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新汶矿业集团是一家以国有资产为主体、多种所有制并存,以煤为主、多种产业共同发展的大型企业集团,是全国520 家重点国有企业和山东省136 户重点企业集团之一,2004 年位列中国1000 家大企业集团189 位,2005 年中国煤炭企业100 强第10 位。企业信贷信誉AAA 级。

新汶矿业集团的前身为新汶矿务局,建企于1956 年,1998 年3 月改制为国有独资公司,2000 年7 月成立新汶矿业集团。集团总部位于山东省新泰市,北依五岳独尊泰山,南临孔孟之乡曲阜,东接青岛、日照两大海港,京沪铁路、高速公路穿越矿区。


新矿集团现有煤炭生产矿井10 个、在建矿井4 个,设计能力810 万吨/ 年,核定生产能力935 万吨/ 年,实际年产原煤1400 万吨,年产600 万吨的全国最大井工矿井——巨野龙固煤矿正在开发建设中,预计2006 年建成投产。主要煤种有气煤、气肥煤、肥煤等,煤炭产品有冶炼精煤、动力精煤、洗混煤、块煤等;非煤产品和业务主要有水泥(500 万吨/ 年)、电力(700MW )、石膏(50 万吨/ 年)、铁矿(50 万吨/ 年),另外还有制药、建筑建材、机械制修、轻纺化工、育林造纸等。现有在册员工8 万人,资产总额236 亿元。2005 年企业销售总收入152.8 亿元,上缴税费8.4 亿元。

矿区矿产资源储量丰富,集团所辖1400 平方公里煤田区域,物

华天宝,含有丰富的煤、铁、石膏、高岭土、铁矾土等矿藏。其中煤炭地质储量近30 亿吨,岩盐75 亿吨,石膏1.3 亿吨,铁矿石4409 万吨。


“商者无域,相融共生”。敢于实践、敢于创新的新矿人正在新型工业化道路上阔步前进。力争到2010 年集团销售总收入达到400 亿元,逐步将企业建成产业合理、主业突出、科技含量高、核心能力强的国际化大型企业集团。

China Shandong Xinwen Mining Group Co., Ltd is located within territory of Tai’an City and Laiwu City, which is a large enterprise with state-owned assets as its main body and a diversified ownership coexisting, taking coal industry as its main industry whose capacity of production of coal is above 14 million tons annually and with a diversified economy co-developing. With RMB 15.28 billion Yuan of sales income, and RMB 23.6 billion Yuan of total assets in the year 2005, the Xinwen Mining Group ranks 189th among National Large Enterprises, and 10th among National Top 100 Coal Enterprises. The Enterprise Credit Prestige of the Company has been graded as AAA. With implementation of the strategy of maintaining high development, reinforcing the core capacity, constructing the consolidated frame, readjusting the industrial structure and strengthening the development of diversified economy, Xinwen Mining Group is now striving for bu ilding the “1382” industrial structure, that is to say, one fundamental industry (coal industry), three pillar industries (power, chemical and building material industries) and eight supporting industries (logistics, machinery processing, textile, metallurgy, pharmacy, high-effective farming, financial service and paper making industries), and two would-be industries (high-tec industry and new labor intensive industry). By the year 2006, the total revenue of the Group Company will reach RMB 18 billion Yuan, RMB 40 billion Yuan by the year 2010. A large Group Company with strengthened main industry, strong competitive power and internationalization will be established in near future.
