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Geographical Regions of Canada

Atlantic Provinces大西洋省

Atlantic Provinces consist of New Brunswick新布伦瑞克, Nova Scotia新斯科舍, Prince Edward Island爱德华王子岛and Newfoundland纽芬兰. The Grand Banks, off the eastern shore of Newfoundland, form one of the world’s greatest fishing grounds.大浅滩是世界最著名的捕鱼区之一。

St. Lawrence-Great Lakes Province圣劳伦斯——五大湖区

As the most developed part of Canada, it includes the St. Lawrence Lowlands and the southern part of Quebec 魁北克省and Ontario安大略省.

Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is in the province of Ontario. Half of the populations of the capital are French-speaking and half are English-speaking.(渥太华是加拿大的首都,位于安大略省,一半人口说英语,一半人口说法语。)

Quebec is the largest province in Canada with a population of about 6.5 million.(魁北克是加拿大最大的省,人口650万。)Quebec is different from other provinces of Canada because it has a strong French culture. It is the only predominately French-speaking territory in North America. In 1968, the Official Language Act made both French and English the official languages of the country.(魁北克与其他的省最大的不同是它有浓厚的法国文化,是北美洲唯一以法语为主要语言的地区。)

The Canadian Shield加拿大地盾

It is a region of hills and lakes, which covers almost half of Canada.

The Prairie Provinces大平原省

They lie in the west of Ontario and are famous for wheat production.

The Province of British Columbia不列颠哥伦比亚省

It lies on the Pacific Coast of Canada. Vancouver is British Columbia’s largest city and the third largest city in Canada. It is the largest cargo port on the Pacific.(温哥华是不列颠哥伦比亚省最大的城市,也是加拿大的第三大城市,是太平洋最大的货运港。)

Northern Provinces北部省

They take up four fifths of the country, which are bare, thinly settled.
