

ITIL 考试中文试题

ITIL 考试中文试题

【下载本文档,可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容,更多精彩文章,期待你的好评和关注,我将一如既往为您服务】ITIL 试题一2、下列说法哪个不正确?A 可用性管理涉及维持约定的数据安全级别。

B 可用性管理应该有助于新软件产品的设计和开发。

C 可用性管理通过与客户协商可用级别来确保满足他们的需求。

D 可用性管理与硬件配置项的性能有关。


下面的那个流程决定在合并后的IT基础设施上运行所需应用软件的磁盘和内存需求?A 应用管理B 能力管理C 计算机操作管理D 发布管理答案:b4、思考如下所列事项:1)分析2)模拟3)需求4)资源上面所列哪项是IT模拟测试的技术?A 3 & 4B 1 & 2C 2 & 3D 1 & 4答案:b5、差异收费用于:A 故障树分析(FTA)B 状态核查C 需求管理D 风险分析和管理法答案:c6、应用选型是一种用于能力管理的技术,为什么应用选型重要?A 测度某种IT服务的可用性。

B 控制某种IT应用软件的使用。

C 对应用软件的开发者来说,重要的是技术上的能力能被保持。

D 可以预知某种应用软件的资源要求和它的性能。

答案:d7、哪项不是能力管理的组成部分?A 调整B 需求管理C 应用选型D 可维护性答案:d8、在资源使用高峰时,对业务用户按照附加的费率收取费用称为:A 高峰资源收费B 差异收费C 实收D 折扣答案:b9、在ITIL的变更管理流程,一旦变更构建,谁承担测试?A 变更构建者B 变更管理者C 变更顾问委员会D 中立测试者答案:d10、一家公司为他们的图形设计工作站建立了局域网,因为大容量的图表通过网络传输,网络带宽必须增加。

哪个ITIL流程可用于满意的增加带宽的方案实施?A 能力管理B 变更管理C 可用性管理D 问题管理答案:b11 在一个变更执行后,对其进行评估。





1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activitiesand events in the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activitiesand events in the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?A.To identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



2011年下半年软件水平考试(初级)程序员上午(基础知识)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题选择题(每小题1分,共75分)下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将此选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。





2.在Excel中,若A1、A2、A3、A4、A5、A6单元格的值分别为90、70、95、55、80、60,在B1单元格中输入“=MIN(A1:A6)—MAX(A1:A6)”,B2单元格输入“=A VERAGE(A1:A6)”,则B1和B2单元格的值分别为_____________。




A VERAGE(A1:A6)函数返回A1~A6中的平均值,因此,B2单元格的值为(90+70+95+55+80+60)/6=75。







1.[单选题]哪个术语与服务消费者的需求相一致的服务级别相关?A)服务管理B)保修C)费用D)效答案:B解析:略2.[单选题]Check, Act and Plan are three of the stages of the Deming Cycle. Which is the fourth?检查、处理和计划是戴明循环的三个步骤,第四个是?A)DoB)PerformC)ImplementD)Measure答案:A解析:3.[单选题]哪些类型的变更是预先授权的,风险低,相对常见,并遵循程序或工作说明?A)标准更改B)紧急变更C)内部变化D)正常变化答案:A解析:略4.[单选题]变更日程用于下面哪个项目的?A)帮助计划紧急变更B)帮助授权标准变更C)帮助协助变更授权D)帮助管理正常变更答案:D解析:5.[单选题]关于变更权限的哪项陈述是正确的?A)只有授权紧急变更才需要变更权限B)在部署每个更改时分配更改权限C)只有授权正常变更才需要变更权限D)为每种类型的变更和变更模型分配变更权限答案:D解析:略6.[单选题]What is a recommendation of the 'focus on value' guiding principle?C)Focus on value for the service provider firstD)Focus on value at every step of the improvement答案:D解析:7.[单选题]将下面的句子补充完整。

“服务配置管理实践的目的在于确保在需要的时间和位置提供有关服务配置以及支持[?] 的准确且可靠的信息”。

A)供应商B)配置项(CIs)C)客户D)资产答案:B解析:8.[单选题]“问题管理”实践的目的是什么?A)保护组织所需信息以便开展业务B)通过确定事件的实际和潜在原因以及管理临时方案和已知错误来减少事件发生几率和影响C)通过持续识别和改进服务,确保组织实践和服务能够与不断变化的业务需求保持一致D)通过尽快恢复正常服务运营来最大程度降低事件负面影响答案:B解析:9.[单选题]什么是变更?A)添加、修改或删除可能对服务产生直接或间接影响的任何内容B)确保提供有关服务配置的准确且可靠的信息C)提供新的和变更的服务与特性以供使用D)将新的或变更的硬件、软件或任何其他组件移至生产环境答案:A解析:10.[单选题]哪些服务级别指标最适合衡量用户体验?A)基于单个系统的指标B)服务正常运行时间百分比的指标C)业务计量D)与已定义结果相关的指标答案:D解析:略11.[单选题]Which benefit is MOST aligned with the guiding principle 'progress iteratively with Feedback'?A)Service providers are able to respond more quickly to customer needsB)Bottlenecks in the service provider's workflow are identified.C)The complexities of the service provider's IT systems are identified.D)The service provider gains a better understanding of the customer experience.答案:A解析:B)变更实施C)问题管理D)持续改进答案:D解析:13.[单选题]通过促进客户想要实现的结果,而无需客户管理特定的成本和风险,从而实现价值共同创造的方法是什么A)服务管理B)持续改进C)服务D)IT答案:C解析:略14.[单选题]这通常需要来自许多利益相关者群体的代表团队?A)履行服务请求B)授权紧急变更C)记录新问题D)调查重大事件答案:D解析:略15.[单选题]哪种做法对用户体验和服务提供商的认知有很大影响?A)服务台B)变更支持C)服务水平管理D)供应商管理答案:A解析:略16.[单选题]在应用“协作并促进可见性”指导原则时,下面哪项可协助减少计划改进的阻力?A)改进相关信息仅限于主要利益相关者知晓B)提高改进协作与可见性C)完成所有计划后让客户参与其中D)通过同样的沟通让所有利益相关者以相同方式参与进来答案:B解析:17.[单选题]为什么应对事件进行优先级排序?A)为了将事件与问题或已知错误进行自动匹配B)为了明确事件应升级至哪个支持团队C)为了确保优先解决对业务影响最大的事件D)为了鼓励在团队内部与团队之间提高协作水平答案:C解析:18.[单选题]所有价值链活动如何将输入转化为输出?A)通过确定服务需求D)通过实施流程自动化答案:B解析:19.[单选题]变更计划用于什么目的?A)帮助规划紧急更改B)帮助授权标准更改C)帮助分配变更权限D)帮助管理正常变化答案:D解析:略20.[单选题]关于服务台的哪项说法是正确的?A)服务台应与支持和开发团队密切合作B)服务台应依赖自助服务门户,而不是升级到支持团队C)服务台应与技术支持小组保持隔离D)服务台应将所有技术问题上报给支持和开发团队答案:A解析:略21.[单选题]下面哪项可以促成客户想要的结果?A)服务B)功效C)组织D)IT 资产答案:A解析:22.[单选题]哪一做法的目的包括管理与保密性、完整性和可用性有关的风险?A)信息安全管理B)变更支持C)问题管理D)服务配置管理答案:A解析:略23.[单选题]关于“持续改进”实践的哪项说法是正确的?A)持续改进的参与应仅限于一个小型的专门团队。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and eventsin the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operatea new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management? 下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?A.To identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activitiesand events in the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?A.To identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



ITIL2011Foundation中文考试题库2016年整理(共113题)1.ITIL服务管理的实施需要准备和计划好4Ps使用的效率和效果,什么是4Ps?a)人员、流程、合作伙伴、性能b)性能、流程、产品、问题c)人员、流程、产品、合作伙伴d)人员、产品、视角、合作伙伴答案:C2. 流程所有者在RACl角色矩阵中有一个“”的角色。

下列那一项是对该角色的期望?a) 告诉其他人有关活动的进展b) 执行一项活动c) 被通告活动的时间进度d)管理一项活动答案:C3. 下列那一项是供应商管理的职责:a) 开发、协商和约定服务级别协议(SLAs)b) 开发、协商和约定合同c) 开发、协商和约定服务组合d) 开发、协商和约定运营级别协议(OLAs)答案:B4. 下列那一项负责服务指标测量?a) 流程和职能b) 成熟度和成本c) 端到端的服务d) 基础设施的可用性答案:C5. 下列哪些是服务台组织的构建方法:1. 本地服务台2. 虚拟服务台3. IT帮助台4. “向日葵”式a) 只有1、2和4b) 只有2、3和4c) 只有1、3和4a) 只有1、2和3答案:A6. 重大故障(事件)需要:a) 单独的过程b) 不要太紧急c) 较长的时间范围d) 较少的文档答案:A7. 下列哪一个活动在持续服务改进(CSI) 模型的“我们想达到什么地位?”步骤中执行:a)实施服务和流程改进b) 回顾可量化的改进c)创建基线d) 定义可量化的目标答案:D8. 下列哪项要考虑方针和方向:a) 容量管理b) 治理c)服务设计d)服务级别管理答案:B9. 下列哪一项是服务级别管理的目标:a) 执行需要的用于支持当前IT服务的运营活动b) 确保提供充分的容量,以交付一定的服务性能c) 创建和组织服务目录d) 对于所有当前IT服务,确保提供了IT服务议定的级别答案:D10.下列哪一项可以帮助确定问题的影响等级?a) 最终介质库(DML)b) 配置管理系统(CMS)c) 需求声明(SOR)d) 标准操作程序(SOP)答案:B11.下列哪一项不是问题管理的目标:a) 减轻不可预防故障的影响b) 防止问题及导致的故障的发生c) 消除重复发生的故障d)尽可能快地恢复正常服务运营答案:D12.哪个服务设计的流程最多地利用了需求管理所提供的数据:a) 服务目录管理b) 服务级别管理c) IT服务持续性管理d) 容量管理答案:D13.服务始终交付给客户的应该是什么?a) 应用b) 基础架构c) 价值d) 资源答案:C14.哪个流程负责与客户讨论是否服务满足了他们的目标的报告:a) 持续服务改进b) 业务关系管理c) 服务级别管理d) 可用性管理答案:C15.下列哪项不是服务目录管理的责任?a) 确保服务目录中的信息是准确的b) 确保服务管道中的信息是准确的c) 确保服务目录中的信息与服务组合中的信息是一致的是准确的d) 确保所有运营服务都记录在服务目录中答案:B16.什么是服务运营目标的最佳描述?a) 在服务管理生命周期中,决定IT如何与供应商合作b) 主动预防所有IT服务的所有中断c) 设计和建立满足业务需求的流程d) 为业务用户和客户交付及管理议定级别的IT服务答案:D17.下面哪一个不是服务转换的目的?a) 确保服务是可以管理的、操作的、支持的b) 在项目管理中提供培训及认证c) 提供变更、发布和部署管理的高质量的知识d) 为管理服务发布,对容量和资源的计划和管理答案:B18.哪一个模型提供服务、资产和基础架构的视图?a) 故障模型b) 问题模型c) 配置模型d) 变更模型答案:C19.按计划、执行、检查、行动(PDCA) 模型,对下面持续服务改建(CSI)实施步骤排序。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and eventsin the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operatea new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activitiesand events in the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?A.To identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



1. What does the 'Service V model' represent?a. A strategy for the successful completion of all service management projectsb. The path to Service Delivery and Service Support for efficient and effective utilization of resourcesc. Levels of testing required to deliver a Service Capabilityd. The business perspective as perceived by the customer and the user of services2. Technical Management is NOT responsible for?a. Maintenance of the technical infrastructureb. Documenting and maintaining the technical skills required to manage and support the IT Infrastructurec. Defining the Operational Level Agreements for the technical teamsd. Diagnosis of, and recovery from technical failures3. The priority of an Incident is BEST described as?a. The relative importance of the Incident based on impact and urgencyb. The speed with which the Incident needs to be resolvedc. The number of staff that will be assigned to work on the Incident so that it is resolved in timed. The escalation path that will be followed to ensure resolution of the Incident4. What is the role of the Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB)?a. To assist the Change Manager in ensuring that no urgent Changes are made during particularly volatile business periodsb. To assist the Change Manager in implementing Emergency Changesc. To assist the Change Manager in evaluating Emergency Changes and to decide whether the Change should be approvedd. To assist the Change Manager in speeding up the Emergency Change Process so that no unacceptable delays occur5. A Service Owner is responsible for which of the following?a. Continual Improvement of the serviceb. Designing and documenting a servicec. Carrying out the Service Operations activities needed to support a serviced. Producing a Balanced Scorecard showing the overall status of all services6. Operations Control refers to?a. The managers of the Technical and Applications Management functionsb. Overseeing the execution and monitoring of IT operational events and activitiesc. The tools used to monitor and display the status of the IT Infrastructure and Applicationsd. The situation where the Service Desk is required to monitor the status of the Infrastructure when Operators are not available7. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about patterns of demand generated by the customer's business?a. They are driven by patterns of business activityb. It is impossible to predict how they behavec. It is impossible to influence demand patternsd. They are driven by the delivery schedule generated by Capacity Management8. What is the main reason for establishing a Baseline?a. To standardize operationb. For knowing the cost of services providedc. For roles and responsibility to be cleard. For later comparison9. Which of these is the CORRECT description of normal service operation?a. The service is operating in the way it usually does when there hasn't been an incidentb. The service is providing all functionality and performance that the business wantsc. The service is operating within the limits defined in the Service Level Agreementd. All users are able to log in to the service and use it10. Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of Event Management?a. The ability to detect events, make sense of them and determine the appropriate control actionb. The ability to implement monitoring toolsc. The ability to monitor and control the activities of technical staffd. The ability to report on the successful delivery of services by checking the uptime of infrastructure devices11. The main objective of Availability Management is?a. To monitor and report availability of services and componentsb. To ensure that all targets in Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are metc. To guarantee availability levels for services and componentsd. To ensure that service availability matches or exceeds the agreed needs of the business12. Defining the functional requirements for a new service is part of:a. Service Operation: Application Managementb. Service Strategy: Service Portfolio Managementc. Service Design: Design the technology architectured. Service Design: Design the service solutions13. Which of the following are characteristics of every process?1. It is measurable2. It is timely3. It delivers a specific result4. It responds to a specific event5. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholdera. 1, 2, 3 and 4 onlyb. 1, 2, 4 and 5 onlyc. 1, 3, 4 and 5 onlyd. All of the above14. Which of the following is NOT one of the ITIL core publications?a. Service Optimizationb. Service Transitionc. Service Designd. Service Strategy15. There are 7 different sourcing strategies that a company can use. What is the newest form of outsourcing?a. Knowledge Process Outsourcingb. Partnership or multi-sourcingc. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)d. Application Service Provision16. Which of the following identifies two Service Portfolio components within the Service Lifecycle?a. Service Pipeline and Service Catalogb. Service Knowledge Management System and Service Catalogc. Service Knowledge Management System and Service Pipelined. Service Pipeline and Configuration Management System17. Consider the following statements:a. Continual Service Improvement (CSI) provides guidance on how to improve process efficiency and effectivenessb. CSI provides guidance on how to improve servicesc. CSI provides guidance on the improvement of all phases of the Service Lifecycled. CSI provides guidance on the measurement of processes and servicesWhich of the above statements is CORRECT?a. 1 and 2 onlyb. 2 onlyc. 1, 2 and 3 onlyd. All of the above18. Which of the following BEST describes a Local Service Desk structure?a. A Service Desk that also provides onsite technical support to its usersb. A Service Desk where analysts only speak one languagec. A Service Desk that is situated in the same location as the users it servesd. A Service Desk that could be in any physical location but uses telecommunications and IT systems to make it appear that they are in the same location19. Which of these is NOT a type of change?a. Standard Changeb. Normal Changec. Urgent Changed. Emergency Change20. Which of the following are the three main types of metrics as defined in Continual Service Improvement (CSI)?a. Process Metricsb. Supplier Metricsc. Service Metricsd. Technology Metricse. Business Metricsa. 1, 2 and 3b. 2, 4 and 5c. 1, 3 and 4d. 1, 2 and 421. Why should monitoring and measuring be used when trying to improve services?a. To validate, direct, justify and interveneb. To validate, measure, monitor and changec. To validate, plan, act and improved. To validate, assign resources, purchase technology and train people22. What is the RACI model used for?a. Documenting the roles and relationships of stakeholders in a process or activityb. Defining requirements for a new service or processc. Analyzing the business impact of an Incidentd. Creating a Balanced Scorecard showing the overall status of service management23. What is the CORRECT order of the first four activities in the 7 Step Improvement Process?a. Define what you should measure, define what you can measure, gather data and process datab. Gather data, process data, analyze data and present datac. What is the vision, where are we now, what do we want to be, how do we get there?d. Gather data, process data, define what you should measure and define what24. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?a. Only one person can be responsible for an activityb. Only one person can be accountable for an activitya. Both of the aboveb. 1 onlyc. 2 onlyd. Neither of the above25. The goal of Service Asset and Configuration Management is to?a. Account for all the financial assets of the organizationb. Provide a logical model of the IT Infrastructure, correlating IT services and different IT components needed to deliver the servicesc. Build service models to justify ITIL implementationsd. Implement ITIL across the organization26. Which is the CORRECT sequence of events in choosing a technology tool?a. Select; Requirements; Selection Criteria; Evaluate.b. Selection Criteria; Requirements; Evaluate; Select.c. Requirements; Selection Criteria; Select; Evaluate.d. Requirements; Selection Criteria; Evaluate; Select.27. The four stages of the Deming Cycle are?a. Plan, Measure, Monitor, Reportb. Plan, Check, Re-Act, Implementc. Plan, Do, Act, Auditd. Plan, Do, Check, Act28. The BEST definition of an event is?a. An occurrence where a performance threshold has been exceeded and an agreed Service Level has already been impactedb. An occurrence that is significant for the management of the IT Infrastructure or delivery of servicesc. A known system defect that generates multiple Incident reportsd. A planned meeting of customers and IT staff to announce a new service or improvement program29. Incident Management has a value to the business by?a. Helping to control infrastructure cost of adding new technologyb. Enabling users to resolve Problemsc. Helping to align people and process for the delivery of serviced. Contributing to the reduction of impact of service outages30. The following options are considered within which process?a. Big Bang versus Phasedb. Push and Pullc. Automated versus Manuala. Incident Managementb. Release and Deployment Managementc. Service Asset and Configuration Managementd. Service Catalog Management31. Which are the missing Service Operation processes from the following?a. Incident Managementb. Problem Managementc. Access Managementd. ?e. ?a. Event Management and Request Fulfillmentb. Event Management and Service Deskc. Facilities Management and Event Management32. Sources of 'good practice' include which of the following?a. Public frameworksb. Standardsc. Proprietary knowledge of Individuals and Organizationsa. 1 and 2 onlyb. 2 and 3 onlyc. All of the aboved. 1 and 3 only33. Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Design phase of the Lifecycle?a. Hardware and Software designb. Environmental designc. Process designd. Data designa. 1, 3 and 4 onlyb. 1, 2 and 3 onlyc. All of the aboved. 2, 3 and 4 only34. Setting policies and objectives is the primary concern of which of the following elements of the Service Lifecycle?a. Service Strategyb. Service Strategy and Continual Service Improvementc. Service Strategy, Service Transition and Service Operationd. Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation and Continual Service Improvement35. The Service Level Manager has responsibility for ensuring that the aims of Service Level Management are met. The Service Level Manager is NOT responsible for?a. Negotiating and agreeing Operational Level Agreementsb. Ensuring that all non-operational service are recorded within the Service Catalogc. Negotiating and agreeing Service Level Agreementd. Assisting with the production and maintenance of an accurate Service Catalog36. Which of the following is NOT an objective of Service Operation?a. Thorough testing to ensure that services are designed to meet business needsb. To deliver and support IT servicesc. To manage the technology used to deliver servicesd. To monitor the performance of technology and processes37. Which of the following is NOT an example of a Service Request?a. A user calls the Service Desk to order a toner cartridgeb. A user calls the Service Desk because they would like to change the functionality of an applicationc. A Manager submits a request for a new employee to be given access to an applicationd. A user logs onto an internal web site to download a licensed copy of software from a list of approved options38. Which of the following statements is CORRECT for ALL processes?a. They define activities, roles, responsibilities, functions and metricsb. They create value for stakeholdersc. They are carried out by a Service Provider in support of a Customerd. They are units of organizations responsible for specific outcomes39. Which of the following is NOT a step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) model?a. What is the vision?b. Did we get there?c. Is there a budget?d. Where are we now?40. Which of the following statements about Supplier Management is INCORRECT?a. Supplier Management negotiates internal and external agreements to support the delivery of servicesb. Supplier Management ensures that suppliers meet business expectationsc. Supplier Management maintains information in a Supplier and Contract Databased. Supplier Management should be involved in all stages of the Service Lifecycle, from Strategy through Design and Transition to Operations and Improvement。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activitiesand events in the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?A.To identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the ITinfrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?A.To identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities andevents in the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management? 下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?A.To identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



1、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and eventsin the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operatea new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。



ITIL Foundation V2考试模拟题一、基本概念类(6道题)1、描述一个ITIL流程需要一些确定的信息,这其中包括“目标”和“输出”,其它还有什么呢?(A)A.活动(Activities)B.授权C.环境D.配置管理数据库(CMDB)2、下列哪一项任务是每一个流程经理都关注的?(A)A.确保流程顺畅、平稳地运行B.与用户签署服务级别协议C.归档数据到问题管理流程D.对事件进行跟踪3、在什么地方你可以得到所有IT服务的概况?(B)A。

运行级别协议(OLA)B. 服务目录(Service Catalog)C。

服务级别协议(SLA)D. 服务窗口Service Window4、当一个IT服务供应商接受并采纳ITIL最佳实践之后,他们所得到的最大收益是什么?(D)A. 以“面向项目”的方式开展工作B. 有一个集中的服务台C。



实现每一个流程的费用B. 严格地说,活动如何必须被执行C. 流程怎样才能与IT架构相适应D。




目标D. 期望的结果(输出)二、服务台(10道题)1、服务台应该对下列哪些应用程序提供支持?(D)A。

安装在终端用户系统上的所有应用程序B. 经问题管理流程同意并安装的应用程序C. 由服务台测试和更新的应用程序D. 经变更管理授权安装的应用程序2、下列哪一个术语被用来描述路由或传递一个事件到另一个解决问题小组?(B)A. 分类B. 升级C。

注册D. 优先级3、下列哪一项是服务台的任务?(A)A. 开始一个升级过程B. 搞清客户的需求,然后调整服务级别协议C. 通过查找潜在原因来解决事件D。

正式批准变更请求(RFCs)4、当一个事件被报告到服务台的时候,什么信息应该被记录下来?(A)A. 事件报告人的名字B. 处理问题的人的名字C。




1.[单选题]下面哪项实践可通过降低服务中断的负面影响来改进客户和用户的满意度?A)服务请求管理B)服务级别管理C)事件(Incident)管理D)变更实施2.[单选题]Why should service desk staff detect recurring issues?A)To help identify problemsB)To escalate incidents to the correct support teamC)To ensure effective handling of service requestsD)To engage the correct change authority3.[单选题]关于变更权限的哪项陈述是正确的?A)只有授权紧急变更才需要变更权限B)在部署每个更改时分配更改权限C)只有授权正常变更才需要变更权限D)为每种类型的变更和变更模型分配变更权限4.[单选题]服务设计的五个方面中哪一个是?A)管理信息系统和工具B)风险分析和管理办法C)创建商业论证的管理政策D)公司治理和政策5.[单选题]下面哪项关于成本的表述是正确的?A)施加给消费者的成本为服务功用成本B)为消费者削减的成本为价值主张的一部分C)施加给消费者的成本为服务功效成本D)为消费者削减的成本为服务消费的一部分6.[单选题]识别以下句子中缺少的单词。

服务配置管理实践的目的是确保有关服务配置以及支持它们的 [?] 的准确可靠的信息在需要的时间和地点可用。

A)供应商B)配置项C)客户D)资产7.[单选题]下面哪项是对合格服务级别协议的关键需求?A)应使用法律语言编写B)应简单编写且易于理解C)应以服务提供方对服务的看法为基础D)应与简单的运营指标相关8.[单选题]Which directly assists with the diagnosis and resolution of simple incidents?A)Scripts for collecting user informationB)Use of shift working patternsC)Fulfillment of service requestsD)Creation of a temporary team9.[单选题]How should an organization include third-party suppliers in the continual improvement of Services?A)Ensure suppliers include details of their approach to service improvement in contractsB)Require evidence that the supplier uses agile development methodsC)Require evidence that the supplier implements all improvements using project management PracticesD)Ensure that all supplier problem management activities result in improvements10.[单选题]Which type of change is MOST LIKELY to be initiated as part of the 'service request Management' practice?A)A normal changeB)An emergency changeC)A standard changeD)A change model11.[单选题]分配复杂事件(Incident)至支持团队一般需要什么?A)自助工具B)事件优先级C)变更日程D)事件类别12.[单选题]“交付和支持”价值链活动的目的包括哪些内容?A)满足利益相关者对上市时间的期望B)了解组织的服务愿景C)了解利益攸关者的需要D)按照商定的规格提供服务13.[单选题]下列哪些项是服务生命周期中服务战略阶段的目标?提供什么是战略的理解2.确保客户和服务提供方之间的工作关系3.定义如何创造价值A)只有1B)只有2C)只有3D)以上都是14.[单选题]Which term relates to service levels aligned with the needs of service consumers?A)Service managementB)WarrantyC)CostD)Utility15.[单选题]下面哪一项不会作为服务请求来处理?A)服务质量下降B)更换墨盒C)提供笔记本电脑D)对支持团队的投诉16.[单选题]When should a full risk assessment and authorization be carried out for a standard change?A)Each time the standard change is implementedB)When the procedure for the standard change is createdC)At least once a yearD)When an emergency change is requested17.[单选题]What is used to link activities within the service value chain?A)Service level agreementsB)Inputs, outputs and triggersC)Opportunity, demand and valueD)Service desk18.[单选题]下面哪一项是“事件管理”实践活动?A)对改进机会进行评估和优先级排序B)与客户进行服务评审C)在需要时提供高质量的更新D)最大程度地自动化服务请求19.[单选题]可用性管理直接负责下面哪项的可用性?A)IT 服务和组件B)IT 服务和业务流程C)组件和业务流程D)IT 服务、组件和业务流程20.[单选题]下面哪项不是“信息和技术”维度的关键关注点?A)安全与合规B)通信系统与知识库C)工作流管理与库存系统D)角色与职责21.[单选题]“服务请求管理”应该处理哪些?A)实施安全修补程序的请求B)提供笔记本电脑的请求C)解决服务中的错误的请求D)更改服务级别协议中的目标的请求22.[单选题]Which dimension includes a workflow management system?A)Value streams and processesB)Partners and suppliersC)Information and technologyD)Organizations and people23.[单选题]Which includes governance, management practices, and continual improvement?A)The service value systemB)The 'deliver and support' value chain activityC)The 'focus on value' guiding principleD)The 'value stream and processes' dimension24.[单选题]哪个描述了服务的效用?A)适合使用的服务B)满足其服务级别目标的服务C)增加对使用者约束的服务D)支持使用者性能的服务25.[单选题]“设计与转换”价值链活动的目的包含下面哪一项?A)确保服务组件可用并符合协定规范B)确保根据协定规范提供服务C)确保产品和服务一直满足利益相关者的期望D)确保对所有维度的愿景有一个共同理解26.[单选题]In which of the following areas would ITIL complementary guidance provide assistance? ITIL的补充指导在下列哪些领域提供援助?1 . Adapting best practice for specific industry sectors 针对特定行业,采纳典范做法2 . Integrating ITIL with other operating models ITIL 将ITIL与其他运营模式集成A)Both of the above 都是B)Neither of the above 都不是C)Option 1 only 选项 1D)Option 2 only 选项 227.[单选题]服务台对报告给他们的所有问题、查询和请求采取什么措施?A)安排、评估、授权B)诊断、调查、解决C)发起、批准、履行D)承认、分类、拥有28.[单选题]下面哪项通常是通过由 IT 服务、配置项或监视工具创建的通知来确定的?A)事件(Incident)B)问题C)事态(Event)D)请求29.[单选题]变更日程主要用于下面哪项目的?A)帮助计划、授权和安排紧急变更B)发布可供用户选择的服务请求列表C)确保单个变更授权人评审所有变更D)帮助计划变更、协助沟通和避免冲突30.[单选题]哪项指导原则有助于组织了解改变的元素对系统中其他元素的影响?A)注重价值B)从你所在的地方开始C)全面思考和工作D)保持简单实用31.[单选题]Which describes a 'change authority'?A)A model used to determine who will assess a changeB)A person who approves a changeC)A tool used to help changesD)A way to manage the people aspects of change32.[单选题]Which ITIL guiding principle recommends using existing services, processes and tools when Improving services?A)Progress iteratively with feedbackB)Keep is simple and practicalC)Start where you areD)Focus on value33.[单选题]关于“变革支持”实践的哪项陈述是正确的?A)服务请求通常是正常的更改,可以在未经授权的情况下快速实施B)紧急更改是在实施之前必须经过充分测试和完整记录的更改C)标准变更是指需要按照标准流程进行计划、评估和授权的变更D)紧急变更是必须尽快实施的变更,因此授权会加快34.[单选题]下列哪一项是事件的最佳定义:A)任何检测到的或可识别的事情,它对 IT 基础架构的管理是具有意义的B)对一项 IT 服务非计划的中断或者一项服务质量的降低C)一个或多个影响了某一服务的故障的未知原因D)降低或消除故障或问题的原因35.[单选题]下列哪项是服务生命周期的服务运营阶段中的流程列表?A)事态(Event)管理、事件(Incident)管理、问题管理、请求履行和访问管理B)事态管理、事件管理、变更管理和访问管理C)事件管理、问题管理、服务台、请求履行和事态管理D)事件管理、服务台、请求履行、访问管理和事态管理36.[单选题]服务台员工需要的最重要技能是什么?A)事件分析技能B)技术技能C)解决问题的技能D)供应商管理技能37.[单选题]如何实施自动化?A)尽可能取代人为干预B)首先更换现有工具C)最初集中精力完成最复杂的任务D)首先尽可能多地优化38.[单选题]What do customer perceptions and business outcomes help to define?A)The value of a serviceB)Service metricsC)The total cost of a serviceD)Key performance indicators (KPIs)39.[单选题]下面哪项被定义为为交付 IT 服务而需要进行管理的任何组件?A)服务请求B)配置项 (CI)C)事件D)IT 资产40.[单选题]What happens if a workaround becomes the permanent way of dealing with a problem that Cannot be resolved cost-effectively?A)The problem record is deletedB)The problem remains in the known error statusC)A change request is submitted to change controlD)Problem management restores the service as soon as possible41.[单选题]哪些不会作为服务请求处理?A)服务降级B)更换墨粉盒C)提供一台膝上型计算机D)对支持团队的投诉42.[单选题]Which costs are included in the value proposition of a service?A)Additional expense that the service consumer has because they are using the serviceB)Money that the service consumer no longer needs to spend because they are using the serviceC)Tangible or intangible results for the service consumer because they are using the serviceD)The benefits, usefulness. and importance of the service that are perceived by the serviceConsumer43.[单选题]下面哪项最贴切地描述了服务对于客户的价值?A)客户为使用服务而支付的费用B)客户通过使用服务而获得的财务回报C)客户通过使用服务而获得的结果D)在客户看来使用服务的收益44.[单选题]下面哪项可以促成客户想要的结果?A)服务B)功效C)组织D)IT 资产45.[单选题]下面哪项活动为“持续改进”模型中的“我们现在处于怎样的阶段?”步骤提供支持?A)执行改进行动B)执行基线评估C)明确改进计划D)理解业务使命46.[单选题]What takes place in the "Did we get there?" step of the continual service improvement (CSI) Approach?A)An initial baseline assessmentB)The production of a detailed CSI planC)Verifying that improvement targets have been achievedD)Understanding priorities for improvement47.[单选题]哪项指导原则规定服务和流程不应为每个异常提供解决方案?A)保持简单实用B)全面思考和工作C)优化和自动化D)协作并提高可见性48.[单选题]关于服务设计的“四个P”,哪一种说法是正确的?A)流程是指技能和培训B)合作伙伴是指供应商和销售商C)人是指技术和工具D)产品是指生产者和指标49.[单选题]What should be done for every problem?A)It should have a workaround to reduce the impactB)It should be prioritized based on its potential impact and probabilityC)It should be resolved so that it can be closedD)It should be diagnosed to identify possible solutions50.[单选题]为了提供IT服务,需要管理的任何组件是什么?A)服务请求B)配置项目C)一个事件D)IT51.[单选题]下面哪项指导原则建议考虑四个维度,从而让某些事项达到所需的有效和有用程度?A)专注于价值B)基于当前情况开始C)整体思考和工作D)优化和自动化52.[单选题]下面哪个角色负责审批服务成本?A)用户B)变更授权C)赞助方D)客户53.[单选题]“关系管理”实践的目的是什么?A)让组织实践和服务与不断变化的业务需求相一致B)在组织和其利益相关者之间建立和培养战略与战术层面上的关系C)通过确定事件的实际和潜在原因以及管理临时方案和已知错误来减少事件发生几率和影响D)通过尽快恢复正常服务运营来最大程度降低事件负面影响54.[单选题]下面哪项关于价值流的表述是正确的?A)每个价值流都必须包括所有六项价值链活动B)每个价值流都必须针对特定场景而设计C)每个价值流都必须包括所有 34 项 ITIL 实践D)每个价值流都必须包括供应商或合作伙伴55.[单选题]下列哪一项最好的描述了服务请求?A)用户对信息、建议或标准变更的请求B)客户想要而且准备为此而付费的所有事情C)由用户通过基于 web 的自助窗口输入所有请求和需要D)具有低风险而且无需通过变更顾问委员会(CAB)会议,可以由变更经理批准的所 有变更请求(RPC)56.[单选题]下列哪项包括 PDCA 四个阶段?A)戴明环B)持续服务改进方法C)七步改进流程D)服务生命周期57.[单选题]下列哪一项不是问题管理的目标:A)减轻不可预防故障的影响B)防止问题及导致的故障的发生C)消除重复发生的故障D)尽可能快地恢复正常服务运营58.[单选题]“服务水平管理”实践需要哪些能力?A)问题调查和解决B)商业分析和商业管理C)事件分析和确定优先次序D)平衡计分卡审查和成熟度评估59.[单选题]“变革支持”主要关注什么?A)服务级别的更改B)产品和服务的变更C)组织结构的改变D)技能和能力的变化60.[单选题]What is the starting point for optimization?A)Standardizing practices and servicesB)Determining where the most positive impact would beC)Securing stakeholder engagementD)Understanding the vision and objectives of the organization61.[单选题]下面哪项关于“持续改进”的表述是正确的?A)所有改进想法都应记录在单个“持续改进登记单”中B)应由一个团队在组织内部进行“持续改进”C)“持续改进”应尽量减少与其他实践的交互D)组织内的每一个人负责“持续改进”的一些方面62.[单选题]“问题管理”的三个阶段分别指什么?A)问题记录、问题分类和问题解决B)事件管理、问题管理和变更实施C)问题识别、问题控制和错误控制D)问题分析、错误识别和事件解决63.[单选题]下面哪项通常与配合服务消费者需求的服务级别相关?A)服务管理B)功效C)成本D)功用64.[单选题]“关系管理”实践的目的是什么?A)系统地观察服务和服务组件B)保护组织开展业务所需的信息C)成为服务提供商与其所有用户的切入点和单一联系点D)识别、分析、监控并不断改进与利益相关者的联系65.[单选题]在应用“专注于价值”指导原则时首先要做什么?A)识别服务要促成的结果B)识别参与服务的所有供应商和合作伙伴C)确定各种情况下的服务消费者D)确定提供服务的成本66.[单选题]下面哪项实践最有可能使用人工智能、机器人流程自动化和聊天机器人?A)服务台B)持续改进C)问题管理D)事件管理67.[单选题]Identify the missing word in the following sentence.A known error is a problem that has been [?] and has not been resolved.A)closedB)loggedIT Certification Guaranteed, The Easy Way!3C)analysedD)escalated68.[单选题]Identify the missing word in the following sentence.The purpose of the 'information security management' practice is to [?] the organization'sInformation.A)protectB)storeC)auditD)provide69.[单选题]Implementation of IT1L service management requires the preparation and planning of the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps." What are these four Ps? ITIL服务管理的实施需要准备和规划以便有效地利用了“四个P”。



1、2、Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and eventsin the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构中下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理Answer:B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operatea new service be defined? 在服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理Answer:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试Answer:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划Answer:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of "the four Ps". What are these four Ps? IT服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。

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33. 考虑下面列表: 1. 变更权限 2. 变更经理 3. 变更顾问委员会(CAB) 这些可以很好地被描述下列哪一项? a) 工作描述 b) 职能 c) 团队 d) 角色、人员或小组
34. 服务管理的哪一个领域能够从自动化中受益? 1. 设计和建模 2. 报告 3. 模式识别和分析 4. 检测和监控 a) 1、2 和 3 b) 1、3 和 4 c) 2、3 和 4 d) 以上都是 答案:D
25. 下列哪一项是术语“服务管理”的最佳定义? a) 用于以服务的形式为客户提供价值的一套特定的组织能力 b) 一组相互关联、相互作用或是相互独立的组件,为共同的目的而形成的统一整体 并共同运营 c) 组织内执行特定活动的功能管理 d) 执行特定活动的角色所组成的组织部门 答案:A
26. 下列哪项是为客户创建价值的两个主要元素: a) 投资价值(VOI),投资回报(ROT) b) 客户及用户意度 c) 理解服务需求及功效 d) 功用及功效 答案:D
6. 重大故障(事件)需要: a) 单独的过程 b) 不要太紧急 c) 较长的时间范围 d) 较少的文档 答案:A
7. 下列哪一个活动在持续服务改进(CSI)模型的“我们想达到什么地位?”步骤中执 行: a) 实施服务和流程改进 b) 回顾可量化的改进 c) 创建基线 d) 定义可量化的目标 答案:?
45. 服务运营中的流程有哪些? a) 事件管理、故障管理、问题管理、请求履行和访问管理 b) 事件管理、故障管理、变更管理和访问管理 c) 故障管理、问题管理、服务台、请求履行和事件管理 d) 故障管理、服务台、请求履行、访问管理和事件管理 答案:A
46. 在哪一本核心出版物中,我们可以找到服务目录管理、信息安全管理和供应商管理的 详细介绍: a) 服务战略 b) 服务设计 c) 服务转换 d) 服务运营 答案:B
47. 下列那个流程主要由业务活动模式分析(PBA)来支持的? a) 可用性管理 b) 需求管理 c) 财务管理 d) 服务级别管理 答案:B
48. 什么时候可以生成已知错误记录? 1. 任何有用的时候 2. 当发现规避措施以后 a) 只有 1 b) 只有 2 c) 两个都不是 d) 两个都是 答案:?
4. 下列那一项负责服务指标测量? a) 流程和职能 b) 成熟度和成本 c) 端到端的服务 d) 基础设施的可用性 答案:?
5. 下列哪些是服务台组织的构建方法: 1. 本地服务台 2. 虚拟服务台 3. IT 帮助台 4. “向日葵”式 a) 只有 1、2 和 4 b) 只有 2、3 和 4 c) 只有 1、3 和 4 a) 只有 1、2 和 3 答案:A
35. IT 服务持续性战略应该基于: 1. 服务指标的设计 2. 业务持续性战略 3. 业务影响分析 4. 风险评估 a) 只有 1、2 和 4 b) 只有 1、2 和 3 c) 只有 2、3 和 4 d) 只有 1、3 和 4 答案:?
36. 哪一个流程负责提供使用 IT 服务的权限? a) 故障管理 b) 访问管理 c) 变更管理 d) 请求履行 答案:B
31. 服务生命周期的哪个阶段更加关注定义政策和目标? a) 服务设计 b) 服务转换 c) 服务战略 d) 服务运营 答案:C
32. 下列哪一项最好的描述了服务请求? a) 用户对信息、建议或标准变更的请求 b) 客户想要而且准备为此而付费的所有事情 c) 由用户通过基于 web 的自助窗口输入所有请求和需要 d) 具有低风险而且无需通过变更顾问委员会(CAB)会议,可以由变更经理批准的所 有变更请求(RPC) 答案:A
b) 描述配置项(CIs)是如何共同工作来交付服务的 c) 定义哪些软件应该安装在哪些特定的硬件 d) 定义版本号在发布中是如何使用的 答案:B
39. 传递到服务转换,以便于实施一个新服务的信息称作什么? a) 服务级别包 b) 服务转换包 c) 服务设计包 d) 新服务包 答案:C
40. 可用性管理直接负责下面哪项的可用性? a) IT 服务和组件 b) IT 服务和业务流程 c) 组件和业务流程 d) IT 服务、组件和业务流程 答案:A
2. 流程所有者在 RACI 角色矩阵中有一个“I”的角色。下列那一项是对该角色的期望? a) 告诉其他人有关活动的进展 b) 执行一项活动 c) 被通告活动的时间进度 d) 管理一项活动 答案:C
3. 下列那一项是供应商管理的职责: a) 开发、协商和约定服务级别协议(SLAs) b) 开发、协商和约定合同 c) 开发、协商和约定服务组合 d) 开发、协商和约定运营级别协议(OLAs) 答案:B
29. 什么团队应该审查那些必须比正常变更流程要更快地实施的变更: a) 技术管理(TM) b) 紧急变更顾问委员会(ECAB) c) 紧急变更委员会(UCB) d) 紧急变更授权人员(UCA) 答案:B
30. 就为业务增加价值而言,下面哪一项描述了服务运营的贡献? a) 服务的成本可以设计、预测和验证 b) 可以识别对优化的测量 c) 可以规范服务价值 d) 服务价值真正能被客户看到 答案:D
20. 下列哪项最好地描述了最终介质库? a) 一个安全的地方,用于存放最终硬件备用设备 b) 一个安全的库,用于存储和保护所有最终授权的介质配置项(CI)版本 c) 一个数据库,包含所有介质配置项(CI)的定义 d) 一个安全的库,用于存储和保护所有最终授权的软件和备份的版本 答案:B
21. 一个发布单元,或一组结构化的发布单元能够在下列哪一项中定义: a) RACI 模型 b) 发布包 c) 请求模型 d) 计划、实施、检查、改进(PDCA)周期 答案:B
24. 下列哪一项不属于服务生命周期的服务设计阶段的活动: a) 设计并维护所有服务转换包 b) 为满足约定的组织当前和未来对 IT 的需求,针对新引入的或改进的服务、技术架 构、流程和测量体系,提供高质量、安全和有弹性的设计 c) 贯彻执行服务战略,确保他们反映在服务设计流程和服务设计中 d) 测量服务设计及支持流程的效率和效果 答案:A
19. 按计划、执行、检查、行动(PDCA)模型,对下面持续服务改建(CSI)实施步骤排序。 1. 针对 CSI 方案安排角色和职责 2. 测量并检查 CSI 计划已经执行并且达到既定的目标 3. 确认 CSI 的范围、目标和需求 4. 对未来实施 CSI 改善的决策 a) 3-1-2-4 b) 3-4-2-1 c) 1-3-2-4 d) 2-3-4-1 答案:?
8. 下列哪项要考虑方针和方向: a) 容量管理 b) 治理 c) 服务设计 d) 服务级别管理 答案:B
9. 下列哪一项是服务级别管理的目标: a) 执行需要的用于支持当前 IT 服务的运营活动 b) 确保提供充分的容量,以交付一定的服务性能 c) 创建和组织服务目录 d) 对于所有当前 IT 服务,确保提供了 IT 服务议定的级别 答案:D
43. 下面哪些是 ITIL 服务运营卷中所描述的事件的类别: a) 信息、已计划、常规 b) 已计划、未计划、紧急 c) 信息、告警、异常
d) 告警、被动、主动 答案:C
44. 访问管理的目标是什么? a) 为数据中心和其他建筑提供保安人员 b) 管理对机房或其他安全地点的访问 c) 管理对服务台的访问 d) 管理使用一项服务或一组服务的权限 答案:D
41. 下列哪一项可以从使用配置模型中受益? 1. 评估故障和问题的影响及原因 2. 评估提议的变更的影响 3. 规划和设计的或变更的服务 4. 规划技术更新和软件升级 a) 只有 1、2 和 3 b) 以上各项都是 c) 只有 1、2 和 4 d) 只有 3 和 4 答案:B
42. 服务战略的内容有助于回答下面哪一个问题? 1. 我们应该提供什么服务和提供给谁? 2. 我们应该如何和竞争对手对比 3. 我们该如何真正为我们的客户创造价值 a) 只有 1 b) 只有 2 c) 只有 3 d) 以上都是 答案:D
10. 下列哪一项可以帮助确定问题的影响等级? a) 最终介质库(DML) b) 配置管理系统(CMS) c) 需求声明(SOR)
d) 标准操作程序(SOP) 答案:B
11. 下列哪一项不是问题管理的目标: a) 减轻不可预防故障的影响 b) 防止问题及导致的故障的发生 c) 消除重复发生的故障 d) 尽可能快地恢复正常服务运营 答案:D
17. 下面哪一个不是服务转换的目的? a) 确保服务是可以管理的、操作的、支持的 b) 在项目管理中提供培训及认证 c) 提供变更、发布和部署管理的高质量的知识 d) 为管理服务发布,对容量和资源的计划和管理 答案:B
18. 哪一个模型提供服务、资产和基础架构的视图? a) 故障模型 b) 问题模型 c) 配置模型 d) 变更模型 答案:C
22. 哪个流程负责监视 IT 服务,并检测何时性能降到了可接受的界限之下? a) 服务资产和配置管理 b) 事态(Event)管理 c) 服务目录管理
d) 性能管理 答案:B
23. 下列哪一个是事件(Incident)管理的主要目标? 1. 自动化检测影响服务的事件 2. 尽可能快地恢复正常服务运营 3. 最小化对业务运营的消极影响 a) 只有 1 和 2 b) 只有 2 和 3 c) 只有 1 和 3 d) 以上都是 答案:?
12. 哪个服务设计的流程最多地利用了需求管理所提供的数据: a) 服务目录管理 b) 服务级别管理 c) IT 服务持续性管理 d) 容量管理 答案:D
13. 服务始终交付给客户的应该是什么? a) 应用 b) 基础架构 c) 价值 d) 资源 答案:C
14. 哪个流程负责与客户讨论是否服务满足了他们的目标的报告: a) 持续服务改进 b) 业务关系管理 c) 服务级别管理 d) 可用性管理 答案:?
49. 下列哪些项不是每个流程都会定义的部分? a) 角色 b) 输入和输出
c) 职能 d) 指标 答案:C
50. 哪一个流程负责定期回顾支撑合同? a) 供应商管理和服务级别管理 b) 供应商管理和需求管理 c) 需求管理和服务级别管理 d) 供应商管理、需求管理和服务级别管理 答案:A