Amazfit Ares 使用手册说明书

Amazfit Ares 使用手册目 录绑定手表日常使用 佩戴 抬腕亮屏 休眠与解锁 勿扰 按键 充电常用功能 表盘 小部件和应用 运动 活动 心率 支付宝离线支付 天气 手机音乐控制 PAI 通知与来电 其他功能 设置运动功能 运动列表0101010102020203040404050606080808090912121314目 录开启运动 开始户外跑 跑步中的操作 跑步中的提醒 暂停或停止跑步 完全恢复时间 运动设定 关于 GPS 搜索 查看运动记录 室内跑校准 运动状态运动生理指标 最大摄氧量(VO2max) 运动效果(TE) 运动负荷手表日常保养141415151616171718192020202223251. 绑定手表第一次开机后,你会看到二维码界面,用 Zepp App 扫码绑定后可以在手表上查看手机通知,查看天气信息,控制手机音乐播放等等。
扫描手表上的二维码即可下载 Zepp App。
完成注册并登录后,用 Zepp App 再次扫描手表上的二维码,根据提示完成绑定流程即可获得上述智能功能。
2. 手表日常使用一、佩戴建议将手表以适中的松紧度佩戴在离手腕两指距离的位置上,以确保光学心率监测器正常监测数据。
二、抬腕亮屏Amazfit Ares 默认开启抬腕亮屏功能。
Amazfit Ares 的半透半反式 MIP 显示屏尤其适合户外使用,光线越强屏幕显示越清晰,如果你长期在高亮度户外环境活动,为了延长手表续航你也可以在表盘界面下拉进入控制中心手动关闭屏幕抬腕亮屏功能。
amazfit powerbuds pro 使用手册说明书

Amazfit PowerBuds Pro使用手册目 录添加耳机与配对安卓配对流程iOS系统配对流程搜不到设备?耳机运动模式与设置开启运动模式查看耳机电量耳机控制音乐均衡器设置运动辅助健康检测设备升级与恢复出厂0101030404040506070810121. 添加耳机与配对Amazfit PowerBuds Pro 可以配对任意支持经典蓝牙的设备,如手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、电视、安卓系统手表,以及支持蓝牙功能的台式电脑等。
<1> 下载Zepp App 并完成注册和登陆。
<2> 依次点击“我的–我的设备–耳机”开始添加耳机设备。
<3> APP 将自动搜索附近的耳机设备。
1、通过Zepp App绑定并配对耳机<1> 同上述步骤,请先确保耳机有电,并长按充电盒上的按钮3秒直到白灯闪烁,开启耳机的配对模式。
<2> 请打开手机系统设置,在“蓝牙”中找到并点击“Amazfit PowerBuds Pro”即可完成配对。
2、不使用App直接配对耳机<4> App 搜到耳机后会自动弹窗提示配对,请在弹窗中选择“配对”即可。
<1> 若通过Zepp App 先完成的BLE 连接,请直接前往手机系统蓝牙,选择“Amazfit PowerBuds Pro”完成蓝牙配对即可。
<2> 若没有使用Zepp App,则需要长按充电盒按钮3s 直到白灯闪烁,随后进入系统蓝牙完成耳机配对。
2、iOS系统经典蓝牙配对<1> 下载Zepp App 并完成注册和登陆。
<2> 依次点击“我的 – 我的设备 – 耳机”开始添加耳机设备。
<3> App 会自动搜索附近的耳机设备。

Amazfit米动健康手表使用手册目 录感谢您购买 Amazfit米动健康手表产品清单产品基本参数了解手表用前准备绑定手表日常使用提醒设置高级设置亲友关注数据解读010101020203040608090901 感谢您购买 Amazfit米动健康手表本产品为Amazfit米动健康手表(以下简称:手表),能够采集和记录您的心电信号、心率、活动量、睡眠,并且在手机上显示和分析。
注意1. 本产品提供的健康信息或咨询内容仅供用户参考,不作为诊断治疗依据。
2. 医疗健康信息咨询服务不是电话诊疗,也不等同于任何急救组织或医疗机构提供的急救服务,实际诊疗活动请选择在相关医疗机构进行。
02 产品清单开始前,请检查包装盒内是否包含以下物品,如有缺失,请与经销商联系。
03 产品基本参数04 了解手表05用前准备部件名称:手表由手表主体和可拆卸腕带组成。
手表充电如图示将手表装入充电座的卡槽内,然后将USB 插头连接到手机充电器或者电脑的USB 接口上充电。
产品名称:Amazfit米动健康手表主体尺寸:42X35X12.5mm防水等级:30米防水无线连接:蓝牙5.0BLE NB-IoT腕扣材料:尼龙电池类型:锂聚合物设备要求:支持蓝牙4.0的Android4.4或iOS9.0及以上版本的设备产品型号:A1916主体重量:25g 工作温度:5℃-40℃腕带材料: 硅胶可调长度:78mm 电池容量:190mAh佩戴手表Amazfit米动健康手表通过测量手腕的血流来检测全天心率。

01 表盘功能导航及触摸按键说明 01 手环佩戴及充电 03 手环功能使用 15 运动功能介绍 21 手环日常保养
可以通过左右和上下滑动来导航屏幕。 默认显示表盘页面,在表盘页面: 向上滑动显示手环一级菜单各个入口,点击屏幕可查看不同应用 功能。 向下滑动设置勿扰,也可查看手环当前电量。 向右滑动显示快捷入口,快速查看已设置应用详情。 返回: 在应用详情页面,向右滑动返回上级页面。如在一级菜单入口或 勿扰页面,则返回至表盘页面。 在快捷应用详情页面,向左滑动返回表盘页面。
手环应用指的是在手环上可以独立使用的功能,如状态、天 气、锻炼、支付宝等。 默认依次显示的应用列表如下图所示,可以根据个人偏好自定 义屏幕上的应用,请在APP“我的”->“Amazfit Cor 2”-> “手环应用设置”选择需要显示的应用项。
快捷 入口
在手环上操作: 与手环上的锻炼一致。 详细可在上一节“暂停/继续/结束锻 炼”中查看。 在APP上操作: 在APP运动中页面,长按按钮进入运动暂停页面,手环上会同 步进入暂停中提示页面,如点击“继续”,则继续记录运动, 手环上会回到继续运动中页面;如点击“结束”,则进入确认 结束提示页面,在该页面点击确定可结束并保存运动记录。
触摸手环按键 长按触摸按键
未开启锁屏,当屏幕息屏锁定时,点亮屏幕 运动过程中,当屏幕息屏锁定时,点亮屏幕 运动中暂停运动 恢复出厂提示页面对手环进行恢复出厂
Amazfit Pop Pro 使用手册说明书

Amazfit Pop Pro 使用手册目 录手表功能使用设备绑定与解绑表盘功能导航及按键说明 功能导航操作 手表按键操作手表佩戴及充电 佩戴和更换表带 充电表盘控制中心消息通知快捷应用手表应用设置活动与健康 PAI 活动目标 站立提醒 心率 睡眠 辅助睡眠检测 血氧饱和度 血氧饱和度测量注意事项 压力监测0101010203030304040506070708080809091112121213目 录呼吸训练 女性健康手表应用 支付宝 卡包 天气 待办事项 闹钟 世界时钟 番茄钟 倒计时 秒表 指南针 音乐 遥控拍照 查找手机 小爱运动 开启运动 运动中提醒 运动中的操作 暂停/继续/结束运动 查看运动结果1414151516161717181818191920202121222222242525目 录运动设置 运动目标 GPS与AGPS 运动心率区间介绍手表状态提醒 来电提醒 关爱提醒 运动达标提醒 红包提醒设置手表日常保养注意事项2626262728282829293031311. 手表功能使用使用Amazfit Pop Pro 前,请使用手机下载Zepp App。
2. 设备绑定与解绑请通过应用市场或者扫描说明书上的二维码下载Zepp App,并完成账号注册或登录。
打开App选择“我的 – 添加设备 – 手表 – 手表有二维码 ”,将扫码器对准手表中的二维码,即可快速绑定设备。
同时Zepp App中可针对手表功能进行操作和设置。
若需要将手表解绑,请打开Zepp App,并在设备页中选择“解除绑定”。
3. 表盘功能导航及按键说明Amazfit Pop Pro 配有带TFT显示屏的触摸屏和1个实体按键。
Amazfit T-Rex 2 使用手冊说明书

Amazfit T-Rex 2 使用手冊-海外版連接與配對使用手機掃描說明書或手錶上的 QR 碼,下載並安裝 Zepp App。
為了獲得更好的使用體驗,請按照提示及時將 App 升級至最新版本。
附註:手機系統要求為 Android 7.0 或 iOS 12.0 及以上版本。
首次配對:手錶首次啟動時,會在螢幕上顯示用於綁定的 QR 碼;在手機上開啟 Zepp App,登入後,按照提示掃描手錶上顯示的 QR 碼來綁定手錶。
與新手機配對:1. 在舊手機的 App 上完成手錶資料同步;2. 在舊手機中,進入需要重新配對的手錶的資訊頁面,然後進入底部的更多設定中解除綁定;3. 將手錶還原出廠設定並重新啟動,啟動完畢即可按照首次啟動的流程,將手錶與新手機配對。
手錶系統更新保持手錶與手機的連接狀態,開啟 Zepp App >「我的」>「Amazfit T-Rex 2」>「系統更新」,即可檢視或更新手錶系統。
基礎操作常用手勢及按鍵操作控制中心在手錶錶盤頁面向下滑動螢幕,進入控制中心,可使用手錶的系統功能支援:手電筒、勿擾模式、劇院模式、持續開啟螢幕、行事曆、蜂鳴強度、電池、亮度、尋找手機、設定、鬧鐘、氣壓計、指南針、計時器、碼錶尋找手機1. 保持手錶與手機的連接狀態;2. 在錶盤下拉以開啟控制中心,點一下尋找手機按鈕,手機將震動並響鈴;3. 在應用程式清單 >「更多」中,點一下尋找手機,手機將震動並響鈴。
尋找手錶當手錶與手機處於連接狀態時,開啟 Zepp App >「我的」>「Amazfit T-Rex 2」>「尋找手錶」,手錶將震動。
編輯錶盤元件:1. 喚醒手錶後,按住錶盤介面可進入錶盤管理頁面,在此頁面上可以更換其他錶盤或編輯錶盤;2. 左右滑動可預覽目前手錶內可使用的錶盤,支援設定錶盤元件的錶盤下方會顯示編輯按鈕,輕點按鈕可進入此錶盤的元件編輯頁面;3. 選取需要編輯的元件,點一下元件或上下滑動螢幕可更換元件;4. 完成編輯後,點按右上鍵,即可完成編輯並啟用此錶盤。

AMAZFIT 智能手表使用手册目 录手表操作和手表状态手表佩戴及充电方式手表功能使用手表日常保养01030417手表操作说明和手表状态1. 按键说明2. 触摸屏手势操作3. 灭屏模式HOME键手表绑定后默认设置是灭屏模式,该模式在待机状态下为黑屏,不显示时间,在抬腕动作产生后才会显示表盘。
在手表中的 系统设置 > 使用偏好 > 锁屏模式 中可以更改成微光模式。
4. 微光模式微光模式在待机状态下为屏幕只显示时间(指针表盘显示指针,数字表盘显示数字时间),在抬腕动作产生后才会显示手表状态待机中解锁后其他按键功能解锁手表表盘界面呼起语音开机按键功能短按按键短按按键长按2秒点击屏幕功能项左右滑动屏幕上下滑动屏幕表盘界面长按屏幕使用该功能、进入下一项或选中当前项横向切换界面上下滚动界面激活表盘选择功能完整表盘。
在手表的 系统设置 > 使用偏好 > 锁屏模式 中可更改成灭屏模式。
5. 锁屏秒针模式系统状态符号会出现在解锁后的表盘上,每种符号会代表手表处于不同的状态。
6. 系统状态符号[充电中][充满][低电量保护模式] [与手机断连][勿扰][飞行模式]充电状态。

备注:Ultra 模式与普通模式的屏幕显示效果和功能会有所不同。
2.6 四种定位系统,三种定位服务组合 Amazfit 智能运动手表 3 支持四种不同的卫星定位系统, 进一步提升定位速度和轨迹精度。在手表“设置 > 通用 > 定位服务组合”中,有三种导航组合可以选择:GPS+ 北斗、 GPS+ GLONASS、GPS+ Galileo。 同时我们也新增了 AGPS 辅助定位功能,会自动提高定位 的速度和精度。如果您经常做户外运动,建议你在“设置 > 通用 > AGPS 过期提醒”打开 AGPS 过期提醒,手表 会在 AGPS 过期时提醒你连接手机进行同步。
在表盘界面向下划或按上键,进入快捷设置界面,点击中 间的按钮可以切换到长续航的 Ultra 模式。在 Ultra 模式 下,Amazfit 智能运动手表 3 的日常使用场景续航时间可 达 15 天。
你可以在表盘界面向下划或按上键,进入快捷设置界面, 点击中间的按钮切换到长续航的 Ultra 模式。在 Ultra 模 式下,Amazfit 智能运动手表 3 的日常使用场景续航时间 可达 15 天。
2.6 四种定位系统,三种定位服务组合 Amazfit 智能运动手表 3 支持四种不同的卫星定位系统, 进一步提升定位速度和轨迹精度。在手表“设置 > 通用 > 定位服务组合”中,有三种导航组合可以选择:GPS+ 北斗、 GPS+ GLONASS、GPS+ Galileo。
同时我们也新增了 AGPS 辅助定位功能,会自动提高定位 的速度和精度。如果您经常做户外运动,建议你在“设置 > 通用 > AGPS 过期提醒”打开 AGPS 过期提醒,手表 会在 AGPS 过期时提醒你连接手机进行同步。

8 、支付宝
● 拷贝音乐 手表支付宝页面绑定手表后,手表上可以显示支付宝的付款 码,点击屏幕可以在二维码和条形码间进行切换,离开手机 也可以支付; 绑定步骤:手表支付宝页面-开始绑定-打开手机支付宝扫描手 表上的二维码-按照手机提示输入支付宝支付密码绑定即可;
佩戴手表在晚间入睡后,手表会监测你的睡眠状况,并在第二 天起床后给出“睡眠时长”、“深睡”、“浅睡”等数据的分 析。在今日睡眠界面点击后可以进入睡眠历史记录的列表。 查看睡眠数据路径: 1.可以在手表上点击睡眠应用进入查看; 2.同步数据后在Amazfit手表App-状态-睡眠中查看。
● 拷贝音乐 音乐播放器可以播放之前拷贝到手表Music目录里的mp3音 乐文件,通过设置可以选择音乐的播放顺序,以及音量的大 小,同时也支持蓝牙耳机的音量调整和切换歌曲控制。 拷贝歌曲步骤:手表链接充电底座,将USB接口连接电脑主 机(建议电脑使用win7/8/10系统),在我的电脑中找到手表 的硬盘,将Mp3格式的歌曲拷贝至手表目录里的Music文件 夹中,拷贝成功即可;
开启全天心率后,心率应用会显示你每分钟的心率值 (bpm),以及当日的非运动状态的平均心率、最大最小心 率、静息心率(需佩戴手表入睡后方可评估)。 心率值查看路径: 1.手表上点击心率应用进入查看; 2.打开APP同步数据后,可在Amazfit手表App-状态-心率 页面上看到 备注:开启全天心率会减少手表的续航时间;
在手机和手表保持连接时,手表可以控制手机的音乐播放, 如播放、暂停、下一首等操作。如果你想使用该功能,需要 在在Amazfit手表App中“我的”>“设置”>“通知设置” 里的“应用通知设置”开启“手机音乐控制”功能,之后就 可以在表盘界面向上划出音乐控制界面。 备注:该功能主要支持手机自带音乐播放器,以及部分音频类 App,如QQ音乐、网易云音乐、喜马拉雅FM、蜻蜓FM等。
Amazfit Neo 手表 使用手册

Amazfit Neo 使用手册目 录手表操作说明及功能导航 按键操作手表佩戴及充电手表功能使用 设备绑定与解绑 功能页 计步 距离 消耗 天气 勿扰 秒表 闹钟 PAI 心率 电量 运动副屏 提醒 启用通知 来电提醒 App 通知提醒 短信提醒 邮件提醒 运动提醒010103040405050505060606070708080909090910101111目 录关爱提醒 心率预警提醒 日常心搏提醒达标提醒久坐提醒查找手机睡眠检测抬腕亮屏恢复出厂设置1112121313141415151. 手表操作说明及功能导航Amazfit Neo 搭载一块 STN 屏幕和四个实体按键。
<1> 传承黑白,随时可见:采用复古的黑白屏幕,屏幕全天显示,更加节能的同时保证了强光下时间也能清晰显示,搭配抬腕亮屏功能,可以快速阅读时间。
<2> 强大续航,经久不衰:一次充电可以连续使用超过 4 周,远离电量不足的困扰。
经典使用模式 28 天,基础续航模式 37 天。
<3> 精于型,修于芯:搭载华米自研的 BioTracker PPG 生物追踪光学传感器,24 小时心脏守护,实现房颤等心率失常自动甄别。
充电<1> 将手表充电器插入支持USB 供电的设备,如插座、电脑或者充电宝等。
<2> 将手表放入充电插座,注意手表放入的方向和位置,并确保手表背部的金属触点与充电器底座紧密贴合。
<3> 手表放置正确时,屏幕上会出现充电格。
注:充电器为非磁吸式专用充电座,与其他产品均不通用组合按键:长按2s2. 手表佩戴及充电3. 手表功能使用使用 Amazfit Neo 前,请使用手机下载 App。

AMAZFIT 智能手表 2使用手册目 录运动与健康开始使用快速上手网络通讯01040709表盘生活助理1011系统功能第三方应用1315运动与健康运动手表拥有 10 项运动模式,如跑步、健走、户外骑行、室内跑、室内骑行等。
开始运动进入如跑步等户外运动的准备页后,手表会自动搜索 GPS,搜索成功后点击 GO 开始跑步。
进入如椭圆机等室内运动后,直接点击 GO 开始运动。
GPS 搜索进入户外运动的运动准备页面时手表会自动开始 GPS 定位,并在定位成功时第一时间提醒你。
离开运动准备页面或运动完成时 GPS 定位会自动关闭。
GPS 持续搜索的时间为 3 分钟,如果超时仍未定位成功会提示你需要进行重新定位。
成功定位后 1 小时未开始运动,手表会自动关闭定位状态以节省手表电量。
定位建议:GPS 定位请在户外空旷的地方进行,等待定位成功后开始运动。
辅助搜星(AGPS):AGPS 是指一种 GPS 卫星轨道信息数据,能够帮助手表更快的进行 GPS定位。
手表在 4G/WLAN 网络连接下,会自动更新 AGPS 数据。
如手表连续 7 天未连接 4G/WLAN,AGPS 数据便会过期。
外设连接:手表支持连接 A2DP 蓝牙耳机设备。
间歇训练在手机上打开Zepp App,在手表设备页面应用设置中点击运动,选择间歇训练,可以配置适合自己的间歇训练。
Amazfit Pop Pro 使用说明书

注: 1. 请使用手表自带的充电底座,充电前请保持充
电底座干燥。 2. 建议使用充电电流为1A及以上的电源适配器。 3. 请使用符合CCC要求的电源适配器进行充电。
06 佩戴手表 1. 表带既不要太紧也不要太松,让皮肤有空间透气。使您感到舒适的同时让传感
1. 本设备内置不可拆卸电池,且电池不可更换,请勿拆解或改装电池。 2. 请勿将电池暴露在高温处或发热设备的周围,如日照、取暖器、微波炉等。 3. 如果电池漏液,请勿使皮肤或眼睛接触到漏出的液体。若接触到皮肤或眼睛,
请立即用清水冲洗,并到医院进行医疗处理。 4. 请勿把电池扔到火里,否则会导致电池起火和爆炸。 5. 请按当地规定处理电池,不可将电池作为生活垃圾处理。若电池处置不当可能
×: 表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572-2011 规定的限量要求。
服 务 电 话:400-000-6666 制 造 商:安徽华米信息科技有限公司 地 址:参见包装盒
A10803026800000 XXXX_XX
材质要求: 105g太空梭哑粉,印刷过哑油, 风琴折
制作工序: 印刷-连线哑油-切-折-切正-包装
色相正确、印迹牢固、 套印准确、各色套印不露杂色, 套印误差≤ 0.1mm 模切走位≤±0.5mm
颜色及专色: PANTONG Black C
选择正确的 方向图标拖 动到图纸里
3. 本产品非医学设备,所提供的数据及信息仅供参考。 4. 如果您擅自拆卸本产品的外壳,产品将失去保修的资格。 5. 说明书中的图片用于指导用户操作,仅供参考,具体请以实物为准。

门禁卡存在加密区域就无法模拟; ② 因门禁卡或NFC芯片卡标准不同,部分门禁卡虽然能成功模拟,但
可能无法开门; ③ 出于安全原因,带有门卡功能的银行卡、以及储值消费和公交消费
功能的门禁卡无法模拟。即使模拟成功,模拟的门禁卡也不具备银 行、消费、公交等功能; ④ 每人最多添加5张门禁卡。
门禁卡使用 当需要使用的门禁卡已是默认卡时,可以直接刷卡使用。当 门禁卡不是默认卡时,则讲想要使用的门禁卡设置为默认卡 后才能使用。
3.9 天气
天气应用/小部件可以让你随时查看最近几日的天气信息。天 气信息需要通过手机网络获得,所以需要保持与手机的连接 才能及时更新天气变化。
3.10 音乐
Amazfit智能运动手表3 内置独立音乐播放器,用手表连接蓝 牙耳机,即可播放预先拷贝到手表上的音乐*,让你畅享扔掉 手机去运动的轻松自由。 你的可用存储空间约为2GB,以每首歌曲5M计算,约可存 储400首歌曲。 拷贝音乐 ① 手表链接充电底座,将充电底座另一端的USB接口连接到 电脑,建议电脑使用win7/8/10系统。 ② 在“此电脑/计算机”中找到 Amazfit Stratos 3 盘符,将 Mp3格式的歌曲拷贝至手表根目录下的/Music文件夹中。拷 贝过程中请保持手表与充电座的连接状态。 连接蓝牙耳机 ① 将蓝牙耳机进入配对模式(常见的蓝牙耳机长按电源键5 秒钟左右,指示灯闪烁表示已经开启配对模式,详细操作步 骤请参考你自己的蓝牙耳机); ② 打开音乐应用轻击界面上的播放按钮或找到“系统设置 > 连接 > 蓝牙外设”都可以进入蓝牙外设搜索界面,找到你的 蓝牙耳机后点击即可连接; 为了保持手表的续航时间,在你长时间没有播放音频的情况 下,我们会暂时帮你断开与蓝牙耳机的连接。你只需要根据 提示即可快速重新连接你的蓝牙耳机。
AMAZFIT 智能运动手表使用手册

Amazfit智能运动手表使用手册目 录外观和操作说明手表佩戴及充电方式运动功能介绍手表功能使用手表日常保养 010*******外观和操作说明以下使用说明内容基于WOS2.0系统,请升级到最新版本使用。
充电要求:建议使用电脑端USB充电或者品牌手机充电头进行充电,手机充电头额定输入电压必须是DC 5.0v,且输入电流大于500mA以上;运动功能介绍开启运动解锁后在表盘状态向右滑动可以快速打开运动列表。
Amazfit T-Rex 用户手册说明书

Amazfit T-Rex User ManualContentsOperating Instructions and Functions Navigation (3)Basic Operations (3)Touch screen (3)Physical Buttons (5)SELECT button: (5)BACK button: (5)UP & DOWN buttons: (5)Functions Navigation (6)Watch Wearing and Charging (7)Use of Functions (8)Device Pairing and Unpairing (8)Shortcut control (9)Flashlight (9)Brightness adjustment (9)DND mode (10)Battery saver mode (10)Screen lock (11)Replace the Watch Face (12)Status (12)Heart Rate (13)Workout functions (14)Start Workouts (14)Start Outdoor Running (14)Operations during Running (15)Pause or Stop Running (15)Pause the workout (15)Finish the workout (16)Workout Settings (16)Workout goal (16)Workout alert (16)Full kilometer alert (16)Safe heart rate reminder (16)Heart rate zone reminder (16)Pace alert (17)Auto pause (17)Real-time graph (17)About GPS Positioning (17)Positioning tips: (17)Assisted Global Positioning System (AGPS): (17)Pool Swimming (17)View Workout Records (18)Indoor Running Calibration (19)Operating Instructions and Functions NavigationAmazfit T-Rex features one AMOLED touch screen and four physical buttons.Basic OperationsTouch screenYou can swipe left/right or up/down on the watch face to switch between different function pages.Tapping and exiting: You can tap to enter a specific function page and also display the tap tips on that page. After entering a certain function page through tapping, you can swipe right to quickly return to the previous menu level. Swipe left from the Notification List page will return you to the watch face.Physical ButtonsSELECT button:•Long press the button for 2 seconds to power on the watch.•Short press to light up the screen.•Short press on the watch face will open the workout list. (You can also set this operation to quickly start other functions by customizing in the system settings.)•Short press on other pages will enter the next menu level, or enter a sub-page when on a list page.•Long press for 10s to shut down.BACK button:•Short press to light up the screen.•Short press on the watch face to turn off the screen.•Short press on other screens to return to the previous page.•Long press on other screens to quickly return to the watch face.UP & DOWN buttons:•Short press on the watch face to switch between different widgets.•Short press on any list screen to change the currently selected item.•Short press on a long page to scroll up and down.Functions NavigationSwipe down from the watch face or short press the UP button to enter the shortcut control screen, where you can quickly turn on the flashlight, set screen brightness, set DND mode, enter battery saver mode, and enable screen lock.Swipe up on the watch face or short press the DOWN button to switch between Health status → Heart rate measurement. Keep swiping up to return to the shortcut control screen → watch face.Swipe left on the watch face to enter the apps listSwipe right on the watch face to enter the notifications listWatch Wearing and ChargingDaily wearing: During daily use, it is recommended to wear the watch with a moderate tightness at a distance two fingers far from your wrist to ensure that the optical heart rate monitor works properly.Wearing during workouts: During workouts, it is recommended to wear the watch comfortably and ensure a tight fit without slipping. Being too tight or too loose may cause the detected workout data to become inaccurate, so avoid doing this.Charging•The watch charger's USB port needs to be plugged into a device that supports power supply through USB, such as a socket, PC, power bank, etc.•When placing the watch onto the magnetic charging base, it's required to keep the watch in a proper direction and position. Be sure that the metal contacts on the back of the watch are closely connected to the charging base.•The screen will display a charging reminder when the watch is placed properly.Use of FunctionsDownload the Amazfit app via the mobile phone before using Amazfit T-Rex. You need to pair the watch using the Amazfit app to enjoy its full functionality. In addition, a paired watch allows the saving of data generated on the watch to your personal account in the cloud, which will avoid data loss.Device Pairing and Unpairing•Please download the Amazfit app through Google play or App store, then scan the QR code on the watch, and register or log into your account.•Open the Amazfit app and tap the "+" icon in the upper right corner or tap "Profile → Add device → Watch → Amazfit T-Rex", and follow the prompts to scan the QR code on thewatch.•Follow the prompts on your watch and mobile phone to complete the pairing process. •Once paired, it is usually necessary to perform a system upgrade on the watch. Please wait while this is happening and keep the phone connected to both the Internet and the watch via Bluetooth, so as to ensure a successful upgrade.•After the watch is paired and upgraded, its functions are available. The Amazfit app can also be used to configure the watch.•If you need to unpair your watch, open the Amazfit app, go to "Profile → Amazfit T-Rex"and choose "Unpair".Shortcut controlSwiping down on the watch face page can quickly open the control shortcut menu page.FlashlightTapping the flashlight icon will turn on the flashlight function. The watch screen will display a white background which can illuminate a small area at night. Once turned on, you can turn the flashlight function off by swiping right or short press the BACK button.Brightness adjustmentTap on the brightness adjustment icon to enter the brightness adjustment screen.Auto brightness: The watch will automatically adjust the screen brightness based on ambient light. Once this mode is enabled, you cannot move the screen brightness slider manually.Manual brightness: You can adjust the brightness by dragging the brightness slider up/down or press the UP/DOWN button.The brightness adjustment will take effect immediately. You can swipe right on the screen or short press the BACK button to return to the previous screen.DND modeTurn on DND: once turned on, the watch will no longer vibrate when notifications and incoming call reminders are received from your mobile phone. Tap again to disable DND mode.Timed DND: You can customize the time period during which DND mode is automatically turned on or off.Smart DND: After you fall asleep with the watch, the watch will automatically turn on DND mode.Battery saver modeThe Battery Saver mode can maximize your watch's battery life. With the Battery Saver mode on, the watch will only display time and record your number of steps and sleep time. Other functions are disabled.Long press the SELECT button to exit the battery saver mode.Screen lockWith the screen lock function on, the watch can only be unlocked by using the watch button. This can prevent any error caused by unintentional screen touches. Once locked, the screen can be unlocked by short pressing the SELECT button to unlock the screen.Replace the Watch FaceTo replace the watch face, either long press the watch face for 2s or go to "Settings → Watch face settings", swipe left and right to browse through the available watch faces, and tap in the middle of the screen to complete the replacement.To do this from the Amaz fit app: Tap "Profile → Amazfit T-REX → Watch face settings" to download more watch faces from the Watch Face Store.Status•Swipe up on the watch face or short press the DOWN button to enter the status screen (You can also select "Status" in the apps list).•The status screen shows the current number of steps, completion progress against the target number, distance covered, and calories burned. Tap anywhere on the screen or short press the SELECT button to enter the Status Details page on which you can check the chart and data for your number of steps, distance, calories and idle time.Heart Rate•Continue swiping up on the watch face to enter the heart rate screen. After entering, the watch automatically starts measuring your heart rate. During measurement, it's required to properly wear the watch and keep the back of the watch fairly close to your skin until the watch can measure a stable heart rate.•To enable the all-day heart rate measurement mode, open the Amazfit app and go to "Profile - Amazfit T-REX - Heart rate detection", and choose to enable all-day heart rate measurement.You can also choose other heart rate measurement modes and detection frequencies here.Workout functionsThe watch supports thirteen workout types: Outdoor Running, Walking, Outdoor Cycling, Pool Swimming, Open Water Swimming, Indoor Running, Indoor Cycling, Elliptical Training, Free Training, Climbing, Trail Running, Hiking, and Skiing.Start WorkoutsAfter unlocking, short press the SELECT button on the watch face to quickly open the workout list. After entering the workout list, swipe up or down on the screen, or short press the UP or DOWN button to choose the workout item you want to start. Tap the item on the screen or short press the SELECT button to enter the corresponding item.Start Outdoor RunningAfter entering the Outdoor Running preparation page, the watch will automatically search for the GPS. Once it’s available, tap "GO" or short press the SELECT button to enter the outdoor running mode and start timing. You can also swipe up on the screen or short press the DOWN button to switch between starting and settings.Operations during RunningPause or Stop RunningPause the workoutShort press the SELECT button to pause the workout, and short press the button again to resume the workout.Finish the workoutAfter entering the Paused page, tap "End" to end the workout, tap "Continue" to return to the Workout page, and tap “Give up” to give up savin g the current workout. Once the workout is finished, your watch will display and save the details of this workout, and you can view them again on your watch or in the Amazfit app later.Path in watch: Watch – Activities.Path in Amazfit app: Amazfit app - Workout - See more statuses.Workout SettingsWorkout goalYou can enable workout goals, such as Duration, Mileage and Consumption, in the Workout goal settings. The watch will alert you once the set goal is reached,.Workout alertWorkout reminder settings allow you to control all different reminders, such as distance, heart rate reminder, etc. You can set reminders as needed in the workout alert settings.Full kilometer alertThe watch will vibrate and display the duration of last kilometer every time when the mileage increases a full kilometer.How to setup: Outdoor running > Workout settings > Workout alert > Distance, choose the number of full kilometers and turn on or off the full kilometer alert.Safe heart rate reminderIf the watch detects that your heart rate goes above the safe heart rate value you set previously, it will vibrate and display the alert on the screen. If this happens, you need to slow down or stop the current workout.How to setup: Outdoor running > Workout settings > Workout reminder > Safe heart rate, choose a safe heart rate value and turn on or off your safe heart rate reminder.Heart rate zone reminderWhen you are running, if the watch detects that your heart rate does not fall within the set heart rate range, it will vibrate and display the alert on the screen. If this happens, you need to increase or decrease your speed to maintain your heart rate within the set range.How to setup: Outdoor running > Workout settings > Workout reminder > Heart rate zone, choose a heart rate range and turn on or off your safe heart rate reminder.Pace alertWhen you are running, if the watch detects that your pace is slower than the one you set, it will vibrate and display the alert on the screen.How to setup: Outdoor running > Workout settings > Workout reminder > Pace, choose a pace and turn on or off your pace alert.Auto pauseThe auto-pause can be turned on or off in the auto-pause settings. Once it is turned on, whenever the exercise speed is too slow, the workout recording will be paused automatically. When the speed increases beyond a certain threshold, the workout recording will resume. Recording can also be resumed manually during the pause.Real-time graphIn the real-time diagram settings, you can set if a real-time data plot should be displayed during workout. The plot for each workout can be different, so one real-time plot using one set of data can be set up for each workout.About GPS PositioningWhen you enter the Workout Preparation page for an outdoor exercise such as running, the watch will automatically start GPS positioning and alert you as soon as your location is confirmed. The watch will turn off GPS positioning automatically when you exit the Workout Preparation page or finish the workout.The GPS searching process will last for 5 minutes maximum. If positioning is not successful after that, you will be prompted to repeat the positioning process. If you do not start exercising within 10 minutes after you are successfully positioned, the watch will automatically turn off positioning to reduce power consumption. You will have to repeat the positioning process if you want to start exercising again.Positioning tips:GPS positioning should be performed in an open area outdoors. Please wait for the positioning process to complete before starting your exercise. If you are in a crowd, raising your watch to your chest level may speed up the positioning process.Assisted Global Positioning System (AGPS):AGPS uses the orbital information of the GPS satellites help the watch perform GPS positioning faster.When the watch is connected with your phone via Bluetooth, the watch will actively synchronize and update AGPS data with Amazfit app every day. If the watch hasn’t synchronized this data with Amazfit app for seven consecutive days, the AGPS data will expire, and the positioning speed may be affected.Pool SwimmingUseful termsLane length: The length of the lanes in your swimming pool. The watch will calculate your swimming data based on the lane length you set.Therefore, every time you change a swimming pool, please set the lane length accordingly so that the watch can accurately assess your swimming data.Lap: under the pool swimming mode, swim for a distance equal to the lane length you set.Stroke: finish a complete paddling action while wearing your watch on your wrist.Stroke rate: the number of strokes per minute.DPS: An abbreviation of distance per stroke, refers to the moving distance after finishing a complete stroke.SWOLF: SWOLF is an important indicator for a swimmer, which uses scores to make a comprehensive assessment of your swimming speed. SWOLF for pool swimming mode = duration of one lap (in seconds) + number of strokes in a single lap. SWOLF for open water swimming mode will be calculated using a lap distance of 100 meters. The smaller the score is, the higher the efficiency of your swimming.Stroke recognitionThe watch will recognize your swimming strokes under swimming mode and display the mainUse touch screen when swimmingTo protect the screen from unintentional touching and water interference, the watch will disable touch screen functions after you start swimming. During this time, you can use the watch buttons to operate. The watch will re-enable touch screen functions after you finish swimming.View Workout RecordsView on watchEnter the workout record screen by tapping or short pressing the SELECT button, and a list of workout history will be displayed. Tap on a certain workout record to view its details.Any workout record that has yet to be uploaded to the app will be marked with a little red dot at the front. We recommend that you open the app to synchronize data in order to avoid the loss of workout records.You can view the details of 20 most recent workout records in the watch's "Workout Activities" app.View on Amazfit appOn the Workout page of the Amazfit app, you can view all the workout details that have been successfully synchronized from the watch.Indoor Running CalibrationOnce your indoor running is ended, select "Calibrate and Save" when saving the records. If the watch records a mileage greater than 0.5km, the calibrated mileage will optimize the algorithm to make subsequent mileage records more accurate.If the mileage records are still inaccurate after multiple calibrations, you can select "Recalibrate".。

二、安装与设置1、下载APP:在您的智能手机上下载并安装AMAZFIT APP,确保与您的手表建立蓝牙连接。
amazfit powerbuds 使用手册说明书

Amazfit PowerBuds使用手册目 录添加耳机与配对一、安卓配对流程二、iOS系统配对流程三、快速添加设备耳机运动模式与设置一、开启运动模式二、查看耳机电量三、手势设置四、音乐均衡器设置五、运动设置六、恢复出厂01010203040505060707081. 添加耳机与配对Amazfit PowerBuds 可以配对任意支持经典蓝牙的设备,如手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、电视、安卓系统手表,以及支持蓝牙功能的台式电脑等。
<1> 下载Amazfit APP 并完成注册和登陆。
<2> 依次点击“我的–我的设备–耳机”开始添加耳机设备。
<3> 按页面提示长按按键3s,直到白灯闪烁,完成操作后点击下一步,APP 会自动搜索耳机蓝牙信号。
<4> APP 搜到耳机后会自动弹窗提示配对,请在弹窗中选择“配对”即可。
1、通过Amazfit APP绑定并配对耳机<1> 下载Amazfit APP 并完成注册和登陆。
<2> 依次点击“我的–我的设备–耳机”开始添加耳机设备。
二、iOS 系统配对流程iOS 因为系统特性与安卓不同,耳机的与手机的连接分为经典蓝牙和BLE 两个部分。
其中经典蓝牙用于耳机的音乐功能,BLE 用于耳机和Amazfit APP 之间的连接,如开启耳机运动模式,通过APP 设置耳机功能等。
1、使用Amazfit APP 添加并绑定耳机<1> 同上述步骤,请先确保耳机有电,并长按充电盒上的按钮3秒直到白灯闪烁,开启耳机的配对模式。
<2> 请打开手机系统设置,在“蓝牙”中找到并点击“Amazfit PowerBuds”即可完成配对。
2、不使用APP直接配对耳机<3> 按页面提示长按按键3s,直到白灯闪烁,完成操作后点击下一步,APP会自动搜索耳机蓝牙信号。
Amazfit Band 5 使用说明书

9101112ChargingWhen the band indicates that the battery is low, promptly charge it.Basic parametersProduct name: Amazfit Band 5Model: A2005Band body dimensions: 47.2 mm x 18.5 mm x 12.4 mm Strap material: Thermoplastic elastomer Strap clasp material: Aluminum alloy Adjustable length: 162 mm-235 mmSystem requirements: Android 5.0 or iOS 10.0 or later Battery: 125 mAhBattery type: Li-polymer battery Input voltage: 5.0 VDCInput current: 250 mA MAX Water resistance rating: 5ATM Working Temperature: 0℃-45℃ Maximum output: < 20 mWBluetooth frequency: 2402 MHz-2480 MHz Wireless connectivity: Bluetooth 5.0 BLEWarranty PolicyAmazfit products are provided with a 1-year warranty period from the date of your purchase in compliance with local consumer laws of the country or region where you are located.PrecautionsWhen using the band to measure heart rate or blood-oxygen saturation, keep your wrist still during the measurement process.The Amazfit Band 5 has a water resistance rating of 5ATM. You can wear the band when taking a shower or swimming in pools or shallow water. However, do not wear the band while using a sauna or diving.The touch button and touch screen of the band do not support underwater operation. When the band gets wet, dry the band with a soft cloth before use.In daily use, avoid wearing the band too tightly. Keep the contact area of the band dry and clean the strap regularly with water.If symptoms such as redness and swelling are experienced at the contact area with the skin, stop using the band immediately and consult a doctor. NoticeThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1.2. This device may not cause harmful interference, and This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC ID: 2AC8UA2005IC:21806-A2005CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B)Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.16Note:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:13Battery Safety1.2.3.14Repair and MaintenanceAvoid using detergents such as soap, hand sanitizer, or bath foam for cleaning to prevent chemical residues irritating the skin, corroding the device. or degrading the water resistance of the product.Keep the product and your skin clean and dry to maximize comfort and prevent damage to the product over time. This is especially important after exercise or after contact with liquids such as sweat, soap, sunscreen, and lotions that may irritate the skin.After wearing the device while bathing (for devices that support bathing), swimming (for devices that support swimming), or sweating, please promptly clean and dry the device.When using light-colored watch straps, avoid contact with dark clothing to prevent color staining.Avoid wearing the device in saunas or steam rooms to avoid degrading water resistance.Avoid using the device in high-speed water sports scenarios such as diving and water skiing. en.amazfiTechnical support: support.amazfi E-mail: support@amazfiManufacturer: Anhui Huami Information Technology Co., Ltd.Address: Room 1201, Building A4, National Animation Industry Base, No. 800 Wangjiang West Road, Gaoxin District, Hefei, ChinaThis product is equipped with a non-removable built-in battery. Do not replace the battery by yourself to avoid damage to the battery or the product. The battery may only be replaced at an o cially authorized service center.Do not throw the battery into a fire, as this will cause the battery to catch fire and explode.Dispose of batteries according to local regulations. Do not dispose of batteries as household waste.。
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Amazfit智能运动手表使用手册目 录外观和操作说明手表佩戴及充电方式运动功能介绍手表功能使用手表日常保养 010*******外观和操作说明以下使用说明内容基于WOS2.0系统,请升级到最新版本使用。
充电要求:建议使用电脑端USB充电或者品牌手机充电头进行充电,手机充电头额定输入电压必须是DC 5.0v,且输入电流大于500mA以上;运动功能介绍开启运动解锁后在表盘状态向右滑动可以快速打开运动列表。
备注:GPS相关介绍见 “关于GPS搜索” 部分。
跑步训练间歇训练:打开Amazfit手表app ,进入我的页面,进入我的手表,点击应用设置中的“运动”,选择间歇训练,就可以配置适合自己的间歇训练了。
关于GPS搜索进入跑步等户外运动的运动准备页面时手表会自动开始GPS 定位,并在定位成功时第一时间提醒你。
将手表与Amazfit 手表App同步成功或通过手表的Wifi同步功能将数据上传到服务器后,你可以在Amazfit手表App中查看所有的运动记录。