暨南大学 803 西方经济学历年考研真题及答案解析

暨南大学 803 西方经济学历年考研真题及答案解析简介本文档汇总了暨南大学西方经济学803历年考研真题及答案解析。
考试内容暨南大学西方经济学803考试主要涵盖以下内容: - 宏观经济学理论 - 微观经济学理论 - 产业经济学 - 劳动经济学 - 公共经济学 - 国际经济学 - 金融学理论与实践历年考题及答案解析2019年真题•题目1:宏观经济学中的“动态一般均衡理论”是如何解决传统一般均衡理论所存在的不足?请简要说明。

Ⅱ微观经济学部分一、选择题(每题只有一个正确答案,每题 3 分,共30 分)1.垄断厂商的边际成本曲线是MC=8,该厂商所面临的需求曲线是P=40-Q,其中P 代表价格,Q代表数量。
下面哪个产量使得该垄断厂商的利润最大:A 32B 16C 64D 722.最近纽约公交地铁系统工会组织大罢工为了争取更好的待遇(现已结束),很多经济学家在罢工还没结束时就相信劳动方(即工会)的要求将会得到一定程度的满足,经济学家的理由最有可能是以下哪一个?A 罢工会对社会带来巨大损失,劳资双方出于社会财产的关心达成妥协B 政府施加压力使得资方不得不满足劳方部分要求C 工会是劳动力供给的垄断者,它们对劳动力的价格有较强的控制能力D 工会的谈判技巧高超3.关于长期成本和短期成本的关系,以下说法那个不对:A 在任何一个产量水平上,长期总成本都小于或等于短期总成本B 在任何一个产量水平上,长期平均成本都小于或等于短期平均成本C 在任何一个产量水平上,短期平均成本都和长期平均成本相切在短期的最低点上D 存在一个短期规模,其短期平均成本和长期平均成本相切在两者的最低点上4.完全竞争行业的供给曲线向上倾斜,有人列出了三种的原因:(1)由于生产的投入资源是有限的,随着生产者数目的增加,这些投入资源的价格上涨,导致所有生产者的成本上升。
(2)行业中每个企业的边际成本是向上倾斜的(3)企业(包括考试科目:管理学与微观经济学共 6 页。


2010年暨南大学828管理学与微观经济学考研真题及详解一、单选题(每题2分,共5题)1.“世界上唯一不变的就是变化”,这一说法与以下()理论最为接近?A.科学管理理论B. 系统理论C. 权变理论D. 情境理论C【考点】权变理论【答案解析】题干中说明变化是必然的,与权变理论是最为接近的。
A. 费德勒模型——下属成熟度B. 情境领导理论——最难共事者问卷C. 特质理论——管理方格D. 路径目标理论——环境与下属的权变因素D【考点】领导理论【答案解析】对于A选项,情境理论是由赫塞和布兰查德加以发展的一个关注下属成熟度的权变理论;对于B选项,领导者在运用费德勒权变理论,首先领导者通过最难共事者问卷应知道自己的领导风格属于任务导向型还是人际关系型;对于C选项,领导行为理论包括管理方格论;路径目标理论认为有效的领导者通过指明道路与途径可以帮助下属实现他们的工作目标,并通过为下属清理路程中的各项障碍和危险使下属的旅程更为容易。

潘家口水库位于河北省的迁西县境内, 距离天津市区尚有几百华里之遥。通过什么路线, 把水引到天津? 有两个方案:第一个,“南线方案”, 即引水河道由水库出发, 一直向南, 经迁安县、滦县, 直奔唐山, 再由唐山, 把水引到天津市区。第二个,“北线方案”, 即引水河道由水库出发, 向西穿过燕山山脉的几座山到遵化县,输入于桥水库, 然后利用旧有的蓟运水道, 再加新开挖的引水渠道,把水引到天津市区。
1.假设在某一个国家香烟被禁止,因此只能在黑市交易。香烟的需求是 ,香烟的供给是 。
D 政府大力兴修引水设施以满足人们的需要
3.某国正在讨论修改婚姻法。现有的离婚规定依照“合同制原则”,即夫妻双方都同意才可准许离婚。有人建议将离婚规定改为“合伙制原则”,即夫妻双方中的任何一方同意便可准许离婚。根据科斯定理,若采纳这一建议,与现有规定相比,其结果将使:( )。
A 离婚率上升,离婚双方的利益分配不变
A.上下级之间的友情 B.为下属设定崇高的目标
C.舍己为人 D.了解下属的欲望和要求
(1)管理的有效性在于充分利用各种资源,以最少的消耗正确地实现组织目标。( )
(2)高关系、高工作是最有效的领导方式。( )

历年暨南大学828管理学与微观经济学考研真题试卷和答案一、考试解读:part 1 学院专业考试概况:①学院专业分析:含学院基本概况、考研专业课科目:828管理学与微观经济学的考试情况;②科目对应专业历年录取统计表:含暨大相关专业的历年录取人数与分数线情况;③历年考研真题特点:含暨南大学考研专业课828管理学与微观经济学各部分的命题规律及出题风格。
part 2 历年题型分析及对应解题技巧:根据暨大828管理学与微观经济学考试科目的考试题型(名词解释、简答题、论述题等),分析对应各类型题目的具体解题技巧,帮助考生提高针对性,提升答题效率,充分把握关键得分点。
part 3 近年真题分析:最新真题是暨大考研中最为珍贵的参考资料,针对最新一年的暨南大学考研真题试卷展开深入剖析,帮助考生有的放矢,把握真题所考察的最新动向与考试侧重点,以便做好更具针对性的复习准备工作。
part 4 2019考试展望:根据上述相关知识点及真题试卷的针对性分析,提高2019考生的备考与应试前瞻性,令考生心中有数,直抵暨大考研的核心要旨。
part 5 暨南大学考试大纲:①复习教材罗列(官方指定或重点推荐+拓展书目):不放过任何一个课内、课外知识点。
part 6 专业课高分备考策略:①考研前期的准备;②复习备考期间的准备与注意事项;③考场注意事项。
part 7 章节考点分布表:罗列暨大828管理学与微观经济学考研专业课试卷中,近年试卷考点分布的具体情况,方便考生知晓暨大考研专业课试卷的侧重点与知识点分布,有助于考生更具针对性地复习、强化,快准狠地把握高分阵地。

A 价格等于平均收益(P=AR)B 价格等于边际成本(P=MC)C 价格等于边际收益(P=MR)D 价格等于平均成本(P=AC)2、公共物品的市场需求曲线是消费者个人需求曲线的( )。
A 水平相加B 垂直相加C 算术平均数D 加权平均数3、下列哪种情况使总收益增加?()A需求缺乏弹性,提高价格B需求缺乏弹性,降低价格C需求富有弹性,提高价格D需求单位弹性,降低价格4、下列哪种因素不会使需求曲线的位置发生变化?()A 消费者收入变化B 商品价格变化C 消费者偏好变化D 相关商品的价格变化5、下列哪种情况不正确?( )A 如果供给减少,需求不变,均衡价格将上升B 如果供给增加,需求减少,均衡价格将下降C 如果需求增加,供给减少,均衡价格将上升D 如果需求减少,供给增加,均衡价格将上升6、消费者剩余是( )。
A 消费过剩的商品B 消费者得到的总效用C 需求曲线以下、均衡价格以上部分的面积D 支出的货币总效用7、只要产权被明确后,在交易成本较小时,市场将产生一个有效率的结果,这种观点称为( )。
A 有效市场理论B 看不见的手C 科斯定理 D逆向选择8、如果市场上某种商品相对社会最优产量来说,处于供给不足状态,这说明存在().A 正外部经济B 没有外部性C 负外部经济 D无法判断9、如果是连续地增加某种生产要素,在总产量达到最大时,边际产量曲线( )。
A 与纵轴相交 B经过原点C 与平均产量曲线相交 D与横轴相交10、完全垄断厂商的平均收益曲线为直线时,边际收益曲线也是直线.边际收益曲线的斜率为平均收益曲线斜率的( )。
A 2倍;B 1/2倍C 1倍;D 2.5倍。
11、规模报酬递减是在下述情况下发生的( ).A 按比例连续增加各种生产要素B 不按比例连续增加各种生产要素C 连续地投入某种生产要素而保持其他要素不变D 上述都正确12、若某商品价格上升2%,其需求下降3%,则该商品的需求价格弹性是 ( )A 缺乏弹性的B 富有弹性的C 有单位弹性的D 无法确定13、在垄断竞争市场长期均衡时,超额利润会趋于零,这是由于( ).A 新厂商可以自由进入该行业B 产品存在差异C 成本最小化D 收益最大化14、完全竞争市场的厂商短期供给曲线是指( )。


暨南大学微观经济学习题集Exercises for MicroeconomicsChapter 1问题1 ScarcityA. is the inability to satisfy all our wants.B. leads to higher prices.C. applies only to people living in poverty.D. is not something that affects very rich people.E. used to exist everywhere but has been eliminated in advanced economies.问题2 The study of economics is best described as a study ofA. the factors that influence the stock and bond markets.B. capitalism.C. the choices made in producing goods and services.D. coping with scarcity, and choices made as a result of scarcity in a society.E. how people earn a living.问题3 Microeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with which of the following topics?A. The behavior of individual consumersB. Unemployment and interest ratesC. The behavior of individual firms and investorsD. B and CE. A and C问题4 A Rolling Stones song goes: ?You can?t always get what you want.?This echoes an importanttheme from microeconomics. Which of the following statements is the best example of thistheme?A. Consumers must make the best purchasing decisions theycan, given their limitedincomes.B. Workers do not have as much leisure as they would like, given their wages and workingconditions.C. Workers in planned economies, such as North Korea, do not have much choice over jobs.D. Firms in market economies have limited financial resources.问题5 Economics is about the allocation of scarce resources. Which of the following is NOT anexample of economic scarcity?A. If Steve goes to see the movie Master and Commander on Saturday, he will not be able to afford buying ice cream.B. If Jenny studies for her economics quiz this evening, she will not have time to walk herdog.C. If General Motors increases its production of SUVs this year, it will have to spend moreon advertising.D. If Borders Books increases the number of titles it carries, it will have to reallocate shelf space to accommodate the new titles.问题6 A valid and useful theory of gold prices:A. helps to predict the movements of gold prices over time.B. may be founded on simplifying assumptions.C. need not exactly predict every change in gold prices.D. all of the aboveE. none of the above问题7 Which of the following is a positive statement?A. The President of the United States ought to be elected by a direct vote of the American people rather than the Electoral College.B. A fundamental assumption of the economic theory of consumer behavior is that consumers always prefer having more of any good to having less of it.C. Because many adults cannot afford to go to college, tax credits for tuition should be introduced.D. all of the aboveE. none of the above问题8 Which of the following is a normative statement?A. The taxes paid by the poor should be reduced in order to improve the incomedistribution in the U.S.B. State governments should not subsidize corporations by training welfare recipients.C. Presidential candidates should not be given funds from the federal government to runcampaigns.D. The sea otter should not be allowed to spread into Southern California coastal waters, because it will reduce the value of fisheries.E. all of the above问题9 Which of the following is a positive statement?A. Intermediate microeconomics should be required of all economics majors in order to build a solid foundation in economic theory.B. The minimum wage should not be increased because this action would increase unemployment.C. Smoking should be restricted on all airline flights.D. All automobile passengers should be required to wear seatbelts in order to protect them against injury.E. none of the above问题10 Which of the following is a positive statement?A. When the price of a good goes up, consumers buy less of it.B. When the price of a good goes up, firms produce more of it.C. When the Federal government sells bonds, interest rates rise and private investment is reduced.D. all of the aboveE. none of the above问题11 The key assumption underlying the theory of the firm is that:A. firms are assumed to maximize sales revenue.B. managers are assumed to maximize the number of employees in their department.C. firms are assumed to maximize profits.D. none of the above问题12 Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The trade-offs facing consumers and producers are based on prices.B. All prices are determined by market interactions between buyers and sellers.C. Prices serve an important role in microeconomics.D. Only A and B above false.E. Only B and C above are false.问题13 The trade-offs facing consumers include:A. how to allocate income across goods and serves.B. how to allocate income between consumption and savings.C. both A and BD. none of the above问题14 The trade-offs facing workers include all of the following EXCEPT:A. decision to work or remain outside the workforce.B. decision to work or seek additional education.C. decision to work for a large corporation or a small firm.D. decision to allocate their time between work and leisure.E. All of the above are trade-offs facing workers.问题15 Firms face trade-offs in production, including decisions related to:A. which products to produce.B. how much of a particular product to produce.C. the best way to produce a given amount of output.D. all of the above问题16 The price of a taco was $0.29 in 1970 and $0.99 in 1993. The CPI was 38.8 in 1970 and 144.0 in 1993. The 1993 price of a taco in 1970 dollars is:A. $0.08.B. $0.27.C. $0.34.D. $3.67.问题17 Which of the following markets has the most restrictive geographic boundary?A. The market for retail gasolineB. The market for housingC. The market for goldD. The market for beef问题18 Why is market definition important for economic decision making?A. A firm is interested in knowing its actual and potential competitors.B. A firm will define its market in order to maximize revenue.C. Government regulators are interested in knowing the effect of mergers and acquisitions on competition and prices in a particular market.D. both A and CE. both A and B问题19 What does it mean when the CPI is higher this year than last?A. The rate of inflation has increased.B. There has been inflation since last year.C. Real prices have increased.D. Real prices have decreased.问题20 Which of the following could not possibly be included in the same market as Coke?A. A) PepsiB. GatoradeC. MilkD. BreadChapter 2问题1 Which of the following is NOT an application of supply and demand analysis?A. Understanding changing world economic conditions and their effects on pricesB. Evaluating the effects of government price controls on the agricultural industryC. Determining how taxes affect aggregate consumption spending patternsD. all of the aboveE. none of the above问题2 A supply curve reveals:A. the quantity of output consumers are willing to purchase at each possible market price.B. the difference between quantity demanded and quantity supplied at each price.C. the maximum level of output an industry can produce, regardless of price.D. the quantity of output that producers are willing to produce and sell at each possible market price.问题3 Plastic and steel are substitutes in the production of body panels for certain automobiles. If the price of plastic increases, with other things remaining the same, we would expect:A. the price of steel to fall.B. the demand curve for steel to shift to the right.C. the demand curve for plastic to shift to the left.D. nothing to happen to steel because it is only a substitute for plastic.E. the demand curve for steel to shift to the left.问题4 Coffee and cream:A. are both luxury goods.B. are complements.C. are both more inelastic in demand in the long run than in the short run.D. have a positive cross price elasticity of demand.问题5 Which of the following would shift the demand curve for new textbooks to the right?A. A fall in the price of paper used in publishing textsB. A fall in the price of equivalent used textbooksC. An increase in the number of students attending collegeD. A fall in the price of new textbooks.问题6 When an industry?s raw material costs increase, other things remaining the same,A. the supply curve shifts to the left.B. the supply curve shifts to the right.C. output increases regardless of the market price and the supply curve shifts upward.D. output decreases and the market price also decreases.问题7 Sugar can be refined from sugar beets. When the price of those beets falls,A. the demand curve for sugar would shift right.B. the demand curve for sugar would shift left.C. the supply curve for sugar would shift right.D. the supply curve for sugar would shift left.问题8 Assume that steak and potatoes are complements. When the price of steak goes up, the demand curve for potatoes:A. shifts to the left.B. shifts to the right.C. remains constant.D. shifts to the right initially and then returns to its original position.问题9 Which of the following events will cause a leftward shift in the supply curve of gasoline?A. A decrease in the price of gasolineB. An increase in the wage rate of refinery workersC. Decrease in the price of crude oilD. An improvement in oil refining technologyE. all of the above问题10 Which of the following will NOT cause a shift in the supply of gasoline?A. An increase in the wage rate of refinery workersB. A decrease in the price of gasolineC. An improvement in oil refiningD. technologyA decrease in the price of crude oil问题11 You are analyzing the demand for good X. Which of the following will result in a shift to the right of the demand curve for X?A. A decrease in the price of XB. An increase in the price of a good that is a complement to good XC. An increase in the price of a good that is a substitute for XD. all of the above问题12 The price of good A goes up. As a result, the demand for good B shifts to the left. From this we can infer that:A. good A is used to produce goodB.B. good B is used to produce good A.C. goods A and B are substitutes.D. goods A and B are complements.E. none of the above问题13 Which of the following will cause the demand curve for Beatles?compact discs to shift to the right?A. An increase in the price of the discsB. A decrease in consumers?incomesC. An increase in the price of Phil Collins' latest compact disc (a substitute)D. all of the aboveE. none of the above问题14 Which of the following will NOT cause a rightward shift in the demand curve for beer?A. A change in the price of beerB. A health study indicating positive health benefits of moderate beer consumptionC. An increase in the price of French wine (a substitute)D. A decrease in the price of potato chips (a complement)E. none of the above问题15 Suppose biochemists discover an enzyme that candouble the amount of ethanol that may be derived from a given amount of biomass. Based on this technological development, we expect the:A. supply curve for ethanol to shift leftward.B. supply curve for ethanol to shift rightward.C. demand curve for ethanol to shift leftward.D. demand curve for ethanol to shift rightward.问题16 Due to the recent increase in the price of natural gas, the quantity of coal demanded by electric power generation plants has increased. Based on this information, coal and natural gas are:A. complements.B. substitutes.C. independent goods.D. none of the above问题17 To protect the cod fishery off the northeast coast of the U.S., the federal government may limit the amount of fish that each boat can catch in the fishery. The result of this public policy is to:A. shift the cod demand curve to the left.B. shift the cod demand curve to the right.C. shift the cod supply curve to the right.D. shift the cod supply curve to the left.问题18 When the current price is above the market-clearing level we would expect:A. quantity demanded to exceed quantity supplied.B. quantity supplied to exceed quantity demanded.C. a shortage.D. greater production to occur during the next period.问题19 Assume that the current market price is below themarket clearing level. We would expect:A. a surplus to accumulate.B. B) downward pressure on the current market price.C. upward pressure on the current market price.D. lower production during the next time period.问题20 As long as the actual market price exceeds the equilibrium market price, there will be:A. downward pressure on the market price.B. upward pressure on the market price.C. no purchases made.D. Both A and C are correct.E. Both B and C are correct.Chapter 3问题1 Gary Franklin is a movie critic. He invented the Franklin Scale with which he rates movies from 1 to 10 (10 being best). When asked about his scale, Mr. Franklin explained "that it is a subjective measure of movie quality. A movie with a ranking of 10 is not necessarily 10 times better than a movie with a ranking of 1, but it is better. A movie with a ranking of 5 is better than a movie with a ranking of 1, but is not as good a movie with a ranking of 10. That's all it really tells you." Based on Mr. Franklin's description, his scale is:A) ordinal but not cardinal.B) cardinal but not ordinal.C) an objective standard to judge movies.D) neither cardinal nor ordinal.问题 2 Which of the following is NOT an assumption regarding people's preferences in the theory of consumer behavior?A) Preferences are complete..B) Preferences are transitive.C) Consumers prefer more of a good to less.D) All of the above are basic assumptions about consumer preferences问题3 The theory of consumer behavior is based on certain assumptions. The set of four basic assumptions includes:A) completeness.B) transitivity.C) intransitivity.D) Both A and B are correct.E) Both A and C are correct.问题4 The assumption of transitive preferences implies that indifference curves must:A) not cross one another.B) have a positive slope.C) be L-shaped.D) be convex to the origin.E) all of the above问题5 A consumer prefers market basket A to market basket B, and prefers market basket B to market basket C. Therefore, A is preferred to C. The assumption that leads to this conclusion is:A) transitivity.B) completeness.C) all goods are good.D) diminishing MRS.E) assumption of rationality.问题6 The assumption that preferences are complete:A) means that a consumer will spend her entire income.B) is unnecessary, as long as transitivity is assumed.C) recognizes that there may be pairs of market baskets thatcannot be compared.D) means that the consumer can compare any two market baskets of goods and determine that either one is preferred to the other or that she is indifferent between them.问题7 If a market basket is changed by adding more of at least one good, then rational consumers will:A) rank the market basket more highly after the change.B) more likely prefer a different market basket.C) rank the market basket as being just as desirable as before.D) be unable to decide whether the first market basket is preferred to the second or vice versa.E) have indifference curves that cross.问题8 A curve that represents all combinations of market baskets that provide the same level of utility to a consumer is called:A) a budget line.B) an isoquant.C) an indifference curve.D) a demand curve.E) none of the above问题9 An upward sloping indifference curve defined over two goods violates which of the following assumptions from the theory of consumer behavior?A) transitivity.B) preferences are complete.C) more is preferred to less.D) all of the aboveE) none of the above问题10 The slope of an indifference curve reveals:A) that preferences are complete.B) the marginal rate of substitution of one good for another good.C) the ratio of market prices.D) that preferences are transitive.E) none of the above问题11 Zoe is an executive at Dell Computer Company who is in charge of designing the next version of laptop computers. She will consider such features as screen size, weight, processor speed, and CD and DVD drives. Given the fact that it is costly to include more features in new products, why might Zoe be interested in data on how much consumers paid for a range of laptops with different attributes?A) in order to estimate willingness to pay for each feature.B) in order to set an optimal price for the laptops.C) in order to determine the best features to include.D) in order to estimate willingness to trade off one feature for another.E) all of the above问题12 In what ways can economists help auto manufacturers estimate the marginal rate of substitution between features such as vehicle interior size and acceleration?A) Examining production cost dataB) Conducting consumer surveys about willingness to pay for auto featuresC) Solving the standard consumer model D) Statistically analyzing historical data on purchases of different types of autosE) B and D only问题13 Indifference curves are convex to the origin because of:A) transitivity of consumer preferences.B) the assumption of a diminishing marginal rate of substitution.C) the assumption that more is preferred to less.D) the assumption of completeness.E) none of the above问题14 Suppose that a market basket of two goods is changed by adding more of one of the goods and subtracting one unit of the other. The consumer will:A) rank the market basket more highly after the change.B) rank the market basket more highly before the change.C) rank the market basket just as desirable as before.D) any one of the above statements may be true.问题15 If indifference curves cross, then:A) the assumption of a diminishing marginal rate of substitution is violated.B) the assumption of transitivity is violated.C) the assumption of completeness is violated.D) consumers minimize their satisfaction.E) all of the above问题16 Which of the following is true about the indifference curve where one commodity (such as pollution) is "bad"?A) It has a negative slope. .B) It has a positive slope.C) It is horizontal.D) It is vertical问题17 If indifference curves are concave to the origin, which assumption on preferences is violated?A) Diminishing marginal rates of substitutionB) Transitivity of preferencesC) More is preferred to lessD) Completeness问题18 Envision a graph with meat on the horizontal axis and vegetables on the vertical axis. A strict vegetarian would have indifference curves that are:A) vertical lines.B) horizontal lines.C) diagonal straight lines.D) right angles. E) upward sloping.问题19 Mikey is very picky and insists that his mom make his breakfast with equal parts of cereal and apple juice--any other combination and it ends up on the floor. Cereal costs 4 cents per tablespoon and apple juice costs 6 cents per tablespoon. If Mikey's mom budgets $8 per month for Mikey's breakfast, how much cereal and juice does she buy?A) 40 tablespoons each of cereal and juiceB) 80 tablespoons each of cereal and juiceC) 40 tablespoons of cereal and 75 tablespoons of juiceD) 100 tablespoons of cereal and 67 tablespoons of juice问题20 Jane is trying to decide which courses to take next semester. She has narrowed down her choice to two courses, Econ 1 and Econ 2. Now she is having trouble and cannot decide which of the two courses to take. It's not that she is indifferent between the two courses, she just cannot decide. An economist would say that this is an example of preferences that:A) are not transitive.B) are incomplete.C) violate the assumption that more is preferred to less.D) all of the aboveChapter 4问题1 As we move downward along a demand curve forapples,A) consumer well-being decreases.B) the marginal utility of apples decreases.C) the marginal utility of apples increases.D) Both A and B are true.E) Both A and C are true.问题2 The change in the price of one good has no effect on the quantity demanded of another good. These goods are:A) complements.B) substitutes.C) both inferior.D) both Giffen goods.E) none of the above问题3 The price of good A goes up. As a result the demand for good B shifts to the left. From this we can infer that:A) good A is a normal good.B) good B is an inferior good.C) goods A and B are substitutes.D) goods A and B are complements.E) none of the above问题4 An individual demand curve can be derived from the ______ curve.A) price-consumptionB) price-incomeC) income-substitutionD) income-consumptionE) Engel问题5 Which of the following claims is true at each point along a price-consumption curve?A) Utility is maximized but income is not all spent.B) All income is spent, but utility is not maximized.C) Utility is maximized, and all income is spent.D) The level of utility is constant.问题6 Which of the following is true regarding income along a price-consumption curve?A) Income is increasing.B) Income is decreasing.C) Income is constant.D) The level of income depends on the level of utility.问题7 Which of the following is true regarding utility along a price-consumption curve?A) It is constant.B) It changes from point to point.C) It changes only if income changes.D) It changes only for normal goods.问题8 The income-consumption curveA) illustrates the combinations of incomes needed with various levels of consumption of a good.B) is another name for income-demand curve.C) illustrates the utility-maximizing combinations of goods associated with every income level.D) shows the utility-maximizing quantity of some good (on the horizontal axis) as a function of income (on the vertical axis).问题9 Which of the following pairs of goods are NOT complements?A) Hockey sticks and hockey pucksB) Computer CPUs and computer monitorsC) On-campus student housing and off-campus rental apartments D) all of theaboveE) none of the above问题10 Which of the following goods has a low, but positive, income elasticity of demand?A) furniture.B) new cars.C) health insurance.D) all of the aboveE) none of the above问题11 If an Engel curve has a positive slopeA) both goods are normal.B) the good on the horizontal axis is normalC) as the price of the good on the horizontal axis increases, more of both goods in consumed.D) as the price of the good on the vertical axis increases, more of the good on the horizontal axis is consumed.问题12 Which of the following pairs of goods are substitutes?A) Baseball bats and baseballsB) Hot dogs and mustardC) Computer hardware and softwareD) Gasoline and motor oilE) Owner-occupied housing and rental housing问题13 When the income-consumption curve has a positive slope throughout its entire length, we can conclude thatA) both goods are inferior.B) both goods are normal.C) the good on the vertical (y) axis is inferior.D) the good on the horizontal (x) axis is inferior问题14 Consider two goods X and Y available for consumption. Assume that the price of X changes while the price of Y remains fixed. For these two goods, the price-consumptioncurve illustrates theA) relationship between the price of X and consumption of Y.B) utility-maximizing combinations of X and Y for each price of X.C) relationship between the price of Y and the consumption of X.D) utility-maximizing combinations of X and Y for each quantity of X.问题15 Consider a graph on which one good Y is on the vertical axis and the only other good X is on the horizontal axis. On this graph the income-consumption curve has a positive slope for low incomes, then it takes a zero slope for a higher income, and then it takes a negative slope for even higher incomes (the curve looks like an arc, first rising and then falling as income increases). This curve illustrates that, for all income levels,A) both X and Y are normal.B) only Y is normal.C) both X and Y are inferior.D) only X is normal.问题16 According to a survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which of the following statements about annual U.S. household consumer expenditures is false?A) The income elasticity of demand for entertainment is positive.B) The income elasticity of demand for owner-occupied housing is positive.C) The income elasticity of demand for rental housing is positive.D) The income elasticity of demand for health care is positive.E) Average family expenditures increase with income.问题17 The income-consumption curve for Dana between Qa and Qb is given as: Qa = Qb. His budget constraint is given as:120 = Qa + 4QbHow much Qa will Dana consume to maximize utility?A) 0B) 24C) 30D) 60问题18 Jon's income-consumption curve is a straight line from the origin with a positiveslope. Now suppose that Jon's preferences change such that his income-consumption curve remains a straight line but rotates 15 degrees clockwise. Jon's demand curve for the good on thehorizontal axisA) will shift left.B) will shift right.C) will not change.D) might do any of the above.问题19 Suppose that a consumer regards two types of soap as perfect substitutes for one another. The price consumption path generated by changing the price of one type of soapA) is always upward sloping.B) is always horizontal.C) is always vertical.D) corresponds with the axis for the cheaper soap.E) corresponds with the axis for the more expensive soap.问题20 Your income response for bicycle riding changes with the amount of income you earn. At low levels of income, you view bicycle riding as an inferior good and substitute other types oftransportation (e.g., auto travel) as your income rises. However, you view bicycle riding as a normal good after your income rises above a particular level. What shape does your Engel curve for bicycle riding have?A) Vertical lineB) Horizontal lineC) C-shapedD) Upward slopingE) none of the aboveChapter 6问题1 A production function defines the output that can be producedA) at the lowest cost, given the inputs available.B) for the average firm.C) if the firm is technically efficient.D) in a given time period if no additional inputs are hired.E) as technology changes over time.问题2 A production function assumes a givenA) technology.B) set of input prices.C) ratio of input prices.D) amount of capital and labor.E) amount of output.问题3 A function that indicates the maximum output per unit of time that a firm can produce, for every combination of inputs with a given technology, is calledA) an isoquant.B) a production possibility curve.C) a production function.D) an isocost function.问题4 Which of the following inputs are variable in the long run?A) labor.B) capital and equipment.C) plant size.D) all of these.问题5 The short run isA) less than a year.B) three years.C) however long it takes to produce the planned output. D) a time period in which at least one input is fixed.E) a time period in which at least one set of outputs has been decided upon.问题6 Joe owns a small coffee shop, and his production function is q = 3KL where q is total output in cups per hour, K is the number of coffee machines (capital), and L is the number of employeeshired per hour (labor). If Joe's capital is currently fixed at K=3 machines, what is his short-run production function?A) q = 3LB) q = 3L2C) q = 9LD) q = 3K2问题7 For many firms, capital is the production input that is typically fixed in the short run. Which of the following firms would face the longest time required to adjust its capital inputs?A) Firm that makes DVD players.B) Computer chip fabricatorC) Flat-screen TV manufacturerD) Nuclear power plant问题8 We manufacturer automobiles given the production。


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微观经济学CHAP1 概论一,微观经济学的框架微观经济学说的是关于资源配置的问题。
这对以后理解各个章节之间的联系是有帮助的CHAP2 均衡价格理论(D,S,P之间定性,定量的关系)一均衡价格的决定1,注意需求与需求量,供给和供给量的区别(线动还是点动)2,均衡条件:Qs=Qd (注意图解)二.弹性理论1理解弹性的定义,不用死记XX XX 弹性:前面的是因变量,后面的是自变量。
CHAP5 成本论(产量如何决定成本)一,成本概念1显成本和隐成本的区别在于:要素的所有权是否是使用者占有2,生产成本(也叫经济成本)=显成本+隐成本3,区别会计成本和经济成本:会计成本不包括正常利润4,正常利润是企业家才能的报酬;经济利润=TR-经济成本(企业追求的利润最大化,是指经济利润)5,机会成本:不是实际花掉的成本,是放弃的收入。
二,短期成本分析一共有七个成本:STC,SFC,SVC,SAC,SA VC,SAFC,SMC弄清楚这7个成本之间的关系(用图解释),其中知道了SMC,SA VC,SAC就可以知道其他4个。
CHAP6完全竞争市场(利润最大化的产量决策)一收益规律TR=P*Q AR=TR/Q=P MR=dTR/dQ完全竞争市场的特点:d=AP=MP=P二短期均衡1,产量决策:MC=MR=P2,盈亏状况分析:结合书上的图进行分析。
D,当P<minLAC时,不是所有的厂商都退出,由当时的SA VC来决定。
总结:价格歧视这部分比较重要,可能会有计算!二,垄断竞争的决策产品差别—导致垄断---短期表现同类产品——导致竞争——长期表现1需求曲线有两条:D和d2,短期均衡(能用图分析)3长期均衡:利润趋于0(注意图示)4,效率比较与完全竞争市场相同的:A厂商多,产品多;B长期均衡都是利润趋于0 不同点:A生产效率,Q1<Q2,有多余生产力,未达到最大潜在生产力。