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本系统主要分两级权限,学生和管理员。主要模块分为: 管理员模块和学生模块。其中,学生主要是报考和查询成绩以及查看专业课程以及报名参加考试等;系统管理员对学生、教师、教材、课程等拥有增删改的权限,并能进行筛选查询成绩。

本系统是基于B/S模式的自考管理系统, 主要采用SQL SERVER 2000作为数据库,以Microsoft Visual Studio 2005作为开发工具,以C#语言实现系统的功能模块。本系统各终端配置可采用Windows95/98/2000/XP等操作系统。关键词:;自学考试;管理系统;SQL Sever 2005

Self-study Examination Management Information System

Bases on Web

Abstract:Since 2001, most provinces and cities's self-examination management has been gradually developed from by hand into by remote computer.With the development of the self-examination management,many colleges and universities often can't effectively make use of relevant data because of the lack of appropriate software with the actual needs of applications,many follow-up work still needs to be done manually. This is likely to cause the data update is not enough time, resource utilization and low. The main purpose of the development of this system is to improve work efficiency and saving human resources, enhancing information secrecy and providing a convenient inquiry, update and management system.

The system includes 2 authorities, for students and administrator. Under students’ they are able to register, inquire grades and other information like class schedules, and enroll for examination. While the administrator authority allows any operation to the system, including add, delete, update the entries and data,input scores,also can do the statistics.

This is a Self-learning Test Management system based on B/S mode, using SQL SERVER 2000 as database, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 as developing environment, C# to achieve the system’s functions. Inside the system, Terminals configurations to the system can use Windows 95/98/2000/XP operation systems.

Keywords: ;Self-learning,;Management System; B/S mode; SQL Sever 2005


1绪论 (1)

1.1国内外发展情况 (1)

1.2研究的目的及意义 (1)

2. 系统关键技术介绍 (2)

2.1 与SQL Server 2005简介 (2)

2.2 操作SQL Server数据库 (3)

3. 系统概述 (4)

3.1 系统架构 (4)

3.2系统模块分析 (5)

3.3 可行性分析 (6)

4. 数据库设计 (7)

4.1 数据库需求分析 (7)

4.2数据库概念结构设计 (8)

4.3数据表设计 (9)

4.4存储过程创建 (12)

4.5数据表之间的关系 (13)

5. 公共模块的编写 (14)

5.1数据库公共模块 (14)

5.2界面公共部分设计 (14)

5.3界面主体框架 (15)

6. 系统设计 (16)

6.1 管理员界面 (16)

6.2 学生界面 (33)

7. 小结 (42)

参考资料 (43)

致谢 (44)
