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1. Shanghai is a city where I when I was a child.

A. used to live

B. am living

C. was used to live

D. used to living

2. -----The flower is beautiful.


A. So is it

B. SO it is

C. It is so

D. So it was

3. -The number of people invited fifty, but a number of them absent for different


A. were; was

B. was; was

C. was; were

D. were; were

4.--He doesn’t like classical music

A. so do I

B. nor do I

C. so I do

D. nor I do

5. The students have between the second and the third classes.

A. a twenty minute’s break

B. twenty minutes’ break

C. twenty minutes break

D. a twenty minutes’ break

6. I don’t think possible to cross the river without a boat .

A. it

B. its

C. that

D. this

7. A group of are talking with two

A. Frenchmen, Germans

B. Frenchmen, Germen

C. Frenchman, Germen

D. Germans, Frenchmans

8.-How big is your dogs?

-Mine is yours

A.as twice as

B. as big twice as

C. twice as big as

D. as big as twice

9. The guard took the American to General Lee

A. an

B. a

C. /

D. the

练习册&3+X 书上额错题集

1.My sister is going to get married and she has bought many

A. furnitures

B. furniture

C. furniture pieces

D. pieces of furniture

2.He has spent a large of money on his new house.

A. deal

B. amount

C. number

D. piece

3.She has improved her English since she took her teacher’s

A. advices

B. advice

C. advise


4. There are sixty in our school.

A. women teachers

B. woman teachers

C. women teacher

D. woman’s teacher

5. There are sixty in our class.

A. boy students

B. boys student

C. boy student

D. boys students

6. Australia is English—speaking country.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

7. The beautiful girl is in her

A. twenty

B. twentieth

C. twenties

D. twentys

8. Seven of the students in our class from the north.

A. nineth; are

B. ninths; are

C. ninth; is

D. ninths; is

9. I bought two scoks.

A. dozens

B. dozens of

C. dozen of

D. dozen

10.The factory produced cars in 1993 as the year before.

A as twice many B. as many twice C. many as twice D. twice as many

11. The First World War broke out .

A. in the 1910

B. at the 1910

C. in the 1910s

D. at 1910

12.I’d appreciate if you would turn the radio down.

A. that

B. it

C. all

D. those

13. I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than in the city

A. one

B. ones

C. that

D. those

14.After everyone took place ,the meeting began.

A their B. them C. a D. the

15.I want to see and thank the woman son helped me a lot.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. whose

16. This is the man I learned the news.

A. who

B. whom

C. from him

D. from whom

17.---What was the weather like yesterday?

---It was terrible. It rained so that people could go out.
