
英语四级段落翻译常用词汇:中国经济总需求aggregate demand 总供给aggregate supply企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture跨国公司cross-national corporation 企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 猎头公司head-hunter创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 假日经济holiday economy 人力资本human capital航空和航天工业aerospace industry飞机制造工业aircraft industry电子工业electronic industry 汽车制造工业car industry娱乐业entertainment industry 信息产业information industry知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry轻工业light industry国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 博彩业lottery industry 制造业manufacturing industry 垄断行业monopoly industries市场多元化market diversification 市场经济market economy市场监管market supervision 购买力purchasing power熊市bear market 牛市bull market城镇化urbanization 房地产real estate首付down-payment 业主home owner个人购房贷款individual housing loan 经济全球化economic globalization 经济特区special economic zones (SEZ) 经济增长economic growth泡沫经济bubble economy 关税tariff 纳税人tax payer宏观经济macro economy 货币投放量the size of money supply 流动性过剩excess liquidity 经济过热overheated economy通货膨胀inflation 抑制通货膨胀curb inflation注入流动性to inject liquidity 贴现率discount rate存款准备金率reserve requirement ratio (RRR) 硬着陆hard landing公开市场业务open market operation (OMO)软着陆soft landing逆回购reverse repurchase agreement; reverse repo 二十国集团Group of Twenty (G2O) 引导降低市场借贷成本to guide the market borrowing costs to a lower level稳健的货币政策prudent monetary policy财政部长Finance Minister微调货币政策to fine-tune monetary policy 经济活力economic vitality全年预期经济增长目标the expected growth target for the whole year 硬资产hard assets 大规模经济刺激计划a massive economic stimulus package 结构改革structural reform 整顿市场秩序to rectify the market order 软资产soft assets有形资产tangible assets 定价浮动price fluctuations 经济走廊economic corridor 反垄断antitrust; anti-monopoly 谋求利益最大化to maximize profit 信用支持credit support地方性政府债务local government debt/liability债务审计audit of debt公共财政体制改革an overhaul of the public finance system债务管理debt management英语四级段落翻译常用词汇:中国历史与文化京剧Peking opera 秦腔Qin opera功夫Kungfo 太极Tai Chi口技ventriloquism 木偶戏puppet show皮影戏shadowplay 折子戏opera highlights杂技acrobatics 相声witty dialogue comedy刺绣embroidery 苏绣Suzhou embroidery泥人clay figure 书法calligraphy中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画Chinese brush painting中国结Chinese knot 中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass青铜器bronze ware 瓷器porcelain; china唐三彩tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 景泰蓝cloisonne秋千swing 武术martial arts儒家思想Confucianism 儒家文化Confucian culture道教Taoism 墨家Mohism法家Legalism 佛教Buddhism孔子Confucius 孟子Mencius老子Lao Tzu 庄子Chuang Tzu墨子Mo Tzu 孙子Sun Tzu象形文字pictographic characters文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone) 《大学》The Great Learning 《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》The Analects of Confucius 《孟子》The Mencius《孙子兵法》The Art of War 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms《西游爷己》Journey to the West 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions 《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes 《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror 《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals 《史记》Historical Records 《诗经》The Book of Songs《易经》The I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》The Book of Rites《三字经》Three-character Scriptures 八股文eight-part essay五言绝句five-character quatrain 七言律诗seven-character octave旗袍cheongsam 中山装Chinese tunic suit唐装Tang suit 风水Fengshui; geomantic omen阳历Solar calendar 阴历Lunar calendar闰年leap year 十二生肖zodiac春节the Spring Festival 元宵节the Lantern Festival清明节the Tomb-sweeping Day 端午节the Dragon-boat Festival 中秋节the Mid-autumn Day 重阳节the Double-ninth Day七夕节the Double-seventh Day 春联spring couplets庙会temple fair 爆竹firecracker年画(traditional) New Year pictures 压岁钱New Year gift-money舞龙dragon dance 元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings 花灯festival lantern 灯谜lantern riddle舞狮lion dance 踩高跷stilt walking赛龙舟dragon boat race 胡同hutong山东菜Shandong cuisine 川菜Sichuan cuisine粤菜Canton cuisine 扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine月饼moon cake 年糕rice cake油条deep-fried dough sticks 豆浆soybean milk馒头steamed buns 花卷steamed twisted rolls包子steamed stuffed buns 北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck拉面hand-stretched noodles 馄饨wonton (dumplings in soup) 豆腐tofu? bean curd 麻花fried dough twist烧饼clay oven rolls 皮蛋100-year egg; century egg蛋炒饭fried rice with egg 糖葫芦tomatoes on sticks火锅hot pot 长城the Great Wall of China烽火台beacon tower 秦士台皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang 兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses 大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda丝绸之路the Silk Road 敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes华清池Huaqing Hot Springs 五台山"Wutai Mountain九华山Jiuhua Mountain 蛾眉山Mount Emei泰山Mount Tai 黄山Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain 故宫the Imperial Palace 天坛the Temple of Heaven午门Meridian Gate 大运河Grand Canal护城河the Moat 回音壁Echo Wall居庸关Juyongguan Pass 九龙壁the Nine Dragon Wall黄帝陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi 十三陵the Ming Tombs苏州园林Suzhou gardens 西湖West Lake九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley 日月潭Sun Moon Lake布达拉宫Potala Palace 鼓楼drum tower四合院quadrangle; courtyard complex 孔庙Confucius Temple乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha 十八罗汉the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha 喇嘛Lama 转世灵重reincarnated soul boy 中药traditional Chinese medicine 《黄帝内经》Emperor Huangdi,s Canon of Traditional Chinese Medicine《神农本草经》Shennong,s Herbal Classic 《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica 针灸acupuncture 推拿medical massage切脉feeling the pulse 五禽戏five-animal exercises旧石器时代the Paleolithic Age 新石器时代the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age 母系氏族社会matriarchal clan society 封建的feudal朝代dynasty 秦朝Qin Dynasty汉朝Han Dynasty 唐朝Tang Dynasty宋朝Song Dynasty 元朝Yuan Dynasty明朝Ming Dynasty 清朝Qing Dynasty秦士台皇帝Emperor Qinshihuang; the First Emperor of Qin皇太后Empress Dowager汉高祖刘邦Liu Bang, Emperor Hangaozu, founder of the Han Dynasty成吉思汗Genghis Khan 春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period 文成公主Tang Princess Wencheng 慈禧太后Empress Dowager Ci Xi皇帝,君主emperor; monarch 诸侯vassal皇妃imperial concubine 丞相,宰相prime minister太监court eunuch 少数民族ethnic minority祭祀offer sacrifices 西域the Western Regions战国the Warring States 中华文明Chinese civilization文明的摇篮cradle of civilization秦始皇统一中国unification of the country by Emperor Qinshihuang鸦片战争the Opium War 太平天国the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 戌戌变法the Reform Movement of 1898 辛亥革命the 1911 Revolution新民主主义革命New-democratic Revolution 五四运动the May 4th Movement of 1919 南昌起义Nanchang Uprising 918 事变September 18th Incident长征the Long March 西安事变Xi"an Incident南京大屠杀Nanjing Massacre 抗日战争the War of Resistance Against Japan 毛泽东Mao Tse-tong 孙中山Sun Yat-sen蒋介石Chiang Kai-shek 国民党Kuomingtang中华人民共和国the People’s Republic of China (PRC) 满族Manchu 蒙古人Mongol 士大夫scholar-officials 学者scholar 诗人poet政治家statesman 社会地位social status汉英口译分类词汇--社会发展词汇211工程211 Project . 裁定保险赔偿adjudication of benefits. 安居工程housing project for low-income families.安居小区a neighborhood for low-income families.保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment.补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan..城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas..城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas.城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees.创新精神be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind. 大家庭extended family.促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics.大力推行个人助学信贷Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted..大专文凭associate degree (conferred to junior college students).代培training-on-contract program. 代培生trainee on contract .带薪分流assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits.待业人员job seekers. 待遇优厚的工作a well-paid job. 单亲家庭single parent family. 定向培训training for specific posts. 独生子女the only child.对保障方案进行精算评估Security programs should undergo actuarial review..对口扶贫provide poverty alleviation aid to the designated sister regions.恶性犯罪major crimes. 反对迷信be against superstition. 福利分房buy a benefit-oriented apartment from the organization one works with.复式住宅compound apartment. 干部年轻化rejuvenation of cadres. 岗位培训on-job training.高度重视精神文明建设pay close attention to cultural and ethical progress.搞好优生优育promote good prenatal and postnatal care.个人自愿计划voluntary private plans.工伤保险制度the on-job injury insurance system.工资收入分配制度the wage and income distribution system.关系国计民生的大事matters vital to national well-being and the people’s livelihood.关心和支持残疾人事业Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support..关心老龄人care for senior citizens..贵族学校exclusive school(美); select school(英).国企下岗职工基本生活保障guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises.过紧日子tighten one’s belt. 过温饱生活live a life at a subsistent level.合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure.后勤服务社会化make logistic services independent in their operation.积极发展民办教育Efforts should be made to develop schools not operated by government education departments..基本养老金basic pensions. 计划生育责任制responsibility system of family planning .继续开展“扫黄打非”斗争The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued..加快住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation.加强计划生育工作further improve family planning.加强舆论监督ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion .家庭美德family virtues .坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针adhere to the principle of “doing two jobs at once and attaching equal importance to each”.坚持正确的舆论导向maintain the correct orientation for public opinion.建立集体合同制度to establish a group contract system.建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism.建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations.建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府build a clean and diligent, pragmatic and efficient government.建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country.教育程度educational status; education received.教育程度比率educational attainment ratio. 戒毒所drug rehabilitation center.精算界actuarial profession. 精算师actuaries.扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment.劳动保障监察制度the labor security supervision system.劳动标准体系labor standard system.劳动争议处理体制the system of handling labor disputes.面临困境face adverse conditions.努力稳定低生育水平work to stabilize the low birth rate .培养创新精神和实践能力help them develop practical abilities and a spirit of innovation.破案率rate of solved criminal cases.强制性普及方案universally compulsory program.切实减轻中小学生过重的课业负担effectively reduce too heavy homework assignments for primary and secondary school students.确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放to ensure that subsistence allowances for laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises and basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full.人口出生率birth rate. 人口老龄化aging of population.人口增长的高峰期baby boom.人口增长与社会经济发展相协调try to keep population growth in line with social and economic development.人民生活水平quality of life; the living standards .认真贯彻实施中国妇女、儿童发展纲要The programs for the development of work concerning women and children should be earnestly implemented..弱势群体disadvantaged groups.扫除青壮年文盲eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people.伤残保险disability insurance. 社会保障social security.社会保障“三条保障线”制度social security system of “three guarantees”.社会福利制度the social welfare system. 社会公德social morality.社会互助制度the social mutual help system.社会治安状况好转see an improved law-and-order situation .深入扎实地开展群众性精神文明创建活动Extensive public participation activities are launched to promote cultural and ethical progress..生活待遇material amenities. 生活费收入income available for cost of living.生活费用cost of living; income maintenance; subsistence cost.生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system.失学儿童dropouts.失业保险guarantee of unemployment insurance benefits.失业保险unemployment insurance.失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system.失业率rate of unemployment .实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment.实现基本普及九年义务教育The goal in the effort to make nine-year compulsory education basically universal has been attained..实现小康目标attain the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life .实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic, flexible, diversified forms of employment.实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质promote family planning and control the population size and improve the health of the people .实行劳动合同制度to institute a labor contract system.树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life.思想道德建设(思想政治工作)moral education among people.提高部分优抚对象抚恤标准Allowances for certain disabled service men and women and family members of revolutionary martyrs and service men and women have been increased..提高劳动者素质to enhance workers’quality.统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system.推动就业服务向社区延伸,形成多层次的就业服务网络to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a part of the multi-level employment service network.推进素质教育push ahead with education for all-around development.推行职业资格证书制度to introduce a vocational qualification credentials system.退休基金pension fund.脱贫lift off poverty; cast off poverty .完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment.完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system.文明城市model city; culturally advanced city; city cited for high moral and cultural standards.物业管理estate management, property management.消费价格总水平the general price level.小家庭nuclear family.小康生活enjoy a fairly comfortable life; be moderately better off.新生儿死亡率infant mortality rate; neonatal mortality rate.行行出状元Every profession produces its own leading authority..研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma.养老保险retirement insurance.养老保险制度the old-age insurance system.医疗保险medical insurance.医疗保险制度the medical insurance system.应试教育examination-oriented education system.优抚安置制度the special care and placement system.优化就业结构to optimize employment structure.有公德心be civic-minded. 舆论导向direction of public opinion .舆论监督supervision by public opinion. 预期寿命life expectancy.灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system. 在职博士生on-job doctorate .招生就业指导enrolment and vocation guidance .争取实现高等教育大众化work to make regular higher education accessible to the majority of young people.政府主导计划government-sponsored programs. 职业道德ethics of profession.中华人民共和国劳动法the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China.中专生secondary specialized or technical school student.重视发展具有比较优势和市场潜力的劳动密集型企业to stress the development of labor-intensive enterprises with comparative advantages and market potential.抓好农村和流动人口计划生育管理与服务devote efforts to the management of family planning and related services in rural areas and among the floating population.自然增长率natural growth rate.自学成才self-taught and self-made person; become a qualified professional through self-taught way.最低生活保障制度the minimum living standard security system。

英语四级翻译作文词汇英语四级翻译作文词汇词汇量的积累,是保证英语成绩的前提,下面给大家整理了英语四级翻译作文词汇,一起来看看吧!英语四级翻译作文词汇1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更2. burst vi. n. 突然发生,爆裂3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)4. blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略10. slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片11. bacteria n. 细菌12. breed n. 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔13. budget n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排14. candidate n. 候选人15. campus n. 校园16. liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17. transform v. 转变,变革;变换18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递19. transplant v. 移植20. transport vat. 运输,运送 n. 运输,运输工具21. shift v. 转移;转动;转变22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化23. vanish vi. 消灭,不见24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下 n. 燕子25. suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心26. suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的27. mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的28. tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的29. nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)30. insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的31. accelerate vt. 加速,促进32. absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的33. boundary n. 分界线,边界34. brake n. 刹车,制动器 v. 刹住(车)35. catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目36. vague a. 模糊的,不明确的37. vain n. 徒劳,白费38. extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的'39. extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的40. extreme a. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,过分41. agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因42. alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精43. appeal n. /vi. 呼吁,恳求44. appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏45. approve v. 赞成,同意,批准46. stimulate vt. 刺激,激励47. acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行49. network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络50. tide n. 潮汐;潮流51. tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的52. trace vt. 追踪,找到 n. 痕迹,踪迹53. torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨54. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛55. wax n. 蜡56. weave v. 织,编57. preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会64. battery n. 电池(组)65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物67. career n. 生涯,职业68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管69. vertical a. 垂直的70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度73. exterior n. 外部,外表 a. 外部的,外表的74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的75. petrol n. 汽油76. petroleum n. 石油77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽79. decent a. 像样的,体面的80. route n. 路;路线;航线81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏 n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟82. sake n. 缘故,理由83. satellite n. 卫星84. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度85. temple n. 庙宇86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,87. tend vi.易于,趋向88. tendency n.趋向,趋势89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的 n. 极端90. undergo v. 经历,遭受91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的92. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳93. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应94. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的96. trap n. 陷阱,圈套 v. 设陷阱捕捉97. vacant a. 空的,未占用的98. vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器99. oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的100. optics n. (单、复数同形)光学。

四六级作文翻译词汇大全一、教育类1. 素质教育:quality-oriented education2. 应试教育:exam-oriented education3. 义务教育:pulsory education4. 远程教育:distance education5. 终身教育:lifelong education6. 学前教育:preschool education7. 高等教育:higher education8. 综合性大学:prehensive university9. 专业院校:professional school10. 学术成就:academic achievement11. 奖学金:scholarship12. 校园文化:campus culture二、科技类1. 科技创新:technological innovation2. 信息技术:information technology3. :artificial intelligence4. 大数据:big data5. 互联网+:Internet Plus6. 电子商务:e-merce7. 智能手机:smartphone8. 虚拟现实:virtual reality9. 生物技术:biotechnology10. 新能源:new energy11. 可持续发展:sustnable development三、文化类1. 传统文化:traditional culture2. 文化遗产:cultural heritage3. 非物质文化遗产:intangible cultural heritage4. 民俗文化:folk culture5. 文化交流:cultural exchange6. 文化融合:cultural integration7. 传统节日:traditional festival8. 春节:the Spring Festival9. 中秋节:the Mid-Autumn Festival10. 端午节:the Dragon Boat Festival11. 文化多样性:cultural diversity12. 文化自信:cultural confidence四、社会类1. 社会现象:social phenomenon2. 城市化:urbanization3. 人口老龄化:population aging4. 就业压力:employment pressure5. 社会保障:social security6. 医疗保健:medical care7. 环境保护:environmental protection8. 公共交通:public transportation9. 社会公德:social morality10. 和谐社会:harmonious society11. 贫富差距:the gap between the rich and the poor12. 社会公平:social equity五、经济类1. 经济增长:economic growth2. 经济发展:economic development3. 国内生产总值:Gross Domestic Product (GDP)4. 通货膨胀:inflation5. 通货紧缩:deflation6. 经济危机:economic crisis7. 市场经济:market economy8. 宏观调控:macro-control9. 产业结构:industrial structure10. 贸易顺差:trade surplus11. 贸易逆差:trade deficit12. 投资:investment六、政治类1. 政府职能:government function2. 政策制定:policy-making3. 民主政治:democratic politics4. 法治社会:society ruled law5. 国际合作:international cooperation6. 外交政策:foreign policy7. 和平共处:peaceful coexistence8. 主权国家:sovereign state9. 国际关系:international relations七、生活类1. 健康生活:healthy life2. 体育锻炼:physical exercise3. 心理健康:mental health4. 旅游观光:tourism and sightseeing5. 饮食习惯:eating habit6. 时尚潮流:fashion trend7. 娱乐活动:entertnment activities8. 家庭关系:family relationship9. 社交网络:social network10. 志愿者服务:volunteer service。

二、基础词汇1. Translate(翻译)翻译是翻译常见词汇中最基础的一个,指的是将一种语言的意思转换为另一种语言的过程。
示例:I need to translate this article from English to Chinese.2. Interpret(口译)口译是一种将一种语言口头表达的意思转换为另一种语言口头表达的过程。
示例:The interpreter helped the foreign businessman communicate with the local clients.3. Transcribe(转录)转录指的是将口语内容转换为书面形式的过程。
示例:I need to transcribe this interview recording into a written format.4. Paraphrase(改写)改写是将某个句子或者段落用不同的措辞表达出来的过程,通常可用于词语或句型的替换。
示例:Can you paraphrase this sentence to make it easier to understand?5. Render(译出)译出指的是将一种语言的意思准确地表达为另一种语言的过程。
示例:The translator rendered the poem beautifully in English.三、常见场景1. 文学翻译文学翻译是指将文学作品从一种语言翻译为另一种语言的过程。
示例:She is known for her excellent translation of French literature into English.2. 商务翻译商务翻译是处理商务文件、合同、演讲等内容的翻译。

四级翻译常用词汇民俗文化类1、京剧Peking opera2、昆曲Kunqu opera3、秦腔Qin opera4、功夫Kungfo5、太极Tai Chi6、口技ventriloquism7、木偶戏puppet show8、皮影戏shadow play9、杂技acrobatics10、相声witty dialogue comedy11、刺绣embroidery12、苏绣Suzhou embroidery13、泥人clay figure14、书法calligraphy15、中国结Chinese knot16、中国画traditional Chinese painting17、水墨画Chinese brush painting18、山水landscape painting19、花鸟flower and bird20、草虫grass and insect21、毛笔writing brush22、书法calligraphic art23、书法家calligraphic artist24、楷体formal script/regular script高科技类1、网络世界cyber world2、网络犯罪cyber crime3、网上购物online shopping4、高科技园high-tech park5、工业园区industrial park6、电子货币e-currency7、人工智能artificial intelligence (AI)8、生物技术bio-technology9、基因工程genetic engineering10、转基因食品genetically modified food (GM food)11、三维电影three-dimensional movie12、信息化informationization13、电子商务e-business; e-commerce14、科技发展scientific and technological advancement15、重点项目key project教育就业类1、高等学府institution of higher education2、综合性大学comprehensive university3、高分低能high scores and low abilities4、高考(university/college) entrance examination5、教育界education circle6、教育投入input in education7、九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education8、考研take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools9、课外活动extracurricular activities10、学历record of formal schooling11、学分credit12、人才交流talent exchange13、人才战competition for talented people14、素质教育quality-oriented education15、填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching16、研究生graduate student; post-graduate (student)17、应届毕业生graduating student; current year's graduate18、校园文化campus culture19、学汉语热enthusiasm in learning Chinese20、应试教育exam-oriented education21、职业道德work ethics; professional ethics22、职业培训job training经济改革类1、快速发展旅游业fast development of tourism2、地区差异regional disparity3、跳槽job-hopping4、消费者consumers5、就业与失业employment and unemployment6、住房问题housing problems7、城市交通问题urban traffic problems8、小康社会a well-to-do society9、人民生活people's livelihood10、生活水平living standards11、生活质量quality of life12、住房条件housing conditions13、文化程度educational level14、就业率employment rate15、生活费用cost of living16、衣食住行food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling17、购买力purchasing power18、贫困家庭the needy family19、贫困地区poverty-stricken region20、下岗be laid off21、小康relative affluence22、安居乐业live a good life23、城市人口urban population24、农业人口agriculture population25、出生率birth rate26、少数民族ethnic minorities/ minority peoples 真题常用表达1、享有更高声誉enjoy a higher reputation2、相比之下by contrast3、形成develop4、对……的影响the impact on/the influence on5、使……无法做prevent from6、涉及,提及refer to7、版本version8、超过surpass/exceed9、……的普及the popularity of10、自古以来since ancient times11、不可或缺的indispensible12、自我修养self-cultivation13、普遍的universal14、人生追求the pursuit of life15、国内外at home and abroad16、具有深远意义have profound meanings17、与……结合起来combine with18、心境state of mind19、身心physical and spiritual20、成形take shape21、闻名于世well-renowned22、采取……方针follow the policy of23、享有……美誉with the good reputation of。

多元文化论 cultural pluralism文化适应 acculturation社会保障 social security班车 shuttle bus大龄青年 single youth above the normal matrimonial age独生子女 the only child in a family单亲 single parent福利彩票 welfare lotteries家政服务 household management service民工 migrant laborers名人 celebrity农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labor/laborers青春期 puberty全民健身运动 nationwide fitness campaign全国人口普查 nationwide census社会保险 social insurance暂住证 temporary residence permit/card青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency性骚扰 sexual harassment走私 smuggling性别歧视 gender/sexual discrimination年龄歧视 age discrimination工作歧视 job discrimination享乐主义hedonism文盲 illiteracy贫富分化 disparity between the rich and the poor盗版 pirated/illegal copies一国两制 One Country, Two Systems三个代表 the Three Represents Theory两会(人大、政协)Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC)南南合作 South-South Cooperation南北对话 North-South Dialogue人大常委会 Peopl e’s Congress Standing Committee法制观念 awareness of law法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system改革开放 reform and opening-up公务员 civil servants官僚主义作风 the bureaucratic style of work和谐并存 harmonious coexistence计划生育 family planning计划生育基本国策 the basic state policy of family planning精神文明建设 the construction of spiritual civilization居委会 neighborhood committee科教兴国 national rejuvenation through science and education可持续发展 sustainable development廉洁高效 honesty and high efficiency两岸关系 cross-straits relations两岸谈判 cross-straits negotiations领土完整 territorial integrity民族精神 national spirit普选制 general election system求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences人大代表NPC member物质文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilization小康社会 a well-off society小康水平 a well-off standard一个中国原则 the one-China principle与时俱进 keep pace with the times综合国力 overall national strength共同愿望common desire“走出去”(战略)going global不结盟 non-alignment单边主义 unilateralism多边政策 multilateralism多极世界 multipolar world人口老龄化 aging of population人口出生率birth rate社区月服务 community service道德法庭 court of ethic盗用公款embezzlement成人夜校 night school for adults在职进修班 on-job training courses政治思想教育 political and ideological education毕业生分酉己 graduate placement; assignment of graduate充电update one’s knowledge初等教育 elementary education大学城 college town大学社区 college community高等教育 higher education高等教育“211 工程” the “211 Project” for higher education 高等学府 institution of higher education综合性大学 comprehensive university文科院校 colleges of (liberal) arts理工科大学 college / university of science and engineering师范学院teachers’ college; normal college高分低能 high scores and low abilities高考(university/college) entrance examination高校扩招 the college expansion plan教育界 education circle教育投入 input in education九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education考研 take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools课外活动 extracurricular activities必修课 required/compulsory course选修课 elective/optional course基础课 basic courses专业课 specialized courses课程表 school schedule教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus学习年限 period of schooling学历 record of formal schooling学分 credit启发式教学 heuristic teaching人才交流 talent exchange人才战 competition for talented people商务英语证书 Business English Certificate (BEC)适龄儿重入学率 enrollment rate for children of school age升学率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade;enrollment rate硕博连读 a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and doctoral study素质教育 quality-oriented education填鸭式教学 cramming method of teaching希望工程Project Hope走读生 extern; non-resident student住宿生boarder研究生 graduate student; post-graduate (student)应届毕业生 graduating student;current year’s graduate校园数字化 campus digitalization校园文化 campus culture学汉语热 enthusiasm in learning Chinese学历教育 education with record of formal schooling学龄儿重school-ager学前教育 preschool education学生减负 alleviate the burden on students应试教育 exam-oriented education职业道德 work ethics; professional ethics记者招待会press conference国家教委 State Education Commission国家统计局 State Statistical Bureau职业培训job training职业文盲 functional illiterate智力引进 recruit/introduce (foreign) talents智商 intelligence quotient (IQ)助学行动 activity to assist the impoverished students网络世界cyber world网络文化cyber culture网络犯罪cyber crime网上购物 online shopping高产优质 high yield and high quality高科技园 high-tech park工业园区 industrial park火炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)信息港info port信息革命 information revolution电子货币e-currency人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)生物技术 bio-technology克隆 cloning基因工程 genetic engineering转基因食品 genetically modified food (GM food)试管婴儿 test-tube baby基因哭变 genetic mutation网络出版e-publishing三维电影 three-dimensional movie光谷 optical valley虚拟银行virtual bank信息化 informationization信息高速公路 information superhighway新兴学科 new branch of science; emerging discipline纳米 nanometer个人数字助理 personal digital assistant (PDA)生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture技术密集产品 technology-intensive product数码科技 digital technology同步卫星 geostationary satellite神舟五号载人飞船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou V风云二号气象卫星 Fengyun II meteorological satellite登月舱 lunar module多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)多媒体短信服务 Multimedia Messaging Service ( MMS)电子商务 e-business; e-commerce电子管理e-management办公自动化 Office Automation (OA)信息高地 information highland信息检索 information retrieval电话会议 teleconference无土栽培 soilless cultivation超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice科技发展 scientific and technological advancement重点项目key project国家重点工程 national key projects南水北调 South-to-North water diversion西电东送 West-East electricity transmission project西气东输 West-East natural gas transmission project网络造谣 fabricating online rumors恶意侵害他人名誉 maliciously harming the reputation of others 停止服务 closure/shutdown of service公司歇业 closure of business道路封闭road closure人为操作差错 man-made operational mistakes生态系统 ecosystem森林生态系统forest ecosystem海洋生态系统marine ecosystem垄断价格 to monopolize the price垄断市场 to monopolize/forestall/captive/corner the market限购私用汽车 to curb the purchase of vehicles for private use 汽车限购 vehicle purchase restrictions汽车购买配额 vehicle purchase quotas车牌摇号 a lottery for license plates牌照单双号限行 odd-even license plate system黑名单制度 a blacklist system执业医师 practicing physician; licensed doctors二代身份证 2nd-generation ID cards防伪技术 anti-forgery technology非法交易 illegal transaction冒名顶替 identification fraud洗钱 money laundering挂失 to report the loss补办 to re-apply/post-register户籍 household registration居住证 residence permit山洪暴发flash floods水位 water level低洼地区 low-lying areas淹没农田 to inundate crops大桥坍塌 bridge collapse最严重受灾地区 worst-hit/worst-stricken area直接经济损失direct economic loss应急系统 emergency response system闯红灯 running red light遮挡、污损号牌 blocking or defacing license plates扣分处罚point penalty酒驾 drunk driving终身禁驾 lifetime ban from driving用流利英文介绍中国传统元宵节: Lantern Festival2. 刺绣:embroidery3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting6. 书法:Calligraphy7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow10.四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle11.战国:Warring States12.风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen13.铁饭碗:Iron Bowl14.函授部:The Correspondence Department15.集体舞:Group Dance16.黄土高原:Loess Plateau17.红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals18.中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day19.结婚证:Marriage Certificate20.儒家文化:Confucian Culture21.附属学校:Affiliated school22.古装片:Costume Drama23.武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie24.元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)25.一国两制:One Country, Two Systems26.火锅:Hot Pot27.四人帮:Gang of Four28.《诗经》:The Book of Songs29.素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education30.《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian31.大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)32.《西游记》:The Journey to the West33.除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival34.针灸:Acupuncture35.唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery36.中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics37.偏旁:radical38.孟子:Mencius39.亭/阁: Pavilion/ Attic40.大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises41.火药:gunpowder42.农历:Lunar Calendar43.印/玺:Seal/Stamp44.物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization45.京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera46.秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera47.太极拳:Tai Chi48.独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child49.天坛:Altar ofHeaven in Beijing50.小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand51.红双喜:Double Happiness52.政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor53.春卷:Spring Roll(s)54.莲藕:Lotus Root55.追星族:Star Struck56.故宫博物院:The Palace Museum57.相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue58.下岗:Lay off/Laid off59.北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck60.高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education61.烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker62.敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves63.电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit64.香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao65.文化大革命:Cultural Revolution66.长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River67.门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match68.《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh69.中外合资企业:Joint Ventures70.文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone"71.兵马俑:cotta Warriors/ Terracotta Army72.旗袍:cheongsam京剧 Peking opera秦腔 Qin opera功夫Kungfu太极Tai Chi口技 ventriloquism木偶戏puppet show皮影戏 shadowplay折子戏 opera highlights杂技 acrobatics相声 witty dialogue comedy刺绣 embroidery苏绣 Suzhou embroidery泥人 clay figure书法 calligraphy中国画 traditional Chinese painting水墨画 Chinese brush painting中国结 Chinese knot中国古代四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China火药 gunpowder印刷术printing造纸术 paper-making指南针 the compass青铜器 bronze ware瓷器 porcelain; china唐三彩 tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty景泰蓝cloisonne秋千swing武术 martial arts儒家思想Confucianism儒家文化 Confucian culture道教 Taoism墨家Mohism法家 Legalism佛教 Buddhism孔子 Confucius孟子 Mencius老子 Lao Tzu庄子 Chuang Tzu墨子 Mo Tzu孙子Sun Tzu象形文字 pictographic characters文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick,paper, and ink stone)《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Mencius《孙子兵法》The Art of War《三国演义》Three Kingdoms《西游爷己》Journey to the West《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《史记》Historical Records《诗经》The Book of Songs《易经》The I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》The Book of Rites《三字经》Three-character Scriptures八股文 eight-part essay五言绝句 five-character quatrain七言律诗 seven-character octave旗袍 cheongsam中山装 Chinese tunic suit唐装 Tang suit风水 Fengshui; geomantic omen阳历 Solar calendar阴历 Lunar calendar闰年 leap year十二生肖zodiac春节 the Spring Festival元宵节 the Lantern Festival清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day端午节 the Dragon-boat Festival中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day重阳节 the Double-ninth Day七夕节 the Double-seventh Day春联 spring couplets庙会 temple fair爆竹 firecracker年画(traditional) New Year pictures压岁钱 New Year gift-money舞龙dragon dance元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings花灯 festival lantern灯谜 lantern riddle舞狮 lion dance踩高跷 stilt walking赛龙舟 dragon boat race胡同hutong山东菜 Shandong cuisine川菜 Sichuan cuisine粤菜 Canton cuisine扬州菜 Yangzhou cuisine月饼 moon cake年糕 rice cake油条 deep-fried dough sticks豆浆 soybean milk馒头 steamed buns花卷 steamed twisted rolls包子 steamed stuffed buns北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck拉面 hand-stretched noodles馄饨 wonton (dumplings in soup)豆腐 tofu? bean curd麻花 fried dough twist烧饼 clay oven rolls皮蛋 100-year egg; century egg蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg糖葫芦 tomatoes on sticks火锅hot pot长城 the Great Wall of China烽火台 beacon tower秦士台皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang 兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda丝绸之路the Silk Road敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs五台山"Wutai Mountain九华山 Jiuhua Mountain蛾眉山Mount Emei泰山 Mount Tai黄山 Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain故宫 the Imperial Palace天坛 the Temple of Heaven午门 Meridian Gate大运河 Grand Canal护城河the Moat回音壁Echo Wall居庸关 Juyongguan Pass九龙壁 the Nine Dragon Wall黄帝陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi十三陵 the Ming Tombs苏州园林 Suzhou gardens西湖 West Lake九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley日月潭 Sun Moon Lake布达拉宫Potala Palace鼓楼 drum tower四合院 quadrangle; courtyard complex孔庙 Confucius Temple乐山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha十八罗汉 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha喇嘛Lama转世灵重 reincarnated soul boy 中药 traditional Chinese medicine 《黄帝内经》Emperor Huangdi,s Canon of Traditional Chinese Medicine 《神农本草经》Shennong,s Herbal Classic《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica针灸 acupuncture推拿 medical massage切脉 feeling the pulse五禽戏 five-animal exercises旧石器时代 the Paleolithic Age新石器时代 the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society封建的feudal朝代 dynasty秦朝 Qin Dynasty汉朝 Han Dynasty唐朝 Tang Dynasty宋朝 Song Dynasty元朝 Yuan Dynasty明朝 Ming Dynasty清朝 Qing Dynasty秦士台皇帝 Emperor Qinshihuang; the First Emperor of Qin皇太后 Empress Dowager汉高祖刘邦 Liu Bang, Emperor Hangaozu, founder of the Han Dynasty 成吉思汗Genghis Khan春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period文成公主 Tang Princess Wencheng慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Ci Xi皇帝,君主 emperor; monarch诸侯vassal皇妃 imperial concubine丞相,宰相 prime minister太监 court eunuch少数民族 ethnic minority祭祀 offer sacrifices西域 the Western Regions战国 the Warring States中华文明 Chinese civilization文明的摇篮 cradle of civilization秦始皇统一中国 unification of the country by Emperor Qinshihuang 鸦片战争the Opium War太平天国 the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom戌戌变法 the Reform Movement of 1898辛亥革命 the 1911 Revolution新民主主义革命 New-democratic Revolution五四运动 the May 4th Movement of 1919南昌起义 Nanchang Uprising9.18 事变 September 18th Incident长征 the Long March西安事变 Xi"an Incident南京大屠杀Nanjing Massacre抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japan毛泽东 Mao Tse-tong孙中山 Sun Yat-sen蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek国民党 Kuomingtang中华人民共和国the People’s Republic of China (PRC)满族 Manchu蒙古人Mongo士大夫 scholar-officials学者 scholar诗人 poet政治家statesman社会地位social status。

英语四级段落翻译常用词汇民俗/文化类年画new year’s picture挂年画to put up new year’s picture拜年pay a new year call烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker灯谜lantern riddles年夜饭family reunion dinner on lunar new year年糕glutinous cake for new year元宵glutinous rice dumpling大年初一the first day of the first lunar month对联couplets贴春联to put up couplets糊窗花to put up window paper-cuts压岁钱money given to children as a lunar new year gift红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals儒家文化:Confucian Culture农历:Lunar Calendar红双喜:Double Happiness民俗:folklore烹饪:cuisine武术:martial arts功夫:Kung Fu端午节:Duanwu Festival; Dragon-boat Festival清明节:Qingming Festival; Tombs-sweeping Festival烧纸钱:burn paper money筷子:chopsticks福到/倒:a reversed FU (meaning happiness);fudaole meaning “happiness comes”七夕节:Double-seventh Festival重阳节:Double-ninth Festival牛郎织女:The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid 社会类accommodations膳宿baby boom生育高峰census人口普查;economic census经济普查charitable仁慈的,为慈善事业的,慷慨的civilized文明的,有礼的commit suicide自杀divorce离婚drug abuse滥用毒品hospitality好客household家庭的infrastructure基础设施metropolitan大城市的psychological 心理学的questionnaire 问卷调查religious 宗教的social change 社会变革.social interrelationship社会关系social status社会地位安居工程housing project for low-income families 保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment社会保障social security城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees大家庭extended family大专文凭associate degree关心老龄人care for senior citizens.过紧日子tighten one’s belt合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure基本养老金basic pensions计划生育family planning/birth control建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations人口老龄化aging of population人民生活水平quality of life; the living standards 弱势群体disadvantaged groups伤残保险disability insurance社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality生活费用cost of living; income maintenance生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system失学儿童dropouts失业保险unemployment insurance推进素质教育push ahead with education for all-around development文明城市model city; culturally advanced city;物业管理estate / property management小家庭nuclear family小康生活enjoy a fairly comfortable life行行出状元Every profession produces its own leading authority.研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma养老保险retirement insurance养老保险制度the old-age insurance system医疗保险medical insurance医疗保险制度the medical insurance system待遇优厚的工作a well-paid job单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府build a clean and diligent, pragmatic and efficient government建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country教育程度educational status; education received扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment培养实践能力和创新精神to develop practical abilities and a spirit of innovation人口出生率birth rate失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system 失业率rate of unemployment预期寿命life expectancy补充词汇:中国历史与文化京剧Peking opera秦腔Qin opera功夫Kungfo太极Tai Chi口技ventriloquism木偶戏puppet show皮影戏shadowplay折子戏opera highlights杂技acrobatics相声witty dialogue comedy刺绣embroidery苏绣Suzhou embroidery 泥人clay figure书法calligraphy中国画traditional Chinese painting水墨画Chinese brush painting中国结Chinese knot中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China火药gunpowder印刷术printing造纸术paper-making指南针the compass青铜器bronze ware瓷器porcelain; china唐三彩tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 景泰蓝cloisonne秋千swing武术martial arts儒家思想Confucianism儒家文化Confucian culture道教Taoism墨家Mohism法家Legalism佛教Buddhism孔子Confucius孟子Mencius老子Lao Tzu庄子Chuang Tzu墨子Mo Tzu孙子Sun Tzu象形文字pictographic characters文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Mencius《孙子兵法》The Art of War《三国演义》Three Kingdoms《西游记》Journey to the West《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals 《史记》Historical Records《诗经》The Book of Songs《易经》The I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》The Book of Rites《三字经》Three-character Scriptures八股文eight-part essay五言绝句five-character quatrain七言律诗seven-character octave旗袍cheongsam中山装Chinese tunic suit唐装Tang suit风水Fengshui; geomantic omen阳历Solar calendar阴历Lunar calendar闰年leap year十二生肖zodiac春节the Spring Festival元宵节the Lantern Festival清明节the Tomb-sweeping Day端午节the Dragon-boat Festival中秋节the Mid-autumn Day重阳节the Double-ninth Day七夕节the Double-seventh Day春联spring couplets庙会temple fair爆竹firecracker年画(traditional) New Year pictures压岁钱New Year gift-money舞龙dragon dance元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings花灯festival lantern灯谜lantern riddle舞狮lion dance踩高跷stilt walking赛龙舟dragon boat race胡同hutong山东菜Shandong cuisine川菜Sichuan cuisine粤菜Canton cuisine扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine月饼moon cake年糕rice cake 油条deep-fried dough sticks豆浆soybean milk馒头steamed buns花卷steamed twisted rolls包子steamed stuffed buns北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck拉面hand-stretched noodles馄饨wonton (dumplings in soup)豆腐tofu/bean curd麻花fried dough twist烧饼clay oven rolls皮蛋100-year egg; century egg蛋炒饭fried rice with egg糖葫芦tomatoes on sticks火锅hot pot长城the Great Wall of China烽火台beacon tower秦士台皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda丝绸之路the Silk Road敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes华清池Huaqing Hot Springs五台山"Wutai Mountain九华山Jiuhua Mountain蛾眉山Mount Emei泰山Mount Tai黄山Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain故宫the Imperial Palace天坛the Temple of Heaven午门Meridian Gate大运河Grand Canal护城河the Moat回音壁Echo Wall居庸关Juyongguan Pass九龙壁the Nine Dragon Wall黄帝陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi十三陵the Ming Tombs苏州园林Suzhou gardens西湖West Lake九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley日月潭Sun Moon Lake布达拉宫Potala Palace鼓楼drum tower四合院quadrangle; courtyard complex孔庙Confucius Temple乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha十八罗汉the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha喇嘛Lama转世灵重reincarnated soul boy 中药traditional Chinese medicine《黄帝内经》Emperor Huangdi,s Canon of Traditional Chinese Medicine《神农本草经》Shennong,s Herbal Classic《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica针灸acupuncture推拿medical massage切脉feeling the pulse五禽戏five-animal exercises旧石器时代the Paleolithic Age新石器时代the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age母系氏族社会matriarchal clan society封建的feudal朝代dynasty秦朝Qin Dynasty汉朝Han Dynasty唐朝Tang Dynasty宋朝Song Dynasty元朝Yuan Dynasty明朝Ming Dynasty清朝Qing Dynasty秦士台皇帝Emperor Qinshihuang; the First Emperor of Qin皇太后Empress Dowager汉高祖刘邦Liu Bang, Emperor Hangaozu, founder of the Han Dynasty成吉思汗Genghis Khan春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period文成公主Tang Princess Wencheng慈禧太后Empress Dowager Ci Xi皇帝,君主emperor; monarch诸侯vassal皇妃imperial concubine丞相,宰相prime minister太监court eunuch 少数民族ethnic minority祭祀offer sacrifices西域the Western Regions战国the Warring States中华文明Chinese civilization文明的摇篮cradle of civilization秦始皇统一中国unification of the country by Emperor Qinshihuang鸦片战争the Opium War太平天国the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom戌戌变法the Reform Movement of 1898辛亥革命the 1911 Revolution新民主主义革命New-democratic Revolution五四运动the May 4th Movement of 1919南昌起义Nanchang Uprising918 事变September 18th Incident长征the Long March西安事变Xi"an Incident南京大屠杀Nanjing Massacre抗日战争the War of Resistance Against Japan毛泽东Mao Tse-tong孙中山Sun Yat-sen蒋介石Chiang Kai-shek国民党Kuomingtang中华人民共和国the People’s Republic of China (PRC)满族Manchu蒙古人Mongol士大夫scholar-officials学者scholar诗人poet政治家statesman社会地位social status中国社会多元文化论cultural pluralism文化适应acculturation社会保障social security班车shuttle bus相定迁户a relocated unit or household大龄青年single youth above the normal matrimonial age独生子女the only child in a family单亲single parent福利彩票welfare lotteries家政服务household management service民工migrant laborers名人celebrity农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor/laborers青春期puberty全民健身运动nationwide fitness campaign全国人口普查nationwide census社会保险social insurance暂住证temporary residence permit/card青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency性骚扰sexual harassment走私smuggling*性别歧视gender/sexual discrimination年龄歧视age discrimination工作歧视job discrimination享乐主义hedonism文盲illiteracy贫富分化disparity between the rich and the poor盗版pirated/illegal copies一国两制One Country, Two Systems三个代表the Three Represents Theory两会(人大、政协)Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC)南南合作South-South Cooperation南北对话North-South Dialog人大常委会People’s Congress Standing Committee法制观念awareness of law法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system 改革开放reform and opening-up公务员civil servants官僚主义作风the bureaucratic style of work和谐并存harmonious coexistence计划生育family planning计划生育基本国策the basic state policy of family planning4青才申文明建设the construction of spiritual civilization居委会neighborhood committee科教兴国national rejuvenation through science and education 可持续发展sustainable development廉洁高效honesty and high efficiency两岸关系cross-straits relations两岸谈判cross-straits negotiations领土完整territorial integrity民族精神national spirit普选制general election system求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences人大代表NPC member物质文明和精神文明material and spiritual civilization小康社会a well-off society小康水平a well-off standard一个中国原则the one-China principle与时俱进keep pace with the times综合国力overall national strength共同愿望common desire“走出去”(战略)going global不结盟non-alignment单边主义unilateralism多边政策multilateralism多极世界multipolar world人口老龄化aging of population人口出生率birth rate社区月服务community service道德法庭court of ethics盗用公款embezzlement成人夜校night school for adults在职进修班on-job training courses政治思想教育political and ideological education 毕业生分酉己graduate placement; assignment of graduate充电update one’s knowledge初等教育elementary education大学城college town大学社区college community高等教育higher education高等教育“211 工程”the “211 Project”for higher education高等学府institution of higher education综合性大学comprehensive university文科院校colleges of (liberal) arts理工科大学college / university of science and engineering师范学院teachers’college; normal college高分低能high scores and low abilities高考(university/college) entrance examination高校扩招the college expansion plan教育界education circle教育投入input in education九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education考研take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools多元文化论cultural pluralism文化适应acculturation社会保障social security班车shuttle bus相定迁户 a relocated unit or household大龄青年single youth above the normal matrimonial age独生子女the only child in a family单亲single parent福利彩票welfare lotteries家政服务household management service民工migrant laborers名人celebrity农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor/laborers青春期puberty全民健身运动nationwide fitness campaign全国人口普查nationwide census社会保险social insurance暂住证temporary residence permit/card青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency性骚扰sexual harassment走私smuggling*性另歧视gender/sexual discrimination年龄歧视age discrimination工作歧视job discrimination享乐主义hedonism文盲illiteracy贫富分化disparity between the rich and the poor 盗版pirated/illegal copies一国两制One Country, Two Systems三个代表the Three Represents Theory两会(人大、政协)Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC) 南南合作South-South Cooperation南北对话North-South Dialog人大常委会People’s Congress Standing Committee法制观念awareness of law法制国家a country with an adequate legal system 改革开放reform and opening-up公务员civil servants官僚主义作风the bureaucratic style of work和谐并存harmonious coexistence计划生育family planning计划生育基本国策the basic state policy of family planning居委会neighborhood committee科教兴国national rejuvenation through science and education可持续发展sustainable development廉洁高效honesty and high efficiency两岸关系cross-straits relations两岸谈判cross-straits negotiations领土完整territorial integrity民族精神national spirit普选制general election system求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences人大代表NPC member物质文明和精神文明material and spiritual civilization小康社会a well-off society小康水平a well-off standard一个中国原则the one-China principle与时俱进keep pace with the times综合国力overall national strength共同愿望common desire“走出去”(战略)going global不结盟non-alignment单边主义unilateralism多边政策multilateralism多极世界multipolar world人口老龄化aging of population人口出生率birth rate社区月服务community service道德法庭court of ethics盗用公款embezzlement成人夜校night school for adults在职进修班on-job training courses政治思想教育political and ideological education 毕业生分酉己graduate placement; assignment of graduate充电update one’s knowledge初等教育elementary education大学城college town大学社区college community高等教育higher education高等教育“211 工程”the “211 Project”for higher education高等学府institution of higher education综合性大学comprehensive university文科院校colleges of (liberal) arts理工科大学college / university of science and engineering师范学院teachers’college; normal college高分低能high scores and low abilities高考(university/college) entrance examination高校扩招the college expansion plan教育界education circle教育投入input in education九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education考研take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools课外活动extracurricular activities必修课required/compulsory course选修课elective/optional course基础课basic courses专业课specialized courses课程表school schedule教学大纲teaching program; syllabus学习年限period of schooling学历record of formal schooling学分credit启发式教学heuristic teaching人才交流talent exchange人才战competition for talented people商务英语证书Business English Certificate (BEC) 适龄儿重入学率enrollment rate for children of school age 升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade; enrollment rate硕博连读 a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and doctoral study素质教育quality-oriented education填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching希望工程Project Hope走读生extern; non-resident student住宿生boarder研究生graduate student; post-graduate (student)应届毕业生graduating student; current year’s graduate校园数字化campus digitalization校园文化campus culture学汉语热enthusiasm in learning Chinese学历教育education with record of formal schooling学龄儿重school-ager学前教育preschool education学生减负alleviate the burden on students应试教育exam-oriented education职业道德work ethics; professional ethics记者招待会press conference国家教委State Education Commission国家统计局State Statistical Bureau职业培训job training职业文盲functional illiterate智力引进recruit/introduce (foreign) talents智商intelligence quotient (IQ)助学行动activity to assist the impoverished students网络世界cyber world网络文化cyber culture网络犯罪cyber crime网上购物online shopping高产优质high yield and high quality高科技园high-tech park工业园区industrial park火炬计划Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)信息港info port信息革命information revolution电子货币e-currency人工智能artificial intelligence (AI)生物技术bio-technology克隆cloning基因工程genetic engineering转基因食品genetically modified food (GM food) 试管婴儿test-tube baby基因哭变genetic mutation网络出版e-publishing三维电影three-dimensional movie光谷optical valley虚拟银行virtual bank信息化informationization信息高速公路information superhighway新兴学科new branch of science; emerging discipline纳米nanometer个人数字助理personal digital assistant (PDA)生态农业environment-friendly agriculture技术密集产品technology-intensive product数码科技digital technology同步卫星geostationary satellite神舟五号载人飞船manned spacecraft Shenzhou V 登月舱lunar module多任务小卫星small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)多媒体短信服务Multimedia Messaging Service ( MMS)电子商务e-business; e-commerce电子管理e-management办公自动化Office Automation (OA)信息高地information highland信息检索information retrieval电话会议teleconference无土栽培soilless cultivation超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice科技发展scientific and technological advancement 重点项目key project国家重点工程national key projects南水北调South-to-North water diversion西电东送West-East electricity transmission project 西气东输West-East natural gas transmission project网络造谣fabricating online rumors 恶意侵害他人名誉maliciously harming the reputation of others停止月服务closure/shutdown of service公司歇业closure of business道路封闭road closure人为操作差错man-made operational mistakes生态系统ecosystem森林生态系统forest ecosystem海洋生态系统marine ecosystem垄断价格to monopolize the price垄断市场to monopolize/forestall/captive/corner the market限购私用汽车to curb the purchase of vehicles for private use汽车限购vehicle purchase restrictions汽车购买配额vehicle purchase quotas车牌摇号a lottery for license plates牌照单双号限行odd-even license plate system黑名单制度a blacklist system执业医师practicing physician; licensed doctors二代身份证2nd-generation ID cards防伪技术anti-forgery technology非法交易illegal transaction冒名顶替identification fraud洗钱money laundering挂失to report the loss补办to re-apply/post-register户籍household registration居住证residence permit山洪暴发flash floods水位water level低洼地区low-lying areas淹没农田to inundate crops大桥崩塌bridge collapse最严重受灾地区worst-hit/worst-stricken area直接经济损失direct economic loss应急系统emergency response system闯红灯running red light遮挡、污损号牌blocking or defacing license plates 扣分处罚point penalty酒驾drunk driving终身禁驾lifetime ban from driving。

下文是店铺为大家准备的大学英语四级考试翻译常考的一些词汇的内容,希望能对大家有所帮助!大学英语四级考试翻译常考词汇:A开头alignment n.队列;结盟,联合allied a.联合的;联姻的allowance n津贴,补助费alongside prep.在…旁边ally n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴alteration n.变更,改变;蚀变alternate vt.使交替 a.交替的amateur a.业余的n.业余爱好者ambassador n.大使,使节ambient a.周围的,包围着的ambiguous a.模棱两可的;分歧的ambitious a.有雄心的;热望的ample a.足够的;宽敞的amplitude n.广大;充足;振幅amusement n.娱乐,消遣,乐趣大学英语四级考试翻译常考词汇:E开头elevate vt.提高(思想);抬高elevation n.高度;标高;隆肿elliptical a.椭圆的;省略的eloquence n.雄辩;口才,修辞embarrass vt.使负债;使复杂化embassy n.大使馆;大使的职务embody vt.体现;包含,收录embrace vt.包括,包含;包围embroidery n.绣花,刺绣;绣制品emerge vi.浮现,出现;显露emigrate vi.永久移居国外emission n.散发;传播;发出物empirical a.经验主义的enchant vt.迷住;用魔法迷惑enclosure n.围绕;围场,围栏end n.目标,目的endanger vt.危及,危害大学英语四级考试翻译常考词汇:I开头induce / in’dju:s/vt.劝诱;引起;感应indulge / in’dΛldʒ/vt.放纵(感情)vi.纵情inertia / i’nә:ʃjә/n.惯性,惯量;无力infectious / in’fekʃәs/a.传染的;感染性的`inference / ‘infәrәns/n.推论;推断的结果inflation / in’fleiʃәn/n.通货膨胀,物价飞涨inflict / in’flikt/vt. 施以,加害,使承受ingenious / in’dʒi:njәs/a.机灵的;精巧制成的ingredient / in’gri:djәnt/n.配料,成分inhabit / in’hæbit/vt.居住于,栖息于inhibit / in’hibit/vt. 禁止,抑制initiate / i’niʃieit/vt.开始,创始;启蒙initiative / i’niʃiәtiv/a.创始的 n.第一步inject / in’dʒekt/vt.注射;注满;喷射inland / ‘inlәnd, in’lænd/a.国内的;内地的inlet / ‘inlet/n.进口,水湾 vt.引进innovation / inәu’veiʃәn/n.创新,改革,新设施innumerable / i’nju:mәrәbl/a.无数的,数不清的insane / in’sein/a. 患精神病的,不理智的。
CET4 段落翻译高频词汇

CET4 段落翻译高频词汇Chapter 1. Festival and holiday(节假日)传统节日:traditional holiday元宵节:lantern festival端午节:dragon boat festival清明节:tomb sweeping festival中秋节:mid-autumn festival除夕:new year’s eve元旦:new year’s day泼水节:water-sprinkling festival燃放烟花爆竹: set off fireworks and firecrackers团圆:reunion团圆饭:family reunion dinner辞旧迎新:bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year春节联欢晚会:spring festival gala阴历: lunar calendar拜年:pay a new year call/visit 红包:red packet猜灯谜:guess riddles on lanterns灯展:exhibition of lanterns春联:spring festival couplets敲锣打鼓:strike gongs and beat drums 舞龙舞狮:dragon dance and lion dance 赛龙舟:dragon boat race赏月:enjoy the moon节日气氛:festive atmosphere核心文化价值:core cultural value文化交流:cultural interchange法定假日:legal holiday公共假日:public holiday游行:parade彩车:float化装舞会:masquerade装扮:dress up入乡随俗:When in Rome, do as the Romans do.每逢佳节倍思亲:On festive occasions more than ever one misses his relatives far away.爆竹声中一岁除:The old year goes away amidst the blast of firecrackers.月到中秋分外明:The moon is particularly bright on the Mid-Autumn Day. Chapter 2. Places of Historic Interest and Scenic Beauty(名胜古迹)旅游胜地:tourist attraction/spot历史文化名城:famous historic and cultural city自然保护区:nature reserve文化遗产:cultural heritage文化遗址:cultural relics生态旅游:eco-tourism主题公园:theme park森林公园:forest park度假胜地:holiday resort避暑胜地:summer resort人文景观:human landscape自然风光:natural scenery闻名遐迩:known far and wide流连忘返:linger on with no intent to leave 田园风光:rural scenery/ pastoral scene 名山大川:famous mountains and great rivers青山绿水;green mountains and clear waters天人合一:harmony between nature and human being观光游: sightseeing tour文化游:cultural tour黄金旅游线路:hot travel route旅游纪念品:tourist souvenir古都:ancient capital雕刻:inscription壁画:mural彩绘:painted sculpture活化石:living fossil五岳:five sacred mountains世界遗产名录:world heritage list世界自然和文化遗产保护地:world natural and cultural heritage sites国家5A级风景区:national 5A-level tourist area不到长城非好汉:One who fails to reach the Great Wall can’t be called a man. / One should be determined to reach his goal.桂林山水甲天下:The mountains and rivers of Guilin are the best under heaven./ East or West, Guilin landscape is the best.上有天堂下有苏杭:Up above there is heaven; down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.五岳回来不看山,黄山归来不看岳:You won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing the Five Sacred Mountains, and you won’t even wish to see the Five Sacred Mountains after returning from Mount Huangshan.不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中:The true face of Mount Lushan is lost to my sight, for it is right in this mountain that I reside.无限风光在险峰:The ultimate scenery is to be found in perilous peaks.Chapter 3. Arts (艺术)工艺品:handcraft艺术宝库:treasure house of arts 艺术生涯:artistic career艺术形式:form of art视觉艺术:visual arts造型艺术:plastic arts艺术节:art festival油画:oil painting雕塑:sculpture歌剧院:opera house音乐剧:musical专业剧院:professional theater传统民间艺术:traditional folk art 中国结:Chinese knot青铜艺术:bronze art皮影戏:shadow play/puppetry 苏绣:Suzhou embroidery书法:calligraphy京剧:Peking opera昆曲:Kunqu opera国粹:quintessence of Chinese culture 剪纸:paper-cut青花瓷:blue-and-white porcelain国画:Chinese painting山水画:landscape painting水墨画:ink and wash painting工笔画:fine brushwork painting写意画:freehand brushwork painting 女红:women’s needlework辟邪:eliminate ill fortune国宝:national treasure画廊:art galllery代代相传:hand down from generation to generation龙的传人:descendant of the Dragon文房四宝:Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and inkstone)岁寒三友:three friends of winter (pine,bamboo, and plum)君子四艺: fo,ur skills of a learned scholar (ancient musical instrument, chess, calligraphy, and painting)国家级非物质文化遗产名录:national intangible cultural heritage list音乐是人类共通的语言:Music is the universal language of mankind.夫乐者,乐也,人情之所不能免也:Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature can’t do without.Chapter 4. Buildings (建筑)土木工程:civil engineering 基础设施:infrastructure景观设计:landscape design 建筑艺术/材料:architectural art/material 供暖与通风:heating and ventilation 高超的技术:brilliant technique 艺术成就:artistic achievement 占地面积:...cover an area of...人类文明的结晶:crystallization ofhuman civilization 具有极高的艺术价值:of great artistic value古代东方建筑:ancient orientalarchitecture 苏州园林:classical gardens of Suzhou 高层建筑:high -rise building 纪念碑:monument 居民区:residential area四合院:courtyard house高度耐火、防水、抗震能力:a highcapability of resistance to fire, water, and earthquake 黄瓦红墙:yellow tiles and red walls 五行:five elements罗马不是一天建成的:Rome was not built in one day.建筑越高,地基必须埋得越深:The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid.洞庭天下水,岳阳天下楼:Dongting Lake represents the most beautiful water while Yueyang Tower represents the most beautiful tower under heaven.Chapter 5. Literature (语言文学)中国文学:Chinese literature 古代文学:ancient literature 现代文学:modern literature 当代文学:contemporary literature 剧作家:dramatist 长篇小说家:novelist 文学评论家:literary critic 散文家:essayist 长篇小说:novel 诗歌、喜剧、悲剧: poetry/comedy/tragedy 散文、传记、回忆录、小说: essay/biography/memoir/fiction文学作品:literary works文学流派:school of literature 希腊神话:Greek mythology 西方文化: Western culture 叙事诗:narrative poem抒情诗:lyric poem唐诗宋词:Tang poetry and Song ci poetry白话小说:story written in vernacular Chinese方言:dialect汉字:Chinese character中国古代民间传说:ancient Chinese folk legend一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特:There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people ’s eyes.诗歌是用语言创造节奏的美:Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.读书破万卷,下笔如有神:Having pored over ten thousand volumes, one can write with godly power.文以载道:Writings are for conveying truth.Chapter 6. Philosophy and Religion (哲学与宗教)佛教:buddhism 信徒:adherent西方文明:western civilization诸子百家:the Hundred Schools of Thought战国时期:the Warring States Period 百家争鸣:the Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought焚书坑儒:burn the books and bury the scholars罢黜百家,独尊儒术:reject the other schools of thought and respect only Confucianism儒家:Confucianism墨家:Mohism道家:Taoism法家:Legalism孔子:Confucius 孟子:Mencius中庸之道:Doctrine of the Mean四书五经:Four Books and Five Classics核心价值和思想体系:the core value and ideological systems科举考试:imperial civil examination孔孟之道:Doctrine of Confucius and Mencius老庄哲学:Philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi现存最早的军事著作:the earliest military work in existence中华文明的珍贵遗产:precious heritage of Chinese civilization己所不欲勿施于人:Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you.三人行,必有我师焉:When three men are walking together, there is one who can be my teacher.有教无类:In teaching, there should be no distinction of classes.乐极生悲:Extreme pleasure ends in sorrow.上善若水:The greatest virtue is like water.Chapter 7. Sports and Recreation(体育娱乐)竞技性运动:competitive sport 冠军:champion亚军:runner-up全能冠军:all-round champion 纪录保持者:record holder打破纪录:break a record田径运动:track and field极限运动:extreme sports教练员:coach裁判长:chief referee邀请赛:invitational tournament 公开赛:open championship/tournament 东道国:host country/nation武术:martial arts功夫:kungfu娱乐:recreation娱乐活动/设施:recreational activity/facilities休闲时间:leisure time茶文化:tea culture茶道:tea ceremony只工作不玩,聪明孩子也变傻:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.发展体育运动,增强人民体质:Promote physical culture and build up the people’s health.友谊第一,比赛第二:Friendship comes first and competition second.生命在于运动:Life lies in sports.民以食为天:For people, food is the heaven.Chapter 8. International Communication and Economic Development(对外交流与经济发展)经济稳定/管理:economic stability/management金融机构/组织:financial institution/organization货币的:monetary繁荣:prosperity货币:currency经济政策:economic policy丝绸之路:the Silk Road四大发明:Four Great Inventions茶马古道:the Ancient Tea-Horse Road 自贸区:free trade zone保税区:bonded area开发区:development area互信互利:mutual trust and benefit共同繁荣:common prosperity平等互利:equality and mutual benefit 持久和平:durable peace和平共处:peaceful coexistence对外政策/贸易:foreign policy/trade成本/利润:cost/profit贸易壁垒:barrier to trade计划经济:planned economy市场经济:market economy 商品经济:commodity economy经济特区:special economic zone国有企业:state-owned enterprise民营企业:private enterprise个体经济:individual economy经济增长率:economic growth rate经济发展策略:strategy for economic development通货膨胀/紧缩:inflation/deflation供需平衡:balance between supply and demand供求关系:relation between supply and demand供过于求:supply exceeds demand供不应求:supply falls short of demand 经济危机/萧条/形势:economic crisis/ depression/ situation信用卡:credit card垄断:monopoly贸易保护:trade protection购买力:purchasing power消费品:consumer goods纳税人:taxpayer孔子学院:Confucius Institute发展才是硬道理:Development is the bottom line. Chapter 9. Technology and Education(科技教育)工业革命:industrial revolution生产方式:production method主导产业:dominant industry科技文明:civilization in science and technology中医:traditional Chinese medicine四诊:four methods of diagnosis传统的中医技术:traditional Chinese medical technique恢复阴阳平衡:restore the balance between the opposing forces of yin and yang高速铁路:high-speed railway 自主创新能力:capability of independent innovation生态环境保护:protection of ecological environment生态系统建设:ecosystem construction 和谐社会:harmonious society可持续发展:sustainable development 实现人与自然和谐相处:achieve harmony between man and nature科技兴国:revitalize the country bu science and education素质教育:quality-oriented education九年义务教育:nine-year compulsoryeducation技术是个有用的仆人,危险的主人: Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.科学不仅拥有真理,而且拥有至上的美:Science possesses not only truth, but also supreme beauty.十年树木, 百年树人:It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred to rear people.教学相长:Teaching benefits teachers as well as students.科学技术是第一生产力:Science and technology constitute the primary productive force.2016 CET4 作文热点1.Internet security2.Uncivilized behaviors of tourists3.The increase of travailing abroad4.Cellphones/internet and education5.In order to get a better job, what should college students do?6.Pros and cons of Purchase on linework Public Opinion8.Group purchasing9.The importance of reading (traditional paper book)10.Health and exercise。

11类翻译主题词汇中国文化概述重要文化遗产major cultural heritage优秀民间艺术outstanding follk arts独特的艺术价值unique artistic values诚实守信honesty爱国主义精神patriotism国宝national treasure文物cultural relics华夏祖先the Chinese ancestors文人men of letter雅士refined scholar才子佳人gifted scholars and beauhful ladies高雅艺术refined/high art中外学者Chinese and overseas scholars古为今用to make the past serve the present洋为中用to make the foreign serve China无愧于时代的作品works worthy of the times文明摇篮cradle of civilization古文明ancient civilization博大精深to be extensive and profound享有……的声誉to enjoy a good/high reputation for被誉为to be honored/crowned as占据重要地位to play a significant role; to have/occupy a significant place肩负……的责任to shoulder the responsibility of 与……密不可分to be closely associated with...推广中国文化to promote Chinese culture促进世界和平to promote world peace增进友谊to enhance friendship 文化娱乐活动cultural and amusement activities文化产业culture industry文化底蕴cultural deposit文化事业cultural undenaking文化交流cultural exchange文化冲击culture shock文化差异cultural difference民族特性和价值观national identity and value在各地差异很大to vary widely from place to place促进文化的传播to promote the spread of culture促进交流to promote exchanges蓬勃发展to flourish丰富多彩to be rich and colorful风俗习惯custom禁忌taboo中华民族the Chinese nation传统美德traditional virtues尊敬老人to respect the elderly赡养父母to take care of parents继承to inherit后人later generation强身健体to improve the physical health; to strengthen the body益寿延年to prolong life保佑平安to keep sb. safe象征意义symbolic meaning象征好运和祝福to symbolize good luck and blessing 审美观/品味taste for beauty; aesthetic taste中国传统文化传统工艺品traditional handicraft形状不一to be of different shapes 材质各异various materials质地坚硬hard texture造型生动vivid figure色彩丰富rich colours风格独特characteristic/unique style 中医药tradihonal Chinese mediane 中草药herbal medicine 望、闻、问、切observing, listening, inquiring, pulse taking症状symptom重大发明a significant invention中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China火药gunpowder印刷术printing造纸术paper-making指南针the compass文房四宝the Four Treasures of the Study笔、墨、纸、砚brush, ink stick, paper, ink stone 汉字Chinese character笔划stroke普通话四声调the four tones of Mandarin Chinese书法calligraphy中国画traditional Chinese painting水墨画Chinese brush painting; ink wash painting武术martial arts中国功夫Kung fu太极Tai Chi孔子Confucius孟子Mencius思想学派school of thought思想核心the core of ideology代表人物representative儒家思想Confucianism儒家文化Confucian culture和尚、僧人monk寺庙temple建筑architecture钟楼bell tower鼓楼drum tower牌坊memorial archway共马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses 丝绸之路the Silk Road故宫the Imperial Palace天坛the Temple of Heaven伊斯兰教Islam清真寺mosque宗教religion民间故事folk tale寓言fable传说legend凡间human world京剧Peldng Opera脸谱mask正面角色positive role木偶戏puppet show应影戏shadow play杂技acrobatics相声crosstalk说、学、逗、唱speaking imitating, teasing and singut6 说书story-telling刺绣embroidery泥人clay figure瓷器porcelain; china陶器pottery; earthenware青铜器bronze ware雕刻to carve图章seal中国传统节日春节the Spring Festival/Chinese New Year元宵节the Lantern Festival清明节the Tomb-sweeping Day端午节the Dragon Boat Festival中秋节the Mid-autumn Day/Festival重阳节the Double-ninth Day七夕节the Double-seventh Day除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve年夜饭annual reunion dinner拜年to pay a new year call探亲访友to (pay a) visit to relatives and friends 亲朋好relatives and friends大扫除to thoroughly clean the house驱厄运to sweep away ill fortune; to get rid of bad luck 去除灾难to ward off evils发红包to give money in red envelopes; to hand out red envelopes欢度……to celelorate春联spring couplets庙会temple fair民间艺人folk artists祭神god-worshiping爆竹,烟火firecracker; firework(s)年画(traditional) new year picture压岁钱new year’s gift-money舞龙dragon dance花灯festival lantern灯谜lantern riddle有益的智力活动beneficial intellectual activity中国结Chinese knot舞狮lion dance赛龙舟dragon boat race 赏月to enjoy the full moon登高hill climbing扫墓to pay respects to the dead at sb.’s tomb食物及烹饪方法中国菜,中餐Chinese cuisine烹饪技巧cooking technique煎fry炒stir-fry炸deep-fry烩/焖/炖stew蒸steam煮boil烘焙bake烤roast切条cut…to strips切丁dice切碎mince磨碎grind饮食习惯dietary habit特色食品special food元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings 年糕rice cake 油条deep-fried dough sticks 豆浆soybean milk馒头steamed bun包子steamed stuffed bun拉面hand-stretched noodles豆腐tofu; bean curd麻花fried dough twist皮蛋100-year egg; century egg 蛋炒饭fried rice with egg火锅hot pot原料ingredient猪/牛肉丸pork/beef ball鸭肉duck蘑菇mushroom北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck素菜馆vegetarian restaurant白酒Chinese liquor中国历史四大文明古国之一one of the four ancienit civilizations人类文明史the history of human civilization源远流长/历史悠久have a long history朝代dynasty古都ancient capital随着时间的推移as time goes by远古时代ancient times原始社会primitive society春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period战国the Warring States封建社会feudal society皇帝,君主emperor; monarch历史遗留问题a question left over from history在战争中损毁be ruined in wars抵抗侵略resist the invasion五四运动the May 4th Movement of 1919 在…世纪初at the beginning of... century迄今为止up till now 追溯到date/trace back to来源于derive/stem from; originate from/in发祥地birthplace兴起于…,兴盛于…emerge in... and prosper in…保存最完好的best-preserved原址original site国家博物馆national museum皇帝统治时期a period of emperor reign诸侯国kingdom勤政爱民be diligent and love one’s people退位give up the throne帝王宫殿imperial palace以…命名be named after…历史人物historic figure阳历solar calendar阴历lunar calendar天干heavenly stem地支earthly branch闰年leap year商业经济经济学家economist企业家entrepreneur经济全球化economic globalization区域性自由贸易区regional free trade area经济特区special economic zone计划经济planned economy市场经济market economy市场调节market regulation市场多元化market diversification推动经贸合作boost economic and trade cooperation商界business communities互惠互利mutual benefit共同繁荣common prosperity总需求aggregate/total demand总供给aggregate supply供过于求supply exceeding demand扩大内需expand domestic demand购买力purchasing power团购group buying财政预算financial budget耐用消费品durable consumer goods年末促销year-end promotion垄断monopoly垄断行业monopoly industry市场占有率market share生产力,生产率productivity经济增长放缓economic slowdown国有企业state-owned enterprises集体企业collectively-owned enterprises私营企业private businesses民营企业privately-run businesses中小企业small and medium-sized enterprises民间资本private capital民间投资private investment泡沫经济bubble economy经济过热overheating of economy通货膨胀inflation实体经济the real economy外汇储备充足sufficient foreign exchange reserve 国内/国际贸易domestic/international trade对外贸易foreign trade贸易条件terms of trade 不公平竞争unfair competition海关customs关税customs duty水货,走私货smuggled goods产品质量product quality高度评价speak highly of物美价廉competitive price and superior quality销量,销售额sales存货,库存量stocks金融组织financial institution商业信誉commercial reputation管理机制management mechanism改善服务improve services延长保修期extend maintenance制造商,制造厂manufacturer原材料raw material样品sample大规模生产mass production年产量annual output劳动力密集型产业labour intensive industry知识密集型产业knowledge intensive industry工作歧视discrimination in workplace高消耗、高投入high consumption, high investment 沿袭…模式continue with the model of…住房抵押贷款residential mortgage loan分期付款pay by installment信贷紧缩credit squeeze取钱withdraw money利率interest rate找工作hunt for a jod; job-hunting招聘广告the want ads职位position; posts; job vacancy求职信application letter工作简历job resume; CV填写申请表fill in/out application form接受职位accept/take the post就任职位take over the position工作面试job interview职业前景job prospects就业机会job opportunity工资待遇pay offer津贴allowance带薪假paid vacation伤残保险disability insurance失业保险unemployment insurance 培训咨询training consultancy专业技能professional expertise脑力劳动mental work体力劳动labour/physical work手工劳动manual labor/work工作时间working time 加班work overtime 夜班night shift零工odd job证券securities汇率exchange rate 股票stock资产assets利润profit旅游交通景点tourist attraction; scenic spot名胜古迹places of interests避暑胜地summer resort森林公园forest park自然保护区nature reserve自然景观natural scenery人文景观human landscape壮丽河山magnificent scenery古典山水园林classical landscape garden皇家园林royal garden中外游客tourists from home and aboroad游乐园amusement park度假take a vacation; go on holiday门票(entrance) ticket免费景区电子门票free sightseeing e-coupon 星级酒店star-rated hotel高峰期rush hour人山人海,人满为患overcrowded be packed with overcrowded people翻山越岭climb mountains and hills受到……的热烈欢迎be warmly welcomed by …丰富知识enrich one’s knowledge开阔视野broaden one’s horizon扩大知识enlarge the scope of knowledge培养独立性cultivate independence运输工具means of transportation公共交通public transport地铁站subway station候车室waiting room扣分处罚point penalty酒驾drunk driving终身禁驾lifetime ban from driving护照passport签证有效期validity of visa散客individual visitor团体游客group visitor地理环境位于be located in/at西部地区western regions省会provincial capital水域面积water area三面环山be surrounded by mountains on three sides全长……公里stretch for... km/lalometers面貌焕然一新take on a completely new look高原plateau淡水湖freshwater lake沿海港口coastal port植物园botanical garden环境保护environmental protection握高全民环保意识raise environmental awareness amongst the general public环保产品environment-friendly product一次性产品disposable product开发可再生资源develop renewable resources 高能耗产业energy-intensive industry可持续发展sustainable development生态环境ecological environment温室效应greenhouse effect污染物pollutant水土保持water and soil conservation降雨量rainfall物种灭绝the extinction of bio-species先污染后治理exert control after pollution碳减排carbon emission reduction温室气体排放greenhouse gas emission二氧化碳carbon dioxide新能源汽车green car废气exhaust gas汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust发动机排量engine displacement零排放车辆zero-emission vehicle小排量汽车small-displacement car能源消耗depletion of resources能源危机energy crisis回收利用recycle低碳城市化道路way to low-carbon urbanization 城市化urbanization濒临灭绝/失传be on the verge of extinction/loss 濒危物种endangered species稀有物种rare species防护林带shelter belt森林覆盖率forest coverage rate 改善土壤soil improvement地质灾害geological disaster灾难catastrophe; tragedy; disaster 不幸misfortune伤亡人员casualty死亡人数death toll台风typhoon火山爆发volcanic eruption洪水flood干旱drought教育普及教育universal education高等教育higher education象牙塔ivory tower正规院校regular universities and colleges军校military academy九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education学前教育preschool education失学儿童dropout文盲illiteracy; illiterate受过良好教育的well-educated入学率enrollment rate适龄儿童children of school age高考college entrance examination考研take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools读研attend graduate school毕业典礼graduation ceremony毕业鉴定graduation appraisal毕业论文graduation dissertation/thesis毕业实习graduation field work授予学位confer an academic degree on sb.博士学位doctor’s degree硕士学位master’s degree学士学位bachelor’s degree在职博士生on-job doctorate研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graduate degree’s diploma中专生secondary specialized student 在校大学生undergraduate中小学elementary/primary and middle/secondary schools扩招scale expansion扩大招生人数enlarge school enrollment走读生non-resident student住校生boarder课外活动extracurricular activity必修课required/compulsory course选修课elective/optional course基础课basic course专业课specialized course专业知识specialized knowledge/expertise开设课程offer a course课程表school schedule教学大纲teaching program; syllabus学分制credit system补考make-up examination学年school year师资力量teaching faculty应试教育exam-oriented education system推进素质教育push ahead with education for all-around development基本实现教育现代化basically modernize education 招生就业指导enrollment and vocation guidance竞争激烈fierce competition评价体系evaluation system选拔官员/人才select officials/talents科技空间实验室space laboratory航天飞机shuttle探测器detector信息时代information age信息爆炸information explosion高科技产品high-tech product电子设备electronic device智能手机smart phone; intelligent handset 创新innovation研发research and development核心技术core technology电讯telecommunication硬件hardware软件software网上冲浪surf on the Intemet网页浏览web browsing即时消息instant message视频电话video phone文件传输document transmission 在线社区online community社交模式social networking搜索引擎search engine网民netizen活跃用户actlve user对…上瘾be/get addicted to …计算机病毒computer virus虚拟世界virtual world网上购物online shopping电子商务e-commerce消费理念consumption concept大众媒体mass meffla电子版electronic version娱乐资讯entertainment information 在线娱乐online entertainment当地新闻local news简讯brief news获取信息obtain informanon收视率audience rating社会生活计划生育family planning基本国策a basic national/state policy制定政策make a policy(政策)生效、开始实施come into force/effect晚婚晚育late marriage and late childbirth搞好优生优育promote good prenatal and post-natal care稳定低生育水平stabilize the low birth rate推行可持续发展战略pursue the strategy of sustainable development简化审批程序simplify approval procedures行政管理administrative management违反规定violate a regulation居委会Community Association少数民族ethnic minority过快增长excessive growth急剧下降be on a sharp decline人口稠密/稀少densely/sparsely populated人口基数/密度/分布population base /density/distribution人口出生率birth rate人口增长的高峰期baby boom 人口素质quality of the population人口老龄化aging of population老龄化社会aging society城镇化urbanization高楼大厦high-rise building小康社会well-off society贫国家庭poor family和睦相处live in harmony中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics物质文明material civilization精神文明spiritual civilization为人民服务serve the people坚持……的方针adhere to the principle of…社会保障social security养老保险retirement insurance医疗保险medical insurance弱势群体disadvantaged group单亲single parent关心老龄人care for senior citizens社会背景social background福利welfare福利彩票welfare lottery医疗服务medical service基础设施建设infrastructure construction缩短差距bridge/narrow the gap满足基本要求satisfy basic needs社会效益social benefit健康管理health management应运而生appear accordingly; emerge as required/needed普通市民ordinary resident物价上涨rising price家政服务业home services industry建筑工地construction site 农产品agricultural product爱情告白express one’s love几世同堂的家庭family consisting of several generations性骚扰sexual harassment贫富分化disparity between the rich and the poor网络造谣fabricate online rumors恶意侵害他人名誉harm the reputation of others maliciously挂失report the loss补办re-apply/re-register户籍household resigtration居住证residence permit。

.英语四级单词分类government n. 治理;政治international a. 国际的,世界(性 )的league n. 联盟,结盟;结合会territory n. 国土,疆域;领域congress n. 大会;国会,议会session n. 会议,一段时间democracy n. 民主,民主制democratic a. 民主的,民主政体的interior a. 内的;内陆的n.内部internal a. 内的;国内的people n. 人民,民族;人native a. 当地的n.当地人chairman n. 主席;议长,会长parliament n. 议会,国会statesman n. 政治家,国务活动家political a. 政治的,政治上的politician n. 政治家;政客politics n. 政治,政治学;政纲policy n. 政策,目标treaty n. 合约;协议,协议convention n. 风俗,老例;条约conversation n. 会话,非正式会商republic n. 共和国,共和政体republican a. 共和国的committee n. 委员会;全体委员commission n. 任命状;委员会leader n. 领袖,领导人;领袖leadership n. 领导nation n. 民族;国家national a. 民族的;国家的country n. 国家,国土;乡村rural a. 乡村的,田园的countryside n. 乡间,乡村nationality n. 国籍;民族,族.Marxist a. 马克思主义的socialism n. 社会主义socialist a. 社会主义的共产主义,共产主义者共产党员,共产党social a. 社会的;交际的community n. 社区;社会;公社constitution n.( 宪法 )章程;体质;结构society n. 社会;集体;交际界foreign a. 外国的;外来的neighbor n. 街坊,邻国,街坊neighborhood n.街坊关系;周边tribe n. 部落,宗族secretary n. 秘书;书记;大臣senate n. 参议院,上院federal a. 联邦的;结盟的lord n. 贵族;上帝,基督crown n. 王冠,冕;花冠prince n. 王子,亲王queen n. 王后;女王princess n. 公主,王妃prince n. 王子,亲王princess n. 公主,王妃royal a. 王的;皇家的Negro n. 黑人governor n. 州长;主管人员county n. 英国的郡,美国的县Soviet n. 苏维埃 a.苏维埃的state n. 状态;国家;州president n. 总统;校长;会长premier n. 总理,首相chair n. 椅子;主席province n. 省;领域,部门minister n. 部长,大臣;公使ministry n. 部department n. 部,司,局,处,系bureau n. 局,司,处;社,所officer n. 官员;做事;军官.office n. 办公室;处,局,社official a. 官员的;官方的army n. 军队;陆军headquarters n. 司令部;总部commander n. 司令官,指挥员command vt. 命令,指挥;控制colonel n. 陆军上校;中校lieutenant n. 陆军中尉;副职官员captain(capital 国都 ) n.陆军上尉;队长scout n. 侦探员,侦探机soldier n.( 陆军 )士兵,军人spy n. 间谍,特务vt.侦探queue n. 队列 vi.排队等候war n. 战争;矛盾,斗争attack vt.&vi.&n.攻击,攻击campaign n. 战斗;运动camp n. 野营,阵营,军营battle n. 战斗;斗争vi.作战horn n. 军号;警报器;角march vi. 行军; pageant 示威troop n. 军队;一群,大批veteran n. 老兵,老手military a. 军事的;军人的triumph n. 凯旋;成功vi.成功arrow n. 箭;箭状物warn vt. 警示vi.发生警示weapon n. 武器,兵器bullet n. 枪弹,子弹,弹丸cannon n. 大炮,火炮;榴弹炮rifle n. 步枪,来复枪pistol n. 手枪banner n. 旗,旌旗,横幅gun n. 枪,炮,手枪helmet n. 头盔,钢盔missile n. 发射物;导弹naval n. 海军的,军舰的navy n. 海军.navigation n. 航行;航海;航submarine a. 水下的n.潜水艇submerge vt. 淹没 vi.潜入水中shock n. 冲;震撼vi.震shot n. 射;丸;射shoot vt. 射;射中n.芽sword n. ,刀tank n. 坦克;大容器,槽target n. 靶,的;目victim n. 牲者,受害者compass n. ,指南;fight vi. 打 (仗 );斗争flag n. 旗,旗;旗旗flame n. 火焰;光;情flare vi. 耀vt.使亮flash n. 光vi.,powder n. 粉末;粉;火pound vt. 碎;舂;猛blast n. 爆炸,冲波vt.炸bang n. 巨响,声;猛burn vi. ,燃n.burst vt. 使爆裂vi.&n. 爆炸blaze n. 火;光vi.燃bury vt. 埋葬,葬;埋藏gunpowder n. 黑色火;有烟火bomb n.BoB!!! vt. 炸law n. 法律,法律;法例police n. 警察局、公安局policeman n. 警察criminal n. 犯人,犯人,刑事犯jail n.vi.禁judgment n. 意;判;判断justice n. 正,公正;司法justify vt. 明⋯是正当的jury n. 陪;ignore vt. 不,不理,忽.content n. 内容,目;容量contest vat. 争,争取;contract n. 契,合同;婚hazard n. 危;公害harm n. 害,害vt. 害suit n. 起拆,vt.合适lawyer n. 律;法学家court n. 法院,法庭;庭院ownership n. 全部 ( ),全部制prison n. ,禁steal vt. ,取prisoner n. 监犯judge n. 法官;裁判arrest vt. 拘捕,拘禁;阻挡argue vi. 争,争,argument n.争,;原由arise vi. 出;由⋯惹起ask vt. ;要求;邀application n.求,申;施用Appeal VI. &n.号召;申诉appear vi. 出;到达;仿佛appearance n.出,到达;外announce vt.宣布,宣布,表courage n. 勇气,胆子,胆cover vat. 盖,包含n.盖子coward n. 胆小鬼;胆寒者crisis n.危机;生死之criticism n. 批;批评;criticize vat. 批;;非murder n.&vi. ,凶murderer n. 人犯,凶手prison n. ,禁prisoner n. 监犯privilege n. 特,惠prize n. ,金vt.珍probability n. 可能性;概率problem n. ;,procedure n. 程序;手;程proceed vi. 行;行process n. 程;工序vt.加工.procession n. 伍,队列proclaim vt. 宣布,宣布;表示proof n. 据;明;校property n. ,;性proposal n. 提,建;求婚propose vt. 提vi.求婚prospect n. 展望;远景,前程prosperity n. 繁华;鼎盛,旺protect vt. 保,保,戒备protection n. 保,戒备protest vt.&vi.&n.抗prove vt. 明 vi.果是provide vt. 供给;装,供provided conj. 以⋯条件punish vt. ,,punishment n. ,,prohibit vt. 严禁,阻挡researcher n. 者;研究者research n.&vi. ,研究safe n.保箱safety n. 安全,保sin n. 罪,罪孽vi.犯法sentence n. 裁决;句子vt.宣判separation n. 分别,分开;分居sequence n. ,;序次series n.,系列;thief n. 窃,窃犯treason n. 反,通,叛国罪trap n. 圈套;vt.trial n. ,;判trick n. ;vt.哄try vt. ;vi.vice n. 罪;;弊端witness n. 据;人vt. 目crime n. 罪,罪状;犯法debate n.&vi. 争,damage vt. 害,坏n.害.dare vt.&aux.v. 敢;竟敢deceit n. 欺,欺deceive vt. 欺,蒙蔽,行decide vt. 决定,信心;解决decision n. 决定,信心;坚决determine vt. 决定;明;信心declare vt. 断言;申明;表示definition n. 定,;定界delay vt. 推;耽;延;除vt.除;擦掉decrease vi.&n. 减少,减少deduce vt. 演,推,推测deed n. 行;功;契deepen vt. 加深vi.深入defeat vt. ,;挫defect n. 弊端,缺点,短缺defence n. 防守;防;defend vt. 保,防守define vt. ⋯下定;限制deny vt. 否认;拒相信detect vt. 察,;察detection n. 察,;察determination n.信心;决定;确立devil n. 魔鬼,魔discard vt. 弃,扔掉,弃discharge vt. 放;排出n.放discipline n. 律;vt.disclose vt. 揭开,揭;流露discover vt. ;裸露,示discovery n. ;被的事物discuss vt. ,;述discussion n. ,;述disagree vi. 有分歧;不一致disappear vi. 不,失散;消逝fine n. 金,款finish vt. 达成,束n.束fire n. 火;火灾vi.开火find vt. 找到;;找出finding n. ;的果mask n. 面具;装vt.掩pardon n. 原;赦免vt. 原ignorant a. 不知道的;无知的.illegal a. 不合法的,非法的harmful a. 有害的legal a. 法律的;合法的applicable a.能应用的;合适的apparent a. 表面上的;显然的probable a. 或有的;大体的probably ad. 也许,大体private a. 个人的;私下的protective a. 保护的,防备的prosperous a. 繁华的,鼎盛的proud a. 骄傲的;骄傲的safe a.安全的;慎重的safely ad. 安全地;靠谱地separate a. 分其他;个其他separately add分别地serious a. 严肃的;仔细的seriously ad. 严肃地,仔细地headmaster n.校长scholar n. 学者 (尤指文学方面)scholarship n. 学业成绩;奖学金school n. 学校;学院;学派student n. 学生;研究生,学者study n. 学习,研究vat. 学major a.较大的n.专业scientific a. 科学 (上 )的psychological a. 心理的,心理学的style n. 风格;文体;式样subject n. 题目;学科;主语philosopher n. 哲学家philosophy n. 哲学;真谛;人生观science n. 科学,科学研究computer n. 计算机,电脑professor n. 教授pole n. 极 (点 ) ,磁极,电极physicist n. 物理学家physics n. 物理学.materialism n. 唯物主mathematics n. 数学maths n.( 英 )数学geometry n. 几何,几何学sphere n. 球,体;范curve n. 曲;弯vat.弄弯cut vat. 切,割,剪;减少number n. 数,数字;号data n. 数据 ; 料figure n. 数字;外形;人物square n. 正方形;广arithmetic n.算,四运算triangle n. 三角(形 )tuition n. 教,教;学trust n. 相信vt.相信;拜托truth n. 真谛;真;真性chart n. ,表;海chemistry n. 化学calculate vt. 算;估;划calculation n. 算,算果calculator n. 算器,算者circle n. ,周;圈子circulate vt. 使循vi.循circumference n. 周,周,周transmission n. 送;;射transmit vt. 送,达;射circuit n. 路;行;巡行radioactivity n. 放射性,放射 (象 )X-ray n.射,X光nuclear a. 原子核的;中心的radioactive a. 放射性的specialist n. 家scientist n.( 自然 )科学家specialty n. ,特;特specialize vi. 成⋯家;攻particle n. 粒子,微粒atom n. 原子;微粒;微量geography n. 地理,地理学semester n. 半年;学期,半学年heat n. ,炎vi.heating n. 加,供暖.agriculture n.农业,农艺;农学molecule n. 分子,克分子medicine n. 内服药;医学germ n. 微生物,细菌,幼芽physicist n. 物理学家physics n. 物理学physical a. 物质的;物理的radium n. 镭radar n. 雷达,无线电探测器radiate vi. 发射光芒;辐射radiation n. 放射,发射;辐射能pole n. 极(点 ),磁极,电极radio n. 无线电;收音机ray n. 光芒,射线,辐射线mechanics n. 力学;技术性细节physician n. 医生,内科医生degree n. 程度;度;学位certificate n. 证书,证件,执照college n. 学院;大学academy n. 私立中学;专科院校institute n. 研究所;学院laboratory n. 实验室,研究室test n.&vt. 试验;查验text n. 原文,本文;课文textbook n. 课本,教科书theory n. 理论;学说;建议title n. 标题,题目;称呼topic n. 题目,论题,话题tradition n. 传统,老例lab n. 实验室,研究室physical a. 物质的;物理的mechanical a. 机械的;力学的mechanically ad. 机械地learned a. 有学识的;学术上的atomic a. 原子的;原子能的academic a. 学院的;学术的mathematical a. 数学的,数学上的literary a. 文学 (上 )的medical a. 医学的;内科的memorial a. 纪念的;记忆的mental a. 智力的;精神的noticeable a. 不言而喻的;重要的public a. 公众的n.公众voluntary a. 自发的,志愿的special a. 特别的;特意的specially ad. 特意地,特别地specific a. 独有的;详细的substantial a. 物质的;牢固的sympathetic a. 怜悯technical a. 技术的,工艺的tedious a. 冗长无聊的,烦闷的theoretical a. 理论 (上)的traditional a. 传统的,老例的true a. 真的;忠实的truly ad. 真实地;忠实地true a. 真的;忠实的truly ad. 真实地;忠实地quite ad. 完整;相当;确实learn vi.&vt. 学,学习teach vt. 讲;教育vt.教书teacher n. 教师,老师,先生teaching n. 教课,讲解;教育ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼仪graduate n. 毕业生vi.大学毕业university n. 大学,综合性大学undergraduate n.大学肄业生vacation n. 假期,休假campus n. 校园,学校场所playground n. 操场,体育场class n.班,班级;阶级schedule n. 时间表;计划表lesson n. 功课,课;课程course n. 课程;过程;一道菜monitor n. 班长;监督器classmate n. 同班同学classroom n. 教室,讲堂blackboard n. 黑板book n. 书,书本vt.预约chalk n. 白垩;粉笔paper n. 纸;官方文件;文章pen n. 钢笔,自来水笔pencil n. 铅笔dictionary n. 典,词典ink n. 墨水,油墨rubber n. 橡皮 (擦子 );橡胶desk n. 桌,公桌dictation n. 口传笔,听写formula n. 公式,式knowledge n. 知,学;知道grammar n. 法;法vocabulary n. 表;,spell vat. 拼写vi.拼字spelling n. 拼字,拼法,拼写法phrase n. 短;用idiom n. ,成word n. ;;信息;言phrase n. 短;用dialect n. 方言,土,地方joke n. 笑vi.笑dialog n. ,白language n. 言,言程pronounce vt.⋯的音;宣布pronunciation n.音,音法Latin a. 拉丁的 n.拉丁interpreter n. ,口者translate vt. 翻, vt.翻translation n. 翻;文,本inventor n. 明者;明家headline n. 大字;新概要lecture n.&vi. 演,congratulate vat.祝,向⋯道贺congratulation n.祝;祝heading n. ,,名handwriting n. 字迹,手迹,法librarian n.library n. ;藏publication n. 宣布;第一版;第一版物publish vt. 宣布;表;第一版literature n. 文学;文件novel n. 小说 a.新的volume n. 卷,册;容积;音量paragraph n. ( 文章的 ) 段,节chapter n. 章,回,篇poem n. 诗,韵文,诗体文poet n. 诗人poetry n. 诗,诗歌,诗作magazine n. 杂志,期刊reading n. 读,阅读;念书read vt. 读,看懂vi.读reader n. 读者;读物,读本recite vt.&vi. 背诵,朗读material n. 资料;素材 a.物质的meaning n. 意义,意思;企图means n. 方法,手段,工具mechanic n. 技工,机械,机修工medal n. 奖章,勋章,纪念章memory n. 记忆;回想;储存mention vt.&n.说起,说起merit n. 优点,优点;功过monument n. 纪念碑;纪念馆collect vat. 采集vi.收款collection n. 采集,采集;珍藏品choice n. 选择,决断circumstance n. 状况,条件;境遇choose vat. 选择,精选;宁愿note n. 笔录;条子;说明notebook n. 笔录本,期票簿notice vt. 注意n.通知;注意nucleus n. 核,中心; (原子 )核platform n. 平台;站台;讲台amount n.总数;数目;和award n. 奖,奖品;判断address n. 地址;演说;辞吐play vi. 玩,游戏;演奏player n. 游戏的人;比赛者phase n. 阶段;方面;相位phenomenon n. 现象.point n. 点;重点;详目;分pupil n. 学生,小学生recognize vt. 认识,认出;认可recollect vt. 回想,追想,想起recommend vt. 介绍,介绍;劝说recommendation n.介绍,介绍;劝说record n. 记录;简历vt.记录recorder n. 记录者;录音机wisdom n. 智慧,才华;名言wise a.有智慧的,聪慧的wish vt. 祝;想要n.希望wit n. 智力,才华,智能winner n. 获胜者,优越者voice n. 说话声;建议;语态phase n. 阶段;方面;相位phenomenon n. 现象platform n. 平台;站台;讲台pupil n. 学生,小学生riddle n. 谜,谜语scheme n. 计划,规划;诡计screen n. 屏;屏幕vt.遮蔽specify vi. 指定,详尽说明specimen n. 样本,标本,样品spectacle n. 光景,情形;眼镜speech n. 语言;演说;方言speed n. 快;速率vi.快行spend vat. 用钱,花销;度过stamp n. 戳子;邮票;标记story n. 故事,小说,传说copy n. 抄件vat.抄录,复制correction n. 更正,纠正,改正substance n. 物质;本质;本意symbol n. 象征;符号,记号rumor n. 谣言,谣传,听说table n. 桌子;餐桌;项目表tale n. 故事,传说talent n. 天才;才能;人材task n. 任,工作,作team n. ,technician n. 技,技technique n. 技,技巧;技术technology n. 工学,工,技term n. 期;学期;条件;train vt. 培育n.列;列training n. ,,培育civilization n. 文明,文化;开化civilize vt. 使文明;教育claim vt. 宣称,主;讨取clap vi. 拍手vt.拍,拍culture n. 文化,文明;修养custom n. ,俗;海关diamond n. 金石,石;菱形diary n. 日,日簿dictate vt.&vi. 口传;命令fiction n. 小;虚假,杜撰file n. 档案vt.把⋯档fill vt. 装,盛;占filter vt.n.journal n. 日,志;日记journey n. 旅行,旅途n.旅行label n. ;,符号list n. 表,目n.列margin n. 的空白;mark n. 斑点;号vt.明meeting n. 齐集,会集,会news n. 新,信息newspaper n. ,paradise n. 伊甸园;天堂package n. 包裹,包,捆packet n. 小包 (裹),小捆parcel n. 包裹,小包,邮包pad n. 垫;簿本vt.填塞question n. 提问;问题;疑问puzzle n. 难题;谜vi.使诱惑quiz n. 小型考试,测试quotation n. 引用;引文;报价单quote vat. 引用,引证;报价pack vat. 捆扎;挤满n.包package n. 包裹,包,捆packet n. 小包 (裹),小捆pad n. 垫;簿本vat.填塞page n. 页paradise n. 伊甸乐园;天堂parcel n. 包裹,小包,邮包paragraph n.( 文章的 )段,节talk vi. 发言vt.讨论tell vt. 叙述;嘱咐;鉴别verify vt. 证明,查证;证明version n. 译文;说法;改写本view n. 看;视力;景色viewpoint n. 看法,看法,看法waste n. 浪费;废物;垃圾want vt. 要 n.需要;缺少win vi. 获胜,赢vt. 博得baggage n. 行李chess n.棋;国际象棋kite n. 风筝party , party 派;聚会friendship n. 友情,友好message n. 信息,信息;启迪well-known a. 尽人皆知的,有名的mail n. 邮件vt.邮寄post n. 邮政,邮寄;邮件post n. 岗位,哨所;职位postage n. 邮费,邮资send vt. 送,寄发;差遣write vt. 书写;写vi.写writing n. 书写,写;著作work n. 工作;职业vi.工作workshop n. ,工;作室strange a. 陌生的;奇异的tour n.&vi. 旅行,游transfer vt. 移;vi.移transform vt. 改;改造;transformation n.化;改造;type n. 型,型vi.打字typewriter n. 打字机typical a. 典型的,代表性的party n.party , party 派;聚会sightseeing n. 光,游wait vi. 等,等候n.等候ad n. 广告advertisement n.广告;通告;登广告advice n. 告;忠告;意advise vt. 告;建;通知china n. 瓷器,瓷料demand vt. 要求;需要;demonstrate vt. 明;;显露colleague n. 同事,同僚clarify vt. 澄清,明clue n. 索,表示,提示code n. 准;法典;代classification n. 分;分;分法background n. 背景,后景,,作⋯的背景classify vt. 把⋯分companion n. 伙伴;共事者;伴comrade n. 同志,密的伙伴council n. 理事会,委会govern vt. 治,治理;支配chamber n. 会室;房;腔conference n. 会,会leading a. 指的;最主要的masterpiece n. 杰作,名著mass n.众多;;民众passport n. 照rule n. 治;定;ruler n. 治者;尺,直尺famous a. 有名的,有名的vote n. ,投票,表决organization n. ;体,机构organize vt. ,puppet n. 木偶,玩偶;傀儡primarily ad. 第一;主要地primary a. 最先的;基本的prime a. 首要的n.春,青春primitive a. 原始的;粗拙的principal a. 主要的n.人principle n. 原,原理;主prior a. 在先的;先的private a. 个人的;私下的privilege n. 特,惠prize n. ,金vt.珍probability n. 可能性;概率probable a. 或有的;大体的probably ad. 或,大体problem n. ;,procedure n. 程序;手;程proceed vi. 行;行process n. 程;工序vt.加工procession n. 伍,队列proclaim vt. 宣布,宣布;表示service n. 服;行政部state vt. 述,明,明statement n. 述,申明standard n. 准 a.准的standpoint n. 立,点statistical a. 的,学的succeed vt.⋯以后vi.成功success n.成功,成就,利successful a.成功的,果优秀的successfully ad. 成功地succession n. 连续;继任,继承successive a.连续的;接连的treatment n. 待遇;治疗,疗法understand vt. 懂;获悉vi.懂得understanding n. 理解;理解力;协议undertake vt. 从事;肩负;保证union n. 结合;团结;协会undertaking n. 任务,事业;承诺unique a. 独一的,独一无二的unit n. 单位;单元;零件unite vi. 结合vt.使结合unity n. 单调;一致;团结delegation n. 代表团form n. 形式;形状vt.形成formation n. 形成;组成;形成物freedom n. 自由;自主fortune n. 命运,运气;财富found vt. 创办,创办;成立foundation n. 基础;地基;基金profession n. 职业job n. 职业;工作;零活name n. 名字;声誉vt.说出origin n. 发源,由来;身世career n. 生涯,职业,经历professional a. 职业的n.专业人员journalist n. 记者,新闻工作者astronaut n.宇宙航行员,宇航员announcer n.宣布者;播音员barber n. 剪发师miner n. 矿工butcher n. 屠夫;屠戮者beggar n. 乞丐,穷人carpenter n. 木工,木工chemist n. 化学家;药剂师captive n. 俘虏,被监管的人beauty n. 美,漂亮;佳人.beginner n. 初学者,新手candidate n. 候人;投考者clerk n. 店;事,conductor n. 售票; ()指director n. 指者;理事;演correspondent n.通讯者;通cripple n. 跛子;残的人critic n. 批家,挑剔的人customer n. 客,主dishonour n. 不但彩;的人gentleman n. 士;有修养的人gardener n. 园丁,花匠genius n. 天才,天,天friend n. 朋友,友人giant n. 巨人;巨物guide n. 游者vt.⋯游guest n. 客人,客;游客guard vt. 守;看守n.兵fool n. 蠢人,傻子vt.欺fisherman n. 民,夫,打人fireman n. 消防;司炉工farmer n. 民,夫;主hero n. 男主角;英豪;猛士heroic a. 英豪的;勇敢的heroine n. 女主角;女英豪host n. 主人;道主hostess n. 女主人;空姐landlady n. 女房;女地主landlord n. 地主;房,店东mayor n. 市messenger n. 送信者,信使postman n.nurse n. 保姆;士vt.看owner n. 物主,全部人partner n. 伙伴;搭档;配偶passenger n. 乘客,游客,路人peasant n. 民physician n. 医生,内科医生pioneer n. 开荒者;先者porter n. 搬运工人reporter n. 者,通robber n. 盗,盗revolutionary a. 革命的n.革命者writer n. 作者,作家,文学家worker n. 工人;工作者,人workman n. 工人,者,工匠waiter n. 侍从,服visitor n. 者;游客pioneer n. 开荒者;先者porter n. 搬运工人crowd n. 群;大众;一伙人stranger n. 陌生人;新来者traitor n. 叛徒,国rider n. 的人;乘的人salesman n. 售,推seaman n. 海,水手;水兵typist n. 打字servant n. 仆人,仆人,雇工sir n.先生,下;⋯爵士slave n.奴隶;苦工tenant n. 肩负人,房客,佃user n. 用,使用者tourist n. 旅行者,光者tramp n. 漂泊者,游民partner n. 伙伴;搭;配偶inhabitant n. 居民,住popular a. 公众的;流行的public a. 公众的n.公众residence n. 居住;扎;住resident a. 居住的n.居民rest n. 节余部分;其他的人slavery n. 奴隶制度;苦力slum n. 民窟,民区status n. 地位,身分surname n. 姓selfish a. 自私的,利己的orphan n. 孤儿keeper n. 看护人;饲养员widow n. 寡妇wife n. 老婆lady n. 女士,夫人;贵妇人listener n. 听者,听众之一madam n. 夫人,女士,太太miss n. 小姐Mister n. 先生mistress n. 女主人;夫人maid n. 女佣,女仆;少女male a. 男的,雄的n.男子manly a. 男子气派的,坚决的human a. 人的,人类的n.人man n. 男人;人;人类mankind n. 人类master n. 主人;好手;硕士mate n. 伙伴,同事;配偶member n. 成员,会员young a. 年青的n.青年们people n. 人民,民族;人person n. 人;人身;自己personal a. 个人的;自己的personnel n. 全体人员,全体职员popular a. 公众的;流行的population n. 人口;全体居民youthful a. 年青的,青年的woman n. 妇女,女人,女性youth n. 青春;青年们;青年person n. 人;人身;自己personal a. 个人的;自己的personnel n. 全体人员,全体职员population n. 人口;全体居民pronoun n. 代名词I pron. ( 主格 ) 我me pron. ( 宾格 ) 我my pron. 我的mine pron. 我的myself pron. 我自己;我自you pron. 你,你your pron. 你的,你的yours pron. 你的 (西 ) yourself pron. 你自己;你自he pron. ( 主格 )他his pron. 他的,他的西him pron.( 格 )他himself pron. 他自己;他自She pron. ( 主格 ) 她her pron. ( 格 ) 她;她的hers pron. 她的 (全部物 ) herself pron. 她自己;她自we pron.( 主格 )我us pron. ( 格 )我our pron. 我的ours pron. 我的ourselves pron. 我自己they pron.( 主格 )他 (她) their pron. 他 (她、它 )的theirs pron. 他(她 )的西them pron.( 格 )他themselves pron. 他自己it pron. ,那,它its pron. 它的itself pron. 它自己;自己One num. pron. 一个人self n. 自我,自己oneself pron. 自己;自none pron. 没有人ad.绝不nobody pron.也不;无人own a. 自己的vt.有,有owner n. 物主,全部人somebody pron.某人,有人someone pron. 某人,有人anybody prep.任何人anyhow ad. 无怎样anyone pron.任何人who pron. ;⋯的人Whom pron. ( 格 ) whoever pron. ;无whose pron. 谁的;哪个人的nature n. 大自然;天性;性质universal a. 宇宙的;广泛的universe n. 宇宙,世界natural a. 自然界的;天然的naturally ad. 自然地;天然地Atlantic a. 大西洋的n.大西洋ocean n. 大海;洋Oceania n. 大洋洲volcano n. 火山river n. 江,河,水道gulf n. 海湾bay n. 湾;山脉中的凹处coast n. 海岸,海滨 (地域 )tide n. 潮,潮汐;潮流beach n. 海滩,湖滩,河滩cliff n. 绝壁,峭壁water n. 水 vt.使湿,浇灌waterfall n. 瀑布waterproof a. 防水的wave n. 波;波浪vi.颠簸spray n. 浪花;喷雾vat.喷wavelength n. 波长brook n. 小河,溪流fountain n. 泉水,喷泉;源泉forest n. 森林;森林地带flood n. 洪水vat.吞没hill n. 小山,山岗;丘陵hillside n.( 小山 )山腰,山坡horizon n. 地平线;眼界,见解horizontal a. 地平的;水平的island n. 岛,岛屿peak n. 山顶,巅 a.最高的mountain n. 山,山岳;山脉cave n. 山洞,洞窟,窑洞valley n.( 山 )谷,溪谷;流域ridge n. 脊;岭,山脉;垄rock n. 岩,岩石;石头pebble n. 卵石,细砾pearl n. 珍珠;珍珠母.lake n. 湖pebble n. 卵石,细砾peaceful a. 和平的;寂静的path n. 路,小道;道路peak n. 山顶,巅 a.最高的plain n. 平原 a.清楚的source n. 河的源泉;本源corner n. 角;犄角;边远地域land n. 陆地;土地vi.登岸lane n.( 乡间 )小道;跑道lawn n. 草地,草坪,草场marine a. 海的;海上的reed n. 芦苇,芦杆,芦丛meadow n. 草地,牧草地mine n. 矿,矿山;地雷mud n. 软泥,泥浆muddy a. 多泥的,泥泞的pit n. 坑,地坑;煤矿pond n. 池塘pool n. 水塘,游泳池,水池plot n. 小块土地vat.密谋shore n. 滨,岸soil n. 泥土,土壤,土地stream n. 河;流vi.&vt. 流surface n. 地面,表面;表面swamp n. 沼泽,沼泽地sand n. 沙,沙子;沙岸sandy n. 沙的,含沙的torrent n. 奔腾,激流,大水clay n. 黏土,泥土;肉体desert n. 荒漠 vt. 离弃;擅离dirt n. 尘,土;污物,污垢float vi. 飘荡vt.使飘荡flow vi. 流动;飘垂;涨潮fluid n. 流体,液体flush vi. 奔腾; (脸 )发红humid a. 湿的,湿气重的.bloom n. 花;开花,开花期blossom n. 花,开花vi.开花pluck vt. 采,摘;拉下n.拉cultivate vat. 耕;种植;培育grass n. 草;牧草;草地grain n. 谷物,谷粒;颗粒greenhouse n. 温室,玻璃暖房wood n. 树林,森林;木头wooden a. 木制的;古板的flower n. 花,花卉;开花route n. 路,路线,行程root n. 根,根子vi.生根rose n. 蔷薇花,蔷薇科植物weed n. 杂草,野草vi.除草tree n. 树pine n. 松树,松木bough n. 树枝trunk n. 树干;大衣箱,皮箱wild a. 野生的;野蛮的leaf n. 叶,叶子bud n. 芽,萌芽;蓓蕾bush n. 灌木,灌木丛,矮树branch n. 树枝;分部;分科jungle n. 森林,密林,莽丛plant n. 植物;工厂vt.种植plantation n. 种植园;栽种pine n. 松树,松木seed n. 种(子 ),籽,萌芽stem n. 茎, (树 )干 vi.发源shade n. 荫;遮光物vi.隐蔽shadow n. 暗影,阴,影子shady a. 成荫的,阴凉的tender a. 嫩的;柔弱的violet n. 紫罗兰vivid a. 娇艳的;生动的vigorous a. 生机蓬勃的wreath n. 花环,花圈,花冠plough n. 犁 vt.&vi. 犁,耕.atmosphere n. 大气;空气;氛围atmospheric a.大气的;大气层的weather n. 天气climate n. 天气;风土,地带warm a. 暖和的;热情的warmth n. 暖和,暖和;热情tropical a. 热带的breeze n. 细风,微风wind n. 风;气味,呼吸air n. 空气;空中;外观cloud n. 云;云状物;暗影cloudy a. 多云的;云一般的chill vt. 使变冷n.寒冷frost n. 冰冻,寒冷;霜freeze vi. 冻;结冻vt.使结冰planet n. 行星moon n. 月球,月亮;卫星star n. 星;恒星;明星Mercury n. 水星sky n.天,天空heaven n. 天堂;天,天空sun n. 太阳,日sunlight n. 日光,阳光sunshine n.( 直射 )日光,阳光solar a. 太阳的,日光的sunny a. 阳光充分的;快活的mist n. 薄雾fog n. 雾;烟雾,尘雾moist a. 润湿的;多雨的rain n. 雨,雨水vi. 下雨shower n. 阵雨; (一)阵;淋浴rainbow n. 虹,彩虹rainy a. 下雨的,多雨的dew n. 露,露珠wet a. 湿的;下雨的moisture n. 湿润,湿气;温度snow n. 雪 vi.下雪snowy a. 雪的,下雪的snowstorm n. 雪暴,狂风雪storm n. 风暴;暴 (风)雨stormy a. 有狂风雨的;激烈的thunder n. 雷 vi.打雷vt.吼出lightning n. 闪电,闪电放电.typhoon n. 台风Fahrenheit n. 华氏温度计map n. 地图;图;天体图globe n. 地球,世界;地界仪world n. 世界;世人;人间world-wide a.遍布全世界的Asia n. 亚洲Asian a. 亚洲的n.亚洲人Africa n. 非洲African a. 非洲的n.非洲人Oceania n. 大洋洲America n. 美洲;美国American a. 美洲的n.美国人pacific a. 和平的n.太平洋ocean n. 大海;洋sea n.海,大海port n. 港,港口mainland n. 大陆peninsula n. 半岛channel n. 海峡;渠道;频道road n. 路,道路,公路harbor n. 海港,港口vt.包庇reservior n. 水库;蓄水池dam n. 水坝,水堤;阻碍物seaport n. 海港,港市canal n. 运河;水渠;管Mediterranean n. 地中海 a.地中海的continent n. 大陆;陆地;洲Arabian a. 阿拉伯的Australia n. 澳大利亚Australian a.澳大利亚的Russian a.俄罗斯的n.俄国人Portuguese n. 葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语Japan n.日本,日本国Japanese a.日本的n.日自己Britain n. 不列颠,英国British a. 不列颠的,英联邦的Jewish a.犹太人的China n. 中国Chinese a.中国的n.中国人.Canada n. 加拿大Canadian a. 加拿大的Spanish a. 西班牙的n.西班牙人Greek a.希腊的n.希腊人French a. 法国的n.法国人France n. 法国,法兰西Italian a. 意大利的n.意大利人India n. 印度Indian a. 印度的n.印度人German a. 德国的n.德国人Germany n. 德意志,德国Swiss a.瑞士的n.瑞士人citizen n. 公民;市民,居民zone n. 地域,地区,范围region n. 地域,地带;领域city n. 城市,都市civil a.公民的;文职的colony n. 殖民地;侨居地Roman n. 古罗马人 a.罗马的frontier n. 边疆;边疆;新领域foreigner n. 外国人realm n. 王国,国土;领域king n. 国王,君主kingdom n. 王国;领域,界time n. 时间;机遇;次,回calendar n. 日历,历书;历法B.C. (缩 ) 公元前century n. 世纪,百年decade n. 十年,十年期year n. 年;年年yearly a. 每年的ad.一年一度annual a. 每年的n.年报season n. 季,季节,节气quarterly a. 季度的ad.季度地spring n. 春季,春季springtime n. 春季,春季summer n. 夏,夏天autumn n. 秋,秋天winter n. 冬季,冬季month n. 月,月份.monthly a. 每个月的ad.每个月January n. 一月February n. 二月March n. 三月April n. 四月May n. 五月June n. 六月July n.七月August n. 八月September n. 九月October n. 十月November n. 十一月December n. 十二月fortnight n. 两星期,十四天week n. 星期,周weekday n. 周日,工作日weekend n. 周末,周末假期weekly a. 每周的ad.每周date n. 日期vt.注⋯日期Monday n. 星期一Tuesday n. 星期二Wednesday n. 星期三Thursday n. 星期四Friday n. 星期五Saturday n. 星期六Sunday n. 星期日,星期日timetable n. 表,刻表yesterday n.&ad. 昨天,昨日midnight n. 子夜,子夜,夜半night n. 夜,夜today ad. 在今日;在day n.( 一 )天,日间,白日daily a. 每天的n.日sunrise n. 日出 (分 )dawn n. 拂晓;初步vi. 破daylight n. 日间,日光;拂晓morning n. 清晨,上午a.m ( )上午,午前.midday n. 正午,正午noon n. 正午,正午P.M. n.下午,午后afternoon n.下午,午后sunset n. 日落 (分 )tonight ad. 在今晚n.今晚tomorrow ad. 在明日n.明日o'clock ad. ⋯点hour n. 小;,刻minute n. 分,分;一会儿second n. 秒once ad. 一次;曾n.一次present a. 在的n.当前presently ad. 一会儿;当前recent a. 新近的,近来的recently ad. 近来,新近as conj. 当⋯的候after prep.在⋯ 此后;次于afterward ad.此后,此后Ago ad.以前future n. 未来,未来;前程contemporary a. 今世的,同代的already ad. 早已,已always ad. 是,向来;永ancient a. 古代的,古老的instant n. 瞬 a.马上的instantly ad. 马上,马上moment n. 片晌,瞬,刻immediately ad. 马上;直接地holiday n. 假日,日;假期historical a. 史的,相关史的history n. 史;个人period n. 期;学;句号last vi.持,长久;持久late a. 的ad. ,晚last a.最后的ad. 最后lately ad. 近来,不久前later ad. 此后;一会儿leisure n. 空;悠meantime n. 其,其ad.当meanwhile ad. 同,当modern a. 代的,近代的now ad. 在;马上;于是nowadays ad. 今,在overnight ad. 一夜;忽然period n. 期;学;句号present a. 在的n.当前presently ad. 一会儿;当前shortly ad. 马上;短地since conj. 从⋯以来;因sometime ad. 在某一候;以前sometimes ad. 不,有soon ad. 不久;早,快temporary a. 的,的ultimate a. 最后的,最的ultimately ad. 最,最后worthwhile a. 得花的a art. 一(个);每一 (个)adverb n. 副alphabet n.字母表,字母系adjective n. 形容 a.形容的but conj. 但是,但是conjunction n. 接合,接;接and conj. 和,又,并,although conj.只管,然altogether ad.完整;而言之also ad. 亦,也;并且,because conj. 因为,因could aux.v.(can 的去式 ) despite prep. 不论,不for prep. ;;因if conj. 若是,假如hello int. 喂noun n. 名no ad. 不;其实不a.没有not ad. 不,没有nor conj. 也不;不nothing n. 没有西ad.绝不of prep. ⋯的;因为or conj. 或,或许;即with prep. 和⋯一同;拥有preposition n. 前置,介tense n. ,thereby ad. 所以,进而,由此therefore ad. 所以,所以that a. 那 pron. 那 ad.那than conj.( 比 )比the art.( 定冠 ),那then ad. 当;而后;那么these a.&pron. 些this a. ;今pron.those pron. 那些though conj. 然 ad. 但是thus ad. 这样,;因此there ad. 在那边;在那点上through prep. 穿 ad.从到尾throughout prep.遍布ad.到till prep. Conj. 直到⋯止too ad. 也,;太,分unless conj. 除非,假如不unlike a. 不一样的prep. 不象⋯until prep conj.直到⋯ 止verb n.via prep. ;通what pron. 什么 a.什么whatever pron. 无什么when ad. 什么候;当⋯whenever conj. 无何,每当where ad. 在哪里pron. 哪里wherever ad. 终究在哪里whether conj. 能否which pron. 哪一个 a.哪一个whichever a. 无哪个,无哪些while conj. 当⋯的候;而whilst conj.&n. 当⋯的候why ad. 什么will aux.v. 将要,会;愿without prep. 无,没有,不yes ad. 是,是的yet ad. ;已conj.而would aux.v. 将;愿;是well ad. 好;完整地int. 嘿welcome int.&n.&vt.迎another a. 再一个的;的any a. 什么,一些;任何的anything pron.任何事物;全部anyway ad. 无怎样can aux.v. 能,会,可能concerning prep. 对于have v.aux. 已vt.有;吃hence ad. 所以,所以;此后here ad. 里;向里hi . (表示候等 )how ad. 怎么;怎;多少however ad. 但是;不论怎may v.aux. 可能;能够,祝maybe ad. 大体,或;也might v.aux. 可能,会,也moreover ad. 再者,加之,其他other a. 此外的;其他的otherwise ad. 此外;要否则ought v.aux. 当,plus prep. 加,加上 a.正的plural a. 复数的n.复数point n. 点;重点;目;分other a. 此外的;其他的otherwise ad. 此外;要否则or conj. 或,或许;即ought v.aux. 当,outcome n. 果,结果,成就regarding prep. 对于some a.&pron. 一些,若干somehow ad. 因为某种原由something pron.某事,某物somewhat pron. 一点儿ad.有点somewhere ad. 在某n.某地lest conj. 生怕,免得like prep. 像,如;像要must v.aux. 必;必定要oh int. ,哦,唉呀okay ( 作 OK)a.&ad. ,好plus prep. 加,加上 a.正的shall aux.v. 将要;必;should aux.v. 将;万一;就be aux.v.&vi. 是,在,做方向approach vt.向⋯凑近n.凑近along prep.沿着ad. 向前ahead ad. 在前;向前;提早aboard ad. 在船 ( )上;上船about prep.对于;above prep.在⋯ 上边;高于abroad ad.( 在 )外国;到across prep. 横;在⋯面against prep.倚在;逆,着among prep.在⋯ 之中amongst prep在⋯ 中(=among) altitude n.高,高度;高anywhere ad.在什么地方aside ad. 在旁,到旁around prep.在⋯ 周at prep. 在⋯里;在⋯axis n. ,;中心before prep. 在⋯以前;向⋯back ad. 在后;回原;回backward a. 向后的;倒的ad.倒behind prep. 在⋯后边below prep. 在⋯下边 (以下 ) beneath prep. 在⋯下方beside prep. 在⋯旁besides ad. 并且 prep. 除⋯以外between prep. 在⋯中beyond prep. 在⋯的那by prep. 在⋯旁;被,由central a. 中心的;主要的centre n. 中心;中枢vt.集中away ad. 走开,离;⋯去forth ad. 向前;向外,往外indoors ad. 在室内,在屋里in prep. 在⋯里 ad.,入height n. 高,高度;高north n. 北,北方 a.北方的northeast n. 北 a.位于北的northern a. 北方的,北部的northwest n. 西北 a.位于西北的nowhere ad. 任何地方都不middle n. 中部 a.中部的midst n. 中部,中,中间on prep. 在⋯上;在⋯旁。

英语四级:段落翻译1、狮舞(Lion Dance)是中国最广为流传的民间舞蹈之一。
在唐代(theTang Dynasty),狮舞就已经被引入了皇室。
因此,舞狮成为元宵节(the Lantern Festival)和其他节日的习俗,人们以此来祈祷好运、平安和幸福。
The Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in China.The lion is the king of animals. InChinese tradition, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck.Ancient people regarded the lion as a symbol of braveness and strength, whichcould drive away evil and protect humans. The dance has a recorded history ofmore than 2,000 years. During the Tang Dynasty, the Lion Dance was alreadyintroduced into the royal family of the dynasty. Therefore, performing the liondance at the Lantern Festival and other festive occasions became a custom wherepeople could pray for good luck, safety and happiness.2、中国将进一步发展经济、扩大开放,这对海外企业(enterprises)意味着更多的商机。

四级考试中, 翻译所占分值比例为15%, 考试时间30分钟。
1.翻译评分标准2.翻译策略1)翻译前正确理解文章的意思, 并找出每一句话的关键词, 围绕关键词逐句攻破段落翻译,关键词一般由两个词或词组组成;巧用常用句型及固定表达, 分析上下句之间的逻辑关系, 加一些连接词, 英文的译文会更漂亮;翻译完后回头通读一遍, 查漏补缺, 确保翻译句法结构完整通顺, 避免明显的单词及语法的错误。
另外, 平时大家要有意识的积累和背诵一些和中国节日、历史事件、经济和社会发展相关的词汇, 关注以反映中国社会为主的一些英文杂志和网站, 例如中国日报。
3.翻译高频词常用单词表示主要的, 重要的词primary, major, main, chief, important, essential, significant表示充足的enough, sufficient, plenty, abundant表示适当的appropriate表示提升, 改善, 加强enhance, improve, strengthen表示合法valid, legal, lawful, rightful表示卓越不凡extraordinary, excellent, uncommon, remarkable, outstanding表示很有名气well-known, noticeable, famous表示义务, 有责任去做compulsory, required, obligatory表示积极, 主动positive, proactive表示合理sound, rational, correct, sensible, logical, reasonable表示英勇brave, bold, valiant, heroic, courageous, fearless表示巨大huge, large, giant, vast, enormous表示牢固稳定sturdy, strong, firm, tough, stable, hardy表示声誉reputation, fame, prestige表示巅峰、顶点tip, top, peak, apex, zenith, climax表示发现、探索discover, seek, search表示增加increase, enlarge, multiply, expand, raise, accelerate, broaden, magnify表示减少reduce, decrease, decelerate, lessen, debase, abate, diminish, decline, discount, subtract, deduct表示转变convert, change, transform, switch表示提供、提交offer, supply, provide, furnish, contribute, submit表示构成、组成constitute, consist, organize, form, erect, establish, compose, comprise 加快人才培养accelerate the training of professionals与……建立关系establish relationship with在……取得进步make progress in表示有用, 有益helpful, useful, utile, beneficial发挥……的作用play (central, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, important, key, leading,) major,primary, prominent, significant, vital) role in常用表达共赢 all-win加强合作与交流 strengthen cooperation and exchanges扩大内需 expand domestic demand面对挑战 face challenge越来越大的市场 ever-expanding market提升竞争能力 strengthen the competitiveness主办奥运会 host the Olympic Games具有中国特色 with Chinese characteristics抓住时机 seize the right opportunities占百分之(10%) account for (10%)达到(10%) reach (10%)增长/降低百分之(10%) increase/decrease by 10%高速增长 develop at a high speed保护环境 protect the environment改善环境质量 improve environmental quality防止空气污染 prevent air pollution重视环境保护 attach more importance to environmental protection对……有重大影响 have great influence on(旅游业)随时代进步而不断发展 (tourism) has been developing all along with the progress of the times.和……展开合作 develop cooperation with中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国, 也是一个充满生机的东方大国。

1. 大部分人认为政府应该采取措施来减少交通事故的发生。
大部分人 - the majority of people认为 - believe/think政府 - government应该 - should采取措施 - take measures减少 - reduce交通事故 - traffic accidents发生 - happen/occur2. 这个国家的经济增长速度超过了其他发展中国家。
这个国家 - this country经济增长速度 - economic growth rate超过 - surpass/exceed其他发展中国家 - other developing countries3. 网络购物在中国越来越流行。
网络购物 - online shopping中国 - China越来越 - increasingly流行 - popular4. 随着科技的发展,人们的生活变得越来越便利。
随着 - with the development of科技 - technology发展 - development人们 - people生活 - life变得 - become越来越 - more and more便利 - convenient5. 学生们应该充分利用图书馆的资源。
学生们 - students应该 - should充分利用 - make full use of图书馆 - library资源 - resources6. 现代社会中,人们越来越依赖手机。
现代社会 - modern society人们 - people越来越 - more and more依赖 - rely on手机 - mobile phone这些词汇是根据真题及答案整理出来的,旨在帮助大家更好地应对英语四级翻译考试。

1. 关于时间:- 历史上的一段时间:a period in history- 查询某时什么事件:check what happened at a certain time- 时间表:a schedule/timetable2. 关于人物:- 一个重要的人物:a significant figure/personality- 以某人的名字命名:be named after someone- 通过学习某位伟人的事迹:learn from the example of a great person3. 关于地点:- 在城市的中心:in the heart of the city- 在城市的边缘:on the outskirts of the city- 一个著名的旅游目的地:a famous tourist destination4. 关于事件:- 发生在...事件:an event that took place in...- 对某事件的态度:one's attitude towards an event- 参与某项活动:participate in an activity5. 关于科技:- 科学技术的发展:the development of science and technology - 信息时代:the era of information- 利用互联网获取信息:obtain information through the Internet 6. 关于经济:- 一个发达的经济体:a developed economy- 提高经济增长速度:boost economic growth- 经济全球化的趋势:the trend of economic globalization7. 关于教育:- 接受高等教育:receive higher education- 提高教育质量:improve the quality of education- 学习某门外语:study a foreign language8. 关于环境:- 保护自然环境:protect the natural environment- 降低碳排放:reduce carbon emissions- 推广可再生能源的使用:promote the use of renewable energy以上只是一些常见的高频翻译词汇,大家在备考中还需广泛积累其他词汇,并结合语境进行灵活运用。

大学英语四级考试(cet4)翻译汉译英常用词汇1.名词性短语one after another一个接一个地依次地a couple of一对,一双,几个heart and soul全心全意地,完全地a series of一系列,一连串a variety of种种,各种2.动词性短语account for说明(原因等),解释take into account/consideration考虑……take action采取行动adapt/adjust to适应add up(to)合计达,总计是adhere to粘附在……上,坚持take advantage of利用agree with同意,在……取得一致allow for考虑到leave alone听其自然apply for提出申请(或要求等)apply……to把……应用于……belong to属于make the best of充分利用break out(战争等)爆发bring forward提出(建议等)build up树立,逐步建立,增大call for要求,需要,提倡call on访问,号召,呼吁carry out进行(到底),开展carry through进行(到底),贯彻catch up with赶上deal with sb in sth做买卖dedicate/devote oneself to献(身)于,把……用在……depart from离开,起程,背离derive from取得,起源,由来die away变弱,逐渐平息make a difference有影响,有关系take charge掌管,负责,看管check up核对,检验clear away把……清除掉,(云)消失clear off消除,摆脱(负担等)come true实现,达到compare……to把……比作compare……with把……与……相比较consist/lie in在于,存在于consist of由……构成,包含有contribute to有助于……,促成cope/deal with对付……,妥善处理count on依靠,期待,指望cut down砍倒,消减,缩短date/trace back to追溯到,从……开始有have sth.to do with和……有关,和……打交道drain……of耗尽,用完draw a conclusion得出结论draw up起草,制订dream of梦到,梦想,向往dress up穿上盛装drink to为……干杯,为……祝福drop in on sb顺便拜访某人eat up吃完,吃光,耗尽bring into effect实行,实现,实施come to an end告终,结束,完结engage in(使某人)参加某事或从事某事equip sb./sth.with装备,配备expect sth.of sb.期待,希望fall behind落在……后面,跟不上feel like感到想要做figure out计算出,估计,理解find oneself(+ing/介宾词组)发觉自己的处境focus/concentrate one's attention on关注……get along/on with与……友好相处,有进展give in投降,让步give up放弃,go over检查,从头至尾温习go through经历,完成,检查hand in交上,递上hand on传下来,依次传递hand over交出,移交,让与learn by heart记住,背诵lose heart泄气,灰心hold water证明正确合理,说得通identify sth.with sth.认为……等同于……interfere in干涉,干预interfere with打扰(某人),妨碍keep/bear in mind记住keep on继续进行,反复地做laugh at因……而发笑,嘲笑lead to通向,导致take the lead为首,领先live on靠……生活live through经历过,度过,经受住live up to无愧于,做到look down on蔑视,看不起look forward to盼望,期待,预期major in专攻,专修make up拼凑,组成,补偿(be madeup of由……组成,由……构成)make up for补偿,弥补mistake for把……错认为mix up混合,混淆,搞糊涂move on继续前进name after用……命名take(no)notice of(不)注意,(不)留心keep pace with与……并驾齐驱take pains尽力,努力,下苦功play a part/role in扮演角色,起……作用take part in参加……,参与……pass by走过,(时间)逝去pay back偿还(借款等),回报take the place of代替take pride in以……自豪make progress in在……方面取得进步put aside储存,保留put forward提出(要求、事实等)put off推迟,拖延react on对……有影响react/respond to对……起反应refer to sb.as把……称作rely on依靠,依赖,依仗remark on评论,谈论,议论result from是(由)……造成的result in引起,结果是,导致be/get rid of摆脱,去掉run out(of)(被)用完,耗尽see to负责,注意,照料make sense讲得通,言之有理serve as充当,起作用set aside留出,不顾,set up开办,建立,设立settle down定居,安下心来show off炫耀,卖弄show up使显现,揭露,拆穿keep silence保持沉默,不讲话single out挑选出,选拔,找出sit/stay up迟睡,熬夜slow down放慢速度,减退speed up使加速,增加速度spring up涌现,发生,迅速长出stand up to勇敢地面对,坚决抵抗take steps/measures采取步骤,采取措施stick to坚持,忠于,信守subject to使受到,使遭遇tell/distinguish……from辨别,分辨think over仔细考虑track down找到,发现,查出take turns依次,轮流turn out结果是,证明是turn up出现make use of利用,使用use up用完3.形容词短语be absorbed in专心致力于……be abundant in……富于,……丰富be accustomed to习惯于be acquainted with开始认识,开始了解be available for有效be based on以……为基础be certain of确信,肯定due to由于,应给予,应付的be equal to等于,相当于far(away)from远离be fed up(with)对……极厌倦be full of充满be known as以……知名be known for因……而众所周知be loyal to忠于be proud of为……感动自豪prior to在前,居先,比……在先be qualified to do/for/as能胜任……be representative of代表……be short of缺乏,不足,达不到be subject to受……支配的,需服从……的be typical of是……的特点4.副词短语above all首先,首要after all毕竟,终究,虽然这样all along始终,一直,一贯all in all总的说来,头等重要的all over到处,遍及apart from除……之外(别无)as well也,又at best充其量,至多so far迄今为止instead of代替,而不是……now and then时而,不时over and over(again)一再地,再三地in particular特别,尤其regardless of不顾,不注意ahead of schedule提前behind schedule落后于预定计划on schedule按照预定时间,准时ever since从那时起一直到现在sooner or later迟早,早晚,或迟或早5.介词短语by accident/chance偶然in accordance with与……一致,按照according to根据……所说,按照in addition另外(=besides)in addition to除……之外(还有)in advance在前面,预先for ages长期at all完全,根本,到底not at all根本不,一点也不along with同……一道(一起)at any rate不管怎样,反正in any case不管怎样in this case既然这样as for至于,就……方面说on(an)average平均起来,一般说来on behalf of代表……,为了……at one's best处在最好状态in brief简言之,以简洁的形式on business因事,因公but for倘没有,要不是by oneself单独,独自,自行for certain肯定地,确凿地in charge of主管,掌管,照管in common共用,公有,共同by comparison比较起来in comparison with与……比较on condition that如果……,在……条件下on the contrary正相反out of control失去控制under control处于控制之下at one's convenience在方便的时候at the cost of以……为代价in/during the course of在……期间,在……过程中out of date过时的,陈旧的in detail详细地in difficulty处境困难at sb's disposal任某人处理without doubt无疑地,很可能at ease自由自在,舒适,舒坦out of employment失业in the end最后,终于on end连续地,竖着,直立着for ever/good永远in exchange for交换at the expense of在损失或损坏……的情况下to some extent在某种程度上as a matter of fact事实上in fact其实,实际上without fail必定,务必by force凭借暴力,强迫地in future今后,以后in the future将来in general通常,一般地说on the grounds of以……为理由,根据at hand在手边,在附近in hand在手头,在进行中on hand现有(随时可用)for instance/example例如,比如,举例说by instinct凭(靠)本能at intervals不时,相隔一定的距离in light of按照,根据,鉴于in line with跟……一致,符合as a matter of fact事实上,其实by all means尽一切办法,一定by means of用,凭借by mistake错误地at the moment此刻,目前,那时for the moment暂时,目前in a moment立即,立刻in the name of以……的名义,代表on occasion间或,有时at once立刻,马上in order整齐,状况良好out of order不整齐,发生故障on one's own独自地,主动地in part在某种程度上,部分地on the principle of根据……的原则in proportion to与……成比例,与……相称out of proportion不成比例,不相称in public公开地,当众on purpose故意地in question正在谈论的without question毫无疑问out of the question不可能的,不值得讨论的in regard to关于with regard to关于,至于without regard to不考虑,不顾in relation to关于,有关,与……相比with respect to关于,至于as a result(of)作为……的结果in return(for)作为回报,作为……的交换for the sake of为了,为了……的利益for sale待售,出售的on sale上市的,减价,贱卖on a large/small scale大/小规模地in a sense从某种意义上说in short总之,总而言之at the sight/thought of一看见(一想到)at a speed of以……的速度in support of支援,支持,拥护in sympathy with赞同,同情in terms of根据,以……的措词at times有时,不时from time to time时常,有时,不时in no time立即,立刻,马上in time及时on time按时,准时in truth事实上,的确in turn依次,轮流in vain徒劳,白辛苦in view of鉴于,考虑到,由于6.核心短语和固定搭配and all that诸如此类and so forth/on等等,如此等等and then于是,然后as……as……像,如同,与……一样not as(so)……as……不如……那样as if好像,仿佛as/so long as只要as well as(除……之外)也,既……又to begin with首先,第一had better do sth.还是……好,最好还是……be to blame该受责备,应该负责be bound to一定会……,必然……be bound up with与……有密切关系cannot but不得不,不会不cannot help but不得不(接动词原形)in case假如,免得in case of假如,万一……either……or或……或,不是……就是or else否则,要不然even if即使,纵然for fear of/that由于害怕,生怕,以免first and foremost首要地,首先first of all首先,第一as follows如下generation gap代沟hardly……when……刚……就……can not help doing情不自禁,忍不住if only只要,要是……就好be in for参加(竞赛、考试等)be inferior/superior to(质量等)比……差/好no less than和……一样(多)in the long run从长远来看not to mention更不必说no more不再no more……than……不过,同……一样不no more than仅仅,只是more often than not时常,在更多情况下what's more而且neither……nor……既不……也不……nothing but只有,只不过now that既然,由于once in a while偶尔,间或in order that以便,为了……in order to以便,以……为目的owing to由于,因为had rather……宁愿……rather than宁愿……(而不)would rather……than宁愿……而不愿the same as与……一致,与……相同的that is to say那就是说,换句话说so……as to如此……以至于so far迄今为止,到这种程度as soon as possible尽快no sooner……than一……就……stand the test经受住考验thanks to幸亏,由于in that既然,因为for the time being暂时,眼下as usual像往常一样,照例make certain确定。

英语四级翻译词汇分类:古代文献文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and inkstone)《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Mencius《孙子兵法》The Art of War《三国演义》Three Kingdoms《西游爷己》Journey to the West《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《史记》Historical Records《诗经》The Book of Songs《易经》The I Ching; The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《三字经》Three-character Scriptures四六级作文万能句型1.Along with the advance of the society more and moreproblems are brought to our attention one of which is that…随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是……2.As to whether it isa blessing or a curse,however,peopletake different attitudes.然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。
3.As society develops,people are attaching much Importance to…随着社会的发展,人们开始关注……4.People are attaching more and more importance to theinterview during job hunting.求职的程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。

以下为“2021年6⽉⼤学英语四级翻译词汇分类”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!【篇⼀】2021年6⽉⼤学英语四级翻译词汇分类 ⼭东菜 Shandong cuisine 川菜 Sichuan cuisine 粤菜 Canton cuisine 扬州菜 Yangzhou cuisine ⽉饼 moon cake 年糕 rice cake 油条 deep-fried dough sticks ⾖浆 soybean milk 馒头 steamed buns 花卷 steamed twisted rolls 包⼦ steamed stuffed buns 北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck 拉⾯ hand-stretched noodles 馄饨 wonton (dumplings in soup) ⾖腐 tofu bean curd ⿇花 fried dough twist 烧饼 clay oven rolls ⽪蛋 100-year egg; century egg 蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg 糖葫芦 tomatoes on sticks ⽕锅hot pot【篇⼆】2021年6⽉⼤学英语四级翻译词汇分类 ⽂房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone) 《⼤学》The Great Learning 《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》The Analects of Confucius 《孟⼦》The Mencius 《孙⼦兵法》The Art of War 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms 《西游爷⼰》Journey to the West 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions 《⽔浒传》Heroes of the Marshes 《⼭海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror 《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals 《史记》Historical Records 《诗经》The Book of Songs 《易经》The I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》The Book of Rites 《三字经》Three-character Sc riptures【篇三】2021年6⽉⼤学英语四级翻译词汇分类 胡同hutong 长城 the Great Wall of China 烽⽕台 beacon tower 秦⼠台皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang 兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses ⼤雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda 丝绸之路the Silk Road 敦煌莫⾼窟Mogao Grottoes 华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs 五台⼭"Wutai Mountain 九华⼭ Jiuhua Mountain 蛾眉⼭Mount Emei 泰⼭ Mount Tai 黄⼭ Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain 故宫 the Imperial Palace 天坛 the Temple of Heaven 午门 Meridian Gate ⼤运河 Grand Canal 护城河the Moat 回⾳壁Echo Wall 居庸关 Juyongguan Pass 九龙壁 the Nine Dragon Wall 黄帝陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi ⼗三陵 the Ming Tombs 苏州园林 Suzhou gardens 西湖 West Lake 九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley ⽇⽉潭 Sun Moon Lake 布达拉宫Potala Palace ⿎楼 drum tower 四合院 quadrangle; courtyard complex 孔庙 Confucius Temple 乐⼭⼤佛 Leshan Giant Buddha ⼗⼋罗汉 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha 喇嘛Lama。
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英语四级段落翻译常用词汇及翻译实践A.中国经济词汇:总需求aggregate demand总供给aggregate supply企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture企业形象corporate image (CI); enterprise image跨国公司cross-national corporation创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit外资企业foreign-funded enterprise猎头公司head-hunter假日经济holiday economy人力资本human capital航空和航天工业aerospace industry飞机制造工业aircraft industry电子工业electronic industry汽车制造工业car industry娱乐业entertainment industry信息产业information industry知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises轻工业light industry博彩业lottery industry制造业manufacturing industry垄断行业monopoly industries市场多元化market diversification市场经济market economy市场监管market supervision购买力purchasing power熊市bear market牛市bull market城镇化urbanization房地产real estate首付down-payment业主home owner个人购房贷款individual housing loan经济全球化economic globalization经济特区special economic zones (SEZ)经济增长economic growth泡沫经济bubble economy 关税tariff纳税人tax payer宏观经济macro economy货币投放量the size of money supply流动性过剩excess liquidity经济过热overheated economy通货膨胀inflation抑制通货膨胀curb inflation注入流动性to inject liquidity贴现率discount rate存款准备金率reserve requirement ratio (RRR)公开市场业务open market operation (OMO)逆回购reverse repurchase agreement; reverse repo引导降低市场借贷成本to guide the market borrowing costs to a lower level稳健的货币政策prudent monetary policy微调货币政策to fine-tune monetary policy硬着陆hard landing软着陆soft landing二十国集团Group of Twenty (G2O)财政部长Finance Minister全年预期经济增长目标the expected growth target for the whole year 经济活力economic vitality大规模经济刺激计划a massive economic stimulus package结构改革structural reform硬资产hard assets软资产soft assets有形资产tangible assets经济走廊economic corridor整顿市场秩序to rectify the market order反垄断antitrust; anti-monopoly定价浮动price fluctuations谋求利益最大化to maximize profit债务审计audit of debt地方性政府债务local government debt/liability公共财政体制改革an overhaul of the public finance system 债务管理debt management信用支持credit supportB.中国社会词汇:多元文化论cultural pluralism文化适应acculturation社会保障social security班车shuttle bus相定迁户 a relocated unit or household大龄青年single youth above the normal matrimonial age 独生子女the only child in a family单亲single parent福利彩票welfare lotteries家政服务household management service民工migrant laborers名人celebrity农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor/laborers青春期puberty全民健身运动nationwide fitness campaign全国人口普查nationwide census社会保险social insurance暂住证temporary residence permit/card青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency性骚扰sexual harassment走私smuggling性别歧视gender/sexual discrimination年龄歧视age discrimination工作歧视job discrimination享乐主义hedonism文盲illiteracy贫富分化disparity between the rich and the poo r盗版pirated/illegal copies一国两制One Country, Two Systems三个代表the Three Represents Theory两会(人大、政协)Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC)南南合作South-South Cooperation南北对话North-South Dialog人大常委会People’s Congress Standing Committee法制观念awareness of law法制国家a country with an adequate legal system改革开放reform and opening-up公务员civil servants官僚主义作风the bureaucratic style of work和谐并存harmonious coexistence计划生育family planning计划生育基本国策the basic state policy of family planning精神文明建设the construction of spiritual civilization居委会neighborhood committee科教兴国national rejuvenation through science and education可持续发展sustainable development廉洁高效honesty and high efficiency两岸关系cross-straits relations两岸谈判cross-straits negotiations领土完整territorial integrity民族精神national spirit普选制general election system求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences人大代表NPC member物质文明和精神文明material and spiritual civilization小康社会a well-off society小康水平a well-off standard一个中国原则the one-China principle与时俱进keep pace with the times综合国力overall national strength共同愿望common desire“走出去”(战略)going global不结盟non-alignment单边主义unilateralism多边政策multilateralism多极世界multipolar world人口老龄化aging of population人口出生率birth rate社区月服务community service道德法庭court of ethics盗用公款embezzlement成人夜校night school for adults在职进修班on-job training courses政治思想教育political and ideological education毕业生分酉己graduate placement; assignment of graduate充电update one’s knowledge初等教育elementary education大学城college town大学社区college community高等教育higher education高等教育“211工程” the “211 Project” for higher education高等学府institution of higher education综合性大学comprehensive university文科院校colleges of (liberal) arts理工科大学college / university of science and engineering师范学院teachers’ college; normal college高分低能high scores and low abilities高考(university/college) entrance examination高校扩招the college expansion plan教育界education circle教育投入input in education九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education考研take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools课外活动extracurricular activities必修课required/compulsory course选修课elective/optional course基础课basic courses专业课specialized courses课程表school schedule教学大纲teaching program; syllabus学习年限period of schooling学历record of formal schooling学分credit启发式教学heuristic teaching人才交流talent exchange人才战competition for talented people商务英语证书Business English Certificate (BEC)适龄儿重入学率enrollment rate for children of school age升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade; enrollment rateC.中国历史与文化词汇:京剧Peking opera秦腔Qin opera功夫Kungfo太极T ai Chi口技ventriloquism木偶戏puppet show皮影戏shadowplay折子戏opera highlights杂技acrobatics相声witty dialogue comedy刺绣embroidery苏绣Suzhou embroidery泥人clay figure书法calligraphy中国画traditional Chinese painting水墨画Chinese brush painting中国结Chinese knot中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China火药gunpowder印刷术printing造纸术paper-making指南针the compass青铜器bronze ware瓷器porcelain; china唐三彩tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty景泰蓝cloisonne秋千swing武术martial arts儒家思想Confucianism儒家文化Confucian culture道教T aoism墨家Mohism法家Legalism佛教Buddhism孔子Confucius孟子Mencius老子Lao Tzu庄子Chuang Tzu墨子Mo Tzu孙子Sun Tzu象形文字pictographic characters文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Mencius《孙子兵法》The Art of War《三国演义》Three Kingdoms《西游爷己》Journey to the West《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《史记》Historical Records《诗经》The Book of Songs《易经》The I Ching; The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《三字经》Three-character Scriptures八股文eight-part essay五言绝句five-character quatrain七言律诗seven-character octave旗袍cheongsam中山装Chinese tunic suit唐装T ang suit风水Fengshui; geomantic omen阳历Solar calendar阴历Lunar calendar闰年leap year十二生肖zodiac春节the Spring Festival元宵节the Lantern Festival清明节the Tomb-sweeping Day端午节the Dragon-boat Festival中秋节the Mid-autumn Day重阳节the Double-ninth Day七夕节the Double-seventh Day春联spring couplets庙会temple fair爆竹firecracker年画(traditional) New Year pictures压岁钱New Year gift-money舞龙dragon dance元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings花灯festival lantern灯谜lantern riddle舞狮lion dance踩高跷stilt walking赛龙舟dragon boat race胡同hutong山东菜Shandong cuisine川菜Sichuan cuisine粤菜Canton cuisine扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine月饼moon cake年糕rice cake油条deep-fried dough sticks豆浆soybean milk馒头steamed buns花卷steamed twisted rolls包子steamed stuffed buns北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck拉面hand-stretched noodles馄饨wonton (dumplings in soup)豆腐tofu? bean curd麻花fried dough twist烧饼clay oven rolls皮蛋100-year egg; century egg蛋炒饭fried rice with egg糖葫芦tomatoes on sticks火锅hot pot长城the Great Wall of China烽火台beacon tower秦士台皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda丝绸之路the Silk Road敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes华清池Huaqing Hot Springs五台山"Wutai Mountain九华山Jiuhua Mountain蛾眉山Mount Emei泰山Mount Tai黄山Mount Huangshan; theYellow Mountain故宫the Imperial Palace天坛the Temple of Heaven午门Meridian Gate大运河Grand Canal护城河the Moat回音壁Echo Wall居庸关Juyongguan Pass九龙壁the Nine Dragon Wall黄帝陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi十三陵the Ming Tombs苏州园林Suzhou gardens西湖West Lake九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley日月潭Sun Moon Lake布达拉宫Potala Palace鼓楼drum tower四合院quadrangle; courtyard complex孔庙Confucius Temple乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha十八罗汉the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha喇嘛Lama。