序列号: VLL76J-7ND81K-QU21S2-SM5200 用户安装ID:W4YCJQZ3V8KA
序列号: 7TU4HQ-QV78TE-EFG3RG-U35200 用户安装ID:W28CBY6FHA22
序列号: SPWETF-6W7RF3-QNSFS6-S15200 用户安装ID:W2W2UGRKL2ER
序列号: ACKWII-AI564K-IKLQRN-HWD200 用户安装ID:W2B27YE6Y13T
序列号: NKL8HB-DT5BTA-SF69RH-WUD200 用户安装ID:W22D3EJGK5Z3
序列号: TV3MI2-N6GTCG-LQL8S5-7L5200 用户安装ID:W1QC96MXA8L4
序列号: AM01HI-RKG1KC-ML15S5-UUD200 用户安装ID:W2L2CYG9QK7J
序列号: 4KS0LG-146QUC-092JRL-T8D200 用户安装ID:W2C25JCJHALB
序列号: 3UN97B-PVDSHR-V7NURN-NAD200 用户安装ID:W2U28WW15E43
序列号: 4WW961-16WSHG-89ITRH-SRD200 用户安装ID:W2X279SDENS5
Acterna SDA-5000系列Stealth数字分析器的中文名字说明书
800-404-ATEC (2832) E s t a b l i s h e d1981Acterna SDA-5000 SeriesStealth Digital AnalyzerForward and reverse non-interfering Sweep enableseasy preparation of networks for interactive services 23Reverse ingress spectrum displayConstellation display with MER and pre/post FEC BERReverse Alignment mode prepares network for cable modem deploymentOne button, in-service C/N measurements on TDMA return path cable modem signals(DOCSIS, EuroDOCSIS, EuroModem) Zero span/time domain expert mode, showing the TDMA bursty return path cable modem power ramp of 3.5 msIn-service ingress spectrum showing CTB/CSO-intermodulation problems due to analog-TV channels4Time domain view of ingress in the Zero Span mode captures elusive ingress PathTrak Field View option compares headendnode spectrum with field testpoint spectrumGraphical reverse testpoint compensation5The single-channel level display shows both video and audio levels(either single or dual sound/ NICAM) and the difference between the two Digital channel average power measurements can be made using the digiCheck™featureThe Navigator user interface, common on all Acterna SDA meters6Automated tests can be scheduled to perform either 24-hour FCC compliance tests, or initiated immediately to log performance at individual nodes, amplifiers, or other testpoints. A wide range of tests can be performed auto-matically, including signal levels,C/N, hum, and depth of modulation. The operator designates which tests to perform on which channels. Because these tests are non-intrusive, it is easy to test all parameters on all channels at any time.After a test is performed, the results can be displayed on the SDA screen.A PASS/FAIL indication on a varietyof limits can be set for FCC/CENELECor other government standards,or system preferences. Data taken during any automated test, or sequence of automated tests, can be viewed immediately with a PASS/FAIL indication for each of the limits. Specific stored measurement results may be viewed on demand. Data analysis with StealthWareTest results can be printed directly to aserial printer or uploaded to a PC usingActerna StealthWare, a Microsoft®Windows®-based data managementpackage, to store and include in cus-tom reports. Stored sweep, scan, orspectrum screens can be viewed onthe PC and analyzed with marker move-ment and readout information in justthe same way as on the actual instru-ment. A sweep graph overlay functionallows comparison of multiple RFresponse variations over time. Oldsweep graphs may be downloadedback into the SDA instrument for real-time comparison.Powerful and intuitive standardizedgraphical displaysAll measurement results are presentedto the user in clear, highly informative,summary displays. The graphicspresent the information the way thetechnician wants to see the results,with no further interpretation required.For example, testpoint compensationvalues are entered at the start oftesting. Displays then calculate actuallevels automatically, minimizingfield errors.Reduced training timeWith SDA Series products, all levels ofinstruments are familiar to the tech-nician, regardless of which is learnedfirst, because the same user interfaceconventions are used across all prod-uct families. The time needed for atrainee technician to learn to use theinstrument is considerably shorterthan with alternative test equipment.This means urgent upgrade projectsmake the most efficient use of limitedresources when SDA Series productsare used.7 Limit checks can be instantly viewed afteridentifying channel of interest with a markerin Scan mode displayIn-service carrier-to-noiseTilt mode performs automatic tilt calculations between any two of nine designated carriersDepth of modulation In-service “HUM” (PAL and NTSC compatible)Detailed forward/ reverse sweep graph offers adjustable markers, scale, reference level and tilt. Users can clearly distinguish between previous and current sweep measurements for easy891011Worldwide Headquarters12410 Milestone Center Dr. Germantown, Maryland 20876-7100USAActerna is present in more than 80 countries.To find your local sales office go to: Regional SalesHeadquartersNorth America12410 Milestone Center Dr.Germantown, Maryland20876-7100USAToll Free:1866ACTERNAToll Free:186********Tel:+13013531560x2850Fax: +1301353 9216Latin AmericaAv.Eng.Luis Carlos Berrini936/8°e 9°andares04571-000 São PauloSP-BrazilTel:+551155033800Fax:+55 11 5505 1598Asia Pacific42 Clarendon StreetPO Box 141South MelbourneVictoria 3205AustraliaTel:+61 3 9690 6700Fax:+61 3 9690 6750Western EuropeArbachtalstrasse 672800 Eningen u.A.GermanyTel:+49 7121 86 2222Fax:+49 7121 86 1222Eastern Europe,Middle East & AfricaElisabethstrasse 362500 BadenAustriaTel:+43 2252 85 521 0Fax:+43 2252 80 7271st Neopalimovskiy Per.15/7 (4th floor)RF 119121 MoscowRussiaTel:+7 095 248 2508Fax:+7 095 248 4189© Copyright 2002Acterna, LLC.All rights reserved.Acterna, The Keepers ofCommunications, andits logo are trademarksof Acterna, LLC. Allother trademarks andregistered trademarksare the property of theirrespective owners. MajorActerna operations sitesare IS0 9001 registered.Note: Specifications,terms and conditionsare subject to changewithout notice.SDA-5000/DS/CAB/07-02/AE/ACT00392Acterna Advantage SM–adding value with global services and solutionsFrom basic instrument support for your field technicians to management of complex, company-wide initiatives, Acterna’s service professionals are committed to helping you maximize your return on investment. Whatever your needs– product support, system management, education services, or business planning and consulting – we offer programs that will give you the competitive edge. This is the foundation of Acterna Advantage.Acterna is the world’s largest provider of test and management solutions for optical transport, access and cable networks, and the second largest communications test company overall. Focused entirely on providing equipment, software, systems and services, Acterna helps customers develop, install, manufacture and maintain optical transport, access, cable, data/IP and wireless networks.。
4585 4080
4585 4370 3969
5460 5216 5216
5515 3286 3365
3385 5238 5238
2738 8609 3390
1844 4794 3390
1844 1614 2676
5337 7803
5403 4243 1783
3385 4962 4732
1844 2761 3286
1934 8362
3278 5115
姓名代码,嘿嘿(高考,中考,大学英语等)姓名代码查询—区位码—机读卡代码查询│a│锿7945│袄1632│把1649│ban │蚌1686│葆6165│萆6141││啊1601│霭8616│傲1633│耙1650│斑1663│镑1687│宀6918│蓓6177││阿1602│an│奥1634│坝1651│班1664│傍1688│孢7063│呗6334││呵2639│鞍1616│懊1635│霸1652│搬1665│谤1689│煲7650│怫6686││吖6325│氨1617│澳1636│罢1653│扳1666│纺2336│鸨8017│悖6703││嗄6436│安1618│棍2587│爸1654│般1667│旁3752│褓8157│碚7753││腌7571│俺1619│浇2929│伯1814│颁1668│彭3777│趵8532│鹎8039││锕7925│按1620│嚣4789│湃3740│板1669│蒡6182│龅8621│褙8156││ ai│暗1621│坳5974│茇6056│版1670│浜6826│bei │蜚8267││埃1603│岸1622│拗6254│菝6135│扮1671│螃8306│牬0020│鐾8645││挨1604│胺1623│嗷6427│萆6141│拌1672│bao │犕0045│鞴8725││哎1605│案1624│噢6462│捭6267│伴1673│苞1690│盃1600│ben││唉1606│厂1907│岙6514│岜6517│瓣1674│胞1691│跋1647│犇0036││哀1607│干2441│廒6658│灞6917│半1675│包1692│杯1713│奔1728 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│丙1791│波1808│艴6985│鞴8721││ca│藏1856 │曾5288│犲0069 │蒇6159│苌6041 │掣1924│嗔6433││擦1833│伧5687 │噌6465│叉1870 │廛6660│菖6137 │彻1925│宸6923││蔡1844│臧7416 │缯7153│查1873 │忏6667│徜6568 │澈1926│缜7139││拆1880│ cao│cha│差1878 │潺6893 │怅6674 │池1956│琛7201 ││嚓6474│操1857 │插1869│拆1880 │澶6904│惝6714 │尺1963│榇7320││礤7769│糙1858 │叉1870│柴1881 │孱6978│阊6749 │斥1966│肜7532││cai│槽1859 │茬1871│豺1882 │羼6981│娼7029 │多2264│胂7547││猜1834│曹1860 │茶1872│搓2074 │婵7031│嫦7047 │宅5312│碜7755││裁1835│草1861 │查1873│侪5713 │嬗7051│錩7200 │坼5969│眈7781││材1836│澡5272 │碴1874│茈6075 │骣7086│昶7438 │屮6988│龀8619││才1837│造5276 │搽1875│钗7846 │觇7472│氅7509 │砗7726│ cheng││财1838│艹6019 │察1876│瘥8091 │禅7688│鲳8680 │chen│穿0010││睬1839│嘈6448 │岔1877│虿8218 │镡7966│chao│郴1927│蹦1736││踩1840│漕6878 │差1878│龇8623 │裣8147│超1912 │臣1928│敞1908││采1841│屮6988 │诧1879│chan│蟾8324│抄1913 │辰1929│撑1937││彩1842│螬8309 │接2951│搀1883 │躔8580│钞1914 │尘1930│称1938││菜1843│艚8429 │捷2961│掺1884 │chang│朝1915 │晨1931│城1939││蔡1844│Ce │刹4118│蝉1885 │瑞1200 │嘲1916 │忱1932│橙1940││can│厕1862│土4533│馋1886│昌1893│潮1917│沉1933│成1941││餐1845│策1863 │斜4817│谗1887 │猖1894│巢1918 │陈1934│呈1942 ││参1846│侧1864 │喳5291│缠1888 │场1901 │吵1919 │趁1935│乘1943││蚕1847│册1865 │苴6058│铲1889 │尝1902 │炒1920 │衬1936│程1944││残1848│测1866 │荼6117│产1890 │常1903 │绰2034 │称1938│惩1945││惭1849│赦4166 │嚓6474│阐1891 │长1904 │剿2943 │橙1940│澄1946││惨1850│栅5304 │猹6610│颤1892 │偿1905 │绍4160 │秤1951│诚1947││灿1851│厕5654 │馇6639│单2105 │肠1906 │涛4446 │闯2019│承1948││掺1884│帻6493 │汊6766│掸2107 │厂1907 │诌5463 │堪3116│逞1949││孱6978│侧6692 │姹7017│渐2905 │敞1908 │唠6375 │帘3317│骋1950││骖7078│cen │杈7230│厘3269 │畅1909 │怊6687│沈4182│秤1951 ││璨7218│参1846 │楂7311│苫4127 │唱1910 │绉7107 │填4478│盯2202││粲8451│岑6515 │槎7322│兔4535 │倡1911 │晁7443 │湛5331│净3027││黪8785│涔6825 │檫7363│沾5320 │尚4148 │焯7644 │枕5377│呛3926││cang │ceng │钗7846│崭5324 │裳4149 │耖8173│疹5378│抢3932 ││苍1852│层1867 │锸7942│胀5345 │倘4440 │che│伧5687│盛4202 ││舱1853│蹭1868 │镲7979│冁5770 │淌4442 │车1921 │谌5840│趟4443││仓1854│僧4114 │衩8135│谄5838 │伥5686 │扯1922 │谶5863│醒4849││沧1855│增5286 │chai│谶5863│鬯5943 │撤1923 │抻6251│丞5609││伥5686│炽1967│眵7787│犫0066│除1993│搋6285│chui │啜6408││郢5911│哆2263│鸱8023│疇1400│楚1994│啜6408│吹2021│辶6933││埕5984│离3275│瘛8101│抽1973│础2001│嘬6460│炊2022│辍7401││噌6465│莉3282│褫8161│酬1974│储2002│膪7590│捶2023│焯7644││嵊6551│箈3900│蚩8231│畴1975│矗2003│踹8563│锤2024│斫7729││徵6571│蛇4163│螭8304│踌1976│搐2004│chuan │垂2025│镞7963││浈6805│饰4246│笞8355│稠1977│触2005│川2008│椎5521│趵8532││枨7239│她4393│篪8388│愁1978│处2006│穿2009│陲5879│踔8554││柽7263│抬4407│豉8489│筹1979│硫3382│椽2010│棰7302│踱8566││樘7344│提4465│踅8529│仇1980│柠3691│传2011│槌7319│龊8626││晟7441│拖4547│踟8556│绸1981│淑4271│船2012│chun │Ci││塍7583│喜4718│魑8746│瞅1982│藸4300│喘2013│犉0038│厕1862││瞠7810│啸4805│chong│丑1983│涂4531│串2014│春2026│差1878││铖7881│移5038│充1968│臭1984│畜4883│掾6282│椿2027│柴1881││铛7885│誀5200│冲1969│扭3704│絮4885│舛6622│醇2028│疵2035││裎8146│滞5445│虫1970│钮3705│诸5478│惴6723│唇2029│茨2036││蛏8241│治5446│崇1971│诌5463│著5488│遄6955│淳2030│磁2037││酲8508│傺5749│宠1972│俦5717│助5490│巛7161│纯2031│雌2038││chi │郗5913│茧2875│圳5958│祝5503│氚7516│蠢2032│辞2039││狋0084│坻5970│酮4510│揄6277│亍5601│钏7843│莼6127│慈2040││茬1871│墀6015│涌5131│帱6492│诎5816│镩7973│沌6771│瓷2041││拆1880│芪6046│盅5449│惆6716│刍5927│舡8413│辁7390│词2042││吃1952│茌6061│种5454│溴6869│怵6680│踹8563│肫7538│此2043││痴1953│搋6285│重5456│妯7008│憷6732│chuang │朐7552│刺2044││持1954│叱6319│烛5482│瘳8112│屮6988│牎0001│鹑8040│赐2045││匙1955│哧6374│僮5755│雠8637│绌7109│牕0007│蝽8277│次2046││池1956│啻6420│蹱5900│鲋8654│杵7238│仓1854│chuo│措2075││迟1957│嗤6445│茺6091│chu│楮7290 │疮2015│躇1989│司4330││弛1958│彳6560│忡6671│犓0043│樗7343│窗2016│戳2033│伺4337││驰1959│饬6633│憧6731│初1985│褚8150│幢2017│绰2034│兹5540││耻1960│沱6791│潼6892│出1986│蜍8260│床2018│簇2056│滋5544││齿1961│媸7042│铳7905│橱1987│蹰8573│闯2019│促2057│茈6075││侈1962│骊7074│舂8409│厨1988│黜8777│创2020│淖3655│荠6089││尺1963│柢7260│艟8430│躇1989│chua│葱2048│醛4009│呲6358││赤1964│敕7523│chou│锄1990│撮2073│囱2049│缀5526│嵯6547││翅1965│胝7553│牰0022│雏1991│chuai│怆6675│荃6085│祠7684││斥1966│眙7784│犨0063│滁1992│揣2007│舂8409│蔟6193│鹚8043││蚝8226 │簇2056 │体4469│搭2078│驮4552│蜒4949 │dao│锝7929││螅8303 │促2057 │萃6145│达2079│诒5817│詹5318 │刀2122│ dei││粢8450 │错2077 │啐6393│答2080│埭6004│湛5331 │捣2123│得2135││糍8457 │戚3861 │悴6718│瘩2081│甙6316│亻5673 │蹈2124│ deng ││趑8484 │且3950 │璀7213│打2082│呔6330│贍5700 │倒2125│橙1940││cong│趋3987 │榱7333 │大2083 │岱6523│儋5757 │岛2126│澄1946││窗2016 │趣4004 │毳7505│胆2108│迨6942│卩5864 │祷2127│蹬2137││聪2047 │卒5568 │隹8631│迭2192│逯6954│萏6144 │导2128│灯2138││葱2048 │蔟6193 │cun│塌4390 │骀7070│啖6402 │到2129│登2139││囱2049 │徂6562 │村2069 │塔4394 │绐7110│怛6682 │稻2130│等2140││匆2050 │猝6607 │存2070 │耷6239 │玳7173│澹6903 │悼2131│瞪2141││从2051 │绉7107 │寸2071 │哒6353 │棣7306│澶6904 │道2132│凳2142││丛2052 │殂7367 │蹲2255 │嗒6410 │黛8776│檐7360 │盗2133│邓2143││纵5561 │酢8501 │浚3103 │怛6682 │ dan│殚7373 │鸟3681│噔6466││偬5744 │蹙8530 │忖6666 │姐7007 │狙0093│赕7470 │受4260│嶝6556││苁6042 │蹴8577 │皴8169 │沓7719 │忱1932│觇7472 │涛4446│戥7413││淙6840 │cuan│cuo│疽8067 │耽2102│膻7594 │陶4453│磴7767││骢7085 │蹿2058 │摧2061 │褡8155 │担2103│眈7781│刂5654│镫7975││琮7193 │纂2059 │磋2072 │笪8346 │丹2104│疸8067 │俦5717│簦8403││璁7214 │窜2060 │撮2073 │靼8716 │单2105│瘅8087 │叨6322│di││枞7240 │攒5260 │搓2074 │鞑8718 │郸2106│聃8185│啁6390│牴0025││cou│汆5764│措207 │dai│掸2107│箪8376 │帱6492│逮2094││凑2053 │撺6305 │挫2076│大2083│胆2108│dang│忉6665│的2136││簇2056 │昕7431 │错2077│呆2084│旦2109│场1901 │惆6716│堤2144││趋3987 │爨7664 │昔4684│歹2055│氮2110│当2117 │洮6812│低2145││趣4004 │镩7973 │最5578│傣2086│但2111│挡2118 │氘7514│滴2146││奏5564 │cui│厝5640│戴2087│惮2112│党2119 │焘7666│迪2147││揍5565 │察1876 │嵯6547│带2088│淡2113│荡2120 │忑7693│敌2148││族5569 │摧2061 │脞7566│殆2089│诞2114│档2121 │纛8478│笛2149││蔟6193 │崔2062 │锉7917│代2090│弹2115│烫4444 │ de│狄2150││薮6220 │催2063 │矬7983│贷2091│蛋2116│谠5852 │德2134│涤2151││楱7308 │脆2064 │痤8078│袋2092│憾2622│凼5942 │得2135│翟2152││辏7403 │瘁2065 │瘥8091│待2093│冉4029│菪6148 │的2136│嫡2153││腠7577 │粹2066 │鹾8526│逮2094│赡4136│宕6920 │登2139│抵2154││cu│淬2067 │蹉8567 │怠2101 │石4215│砀7724 │底2155│底2155││粗2054 │翠2068 │躜8582│毒2230│坛4419│铛7885 │地2156│地2156││醋2055 │衰4305 │ da │隶3305│潭4422│裆8141 │陟5876│蒂2157││第2158│ dian│叼2180│佚5693│耵8184│痘2227│嘟6429│dun ││帝2159│颠2163│雕2181│垤5976│酊8490│都2228│渎6834│犜0052││弟2160│掂2164│凋2182│堞6006│diu│读2233│椟7292│不1827││递2161│滇2165│刁2183│揲6273│丢2210│投4522│橐7350│墩2253││缔2162│碘2166│掉2184│喋6409│铥7891│逾5166│牍7525│吨2254││隶3305│点2167│吊2185│渫6845│dong│蔸6190│蠹832B│蹲2255││芍4154│典2168│钓2186│轶7383│东2211│渎6834│竺8335│敦2256││勺4155│靛2169│调2187│牒7526│冬2212│钭7855│笃8338│顿2257││提4465│垫2170│鸟3681│瓞8012│董2213│窦8128│纛8478│囤2258││题4466│电2171│挑4484│褶8162│懂2214│窬8130│髑8739│钝2259││蹄4467│佃2172│跳44B8│耋8183│动2215│蚪8229│黩8782│盾2260││约5228│甸2173│赵5352│踮8558│栋2216│篼8391│duan │遁2261││逐5480│店2174│佻5712│蹀8562│侗2217│酡8502│端2243│俊3101││氐5621│惦2175│倜5735│鲽8688│恫2218│du │短2244│沌6771││籴5765│奠2176│莜6115│鳎8703│冻2219│牘0009│锻2245│豚7564││诋5814│淀2177│骠7084│ ding│洞2220│犢0057│段2246│炖7632││谛5848│殿2178│轺7387│灯2138│桐4509│诧1879│断2247│砘7727││邸5901│拈3673│铞7886│奠2176│酮4510│都2228│缎2248│礅7766││坻5970│涎4749│铫7902│丁2201│筒4518│督2229│彖6972│盹7779││莜6115│沾5320│蜩8272│盯2202│垌5977│毒2230│椴7318│镦7970││荻6122│、5628│粜8448│叮2203│咚6343│犊2231│煅7649│趸8527││啻6420│阽5871│鲷8500│钉2204│岽6520│独2232│簖8393│duo ││嘀6454│坫5967│踔8554│顶2205│峒6528│读2233│踹8563│揣2007││娣7023│埝5994│貂8585│鼎2206│夂6626│堵2234│dui│捶2023││杓7228│巅6559│鲷8684│锭2207│氡7517│睹2235│堆2249│郸2106││柢7260│玷7172│die│定2208│胨7543│赌2236│兑2250│度2240││棣7306│钿7868│跌2188│订2209│胴7556│杜2237│队2251│兑2250││觌7475│癜8116│爹21B9│汀4501│硐7747│镀2238│对2252│掇2262││胝7553│癫8118│碟2190│仃5674│甬8014│肚2239│敦2256│哆2263││砥7738│蜓8249│蝶2191│葶6167│鸫8020│度2240│夺2265│多2264││碲7758│簟8401│迭2192│啶6404│dou│渡2241│锐4081│夺2265││睇7791│踮8558│谍2193│玎7164│兜2221│妒2242│追5523│垛2266││镝7965│diao│叠2194│腚7575│抖2222│顿2257│隊7400│躲2267││羝8438│稠1977│涉4170│碇7754│斗2223│土4533│怼7701│朵2268││骶8730│绸1981│踢4463│町7814│陡2224│宅5312│憝7713│跺2269││dia│刀2122│至5433│铤7890│豆2225│锗5364│碓7752│舵2270││嗲6439│碉2179│窒5447│疔8059│逗2226│芏6022│镦7970│剁2271│○o毛毛o○ 2008-1-16 23:45│惰2272│伪4617│er│翻2313│访2335│斐7619│棼7291│fou 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jiang│娇2931│徼6572│解2966│羯8441│槿7340││缄2874│僭5752│虹2671│嚼2932│湫6848│姐2967│暨8463│赆7465││茧2875│谏5841│红2676│搅2933│姣7015│戒2968│鲒8658│觐7478││检2876│谫5857│僵2909│铰2934│纟7089│藉2969│骱8726│钅7836││柬2877│谮5858│姜2910│矫2935│敫7524│芥2970│髫8756│锓7923││碱2878│廴5940│将2911│侥2936│皎8008│界2971│jin│衿8138││硷2879│茛6102│浆2912│脚2937│鹪8052│借2972│巾2977│矜8170││拣2880│菅6149│江2913│狡2938│蚊8252│介2973│筋2978│jing ││捡2881│蒹6183│疆2914│角2939│醮8520│疥2974│斤2979│劲3002││简2882│搛6286│蒋2915│饺2940│跤8551│诫2975│金2980│荆3003││俭2883│囝6478│桨2916│缴2941│鲛8662│届2976│今2981│兢3004││剪2884│湔6853│奖2917│绞2942│jie │楷3112│津2982│茎3005││减2885│骞6925│讲2918│剿2943│犗0047│渴3142│襟2983│睛3006││荐2886│蹇6931│匠2919│教2944│担2103│契3885│紧2984│晶3007││槛2887│謇6932│酱2920│酵2945│概2437│拾4216│锦2985│鲸3008││鉴2888│孱6978│降2921│轿2946│亥2605│她4393│仅2986│京3009││践2889│缣7144│强3931│较2947│圾2788│祖5570│谨2987│惊3010││贱2890│枧7237│茳6092│叫2948│籍2814│偈5742│进2988│精3011││见2891│柙7252│洚6814│窖2949│家2850│讦5806│靳2989│粳3012││键2892│楗7305│绛7113│纠3032│假2857│诘5821│晋2990│经3013││井3014 │靓8606│桕7274 │距3064│橘7357│蜷8273│柽7263│咯3109 ││警3015 │鼱9200│鸠8015 │踞3065│犋7488│隽8633│桷7286│佧5691 ││景3016 │ jiong │鹫8053 │锯3066│飓7611│jue│闋7300│咔6339 ││颈3017 │炯3028│蝤8288 │俱3067│钜7850│嚼2932│橛7351│珈7176 ││静3018 │窘3029│赳8481 │句3068│锔7924│脚2937│爝7663│胩7544 ││境3019 │冂5671│蹴8577 │惧3069│窭8132│角2939│镢7967│kai││敬3020 │垧5980│鬏8761 │炬3070│裾8153│较2947│蠼8329│喝2640 ││镜3021 │迥6936│ju│剧3071│趄8482│撅3079│蹶8574│核2643 ││径3022 │炅7433│犑0042 │篓3408│醵8522│攫3080│觖8591│开3110 ││痉3023 │扃7671│臭0083 │且3950│踽8565│抉3081│鳜8712│揩3111 ││靖3024 │jiu│车1921 │蛆3989│龃8620│掘3082│鞒8719│楷3112 ││竟3025 │牞0012│仇1980│渠3994 │雎8634│倔3083│jun│凯3113││竞3026 │愁1978│锄1990│娶4002 │瞿8636│爵3084│龟2574 │慨3114 ││净3027 │揪3030│雏1991│邹5562│鞫8722 │觉3085│均3089 │渴3142 ││青3964 │究3031│告2470│租5566│ juan│决3086│菌3090│剀5660 ││氏4247 │纠3032│拱2516│足5567│捐3072 │诀3087│钧3091│劾5932 ││烃4494 │玖3033│柜2581│佝5694│鹃3073 │绝3088│军3092│垲5978 ││醒4849 │韭3034│骄2930│倨5738│娟3074 │狂3181│君3093│蒈6160 ││刭5657 │久3035│桔2959│趵5800│倦3075 │屈3992│峻3094│忾6673 ││儆5751 │灸3036│姐2967│讵5810│眷3076 │蛙4560│俊3101│恺6693 ││阱5869 │九3037│鞠3047│鄹5924│卷3077 │穴4908│竣3102│溘6859 ││陉5874 │酒3038│拘3048│苣6036│绢3078 │乙5050│浚3103│铠7888 ││菁6128 │厩3039│狙3049│苴6058│圈4006 │厥5642│郡3104│锎7920 ││獍6616 │救3040│疽3050│莒6076│蕊4079 │劂5667│骏3105│锴7939 ││憬6729 │旧3041│居3051│菹6147│身4177 │谲5860│旬4914│雉7984 ││泾6794 │臼3042│驹3052│蒌6168│眩4903 │矍5939│匀5240│kan││迳6941 │舅3043│菊3053│蘧6230│甄5371 │蕨6207│訇5774│喊2616 ││弪6982 │咎3044│局3054│掬6268│鄄5918 │蕞6209│捃6260│槛2887 ││婧7026 │就3045│咀3055│鉅6600│擐6307 │嗟6421│狻6601│刊3115 ││檠7349 │疚3046│矩3056│遽6965│狷6590 │噘6457│皲8168│堪3116 ││晟7441 │僦5754│举3057│屦6980│泫6789 │噱6469│筠8362│勘3117 ││肼7534 │啾6417│沮3058│鬻6987│涓6824 │崛6540│隽8633│坎3118 ││胫7554 │噍6461│聚3059│琚7202│桊7280 │獗6617│麇8769│砍3119││腈7570 │阄6746│拒3060│枸7259│睃7792 │阕6755│ka│看3120 ││旌7626 │湫6848│据3061│椐7307│蠲7835 │阙6758│喀3106│嵌3922││蜻8263 │缪7149│巨3062│榘7316│锩7935 │孓7062│咖3107│馅4758││箐8368 │柩7249│具3063│榉7323│镌7952 │珏7169│卡3108│侃5709││凵5941│Ke│疴8066│箜8377│跨3171│旷3185│愦6720│刳5658││莰6108│犐0041│窠8129│kou │胯3172│况3186│阕6755│邝5887││莶6118│呵2639│颏8204│抠3157│侉5708│枉4587│逵6951│哙6364││阚6759│喀3106│蚵8234│口3158│锞7930│兄4854│闋7300│栝7273││戡7412│坷3132│蝌8282│扣3159│髁8733│诓5818│暌7450│蛞8250││龛7772│苛3133│髁8733│寇3160│kuai │诳5831│睽7805│la│瞰7811│柯3134│kei│挎3170│会2765│邝5887│聩8189│垃3212││kang │棵3135│刻3144│佝5694│块3173│圹5959│蝰8281│拉3213││犺0072│磕3136│ken│芤6050│筷3174│夼6237│篑8381│喇3214││奋2360│颗3137│狠2661│蔻6202│侩3175│哐6349│臾8407│蜡3215││杭2628│科3138│肯3147│叩6321│快3176│湟6850│跬8545│腊3216││荒2736│壳3139│啃3148│妪6993│魁3193│纩7094│觖8591│辣3217││康3121│咳3140│垦3149│眍7778│傀3194│贶7460│kun│啦3218││慷3122│可3141│恳3150│筘8356│蒯5665│ kui│混2776│蓝3222││糠3123│渴3142│垠5983│ku│郐5906│踩1840│坤3204│落3468││扛3124│克3143│颀7700│古2537│蒉6162│亏3187│昆3205│刺5661││抗3125│刻3144│裉8144│掘3082│哙6364│盔3188│捆3206│摺6301││亢3126│客3145│颀8193│枯3161│狯6586│岿3189│困3207│邋6969││炕3127│课3146│龈8624│哭3162│浍6811│窥3190│卵3449│旯7425││坑3151│嗑6430│keng│窟3163│脍7558│葵3191│顽4571│砬7739││伉5688│岢6519│牼0030│苦3164│kuan│奎3192│馄6638│瘌8088││闶6742│恪6701│坑3151│酷3165│棵3135│魁3193│悃6707│癞8114││沆6776│溘6859│吭3152│库3166│颗3137│傀3194│阃6745│lai││钪7854│骒7076│胫7554│裤3167│宽3177│馈3201│琨7191│莱3219││ kao│缂7128│忐7694│挎3170│款3178│愧3202│锟7931│来3220││搞2467│珂7170│硎7742│跨3171│完4574│溃3203│醌8511│赖3221││考3128│轲7380│铒7879│圣4205│髋8737│顷3974│龈8624│崃6533││拷3129│氪7520│铿7912│刳5658│ kuang │缺4017│鲲8679│徕6566││烤3130│碣7757│kong│堀6005│狅0079│馗5624│鳏8704│涞6821││靠3131│龛7772│空3153│邻6300│逛2568│匮5649│髡8753│濑6894││挢6256│瞌7807│恐3154│喾6423│磺2739│夔5771│kuo│赉7467││尻6974│盍7833│孔3155│绔7111│匡3179│隗5883│会2765│睐7789││栲7264│钶7861│控3156│骷8728│筐3180│蒉6162│括3208│铼7910││槁7334│铪7894│腔3927│kua│狂3181│揆6281│扩3209│癞8114││犒7491│锕7925│倥5737│夸3168│框3182│喹6413│廓3210│籁8405││彀7616│锞7930│崆6539│垮3169│矿3183│喟6416│阔3211│黧8783││铐7877│稞7993│穹8123│挎3170│眶3184│悝6706│适4242│lan │○o毛毛o○ 2008-1-16 23:45│郴1927 │浪3243│乐3254│稜2200│立3302 │栎7261│怜3315│凉3325││蓝3222 │莨6125│肋3263│棱3266│粒3303 │轹7386│涟3316.│梁3326││婪3223 │蒗6185│了3343│楞3267│沥3304 │飒7610│帘3317│粱3327││栏3224 │啷6405│仂5676│冷3268│隶3305 │戾7669│敛3318│良3328││拦3225 │阆6747│叻6323│塄6008│力3306 │砺7734│脸3319│两3329││蓝3226 │锒7922│嘞6447│愣6722│璃3307 │砬7739│链3320│辆3330││阑3227 │稂7992│泐6778│ li│哩3308 │硌7749│恋3321│量3331││兰3228 │螂8275│鳓8706│犁0032│列3348 │詈7826│炼3322│晾3332││澜3229 │踉8552│lei│犛0051│泣3892 │罹7830│练3323│亮3333││谰3230 │lao│礌2000│犡0056│位4627 │铄7869│零3367│谅3334│。
触摸屏)编程使用说明书文件编号:HN/QF.13-0002-004版本号: A发放编号:持册人:长沙华能自控集团有限公司目录1.OMRON CJ1M系列PLC介绍 (2)1.1.CPU单元(使用CJ1M-CPU13) (3)1.2.通信单元(使用CJ1W-SCU41) (8)1.3.I/O单元 (8)1.4.模块安装及地址分配 (8)2.OMRON PLC常用编程指令 (9)2.1. 梯形图指令 (9)2.2. 位元(B IT)控制指令 (9)2.3. 结束指令(END) (10)2.4. 定时器和计数器指令 (10)2.5. 数据移位元元元指令 (10)2.6. 数据传送指令 (11)2.7. 数据比较指令 (12)2.8. 数据转换指令 (13)2.9. BCD码运算指令 (14)2.10. 二进制元运算指令 (16)2.11. 逻辑指令 (17)2.12. 子程序和中断控制指令 (18)2.13. 串行通信指令(PMCR) (19)3.OMRON PLC程序编辑软件 (19)3.1. CX-P ROGRAMMER中对PLC的初始化设置 (19)3.2. PLC设定 (20)3.3. CX-P ROGRAMMER中对PLC的联机操作 (21)3.4. 程序中各个子程序的用途定义 (21)4.OMRON PLC通信程序编辑软件 (22)4.1. 与PLC通信单元箱地址设定 (22)4.2. 4-2PLC协议编制软件(CX-P ROTOCOL)通信口设定 (22)4.3. PLC协议编制软件使用简单说明 (23)4.4. PLC与单元箱通信协议注意事项: (23)5.EASYVIEW触摸屏程序编辑软件 (23)5.1. 与OMRON PLC连接参数设定 (23)5.2. 一般参数设定(通过“编辑――系统参数的一般页进行设定) (23)5.3. 组件功能说明 (24)5.4. 触摸屏程序的下载 (27)5.5. 触摸屏程序调试 (28)6.水机屏PLC程序资料寄存器分配 (28)6.1. PLC内部时钟存放区(D0~D6) (28)6.2. PLC事故资料中转区(D10~D19) (28)6.3. 发生的水机操作、故障、事故报警个数存放区(D20): (29)6.4. 水机状态(遥信量)存放区(D21~D30): (29)6.5. PLC事故存放区:(D4000~D5999)共存放200条事故资料 (29)6.6. PLC与单元箱通信辅助中间寄存器: (29)6.7. PLC与单元通信中断判断辅助寄存器: (29)6.8. PLC与HMI(触摸屏)间固定使用寄存器: (30)6.9. 触摸屏及后台操作定义(无特殊要求) (31)7.触摸屏模拟量显示设定 (32)8.OMRON PLC通信协议 (33)8.1. PLC使用 (33)8.2. 对时使用 (34)8.3. 单元箱使用 (34)8.4. PLC通信协议接线图 (37)1.OMRON CJ1M系列PLC介绍当前水机自动化屏大多使用OMRON CJ1M系列PLC,这种PLC为模块式,而且没有底板。
Yokogawa CN2508 Series 限值控制器产品说明书
1SpecificationsEnvironmental CharacteristicsOperating Temperature: 32 to 131°F (0 to 55°C)Storage Temperature: -4 to 176°F (-20 to 80°C)Humidity: 20 to 95% non-condensing RHElectricalSupply Voltage: 100 to 240V , 50/60 Hz, optional 20 to 48 Vac 50/60 Hz or 22 to 65 VdcPower Consumption: 5 W/7.5 VA maximumInputsThermocouples: J, T, K, L, N, B, R, S, C; Pt Rh 20% vs. Pt 40% RhRTD: 3-wire, PT100 DC linear (scalable -1999 to +9999)Volts: 0 to 5V , 1 to 5V , 0 to 10V , 2 to 10V DC Milliamps: 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA DC Millivolts: 0 to 50 mV , 10 to 50 mV1⁄8 DIN Temperature/Process Limit ControllersCN2508 SeriesU Dual Display U Universal Input U High/Low LimitU Limit Relay Output (Fixed)U Additional Modular Outputs (Optional)U RS485 (Optional)U D igital Input Remote Reset (Optional)The CN2508 Series is part of a range of newgeneration series of limit controllers that incorporate numerous product specification, communication, display interface and software improvements that surpass competitive limit device offerings in ease of use and programming.By adding more versatile features and user-friendly functionality like digital inputs, an easy-to-use HMI, jumperless and auto-hardware configuration, 24 Vdc transmitter power supply and MODBUS ® communication across the range, the CN2508 limit controller transform the complicated into the simple while saving you time (as much as 50% on product set-up), reducing inventory stock and virtually eliminating the likelihood of operator errors.The CN2508 limit controllers are affordable, well-featured, easy to use and adaptable with performance features that work for you to make limit control simple.The CN2508 is a fail-safe protection device to prevent damage to equipment or products. It will shut down a process when a preset temperature is reached and cannot be reset by the operator until the process has returned to a safe condition.OutputsOutput 1: (Limit relay) fixedOutputs 2 and 3: (Alarm relay) are user-selectable and customized based on desired application Choose From the Following Output TypesMax # of Outputs: 3 for alarm, 24 Vdc transmitter power supply or retransmit of process value/limit trip setpoint L imit Relay: SPDT; 240 Vac, 5 A resistive; lifetime >100,000 operations at rated voltage/currentA larm Relay: Optional SPDT; 240 Vac, 2 A resistive; lifetime >500,000 operations at rated voltage/current S SR Drive (Optional Drive Capability): >10 Vdc nominal into 500 Ω minimumD C Linear: Optional 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA into 500 Ω max; 0 to 10V , 1 to 5V , 2 to 10V , 0 to 5V into 500 Ω min; outputs have 2% over/under drive applied; accuracy±0.25% (mA into 250 Ω load, V into 2k Ω load); degrading linearity to ±0.5% for increasing burden to specified limits T riac: Optional 0.01 to 1A AC, 20 to 280 Vrms, 47 to 63 Hz (limit 2) T ransmitter Power Supply: Optional 24 Vdc (limit 1)Output FunctionsProcess Alarm: Reverse or directModes (Alarm 1 and 2): High/low, band, deviation, logical OR/ANDRetransmit:Process value or limit setpointCN2508 shown actual size.2Electrical PerformanceAccuracy: ±0.1% of input range ±1 LSD (thermocouple CJC better than 1°C)Input Sample Rate: 4 per second, 14-bit resolutionImpedance: >10M Ω for the thermocouple and mV ranges, 47 k Ω for V ranges and 5 Ω for mA rangesSensor Break Detection: <2 seconds (except zero based DC ranges), limit output opens, low alarms activate for RTD, mA or V rangesCommunications InterfaceUser-Selectable: 2-wire, RS485 serial communications option with choice of MODBUS RTU or ASCII protocol; 1200 to 19200 baudPC Configuration: Offline configuration from serial port to dedicated configuration socket (comms option not required)ProtectionIEC IP66 (NEMA 4X): Front panel IEC IP20: Behind the panel protectionDimensionsPanel Cutout: 45 W x 92 mm H (1.77 x 3.62")Height: 96 mm (3.77")Width: 48 mm (1.89")Depth: 100 mm (3.94")Weight: 0.21 kg (0.46 lb)Mounting: Plug in panel with fixing strapOrdering Example: CN2508-R1, single output controller and operator’s manual.。
(5)接口支持的消息接收方式为HTTP POST,请求方法的编码格式(utf-8):"application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8"。
(4)全流程的物流状态跟踪I3.代码签名采用IP 认证加签名的方式对接,具体方案如下:1)防止数据被篡改在POST 请求中会传递 5 个必须(R)参数RequestData==数据内容(URL 编码:UTF-8)EBusinessID==用户IDRequestType=请求指令类型DataSign== 数据内容签名:把(请求内容(未编码)+ApiKey)进行MD5 加密,然后Base64编码,最后进行URL(utf-8)编码DataType==返回数据类型(2-json)注:DataSign 生成后,对方接收到数据后,以同样的算法进行签名,生成摘要,对比两者的摘要是否相同,如果不同,说明传递过程中发生数据篡改。
2)调用接口的身份认证注册成为接口用户后,会生成对应的用户ID 和APIKey,用户ID 相当于用户名,APIKey 相当于密码。
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Mitsubishi Electric FX3U FX3UC系列用户操作手册-模拟控制版说明书
SideBSideASideBJAPANESEENGLISHJY997D20701ASafety Precaution (Read these precautions before use.)linked to serious results.In any case, it is important to follow the directions for usage.Associated ManualsNote:FX 3UC Series PLC specification details for I/O, wiring, installation, andmaintenance can only be found in the Japanese Manual.How to obtain manualsFor the necessary product manuals or documents, consult with the Mitsubishi Electric dealer from where you purchase your product.Manual name Manual No.DescriptionFX 3U / FX 3UC Series User's Manual - Analog Control EditionJY997D16701MODEL CODE:09R619Describes specifications for analog control andprogramming method for FX 3U / FX 3UC Series PLC.FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programming Manual - B a s i c & A p p l i ed Instruction Edition JY997D16601MODEL CODE:09R517Describes PLC programming for basic/applied instructions and devices.FX 3U Series User’s Manual - Hardware EditionJY997D16501MODEL CODE:09R516Explains FX 3U Series PLC specification details for I/O,w i r i n g , i ns ta l l a t i o n , a n dmaintenance.Certification of UL, cUL standardsThe following product has UL and cUL certification.UL, cUL File Number:E95239Models:MELSEC FX 3U series manufacturedFX 3U -4ADCompliance with EC directive (CE Marking)This note does not guarantee that an entire mechanical module produced in accordance with the contents of this note will comply with the following standards.Compliance to EMC directive and LVD directive for the entire mechanical module should be checked by the user / manufacturer. For more details please contact the local Mitsubishi Electric sales site.Requirement for Compliance with EMC directiveThe following products have shown compliance through direct testing (of the identified standards below) and design analysis (through the creation of a technical construction file) to the European Directive for Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC) when used as directed by the appropriate documentation.Type:Programmable Controller (Open Type Equipment)Models:MELSEC FX 3U series manufactured from February 1st, 2006FX 3U -4ADCaution for EC DirectiveThe analog special adapters have been found to be compliant to the European standards in the aforesaid manual and directive. However, for the very best per-formance from what are in fact delicate measuring and controlled output device Mitsubishi Electric would like to make the following points;As analog devices are sensitive by nature, their use should be considered care-fully. For users of proprietary cables (integral with sensors or actuators), these users should follow those manufacturers installation requirements.Mitsubishi Electric recommend that shielded cables should be used. If NO other EMC protection is provided, then users may experience temporary induced errors not exceeding +10%/-10% in very heavy industrial areas.However, Mitsubishi Electric suggest that if adequate EMC precautions are fol-lowed with general good EMC practice for the users complete control system, users should expect normal errors as specified in this manual.•Sensitive analog cable should not be laid in the same trunking or cable conduit as high voltage cabling. Where possible users should run analog cables separately.•Good cable shielding should be used. Ground the shield of the twisted shielded cable at one point on the PLC side.•When reading analog values, EMC induced errors can be smoothed out by averaging the readings. This can be achieved either through functions on the special function block for analog input or through a users program in the FX 3U Series PLC main unit.•Please use FX 3U -4AD while installed in a shielded enclosure. For the details,refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U Series User's Manual - Hardware Edition1.OutlineThe FX 3U -4AD special function block for analog input converts four analog input values (voltage, current) to digital values and transfers those digital values to the PLC main unit.1.1Incorporated ItemsCheck if the following product and items are included in the package:StandardRemarkEN61131-2:2003Programmable controllers-Equipment requirements and testsCompliance with all relevant aspects of the standard.•Radiated Emissions•Mains Terminal Voltage Emissions •RF immunity •Fast Transients •ESD •Surge•Conducted•Power magnetic fields1.2External Dimensions, Part Names, and Terminal Layout1.2.1External Dimensions and Part Names1.2.2Terminal Layout2.Installation2.1ArrangementsThe product connects on the right side of an PLC main unit or extension units/blocks (including special function units/blocks).For connection to FX 3UC Series PLC or FX 2NC Series PLC extension block, FX 2NC -CNV-IF or FX 3UC -1PS-5V is required.For further information of installation arrangements, refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U Series User's Manual - Hardware Edition[1]Direct mounting hole:2 holes of φ4.5 (0.18") (mounting screw: M4 screw)[2]Extension cable[3]POWER LED (green):Lit while 5V DC power is supplied from PLC.[4]Terminal block for power supply (24V DC) (M3 terminal screw)[5]Terminal block for analog input [6]24V LED (red):Lit while 24V DC power is supplied properly to terminals [24+] and [24-].[7]A/D LED (red):Flashes (at high speed) during A/D conversion. [8]DIN rail mounting hook[9]DIN rail mounting groove (35 mm (1.38") wide)INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS•Use the product in the environment within the general specifications described in PLC main unit manual (Hardware Edition).Never use the product in areas with dust, oily smoke, conductive dusts, corrosive gas (salt air, Cl 2, H 2S, SO 2, or NO 2), flammable gas, vibrations or impacts, or expose it to high temperature, condensation, or wind and rain.If the product is used in such a place described above, electrical shock, fire,malfunction, damage, or deterioration may be caused.•Do not touch the conductive parts of the product directly, thus avoiding failure or malfunction.•Install the product securely using the DIN rail or screws.•Install the product on a flat surface.If the mounting surface is rough, undue force will be applied to the PC board,thereby causing nonconformity.•When drilling screw holes or wiring, cutting chips or wire chips should not enter ventilation slits.Such an accident may cause fire, failure or malfunction.•Be sure to remove the dust proof sheet from the PLC's ventilation port when the installation work is completed.Failure to do so could cause fires, equipment failures, and malfunctions.•Fit the extension cables and communication cables securely to the designated connectors.Contact failures may cause malfunctions.2.2MountingThe product is mounted by the following method. •Direct mounting •DIN rail mounting2.2.1Direct MountingThe product can be mounted with M4 screws by using the direct mounting holes.Refer to the External Dimensions (section 1.2) for the product’s mounting hole pitch information.An interval space between each unit of 1 to 2 mm (0.04" to 0.08") is necessary. For further information of direct installation, also refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U Series User's Manual - Hardware Edition2.2.2DIN Rail MountingThe product can be mounted on a DIN rail (DIN46227, 35mm width).1)Fit the upper edge of the DIN rail mounting groove (right fig. A) onto the DIN rail. 2)Press the product against the DIN rail.3)on the left.→ Refer to the FX 3U FX 3U -4ADINSTALLATION MANUALThis manual describes the part names, dimensions, mounting, and specifications of the product. Before use, read this manual and manuals of relevant products fully to acquire proficiency in handling and operating the product. Make sure to learn all the product information, safety information, and precautions.And, store this manual in a safe place so that you can take it out and read it whenever necessary. Always forward it to the end user.RegistrationThe company name and the product name to be described in this manual are the registered trademarks or trademarks of each company.Effective February 2006Specifications are subject to change without notice.© 2006 Mitsubishi Electric CorporationManual Number JY997D20701Revision ADateFebruary 20063.Wiring*1For FX 3U Series PLC (AC power type), the 24V DC service power supply is also4.4Performance Specification4.5Input characteristicsThe input characteristics in each input mode are as follows.For the details of the input characteristics, refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U / FX 3UC Series User’s Manual- Analog Control EditionSideBSideASideBJAPANESEENGLISHJY997D20701ASafety Precaution (Read these precautions before use.)This manual classify the safety precautions into two categories:linked to serious results.In any case, it is important to follow the directions for usage.Associated ManualsNote:FX 3UC Series PLC specification details for I/O, wiring, installation, andmaintenance can only be found in the Japanese Manual.How to obtain manualsFor the necessary product manuals or documents, consult with the Mitsubishi Electric dealer from where you purchase your product.Manual name Manual No.DescriptionFX 3U / FX 3UC Series User's Manual - Analog Control EditionJY997D16701MODEL CODE:09R619Describes specifications for analog control andprogramming method for FX 3U / FX 3UC Series PLC.FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programming Manual - B a s i c & A p p l i ed Instruction Edition JY997D16601MODEL CODE:09R517Describes PLC programming for basic/applied instructions and devices.FX 3U Series User’s Manual - Hardware EditionJY997D16501MODEL CODE:09R516Explains FX 3U Series PLC specification details for I/O,w i r i n g , i ns ta l l a t i o n , a n dmaintenance.Certification of UL, cUL standardsThe following product has UL and cUL certification.UL, cUL File Number:E95239Models:MELSEC FX 3U series manufacturedFX 3U -4ADCompliance with EC directive (CE Marking)This note does not guarantee that an entire mechanical module produced in accordance with the contents of this note will comply with the following standards.Compliance to EMC directive and LVD directive for the entire mechanical module should be checked by the user / manufacturer. For more details please contact the local Mitsubishi Electric sales site.Requirement for Compliance with EMC directiveThe following products have shown compliance through direct testing (of the identified standards below) and design analysis (through the creation of a technical construction file) to the European Directive for Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC) when used as directed by the appropriate documentation.Type:Programmable Controller (Open Type Equipment)Models:MELSEC FX 3U series manufactured from February 1st, 2006FX 3U -4ADCaution for EC DirectiveThe analog special adapters have been found to be compliant to the European standards in the aforesaid manual and directive. However, for the very best per-formance from what are in fact delicate measuring and controlled output device Mitsubishi Electric would like to make the following points;As analog devices are sensitive by nature, their use should be considered care-fully. For users of proprietary cables (integral with sensors or actuators), these users should follow those manufacturers installation requirements.Mitsubishi Electric recommend that shielded cables should be used. If NO other EMC protection is provided, then users may experience temporary induced errors not exceeding +10%/-10% in very heavy industrial areas.However, Mitsubishi Electric suggest that if adequate EMC precautions are fol-lowed with general good EMC practice for the users complete control system, users should expect normal errors as specified in this manual.•Sensitive analog cable should not be laid in the same trunking or cable conduit as high voltage cabling. Where possible users should run analog cables separately.•Good cable shielding should be used. Ground the shield of the twisted shielded cable at one point on the PLC side.•When reading analog values, EMC induced errors can be smoothed out by averaging the readings. This can be achieved either through functions on the special function block for analog input or through a users program in the FX 3U Series PLC main unit.•Please use FX 3U -4AD while installed in a shielded enclosure. For the details,refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U Series User's Manual - Hardware Edition1.OutlineThe FX 3U -4AD special function block for analog input converts four analog input values (voltage, current) to digital values and transfers those digital values to the PLC main unit.1.1Incorporated ItemsCheck if the following product and items are included in the package:StandardRemarkEN61131-2:2003Programmable controllers-Equipment requirements and testsCompliance with all relevant aspects of the standard.•Radiated Emissions•Mains Terminal Voltage Emissions •RF immunity •Fast Transients •ESD •Surge•Conducted•Power magnetic fields1.2External Dimensions, Part Names, and Terminal Layout1.2.1External Dimensions and Part Names1.2.2Terminal Layout2.Installation2.1ArrangementsThe product connects on the right side of an PLC main unit or extension units/blocks (including special function units/blocks).For connection to FX 3UC Series PLC or FX 2NC Series PLC extension block, FX 2NC -CNV-IF or FX 3UC -1PS-5V is required.For further information of installation arrangements, refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U Series User's Manual - Hardware Edition[1]Direct mounting hole:2 holes of φ4.5 (0.18") (mounting screw: M4 screw)[2]Extension cable[3]POWER LED (green):Lit while 5V DC power is supplied from PLC.[4]Terminal block for power supply (24V DC) (M3 terminal screw)[5]Terminal block for analog input [6]24V LED (red):Lit while 24V DC power is supplied properly to terminals [24+] and [24-].[7]A/D LED (red):Flashes (at high speed) during A/D conversion. [8]DIN rail mounting hook[9]DIN rail mounting groove (35 mm (1.38") wide)INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS•Use the product in the environment within the general specifications described in PLC main unit manual (Hardware Edition).Never use the product in areas with dust, oily smoke, conductive dusts, corrosive gas (salt air, Cl 2, H 2S, SO 2, or NO 2), flammable gas, vibrations or impacts, or expose it to high temperature, condensation, or wind and rain.If the product is used in such a place described above, electrical shock, fire,malfunction, damage, or deterioration may be caused.•Do not touch the conductive parts of the product directly, thus avoiding failure or malfunction.•Install the product securely using the DIN rail or screws.•Install the product on a flat surface.If the mounting surface is rough, undue force will be applied to the PC board,thereby causing nonconformity.•When drilling screw holes or wiring, cutting chips or wire chips should not enter ventilation slits.Such an accident may cause fire, failure or malfunction.•Be sure to remove the dust proof sheet from the PLC's ventilation port when the installation work is completed.Failure to do so could cause fires, equipment failures, and malfunctions.•Fit the extension cables and communication cables securely to the designated connectors.Contact failures may cause malfunctions.2.2MountingThe product is mounted by the following method. •Direct mounting •DIN rail mounting2.2.1Direct MountingThe product can be mounted with M4 screws by using the direct mounting holes.Refer to the External Dimensions (section 1.2) for the product’s mounting hole pitch information.An interval space between each unit of 1 to 2 mm (0.04" to 0.08") is necessary. For further information of direct installation, also refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U Series User's Manual - Hardware Edition2.2.2DIN Rail MountingThe product can be mounted on a DIN rail (DIN46227, 35mm width).1)Fit the upper edge of the DIN rail mounting groove (right fig. A) onto the DIN rail. 2)Press the product against the DIN rail.3)on the left.→ Refer to the FX 3U3.Wiring3.1Applicable Cable and Terminal Tightening TorqueThe size of the terminal screws is M3.The end disposal of the cable shows below.Tighten the terminal to a torque of 0.5N m to 0.8N m.•When one wire is connected to one terminal•When two wires are connected to one terminal3.2Power Supply WiringFor the power supply wiring, refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U / FX 3UC Series User’s Manual- Analog Control Edition3.3Wiring of Analog Input→ For the terminal layout, refer to Subsection 1.2.2*1For FX 3U Series PLC (AC power type), the 24V DC service power supply is alsoavailable. *2terminal.*3Use a 2-core twisted shield wire for analog input line, and separate it from otherpower lines or inductive lines.*4For the current input, short-circuit the [V+] terminal and the [I+] terminal. *5If there is voltage ripple in the input voltage or there is noise in the externalwiring, connect a capacitor of approximately 0.1 to 0.47µF 25 V.3.4GroundingGrounding should be performed as stated below.•The grounding resistance should be 100Ω or less.•Independent grounding should be performed for best results.When independent grounding is not performed, perform "shared grounding"of the following figure.→ For details, refer to the FX 3U Series User's Manual- Hardware Edition.•The grounding wire size should be AWG 14 (2 mm 2).•The grounding point should be close to the PLC, and all grounding wire should be as short as possible.4.Specification4.1Applicable PLCThe version number can be checked by monitoring D8001 as the last three digits indicate it.4.2General SpecificationThe items other than the following are equivalent to those of the PLC main unit. For other general specifications, refer to the manual of the PLC main unit.→ For details, refer to the FX 3U Series User's Manual- Hardware Edition.4.3Power Supply SpecificationSTARTUP ANDMAINTENANCE PRECAUTIONS•Do not disassemble or modify the unit.Doing so may cause failure, malfunction or fire.* For repair, contact your local Mitsubishi Electric distributor.•Do not drop the product or do not exert strong impact, doing so may cause damage.DISPOSAL PRECAUTIONS•Please contact a company certified in the disposal of electronic waste forenvironmentally safe recycling and disposal of your device.TRANSPORT ANDSTORAGE PRECAUTIONS•During transportation avoid any impact as the product is a precision instrument.Check the operation of the product after transportation.Model name ApplicabilityFX 3U Series PLC Ver. 2.20 (from the first product) and laterFX 3UC Series PLCVer. 1.30 (from the product manufactured in August, 2004 with SER No. 48) and laterItemSpecificationDielectric withstandvoltage500V AC for one minuteConforming to JEM-1021Between all terminals and ground terminal of PLCmain unitInsulation resistance 5M Ω or more by 500V DC megger Item SpecificationA/D conversion circuit driving power 24V DC ±10%, 90mA for 24V DCConnect a 24V DC power supply to the terminal block.CPU driving power5V DC, 110mA5V DC power is supplied internally from the main unit.4.4Performance Specification*1Change the offset and gain values to change the input characteristics. However,the resolution doesn’t change even when the offset and gain values change.When the analog value direct indication is enabled in the input mode 2, 5, or 8,the offset value and the gain value don’t change. *2The offset and the gain should satisfy the following condition:1V ≤ (Gain - Offset)*3The offset and the gain should satisfy the following condition:3 mA ≤ (Gain - Offset) ≤ 30 mA*4The input characteristics vary depending on the input mode to be used.For the details of the input characteristics, refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U / FX 3UC Series User’s Manual- Analog Control Edition4.5Input characteristicsThe input characteristics in each input mode are as follows.For the details of the input characteristics, refer to the following manual.→ Refer to the FX 3U / FX 3UC Series User’s Manual- Analog Control EditionInput mode Input modeAnalog inputrange Digital outputrange 0Voltage input mode -10 to +10V -32000 to +320001Voltage input mode-10 to +10V -4000 to +40002Voltage input modeAnalog value direct indication -10 to +10V -10000 to +100003Current input mode 4 to 20mA 0 to 160004Current input mode4 to 20mA 0 to 40005Current input modeAnalog value direct indication 4 to 20mA 4000 to 200006Current input mode -20 to +20mA -16000 to +160007Current input mode-20 to +20mA -4000 to +40008Current input modeAnalog value direct indication-20 to +20mA-20000 to +20000FX 3U -4ADINSTALLATION MANUALThis manual describes the part names, dimensions, mounting, and specifications of the product. Before use, read this manual and manuals of relevant products fully to acquire proficiency in handling and operating the product. Make sure to learn all the product information, safety information, and precautions.And, store this manual in a safe place so that you can take it out and read it whenever necessary. Always forward it to the end user.RegistrationThe company name and the product name to be described in this manual are the registered trademarks or trademarks of each company.Effective February 2006Specifications are subject to change without notice.© 2006 Mitsubishi Electric CorporationManual Number JY997D20701Revision ADateFebruary 2006。
AH7846046B9704167E94425153王均培97(下)加退選退費AI0663781B9706457D974252019王汶陵97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金AH7845921B9703539E972231004王芷瑜97(下)加退選退費L1477503B9705310D964221035王思月97卓越C.1.2(補)會議活動費-4/30財金系本位課程出席,工讀,印刷AI0662978B9704163E960311004王春生97(下)加退選退費AI0663860B9706929D974211055王襄容97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助,獎勵AH7844452B9711615E94432256古躍椿97(上)加退選退費AI0663465B9705478D95411122江弘達97卓越A.2.4(補)工讀費-5/7江弘達瞎拼ABCAH7844465B9711615E964322102江朝榮97(上)加退選退費AI0663772B9706457D94424309 余明主97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金AH7845812B9703538E974211060余紳漢97(下)加退選退費AH7845912B9703539E974241033吳宗松97(下)加退選退費BG9240715B9705409E974411050吳岳儒97(下)助貸退費AI0663735B9706899D974312043吳欣鴻畢業典禮支援指揮交通工讀生(共計十名)BG9267017B9707121E964212041吳柏毅97進修部暑一梯未開課退費BG9267051B9706689D974252021吳書嬅97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費BG9267047B9706689E960411022吳淑如97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費BG9240829B9706281E974212003吳瑋玲97學年度第二學期大專校院原住民學生奬助學金L1480214B9707314E974411034呂怡瑩97卓越A.2.4(補)工讀費-7/11呂怡瑩CSEPT考試BG9240848B9706317D964112005呂俊志核發體育校外比賽成績優異(97大專院校運動大會跆拳道比賽AH7845838B9703538E964251028李子斌97(下)加退選退費BG9240761B9706005D94411150李文雄97(下)住宿電費退費BG9267113B9707505D974243006李守峰 龍華我最神系列-系際盃羽球賽BG9240806B9706128D974342048李宗翰電資學院97.1微積分競試第三名奬金BG9239700D9711065E95425135 李欣芸97上進修部加退選帳號有誤撥退另支AI0663338B9704777D974252051李哲豪97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-9804証照報名費補助,獎勵金256 BG9240862B9706309D974141017李祐瑋97化工創意營短期差旅費(980511)-李祐瑋AI0663734B9706899D974312047李勝期畢業典禮支援指揮交通工讀生(共計十名)L1477501B9705430D95441108 李雅蓉98提升外語能力計畫-應外系英語情歌比賽-工讀金BG9240805B9706128D974313035汪冠宇電資學院97.1微積分競試第二名奬金AI0663858B9706929D95442201 卓翰程97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助41BG9267042B9706689E95421232 周佳慧97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費BG9267144D9707096D964211040周延彌證照奬勵,工讀費,帳號有誤撥退另支B9706899,B9706689,B97064 AI0663773B9706457D95424311 周怡君97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金AI0662949B9704163E974321003周彥宏97(下)加退選退費AI0663868B9706929D95442238 周家弘97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助70AI0662933B9704163E95432160周楹芸97(下)加退選退費AI0662917B9704167E972221036周薇昀97(下)加退選退費AI0662950B9704163E974321005林伯昀97(下)加退選退費L1480211B9707314D964321025林廷軒97卓越A.2.4(補)工讀費-7/11林廷軒CSEPT考試BG9267008D9707004E960241020林宗宏林宗宏證照奬勵帳號有誤撥退另支AI0663784B9706457D964222009林怡君97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金BG9240755B9706005D944231101林柏璋97(下)住宿電費退費AI0663905B9707306E95411114 林耿賢97卓越A.1.1(補)成果發表-6/25~7/31林耿賢工讀費BG9239715D9711065E95421157 林景南97上進修部加退選帳號有誤撥退另支BG9240523B9704626D94432324 林琨傑頒發電子系學生校外表現優異奬學金(共計19人)AI0663670B9706683G972201022林猷翔參加第四屆IPMA全國大專院校專案管理實作競賽-交通費、生活費L1477542B9706086E964331024林群祐97卓越A.1.1(補)工讀費-4/20~5/19林群祐L1480170B9706660E964331024林群祐 97卓越A.1.1(補)工讀費-4/25~6/12林群祐L1480153B9706913E964331024林群祐 97卓越A.1.1(補)工讀費-6/18~6/25林群祐L1477505B9705310D964221031林嘉慶97卓越C.1.2(補)會議活動費-4/30財金系本位課程出席,工讀,印刷BG9267050B9706689D974141016林慕璇97卓越G.3.1.1(自)證照獎勵金-98/6第一批專業證照獎勵金109 AH7843971B9605507E94433137花頂傑96(下)加退選退費AI0663885B9707311D974342052金宇鴻電資學院97學年度第二學期微積分競試獎學金AH7845866B9703538E974331033施石南97(下)加退選退費L1480202B9707154D95441105 柯欣妤 97卓越C.2.1(補)教學助理工作費-語言中心6/24~7/6柯欣妤暑期英檢BG9240864B9706325D964141033洪偉峰97化工創意營工作費(980523)-洪偉鋒AH7844401B9711615E974322055洪新哲97(上)加退選退費AH7845852B9703538E95421141洪楚懋97(下)加退選退費AI0663865B9706929D95442246 洪鼎翔97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助74BG9240678B9705361D95414234范芳瑜高中職教師材料檢測與材料應用實作暨課程研討-工讀費BG9240853B9706309D95414234范芳瑜97化工創意營短期差旅費(980511、980512)-范芳瑜BG9240854B9706325D95414234范芳瑜97化工創意營工作費(980523)-范芳瑜AH7845813B9703538E964211053范綱華97(下)加退選退費BG9240847B9706325D964141028唐樂維97化工創意營工作費(980523)-唐樂維L1480210B9707314D974323004孫紹齊97卓越A.2.4(補)工讀費-7/11孫紹齊CSEPT考試L1477611B9706492D964412016徐子喬應外系-98提升外語能力計畫-全校英語文化營-工讀費AI0662971B9704163E94424141徐少驊97(下)加退選退費L1480151B9706913D95424215 徐惠鈺 97卓越A.1.1(補)工讀費-6/22~6/26徐惠鈺AI0663484B9706055D95425240 翁秀佩張耀輝98企業實務-運用整合性98年4月助理費-翁秀佩AI0663641B9706585D95425240 翁秀珮張耀輝98企業實務-運用整合性98年6月助理費-翁秀珮AI0663889B9707323D95425240 翁秀珮張耀輝98企業實務-運用整合性98年7月助理費-翁秀珮BG9240716B9705409E974311026高仲緯97(下)助貸退費BG9240711B9705409E972231045高峻傑97(下)助貸退費BG9267045B9706689D94424227 張子揚97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費AH7843824B9605398E954411105張光緯96(下)加退選退費L1477610B9706492D964412029張君鈺應外系-98提升外語能力計畫-全校英語文化營-工讀費BG9240713B9705409E974111046張峻毓97(下)助貸退費AH7845887B9703539E960242028張章澄97(下)加退選退費BG9240852B9706324D95414101張雅婷97化工創意營工作費(980523)-張雅婷BG9267132B9707673D95414101 張雅婷 李九龍98企業實務-兼任助理張雅婷98/1~7月人事費BG9240680B9705361D974141020張雅筑高中職教師材料檢測與材料應用實作暨課程研討-工讀費BG9267048B9706689D95422238 張璟豪97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費BG9267041B9706689D94423232 曹秀玲97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費BG9240687B9705361D974141009曹若芃高中職教師材料檢測與材料應用實作暨課程研討-工讀費AI0663846B9706929E95424148 梅軒97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助,獎勵AH7845895B9703539E974241052莊文甫97(下)加退選退費AH7845996B9704193E974311011許健祥進修部97學年度第一學期各班第一名奬學金(支票)AI0663840B9706929D95442211 許淑茹97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助50L1480208B9707314D974412039許勝翔97卓越A.2.4(補)工讀費-7/11許勝翔CSEPT考試AI0663142B9704438E94425248許雯雯97(下)辦理弱勢助學金退費AI0663780B9706457D974252016許筱妤97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金L1480201B9707154D95441151 許筱薇 97卓越C.2.1(補)教學助理工作費-語言中心6/24~7/6許筱薇暑期英檢AI0663779B9706457D964412045許慧珊97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金BG9267046B9706689D94421205 連宜瑩97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費AI0663884B9707311D974342037郭東弦電資學院97學年度第二學期微積分競試獎學金L1480205B9707314D974411011郭芳綺97卓越A.2.4(補)工讀費-7/11郭芳綺CSEPT考試AI0663766B9706457D94424208 陳仕煒97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金AI0662946B9704163E974311016陳弘毅97(下)加退選退費AI0663866B9706929D95442221 陳竹妤97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助59BG9240807B9706128D974342036陳臣瑩電資學院97.1普通物理競試第一名奬金AI0663886B9707311D974342036陳臣瑩電資學院97學年度第二學期微積分競試獎學金AI0663906B9707306E964111060陳佳豪97卓越A.1.1(補)成果發表-6/25~7/31陳佳豪工讀費AI0663092B9704412E93421257陳怡璇97(下)加退選退費AI0663774B9706457D974252044陳奕安97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金L1480209B9707314D974323001陳威志97卓越A.2.4(補)工讀費-7/11陳威志CSEPT考試AI0663005B9704163E970411037陳建州97(下)加退選退費BG9240759B9706005D94442223陳建維97(下)住宿電費退費BG9240758B9706005D94411134陳彥宏97(下)住宿電費退費BG9267111B9707505D974312033陳思翰 龍華我最神系列-系際盃羽球賽BG9267196D9808008E974231027陳韋仁98年7月工讀費撥退另支D9707088AH7845846B9703538E974331022陳敏弘97(下)加退選退費AH7844520B9711615E964312101陳逸軒97(上)加退選退費BG9267166D9707089D974242028陳詩涵B9706929證照奬勵帳號有誤,撥退另支BG9240679B9705361G972101027陳銘心高中職教師材料檢測與材料應用實作暨課程研討-工讀費BG9267039B9706689D964421006陳慧瑩97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費AI0663253B9705020D974323006陳鋒潔 97(2)日間部各類補助退費BG9240850B9706324D964141034陳薇宇97化工創意營工作費(980523)-陳薇宇BG9267024B9707121E94434148陳顯育97進修部暑一梯未開課退費BG9240889B9706417E964231061陳艷萱97二原任民學生奨助學金增加名額BG9267016B9707121E964212023傅品媃97進修部暑一梯未開課退費AI0663856B9706929D964412031曾姿瑢97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助,獎勵BG9240471D9704028E94425242曾煒哲97下進修部加退選撥退另支BG9240843D9706015E94425242曾煒哲97夜助貸撥退另支-曾煒哲AI0663859B9706929D94422237 游珮君97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助,獎勵BG9240202B9702319E95223119 游素萍97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/1學生考取專業證照補助報名AB0988121B9707481D95414214 游富群97-2511-S-262-009-MY3翁文彬國科會-影印費L1480186B9707192D95411150湯凱方97卓越C.2.1(補)教學助理工作費-6/22~7/31湯凱方BG9267181B9707727D93432142 黃怡倫技研中心百樣生活科技特展專業人力解說導覽工作費AI0663270B9705019D964421042黃冠龍97(2)日間部助學貸款退費AH7846040B9704167E974251060黃科傑97(下)加退選退費BG9267049B9706689E960221059黃紋陵97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費AI0663770B9706457D94424237 黃祥智97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金BG9267150D9707091D974243013黃鈺惠 97卓越A.1.1補成果發表.工讀費黃鈺惠帳號有誤撥退另支BG9240856B9706325D964141026黃鉦淮97化工創意營工作費(980523)-黃鉦淮BG9239837B9712285E974411059黃麗婷97(1)原住民獎助學金BG9267197D9808006D974341033傳耀禾97二宿舍冷氣電費撥退另支B9707280AI0663594B9706373E960242020楊明燦 97學年度畢業班品學兼優奬學金BG9240536B9704710E974322013溫秋茂97(下)辦理各類減免退費BG9240855B9706324D964141040葉俊廷97化工創意營工作費(980523)-葉俊廷BG9240827B9706281E95421129 董方潔97學年度第二學期大專校院原住民學生奬助學金AI0662911B9704167E944341134廖奕盛97(下)加退選退費AH7844613B9711634E94434134廖奕盛97(上)加退選退費BG9267199D9808006D95432324 劉科良97二宿舍冷氣電費撥退另支B9707280BG9240824B9706249D94424233 潘怡潔97學年度資管系學生校外表現優異奬學金BG9240762B9706005D94431303蔡夫竹97(下)住宿電費退費AI0663845B9706929D95424110 蔡宗霖97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-6月第二批證照報名費補助,獎勵BG9267030B9707121E95421137蔡金玲97進修部暑一梯未開課退費BG9240826B9706281E964212053蔡貴櫻97學年度第二學期大專校院原住民學生奬助學金AI0663483B9706055D95425211 蔡逸忠張耀輝98企業實務-運用整合性98年4月助理費-蔡逸忠AI0663640B9706585D95425211 蔡逸忠張耀輝98企業實務-運用整合性98年6月助理費-蔡逸忠AI0663890B9707323D95425240 蔡逸忠張耀輝98企業實務-運用整合性98年7月助理費-蔡逸忠AH7844599B9711634E964111101鄭日昇97(上)加退選退費BG9267040B9706689D964211020鄭雅云97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/6第一批專業證照考取報名費BG9267142D9707096D974312017黎几豪證照奬勵,工讀費,帳號有誤撥退另支B9706899,B9706689,B97064 AH7844639B9711634E964341052蕭宇辰97(上)加退選退費AI0663887B9707311D974313036蕭傑仁電資學院97學年度第二學期微積分競試獎學金AH7846001B9704167E964221105蕭瑋良97(下)加退選退費AH7844461B9711615E95431248賴宇廷97(上)加退選退費L1480213B9707314D964321045賴宗遠97卓越A.2.4(補)工讀費-7/11賴宗遠CSEPT考試BG9267200D9808006D964323015薛銘傑97二宿舍冷氣電費撥退另支B9707280AH7845832B9703538E962211056謝于菁97(下)加退選退費AI0663310B9704403D974231030謝依伶97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-9803證照報名補助費,獎勵金BG9240849B9706309D974142013謝秉霖97化工創意營短期差旅費(980511)-謝秉霖AI0663764B9706457D94424144 簡鈺蓁97卓越G.3.1.1(補)證照報名費-98/5學生證照報名費補助,獎勵金BG9267038B9706689D964211033簡嘉誼97卓越G.3.1.1(自)證照獎勵金-98/6第一批專業證照獎勵金186 BG9267198D9808006D974221047簡穎君97二宿舍冷氣電費撥退另支B9707280AI0663002B9704163E970411032顏世亮97(下)加退選退費AH7844395B9711615E974311010魏子祥97(上)加退選退費BG9240706B9705409E964241013魏哲暐97(下)助貸退費AH7844687B9711634E974341020羅思榮97(上)加退選退費AH7844398B9711615E974321018譚凱鴻97(上)加退選退費。
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电脑MAC 码采集表
Section 6: Parts DataDC50X264310131211216547Cabinet GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9960-285-008Door Assy., Loading Complete-Wht (2)* 9960-285-011Door Assy., Loading Complete-SS (2)* 9960-285-007Door Assy., Loading Complete-Chrome/BLK/SS (2)1 9960-284-002Door Assy., Loading-SS(ring only) (2)1 9960-284-004Door Assy., Loading-Chrome(ring only) (2)2 9982-353-002Plate Assy., Hinge (Wht) No Pin (2)2 9982-353-001Plate Assy., Hinge (SS) No Pin (2)* 9545-012-015Screw, Hinge to Door (8)* 8640-413-002Nut, Hinge to Door (8)3 9212-002-004Glass, Door (2)4 9206-413-002Gasket, Glass Black (2)* 9548-117-000Support, Door Glass (2)5 9206-420-005Gasket, Outer Rim Black (2)6 9244-082-001Handle, Loading Door (2)* 9545-018-017Screw, Handle 1/4-20 x 3/8 (4)* 9531-033-003Stud, Door Catch (2)* 8640-413-001Nut, Hex (2)* 8640-413-003Nut, Acorn (2)* 9086-015-002Catch, Loading Door (2)* 8638-190-009Pop Rivet for mtg. catch (4)* 8641-582-006Lockwasher (4)* 8640-399-001Spring Nut (6)7 9989-521-003Panel Assy., Front- Lower (Wht) (1)7 9989-521-001Panel Assy., Front- Lower (SS) (1)8 9989-517-003Panel Assy., Front- Upper (Wht) (1)8 9989-517-001Panel Assy., Front- Upper (SS) (1)* 9277-054-001Insulation Front Panel, half moon (top) (2)* 9277-054-002Insulation Front Panel, half moon (bottom) (2)9 9545-008-014Screw, FLHDCR, 10B x 1 (14) (6)* 8641-585-001 Lockwasher* 8640-399-001Nut, Spring (12)10 9544-069-002Strap, Hinge (Wht) (2)10 9544-069-005Strap, Hinge (SS/Black) (2)* 9545-012-028Screw, Hinge to Panel (8)11 9545-052-001Screw, Door to Hinge Strap (Special Black Type) (2)12 8641-436-003Washer, Fiber (2)13 9021-041-001Acceptor, Coin (1)* 9486-149-001Retainer, Coin Acceptor (2)14 9545-053-002Screw (4)* 9801-099-001Switch, Optical (1)Cabinet Group ContinuedKey Part Number Description Quantity15 9994-032-001Escutcheon, Upper (1)16 9435-039-002Trim, Overlay-Upper Blue (1)16 9435-039-001 Trim, Overlay-Upper Black (1)17 9994-033-001Escutcheon, Lower (1)18 9435-023-001Trim, Overlay-Lower Blue (1)18 9435-031-001Trim, Overlay-Lower Black (1)* 9545-020-009Screw (20)19 9412-167-002Nameplate Stack Dryer Express Blue (1)19 9412-167-001Nameplate Stack Dryer Express Black (1)20 9866-005-001Lint Drawer Assembly Blue (2)20 9866-005-004Lint Drawer Assembly Black (2)21 9435-024-001Overlay Trim, Lint Drwr-Blue (1)21 9435-032-001Overlay Trim, Lint Drwr-Black (1)* 9532-074-003Felt Seal ( back of lint screen assembly ) (2)* 9805-033-002Lint Screen Assembly ONLY (no front) (2)* 9555-057-008Replaceable Lint Screen Only (2)22 8650-012-004Lock and Key, Lint Drawer (2)* 6292-006-010Key 6101 only (2)* 9095-043-001Cam, Lock (2)* 9545-008-001Lint Screen Strap Hold Down Screws 10Bx 1/4 (32)23 9857-198-001Controls Assy, Blue (1)23 9857-198-003Controls Assy, Black (1)* 9627-869-001Harness, Electronic Control (1)24 8650-012-003Lock and Key, Control (1)* 9095-041-001Cam, Lock (1)* 6292-006-007Key only 6324 (1)* 9627-855-003Harness, Heat Sensor (1)* 8640-276-002Wire Nut Connector Grey (4)25 9501-004-003Sensor Temp Control (2)26 9501-008-001Bracket for Heat Sensor Mounting (Under Basket) w/ sensor..2* 9545-045-005Screw, Round Head (Mounts sensor; phillips head) (2)*, 3/16 ID (2)* 8544-006-001Leg, Leveling 1/2” (4)* 9074-320-001 Cover, Cabinet (Top) (1)* 9277-041-017 Insulation Cabinet Cover (1)* 9732-276-001Kit for Dryers without Neutral and using 208-240 volt (1)* 9732-102-013LP Kit for 50Lb Stk Dryers (1)* 9732-243-001Stack Dryer Trunion Puller (1)* 9544-041-002 Strap - Bead Tie (1)27 9942-038-005 Vault, Coin Box (1)* 9545-008-024 Screws, Mounting-Coin Vault (2)28 9897-099-002 Coin Box Assy, Large Blue (1)28 9807-099-004 Coin Box Assy, Large Black (1)191526252792531089Control Parts GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9857-198-001Controls Assy, Electronic Mounted With Membrane Switch, BLU (1)* 9857-198-003Controls Assy, Electronic Mounted With Membrane Switch, BLK (1)1 9826-008-001 Trough Assembly (1)2 9032-062-002 Button-Push, Control, Blue (2)2 9032-062-001 Button-Push, Control, Black (2)3 9538-166-011Spacer-Metal, 4mm (4)4 9486-158-001 Retainer-Push Button (2)5 8640-424-002Nut-Hex, Elastic stop, #4-40 (4)6 8652-130-038Terminal-Grounding clip (1)7 9534-365-001Spring-Flat, Control (1)8 9545-008-001Screw-Hex, #10B x 1/4 (2)9 9545-044-010 Screw-Hex, #10B x 1/4 (10)9 8641-582-005Washer-External tooth, #6 (10)10 9435-038-001Overlay-Control, Coin, Black (1)10 9435-038-002Overlay-Control, Coin, Blue (1)11 9021-041-001Acceptor-Coin, Optical (1)* 9486-149-001Retainer, Coin Acceptor (1)12 9545-053-002Screw (4)* 9801-099-001 Optical Sensor, Replacement (1)Note: Jumpers required if using 1.5 Control on Older Machines (P9 Connection)* 8220-155-001 Wire Assy, Jumper, 30Lb Stack Coin (1)* 8220-155-002 Wire Assy, Jumper, 50Lb Stack Coin (1)Door Switch GroupPart NumberDescription Quantity9539-487-001Door Switches (2)Hinge Plate Cover1 9074-340-002 Cover-Hinge, Black .....................................................................22 8636-008-010 Screw-TRHDCR, 10B x 3/8, Black.. (4)12Bearing Housing GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity J1 9241-189-002 Housing, Bearing (2)J2 9036-159-003Bearing, Ball Rear..................................................................... .2 * 9538-183-001 Spacer, Bearing (2)* 9036-159-001Bearing, Ball Front .................................................................... .2 J5 9545-017-017Bolt, 1/2 x 3/4 . (8)J7 8640-417-002Nut, 1/2 (8)* 9803-201-001Bearing Housing Complete Ass’y (includes bearings,spacer) (2)J4 9545-017-018Screw 1/2 x 1 1/2 (4)Burner Housing GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9803-207-001 Housing Assembly, Burner (2)1a 9452-730-001Service Burner Plate Front... (2)1 9452-729-001 Service Plate baffl e Recirculation Chamber Clean Out (2)* 9545-008-006Screws (8)2 9545-008-001Screw (16)18 9003-220-001Angle, Burner Support (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)17 9048-020-002Burner, Main (4)* 9545-008-006Screw 10AB x 3/8” (4)* 9454-824-001 Panel, Back Burner Housing (2)4 9545-008-001Screw 10B x1/4” (8)5 9875-002-003Electrode Assy, Ignition (2)19 9545-045-001Screw, Electrode Mtg 8B x 1/4” (4)7 9379-186-001Valve, Gas Shut Off (1)8 9857-134-001Control Assy, Gas (2)9 9381-012-001Manifold, Assy (2)* 9425-069-021Orifi ce, Burner-Natural #27 (4)* 9425-069-022Orifi ce, Burner-LP #44 (4)10 9029-175-001Bracket, Manifold (2)22 8615-104-038Pipe Plug in end of Burner Manifold (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)12 9576-203-002Thermostat, Hi-Limit (2)* 9538-142-001Spacer, Hi-Limit (4)* 9545-045-007 Screw 8B x 3/4” (4)13 9074-329-001Cover, Hi-Limit Stat Ignitor (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (6)* 9576-207-008Thermostat, Safety Shutoff (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)15 9825-062-001Cover, Safety Stat (2)* 9545-008-024Screw (6)16 9857-116-003Control, Ignition Fenwall (3 trybox) (2)* 9732-102-013Kit, LP Conversion 50Lb Stack Kit (2)* 9838-018-003Welded One Piece Gas Pipe Assembly (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Burner Housing Group Photos10221092221851A141594851613Rear ViewKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9627-861-001Wire Harness Overtemperature Switch/Air Switch (2)* 9801-098-001Switch Assy, Air Flow (2)1 9539-461-009Switch, Air Flow (2)2 9029-200-001 Bracket, Switch- Air Flow (2)3 9008-007-001Actuator, Switch (2)4 9451-169-002Pin, Cotter (2)5 9545-020-001Screw 4-40 x 5/8” (4)* 8640-401-001Nut, Special Twin .#4-40 (2)* 9550-169-003Shield, Switch (2)6 9376-322-001Motor, Drive (2)7 9452-770-001Plate, Motor Mounting (1)* 9545-029-008Bolt 3/8” - 16 x 3/4” (8)* 8641-582-003Lockwash Spring 3/8 (8)8 9545-018-019Screw, Motor Plate to Back Assy. 1/4-20x 2 1/2 (8)* 8641-582-007Lockwasher 1/4 (8)9 9538-163-006Spacr (8)* 8641-581-017Flat Washer 1/4 x 7/8 (24)* 9209-086-002Rubber Grommet (8)* 9538-166-006Grommet Spacers (8)* 9545-028-013Screw, Set (4)10 9962-018-002Back Assy, Blower Hsg (2)11 9991-053-001Support Assy, Intermed. Pulley (2)12 9545-029-010Bolt, Rd Hd 3/8-16 x 1 1/4 (6)12 8640-415-004Nut Flange Wizlock 3/8” - 16 (6)12 8641-581-035Washer, Flat (6)13 9545-029-003Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1 1/2 (2)14 9861-022-001Arm Assy-Tension, Complete (2)* 9487-200-003Ring-Retaining (6)15 9908-048-003Pulley Assy, Intermediate with bronze fl ange bearing (2)* 9036-145-002Bronze Flange Bearing (4)16 9908-047-002Pulley Driven Tumbler (2)17 9040-076-009Belt, Drive Motor (2)18 9040-073-011Belt, Driven Intermediate to Tumbler (2)19 9534-151-000Spring, Tension (2)20 9099-012-005Chain, Tension (2)21 9248-022-002Hook, Tension (2)* 9451-146-001Pin, Damper Hinge (2)* 9074-334-001 Cover Duct Upper (1)22 9973-032-001 Heat Recirculation Assembly Duct (2)* 9453-169-013Motor Pulley - Driver (1)* 9545-028-013Set Screws (2) (2)* 9278-043-001Impeller23 8641-581-026Washer, Flat 1/2” for Tumbler Pulley (2)24 9545-017-009Bolt, 1/2”-13 x 1 1/4 (2)25 8641-582-016Washer, Star 1/2” for Tumbler Pulley (2)* 9545-008-001Screw 10 Bx 1/4” (6)* 9545-014-004Bolt, 5/16-18 x 5/8” (8) (8)5/16-18* 8640-400-003Nut,* 9538-184-001Spacer, Shaft (2)* 9487-234-005Ring Tolerance (2)* 9125-007-001Damper Inside Duct Exhaust (2)* 9125-007-002Damper Inside Duct Exhaust (1)* 8520-141-000Nut, Spring (4)* 9074-335-001Cover Duct Lower (1)* 9545-008-024Screw 10ABx 3/8” (72)* 9029-173-001Bracket for Wire Harness Under Burner Housing (2)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Rear View Photos1264722Rear Panel & Cover GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity19208-090-001Rear Guard Side Panel 1 (2)4 9545-008-024Screws 10 AB x 3/8 (30)5 8502-649-001Label - Connection Electrical (1)8 9208-089-001Rear Guard Back Panel (2)10 8502-600-001Label Warning & Notice (1)11 8502-645-001Label - Instructions (1)12 9109-113-001Transition Assembly Outlet (1)13 9074-320-001 Top Cover Dryer Panel (1)14 9550-188-001 Top Burner Housing Heat Shield Inlet (1)15 9074-321-001 Top Panel Burner Housing Cover (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/141851113121514Tumbler GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity 9848-131-001Tumbler Assembly Galvanized w/spider (2)G2 9568-013-001Spider Assembly (2)G3 9497-226-002Rod, Tumbler (6)G4 8640-417-005Nut, 1/2 - 13 (6)G6 8641-590-002Washer, Special (6).............................................................................AR G7 9552-013-000Shim* 9848-130-002Tumbler Assembly Stainless Steel (2)G1 9848-130-001Tumber Assembly Galvanized (2)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Control Assembly GroupKey Part Number DescriptionQuantity* 9857-189-001 Control Assmbly Complete (all below included) .............................1* 9108-117-001 Control Box Cover ..................................................................... 1* 8220-001-478 Wire Assembly Green 7” ............................................................ 1* 8639-621-007 Screw #10-32 x 12 Green ............................................................1* 8641-582-006 Lockwasher Ext Tooth #10 ..........................................................13 9897-026-002 Terminal Block Main Power Middle ...............................................14 9897-026-001 Terminal Block ............................................................................2* 9545-045-012 Screw #8 ABx 1/2 for terminal block ............................................6 5 8711-011-001 Transformer Ignition ...................................................................2* 9545-008-024 Screws 10AB x 3/8” ...................................................................46 9982-348-001 Plate Assembly MTG Ignition Control............................................2* 9545-008-024 Screws 10B x 1/4” MTG Above Plate and Others ...........................47 9857-116-003 Ignition Control ..........................................................................2* 8640-411-003 #6-32 Nuts ................................................................................48 9631-403-009 Wire Assembly High Voltage Upper ..............................................19 9627-860-001 Wire Harness Ignition Control Upper ............................................110 9627-860-002 Wire Harness Ignition Control Lower ............................................1* 9053-067-002 Bushing Wire 7/8” .......................................................................413 9200-001-002 Fuseholder Assembly ..................................................................314 8636-018-001 Fuse 1.5 Amp .............................................................................315 5192-299-001 Relay Power ...............................................................................216 9897-035-001 Terminal Block Assembly Main Power Inlet ...................................1* 9545-008-024 Screw #8 AB x 1/2” ....................................................................2* 8220-062-036 Wire Assembly Red/Black 14” ......................................................1* 8220-062-037 Wire Assembly Red/White 14” .....................................................1* 8220-062-038 Wire Assembly White 14” ............................................................221 9627-864-004 Wire Harness Motor Extension .....................................................2* 9527-007-001 Stand Off - Wire Saddle / Arrowhead ..........................................13* 9545-031-005 Screw 6 B x 3/8” ........................................................................422 9558-029-003 Strip Terminal Marker (Behind Input Power) ..................................124 9627-863-001 Wire Harness Main Extension Access Under Burner Housing .........123 9631-403-008 Wire Ass’y - High Voltage Lower ..................................................125 9627-859-001 Wire Harness - Main Power (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Control Assembly GroupPart # 8533-085-001 9/1416252223245Coin AccecptorKey Part Number Description Quantity1 9021-041-001Coin Accecptor, Optical (1)Replacement (1)2 9801-099-001Sensor-Optical,3 9545-039-002Screw, Heighth Bar, 3mm (2)* 9486-136-001 Retainer, Coin Acceptor (1)* 9545-053-002 Screw (4)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Section 7: VoltageConversionPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Instructions - Convert a Dual Voltage Stack Dryer from 120V to 208-240V with Neutral Wire Only1. Remove incoming power from the dryer. Use a known working voltmeter to check power.2. Remove the cover of both the upper and lower control box assemblies from the dryer using a 5/16” wrench.3. Move the black/blue wire from the N position of the main power terminal block to the L2 position of the mainpower terminal block in the upper control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.4. Move the white wire of the upper motor harness to an upper inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.5. Move the orange wire of the upper motor harness to an upper inner left terminal in the middle terminal block inthe lower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.6. Move the white wire of the lower motor harness to a lower inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.7. Move the orange wire of the lower motor harness to a lower inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.8. Reconnect power to the dryer and test to ensure proper operation; one line voltage to L1, one line voltage to L2,the neutral to N, and the earth ground to E.9. Reinstall the cover of both the upper and lower control box assemblies from the dryer using a 5/16” wrench.Part # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Section 9: MaintenancePart # 8533-085-001 9/14MaintenanceDaily1. Clean lint screen by unlocking and sliding out in their tracks for access. Use soft brush ifnecessary. Failure to do so will slow drying and increase gas usage and temperatures through out the dryer.2. Check lint screen for tears. Replace if necessary.Monthly1. Remove lint accumulation from end bells of motor.2. Clean lint from lint screen compartment.3. Remove lint and dirt accumulation from top of the dryer and all areas above, and around theburners and burner housing. Failure to keep this portion of the dryer clean can lead to a buildup of lint creating a fi re hazard.4. Inspect Recirculation burner housing for excessive buildup.5. Place a few drops of light oil on top and bottom pivots of the clothes door hinge.6. Grease bearings and shaft of intermediate drive pulley.Quarterly1. Check belts for looseness, wear or fraying.2. Inspect gasket of door glass for excessive wear.3. Check tightness of all fasteners holding parts to support channel.4. Check tightness of tumbler shaft retaining nut. MUST MAINTAIN 150 FOOT LBS.5. Remove lint accumulation from primary air ports in burners.6. Grease pivot pins and tension arms where in contact with each other.Semiannually1. Remove and clean main burners.2. Remove all orifi ces and examine for dirt and hole obstruction.3. Remove all lint accumulation. Remove front panel, lint screen housing and remove lintaccumulation.Annually1. Check intermediate pulley bearings for wear.2. Check and remove any lint accumulation from exhaust system.NOTE: DRYER MUST NOT BE OPERATED WITHOUT LINT SCREEN IN PLACE。
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案2714 肮7542 昂2491 盎4138 凹0425 敖2407 熬3581 翱5063 袄5984 傲0277 奥1159 懊2020 澳3421 芭5359 捌2193 扒2091 叭0665 吧0721 笆4576 八9908 八9808 八0360 八9708 疤4002 巴1572 拔2149 跋6405 靶7249 把2116 耙5090 坝8218 坝1056 霸7218 霸6011 罢5007 爸3640 白4101 柏2672 百4102 摆2369 佰0184 败2408 拜2157 稗4458 斑2432 班3803 搬2289 扳2104 般5301 颁7317 板2647 版3652 扮2101 拌2142 伴0133 瓣3904 半0584 办6586 绊4810 邦6721 帮1620 梆2735 榜2831 膀5218 绑4834 棒2761 磅4319 蚌5732 镑6967 傍0266 谤6196 苞5383 胞5165 包0545 褒5988 剥0475 薄5631 雹7192 保0202 堡1027 饱7394 宝1405 抱2128 报1032 暴2552 豹6283 鲍7637 爆3915 爆3615 杯2637 碑4301 悲1896 卑0585 北0554 辈6543 背5154 贝6296 倍0223 狈3709 备0271 惫1994 焙3538 被5926 奔1149 苯0058 本2609 笨4570 崩1514 绷4855 甭8005 泵3119 蹦6498 迸6618 逼6656 鼻7865 比3024 鄙6766 笔4581 彼1764 碧4310 蓖5557 蔽5599 毕3968 毙2426 毖3025 币1578 庇1642 痹4036 闭7028 敝2411 弊1705 必1801 辟6582 壁1084 臂5242 避6699 陛7103 鞭7267 边6708 编4882 贬6312 扁2078 便0189 变6239 卞0593 辨6587 辩6589 辫4947 遍6664 标2871 彪1753 膘9136 表5903 鳖7667 别0446 瘪4085 彬1755 斌2430 濒3464 滨3453 宾6333 摈2363 兵0365 冰0393 柄2671 丙0014拨2328 钵6886 波3134 博0590 勃0514 搏2276 铂6896 箔4613 伯0130 帛1591 舶5306 脖9126 膊5225 渤3258 泊3124 驳7463 捌2193 扒2091 叭0665 吧0721 笆4576 八9908 八9808 八0360 八9708 疤4002 巴1572 拔2149 跋6405 靶7249 把2116 耙5090 坝8218 坝1056 霸7218 霸6011 罢5007 爸3640 白4101 柏2672 百4102 摆2369 佰0184 败2408 拜2157 稗4458 斑2432 班3803 搬2289 扳2104 般5301 颁7317 板2647 版3652 扮2101 拌2142 伴0133 瓣3904 半0584 办6586 绊4810 邦6721 帮1620 梆2735 榜2831 膀5218 绑4834 棒2761 磅4319 蚌5732 镑6967 傍0266 谤6196 苞5383 胞5165 包0545 褒5988 剥0475 薄5631 雹7192 保0202 堡1027 饱7394 宝1405 抱2128 报1032 暴2552 豹6283 鲍7637 爆3915 爆3615 杯2637 碑4301 悲1896 卑0585 北0554 辈6543 背5154 贝6296 倍0223 狈3709 备0271 惫1994 焙3538 被5926 奔1149 苯0058 本2609 笨4570 崩1514 绷4855 甭8005 泵3119 蹦6498 迸6618 逼6656 鼻7865 比3024 鄙6766 笔4581 彼1764 碧4310 蓖5557 蔽5599 毕3968 毙2426 毖3025 币1578 庇1642 痹4036 闭7028 敝2411 弊1705 必1801 辟6582 壁1084 臂5242 避6699 陛7103 鞭7267 边6708 编4882 贬6312 扁2078 便0189 变6239 卞0593 辨6587 辩6589 辫4947 遍6664 标2871 彪1753 膘9136 表5903 鳖7667 别0446 瘪4085 彬1755 斌2430 濒3464 滨3453 宾6333 摈2363 兵0365 冰0393 柄2671 丙0014 秉4426 饼7399 炳3521 病4016 并1629 玻3788 菠5474 播2330 拨2328 钵6886 波3134 博0590 勃0514 搏2276 铂6896 箔4613 伯0130 帛1591 舶5306 脖9126 膊5225 渤3258 泊3124 驳7463 捌2193 扒2091 叭0665 吧0721 笆4576 八9908 八9808 八0360 八9708 疤4002 巴1572 拔2149 跋6405 靶7249 把2116 耙5090 坝8218 坝1056 霸7218 霸6011 罢5007 爸3640 白4101 柏2672 百4102 摆2369 佰0184 败2408 拜2157 稗4458 斑2432 班3803 搬2289 扳2104 般5301 颁7317 板2647 版3652 扮2101 拌2142 伴0133 瓣3904 半0584 办6586 绊4810 邦6721 帮1620 梆2735 榜2831 膀5218 绑4834 棒2761 磅4319 蚌5732 镑6967 傍0266 谤6196 苞5383 胞5165 包0545 褒5988 剥0475 薄5631 雹7192 保0202 堡1027 饱7394 宝1405 抱2128 报1032 暴2552 豹6283 鲍7637 爆3915 爆3615 杯2637 碑4301 悲1896 卑0585 北0554 辈6543 背5154 贝6296 倍0223 狈3709 备0271 惫1994 焙3538 被5926 奔1149 苯0058 本2609 笨4570 崩1514 绷4855 甭8005 泵3119 蹦6498 迸6618 逼6656 鼻7865 比3024 鄙6766 笔4581 彼1764 碧4310 蓖5557 蔽5599 毕3968 毙2426 毖3025 币1578 庇1642 痹4036 闭7028 敝2411 弊1705 必1801 辟6582 壁1084 臂5242 避6699 陛7103 鞭7267 边6708 编4882 贬6312 扁2078 便0189 变6239 卞0593 辨6587 辩6589 辫4947 遍6664 标2871 彪1753 膘9136 表5903 鳖7667 别0446 瘪4085 彬1755 斌2430 濒3464 滨3453 宾6333 摈2363 兵0365 冰0393 柄2671 丙0014拨2328 钵6886 波3134 博0590 勃0514 搏2276 铂6896 箔4613 伯0130 帛1591 舶5306 脖9126 膊5225 渤3258 泊3124 驳7463 捕2198 卜0592 哺0773 补5943 埠1009 不0008 布1580 步2975 簿4689 部6752 怖1831 擦2361 猜3719 裁5932 材2624 才2088 财6299 睬4174 踩6425 采6846 采6845 彩1752 菜5475 蔡5591 餐7404 参0639 蚕5729 残2995 惭1974 惨1971 灿3503 灿3605 苍5547 舱5319 仓0221 沧3318 藏5661 操2347 糙4751 槽2864 曹2580 草5430 厕0527 厕0627 策4595 侧0258 册0374 测3261 层1461 蹭6479 插2252 叉2096 叉0643 茬9173 茶5420 查2686 碴4329 搽2258 察1390 岔1479 差1567 诧6109 拆2135 柴2693 豺6284 搀2356 掺2296 蝉5848 馋7443 谗6243 缠4961 铲6980 产3934 阐7073 颤7358 昌2490 猖3715 场1034 尝0863 常1603 长7022 偿0326 肠5214 厂0617 敞2412 畅2545 唱0788 倡0235 超6389 抄2113 钞6872 朝2600 嘲0877 潮3390 巢1560 吵0703 炒3509 车6508 扯2102 撤2327 掣2233 彻1796 澈3400 郴6754 臣5256 辰6591 尘1057 晨2525 忱1820 沉3089 陈7115 趁6387 衬6000 撑2319 撑2300 称4468 城1004 橙2892 成2052 呈0701 乘0042 程4453 惩2033 澄3397 诚6134 承2110 逞6642 骋7488 秤4439 吃0676 痴4035 持2170 匙0555 池3069 迟6688 弛1716 驰7459 耻5103 齿7876 侈0172 尺1439 赤6375 翅5041 斥2444 炽3589 充0339 冲0394 虫5722 崇1504 宠1404 抽2132 酬6804 畴3985 踌6486 稠4464 愁1935 筹4693 仇0092 绸4846 瞅4197 丑0010 臭5263 初0443 出0427 橱8599 厨1676 躇6484 锄6915 雏7176 滁3315 除7110 楚2806 础4342 储0328 矗4238 搐2294 触6051 处5710 揣2260 川1557 穿4502 椽2796 传0278 船5307 喘0820 串0025 疮4056 窗4514 幢1617 床1643 闯7068 创0482 吹0706 炊3507 捶2211 锤6925 垂0987 春2504 椿2797 醇6815 唇0782 淳8708 淳3196 纯4783 蠢5868 戳2067 绰4862 疵4009 茨5412 磁4318 雌7166 辞6588 慈1964 瓷8851 瓷3911 词6101 此2974 刺0459 赐6337 次2945 聪5115 葱5523 囱0935 匆8116 从1783 丛0654 凑0410 粗4723 醋6818 簇4662 促0191 蹿4533 篡4647 摧2301 崔1508 催0275 脆5186 瘁4041 粹4733 淬3231 翠5050 村2625 存1317 寸1407 磋4322 撮2331 搓2238 搓2278 措2181 错2290 错6934 搭6671 达4594 答4079 瘩2092 打1129 大0714 呆2983 傣2071 傣7831 戴1601 带2990 代6313 代0108 贷5915 待1769 待6649 怠5104 怠1836 耽2137 丹0830 丹0030 单6779 郸8473 掸9116 胆2481 氮8644 但0141 惮1998 淡3225 诞6130 弹1734 蛋5751 当3981 挡2346 党7825 党8093 荡5616 档2909 刀0430 捣2281 蹈6457 倒0227 岛1497 祷4411 导1418 到0451 稻4470 悼1902 道6670 盗4142 德1795 得1779 的4104 蹬6478 灯3597 登4098 等4583 瞪4223 凳0419 邓6772 堤1029 低0144 滴3336 迪6611 敌2420 笛4564 狄3695 涤3321 翟5049 嫡1279 抵2107 底1646 地0966 蒂5530 第4574 帝1593 弟1717递6677 缔4877 颠7351 掂2195 滇3329 碘4290 点7820 典0368 靛7233 垫1067 电7193 佃0140 甸3949 店1648 惦1855 奠1156 淀3244 殿3013 碉4306 雕7171 凋0406 刁0431 掉2220 吊0680 钓6860 调6148 跌6407 爹3638 碟4308 蝶5805 迭6613 谍6183 叠0655 丁0002 盯4169 叮0666 钉6857 顶7307 鼎7844 锭6928 定1353 订6057 丢0016 东2639 冬0392 董5516 懂2016 动0520 栋2767 侗0179 恫1871 冻0408 洞3159 兜0351 抖2122 斗2435 陡7107 豆6258 逗6637 痘4026 都6757 督4206 毒3021 犊3685 独3747 读6236 堵1035 睹4212 赌6350 杜2629 镀6947 肚5137 度1653 渡3256 妒1176 端4551 短4252 锻6939 段3008 断2451 缎4876 堆1018 兑0345 队7130 对1417 墩1076 吨0903 蹲6472 敦2415 顿7319 囤0937 钝6868 盾4163 遁6658 掇2218 哆8135 多1122 夺1161 垛1000 躲6503 朵2614 跺1118 舵5305 剁0449 惰1924 堕1077 蛾5760 峨1494 鹅7709 俄0192 额7345 讹6073 娥1230 恶1921 厄0618 扼2108 遏6666 鄂6759 饿7408 恩1869 儿0334 儿0348 耳5101 尔1422 饵7403 洱3167 二5079 二0059 二9902 二9802 二9702 贰1708 发4099 罚5000 筏4589 伐0127 乏0040 阀7042 法3127 珐8828 藩5672 帆1581 番3972 翻5064 樊2868 矾4345 钒9440 钒5440 繁4907 凡0416 烦3565 反0646 返6604 范5400 贩6305 犯3690 饭7391 泛3131 坊0972 芳5364 方2455 肪9112 房2075 防7089 妨1186 仿0119 访6078 纺4791 放2397 菲5481 非7236 啡0803 飞7378 肥5142 匪0564 诽6145 吠0693 肺5151 废1683 沸3110 费6316 芬5358 酚1568 吩0695 氛3050 分0433 纷4788 坟0970 焚3539 汾3083 粉4720 奋1164 份0118 忿1825 愤2001 粪4747 丰0023 封1409 枫2800 蜂5762 峰1496 锋6912 风7364 疯4045 烽3536 逢6646 冯7458 缝4911 讽6174 奉1144 凤7685 佛0154 否0694 夫1133 敷2421 肤5227 孵1335 扶2105 拂2133 辐6553 幅1607 氟8636 符4569 伏0126 俘0199 服2591 浮3187 涪3242 福4395 袱5931 弗1715 甫3940 抚2329 辅6534 俯0214 釜6858 斧2445 脯5194 腑5202 府1650 腐5201 赴6384 覆6010 赋6346 复1788 傅0265 付0479 付0102 阜7079 父3637 腹5215 负6298 富1381 讣6058 附7096 妇1244 缚4902 咐0696 噶0900 嘎0867 该6115 改2395 概2861 钙6862 盖5556 溉3346 干1626 甘3927 杆2616 柑2674 竿4557 肝5139 赶6385 感1949 秆4427 敢2413 赣6373 冈1481 刚0474 钢6921 缸4971 肛5138 纲4854 岗1511 港3263 杠8530 篙4643 皋4108 高7559 膏5221 羔5021 糕4741 搞2269 镐6964 稿4473 告0707 哥0766 歌2960 搁2364 戈2047 鸽7704 胳5163 疙4095 割0480 革7245 葛5514 格2706 蛤5756 阁7041 隔7133 铬9459 个0020 各0677 给4822 根2704 跟6418 耕5087 更2577 庚1649 羹5036 埂8217 耿5105 梗2739 工1562 攻2396 功0501 恭1872 龚7895 供0180 躬6501 公0361 宫1362 弓1712 巩7255 汞3074 拱2162 贡6300 共0364 钩6869 勾0551 沟3297 苟5384 狗3699 垢0996 构2845 购6356 够1124 辜6581 菇5466 咕0734 箍4611 估0131沽3114 孤1324 姑1196 鼓7849 古0657 蛊5872 骨7539 谷6253 股5140 故2399 顾7357 固0942 雇7163 刮0450 瓜3900 剐0478 寡1391 挂2171 褂5962 乖0041 拐2145 怪1843 棺2778 关7070 官1351 冠0385 观6034 管4619 馆7419 罐4984 惯1977 灌3487 贯6306 光0342 广1639 逛6640 瑰3855 规6016 圭0964 硅8944 归2981 龟7898 闺7043 轨6510 鬼7607 诡6111 癸4097 桂2710 柜2681 跪6422 贵6311 刽0492 辊6547 滚3340 棍2760 锅6938 郭6753 国0948 果2654 裹5955 过6665 哈0761 骸7546 孩1326 海3189 氦8640 亥0075 害1364 骇7480 酣6799 憨2003 邯6725 韩7281 含0698 涵3211 寒1383 函0428 喊0815 罕4988 翰5060 撼2338 捍2194 旱2487 憾2013 悍1880 焊3549 汗3063 汉3352 夯1137 杭2635 航5300 壕1091 嚎0866 豪6275 毫3032 郝6787 好1170 耗5088 号5714 浩3185 呵0725 喝0824 菏3235 核2702 禾4421 和0735 何0149 合0678 盒4139 貉6288 阂7039 河3109 涸3212 赫6378 褐5964 鹤7729 贺6320 嘿0884 黑7815 痕4024 很1771 狠3703 恨1868 哼0774 亨0077 横2897 衡5899 恒1854 轰6575 哄0758 烘3530 虹5725 鸿7703 洪3163 宏1347 弘1738 红4767 喉0814 侯0186 猴3729 吼0709 厚0624 候0230 后0683 呼0729 乎0039 忽1824 瑚3840 壶1106 葫5519 胡5170 蝴5814 狐3698 糊4739 湖3275 弧1721 虎5706 唬0801 护6233 互0062 沪3337 户2073 花5363 哗0873 华5478 猾3736 滑3323 画3937 画3973 划0439 化0553 话6114 槐2849 徊1773 怀2037 淮3232 坏0975 欢2970 环3883 桓2719 还6703 缓4883 换2255 患1891 唤0822 痪4050 豢6273 焕3562 涣3251 宦1360 幻1634 荒5435 慌1967 黄7806 磺4337 蝗5794 簧4679 皇4106 凰0420 惶1929 煌3552 晃2515 幌1610 恍1857 谎6192 灰3500 挥2264 辉6540 徽1798 恢1863 蛔5784 回0932 毁3014 悔1882 慧1979 卉0583 惠1920 晦2526 贿6325 秽4486 会2585 烩2476 汇0565 讳6172 诲6140 绘4940 荤5526 昏2495 婚1241 魂3268 浑7609 混3236 豁6255 活3172 伙0129 火3499 获3752 或2057 惑1910 霍7202 货6303 祸4393 击2345 圾0969 基1015 机2623 畸3982 稽4472 积4480 箕4614 肌5133 饥7382 迹6619 激3423 讥6217 鸡7741 姬1213 绩4921 缉4874 吉0679 极2817 棘2765 辑6549 籍4694 集7162 及0644 急1838 疾4014 汲0378 汲3078 即0613 嫉1271 级4878 级4787 挤2357 几0415 脊5182 己1569 蓟5636 技2111 冀0370 季1323 伎0125 祭4385 剂0495 悸1900 济3444 寄1376 寂1374 计6060 记6068 既2478 忌1803 际7139 妓1178 继4949 纪4764 嘉0857 枷2666 夹1140 佳0163 家1367 加0502 荚5453 颊7335 贾6328 甲3946 钾6905 假0250 稼4471 价0116 架2665 驾7468 嫁1268 歼3005 监4148 坚1017 尖1423 笺4608 间7035 煎3553 兼0369 肩5144 艰5329 奸1169 缄4873 茧4942 检2914 柬2687 碱4354 碱7769 碱8969 拣2245 简4675 俭0313 剪0477 减8096 荐5433 槛2920 鉴7003 践6432 贱6345 见6015 键6943 箭4628 件0115 健0256 舰5324 剑0494 饯7415 渐3362 溅3457涧3386 建1696 僵0304 姜1302 姜1203 将1412 浆3364 江3068 疆3984 蒋5592 桨2862 奖1162 讲6199 匠0561 酱6830 降7100 蕉5604 椒2786 礁4339 焦3542 胶5231 交0074 郊6738 浇3398 骄7524 娇1293 嚼0920 搅2383 铰6890 矫4255 侥0299 脚5183 狡3701 角6037 饺7398 缴4945 绞4819 剿0485 剿8464 教2403 酵6806 轿6569 较6525 叫0663 窖4512 揭2263 接2234 皆4105 秸4447 街5894 阶7132 截2066 劫0506 节4634 桔2720 杰0267 杰2638 捷2212 睫4208 竭4550 洁3381 结4814 解6043 姐1195 戒2054 藉5659 芥5354 界3954 借0234 介0094 疥4003 诫6135 届1447 巾1577 筋4585 斤2443 金6855 今0093 津3160 襟5992 襟5995 紧4868 锦6930 仅0284 谨6310 谨6210 进6651 靳7246 晋2516 禁4391 近6602 烬3612 浸3190 尽4147 劲0513 荆5427 兢0352 茎5449 睛4200 晶2533 鲸7650 京0079 惊7528 精4737 粳4734 经4842 井0064 警6224 警6226 景2529 颈7338 静7234 境1064 敬2417 镜6975 径1777 痉3997 靖7231 竟4552 竞4544 净0403 炯3518 窘4515 揪2262 究4496 纠4763 玖3773 韭7295 久0036 灸3502 九9909 九9709 九9809 九0046 酒6794 厩1673 救2405 旧5283 臼5273 舅5279 咎0736 就1432 疚3998 鞠7263 拘2153 狙3700 疽4013 居1446 驹7467 菊5468 局1444 咀0731 矩4251 举5282 沮3107 聚5112 拒2147 据2207 巨1565 具0367 距6415 踞6436 锯6920 俱0215 句0658 惧2040 炬3515 剧0489 捐2196 鹃7710 娟1227 倦0239 眷4187 卷0608 绢4831 撅2313 攫2384 抉2115 掘2228 倔8056 爵3635 觉6030 决0414 决6076 绝4815 均0971 菌5497 钧6874 军6511 君0689 峻1498 俊0193 竣4546 浚3182 郡6746 骏7486 喀0807 咖0739 卡0595 咯0748 开7030 揩2261 楷2818 凯0418 慨1980 刊0436 堪1030 勘0522 坎0974 砍4266 看4170 康1660 慷1988 糠4749 扛2095 抗2123 亢0073 炕3510 考5072 拷2166 烤3628 靠7237 坷0985 苛5381 柯2688 棵2644 磕4326 颗7341 科4430 壳8199 咳0750 可0668 渴3265 克0344 刻0466 客1356 课6143 肯5146 啃8186 垦1083 恳2017 坑0977 吭0699 空4500 恐1858 孔1313 控2235 抠2305 口0656 扣2099 寇1379 枯2661 哭0770 窟4516 苦5388 酷6807 库1655 裤5974 夸1139 垮1006 挎2175 跨6421 胯5169 块1040 筷4599 侩0312 快1816 宽1401 款2949 匡0562 筐4590 狂3693 框2713 矿4349 眶4186 旷2568 况0400 亏5719 盔4140 岿8354 窥4529 葵5525 奎1145 魁7608 傀0264 馈7432 愧1951 溃3391 坤0981 昆2492 捆2190 困0938 括2161 扩2368 廓1674 阔7059 垃0998 拉2139 喇0812 蜡5779 腊5198 辣6584 啦0784 莱5490 来0171 赖6351 蓝5663 婪1245 栏2936 拦2374 篮4691 阑7061 兰5695 澜3482 谰9301 揽2385 览6031 懒2036 缆4968 烂3620 滥3448 琅3809 榔2826 狼3708 廊1671 郎6745 朗2597 浪3186 捞2318 劳0525 牢3666 老5071 佬0097 姥1209 酪6803 烙3529 涝3399 勒0519 乐2867 雷7191 镭7012 蕾5628 磊4320 累4797 儡8079 垒1093 擂2341 肋5132 类7352 泪3223 棱2789 楞2807冷0397 厘0622 梨2746 犁3680 黎7812 篱4713 狸3706 离7180 离4418 漓3347 理3810 李2621 里6849 鲤7642 礼4409 莉5461 荔5408 吏0684 栗2698 丽7787 厉0632 励0536 砾4351 历2980 利0448 僳0269 例0173 俐0196 痢4031 立4539 粒4721 沥3468 隶7152 力0500 璃3863 哩0769 哩5070 俩0224 联5114 莲5571 连6647 镰6991 廉1670 怜1995 涟3353 帘1588 敛2425 脸5245 链6969 恋2043 炼3550 练4886 粮9037 凉0404 凉3213 梁2733 粱4731 良5328 两0357 辆6538 量6852 晾8512 亮0081 谅6156 撩2316 聊5108 僚0297 疗4070 燎3598 寥1394 辽6697 潦3388 了0055 撂2297 镣9507 廖1675 料2436 列0441 裂5933 烈3525 劣0503 猎3756 琳3829 林2651 磷4340 霖7207 临5259 邻6775 鳞7673 淋3218 凛0412 赁6324 吝0690 拎2146 玲3781 菱5480 零7190 龄7881 铃6875 伶0134 羚5024 凌0407 灵7227 陵7117 岭1545 领7325 另0659 令0109 溜3296 琉3812 榴2839 硫4288 馏5130 留3966 刘0491 瘤4058 流3177 柳2692 六9706 六0362 六9906 六9806 龙7893 聋5122 咙0918 笼4705 窿9002 隆7127 垄1096 拢2379 陇7150 楼2869 娄1236 搂2299 篓4664 漏3345 陋7097 芦5684 卢4151 颅7361 庐1687 炉3619 掳2342 卤7767 虏5712 鲁7627 麓7785 碌4294 露7216 路6424 赂6323 鹿7773 潞3406 禄4389 录6922 陆7120 戮2068 驴7533 吕0712 铝6986 侣0188 旅2464 履1462 屡1459 缕4917 虑1982 氯3048 律1774 率3764 滤3459 绿4845 峦1551 挛2381 孪1334 滦3497 卵0607 乱0052 掠2230 略3970 抡2241 轮6544 伦0243 仑0178 沦3229 纶4858 论6158 萝5700 螺5828 罗5012 逻6709 锣7017 箩4712 骡7512 裸4387 裸5953 落5507 洛3157 骆7482 络4820 妈1265 麻4034 麻7802 玛3854 码4316 蚂5818 马7456 骂5006 嘛0859 吗0834 埋1003 买6314 麦7796 卖6344 迈6701 脉9115 瞒4221 馒7429 蛮5875 满3341 蔓5585 曼2581 慢1976 漫3355 谩6211 芒5345 茫5413 盲4159 氓3047 忙1811 莽5462 猫3728 茅5403 锚6931 毛3029 矛4243 铆9450 卯0602 茂5399 冒0379 帽1604 貌6290 贸6319 么8010 玫3780 枚2653 梅2734 酶5326 霉7199 煤3561 没3093 眉4168 媒1252 镁9485 每3020 美5019 昧2505 寐1382 妹1188 媚1253 门7591 门7024 闷1899 们0226 萌5492 蒙5536 檬2916 盟4145 锰7021 猛3718 梦1125 孟1322 眯4183 醚5721 靡7238 糜4745 迷6617 谜6193 弥1736 米4717 秘4434 觅6017 泌3125 蜜5778 密1378 幂0389 棉2758 棉7258 眠4177 绵4875 冕0380 免0346 勉0517 娩1231 缅4884 面7240 苗5379 描2249 瞄4178 藐5662 秒4432 渺3267 庙1680 妙1181 蔑5583 灭3319 民3046 抿2129 皿4129 敏2404 悯2006 闽7044 明2494 螟5820 鸣7686 铭6900 名0682 命0730 谬6208 摸2307 摹2308 蘑5704 模2875 膜5229 磨4333 摩2302 魔7621 抹2130 末2608 莫5459 墨1075 默7817 沫3106 漠3351 寞1389 陌7099 谋6180 牟3664 某2673 拇2136 牡3665 亩3965 姆1191 母3018 墓1045 暮2550 幕1612 募0927 慕1970 木2606 目4158 睦4207 牧3668穆4476 拿2169 哪0763 呐0704 钠6871 那6719 娜1226 纳4780氖6036 乃0035 奶1168 耐5082 奈1143 南0589 男3948 难7181囊0926 挠2321 脑5207 恼1925 闹9527 闹7593 淖8681 呢0716馁7407 内0355 嫩1282 能5174 妮1200 霓7206 倪0242 泥3136尼1441 拟2362 你0132 匿0574 腻5232 逆6627 溺3312 蔫5576拈2138 年1628 碾4317 撵2365 捻2214 念1819 娘1224 酿6840鸟7680 尿1443 捏2250 聂5119 孽5642 啮0909 镊7015 镊7105镍6996 涅3206 您1849 柠2899 狞3761 狞3461 凝0413 宁1337拧2349 泞3438 牛3662 扭2100 钮6873 纽4781 脓5240 浓3426农3593 农6593 弄1702 奴1167 努0505 怒1829 女1166 暖2541虐5707 疟4061 挪2180 懦2032 糯4754 诺6179 欧2962 鸥7743殴3016 藕5665 呕0868 偶0260 沤3371 爬3632 帕1584 怕1830琶3831 拍2143 排2226 牌3654 徘1780 湃3269 派3175 攀2372潘3382 盘4149 磐4323 盼4162 畔3961 判0445 叛0651 乓8004庞1690 旁2460 耪6590 胖5160 抛2141 咆0733 刨0442 炮3517袍5916 跑6410 泡3133 胚5162 培1014 裴5952 赔6341 陪7111配6792 佩0160 沛3099 喷0899 盆4133 砰4280 抨2125 烹3534澎3403 彭1756 蓬5570 棚2766 硼4296 篷4659 膨5191 朋2590鹏7720 捧2201 碰4314 坯0999 砒4268 霹7219 批2106 披2126劈0490 琵3832 毗3026 啤0802 脾5196 疲4006 皮4122 匹0572痞4028 僻0306 屁1445 譬6229 篇4638 偏0252 片3651 骗7499飘7373 漂3343 瓢3903 票4384 撇2317 瞥4224 拼2178 频7340贫6302 品0756 聘5111 乒8003 坪0988 苹5393 萍5493 平1627凭0417 瓶3910 评6097 屏1456 坡0980 泼3380 颇7324 婆1237破4275 魄7611 迫6612 粕4722 剖0472 扑2090 铺6917 仆0091莆5455 葡5515 菩5476 蒲5543 埔1033 朴2613 圃0944 普2528浦3184 谱6225 曝2566 瀑3462 期2601 欺2952 栖2722 戚2058妻1189 七9707 七9807 七9907 七0003 凄0401 漆3344 柒2675其0366 棋2759 奇1142 歧2978 畦3971 崎1505 脐5247 齐7871旗2475 祈4362 祁4359 骑7494 起6386 岂6259 乞0047 企0120启0796 契1148 砌4265 器0892 气3049 迄6597 弃2757 汽3086泣3135 讫6066 掐2225 恰1874 洽3174 牵3677 扦8422 钎7244铅6884 千0578 迁6692 签4687 仟0107 谦6197 乾0051 黔7816钱6929 钳6883 前0467 潜3383 遣6680 浅3239 谴6232 堑1058嵌1523 欠2944 歉2959 枪2847 呛0850 腔5204 羌5018 墙8255蔷5638 强1730 抢2293 橇8587 锹6942 敲2418 悄1877 桥2890瞧4225 乔0821 乔0829 侨0294 巧1564 撬2334 翘5062 峭1495俏0195 窍4534 切0434 茄5401 且0011 怯1845 窃4537 钦2953侵0187 亲6024 秦44参考资料:/whois/dbm.php回答者:hasplyl -助理二级7-14 19:13 提问者对于答案的评价:才哥,我随便一问的...评价已经被关闭目前有 1 个人评价好 100% (1) 不好 0% (0)对最佳答案的评论 共 7 条佩服啊,你看的没有头晕吗?#0@评论者: wxy947 - 见习魔法师 二级真牛啊!评论者: 116783326 - 经理 四级牛X评论者: 116783326 - 经理 四级我来评论 查看所有评论>>其他回答 共 1 条、9977 。
Invacare Aviva FX 电动椅底座说明书
REQUIRED MEASUREMENTSMPS MAXX MODULAR POWER STANDING SYSTEM INVACARE POWER BASES❑IFX-20MPAVIVA FX Base for Multiple Actuator SystemHCPCS code K0861 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,995(Bases comes standard with LiNX G-TRAC Module)Select STF (1): ❑STF185 18.5” ❑STF195 19.5”1. Seat-to-floor height is measured at the front of the seat pan based on a standard seat size.USER WEIGHT LIMITS❑U250Weight Capacity up to 250 lbs (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD PERFORMANCE MOTORS❑HSMTR Performance Motors - 7.5 mph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,400TRANSPORT TIE DOWN❑TRBKTS Wheelchair Transport Brackets (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD1. For unoccupied use onlyTIRE OPTIONS❑AB1431-314” x 3” Black Tire with Gel Foam Inserts . . . . . . . . . .STDCASTOR OPTIONS❑AB1228-38” x 2.5” Black Casters w/Solid Inlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/CBATTERY TRAY TYPE❑GP24Group 24 Battery Box (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C1. MPS uses Group 34 BatteriesBATTERY CHARGER OPTION❑110CHARGER110 Volt Battery Charger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N/C ❑L8900Omit Battery Charger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($80)S O n eal o n e o r d e r f o r mon e p u r c h a s eo r d r o n e i n v o i c eTo ensure system is accurately configured please fill in all requiredWeight Capacity is up to 250lbs unless speci fi ed otherwiseREQUIRED INFORMATIONDate of Order: __________________Quote ❑ Order❑Dealer Name: _______________________________________________Dealer Account #: ___________PO #: ___________________________Tag _________________________________________________________Purchasing Contact: __________________________________________Phone: __________________________ Fax: _______________________E-mail: ______________________________________________________ATP/Therapist: _______________________________________________Ship to Address: _____________________________________________City: ____________________________ State: _____________________Zip: _____________________________Special Client Conditions: ____________________________________Client Gender: ❑M ❑FRESET FORMDealer Account Number: ____________________________________ PO #:_______________________________________________________ Tag: _______________________________________________________170P Obsidian Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑171P Ruby Red. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑172P Peacock Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑173P Pink Flamingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑174P Purple Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑175P Denim Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C172PR Peacock Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑173PR Pink Flamingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑174PR Purple Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑175PR Denim Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑176PR Lime Twist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑177PR Arctic Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑178PR Banana Split. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑179PR Orange Marmalade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑180PR Morning Mist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C EXPCExpandable Controller (1) HCPCS code E2377. . . . . . . . . $700Three drive functions, control through separate switch/toggle. Select switch on page 14 under multi-function electronics.❑PWHHarness Required for Expandable SystemHCPCS code E2313 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $450❑REM211LED Expandable Remote/Joystick (2)(3) . . . . . . . . N/CThree drive functions, control of up to 6 actuators through the drive control. Not for use with specialty controls.❑REM216LED Expandable Remote/Joystick with Lights (3)(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350Three drive functions, control of up to 6 actuators through the drive control and lightoperation. Not for use with specialty controls.❑REM400Color 3.5” Touch ScreenRemote/Joystick (3)(4)(5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,000 ❑SW400TGL Toggle Kit for REM400(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200❑REM500LiNX Color 3.5” Touch ScreenDisplay Only - No Driver Control (3)(4)(5) . . . . .$1,500Select mounting position❑R5MR Right❑R5ML Left1. This item is required when ordering power tilt, power recline, and power elevating legrest together OR when ordering an Alternative Drive Control2. Not available with lights and indicators3. Must choose EXPC Expandable Controller and PWH Harness.4. Can control lighting, must choose lighting package separately.5. May also be used as display for specialty controls, choose specialty controls separately.6. Adds 2 toggle switches to REM400.OUT500 Output Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500❑IN500HLiNX 9 Pin Input Modulefor Head Array (1)(2)(3)HCPCS code E2325 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500❑IN500LiNX 9 Pin Input Modulewith Sip-N-Puff Nozzle (1)(2)(3)HCPCS code E2328 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500❑PKG32666Therafin Sip-N-Puff Breath Tube Kit . . . . . . $380HCPCS code E23261. Only one input module per chair, requires REM400 or REM500 for compatibility.2. Input module also required for any 9-pin specialty control.3. 9 pin specialty control and Sip-N-Puff cannot both be used together.LIGHTS(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7001. Must order REM216, REM400 or REM500FR Fixed Joystick Mounting - Right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD❑FL Fixed Joystick Mounting - Left . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD ❑SAQR Motion Height Adjustable Swing-AwayQuad Link (Right Hand) HCPCS code E1028 . . . . . . . . $235❑SAQL Motion Height Adjustable Swing-AwayQuad Link (Left Hand) HCPCS code E1028 . . . . . . . . . $235ACU(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$900Select mounting position❑RIGHT-ACU Right❑LEFT-ACU Left1. Requires Expandable Controller.CREM HCPCS code E2373❑CREM-LFLiNX Compact Remote Low ForceHCPCS code E2373 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500LAK LiNX Access Key (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100❑MUSB Motion Dual USB Charger . . . . . . . . . . . . .N/C1. Required for programmingPC101A Bodypoint U Shaped Handle 3”(1) . . . . . . . $120❑PC102A Bodypoint U Shaped Handle 4”(1) . . . . . . . $120❑PC107A Bodypoint Rubber Dome (1) . . . . . . . . $120❑PC110AGrooved Mushroom Joystick Handle 3/16” Stem (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120❑1560T Handle Flexible JoystickExtension (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120❑1561 Straight Hangle Flexible JoystickExtension (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120❑1826 Chin Cup (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1201. To remove/disengage the joystick knob from the REM400 Remote pull straight up on the joystick (DO NOT TWIST) otherwise damage may occur and may void the warranty.Dealer Account Number: ____________________________________PO #:_______________________________________________________Tag: _______________________________________________________☑ULMTREUltra Low Maxx CG Tilt (45°) & Power Recline (170°) w/Extended Shear Reduction(ESR)HCPCS code E1007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,795☑PSMTREMPS Power Stand Module forTilt/Recline/ESR (1)HCPCS code E2301 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,2501. Standard with upper and lower positioning straps: padded,removable chest bar, removable and height and depth adjustable knee blocks.☑ESM77” Power Adjustable Seat Height Module (1)HCPCS code E2300Weight Capacity up to 250lbs max. . . . . . . . . . . $1,9951. With Tilt/Recline/ESR/Stand legrest will extend 13 ° during seat elevation.❑SSW16 16” Wide (Adjustable from 16” to 21”) ................N/C ❑SSW1717” Wide (Adjustable from 16” to 21”) ................N/C ❑SSW18 18” Wide (Adjustable from 16” to 21”) ................N/C ❑SSW19 19” Wide (Adjustable from 16” to 21”) ................N/C ❑SSW2020” Wide (Adjustable from 16” to 21”) ................N/C❑SSD16 16” Deep (Adjustable from 16” to 20”) ................N/C ❑SSD17 17” Deep (Adjustable from 16” to 20”) ................N/C ❑SSD18 18” Deep (Adjustable from 16” to 20”) ................N/C ❑SSD19 19” Deep (Adjustable from 16” to 20”) ................N/C ❑SSD2020” Deep (Adjustable from 16” to 20”) ................N/CMatrx PS Seat Cushion 16” - 20” wide/reversable coverHCPCS code E2605 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $345❑PS1616❑PS1618❑PS1620❑PS1716❑PS1718❑PS1720❑PS1816❑PS1818❑PS1820 ❑PS2016❑PS2018❑PS2020Matrx PSP Seat Cushion 16” - 20” wide/reversable cover HCPCS code E2607 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $395❑PSP1616❑PSP1618❑PSP1620❑PSP1716❑PSP1718❑PSP1720❑PSP1816❑PSP1818❑PSP1820 ❑PSP2016❑PSP2018❑PSP2020Matrx Vi Seat Cushion 16” - 20” wideHCPCS code E2607 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$425❑MA1616-VI ❑MA1618-VI ❑MA1620-VI ❑MA1716-VI ❑MA1718-VI ❑MA1720-VI ❑MA1816-VI ❑MA1818-VI ❑MA1820-VI ❑MA2016-VI❑MA2018-VI ❑MA2020-VIMatrx Libra Seat Cushion 16” - 20” wideHCPCS code E2624 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $485❑LC1616❑LC1618❑LC1620❑LC1716 ❑LC1718❑LC1720❑LC1816❑LC1818 ❑LC1820 ❑LC1916❑LC1918❑LC1920❑LC2016❑LC2018❑LC2020Matrx Libra Seat Cushion 22” deep HCPCS code E2624 . . . . $595❑LC1622❑LC1722❑LC1822❑LC1922❑LC2022❑LC2122Matrx Libra Adjust Seat Cushion 16” -20” wideHCPCS code E2624 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $625❑LC1616-ADJ ❑LC1618-ADJ ❑LC1620-ADJ ❑LC1716-ADJ ❑LC1718-ADJ ❑LC1720-ADJ ❑LC1816-ADJ ❑LC1818-ADJ ❑LC1820-ADJ ❑LC1916-ADJ ❑LC1918-ADJ ❑LC1920-ADJ ❑LC2016-ADJ ❑LC2018-ADJ ❑LC2020-ADJ❑OCCC “ON-CHAIR” Cushion Credit (1) . . . . . . . . ($90)1. Not available on Matrx PS or PSP Cushions.❑SFLF Spacetex Fabric Option for Libra Cushion. . . N/C ❑ICFLInfection Control Fabric Upgrade forLibra Cushion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50❑FFVFusion Fabric Upgrade for Matrx Vi Cushion ..$150❑OCUMA Onyx Fabric Upgrade for Matrx Vi Cushion ...$100❑SFVSSmooth side Startex Fabric Upgrade forMatrx Vi Cushion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50❑SFVFFabric side Startex Fabric Upgrade forMatrx Vi Cushion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50NOTE: Systems Include Seat Pan, Back Pan, and Standard Armrests. They are designed for use with a 2”- 3” cushion☑Section marked are required with the MPS Standing SystemType: ___________________________________________________Specialty Control Mount:❑Right ❑Left Specify __________________________Display Mount:❑Right ❑Left Specify__________________________Mode Switch Mount:❑Right ❑Left Specify__________________________On/Off Mount:❑Right ❑Left Specify __________________________List Other: ________________________________________Specify Mounting Location: ____________________________Meshtex Infection Control OnyxStartex Spacetex CushionMeshtexStartexInfectionSpacetexOnyxFusionLibra/Adjust N/A STD $50N/C N/A N/A PS/PSP N/A STD -ReversibleSTD -ReversibleN/A N/A N/A ViSTD$50$50N/A$100$150FusionBELT48Push Button Style Lap Belt, Length 48” . . . . . ❑BELT60 Push Button Style Lap Belt, Length 60” . . . . .STD ❑BELT71 Push Button Style Lap Belt, Length 71” . . . . .STD❑PLB2B odypoint Padded Lap Belt 2 Point (1) HCPCS code E0978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$190❑PLB4Bodypoint Padded Lap Belt 4 Point (1)HCPCS code E0978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2351. 67” length only optionPCS Padded Chest Strap 2 point (1) HCPCS code E0978 STDHCPCS code E0960❑MFUSBP Monoflex, Underarm RLS S(3” x 15.5”) . $195❑MFUM BP Monoflex, Underarm RLS M(4” x 18.25”) $195❑MFUL BP Monoflex, Underarm RLS L(4.5” x 21.5”) .$195❑MFCS BP Monoflex, Center RLS S(2.5” x 15.5”) . . $195❑MFCM BP Monoflex, Center RLS M(3.25” x 18.25”) $195MFCLBP Monoflex, Center RLS L(3.5” x 21.5”) . . .$195FWCBLFoam Wrapped Chest Bar - Mount Left ❑FWCBR Foam Wrapped Chest Bar - Mount Right . . . .STD ❑FPCBL Flat Pad Chest Bar - S/A Mount Left . . . . . .$450❑FPCBRFlat Pad Chest Bar - S/A Mount Right . . . . .$4501. Left/Right Mount indicates the swing away point. Should be opposite the joystick side to avoid interference.HALTLHeight Adjustable Lap Tray (21”W x 12”D)in Clear Polycarbonate Plastic - Left Mnt. . .$750❑HALTRHeight Adjustable Lap Tray (21”W x 12”D)in Clear Polycarbonate Plastic - Right Mnt. .$7501. Left/Right Mount indicates the swing away point. Should be opposite the joystick side to avoid interference.ESP6 ❑ESP10 Matrx Elan Standard Pad 10” ...............$235❑ESP14 Matrx Elan Standard Pad 14” ...............$235❑EOP9 Matrx Elan Occipital Pad 9” ..................$235❑EOP12 Matrx Elan Occipital Pad 12” ................$235❑E4PTSM Matrx Elan 4-Point Pad 9”W x 7”H .........$325❑E4POINT Matrx Elan 4-Point Pad 11”W x 10”H .....$325❑ESP6-ICMatrx Elan Standard Pad 6” withInfection Control ...................................$235 ❑ESP10-IC Matrx Elan Standard Pad 10” withInfection Control ...................................$235 ❑ESP14-ICMatrx Elan Standard Pad 14” with InfectionInfectionControl ...................................$235❑EOP9-IC Matrx Elan Occipital Pad 9” with Infection Infection Control ..................................$235EOP12-IC Control.................................................$235 ❑E4PTSM-IC Matrx Elan 4-Point Pad 9”W x 7”H with Infection Control ..........................$325❑E4POINT-IC Matrx Elan 4-Point Pad 11”W x 10”H with Infection Control ...........................$3251. If mounting on PB Elite must order removable hardwareMCSH Motion Concepts Standard 1. Unless selecting a “Removable” hdwr option, this Headrest will come standard w/ Fixed Straight Mounting Hardware (non-removable)FM Fixed Mounting (non-removable) (1) ....... N/C ❑MEHWElan Multi-Axis Removable HDWHCPCS code E1028 .......................................$220❑MEHWEXT Elan Extended Headrest Hardware Multi-Axis Removable HCPCS code E1028 .....$295❑MAHUMotion Concepts Multi-Axis Rem.HDWHCPCS code E1028 .......................................$195❑OHROMIT: Headres t ..............................................N/C1. Only compatible w/Standard Rehab & High Back Models. All other head rests REQUIRE an upgrade to Removable Hardware.FBR20 20” FBR21 21” FBR22 22” FBR23 23” FBR24 24”❑FBR25 25” ❑FBR26 26” ❑FBR27 27” ❑FBR28 28”1. 8” Gap from the seat pan to the bottom of back pan is recommended.2. Finished back height is measured from seat pan to top of backrest.SRB ❑SS Additional Super Soft/HR Foam (1) . . . . . .$100 ❑MFU Matrx Fabric Upcharge . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100❑PIPF Flat Planar Interface Plate . . . . . . . . . .$1251. Additional foam added may impact seat depthHCPCS code E2620 ❑HB1616 ❑HB1618 ❑HB1620 ❑HB1716❑HB1718 ❑HB1720 ❑HB1816 ❑HB1818 ❑HB1820 ❑HB1916 ❑HB1918 ❑HB1920❑HB2016❑HB2018❑HB2020Matrx Elite Back 16” - 20” wide (3” Contour) HCPCS code E2620 $625❑PBE1614 ❑PBE1616 ❑PBE1618 ❑PBE1620 ❑PBE1714 ❑PBE1716 ❑PBE1718 ❑PBE1720 ❑PBE1814 ❑PBE1816 ❑PBE1818 ❑PBE1820 ❑PBE1914 ❑PBE1916 ❑PBE1918 ❑PBE1920❑PBE2014 ❑PBE2016 ❑PBE2018❑PBE2020Matrx Elite TR Back 15” - 20” wide (3” Contour) HCPCS code E2620$650 ❑PBE1614-TR❑PBE1616-TR❑PBE1618-TR ❑PBE1620-TR ❑PBE1714-TR ❑PBE1716-TR❑PBE1718-TR❑PBE1720-TR ❑PBE1814-TR❑PBE1816-TR❑PBE1818-TR❑PBE1820-TR ❑PBE1914-TR ❑PBE1916-TR❑PBE1918-TR❑PBE1920-TR ❑PBE2014-TR ❑PBE2016-TR❑PBE2018-TR❑PBE2020-TRMatrx Elite E2 Back 16” - 20” wide/14”/16”H(3” Contour)HCPCS code pending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $625❑E2S1614❑E2S1616❑E2S1714❑E2S1716❑E2S1814❑E2S1816❑E2S1914 ❑E2S1916❑E2S2014❑E2S2016Matrx Elite E2 Back 16” - 20” wide/18”/20”H(3” Contour) HCPCS code pending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $645 ❑E2S1618❑E2S1620 ❑E2S1718❑E2S1720 ❑E2S1818❑E2S1820❑E2S1918❑❑E2S2018❑E2S2020Matrx Elite E2 Deep Back 16” - 20” wide/14”/16”H (6” Contour) HCPCS code E2620 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $755 ❑E2D1614❑E2D1616❑E2D1714❑E2D1716❑E2D1814❑E2D1816❑E2D1914 ❑E2D1916❑E2D2014❑E2D2016Matrx Elite E2 Deep Back 16” - 20” wide/18”/20”H (6” Contour)HCPCS code E2620 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $775 ❑E2D1618❑E2D1620❑E2D1718❑E2D1720❑E2D1818❑E2D1820❑E2D1918❑E2D1920❑E2D2018❑E2D2020Matrx Elite Deep Back 14” - 20” wide (6” Contour)HCPCS code E2620 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$760❑EDB1614 ❑EDB1616❑EDB1618❑EDB1620❑EDB1714 ❑EDB1716❑EDB1718❑EDB1720❑EDB1814 ❑EDB1816❑EDB1818❑EDB1820❑EDB1914❑EDB1916❑EDB1918❑EDB1920❑EDB2014 ❑EDB2016 ❑EDB2018❑EDB2020Matrx PB Posture Back 14” - 20” wide (5” Contour)HCPCS code E2615. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$625 ❑MPB1412 ❑MPB1416 ❑MPB1612 ❑MPB1616 ❑MPB1620 ❑MPB1712 ❑MPB1716 ❑MPB1720❑MPB1812❑MPB1816❑MPB1820❑MPB2012❑MPB2016❑MPB2020Matrx PB Posture Back Deep 14” - 20” wide (7” Contour)HCPCS code E2615. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $645 ❑PBD1612 ❑PBD1616 ❑PBD1660 ❑PBD1712 ❑PBD1716 ❑PBD1720 ❑PBD1812 ❑PBD1816❑PBD1820❑PBD2012 ❑PBD2016 ❑PBD2020❑OCBC “ON-CHAIR” Matrx Back Credit . . . . . . . . . ($125)❑EBSS Super Soft Foam for Elite Back Upgrade . . . . $100❑FFUHB Fusion Fabric Upgrade for High Backs . . . . . . $100❑OCUHB Onyx Fabric Upgrade for High Backs . . . . . . . $100❑WSCU Infection Control Cover for Elite/PB Backs . . . $100purchased with back❑WSC Infection Control Cover for Elite/PB Backs . . . $150purchased with without backSCCMFBA Stander Cantilever Cane MountedFlip Back Armrest 9.5”-13” H . . . . . . . . . . .STD❑ATFL Left Full . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD ❑ATDL Left Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD ❑ATFR Right Full . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD ❑ATDR Right Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD❑SAPFL Left Full (2.25” x 14”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD ❑SAPDL Left Desk (2.25” x 10”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD ❑SAPFR Right Full (2.25” x 14”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD ❑SAPDR Right Desk (2.25” x 10”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STD Modular Arm Pad - Left(1)❑MAPTFL Left Tray Full (14”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55❑MAPTDL Left Tray Desk (10”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55 Select Pad Insert below:❑ISSF L Iskin - Integrated soft skin foam❑SCVFL Startex Covered Visco foamModular Arm Pad - Right(1)❑MAPTFR Right Tray Full (14”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55❑MAPTDR Right Tray Desk (10”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55 Select Pad Insert below:❑ISSFR Iskin - Integrated soft skin foam❑SCVFR Startex Covered Visco foam4-way Stretch PolyesterMeshtex Infection ControlOnyxNEW NEW NEW NEWFlat Multi Position Arm Pads❑MPAFLLeft Full (14”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55❑MPADL Left Desk (10”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55❑MPAFR Right Full (14”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55❑MPADRRight Desk (10”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55Gel Pads❑GAPNL Narrow Left Full (2” x 12”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75❑GAPNR Narrow Right Desk (2” x 12”) . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75❑GAPWL Wide Left Full (3.5” x 12”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75❑GAPWR Wide Right Desk (3.5” x 12”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75 ❑GAPLL Long Left Full (3.5” x 14”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$90❑GAPLRLong Right Desk (3.5” x 14”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$90Arm Troughs❑EATL Ergonomic Arm Trough - Left HCPCS code E2209 . .$85❑EATR Ergonomic Arm Trough - Right HCPCS code E2209 .$85❑FHPL Flat Hand Pad - Left (2) HCPCS code K0108 . . . . . . . . .$55❑FHPR Flat Hand Pad - Right (2) HCPCS code K0108 . . . . . . . .$551. Requires interchangeable pad insert.2. Must order with ergomonic arm trough.Left Fixed Mount Lateral Trunk Support (1)Select Left Trunk Support Size ❑LATXL Size XS (3.25” x 4.25”) . . . . . . . . . . . $100❑LATSL Size S (3.5” x 5.25”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100❑LATML Size M (3.75” x 5.75”) . . . . . . . . . . . $100❑LATLL Size L (4.25” x 6.5”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100Right Fixed Mount Lateral Trunk Support (1Select Right Trunk Support Size❑LATXR Size XS (3.25” x 4.25”) . . . . . . . . . . . $100❑LATSR Size S (3.5” x 5.25”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100❑LATMR Size M (3.75” x 5.75”) . . . . . . . . . . . $100❑LATLR Size L (4.25” 6.5”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1001. These laterals are not available with Matrx PB, PB Elite Deep, and PB Deep Backs.❑SALATL Left MAXX Style Swing Away HDW (1) . . . $195Select Left Trunk Support Size❑SALATR Right MAXX Style Swing Away HDW (1) . . . $195Select Right Trunk Support Size❑ATLL Additional Telescoping Link - Left (2) . . . $75❑ATLRAdditional Telescoping Link - Right (2) . . $751. These laterals are not available with Matrx PB, PB Elite Deep, and PB Deep Backs and come standard with 1” telescoping link which gives 0-2.75” medial offset.2. The amount of offset available may be impacted by back thickness.❑E2FLL Matrx E2 Fixed Laterals-Left (6.5x5”)(1) ........$145❑E2FLR Matrx E2 Fixed Laterals-Right (6.5x5”)(1) .........$145❑PBSSL Matrx Small Lateral Fixed-Left (3x5.5”) .......$100❑PBSSR Matrx Small Lateral Fixed-Right (3x5.5”) ........$100❑PBLSL Matrx Standard Lateral Fixed-Left (7.5x5”) .$100❑PBLSR Matrx Standard Lateral Fixed-Right (7.5x5”)$100❑PBOLL Matrx Offset Lateral Fixed Left . . . . . . . .$110❑PBOLRMatrx Offset Lateral Fixed Right . . . . . .$1101. Only available with the E2 BackrestsHCPCS code E0956❑EPADXL Size XS (3.25x4.25”) .............................$100❑EPADSL Size S (3.5x5.25”) ................................$100❑EPADML Size M (3.75x5.75”) .............................$100❑EPADL L Size L (4.25x6.5”) ................................$100Matrx Lateral Trunk Support Right (1) HCPCS code E0956❑EPADXR Size XS (3.25x4.25”) .............................$100❑EPADSR Size S (3.5x5.25”) ................................$100❑EPADMR Size M (3.75x5.75”) .............................$100❑EPADLR Size L (4.25x6.5”) ................................$1001. Must choose swing away hardware belowLeft HCPCS code E1028 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$195❑SAHEBRMatrx Elite Swing Away HardwareRight HCPCS code E1028 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$195❑OSAHL Matrx Offset Elite Swing AwayHardware Left HCPCS code E1028 . . . . . . . . .$195❑OSAHRMatrx Offset Elite Swing AwayHardwareRight HCPCS code E1028 . . . . . . .$195HCPCS code E0956Select Pad Size and mounting position at Hip:❑HSPXLH Size XS (5.5” W x 4” H) mounted at Hip . . .$120❑HSPSLH Size S (7“W x 6”H) mounted at Hip . . . . . .$120❑HSPMLH Size M (9” W x 4”H) mounted at Hip . . . . .$120❑HSPLLH Size L (13” W x 4”H) mounted at Hip . . . . .$120Select Pad Size and mounting position at Knee:❑HSPXLK Size XS (5.5”W x 4” H) mounted at Knee . . .$120❑HSPSLK Size S (7“W x 6” H) mounted at Knee . . . . .$120❑HSPMLK Size M (9”W x 4”H) mounted at Knee . . . .$120❑HSPLLK Size L (13”W x 4”H) mounted at Knee . . . . .$120Lateral Hip Support with Fixed Mounting Hardware Right(1)HCPCS code E0956Select Pad Size and mounting position:❑HSPXRH Size XS (5.5”W x 4”H) mounted at Hip . . . .$120❑HSPSRH Size S (7“W x 6”H) mounted at Hip . . . . . .$120❑HSPMRH Size M (9”W x 4”H) mounted at Hip . . . . . .$120❑HSPLRH Size L (13”W x 4”H) mounted at Hip . . . . . .$120Select Pad Size and mounting position at Knee:❑HSPXRK Size XS(5.5”W x 4”H) mounted at Knee . . $120❑HSPSRK Size S (7“W x 6”H) mounted at Knee . . . . .$120❑HSPMRK Size M (9”W x 4”H) mounted at Knee . . . . .$120❑HSPLRK Size L (13”W x 4”H) mounted at Knee . . . .$1201. Must choose swing away hardware below if required.❑LOHL Left . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$195❑LOHR Right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$195MAXX Style Quick Release, Removable, Multi-Axis Mounting Hardware for Hip Supports HCPCS code E1028Select mounting position:❑MHSHLH L eft mounted at Hip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$215❑MHSHLK Left mounted at Knee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$215❑MHSHRH Right mounted at Hip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$215❑MHSHRK Right mounted at Knee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$215Extended Maxx Style Quick Release, Removable, Multi-AxisMounting Hardware for Hip Supports (1) HCPCS code E1028Select mounting position:❑EMQHLH Left mounted at Hip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$215❑EMQHLK Left mounted at Knee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$215❑EMQHRH Right mounted at Hip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$215❑EMQHRK Right mounted at Knee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2151. Recomended when finished seat cushion thickness will be greater then 3.5” high.BDCPower Elevating BDC Belt Drive CenterMount Articulating Foot Platform (1)(2)(3)HCPCS code K0108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,295..Select seat pan to footplate:❑SPTF22 8” - 12” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑SICP Individual Calf Pads (5.5”H x 4”W) . . . . . . . STDSelect seat pan to footplate:❑SPTF20 10” -13/14” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑SPTF21 13” -16/17” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/C ❑LICP Individual Calf Pads (7.5”H x 6”W) . . . . . . . STD1. The BDC Belt Drive is required with the MPS Standing System.2. With 18.5” seat-to-floor selected the maximum seat pan to footplate is 13”, with 19.5” seat-to-floor height selected the seat pan to footplate is 14”.3. With 18.5” seat-to-floor selected the maximum seat pan to footplate is 16”, with 19.5” seat-to-floor height selected the seat pan to footplate is 17”.Footplate Option:❑IFSL Small - (5” x 7.5” deep) - Left ....................$165❑IFSR Small - (5” x 7.5” deep) - Right ...................$165❑IFML Medium - (5.5” x 9.5” deep) - Left .............$165❑IFMR Medium - (5.5” x 9.5” deep) - Right ............$165❑IFLL Large - (6” x 11.5” deep) - Left ...................$165❑IFLR Large - (6” x 11.5” deep) - Right .................$165MKBDepth and Angle Adjustable Mounting Hardware (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STD❑EKBModular Knee Blocks with EccentricBolster Mounting Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . $250(Allows individual adjustment of knee blocks toaccomodate leg discrepancies)Select pad size for above Hardware option ❑10P 10” Pad for Knee Block ❑8P 8” Pad for Knee Block ❑6P 6” Pad for Knee Block1. Knee blocks are removable and stored on the side of the chair when not in use.2. 1.5” of height adjustment and 3” of depth adjustment and 2” of width independent adjustment.。
BNS 260 产品说明书
DataOrdering dataProduct type descriptionBNS 260-11Z-L Article number (order number)101184387EAN (European Article Number)4030661321875eCl@ss number, Version 9.027-27-24-02CertificationsCertificates DGUVTÜVcULus EACGeneral dataProduct nameBNS 260StandardsIEC 60947-5-3 BG-GS-ET-14 Installation conditions(mechanical)quasi-flush Enclosure materialGlass-fibre, reinforced thermoplastic Gross weight 55 g General data - FeaturesCodingYes Number of openers 1BNS260-11Z-LLong lifeSmall bodyPre-wired cableno mechanical wear26 mm x 36 mm x 13 mmInsensitive to soilingThermoplastic enclosure Concealed mounting possible Insensitive to transverse misalignmentNumber of shutters1Number of safety contacts2Number of cable wires4Safety appraisalStandards ISO 13849-1Mission Time20 Year(s)Safety appraisal - Safety outputsB10d- Value Normally-closed25,000,000 Operationscontact/Normally open contact(NC/NO)Mechanical dataActuating element MagnetDoor hinge LeftEnsured switch distance "ON" S5 mmaoEnsured switch distance "OFF" S15 mmarAxial misalignment, a horizontal and vertical misalignment of the safetysensor and the actuator are tolerated. The possible misalignment dependson the distance of the active surfaces of the sensor and the actuator. Thesensor remains active within the tolerance range.Direction of motion Head-on to the active surfaceMechanical data - Connection techniqueTerminal Connector CableLength of cable 1 mWire cross-section0.25 mm2Material of the Cable mantle PVCMechanical data - DimensionsHeight of sensor36 mmLength of sensor13 mmWidth of sensor26 mmAmbient conditionsProtection class IP67Ambient temperature, minimum-25 °CAmbient temperature, maximum+70 °CStorage and transport-25 °Ctemperature, minimumStorage and transporttemperature, maximum+70 °CResistance to vibrations to EN60068-2-610 … 55 Hz, amplitude 1 mm Restistance to shock30 g / 11 msElectrical dataVoltage type DC (direct current)Switching voltage, maximum75 VDCSwitching current, maximum0.4 ASwitching capacity, maximum10 VASwitching frequency, maximum 5 HzScope of deliveryIncluded in delivery Actuators must be ordered separately. AccessoryRecommendation (actuator)BPS 260SRB-E-301STSRB-E-201LCNotesNote (General)Contact symbols shown for the closed condition of the guard device. The contact configuration for versions with or without LED is identical.Circuit exampleNote (Wiring diagram)Contact S21-S22; S13-S14 must be integrated in the safety circuit. Ordering codeProduct type description:BNS 260-(1)(2)Z(3)-(4)-(5)(1)11 1 NO contacts/1 NC contact02 2 NC contact(2)without with diagnostic output/01 1 NC contact(3)without without LED switching conditions displayG with LED switching conditions display(4)without Pre-wired cableST with connector(5)L Door hinge on left-hand sideR Door hinge on right-hand sidePicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: kbns2f07| 23,0 kB | .png | 74.083 x 49.389 mm - 210 x 140Pixel - 72 dpi| 291,7 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 234.95 mm - 1000 x 666Pixel - 72 dpi| 37,2 kB | .jpg | 27.093 x 18.034 mm - 320 x 213 Pixel- 300 dpiDimensional drawing basic componentID: 1bns2g08| 36,4 kB | .cdr || 21,0 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 79.022 mm - 320 x 224Pixel - 72 dpi| 6,8 kB | .png | 74.083 x 51.858 mm - 210 x 147 Pixel- 72 dpi| 76,0 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 247.297 mm - 1000 x 701Pixel - 72 dpiDiagramID: kbns2k27| 60,3 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 70.203 mm - 1000 x 199Pixel - 72 dpiCharacteristic curveID: kbns2d03| 36,8 kB | .cdr || 40,4 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 74.789 mm - 320 x 212Pixel - 72 dpi| 18,5 kB | .png | 74.083 x 49.036 mm - 210 x 139Pixel - 72 dpiCharacteristic curveID: kbns2d02| 19,2 kB | .png | 74.083 x 49.389 mm - 210 x 140Pixel - 72 dpi| 40,8 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 75.142 mm - 320 x 213Pixel - 72 dpi| 36,3 kB | .cdr |ClipartID: kbns2c02| 1,8 kB | .png | 74.083 x 52.211 mm - 210 x 148 Pixel- 72 dpi| 19,6 kB | .cdr |K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 3, D-42279 WuppertalThe details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technical data can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on 08.07.2020 19:18:06。
PSU300 Series shown smaller than actual size.
Max Output Power
30 W
70 W
165 W
Max Output Current
2.4 A
1.2 A
1.2 A/-1.2 A CL = 2.2 A
3 A/-3 A CL = 3.3 A
Dual Tracking
0 to ±1 A
0 to ±2.5 A
Tracking Deviation
Comes complete with 1.5 m (5') power cord, fuse and operator’s manual. Ordering Examples: PSU301, 0 to 30 Vdc linear power supply. OCW-3, OMEGACARESM extends standard 1-year warranty to a total of 4 years.
Voltage Accuracy* ±0.2% rdg + 2 digits
Current Accuracy* ±0.5% rdg + 5 digits
Common Mode Voltage ±240 Vdc
Temp Range
Operating: 0 to 40ºC (32 to 104ºF), less than 80% RH; Storage: -45 to 75ºC (-49 to 167ºF), less than 80% RH
FORDTAURUS2008QUICK REFERENCEGUIDE*8G1J_19G217_AA*8G1J 19G217AAFORD TAURUS FEBRUARY 2007FIRST PRINTINGQUICK REFERENCE GUIDEFord Motor Company Customer Relationship Center P.O.Box 6248Dearborn,MI 481211-800-392-3673(FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired:1-800-232-5952)This Quick Reference Guide is not intended to replace your vehicle Owner’s Guide which contains more detailed information concerning the features of your vehicle,as well as important safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk of injury to you and your passengers.Please read your entire Owner’s Guide carefully as you begin learning about your new vehicle and refer to the appropriate sections when questions arise.All information contained in this Quick Reference Guide was accurate at the time of duplication.We reserve the right to change features,operation and/or functionality of any vehicle specification at any time.Your Ford dealer is the best source for the most current information.For detailed operating and safety information,please consult your Owner’sGuide.ADDITIONALINFORMA TION 2008FORD TAURUSCLIMA TECONTROL AUDIO SYSTEMSSECOND ROW POWERPOINTA third rear auxiliary power point is located on the rear of the center console.The power point is accessible from the rearseat.AUXILIARY INPUT JACKYour vehicle is equipped with an Auxiliary Input Jack located inside the console bin.This allows you to plug and play auxiliary audio devices,including MP3Players.Press AUXrepeatedly on your audio system to access.When LINE IN appears in thedisplay,plug in your auxiliary audio device.For more information,please consult your Owner’sGuide.CENTER CONSOLE STORAGEThe utility compartment may have a clamshell tray for flexible storage of MP3players,CDs orhandbags.FAMILYENTERTAINMENTSYSTEM (FES)(IF EQUIPPED)Your vehicle may be equipped with a FamilyEntertainment System (FES).Please refer to the Family Entertainment SystemSupplement Guide for further information on the operation of yoursystem.ADJUSTABLE PEDALS(IF EQUIPPED)The accelerator and brake pedal should only beadjusted when the vehicle is stopped and the gearshift is in the P (Park)position.Press the top of the control to adjust the pedals away from you or press the bottom of the control to adjust the pedals towardyou.INSTRUMENT PANEL STORAGECOMPARTMENTThe storage compartment may be used to secure sunglasses or similar sized objects.Press the control to open the storagecompartment.DRIVER AND PASSENGER TEMPERATURESet desired cabinwith the or red for driver’s passenger’s Recommended settings 72°F (22°C)to 75°F (24°C).DUAL CONTROL (IF EQUIPPED)Press DUAL to separate passenger side temperature control.controls without a press hold AUTO to separate passenger side temperature control.AUTOMATIC OPERATIONSet desired Press AUTO button for full operation.The system willautomatically adjust airflow temperature,fan speed,airflow direction,A/C and recirculated air,based on the selected temperature toheat or cool the vehicle to the desired temperature as quickly as possible.MAX A/C OPERATION AUTOMATIC OPERATION :Press AUTO button for full operation.Do not override A/C or recirculated air.Set temperature to 60°F (16°C).OVERRIDE OPERATION :Selectair distribution.A/C ande air with A/C to provide colder airflow.Set temperature setting to 60°F (16°C).to highest fan speed ,then adjust to MANUAL OVERRIDE OPERA TIONPress set desired cabin Adjust any of the following for personal preferences:fan speed,Fan A/C andrecirculated air overrides will not turn off the AUTO indicator light.Airflow direction overrides will turn off the AUTO indicator light.AIRFLOW DIRECTION CONTROL (IF EQUIPPED)Press repeatedly to select direction.DEFOGGING/DEMISTINGPress to distribute through the windshield defroster vents and demister vents.To reduce humidity buildup in the vehicle,do not drive with theclimate control turned off.Also,do not drive with recirculated air selected unless A/C is operating.HEATED SEATS (IF EQUIPPED)Press to cycle through of high heat (2lights),low heat (1light),and off (no lights).574110379582212101DUAL ZONE AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL WITH HEATED SEATS(IF EQUIPPED)PREMIUM /AUDIOPHILE IN-DASH 6-CD /MP3SOUND SYSTEM(IF EQUIPPED)LOADto begin the CD Press and hold to autoload up to 6CDs.DISC SELECTOR Press or to select a use in menu mode to select various settings.MP3TRACK /FOLDER MODEpressing or SEEK will scroll tracks on the disc.pressing or SEEK will scroll tracks within a selected folder.FOLDER FUNCTIONPress or FOLDER to folder on MP3discs.1514119431192ON /OFF /VOLUME CONTROLPress to turn the system ON .Turn to increase or decrease volume.If the volume is set above a certain level and the ignition is turned off,the volume will come back on at a “nominal”level when the ignition switch is turned back on.TUNER /DISC SELECTORto down the radio frequency band or to select a desired disc.Also use in menu mode to select various settings.BASS /TREBLEPress until Bass or areAdjust using the control.BALANCE /FADEPress MENU untildisplayed.Press to adjust the audio between the left using the controls.Press controls to between the front and rear speakers.CDPress to enter CD mode.If a loaded into the system,the CD will begin playing whereit last ended.SHUFFLEPress to play tracks in CD FAST FORWARDto manually a CD track.CD REWINDPress REW to manually a CD track.CD EJECTPress to eject a CD.Press hold to eject all CDs.AM /FMPress to select AM or FM bands.SCAN FUNCTIONPress SCAN for a brief of radio stations or CD tracks.Press again to stop.SEEK FUNCTIONPress to strong station or track.SETTING MEMORY PRESETSTo set a station:Press select AM or FM band,tune to a station,then press and hold a presetbutton until the sound returns.SETTING THE CLOCKPress untilor SELECT MINS is the up and down SEEK control to the time.Press MENU again to disengage mode.167711981198119101111112136989895SPLIT-FOLDING REAR SEATOne or both rear seat backs can be folded down to provide additional cargo space.To lower the seat backs,pull the strap located on theoutboard side of the seat back to release it,and then fold the seat back down.Note:When raising the seat back(s),make sure to firmly lock into place and tug forward to ensure that it is fullylatched.SEA TING1452346791213141516108111037896562781FRONT PASSENGER FOLD FLAT SEAT BACKThe front passenger seat back can be folded down to a horizontal position to allow room for a long load.Ensure that the seat is in the rearmost position and the head restraint is fully down,prior to pulling the strap located on the back of the seat.ADDITIONALINFORMA TION 2008FORD TAURUS POWER MIRRORSTo adjust your mirrors,rotate the control clockwise to adjust the right mirror and counterclockwise to adjust the left mirror.Move the control in the direction you wish to tilt the mirror.Then rotate the control to the center position to lock the mirrors in place.INTEGRA TED KEYHEAD TRANSMITTER (IKT)AND REMOTE ENTRY SYSTEMYour vehicle comes equipped with two specially programmed Integrated Keyhead Transmitters (IKTs).IKTs are both aprogrammed ignition key and a remote keyless entrytransmitter.Handle the IKT carefully when starting the car to avoid accidentally pressing any of the remote entry buttons.Press once to unlock the driver’s door.The interior lamps will illuminate.Press twice to unlock all the doors.Press once to lock all the doors.Press twice within three seconds to confirm all the doors and trunk are closed.On the first pressof ,the turnlamps will flash.On the second press within 3seconds,the horn will chirp and the turn signal lamps will flash once if all the doors and the trunk are closed.Press and hold for 1.5seconds to activate the panic alarm.Press again or turn the key in the ignition to deactivate the panic alarm.Press twice within 3seconds to activate the car finder feature;your horn will chirp and your turn signal lamps will flash.It is recommended that this method be used to locate your vehicle,rather than using the panic alarm.Press twice within 3seconds to open the trunk.Ensure that you keep the IKT adhesive security label in a safe place for future reference.Replacements are only available through an authorized dealer.KEYLESS ENTRY KEY PADThe keyless entry keypad can be used to lock or unlock the doors without using a key.It can also control the memory seat,power mirrors andadjustable pedals (if equipped).For more information,please consult your Owner’s Guide.AUTOLOCKYour vehicle is equipped with an autolock feature.The autolock feature willautomatically lock all doors when your vehicle is in motion and meets a set of conditions,as described in your Owner’s Guide.Your vehicle comes with this feature enabled.You can enable or disable this feature by following the activation or deactivation procedure outlined in your Owner’s Guide.HOMELINK®(IF EQUIPPED)The HomeLink Wireless Control System on the driver's visor provides aconvenient way to replace up to three handheldtransmitters with a single device.This feature will operate most garage doors,entry gate operators,security systems,and home or office lighting.For programming,please consult your Owner's Guide.NAVIGATION SYSTEMPlease refer to your Navigation Supplement for more information on the Navigation System.Use extreme caution with any device that may takes your attention off the road.Your primary concern is safe operation of your vehicle.Only use non-essential devices when it is safe to do so.MEMORY FEATURE(IF EQUIPPED)This feature will allow you to set two positions for the driver’s seat,power mirrors and adjustable pedals (if equipped).Set the position by pressing the SETbutton (indicator will illuminate)then press the 1or 2button to set the position to either Driver 1or Driver 2.This memory setting can then be recalled when you press the 1or 2button,enter Customer Code 1or 2on the keypad,or when you press unlock on the remote entry system (one of your remote transmitters is associated with Driver 1and the other transmitter is associated with Driver 2).A position can be recalled in any gearshift position if the ignition is not in the RUN position or only in P (Park)or N (Neutral)if the ignition is in the run position.REVERSE SENSING SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED)The Reverse Sensing System (RSS)sounds a tone to warn the driver of obstacles near the rear bumper when R (Reverse)is selected and the vehicle is moving at speeds less than 3mph (5km/h).The system is not effective at speeds above 3mph (5km/h)and may not detect certain angular or moving objects.ADVANCETRAC®(IF EQUIPPED)The AdvanceTrac system helps the driver maintain the stability and steer-ability of the vehicle.The system integrates anti-lock braking system (ABS)and Traction Control™and a moreadvanced function to further enhance the stability of the vehicle.The AdvanceTrac system automatically turns on when the engine is started.However,the system does not function when the vehicle is traveling in R (Reverse).USB PORT (IF EQUIPPED)Your vehicle may beequipped with a USB port inside your center console.This feature allows you to plug in your laptop computer and media playing devices among other options.For more detailed information,please refer to using your USB port in the SYNC™supplement.HEADLAMP CONTROLTurning the headlamp control clockwise to the first position turns on the parking lamps,instrument panel lamps,license plate lamps and the tail lamps.Continuing to turn the headlamp control to the second position turns on the headlamps.To use the autolamp light-sensitive,automatic on-off control for the headlamps,turn the headlamp control counterclockwise.If the windshield wipers are turned on for a fixed period of time,the exterior lamps will turn on with the headlamp control in the autolamp position.To turn autolamps off,turn the control clockwise to the OFF position.To activate the high beams,simply push the turn signal lever toward the instrument panel.Pull the lever toward you to deactivate highe the same lever to activate the “Flash to Pass”feature.Pull the lever toward you to slightly activate and release it to deactivate.1PANEL DIMMERUse this control to adjust the brightness of the instrument panel and all applicableswitches in the vehicle during headlamp and parking lamp operation.Move the control to the full upright position,past the detent,to turn on the interior lamps.2FOGLAMP CONTROL(IF EQUIPPED)With the ignition on,the foglamps can be turned on when the headlamp control is in the parking lamp,headlamp or autolampposition,and the high beams are not on.Simply pull the headlamp control toward you to turn on the foglamps.The foglamp indicator light will illuminate.The foglamps will not operate when the high beams are activated.3WINDSHIELD WIPER /WASHERThe multifunction levercontrols the windshield wiper modes,speeds and the windshield washer.Rotate the end of the control away from you to increase the speed of the wipers.Rotate the control towards you to decrease the speed of the wipers.For windshield washercontrol,push the end of the stalk briefly to cause a single swipe of the wiper.With a quick push and hold,the wipers will swipe three times with washer fluid.With a long push and hold,the wipers and washer fluid will activate for up to ten seconds.SPEED CONTROLFor your speed control to work,you must press and release the ON button.Pressing and releasing the OFF button disengages the system and turns it off.To set a speed,press the ON button,accelerate to the desired speed,press the SET+button,then take your foot off the accelerator pedal.You can increase your speed by pressing and releasing the SET+button until you reach the desired speed,increasing speed by 1mph (1.6km/h)with each tap.You candecrease speed in the same way using the SET-button.Pressing the RSM (resume)button will automatically return the vehicle to the previously set speed.To disengage the speed control,press the OFF or CNCL button or depress the brake pedal.5MESSAGE CENTER(IF EQUIPPED)With the ignition in the ON position,the message center displays important vehicle information by constantly monitoring vehicle systems.You may select display features on the message center for a display of status.The system will also notify you of potential vehicle problems with a display of system warnings.For more information,please consult your Owner's Guide.6STEERING WHEEL AUDIO CONTROLS(IF EQUIPPED)These controls allow you to adjust the radio and CD features from the steering wheel.Press MEDIA to select AM,FM1,FM2or CD.Press SEEK to access thenext/previous strong station or track on a CD.PressVOL+/-to adjust volume,and MUTE to mute the volume.7TILT STEERING COLUMNTo adjust the steering wheel,push the adjustment lever down to unlock the steering column.While the lever is down,tilt the steering column to your desired position.Then,while holding the steering column in place,pull the lever up to its original position to lock the steering column.Do not adjust while driving.8CHECK ENGINE LAMPThe check engine indicator lamp illuminates when the ignition is first turned to the ON position to check the bulb.If the light turns solid or blinks,the On Board Diagnostics System hasdetected a malfunction.Drive in a moderate fashion (avoid heavy acceleration ordeceleration)and have your vehicle serviced immediately.9ABS WARNING LAMPIn an emergency,applycontinuous force to the brake pedal.Do not pump the brakes.Any pulsation or mechanical noise you may feel or hear is normal.If the lamp doesn’t illuminate or stays on,have your vehicle serviced.Normal braking is still functional unless the brake warning lamp is also illuminated.10THROTTLE CONTROL /TRANSMISSION LAMPThe throttle control /transmission lamp illuminates when a powertrain fault has been detected.Contact your dealer as soon as possible.11INSTRUMENTP ANEL2008QUICK REFERENCE GUIDELOCATION OF SPARE TIRE AND TOOLSYour vehicle is equipped with a temporary spare tire,which is smaller than a regular tire,and designed for emergency use only.The jack,spare tire,jack handle,and lug nut wrench are under the cargo cover in the trunk of the vehicle.FUSESIf your electrical components are not working properly,a fuse may have blown.For more information,please consult your Owner's Guide.FUEL PUMPSHUT-OFF SWITCHThis device stops the electric fuel pump from sending fuel to the engine when your vehicle has had a substantial jolt.After an accident,if the engine cranks but does not start,this switch may have been activated.The fuel pump shut-off switch is located in the front passenger footwell area in the right upper corner.HOOD RELEASETo open the hood,pull the hood release handle under the bottom of the instrument panel near the steeringcolumn.Go to the front of the vehicle and release theauxiliary latch located under the front center of the e the prop rod to support the raised hood.Lift the prop rod by the sleeve,not the bare metal.UNLEADED FUELRECOMMENDATIONSFor optimum performance,use “Regular”unleaded fuel with a pump (R+M)/2octane rating of at least 87.We do not recommend the use of gasolines labeled as“Regular”with octane ratings of 86or lower that are sold in high altitude areas.TIRE PRESSURESafe operation of your Taurus requires that your tires be properly inflated.The Ford recommended inflation pressure is found on the Tire Label or the Safety Compliance Certification Label located near the front door latch on the edge of the driver's door.At least once a month and before long trips,inspect each tire and check the air pressure with a digital or dial-type tire gauge.Don't forget the spare.Air pressure should be checked when the tires are cold.Inflate all tires to the inflation pressure recommended by Ford Motor Company.As an added safety feature,your vehicle has beenequipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS)that illuminates a low tirepressure warning light when one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated.ROADSIDE ASSISTANCEIn addition to your New Vehicle Limited Warranty,Ford provides new vehicle owners with a complimentary roadside assistance program.It covers changing a flat tire,jump starts,limited fueldelivery,lock-out assistance,winch out and towing of your vehicle.United States (800)241-3673Canada(800)665-2006ESSENTIALINFORMA TION2008FORD TAURUS7NAVIGATION/SYNC™HANDS FREE FEATURE(IF EQUIPPED)Press andhold VOICE Briefly until the icon appears on the Navigation Display to use the voice command feature.Press SEND or END tocomplete a voice command.REAR WINDOW BUFFETINGWhen one or both of your rear windows are fully open,you may experience a wind throb or buffeting noise.This is common among all vehicles and can beeliminated simply by lowering a front window two to three inches.SAFETYPlease wear your safety restraints,pay attention to changing road conditions and drive safely.For more safety related information,please consult your Owner’s Guide.FORDT AURUSYour new Taurus speaks volumes without saying a word.You have chosen well.Your new Ford Taurus is the car that was built around you.Surrounding you with sleek,trim good looks and unexpected luxury.Putting you in command with impeccable road manners.Giving you the peace of mind knowing you're driving one of the smartest cars the road has ever known.This Quick Reference Guide was designed tohelp you get to know your new Taurus.For the most detailed information,consult your Owner's Guide.So,let's get to know your new Taurus.The road is waiting.477NAVIGATION SYSTEM PUSH TO TALK (PPT)HANDS FREE FEATURE(IF EQUIPPED)Pressand hold PTT briefly until the voice icon appears on the Navigation display to use the voicecommand feature.Press PTT again to end a voice command.SYNC™SYSTEMHANDS FREE FEATURE(IF EQUIPPED)Press andhold VOICE briefly until the voice iconappears on the display to use the voice command feature.Press and hold to send a call or text message.Press OK to confirm your selection.1764523891011。
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