A、拉丁语 B.希腊语 C.意大利语 D.希伯来语4.在《神曲》中维吉尔象征的是()。
A:先知书 B:律法书 C:历史书 D:智慧书
29、在但丁的《神曲》中,维吉尔象征着 ()(1 分) A:信仰 B:理性 C:知识 D:道德
30、纪伯伦是阿拉伯文学史上一个重要文学流派的代表作家,这个流派是( )(1 分) A:旅美派 B:耶拿派 C:侨民派 D:流亡派
对我称‘你’。我对他说我痛苦,他却说我使他讨厌。那么,你们叫我怎么办?我只好杀了 他。不错,我是个魔鬼,我杀了这个人,而我却不曾被他挑衅?你们砍下我的头吧,砍吧!”
在准备让陪审员到里面去商量的时候,庭长问被告对于审讯还有什么话要说。 “有几句,”克洛德说,“我想问问,我是个偷窃犯和杀人犯;我偷过东西,杀了人。可 是我为什么偷窃?为什么杀人?请你们想想这两个问题吧,陪审员先生们。” 克洛德庄严地登上断头台,眼睛始终盯着带有耶稣蒙难像的十字架。他希望吻吻神父, 吻吻刽子手,感谢前者,宽恕后者。听说刽子手轻轻地把他推开了。当行刑助手把他绑到可 怕的断头台上的时候,他向神父打个招呼,要神父把他右手里的五个法郎拿去,并对他说: “请给穷人。” 钟声还没响到第八下,这颗高贵而聪明的头就已经落地了。当众处决真是立竿见影!就 在当天,断头台尚耸立于闹市人群之中,血迹还未洗去,集市上就有人因税率问题而起来造 反了,市税征收处的一个职员也险些被打死,你们制定的法律为你们造就了多么驯服的人民! 在克洛德坎坷的一生中,有两个主要的阶段:堕落之前,堕落之后;两个阶段提出了两个问 题:教育与刑罚,而把这两个问题联系在一起的是整个的社会。 看看克洛德·格吧,天生一个聪明的脑袋,天生一颗善良的心,这丝毫不用怀疑。可是 命运把他安排在一个糟透了的社会里,使他终于走上了盗窃的道路;社会把他投入到一个坏 透了的监狱,使他最后坠入杀人的陷阱。(20 分)
错选、多选或未选均无分)1希腊神话中的英雄传说起源于()A民间滑稽戏B祖先崇拜C酒神祭祀D狂欢歌舞剧2中世纪欧洲流传最广的骑士叙事诗是()A《特里斯丹和依瑟》B 《亚历山大传奇》C《特洛伊传奇》D《埃涅阿斯传奇》3薄伽丘的《十日谈》采用的结构是()A连环结构B套式结构C环形结构D框架结构4《乌托邦》的作者是()A罗伯特?格林B马丁?路德C杰弗利?乔叟D托马斯?莫尔5英国资产阶级革命文学的代表人物是()A 弥尔顿B贡哥拉C卡尔德隆D马里诺6拉辛的代表作是()A 《安德洛玛克》B《熙德》C《费德尔》D《失乐园》7席勒的被称为“德国第一部有政治倾向性的戏剧”是()A 《海盗》B《阴谋与爱情》C《少年维特的烦恼》D《威廉?退尔》8霍桑的代表作是()A 《红字》B《带有七个尖角阁的房子》C 《福谷传奇》D《玉石雕像》9梅里美以中短篇小说最为著名,代表作是()A 《高龙巴》B《卡门》C《茶花女》D《包法利夫人》10世界文学史上第一部正面描写工人阶级生活和斗争的长篇小说是()A《名利场》B《简?爱》C《呼啸山庄》D《玛丽?巴顿》11俄国文学史上最后一个“多余人”形象是()A奥涅金B毕巧林C罗亭D奥勃洛摩夫12被誉为俄国戏剧发展史上重要的里程碑的剧作是()A《密尔格拉得》B《狂人日记》C《外套》D《钦差大臣》13瓦西里耶夫开掘军事文学的“人学”深度的作品是()A《这里黎明静悄悄》B《方尖碑》C《热的雪》D《战争》14《恰特莱夫人的情人》的作者是()A毛姆B康拉德C福斯特D劳伦斯15德莱塞的代表作是()A《嘉莉妹妹》B《珍妮姑娘》C《美国的悲剧》D《金融家》16《尤利西斯》的作者是()A普鲁斯特B乔伊斯C福克纳D沃尔夫17世界上迄今发现最早的完整的英雄史诗是()A《吉尔伽美什》B《亡灵书》C《旧约》D《伊利昂纪》18古希伯来民族文学和历史的文化总集是()A 《旧约》B《亡灵书》C 《吉尔伽美什》D《五卷书》19俳句的重要代表作家是()A井原西鹤B近松门左卫门C松尾巴蕉D柿本人麻吕20阿拉伯文学史上第一部成文的散文巨著是()A《古兰经》B《卡里莱和笛木乃》C《玛卡梅韵文故事》D《一千零一夜》21李箕永是朝鲜无产阶级文学的创始人之一,代表作是()A《失败》B《故乡》C《不可接触的贱民》D《先知》22塔哈?侯赛因的自传体小小说是()A《先知》B《日子》C《故乡》D《不可接触的贱民》23纪伯伦的代表作是一部散文诗集,这部诗集是()A《先知》B《沙与沫》C《人子耶稣》D《先知园》24被推崇为“埃及的歌德”的作家是()A乌斯曼B索因卡C戈迪默D马哈福兹二、多项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中有二至五个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
28042 中外文学精读 0804一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)1.我国最早的一部编年体史书是( )A.《春秋》 B.《国语》 C.《左传》 D.《战国策》2.《过秦论》的作者是( )A.司马迁 B.晁错 C.贾谊 D.枚乘3.被称为“南戏之祖”的是( )A.《琵琶记》 B.《荆钗记》 C.《幽闺记》 D.《白兔记》4.宋代散文的总体美学追求是( )A.抒情 B.尚理 C.象征 D.写意5.在现代文学史上,杂文创作成就最高的、最具有代表性的作家是( )A.鲁迅 B.林语堂 C.周作人 D.梁实秋6.《铜墙铁壁》的作者是(A.柳青 B.陆柱国 C.杜鹏程 D.陈登科7.中国现在历史剧的开拓者是(A.田汉 B.丁西林 C.郭沫若 D.曹禺8.《麦琪的礼物》、《警察与赞美诗》的作者是( )A.杰克伦敦 B.欧亨利 C.莫泊桑 D.海明威9.《布登勃洛克一家》的作者是( )A.享利希曼 B.托马斯曼 C.罗曼罗兰 D.劳伦斯10.《大拇指》写作中主要运用的方法是( )A.真人真事 B.超人体 C.常人体 D.拟人体二:多项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)11.《汉书》的艺术特色有( )( )( )( )( )A强烈的人民性和战斗精神 B.生动传神,形象鲜明C.材料详实,组织严密 D.语言富丽典雅 E.体例大体承袭《史记》12.有散曲专集行于世的作家有( )( )( )( )( )A.关汉卿 B.马致远 C张养浩 C.张可久 E.乔古13.初唐时期陈子昂首先举起反对齐梁浮靡文风的旗帜,标举( )( )( )( )( )A.“汉魏风骨” B.‘‘风雅兴寄” C“建安风骨”D.“魏晋文章” E.“缘事而发”14.属于关汉卿的元杂剧有( )( )( )( )( )A.《窦娥冤》 B.《汉宫秋》 C.《梧桐雨》 D.《救风尘》 E.《单刀会》15.属于新月社成员的作家有( )( )( )( )( )A.闻一多 B.梁实秋 C.徐志摩 D.周作人 E.孙伏园16.关于十七年小说创作的论述,正确的有( )( )( )( )( )A.20世纪50年代初,当短篇小说的创作尚处于较为幼稚的阶段时,长篇小说的创作即呈现勃勃生机,在不同的题材领域,分别涌现了一大批优秀作品B.从1957年到1966年,十七年时期的长篇小说创作取得了空前的丰收C.反映新民主主义革命斗争的作品有《红旗谱》(梁斌)、《青春之歌》(杨沫)、《红岩》(罗广斌、杨益言)、《林海雪原》(曲波)D.除长篇小说以外,十七年时期的中、短篇小说也取得了突出的成绩、涌现了不少佳作和初具风格的文学新人,如李准、马烽、西戎、茹志鹃、峻青、王愿坚等E.在战争题材方面,柳青的《上甘岭》、陆柱国的《铜墙铁壁》也很突出17.陀斯妥耶夫斯基创作的作品有( )( )( )( )( )A.《白痴》 B.《罪与罚》 C.《群鬼》 D.《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》 E.《套中人》18.属于古希腊悲剧的戏剧有(A.《被缚的普罗米修斯》 B.《俄瑞斯忒亚》 C.《美狄亚》D.《俄狄浦斯王》 E.《阿卡奈人》19.寓言的显著特征有( )( )( )( )( )A.讽刺 D.幽默 C.嘲笑 B.精炼 E.奔放20.儿童文学可以从不同的角度来分类,主要分类角度有( )( )( )( )( )A.接受对象 B.作者 C.写作题材和风格 D.参照一般文学体裁 E.写作年代三、填空题(每空1分,共10分)21.《弹歌》最早见于________,是一首描写远古时代人们狩猎的诗篇。
• 42、福克纳的“约克纳帕塔法世系”小说中, 作为核心的是5部长篇小说,分别为《我 弥留之际》、《 1 》、《八月之光》、 《押沙龙!押沙龙!》和《 2 》。
• 1圣堂 2喧哗与骚动 • 43、《我们的祖先》被认为是一部关
宙主义”或“卡夫卡式的幻想主义”。 • 1博尔赫斯 • 53、卡尔维诺毕生对童话有着浓厚的兴趣。他著
有一部百万言的巨著《 1 》。 • 1意大利童话
• 54、《日瓦戈医生》在小说艺术史上的独特贡献是把俄罗斯传统小说 的 1 与帕斯捷尔纳克式的诗意品质完美地结合起来,因而被称 为“ 2 ”。
• 1写实性的叙事传统 2诗化小说 • 55、《复活》中的 1 是一个忏悔贵族。 • 1涅赫柳多夫 • 契诃夫揭示官僚体制中“小人物”人格丧失的著名短篇小说是
• 1.吉檀迦利
• 81、埃及民族主义斗士巴鲁迪是复兴派诗歌的先驱 ,邵基和哈菲兹·易卜拉欣是 1 的代表。
• 1.复兴诗人
• 82、威廉·福克纳最知名的一部作品是《1》。 • 1.喧哗与骚动 • 83.现代主义文学主要流派:后期象征主义、1 、未来主
义、超现实主义、意识流小说等。 • 1.表现主义 • 84.德国哲学家尼采在19世纪末提出“ 1”、“一切价
是(1),它是20世纪德国 2 文学的重要代 表作。1一个家庭的没落 2批判现实主义
• 17、《 1 》在美国文学史上的意义在于它突破了 (胆小与高雅的传统),揭穿了盛行于20年代美 国文坛的粉饰现实的谎言,取得现实主义的胜利.
• 1美国的悲剧。 • 18、《1》的发表使这部小说及海明威成为迷惘的
英美文学选读模拟试卷二Network Education College, BLCU《英美文学选读》模拟试卷二注意:1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。
I.Multiple Choice. (20 points in all, 1 for each)Directions:There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet.1、is the question put forward by Hamlet at the beginning of the soliloquy。
()[A] whether to commit suicide or not[B] whether to take arms against a sea of troubles[C] whether to lose the name of action[D] whether to sleep2、In Pride and Prejudice, Mr.and Mrs.Bennet had daughters. ()[A] five [B] two [C] three [D] four3、“I wandered lonely as a cloudTha t floats on high2 o’er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host3 of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”The above quoted poem is written by _______.()[A] Jane Eyre [B] Robert Frost[C] William Wordsworth [D] John Donne4、comes onto the stage at the end of this soliloquy in Hamlet. ()[A] Polonius [B] Laertes [C] Claudius [D] Ophelia5、"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" This is the beginning line of Shakespeare's _______. ()[A] songs [B] plays [C] comedies [D] sonnets6、When Mrs. Bennet(《Jane Austen,Pride and Prejudice》) heard Mr. Bingley come down to the place, Mrs. Bennet ask her husband ________. ()[A] to visit Mr. Bingley.[B] to write a letter to Mr. Bingley.[C] to make a telephone call to Mr. Bingley.[D] to bring their daughters to the ball.7、“ So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets 18) “this”refer to . ()[A] Lover [B] Time [C] Summer [D] Poetry8、Of the following American poets ,′s work was first recognized in England and then in America ?()[A] Robert Frost [B] Emily Dickinson[C] Walt Whitman [D] Wallace Stevens9、Fielding has been regarded by some as “_______”,for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel. ()[A] Best writer of the English novel[B] Father of the English novel[C] the most gifted writer of the English novel[D] conventional writer of English novel10、The unquenchable spirit of Robinson Crusoe struggling to maintain a substantial existence on a lonely island reflects . ()[A] man’s desire to return to nature[B] the author’s criticism of the colonization[C] the ideal of the rising bourgeoisie[D] the aristocrats’ disillusionment of the harsh social reality11、Here are four lines from a long poem: “Others for language all their care express, / And value books, as women men, for dress.” The poem must be . ()[A] Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”[B] John Milton’s Paradise Lost[C] Alexander Pope’s Essay on Criticism[D] Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Drea m12、Gothic novels are mostly stories of , which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles. ()[A] love and marriage [B] mystery and horror[C] saints and martyrs [D] sea adventures13、The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a poem written in the form of . ()[A] ballad [B] sonnet[C] heroic couplet [D] Spenserian stanza14、Which of the following words NOT appropriate to describe Mrs. Bennet, a character in Pride and Prejudice. ()[A] Beautiful [B] Intelligent [C] Snobbish [D] Vulgar15、“You a nd the girls may go, or you may send th em by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best ofthe party.” What figure of speech is used in the underlined part? ()[A] Paradox [B] Simile [C]Irony [D] Antithesis16、In Chapter III of Oliver Twist, Oliver is punished for that “impious and profane offence of asking for more ”. ()[A] time to play [B] food to eat[C] books to read [D] money to spend17、In Robert Frost 's famous poem s “ Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ”,there are four lines like these :“ The woods are lovely ,dark and deep ,/But I have promises to keep ,?And miles to go before I sleep ,/ And miles to go before I sleep ”。
《英美文学选读》模拟试题(三)一、单项选择题1.“All is not lost: the unconquerable will, and the study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what is else not to be overcome?”A. Dr. FaustusB. Paradise LostC. Paradise RegainedD. Tamburlaine2.Who, disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used “i” instead of “I” to refer to himself as a protest against self importance?A. CummingsB. Wallance StevensC. F. Scott. FitzgeraldD. Ernest Hemingway3.Which of the following best descri bes the speaker of T.S Eliot’s “the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”?A. He is a man of an action.B. He is a man of apathy.C. He is a man of inactivity.D. All the above are not true.4.William Wordsworth asserts that poetry originates from .A. formB. thoughtsC. artistic devicesD. emotion5.“My Last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies RobberBrowning’s.A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB. excellent choice of wordsC. mastering of the metrical devicesD. use of the dramatic monologue6.“Man shall find grace.” But he must lay hold of it by an act of free will. The freedom of the will is the keystone of ____’s creed.A. MiltonB. Jonathan SwiftC. Henry FieldingD. Samuel Johnson7.In Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” the mariner suffers the horror of death, because _____.A. he experiences a shipwreckB. he is tortured with starvationC. he undergoes much sufferingD. he kills an albatross8.Henry Jame’s fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with _____.A. international themeB. national themeC. European themeD. regional theme9.In Hardy’s “Wessex” novels, there is an apparent _____ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.A. nostalgicB. humorousC. romanticD. sarcastic10.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between _____ and_____ centuries.A. 14th-mid--17thB. 16th-mid--17thC. 14th-mid--18thD. 16th-mid--19th11.Of the following poems by T.S.Eliot, which is hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry?A. Poems 1909----1925B. The Hollow MenC. Prufrock and Other ObservationsD. The Waste Land12.“It is not so expressed, But what of that? Twere good you do so much for charity.” “What of that” in the above sentence means _____.A. this is very importantB. this is not importantC. this is trueD. this is not true13.Which of the following poems is a landmark in English Poetry?A. “Lyrical Ballads and Samuel Taylor Coleridge” by Will iam Wordsworth.B. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William WordsworthC. “Remorse” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.D. “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman.14.Which of the following writings is praised by Hemingway as a book from which “all modern American li terature comes”?A. Tom Sawyer.B. Huckleberry Finn.C. The Gilded Age.D. Life on the Mississippi.15.In which of the following works, Hemingway presents his philosophy about life and death through the depiction of the bull-fight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy?A. The Green Hills of Africa.B. The Snows of Kilimanjaro.C. To have and Have Not.D. Death in the Afternoon.16.The protagonist of the poem “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is a kind of tragic figure caught in a sense of deafted idealism and tortured by satisfied desires. Of the following descriptions of him, which isn’t suitable for him?A. He is neurotic.B. He is self-important.C. He is illogical.D. He is a man of an action.17.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? /Thou art more l ovely and more temperate: /Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, /And summer’s lease hath all too short a date”, the above beautiful sonnets was written by _____.A. John DonneB. John MiltonC. William ShakespeareD. Francis Bacon18.Here is a s entence from an essay, “Read not to contradict and confuse, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider”. The essay must be _____.A. Of Studies by Francis BaconB. The Advancement of Learning by Francis BaconC. Novum Organum by Francis BaconD. Essays by Francis Bacon19.Which of the following is considered to be a better-structured novel?A. Women in LoveB. Sons and LoversC. The RainbowD. Lady Chatterley’s lover20.With so many poems such as “The Sparrow’s Nest,” “To a Skylark,” “To the Cuckoo” and “To a Butterfly”, William Wordsworth is regarded as a “____”.A. poet of geniusB. royal poetC. worshipper of natureD. conservative poet21.In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver told his experience in _____.A. LilliputB. BrobdingnagC. HouyhnhnmD. England22.“To be, or not to be----that is the question; whethertis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?” Who said these words?A. King LearB. RomeoC. AntonioD. Hamlet23.“to be so distinguished is an honor, which, being very little accustomed to favors from the great, I know not well how to receive or in what terms to acknowledge.”A. ironicB. jealousC. delightfulD. humorous24.In the theatrical world of the neoclassical period, was the leading figure among the host of playwrights.A. William BlakeB. Richard Brinsley SheridanC. Ben JohnsonD. George Bernard Shaw25.Among the works by John Milton, which is indeed the only generally acknowledge epic in English literature since Beowulf?A. Paradise RegainedB. Samson AgonistsC. AreopagiticaD. Paradise Lost26.Which writing is a typical example of Shakespe are’s pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years?A. The TempestB. King LearC. HamletD. Othello27.Who, one of the most important poets in his time, is a leading spokesman of the “imagist movement”?A. J. D. SalingerB. Ezra PoundC. Richard WrightD. Ralph Emerson28._____ lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge.A. Francis baconB. Thomas hardyC. Charles dickensD. William Blake29.Alexander pope strongly advocated , emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.A. idealismB. neoclassicismC. romanticismD. sentimentalism30.Dickens’s works are characterized by a mingling of and pathos.A. metaphorB. passionC. satireD. humor31.“self-conceited”, “cruel” and “tyrannical” are most likely the names of the characters in .A. Robert Browning’s My Last DuchessB. Christopher Marlowe’s Dr. FaustusC. Shakespeare’s love’s Labour’s lostD. Sheridan’s the School for Scandal32.Who is the author of the writing “Moby Dick”?A. S. T .ColeridgeB. John KeatsC. Henry FieldingD. Herman Melville33.The sentences “studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”, and “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested;...” are quoted fromA. Novum OrganumB. Of Studies By BaconC. The Advancement Of LearningD. Essays34.The advancement of learning is a great tract on .A. historyB. literatureC. policyD. education35.Most of the poems in Whitman’s leaves of grass sing of the “en-mass” and the as well.A. natureB. lifeC. selfD. self reliance36.Which of the following is not true according to James Joyce?A. Ulysses has become a prime example of modernism in literature.B. Joyce is regarded as the most prominent stream of consciousness novelistC. Joyce is a realistic writer in English literature history.D. His novel “a portrait of the artist as a young man” is a naturalistic account of the hero’s bitter experiences and his final artistic and spiritual liberation.37.The following titles are all related to the subject that escapes from the society and returns to nature except .A. Dreiser’s Sister CarrieB. Copper’s Leather Stocking TalesC. Thoreau’s WaldenD. D Mark Twain’s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn38.“Wild spirit, which art moving everywhere; destroyer and preserver; hear, Ohear!”The two lines are found in .A. Young Goodman Brown By HawthorneB. Ode To The West Wind By ShelleyC. Leaves Of Grass By Walt WhitmanD. Ulysses By Joyce39.“Even t hen he stood there, hidden wholly in that kindness which is night, while the uprising fumes filled the room. When the odor reached his nostrils, he quit his attitude and fumbled for the bed.‘What’s the use?’ he said, weakly, as he stretched himself to rest.”The passage is taken from .A. Sons And Lovers By LawrenceB. Jane Eyre By Charlotte BronteC. Sister Carrie By Thoedore DreiserD. Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte40.Most recognizable literary movement that gave rise to the 20th century American literature, or we may say, the second American renaissance, isthe movement.A. leftistB. transcendentalC. expressionisticD. expatriate二、综合题1.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.“I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hillsWhen all at once I saw a crowdA host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Flutteri ng and dancing in the breeze.”Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet.B. In several sentences, interpret the meaning of this stanza.C. From the characteristics of this stanza, we can deduce which period it belongs to.2.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.“I shall be telling this with a signSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ---I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.”Question:A. Who is the author of the poem?B. Identify the title of the short poem from which this part is taken?C. In one or two sentences, interpret the implied meaning of the last two lines.3.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.“That was the cause, but yet per accidents,For when we hear one rack the name of god,Abjure the scriptures and his Savoiour Christ,We fly in hope to get his glorious soul.”Question:A. Tell the title of the poem.B. What does “rock” mean?C. What is the play based on and give a brief introduction of it.4.Give brief answers to the question in English.In American literature what is the significance of “adventures of huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain?5.Give brief answer to the question in English.What are the similarities and differences between the three literary giants? Howells, Mark Twain, Henry James, in terms of their literary orientation?6.Give brief answer to the question in English.What are gothic novels?7.Give brief answer to the question in English.How are naturalism and criticism reflected in Hardy’s novels?8.Write no less than 150 words on the topic in English.Try to discuss the theme of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s works.9.Write no less than 150 words on the topic in English.Enlightenment movement.10.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.“The isles of Greece, isles of Greece!Where burning Sappho loved and sung,Where grew the arts of war and peace,Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!Eternal summer gilds them yet,But all, except their sun, is set.”Question:A. Which writing is the stanza taken from? Who is the author?B. What does the “Sappho”mean?C. Try to explain the setting of the stanza.答案部分一、单项选择题1.【正确答案】 B2.【正确答案】 A3.【正确答案】 C4.【正确答案】 D5.【正确答案】 D6.【正确答案】 A7.【正确答案】 D8.【正确答案】 A9.【正确答案】 A10.【正确答案】 A11.【正确答案】 D12.【正确答案】 B13.【正确答案】 A14.【正确答案】 B15.【正确答案】 D16.【正确答案】 D17.【正确答案】 C18.【正确答案】 A 19.【正确答案】 A 20.【正确答案】 C 21.【正确答案】 A 22.【正确答案】 D 23.【正确答案】 A 24.【正确答案】 B 25.【正确答案】 D 26.【正确答案】 A 27.【正确答案】 A 28.【正确答案】 A 29.【正确答案】 B 30.【正确答案】 D 31.【正确答案】 A 32.【正确答案】 D 33.【正确答案】 B 34.【正确答案】 D 35.【正确答案】 C 36.【正确答案】 C 37.【正确答案】 A 38.【正确答案】 B 39.【正确答案】 C 40.【正确答案】 D二、综合题1.【正确答案】 A. “I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud” By William Wordsworth.B. Like a cloud flying over valleys and mountains, I was traveling. Suddenly to my surprise, I saw a grove of daffodils at the side of the lake, how beautiful they were, fluttering and dancing in the wind. This poem typically depicts the author respect for natureC. The Romantic Period2.【正确答案】 A. Robert lee FrostB. The Road Not TakenC. confronted dilemma, one should be decisive and “took the one less traveled”.3.【正确答案】 A. Dr. FaustusB. TormentC. It is based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for knowledge and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the devil.4.【正确答案】The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and, especially, its sequence Adventures of Huckleberry Finn proved themselves to be the milestone in American literature, and thus firmly established Twain’s position in the literary world.The childhood of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in the Mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the pre-Civil War Mississippi valley and it has moved millions of people of different ages and conditions all over the world.Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn marks the climax of Twain’s literary creativity. Hemingway once described the novel the one book forms which “a modern American literature comes.”5.【正确答案】 A. Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more attention to the “life” of the Americans; Henry James had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the “inner world” of man.B. Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the way they lived, while Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories. This particular concern about the local character of a region about as “local colorist,” a unique variation of American literary realism.6.【正确答案】 A type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late 18th century, was one phase of the Romantic Movement. Its principal elements are violence, horror, and the supernatural, which strongly appeal to the reader’s emotion, with its descriptions of the dark, irrational side of human nature. The gothic form has exerted a great influence over the writers of the romantic period.7.【正确答案】In his works, man is shown inevitably bound by his own inherent natureand hereditary traits which prompt him to go and search for some specific happiness or success and set him in conflict with the environment.The outside nature—the natural environment or nature herself- is shown as some mysterious supernatural force, it likes to play practical jokes upon human beings by producing a series of mistimed actions and unfortunate coincidences.This pessimistic view of life predominates most of Hardy’s later works and earns him a reputation as a naturalistic writer.8.【正确答案】 A. In “Young Goodman Brown”, he sets out to prove that everyone possesses some evil secret.B. According to Hawthorne, “There is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it toa ctivity.”C. In dealing with the theme of guilt and sin, Hawthorne exemplifies the “power of blackness”.9.【正确答案】 A. It was a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in France and swept through the whole Western Europe at the time. It was a furtherance of the renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries.B. To enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.10.【正确答案】 A. George Gordon Byron, Don Juan.B. An ancient Greek poetess known for her passionate love poems.C. The stanza was finished at the romantic period when Greece was under the rule of Turk. By contrasting the freedom of ancient Greece and the present enslavement the poet appealed to people to struggle for liberty.。
华南师范大学高等教育自学考试2016年1月委考课程《英国文学选读》模拟卷 A(课程代码: 10100)I. Choose the best answers to complete the statements. (30%)1。
The statement “Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability" opens one of well—known essays by__________.2. “The Chimney Sweeper” are found in both Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by___________________。
William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all of the following except ________.A。
language used by common peopleB。
intensively subjective feelingC。
nature as a source of poetic writingD。
elegant wording4. The most significant idea of the Renaissance is______________.5。
英美文学选读模拟题A.Each of the following below is followed by four alternative answer・ Choose the onethat would bet complete the statement and put the letter in the blank.(每小题1 分,共30 分)1.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between ________ a nd _______ centuries.A.14th...mid-17thB. 14th...mid-18thC. 16th...mid-18thD. 16th...mid-17th2. ______ f requently applied conceits in his poems.A.SpenserB. DonneC. BlakeD. Thomas Gray3. ______ i s known as "the poefs poet".A.ShakespeareB. MarloweC. SpenserD. Donne4.The 18th century England is known as the _______ in the history.A.RenaissanceB. ClassicismC. EnlightenmentD. Romanticism5. ______ a nd William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanism.A.Edmund Spenser, Christoper MarloweB.Thomas More, Christoper MarloweC.John Donne, Edmund SpenserD.John Milton, Thomas More6.The middle of the 18th century was predominated by a newly rising literary form, that is the modern English ______ , which gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people. A. prose B. short story C. novel D. tragicomedy7. ______ i s the central concern to Blake's concern in the Song of Innocence and Song of Experience.A. childhoodB. womanC. poetryD. happiness8.Among the following plays which is not written by Marlowe? _______A. Dr. FaustusB. The Jew of MaltaC. Edward IID. School for scandal9.Shakespeare's greatest tragedies are ________ .A.Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and MacbethB.Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Romeo and JulietC.Hamlet, Coriolanus, King Lear and MacbethD.Hamlet, Julius caesar, Othello and Macbeth10.Among the pioneers of the 18th century novelists were Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry fielding and ________ .A. Laurance SterneB. John DrydenC. Charles DickensD. Alexander Pope11.Which of the following Gothic novels was not written in the 18th century? ________A.The Castle of OtrantoB.The ItalianC.The MonkD.The Fall of the House of Usher12.In the theatrical world of the neoclassical period, _________ was the leading figure among the host of playwrights.A. William BlakeB. Richard SheridanC. Ben JohnsonD. Bernard Shaw13.Dickens* works are characterized by a mingling of _______ and pathos.A. humorB. satireC. passionD. metaphor14.The success of Jane Eyre is not only because of its sharp criticism of the existing society, but also due to its introduction to the English novel the first _______ heroine.A. explorerB. peasantC. workerD. governess15.In ______ T ennyson dealt with the theme of women*s rights and position.A. PoemB. The PrincessC. In MemorianD. Idylls of the King16."The Custom-House" is an introductory note to _______ .A. Moby-DickB. The Scarlet LetterC. The Marble FaunD. The Blithedale Romance17.The publication of ______ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of the NewEngland Transcendentalism.A. NatureB. Self-RelianceC. The Over-SoulD. The American Scholar18."When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed" is most probably a poem ________ .A.that celebrates the burgeoning life of citiesB.that sings highly freedom and democracyC.that condemns violence and bloodshedD.that mourns for the death of Lincoln19. _____ is not a dominant figure of the Realistic Period.A. William Dean HowellsB. Mark TwainC. Henry JamesD. James F. Cooper20.The book from which "all modern American literature comes" refers to _________.A. Moby-DickB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. The Sun Also RisesD. The Great Gatsby21.Strong affinity to the Chinese and Oriental literature can be found in the works of __________ .A. Mark TwainB. Ezra PoundC. Emily DikinsonD. Arthur Miller22."In a Station of the Metro" is regarded by critics as a classic specimen of__________ .A. the absurd poetryB. the transcendental poetryC. the romantic poetryD. the imagist poetry23.The founder of the American drama is ________ .A. Arthur MillerB. Eugene O'NeillC. Tennesee WilliamsD. Clifford Odets24. F. Scott Fitzgerald is not the author of ________ .A. This Side of ParadiseB. Tender is the NightC. The Great GatsbyD. In Our Time25. _____ is not a fictional character in the Scarlet Letter.A. HesterB. Arthur DimmersdaleC. Roger ChillingworthD. Ishmael26.The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as _______ .A. the Age of ColonicalismB. the Age of RomanticismC. the Age of RealismD. the Age of Modernism27.Statement _______ is NOT true in describing American naturalists.A.They were deeply influenced by Darwinism.B.They were identified with French novelist and theorist Emile Zola.C.They chose their subjects from the lower ranks of society.D.They used more serious and more sympathetic tone in writing than realists.28. _____ is considered by H.L.Mencken as "the true father of our national literature."A. HemingwayB. PoeC. IrvingD. Twain29.they all shared the same thematic concern except________ .A. Robert Penn WarrenB. Flannery O'ConnerC. William FaulknerD. Norman Mailer30. _______ draws on the Jewish experience and tradition and examines subtly the dismantlingof the self by an intolerable modern history.A.Allen GinsbergB. John UpdikeC. Saul BellowD. J.D. SalingerB.Give the author and genre of each of the following literary works.(每小题2 分,共20 分)1.The Shepheardes Calender2.Farewell to love3.Much Ado About Nothing4.Childe Harold's Pilgrmage5.Dombey and the Son6.The Iceman Cometh7.The Road Not Taken8.The Cantos9.The Grapes of Wrath10.BabbitC・ Define the literary terms listed below・(每小题5 分,共10 分)1.Utilitarianism2.Free VerseD・ For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly interpret it•(每小题5 分, 共15分)1.Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou are more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the daring buds of May,And summer's least hath all too short a date:Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shinesAnd often is his gold complexion dimmed;2.I heard a Flay buzz—when I died-The Stillness in the RoomWas like the Stillness in the AirBetween the Heaves of Storm-3.There is music from my neighbor's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and stars. At hightide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft, or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor-boats slit the waters of the Sound, drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam. On week-ends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. And on Mondays eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes and hammers and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before...E.Give brief answers to the following questions・(每小题5 分,共10 分)1.What is Bernard Shaw's viewpoint on literature?2.What does the night journey young Goodman Brown makes symbolize?F・ Short Essay Questions(共15 分)1.What is the striking feature of Paul, the main character in Sons and lovers?(7分)2.Give a brief analysis of Emily Grierson In "A Rose for Emily".(8 分)。
一、Muliple choice1. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"This is the beginning line of Shakespeare's.A.songs B.PlaysediesD.Sonnets2.Which of the followings is not Shakespeare’s work?A.The merchant of VeniceB. Romeo and JulietC. King LearD. Of Truth3.___is regarded as the pioneer of English drama.A.William ShakespeareB.Christopher MarloweC.Edmund SpenserD.John Donne4. ___are Shakespeare's two narrative poems.A.Venus and AdonisB.The Two Noble KinsmenC.The Rape of lucreceD.The Winter's Tale5.English Renaissance Period was an age of____.A.prose and novelB.poetry and dramaC.essays and journalsD.ballads and songs6."Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"This is the beginning line of Shakespeare's______.A.songsB.playsediesD.sonnets7.Which play is not a comedy?A.A Midsummer Night'sB.The Merchant of VeniceC.Twelfth NightD.Romeo and JulietE.As You Like It8.In1847,the Bronte Sisters published the following famous novels except______.A.Jane EyreB.ShirleyC.Wuthering HeightsD.The Tenant of Wildfell Hall9.In_____'s hands,"dramatic monologue"reaches its maturity and perfection.A.Alfred TennysonB.Robert BrowningC.Williams ShakespeareD.George Eliot10.___is a natural medium for Hamlet to release his anguish.A.conversationB.speechC.soliloquyD.action11.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events EXCEPT_ ________.A.the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureB.the vast expansion of British colonies in North AmericaC.the new discoveries in geography and astrologyD.the religious reformation and the economic expansion12. William Shakespeare,Christopher Marlowe and____are the best representatives of the English humanists.A.Edmund SpenserB.Francis BaconC.John MiltonD.Thomas More13. ___is not a comedy.A.As You Like ItB.Romeo and JulietC.A Midsummer Night DreamD.The Twelfth Night14.Marlowe's____is a play based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for knowledge a nd finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.A. Dr.FaustusB.TamburlaineC.The Jew of MaltaD.Edward II15.All the following poets except___belong to the metaphysical school.A. DonneB.HerbertC.Marvellton16.The publication of___established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England t ranscendentalism.A.NatureB.Self-relianceC.The American ScholarD.The Over-soul17.American Romanticism started with the publication of___and ended with Leaves of Grass.A.The Sketch BookB.NatureC.The AlhambraD.Leatherstocking Tales18.Being a period of the great flowering of American literature,the___period is also called"the American Renaissance".A.PuritanB.RomanticC.RealisticD.modern19.The American___as a cultural heritage exerted great influence over American moral values a nd literature.A.democracyB.idealC.PuritanismD.Romanticism20.___is considered by H.L.Mencken as"the true father of our national literature."A.Ernest HemingwayB.Edgar Allan PoeC.Washington IrvingD.Mark Twain21.“It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good for-tune,m ust be in want of a wife.”The quoted part is taken from______.A.Jane Eyre B .Wuthering HeightsC.Pride and Prejudice D.Sense and Sensibility22.All of the following poems by William Wordsworth are masterpieces on nature EXCEPT___ _.A.“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”B.“An Evening Walk”C.“Tintern Abbey”D.“The Solitary Reaper”23.All of the following are stream–of- consciousness novels EXCEPT________. A.Pilgrimage B.Ulysses C.Mrs.Dalloway D.Tess of the D’Urbervilles24.Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies are________.A.Romeo and Juliet,Othello,King Lear,HamletB.Hamlet,Othello,Macbeth,The Merchant of VeniceC.Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,MacbethD.Romeo and Juliet,The Merchant of Venice,Othello,Hamlet25.All of the following novels by Daniel Defoe are the first literary works devoted to the study o f problems of the lower-class people EXCEPT______.A.Robinson Crusoe B.Captain Singleton C.Moll Flanders D.Colonel Jack二、True or False1.English Renaissance is an age of essay and drama.2.Ode to the West Wind is Bysshe Shelley’s work.3.Jane Austin is the author of Pride and Prejudice.4.Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens.5.The leading figures of the naturalism at the turn of19th century are Thomas Hardy,John Galsworthy and Bernard Shaw.6.If Winters comes, can Spring be far behind? is from Ozymandias.7.Emily Dickinson is remembered as the“All American Writer”.8.The Civil War divides the American literature into romantic literature and realist literature.9.Mark Twain is the first American writer to discover an American language and Americanconsciousness.10.In the decade of the1910s,American literature achieved a new diversity and reached its greatest heights.三、1.Enlightenment2.Humanism3.Renaissance4.Allusion5.Byronic Hero1.选择DDBABDDDBCBDBADCABCDCDACA2.正误FTTTFFFTTF3.名词解释1.Enlightenment1>Enlightenment movement was a progressive philosophical and artistic movement which flouris hed in france and swept through western Europe in the18th century.2>the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance from14th century to the mid-17th century.3>its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.4>it celebrated reason or rationality,equality and science.It advocated universal education.5>famous among the great enlighteners in england were those great writers like Alexander pope.J onathan swift.etc.2.Humanism1>Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.2>it emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life.Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life,but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.3.Renaissance1>The word“Renaissance”means“rebirth”,it meant the reintroduction into westerm Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome.2>the essence of the Renaissance is Humanism.Attitudes and feelings which had been characterist ic of the14th and15th centuries persisted well down into the era of Humanism and reformation.3>the real mainstream of the english Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama with william shakespe are being the leading dramatist.4.AllusionA reference to a person,a place,an event,or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to reco gnize and respond to.An allusion may be drawn from history,geography,literature,or religion.5.Byronic Hero1>Byronic hero refers to a proud,mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.2>with immense superiority in his passions and powers,this Byronic Hero would carry on his sho ulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society.And would rise single-handedly a gainst any kind of tyrannical rules either in government,in religion,or in moral principles with un conquerable wills and inexhaustible energies.3>Byrons chief contribution to English literature is his creation of the“Byronic Hero”。
外国文学作品,章节测试 第十八节
A.《舒昂党人》B.《幻灭》C.《欧也妮·葛朗台》D.《高老头》【解析】A 标志着巴尔扎克迈出现实主义创作第一步的小说是《舒昂党人》。
A.批判封建贵族腐朽B.揭露金钱罪恶C.谴责资产者的掠夺D.揭露上层社会的奢华【解析】B 本题考查作品主题。
A.94部B.95部C.96部D.97部【解析】C 《人间喜剧》包括长、短篇小说共96部。
A.勤俭节约B.政治投机C.辛苦拼命D.投资珠宝【解析】B 本题考查作品内容。
A.生意上B.政治上C.别的女人身上D.女儿身上【解析】D 高老头在妻子死后把爱转移到女儿身上。
A.为了高老头B.为了自己生活C.为了尽快到上层社会D.为了学业【解析】A 本题考查作品内容。
A.毕安训B.拉斯蒂涅C.克利斯朵夫D.伏脱冷【解析】B 本题考查作品内容。
《外国文学史》模拟试卷一一.单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分1.希腊文学“古典时期”的主要成就是(D )A抒情诗 B 寓言 C 史诗 D 戏剧2.在古代西方文论家中,提出“寓教于乐”观点的是( D )A亚里斯多德 B 苏格拉底 C 柏拉图 D 贺拉斯3。
除了《普罗米修斯》之外,埃斯库罗斯的代表作还有( C )A《安提戈涅》 B 《鸟》 C 《俄瑞斯忒亚》 D《美狄亚》4.古罗马喜剧《婆母》的作者是(D )A 维吉尔 B普劳图斯 C 奥维德 D泰伦斯5.法兰西史诗《罗兰之歌》的中心主题是( A )A 爱国忠君B 反对内战C 为民除害 D典雅的爱情6.文艺复兴时期杰出的西班牙小说《小癞子》是一部描写(D )生活经历的小说。
A 骑士 B农夫 C 商人 D 流浪汉7.达尔杜夫的直接露面是在《伪君子》的(C )A 第一幕B 第二幕C 第三幕D 第四幕8.席勒《阴谋与爱情》中封建贵族阶级的叛逆者是( C )A瓦尔特 B米勒 C斐迪南 D路易丝9.英国小说家理查生的代表作是( A )A《帕美拉》 B 《格列佛游记》C《兰登传》 D 《鲁宾逊飘流记》10.意大利浪漫主义作家曼佐尼的代表作是( B )A 《斯巴达克思》B 《约婚夫妇》C 《田野生活》D 《乡村故事》11.提出“美丑对照原则”的文论作品是( C )A《抒情歌谣集〃序言》 B《论浪漫派》C《克伦威尔〃序言》 D《论文学》12.乔治〃桑的《安吉堡的磨工》是一部(A )小说。
A 激情B 空想社会主义 C田园 D 传奇13.法国著名的短篇小说家莫泊桑的成名作是( C )A《两个朋友》 B《米隆老爹》C《羊脂球》 D《项链》14.法国作家中,提出“客观而无动于衷”创作理论的是( D )A 雨果B 司汤达C 巴尔扎克D 福楼拜15.雨果在( C )中提出“在绝对正确的革命之上,还有一个绝对正确的人道主义”。
A 《巴黎圣母院》 B《悲惨世界》C 《九三年》 D《海上劳工》16.欧洲最早产生的无产阶级文学是( B )A 《国际歌》B 《母亲》C 《海燕之歌》D 宪章派文学17.阿根廷小说家博尔赫斯的代表作是(B )A 《百年孤独》B 《小径分叉的花园》C 《城市与狗》D 《总统先生》18.《亡灵书》是( B )最古老的诗歌集A 印度B 埃及C 日本D 巴比伦19.《我是猫》中持财凌人的资本家是( B )A 迷亭B 金田C 寒月D 东风20.《戈拉》中的同名主人公是一个( C )A 自私的知识分子B 爱国的知识分子C 觉醒了的农民D 尚未觉醒的农民二.多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分1.在《奥德修记》中,主人公奥德修斯的主要事迹是( B D )A以女祭神 B 海上历险 C 设臵木马计D 保家护产E 为父复仇2.《格列佛游记》中主人公先后游历的国家有( A B C D )A小人国 B 大人国 C 飞岛国D 贤马国E 耶胡国3.在《双城记》中代表作家人道主义思想的人物有( A B C )A梅尼特医生 B 代尔那C 卡尔登D 侯爵兄弟E 得伐石太太4.未来主义文学的代表性作家有( B C D E )A斯特林堡 B 马里内蒂C 帕拉采斯基D 阿波利奈尔E 马雅可夫斯基5.在亚非文学中,具有诗文相间特点的作品有( A B )A《蔷薇园》 B《一千零一夜》C 《源氏物语》D 《吉檀迦利》 E《梨俱吠陀》三、解释题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)1.城市文学城市文学又名市民文学,是12世纪以后随着城市的兴起而产生的一种反映新兴市民阶级思想情趣的文学。
6.萨特的学说中最富于影响力的是(“存在先于本质” )的命题和(“自由选择”)的理论。
这一流派是:( C )A.现实主义B.存在主义C.新小说派D.表现主义2.这种文学创作和批评方法曾经被定为一个国家文学创作和批评的基本方法。
这种文学创作和批评方法是:( B )A.现实主义B.社会主义现实主义C.自然主义D.后现代主义写作3.这部小说写本德伦一家为刚去世的女主人艾迪送葬的历程。
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A.《无衣》B.《蒹葭》C.《芣苢》D.《硕鼠》2.“蒹葭散成绮,澄江静如练”是的作者是( )。
A. 谢灵运B. 谢朓C. 沈约D. 班固3. 称赞韩愈“文起八代之衰”的是()。
A. 杜甫B. 白居易C. 欧阳修D. 苏轼4. 清初的王士禛论诗以司空图的“不着一字,尽得风流”和严羽的“妙语”为宗,力倡()。
A. 神韵说B. 性灵说C. 格调说D. 肌理说5.“文学革命”的正式提出是在()。
年年年年6. 巴金的代表作是“激流三部曲”,其中成就最高,影响最大的是()。
A.《家》B.《春》C.《秋》D.《雾》7. 法国古典主义悲剧的创始人是()。
A. 高乃依B. 拉辛C. 莫里哀D. 布瓦洛8. 席勒的成名作是剧本()。
A.《强盗》B.《威廉·退尔》C.《华伦斯坦》D.《阴谋与爱情》9. 称为儿童期的一个年龄阶段是()。
~6岁 ~11岁 ~12岁 ~17岁10. 儿童报告文学在写作上与小说相似的特点有()。
A. 真实性B. 新闻性C. 故事性D. 议论性11.南北朝民歌大部分保留在( )。
A.《乐府诗集·梁鼓角横吹曲》B.《乐府诗集·清商曲辞》C. 沈约的《宋书》D.《子夜歌》中外文学精读模拟试卷第1页(共8页)12.《今古奇观》的编者是()。
A. 即空观主人B. 可一居士C. 抱翁老人D. 绿天馆主人13. 宋代散文的总体美学追求是()。
A. 抒情B. 尚理C. 象征D. 写意14. 下列属于冰心作品的是()。
A.《十里长安街》 C.《永远活在我们心中的周总理》C.《望着总理的遗像》D.《巍巍太行山》15. 曹禺的成名作是( )。
16. 属于《九歌》的作品是()()()()()。
A.《哀郢》B.《国殇》C.《山鬼》D.《离骚》E.《湘夫人》17. 下列作品中,属于汉乐府民歌的有()()()()()。
A.《陌上桑》B.《行行重行行》C.《十五从军征》D.《迢迢牵牛星》E.《上邪》18. 下列作家中既写杂剧又写散曲的是()()()()()。
A. 关汉卿B. 白朴C. 马致远D. 纪君祥E. 乔吉19. 反对前后七子复古主张的流派有()()()()()。
A. 江右诗派B. 茶陵诗派C. 唐宋诗派D. 公安派E. 竟陵派20. 左联成立后,开展了一系列文艺战线上的思想论争,包括()()()()()。
A. 与“民族主义文艺运动”的斗争B. 与“新月派”资产阶级文艺思想的论战C. 与“自由人”、“第三种人”的论证年“华北事件”后左联解散,1936年,在革命作家内部发生了“国防文学”和“民族革命战争的大众文学”两个口号之争E. 关于现实主义与主观论的讨论中外文学精读模拟试卷第2页(共8页)三、填空题(每空1分,共10分)21. 我国第一部历史散文集是________________。
23. 鲁迅在《小品文的危机》一文中称晚唐小品文是___________________。
24. 江淹的_______________和《恨赋》是两篇主题和题材都很新颖别致的骈赋。
25. 拉伯雷的长篇小说_________________表达了鲜明的反封建精神。
26. 但丁的《神曲》包括《地狱》、《炼狱》和________________三部。
30. 古埃及保存下来的人类最早的书面文学作品________________是一部宗教诗歌集。
四、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分)31. 乐府32. 新感觉派33. 反思小说34. 现实主义文学中外文学精读模拟试卷第3页(共8页) 35. 童话的象征性五、简答题(每小题5分,共25分)36. 简述《手推车》的艺术特色。
37. 概括陶渊明创作的田园诗的内容。
中外文学精读模拟试卷第4页(共8页)38. 简述《财主底儿女们》的主要内容及艺术性。
39. 《俄狄浦斯王》的主题是什么这部戏剧在构思艺术上有什么特点40. 儿童报告文学为什么排斥虚构中外文学精读模拟试卷第5页(共8页)六、论述题(每小题10分,共30分)41. 《苏武传》中,苏武高尚的民族气节表现在哪些方面中外文学精读模拟试卷第6页(共8页) 42. 分析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝的形象。
中外文学精读模拟试卷第7页(共8页) 43. 分析《安娜·卡列尼娜》中安娜悲剧的原因。
中外文学精读模拟试卷第8页(共8页)28042 中外文学精读答一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1.BB.B二、多项选择题(每小题1分,共5分)三、填空题(每空1分,共10分)21.《尚书》 22. 五言之冠冕 23.“一塌糊涂的泥塘里的光采和锋芒” 24.《别赋》25.《巨人传》 26.《天堂》 27. 安徒生 28. 寓言故事29. 陈伯吹先生 30.《亡灵书》四、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分)31.“乐府”是掌管音乐的官署。
(1分)33. 当揭批“文革”的愤怒之情宣泄之后,一批作家开始冷静地反思这场民族悲剧的根源,反思思潮继之而起。
(2分)34. 19世纪中、后期欧美文学的主要潮流。
(1 分)35. 童话的象征性是幻想和现实结合的一种重要方式,也是童话创造典型的一种独特方法。
六、论述题(每小题10分,共30分)41. 本文塑造了一个光彩照人的民族主义英雄的形象。
(2分)42. 苔丝是一个勤劳、善良、纯朴,富于自我牺牲精神的农村姑娘。