YourHome(YourAccommodation)1.?Doyouliveinahouseoraflat?(思路:直截了当额外相关信息)Iliveinaprettyspacious(=big)flatintheoutskirtsofmyhometown.Myfamilyboughttheflat alongtimeago.Weliveonthe10th floorofahigh-rise.It'sathree-bedroomapartment.Ithinki tcoversabout130squaremeters(=m'),It'safairlyniceplace.uptownarea住宅区downtownarea市中心2.?Pleasedescribetheplacewhereyoulive.(思路:直接描述,多点描述注意逻辑衔接)Myhomeisbrightandspacious.Wehaveaverycomfysofainthelivingroom,andalargefl at-screenTVsethangingonthewall.Ourapartmentiswell-designed.Inaddition,Ilikethefa ctthatwehavetwobigbalconies.It'sreallynicewhentheweatheriswarm.Wecanhavedinne routside.Allinall,IquietliketheplacewhereIlive.3.?Howhaveyoudecoratedyourhome(or,yourroom)?(思路:简洁回答一带而过)Ihaven’t?doneanything.Iam(still)renting.My?home?isverysimple.Ourfurnitureismodernstyle.Itlooksquitenice.Ihaven’t?decorated?the?home?atall.Iamrenting.Imademy?home?Chinesestyle.Itlooksverynice.4.?Doyouhaveanything(hanging)onthewallofyourhome(oryourroom)?(e.g., decorations)(思路:同2flat-screenTV或者加上一幅画)oppositetodepictcertificateofmerit5.?Whatcanyouseewhenyoulookoutthewindowofyourroom?(思路:直接描述,难点:词汇应用)Ican'tseemuchexceptforotherbuildings.Weliveinacommunity,andtherearelike10or12hi gh-risesnexttoeachother.Butjustoutsidemyroom,wehaveabalcony,andfromthatsideoft hebuilding,weoverlooktheChangjiangRiverandthemountainsthatsurroundit.Atnightwh enthebanksoftheriverlightup,theviewisprettynice. Icanseeaparkfrommywindow.Itisreally/quitebeautiful/relaxing.Icanseetheroad.Itisalwaysverybusy./Icanseeabusyroadfrommywindow. Icanseesometrees.Ilikeit./Theyarebeautiful.6.?Whatistheenvironmentlikeinyourneighborhood?(思路:食住行直接描述多点描述注意逻辑衔接难点:相关词汇)It'sapleasantneighborhoood.Ilikethefactthatit'snothecticasthedowntownareaofthecity whereIusuallygo.Butthereareshopsandrestaurantseverywhe re.Fromourhome,it’safiv e-minutewalktothesupermarket,soit’sextremelyconvenient.Inaddition,there’samonor ailtrainstationjustdownthestreet,anditonlytakes15to20minutestogetthecitycenter.What’smore,fortheelderlypeople,therearealotgreenareasintheneighborhood,soth eycanc hatanddosomeexercisewiththeirfriendsthere.It’sreallyagreatplace.7.?Doyoulikeyourneighbors?(思路:直接回答举一个例子)Yes,theyarewarmandfriendly,andtheyhaveagoodsenseofcommunity.Forexample,wes harefoodandborrowthingsfromeachother,wereallygetalongwitheachotherandIfeelreal lyluckythatallmyneighborsarenicepeople,becausethesedaysmanyneighborsevendon’t knoweachother.8.?Whatkindofpeopleareyourneighbors?(思路:同上,运用学过的口语词汇funny,helpful,easy-going,warmandfriendly,energetic…再举个例子比如周末一起做饭或者参加运动或者一起娱乐。
雅思阅读真题解析Adults and children are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests. For example, one graphic illustration to which children might readily relate is the estimate that rainforests are being destroyed at a rate equivalent to one thousand football fields every forty minutes – about the duration of a normal classroom period. In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage, it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rainforests -what and where they are, why they are important, what endangers them –independent of any formal tuition. It is also possible that some of these ideas will be mistaken.成人和儿童经常面对有关热带雨林正在以的惊人速度丧失的说法。
1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A) 男声说要去图书馆。
B) 女声建议去电影院。
C) 两人决定去公园散步。
2. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题:
1. 阅读以下短文,选择最佳标题。
A) 现代城市生活
B) 乡村的宁静
C) 旅游的趣事
2. 根据短文内容,回答以下问题:
1. 根据以下提示,写一篇不少于150字的短文。
1. 根据以下问题,准备一段不少于一分钟的口语回答。
雅思模拟考试题及答案一、听力部分1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 火车将在10分钟后到达。
B. 火车已经晚点了20分钟。
C. 火车将在30分钟后出发。
答案:B2. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 男士建议女士去看医生。
B. 女士建议男士去看医生。
C. 两人都同意去看医生。
答案:A二、阅读部分Passage 1阅读以下短文,并回答以下问题。
The history of the bicycle can be traced back to the early 19th century, when it was first invented as a means of transportation. Over the years, the bicycle has evolved from a simple wooden frame to a complex machine with gears and brakes.3. 根据短文,自行车的历史可以追溯到哪个世纪?A. 18th centuryB. 19th centuryC. 20th century答案:B4. 短文中提到自行车最初是由什么制成的?A. 金属B. 木头C. 塑料答案:BPassage 2阅读以下短文,并回答以下问题。
Many people believe that the internet has changed the way we communicate. With the advent of social media, people can now share their thoughts and experiences with others instantly.5. 根据短文,互联网改变了什么?A. 我们的工作方式B. 我们的沟通方式C. 我们的学习方式答案:B6. 短文中提到的社交媒体允许人们做什么?A. 立即分享他们的想法和经历B. 与朋友面对面交流C. 通过邮件发送信息答案:A三、写作部分Task 1根据所给图表,描述以下趋势。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错2、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、忖度(duó)濒临(pín)B、踽踽(jǔ)够呛(qiànɡ)(正确答案)C、沙砾(lì)娇嗔(zhēn)D、睿智(bì)醴酪(lǐ)3、70. 下列选项中,“而”的用法与所给例子相同的一项是: ()例子:而计其长曾不盈寸。
[单选题] *A、化而为鸟。
(正确答案)4、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、脉脉mò忏悔chàn(正确答案)B、狙击zǔ鸟瞰kànC、抨击pēng 发酵xiàoD、干涸hé百舸争流kě5、“果脯”的读音是“guǒfǔ”。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错6、1学习老舍写的《我的母亲》一文,我们会由衷敬佩母亲坚忍、善良、宽容、勤俭和好客的品性,也会为儿子子欲养而亲不待的痛悔之情感动不已。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错7、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、粗糙cāo 红缯zēng 乳酪lào(正确答案)B、背负bèi 树冠guān 萌蘖nièC、龟裂guī宋徽宗huī贮藏zhùD、谚语yàn 紫绡qiāo 果梗gěng8、下列选项中加着重号字读音相同的一项是()[单选题] *A、遗憾浓酣B、色调协调C、娇柔骄傲(正确答案)D、意境景色9、《红楼梦》中大观园里曾两次结诗社,下列人物与其诗社的别号对应不正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.贾宝玉——护花使者(正确答案)B.林黛玉——潇湘妃子C.史湘云——枕霞旧友D.贾探春——蕉下客10、关于《红楼梦》的文化常识,选出表述正确的一项( ) [单选题] *A.林黛玉与贾宝玉二人关系为姨表兄妹。
剑桥雅思13Test1雅思阅读passage 2真题+解析
剑桥雅思13Test1雅思阅读passage 2真题+解析相关阅读:剑桥雅思13Test1阅读passage2真题+翻译体裁说明文主要内容本文探讨了厌倦情绪的分类及其科学上的意义。
B段:德国科学家Thomas Goetz及团队将厌倦划分了5个类别。
C段:心理学家Sandi Mann认为厌倦有正面意义。
D段:心理学家John Eastwood表示反对,认为厌倦会造成注意力分散并引发不良后果。
F段:心理学家Francoise Wemelsfelder认为现代人信息过载是厌倦感的新源头。
Questions 14-19Reading Passage 2 has six paragraphs, A-F.Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.List of Headingsi The productive outcomes that may result from boredomii What teachers can do to prevent boredomiii A new explanation and a new cure for boredomiv Problems with a scientific approach to boredomv A potential danger arising from boredomvi Creating a system of classification for feelings of boredomvii Age groups most affected by boredomv iii Identifying those most affected by boredom14 Paragraph A15 Paragraph B16 Paragraph C17 Paragraph D18 Paragraph E19 Paragraph F考题解析Questions 14-19●题目归类:List of Headings小标题题目属于概括总结类题型,是雅思阅读中最难的题型之一。
雅思口语Part2答案:一首有特别意义的歌The song ‘Return to Innocence’by music band ‘Enigma’ is one of my all time favourite songs and this song bears a special meaning to me. This song is about the human life: the beginning and ending of our lives, the meaning of life, the aim and journey to eternity, and the vision of our life. It signifies the importance of life and how much we should cherish our life. Finally, it is about our journey to another life and life transformation in different stages.As I mentioned earlier this is a song by famous music band ‘Enigma’ and this b and is particularly famous of the extraordinary music they produce. I heard this song many years back when I was in my 9th grade. In my birthday one of our relatives gave me a CD of ‘Enigma’ band and then I heard this song. I liked most of the songs of this album but this particular song ‘Return to Innocence’ was bit different and I liked it instantly I heard it for the first time. After that I heard this song several hundred times and still this music appears as a new inspiration to me. I believe this would never turn into a lost song for me.The brilliant lyrics and extraordinary music of this song soothe my heart each time I listen to it. I can feel this music with every sense of mine and that’s an out-of-the-world feelings. I have found the lyrics pretty rich and meaningful that gave mespecial meaning about the life we lead. In my stressful and tiresome time this pretty rich and meaningful that gave me special meaning about the life we lead. In my stressful and tiresome time this particular song has inspired and motivated me many times. This song has become a memory of me. Whenever I listen to this song, I feel a special sensation and that’s why this has a special meaning and strong significance to me.Similar Cue Card T opicsYour ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:1. Describe a song you really like.2. Describe a song that has a strong impression on you.3. Describe a foreign song you have heard.4. Describe a song that bears a special meaning for you.5. Describe a song you heard a long ago.6. Describe a meaningful song you have listened.雅思口语考题高分范文之a song that means sth specialI’d like to talk about a song called Blue Skies,which I used to play on a loop during the last year ofhigh school.Back then I was stressed out every single daybecause the college entrance exam was just aroundthe corner. I worked really hard for it but I didhorribly in the first mock exam. I felt frustrated and hopeless. I even thought of giving up,because I just cou ldn’t see the point of it. It was like all my efforts were in vain.But one day, when my dad picked me up from school, I heard the song I mentioned fromthe radio, and I was deeply touched by the lyrics. I know it might sound a little emotionaland exaggerated if we look back on it right now, but at that time, I was under huge pressureand super vulnerable. Anyway, the song was uplifting, and it goes like “Through the badnights, to thebrighter days, I know that something good is waiting just around t he corner.There’s a new life for us, got to keep on holding on for just a little longer, I know that it’s gonnabe blue skies for you and I.” I was inspired by this song. And gradually, I felt that I’d steppedout of the shadows and walked into the light. (T hat’s the lyrics from the song.) I just listened toit nonstop during those weeks and my spirits were lifted. And it encouraged me through thehardest times in my life.Every time I heard the song, I would think of the period of time when I strived for mydreams.雅思口语Part 2新题预测:一首有趣的歌一首有趣的歌 Describe an interesting song you likeYou should say:What it isWhich country the song comes fromWhat story the song tellsAnd explain why you think it is interesting.雅思口语Part 2范文:Both Of Us主题:Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift口语part范文内容:这首歌是关于那些试图实现他们梦想的人。
Section1Question 1 (a) taxi/ cab从试卷已给出的信息预测得知,此处填写的应该是和car hire, greyhound bus及airport shuttle并列的一个信息。
在录音中工作人员介绍完car hire服务后,乘客解释说I don’t really want to drive myself, so I’d like more information about public transport.接着工作人员In that case the quickest and most comfortable is a cab and of course …,可见此处答案为cab,也可写成taxi。
Question 2 City Centre/ Center从试卷已给出的信息分析,此处要填写的是个地点。
录音中乘客询问whereabouts does it stop in Milton ?工作人员回答说It goes directly from the airport here to the City Centre and …,可见此处答案为City Centre,英式拼写Centre、美式拼写Center均正确。
City Centre此处为专有名词,首字母大写(剑七录音原文p129上的City Centre是大写的)。
Question 3 wait从试卷已给出的信息分析,此处要填写的是个名词,被long所修饰。
当录音中工作人员说so you would have quite a wait — more than 4 hours。
Question 4 door-to-door从试卷已给出的信息分析,此处要填写的信息是要修饰service的,因此当录音中工作人员开始介绍the Airport Shuttle时,考生就要意识到第4题答案的即将出现,录音中工作人员接着介绍说It’s a door-to-door service …,考生即可准确定位此处答案为door-to-door。
雅思(IELTS)真题精选及详解(二)LISTENINGSECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questions 1 and 2Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.1. In the lobby of the library George sawA. a group playing music.B. a display of instruments.C. a video about the festival.【答案】C【解析】根据原文,George在图书馆的大厅(lobby)中的展台(stand)上看到了一个关于节日的录像(video),故选C。
2. George wants to sit at the back so they canA. see well.B. hear clearly.C. pay less.【答案】B【解析】根据原文,George认为坐在后面可以“hear the whole thing better”,而该句意思与hear clearly意思相同。
Questions 3-10Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Singer (price【答案与解析】3. 48 North Avenue(根据提示词address可知,题目考查的是地址,故此处应填数字+街道。
另需注意,地址是专有名词, 首字母需要大写。
)4. WS6 2YH(根据提示词postcode可知,题目考查的是邮编。
答案有两种可能性, 即数字与字母混合或纯数字。
需要注意,在书写英国邮编时, 两个数字中间通常空一个格。
)5. 01674553242(根据提示词telephone可知,本题考查电话号码的听写,测试考生对数字的敏感度和反应度。
雅思考试试题及答案听力部分(Listening)Section 1场景:预订酒店房间1. 房间类型:单人间2. 入住日期:7月15日3. 入住天数:5天4. 客人需要额外服务:机场接送5. 特殊要求:无烟房Section 2场景:介绍当地公共交通系统6. 公交卡的有效期:一年7. 儿童票价:成人票价的一半8. 火车站的位置:市中心9. 最早一班公交车发车时间:早上5:3010. 公交公司提供的额外服务:自行车租赁Section 3场景:学生讨论报告11. 报告的主题:市场营销策略12. 报告中使用的主要数据来源:在线调查13. 报告中缺少的部分:案例研究14. 建议的改进措施:增加图表15. 下一步行动:与导师会面讨论Section 4场景:古代文明讲座16. 该文明位于:一个岛屿上17. 主要的食物来源:鱼类18. 他们的社会组织:等级制度19. 著名的工艺品:陶器20. 文明衰落的原因:自然灾害阅读部分(Reading)Passage 1主题:家庭农业的未来发展21. 作者认为家庭农业的优势是:灵活性高22. 根据研究,家庭农业面临的最大挑战是:市场准入23. 政府可以提供的支持措施包括:资金援助和技术培训24. 家庭农业对环境的积极影响:减少化学肥料的使用25. 文章建议的长期策略:多元化种植Passage 2主题:城市化对健康的影响26. 城市化带来的一个积极变化是:更好的医疗服务27. 城市居民可能面临的健康风险包括:空气污染28. 文章提到的一个解决方案是:增加绿地29. 城市化对心理健康的潜在影响:压力增加30. 作者建议的研究方法:跨学科研究Passage 3主题:语言的起源和演化31. 语言学家对于语言起源的主要争议点是:单一起源与多起源理论32. 根据考古学证据,最早的语言形式可能是:符号系统33. 语言演化的一个关键因素:社会互动34. 文章提到的一个研究工具:计算机模拟35. 语言多样性对文化保护的重要性:促进文化认同写作部分(Writing)Task 1类型:图表作文题目:根据以下图表,描述2010年至2020年期间,某国四个年龄段人口的变化趋势。
雅思考试题目及答案详解一、听力部分1. 问题:What is the man's reason for calling the woman?答案:A. To arrange a meeting.2. 问题:What does the woman suggest the man should do next?答案:B. Check his email.3. 问题:What is the main topic of the lecture?答案:C. Climate change.二、阅读部分1. 问题:According to the passage, what is the primary function of the liver?答案:The liver processes nutrients and detoxifies the blood.2. 问题:What does the author suggest about the impact of technology on society?答案:The author suggests that technology has both positive and negative effects on society.3. 问题:What is the main argument of the article?答案:The main argument is that education should be more focused on critical thinking skills.三、写作部分1. 问题:Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of livingin a city.答案:[考生应提供至少两个城市生活的优势和劣势,并给出合理的解释和例子。
]2. 问题:Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sportsfacilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?答案:[考生应表达自己对增加体育设施是否能改善公共健康的看法,并提供支持自己观点的理由。
2022 雅思考试真题及答案
2022 雅思考试真题及答案一、READING1、READING PASSAGE 3You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.Accentuate the negativeJul 5th 2010, 10:11 by The Economist online A FOR everyone else what the picture showed was the glaciers: for the Dutch it was the floodingLast January errors in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) hit the headlinesThe chapter on Asia in the report by the IPCC's second working group, charged with looking at the impact of climate change and adapting to it, mistakenly claimed that the Himalayan glaciers would be gone by2035This contradicted some reasonably basic physics, had not been predicted by the glacier specialists in the first working group and was unsupported by any evidenceThere was a report from the 1990s which said something similar about all the world's non-polar glaciers, but it gave the date as 2350Then there was a crucial typo and some shoddy referencingNevertheless the IPCC's chair, Rajendra Pachauri, had lashed out at people bringing the criticism up, accusing them of “voodoo science”He then had to eat his words, and set up a panel to look into ways the IPCC might be improved. B Inspired by this to look for other errors, a journalist for a Dutch newspaper spotted that the chapter on Europe gave a figure for the area of the Netherlands below sea level that was much too largeThe area at risk of flooding by the sea had been conflated with that at risk of flooding by the Rhine and the Meuse riversThat the careful Dutch should have provided faulty information and not spotted it in the review process was an embarrassment to the environment minister, Jacqueline Cramer; following a debate in parliament she called on the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), to look at all the regional chapters in the working group II report and make sure they were up to snuffThis the PBL has now done and its report has already been published. C The authors try hard to make clear that their findings do not undermine the IPCC's conclusions on climate changeAnd there is nothing in their report as egregious as the glaciers or as embarrassing as the Dutch sea levelBut they did find a number of things to take issue with, most of which they thought minor but eight of which they classed as major; and their work seems to bring out a systemic tendency to stress negative effects over positive onesThis tendency can be defendedBut a reading of the report suggests there may also be broader and potentially more misleading bias. D The auditors found one distinct error which they deemed major: a statement about the frequency of turbulence in South African fishing waters which had been translated directly into a statement about the productivity of the fisheriesThe IPCC has indicated it will produce an erratum for this, and for a number of other errors all concerned deemed minorBut the PBL also identified seven statements, which, while not errors, it thought were deserving of comment. E Perhaps the most striking relates to AfricaThe table in the summary for policy makers reads: “By 2020, in some countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50%.” The evidence on which this is based says only that yields during years in which there are droughts could be reduced by 50%Furthermore, the relevant reference applies only for Morocco—and it cites as its source an earlier paper that the PBL says no one, including the IPCC authors, now seems able to find. F Other criticisms turn on a tendency to generalizeResearch showing decreased yields of millet, groundnuts and cowpeas in Niger becomes a claim that crop yields are decreasing in the Sahel, the strip that separates the Sahara from the savannah in Africa, rather than that the yields of some crops are decreasing in some parts of the SahelThe results of research on cattle in Argentina are applied to livestock (which would include pigs, chickens, llamas and the rest) throughout South AmericaThe expert authors do not provide a compelling reason for their claim that fresh water availability will decline overall in south, east and Southeast Asia, or that the balance of climate-related effects on the health of Europeans will be negative. G Another problem identified by the PBL analysis is that, in general, negative impacts are stressed over positive onesThe table in the summary for policymakers is almost unremittingly bad news; the conclusions in the chapters that fed into it, while far from cheery, were more mixedIn a similar way, when there is a range of possible impacts, the top end of the range tends to get more play in the summaries for policy makers than the bottom end doesThe PBL says that this is a reasonable way to proceed in a document that is explicitly aimed at policy makers thinking about adaptation, but it is not clear how transparent this approach is to readers. H This may reflect a larger issueWork on the impacts of climate change--the literature Working Group II assesses—tends to focus on vulnerabilities and damage for much the same reason the IPCC authors doThey seem more important, more urgent and quite possibly more fundableThe UN Framework Convention on Climate Change requires countries to assess their vulnerabilities, and these assessments are fodderfor Working Group IIThus the evidence base from which an assessment of impacts has to start is to some extent skewed. I Perhaps the most worrying thing about the PBL report, though, is a rather obvious one about which its authors say littleIn all ten of the issues that the PBL categorized as major (the original errors on glaciers and Dutch sea level, and the eight others identified in the report), the impression that the reader gets from the IPCC is more strikingly negative than the impression which would have been received if the underlying evidence base had been reflected as the PBL would have wished, with more precise referencing, more narrow interpretation and less authorial judgmentA large rise in heat related deaths in Australia is mentioned without noting that most of the effect is due to population rather than climate changeA claim about forest fires in northern Asia seems to go further than the evidence referred to--in this case a speech by a politician--would warrant. J A suspicion thus gains ground that the way in which the IPCC synthesizes, generalizes and checks its findings may systematically favor adverse outcomes in a way that goes beyond just serving the needs of policy makersAnecdotally, authors bemoan fights to keep caveats in place as chapters are edited, refined and summarizedThe PBL report does not prove or indeed suggest systematic bias, and it stresses that it has found nothing that should lead the parliament of the Netherlands, or anyone else, to reject the IPCC's findingsBut the panel set up to look at the IPCC's workings should ask some hard questions about systematic tendencies to accentuate the negative.1.Questions 27-29Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write the correct letter in boxes 27-29 on your answer sheet.27. How did the IPCC's chair respond to the charge of IPCC's mistaken report about Himalayan's oncoming disappearance?A. He absolutely denied it and retorted fiercely.B. He sincerely accepted it and promised to make some improvement later.C. He hesitated a lot and didn't know how to react for a while.D. He felt it hard to accept it at first but demonstrated a positive attitude towards it.【答案】D【解析】根据题干关键词“IPCC’s chair ,mistaken report about Himalayan’s”定位至A段最后两句,据此可知IPCC主席开始抨击提意见的人,但随后收回自己的话并且成立智囊团试图解决问题。
雅思模拟考试试题及答案听力部分:Section 11. 学生需要参加的课程是:A. 计算机科学B. 艺术史C. 环境科学2. 课程的开始时间是:A. 9:00 AMB. 10:00 AMC. 11:00 AM3. 学生需要在课程开始前做什么?A. 填写在线表格B. 阅读课程大纲C. 购买教材4. 学生可以获得的额外帮助是:A. 每周一次的辅导B. 每月一次的讲座C. 学期初的研讨会5. 学生需要准备的作业是:A. 一篇论文B. 一个项目C. 一份报告答案:1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. BSection 26. 图书馆的开放时间是:A. 8:00 AM - 10:00 PMB. 9:00 AM - 9:00 PMC. 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM7. 图书馆的哪个区域提供安静的学习环境?A. 第一层B. 第二层C. 第三层8. 图书馆提供哪些服务?A. 打印和复印B. 无线网络和电脑C. 书籍和杂志9. 图书馆的哪个部门可以帮助学生找到参考资料?A. 咨询台B. 信息技术部C. 参考资料部10. 图书馆的借书期限是多久?A. 一周B. 两周C. 一个月答案:6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B阅读部分:Passage 1The article discusses the impact of technology on education. It highlights how the use of digital tools has made learning more interactive and accessible. The article also mentions the challenges faced by educators in integrating technology into their teaching methods.Questions 11-1411. What is the main topic of the article?A. The challenges of technology in educationB. The benefits of technology in educationC. The history of educational technology12. What does the article suggest about the use of digital tools?A. They are becoming less popular.B. They are making education more interactive.C. They are only useful for certain subjects.13. What is one of the challenges mentioned in the article?A. The cost of digital tools.B. The lack of training for educators.C. The resistance to change from traditional methods.14. What is the overall tone of the article?A. CriticalB. OptimisticC. Neutral答案:11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B写作部分:Task 1The chart below shows the percentage of people in a city who used public transport, walked, or drove cars to work in 2010 and 2020.[Chart]Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others think there are better ways to improve it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.[Essay]口语部分:Part 11. What do you usually do in your free time?2. Do you prefer to stay at home or go out during your free time?3. Do you think people need to have hobbies? Why?Part 2 & 31. Describe a place you often visit that is important to you.2. Why is this place important to you?3. How often do you go there?4. Do you think this place will change in the future? Why?结束语:以上就是雅思模拟考试的试题及答案,希望能够帮助考生们更好地准备考试。
Section1剑桥雅思5Test2听力Section 1答案+解析材料解析:谈话场景:图书馆咨询,电话交谈。
交际与语言表达1. I was wondering if…这是在向别人询问某件事时的一个礼貌用法,if后面跟想询问的内容,意思是:我想知道某件事是否怎样。
在本文后面还有一种类似的用法,“ another thing I was wondering about was if…”,意思是:我想知道的另外一件事是……2. …someone told me it was possible to join, even if I wasn’ t. 注意even if在这里当“即使”讲,“我听说即使我不是(本校学生)也可以加入”。
3. could you tell me也是一种礼貌用法,用 can 的过去式来发问是为了使语气更加委婉,本文中还有许多类似的用法。
4. You’ ll need to come in to the library. 这句话也是以一种婉转的方式来告诉对方必须做的事情,这些考生都可以记下来,作为口语练习的积累。
5. Would that do 那样成吗注意又是过去时,表示客气。
6. otherwise 前面一定要有一个句子说明条件,后面则表示如果满足不了前面的条件,将会怎样。
7. I was at Westerley College until last year. 直到去年我还在 Westerley 学院。
注意 until 表示在这一时间之前所处的状态。
8. It’ s more expensive than I thought. more… than 这是一个有用的句式,另外 think要用过去时,因为现在他已经知道这个事实了,所以只能同他以前知道的做比较。
9. We allow twelve items borrowed at any one time if you’ re a student. 如果你是学生,我们允许你任何一次都可以借 12 本书。
雅思英语试题及答案解析一、听力部分1. 根据录音,以下哪项是会议的主要议题?A. 环境保护B. 教育改革C. 经济发展D. 城市规划答案:C解析:在录音中,发言人提到了“经济增长”和“城市扩张”等关键词,表明经济发展是会议的主要议题。
2. 录音中提到的新政策将对哪个群体产生最大影响?A. 学生B. 工人C. 商人D. 农民答案:B解析:录音中提到了“提高最低工资标准”和“改善劳动条件”,这些政策将直接影响到工人的生活和工作。
二、阅读部分1. 根据文章,作者对当前教育体系持什么态度?A. 支持B. 反对C. 中立D. 未明确表态答案:B解析:文章中作者多次使用“outdated”(过时的)和“ineffective”(无效的)等词汇来描述当前的教育体系,表明作者持有反对的态度。
2. 文章中提到的“21世纪技能”包括哪些方面?A. 批判性思维B. 创造力C. 团队合作D. 所有上述答案:D解析:文章明确提到了“批判性思维”、“创造力”和“团队合作”是21世纪技能的重要组成部分。
三、写作部分1. 题目:Some people believe that the government shouldprovide financial support to artists and musicians, while others argue that artists should support themselves. Discuss both views and give your opinion.答案:略解析:在写作部分,考生需要首先概述两种观点,然后给出自己的见解。
四、口语部分1. 问题:Describe a memorable trip you have taken.答案:略解析:在口语部分,考生需要描述一次难忘的旅行经历,包括旅行的地点、时间、活动以及这次旅行为什么难忘。
剑桥雅思14Test2雅思写作Task1真题及范文解析TEST 2WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The chart below shows the value of one country’s exports in various categories during 2015 and 2016. The table shows the percentage change in each category of exports in 2016 compared with 2015.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.【答案解析】这是一道复合图小作文,含有一个动态柱图和一个静态表格图,其中分析的重点和数据量较大的部分在于第一个动态柱图,需要按照时间的变化顺序描述同一个项目在不同时间内的变化情况,根据图片的绘制情况,柱图题中的时间是用不同的阴影颜色呈现的,因此按照两种颜色的柱子为一对,按对描述。
【参考答案】The two charts present changes in the value of exports as well as the percentage change in values of exports between 2015-2016. Five categories of exports include petroleum products (PP), engineered goods (EG), gems and jewelry (GJ), agricultural products (AG) and textiles. The value is calculated inbillion dollars (BD).As for the export earnings, increases in values can be observed in PP, EG, and textiles. Starting from 60BD, the value of PP increased to around 65BD in 2016. Likewise, the value of EG also grew by 8BD to nearly 63BD in 2016. The value of textiles jumped more obviously from around 25BD to 32BD during the two years. The value of exported AP, however, maintained almost unchanged at around 32BD. By contrast, the value of exported GJ decreased by 2BD, hitting 40BD in 2016.In terms of percentage change in values, only the figure in GJ declined by 5.18%. The percentage in the value of textiles rose gigantically by 15.24%, nearly 1.8 times as that of EG. The percentage of value in PP grew by 3%, 2.19% more than the increase in the percentage of value in AP.剑桥雅思14test2写作task2范文解析:当今环境问题的原因分析WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.Write at least 250 words.【答案解析】这是一道双边讨论类大作文,分析当今最大的环境问题究竟是什么。
剑桥雅思12Test7雅思听力Section2答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12Test6雅思阅读passage 3真题+解析、剑桥雅思12Test7雅思听力Section1答案+解析? 谈话场景:介绍场景? 人物关系:旅游公司负责人? 谈话话題:培训旅游公司的客户情况和产品内容"The fewest holidays are taken by the 31 to 42-year-olds, and that figure shows no sign of rising. (31岁到42岁的人参加旅行的人数最少,而且这个数字没有增长的迹象。
)"其中holidays are taken by 为 take holidays 的被动形式;figure 意为“数据”;show no sign of sth.意为“没有什么的迹象”。
“As far as the 43 to 54-year-olds are concerned, bookings there are steady, but I have to say we haven’t seen the increase we expected. (至于43—54岁的群体,旅游预定量比较稳定,我不得不说我们并没有看到我们所期待的增长。
)”其中as far as sb. is concerned;意为“就某人而言”;we expected省略掉了that,在此为一个定语从句,修饰the increase。
“They’re not necessarily cheaper than ordinary holidays, often the opposite (它们不一定比常规的旅游便宜,很多时候它们甚至更贵。
)其中not necessarily意为“不一定”;这里they指代前面出现过的activity holidays ; the opposite在这里是一个省略的用法,完整的意思是“ordinary holidays are cheaper than activity holidays”。
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1 HometownWhere do you come from?I am local here.What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Would a foreign visitor enjoy them?Beijing is famous for its historical attractions like The Forbidden City and Summer Palace which attracts millions of foreign visitor each year.1.Did you learn much about the history of yourhometown in school?I think we all have trouble tracing the historyof our hometown because we seldom learn it inschool.2.What do you think needs to change in yourhometown?Traffic in my hometown is overly bad. It seemsall the residences have to spend their entirelife in a Beijing traffic jam. So the changeof traffic situation is a must.3.What place(s) in your hometown do you go to inyour spare time?I am a shopping freak. I like to go to a bigshopping mall when I have time. Shopping mallis multiple which allows me to get anything Ilike. Also, when I am hungry I can grab a burger in the food court4.Why did you choose to live here/there?Beijing is a marvelous city which combinestradition and modern perfectly. I am local here and I want to spend my entire life in Beijing too.5.What do you like about your hometown?I have the special complex to my hometown. Ienjoy the food, daily routine and people in my hometown.6.What do you think needs to be done to make yourhometown a better place to live in?Traffic situation in my hometown is overly bad.It seems all the residences have to spend their entire life in a Beijing traffic jam. So the change of traffic situation will make it abetter place to live in.7.For you, what benefits are there to living ina big city?Living in a big city you can have better health care and better education for children. Also, you won't get bored during weekends. Moreover, you may have a lot of opportunities for career.8.What facilities does your hometown have?My hometown is by the seaside so we have several beaches and sections of rocky coastline withina mile of the town centre. There are also twoparks with play equipment for children. Also, the facilities for education and health care are also available here.9.What sorts of buildings are there in yourhometown?Typical buildings here are those tall, stone looking ones which are boring without much architectural creativity.10.What's the most attractive part of yourhometown?Beijing is famous for its historicalattractions like The Forbidden City and Summer Palace which attracts millions of foreignvisitor each year. Also, the traditional local culture is unique here and you can experience it in HUTONG.11.What forms of transport do visitors use to cometo your hometown?Anything you want. You can come here by plane, by train and by bus.12.How could your hometown attract more visitors?Improving the environment and making thepublic transportation better will attract morevisitors to come. Also, local people'shospitality will make visitors feel morecomfortable.13.Has the weather in your hometown changed muchin recent years?It is still the same. In winter, it has snowand everything is covered in white. In spring,it's beautiful and all the flowers are in bloom,plus everything is green over again. In fall,all the leaves turn orange, red, and yellow,so it looks gorgeous. But summer sucks herebecause of the stupid hot weather.Studies1.Do you work or are you a student?I am a senior student majoring in English.2.What subject are you studying?I'm doing arts in Peking University. The subject isnot what I'm concerned about, it doesn't actuallybother me that much. I focus on the campus life.3.Why did you choose to study that subject?English sounds beautiful and knowing English means more opportunities while you hunting a job in China.4.Is that a popular subject in your country?Yes. Language is the most effective way of learning other culture. Knowing English means you can read more and understand more since it is the worldlanguage. Moreover, it gives you more chance when hunting jobs.5.Do you think it's popular because people want to gainknowledge or is there some other reason?Some people are knowledge-oriented and some people are job-oriented.6.What are the most popular subjects in China?Anything related to finance is popular in china, like marketing and accounting.7.Why did you choose that university?I want a university that was far enough away from myfamily then I can be independent. Also, the grounds and buildings are so beautiful. Everyone who went there seemed a little smug to me and I like theatmosphere in my university.8.Do you have any recreational or entertainmentactivities at your school/university?On each Friday night I go to swimming club. Also, Ilove school nights. When it comes we dress up in our old school uniform and we get giggles through the whole night.9.Do you think it's important to choose a subject youlike?Yes. I believe interest is the best teacher. When you have some interest in a subject you can teach byyourself. It is the biggest motivation of learning.10.What are your favorite classes/ courses/ subjects atuniversity?I like English because its pronunciation soundsbeautiful and it gives me the access to more sources like books, TV programs and radio. Moreover, it gives more confidence and opportunity to travel to foreign countries.11.What's the most interesting part of your subject?Foreign teacher's classes never disappoint me. He tells us a lot interesting stories he has experienced in several countries. He discusses different culture, food and traditions in China and western countries with us.12.What are your future work plans?I want to be a translator or interpreter. I don't likestay in one place and doing the same job every day.It's too boring. However, being a translator orinterpreter gives me the chance to meet different people from different countries and I think that is interesting.13.How will you get the job you want?Work hard on my subject and study more English, not only the language itself but also culture, history, food and traditions.14.Why are you taking the IELTS test?The reason is I want to study abroad and achieve more, experiencing different education system, knowing more western culture.15.In addition to gaining knowledge, what other wayshave you benefited from your school/universityexperience?Fist, I live on campus and that was a huge amount of fun. Second, I can manage my timetable. I make sureI balance my learning with enjoying the socialactivities and organizations which makes me become independent and being responsible. Anyway, I love college.。