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摘要 (1)


一、绪论 (3)

(一)研究背景 (3)

(二)研究方法 (3)

(三)研究意义 (3)

(四)国内外文献综述 (4)

二、高收益债券及其信用风险的理论基础 (5)

(一)高收益债券的概念 (5)

(二)高收益债券的特点 (5)

1. 高收益债券具有较高的信用风险 (5)

2. 高收益债券具有较高的波动性 (5)

3. 高收益债券流动性较差 (5)

4. 高收益债券有利于信用衍生品的繁荣 (5)

(三)解析高收益债券的信用风险 (6)

三、我国高收益债券的发展现状 (7)

(一)高收益债券的发行人类别 (7)

(二)高收益债券的规模占比 (7)

(三)高收益债券的期限分布 (8)

(四)高收益债券的类别 (9)

四、高收益债券信用风险管理中存在的问题及成因 (9)

(一)高收益债券在信用风险管理中出现的问题 (10)

1. 对信用风险的认识程度存在问题 (10)

2. 信用风险监管制度在设计中存在的问题 (11)

3. 信用风险评级存在不严密的问题 (11)

(二)高收益债券在信用风险管理中出现问题的原因 (12)

1. 高收益债券在信用风险管理中会受到市场的影响 (12)

2. 债券信用评级制度不健全 (12)

3. 信用风险管理的外部监管机制落后 (13)

五、高收益债券信用风险的防范措施 (13)

(一)建立完善的信用风险监管体制 (13)

(二)建立现代化的信用评级制度 (13)

(三)制定信用风险披露制度 (13)

(四)建立完整有效的样本数据库 (14)

(五)扩大投资主体,加强投资者的专业程度 (14)

结论 (14)

参考文献 (15)

致谢........................................ 错误!未定义书签。





The high-yield bond market started to develop in the United States in the 1970s. At present, its development is relatively mature, and its name has changed from "junk bond" with derogatory meaning and high risk emphasis to "high risk bond" which is more easily accepted by the market and investors. Although China's high-yield market is still in its infancy at this stage, with the deepening of reform and opening-up and the acceleration of the improvement of the disposal mechanism of bond default, the market of default bond trading will be broader and occupy an important position in the high-yield market, so China's high-yield market will face greater challenges And more rapid development. As a very important financial tool for resource reallocation in the period of economic transformation, the evaluation of credit risk and the prevention of risk of high-yield bonds have been the issues of concern in China at this stage. By consulting relevant materials, this paper analyzes the main problems faced by the development of high-yield bonds in China. By improving the credit rating system, strengthening the supervision of high-yield bond market and cultivating
