2017年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语2017. 3第Ⅰ卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AInside the Rain RoomThe Rain Room has arrived and local art lovers are taking notice. Is it worth the wait? Yes, I assure you it is. Once inside, visitors find a long, dark room with a high ceiling. A single bright light shines through heavy rain falling around visitors. The mist. The damp air. The noise. It feels like a mighty storm is pouring down. But the storm is inside. And visitors aren’t getting wet. Instead, visitors wander in awe, admiring the rain and the artists who created it.The Rain Room was created to highlight the connection between humans, nature and technology. With a tracking system that senses movement and stops the rain wherever visitors move, it does just that. Light and sound produce an experience that feels both natural and foreign. The exhibit is moving on to Atlanta next month. I urge you to visit before then. It’s time to experience the Rain Room for yourself!21. What’s the purpose of the text?A. To attract visitors to a new art exhibit.B. To explain how an exhibit has been created.C. To describe the technology used in the exhibitD. To promote the artists taking part in an exhibit.22. What’s the function of the exhibit’s tracking system?A. To keep visitors from getting wet.B. To protect the exhibit from water damage.C. To time how long visitors are in the room.D. To count the number of visitors in the room.23. What must you do when visiting the Rain Room?A. Wear a raincoat.B. Wear dark clothing.C. Leave your camera outsideD. Pass through within 10 minutesBDujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese science. Built over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering achievement is still used today to irrigate over 6,000 square kilometres of farmland, take away floodwater and provide water for 50 cities in the province.In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands suffered from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. To help the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region’s governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. They studied the problem and discovered that the river most often overflowed when winter snow at the top of the nearby Mount Yulei began to melt as the weather warmed.The simplest fix was to build a dam, but this would have mined the Minjiang River. So instead Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. Better still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making it suitable for farming.Cutting the channels through the hard rock of Mount Yulei was a remarkable accomplish- ment as it was done long before the invention of gunpowder and explosives. Li Bing found another solution. He used a combination of fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they cracked and could be removed. After eight years of work, the 2-metre-wide canals had been carved through the mountain.Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live peacefully and affluently. Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modern dams where the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally, enabling ecosystems and fish populations to exist in harmony.24. What are the benefits of Dujiangyan according to the first paragraph?A. Reducing flooding and watering farmland.B. Protecting the mountain and reducing flooding.C. Watering farmland and improving water quality.D. Drying the river and supplying cities with water.25. What was the main cause of the Minjiang River’s flooding?A. Heavy rains.B. Melting snow.C. Low river banks.D. Steep mountains.26. How was Li Bing able to break。
(1)复数右的虚部是(B) 135(4)阅读如图的程序框图. 的值为(A) 2(D)(5)已知函数f x2 2 (6)已知双曲线cA (C)1(2)已知集合(A) 1(D) 22x x ax 0 0,1 ,贝V实数a的值为(B) 0(C)(3)已知tan(D ) 22,且0,2,则cos21Jlog2 x,(C )输(B)x35x(A ) 3( B ) 2 ( c )2七i 的一条渐近线方程为a 42x 3y 0,»F 2分另U是双曲线C 的左,右焦点,点P 在双曲线C 上, 且I PR 2,则PF 2等于(A )4( B )6( C )(D)10(7)四个人围坐在一张圆桌旁,每个人面前放 着完全相同的硬币,所有人同时翻转自己的 硬币•若硬币正面朝上,则这个人站起来;若 硬币正面朝下,则这个人继续坐着•那么,没 有相邻的两个人站起来的概率为 (A) I( B )16(C)(D)97(8)如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗线 画出的是某几何体的正视图(等腰直角三角形)和侧视图,且该几何体的体积为8,则该几何体的俯视图可以是(A)(B)(c)(D)(9)设函数f x X3ax2,若曲线y f x在点P x。
, f x。
处的切线方程为x y 0,则点P的坐标为(A )0,0 (B )i, i(C )1,1 (D )i, i 或i,i(10)《九章算术》中,将底面为长方形且有一条侧棱与底面垂直的四棱锥称之为阳马;将四个面都为直角三角形的三棱锥称之为鳖臑. 若三棱锥P ABC为鳖臑,PA丄平面ABC,PA AB 2 , AC 4,三棱锥P ABC的四个顶点都在球O的球面上,则球O的表面积为(A)8(B) 12 (C ) 520( D ) 24(11)已知函数fx sin x cos x 0,0奇函数,直线y .2与函数f x 的图象的两个相邻交点的 横坐标之差的绝对值为q 则 (A ) f x 在o,-上单调递减 (B ) f x在8令上单调递减8 8(C ) f x 在0,-上单调递增 (D ) f x在«,3T 上单调递增8 8(12)已知函数fX cos X,则―f盏的 值为(A ) 2016(B ) 1008(C )504( D ) 0第H 卷本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分。
2017年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英 语 2017. 3第Ⅰ卷第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AInside the Rain RoomThe Rain Room has arrived and local art lovers are taking notice. Is it worth the wait? Yes, I assure you it is. Once inside, visitors find a long, dark room with a high ceiling. A single bright light shines through heavy rain falling around visitors. The mist. The damp air. The noise. It feels like a mighty storm is pouring down. But the storm is inside. And visitors aren’t getting wet. Instead, visitors wander in awe, admiring the rain and the artists who created it.The Rain Room was created to highlight the connection between humans, nature and technology. With a tracking system that senses movement and stops the rain wherever visitors move, it does just that. Light and sound produce an experience that feels both natural and foreign. The exhibit is moving on to Atlanta next month. I urge you to visit before then. It’s time to experience the Rain Room for yourself!21. What’s the purpose of the text?A. To attract visitors to a new art exhibit.B. To explain how an exhibit has been created.C. To describe the technology used in the exhibitD. To promote the artists taking part in an exhibit.22. What’s the function of the exhibit’s tracking system?A. To keep visitors from getting wet.B. To protect the exhibit from water damage.C. To time how long visitors are in the room.D. To count the number of visitors in the room.23. What must you do when visiting the Rain Room?A. Wear a raincoat.B. Wear dark clothing.C. Leave your camera outsideD. Pass through within 10 minutesBDujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese science. Built over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, thisamazingengineering achievement is still used today to irrigate over 6,000 square kilometres of farmland, take away floodwater and provide water for 50 cities in the province.In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands suffered from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. To help the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region’s governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. They studied the problem and discovered that the river most often overflowed when winter snow at the top of the nearby Mount Yulei began to melt as the weather warmed.The simplest fix was to build a dam, but this would have mined the Minjiang River. So instead Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. Better still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making it suitable for farming.Cutting the channels through the hard rock of Mount Yulei was a remarkable accomplish- ment as it was done long before the invention of gunpowder and explosives. Li Bing found another solution. He used a combination of fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they cracked and could be removed. After eight years of work, the 2-metre-wide canals had been carved through the mountain.Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live peacefully and affluently. Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modern dams where the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally, enabling ecosystems and fish populations to exist in harmony.24. What are the benefits of Dujiangyan according to the first paragraph?A. Reducing flooding and watering farmland.B. Protecting the mountain and reducing flooding.C. Watering farmland and improving water quality.D. Drying the river and supplying cities with water.25. What was the main cause of the Minjiang River’s flooding?A. Heavy rains.B. Melting snow.C. Low river banks.D. Steep mountains.26. How was Li Bing able to break。
答卷前,考生务必将自 己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上,并用铅笔在答题卡上的相应 位置填涂考生号。
2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑, 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。
第Ⅰ卷一、选择题:本小题共12题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合 题目要求的。
(1)复数()221i 1i+++的共轭复数是 (A )1i + (B )1i - (C )1i -+ (D )1i -- (2)若集合}{1M x x =≤,}{2,1N y y x x ==≤,则(A )M N = (B )M N ⊆ (C )N M ⊆ (D )M N =∅I (3)已知等比数列{}n a 的各项都为正数, 且35412a ,a ,a 成等差数列,则3546a a a a ++的值是(A 51- (B 51+ (C )35- (D 35+ (4)阅读如图的程序框图. 若输入5n =, 则输出k 的值为(A )2 (B )3 (C )4 (D )5(5)已知双曲线C 222:14x y a -=的一条渐近线方程为230+=x y ,1F ,2F 分别 是双曲线C 的左,右焦点, 点P 在双曲线C 上, 且17PF =, 则2PF 等于 (A )1 (B )13 (C )4或10 (D )1或13(6)如图, 网格纸上小正方形的边长为1, 粗线画出的是某几何体的正视图(等腰直角三角形)和侧视图,且该几何体的体积为83, 则该几何体的俯视图可以是(7)五个人围坐在一张圆桌旁,每个人面前放着完全相同的硬币,所有人同时翻转自己的硬币. 若硬币正面朝上, 则这个人站起来; 若硬币正面朝下, 则这个人继续坐着. 那么, 没有相邻的两个人站起来的概率为(A)12(B)1532(C)1132(D)516(8)已知1F,2F分别是椭圆C()2222:10x ya ba b+=>>的左, 右焦点, 椭圆C上存在点P使12F PF∠为钝角, 则椭圆C的离心率的取值范围是(A)22⎛⎫⎪⎪⎝⎭(B)1,12⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭(C)20,2⎛⎝⎭(D)10,2⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭(9)已知:0,1xp x e ax∃>-<成立, :q函数()()1xf x a=--是减函数, 则p是q的(A)充分不必要条件(B)必要不充分条件(C)充要条件(D)既不充分也不必要条件(10)《九章算术》中,将底面为长方形且有一条侧棱与底面垂直的四棱锥称之为阳马;将四个面都为直角三角形的三棱锥称之为鳖臑.若三棱锥-P ABC为鳖臑, PA⊥平面ABC, 2PA AB==,4AC=, 三棱锥-P ABC的四个顶点都在球O的球面上, 则球O的表面积为(A)8π(B)12π(C)20π(D)24π(11)若直线1y=与函数()2sin2f x x=的图象相交于点()11,P x y,()22,Q x y,且12x x-=23π,则线段PQ与函数()f x的图象所围成的图形面积是(A)233π(B)33π+(C)2323π(D)323π+(12)已知函数()32331248f x x x x=-++, 则201612017kkf=⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭∑的值为(A)0(B)504(C)1008(D)2016第Ⅱ卷P CBA本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分。
2017年广东省广州市高考数学一模试卷(文科)A: 2 B:3 C:4 D:56.已知双曲线的一条渐近线方程为,、分别是双曲线的左、右焦点,点在双曲线上,且,则等于()。
A:4 B:6 C:8 D:107.四个人围坐在一张圆桌旁,每个人面前放着完全相同的硬币,所有人同时翻转自己的硬币。
A:B:C:D:11.已知函数(,)是奇函数,直线与函数的图象的两个相邻交点的横坐标之差的绝对值为,则( )。
A:在上单调递减 B:在上单调递减 C:在上单调递增 D:在上单调递增二、填空题:(本大题共4小题,每小题5分)13.已知向量()()1,,2,1-==x ,若||()-,则⋅=_______. 14.若一个圆的圆心是抛物线y x42=的焦点,且该圆与直线3+=x y 相切,则该圆的标准方程是_________________.15.满足不等式组()(),0031⎩⎨⎧≤≤≥-++-ax y x y x 的点()y x ,组成的图形的面积是5,则实数a 的值为__________.(16)在△ABC 中, 160,1,2ACB BC AC AB ︒∠=>=+, 当△ABC 的周长最短时, BC 的长是 .三、解答题:(解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤)17.已知数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,且S n =2a n -2. (1)求数列{a n }的通项公式; (2)求数列{S n }的前n 项和T n . 18.(本小题满分12分)某企业生产的某种产品被检测出其中一项质量指标存在问题。
2017年广东省广州市高考物理一模试卷二、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,第1~4题只有一项符合题目要求,第5~8题有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分.1.(6分)入射光照射到某金属表面上发生光电效应,若入射光强度减弱,而频率不变,则()A.有可能不发生光电效应B.逸出的光电子的最大初动能将减小C.单位时间内从金属表面逸出的光电子数目将减小D.从光照至金属表面上到发射出光电子之间的时间间隔将明显增加2.(6分)如图,竖直平行金属板分别与电源正、负极相接,一带电颗粒沿图中直线从A向B 运动,则该带电颗粒()A.动能减小B.电势能减小C.机械能减小D.可能带负电3.(6分)如图a,某工地上起重机将重为G的正方形工件缓缓吊起.四根等长的钢绳(质量不计),一端分别固定在正方形工件的四个角上,另一端汇聚于一处挂在挂钩上,绳端汇聚处到每个角的距离均与正方形的对角线长度相等(如图b).则每根钢绳的受力大小为()A.G B.G C.G D.G4.(6分)如图,在AB间接入U1=311sin314t(V)的正弦交流电,通过理想变压器和相同的理想二极管D1、D2给阻值R=20Ω的纯电阻供电,变压器原线圈n1=1100匝,副线圈n2=200匝,Q为副线圈正中央抽头.为保证安全,二极管的反向耐压值至少为U0,设电阻R上消耗的电功率为P,则()A.U0=56.6V,P=20W B.U0=28.3V,P=20WC.U0=40V,P=80W D.U0=80V,P=80W5.(6分)在如图所示的电路中,R1、R2、R3均为可变电阻,两块水平放置的平行金属板之间,有一根以O为轴可在竖直平面内自由转动的轻小绝缘棒,棒的两端固定着两个带等量异种电荷的小球,当开关S闭合后,棒处于水平状态.为使棒逆时针开始转动,下列措施可行的是()A.减小R1B.减小R2C.增大R3D.断开S6.(6分)如图所示,在竖直向下的匀强磁场中有两根竖直放置的平行粗糙导轨CD、EF,导轨上放有一金属棒MN.现从t=0时刻起,给棒通一图示方向的电流且电流强度与时间成正比,即I=kt,其中k为常量,金属棒与导轨始终垂直且接触良好.下列关于棒的速度v、加速度a随时间t变化的关系图象,可能正确的是()A.B.C.D.7.(6分)如图,在角锥体表面上放一个物体,角锥绕竖直轴转动.当角锥体旋转角速度增大时,物体仍和角锥体保持相对静止,则角锥对物体的()A.支持力将减小B.支持力将增大C.静摩擦力将不变D.静摩擦力将增大8.(6分)已知地球半径R=6390km、自转周期T=24h、表面重力加速度g=9.8m/s2,电磁波在空气中的传播速度c=3×108m/s,不考虑大气层对电磁波的影响.要利用同一轨道上数量最少的卫星,实现将电磁波信号由地球赤道圆直径的一端传播到该直径的另一端的目的,则()A.卫星数量最少为2颗B.信号传播的时间至少为8.52×10﹣2sC.卫星运行的最大向心加速度为4.9m/s2D.卫星绕地球运行的周期至少为24h二、解答题(共4小题,满分47分)9.(5分)为验证物体所受合外力一定时,加速度与质量成反比,同学们设计了如图a所示的装置来进行实验。
第Ⅰ卷一、选择题:本小题共12题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合 题目要求的。
(1)复数21i+的虚部是 (A )2- (B ) 1- (C )1 (D )2 (2)已知集合}{}{2001x x ax ,+==,则实数a 的值为(A ) 1- (B )0 (C )1 (D )2 (3)已知tan 2θ=,且θ∈0,2π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,则cos2θ= (A)45 (B) 35 (C) 35- ((4)阅读如图的程序框图. 若输入5n =, 则输出k 的值为(A )2 (B )3 (C )4 (D )5(5)已知函数()122,0,1log ,0,+⎧≤=⎨->⎩x x f x x x 则()()3=f f(A)43 (B) 23 (C) 43- ((6)已知双曲线C 222:14x y a -=的一条渐近线方程为230+=x y ,1F , 是双曲线C 的左, 右焦点, 点P 在双曲线C 上, 且12=PF , 则(A )4 (B )6 (C )8 (D )10(7)四个人围坐在一张圆桌旁,每个人面前放着完全相同的硬币,所有人同时翻转自己的()1,1-(10)《九章算术》中,将底面为长方形且有一条侧棱与底面垂直的四棱锥称之为阳马;将四 个面都为直角三角形的三棱锥称之为鳖臑.若三棱锥-P ABC 为鳖臑, PA ⊥平面ABC ,2PA AB ==,4AC =,三棱锥-P ABC 的四个顶点都在球O 的球面上, 则球O 的表面 积为(A )8π (B )12π (C )20π (D )24π(11)已知函数()()()()sin cos 0,0=+++><<ωϕωϕωϕπf x x x 是奇函数,直线y =()f x 的图象的两个相邻交点的横坐标之差的绝对值为2π,则 (A )()f x 在0,4π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭上单调递减 (B )()f x 在3,88ππ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭上单调递减 (C )()f x 在0,4π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭上单调递增 (D )()f x 在3,88ππ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭上单调递增 (12)已知函数()1cos 212x f x x x π+⎛⎫=+- ⎪-⎝⎭, 则201612017k k f =⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭∑的值为(A )2016 (B )1008 (C )504 (D )0第Ⅱ卷本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分。
(A) 2 (B)(C) 1 (D)(2 )已知集合(A) 1 x2ax 0 0,1 则实数a的值为(B)(C) (D)(3)已知tan2,且0,2,则cos243(C)3(A)-(B )-555(4)阅读如图的程序框图.若输入n 5,则输出k的值为(A) 2(B) 3(C) 4(5 )已知函数f2x1,x 0,x则f f31 log2x,x 0,42(C )4(A)-(B )-—33322(6)已知双曲线C:x r1的一条渐近线方程为2xa43y 是双曲线C的左,右焦点,点P在双曲线C上,且PF1 (A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 82,x y 0 ,则点P 的坐标为(10)《九章算术》中,将底面为长方形且有一条侧棱与底面垂直的四棱锥称之为阳马 ;将四个面都为直角三角形的三棱锥称之为鳖臑.若三棱锥P A B C 为鳖臑,P A 丄平面A B C ,PA AB 2,AC 4,三棱锥PABC 的四个顶点都在球 O 的球面上,则球0的表面积为(A ) 8(B ) 12(C ) 20(D ) 24(11)已知函数fx sin x cos x 0,0是奇函数,直线x的图象的两个相邻交点的横坐标之差的绝对值为,则(7)四个人围坐在一张圆桌旁,每个人面前放着完全相同的硬币, 硬币.若硬币正面朝上,则这个人站起来 有相邻的两个人站起来的概率为;若硬币正面朝下 所有人同时翻转自己的 ,则这个人继续坐着•那么,没1(C ) 2(8)如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为 某几何体的正视图(等腰直角三角形)和侧视图,8且该几何体的体积为 1,粗线画出的是(A)(B )(9)设函数f xx 3 ax 2,若曲线y(D )f x 在点P x 0, x 0处的切线方程为(A )0,0 (B ) 1, 1(C ) 1,1(D ) 1, 1 或1,1 (A ) f x 在上单调递减(B) f3 上单调递减8(C ) f x 在'4上单调递增(D) f3 上单调递增8(12 )已知函数fx cos x 2x12016则k 1k 2017的值为(A) 2016 (B) 1008 (C ) 504 (D) 0(C )本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分。
2017年广州市各区一模(第1-6题)一、2017荔湾区1.下列词语中,加点字读音全部正确的一组(3分)A.旗帜.zhì炽.热zhì针灸.jiù炙.热zhìB.啜.泣cuî短绌.chù粗犷.kuàng空旷.kuàngC.肖.像x iào销.蚀xiüo恬.静tián聒.噪guōD.城垣.yuán亘.古gân g 阡.陌qiün纤.维q iün2.下列词语中,没有..错别字的一项是(3分)A.长嘘短叹义奋填膺相得益彰张皇失措B.冥思遐想苦心孤诣叱咤风云姗姗来迟C.通宵达旦不可名状嶙次栉比气充斗牛D.恪尽职守顾名思意五彩斑斓谈笑风声3.下列句子中,加点词语运用不恰当...的一项是 (3分)A.公众不能只让环保部门孤军奋战....拯救生态环境,自己也要为环保做出应有的贡献。
4.下列句子中,没有..语病的一项是 (3分) A.“洪荒少女”傅园慧作为内地奥运精英代表访问港澳,受到当地市民的热切欢迎。
①峰回路转,华亭寺的山门突现在眼前②山门前相当宽广,门外左右两侧各有一座门神,硕大而狰狞③鼻孔里吸入了大千世界吹来的清风④他俩巨目怒睁,巨臂长伸,似乎正在捉拿妖魔⑤如鱼赴渊,如鸟出罗,如鸿雁高翔于寥廓A.①③②④⑤ B.⑤②①④③ C.③①④②⑤ D.③⑤①②④6.我区某校积极响应广州市开展“书香校园”活动的号召,大力开展校园经典阅读活动,陈艺斯同学积极参与此项读书活动,收获很大。
试卷类型A 2017年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语2017.3 注意事项:1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。
2. 作答第I 卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 第II卷必须用黑色笔迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必写在载答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。
4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。
AInside the Rain RoomThe Rain Room has arrived and local art lovers are taking notice. Is it worth the wait? Yes, I assure you it is. Once inside, visitors find a long, dark room with a high ceiling. A single bright light shines through heavy rain falling around visitors. The mist. The damp air. The noise. It feels like a mighty storm is pouring down. But the storm is inside. And visitors aren’t getting wet. Instead, visitors wander in awe, admiring the rain and the artists who created it.The Rain Room was created to highlight the connection between humans, nature and technology. With a tracking system that senses movement and stops the rain wherever visitors move, it does just that. Light and sound produce an experience that feels both natural and foreign. The exhibit is moving on to Atlanta next month. I urge you to visit before then. It’s time to experience the Rain Room for yourself!Welcome to the Rain Room●The Rain Room features falling water. Please be aware you may get slightly wet.However, visitors wearing raincoats will be turned away.●This exhibit features advanced technology. To ensure its effectiveness, please avoidwearing dark or reflective clothing.●Visitors are welcome to take photographs of the exhibit.●Children must be accompanied by an adult.●For the convenience of all guests, visits are limited to 10 minutes.21. What's the purpose of the text?A. To attract visitors to a new art exhibit.B. To explain how an exhibit has been created.C. To describe the technology used in the exhibit.D. To promote the artists taking part in an exhibit.22. What’s the function of the exhibit’s tracking system?A. To keep visitors from getting wet.B. To protect the exhibit from water damage.C. To time how long visitors are in the room.D. To count the number of visitors in the room.23. What must you do when visiting the Rain Room?A. Wear a raincoat.B. Wear dark clothing.C. Leave your camera outside.D. Pass through within 10 minutes.BDujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese science. Built over 2, 200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering achievement is still used today to irrigate over 6, 000 square kilometres of farmland, take away floodwater and provide water for 50 cities in the province.In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands suffered from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. To help the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region’s governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. They studied the problem and discovered that the river most often overflowed when winter snow at the top of the nearby Mount Yulei began to melt as the weather warmed.The simplest fix was to build a dam, but this would have ruined the Minjiang River. So instead Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. Better still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making it suitable for farming.Cutting the channels through the hard rock of Mount Yulei was a remarkable accomplishment as it was done long before the invention of gunpowder and explosives. Li Bing found another solution. He used a combination of fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they cracked and could be removed. After eight years of work, the 20-metre-wide canals had been carved through the mountain.Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live peacefully and affluently. Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modern dams where the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally, enabling ecosystems and fish populations to exist in harmony.24. What are the benefits of Dujiangyan according to the first paragraph?A. Reducing flooding and watering farmland.B. Protecting the mountain and reducing the flooding.C. Watering farmland and improving water quality.D. Drying the river and supplying cities with water.25. What was the main cause of the Minjiang River’s flooding?A. Heaving rainsB. Melting snow.C. Low river banksC. Steep mountains.26. How was Li Bing able to break through the rocks of Mount Yulei?A. By using gunpowder.B. By flooding the rocks with water.C. By applying a hearing and cooling technique.D. By breaking the rocks with hammers and spades27. Why is Dujiangyan greatly admired by scientists today?A. It preserved much of the natural river life.B. It took very little time to complete the project.C. The building techniques used were very modern.D. It had raised the living standards of the local people.CBill Gates recently predicted that online learning will make place-based colleges less significant, and five years from now, students will be able to find the best lectures in the world online. I applaud Mr. Gates. But what’s taking us so long?As early as 1997, MIT(麻省理工)decide to post videos of all university lectures online, for free, for all people. But today, how many students have you met who mastered advanced mathematics or nuclear physics from an MIT online video? Unfortunately, the answer is not many.The problem is the poor quality of online education websites and the experience they provide to students. Those who go to the MIT website and watch courses online are surely very smart people, but it’s not like playing a video game such as World of Warcraft. Only the most ardent students, those who are highly motivated, will devote themselves tostudying these boring online videos.The real question is why er aren’t spending more to develop better online education platforms. Where is the Avatar of education? Think about this. The market for Hollywood films per year is worth around 30 billion USD. Education in the world is a trillion-dollar-a-year market, hundreds of times bigger than Hollywood movies. Yet the most expensive digital learning system ever built cost well under 100 million dollars.Bill Gates’ prediction is going to happen. There is no doubt about this. But it will only happen when we create high level educational content and experiences that engage and excite more than has ever been possible in the real world.28. What has Bill Gates forecast about online learning?A. It will concentrate on physics lectures.B. It will completely replace real universities.C. It will help to make universities more successful.D. It will play an increasingly important role in education.29. What does the underlined word “ardent” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Creative.B. Enthusiastic.C. Well-behaved.D. Experienced.30. According to the author, what is holding back the popularity of online learning?A. The lack of lectures available online.B. The high cost of access to the websites.C. The low standard of educational websites.D. The competition with online computer games.31. Why does the author mention Hollywood?A. To show that Hollywood produces many successful movies.B. To prove that education is more profitable than entertainment.C. To argue that movie directors should produce educational content.D. To urge that more money be spent developing educational websites.DPersuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with you. According to the ancient Greeks, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos.Ethos is a speaker’s way of convincing the audience that she is trustworthy, honest and reliable. One common way a speaker can develop ethos is by explaining how much experience or education she has in the field. After all, you’re more likey to listen to advice about how to take care of your teeth from a dentist than a fireman. A speaker can also create ethos by convincing the audience that she is a good person. If an audience cannot trust you, you will not be able to persuade them.Pathos is a speaker’s way of connecting with an audience’s emotions. For example, a politician who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country from a terrible war. These words are intended to fill the audience with fear, thus making them support him. Similarly, an animal charity might show an audience pictures of injured dos and cats, to make the viewers feel pity. If the audience feels bad forthe animals, they ill be more likely to donate money.Logos is the use of facts, statistics, or other evidence to support your argument. An audience will be more likely to believe you if you have convincing data to back up your claims. Presenting this evidence is much more persuasive than simply saying “believe me”.Although ethos, pathos, and logos all have their strengths, they are often most effective when used together. Indeed, most speakers use a combination of ethos, pathos, and logs to persuade their audiences so, the next time you listen to a speech, watch a commercial, or listen to a friend try to convince you to lend him some money, be on the lookout for these ancient Greek tools of persuasion.32. Why does the author say persuasion is an art?A. They both entertain the audience.B. They both require great skill to achieve.C. They both demand full attention from the audience.D. They were both common topics of ancient Greek writers.33. How is a speaker able to show her ethos to the audience?A. By expressing her sympathy with the audience.B. By telling the audience about her personal preference.C. By using beautiful language to make her statements attractive.D. By showing her knowledge and experience relating to the topic..34. What can we learn about the three aspects of persuasion?A. Ethos is the most important aspect of persuasion.B. Each aspect has a different effect on the audience.C. Honesty is the key to making your arguments believable.D. Political leaders mostly use pathos to persuade their audience.35. An advertisement for washing powder which claims that “scientific tests show that our powder kills 95% of all bacteria: is mainly using _____________.A. ethosB. pathosC. logosD. A combination of all three第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
• 第三层:补充说明企业创新做法所带来的社会 反响,点出“广泛”和“深入”两方面的思考 和讨论。 • 整体上来看,这段材料讲述了“创新背景、创 新做法和创新影响”三个有机统一的方面,材 料的核心词是“创新”,无论是“硬件”“软 件”还是“商业模式”,都在实践层面凸显了 创新的观念和思路,而“更广泛”和“更深入” 的提法,有利于引导考生打开思路。
14.C D
15. (6分)(1)愁:①诗人不为所用,无人理解(怀 才不遇,报国无门)的伤感;②对国运渐衰、世事难测 的感叹;③昔盛今衰之愁。 • 【评分细则:答任何两点,2分。 】 • (2)表现:①对比。通过当年的繁华和眼前的凄清冷 落对比表现出诗人对历史的深沉感慨,烘托了诗人的悲 伤之情。②运用典故。通过范鑫帮助勾践灭吴,最终名 成归隐的典故,表达了作者的羡慕之情(表现了诗人对 自己的命运不能自主的悲叹)。③直抒胸臆。通过写尊 前多暇,表明自己不受重用,无事可做,只得借酒消愁 的悲伤。④借景抒情。通过“香径、兰叶、响廊、月华” 等景物的描写,写出了作者昔胜今衰之愁。 • 【评分细则:任答两点,4分,每点2分;每一点手法1 分,解释1分。】
考场作文示例பைடு நூலகம்
• •
智能时代,更要力求创新 李卓(下水作文?)
放眼当下市场,手机品牌林立,手机换代加速。面 对日益激烈的竞争,甲乙丙三家企业却能独立潮头,矢 志创新,其姿态与做法尤其值得称赏。 • 三家企业用实际行动告诉我们:创新在于精益求精, 创新之路永无止境。世上没有一蹴而就的创新,创新需 要不断钻研;世上更没有一劳永逸的创新,创新不可能 永远都“新”。实际上,任何事物的发展都是“新”与 “旧”更迭相继的过程。古语云:“苟日新,日日新, 又日新”,就是强调创新是一个动态发展的过程,而不 是一个结果。当下的手机已经普遍具备了极好的芯片、 机身、摄像头了,但甲企业仍在这方面力求更好。乙、 丙企业也在各自的领域力求更好。当年的诺基亚手机性 能出众,但其创新意识不足,结果在手机智能化的潮流 中失去了市场。反观苹果手机,不断换代更新,追求更 佳的性能、更好的操作体验,成为世界手机市场上的霸 主。可见,创新没有最好,只有更好。
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AInside the Rain RoomThe Rain Room has arrived and local art lovers are taking notice. Is it worth the wait? Yes, I assure you it is. Once inside, visitors find a long, dark room with a high ceiling. A single bright light shines through heavy rain falling around visitors. The mist. The damp air. The noise. It feels like a mighty storm is pouring down. But the storm is inside. And visitors aren’t getting wet. In stead, visitors wander in awe, admiring the rain and the artists who created it.The Rain Room was created to highlight the connection between humans, nature and technology. With a tracking system that senses movement and stops the rain wherever visitors move, it does just that. Light and sound produce an experience that feels both natural and foreign. The exhibit is moving on to Atlanta next month. I urge you to visit before then. It’s time to experience the Rain Room for yourself!21. Wha t’s the purpose of the text?A. To attract visitors to a new art exhibit.B. To explain how an exhibit has been created.C. To describe the technology used in the exhibit.D. To promote the artists taking part in an exhibit.22. What’s the function of the exhibit’s tracking system?A. To keep visitors from getting wet.B. To protect the exhibit from water damage.C. To time how long visitors are in the room.D. To count the number of visitors in the room.23. What must you do when visiting the Rain Room?A. Wear a raincoat.B. Wear dark clothing.C. Leave your camera outside.D. Pass through within 10 minutes.BDujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder m the development of Chinese science. Built over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering achievement is still used today to irrigate over 6,000 square kilometres of farmland, take away floodwater and provide water for 50 cities m the province.In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands suffered from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. To help the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region^ governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. They studied the problem and discovered that the river most often overflowed when winter snow at the top of the nearby Mount Yulei began to melt as the weather warmed.The simplest fix was to build a dam, but this would have ruined the Minjiang River. So instead Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. Better still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making it suitable for farming.Cutting the channels through the hard rock of Mount Yulei was a remarkable accomplishment as it was done long before the invention gunpowder and explosives. £1 Bing found another solution. He used a combination of fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they cracked and could be removed. After eight years of work, the 20-metre-wide canals had been carved through the mountain.Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live peacefully and affluently. Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modem dams where the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally, enabling ecosystems and fish populations to exist in harmony.24. What are the benefits of Dujiangyan according to the first paragraph?A. Reducing flooding and watering farmland.B. Protecting the mountain and reducing flooding.C. Watering farmland and improving water quality.D. Drying the river and supplying cities with water.25. What was the main cause of the Minjiang Rivers flooding?A. Heavy rains.B. Melting snow.C. Low river banks.D. Steep mountains.26. How was Li Bing able to break through the rocks of Mount Yulei?A. By using gunpowder.B. By flooding the rocks with water.C. By applying a heating and cooling technique.D. By breaking the rocks with hammers and spades.27. Why is Dujiangyan greatly admired by scientists today?A. It preserves much of the natural river life.B. It took very little time to complete the project.C. The building techniques used were very modem.D. It has raised the living standards of the local people.CBill Gates recently predicted that online learning will make place-based colleges less significant, and five years from now, students will be able to find the best lectures in the world online. I applaud Mr. Gates. But what’s taking us so long?As early as 1997, MIT (麻省理工)decided to post videos of all university lectures online, for free, for all people. But today, how many students have you met who mastered advanced mathematics or nuclear physics from an MIT online video? Unfortunately, the answer is not many.The problem is the poor quality of online education websites and the experience they provide to students. Those who go to the MIT website and watch courses online are surely very smart people, but ifs not like playing a video game such as World of Warcraft. Only the most ardent students, those who are highly motivated, will devote themselves to studying these boring online videos.The real question is why we aren’t spending more to develop better online education platforms. Where is the Avatar of education? Think about this. The market for Hollywood films per year is worth around 30 billion USD. Education in the world is a trillion-dollar-a-year market, hundreds of times bigger than Hollywood movies. Yet the most expensive digital learning system ever built cost well under 100 million dollars.Bill Gates’ prediction is going to happen. There is no doubt about it. But it will only happen when we create high level educational content and experiences that engage and excite more than has ever been possible in the real world.B. It will completely replace real universities.C. It will help to make universities more successful.D. It will play an increasingly important role in education.29. What does the underlined word “ardent” in Paragraph 3 mean?.A. Creative.B. Enthusiastic.C. Well-behaved.D. Experienced.30. According to the author, what is holding back the popularity of online learning?A. The lack of lectures available online.B. The high cost of access to the websites.C. The low standard of educational websites.D. The competition with online computer games.31. Why does the author mention Hollywood?A. To show that Hollywood produces many successful movies.B. To prove that education is more profitable than entertainment.C. To argue that movie directors should produce educational content.D. To urge that more money be spent developing educational websites.DPersuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with you. According to the ancient Greeks, there are three basic tools of persuasion : ethos, pathos, and logos.Ethos is a speakers way of convincing the audience that she is trustworthy, honest and reliable. One common way a speaker can develop ethos is by explaining how much experience or education she has in the field. After all, you’re more likely to listen to advice about how to take care of your teeth from a dentist than a fireman. A speaker can also create ethos by convincing the audience that she is a good person. If an audience cannot trust you, you will not be able to persuade them.Pathos is a speaker’s way of connecting with an audience’s emotions. For example, a politician who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country from a terrible war. These words are intended to fill the audience with fear, thus making them support him. Similarly, an animal charity might show an audience pictures of injured dogs and cats, to make the viewers feel pity. If the audience feels bad for the animals, they will be more likely to donate money.Logos is the use of facts, statistics, or other evidence to support your argument. An audience will be more likely to believe you if you have convincing data to back up your claims. Presenting this evidence is much more persuasive than simply saying “believe me”.Although ethos, pathos, and logos all have their strengths, they are often most effective whenused together. Indeed, most speakers use a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade their audiences. So, the next time you listen to a speech, watch a commercial, or listen to a friend try to convince you to lend him some money, be on the lookout for these ancient Greek tools of persuasion.32. Why does the author say persuasion is an art?A. They both entertain the audience.B. They both require great skill to achieve.C. They both demand full attention from the audience.D. They were both common topics of ancient Greek writers.33. How is a speaker able to show her ethos to the audience?A. By expressing her sympathy with the audience.B. By telling the audience about her personal preference.C. By using beautiful language to make her statements attractive.D. By showing her knowledge and experience relating to the topic. .34. What can we learn about the three aspects of persuasion?A. Ethos is the most important aspect of persuasion.B. Each aspect has a different effect on the audience.C. Honesty is the key to making your arguments believable.D. Political leaders mostly use pathos to persuade their audience.35. An advertisement for washing powder which claims that M scientific tests show that our powder kills 95% of all bacteria” is mainly using _________.A. ethosB. pathosC. logosD. a combination of all three第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。