

情人节Valentine's Day

情人节Valentine's Day

• Whatever the odd mixture of origins,St.Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts.It is the day that you show your friend or loved one tht you care.You can send candy to someone you think is special.Or you can send roses,the fthat Valentine was imprisoned,he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer.His love for her,and his great faith,managed to miraculously heal her from her blindness before his death.Before he was taken to his death,he signed a farewell message to her,"From your Valentine."The phrase has been used on his day ever since.
2月14日也是罗马人为表示对女神的敬意而庆祝的节日。年轻的男子随便挑选一个年 轻女子的名字,该女子便赔他度过这个节庆。中世纪时,在这个日子里选择意中人 的习俗传遍了整个欧洲,然后又传到了早期的美洲殖民地。千百年来,人们一直相 信鸟儿在2月14日选择配偶。
在公元496年,圣徒罗马教皇盖拉西厄斯1世把2月14日命名为“瓦伦丁节”(情人 节)。虽然这不是一个官方节日,但大数美国人都很重视这一天。
在"情人节"确立前800年,罗马人就已经有了一项在2月中旬举行的异教徒 庆典活动,年轻人通过庆典来纪念卢帕克斯神。这项庆典的特点是进行抽 签,让年轻的男子从盒子里抽取十几岁少女的名字。通过这种方式分配给 每一位年轻男子的女孩就成了他那一年的女伴。

Valentine's Day情人节(英文)

Valentine's Day情人节(英文)
2.14 情人节
February has long been a month of romance. With the sweet smell of roses in the air, romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines. 二月作为浪漫的月份由来已久。在这个时节,空气中弥漫着玫瑰花的芳香, 二月作为浪漫的月份由来已久。在这个时节,空气中弥漫着玫瑰花的芳香, 影院里放映浪漫的电影,而爱情故事充斥了各种报纸和杂志。 影院里放映浪漫的电影,而爱情故事充斥了各种报纸和杂志。
Flower Language
Different quantities -- different meanings
1 rose: love at first sight,you are the only one 3 roses: I love you 5 roses: I love you very much 6 roses: I love you, I miss you 9 roses:I'll love you forever : 10 roses:You're pretty : 12 roses:"I love you" and I am grateful for your : presence 13 roses:Forever friends : 15 roses:I'm really sorry : 24 roses:You're always on my mind : 36 roses: I'll remember our romantic moments 99 roses: I'll love you till the day i die 100 roses: 100% love, I'm totally devoted to you 101 roses: Best of all, you're my one and only 365 roses: I love you every single day 999 roses: my love will last till the end of time


PPT speaker:胡虞超
The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunarmonth, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar
Chinese Valentine' day
Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). His parents died when he was a child. he lived by himself herding cattle and farming. One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him. The cowhandfarmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back. With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter. At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke. One billowyriver appeared in front of the Cowhand. The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only feel their tears. Their loyaltyto love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other. The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar month. Hence their meeting date has been called "Qi Xi" (Double Seventh)



Blood Donation
And his girlfriend with blood donation, this distinctive(特殊 的), more than an unforgettable wine flowers, and more social significance.
In the United States, Miss Esther Howland is given credit for sending the first valentine cards. Commercial valentines were introduced in the 1800's and now the date is very commercialized. The town of Loveland, Colorado, does a large post office business around February 14. The spirit of good continues as valentines are sent out with sentimental verses and children exchange valentine cards at school.
They found an appropriate choice in Valentine, who in AD 270 had been beheaded3 by Emperor Claudius.
The first Valentine card grew out of 7 this practice. The first true Valentine card was sent in 1415 by Charles, duke of Orleans, to his wife. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London at the time.



• Zhi Nu was said to be the youngest of seven daughters of the Queen of Heaven. With her sisters, she worked hard to weave beautiful clouds in the sky.
• 但是好景不长,这事很快 便让天帝知道,王母娘娘 亲自下凡来,强行把织女 带回天上,恩爱夫妻被拆 散。
• 牛郎追织女,王母娘娘 拔下金簪,一道天河就 出现了,牛郎和织女被 隔在两岸。他们感动了 喜鹊,喜鹊飞来,搭成 鹊桥,牛郎织女在鹊桥 相会.
• 后来,每到农历七月初七,相传牛 郎织女鹊桥相会的日子,姑娘们就 会来到花前月下,抬头仰望星空, 寻找银河两边的牛郎星Aquila和织 女星Vega,希望能看到他们一年一 度的相会,乞求上天能让自己能象 织女那样心灵手巧,祈祷自己能有 如意称心的美满婚姻,由此形成了
Saint Valentine's Day
• Introduction • Origins • Tales • Customs • Other related things • Conclusion
• “七夕”最早来源于人们对自然的崇拜。东晋葛洪的《西 京杂记》最早的关于乞巧的记载
• Niu Lang was a poor orphan cowherd, driven out of his home by his elder brother.
☻ 牛郎在老牛帮助下认识了织女, 二人互生情意,织女偷偷下凡, 做了牛郎的妻子。牛郎和织女 结婚后, 男耕女织,情深意重, 他们生了一男一女两个孩子, 一家人生活得很幸福。



• Unfortunately,
the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother to bring Zhi Nu back. With the help of magical cow , Niu Lang flew to heaven with his son and daughter.
Folk Customs on the Double Seventh Day
-Ingenuity test by floating needle(投针验巧)
• Ingenuity test by floating needle is one of the common customs on the festival. • Put some water in a vessel and leave it in the open air until it is covered by a film of dust. • Then cast a needle or thin straw on it to see the pattern of the shadow at the bottom, so as to test their ingenuity
Do you know the beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation about the Double Seventh Festival ?
The Romantic story……
• Long long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang .His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by farming with an old cow.


夕 的 起 源

第 二 章 节
介 绍

一 章 节
第 一 章 节
Time 时间
Another name 别称
第 三 章 节
The fairy tale also contains Chinese people's understanding about star images. In the tale, the Weaving Girl Star (the Vega) is the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, facing the Cowherd Star (the Altair), the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, across the Milky Way.

Long long ago, there was a very poor but clever, diligent and honest boy named Cowherd.

七夕情人节课件PPT (91)

七夕情人节课件PPT (91)

Valentine's day love is about to be said
目 录



·Vatleonotinnee's'sDsawy eCeeltehberaatritoniss itnhSechootohlesr popular tradition of the festival that
celebrates love.
END Saint Valentine's Day festival is celebrated in a big way in countries around the world! (in
Valentine's Day History
St. Valentine give up Christianity
love lotteries(碰运气的事) a farewell note priest
In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.
ValentinVaele'nstinDesaDyay THradisititoonsraynd Customs
St. Valentine
MogsivtDecaouymptmrCahodrniitsliytoinaonbaisnteydrvceudstVoamlenistine's expressing one's love with an
celebrates love.
In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.
Valentines Day Traditions and Customs


9.Music &Photo Day 相片情人节 练了好久的情歌今天终于登场了,虽然五音不全,但是用去听就有会新的笑容!拿出相机, 拍下这充甜蜜的笑容
10.Wine Day 葡萄酒情人节 烛光下晃动着深红的葡萄酒,爱情一样要用心慢慢的品味。
11.Orange & Movie Day 电影情人节 今晚有空吗?一起去看电影吧!手牵手一起去电影院,记得买橙汁~。
For women;They can send a funny card,along with small gifts to their boyfriends or husbands.
1.red roses :on behalf of the warm love
2.yellow roses :on behalf of the value and blessings jealous love
12.Hug Day 拥抱情人节 一年了,你们仍然相爱,你看天空飘着雪花,而你们相拥在一起,永远也不知道寒冷……
Chinese Valentine's Day falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. According to Chinese folklore, when you look up in the sky on this day, you can see the Vega Star crossing the Milky Way to meet the Altair Star. Chinese believe that it is the weaver crossing the Heavenly River to meet the cowherd over the magpie bridge on this Valentine's Day.

英语ppt节日介绍 精品 PPT课件

英语ppt节日介绍 精品 PPT课件
England France
America Brazil Korea Japan
England 英国
• Men send gifts to women,and give rose to each other .
• 多为男性向女性送礼物, 互赠鲜花以致深情蜜意。
5.14 黄色与玫瑰情人节(yellow and rose day),在这一天穿上黄色衣服,吃黄色咖喱饭是告诉大家你 还在单身的意思,另外,在这一天送红玫瑰是倾诉爱意,送白玫瑰是表示犹豫未决,若送上黄玫瑰,就表 示再见了
6.14 亲吻情人节(kiss day),情侣们用亲吻表达对对方的爱意
7.14 银色情人节(silver day),把你的意中人带回家让父母认识的好机会
• 每年的11月11日为韩国的 情人节,在这天,有情人 会互赠巧克力棒来表达爱 意。
Japan 日本
• girls send DIY Chocolates to the boy that they like,and boys give something back on White Valentine.
• 3 roses: I love you. • 9 roses: I will love you forever. • 10 roses: You are pretty. • 11 roses: You’re my treasured one. • 12 roses: I love you and I am grateful for
• Red & white roses together: unity or togetherness.

西方传统节日英文介绍 PPT

西方传统节日英文介绍 PPT
Western traditional festivals
情人节Valentine's Day Valentine's Day is on February 14th every year. On that day, people always give their lovers some roses and chocolate(巧克 力).Today, boys and girls look like sweet. They go to restaurants and have a big supper. Valentine's cards become more and more beautiful.
对 。。。。。有了!
母亲节Mother's day The second Sunday in May is Mother's day. Mother's day is a special day for everyone! On that day, children usually give their mother with cards, presents and flowers. But most of the people, like giving their mothers carnation(康乃磬) 。 Somebody said God could not be everywhere and he made mother.
April 1st
又 。 。 。 上 当 了
愚人节April Fool's day April Fool's day is on April 1st of every year, in many country, people always have a little and very beautiful party, they don't make up at that day. people always say some foolish things, but they don't care, children and old man also can play the game in the party.



• Now,no matter what festival, maybe it is Halloween, Christmas,Valenti ne's Day and so on.where there is love ,there is romance.
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• Not only people lost their home, but also wars were broken everywhere . • What a worse, all the men must join in the army so that increase power.

Байду номын сангаас

• It is we all guard our lovers by heart and give them warm and power.

• No matter the Valentine's Day in Eastern or in Western, people transfer romance in different ways immediate or reserved.

• Long long ago, the tyrangt Claudius was in chare of Roman. His made all the people angry and indignant.
• When the news was spread, every couple was forced to separate.



英文介绍情人节Valentine's Day, also known as Saint Valentine's Day, is a widely celebrated holiday around the world on February 14th. It is a day of love and affection, where people express their feelings towards their loved ones. In this article, we will explore the historical origins of Valentine's Day, its customs and traditions, as well as how it is celebrated in different countries.Historical Origins:The exact origins of Valentine's Day are shrouded in mystery and have been the subject of much debate. One popular theory is that it originated from the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was celebrated in the middle of February. Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture and nature.Another theory links Valentine's Day to the martyrdom of Saint Valentine, a Catholic priest who lived in Rome during the 3rd century. According to legend, Saint Valentine secretly performed marriages for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and ministered to Christians who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. He was eventually imprisoned and executed on February 14th, which is why this date is now associated with love and romance.Customs and Traditions:Valentine's Day is traditionally associated with expressing romantic love, but it has evolved over the years to include all forms of love and affection. The most common customs and traditions include the exchange of Valentine's Day cards, flowers, chocolates, and gifts between loved ones.Greeting cards, known as Valentines, are a popular way to express one's feelings on this special day. These cards often feature romantic imagery, such as hearts, Cupid, and lovebirds, and are often accompanied by heartfelt messages.The giving of flowers, particularly red roses, is also a common tradition on Valentine's Day. Red roses symbolize love and passion, making them the perfect gift for a romantic partner. Other popular flowers given on this day include tulips, lilies, and orchids.Chocolates and other sweet treats are another staple of Valentine's Day. Many people gift their loved ones with boxes of chocolates or prepare homemade desserts as a way to show their affection. It is believed that chocolate has aphrodisiac properties and can help enhance romantic feelings.Celebrations Around the World:While Valentine's Day is celebrated globally, different countries have their own unique customs and traditions associated with this day.In the United States and Western countries, it is common for couples to exchange gifts and go out for romantic dinners. Many people also take the opportunity to propose or even get married on Valentine's Day.In Japan, Valentine's Day is celebrated a little differently. On February 14th, women give chocolates, known as "giri-choco," to their male co-workers or friends as a gesture of friendship. One month later, on March14th, a holiday known as "White Day," men return the favor by giving gifts, usually white chocolates or marshmallows, to women.In South Korea, Valentine's Day is not limited to just couples. They celebrate a unique tradition called "Black Day" on April 14th. On this day, single people who did not receive any gifts on Valentine's Day get together to eat Jajangmyeon, a dish made with black bean sauce, as a way to commiserate with each other.In Brazil, Valentine's Day, or Dia dos Namorados, is celebrated on June 12th. It is similar to Valentine's Day in other countries, but it also coincides with the eve of Saint Anthony's Day, the patron saint of marriages. Couples exchange gifts and enjoy romantic dinners, and it is also common for people to get engaged on this day.In conclusion, Valentine's Day is a special holiday that celebrates love and affection. Whether it is through the exchange of gifts, cards, or spending quality time with loved ones, people around the world come together on February 14th to express their feelings. While customs and traditions may vary across cultures, the underlying theme of love remains constant.。

情人节 感恩节英文介绍

情人节 感恩节英文介绍
Valentine's Day
The origin of Valentine’s Day
The origins of Valentine's Day are not known for sure. One of the most accepted, is that it originated from St. Valentine, the Roman who was earlier jailed and then martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., after which the day became a symbol for lovers' celebrations.
mashed potatoes
touch football
something interesting
No matter how people celebrate their festivals, the festivals all present people’s best wishes for future. Never forget to thanks~
Differences Brazil 巴西
• Lovers will travel to the famous copacabana beach in valentine's day.
Korea 韩国
• 11.11 is Korean Valentine’s Day,lovers will send Chocolate bars to each other. Japan 日本 • Girls give chocolates to her favorite male,and boys will give gifts on the White valentine's Day which in a month. Why men give gifts so late ?A newpaper in Japan explained: “It is because in order to avoid some selfish men returning the gift which his girlfriend give him.."
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而理所当然的桑特 瓦仑丁也就成为了为恋爱中
情人节礼物 Red roses
Valentine’s Day 情人节
There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine’s Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D.. 关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。有关人士认 为情人节是一个名叫桑特-瓦伦丁的人士发起 的。他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃基督教而于公 元前269年2月14日惨遭杀害.
• 爱意味着对我所爱的人有责任感。
• 爱意味着了解我所爱的人。我要了解他的许多方面,不仅 仅要了解他的优点,还要了解他的缺陷。
• Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.
• 爱意味着尊重我所爱的人
• Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love.
Before dying he wrote a letter to a blind girl,expressing his love to her.On the day he was executed,the blind girl planted an almond tree in front of his tomb to give expression to her missing .And this day is Valentine’s Day,February 14th.
临刑前圣瓦伦丁给姑娘写了封信, 表明了对姑娘的深情。在他被处 死的当天,盲女在他墓前种 了一棵开红花的杏树,以 寄托自己的情思。这 一天就是2月14日。
Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball.

A Valentine Card
A bottle of wine or champagne
Jewelry or diamond
花语Flower Language
• 1朵玫瑰代表——我的心中只有你一个! • 2朵玫瑰代表—— 这世界只有我俩! • 3朵玫瑰代表—— 我爱你! • 10朵玫瑰代表—— 十全十美 无懈可击! • 11朵玫瑰代表—— 最爱 只在乎你一人! • 99朵玫瑰象征—— 天长地久! • 100朵玫瑰象征—— 百分之百的爱! • 101朵玫瑰象征—— 最爱! • 108朵玫瑰象征—— 求婚!
• 对于世界而言,你是一个人,但是对于某个人来 说,你是他的整个世界。
• To the world you may be one person, but to
one person you may be the world.
爱的真谛 The true meaning of love
• Love means that I know the person I love. I’m aware of the many sides of the other person----not just the beautiful side but also the limitations and flaws.
• 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让 你哭泣。
• No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.
• 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知谁会爱 上你的笑容。
• Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
爱情电影Love movie
• Titanic 泰坦尼克号 • Roman Holiday 罗马假日 • The Painted Veil面纱 • Letters to Juliet给朱丽叶的信 • 500.Days.Of.Summer和莎莫的五百天 • Pride And Prejudice傲慢与偏见 • ส่ิงเล็กเล็กทเี่ รยี กวา่ ...รกั 初恋这件小事