






1. a: /æ/,如cat(猫)2. a-e: /eɪ/,如cake(蛋糕)3. ai: /eɪ/,如rain(雨)4. ay: /eɪ/,如play(玩)5. au: /ɔː/,如autumn(秋天)6. aw: /ɔː/,如saw(锯子)7. ar: /ɑː/,如car(汽车)8. air: /ɛər/,如hair(头发)9. er: /ɜːr/,如her(她的)10. o: /ɒ/,如hot(热)11. o-e: /əʊ/,如home(家)12. oa: /əʊ/,如goat(山羊)13. ow: /oʊ/,如towel(毛巾)14. e: /e/,如pet(宠物)15. e-e: /iː/,如theme(主题)16. ee: /iː/,如feet(脚)17. eer: /ɪər/,如cheer(欢呼)18. ir: /ɜːr/,如bird(鸟)19. i: /ɪ/,如sit(坐)20. i-e: /aɪ/,如bite(咬)21. igh: /aɪ/,如night(夜晚)22. y: /aɪ/,如cry(哭)23. u: /ʌ/,如cup(杯子)24. u-e: /juː/,如cute(可爱)25. ue: /juː/,如blue(蓝色)26. ew: /juː/,如new(新的)27. ou: /aʊ/,如house(房子)28. ow: /aʊ/,如now(现在)29. oy: /ɔɪ/,如boy(男孩)30. oo: /ʊ/,如book(书)31. oo: /uː/,如moon(月亮)32. ir: /ɪər/,如bird(鸟)33. ea: /iː/,如tea(茶)34. e-e: /iː/,如theme(主题)以上是部分自然拼读规则,总共有172个自然拼读。





自然拼读口诀表1. a - apple, ant, cat2. b - ball, bat, rabbit3. c - cat, cup, circle4. d - dog, duck, bed5. e - egg, elephant, pen6. f - fish, frog, leaf7. g - goat, girl, bag8. h - hat, horse, house9. i - igloo, insect, pig10. j - jam, jellyfish, jug11. k - kite, kangaroo, duck12. l - lion, leaf, ball13. m - monkey, mouse, ham14. n - net, nose, sun15. o - octopus, orange, box16. p - pig, pen, apple17. qu - queen, quilt, question18. r - rabbit, ring, car19. s - sun, snake, bus20. t - tiger, tree, hat21. u - umbrella, unicorn, bug22. v - van, violin, five23. w - whale, watermelon, window24. x - box, fox, six25. y - yellow, yogurt, cry26. z - zebra, zipper, buzz27. ai - rain, train, paint28. ay - play, day, say29. ee - tree, bee, see30. ea - leaf, bread, seat31. ie - pie, tie, lie32. igh - night, light, high33. oa - boat, coat, road34. ow - cow, how, now35. ue - blue, clue, true36. ew - new, few, dew37. oi - coin, join, point38. oy - boy, toy, enjoy39. ou - cloud, house, mouse40. ow - owl, flower, window41. ar - car, star, farm42. er - her, fern, letter43. ir - bird, shirt, girl44. or - fork, corn, storm45. ur - fur, burn, turn46. ch - chair, cheese, beach47. sh - ship, fish, brush48. th - thumb, bath, math49. wh - whale, wheel, white50. ph - phone, photo, graph51. kn - knife, know, knock52. wr - write, wrong, wrap53. ck - duck, sock, stick54. ng - ring, sing, long55. nk - think, pink, drink56. tch - watch, catch, match57. all - ball, call, fall58. ell - bell, sell, tell59. ill - hill, pill, still60. ull - full, pull, bull61. ing - ring, sing, bring62. ang - bang, hang, sang63. ong - long, song, strong64. ung - sung, lung, young65. ank - bank, tank, sank66. ink - pink, sink, think67. onk - honk, monk, bonk68. unk - bunk, trunk, sunk69. air - hair, chair, pair70. are - care, share, stare71. ear - bear, tear, wear72. eer - deer, cheer, peer73. ire - fire, tire, hire74. ore - more, store, bore75. ure - pure, sure, cure76. aw - saw, paw, draw77. ew - new, few, dew78. ow - cow, how, now79. ou - cloud, house, mouse80. oi - coin, join, point81. oy - boy, toy, enjoy82. a_e - cake, lake, make83. e_e - Pete, theme, these84. i_e - kite, bike, like85. o_e - bone, cone, home86. u_e - cube, tube, use87. ai_e - cake, lake, make88. ay_e - play, day, say89. ee_e - Pete, theme, these90. ea_e - Pete, theme, these91. ie_e - pie, tie, lie92. igh_e - night, light, high93. oa_e - boat, coat, road94. ow_e - cow, how, now95. ue_e - blue, clue, true96. ew_e - new, few, dew97. oi_e - coin, join, point98. oy_e - boy, toy, enjoy99. a_ee - cake, lake, make 100. e_ee - Pete, theme, these 101. i_ee - kite, bike, like 102. o_ee - bone, cone, home 103. u_ee - cube, tube, use 104. a_ea - bread, head, lead 105. e_ea - bread, head, lead 106. i_ea - idea, tea, sea107. o_ea - boat, coat, road 108. u_ea - blue, clue, true 109. a_ey - monkey, key, donkey110. e_ey - monkey, key, donkey 111. i_ey - monkey, key, donkey 112. o_ey - monkey, key, donkey 113. u_ey - monkey, key, donkey 114. a_igh - night, light, high 115. e_igh - night, light, high 116. i_igh - night, light, high 117. o_igh - night, light, high 118. u_igh - night, light, high 119. a_ow - cow, how, now 120. e_ow - cow, how, now 121. i_ow - cow, how, now 122. o_ow - cow, how, now 123. u_ow - cow, how, now 124. a_ou - cloud, house, mouse 125. e_ou - cloud, house, mouse 126. i_ou - cloud, house, mouse 127. o_ou - cloud, house, mouse 128. u_ou - cloud, house, mouse以上是一个包含128个自然拼读口诀的表格,你可以根据需要将其打印出来,供学生参考和学习。



apple(苹果) alligator(短吻鳄) antelope(羚羊)Africa(非洲) acrobat(杂技演员) angry(生气的)ant(蚂蚁) astronaut(宇航员)at am Sam mat sat Ant ants NanB /b/butterfly(蝴蝶) box(盒子) book(书) balloon(气球) banana(香蕉) bat(蝙蝠) bee(蜜蜂) bird(鸟)baboon(狒狒)C /k/car(汽车) cut(剪、切) cub(动物幼崽) cup(杯子)coat(上衣) cow(奶牛) clock(钟表) carrot(胡萝卜)cat can cot cod cob cup cutD /d/Dad(爸爸) dog狗red红色E /e/egg(鸡蛋) elephant(大象) exit(出口) elk(麋鹿) elf(精灵)frog(青蛙) fan(风扇) fat(胖的) four(4) five(5)flute(长笛) fin(鱼鳍) flag(旗子) fern(蕨类植物)G /g/good(好的) gorilla(猩猩) goose(鹅) grandma(奶奶) grandpa(爷爷) grape(葡萄) guitar(吉他) goat(山羊)H /h/hippo(河马) hat(帽子) happy(开心的) heart(心脏)head(头) hand(手) hair(头发) house(房子)I /i/iguana(蜥蜴) in(在...里面) ill(生病的) igloo(冰屋)insect(昆虫) Indian(印第安人)J /j/jump(跳) jet(喷气式飞机) jam(果酱) jelly(果冻) jeans(牛仔裤) jar(玻璃罐) jacket(外套) jog(慢跑)king(国王) kid(小孩) kitten(小猫咪) kettle(烧水壶) koala(考拉) key(钥匙) kangaroo(袋鼠) kite(风筝)kick(踢) kiss(吻)L /l/leg腿like喜欢M /m/man(男人) mouse(老鼠) mountains(山脉) mummy(妈妈) mop(拖把) moon(月亮) mittens(连指手套) map(地图) monkey(猴子)N /n/nose(鼻子) nest(鸟窝) nine(9) nurse(护士) nuts(坚果) neck(脖子) net(网) name(名字) newt(蝾螈)O /o/Ostrich(鸵鸟)on(在...上面)olive(橄榄)otter(水獭)octopus(章鱼)officer(警官)office(办公室)October(十月)oranges(橘子)pea(豌豆) peanut(花生) peach(桃子) parrot(鹦鹉) pearl(珍珠) panda(熊猫) pizza(披萨) penguin(企鹅)Q /kw/queen 皇后R /r/raccoon(浣熊) rabbit(兔子) rat(老鼠) rod(鱼竿) ring(戒指) rainbow(彩虹) rain(雨) rag(抹布) robot(机器人)S /s/sad(伤心的) sun(太阳) socks(袜子) sink(洗涤槽)star(星星) six(6) seven(7) soap(洗手液) slippers(拖鞋)T /t/ten(10) toothbrush(牙刷) tooth(牙齿) tent(帐篷) tiger(老虎) telephone(电话) toes(脚趾头) table(桌子) truck(卡车)tub(浴缸) up(向上) bug(虫子) puppy(小狗) nut(坚果) hug(拥抱) umbrella(伞) jump(跳) tub fun run sunbut nut mud mustV /v/van(货车) vest(背心) vet(兽医) vegetable(蔬菜) violin(小提琴) volleyball(排球)W /w/water(水) wheel(车轮) web(网) watermelon(西瓜) whale(鲸) wagon(推车)X /x/ax(斧头) six(6) ox(公牛) fox(狐狸) box(盒子)Y /y/yogurt(酸奶) yolk(蛋黄) yarn(毛线球) yawn(打哈欠) yo-yo(悠悠球) yell(大声吼叫)Z /z/zipper(拉链) zero(零) zebra(斑马) zoo(动物园)lizard(蜥蜴) pizza(披萨)_ab: lab cab crab grab zag yes ax_ad: bad dad had mad sad_and: band hand sand_at: sat mat tat fat bat rat hat cat pat_am: bam ram ham pam clam jam yam_an: nan man tan fan ban ran lan can pan van _ed: bed fed led red ted_en: ben den hen men pen ten_est: best rest test west vest yest_et: bet get let met net pet set wet vet jet yet_id: bid did lid hid mid glid kid_ig: big dig pig tig wig zig_in: in bin fin pin win_is: is his_it: it bit fit sit hit lit pit wit kit_ix: fix mix pix six_ob: bob sob sobs rob robs cob job_od: nod tod rod cod_og: blog dog fog jog_ot: not rot hot lot lots cot pot got jot_ox: ox box fox_ub:cub_ug:bug dug hug mug tug_ut: but nut hut cut gut_ust: dust must_un: fun run sun gun_um: gum mum plum yum_ump: bump dump hump rump sump jump_ub: tub rubant at Sam not on mom ants of bib ishim hint lift pint plan plot point pop pup gap flag beg wag web desk pink。



A am apple cat dad fat bag bad antE bed desk dog egg red betI six big it ink ill fit kit bin pin tipO fox lot mop soft oil offU mum cup fun us ugly upP pen pig pet past present print picnic potB but bus best boring bell bin biggerT ten sit tell top toy tap act insect parentD and dentist dig dog dot dumpling endC can carry cut cap cabK kid ask knock killG get gun gas gift god gumM milk swim many smell map must medic middle himN nest not nose next nod neck tennisF fast fun funny film fan fantastic fitV visit invent vet vest sevenS sing sad sunny Sunday story still second send stand sick self spend stopZ zoo zip zest zoneL long leg lemon lesson living left let little little land lost lip lapR rabbit run rest rubber rapH hand his help hat hill hobby himself hit hot W well windy windmill windbell will win wetJ jump job subject join jack jamY boy candy sorry very happy hungry angry unhappyQ(qu) quack quite quick queen quilt quitX fax max box fix sex waxsh fish shop brush shell fresh rubbish wishch much lunch catch sandwich chicken teacherwh when which whitck clock duck back sock stick picka_e face late cake make skate taste classmate name shape take save same lake safe hateGate tape gatekeeper tale whale rasei_e fine five mine bike kite like white tide rise life time bedtime shine inside smile nine dine size die pie wifeo_e close home stone homework hole smokeu_e cute use mute cube tuneee feel feet sheep sweet meet see need teeth week seed geese weekend keep bee sweeperstreet sweepai tail paint rainy wait mail nail aidea clean ear near dear cream each read tea meat pea east seafood heat sea leaf teach easy team oa road coat boat goalth(x) thank thin math thing bath think path tooth teethth these they this that those them then with their thanph phone phonic phlox graph phutoo(short) book good look foot woof wood cook oo(long) cool too roof noon tooth food moonsoon bedroom goose poolss chess boss mess less miss pass mass fuss ow window yellow show tomorrow own know row follow shadow throw snow flow grow ar far arm car card farm sharp park star hard art start march garden park partyartist farmer scarf blackboardor north born morning short doctor sport pork fork cornbl blow block blog blond blaze bleedcl club clever class cloth clear clapgl glass glad gleam glory glowpl plane plant plan plastic plate plot plusfl flag flap flash flat fleesl slow sleep slip slide slam slimcr crop cracker craft crab creep crash crossgr grass grape grow grade grand green great greet grain griptr train tree truck treatdr drink dress driver drop driver dreambr bring braveir chair thirsty girl hair bird shirt skirt first their dirtyur our nurse Thursday turn furn hurt turtle burn Churcher sister summer winter flower litter under dinner temper singer after letter hers butter emperorbetter hamburgeror work worker word world mirror actor editor doctor sailor directoray tray ray may day way play say crayon stay yesterday birthday。



Aa(53)cat fat dad madjam hamtap cap gap mapnap raptab dab jab cab gab nab pat bat tat gat hat mat rat pad bad tad gad fad had bag tag jag gag hag nag wag rag gas has bamtam damcam ram pan bantan can fan manranEe(30)pep rep web pet bet jet get met net wet fed wedpeg beg keg hempen den menbed red ten hen teldell jell fell hell bell wellIi(53)kid hid pig big pip tip dip hip nip rip bib dib fib rib pit bit tit kit fit hit nit wit bid did mid rid dig jib gig wig rig dim him rim pin bin tin din gin kin fin winpill bill till dillkil l gillfill nil will hil millOo(42)pop bop top mopbob jobcob gob fob hob mobrobtot jot cot got pot hot not rot pod cod god hod modnod rod bog tog dogcog fog hog nog momdoncon cop hop dot box fox Uu(46)pup cup pub bub dub hub nub rub but tut jut cut gut hut nut rut bud dud cud mudpug tug dug jug hug rug pus bus bumgum hummumrum pun gun funrun dull cull gullhul l mul lnull tub cub bug。



cat fat dad mad jam ham tap cap gap map nap rap tab dab jab cab gab nab pat bat tat gat hat mat rat pad bad tad gad fad had bag tag jag gag hag nag wag rag gas has bam tam dam cam ram pan ban tan can fan man ranEe(30)pep rep web pet bet jet get met net wet fed wed peg beg keg hem pen den men bed red ten hen tell dell jell fell hell bell wellkid hid pig big pip tip dip hip nip rip bib dib fib rib pit bit tit kit fit hit nit wit bid did mid rid dig jib gig wig rig dim him rim pin bin tin din gin kin fin win pill bill till dill kill gill fill nill will hill millOo(42)pop bop top mop bob job cob gob fob hob mob rob tot jot cot got pot hot not rot pod cod god hod mod nod rod bog tog dog cog fog hog nog mom don con cop hop dot box foxpup cup pub bub dub hub nub rub but tut jut cut gut hut nut rut bud dud cud mud pug tug dug jug hug rug pus bus bum gum hum mum rum pun gun fun run dull cull gull hull mull null tub cub bug。



自然拼读C V C单词表 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】A a(53)cat fat dad mad jam hamtap cap gap map nap raptab dab jab cab gab nabpat bat tat gat hat matrat pad bad tad gad fadhad bag tag jag gag hagnag wag rag gas has bamtam dam cam ram pan bantan can fan man ranEe(30)pep rep web pet bet jetget met net wet fed wedpeg beg keg hem pen denmen bed red ten hen telldell jell fell hell bell wellIi(53)kid hid pig big pip tip dip hip nip rip bib dibfib rib pit bit tit kitfit hit nit wit bid didmid rid dig jib gig wigrig dim him rim pin bin tin din gin kin fin win pill bill till dill kill gillfill nill will hill millOo(42)pop bop top mop bob jobcob gob fob hob mob robtot jot cot got pot hot not rot pod cod god hod mod nod rod bog tog dog cog fog hog nog mom don con cop hop dot box fox Uu(46)pup cup pub bub dub hub nub rub but tut jut cut gut hut nut rut bud dud cud mud pug tug dug jug hug rug pus bus bum gum hum mum rum pun gun funrun dull cull gull hull mullnull tub cub bug。



Aa53cat fat dad mad jam hamtap cap gap map nap raptab dab jab cab gab nab pat bat tat gat hat mat rat pad bad tad gad fad had bag tag jag gag hag nag wag rag gas has bam tam dam cam ram pan bantan can fan man ranEe30pep rep web pet bet jet get met net wet fed wed peg beg keg hem pen denmen bed red ten hen telldell jell fell hell bell well Ii53kid hid pig big pip tip dip hip nip rip bib dib fib rib pit bit tit kit fit hit nit wit bid did mid rid dig jib gig wig rig dim him rim pin bin tin din gin kin fin win pill bill till dill kill gillfill nill will hill millOo42pop bop top mop bob jobcob gob fob hob mob robtot jot cot got pot hot not rot pod cod god hod mod nod rod bog tog dogcog fog hog nog mom doncon cop hop dot box fox Uu46pup cup pub bub dub hub nub rub but tut jut cut gut hut nut rut bud dud cud mud pug tug dug jughug rug pus bus bum gumhum mum rum pun gun funrun dull cull gull hull mull null tub cub bug。



自然拼读ar [a:]bar酒吧bark犬吠car汽车cark烦恼mar破坏mark记号par标准park公园Yar亚尔yard院子ai [ei]mail邮递nail钉子pain努力gain收获brain大脑grain谷物rain雨train火车raise举起praise赞扬al [ɔ:]ball皮球chalk粉笔mall商场talk谈话small小的a+e [ei]bake烘烤cake蛋糕fake假的lake湖泊make制作ay [ei]bay海湾day一天May五月pay付款way方式oa [əu]boat小船coat大衣goat山羊road马路toad蟾蜍aw[ɔ:]caw鸦叫声law法律saw看见paw爪子jaw下巴au[ɔ:]auto汽车audit审计audio音频author作家sauce酱汁or [ə:]work工作worm蠕虫worth价值word单词world世界(字母w后的发音)or[ə]actor演员motor马达tutor助教doctor医生editor编辑(单词末尾发此短音)or[ɔ:]for为了form形式fork刀叉forth第四force武力(重读音节除w外的辅音字母接or发此音)i+e [ai]bike单车like喜欢hike爬山cite引用kite风筝ea [i:]bean豆子beat敲打meat肉seat座位deal交易ee [i:]eel鳗鱼beef牛肉deep深的feel感觉seed种子er [ə]butter黄油number数字under下面dinner晚餐oo[u:]moon月亮noon中午mood心情cool冷静roof屋顶oo [u]book书cook做饭good好的hook挂钩look看见ou [au]loud大声的found发现house房子mouth嘴巴u+e [ju:]cube立方体cute可爱的huge巨大的mute静音的mule骡子ough [ɔ:]ought应该bought购买brought带来thought思想fought打架ow [au]bow鞠躬cow奶牛clown小丑crown皇冠eyebrow眉毛ow [əu]low低的blow吹风flow流动row划船grow种植ir [ə:]bird小鸟dirt污垢shirt衬衫first第一girl女孩th [θ]thin薄的thick厚的thank感谢math数学fifth第五igh[ai]fight打架might应该light电灯right对的sight视力augh[ɔ:]caught抓住taught教书naught泡影naughty顽皮的daughter女儿ck[k]duck鸭子luck运气Jack杰克back回来neck脖子ch[tʃ]chick小鸡check检查chest胸部much很多rich富有th[ð]with和this这个these这些that那个those那些ea[e]bread面包dead用尽head头部heavy重的heaven天堂oul[u]could可以would将要should应该ue[u:]blue蓝色clue线索glue胶水true真的sue控告ou[ʌ]touch触摸young年轻的country国家cousin堂兄弟姐妹double双份trouble麻烦ew[u:]blew吹风flew飞行crew职员drew画画sewer阴沟ch[k]school学校schedule计划ache疼痛chemist药剂师stomach 胃a[æ]bat拍子cat猫咪dad爸爸sad难过mad生气wh[w]what什么why为什么where哪里when何时whale鲸鱼e[e]bed床bet打赌fed喂养hen母鸡set放置wa[w ɔ: ]wad填充物water水wash洗waffle华夫饼watch手表o[ɔ]box盒子cot小床dog狗fog雾hot热的i [i]big大的bit咬did做了fit适合sit坐下u[ʌ]bug虫子cut剪切dug挖土gut勇气hut小屋sion[ʒən]vision视野division分开confusion混乱decision决定illusion错觉(通常在元音字母后发此音)sion[ʃən]version版本mission使命passion激情impression印象permission允许(通常在辅音字母后发此音)tion[ʃən]attention专注condition条件vacation度假invention发明station车站le[l]apple苹果little少许battle战争cattle牲口bottle瓶子settle 安顿dr[dr]dress裙子draw画画drip水滴drag拖曳drink饮料tr[tr]tree树trick戏法train货车trap陷阱trust信任ph[f]phone电话photo照片phase阶段phonics拼读elephant大象ie[i:]thief小偷piece一块achieve成功believe相信grieve悲伤i[ai]find寻找mind介意kind友善hind后面sign标志c/s/+ecent欧分center中心celebrate庆祝dance跳舞advance预先c/s/+icircle圆圈civil市民的city城市accident事故pencil铅笔c/s/+ycycle循环bicycle单车accuracy精确fluency流利efficiency效率ar[ə]sugar糖dollar美元popular流行的similar相似的familiar 熟悉的(ar在单词末尾发此音)ul[l]awful糟糕的careful当心的colorful彩色的hopeful希望的wonderful美妙的y[ai]my我的by经过cry哭泣fly飞行spy间谍ie[ai]pie馅饼tie领带lie说谎die凋谢fries薯条ew[j u:]few少许new新的knew知道view风景interview采访ey [ei]hey你好prey辅食grey灰色they他们obey遵守oa[ɔ:]+rroar咆哮soar高飞boar野猪board甲板coarse粗糙y [j]yes是的you你yoyo溜溜球yellow黄色的yougurt酸奶(y 放词首发j音)y [i]baby宝贝happy幸福的angry生气的sadly难过的moody 情绪化的a [ə]cola可乐soda苏打sofa沙发panda熊猫China中国(a放在单词末尾发此音)ey [i]donkey驴子monkey猴子money金钱honey蜂蜜oa[əu]boat小船coat大衣goat山羊road马路toad蟾蜍u+e [j u:]cube立方体cute可爱的huge巨大的mute静音的mule骡子ui [u:]suit西装juice果汁fruit水果kn [n]know知道knock敲打knife刀具knit编织knee膝盖ui [i]build搭建guilt愧疚guitar吉他circuit电路biscuit饼干wr[r]write书写wrap包裹wrist手腕wreath花环wrinkle皱纹who[h u:]who谁whom谁whose谁的whoever无论谁whoseever无论是谁oi[ɔi]oil油boil煮沸foil箔soil泥土coin硬币oy[ɔi]boy男孩coy腼腆joy喜悦soy大豆toy玩具en[ən]accent口音accident事故decent体面的fluent流利的excellent优秀的ball皮球chalk粉笔mall商场talk谈话small小的an[ən]applicant求职者assistant助手accountant会计giant巨人merchant商人elephant大象ge[dʒ]age年龄page页面charge充电large大的change改变old[əuld]old老的bold勇敢的cold冷的fold折叠gold黄金ous[əs]famous著名的gorgeous华丽的delicious美味的humorous 幽默的dangerous危险的mb[m]lamb小羊bomb炸弹comb梳头limb枝干climb爬山rh[r]rhino犀牛rhyme韵文rhythm韵律rhinitis鼻炎rhombus菱形mn[m]autumn秋天column纵队hymn圣歌condemn谴责solemn 庄严的bt[t]debt债务debtor借方doubt怀疑doubtless无疑地subtle微sure[ʒə]measure测量pleasure快乐leisure休闲treasure财宝exposure暴露al[a:]palm手掌,棕榈树half一半,半票ear[eə]bear狗熊pear鸭梨wear穿戴swear发誓air[eə]air空气chair椅子fair公平的hair头发pair一双qu[kw]squid鱿鱼square方形question问题queen女王quit辞职wh[h]who谁whom谁whose谁的whoever无论谁whole全部的are[eə]bare赤裸的care在乎dare你敢fare车费hare野兔后缀相同单词集mateclaasmate同学roommate室友schoolmate校友workmate工友teammate队友stalemate僵局tial[ʃl]initial最初的partial部分的potential潜在的essential必要的residential住宅的o+e[əu]code代码coke可乐dose剂量hose软管nose鼻子de[d i]depress抑郁decree裁决decode解码debate辩论demand 要求(开音节de, e发字母音)pre[pri]prepare准备preserve维持pretend假装prevent阻止prevail 盛行(开音节pre, e发字母音)re[ri]review复习report报告repeat复述reboot重启remove去除(开音节re, e发字母音)sten[sən]fasten系牢listen听从hasten赶紧glisten闪耀(字母t不发音)stle[sl]bustle喧闹hustle赶紧rustle沙沙声castle城堡(字母t不发音)ng[ŋ]morning早上evening傍晚swing秋千sing唱歌song歌曲ar[ə]sugar糖dollar美元popular流行的similar相似的familiar 熟悉的(ar在多音节单词末尾发此音)ar[a:]far远的fart放屁par正常park公园bar酒吧bark犬吠mar 损坏mark成绩en[ən]basement地下室accident事故student学生moment片刻fluent流利的ture[tʃə]nature自然future未来picture图片texture质地culture文明ugh[f]cough咳嗽laugh大笑rough粗糙的tough棘手的enough 足够cial[ʃl]racial种族的official官方的special特别的financial财务的beneficial利润的superficial肤浅的。



自然拼读单词表Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UTA am apple cat dad fat bag bad antE bed desk dog egg red betI six big it ink ill fit kit bin pin tipO fox lot mop soft oil offU mum cup fun us ugly upP pen pig pet past present print picnic potB but bus best boring bell bin biggerT ten sit tell top toy tap act insect parentD and dentist dig dog dot dumpling endC can carry cut cap cabK kid ask knock killG get gun gas gift god gumM milk swim many smell map must medic middle himN nest not nose next nod neck tennisF fast fun funny film fan fantastic fitV visit invent vet vest sevenS sing sad sunny Sunday story still second send stand sick self spend stopZ zoo zip zest zoneL long leg lemon lesson living left let little little land lost lip lapR rabbit run rest rubber rapH hand his help hat hill hobby himself hit hot W well windy windmill windbell will win wet J jump job subject join jack jamY boy candy sorry very happy hungry angry unhappyQ(qu) quack quite quick queen quilt quitX fax max box fix sex waxsh fish shop brush shell fresh rubbish wishch much lunch catch sandwich chicken teacherwh when which whitck clock duck back sock stick picka_e face late cake make skate taste classmatename shape take save same lake safe hateGate tape gatekeeper tale whale rasei_e fine five mine bike kite like white tide riselife time bedtime shine inside smile nine dinesize die pie wifeo_e close home stone homework hole smokeu_e cute use mute cube tuneee feel feet sheep sweet meet see need teethweek seed geese weekend keep bee sweeperstreet sweepai tail paint rainy wait mail nail aidea clean ear near dear cream each read tea meatpea east seafood heat sea leaf teach easy team oa road coat boat goalth(x) thank thin math thing bath think path tooth teethth these they this that those them then withtheir thanph phone phonic phlox graph phutoo(short) book good look foot woof wood cook oo(long) cool too roof noon tooth food moonsoon bedroom goose poolss chess boss mess less miss pass mass fussow window yellow show tomorrow own know row follow shadow throw snow flow growar far arm car card farm sharp park starhard art start march garden park partyartist farmer scarf blackboardor north born morning short doctor sport pork fork cornbl blow block blog blond blaze bleedcl club clever class cloth clear clapgl glass glad gleam glory glowpl plane plant plan plastic plate plot plusfl flag flap flash flat fleesl slow sleep slip slide slam slimcr crop cracker craft crab creep crash crossgr grass grape grow grade grand green great greet grain griptr train tree truck treatdr drink dress driver drop driver dreambr bring braveir chair thirsty girl hair bird shirt skirt first their dirtyur our nurse Thursday turn furn hurt turtle burn Churcher sister summer winter flower litter under dinner temper singer after letter hers butter emperorbetter hamburgeror work worker word world mirror actor editor doctor sailor directoray tray ray may day way play say crayon stayyesterday birthday。



cat fat dad mad jam ham tap cap gap map nap rap tab dab jab cab gab nab pat bat tat gat hat mat rat pad bad tad gad fad had bag tag jag gag hag nag wag rag gas has bam tam dam cam ram pan ban tan can fan man ranEe(30)pep rep web pet bet jet get met net wet fed wed peg beg keg hem pen den men bed red ten hen tell dell jell fell hell bell wellkid hid pig big pip tip dip hip nip rip bib dib fib rib pit bit tit kit fit hit nit wit bid did mid rid dig jib gig wig rig dim him rim pin bin tin din gin kin fin win pill bill till dill kill gill fill nill will hill millOo(42)pop bop top mop bob job cob gob fob hob mob rob tot jot cot got pot hot not rot pod cod god hod mod nod rod bog tog dog cog fog hog nog mom don con cop hop dot box foxpup cup pub bub dub hub nub rub but tut jut cut gut hut nut rut bud dud cud mud pug tug dug jug hug rug pus bus bum gum hum mum rum pun gun fun run dull cull gull hull mull null tub cub bug。

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