Chapter 2 Cartoons教学设计
八年级英语Cartoons and comics教案

Unit 2 Cartoons and comics主讲:钟煜灵一周强化一、一周知识概述1.重难点单词与短语:expression,happiness,frightened,thoughtful,forecast,wonder,collector,worth,existence,condition,tear,careless,skilful,truly,wisdom,play a trick on sb,set out,in trouble,in existence,in good condition,knock (sb) down,in reply,move out of one’s way2.句型(1)She looks bored and tired.她看起来很无聊且疲惫不堪。
(2)There is no use for a blind man like me to light a candle.对于像我这样的盲人点燃蜡烛是没有用的。
(3)The comics industry is worth more than 5.3 billion yuan.连环画事业价值在53亿元以上。
3.单词重读二、重难点知识讲解1.You can make certain faces come to life by giving them different expressions, e.g., happiness, anger.[译文]你可以通过给脸谱画上不同的表情使脸谱显得逼真,有生气,例如高兴、生气。
come to life意为“苏醒过来,恢复生气,变得生动(有趣)”。
e.g.The game really came to life in the second half.下半场比赛变得很刺激。
You’re very cool with your brother, but with your friends you really come to life.你对你弟弟冷冰冰的,但跟朋友在一起倒很活跃。

在英语中,“animated cartoon”意为“活动的连环漫画”,动态画面为卡通片,静态画面为卡通画。
外研版八年级下册英语《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》教学设计

外研版八年级下册英语《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》教学设计一. 教材分析《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》是人教版八年级下册英语教材的一部分,本节课主要围绕着卡通这一主题展开。
二. 学情分析学生在之前的学习中已经掌握了一定数量的英语词汇和基本句型,具备了基本的听、说、读、写能力。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握与卡通相关的词汇和表达方式,了解卡通的起源和发展,以及不同类型的卡通。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:卡通相关词汇的掌握,以及用英语描述卡通特点和喜欢的卡通角色。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设定具体任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用所学知识,提高他们的语言实践能力。
六. 教学准备1.教师准备:准备好与卡通相关的图片、视频和文字材料,以及课件和教学道具。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用多媒体展示不同类型的卡通图片,引导学生谈论卡通的特点和魅力,激发学生的学习兴趣。
小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit2 Cartoon time教学设计

英语(五年级下册)Unit 2 How do you come to school?Cartoon time无锡市吴桥实验小学江一飞Teaching contents 教学内容Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 掌握并运用词汇:a new bike, ride in the park, too young, think so, sit in the basket。
2. 复习巩固句型Where do/does ... live? ... live/lives in/on… ... live/lives near/far from school.How do/does ... come to school? ... come/comes to school by… (on foot)与别人交际3. 能理解Cartoon time故事大意并熟练朗读、表演。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 复习巩固句型Where do/does ... live? ... live/lives in/on…... live/lives near/far from school. How do/does ... come to school?... come/comes to school by…(on foot)2. 能理解Cartoon time故事大意并熟练朗读、表演。
教学难点:复习巩固句型Where do/does ... live? ... live/lives in/on…... live/lives near/far from school. How do/does ... come to school?... come/comes to school by…(on foot)Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. Free talkT: Hi, S1! Where do you live?S1: I live in/on …T: How do you come to school?S1: I come to school …T: How does your father/mother go to work?S1: He/She goes to work…【设计意图:复习导入环节,热身的同时,激发学生学习的兴趣。
外研版八年级下册英语《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》课时教学设计

外研版八年级下册英语《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》课时教学设计一. 教材分析外研版八年级下册英语《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》主要讲述了卡通故事的相关知识。
二. 学情分析学生在之前的学习中已经掌握了一定的英语基础知识,能够听、说、读、写一些简单的句子。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握关于卡通故事的相关词汇和表达,如:cartoon, character, like, exciting等。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:卡通故事的相关词汇和表达,如:cartoon, character, like,exciting等。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设计各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用所学的知识,提高语言运用能力。
六. 教学准备1.教学课件:制作卡通故事的相关课件,包括图片、视频、音频等。
外研版八年级下册英语《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》教学设计2

外研版八年级下册英语《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》教学设计2一. 教材分析《Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2》是一篇关于卡通故事的文章,主要介绍了一些著名的卡通形象,如米老鼠、唐老鸭等,以及人们对于卡通的喜爱。
二. 学情分析学生在学习本课之前,已经掌握了一些基本的英语语法知识和词汇,具备一定的听说读写能力。
三. 教学目标1.能够理解课文内容,掌握卡通的起源、发展以及卡通故事的特点。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:掌握卡通的起源、发展以及卡通故事的特点。
五. 教学方法1.情境教学法:通过创设情境,让学生在真实的语境中学习和使用英语。
六. 教学准备1.准备相关的卡通图片和视频资料,用于激发学生的学习兴趣。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)通过展示一些著名的卡通图片和视频资料,引导学生谈论自己喜欢的卡通人物和卡通故事,激发学生的学习兴趣。
外研版英语八下Module 5《Cartoons》教学设计

外研版英语八下Module 5《Cartoons》教学设计一. 教材分析《Cartoons》是外研版英语八年级下册第五模块的一篇课文,主要介绍了卡通漫画的发展历程、著名漫画家和卡通电影。
二. 学情分析八年级的学生对卡通漫画有浓厚的兴趣,生活中也经常接触卡通漫画,因此他们对卡通漫画的相关知识有一定的了解。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:–掌握与卡通漫画相关的词汇和表达方式。
四. 教学重难点•掌握与卡通漫画相关的词汇和表达方式。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过完成各种任务,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的参与度。
六. 教学准备1.教师准备:–熟悉课文内容,了解教材结构和体系。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)教师通过提问方式引导学生谈论他们喜欢的卡通漫画,激发学生的学习兴趣。
小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit2 Cartoon time教学设计

英语(五年级下册)Unit 2 How do you come to school?Cartoon time无锡市吴桥实验小学江一飞Teaching contents 教学内容Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 掌握并运用词汇:a new bike, ride in the park, too young, think so, sit in the basket。
2. 复习巩固句型Where do/does ... live? ... live/lives in/on… ... live/lives near/far from school.How do/does ... come to school? ... come/comes to school by… (on foot)与别人交际3. 能理解Cartoon time故事大意并熟练朗读、表演。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 复习巩固句型Where do/does ... live? ... live/lives in/on…... live/lives near/far from school. How do/does ... come to school?... come/comes to school by…(on foot)2. 能理解Cartoon time故事大意并熟练朗读、表演。
教学难点:复习巩固句型Where do/does ... live? ... live/lives in/on…... live/lives near/far from school. How do/does ... come to school?... come/comes to school by…(on foot)Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. Free talkT: Hi, S1! Where do you live?S1: I live in/on …T: How do you come to school?S1: I come to school …T: How does your father/mother go to work?S1: He/She goes to work…【设计意图:复习导入环节,热身的同时,激发学生学习的兴趣。
外研版英语八下Module 5《Cartoons》(Unit 2)教学设计

外研版英语八下Module 5《Cartoons》(Unit 2)教学设计一. 教材分析《Cartoons》(Unit 2)是外研版英语八下的一个模块,主要讲述了卡通漫画的相关知识。
二. 学情分析学生在学习本节课之前,已经掌握了英语基本语法和词汇,具备一定的听说读写能力。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:–学生能够了解卡通漫画的定义、分类和发展历程。
四. 教学重难点•学生能够掌握卡通漫画的定义、分类和发展历程。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设定具体任务,引导学生参与课堂活动,提高学生的实践能力。
六. 教学准备1.教学材料:教材、多媒体课件、卡通漫画作品、绘画工具。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)–教师展示一些卡通漫画作品,引导学生谈论自己对卡通漫画的喜爱。
2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Chapter 2 Cartoons教学设计 牛津深圳版

2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Chapter 2 Cartoons教学设计牛津深圳版Teac hing target1.To learn to describe different facialexpressions. Encourage students to tell the features of different personalities.2.To answer some general questions aboutthe article and predict the content of the article.3.To learn some key words and expressionsabout the reading passage.Preparation1Students’ Book 8B---Chapter two2Powerpoints about it.Cartoon talk1Give students some time to look at the cartoon on SB 8B, page 15. Tell them to read the sentences carefully.2. Meaning of the cartoon:The cartoon draws our attention to the chapter topic, ic strips and cartoon characters. The character Lo is vainly watching himself in a mirror.Teaching courses:a. Warm-up (Part A)Ask Ss some questions dealing with ic books.1.Do you like ic books? Why or why not?2. How many ic books have you read? What are they?3. Who are your favorite characters in ic books or cartoon films?b. Look at the expressions of the cartoon characters below. Say out what expressions are on their facesPleased\satisfied Bored\worried\confusedPuzzled Sad /sorrowfulSorry/depressed Happy/glad/joyful/cheerfulFrightened\scared Surprised/astonished annoyedc. Look and thinkBefore you read the passage on the next page, look at the title, the picture and the first and last paragraphs of the article on the next page. Then do the exercises on page 16. d. Vocabulary Box.a. Learn some new words and expressions about the reading passage.1. together : with each other2. get…into trouble: cause… a problem3. show: make sth. available for the public to see.4. success: a thing or person that has been successful.5. a number of: many; a lot of6. instead: in place of someone or sth.7. around: round8. though: in spite of the fact that; although 9. in total: altogether10. be in trouble with: having a serious problem with.e. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1. He has written a number of books on Chinese literature.2. If I don’t tell the truth, I will get my friend into trouble.3. Bob was sick so I went instead.4. In total, the artist drew 120 paintings in his life.5. I’ll be in trouble with my boss if I don’t finish the work in time.6. The soap opera is shown every other day.7. The new film has turned out to be a big success.8. Though he is over 60, he is active and energetic.9. The boys go home together after school.10. The earth moves around the sun.f. Conclusiong. Assignments.1. Recite the new words and expressions.(from tough to plastic)2. Make up sentences with the ten words and expressions studied in class.教学后记:教学新单词时,先领读他们一遍,再分开音节,讲一讲英语的拼读规则,发现学生的记忆效率大大的提高。
五上 U2 Cartoon 教案

Unit2 A new student(Cartoon time&checkout)第三课时知识目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说词汇:in the playground, slide, on the swing, stop, too high, so heavy2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写日常用语:There is a/an…. There are some… It‟s onthe … floor.3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。
4. 在老师的指导下尝试写作“Our school”能力目标:能综合所学灵活交际。
教学重点和难点:1. 词汇in the playground, slide, on the swing, stop, too high, so heavy2. 句型There is a/an…. There are some… It‟s on the … floor.3. 在老师的指导下尝试写作“Our school”学情分析:学生在前两节课已掌握了学校的教室和场所,会运用交际用语There is a/an….There are some…及它们的一般疑问句,本课由复习storytime导入(Nancy‟sschool),再到Bobby‟s school进入cartoon time,最后拓展到our school进行写作。
教学过程:Step1 Warming up1.GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Qin.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, What a nice day! I‟m so happy. Welcome to my English class!Today we‟ll continue learning …Unit2 A new student‟.3.RevisionT: Who is the new student?S: Nancy.T: What‟s in Nancy‟s school?/How many…?/ On which floor?S1: There ia a ….S2: There are….S3: …T: Wonderful!T: I like animals. They‟re …Happy animal family‟.Step2 Presentation and practice1. T: We know Nancy‟s school well. It‟s big and beautiful.PPT弹跳出卡通学校T: Wow, another school! Whose school? Guess!S: Bobby‟s school.T: What‟s in Bobby‟s school? Let‟s have a look in the game.Rules: If you see the words, please read loudly. If you see the picture, please clap your hands twice.S: Play the game.2.T: Wow, there are a lot of rooms in Bobby‟s school too. And what‟s that?S: Playground.T: Bobby‟s playground. What‟s in the playground?S1:…S2:…Teach: a swinga slideT: Swing, slide, we can play! Look, Bobby and Sam are happy. What do they play?出示tips:快速读图1,找出答案。

Chapter 2-1 Cartoons【疑点详解】1. … both work for MGM 两人都为MGM效力both 表示两者都,常用于be动词之后,实义动词之前。
如:His parents are both teachers.The two boys both like drawing.【拓展】both, either与neither(1) both指“”,在句中可作:作:Both should make concession. 双方都应该让步。
Both of them were men of the highest position in England.两人都是英国地位最高的人。
作:Take both (of them).把(它们)两个都拿去。
I wish both of you well.我希望你们两个人都好。
作:They both refused to surrender.他们两个人都不投降。
You must both come over some evening.哪天晚上你们都来。
(2) either表示“两者中的任何一个”,在句中可作:作:Either of the plans is equally dangerous.两个计划中任何一个都同样危险。
Either (of them) will do. (它们)两者中的哪一个都会令人满意。
作:I will take either.两者中我随便哪个都行。
You may take either of the roads.两条路你走哪一条都行。
I don’t agree with either of you.你们两人的意见我都不同意。
(3) neither 表示“两者哪个也不”,在句中可作。
作:Neither of us could help laughing. 我们两人都禁不住笑了。
Neither of my friends has come yet. 我的两个朋友都还没来。
英语:Chapter 2 Cartoons课件(深圳牛津八年级下)

Answer these questions about the article. 7 Who is the man in frame 9? Is he speaking or listening? The man is the Chief of police. The fagged lines of the bubble show he is listening to someone on the telephone, not speaking to himself. 8 In the last frame, how is Terry attracting the attention of the man in the helicopter?
C1 Find these words in the article. Use them to replace the words in italics in the sentences below.
4 It was an important meeting so it took place at the centre of the organization. headquarters 5 The background of the play last night was scenery terrific. 6 Peter hoped to make an impression in the English speech contest. 7 Before you draw a comic row of pictures, you strip must think of a plot.
B Find the facts
Read through the article and complete these rules about creating comic strips. Put one word
Module 5《Cartoon stories》Unit 2教案

The new words in the passage..
The important points in this unit.
Look at the words in Activity 2, use them to describe the cartoon characters.
Get the students to read the passage as quickly as they can. Then answer the teacher’s questions:
To cultivate the sense of coherence,.
To identify information about cartoon heroes.
To write about a cartoon.
To write about a cartoon.
Who is Nemo?
Who is Shrek?
What can show they are heroes?
Do you know something about Monkey King? Please tell me some.
Get the students to read it again, this time ,reading is a teamwork. Each group should translate it into Chinese, underline the important points and read it very freely.
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Chapter 2 Cartoons教学设计Chapter 2 cartoons teaching designChapter 2 Cartoons教学设计前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。
teaching aims: learn the important phrases of this chapter.phrases for popular with…受…欢迎 tom and jerry is popular with children.2.cartoon characters卡通人物 mickeyis one of the most popular cartoon full of… 充满…;装满… the short cartoon is full of fun.4.have a long history 历史悠久 the cartoons also have a long the late 1930s 在20世纪30年代晚期 they worked for the mgm in the late 1930s.6.think of…想出;想到 together they thought of the idea of a cat trying to catch a mouse.7.get…into trouble 使……陷入麻烦中 the mouse always gets the cat into into trouble 遇到麻烦 john always gets into trouble at trouble 有麻烦;处于困境中 i will help you if you are in trouble with…与……之间有麻烦 in almost every cartoon, tom is in trouble with his owner.have trouble in doing sth 做某事有麻烦 tom has trouble in learning chinese.8.a number of… 一些; 相当一部分 a number of students in our class enjoy watching cartoons. a great number of…许多;大量 a great number of foreigners visit china every year.the number of………的数量 the number of the students around 到处跑 the two animals are always running around or fighting each total 一共;总计 in total, hanna and barbera mad 114 tom and jerry cartoons.ugh at… 嘲笑 it is impolite to laugh at others.14.all around the world 全世界 the cartoons are still shown on tv all around the world.15.succeed in doing sth = do sth successfully 成功做成某事 tom never succeeds in catching jerry. = tom never catches jerry successfully.16.stay up 熬夜 i stayed up last night doing my homework.17.fall asleep 入睡 mary finds itdifficult to fall asleep. feel sleepy 觉得困 i felt sleepy because i went to bed a trick on sb 捉弄某人 we shouldn’t play tricks on other people.e to life 恢复知觉;变得活跃 with the help of the doctor, he came to life after 3 aims: check if the ss have mastered the phrases.test for phrases一、根据句意,用适当的介词填空 brown lived in china with his grandparents________ the 1950s.2.disney cartoons are popular ________ children all over the world.3.jack succeeded _______ passing the last, we thought ________ a best way to solve the problem.5.______ total, lucy has collected 200 stamps.6.nobody likes peter because he often plays tricks _______ his classmates.7.the heavy storm got us ________ trouble.8.this story book is full _______ fun. i want to buy one for my younger sister.二、根据汉语提示完成句子 was too noisy outside. she couldn’t________________ (入睡)at all.10.he often ______________(熬夜)to play computer games and _____________(觉得困) the next day.11.i went to the book city last saturday and bought ______________________(一些)books.12.don’t ___________________ (取笑)people when they are _________________(遇到麻烦).13.the great wall__________________________________________(历史悠久). is not safe to _________________________(到处跑)after class.15.what’s ______________________(……的数量)of the students of your school?16.he gave concerts _______________________________(全世界)last year.17.the little boy ______________________(变得活跃)after taking a good rest.18.jenny likes collecting stickers of____________________________(卡通人物).teaching aims: get the ss to learn the important sentence patterns.sentences for chapter21.tom didn’t watch the cartoon film. instead, he went to play football.= tom went to play football instead of watching the cartoon film.2.though he was very tired, he went on working. = he was very tired, but he went on working.3.mary didn’t feel like visiting the museum.=mary didn’t want to visit the museum.4.john’s first book was a great success.=john’s first book was very successful.5.beijing succeeded in holding the XXolympics.=beijing held the XX olympics do you like mickey mouse?= what do you think of mickey mouse?7.the bottle is full of water.=the bottle is filled with water.8.tom’s grandpa has a very bad temper.=tom’s grandpa is very bad-tempered.9.the cartoon is full of fun.=there is a lot of fun in the cartoon.=the cartoon is very funny.10.jane prefers juice to milk.=jane likes juice more than favorite cartoon character is snow white.=i like the cartoon character snow white much did you spend on the computer?=how much did you pay for the computer?=how much did the computer cost?=how much is the computer?teaching aims: test the students and see if they have mastered the sentences.句型练习一、把下列句子改成同义句:1.what do you think of kungfu panda?_____________ doyou ________ kungfu panda?2.the box is filled with presents.the box _______________ _______ presents.3.---do you want to see a film with me tonight?---do you _________ _______ __________ a film with me tonight?4.the comic book is full of fun.the comic book is ________ _________.5.mary didn’t watch the football match. instead, she went to the science museum.mary went to the science museum ___________ _________ _____________ the football match.6.tom caught the fish ____________ ___________________ the fish.二、用英语解释下列句子:1.this kind of mobile phone is a greatsuccess._________________________________________________ _.2.jim is very naughty, but his mother loves him very much.__________________________________________________.3.jane’s favourite sport isbadminton._____________________________________.4.the mp4 cost me 200 yuan.(你能想出几种解释的方法?试着都写出来吧)-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------。