
It is a seaport city on the west coast of the United States. It is the seat of King County, Washington.
Seattle's climate is classified as oceanic or temperate marine, with cool, wet winters and mild, relatively dry summers. The city and environs are part of USDA hardiness zone 8b, with isolated coastal pockets falling under 9a
Several Seattle museums and cultural institutions that are not specifically art museums also have excellent art collections.
The Seattle Great Wheel is a giant Ferris wheel at Pier 57 on Elliott Bay in Seattle, Washington. With an overall height of 175 feet (53.3 m), it was the tallest Ferris wheel on the West Coast of the United States when it opened on June 29, 2012.
University of Washington 华盛顿州立大学

Rijkmuseum Library
De Nachtwacht 《夜巡》
Library of Congress—The largest library in the world
It was housed in the United States Capitol for most of the 19th century.
After much of the original collection had been destroyed during the War of 1812, Thomas Jefferson sold 6,487 books (his entire personal collection) to the library in 1815.
The Seattle Public Library
The 6-9 floors of the library use a spiral form of the floor, and there is no clear boundary between the floors. It relys on the ramp ramps to connect the floor.
Rijkmuseum Library
阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆图书馆The museum has more than and 260 exhibition rooms, divided into painting, sculpture, decorative arts, Holland history, Asian art, prints and other departments on display.

4.绿色交通经验借鉴 5.城市绿色基础设施
• • • 城市绿色基础设施策略 城市绿色基础设施结构——五大交织的网络系统 规划研究方法:设计研讨会及流程
“面向一个可持续发展的西雅图,增长管理规划” 1994---2014
西雅图地区自然环境的知名度使其成为吸引人口和企业的热点,西雅图市在1992 年 有522,000 人其中的40%都是在1985 年后迁入的华州本地人只占总数的30% 人口的快速增长给西雅图地区带来了一系列负面问题和影响。如果这种不加控制和 引导的增长持续下去西雅图得天独厚的环境资源将受到不可逆转的破坏西雅图将沦 为其自身优势的牺牲品
• 规划目标 基于对西雅图步行现状问题的总结、已实施项目的分析、已有相关政策的 研究,最终形成规划任务实现的策略和行动的矩阵实现了从战略性向操作 性的转变、从蓝图向过程的转变。规划目标与对应的规划目的及衔接的策 略和行动 • 西雅图步行交通现状 西雅图虽然一贯被认为是全美步行最安全和最可达的城市,但仍然有很大 的提升改善空间 例如,步行网络的连通性、步行环境在城市的不同片区存在很大的差异, 现状与西雅图居民的期望也存在差距。 • 使西雅图成为最适宜步行的城市
• • • 背景 4个基本目标: 总体规划的战略基础 都市集合: 可持续发展思想的结晶
• • • 以公共交通为主的市中心 缓解拥堵的高速公路 公共交通与私人小汽车的接驳
• • • • • 规划的综合性 理性的技术 资金的统筹与实施计划 评估机制 公众参与

Arts in Seattle
• One of Seattle's best-known annual cultural events and fairs is the 24-day Seattle International Film Festival.西雅图 最著名的文化大事有为期24天的西雅图国 际电影节. • Now,let me introduce a movie for you......
Space Needle
. Smith Tower
Seattle Central Library Bank of America Tower
Space Needle (太空针塔)
Smith Tower
Seattle Central Library
Seattle Central Library
In addition:Seattle university (a Jesus will college) and Seattle university of Pacific (a protestant university). Some Arts, business and psychology colleges
The climate
Seattle's temperate, rainy climate is usually described as temperate Oceanic or Marine west coast, with mild, wet winters and mild, relatively dry summers. The Puget Sound Convergence Zone is an important feature of Seattle's weather. In the convergence zone, air arriving from the north meets air flowing in from the south. Both streams of air originate over the Pacific Ocean; airflow is split by the Olympic Mountains to Seattle's west, then reunited by the Cascade Mountains to the east. When the air currents meet, they are forced upward, resulting in convection.Thunderstorms caused by this activity can occur north and south of town, but Seattle itself rarely receives worse weather than occasional thunder and ice-pellet showers. The Hanukkah Eve Wind Storm in December 2006 is an exception that brought heavy rain and winds gusting up to 69 mph (111 km/h).

Ever wondered whether caffeine is a viable substitute for sunshine? If so, Seattle is your kind of town. More than any other city in the region, Seattle epitomizes(浓缩) what people know of the Pacific Northwest. Never mind that its sunshiny days can be suicidal few - its residents are among the nation's most outgoing and outdoorsy(爱好野外活动的)。
Sure, it had everybody wearing flannel (法兰绒)shirts and whistling Nirvana for a while, but consider also the good things it's given us: the city's chilly mornings had the espresso(浓咖啡) generation brewing long before Starbucks sold its first cup. If you're looking for lifestyle, Seattle has it in spades(肯定地)。
Seattle is situated in the west of Washington, the northwestern most state. The largest city in the state, Seattle sits on a skinny slip of land between the Puget Sound(普吉特海湾) and Lake Washington. Lake Union and the Lake Washington Ship Canal divide the city into northern and southern halves; downtown and the Capitol Hill and Queen Anne neighborhoods lie south of the canal, the U District is to the northeast. Compared to the rest of the city, downtown orientation is pretty straightforward. Historic Pioneer Square contains most of the must-see sites. Seattle Center, home to many of the city's cultural and sport facilities, is just northwest of downtown. Before the arrival of Europeans, the Seattle area was home to the Duwamish, a generally peaceable tribe that fished the bays and rivers of the Puget Sound and befriended(帮助) early white settlers. In 1851, a native New Yorker named David Denny led the first group of settlers across the Oregon Trail with the intention of settling along the Puget Sound. Recognizing the area's seaport possibilities, Denny's band staked a claim on Alki Point in present-day West Seattle. After a winter of wind and rain, the group moved the settlement to Elliott Bay (依利雅特湾), renaming it Seattle for the Duwamish chief Sealth, a friend of an early merchant. Hardly a boomtown(新兴城市), early Seattle was peopled mainly by bachelors until one of the founding fathers went back east on a mission to induce young unmarried women to come to Seattle. On two different trips, a total of 57 women made the journey and married into the frontier stock, in the process setting a more civilized tone for the city. A spur(铁路的⽀线) from the Northern Pacific Railroad's terminus in Portland reached Seattle in 1893, linking the town by rail with the rest of the country. The lumber, shipping and general commerce derived from immigration soon swelled the town's ranks so much that even the Great Fire of 1889 barely slowed the advance. After 50 blocks of the old wooden downtown burned in a single day, the city was reborn in brick and iron, centered on today's Pioneer Square. Seattle's first boom came when the ship Portland docked in 1897 with its now-famous cargo: two tons of Yukon gold. Within weeks, thousands of fortune hunters from across the country passed through on their way to the northern gold fields. Local business blossomed as Seattle became the banking center for the nouveau riches(爆发户), and the bars,brothels(妓院) and honky-tonks(下等酒馆) of Pioneer Square overflowed with pleasure-starved miners. The boom continued through WWI, when Northwest lumber was greatly in demand and shipyards along the Puget Sound 'harvested' the surrounding forests. WWII furthered the shipbuilding boom, and aircraft and atomic energy industries added to the region's pattern of profit. Today, international trade and tech firms (such as Microsoft and Amazon) make up the backbone(⽀柱) of Seattle's booming economy. And although Boeing, for decades as synonymous with Seattle as rain, announced in 2001 that it was up and leaving for windier pastures in Chicago, the city's progressive politics,inventive culture and ready access to outdoor recreation continue to lure restless people like no place else on the West Coast.。

大西雅图地区常年被青山绿水环绕,而远处,就是美国最高的火山--雷尼尔山(Mount Rainier)。
西雅图的名字来源于一位同名的印第安人首领度瓦米许和索瓜米希部落的首领Chief Sealth。

Bank of America Tower in Seattle(美国银 行大厦 )
Professional Sports
Seattle's professional sports history began at the start of the 20th century with the PCHA's Seattle Metropolitans, which in 1917 became the first American hockey(曲棍球) team to win the Stanley Cup斯坦利杯(美国,加拿大职业冰 球全国锦标赛杯), and continues today with the city's three major professional teams, the NFL's Seattle Seahawks, the MLB's Seattle Mariners, and the WNBA's Seattle Storm.
Public school
Private school
Four Catholic schools
A protestant school
Six non-sectarian schools.
Seattle‘s main university is Washington university, it has more than 40000 students, is the biggest U.S. northwestern university.
Washington university Library reading room
“American" style

• 伐木业是西雅图第一个主要产业,但在19世纪后 期的克朗代克淘金热中,西雅图市成为位于通往 阿拉斯加途中的一个商业和造船业中心。到1910 年,西雅图已成为美国25大城市之一。但在大萧 条时期,西雅图经济发展受到严重影响,于第二 次世界大战期间及以后逐渐恢复,这部分得益于 当地的波音公司将其制造中心定于此地。到上世 纪80年代,西雅图发展为一个科技中心,软件, 生物技术和互联网公司的发展使该市经济得以复 兴,人口也在10年间增加了超过50000人。最近 西雅图又成为一个绿色工业和可持续发展模式的 中心。
• 西雅图是西雅图之声(grunge music)的 诞生地,西雅图人也因咖啡消费量极大而 闻名。星巴克(Starbucks)、西雅图贝 斯特咖啡(Seattle's Best Coffee)和塔 利咖啡(Tully's)都于此建立。西雅图还 是重要国际会议中心和旅游中心。
• 宝开游戏(Popcap Games)公司的总部 就设在西雅图,耳熟能详的游戏“植物大 战僵尸”就是宝开游戏公司设计的。
• 西雅图市的名称来自原住民酋长希尔斯 (Sealth)。当最早的殖民者于1850年前后抵达 此地时,希尔斯酋长曾给予他们保护和友谊。自 远古时期就居住在北美地区的印地安人,靠着打 猎和捕鱼维生,在深山林野中过着自给自足的部 落生活,他们就是西雅图的原住民,只不过他们 的历史并没有记录在美国通史里。西雅图的拓荒 者们,尊重这群长久居住在艾略特湾(Elliott Bay)一带的度瓦米许(Duwamish)原住民族, 就直接将这块移民地的新生地命名为酋长希尔斯 (Sealth)的名字,这中间因为一些口语误传, 最后便成为Seattle(西雅图),这就是西雅图市 名的由来。
• 据美国艺术人2004年调查,按人均来算,西雅图 塔科玛地区和艺术有关的商家,组织多于其他任 何美国都市。艺术景观包括:西雅图交响乐团 (在百乐若雅厅Benaroya Hall表演)、西雅图 歌剧团和西北太平洋芭蕾舞团(在Marion Oliver McCaw Hall表演)、不计其数的画廊、西雅图 艺术博物馆、西雅图亚洲艺术博物馆、感受音乐 工程摇滚乐博物馆。西雅图共有80家剧团,其中 25家是专业剧团。西雅图具有组织大型音乐会的 优势,以领导原创摇滚乐,流行乐,爵士乐而被 受国际上的关注。

Nacional de Bellas Artes阿根廷国际艺术博物馆
Plaza San Martí n 布宜诺斯艾利 斯圣马丁广场 .
Yerba Mate马黛茶
Buenos Aires
Wonderful Moment
Buenos Aires aristocra de The post time
Buenos Aires' famous Museo de Bellas Artes is Argentina's finest art gallery with a good collection of modern Argentine painters, wood sculptured artifacts from the provinces, and Impressionist and post-Impressionist (后印象派主义)paintings such as Monet, Degas, and Chagall. And any visitor includes the Plaza de Mayo on his or her itinerary(旅程)to see
the plaza where the citizens gathered together to hear speeches by populist leaders Juan and Evita
第十小组成员 张婷婷 周文姣 张亚奇 苑娟娟

西雅图导游词Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for your punctuality. Its my pleasure to have friends from afar. Wele to Seattle-your first stop of your America trip. During your stay in Seattle, I will be your local guide. My name is Liwenyu. You can also call me Ellis. Well do everything possible to make your trip a pleasant experience. We will do everything in our power to smooth them away. 2 Think of Seattle this city, besides romantic, it also can’t find out a more suitable word to describe it. Ever since the film sleepless in Seattle fame), the romantic image, and is not seen as an sightseeing call at the city also cannot find related products or movie posters of image symbol. it is a stream of natural presenting. 5 Seattle is a coastal city and major seaport located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It’s a major economic, cultural and educational center in the region. 10 Firstly , let me introduce the Seattle Center Hotel. It is located in the center of Seattle, A short distance from the place we visit, this also saved for everybody more rest time. Services are plete , we can see the lake and the space needle tower. Children can also have entertainment facilities. Indoor ,capacious and bright, very fortable. And here can enjoy rich Seattle characteristic of food. 16Have a fortable living environment, now let me show you the route of our tourist. 18 SEATTLE MUSEUM (SEATTLE ART MUSEUM) can be said to be with the best location of tourist attractions, the MUSEUM with up to 48 feet before the mechanical a ctivities ─ pelling focus. 20 Ticketing hall roof putting many spark horse-pond car, is aChinese artists’ works (HAMMERING MAN), is the best tourist attraction 21 Wooden decorations with distinctive features of Seattle show the western art and the characters of ethnic characteristics. All kinds of wooden masks, symbolize the master position power is higher. 24 Express nightmare meaning, ghost on bed. General in bottles Mix the general is now works of art, but also encouraged environmental protection 25 Just leave west so far away, the world’s most unsanitary sights - Gum chewing Gum Wall (Wall). This face of wall were besmeared with chewing gum People thrust the COINS or other thing with gum stuck on the wall, as time passes, this wall became this picture. 30 1962 the Seattle expo shows human by spaceship earth the ring of space flight feat, emblem graphics is a known as space needle positive symbols, 32 The space needle tower is for 1962 Seattle in the United States at the world exposition and design, high 185 meters ,It has bee an indispensable culture symbol Seattle. 35 When you stand on the space needle tower looking down, you can see the whole Seattle’s beauty. You will feel from the blue sky very near, the color of the sea more abstruse. 38 Seattle’s Pacific science and technology museum located in downtown Seattle the best position, also in the gulf side on. children can participate in the actual operation of various scientific game, accept the lively nature teaching, 41 You can see the experiment, even experience. You can feel all kinds of novel invention, with your child, love enjoy the fun of science. Outside the Pacific Science Center ,you can see the Bronze whales and Bronze dragons. 48 Located in Seattle, USA, is from rock museum have new space and modeling aesthetic has almost religious worship . Here are jazz, soul, oratorio, rural and blues Music history related field, you can choose according to their interests to enjoy the music 50 Hundreds of guitar stack and bee of installation art, this is to introduce rock guitar flash beagle Jimmy?Handley’s legendary career. Lixiaolong andLiguohao are good friends of Jimmy?Handley’s Banks .They were all They all buried in Seattle. 55 Along the Seattle center in the avenue straight on and you’ll see it huge circular fountain, which played music rhythm with changeable, while enjoying the fountain wonderful dancing water, really fortable feeling. A fountain always gathered a lot of love to play water adult child, 57 Salmon can be roughly pided into five categories, but with Chinook (King) and Coho meat fine much oil, belong to the salmon is tasted. 61 Here is the coffee shop. Seattle people enjoy coffee. Here there was a kind of argument, if no sunshine, then let coffee instead. Here is the world’s seco nd a Starbucks .You can be in this for a cup of coffee then stood in the store taste for a moment, and took a photo. 63 Earlier Starbucks are Seattle ‘s Best Coffee, emphasizing the boreal Europe style and flavor, the original name is Stewart Brothers Coffee, as the name suggests, is by Stewart brother jointly startup. 65 Trout There are four Chinook salmon approach, make sure you keep itthe tooth cheek stay joss-stick, boundless 70 Crab November is America Dungeness crab, large listed first steamedthen with vinegar is everyone habit of ways 72 Chowder The way is to use clams, or fish, add potatoes, Onions stewinto sticky shape soup 74 Eat to take half an oyster shells raw food most delicious, but shallow Fried fresh oysters also worth trying . 75 Seattle gourmet bound suggests to eat when oysters may try to the following liquor: at first taste thick, then wine immediately turns to open in larynx, more add a salmon is exquisite and delicious.导游词。
西雅图 演讲稿

大西雅图地区常年被青山绿水环绕,而远处,就是美国最高的火山--雷尼尔山(Mount Rainier)。
西雅图的拓荒者们,尊重这群长久居住在艾略特湾(Elliott Bay)一带的度瓦米许(Duwamish)原住民族,就直接将这块移民地的新生地命名为酋长希尔斯(Sealth)的名字,这中间因为一些口语误传,最后便成为Seattle(西雅图),这就是西雅图市名的由来。
美国华盛顿州的西雅图市是美国太平洋沿岸西北部最大的城市,因此,这里是典型的海洋性气候,多雨,湿润,所以,它有时也被称为“雨城;它的正式昵称为“翡翠之城” ;这里是波音飞机的故乡,也被叫作“飞机城”;这里也是著名的星巴克咖啡的故乡,西雅图的市民有消耗咖啡量大的荣誉;这里更是微软的故乡,比尔.盖茨的豪宅和微软总部就位于这座空气十分清新的城中。

英语介绍西雅图气候1、西雅图的介绍?西雅图酋长(Chief Seattle,1786年 - 1866年6月7日)印第安人,黄种人,美洲最古老的居民。
2、西雅图夜未眠英文简介《西雅图夜未眠》英文名称:〈Sleepless in Seattle〉参考:)~IntroctionSam is an architect in Chicago. After his wife Maggie died of illness, Sam and his eight-year-old son Jonah move to Seattle to avoid the sad memories. But he fails to cast offthe deep sorrow because of his deep love for Maggie. On Christmas Eve, Jonah calls to a radio program and tells the psychiatrist that he hopes his father could find a new wife. At the MC's request, Sam tells his love for his wife. Annie is a journalist in Baltimore, she happens to listen to the program and is deeply moved by Sam's sensitivity. Shecan't help trying every opportunity to approach him. This is a comic movie love story made in 1993. Tom Hanks, the Academy winner, and the sweetheart of Hollywood Meg Ryan, their wonderful performance makes the movie a heart-throb, and the songs in it are so beautiful that a thick warm feeling is made to encircle it. By W.J. Kimble Are You Sleepless again Tonight?Having lost his wife to cancer, Sam Baldwin moves from Chicago to Seattle in an attempt to escape the memories and start a new life. His 8-year old son, Jonah, a restless and independent minded child, phones a radio talk-show psychologist and asks for help. He explains in vivid detail the pain that his father enres. As Sam talks about his wife and the love they shared together, Annie Reed, a Baltimore journalist who happens to listen and becomes enchanted by what she hears. She, along with thousands of other women, contacts the station asking for Sam's phone number. Manywrite letters expressing their admiration of him and some even proposing. Annie eventually flies to Seattle in a feeble attempt to find him.Meanwhile, Jonah reads Annie's letter and becomes convinced that she is the one who can fill the void in his father's life. He tries to find her, Sam tries to find Jonah and Annie tries to find Sam. And of course, in the end, they all find each other. Sleepless In Seattle allows theromantic to believe that love still heals the broken-heart, creates hope and fulfills dreams in an age of disillusionment and despair. Sleepless In Seattle embellishes thisfundamental truth. It is a subtle reminder that no matter how desperate our situation may be and regardless, how painful it becomes to us, love conquers all.This delightful, romantic comedy has no hidden surprises. You know precisely what is going to happen. But who cares? It is a good family film.Rent the video and buy a box of Kleenex, the women in the house will no doubt shed tears over this one. Well, are you ready to be sleepless after watching it tonight?3、详细介绍一下美国西雅图(地理位置,天气情况,有无沙滩.....) 越详细越好,拜托了西雅图是美国太平洋西北区最大的城市,它位于华盛顿州普吉特海湾和华盛顿湖之间的金县,距离加美边境约174千米。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Seattle is a beautiful city in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It's surrounded by mountains and water, and has a mildclimate. There are many things to do in Seattle, like visiting the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, and the Museum of Pop Culture. The food scene in Seattle is also amazing, with lots of great restaurants and cafes. And if you're a coffee lover, you'll definitely want to try some of the local coffee shops. Another great thing about Seattle is the music scene. It's home to many famous musicians and bands, and there are always lots of concerts and festivals going on. The people in Seattle are friendly and laid-back, and there's a strong sense of community here. Whether you're into outdoor activities, art, music, or food, there's something for everyone in Seattle.。

In 1855, nominal land settlements were established.
Seattle Education
Education in Seattle is an important part
college graduates among major U.S. cities.
Washington university Library reading room
Seattle‘s main university is Washington university, it has more
than 40000 students, is the biggest U.S. northwestern university.
• Destiny takes a hand. • 命中注定. • You know it’s easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40. • 你知道,女人过了40想出嫁就难了,被恐怖分子杀 死都比这容易.
of many Seattleite's lives, particularly due
to the high concentration of technology,
engineering, and other jobs that require
advanced degrees.
Seattle has one of the highest rates of
Famous buildings in seattle

Smith Tower is a skyscraper in Pioneer Square in Seattle, Washington. Completed in 1914, the 38 floors, 148 metres .It is the oldest skyscraper in the city.
• 西雅图是美国西北部最大的城市,它属于华盛顿州,它距离美加边境 线只有100英里。
Seattle was founded in 1850, and its name came from Seattle tribal chief. Seattle area has been inhabited by humans for at least 4000 years.
• Chowder(海鲜杂脍浓汤) • Crab feast (螃蟹宴) • Salmon(鲑鱼)
• Seattle is the biggest city in the Northwest United States. It belongs to Washington State and it is about 100 miles south of the Canada – United States border.
Hale Waihona Puke • • • •Space Needle(太空针塔) Smith Tower(史密斯塔 ) Seattle Central Library(西雅图中央图书馆 ) Bank of America Tower(美国银行大厦 )
I will mainly talk about the Space Needle which is located in Seattle, Washington. Space Needle has a height of 184 meters and its observation deck is at 158 meters. It was the highest building in the Western United States when it was built. There are 25 lightning rods on the roof of the Needle to withstand lighting strikes. Furthermore, the Needle structure weighs 3700 tons. It was built to withstand a wind velocity of 200 miles per hour.

Seattle Central Library
Bank of America Tower in Seattle(美国银 行大厦 )
Famous buildings in Seattle
Space Needle Smith Tower Seattle Central Library Bank of America Tower
Space Needle (太空针塔)
Smith Tower
Seattle C been inhabited by humans for at least 4,000 years .
By the time the first European settlers arrived in the area, the people (now called the Duwamish Tribe) occupied at least seventeen villages in the areas around Elliott Bay On May 23 ,1853 the first map was made In 1855, nominal land settlements were established.
Seattle is the northernmost major city in the contiguous United States, and the largest city in the Pacific Northwest and in the state of Washington. A seaport situated on a narrow isthmus between Puget Sound (an arm of the Pacific Ocean) and Lake Washington, about 100 miles (160 km) south of the Canada – United States border.
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Alaska - YouKang Pacific exposition
Seattle Education
Education in Seattle is an important part of many Seattleite's lives, particularly due to the high concentration of technology, engineering, and other jobs that require advanced degrees. Seattle has one of the highest rates of college graduates among major U.S. cities. In Seattle ,there are significant adult literacy programs and considerable homeschooling. Seattle is also the most literate city in the United States based on a study done by Central Connecticut State University.
Bank of America Tower in Seattle(美国银 行大厦 )
Professional Sports
Seattle's professional sports history began at the start of the 20th century with the PCHA's Seattle Metropolitans, which in 1917 became the first American hockey(曲棍球) team to win the Stanley Cup斯坦利杯(美国,加拿大职业冰 球全国锦标赛杯), and continues today with the city's three major professional teams, the NFL's Seattle Seahawks, the MLB's Seattle Mariners, and the WNBA's Seattle Storm.
Washington university Library reading room
“American" style
International creed style
combine modern and post-modern style
Famous buildings in seattle
Public school
Private school
Four Catholic schools
A protestant school
Six non-sectarian schools.
Seattle‘s main university is Washington university, it has more than 40000 students, is the biggest U.S. northwestern university.
塞弗科体育场(Safeco Field)
cultural and entertainment facilities
• Seattle, although a relatively new city, is a significant center for the performing arts. The century-old Seattle Symphony Orchestra is among the world's most recorded orchestrasThe Seattle Opera and Pacific Northwest Ballet, are comparably distinguished. On at least two occasions, Seattle's local popular music scene has burst into the national and even international consciousness, first with a major contribution to garage rock in the mid-1960s, and later as the home of grunge rock in the early 1990s. The city has about twenty live theater venues, and Pioneer Square is one of the country's most prominent art gallery districts.
Arts in Seattle
• One of Seattle's best-known annual cultural events and fairs is the 24-day Seattle International Film Festival.西雅图 最著名的文化大事有为期24天的西雅图国 际电影节. • Now,let me introduce a movie for you......
In 1919,Seattle people went on strike .It was the first time that America held this active.
In 1962 ,it held the 21st century exposition
In February 2001 seattle-area broke out a magnitude 6.8 quake, but the damage is limited.
Seattle is the northernmost major city in the contiguous United States, and the largest city in the Pacific Northwest and in the state of Washington. A seaport situated on a narrow isthmus between Puget Sound (an arm of the Pacific Ocean) and Lake Washington, about 100 miles (160 km) south of the Canada – United States border
皮吉特湾辐合带是西雅图天气的重要特征。 在辐合带,空气从北方符合空气到达从南方流 动。两个流来自太平洋上空的空气,气流分裂 西雅图奥林匹克山脉西部,然后由喀斯喀特山 脉的东部团聚。当气流相遇,他们被迫向上, 对流产生。[86]雷暴造成这一活动可以发生南 北的城镇,但西雅图本身很少收到不如偶尔雷 声大,冰颗粒阵雨天气。光明节前夕的2006 年12月风暴风是一个例外,带来暴雨和大风阵 风高达六九英里每小时(111公里/小时)。
Seattle was founded in 1850 ,and its name came from seattle tribal chief.
Seattle area has been inhabited by humans for at least 4,000 years .
By the time the first European settlers arrived in the area, the people (now called the Duwamish Tribe) occupied at least seventeen villages in the areas around Elliott Bay On May 23 ,1853 the first map was made In 1855, nominal land settlements were established.
In the 1889 ,there was a fire. (central business district were destroyed, but nobody died)
In 1909, there was an Alaska - YouKang - Pacific exposition (university of Washington today that expห้องสมุดไป่ตู้sition based on site)
In addition:Seattle university (a Jesus will college) and Seattle university of Pacific (a protestant university). Some Arts, business and psychology colleges
The climate
Seattle's temperate, rainy climate is usually described as temperate Oceanic or Marine west coast, with mild, wet winters and mild, relatively dry summers. The Puget Sound Convergence Zone is an important feature of Seattle's weather. In the convergence zone, air arriving from the north meets air flowing in from the south. Both streams of air originate over the Pacific Ocean; airflow is split by the Olympic Mountains to Seattle's west, then reunited by the Cascade Mountains to the east. When the air currents meet, they are forced upward, resulting in convection.Thunderstorms caused by this activity can occur north and south of town, but Seattle itself rarely receives worse weather than occasional thunder and ice-pellet showers. The Hanukkah Eve Wind Storm in December 2006 is an exception that brought heavy rain and winds gusting up to 69 mph (111 km/h).