Matrix Calculus

AMatrix CalculusA.1Singular value decompositionThe singular value decomposition(SVD)of an M-by-N matrix A is written asA=VΣU T,(A.1) where•V is an orthonormal(or unitary)M-by-M matrix such that V T V=I M×M.•Σis a pseudodiagonal matrix with the same size as A;the M entriesσm on the diagonal are called the singular values of A.•U is an orthonormal(or unitary)N-by-N matrix such that U T U=I N×N. The number of singular values different from zero gives the rank of A.When the rank is equal to P,the SVD can be used to compute the(pseudo-)inverse of A:A+=UΣ+V T,(A.2) where the(pseudo-)inverse ofΣis trivially computed by transposing it and inverting its diagonal entriesσm.The SVD is used in many other contexts and applications.For example,principal component analysis(see Section2.4) can be carried out using an SVD.By the way,it is noteworthy that PCA uses a slightly modified SVD. Assuming that M<N,U could become large when M N,which often happens in PCA,andΣcontains many useless zeros.This motivates an al-ternative definition of the SVD,called the economy-size SVD,where only the first P columns of U are computed.Consequently,U T has the same size as A andΣbecomes a square diagonal matrix.A similar definition is available when M>N.For a square and symmetric matrix,the SVD is equivalent to the eigenvalue decomposition(EVD;see ahead).248A Matrix CalculusA.2Eigenvalue decompositionThe eigenvalue decomposition(EVD)of a square M-by-M matrix A is written asA V=VΛ,(A.3) where•V is a square M-by-M matrix whose columns v m are unit norm vectors called eigenvectors of A.•Λis a diagonal M-by-M matrix containing the M eigenvaluesλm of A. The EVD is sometimes called the spectral decomposition of A.Equation(A.3) translates the fact the eigenvectors keep their direction after left-multiplication by A:Av m=λm v m.Moreover,the scaling factor is equal to the associated eigenvalue.The number of eigenvalues different from zero gives the rank of A,and the product of the eigenvalues is equal to the determinant of A.On the other hand,the trace of A,denoted tr(A)and defined as the sum of its diagonal entries,is equal to the sum of its eigenvalues:tr(A)Mm=1a m,m=Mm=1λm.(A.4)In the general case,even if A contains only real entries,V andΛcan be complex.If A is symmetric(A=A T),then V is orthonormal(the eigen-vectors are orthogonal in addition to being normed);the EVD can then be rewritten asA=VΛV T,(A.5) and the eigenvalues are all real numbers.Moreover,if A is positive definite (resp.,negative definite),then all eigenvalues are positive(resp.,negative). If A is positive semidefinite(resp.,negative semidefinite),then all eigenval-ues are nonnegative(resp.,nonpositive).For instance,a covariance matrix is positive semidefinite.A.3Square root of a square matrixThe square root of a diagonal matrix is easily computed by applying the square root solely on the diagonal entries.By comparison,the square root of a nondiagonal square matrix may seem more difficult to compute.First of all, there are two different ways to define the square root of a square matrix A.Thefirst definition assumes thatA (A1/2)T(A1/2).(A.6) If A is symmetric,then the eigenvalue decomposition(EVD)of the matrix helps to return to the diagonal case.The eigenvalue decomposition(see Ap-pendix A.2)of any symmetric matrix A isA.3Square root of a square matrix249A=VΛV T=(VΛ1/2)(Λ1/2V T)=(A1/2)T(A1/2),(A.7)whereΛis diagonal.If A is also positive definite,then all eigenvalues are positive and the diagonal entries ofΛ1/2remain positive real numbers.(If A is only positive semidefinite,then the square root is no longer unique.) The second and more general definition of the square root is written asA (A1/2)(A1/2).(A.8)Again,the eigenvalue decomposition leads to the solution.The square root is then written asA1/2=VΛ1/2V−1,(A.9) and it is easy to check thatA1/2A1/2=VΛ1/2V−1VΛ1/2V−1(A.10)=VΛ1/2Λ1/2V−1(A.11)=VΛV−1=A.(A.12)This is valid in the general case,i.e.,A can be complex and/or nonsym-metric,yielding complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors.If A is symmetric,the last equation can be further simplified since the eigenvectors are real and orthonormal(V−1=V T).It is notenorthy that the second definition of the matrix square root can be generalized to compute matrix powers:A p=VΛp V−1.(A.13)BGaussian VariablesThis appendix briefly introduces Gaussian random variables and some of their basic properties.B.1One-dimensional Gaussian distributionConsidering a single one-dimensional random variable x,it is said to be Gaus-sian if its probability density function f x(x)can be written asf x(x)=1√2πσ2exp−12(x−μ)2σ2,(B.1)whereμandσ2are the mean and the variance,respectively,andcorrespond tothefirst-order moment and second-order central moment.Figure B.1shows a plot of a Gaussian probability density function.Visually,the meanμindicates Fig.B.1.Probability density function associated with a one-dimensional Gaussian distribution.252B Gaussian Variablesthe abscissa where the bump reaches its highest point,whereasσis related to the spreading of the bump.For this reason,the standard deviationσis often called the width in a geometrical context(see ahead).Since only the mean and variance suffice to characterize a Gaussian vari-able,it is often denoted as N(μ,σ).The letter N recalls the alternative name of a Gaussian variable:a normal variable or normally distributed variable. This name simply reflects the fact that for real-valued variables,the Gaussian distribution is the most widely observed one in a great variety of phenomena.Moreover,the central limit theorem states that a variable obtained as the sum of several independent identically distributed variables,regardless of their distribution,tends to be Gaussian if the number of terms in the sum tends to infinity.Thus,to some extent,the Gaussian distribution can be considered the“child”of all other distributions.On the other hand,the Gaussian distribution can also be interpreted as the“mother”of all other distributions.This is intuitively confirmed by the fact that any zero-mean unit variance pdf f y(y)can be modeled starting from a zero-mean and unit-variance Gaussian variable with pdf f x(x),by means of the Gram–Charlier or Edgeworth development:f y(y)=f x(y)1+16μ3(y)H3(y)+124(μ4(y)−3)H4(y)+...,(B.2)where H i(y)is the i th-order Hermitte–Chebyshev polynomial andμi(y)the i th-order central moment.If the last equation is rewritten using the i th-order cumulantsκi(y)instead of central moments,one getsf y(y)=f x(y)1+16κ3(y)H3(y)+124κ4(y)H4(y)+....(B.3)Visually,in the last development,a nonzero skewnessκ3(y)makes the pdf f y(y)asymmetric,whereas a nonzero kurtosis excessκ4(y)makes its bump flatter or sharper.Even if the development does not go beyond the fourth order,it is easy to guess that the Gaussian distribution is the only one having zero cumulants for orders higher than two.This partly explains why Gaussian variables are said to be the“least interesting”ones in some contexts[95]. Actually,a Gaussian distribution has absolutely no salient characteristic:•The support is unbounded,in contrast to a uniform distribution,for in-stance.•The pdf is smooth,symmetric,and unimodal,without a sharp peak like the pdf of a Laplacian distribution.•The distribution maximizes the differential entropy.The function defined in Eq.(B.1)and plotted in Fig.B.1is the sole func-tion that both shows the above properties and respects the necessary con-ditions to be a probability density function.These conditions are set on the cumulative density function F x(x)of the random variable,defined asB.2Multidimensional Gaussian distribution 253F x (x )=x −∞f x (u )du ,(B.4)and requires that•F x (−∞)=0,•F x (+∞)=1,•F x (x )is monotonic and nondecreasing,•F x (b )−F x (a )is the probability that a <x ≤b .B.2Multidimensional Gaussian distributionA P -dimensional random variable x is jointly Gaussian if its joint probability density function can be written asf x (x )=1 (2π)P det C xxexp −12(x −μx )T C −1xx (x −μx ) ,(B.5)where μx and C xx are,respectively,the mean vector and the covariance ma-trix.As the covariance matrix is symmetric and positive semidefinite,its deter-minant is nonnegative.The joint pdf of a two-dimensional Gaussian is drawn in Fig.B.2.Fig.B.2.Probability density function associated with a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution.It can be seen that in the argument of the exponential function,the factor (x −μx )T C −1xx (x −μx )is related to the square of the Mahalanobis distance between x and μx (see Subsection 4.2.1).254B Gaussian VariablesB.2.1Uncorrelated Gaussian variablesIf a multidimensional Gaussian distribution is uncorrelated,i.e.,if its covari-ance matrix is diagonal,then the last equation can be rewritten asf x(x)=1(2π)PPp=1c p,pexp−12Pp=1(x p−μx p)2c2p,p(B.6)=Pp=112πc p,pexp−12(x p−μx p)2c p,p(B.7)=Pp=112πσxpexp−12(x p−μx p)2σ2xp(B.8)=Pp=1f xp(x p),(B.9)showing that the joint pdf of uncorrelated Gaussian variables factors into the product of the marginal probability density functions.In other words,uncor-related Gaussian variables are also statistically independent.Again,f x(x)is the sole and unique probability density function that can satisfy this property. For other multivariate distributions,the fact of being uncorrelated does not imply the independence of the marginal densities.Nevertheless,the reverse implication is always true.Geometrically,a multidimensional Gaussian distribution looks like a fuzzy ellipsoid,as shown in Fig.B.3.The axes of the ellipsoid correspond to coor-dinate axes.B.2.2Isotropic multivariate Gaussian distributionA multidimensional Gaussian distribution is said to be isotropic if its covari-ance matrix can be written as a function of the single parameterσ:C xx=σ2I.(B.10) As C xx is diagonal,the random variables in x are uncorrelated and inde-pendent,andσis the common standard deviation shared by all marginalprobability density functions f xp (x p).By comparison to the general case,thepdf of an isotropic Gaussian distribution can be rewritten more simply asf x(x)=1(2π)P det(σ2I)exp−12(x−μx)T(σ2I)−1(x−μx)(B.11)=1(2πσ2)Pexp−12(x−μx)T(x−μx)σ2(B.12)=1(2πσ2)Pexp−12x−μx 22σ2,(B.13)B.2Multidimensional Gaussian distribution 255Fig.B.3.Sample joint distribution (10,000realizations,in blue)of two uncorrelated Gaussian variables.The variances are proportional to the axis lengths (in red).The appearance of the Euclidean distance (seeSubsection 4.2.1)demonstrates that the value of the pdf depends only on the distance to the mean and not on the orientation.Consequently,f x (x )is completely isotropic:no direction is privileged,as illustrated in Fig.B.4.For this reason,the standard deviationFig. B.4.Sample (10,000realizations)of a two-dimensional isotropic Gaussian distribution.The variances are proportional to the axis lengths (in red),which are equal.The variance is actually the same in all directions.σis often called the width or radius of the Gaussian distribution.256B Gaussian VariablesThe function f x(x)is often used outside the statistical framework,possibly without its normalization factor.In this case,f x(x)is usually called a radial basis function or Gaussian kernel.In addition to be isotropic,such a function has very nice properties:•It produces a single localized bump.•Very few parameters have to be set(P means and one single variance, compared to P(P+1)/2for a complete covariance matrix).•It depends on the well-known and widely used Euclidean distance. Gaussian kernels are omnipresent in applications like radial basis function networks[93](RBFNs)and support vector machines(SVM)[27,37,42]. B.2.3Linearly mixed Gaussian variablesWhat happens when several Gausian variables are linearly mixed?To answer the question,one assumes that the P-dimensional random vec-tor x has a joint Gaussian distribution with zero means and identity covari-ance,without loss of generality.Then P linearly mixed variables can be written as y=Ax,where A is a square P-by-P mixing matrix.By“mixing matrix”, it should be understood that A is of full column rank and has at least two nonzero entries per row.These conditions ensure that the initial random vari-ables are well mixed and not simply copied or scaled.It is noteworthy that y has zero means like x.As matrix A defines a nonorthogonal change of the axes,the joint pdf of y can be written asf y(y)=1(2π)P det C yyexp−12y T I−1y(B.14)=1(2π)P det C yyexp−12(Ax)T(Ax)(B.15)=1(2π)P det C yyexp−12x T(A T A)x),(B.16)demonstrating that C yy=(A T A)−1.Unfortunately,as the covariance matrix is symmetric,it has only P(P+1)/2free parameters,which is less than P2, the number of entries in the mixing matrix A.Consequently,starting from the mixed variables,it is impossible to retrieve the mixing matrix.A possible solution would have been to compute the matrix square root of C−1yy(see Subsection A.3).However,this provides only a least-squares estimate of A, on the basis of the incomplete information available in the covariance matrix. Geometrically,one sees in Fig.B.5that the matrix square root alwaysfinds an orthogonal coordinate system,computed as the eigenvetors of C−1yy.This orthogonal system is shown in red,whereas the original coordinate system deformed by the mixing matrix is drawn in green.This explains why PCAB.2Multidimensional Gaussian distribution257Fig.B.5.Sample joint distribution(10,000realizations)of two isotropic Gaussian variables.The original coordinate system,in green,has been deformed by the mixing matrix.Any attempt to retrieve it leads to the orthogonal system shown in red. (and ICA)is unable to separate mixtures of Gaussian variables:with two or more Gaussian variables,indeterminacies appear.COptimizationMost nonspectral NLDR methods rely on the optimization of some objective function.This appendix describes a few classical optimization techniques. C.1Newton’s methodThe original Newton’s method,also known as Newton–Raphson method,is an iterative procedure thatfinds a zero of a C∞function(infinitely differentiable function)f:R→R:x→f(x).(C.1) Basically,Newton’s method approximates the function f by itsfirst-order Taylor’s polynomial expansion:f(x+ )=f(x)+f (x) +O( 2).(C.2)Defining xold =x and xnew=x+ ,omitting O( 2),and assuming thatf(xnew)=0,one gets:0≈f(xold )+f (xold)(xnew−x old).(C.3)Solving for xnewleads tox new≈x old−f(x old)f (xold,(C.4)which can be rewritten as an iterative update rule:x←x−f(x)f (x).(C.5)Intuitively,starting from a candidate solution x that is randomly initialized, the next candidate is the intersection of a tangent to f(x)with the x-axis. It can be proven that thefirst-order approximation makes the convergence of the procedure very fast(quadratic convergence):after a few iterations, the solution remains almost constant,and the procedure may be stopped. However,it is easy to see that the method becomes unstable when f (x)≈0.260C OptimizationC.1.1Finding extremaRecalling that function extremas are such that f (x)=0,a straight extension of Newton’s procedure can be applied tofind a local extremum of a twicelyderivable function f:x←x−f (x)f (x),(C.6)where thefirst and second derivatives are assumed to be continuous.The last update rule,unfortunately,does not distinguish between a minimum and a maximum and yields either one of them.An extremum is a minimum only if the second derivative is positive,i.e.,the function is concave in the neighbor-hood of the extremum.In order to avoid the convergence toward a maximum, a simple trick consists of forcing the second derivative to be positive:x←x−f (x)|f (x)|.(C.7)C.1.2Multivariate versionThe generalization of Newton’s optimization procedure(Eq.(C.6))to multi-variate functions f(x):R P→R:x→f(x)leads tox←x−H−1∇x f(x),(C.8) where∇x is the differential operator with respect to the components of vectorx=[x1,...,x P]T:∇x∂∂x1,...,∂∂x PT,(C.9)and∇x f(x)is the gradient of f,i.e.,the vector of all partial derivatives:∇x f(x)=∂f(x)∂x =∂f(x)∂x1,...,∂f(x)∂x PT.(C.10)One step further,H−1is the inverse of the Hessian matrix,defined asH ∇x∇T x f(x)=∂2f(x)∂x i∂x jij,(C.11)whose entries h i,j are the second-order partial derivatives.Unfortunately,the application of Eq.(C.8)raises two practical difficulties. First,the trick of the absolute value is not easily generalized to multivariate functions,which can have minima,maxima,but also various kinds of saddle points.Second,the Hessian matrix is rarely available in practice.Moreover, its size grows proportionally to P2,making its computation and storage prob-lematic.C.2Gradient ascent/descent261A solution to these two issues consists of assuming that the Hessian matrix is diagonal,although it is often a very crude hypothesis.This approximation, usually called quasi-Newton or diagonal Newton,can be written component-wise:x p←x p−α∂f(x)∂x p∂2f(x)∂x2p,(C.12)where the coefficientα(0<α≤1)slows down the update rule in order to avoid unstable behaviors due to the crude approximation of the Hessian matrix.C.2Gradient ascent/descentThe gradient descent(resp.,ascent)is a generic minimization(resp.,maxi-mization)technique also known as the steepest descent(ascent)method.As Newton’s method(see the previous section),the gradient descent is an itera-tive technique thatfinds the closest extremum starting from an initial guess. The method requires knowing only the gradient of the function to be opti-mized in closed form.Actually,the gradient descent can be seen as a simplified version of New-ton’s method,in the case where the Hessian matrix is unknown.Hence,the gradient descent is a still rougher approximation than the pseudo-Newton method.More formally,the inverse H−1of the unknown Hessian is simply replaced with the productαI,whereαis a parameter usually called the step size or the learning rate.Thus,for a multivariate function f(x),the iterative update rule can be written asx←x−α∇x f(x).(C.13) As the Hessian is unknown,the local curvature of the function is unknown, and the choice of the step size may be critical.A value that is too large may jeopardize the convergence on an extremum,but,on the other hand,the convergence becomes very slow for small values.C.2.1Stochastic gradient descentWithin the framework of data analysis,it often happens that the function to be optimized is of the formf(x)=E y{g(y,x)}or f(x)=1NNi=1g(y(i),x),(C.14)where y is an observed variable and Y=[...,y(i),...]1≤i≤N is an array of observations.Then the update rule for the gradient descent with respect to the unknown variables/parameters x can be written as262C Optimizationx←x−α∇x 1NNi=1g(y(i),x)}.(C.15)This is the usual update rule for the classical gradient descent.In the frame-work of neural networks and other adaptive methods,the classical gradient descent is often replaced with the stochastic gradient descent.In the latter method,the update rule can be written in the same way as in the classical method,except that the mean(or expectation)operator disappears:x←x−α∇x g(y(i),x).(C.16) Because of the dangling index i,the update rule must be repeated N times, over all available observations y(i).From an algorithmic point of view,this means that two loops are needed.Thefirst one corresponds to the iterations that are already performed in the classical gradient descent,whereas an inner loop traverses all vectors of the data set.A traversal of the data set is usually called an epoch.Moreover,from a theoretical point of view,as the partial updates are no longer weighted and averaged,additional conditions must be fulfilled in order to attain convergence.Actually,the learning rateαmust decrease as epochs go by and,assuming t is an index over the epochs,the following(in)equalities must hold[156]:∞t=1α(t)=∞and∞t=1(α(t))2<∞.(C.17)Additionally,it is often advised to consider the available observations as an unordered set,i.e.,to randomize the order of the updates at each epoch.This allows us to avoid any undesired bias due to a repeated order of the updates.When a stochastic gradient descent is used in a truly adaptive context, i.e.,the sequence of observations y(i)is infinite,then the procedure cannot be divided into successive epochs:there is only a single,very long epoch.In that case the learning rate is set to a small constant value(maybe after a short decrease starting from a larger value in order to initialize the process). Conditions to attain convergence are difficult to study in that case,but they are generally fulfilled if the sequence of observations is stationary.DVector quantizationLike dimensionality reduction,vector quantization[77,73]is a way to re-duce the size of a data set.However,instead of lowering the dimensionality of the observations,vector quantization reduces the number of observations (see Fig.D.1).Therefore,vector quantization and dimensionality reduction are somewhat complementary techniques.By the way,it is noteworthy that several DR methods use vector quantization as preprocessing.In practice,vector quantization is achieved by replacing the original data points with a smaller set of points called units,centroids,prototypes or code vectors.The ordered or indexed set of code vectors is sometimes called the codebook.Intuitively,a good quantization must show several qualities.Classically, the user expects that the prototypes are representative of the original data they replace(see Fig.D.1).More formally,this goal is reached if the prob-ability density function of the prototypes resembles the probability density function of the initial data.However,as probability density functions are dif-ficult to estimate,especially when working with afinite set of data points, this idea will not work as such.An alternative way to capture approximately the original density consists of minimizing the quantization distortion.For a data set Y={y(i)∈R D}1≤i≤N and a codebook C={c(j)∈R D}1≤j≤M,the distortion is a quadratic error function written asEVQ =1NNi=1y(i)−dec(cod(y(i))) 2,(D.1)where the coding and decoding functions cod and dec are respectively defined ascod:R D→{1,...,M}:y→arg min1≤j≤My−c(j) (D.2) anddec:{1,...,M}→C:j→c(j).(D.3)264D Vector quantizationFig.D.1.Principle of vector quantization.Thefirst plot shows a data set(2000 points).As illustrated by the second plot,a vector quantization method can reduce the number of points by replacing the initial data set with a smaller set of repre-sentative points:the prototypes,centroids,or code vectors,which are stored in the codebook.The third plot shows simultaneously the initial data,the prototypes,and the boundaries of the corresponding Vorono¨ıregions.D.1Classical techniques265 The application of the coding function to some vector y(i)of the data set gives the index j of the best-matching unit of y(i)(BMU in short),i.e.,the closest prototype from y(i).Appendix F.2explains how to compute the BMU efficiently.The application of the decoding function to j simply gives the coordinates c(j)of the corresponding prototype.The coding function induces a partition of R D:the open sets of all points in R D that share the same BMU c(j)are called the Vorono¨ıregions(see Fig.D.1).A discrete approximation of the Vorono¨ıregions can be obtained by constituting the sets V j of all data points y(i)having the same BMU c(j).Formally,these sets are written asV j={y(i)|cod(y(i))=j}(D.4) and yield a partition of the data set.D.1Classical techniquesNumerous techniques exist to minimize EVQ.The most prominent one is the LBG algorithm[124],which is basically an extension of the generalized Lloyd method[127].Close relatives coming from the domain of cluster analysis are the ISODATA[8]and the K-means[61,130]algorithms.In the case of the K-means,the codebook is built as follows.After the initialization(see ahead), the following two steps are repeated until the distortion decreases below a thresholdfixed by the user:1.Encode each point of the data set,and compute the discrete Vorono¨ıregions V j;2.Update each c(j)by moving it to the barycenter of V j,i.e.,c(j)←1|V j|y(i)∈V jy(i).(D.5)This procedure monotonically decreases the quantization distortion until it reaches a local minimum.To prove the correctness of the procedure,one rewrites EVQas a sum of contributions coming from each discrete Vorono¨ıregion:EVQ =1NMj=1E jVQ,(D.6)whereE jVQ =y(i)∈V jy(i)−c(j) 2.(D.7)Trivially,the barycenter of some V j minimizes the corresponding E jVQ.There-fore,step2decreases EVQ.But,as a side effect,the update of the prototypes also modifies the results of the encoding function.So it must be shown that the266D Vector quantizationre-encoding occurring in step1also decreases the distortion.The only terms that change in the quantization distortion defined in Eq.(D.1)are those cor-responding to data points that change their BMU.By definition of the coding function,the distance y(i)−c(j) is smaller for the new BMU than for the old one.Therefore,the error is lowered after re-encoding,which concludes the correctness proof of the K-means.D.2Competitive learningFalling in local minima can be avoided to some extent by minimizing the quantization distortion by stochastic gradient descent(Robbins–Monro pro-cedure[156]).For this purpose,the gradient of EVQwith respect to prototype c(j)is written as∇c(j)E VQ=1NNi=12 y(i)−c(j)∂ y(i)−c(j)∂c(j)(D.8)=1NNi=12 y(i)−c(j)(c(j)−y(i))2 y(i)−c(j)(D.9)=1NNi=1(c(j)−y(i)),(D.10)where the equality j=cod(y(i))holds implicitly.In a classical gradient de-scent,all prototypes are updated simultaneously after the computation of their corresponding gradient.Instead,the Robbins–Monro procedure[156](or stochastic gradient descent)separates the terms of the gradient and updates immediately the prototypes according to the simple rule:c(j)←c(j)−α(c(j)−x i),(D.11) whereαis a learning rate that decreases after each epoch,i.e.,each sweeping of the data set.In fact,the decrease of the learning rateαmust fulfill the conditions stated in[156](see Section C.2).Unlike the K-means algorithm,the stochastic gradient descent does not decrease the quantization distortion monotonically.Actually,the decrease oc-curs only on average.The stochastic gradient descent of EVQbelongs to a wide class of vector quantization algorithms known as competitive learning methods[162,163,3].D.3TaxonomyQuantization methods may be divided into static,incremental,and dynamic ones.This distinction refers to their capacity to increase or decrease the num-ber of prototypes they update.Most methods,like competitive learning and。


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T上标代表转置:代表矩阵的符号将是加粗的大写字母:也可以对一个矩阵进行转置,第一列会变成第一行,反之亦然:一个向量或矩阵的维度是一个元组(行数, 列数)。
然后,我们可以应用链式法则:让我们在这里做一个简单的练习:矩阵微积分了解这么多基础知识后,我希望你已经准备好进行矩阵微积分了!我们可以用两种方式来写矩阵微积分,即所谓的"分子布局(numerator layout)"和 "分母布局(denominator layout)"。

二、矩阵的运算1. 矩阵的加法:对应位置的元素相加,要求两个矩阵的行数和列数相等。
例如,设矩阵A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6],矩阵B = [7 8 9; 10 11 12],则A + B = [8 10 12; 14 16 18]。
2. 矩阵的数乘:矩阵中的每个元素乘以一个数。
例如,设矩阵A = [1 2; 3 4],数k = 2,则kA = [2 4; 6 8]。
3. 矩阵的乘法:矩阵乘法不满足交换律,要求左边矩阵的列数等于右边矩阵的行数。
例如,设矩阵A = [1 2; 3 4],矩阵B = [5 6; 7 8],则AB =[19 22; 43 50]。
设矩阵函数F(X) = [f1(X), f2(X), ..., fn(X)],其中X是一个矩阵变量,fi(X)表示矩阵X的第i个元素函数。
则矩阵函数F(X)的微分定义为:dF(X) = [df1(X), df2(X), ..., dfn(X)]其中dfi(X)表示fi(X)对X的微分。
设矩阵函数F(X) = [f1(X),f2(X), ..., fn(X)],则矩阵函数F(X)的不定积分定义为:∫F(X)dX = [∫f1(X)dX, ∫f2(X)dX, ..., ∫fn(X)dX]其中∫fi(X)dX表示fi(X)对X的不定积分。

矩阵微积分本文摘译自 Wikipedia。
表示法在本文中,将采用如下所示的表示方法:•$ \mathbf A, \mathbf X, \mathbf Y $ 等:粗体的大写字母,表示一个矩阵;•$ \mathbf a, \mathbf x, \mathbf y $ 等:粗体的小写字母,表示一个向量;•$ a, x, y $ 等:斜体的小写字母,表示一个标量;•$ \mathbf X^T $:表示矩阵 $ \mathbf X $ 的转置;•$ \mathbf X^H $:表示矩阵 $ \mathbf X $ 的共轭转置;•$ | \mathbf X | $:表示方阵 $ \mathbf X $ 的行列式;•$ || \mathbf x || $:表示向量 $ \mathbf x $ 的范数;•$ \mathbf I $:表示单位矩阵。
向量微分向量-标量列向量函数 $ \mathbf y = \begin{bmatrix} y_1 & y_2 & \cdots & y_m \end{bmatrix}^T $ 对标量 $ x $ 的导数称为$ \mathbf y $ 的切向量,可以以分子记法表示为$ \frac{\partial \mathbf y}{\partial x} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y_1}{\partial x}\newline \frac{\partial y_2}{\partial x} \newline\vdots \newline \frac{\partial y_m}{\partialx}\end{bmatrix}_{m \times 1} $若以分母记法则可以表示为$ \frac{\partial \mathbf y}{\partial x} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y_1}{\partial x} &\frac{\partial y_2}{\partial x} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y_m}{\partial x}\end{bmatrix}_{1 \times m} $标量-向量标量函数 $ y $ 对列向量 $ \mathbf x = \begin{bmatrix} x_1 & x_2 & \cdots & x_n \end{bmatrix}^T $ 的导数可以以分子记法表示为$ \frac{\partial y}{\partial \mathbf x} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_1} &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_2} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_n}\end{bmatrix}_{1 \times n} $若以分母记法则可以表示为$ \frac{\partial y}{\partial \mathbf x} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_1}\newline \frac{\partial y}{\partial x_2} \newline\vdots \newline \frac{\partial y}{\partialx_n}\end{bmatrix}_{n \times 1} $向量-向量列向量函数 $ \mathbf y = \begin{bmatrix} y_1 & y_2 & \cdots & y_m \end{bmatrix}^T $ 对列向量 $ \mathbf x = \begin{bmatrix} x_1 & x_2 & \cdots & x_n\end{bmatrix}^T $ 的导数可以以分子记法表示为$ \frac{\partial \mathbf y}{\partial \mathbf x} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y_1}{\partial x_1} &\frac{\partial y_1}{\partial x_2} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y_1}{\partial x_n}\newline\frac{\partial y_2}{\partial x_1} &\frac{\partial y_2}{\partial x_2} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y_2}{\partial x_n} \newline\vdots &\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \newline\frac{\partialy_m}{\partial x_1} & \frac{\partial y_m}{\partial x_2} & \cdots & \frac{\partial y_m}{\partial x_n}\newline\end{bmatrix}_{m \times n} $若以分母记法则可以表示为$ \frac{\partial \mathbf y}{\partial \mathbf x} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y_1}{\partial x_1} &\frac{\partial y_2}{\partial x_1} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y_m}{\partial x_1}\newline\frac{\partial y_1}{\partial x_1} &\frac{\partial y_2}{\partial x_1} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y_m}{\partial x_1} \newline\vdots &\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \newline\frac{\partialy_1}{\partial x_1} & \frac{\partial y_2}{\partial x_1} & \cdots & \frac{\partial y_m}{\partial x_1}\newline\end{bmatrix}_{n \times m} $矩阵微分矩阵-标量形状为 $ m \times n $ 的矩阵函数 $ \mathbf Y $ 对标量$ x $ 的导数称为 $ \mathbf Y $ 的切矩阵,可以以分子记法表示为$ \frac{\partial \mathbf Y}{\partial x} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y_{11}}{\partial x} &\frac{\partial y_{12}}{\partial x} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y_{1n}}{\partial x}\newline\frac{\partial y_{21}}{\partial x} &\frac{\partial y_{22}}{\partial x} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y_{2n}}{\partial x} \newline\vdots &\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \newline\frac{\partialy_{m1}}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial y_{m2}}{\partial x} & \cdots & \frac{\partial y_{mn}}{\partial x}\newline\end{bmatrix}_{m \times n} $标量-矩阵标量函数 $ y $ 对形状为 $ p \times q $ 的矩阵$ \mathbf X $ 的导数可以分子记法表示为$ \frac{\partial y}{\partial \mathbf X} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{11}} &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{21}} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{p1}}\newline\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{12}} &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{22}} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{p2}} \newline\vdots &\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \newline\frac{\partialy}{\partial x_{1q}} & \frac{\partial y}{\partialx_{2q}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{pq}} \newline\end{bmatrix}_{q \times p} $若以分母记法则可以表示为$ \frac{\partial y}{\partial \mathbf X} =\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{11}} &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{12}} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{1q}}\newline\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{21}} &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{22}} & \cdots &\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{2q}} \newline\vdots &\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \newline\frac{\partialy}{\partial x_{p1}} & \frac{\partial y}{\partialx_{p2}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial y}{\partial x_{pq}} \newline\end{bmatrix}_{p \times q} $恒等式在下面的公式中,除非另有说明,默认要导出的复合函数的所有因子都不是导数变量的函数。
Matrix Calculate

where each component yi may be a function of all the x j , a fact represented by saying that y is a function of x, or y = y(x). (F.2) If n = 1, x reduces to a scalar, which we call x . If m = 1, y reduces to a scalar, which we call y . Various applications are studied in the following subsections. §F.2.1. Derivative of Vector with Respect to Vector The derivative of the vector y with respect to vector x is the n × m matrix ∂ y1 ∂ y2 ∂y · · · ∂ xm ∂ x ∂ x 1 1 1 ∂ y1 ∂ y2 ∂ ym ∂ y def ∂ x2 ∂ x2 · · · ∂ x2 = . ∂x . . .. . . . . . . . ∂ ym ∂ y1 ∂ y2 ∂ xn ∂ xn · · · ∂ xn §F.2.2. Derivative of a Scalar with Respect to Vector If y is a scalar, ∂y ∂ x1 ∂y ∂ y def ∂x = 2 ∂x . . . ∂y ∂ xn .
∂2 y = ∂ x2
The following table collects several useful vector derivative formulas. y Ax xT A xT x xT Ax ∂y ∂x AT A 2x Ax + AT x


错误提示信息说明 singular 奇异阵 Badly scaled 病态阵 inf Matlab用来表示无穷大的专用 变量,可以避免零溢出(zero overflow) Inner matrix dimensions must agree 矩阵相乘出错:维数不对
c=a' c=a.'
MATLAB对此类运算符有如下规定: 所有的关系表达式或逻辑表达式中,任何非0 数都是“逻辑真”,只有0才是“逻辑假” 关系表达式或逻辑表达式的计算结果是一个 由0和1组成的“逻辑数组(Logical Array)”,数组 中1表示真,0表示假 逻辑数组是一种特殊的数值数组,对“数值 数组”操作有关命令和函数也适用它;同时又 具有自身的特殊用途 优先级别: 算术运算关系运算逻辑运算
a' 或 a. '
a': 矩阵a的共轭转置
a. ': 矩阵a的转置
若a是实数矩阵,则a'==a. '
【例2-14】矩阵a为[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9],计算a的转置
a=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]; c=a'
【例2-15】矩阵a为[1+2i 3+4i],计算a的转置。 a=[1+2i 3+4i];
c.*B ==B.*c: B的每一个元素乘以c c./B==B.\c : c除以 B的每一个元素 c.\B ==B./c: B的每一个元素除以c

§3.矩阵的微分与积分 一、矩阵的微分1.Def 1.若n m ij x a x A ⨯=))(()(,且)(x a ij 可导。
则称A (x )可导,记为n m ijx a x A ⨯'='))(()( 的为A (x )导数。
2.性质:①)()(])()([x B x A x B x A '+'='+②)()()()(])()([x B x A x B x A x B x A '+'='⋅注意:)(),(x B x A 的位置不可变换,特别地)(])([x A c x A c '⋅='⋅)(x f u =是可微函数)④若A (x )与)(1x A -均可导(m =n 方阵)Proof : ④由I x A x A =⋅-)()(10])([)()()(11='⋅+⋅'⇒--x A x A x A x A )()(])([)(11x A x A x A x A --⋅'-='⋅⇒)()]([)()]([111x A x A dxdx A x A dx d ---⋅⋅-=⇒注:性质④不同于反函数的导数,)(1])([1x f x f '='- 另:)()(2?])([2x A x A x A '='事实上)()()()(])()([])([2x A x A x A x A x A x A x A '+'='⋅='eg 1.求⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=3201sin cos sin )(x x e xx x x x x A x 的导数,及)(2x A 的导数解:⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--='223002sin cos 1sin cos )(x x e x xx x x x x A x)()()()(])([2x A x A x A x A x A '+'='⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-+++++-+-++-+-+-+-+=52242222232261sin 3cos )2(5cos 22sin 2cos 22sin )cos (sin sin 2sin 4sin )1(cos 32sin 2cos 122sin 2cos 22sin x x x x e x x x x e x x x x x e x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx xeg2.设⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=x xx xx A sin cos cos sin )( 求)]([1x A dx d -,)]([2x A dx d 解:⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=-x x x x x A sin cos cos sin )(1 ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=-x x x x x A dx d cos sin sin cos )]([1)()(22sin 2cos 2cos 2sin 22cos 2sin 2sin 2cos )]([2x A x A x x x x x x x x dx d x A dx d '⋅=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛---= Df 2.设),,,()(21n x x x f X f =为可微函数,),,(21n x x x X =为变向量,称),,,(21n x f x f x f ∂∂∂∂∂∂ 为函数)(X f 对X 的导数,记作:dXdf(注:这事实上是多元函数的梯度,即},,,{21nx fx f x f gradf ∂∂∂∂∂∂= ) Df 3.设n m ij z Z ⨯=)(,q p kl x X ⨯=)(且ij z 是),,2,1,,,2,1(q l p k x kl ==的可微函数,eg 3.设Tm n Tnn x x x X y y y Y ⨯⨯==121121),,(),,(其中i y 是i x 的可微函数,求dXdY 解:),,,(21mdx dYdx dY dx dY dX dY = mn m n n n m m dx dy dx dy dx dy dx dy dx dy dx dy dx dy dx dy dx dy ⨯⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=212221212111eg 4.设⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=x e xy xyz xyzZ 2)()sin( ),,(z y x X = 求dX dZ ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=00022)cos()cos()cos(22xy e xyxyz xy xy xyz xz xz xyz yz yzdX dZ xeg 5.设⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++=z x xyt xt xyz x Z 222 ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=t z y x X 求dX dZ 解:⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=⨯01020002024244xy x xy xt x ytxy t y x dt dZ dzdZdy dZ dxdZdX dZ二、矩阵的积分1.Df 4..设函数矩阵n m ij x a x A ⨯=)]([)(,若)(x a ij 在[a ,b ]上可积,称n m baij dx x a ⨯⎰])([为)(x A 在[a ,b ]上的定积分,记为⎰badx x A )(。
第五章 矩阵函数及其微积分

1/p |xj + yj |p
n j =1
1/p |xj |p
n j =1
1/p |yj |p , p ≥ 1. (5.1.1)
注 1. 定义 5.1.1 中的字母“l”是序列空间 (对照第二章第六节) 或 Lebesgue 49 空间的统 称. 确切地说, 数域 F 上的所有绝对收敛的无穷数列构成的线性空间称为 l1 空间, 绝对平方 收敛的无穷数列构成的线性空间称为 l2 空间, 所有有界无穷数列构成的线性空间称为 l∞ 空 间, 以及 lp 空间等等. 类似地, 可以定义绝对可积函数空间 L1 , 绝对平方可积函数空间 L2 , 以 及 Lp , L∞ 等等. 注 2. 当 0 < p < 1 时, lp 范数仍然满足向量范数的前两个条件, 但不满足三角不等式, 见 习题 5. 注 3. 对于 C 或 R 上一般 n 维线性空间 V , 可以通过取 V 的一组基, 然后像 例 5.1.2 中 一样定义 V 的范数. 注 4. 常将 1- 范数称为 Manhattan (曼哈顿)- 度量, 因为在赋范线性空间中可以由范数自 然定义距离, 即 d(x, y ) = ||x − y ||. 请读者在平面上或者空间中画出两点间的距离的示意图. 如果连接两点间的最短曲线称为线 段, 请问 1- 范数下的线段是什么? ∞- 范数下的线段是什么? 例 5.1.3 (各种范数下的单位圆) 下面的图从左至右依次展示了 1- 范数, 普通范数 (欧几 里得范数) 和 ∞- 范数下的平面上的单位圆 ( 1 维单位球面): ||x||1 = 1 T 1
Henri L´ eon Lebesgue(1875-1941), 法国数学家, 数学上有著名的 Lebesgue 积分.

第九讲 矩阵微分方程一、矩阵的微分和积分1. 矩阵导数定义:若矩阵ij m n A(t)(a (t))⨯=的每一个元素a (t)ij 是变量t 的可微函数,则称A(t)可微,其导数定义为ij m n da dAA (t)()dt dt⨯'== 由此出发,函数可以定义高阶导数,类似地,又可以定义偏导数。
2. 矩阵导数性质:若A(t),B(t)是两个可进行相应运算的可微矩阵,则(1)d dA dB [A(t)B(t)]dt dt dt ±=±(2)d dA dB[A(t)B(t)]B Adt dt dt=+ (3)d da dA [a(t)A(t)]A adt dt dt =+ (4)()()()()tAtA tA d de Ae e A cos tA Asin tA dtdt ===- ()()()dsin tA Acos tA dt=(A 与t 无关) 此处仅对tAtA tA d (e )Ae e A dt==加以证明 证明:tA 2233223d d 111(e )(I tA t A t A )A tA t A dt dt 2!3!2!=++++=+++22tA 1A(I tA t A )Ae 2!=+++=又22tA 1(I tA t A )A e A 2!=+++=3. 矩阵积分定义:若矩阵A(t)(a (t))m n ij =⨯的每个元素ij a (t)都是区间01[t ,t ]上的可积函数,则称A(t)在区间01[t ,t ]上可积,并定义A(t)在01[t ,t ]上的积分为1100ij t t A(t)dt a (t)dt t t m n ⎛⎫=⎰⎰ ⎪⎝⎭⨯ 4. 矩阵积分性质(1)111000t t t t t t [A(t)B(t)]dt A(t)dt B(t)dt ±=±⎰⎰⎰(2)11110000t t t t t t t t [A(t)B]dt A(t)dt B,[AB(t)]dt A B(t)dt ⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎰⎰⎰⎰(3)t baadA(t )dt A(t),A (t)dt A(b)A(a)dt '''==-⎰⎰二、 一阶线性齐次常系数常微分方程组 设有一阶线性其次常系数常微分方程组11111221n n 22112222n n n n11n22nn n dx a x (t)a x (t)a x (t)dt dx a x (t)a x (t)a x (t)dtdx a x (t)a x (t)a x (t)dt⎧=+++⎪⎪⎪=+++⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪=+++⎪⎩ 式中t 是自变量,i i x x (t)=是t 的一元函数(i 1,2,,n),=ij a (i,j 1,2,,n)=是常系数。

dA( X dX
A ( xij
) C mpnq
第五节 微分方程组的求解
dt dx2 dt
a11x1 a12 x2 a1n xn a21x1 a22 x2 a2n xn
dxn dt
an1x1 an2 x2
ann xn
df dX
f x1
f x2
f xn
df dX T
f x1
f x2
f xn
自学:P116 例2,例3,例4
设 A( X ) ( flk ( X )) Cmn , X (xij ) C pq ,
定义函数矩阵 A(X ) 对矩阵X的导数为:
x(0) x0
记 X (s) L[(x(t)] , 在微分方程两边取拉氏变换:
L[(x(t)] L[ Ax(t)]
微分性质可得 sX (s) x(0) AX (s)
于是 (sI A)X (s) x(0) 从而 X (s) (sI A)1 x(0)
eAt ( dX AX ) dt
eAt F (t)
在 0,t 上对上式积分得:
d eAt X t eAt Ft
d ds
eAt X (t) X (0) t eAs F (s)ds 0

矩阵微积分的基本原理包括以下几个方面:1.矩阵的导数:设A 是一个m×n 矩阵,其元素为aij,那么A 的导数是一个同样大小的矩阵,记作A"。
A"的元素为a"ij=aij/xk,其中k 为变量。
设f(A) 为矩阵A 的某个函数,那么矩阵A 的梯度是一个列向量,其元素为f"(A)·A",其中f"(A) 表示函数f(A) 的梯度。
设f(A) 和g(A) 是两个矩阵函数,那么(f(g(A)))"=f"(g(A))·g"(A)。
设A 和B 是两个m×n 矩阵,那么AB 是一个m×n 矩阵,其元素为(AB)ij=aik·bkj。
根据矩阵导数的定义,可以求得任意矩阵A 的导数A"。
根据矩阵梯度的定义,可以求得任意矩阵A 的梯度。
第八章 矩阵微积分

第八章 矩阵微积分§8.1 矩阵的Kronecker 积矩阵的Kronecker 积对参与运算的矩阵没有任何限制,在矩阵的理论研究和计算方法中都有十分重要的应用,尤其是在矩阵代数方程求解和矩阵微分等运算中使得计算更加简洁。
本节中,我们将介绍Kronecker 积的定义和基本性质. 8.1.1 Kronecker 积的概念与性质定义1 设矩阵()C m n ij m n a ⨯⨯=∈A ,()C p q ij p q b ⨯⨯=∈B ,则称如下分块矩阵111212122212=C n n mp nq m m mn a B a Ba B a B a Ba B a B a Ba B ⨯⋅⋅⋅⎡⎤⎢⎥⋅⋅⋅⎢⎥⊗∈⎢⎥⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⎢⎥⋅⋅⋅⎣⎦A B 为矩阵A 与B 的Kronecker 积或称A 与B 的直积,记做⊗A B 。
显然⊗A B 是具有m n ⨯个子块的分块矩阵,每个子块都与矩阵B 同阶,所以⊗A B 是mp nq ⨯阶矩阵。
由定义1显然有矩阵B 与矩阵A 的Kronecker 积为111212122212=C q q pm qn p p pq b A b A b A b A b A b A b A b A b A ⨯⋅⋅⋅⎡⎤⎢⎥⋅⋅⋅⎢⎥⊗∈⎢⎥⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⎢⎥⋅⋅⋅⎢⎥⎣⎦B A所以,矩阵的Kronecker 积不满足交换律,即一般情况下,⊗≠⊗A B B A 。
例1 设10234,01567⎡⎤⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦A B ,则 2340001056700001000234000567⎡⎤⎢⎥⋅⋅⎡⎤⎢⎥⊗==⎢⎥⎢⎥⋅⋅⎣⎦⎢⎥⎣⎦B B A B B B203040234020304567506070050607⎛⎫⎪⋅⋅⋅⎛⎫ ⎪⊗== ⎪⎪⋅⋅⋅⎝⎭ ⎪⎝⎭A A AB A A A A 显然,⊗≠⊗A B B A 。
从定义1可以直接给出Kronecker 积简单的运算性质如下。
第五章 矩阵函数及其微积分

|xj |
(和 范数 或 l1 范数 或 1- 范数 ); |2
j =1 n j =1 n j =1
|xj |xj
(欧 几里 得 范数 或 l2 范数 ); ,p≥1 (H¨ older 范 数 或 lp 范数 或 p- 范 数).
显然, 当 n = 1 时, 例 5.1.2 中的所有范数都变成 C 或 R 上的普通范数 (模或绝对值). 容易看出, || · ||1 与 || · ||2 为 H¨ older 范数中取 p = 1 与 p = 2 的情形, 而 || · ||∞ 是 H¨ older 范 数当 p → ∞ 的极限情形. 直接验证可知 (见习题 3 ), || · ||∞ 满足 定义 5.1.1 的 3 个条件, 因而 为 V 上的向量范数. lp 范数 (p ≥ 1) 显然满足定义中的条件 (1) 和 (2). 为验证条件 (3), 只需 应用下列 Minkowski 不 等式 (证明见习题 4 ):
n i,j =1 n
1/2 |aij |2 |aij |
i=1 n
tr(A∗ A) ( Frobenius 范数或 F- 范数) 极大列和范数 极大行和范数
||A||1 = max
1≤j ≤n
||A||∞ = max
|aij |
j =1
则不难验证 (见习题 6 ), 它们都是 F n×n 中的范数, 因而 F n×n 成为赋范线性空间.
d d E 1 d −1 d
||x||2 = 1 T 1 '$ −1
E &%
||x||∞ = 1 T 1 −1 −1

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( and some other stuff ) Randal J. Barnes Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
cij =
k=1Biblioteka aik bkj(13)
By definition, the typical element of CT , say dij , is given by
dij = cji =
ajk bki
Hence, CT = BT AT q.e.d. Proposition 3 Let A and B be n × n and invertible matrices. Let the product AB be given by C = AB (16) then C−1 = B−1 A−1 Proof: CB−1 A−1 = ABB−1 A−1 = I q.e.d. (18) (17) (15)
where B is m1 × n1 , E is m2 × n2 , C is m1 × n2 , D is m2 × n1 , m1 + m2 = m, and n1 + n2 = n. The above is said to be a partition of the matrix A.
Much of the material in this section is extracted directly from Dhrymes (1978, Section 2.7).
Matrix Multiplication
C = AB (3)
Definition 3 Let A be m × n, and B be n × p, and let the product AB be
then C is a m × p matrix, with element (i, j) given by
CE 8361
Spring 2006
Proposition 2 Let A be m × n, and B be n × p, and let the product AB be C = AB then CT = BT AT Proof: The typical element of C is given by
CE 8361
Spring 2006
Proposition 4 Let A be a square, nonsingular matrix of order m. Partition A as A= A11 A12 A21 A22 (20)
so that A11 is a nonsingular matrix of order m1 , A22 is a nonsingular matrix of order m2 , and m1 + m2 = m. Then A
for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Finally, the scalar resulting from the product α = yT Ax is given by
m n
j=1 k=1
ajk yj xk
Proof: These are merely direct applications of Definition 3. q.e.d.
cij =
aik bkj
for all i = 1, 2, . . . , m,
j = 1, 2, . . . , p.
Proposition 1 Let A be m × n, and x be n × 1, then the typical element of the product z = Ax is given by
1 A11 − A12 A− 22 A21
−1 −1
1 −1 −A− 11 A12 A22 − A21 A11 A12 1 A22 − A21 A− 11 A12 −1
1 −1 −A− 22 A21 A11 − A12 A22 A21
Proof: Direct multiplication of the proposed A−1 and A yields A−1 A = I q.e.d. (22)
Matrix Differentiation
In the following discussion I will differentiate matrix quantities with respect to the elements of the referenced matrices. Although no new concept is required to carry out such operations, the element-by-element calculations involve cumbersome manipulations and, thus, it is useful to derive the necessary results and have them readily available 2 . Convention 3 Let y = ψ(x), where y is an m-element vector, and x is an n-element ∂y ∂y1 1 ··· ∂x1 ∂x ∂y2 ∂y2 2 ··· ∂y ∂x1 ∂x2 = . . . ∂x . . .
m× n
and n columns. A superscript T denotes the matrix transpose operation; for example, AT denotes the transpose of A. Similarly, if A has an inverse it will be denoted by A−1 . The determinant of A will be denoted by either |A| or det(A). Similarly, the rank of a matrix A is denoted by rank(A). An identity matrix will be denoted by I, and 0 will denote a null matrix.
CE 8361
Spring 2006
Convention 2 When it is useful to explicitly attach the matrix dimensions to the symbolic notation, I will use an underscript. For example, A , indicates a known, multi-column matrix with m rows
zi =
aik xk
for all i = 1, 2, . . . , m. Similarly, let y be m × 1, then the typical element of the product zT = yT A is given by
zi =
aki yk
Throughout this presentation I have chosen to use a symbolic matrix notation. This choice was not made lightly. I am a strong advocate of index notation, when appropriate. For example, index notation greatly simplifies the presentation and manipulation of differential geometry. As a rule-of-thumb, if your work is going to primarily involve differentiation with respect to the spatial coordinates, then index notation is almost surely the appropriate choice. In the present case, however, I will be manipulating large systems of equations in which the matrix calculus is relatively simply while the matrix algebra and matrix arithmetic is messy and more involved. Thus, I have chosen to use symbolic notation.
Notation and Nomenclature
Definition 1 Let aij ∈ R, i = 1, 2, . . . , m, j = 1, 2, . . . , n. Then the ordered rectangular array a11 a12 · · · a1n a21 a22 · · · a2n A= (1) . . . . . . . . . am1 am2 · · · amn is said to be a real matrix of dimension m × n. When writing a matrix I will occasionally write down its typical element as well as its dimension. Thus, A = [aij ] , i = 1, 2, . . . , m; j = 1, 2, . . . , n, (2) denotes a matrix with m rows and n columns, whose typical element is aij . Note, the first subscript locates the row in which the typical element lies while the second subscript locates the column. For example, ajk denotes the element lying in the jth row and kth column of the matrix A. Definition 2 A vector is a matrix with only one column. Thus, all vectors are inherently column vectors. Convention 1 Multi-column matrices are denoted by boldface uppercase letters: for example, A, B, X. Vectors (single-column matrices) are denoted by boldfaced lowercase letters: for example, a, b, x. I will attempt to use letters from the beginning of the alphabet to designate known matrices, and letters from the end of the alphabet for unknown or variable matrices.