months ago.Al: Any luck finding another jobBob: Nothing. I have one, sometimes two, interviews a week. Last week I thought I had something. They liked my experience with machines. But I never heard from them again.Al: At least you know something about machines. All I can do is talk.Bob: Maybe you'll talk yourself into another job. Good luck. I'll see you here next week.Al: I hope not. I hope I'll have something by then.Task 7【答案】A.1) F 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) FB.1) According to the first speaker, it is frustrating because the teacher cannot see clearly the results of his efforts.2) According to the second speaker, English language teaching isa good job, because it guarantees a stable income and regular working hours and means less pressure. He also likes the way elderly teacher are.【原文】Interviewer: Do you prefer what you're doing to teaching?John Smith: Yes, one of the things I found a bit frustrating about teaching was that it was rather,very intangible than um, especially if you're teaching in England and most of the students know quite a lot of English before they arrive. They learn a lot of English outside the classroom, in pubs or coffee shops or other places, with the families they're living with. It's very difficult to pin down how much they learn from your actual lesson, whereas in marketing um, again there are lots of areas that are gray rather than black or white, but there are quite a few other areas where one can see quite clearly the results of one's efforts.Interviewer: What did you do after you quit your job in advertising Second Man: In fact, I became a journalist and I worked as a freelance.I didn't have a full-time job with any newspaper. I justhad to contribute things as they came along and 1 wrotefor magazines, and I did quite a lot of broadcasting forthe VOA. Well, this was in a way the opposite ofadvertising because I enjoyed it a lot but I found itvery hard to earn enough money to live on.Interviewer: And then you decided to be a teacherSecond Man: Well, and so I thought. Well, I must do something which produces an income that I can be sure of. While I wasworking as a journalist I had done an article for amagazine about the English language teaching world andm fact I had come to the school where I now teach as ajournalist and interviewed a lot of the people. And Ithought it seemed a very nice place and I thought thatthe classes I visited had a very, very nice feeling aboutthem, and so I thought, well, I'll see if they'll haveme.Interviewer: Why do you prefer teaching to advertisingSecond Man: Well, partly because in teaching you work regular hours.It I advertising you just had to stay at the office untilthe work was finished [I see.] and it could be threeo'clock in the morning. [Oh, dean] Also you were veryoften made to work at weekends. Often some job would comeup that was very important and they said it had to befinished — it had to go into the newspapers next week. Interviewer: So there was a lot mom pressure.Second Man: There was a lot more pressure in advertising. Also, the people I worked with when I was first in advertising wereyoung hopeful people like myself. By the end I wasworking with a lot of old people who quite honestly wereawful. And I kept looking at them and saying, "Am I goingto be like that" And I thought if I am I'd better getout, whereas the English language teachers I saw, whowere older people I thought, well, they seemed quite nice.And I wouldn't mind being like that myself.Task 8【答案】The interview with Michale:The interview with Chris:【原文】Matthew:?? Michael, do you go out to workMichael:?? Not regularly, no. I... I used to; I used to have a job in a publishing company, but Idecided it wasn't really what I wanted to do and that what I wanted to do wouldn't earn me much money, so I gave up working and luckily I had a private income from my family to support me and now I do the things I want to do. Some of them get paid like lecturing and teaching, and others don't.Matthew: What are the advantages of not having to go to work from nine till fiveMichael: Ah... there' re two advantages really. One is that if you feel tired you don't have to get up, and the other is that you can spend your time doing things you want to do rather than being forced to do the same thing all the time.Matthew: But surely that's in a sense very self-indulgent and verylucky because most of us have to go out and earn our livings.Do you feel justified in having this privileged position Michael: Yes, because I think I use it well. I do things which I think are useful to people and the community and which I enjoy doing.Matthew: Chris, what do you think the value of work isChris: Well, I think in our present-day society, for most people, work has very little value at all. Most of us go out to work for about eight to nine hours of our working day. We do things which are either totally futile and totally useless or have very little justification whatsoever, and for most of us the only reason for working is that we need to keep ourselves alive, to pay for somewhere to live, to pay to feed our children. Matthew: But surely people wouldn't know what to do if they didn't have to go to workChris: Well, again this raises the sort of two main aspects of work.Should we think of 'work only as a sort of bread-winning process, and this is very much the role it has in current society, or should we take a much wider perspective on work and think of all the possible sort of activities that human beings could be doing during the day I think the sort of distinction currently is between say, someone who works in acar factory and who produces cars which are just adding to pollution, to over-consumption of vital resources, who is doing something which is very harmful, both to our environment and to, probably society, to contrast his work with someone perhaps like a doctor, who I think in any society could be justified as doing a very valuable job and one which incidentally is satisfying to the person who is doing it. Matthew: What do you do Is your job just a breadwinning process or do you get some satisfaction out of doing itChris: Well, in the job I do find that most of the satisfaction is a mental one; it's coming to grips with the problems of my subject and with the problems of teaching in the University.Clearly this is the type of satisfaction that most people doing what we call in England "white-collar" jobs. This is quite different from the sort of craftsman, who is either working that his hands or with his skills on a machine, or from people perhaps who are using artistic skills, which are of a quite different character. Certainly it's becoming a phenomena that people who do "white-collar jobs during the day, who work with their minds to some extent, people who work on computers, people who are office clerks, bank employees, these people have fairly soul-destroying jobs which nevertheless don'tinvolve much physical effort, that they tend to come home and do "do-it-yourself" activities at home. They make cupboard, paint their houses, repair their cars, which somehow provide the sort of physical job satisfaction that they're denied in their working day.Task 9【答案】A.B.1) No major change. For some→“less paperwork”Some:→less working hoursOthers:→earn more money.2) Most adults→would go on working.Esp. young adults (18 to 24)→9 out of 10 would go on working【原文】Are most workers today feeling bored and dissatisfied with their jobs It is often claimed that they are. Yet a study conducted by Parade magazine more than 20 years ago showed that people at that time felt the opposite.Parade asked questions of a representative sampling of adult Americans from coast to coast. The sampling included different sexes, age groups, and occupations.The interviewees were asked to make a choice from one of the following three to describe their feelings towards their work.A. Like their jobs.B. Dislike their jobs.C. Like their jobs in part,Results showed that 91 percent of the male interviewees and 84 percent of the females chose A, while only 5 percent men and 12 percent women interviewed chose B. The rest said that they liked their jobs in part and they comprised a very tow percentage.In all the three age groups — from 18 to 24, from 25 to 29 and 30 to 39 — those who liked theirjobs made up the majority. 70 percent, 88 percent and 92 percent respectively choose A. Those choosing B accounted for 20 percent, 9 percent and 8 percent of different age groups. And the rest, 6 percent, 3 percent and 0 percent respectively claimed that they only liked their jobs in part.The difference in responses among people with different occupations is small. Among the white-collar employees, those choosing A, B and C are 87 percent, 8 percent and 4 percent of the total. And for the blue-collar employees, 91 percent, 5 percent and 3 percent choose A, B and C respectively.It is interesting to note that there are few differences in attitude between men and women, professionals and factory workers. In each group, the largest number reported that they liked their jobs.Next, Parade asked, "If there were one thing you could change about your job, what would it be" It was expected that many would wish to make their jobs less boring, but very few gave this reply. No major changes were reported. Some wished for "less paperwork"; many would shorten their working hours, but others would like more hours in order to earn more money. No serious complaints were made.Most people have to work in order to live. But what would happen if someone had enough money to stop working Parade asked, "If you inherited a million dollars, would you go on working — either at your present job or something you liked better--or would you quit work" The answers showed that most adults would prefer to work, even if they didn't have to. This is true especially of the younger adults aged 18-24. Of these, nine out often said they would go on working, even if they suddenly became millionaires.Task 10【答案】A.B.1) F 2) TC.1) b 2) aD.1. She really enjoyed meeting new people.2. She had good qualifications in English and Maths.3. She did not mind hard work, even if it was not always pleasant.4. She liked living away form home.【原文】Officer: Come in, please take a seat. I'm the careers officer. You're Cathy, aren't you?Mother: That's right. This is Catherine Hunt, and I'm her mother. Officer: How do you do, Mrs. Hunt Hello, Catherine.Cathy: Hello. Pleased to meet you.Officer: And you'd like some advice about choosing a career- Mother: Yes, she would. Wouldn't you, Catherine?Cathy: Yes, please.Officer: Well, just let me ask a few questions to begin with. How old are you, Catherine?Mother: She's nineteen. Well, she's almost nineteen.Officer: And what qualifications have you got?Mother: Well, qualifications from school, of course. Very good results she got. And she got certificates for ballet and for playing the piano.Officer: Is that what you're interested in, Catherine, dancing andmusicCathy: Well...Mother: Ever since she was a little girl, she's been very keen on music and dancing. She ought tobe a music teacher or something. She's quite willing to train for a few more years to get the right job, aren't you, Catherine Cathy: Well, if it's a good idea.Mother: There you are, you see. She's a good girl really, a bit lazy and disorganized sometimes,but she's very bright. I'm sure the careers officer will have lots of jobs for you.Officer: Well, I'm afraid it's not as easy as that. There are many young people these days who can'tfind the job they want.Mother: I told you, Catherine. I told you, you shouldn't wear that dress. You have to look smart toget a job these days.Officer: I think she looks very nice. Mrs. Hunt, will you come into the other office for a momentand look at some of the information we have there. I'm sure you'd like to see how we can help young people.Mother: Yes, I'd love to. Mind you, I think Catherine would be anice teacher. She could work with young children. She'd like that. Or she could be a vet. She's always looking after sick animals.Officer: I'm afraid there's a lot of competition. You need very good results to be a vet. This way, Mrs. Hunt. Just wait a minute, Catherine.(The mother exits.)Officer: There are just one or two more things, Catherine. Cathy: Do call me Cathy.Officer: OK, Cathy. Are you really interested in being a vet Cathy: Not really. Anyway, I'm not bright enough. I'm reasonably intelligent, but I'm not brilliant. I'm afraid my mother isa bit over-optimistic.Officer: Yes, I guessed that. She's a bit overpowering, isn't she, your mumCathy: A bit. But she's very kind.Officer: I'm sure she is. So, you're interested in ballet and music, are youCathy: Not really. My mother sent me to lessons when I was six, so I'm quite good, I suppose. But I don't think I want to do that for the rest of my life, especially music. It's so lonely. Officer: What do you enjoy doingCathy: Well, I like playing tennis, and swimming. Oh, I went to France with the school choir last year. I really enjoyed that.And I like talking to people. But I suppose you mean real interests — things that would help me to get a job Officer: No. I'm more interested in what you really want to do. You like talking to people, do youCathy: Oh yes, I really enjoy meeting new people.Officer: Do you think you would enjoy teachingCathy: No, no, I don't really. I was never very interested in school work, and I'd like to do something different. Anyway, there'sa teacher training college very near us. It would be just likegoing to school again.Officer: So you don't want to go on trainingCathy: Oh, I wouldn't mind at all, not for something useful. I wondered about being a hairdresser —you meet lots of people, and you learn to do something properly—but I don't know. It doesn't seem very worthwhile.Officer: What about nursingCathy: Nursing In a hospital Oh, I couldn't do that, I'm not good enough.Officer: Yes, you are. You've got good qualifications in English and Maths. But it is very hard work.Cathy: Oh, I don't mind that.Officer: And it's not very pleasant sometimes.Cathy: That doesn't worry me either. Mum's right. I do look after sick animals. I looked after our dog when it was run over bya car. My mother was sick, but I didn't mind. I was too worriedabout the dog. Do you really think I could be a nurse Officer: I think you could be a very good nurse. You'd have to leave home, of course.Cathy: I rather think I should enjoy that.Officer: Well, don't decide all at once. Here's some information about one or two other things which might suit you. Have a look through it before you make up your mind.Task 11【原文】I began my career during college, reporting on news stories ata Toronto radio station. The station’s program manager was also a professor who taught one of my classes. I convinced him that she needed a youth reporter because that year was International Youth Year. After graduation, I took a job as a television news reporter and later, news anchor. But sports reporting was something different, so I decided to try it. Figure skating was my first assignment.I had two months until my new job began. It was like waitingan entire summer for school to start. I spent those two months talking to figure skating coaches and judges. I read boring rule books. I drove to the rinks where the skaters trained, and made notes about our conversations. I even took a lesson, which made some of the skaters laugh.。



现代大学英语听力4(听写)Dictation答案讲课稿现代大学英语听力4(听写)D i c t a t i o n答案Unit1One day Palph Waldo Emerson, one of America’s greatest thinkers and philosophers, was visited by a local farmer, who saw a book by Plato in Emerson’s library and asked to borrow it. Whenthe farmer returned the book, Emerson asked him how he liked it. The farmer replied, “I liked it. this Plato has a lot of my ideas”During an 18-month period in his early 20s, Sir Isaac Newton invented theories of gravity, light, and color, as well as calculus. At age 85, shortly before his death, he wrote, “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself le and in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.UNIT2Human beings misuse the precious fresh water in two ways. It is wasted through careless use and polluted by dumping wastes into it. People build large cities in deserts and grow crops in dry valleys. In the worl d’s dry places, people must learn to avoid waste, to make every gallon count.People pollute water by dumping sewage and industrial wastes into it or by letting pesticides from farm land run into it. Even ground water is polluted by poisons sinking into the earth. Humanity must learn that nothing just “goes away”. People need to treat sewage so it does not pollute the water. They need to keep industrial wastescompletely out of the water.UNIT3When Superman burst onto the screen 60 years ago there had never been a character quite like him, and he remains unique today. The innumerable imitators who followed in his wake have acknowledged his primacy by taking on the title of super hero, but Superman did more than start the trend that came to define the American comic book. His influence spread throughout all known media as he became a star of animated cartoons, radio, recordings, books, motion pictures, and television, whil his image appeared on products ranging from puzzles to peanut butter.He is perhaps the first fictional character to have been so successfully promoted as a universal icon, yet he also continues to remain a publishing phenomenon whose adventures appear in no fewer than five monthly comics magazines.UNIT4The Chinese have long believed that flexible brush is the perfect means to express one’s inner spirit. Thus calligraphy with ink on paper or silk, whether by scholars, poets, monks, or government officials, is often considered the highest form of art. Great masterworks from earlier periods such as the Tang Dynasty were used as modals for the proper style and the proportion of the more than 50,000 Chinese characters. There were also a number of different scripts to choose from. Ancient seal script, used even today for carving seals, conveys an archaic flavor, as does clerical script, developed in the Han Dynasty by clerks to record government documents. Calligraphy, however, could also be written in regular, running,or cursive script, not unlike our own choices in English-for example, most of us do not write the small letter a in the printedform, but in more rapid pencil or pen movement. Similarly, Chinese calligraphers usually preferred less formal and more dramatic styles of brushwork to regular script. Some masters, however, combined scripts, such as the painter-poet-calligrapher Zheng Xie, who enjoyed mixing clerical, regular, running, and the cursive scripts.UNIT52002 was the first year when china became afull WTO member, and also a year when the insurance industry in china grew the fastest, with a revenue of 305.3 billion yuan, up by 44.7 percent over the previous year, and total assets of 649.41 billion yuan, up by 41.4 percent. The insurance industry was still small in scale, constituting2.98percent of GDP, and a low share in the national economy, much lower than that of banking and securities trading. However, demand for insurance services was sharply up. Moreover, after China’s accession to WTO, foreign insurance companies quickly flooded into China’s insurance market, China’s insurance companies also stepped up their efforts to join hands with foreign business.UNIT6Looking at Moscow’s booming shopping malls or elite supermarkets, it’s easy to think there isn’t that much wrong with the Russian economy. Bu t there’s a growing warning of serious imbalances. Household spending is continuing to grow strongly, part of a consumer-driven boom and a burgeoning personal credit sector. But elsewhere, the outlook isn’t so good. There is pressure to stop using the coun try’s glut of oil dollars to pay off national debt, but to invest it-in areas like hi-tech industry, infrastructure and housing reform. Russian producesvery few internationally marketable consumer goods. And even former flagship industries like civilian aircraft construction, are close to extinction. Foreign businesses may also be concerned by a new draft bill the Russian government has presented to the country’s parliament. The bill, if adopted, would seriously limit foreign ers’ rights to develop Russian oil and metal deposits, describing them as vital strategic national interests.UNIT7The US flag is an important symbol to all Americans. During the revolution against Britain, George Washington asked Betsy Ross to make a flag as an encouragement for his soldiers. This flag had 13 stripes, seven red and six white, and in one corner 13 white stars on the blue background to represent the 13 states. On 14 June, 1777, it became the flag of independent US. As each new state became part of the US, an extra star was added.Today, the flag, called Old Glory or the Stars and Stripes, is widely seen in the US. Government offices and schools have flags flying from flagpoles, and many people have flags outside their houses, especially on Independent Day. Children start the school day by saying the Pledge of Allegiance, a promise to be loyal to the flag and to their country. When somebody important dies, flags are flown at half mast. When a soldier dies, his or her coffin is covered with a flag, and after the funeral, the flag is given to the family. The flag has also been used as a symbol of protest, especially during the Vietnam War, when some people burnt the flag to show that they were ashamed of their country’s actions.Each of the US states also has its own flag. States flags may show the state flower or bird, or other emblem.UNIT8Legend has it that should the ravens ever leave the Tower ofLondon the White Tower will crumble and a great disaster shall befall England. For many centuries ravens have been known to be residents of the Tower of London and are now an integral feature protected by royal decree. It is not clear at what point in history the ravens became accepted occupants of the Tower of London but a strange point of fact is that the only recorded time that were no ravens at the T ower was in 1946. As this was just after World War Ⅱand England had come perilously close to falling, maybe the legend carries some weight after all.。



Unit 4 FASHIONPART II LISTENING AND SPEAKINGLESSON A Global fashionLISTENINGScriptThe woman in the London photo is wearing a short black and white skirt, black shoes, and a black scarf. She’s carrying an orange handbag. The man walking nearby is wearing a dark suit.Look at the two young people in the photo of Tokyo. The boy on the left is wearing a black shirt, black pants, and a lot of makeup on his face. The girl is wearing a long black coat. Both of them are wearing black boots.The American teenagers in the photo of New York are wearing blue jeans, and T-shirts. The boys are all wearing caps, too.The first stop on our global tour is London, one of the world’s fashion capitals. The man and woman pictured here are in the city’s business district. Many people in this area dress stylishly.From England, we go to New York City—hip hop fashion started here. Hip hop fashion was first popular in the nineteen eighties, but this style is now common all over the world.From New York City, we go next to Tokyo. The two young people in the photo are from Japan, but the style they’re wearing is originally from the U.K.These people don’t wear this style to work, but they do on the weekends.1. global tour 环球之旅2. business district商业区3. all over the world全世界4. wear this style穿成这种风格CONVERSATIONScriptA: I love your jacket.B: Thanks.A: Is it new?B: Yeah, I bought it on Saturday.A: It looks great.B: Thanks!LESSON B Smart ClothesListening 1ScriptScientists and clothing designers at Cornell University in the United States are working on fashion’s next big thing: “wearable technology.”These clothes do many different things, and some already exist. For example, Juan Hinestroza, a scientist from Colombia, is making shirts, pants, dresses, and other clothing items. Some of these clothes warm or cool your body when the weather changes. Others change color and style. A third type never gets dirty. We can use less water, says Hinestroza, if we don’t wash clothes all the time.Other scientists and designers are working together to protect people from malaria. Frederick Ochanda, a scientist from Kenya, is making a special suit to stop malaria. The clothes have a chemical inside that stops mosquitoes. Matilda Ceesay, a clothing designer from Gambia, is working with Ochanda to make the suit fashionable. This is important, she says, because the clothes must look good or no one will buy and wear them. Scientists need to work with fashion designers so the clothes are both comfortable and stylish.1.work on从事……工作2.wearable technology可穿戴技术3.protect people from malaria保护人们免受疟疾侵害Listening 2ScriptM: What are you doing?F: I’m reading about Google Glass.M: What’s that?F: It’s a kind of wearable technology from Google. Here’s a photo.M: Hmmm. So, it’s a pair of glasses?F: No. It looks like a pair of glasses, but it’s really a computer. You wear it.M: So what does it do?F: A lot of things. You can surf the Web, take photos, and make or watch video. It’s kind of like your phone, but you can’t call people.M: But if you’re wearing it, how do you take a photo?F: You say, “Take a photo” and it does it. Same with video.M: Sounds cool. And you can surf the Web, too?F: Yeah, and then you see a page in front of you.M: Amazing.F: I guess, but I don’t think I’d like to wear them.M: Why not?F: It looks weird, not stylish at all.M: Yeah, the style isn’t great, but I still like it.1.kind of有点儿;稍微2.Same with video.录像也同样操作。



Unit 4Vocabulary1. Write down the part of speech of the following words.1. adj2. adj3. adj4. adv5. n6. adj7.n8. adj9. adj 10. adj11.v 12. adj 13.adj 14.adj 15.adj 16.n 17.adj 18.adj 19. adj 20. adv2. Translate the following expressions, paying attention to the different use of the prefix “dis-”.1.不老实的人8.一个残疾儿童2.使人极其失望的人或事9.不喜欢这种天气3.对这个结果不满意10.中断会谈4.违抗这一命令11.不计成本5.有严重的不利之处12.解除警卫的武装6.透露他们的业务机密13.切断电源7.不同意某人14.感到泄气3.I dentify the different meanings of the prefix “un-”when it is added to a verb and when itis added to an adjective or an adverb.1.不幸的生活6.打开酒瓶2.不必要的规定7.开始脱衣3.这不大可能。

8. 揭露某些重要的事实4.这食物没人碰过。


4 Guess the meaning of “tele_”.“Tele-” means “far”or “over a long distance ”.2 Complete the following verb + noun collocation or expression1.f it the (description; lock; theory)2.(make; receive; have; get; answer ) a telephone call3.(make; have; arrange; keep; break) an appointment4.r isk (failure; life; health)5.a ffect the (health; future; economy; result; decision)6.r aise (hell; hands; eyes; a finger; voice; glass; wages; prices; hope; issue)7.s ave (time; money; trouble; life; face; country)8.w ave (a gun; arms; hand; flag; cloth)9.(do) harm10 bite (one ’lip; one ’s nails; none’s tongue)11.(take; seize; miss; gives; have; get) chances12.c over (a table; one ’s body; somebody; ground; field; anger; nervousness, all subjects; all expenses; many miles; many pages)3 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the sentence patterns inbold.1.w here he claimed to have discovered the dead body (or: where he said he had discovered the deadbody)2.w here they secretly produced drugs3.w here they can find business opportunities4.L iving on the sixth floor of the building was an old man (or: On the sixth floor ofthe building lived an old man.)5.D eep in the forest stood a little hut6.S eated in the front row were7.B etween the two hills runs a little stream/creek8.H ad they decided to withdraw their troops earlier9.h ad you gone down the mine10.H ad they accepted/taken/listened to his advice4.Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1. into, on, in, For, for2. to, into, with, for 5. In, to , of 6. off, over, to3. By, in, against, with, to,before7. For, in4. as, of, on, for 8. After, in5 Rewrite the following sentence using the words or expressions in the brackets.1.H e did not fit the description of a great scholar. For one thing, he was half naked. For another, he slept by the roadside of a busy city, hardly a setting for a philosopher.2.I wish I knew how they learned about this secret missile.3.H er face suggested a ripened apple, and she was otherwise very strong except for the loss of bothher legs.4. They made an appointment in a restaurant that evening, where the waiter quickly slippeda note into the spy hand concerning the secret message.’s5.W e waited for almost one hour and the food we ordered still did not come. I decided toraise the devil with the management.6.T he government has promised that it will not hesitate to punish those who deal incheating, gambling, black marketeering, and prostitution.7.H ad the authorities agreed with the plan, it would have brought a lot of problems.Luckily, it was turned down and no harm had been done.8.W e must make sure that the nuclear power stations are absolutely safe. We can’ttake chances.9.I think we should mind our own business. But I will check on him anyway.6.Translate the following sentences into English1.他们别想当然地以为我们会接受他们的条件,把我们当傻瓜。



Unit 7Task 1【答案】1) They are Emma, Mark and Jane.2) Emma wants a joke book; Mark wants a model train, and Jane wants a radio.3) The joke book costs two pounds fifty. The radio costs twenty-seven pounds ninety-nine pence. We don’t know the exact price of the model train, but it must be very expensive.【原文】Jane: What are you doing Emma?Emma: I’m writing to Father Christmas.Mark: Oh —she’s asking for Christmas presents. What do you want Emma?Emma: Well, I can read now. I like books. So, I want a joke book.Jane: Look. Here’s one in this magazine. It costs two pounds fifty. It’s very nice.Emma: Y es, it is. I know, I can ask Father Christmas to bring presents for you and Mark, too.Mark: Good idea! Well, I like...Jane: Trains! Y ou like trains. We know.Mark: So I want this train. Look. Isn’t it splendid?Jane: Mark, that model train costs...Mark: Y es, Jane, I can see the price, but look at it.Jane: Well, I don’t want a train.Emma: There are some nice dolls.Jane: Oh Emma. I’m fifteen years old. I don’t like dolls. I want a radio for my bedroom. Then I can listen to all my favourite songs.Mark: A radio. Here’s one. Look. It costs twenty-seven pounds, ninety-nine pence.Jane: That’s OK. Right Emma. Finish your letter to Father Christmas. Tell him to put a joke book, a train and a radio in his big sack. And don’t forg et to put the right address on the letter!Task 2【答案】A.1) EmmaShe is going to bed now.2) MarkHe’s having a bath. Now he’s washing his feet and singing a carol.3) JaneShe is putting the last Christmas Cards on the table in the hall.4) Mr. PhillipsHe’s putting all the presents under the tree. He’s thinking about his busy day.5) Mrs. PhillipsShe’s preparing all the food for tomorrow’s mealsB.1) d 2) a 3) c【原文】It’s 8 pm on Christmas Eve. Everyone is happy because tomorrow is Christmas Day. But everyone is busy too. There’s a lot of work to do. Here is the Phillips’ family in their home. What are they all doing?Emma is going to bed now. She’s hanging up her empty stocking for Father Christmas. She’s thinking of the presents under the tree. She wants to open all her presents now, but she can’t. She must open them in themorning.Mark is in the bathroom. He’s going to a party tonight, so he’s having a bath. Now he’s washing his feet and singing a carol.Jane is putting the last Christmas cards on the table in the hall. She can’t put them in the sitting-room or the dining-room because they are full of cards. She’s listening to the carol-singers.There is no one in the dining-room. It’s empty.Mr. Phillips is in the sitting-room. He’s putting all the presents under the tree. He’s think ing about his busy day. Parents always work hard at Christmas.And where’s Mrs. Phillips? She is working in the kitchen. She’s preparing all the food for tomorrow’s meals. The Christmas pudding is ready, and so is the turkey. Now she is decorating the cake. She’s having a glass of sherry because it’s Christmas.There are some carol-singers in the street. They are singing carols and collecting money for poor people. Now they are knocking on the front door of the Phillips’ house.The church bells are ringing too. Everyone can hear them. And there, in the sky, a. long way away... Who’s that? It’s Father Christmas. He’s driving through the sky in his sleigh. Tonight’s a busy night for him. He’s thinking about all those black chimneys. And he’s looking at a long list of children’s names and addresses. Is Emma Phillips on his list?Task 3【答案】A.read, drew, made, drank, had, flew, went, see, rememberB.1) a, 2) c, 3) b【原文】How much do you remember of the time when you were a child? Y ou got up early every morning and went to school. Y ou read books at school. Y ou drew pictures and made things out of clay. Y ou drank milk every day and ate things that were good for you. Perhaps you had plaits. Perhaps you flew a kite. Perhaps you went abroad for your holidays. Y ou can see photographs of yourself in the family album. They help you to remember the distant past.I remember the Christmas holidays best. It was always cold. The days were very short. The nights were long and dark. It wasn’t a good time of the year— except for one thing. I always received presents at Christmas. I can remember the bright lights in the streets. I can remember the big shops and the crowds. My mother always took me to London to see the lights. And she always took me to one of the big shops to meet Father Christmas. This was a special event every year. I always met Father Christmas in a big shop. I always asked for lots of presents and he always brought them for me.Two weeks before Christmas one year, I went to London with my mother. I was five years old at the time. I shall never forget the day. It was cold and dark. But the shop windows were very bright. The streets were full of people. There were crowds in the streets and crowds in the shops. My mother held my hand tightly and we both went into a big shop.It was warm and bright in the shop. We both went upstairs to the toy department. The toy department was full of children. There were lovely toys everywhere: cars, bicycles and planes. Then I saw my old friend at one end of the department store: Father Christmas himself! I pulled my mother by the hand. “Please take me to Father Christmas,” I said. There were lots of children near Father Christmas. They were standing in a line. Father Christmas spoke to every one of them. At last it was my turn.“Hello, little boy,” he said to me. “Where do you live?”“Don’t you know?” I answered. “Y ou came last year.”I can’t remember what Father Christmas answered. But I remember one thing. I was very sad. Father Christmas hadn’t remembered my name. He called me “little boy”. And he hadn’t remembered my address. I got my presents that year, as usual, but it wasn’t the same. Something had changed.Task 4【答案】A. past, future, memories, hopes, fearsB. b【原文】In late October in the northern half of the world, the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It is colder and darker. There is mist and fog, and cold winds blow. The leaves fall from the trees, and their black skeletons stand out against the autumn sky. The year is ending and everything is dying. Winter is coming, with its long dark nights. People stay at home in the evenings and at weekends. Old people remember the past and young people think of the future. It is a time of memories, of hopes and fears. It is the time of Halloween.Halloween marks the end of autumn and the start of winter. In the past this festival was a time of fear. People believed in ghosts and witches and they stayed indoors. On October 31st, Halloween, the ghosts of the dead rose from their graves, and all the witches of the world rode through the sky on their broomsticks. Today this ancient festival is a time for fun, for Halloween parties. Y ou can see ghosts and witches, but they are ordinary people in fancy dress. Everyone eats rich autumn food, pumpkin pie or ginger cake. People make lanterns from pumpkins. And they try to tell the future.Task 5【答案】A.1) There were only seven small houses to live in. So everyone had to squeeze in together. Y ou might have had four or five extra people living with your family.2) Y our house was d ark inside. Y ou couldn’t see anything out of the tiny windows because th ey were made from oiled cloth, not glass.3) The air was full of smoke from the fish-oil lamps and from the big fireplace, where something was cooking all day long.B.1) F, 2) F【原文】What would it be like if you were there on the first Thanksgiving Day? (PartⅠ)What would your house be like?Crowded! There were only seven small houses to live in. So everyone had to squeeze in together. Y ou might have had four or five extra people living with your family.Each house had only one room, called the hall. The hall was your kitchen, bedroom, dining room, and your living room. There was also a loft upstairs, but that was used for storage.The furniture got moved around a lot. When it was time to eat, out came the wooden benches and boards that were used to make a table.At night, the benches and the boards were laced against the walls. Out came the lumpy mattresses, which were laid right on the cold dirt floor.If you were one of the lucky ones, your family might have a real bed. Y our parents slept on top and you slept in the “trun dle” bed hidden unde rneath. It was like a big drawer that was pulled out at bedtime.Y our house was dark inside. Y ou couldn’t see anything out of the tiny windows bec ause they were made from oiled cloth, not glass.And it was smelly! The air was full of smoke from the fish-oil lamps and from the big fireplace, wheresomething was cooking all day long.Task 6【答案】A.1) Because most of the water in England was polluted in the early 1600s. Y ou could get very sick from it. But beer was safe because it has alcohol in it, and alcohol kills germs. So, that’s what people drank every day.2) Doing the laundry was a really big job in those days. First, the women had to make soap out of animal fat and ashes. That took a long time. Then the children had to carry water from the stream, so it could be boiled in big outdoor pots. After everything was washed, the laundry was hung on bushes to dry.B.1) F, 2) F【原文】What would it be like if you were there on the first Thanksgiving Day? (Part II)Did the Pilgrims think drinking beer was wrong?No. The Pilgrims were very religious. They thought it was a sin to get drunk. But they did drink beer. They drank beer because it was safer than water.Most of the water in England was polluted in the early 1600s. Y ou could get very sick from it. But beer was safe because it has alcohol in it, and alcohol kills germs. So, that’s what people drank every day.But their beer was not like the beer today. The women made it at home. There was very little alcohol in it, so you wouldn’t get drunk from drinking it with your food.People had beer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They thought it was good for you. Children started drinking it as soon as they were able to hold a cup in their hands.Who had to clean the dishes?Nobody! The Pilgrims didn’t clean their dishes with soap and water the way we do today. The women and girls just rinsed the pottery bowls, wooden platters, cups, knives, and spoons and put them back on the shelf.Napkins were washed only once a month. Y ou can imagine how dirty they got! But the Pilgrims weren’t bothered by dirt the way we are. They were used to it. And doing the laundry was a really big job in those days.First, the women had to make soap out of animal fat and ashes. That took a long time. Then the children had to carry water from the stream, so it could be boiled in big outdoor pots. After everything was washed, the laundry was hung on bushes to dry.Task 7【答案】【原文】Every Saint Patrick’s Day, my whole family has to wear green. If someone does not, then everyone gets to pinch that person! Last year, my grandpa forgot to wear green! He finally found some, so we didn’t pin ch him.Every Easter, my Nanny gives my brother and me a small Easter egg with a clue in it. We follow clue after clue until we come to a prize. This is my favourite holiday tradition.My favourite traditional holiday is the Chinese New Y ear. I like it because my family goes to a Chinesetemple in Los Angeles. It is very beautiful and exciting. We get to see Chinese dragons dance on the streets.On the night before Christmas, we go around our town and look at the Christmas decorations on all the houses. While we look at the lights, we eat hot boiled peanuts. When we get home, we read The Polar Express and Christmas story.At our church on Easter, we put a bunch of flowers on a cross out by the road. It turns out very colorful and very beautiful! I love getting my picture taken in front of it. That is my favourite holiday tradition.In India, we have a holiday called Holi. We call our friends, get together, and throw at each other water with paint mixed in it. It is great fun. I love Holi!Task 8【答案】【原文】In Japan, New Y ear’s Day is also celebrated on lst January. At midnight on the last day of the old year, the bells in every Buddhist temple are struck one hundred and eight times. As t he sound of the bells dies away, the New Y ear begins and Buddhists think about ways in which they can live better in the year to come.The theme of water, which is used in baptism to wash away the sins of the world, is also linked with a pre-Christian custom — the tradition of Well-dressing. At one time, the fear of summer drought led people to make offerings to the water spirits, who were thought to live in springs and wells. Decorating wells with flowers, shells, moss and other natural objects depicting a religious subject is an art passed on from father to son in English villages.Each year, on the fifth day of May, Japanese boys look forward to Kodomono-hi or Children’s Day. On this day, families with young boys fly colourful streamers and enormous kites, in the shape of carps, from a large pole in the garden. The streamers and carp kites symbolize a family. The first kite represents the father, the second kite, the mother and the third kite, the children. Inside the houses, families display traditional warrior dolls and bathe the children in iris leaves. The main purpose of this festival is to show young boys the importance of qualities such as strength and determination.Task 9【答案】【原文】A major festival of the Chinese year is the Dragon Boat Festival or Duanwu Jie. This commemorates the death of a national hero, Qu Y uan, who drowned himself in protest against a corrupt government. It is said that dumplings made of rice, meat and other ingredients were thrown into the river to feed the fish so that they would not eat his body and the water was beaten with paddles to scare off other dangerous creatures in the river. Today, boats decorated with dragon heads and tails compete with each other in a race accompanied by a great deal of drum beating and noise. One of the most colourful Dragon Boat Festivals takes place in Hong Kong where an international boat race has been held in the month of June each year since 1976.The Ferragosto on 15 August is the climax of the Italian holiday season. It is a family occasion that takes place each year on Assumption Day, the day on which the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches celebrate the ascent of the V irgin Mary to Heaven.In Mexico, one of the most important festivals of the year is the Festival of the Dead on All Souls Day. This is both a Christian and an early American Indian celebration at which people light candles in memory of the dead.Task 10【答案】At midnight of Christmas Eve or early in the morning on Christmas, Christians go to church for a special service. On Christmas morning, everyone opens their presents and then it’s time to decorate the table with candles and Christmas crackers. For Christmas dinner people eat roast turkey, roast potatoes, green vegetables and sauces. Then they have Christmas pudding. After dinner they put on paper hats. They read out the jokes from the crackers or play games. At five o’clock pm it’s time for tea and Christmas cake.The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. People visit their relations or go to parties. Or they just spend a quiet day at home. No one works on Boxing Day, After Christmas everyone needs a holiday!。



Unit 4Vocabulary1) wreck 2) balance 3) approaching 4) handle5) discard 6) Above all 7) diet 8) do with9) checked on 10) cleaned up 11) weekly 12) principles 2.1) to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been/was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died.2) was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job travel around the world.3) for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guarantee.4) express her thoughts with precision, so people often misunderstand her.5) will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.3.1) for sale hunting for be amazed by2) become skilled handle their loans3)character by calling on he passed awayII Confusable words1.1) personal 2) personnel2.1) sometime 2) Sometimes 3)some time 4) sometimeIII Euphemismde hcgabfComprehensive ExercisesI Close1. Text-related1)sponsored 2)determination 3) turned away 4) assumed 5) capacity6)skilled 7)loan 8) character 9) hunting 10) for sale 11) send for2. Theme-related1)save 2)recent 3)modest 4) grow 5) dream6) immigrants 7)business 8) engineering 9)invest 10) richIII Translation1)It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan whichthey hope will be acceptable to both sides.2)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked bygiant snakes.3)Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot beprevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property. 4)I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurriedhome, anxious to amuse myself reading it.5)Helen lacks confidence. I’ve never known anyone so unsure ofherself.2.After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business. At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan. But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help. Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loan him the money. Now he has become a wealthy businessman. Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.Unit 4Part A1. 1) Yeah 2) By the way 3) Who 4) Don’t you think so? 5) Yes 6) Quite well2. 1) Like what 2) Yeah 3) Hmm, let me think 4) Well 5) Come to think of it 1. 92381 2. 26083. 15404. 755. 1566. 9007. 84,2008. 1,7359. 9:40 10. 5:45 Part BTapescript Small Talk Is EasyA: Mike, guess what?B: What?A: Carol just invited me to a party at her house on Saturday.B: Carol? You mean the pretty girl in your economics class?A: Yeah.B: Great! I’m sure you’ll have a super time.A: I’m not so sure.B: What do you mean, John? I though you really liked Carol.A: I do. But I don't know her friends very well.B: So get to know them.A: But I’m no good at small talk.B: Small talk is easy. You can learn.A: By Friday?B: sure, I’ll coach you. You just have to remember a few simple sentences.A: I don't know. I have trouble remembering things. Especially when I meet people. I get nervous.B: Don’t worry, John. You can do it. You just need a few tips.A: But what if I say something stupid?B: Hey, you’re not giving a speech. You’re just having a conversation. So just talk aboutsomething you know they are interested in.A: That’s the problem. I don’t know what Carol’s friends are interested in.B: Let them tell you. If you let people talk about themselves, they’ll think you’re intere A: You mean something like, “So, tell me what you’re interested in.”B: Well, you don’t have to be that direct. For example, you can talk about the weather.A: You can’t be serious. The weather’s boring.B: It’s a good excuse to find out what they like to do. On a rainy day, you say, “What do such terrible weather?”A: What if they just stayed home and read a book?B: Then ask them about the book. You can ask if it was good. Ask if they liked it and why. Thentalk about a book you really liked.A: So that’s what small talk is about, is it? Well, I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the tips, Mike. B: You’re welcome. Have a good time at the party.Note:Small talk means light conversations on unimportant or non-serious subjects such as theweather or TV programs you saw last night, or little compliments on what people are wearing. In asocial gathering where a lot of guests are strangers to one another, small talk can be very useful tomake them feel at ease.Exercise 1: c a dExercise 2: 1. At Carol’s house on Saturday 2. He’s uncertain whether he can have a good time at the party or not 3. He’s not good at small talk 4. One should talk about somethingother people are interested in 5. By getting them to talk about themselves2. That’s great3. never beenDialogue 1: 1. My American friend…weekendto a party given by a foreigner… I won’t know how to act 4. But it’s easier saidthan done5. A bottle of wine or a small box of chocolates6.his American friends. What should I say to them?7. Why don’t you get them to talk about themselves? Won’t i t be a super chance for you topractice your conversation skills with native speakers of English?8. I guess you’re right. Thanks.Dialogue 2: 1.a beautiful song they are playing 2.cool 3.pop music 4.Oh, yeahit 7. Do you often go to those big concerts5.rap6.It’s all right, but I’m not really cray about8.Sometimes…listening to CDs… I can’t stand crowds of pushing people9. I know what you meanPart CTapescript Are you Calling about the Party?Laura: Hello. This is Laura Davis speaking.Simon: Oh, hello, Laura. This is Simon here. Simon Williams.Laura: Oh, Simon. How nice to hear you. Are you calling about the party? You did get theinvitation, didn’t you?Simon: Yes, thanks, I did. That’s just it. I’m afraid. You see, I’m already tied up that evenin Laura: Oh, really? That is a pity.Simon: Yes. I’m afraid it’s been planned for ages. You see, some friends of mine are coming to seeme. I haven’t seen them for a long time, and you know … well…I managed to get some tickets for the opera, and I promised to take them out to dinner afterwards. I can’t get out of it, unfortunat I wish I could.Laura: Oh, what a shame! We are looking forward to seeing you. Still, if you can drop in later withyour friends, we’d love to see you.Simon: Thanks. Well, I’ll certainly try, but I don’t think there’s much chance. Actually Iyou an e-mail to say I can’t come.thanks. Well, keep in touch, Simon.Laura: Oh, have you? That’s very kind,Simon: I will. Regards to James. And I hope the party goes well. Bye!Laura: Thanks. Bye.Note: for ages: for a long timeExercise:1. Simon is calling because he hasn’t got the invitation. (F)2. Simon will take his friends out to dinner after going to the opera. (T)3. Laura has made a promise to her friends and will not beak her promise. (F)4. Both Laura and Simon will be rather busy that evening. (T)5. Laura and Simon agree to meet daily. (F)。

听力教程第三版第一册Unit 4听力原文

听力教程第三版第一册Unit 4听力原文

听力教程第三版第一册Unit 4听力原文Part1B 听力文本From London to Nairobi is 355 pounds return. From London to Vienna is 140 pounds 50 and to Brussels is 49 pounds 50. If you go to Copenhagen, it’s 99 pounds 50. But Gothenburg is more expensive at 107 pounds. The most expensive flight is from London to Manila, which is 520 pounds.Now answer the questions. If you don’t remember the answers, listen again.How much is it to Vienna?How much is it to Manila?How much is it to Copenhagen?How much is it to Nairobi?How much is it to Gothenburg?Part2(II)听力文本1. Alitalia to Milan, flight number A2291 now boarding at gate 6. Atlitalia flight number A2291 boarding gate 6.2. This is the final call for Sabena to Brussels flight number SN608. Any remaining passengers must go immediately to gate 8 wherethe flight is now closing. Sabena flight number SN608 closing now at gate 8.3. Passengers to New York. British Airways regret to advise a delay of 35 minutes on their flight number BA175 to New York. That is a delay of 35 minutes on British Airways flight number BA175 to New York.4. British Airways regret that all flights are subject to delay. This is due to a shortage of baggage handlers.5. Passengers to Madrid, Iberia Airlines of Spain regret to advisea delay of two hours on their flight IB551 to Madrid. This delay is due to the late arrival of the incoming flight. That is a delay of two hours on Iberia flight number IB551 to Madrid.6. Passengers to Zurich, Swissair regret to advise a delay of 40 minutes on their flight SR805 to Zurich. This delay is due to a mechanical fault. That is a delay of 40 minutes on Swissair flight number SR805 to Zurich.Part3(III)(Conversation 1) 听力文本Travel agent: What can I help you with today? My name’s Steve. Traveler: My name’s Mr.Sanchez. I would like to go on a business trip to London.Travel agent: When are you planning on traveling?Traveler: I plan on traveling at the end of the month. Today is September 10 and I wish to travel on September 29.Travel agent: On September 29, that’s wit hin 21 days. Most of the best airline rates just now are with a 21-day or a 30-day advance purchase. If you’re traveling within 21 days the rates might tend to be a little higher. If you must leave on the 29th, the only advance purchase available would be a 7-day advance purchase, and the only rate available would be $595 in each direction, so that would make a total of $1,190 round trip.Traveler: That’s OK.Travel agent: One moment please. You said you wanted to leave on 29 September and what was your return date?Traveler: October 15.Travel agent: OK, October 15. Do you have a preference on airlines?Traveler: If possible, British Airways.Travel agent: British Airways, OK. Ticketing deadline is set for 15 September. If you want a couple of days to think about it, we can hold the reservation until then.Traveler: No, I can complete immediately.Travel agent: OK, would you be paying by cash or credit card? Traveler: Visa.Travel agent: A Visa card, OK. Hold on just one moment... (Conversation 2) 听力文本Clerk: Can I help you this evening, sir?Traveler:I’m traveling to San Francisco.Clerk: OK, do you have your tickets?Traveler:Yes, I do.Clerk: Would you like smoking or non-smoking seats? Traveler:No smoking please.Clerk: This evening you’re going to be traveling out on flight 317. Your seat is 17A, non-smoking, window.Traveler:Thank you. Do you need to see my passport?Clerk: No, sir. Were there any bags you’d like checked this evening?Traveler:Yes please, one.Clerk: Is your name and address on your bag, sir?Traveler: Yes, it is.Clerk: OK, your claim check is stapled in the back of your ticket jacket. Your flight’ll be departing out ofGate 22. Boarding time is 6:40 and your flight leaves at 7 o’clock.Traveler: Thank you very much indeed.Clerk: Have an enjoyable flight this evening.。



Unit 14Task 1A reporter is interviewing some people about unusual sports.Interviewer: Hello, Andrea. I’ve just been watching you skiing. You’re really very good, aren’t you? Very fast indeed.Andrea: Thank you. I do teach skiing, you know, so I have to be good. But now I also have to be very fast, because I’ve been selected for the Olympic team and I’m traini ng forthe Olympic Games next year.Interviewer: Photos, water sports are your work — water skiing, parasailing. Do you still enjoy them?Photos: Oh yes, I love water skiing particularly, but some days, when it’s raining, there’s nothing to do. So I’m learning to play chess in my spare time. It’s a nice game, youknow.Interviewer: And Yannis, how old are you?Yannis: I’m fifteen. I’m on holiday at the moment and I’m helping my brother. I’m learning to drive the boat. But I live in Athens with my family. I’m a student there. Interviewer: Claude, you look very fit. How old are you?Claude: I’m fifty now. I own this windsurfing club, but I’m also the club manager. I windsurfa lot and I meet a lot of British and Canadians, so I’m studying English twice a week— in the evenings.Interviewer: Stewart, you are from Scotland, aren’t you?Stewart: Yes, I’m a bank m anager in Aberdeen. But as you know, I go underwater caving. I want to go to Borneo next summer. But it’s a very dangerous sport so I’m practicingdiving every weekend, at the moment.Task 2【答案】1) b, 2) Lift the club backwards away from the ball; keeping left arm straight till you get to the top of the wing; keep your head down; keep looking at the ball; swing down; hit the ball; throw that club towards the hole.3) c, 4) Bend your knees; thrust your hands back; go into the water; make your heads follow, go straight in and your legs follow; put your hands back, behind your back.5) c, 6) Take your left hand; get some hair on its neck; get a good firm hold; lift your left leg; put it in the stirrup; hang on tight with your left hand onto the hair; your toes are facing towards its back; put your other hand on the back of the saddle; swing your leg over the back.【原文】Extract 1:Steve: Lift the club backwards away from the ball. That’s it. Keeping that left arm straight. Fern: It’s not easy.Steve: ...till you get to the top of the wing. [Yeah.]Good. Now the very important thing — you must keep your head down all the time.Fern: Down?Steve: Yes, keep looking at the ball.Fern: Oh, but I’m looking at the club.Steve: No. You must look at the ball. That’s it. Right, now...Fern: It’s not a very natural position, is it?Steve: Well, now swing down. [Yes.] that’s it... swing down and through keeping that left arm straight [Yes.] and even when you... even after you’ve hit the ball, you must keep that head looking at where the ball was. Yes.Fern: It doesn’t seem right to me!Steve: No, no. You’re doing really well. That’s OK.Fern: It’s not easy, is it?Steve: And after you’ve hit the ball, keep looking at where the ball was but make sure you throw that club towards the hole.Fern: That’s not going to be difficult at all. I’ve almost let go several times.Steve: You mustn’t let go. I mean you must just point the club towards the hole.Fern: Yes, that’s why I’m looking in that direction so I can check where it’s gone... hasn’t gone very fast actually.Steve: Good. You’ll be really good.Extract 2:Tom: Am I standing in the right position?Ruth: Well, you’ve got to bend your knees a bit more, and thrust your hands back, so when you go into the water, you make your heads follow, er... go straight in and your legs follow.Tom: Is this OK?Ruth: Yes, that’s just...yes, that’s just about right and bend your knees a little bit more.Tom: Does...? This all right now?Ruth: Yes, that’s fine. Now, put your hands back, behind your back. OK? Nice and straight...Yes, that’s it, and then, make it... now, go on, go! Make your head go straight in and your, erm...legs follow.Extract 3:Jackie: Lesley, I don’t think it likes me?Lesley: Oh, never mind Jackie, now relax. Now take a deep breath all right, because it can sense if you’re nervous. [OK.] All right? Now, you feeling OK? [Yes, jolly good.] Now, take your left hand, [Mm-mm] and get some hair on its neck.., get a good firm hold. [OK.] Now, can you lift your left leg and put it in the stirrup... you put your foot in the stirrup. [My left leg.] OK? Yes. Hang on tight with your left hand on...[Uhhum.] onto the hair. OK? [Right.] And put your left foot in the stirrup.Jackie: Fine. So my toes are pointing forwards?Lesley: No, your toes are facing towards its back... end. All right? [OK.] OK? Right, now, can you hop round [Mm-mm.] so that you’re facing its middle [Mm-mm.] alright? And put your other hand on the back of the saddle. [Fine.] OK? Feeling comfortable? [Yes.] OK. Now,you’ve got to take a big jump, and you’ve got to swing your leg over the back, but don’t kick it, because it’ll be frightened. [Uh-huh-huh-huh.] OK?Jackie: It’ll be frightened? OK, here we go.Task 3【答案】1) a, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) b【原文】Man: Honey, the basketball game is about to start. And could you bring some chips and a bowl of ice cream? And... uh... a slice of pizza from the fridge.Woman: Anything else?Man: Nope, that’s all for now. Hey, honey, you know, they’re organizing a company basket ball team, and I’m thinking about joining. What do you think?Woman: Humph.Man: “Humph!” what do you mean “Humph?” I was the star player in high school.Woman: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don’t want you having a heart attack running up and down the court.Man: So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I’m not that out of shape. Woman: Well... you ought to at least have a physical before you begin. I mean, it has been at least five years since you played at all.Man: Well, OK, but...Woman: And you need to watch your diet and cut back on the fatty foods, like ice cream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.Man: Yeah, you’re probably right.Woman: And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles or perhaps try cycling to build up your cardiovascular system. Oh, and you need to go to bed early instead of watching TV half the night.Man: Hey, you’re starting to sound like my personal fitness instructor.Woman: No, I just love you, and I want you to be around for a long, long time.Task 4【答案】1) T, 2) T, 3) F, 4) F, 5) F, 6) T, 7) F, 8) F【原文】Mal c: Bye, Mum, we’re off.Mum: Off where?Boy: Break dancing.Mum: Break dancing? Whatever’s that?Mal c: It’s great.Boy: Yeah, it’s great.Mum: I daresay it is. But what is it?Malc: It’s break dancing. You dance on your shoulders and on your back and on your head when you are good enough.Mum: It doesn’t sound much like dancing to me.Boy: It is. It’s great!Malc: Yeah.Mum: More like some competition in the Olympic Games.Malc: Yeah. It’s good exercise. Keeps you fit. But not like school athletics. It’s great.Mum: And where are you off to do your break dancing?Malc: Oh, we do it in the street. Anywhere! You don’t have to go to a dance hall to do it. You just do it — where you feel like it.Boy: It’s great.Mum: But you can’t just start dancing in the street like that.Boy: Why not? We take the portable cassette recorder and when we find a nice street, we turn the music up really loud and start dancing.Mum: And don’t the neighbours and police complain?Malc: No. They’re too interested watching us dance.Mum: On your back, shoulders and heads? I see. It sounds fascinating, I must say. I’m not surprised they watch. Very amusing.Boy: Yeah, it’s great. We have competitions to see who can do it the fastest without falling over.Malc’s the winner so far.Malc: Yeah, I’m the best. I teach the others but they can’t do it like me yet.Mum: I suppose that explains the conditions of your clothes lately.Boy: What do you mean, Mum?Mum: All these tears and holes I’ve suddenly been noticing in unusual places. That explains it. If you’re dancing on your shoulders and backs, you’ll be wearing your hair out next, I suppose.Malc: On, c ome on, Mum. It’s great.Mum: Oh well, off you go. But in future wear all your old pullovers and shirts, will you? It’s not very great sitting up late at night sewing up holes in your new ones. Go on, off with you.Task 5【答案】1) c, 2) a, 3) c, 4) b, 5) b【原文】Hello everybody, and welcome back to a thrilling game at the Tokyo Dome with the US Team taking a drumming at the hands of the Japanese national team going into the second half, 51 to 26. The US Dream Team is made up of NBA veterans — supposedly the best we have to offer — but they need a miracle to dig themselves out of a hole and come back at this point.Unfortunately for the Dream Team, their leading scorer, High-Fly Wilson, was ejected one minute into the second quarter after climbing into the stands and fighting with a spectator who had continually heckled Wilson for shooting three airballs in a row.Another unuaual moment came late in the second quarter when the Japanese center, Tomohiro Suzuki, suffered a concussion and was knocked out cold as he lunged for a ball and collided with the knee of one of his own teammates. There also have been several other injuries, including the loss of starting forward, Masa Harada.Some of the coaches on the US team are attributing the team’s slow performance to some raw fish they had last night while attending a banquet in their honor. Next thing we’ll know, they’ll be blaming their players’ cement hands on a demonstration class on Japanese paper folding earlier in the week. Who knows what’ll be next?OK, it looks like we’re ready for the second half.Task 6【答案】A.80 hectares, 470,000 square meters, 17,600, 760-hectare, 14, 15, less than a 30-minute driveB.1) It is located in the western part of the Village and consists of apartment buildings, dining halls, and other facilities.2) It is located in the eastern part of the Village and will provide leisure facilities and cultural activities for athletes.3) After the Games, it will become a residential area.【原文】Olympic VillageWith a land area of 80 hectares and a total building floor area of 470,000 square meters, the Olympic Village, located within the Olympic Green, will accommodate 17,600 athletes and team officials. A 760-hectare “Forest Park” will also be created within the Olympic Village.14 venues will be used to hold 15 sporting events within the Olympic Green. These venues are in walking distance from the Olympic Village. All other Olympic venues in Beijing will be less than a 30-minute drive from the Village.The Olympic Village will provide safe and comfortable facilities to help athletes achieve their peak performance during the Games. The Residential Quarter located in the western part of the Village consists of apartment buildings, dining halls, and other facilities. The International Quarter located in the eastern part of the Village will provide leisure facilities and cultural activities for athletes.After the Games, the Village will become a residential area.Task 7【答案】1) The sheer physical nature of football.2) The physical movement of the man: a man who can jump to a height and then get the power behind a ball with his head.3) Well-timed tackle and a ball hit well on the run.4) When you’ve played the game yourself, you can real ly appreciate the skills involved.【原文】Two football enthusiasts talk about what they appreciate about the game.Interviewer: When you… when you go to a match, what do you actually look for? Is it the movement, is it the tactics? What I... or is it just the sheer...1st enthusiast: I think...Interviewer: Sheer exercise? The activity?1st enthusiast: For me it’s the… it’s the sheer physical…erm… the whole, the physical nature of the thing, you know.Interviewer: Uhm.1st enthusiast: For me, I... I like nothing better than to admire a good First Division side running out onto the pitch and you look at these men and their physical condition, everymuscle in their body is completely toned up, you know. And these men are runningand I mean running for ninety minutes.Interviewer: Um.1st enthusiast: And they are really… the... 1 think there is a beauty in it.Interviewer: Uhm?1st enthusiast: The... the physical movement of the man… a man who can jump to a height and then get the power behind a ball with his head.Interviewer: Uhum?1st enthusiast: Which I can just about get out of kicking a ball with my foot.Interviewer: Uhum?1st enthusiast: You know, that is the enjoyment for me.2nd enthusiast: Or a well-timed tackle.1st enthusiast: Yes.2nd enthusiast: Or a... a ball hit well on the run.Interviewer: Uhum.2nd enthusiast: These are skills which have to be learned over a number of years.Interviewer: Yes, uhum.2nd enthusiast: And then of course, you have players who are gifted.Interviewer: Uhum.2nd enthusiast: The skills come almost natural to them. And it’s a b... it’s a beautiful thing to... to see a really professional footballer in action.Interviewer: Uhum.2nd enthusiast: Just striking the ball. But...but it’s only when you’ve pl ayed the game yourself I think, that you can really appreciate.Interviewer: Um.2nd enthusiast: The skills involved.Interviewer: Um.Task 8【答案】1) It is as tiring as it is playing the game itself.2) The tension is released and the tremendous energy is thrown out.3) When a goal is scored, it gives the opportunity to get rid of a lot of your aggressive feelings.4) Because wild behaviour is news and good behavior isn’t.5) It probably contributes to the violence on the terraces.【原文】What’s it like being at a football match? The two enthusiasts talked about this and violence in football crowds.Interviewer: So, ...a...a...a typical match... i... i... is a very tense tense...2nd enthusiast: Oh, yes.Interviewer: Affair, isn’t it?2nd enthusiast: Oh, yes.1st enthusiast: I... in fact, it’s a very…sorry... it’s... a... it’s... a... er...almost tiring being a supporter. Interviewer: Uhm?1st enthusiast: As it is... erm... playing the game itself.1st enthusiast: Er... live fo otball for me is... is... is one of the most…er... stimulating experiences for...emotional sort of build-up and strain.Interviewer: Um.1st enthusiast: You know. The feeling when the ball goes in the back of the net.Interviewer: Uhum.1st enthusiast: In... when you are actually witnessing the whole build-up and the movement. And when it goes in, what is actually happening when the ball goes in the net is that thistension you have built up is suddenly… you give vent to it all and... Interviewer: It’s rel eased?1st enthusiast: It’s released; you know it’s like the tremendous energy being...Interviewer: Uhum.1st enthusiast: Thrown out.Interviewer: Um?1st enthusiast: It’s a tremendous feeling.2nd enthusiast: I... i... i... it also...Interviewer: Uhum?2nd enthusiast: Gives the opportunity to... to... to get rid of a lot of... er...er aggressive...er... a lot of your aggressive feelings.Interviewer: Um.2nd enthusiast: You know. You can...1st enthusiast: Ummm.2nd enthusiast: Shout and scream.Interviewer: Umm.2nd enthusiast: Things which in... in... in normal company you wouldn’t do.Interviewer: But you personally have never been involved in a brawl?2nd enthusiast: No, no. But I’ve seen them.Interviewer: A fight?2nd enthusiast: I have seen them, yeah.Interviewer: Uhum?2nd enthusiast: I... I’ve seen.Interviewer: Uhum.2nd enthusiast: Of course,Interviewer: Uhum?2nd enthusiast: Un... un... wild behaviour is news,Interviewer: Uhum.2nd enthusiast: And good behavior isn’t news.1st enthusiast: Umm.2nd enthusiast: So that the press tends to seize on... on skinheads at football matches. Interviewer: Uhim.2nd enthusiast: And this is blown up.Interviewer: Uhumm.2nd enthusiast: This is blown up. And in fact, in my opinion… i... i...i… it probably c ontributes to the violence...2nd enthusiast: On the terraces.Task 9【答案】【原文】A: Yes, people used to say that sporting competitions between nations was a good substitute for war but it seems in recent times at football matches that it’s er... that they’re taking war with them into the er... into the football ground. I mean, does… doesn’t international competitio n in this way simply ferment nationalist feelings and make the whole situation rather unsporting in the end?B: I think it does, yes. I mean... I... er in a good game of any sport really that... I personally think if it’s played as it should be played, winning is not the be all and end all, it’s playing the game… which is the...A: But is that possible today in a professional sport?B: No, I’m afraid it isn’t.C: No, I don’t think it should be in professional sport. In a professional sport we’re talking ab out winning… um because winning is where the money is, hence professional and...B: That’s the way it is. Whether it should be is another question... I er...C: Oh no, that is how it should be. If you don’t want it to be like that then you have amateur spo rt. A: Well, what about the effect on the supporters though in that case. There... is there any truth in saying that the violence on the field of sport between professionals who are behaving professionally and we’ve got this very unpleasant impression “a professional foul” in football, doesn’t that lead to violence off… off the...?C: Yes, I’m sure it does, and really we’re talking about responsibility and I don’t think that insome of the games where violence is prevalent, as for example football, that we have responsible officials. I think, er, to stop violence on the terraces then, yes you must stop some of the violence on the field.A: Maybe professionalism is part of this. I mean the… perhaps the most violent game that we play in Britain on the field i s the Rugby Union and yet it’s very rare for any… for there to be any er trouble in the grounds where...B: The point is that in Rugby Union one can’t tell the difference between a legitimate tackle and a bodily assault.C: No, but I think that it’s handl ed more... more responsibly. For example, I believe in Rugby when one person is sent off, generally there’s... there’s someone from the opposing side also sent off, and I think it’s fair to say that in most trouble spots there…there is more than one person involved. By doing things like that you defuse the situation.B: I think the referees in Rugby are much tougher. I mean one word against the referee in Rugby and you’re off in a lot of cases.A: But also, of course, it’s an amateur game. There isn’t t he money in it is there, for the players. B: But even in Rugby League where there is money involved, although perhaps not such a large extent on the whole as in football, the referee usually has much more control of the situation.Task 10【答案】A.1) How do top athletes handle defeat and disappointment?Or where do they find the spark to keep going after a loss?2) Wining or losing depends solely on the athlete’s own skill and effort.B.1) Think positively.2) Stick with it.3) Work on small things.4) Learn from mistakes.5) Pick yourself up.C.1) Name: Siri LindleyProfession: long-distance running, swimming, cyclingResponse: make me stronger and more determined, pick my head up, start thinking positive, visualize myself succeeding2) Name: Allen JohnsonProfession: 100-meter hurdles at the 1996 OlympicsResponse: You can’t be the best every day, you can be the best on some days3) Name: Diver Mark RuizProfession: national championsResponse: the little things that count, practice that much harder, feel motivated to practice, if I don’t train well,I don’t do well.4) Name: Shannon MillerProfession: two goldsResponse: go back to the gym and figure out what went wrong, learn form your mistakes5) Name: Michael WeissProfession: one of the best, a lot of spillsResponse: a part of growing, lift you up, pick yourself up【原文】Top athletes offer advice on making the most of a lossHow do top athletes handle defeat and disappointment? In many cases, an athlete can turn to his or her teammates for support and encouragement. But in some sports, the performer competes as an individual. Winning or losing depends solely on the athlete’s own skill and effort.I asked several top performers in individual sports like gymnastics, skating, and track and field where they find the spark to keep going after a loss. Maybe their responses will be helpful to you, too.Siri Lindley is a top triathlete, competing in events that combine long-distance running, swimming, and cycling. “I try to use what I learn from each loss to make me stronger and more determined,” she says. “Then I pick my head up and start thinking positive and I visualize myself succeeding the next time. Let the losses make you stronger.”Allen Johnson won a gold medal in the 100-meter hurdles at the 1996 Olympics, but he knows that he can’t win every race. “When I don’t win, I have to accept the fact that I made a mistake or that someone was better on that day,” he says. “You can’t be the best every day, but you can be the best on some days.”Diver Mark Ruiz has won many national championships. “In my sport it is the little things that count,” he says. “Each dive must be done perfectly. If I don’t do well in a meet, it pushes me to practice that much harder. If I don’t feel motivated to practice, I remind myself that if I don’t train well, I don’t do well. So I go right back to working on all the small things.”Gymnast Shannon Miller has won several Olympic medals, including two golds. “If I make a mistake in the middle of a competition, I try to forget about it because I have to go on,” she says. “If I do poorly over the course of an entire meet, I go back to the gym and figure out what went wrong. It’s so important to learn from your mistakes.”Figure skater Michael Weiss is one of the best in his sport, but there have been a lot of spills along the way. “I look at failing as a part of growing,” he says.“When you lose and you are feeling down, without teammates to lift you up, you have to be strong enough to pick yourself up.”Task 11【答案】Title: Preventing Sporting Injuries1. IntroductionImportance of sports: a great way to keep in shape for most people, and a great start on the road to a healthy lifestyle.Topic of the talk: tips for getting the most out of your fitness programme and preventing injury.2. Preventing injuries2.1 Avoiding dehydrationHow to avoid dehydration: drink consistently before and during your sporting activity. Remember: alcohol and any drinks containing caffeine can lead to increased dehydration.If you are outdoors.Remember: bring adequate sun protection.Avoid: activities between 10 am and 2 pm, the hottest part of the day.2.2 Warming up, cooling downStretching: helps to promote blood flow to your muscles,increases flexibility, andreduces the chance of getting a new injury or aggravating an old one.A gentle cool down period: less muscle stiffness and soreness.removing waste products from muscles, andreplacing them with nutrients and oxygen.Cautions: Try not to overdo it when beginning a new activity;build on your fitness levels, and set goals.2.3 The right equipmentEssential equipment: the correct footwear, especially in sports where knee and ankle injuries are common.Protective equipment: knee and elbow pads, helmets, gloves or shin pads.3. Treating an injury3.1 Broken bones and severe sporting injuries: a medical professional immediately.3.2 Less serious sprains and strains: RICE —Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.4. Food and sport4.1 Time for food digestion before sport: one to four hours, longer if your sport involvesrunning.4.2 The ideal meal prior to sport: low in fat, and high in carbohydrates.【原文】Preventing Sporting InjuriesSports are obviously a great way to keep in shape for most people, and a great start on the road to a healthy lifestyle.Here are some tips for getting the most out of your fitness programs and preventing injury.Avoiding dehydrationWhatever sport your play, it is essential to maintain your fluid levels to avoid dehydration. Don’t rely on you r thirst as an indicator of fluid depletion; try to drink consistently before and during your sporting activity. Continuing to drink after you have finished will ensure that weight lost through fluid depletion is replaced. Remember that alcohol and any drinks containing caffeine can led to increased dehydration.If you are outdoors, always remember to bring adequate sum protection, and try to avoid scheduling activities between 10 am and 2 pm, the hottest part of the day.Warning up, cooling downYou can help to reduce the risk of a serious sporting injury by warming up prior to exercise and taking time to cool down after your activity. Stretching prior to exercise helps to promote blood flow to your muscles, increasing flexibility and reducing the chance of getting a new injury or aggravating an old one.A gentle cool down period means you will experience less muscle stiffness and soreness. It also helps to remove waste products form muscles you have used during your activity, replacing them with nutrients and oxygen.Try not to overdo it when beginning a new activity; build on your fitness levels and set goals. knowing your limits means you have less chance of sustaining a sporting injury—a lack offitness increase your chance of experiencing a heat-related injury such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke.The right equipmentNo matter what sport you play, the correct footwear is essential to absorb the impact of movement as well as provide adequate support for your ankles and feet. This is especially important in sports where knee and ankle injuries are common, such as netball and football. To help avoid injury, protective equipment such as knee and elbow pads, helmets, gloves or shin pads may be helpful in many contact sports or sports where there is a risk of crashing.Treating an injuryWhile broken bones and severe sporting injuries, such as concussions, should be treated by a medical professional immediately, less serious sprains and strains can initially be helped by the RICE method.Rest — no exercise or stretching or quick movements.Ice —should be applied for at least 20 minutes as soon as possible after the injury, then every four hours while you are awake, for the next 48 hours. Crushed ice cubes in a wet tea towel or packets of frozen peas are ideal. Be careful to protect your skin from the ice with oil, a paper towel or a tea towel.Compress — use a firm crepe or elastic pressure bandage on the affected joint or limb.Elevate — keep the injured arm or leg up.Food and sportAllow between one and four hours for your food to digest before you participate in any sporting activity, longer if your sport involves running. the ideal meal prior to sport is low in fat and high in carbohydrates —carbohydrates increase your store of glycogen, which fuels the muscles, while a low-fat meal helps you avoid a bloated feeling that may affect your performance.Task 12【答案】Mr. Jones was very fond of climbing mountains, so one year he went to Switzerland for his holidays. After he had climbed some easy mountains, he decided one day to climb a more difficult one; but he did not want to go up it alone, so he found a good Swiss guide, who had often climbed that mountain.At first it was not a difficult climb, but then they came to a place which was not so easy. The guide stopped, turned round and warned Mr. Jones. “Be careful here,”he said, “This is a dangerous place. You can easily fall, and if you do, you will fall straight down a very long way. But,” he cont inued calmly, “if you do fall here, don’t forget to look to the right while you are going down. There is quite an extraordinarily beautiful view there — much more beautiful than the one you can see from here.”。

现代大学英语 精读1 unit 4PPT课件

现代大学英语 精读1 unit 4PPT课件
– The city of form and rules: the city that is neat and beautiful. (Washington was the first carefully planned city in the world with parallel streets cut by diagonal avenues. Its design was considered a masterpiece. )
unconcern about the consequences as always made the plane fall down
was able to deal with an unexpected problem, a difficult task
Last Wednesday,_t_h_e_b_a_d_w__e_a_th_e_r_, unconcerned about the consequences it might bring about as always,_m__ad_e__F_li_g_h_t_9_0_f_a_ll_d_o_w__n_.
combination of colours which gave an artistic effect on the horrible scene, stressing what met the eye
The clash was also a clash of colours, a horrible eye-catching scene.
Sentence as disasters go, this one was terrible …; why, Pattern then, the shock here? Grammar appositive clauses
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Unit 4Task 1【答案】1) He stood up and rang the bell.2) He wanted to make sure that the driver heard him.3) The conductor came and shouted at him.4) The landlady told him that’s the signal for the driver to go on and only the conductor was allowed to ring the bell twice. That’s why the conductor got so annoyed.【原文】A strange thing happened to Henri yesterday. He was on a bus and wanted to get off. So he stood up and rang the bell. To make sure the driver heard him he rang it twice, but the bus didn’t stop, and the conductor came and shouted at him.The conductor was so annoyed, and spoke so fast, that Henri didn’t understand a word. The bus stopped at the next bus stop and Henri got off. As he got off he heard someone say, “I think he’s a foreigner.”When Henri got home, he told his landlady about the incident.“How many times did you ring the bell?” she asked.“Twice,” said Henri.“Well, that’s the signal for the driver to go on,” his landlady explained. “Only the conductor is allowed to ring the bell twi ce. That’s why he got so annoyed.”Henri nodded. “I see,” he said.Task 2【答案】1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) F, 5) T, 6) T【原文】The Taylor family, who live in North London, are planning to spend a day in Norwich. They can’t agree how to get there.Mr. Taylor: I don’t want to drive all that way. Let’s go by train.Mrs. Taylor: But that’s so expensive. It’s much cheaper for a family to go by car.Peter: Why not try the coach? It’ll be cheaper than the train, and Daddy won’t have to drive.Alison: But I’ll be sick! I hate traveling by coach.Mrs. Taylor: Which is the quickest way to get there?Mr. Taylor: Well, it’ll take at least three hours by car.Peter: No, it won’t. Not if we take the motorway out of London.Alison: I’m sure there’s a fast train service.Mrs. Taylor: But we’ll have to get to Liverpool Street first. And then there’s the tube fares at this end, and bus or taxi fares at the other.Alison: And the coach station is at Victoria, so that’s an extra journey too.Mr. Taylor: I think there are som e special family rail fares. Perhaps that’ll be the cheapes t way.Peter: But it won’t be the most convenient.Mrs. Taylor: Why don’t we check all the facts and then decide?Peter: OK.Task 3【答案】A.of, without, of,for, to, by, to, to, intofrom, withon, in, around, aboutB.1) school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When their children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school.2) they can save gasoline and it is easier for them to find parking places3) too many cars are on the road and have created many problems【原文】The United States is full of automobiles. There are still many families without cars, but some families have two or even more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a necessary part of life.Cars are used for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school. One mother drives on Mondays, taking her own children and the neighbors’ children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use of cars.Task 4【答案】1) T, 2) F, 3) T, 4) F【原文】Mr. Fine: Can anyone in the class explain some differences between a zip code and an area code?Mary: Both of them are numbers.Mr. Fine: That’s how they are alike. But how are they different?Mary: A zip code is for mailing letters. An area code is for making phone calls,Mr. Fine: What kind of phone calls?Mary: Long distance calls.Mr. Fine: All right. And what is a zip code?Mary: When I write a letter to my friends in New York City, I write 10027 on the envelope.That’s their zip code. I have some other friends i n New York City, but their zip code is10003.Mr. Fine: In a big city there are different zip codes for different parts of the city. What about area codes?Mary: Sometimes a whole small city has the same area code.Mr. Fine: That’s right. And sometimes a whole state has the same area code if it doesn’t have many telephones. For example, the area code for the whole state of Arizona is 802.Mary: But New York State has millions of telephones, so it has more than one area code.Task 5【答案】A.1) c, 2) b, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b, 8) cB.1) would have got up on time2) would have woken up James3) would have been on the plane that crashed4) would have lost his life in the crash【原文】James wrote a play for television about an immigrant family who came to England from Pakistan, and the problems they had settled down in England. The play was surprisingly successful, and it was bought by an American TV company.James was invited to go to New York to help with the production. He lived in Dulwich, which is an hour’s journey away from Heathrow. The flight was due to leave at 8:30 am, so he had to be at the airport about 7:30 in the morning. He ordered a mini-cab for 6:30, set his alarm for 5:45, and went to sleep. Unfortunately he forgot to wind the clock, and it stopped shortly after midnight. Also the driver of the mini-cab had to work very late that night and overslept.James woke with that awful feeling that something was wrong. He looked at his alarm clock. It stood there silently, with the hands pointing to 12:10. He turned on the radio and discovered that it was, in fact, ten to nine. He swore quietly and switched on the electric kettle.He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when the nine o’clock pips sounded on the radio. The announcer began to read the news, “... reports are coming in of a crash near Heathrow Airport. A Boeing 707 bound for New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning. Flight number 2234...” James turned pale.“My flight,” he said out loud. “If I hadn’t overslept, I’d have been on that plane”.Task 6【答案】A.1) 1964, the United States2) safety belts3) 404) about 155) 24B.1) They do not smoke while driving.2) They have had more education than non-users.3) They know someone who was injured (but not killed) in an automobile accident.C.the importance of using seat belts in driving【原文】According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts. (These are also called safety belts.) Many studies of automobile accidents have shown that safety belts can save lives. One study showed that 40 percent of those killed in auto accidents could have been saved if they had been wearing seat belts.Unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers — about 15 percent in cities, and only 9 percent in small towns. And safety belts cannot protect people who do not wear them.In order to find out what kinds of people do wear seat belts a study was made in seven cities in the United States. The following facts were learned about those who use their safety belt:1. They do not smoke while driving.2. They have had more education than non-users.3. They know someone who was injured (but not killed) in an automobile accident.Advertisements based on these facts have been printed in newspapers and magazines in order to teach people the importance of using seat belts. But these advertisements have not helped much. Some people believe there should be a law requiring drivers and passengers to use safety belts. In Australia, where there is such a law, deaths in auto accidents have decreased 24 percent.Task 7【答案】A.1) Miss Brown.2) Mr. Phillips was Miss Brown’s boss.3) He sounded very angry.4) He had been in a traffic jam for more than an hour.B.1) congested2) alternative routes3) South Circular Road4) broken down5) blown down, in useC.1)T, 2)F, 3)F, 4)F, 5)TD.1) He left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route.2) The traffic lights were out of order because of the storms last night.3) After that there was a breakdown.4) He ran out of petrol.5) He was in traffic jams for three hours.【原文】PartⅠ(Telephone ringing constantly. Sound of key turning in lock, door opening.)Miss Brown: (answering telephone) Good morning. Blue Star Travel Agency. Can I help you? Mr. Phillips: Is that you, Miss Brown? I’ve been ringing the office for 10 minutes. Where have you been?Miss Brown: Sorry, Mr. Phillips. I’ve just arrived. The traffic was terrible this morning.Mr. Phillips: The traffic is still terrible. I’ve been in a traffic jam for more than an hour. Look after the office until I get there. It may take a long time.Miss Brown: certainly, Mr. Phillips. Good luck.(Sound of hanging up.)(to herself) Thank goodness the boss is late too! The first thing I’m going to do istake my coat off. Then I’m going to sit down and have a cup of coffee. I think I’llswitch the radio on too.PartⅡ(Radio being switched on.)Radio: Here is a message for all motorists. Most major roads leading in and out of London are congested. Motorists should use alternative routes wherever possible. The time isnow 9:30. Here is the local traffic news.Announcer: Heavy rain during the night has flooded parts of the South Circular Road. An articulated lorry has broken down on the M1. Traffic is now only 2 lane and movingvery slowly. Strong winds during the night have blown down a number of trees on theM6 and many sections are not in use. That is the end of the local traffic news. Formore news listen again at 10 o’clock.(Sound of radio being switched off and door opening.)Betty: (breathless) Hello, Carol. Sorry, bu t I couldn’t get here earlier.Miss Brown: Never mind, Betty. Have a cup of coffee and relax.Part III(Door open and slammed. Background of typing.)Miss Brown: Oh, it’s you Mr. Phillips. We’ve been worried about you. Are you all right? Would you like a cup of coffee?Mr. Phillips: I’m going straight to my office. Are my letters waiting for me? Yes, I would. And some biscuits.(Door slams.)Miss White: Phew. What’s the matter with him? Why is he in such a bad mood?Miss Brown: Let’s make a cup of coffee for him and find out. If you make the coffee, I’ll sp eak to Mr. Phillips.(Polite knock at door, door opening.)Miss Brown: We’re making some coffee Mr. Phillips. Would you like to have it with us? You could tell us about your awful journey.(Background sound of cups.)Miss White: Was the traffic bad, Mr. Phillips?Mr. Phillips: Was the traffic bad? We were in traffic jams for three hours. I left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route. For the first time, I used the M4. Never again.That was because of the storms last night. Then the traffic lights were out of order.After that there was a breakdown and.., finally, I ran out of petrol.(Giggles from Miss W. and Miss B. Footsteps. Door slams.)Task 8【答案】1) b, 2) a, 3) cB.a) It was chosen because the cost of energy is not so great as with a bus system.b) It was chosen because it is much easier to carry a greater number of passengers by train than by bus or car.c) It was chosen because the noise and pollution are not so great as with buses and cars.C.1) 12.5, above and below2) Germany, Canada3) Calgary4) 245) only one man6) separate7) 30 seconds8) open the doors themselves.9) automatic ticket machines (placed) on the platforms, zipcards10) get a $25 fine【原文】Calgary is an oil town. It is home for more than half a million Canadians, and this population may well be much closer to three quarters of a million or more by the end of the century. Downtown Calgary is famous: the tall office buildings in the center of the city were in the “Superman” mov ies. But Calgary is also the home of a very modern transport system, and the Light Rail Transit (LRT) is part of it.The rail system was chosen because the cost of energy is not so great as with a bus system, because it is much easier to carry a greater number of passengers by train than by bus or car, and because the noise and pollution is not so great as with buses and cars.But what is the LRT? It is a 12.5-kilometre route, above and below ground. The light train cars are made in Germany and Canada. In Germany they are made by Siemens in Dusseldorf, and then taken to Canada where final assembly is done in Calgary. Each car is just over 24 metres long, and each train is operated by only one man — the driver. The driver is in a separate cabin, and he can’t talk to passengers.The trains stop for about 30 seconds at each station, and passengers who want to get in or out must open the doors themselves.Automatic ticket machines are placed on the platforms. Passengers can buy a ticket from these, or they can buy special monthly tickets called zipcards. However, if passengers are caught without a ticket they may get a $25 fine.Task 9【答案】A.1) deaths and people injured2) drivers, pedestrians, and road conditions3) may cause drivers and pedestrians endanger lives through no fault of their own4) too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of a street, and congested parkinga) drive too fast and without any consideration for othersb) think they are safe at the wheel even though they have drunk too much alcoholc) out of some curious sense of power, are incapable of understanding that their car is a lethalweapon if improperly used6)a) step off the pavement without first looking to the left or rightb) cross roads when the traffic lights are against themc) jump off a moving busB.Pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame for road accidents.【原文】There are far too many road accidents in this country: too many deaths and too many people injured. One wonders who are most to blame: drivers or pedestrians. Some people say that the blame cannot be put fairly without considering the state of the roads and the whole transport system. In crowded cities like London, Birmingham or Manchester, road conditions are so chaotic that both driver and pedestrian often endanger lives through no fault of their own. Such deficiencies as too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of a street, congested parking are all a sure indication of bad road conditions.On the other hand, many experts are convinced that the larger part of the blame for the death toll must be put on persons and persons alone: drivers who drive too fast and without any consideration for others, drivers who think they are safe at the wheel even though they have drunk too much alcohol, drivers who, out of some curious sense of power, are incapable of understanding that their car is a lethal weapon if improperly used. Pedestrians, likewise, must share the guilt: stepping off the pavement without first looking to the left or right, crossing roads when the traffic lights are against them, jumping off a moving bus. To be fair, pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame.One looks forward to the day when the motor car has been replaced by some less dangerous means of transport.Task 10【答案】A.1) 11, 2) Over 400, 3) Over 4,000, 4) $ 400, 5) 60 daysB.1) Most people are going to die from accidents caused by drunk drivers.2) Joe’s sister is worried because it’s getting late and he is drunk.3) The green Ford that Joe is driving is weaving from left to right.4) When Officer Williams asks Joe to walk along the white line, he can’t do it. Joe also fails the breath test.5) He’s going to appear in court next week. He is going to receive a $400 fine. The judge is also going to suspend his license for sixty days.C.enjoying, family party, leave, stay, wait, drives, fine, slowly, had, drinks【原文】It’s a holiday weekend. The police officers were sitting in a hot room receiving instructions from their captain. One of these officers was Ed Williams. He and ten other officers were on special duty. This weekend alone, over 400 people are going to die from accidents caused by drunk drivers. Over 4,000 people are going to receive serious injuries, all caused by drunk drivers. The officers are going to try to prevent these accidents before they happen.Meanwhile, Joe Forest is enjoying himself at a family party. It’s getting late and he’s telling his sister that he’s going to leave. She’s asking him to stay and wait a few hours before he drives. “Don’t worry. I’m going to be fine. I’m going to drive slowly. I only had a few drinks.”Officer Williams is at a toll booth, watching cars enter the area. A green Ford is approaching, weaving from left to right. Officer Williams stops the car and tells Joe to get out. He asks Joe to walk along the white line. Joe can’t do it. Joe also fails the breath test. Officer Williams is telling Joe that he’s going to issue him a summons. And he can’t drive his car home. Joe calls his sister. She’s going to come and drive him home.This was Joe’s first offense. He’s going to appear in court next week. He is going to receive a $400 fine. The judge is also going to suspend his license for 60 days. This first time, other drivers were lucky. Joe didn’t kill them. But what about the future, is Joe going to stop drinking and driving?Task 11【答案】If you are a daily Transit rider, carry a zipcard. It’s quick, convenient and gives you unlimited rides on any regular Calgary Transit service. The zipcard saves you money too! Pay the adult fare of 90c, twice a day for 22 working days each month, adds up to $39.60. But a zipcard costs just $31 a month. It also saves you the extra 10c on all express buses. Buy a zipcard and take advantage of the best way to ride.。
