
科 目
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4.3应 交16Fra bibliotek实 交
刘子询 刘思言 刘佳明 刘佳帅
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关系代数补充习题(摘自数据库系统导论)单项选择:1. 若关系中的某一属性组的值能唯一地标识一个元组,则称该属性组为________。
(1)关系模型(2)关系(3)关系模式(4)关系数据库3.SQL 语言属于________。
(1)谓词(2) 关系的运算(3)元组(4)域5.实体完整性要求主属性不能取空值,这一点可以通过________来保证。
(1)数值0 (2)空的字符串(3)未知的值(4)任何值10.集合R 与S 的差表示为________。
(1){t|t∈R∨t∈S} (2){t|t∈R∧フt∈S} (3) {t|t∈R∧t∈S}(4) {trts|tr∈R ∧ts∈S}问答题2.1 本章中,我们声称并、交、积和(自然)连接都具有交互性和结合性。
2.2 在Codd 最初定义的八个操作符中,并、差、积、选择和投影可以被认为是基本的。
2.3 如果A 和B 没有共同的属性,则A JOIN B 等价于A TIMES B。
如果A 和B 有相同的表头,则上述表达式等价于什么?2.4 证明2.2 中提到的五个基本操作符是基本的(证明任意一个不能被其余四个来表示)。

A.斯金纳B. 亚当斯C。
A.《竞争求质量》B. 《政府绩效与结果法》 C. 《改进政府管理:下一步行动》D。
A.伊梅尔特B. 瓦格纳C. 杰克•韦尔奇 D. 弗理兹•韩德胜4.(A),面对公众要求强化对政府进行监督和提高政府工作效率的压力,美国第103届国会通过了一项重要的法案,即政府绩效与结果法.同年,该法案经美国总统克林顿签署而正式成为一项法律。
1994年C. 1995年D.1996年5.(B)是绩效管理的核心活动。
绩效评估 C. 绩效衡量D。
绩效追踪6.G公共部门绩效指标体系设计的步骤如下,顺序正确的是(C).①初步确定绩效指标;②工作分析(岗位分析);③工作流程分析;④修订绩效指标A.①②③④B. ②①③④C。
④①②③C. ①③②④D。
④①③②8.公共部门绩效层次包括(D).A.组织绩效与团队绩效B. 团队绩效与个人绩效 C. 个人绩效与组织绩效D。
日本D. 中国10.管理大师布雷德拉普说过,“竞争将由于全球化和顾客需求的日益深化而不断加剧。

产品数据库Product(maker, model, type)PC(model, speed, ram, hd, price)Laptop(model, speed, ram, hd, screen, price)Printer(model, color, type, price)关系Product给出了各种产品的制造厂商、型号和产品类型(PC、笔记本电脑或者打印机)。
关系PC的数据关系Laptop的数据关系Printer的数据二战中的大型舰船数据库Classes(class, type, country, numGuns, bore, displacement) Ships(name, class, launched)Battles(name, date)Outcomes(ship, battle, result)相同设计的舰船组成一个“类”,类别的名称通常就是这个类的第一艘船的名字。
关系Classes 记录了“类”的名字、型号(bb代表主力舰,bc代表巡洋舰)、生产国家、火炮的门数、火炮的尺寸(口径,单位是英寸)和排水量(重量,单位是吨)。

科 目
班 级
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时 间
应 交
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刘子询 刘思言 刘佳明 刘佳帅
科 目
班 级
教 师
时 间
应 交
实 交
刘子询 刘思言 刘佳明 刘佳帅

i1(t) = i2 (t) + i3 (t) , i2 (t) R2 − L 有 8i2 `(t) + 3i2 (t) = 2e`(t) ˆ ˆ 由 h`(t) + 3h(t) = 2δ (t)
(−1) t 3
t 3E − τ E (t) = ∫ δ (τ )dτ − ∫ e 8 u(τ )dτ −∞ 4 −∞ 32
2 t
1 2 3 4 t
Qh(0) = 0, t ≤ 0, 有 0 ≤ t <1 , h(t) + h(t −1) + h(t − 2) = h(t) = t 时 1≤ t < 2时 h(t) + h(t −1) + h(t − 2) = h(t) + h(t −1) =1 , h(t) =1− h(t −1) =1− (t −1) = 2 −t 2 ≤ t < 3 , h(t) + h(t −1) + h(t − 2) =1 时 h(t) =1− h(t −1) − h(t − 2) =1− (2 − (t −1)) − (t − 2) = 0 3 ≤ t < 4时 h(t) = 4 − t − h(t −1) − h(t − 2) =4 −t − 0 − (2 − (t − 2)) = 0 , t, 0 ≤ t < 1 ∴h(t) = 2 − t, 1 ≤ t ≤ 2 0, t < 0,2 < t
解: (e) 特征方程为 λ2+4λ+4=0 得 λ1=-2, λ2=-2。 则 h(t)= (c1eλ1 t+ c2eλ2t)u(t)=( c1e- 3 t+ c2e-2 t)u(t) h`(t)= (c1+ c2)δ(t)+(-3c1e- 3 t-2c2e- 2t)u(t) h``(t)= (c1+ c2)δ`(t)+(-3c1-2c2) δ(t)+ (9c1e- 3 t+4c2e- 2t)u(t) 将x(t)= δ(t), y(t)=h(t)代入原方程得:

பைடு நூலகம்题目类型:单选题
题目:-Let’s go to a movie after work, OK? -__________.
1.Not at all
2.Why not?
3.Never mind
4.Who is it?
题目:About 40,000 years ago, the sea was ____ 40 meters below today’s level.
1.about only
2.only about
3.about much
4.much about
题目:-Will you please give me the note to him? -_________.
1.Certainly, I’ll give it to him
2.No, please not
3.Sorry, I don’t
4.Yes, please do
3.Thank you
4.You are not true
题目:-Must I take a taxi? -No, you_________. You can take a car.
1.had better to
3.must not

试写出“学生框架”的描述。 试写出“学生框架”的描述。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 框架名:<学生 框架名: 学生> 学生 姓名:单位(姓和名) 姓名:单位(姓和名) 年龄:单位(岁) 年龄:单位( 性别:范围(男、女) 性别:范围( 缺省(男) 缺省( 健康状况:范围(健康、一般、差) 健康状况:范围(健康、一般、 缺省(一般) 缺省(一般) 所在系别:单位(系) 所在系别:单位( 专业:范围(系中所包含的专业列表) 专业:范围(系中所包含的专业列表) 入学时间:单位(年、月) 入学时间:单位( 成绩:范围(优、良、中、差) 成绩:范围( 缺省(良) 缺省( 是否学生干部:范围(是、否) 是否学生干部:范围( 缺省(否) 缺省(
D 6 E
第二章 作业二(P79)
• 2.16 用语义网络表示下列知识 所有的鸽子都是鸟; (1) 所有的鸽子都是鸟; 所有的鸽子都有翅膀; (2) 所有的鸽子都有翅膀; (3)信鸽是一种鸽子 它有翅膀、能识途。 信鸽是一种鸽子, (3)信鸽是一种鸽子,它有翅膀、能识途。 • 2.18请把下列命题用一个语义网络表示出来: 2.18请把下列命题用一个语义网络表示出来 请把下列命题用一个语义网络表示出来: 猪和羊都是动物; (1) 猪和羊都是动物; (2) 猪和羊都是偶蹄动物和哺乳动物; 猪和羊都是偶蹄动物和哺乳动物; 野猪是猪,但生长在森林中; (3) 野猪是猪,但生长在森林中; 山羊是羊,且头上长着角; (4) 山羊是羊,且头上长着角; 绵羊是一种羊,它能生产羊毛。 (5) 绵羊是一种羊,它能生产羊毛。
第三章 作业一(P133)
• 3.2 什么是谓词?什么是谓词个体及个体域?函数与谓词 什么是谓词?什么是谓词个体及个体域? 的区别是什么? 的区别是什么? • 3.5 什么是谓词公式?什么是谓词公式的解释?设 什么是谓词公式?什么是谓词公式的解释? D={1,2}, D={1,2},试给出谓词公式 (∃x)(∀y)(P(x,y)→Q(x,y) x)(∀y)(P(x,y)→Q(x,y) 的所有解释,并且对每一种解释指出该谓词公式的真值。 的所有解释,并且对每一种解释指出该谓词公式的真值。 • 3.6指出下列谓词公式中哪些是约束变元?哪些是自由变 3.6指出下列谓词公式中哪些是约束变元? 指出下列谓词公式中哪些是约束变元 元?并指出各量词的辖域。 并指出各量词的辖域。 • (1) (∀y)(P(x,y)∨(∃y)(Q(x,y)∧R(x,y))) (∀y)(P(x,y)∨ y)(Q(x,y)∧R(x,y) ∧R(x,y))) • (3) (∀x)(~P(x,f(x))∨(∃z)(Q(x,z)∧~R(x,z))) (∀x)(~P(x,f(x))∨ z)(Q(x,z)∧ R(x,z)))
四班KYT 受限空间作业分析 2.20



对危大工程和易发安全生产事故的重点环节实施重点管控严格落实人员教育培训、严格按照作业规程作业附:土方开挖,重点巡视的五部位一、安全监理规定1.1 施工组织设计中应制定相应的安全技术措施,并在施工中遵照执行。
深度超过5m(含5 m)的基坑、槽的土方开挖,应有专项施工方案,必要时应有论证。
1.2 挖、运、填土机械进退场前,应察看行驶道路上的架空线路、桥梁、涵洞、便桥、地下管线等构筑物,确认安全。
1.3 在城区、居民区、乡镇、村庄、机关、学校、企业、事业单位和社会道路、公路及其附近等人员活动和出行的地方施工时,沟槽、基坑外侧必须设围挡和安全标志,夜间和阴暗处尚须加设警示灯。
1.4 测量钉桩、坑探时,不得影响地下管线等构筑物的安全运行。
1.5 施工现场的坑、井必须加盖或设围挡、护栏,并由专人检查确认安全。
1.6 沟槽、基坑穿越道路时,开工前应制定交通疏导方案,并经交通管理部门批准后,方可实施。
1.7 施工中,沟槽、基坑应设安全梯或人行土坡道。
1.8 施工中需设置行车土坡道时,应遵守下列规定:(1)坡道宽应大于运输车辆宽度加1.0m;纵坡不宜陡于1:6。

4.名词定义:4.1:SOP(Standard Operation Procedure):让来自不同环境,不同教育背景的人都能产出品质均一的产品,把这种作业方式用文字,图表标识出来,作成文件给生产部门,这种文件即叫"标准作业书" 。
4.2:ST(Standard Time)标准工时:是指在规定的作业条件及规定的作业方法下.平均熟练技能的作业者以正常的速度完成规定质量产品所需的时间。
ST=正常作业时间X (1+宽放率)4.3:时间宽放:作业时间中减除净作业时间外,由于“作业者的生理需要”“作业方法的问题”“管理需要”等原因,经常会造成作业中断产生作业时间以外的时间,这种不可避免的必要的时间增加,即时间宽放。
各宽放的时间值:5.SOP的格式、内容:5.1 SOP用A4纸橫印,字体设定为新细明体﹔叙述部分字号用10号黑色字,用厂内统一标准SOP格式,分段制作,每个工位用一个工作表。
5.88.在理解性格与气质关系上,以下表述正确的是( A.气质能左右性格形成、发展的速度和强度 B.性格是在气质类型基础上后天形成的一种心理特征 C.气质类型能够决定一个人最终形成什么样的性格
D.不同气质类型的人可能形成相同的性格特征 E.气质无好坏之分,性格也无明显优劣之差异
6.183.非正式群体形成的原因包括( A.物质利益的影响 B.正式组织目标 C.心理特征的影响 D.亲缘血统、历史、地理的影响 E.思想感情的影响
7.190.群体决策中存在的特殊现象包括( A.从众现象 B.平均化倾向 C.群体思维 D.极端化现象 E.求同倾向
8.66.在以下选项中,属于影响社会认知的认知对象因素的有( A.相貌 B.心理需要 C.知名度 D.自我展示 E.魅力
9.38.个性心理特征括( A.兴趣 B.能力 C.气质 D.性格
2.159.按照人际关系理论,只有亲密朋友之间才交流得最为广泛、充分,所涉及的全部是非常广泛 的亲密性话题( )。 答案:错误
3.157.人际关系心理学表明,衡量人们彼此接纳的尺子是自我暴露( )。 答案:正确
4.115.按照纽科姆的“A-B-X理论”,X对A或B越重要,不一致时A或B就越紧张( )。
21秋学期《管理心理学》在线平时作业1 红字部分为答案!
一、单选题 1.27.( )学说第一次正式将社会学和心理学引入到企业管理的领域中。 A.科学管理 B.人际关系 C.群体动力 D.需要层次
2.20.被誉为“美国管理学第一夫人”的是( A.雨果·闵斯特伯格 B.福兰克·吉尔布勒斯 C.莉莲·吉尔布勒斯 D.斯特恩
B.观察法 C.测验法 D.调查法
9.78.苏联生物学家( A.巴甫洛夫 B.盖伦 C.培因 D.希波克拉底

- 1 -。

2020届沈阳市第二十中学高三英语期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe Internet can provide a wealth of educational resources for small children, if you know where to look.Enchanted LearningEnchanted learning is a great website for children, and I know several teachers who rely on it for materials for their classrooms. Most of the information is free, but for $ 20.00 per year, you can purchase a membership that allows you to have access to the site without the advertising. The pages here are great. There are color1 ed pages and worksheets for toddlers (学步儿童) and school-age children.StarfallStarfall is another good educational website for small children. Teachers often use this website in classrooms. It emphasizes reading skills for early learners. The website is aimed at first-grade-level learners, but it has tools that can help all children from pre-K to second grade. The website has reading activities, worksheets to download, and a store where you can purchase educational materials for your children.Sesame Street WorkshopKids loveSesame Street, and it is always educational. This is one of the funniest websites online for children because it is very well animated and has great sound effects. The website has games and stories for small kids, and they can create letters at the post office and mail them to their favorite characters.1. Why does Enchanted Learning offer purchasing memberships?A. Charging for the information.B. Charging for downloading materials.C. Giving access to the site without the ads.D. Providing unlimited search for more pages.2. Where can you buy educational materials for your children?A. Enchanted LearningB. StarfallC. Sesame Street WorkshopD. Colored pages3. What is the purpose of this text?A. To introduce.B. To discuss.C. To persuade.D. To educate.BChinese paleontologists (古生物学家) have determined that, about 47 million years ago, subtropical forests once existed on the high-altitude Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The conclusion, which appears in a paper published on Tuesday, was drawn based on the large number of fossils found in theBaingoinBasinat an altitude of nearly 5,000 meters during the second comprehensive scientific expedition to the plateau.A joint team from theXishuangbannaTropicalBotanical Gardenconducted the research on the fossils. By combining the findings and models, the team recreated the climate and altitude that existed 47 million years ago, showing that the central plateau had an altitude of just 1,500 meters and an annual average temperature of 19℃, says Su Tao, a researcher from the tropical botanical garden and first author of the paper.“It was covered by thick forest and was rich in water and grass. It is fair tocall it the ‘ShangriLa’ of ancient times,” Su adds.The researchers have also found over 70 plant fossils, the majority of which are most closely related to plant life in today's subtropical or tropical regions.“This is enough to show that the central part of the now high-altitude, freezing Qinghai-Tibet Plateau had flourishing subtropical plants 47 million years ago,” Su says.The findings provide new evidence for the study of the evolutionary history of biodiversity and the evolution of the plateau's landscape, according to Zhou Zhekun, the paper's corresponding author and a researcher at the tropical botanical garden.Chinalaunched the second comprehensive scientific expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in June 2017, 40 years after the first. Lasting up to 10 years, the expedition will conduct a series of studies focusing on the plateau's glaciers, its biodiversity and ecological changes, and will also monitor the changes in climate.4. How did the paper come to the conclusion?A. Through the observation of the Baingoin basin.B. Through the fossils found in scientific expedition.C. Through the drawing of a large number of fossils.D. Through the adventure on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.5. What can be inferred according to Su Tao?A. The average altitude of the plateau was 1,500 meters.B. “Shangrila”means a place with abundant water and grass.C. The flourishing subtropical plants have covered the plateau.D. The fossils found by researchers are tropical or subtropical plants now.6. Where might the passage come from?A. The Times.B. The Wall Street Journal.C. Chinese National Geography.D. The Economist.7. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To instruct.B. To educate.C. To persuade.D. To inform.CWhen I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboat man. We had temporary ambitions of other sorts, but they were only temporary.My father was a justice of the peace, and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him. This was distinction enough for me as a general thing;butthe desire to be a steamboat man kept intruding, nevertheless. One of our boys in town, who went away and was not heard of for-a long time, turned up as apprentice engineer on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday—school teachings. That boy was notoriously worldly, and I was just the opposite. There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty nail to scrub while his boat stopped at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him. And wherever his boat was laid up he would come home and show off in the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboat man; and he used all sorts of steamboat technical terms in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them.This creature's career could produce but one result, and it was speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. Despite many choices, pilot was the grandest position of all. The pilot, even in those days of trivial wages, had a princely salary—from 150—250 dollars a month, and no board payment.But our parents would not let us and our worry was the next year would find us hunting for jobs with low pay again. So by and by I ran away. I said I never would come home again till I was a pilot and could come in glory.8. Why does the writer mention his father's job in Paragraph 2?A. To show that his father was in power.B. To show that his father is cruel.C. To emphasize the job he prefers.D. To emphasize his love for his father.9. Which of the following can best conclude the writer's attitude toward the boy?A. He thought the boy was material but pitiful.B. He thought the boy was annoying but still envied him.C. He thought the boy was shallow but knowledgeable.D. He thought the boy was disrespectful but still liked him.10. Which of the following statements is Not True?A. The boy talked in a way to make others feel jealous.B. The boy's experience made other boys follow suit.C. The pilot's salary was ly high but without meals covered.D. The writer was ambitious to make his childhood dream come true.11. What rhetorical method does the underlined sentence have?A. Simile.B. Personification.C. Parallelism.D. Irony.DThe modern Olympics, which appeared in ancient Greece as many as 3,000 years ago, have become the world’s most important sporting competition. From the 8th century B. C. to the 4th century A. D., the the ancient Olympics were held every four years in Olympia in honor of the god Zeus. The first modern Olympics took place in1896 inAthens, and featured 280 participants from 13 nations, competing in 43 events. Since 1994, the Summer and Winter Olympic Games have been held separately every two years. The 2020 Summer Olympics, delayed one year because of the COVID-19, was held in Japan in 2021.The ancient Olympics were held every four years between August 6 and September 19 during a festival honoring Zeus. The Games were named for their location (位置) at Olympia, a place near the western coast in southern Greece. Their influence was so great that ancient historians began to measure time by the Olympic Games held every four years.After the Roman Empire conquered (征服) Greece in the mid-2nd century B.C., the Games continued, but their standards and quality dropped. For example from 67 A. D., the Emperor Nero entered an Olympic horse race, announcing himself the winner even after he fell off hishorse during the event. In 393 A. D., Emperor Theodosius℃ended the ancient Olympic tradition.It was another 1,500 years before the Games rose again, largely thanks to the efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) of France. Working hard at the development of physical education, the young man became inspired by the idea of creating a modern Olympic Games after visiting the ancient Olympic building. In November1892, at a meeting of the Union des Sports Athlétiques in Paris, Coubertin suggested the idea of making the Olympics an international athletic competition held every four years. Two years later, he got the approval (批准) he needed to found the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ), which would become the governing body of the modern Olympic Games.12. What do we know about the modern Olympics?A. The modern Olympics became famous in the 18th century.B. The first Winter Olympics was held in 1994.C. The first modern Olympics dates back to 1896.D. The latest Winter Olympics will delay for two years.13. How often were the ancient Olympics held?A. Every year.B. Every other year.C. Every three years.D. Every four years.14. When did the ancient Olympics end?A. In 393 A. D.B. In 67 A. D.C. In the mid-2nd century B. C.D. About 1,500 years ago.15. What is the best title of the text?A. The ancient OlympicsB. The modern OlympicsC. The Olympics developed through yearsD. The Olympics are popular in modern time第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2月20日学生英语作业 (1)

选手:contestant, 抽签:draw lotsNotice________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________Student UnionCalifornia Condor’s Shocking RecoveryCalifornia condors are North America’s largest birds,with wind-length of up to 3 meters. In the 1980s,electrical lines and lead poisoning(铅中毒) nearly drovethem to dying out. Now, electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds.In the late 1980s, the last few condors were taken from the wild to be bred(繁殖). Since 1992, there have been multiple reintroductions to the wild, and there are now more than 150 flying over California and nearby Arizona, Utah and Baja in Mexico. Electrical lines have been killing them off. “As they go in to rest for the night, they just don’t see the power lines,” says Bruce Rideout of San Diego Zoo. Their wings can bridge the gap between lines, resulting in electrocution(电死) if they touch two lines at once.So scientists have come up with a shocking idea. Tall poles, placed in large training areas, teach the birds to stay clear of electrical lines by giving them a painful but undeadly electric shock. Before the training was introduced, 66% of set-freed birds died of electrocution. This has now dropped to 18%.Lead poisonous has proved more difficult to deal with. When condors eat dead bodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large quantities of lead. This affects their nervous systems and ability to produce baby birds, and can lead to kidney(肾) failures and death. So condors with high levels of lead are sent to LosAngeles Zoo, where they are treated with calcium EDTA, a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several days. This work is starting to pay off. The annual death rate for adult condors has dropped from 38% in 2000 to 5.4% in 2011.Rideout’s team thinks that the California condors’ average survival time in the wild is now just under eight years. “Although these measures are not effective forever, they are vital for now,” he says. “They a re truly good birds that are worth every effort we put into recovering them. ”1. California condors attract researchers’ interest because they _________.A. are active at nightB. had to be bred in the wildC. are found only in CaliforniaD. almost died out in the 1980s2. Researchers have found electrical lines are _________.A. blocking condors’ journey homeB. big killers of California condorsC. rest places for condors at nightD. used to keep condors away3. According to Paragraph 5, lead poisoning _________.A. makes condors too nervous to flyB. has little effect on condors’ kidneysC. can hardly be gotten rid of from condors’ bloodD. makes it difficult for condors to produce baby birds4. This passage shows that _________.A. the average survival time of condors is satisfactoryB. Rideout’s research interest lies in electric engineeringC. the efforts to protect condors have brought good resultsD. researchers have found the final answers to the problemA garden that’s just right for youHave you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you, where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum(总和)of its parts?5.But it doesn’t happen by accident. It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.● 6Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses of color. Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers(肥料).7.However, there are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden. One of them comes from our earliest years.●Recall(回忆)your childhood memoriesOur model of what a garden should be often goes back to ch ildhood. Grandma’s rose garden and Dad’s vegetable garden might be good or bad, but that’s not what’s important.8—how being in those gardens made us feel. If you’d like to build a powerful bond with your garden, start by taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth.9.Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden. Have fun.A.Know why you gardenB.Find a good place for your own gardenC.It’s our experience of the garden that mattersD.It’s deli ghtful to see so many beautiful flowersE.Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plantsF.You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, tooG.For each of those gardens, write down the strongest memory you haveIf you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify(识别)those of10(great)and less importance. Then, handle the most important tasks first so you’ll feel a real sense of11(achieve).Leaving the less important things until tomorrow12(be)often acceptable.Most of us are more focused13our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day. So, get an early start and try to be as productive14possible before lunch. This will give you the confidence you need to get you through the afternoon and go home feeling accomplished.Recent15(study)show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks16(regular).Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for 17while, exercising, or doing something you enjoy.If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you’ll be less likely 18(bring)your work home. It could be anything—gardening, cooking, music, sports—but whatever it is,19(make)sure it’s a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.。
2020届辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学高二下英语独立 作业试题

2020届辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学高二下英语独立作业试题考试时间:100 分钟满分:150 分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50 分)第一节(共15 小题,每题 2.5 分,共37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AHere list some biggest and best bookstores in Beijing:Wangfujing Xinhua BookstoreIt is the one of the best bookstores in Beijing and largest chain bookshop in China with thousands of branches. It offers a large collection of books involving politics, economics, literature, education, art and science, with a total number nearly 200,000 books, VCDs, DVDs and digital reading materials can also be found in the bookshop.Opening Hours: 09:00-21:30 (Every day)Location: No.218, Wangfujing Street, Dongcheng District (next to Oriental Plaza)China BookstoreAs one of the best bookstores in Beijing, it is not a very big one, but it offers many traditional Chinese literature works. The new books here are at an 80% discount normally, while there are some second hand books as well at much cheaper prices. Additionally, you will find an impressive selection of books on Chinese painting, calligraphy and photography.Opening Hours: 09:00-17:00 (Weekdays)Location: No.115, East Liulichang Street, Xicheng DistrictBeijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) Press BookstoreThis is the best one from which to buy Chinese language learning books of all levels. There are also dictionaries, encyclopedias, linguistic books and reading materials from which to choose.Opening Hours: 09:00-17:00 (Weekdays) 09:00-16:00 (Weekends)Location: Chengfu Rd, Haidian DistrictBeijing Book BuildingThere is a great variety of books from which you may choose. In this biggest bookstore in Beijing, you will find books written in English in the basement, and there are many Chinese language learning materials on the third floor. The personnel in the bookshop are very helpful, and they speak English.Opening Hours: 09:00-21:00Location: No.17, West Changan Avenue, Xicheng District1.Where are you most likely to find affordable new books at a lower price?A.Chengfu Rd, Haidian District.B.No.218, Wangfujing Street, Dongcheng District.C.No.17, West Changan Avenue, Xicheng District.D.No.115, East Liulichang Street, Xicheng District.2.Which bookstore has the longest opening hours on weekdays?A. Beijing Book Building.B. China Bookstore.C. BLCU Press Bookstore.D. Wangfujing Xinhua Bookstore.3.What is special about Beijing Book Building?A. It has many floors and sections.B. Its staff can communicate in English.C. It features the largest variety of books.D. It sells Chinese language learning books.BWhen my father was growing up in 1930s Brooklyn, every boy in his neighborhood had a nickname. Even my dad had one too. Sadly, nicknames seem to be declining, and there may be a good reason. In Dad‟s day, the pool of names was relatively small. In 1950, there were only about 10000 names on the Social Security list of those given to five or more babies. With more people named John in the same classroom, company, and even family, it became necessary to come up with ways to tell them apart, which could mean calling them Big John or JJ or J-Man.Too bad for nicknames. A good one tells a story and can be an endless source of delight. Take Douglas Corrigan. In 1938, the pilot was scheduled to fly from New York City to Long Beach, California. Instead, he ended up in Ireland, and a nickname was born: Wrong Way Corrigan.So let‟s start a movement to keep nicknames alive by giving them to everyone we know. It‟seasy. A degree from Harvard wasn‟t needed to nickname someone. On the flip side, an odd habit might bring itself a creative label of nicknames, and other times a different choice of clothes can turn into something permanent. Certain professions have been especially welcoming of nicknames over the years, and politicians have never avoided their nicknames in their posts.The toughest person to create a nickname for may be your another half, like calling your girlfriend “muffin ( 松饼) top”, or your husband “Poop ( 屎)” At first I was taken aback, but I eventually started calling my husband by the same name. Now Poop is the most commonly used word in our household.4.Nicknames are now in decline due to .A. controlled birth rateB. growing populationC. plentiful name choicesD. lack of imagination5.What is the author‟s attitude to today‟s nicknames through Douglas Corrigan‟s example?A. Critical.B. Pitiful.C. Delighted.D. Doubtful.6.The underlined “on the flip side” in paragraph 3 means closely to .A. in turnB. in caseC. in particularD. in conclusion7.Where are nicknames easily available?A. From a creative label.B. From close relationships.C. From comments on politics.D. From permanent wearing choices.CA new study has shown how computers and robots powered by artificial intelligence can read human eye movements to “read” human personalities.The eyes, they say, are the windows to the soul. And if that is true, computers and robots powered by sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms ( 算法) may soon have the ability to look into your soul. That is the result of a new study on the connection between eye movements and personality, conducted by neuroscience researchers based at the University of South Australia and published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Neuroscience.“Eye movements during an everyday task predict aspects of our personality,” wrote the researchers, led by University of South Australia neuroscientist Tobias Loetscher, whose team follows 42 study subjects around the university campus recording their eye movements, thendetermines their personality traits (特点) with “well-established questionnaires” for determining personality type, according to a summary of the study published by the site Science Daily.The researchers fed the data into their Al algorithms and found that computers running the algorithms were able to record human eye movements and immediately determine a person‟s major personality traits, such as “neuroticism, extraversion ( 外向), agreeableness, conscientiousness, as well as perceptual curiosity”, the scientists wrote.“The new findings could improve the way human beings interact with their computers and other high-tech devices, even robots, allowing for more natural and realistic social interactions with machines,” Loetscher said.“People are always looking for improved, personalized services. Today‟s robots and computers are not socially aware so they cannot adapt to non-verbal information,” Loetscher said in a statement quoted by Indian Express. “This research provides opportunities to develop robots and computers so that they can become more natural, and better at interpreting human social signals.”8.What is the result of the study?A. AI algorithm will detect your character.B. Robots will totally function like eyes.C. Computers can create complex calculations.D. Personalities are not determined by eyes.9.The researchers conduct the research by .A. carrying it out in a labB. recording subjects‟ eye movementsC. tracking students‟daily movementsD. judging personalities with computers10.We can learn from Tobias that people .A. are content with personalized servicesB. can interact with robots non-verballyC. have given robots social consciousnessD. will talk more smoothly with machines11.What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Human Personality TraitsB. What Human Eye Movements AreC. Tell Personalities by Eye MovementsD. How Humans and Machines InteractDOn the night of 14th June 1904, New York‟s Chinatown was in a deep gloom (低迷). For the past 20 years, the restaurants were filled with those crazy about a taste of “authentic” Chinese cooking “chop suey”. But suddenly, all that seemed at risk. A few days earlier, a chef named LemSen had arrived, claiming he had invented it a decade before while working at a restaurant in San Francisco. His recipe had been stolen by an American diner who had since made profits. Through his lawyer, he demanded restaurants pay him for the privilege of using his recipe.Chop suey was first mentioned by Chinese-American journalist Wang Chin Foo in a list of common dishes he thought most appealed to Western tastes. As he explained, “each cook has his own recipe. The main features of it are pork, bacon, chicken, mushroom, bamboo shoots, onion, and pepper, while accidental ingredients are duck, beef, salted black beans etc. Yet that it could properly be called the …national dish of China‟ was not in any doubt.”This was perhaps an exaggeration, but chop suey was indeed of Chinese origin. Where exactly its roots lay has been debated; but it was probably first cooked in Taishan, Guangdong, where most early immigrants had grown up. In 1866, the journalist Allan Forman noted it as a delicious dish despite its “mysterious nature”, and nine years later, the first recipe appeared in magazines, yet with some un-Chinese ingredients thrown in.It was not long before a myth making began. In 1896, Li Hongzhang visited New York, and newspapers inaccurately reported that while rejecting Western dishes at a banquet, he had enthusiastically accepted a plate of chop suey. This caused a sensation, and many who never heard of it before simply assumed that it was introduced to the US by Li Hongzhang, which only served to fuel the dish‟s populari ty further.12.What is the purpose of a chef‟s story in paragraph 1?A. To describe food history.B. To introduce a law case.C. To show risky business world.D. To reveal the topic chop suey.13.Wang Chin Foo would most agree with chop suey‟s.A. un-Chinese natureB. mass popularityC. mixed national identitiesD. unified ingredients14.How was the myth on chop suey made?A. By a visitor‟s preference.B. By a public prediction.C. By a reliable source of news.D. By a Chinese‟s recommendation.15.Where can we read this passage from?A. A cuisine introduction.B. A historic novel.C. A restaurant advertisement.D. A cooking handbook.第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分12.5 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

Edward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet.When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars.His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore.He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family.“I wish you a Happy New Year.”said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook his head.“You are not from this country.”said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像) to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.”Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble. He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife.They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, “We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.”When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought. He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up.“I have bought no books”, said he. “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry then.”He went on, “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.”“My dear boy,”said his father, “here are some books for you, more as a prize for your goodness of heart than as a New-year gift”“I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family. It was nice for a little boy to do so. Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.”48. Edward expected to _________ with the money he got from his father.A. help the poor familyB. buy something to eatC. buy some pretty booksD. learn another language49. Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him?A. He couldn’t understand the boyB. He wouldn’t accept the moneyC. He didn’t like the boy’s languageD. He was too cold to say anything50. How much did Edward give the poor family?A. One dollarB. Two dollarsC. Three dollarsD. Four dollars51. We know that Edward_________ from the passage?A. got a prize for his kind heartB. had to buy his books next yearC. bought the books at the bookstoreD. got more money from his father。
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1. 观看一部纪录片
2. 中国茶文化
3. 将被展示
4. 据说
5. 在……中扮演重要角色
6. 也;同时
7. 外贸
8. 对……有很大贡献
9. 字幕
10. 用汉语
11.fight- fought-fought
15.look down upon
17.in vain
18.sink – sank – sunk
20.pass by
1. 我写信是为了有请你看一个有关中国茶文化的纪录片,它将于这周日上午九点到十一点在城市图书馆上映。
2. 我写信是为了邀请你来观看一个时装秀,它将于下周三下午3点到5点在学校大厅举行。
3. 我们将于这周五上午7点在学校门口集合。
4. 据说这个纪录片是用中文播放的,配有英文字幕。
5. 这个节目是用双语直播,因此这对于你学习汉语会有益处。
6. 茶在中国作为饮品的历史将会在这个纪录片中被探讨。
7. 你可以了解到更多关于中国的历史。
8. 听到了尖叫声,Henry 跑到河边,脱下衣服,毫不犹豫地跳下水。
9. 他们因为他们的无礼的行为向Henry 道歉,并且请求她的原谅。
10. 从这件事,Robert 了解到了什么是真正的勇气。