高中英语 Module2 Unit 4课件 北师大版必修4

Play tennis /football /be ZhuanXu
and DiKu’s tomes
Friday nightMeeting 5:00 Saturday time andA/otutthseidsetaotuiorn
Answer the phone Hello.(1)_9_7_3_2_7_3___.
Say who you are Hello , Mrs Turner.(2)T__h_is_i_s
Mandy .
Ask to speak to somebody Can I speak to Lucy,(3)_p_le_a_s_e__ ?
Reject suggestions well, (10)___I_c_a_n_’t_____.I’ve got a music lesson.
Accept suggestions Great, (11)___I’_d_lo_v_e__to___.
Finish the call Well ,(12)___I’_d_b_e_tt_e_r ____go now. Make an arrangement (13)_L_e_t’_s_meet at 6:30,outside
Making a phone call and Making suggestions
A: Please make a phone call, inviting someone from other groups to come and join you.
B: Discuss the caller’s suggestion
1 Listen and identify key words to help you answer the questions

it the Internet. And it was in the mid-1990s that the
Internet really began to 6
. Now it is important
for 7
, email, playing games and 8
Listen and fill the blanks
电脑及网络是目前中学生经常接触和非常感 兴趣的事物,绝大多数学生常用互联网,发 送邮件,或查找资料,但对电脑和网络发展 的历史了解不是很全。
重点词汇: scientific, nuclear, network military, project
相关词汇: the Pentagon, update, championship, ancient, marathon, footwear, sportswear, boutique, accommodation, archaeological
Why did the Net begin? A. For military reasons B. For scientific reasons C. For business reasons
A. For military reasons
What year did it start in?
A. 1959
词语搭配: link…into, destroy /use the network, continue doing, share ideas, get information, for fun, a nuclear war
本课词汇学习的任务不太重,建议 在听中通过上下文或构词法来猜测 词义。理解大意后,要引导学生关 注听力材料中的词语搭配和短语动 词,培养学生在语境中猜词的能力 和关注词语搭配的意识。
Unit4Lesson4课件 北师大版高中英语必修二

【即学即练】 (1)Over two thirds of the population ____ believed to have no access to the health care in the west rural areas in China. A. were B. was C. is D. has been 【解析】选A。句意:人们相信在中国西部农村地区 超过三分之二的人口没有获得医疗保健。 population 被分数修饰时,谓语动词用复数形式。
be known as
Task 1: True or False? Read the text quickly, and decide whether these statements are true or false? ( F) 1. Auckland is the capital of New Zealand. (F ) 2. Auckland is located on South Island. (T ) 3. Sky Tower is Auckland’s tallest Tower. ( T) 4. Maoris were the first people of New Zealand . ( F) 5. The climate in Auckland is wet and rainy. ( T) 6. It’s the paradise(天堂) for water lovers.
d) night-life in Auckland 4 e) for water lovers 1 f) New Zealand’s largest city

Pair work
Read the following sentences and see what you can discover? Part I
If it’s good, Dad, Mum and I will probably go camping. (L7-8)
… if I stay home, I’ll help you with your project… (L9-10)
7. ……
Suggest ① The report suggested different ways in which
the service could be improved. suggest+n. 建议
② He suggested going out for a walk after work. suggest+doing. 建议
something planned 20)足不出户
without going out of
Thanks for the offer. my room
look for
Get to the holiday
website address
enter and exit
modern technology
I feel excited just thinking about it
19) 脚趾沾到海水(脚趾浸到海水中)
dip one’s toes in the sea

And so we arrive at one of the more worrying results of the change from paper to computers : if emails now note the progress of important lives down,how will future biographers
Behind the disappointing statistics(统计数字),letterwriters can find cause for hope.The simple number of letters may seem to be falling,but there are signs of interest in the world of paper,envelopes,and trips to the post office. Perhaps the best example of all this is the success of the stationery sold by Smythson.“The need for Smythson stationery,”says a company spokeswoman,“shows the fact that in this time of advanced technology,the written word is more celebrated and appreciated than ever before.”
manage? “From that point of view,it’s a completely disappointing thing,”says the novelist and biographer D.J.Taylor,whose

1.Do you often shop online? 你经常网上购物吗? 2.Sometimes I surf online shops to check out what they have and then go to a physical store to do the actual shopping. 有时候,我会逛逛网店,看看店里有什么,然后到实体店去买。 3.Can the quality of goods online be guaranteed? 网上商品的质量能有保证吗?
Ⅱ.文化知识习得 地球村
地球村,是说地球虽然很大,但是随着广播、电视、互联网和其它电子媒介的出 现,大家交流就像在一个小村子里面一样便利。
Unit 4 Information Technology
Section Ⅰ Topic talk
Section Ⅱ Lesson 1 Avatars
Section Ⅲ Lesson 2 Apps
Section Ⅳ Lesson 3 Internet and friendships Section Ⅴ The rest parts of the unit Section Ⅵ Writing——个人简介
Unit 5 Humans And Nature
to learn. 在这个科技进步得飞快的世界,你想要活下去,就要不断地学习。 2.If you miss the Internet, you will miss not only the opportunity, but an entire era. 如果错过互联网,与你擦肩而过的不仅是机会,而是整整一个时代。
高中英语北师大版必修2课件:Unit 4-Section Ⅳ

②He as well as his brothers is coming to see you. 他和他的兄弟们要来看你。 ③Andy Lau is a famous movie star,and a singer as well. 刘德华既是一位著名影星,也是一名歌手。 view n.景色;风景;观点;视野 vt.看待 (教材 P14)In the city,you can enjoy an amazing view from the Sky Tower, which is the city's tallest Tower. 在市内,你可以从城市最高塔——天空塔上欣赏到壮丽的景色。
5. settlement n.
6. central 7.zone n.
中央的,中心的 地域,地区 火山 海港 景色,风景 阳光 平均的 平均数
8. volcano n. 9. harbour n. 10. view n. 11. sunshine n. 12. average adj. n.
2.It was
who first built Auckland. B.the British D.the Asians
A.the Europeans C.the Maoris
3. What might a traveller not see in Auckland? A.Volcanoes. B.Nuclear weapons. C.The Auckland Harbour Bridge. D.The Sky Tower.
than anywhere else in the world.It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine and some of the best beaches 9. It is easy to travel between Auckland and the rest of New Zealand 10. air.However,flights from Europe take over twentyfour hours and are expensive.
北师大版高中英语必修2 Unit4 Lesson4 说课稿课件

实践 情感 认知
学生水平差距较 大,层次参差不 齐,英语学习兴 趣一般,但对一 些介绍当地风土 人情的话题还比 较感兴趣。 高一的学生已初步具 备用英语获取信息、 处理信息、分析问题 和解决问题的综合能 力,但需要进一步的提 高。
学生对奥克兰大多数 认识,但是知道的比 较少。
特别注重提高学生用英语提取信息、处理信息、分析和 解决问题的能力,用英语进行思维和表达的能力;形成 跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力。 本节课在阅读过程中,来培养学生用英语提取信
教 材 分 析 及 本 课 的 地 位
Groups Do they use all the expressions we learn today? Do they use other expressions? Do they introduce all the contents?
Groups 1 Groups 2 Groups 3
如何让学 生在阅读 活动中获 取信息, 理解全文。
重 点
难 点
1. 通过individual work使学生能真正动 脑、动手进行归纳总结并找出相关有用信 息,从而帮助学生实现对语言的input和 intake。 2. 通过group work使每个学生都积 极参与,运用所学到的相关信息进行 口头作文的展示,从而帮助学生实现 对语言的output。
Groups 4
Groups 5
Homework (1 minute)
Write an article to introduce Beijing using what we have learnt today.

配北师大版 英语 必修2
6._______v_o_lc_a_n_on.火山 7._______s_u_r_fi_n_gn.冲浪 8._______r_e_g_u_la_radj.有规律的,定期的,规则的 9._______m_a_t_e_ri_anl .材料 10.______s_u_b_u_r_b_n.郊区
配北师大版 英语 必修2
6._____大__量_的__,__充__足__的plentyof 7._____作__为_…__…__而__闻__名beknownas... 8._________抗__议_protestagainst 9._______做_水__上__运__动dowatersports 10._______无__核__区_nuclear-freearea/zone
配北师大版 英语 必修2
4.Itisalsoknownas“thecityofsails”becauseofalltheboatsthere. [信息提取] becauseof因为。 [例句仿写] 因为大雨,昨天的足球赛被取消了。 ________________theheavyrain, thefootballmatchwascancelledyesterday.
配北师大版 英语 必修2
配北师大版 英语 必修2
6._______v_o_lc_a_n_on.火山 7._______s_u_r_fi_n_gn.冲浪 8._______r_e_g_u_la_radj.有规律的,定期的,规则的 9._______m_a_t_e_ri_anl .材料 10.______s_u_b_u_r_b_n.郊区
配北师大版 英语 必修2
6._____大__量_的__,__充__足__的plentyof 7._____作__为_…__…__而__闻__名beknownas... 8._________抗__议_protestagainst 9._______做_水__上__运__动dowatersports 10._______无__核__区_nuclear-freearea/zone
配北师大版 英语 必修2
4.Itisalsoknownas“thecityofsails”becauseofalltheboatsthere. [信息提取] becauseof因为。 [例句仿写] 因为大雨,昨天的足球赛被取消了。 ________________theheavyrain, thefootballmatchwascancelledyesterday.
配北师大版 英语 必修2
北师大版高一英语必修二课件:unit4 Cyberspace Warmup (共24张PPT)

4 Unfortunately, this is a very real danger for the planet. A new virus could develop that we have no power to stop. It is something we really should be worried about.
3 Well, it may sound surprising. Imagine the situation of two twins —brother and sister. The sister goes into space and travels at the speed of light for ten years. When she comes back to Earth she is thirty years older than her twin brother!
银河帝国的各星系居民饱受暴政之苦,达度 尼星球的居民起而反抗。莉雅公主潜入帝国基地, 偷走了足以摧毁暴君的秘密武器--死星中心结构 资料,不料公主被捕,但她以把数据输入机器人 R2D2的计算机中。
机器人R2D2和3PO逃亡到一个遥远的星球, 这个星球的年轻人卢克发现了R2D2中的求救信息, 卢克找到在反抗帝国的战斗中仅存的绝地骑士奥 比温,奥比温要求卢克和他一起去救公主,他们 一行在梭罗的帮助下,营救出了公主,并一同对 帝国进行了毁灭性的打击。
Which of the predictions in the films A) have already come true? B) do you think will come true in your lifetime?
4 Unfortunately, this is a very real danger for the planet. A new virus could develop that we have no power to stop. It is something we really should be worried about.
3 Well, it may sound surprising. Imagine the situation of two twins —brother and sister. The sister goes into space and travels at the speed of light for ten years. When she comes back to Earth she is thirty years older than her twin brother!
银河帝国的各星系居民饱受暴政之苦,达度 尼星球的居民起而反抗。莉雅公主潜入帝国基地, 偷走了足以摧毁暴君的秘密武器--死星中心结构 资料,不料公主被捕,但她以把数据输入机器人 R2D2的计算机中。
机器人R2D2和3PO逃亡到一个遥远的星球, 这个星球的年轻人卢克发现了R2D2中的求救信息, 卢克找到在反抗帝国的战斗中仅存的绝地骑士奥 比温,奥比温要求卢克和他一起去救公主,他们 一行在梭罗的帮助下,营救出了公主,并一同对 帝国进行了毁灭性的打击。
Which of the predictions in the films A) have already come true? B) do you think will come true in your lifetime?
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(3)be located at 也表示“在„„范围内”,后接小地点。
运用 用适当的介词填空 (1)Our school is located ________ a small town. at (2)Shenzhen is located ________ the southeast of China. in (3)The temple is located ________ a mountain. on
拓展 as well 意为“也,还”,是副词,相当于also 或too, 一般放于句末,有时也与and 或but 连用。如:
He is a reporter, and a writer as well.
运用 完成句子,每空一词
as well (1)I learn English _________ __________ __________( 和) as
运用 用适当的介词填空
(1)Is there any instrument known ________ the world? to (2)Ji'nan is known ________ its springs. for
(3)Zhang Yimou is known ________ a film director. as
regularly at eight every morning.(regular) 4.The post arrives ________
It is also the most exciting city in New Zealand with people of many different cultures living there.它也是新西兰最具活力 的城市,有许多不同文化的人生活在那里。(P14, L4) 点拨 with people of many different cultures living there 是
(2)solve 意为“解答,解决”,侧重给出一个答案,后常接
表示“问题,困难”等方面的词,如 problem, difficulty, riddle,
puzzle 等。
settled down (1) He___________ _____________ (定居) as a farmer with his family.
典例 It will be located on top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
辨析 be located on/be located in/be located at
(1)be located on 强调“在„„上面”,与之接壤。
(2)be located in 表示“在„„范围内”,后接大地点。
It is also known as “the city of sails” because of all the boats there.它也被认为是“风帆之都”,因为那儿有很多帆船。
(P15) 6.be known as...被认为是„„;作为„„而出名
典例 She was known as a fair judge.
in one's view 依某人看
be in view/sight 在视野中 come into view 出现在视野中
运用 完成句子,每空一词
my In (1)_________ _________ _________ view ( 依我看), his decision
is not wise. (2)The sea ________ came ________ view (出现在视野中) as into ________ we came out of the forest. (3)_________ _________ (考虑到) this, we'll start In view _________ of earlier.
settler n.定居者
国家的; natural 自然的。 3.________常为副词后缀。如:gradually
centre n.中央,中心
逐渐地;relatively 相关地。
4.________和________常为名词后缀,表 示人。如:worker 工人; pianist 钢琴家。
with 的复合结构,在句语作宾补。
拓展 (1)be known for因„„而出名 He is well known for organizing two big pop concerts on the same day.他因在同一天组织两场大型的流行歌曲演唱会而出名。 (2)be known to为„„所知 He is known to everyone as a good doctor. 人人都知道他是个好医生。
It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine—the average temperature in January (summer) is 23.4℃ and in July
(winter) it is 7.8℃.这里气候温和,阳光充足——平均气温一月
(4)The place is nationally known ________ its fruit, especially for its seedless grapes. (5)It is known ________ all that theory comes from practice. to
拓展 on (an/the) average 作为平均数;一般地;通常 above/below the average 在一般水平以上/以下 up to (the) average 达到一般水平
take an average 平均起来算,算出平均数
运用 完成句子,每空一词
(1)Mr.Grant failed the driving test because his score is much
本课时单词 tourism n.观 光,游览 settle vi.定居 central adj.中
构词法小结 1.______常为名词后缀。如:entertainment
tour n.& v.观光,旅游
tourist n.观光者,游览者 款待,娱乐; argument 争论。
settlement n.(新)定居地
settlers made a gradual ________ settlement of the 2 . The new ________
American West.(settle) center is located in the ________ central 3 . The new shopping ________ part of the city.(center)
German. as well (也). (2)She went there ________ ________
(3)I as well as they ________ (是) ready to help you. am
In the city, you can enjoy an amazing view from the Sky Tower, which is the city's tallest Tower.在城里,站在城市 里最高的塔——天空塔上,你可以观赏到令人叹为观止的景色。 (P14, L16) 4.view n.景色,风景;视野;观点
After the excitement, I tried to settle myself. 激动过后我设法让自己平静下来。
settle down 安顿,定居;平静下来
settle (down) to 认真做„„,定下心来做„„ settle in/into sth.安顿下来,习惯于(新居);适应 辨析 settle/solve (1)settle 意为“解决,处理”,其对象通常是某种争端,后 常接表示“事情,争论”等方面的词,如 affair, matter, business, argument, disagreement, dispute 等。
The history of the city goes back 650 years when the
Maoris settled in the area.奥克兰的历史追溯到 650 年前,那时
毛利人在当地定居。(P14, L6) 2.settle vi.定居 vt.使平静;解决
典例 After years of traveling, he decided to settle in Shanghai.
regular adj.定 regularly adv.定期地;
期的;规则的 规则地
运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 tourism of our city to attract more 1.We should develop the ________ tourists to enjoy our beautiful city.(tour) ________
(夏季)23.4 摄氏度,七月(冬季)7.8 摄氏度。(P14, L21) 5.average adj.平均的;普通的 n.平均;平均数 典例 Their average earnings are around £20,000. 他们的平均收入约为 2 万英镑。 The average of 4, 8, and 60 is 24. 4、8 和 60 的平均数是 24。
典例 What a wonderful view from your window!