新概念第一册103课 The French test

The French test
Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?” “I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy."
Y你ou可c以an把e剩at下up的t面he包re吃s光t o。f the bread. 2)n休息 时Tim间e到is了u,p让.L我et’们s 休ha息ve一/t下ak。e a rest.
difficult a.困难的
New Words
1) adj困难的(反义词 easy)
一道难题 a difficult question
Th这is本b书oo对k 小is孩di来ffi说cu很lt 难fo。r children. It做is某d事iff对ic某ult人fo来r 说sb很to难do sth.
It 对is 我ea们sy来fo说r学us英t语o l很ea容rn易E,ng但li是sh ,but it is学di好ffi英cu语lt 会fo很r u难s。to learn English well.
D你o y知ou道k问no题w的th答e a案ns吗we?r to the question ?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 副词:时间、地点、方式、程度、频率 so good/very good good enough difficult enough easy enough It(形式主语)is …(真正的主语是动词不定式) It is easy enough for me to answer this question. This question is easy enough for me to answer. It is low enough for me climb the wall. The wall is low enough for me to climb. get married It is old enough for the girl to get married. She is old enough to get married. too … to The wall is too high for me to climb. It is too high for me to climb the wall.
• How was the exam, Richard? • Not too bad. • I think I passed in English and Mathematics. • The questions were very easy. • How about you, Gary? • The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. • I hope I haven't failed. • I think I failed the French paper. • I could answer sixteen of the questions. • They were very easy.

I’ve got a low mark. 我的成绩很低。
2) (身体)弱的,没有精神的,意志消沉的
He is low with a cold. 他因感冒而没精神。
3) (声音) 低的
low season 淡季
high season 旺季
1) n. 其他的东西,其它事 You can eat up the rest of the bread. 你可以把剩下的面包吃光。 You open the door and window. I’ll do the rest. 你打开门和窗户,剩下的由我来做。 2)n. 休息 take a rest/have a rest 休 息一下。
Байду номын сангаасpaper
1) n. 考卷(可数名词) Fifty papers are not enough for the students to take the exam. 五十份考卷不够学生考试。 2)报纸(可数名词)相当于newspaper a daily paper 日报 an evening paper 晚报 3)论文,报告(可数名词) 4)文件,资料(常用复数形式papers) important papers 重要的文件 contract papers 契约文件 5) 纸(不可数名词) a piece of paper 一张纸 three pieces of paper 三张纸
v. 讨厌 They hate each other. 他们互相厌恶。 hate doing…. 不喜欢做 She hates cooking. 她不喜欢做饭。
n. 上方,顶部 (反义词bottom) at the top of a mountain 在山顶 The top of the page . 书页的上方。 from top to toe .= from top to bottom 从头到脚,完全的 He felt on top of the world. 他高兴得心情飘飘然。

Lesson 103 The French test 法语考试一、本课重要单词exam: n.考试;examination也是考试的意思,比exam更为正式一些。
pass an exam:通过考试; a final exam:期末考试;take an exam:参加考试;pass: v.及格,通过;表达通过考试直接是:pass an exam,要是表达通过某科目的考试,则为:pass in+具体科目,例:pass in mathematics:通过数学考试;mathematics: n.数学;question: n.问题;关于question两个重要短语:out of question:没问题;out of the question:不行,不可能;例:Could you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗?It is out of the question:没门,不可能;easy: adj.容易的;掌握关于easy的一个重要搭配:It is easy for sb to do sth: 对某人来说做某事很简单,例:It is easy for him to learn English.对他来说,学习英文很容易。
Take it easy:放心好了,别着急;enough:adv.足够地;关于enough需要掌握关于它的一个重要考点,即是:enough修饰形容词时一般放在形容词的后面,修饰名词时前后都可,但多放于名词前面。
例:good enough:足够好;beautiful enough:足够美;enough money:足够多的钱;enough food:足够多的食物;paper:n.考卷;纸张;English papers:英语试卷;a piece of paper:一张纸;fail:v.未及格,失败;fail作“不及格”讲既可作为及物动词也可作为不及物动词,两个重要短语:fail to do sth:忘记,忽视或未能做某事,fail in sth. /doing sth. 在某方面或做某事遭到失败,例:I failed to pass the exam. 我没有通过考试I failed in the exam:我考试没及格;answer:v.回答;mark: n.分数;记号;get a high mark:考了个好分数;rest: n.其他的东西;the rest:其他的东西;take a rest:休息一下;difficult: adj.困难的;掌握difficult的一个常见搭配:It’s difficult for sb to d o sth:对某人来说做某事很难.It is difficult for her to type a letter. 打一封信对她来说很难。

一次容易的考试 an easy exam
easy to do 容易做某事
对某人来说做某事容易 It is easy for sb. to do sth. It's not easy for sb.to do sth.
e.g. 对他来说,学习英语很容易。 It is easy for him to learn English.
adj. (声音)低的
New Words
adj. (声音)高的
They were speaking in 音乐太大声了! low voices. 请调低些! 他们正在低声交谈。 That music's too loud! Please turn it down!
adj. 硬的;难的;努力的
New Words
•在纸的上方 •on the top of the paper
at the top of 在…的顶端
stand at the top of the mountain
[difikəlt] [i:zi]
[tʃiə] [`peipə] [i`nʌf] [pa:s] [gai] [rest] [ig`zæ m]
enough [i`nʌf] adv. (1)足够地
足够好 good enough 足够大 big enough 足够小 small enough 足够漂亮 pretty enough
New Words
结构: adj. + enough 足够…
(2) adj. 充足的
足够的时间 足够的钱
enough time enough money

Lesson103-104The French test法语考试How was the exam?考试怎么样啊?(注意过去时)I think I pssed in English and Mathematics.我想英语和数学我及格了。
The questions were very easy.问题都很简单。
Enough足够的,如果和名词搭配,enough在前,如果和形容词搭配,enough在后,举例:enough money, enough time, enough friends, easy enough, interesting enough, sweet enough,你能分清吗?I hope I haven't failed.我希望我没有不及格。
I could answer sixteen of the questions.我只能回答其中的16个问题。
I couldn't answer the rest.我不能回答剩下的题目。
They were too difficult for me.对我来说它们太难了I'm sure I've got a low mark.我的分数肯定很低。
cheer up振作点、别灰心。
perhaps也许、可能、大概,at the top of在顶部,at the top of mountain山顶He sat there and looked at it for three hours.他就坐在那,对着试卷看了三小时。
easy-difficult简单的--难的,clever-stupid聪明的--笨的,cheap-expensive便宜的--贵的,fresh-stale新鲜的--不新鲜的,loud-low声音响亮的--声音轻的,low-high低的--高的,soft-hard 软的--硬的,sweet-sour-bitter甜的--酸的--苦的。
裕兴新概念英语笔记:Lesson 103 The French test

Lesson 103 The French testNew words and expressions:exam n.考试pass v. 及格,通过mathematics (maths是缩写)n.数学question n.问题easy adj. 容易的enough adv. 足够地paper n.考卷fail v.未及格,失败answer v. 回答mark n.分数rest n. 其他的东西difficult adj. 困难的hate v. 讨厌low adj.低的cheer v. 振作,振奋guy n. 家伙.人top n. 上方,顶部exam n. 考试(examination较为正式一些)eg. He is a good student. He usually gets over 80 points in any exam.他是个好学生,他任何考试通常都在80分以上。
an entrance exam 入学考试an entrance examinationa midterm exam期中考试a midterm examinationa final exam期末考试a final examinationtake an exam参加考试take an examinationpass an exam考试及格pass an examinationfail an exam考试不及格fail an examinationcheat in an exam考试作弊cheat in an examinationtest(专项技能的)考试driving test驾照考试pass1)v.及格,通过eg. Only ten students passed the examination.只有十名学生通过了考试。
pass in + 具体学科pass in mathematics 通过数学考试pass in Chinese通过语文考试2)通过,前进eg. The road is only wide enough for cars to pass.这条路宽度只够小汽车通过。
新概念英语第一册单词 第103课:法语考试

新概念英语第一册单词第103课:法语考试exam [g'zm; eg-] 考试【派生词】examination考试【单词扩充】test测试 quiz小型考试【单词例句】A: Do you have any plan after graduation?A:毕业后你有什么打算吗?B: All my family members encourage me to take the postgjaduate entrance exam.B:我的家人都鼓励我参加研究生入学考试。
pass [pɑs] 通过math [mθ] n. 数学(等于mathematics)【单词扩充】interrogative疑问的【单词搭配】ask a question问题 out of question没问题【单词例句】A: What if someone asks me a question but I can't understand?A:知果有人问我问题,我没听懂,怎么办?B: That occurs to everyone in English Corner. You can ask that person to say it again.B:在英语角,每个人都会遇到这样的情况,你能够请那个人再说一遍。
easy ['iz] adj.容易的enough ['nf] adv充足地paper ['pep] 考卷fail [fe 未及格,失败【派生词】failure失败【单词扩充】pass the exam考试及格【单词搭配】failthe exam考试不及格 fail to do sth.没能做某事【单词例句】A:As for me,passing the exam is not an easy job.A:至于我,考试及格不是一件轻而易举的事。
B: ButI failed the exam again yesterdayB:但昨天我又没考及格。

• 1 . ['skɔtlənd] n.苏格兰(英国) • 2 . [kɑ:d] n.明信片 • 3 . [ju:θ] n.青年 • 4 . ['hɔstəl] n.招待所,旅馆 • 5 . [əˌsəusi'eiʃən] n.协会 • 6 . [su:n] ad.不久 • 7 . [rait] v.写
exam [ig`zæ m] n. 考试
pass an exam 通过考试 fail an exam 考试失败 a midterm exam 期中考试 a final exam期末考试
考试作弊 cheat in an exam
pass [pa:s] v. 及格,通过
GRANDMOTHER: What else does he say? PENNY: ‘I’ll write a letter soon .
I hope you all well .’ GRANDMOTHER: What? Speak up. Penny.
I’m afraid I can‘t hear you . PENNY: He says he'll write a letter soon .
主句一般现在时,从句据句意用各种时态。 Everyone thinks (that) Mike will win the game.
主句一般过去时,从句只能用相应的过去时态。 I thought (that )he watched the match.
如宾语从句所陈述的内容是客观真理,客观事实。 自然现象或定理等,则用一般现在时。 The teacher said (that) the earth goes around the sun.
新概念英语第一册 lesson103和104

Ⅸ. Homework作业
1.I-phone组P210单词3+1(三英一汉)。 三星组P210单词3+2(三英二汉)。 2.两组都造句3组。(要求:①用到“enough” “too……to” 等词语或词组②不能抄袭书中 的句子)。 3.练习册Lesson103——104。 4.听写改错(1×3)[可以不改汉语]。 5.预习下一课,勾出不认识的单词,下节课检 查。
Ⅱ.Listen and answer questions听录音和回答问题
A1:Not too bad. 1.Q1:What does Richard think of this exam? A2:The English and Gary ? 2.Q2:What about Maths papers wasn’t easy enough for him. A3:French paper. 3.Q3:Which subject did Richard think he fail? 4.Q4:Richard thinks his French have low mark A4:Low mark. or high mark? 5.Q5:Who wrote his name at the top of the paper then sat there and looked at it for 3 years and didn’t write a word?
GARY: The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. I hope I haven't failed. RICHARD: I think I failed the French paper.I could answer sixteen of the questions. They were very easy. But I couldn't answer the rest. They were too difficult for me. GARY: French test are awful, aren't they? RICHARD: I hate them. I'm sure I've got a low mark. GARY: Oh, cheer up! perhaps we didn't to do badly.The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. RICHARD: Yes? GARY: Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didn't write a word!

exam question
paper mark
rest guy
pass fail
A.some B. any C. the
not too bad
cheer up
easy enough for me
next to
too difficult for me
at the top of
have a low mark
练习:(very, enough, too)
The price of the dress islow. I will buy it.
The dress ischeap.I will buy it. (low/cheap)
rest n.
the rest (of)其余的...
We'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.
answer v.
the answertothe question问题的答案
Jim, answer my question, please. (v.回答)

exam 考试 test 考试 text 文章
examine 检查,考试 examination
example 例子
pass 及格,通过 passport 护照 passion 热情 passage 文章的一段 password 密码
easy 容易的 hard 困难的,坚硬的
How was the exam,R? Not too bad. too的三个用法: 1,用在句尾,表也 nice to meet you ,too
2,用在形容词前 it's too difficult for a child
3,too....to .... 太...而不能... he runs too fast to catch him
work hard 努力工作 hardly 几乎不
1,跟名词连用,放在名词前,可跟不 可数和可数 enough money enough food
2,跟形容词连用,放在形容词后 it's easy enough for me。 it's hard enough for me。
paper 纸,考卷 用作考卷的时候,是可数名词 newspaper 报纸 fail 未及格,失败 succeed 使成功 successful 成功的 success 成功 fair 公平的 failure is the mother of success
i'm sure i've got a low mark. i have got high
Perhaps we didn't do too badly. 大概 修饰什么?

新概念英语第一册Lesson-103-108-讲义Lesson 103-104 TheFrench test1.How wasthe exam? =Howdid theexamgo?2.Not toobad. Just so so. Pretty good.3.I think Ipassedin Englishand Mathematics.Pass 及格fail不及格(通过某一考试用pass而通过某一考试科目用pass i n)eg.Pass themid-term exam .4.How about you ?=What aboutyou?(用于提建议)eg.How about having arest?5.TheEnglish and Maths papers were not easye nough for me.Paper 纸张(不可数)apiece of paperPapers 试卷,论文(可数) the english papersEnough 足够地,副词,修饰形容词,用在形容词之后easy enough足够的,形容词,修饰名词,用在名词之前enough books/m oneyFor对...来说eg.The house isbigenough for us.6.I could answersixteen of the questions.Could 是can的过去式,后加动词原形,否定式加noteg.Tow ofthestudents7.Theywere too difficult for me. (注意区分difficult/differe nt)Too 也;太,过于.eg.I like English,he likes Engli sh,too.eg.The pair of shoesaretoo small for me.Too...to...太...而不能... Eg.Heis tooyoung togo to sc hool.8.I am sureI havegot a lowmark.(宾语从句)Low mark低分highmark高分考试考得好/不好I have done well/badly.9.Cheer up! Come on! Open up! 加油鼓励10.The guynext to me wrote his name at thetop of the paper.Next to=beside 在...旁边at thetop of...在...顶端,在...上方At thebottom of...在...下方,在...末端11.Then hesat thereand looked atit forthreehours!For +时间段:持续了多长时间eg.Ihave lived herefor tenyears.Summary1.情态动词的过去式Can-could不因人称和数的变化而变化Eg1.I can answer thequestions.I could answer the questions.Eg2.Couldyou answerthe questions?Yes,Icould./No,I couldnot.Eg3.Hecannot answer thequestions.He couldnot answer thequestions.Eg4.Could he answerthequestions?Yes,hecould./No,he could not.2.Too太Very非常Enough足够(1)too和very通常放在所修饰的形容词之前,而enough要放在所修饰形容词之后。

(英音版)新概念英语第一册Lesson 103 :TheFrench testLesson 103 :The French test 法语考试Listen to the tape then answer this question. How longdid the exam last?听录音,然后回答问题。
考试持续了多长时间?GAR:Y How was the exam, Richard?RICHAR:D Not too bad.I think I passed inEnglish and Mathematics.The questions were very easy.How about you, Gary?GAR:Y The English and Maths papersweren't easy enough for me.I hope I haven't failed.RICHAR:D I think I failed the Frenchpaper.I could answer sixteen ofthe question.They were very easy.But I couldn't answer the rest.They were too difficult for me.GAR:Y French test are awful, aren't they?RICHAR:D I hate them.I'm sure I've got a low mark.GAR:Y Oh, cheer up! perhaps we didn't to do badly.The guy next to meWrote his nameat the top of the paper.RICHAR:D Yes?GAR:Y Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didn't write a word!New Word and expressions 生词和短语examn. 考试passv. 及格,通过mathematics (maths 是缩写)n. 数学questionn. 问题easy adj. 容易的enough adv. 充足地paper n. 考卷failv. 未极格,失败answerv. 回答markn. 分数restn. 其他的东西difficult adj. 困难的hate v. 讨厌low。
新概念英语第一册Lesson 103 The French test知识点讲义

Lesson 103 The French testLesson104 Too, very, enough 一、课前回顾1)根据汉语意思写单词明信片___________ 青年___________ 旅馆___________协会___________不久___________写___________2)英汉互译①你能帮我读那封明信片吗?_______________________________________②I have just arrive in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel.'_______________________________③他说他刚刚到中国。
___________________________________④I hope you are all well.'_________________________________⑤他没有说太多事,对不?______________________________⑥What else does he say?___________________________二、重点词汇讲解exam n. 考试pass v. 及格,通过mathematics n. (maths是缩写)数学question n. (具体的某一个)问题easy adj. 容易的enough adv. 足够的paper n. 考卷fail v. 未及格,失败answer v. 问答mark n. 分数rest n. 其他的东西difficult adj. 困难的hate v. 讨厌low adj. 低的cheer v. 振作,振奋guy n. 家伙,人top n. 上方,顶部clever adj. 聪明的stupid adj. 笨的cheap adj. 便宜的expensive adj. 贵的fresh adj. 新鲜的stale adj. 变馊的low adj. 低的,矮的loud adj. 大声的high adj. 高的hard adj. 硬的sweet adj. 甜的soft adj. 软的sour adj. 酸的单词讲解1)exam n. 考试exam/examination (综合性的)考试midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试sham exam 模拟考试entrance examination 入学考试take an exam 参加考试pass an exam 通过考试fail an exam 考试不及格test(单项技能的)考试quiz (临时性的)小测验2)pass v. 及格,通过pass the exam 通过考试I think I passed the exam.我觉得我通过了考试。

top n. 顶;上部
New Words
Write your name at the top of the paper. 把你的名字写在纸的上端。
• exam • pass • mathematics • question • easy • enough • paper • fail • answer • mark • rest • difficult • hate • low • cheer • guy • top
GARY: How was the exam, Richard?
RICHARD: Not too bad. I think I passed in English and Mathematics.The questions were very easy. How about you, Gary?
New Words
an easy exam
I can easily finish it tonight.
enough ad.足够地,充分地 Words
We have enough chairs for everyone. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。
• 5. The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. paper 纸张(不可数)
Lesson 103
The French test
New n.问题, 疑问 Words
May I ask (you) a question ? 我可以问你一个问题吗 ?
I will answer questions at the end. 我愿在最后回答一些问题.

新概念英语一L103TheFrenchTest课件NCE1 L103 103A.DialogueGary: _______ was the exam, Richard?Richard: Not ______ bad. I think I ________ in English and _____________. The _________ were very easy. What _________ you, Gary?Gary: The English and ________ papers weren’t easy ______ for me. I hope I haven’t failed.Richard: I think I ________the French paper. I could ________ sixteen of the questions. They were very ________. But I ________ answer the _________. They were ________ difficult ______ for me.Gary: French _________ are awful, _______ they?Richard: I __________ them. I am __________ I’ve got a low _________.Gary: Oh, cheer up! Perhaps we didn’t _______ too _______!B.Phrases1.数学及格了__________________________________2.英语试卷__________________________________3.对我来说足够简单__________________________________4.回答不出剩下的问题__________________________________5.分数低__________________________________6.振作起来__________________________________7.坐在我旁边的家伙__________________________________8.在试卷的顶端__________________________________9.足够的时间__________________________________10.未能赢得比赛__________________________________11.接电话__________________________________12.满分__________________________________13.讨厌做某事__________________________________C.Pattern drill - .... enough ... or too ...1.He looked at two cars, a Ford and a Mercedes.the Ford / cheap / he/ buy The ford is cheap enough for him to buy, butthe Mercedes/ expensive the Mercedes was too expensive for him to buy.2.She had two tests, a Maths test and a French test.the Maths test/ easy/she pass ___________________________________the French test/ difficult ___________________________________3.They had some apples and some pears.the pears/ soft/ they / eat ___________________________________ the apples/ hard ___________________________________4.The old lady had two suitcases and I want to help her.the small one/ light/ I carry ___________________________________ the big one/ heavy ___________________________________5.An old man in the village gave us some grapes.the black ones/ sweet/ we /eat ___________________________________the green ones/ sour ___________________________________1。
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1) n. 问题 • (反义词answer)
• 我能问你个问题吗? • May I ask you a question? • 最后两个问题 我回答不上来。 • I can’t answer the last two questions.
• --1) v. 回答 • 他不想回答我。 • He doesn’t want to answer me. • 2)v. 应答,回应 • answer a letter 回信 • answer the phone/telephone.接听电话 • answer the door 应门 • 3) n. 答案 (反义词-question) • 你知道答案吗? • Do you know the answer ?
• He is a difficult man to get along with. • 反义词:easy- going
• /i`nʌf/
• 1) adv. 足够地
• enough for sb to do 足够做…. • 这个房间我们住足够大了。 • This room is big enough for us to live in . • 你还太小,不能做这件事情。 • You are not old enough to do it.
• 1) v. 不及格(反义词pass) • fail the exam 考试不及格 • fail in mathematics • 2)v. 失败(反义词succeed) • 计划失败了。 • The plan failed. • fail to do … 未做成某事 • 我今天下午未能见到他。 • I failed to see him this afternoon.
Lesson 103
The French test
Try to read :
exam n.考试
New Words
• an exam in Chinese. 语文考试
• an exam paper 试题
• take an exam . 参加考试
• pass / fail an exam 通过|未通 过 考试
• 2.pass
• 1) v. 及格,通过 • 只有十名学生通过了考试。 • Only ten students passed the examination. • pass in +具体学科“。。。及格了” • pass in mathematics • pass in Chinese • 2)把…递给… (接双宾语) • pass sb sth= pass sth to sb • Please pass him the paper. • = Please pass the paper to him.
You will be very excited.
Say what your feeling is
3.当你考试得了一百分时,你 的爸爸妈妈表扬了你。
You will feel very happy. 4. 当你喜欢的笔记本找不到了。 You will be very angry or
事很容 易 • 对他来说,学习英文很容易。
• It is easy for him to learn English.
8.difficult a.困难的
New Words
a difficult question/job
Байду номын сангаас困难的问题/工作
be difficult to do 做…是困难的 The question is difficult to answer.
• 1) adj. 困难的 • 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
• Nothing is difficult to a man who wills. • It’s difficult for sb to do…. 对某人来说做某事很难 • 打一封信对她来说很难
• It is difficult for her to type a letter. • 2)难对付的 • 他是一个很难相处的人。
• 考试作弊
• cheat in an exam
• test :以某种手段来试一试某人/某物是否达到了 一定的标准。
• (专项技能的)考试
• • driving test 驾照考试
• 1. 当你听到暑假取消改为正 常上课时。 You will feel very sad.
2.当你听到暑假,爸爸妈妈说 带你去旅游。
• 1.exam n. 考试(=examination 较为正式 一些)
• 入学考试
• an entrance exam
• 期末考试 • a final exam • 参加考试
期中考试 a midterm exam
• take an exam • 考试及格 • pass an exam
考试不及格 fail an exam
How are you feeling after taking an exam?
• Are you happy or sad?
• Are you angry? • Are you excited? • Are you afraid? • Are you worried with your mark?
easy adj.容易的, 轻松的
New Words
an easy exam
easy to do 容易做。。。
7.easy adj.简单的,容易的
• 反义词difficult • 这是个简单的问题。
• This is an easy question. • 这个工作很简单
• This is an easy job. • It’s easy for sb to do… 对某人来说做某
4.mathematics n. 数学
• 缩写是 maths • 你数学好吗? • Are you good at mathematics? • 她数学不太好。 • She is poor at mathematics. • 我通过了数学考试。 • I passed in mathematics . • 他的数学考试没及格 • He failed his mathematics examination。