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In buying a house:买一个房子
Architecture: The structure of the house; how is it put together?
What is it made of?
体系:房屋结构;如何组合在一起?什么材料构成? Positioning: The view the conLeabharlann Baiduumer has of the house; the
5. Helps me take a break (R)
5. Indulgent reward (R) 6. Pure/fresh taste (T) 7. Cheers me up (R) 8. Trusted quality (A)
Top 20 Breakout: Refreshment Authenticity Taste
great Has a fresh taste Taste complements fast food Right balance of sweetness and carbonation
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Localization Findings: Taste
Price of Entry

Does not establish any relationship between the three pillars
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Localizing the Global Position

Research in six countries (representing a range of development/competition): U.S.A., Mexico, Belgium, Hungary, China, Indonesia 在六个国家调查(发展中国家/发达国家):美国、墨西哥、比利 时、匈牙利、中国、印尼 First, in-depth qualitative to generate expressions, images, words that consumers use to talk about Coca-Cola and other RTD beverages 首先,在发展中国家定性研究,消费者如何评价可口可乐和竞品 ,通过生成公式、图像、词语来描述 Second, quantitative study using consumer articulations from qualitative round; factor analyzed across 204 dimensions to identify most influential category (RTD) and Coca-Cola drivers (those that correlate most highly with consumption) 第二,定量研究正在消费的人群

Refreshment dimensions (combinations of similar articulations) are the most influential category (RTD) drivers Authenticity dimensions are the most influential drivers from Coca-Cola currently

局部品牌定位 Key Insights核心洞察
The three pillars of the original architecture -- taste, authenticity, refreshment -- are relevant and consistent with consumer perceptions of Coca-Cola across markets
The most trusted最大的信任 Cannot be copied无法仿制的 Has real cola taste具有真可乐的口感 Gives me ice cold refreshment让我冰爽并恢复精力
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Localizing the Brand Position:
Top 20 Most Influential Dimensions: Coca-Cola
1. Complements food (T) 2. Great taste (T) 3. Cola taste (T) 11. Unique/distinctive taste (T) 12. Established heritage (A) 13. Medicinal properties (R)
Open Opportunities: Influential drivers of the category
not owned by any brand.
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Localization Findings: Taste
Price of Entry
Price of Entry: Influential drivers for both the RTD
category and for Coca-Cola.
Brand Advantages: Influential drivers for which
Coca-Cola significantly exceeds all competitors.
Key components of the brand
品牌的关键要素 Organization of the components 各要素的组合 How components are dimensionalized 各要素是如何作用的
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Architecture vs. Positioning: The House Model 体系vs.定位
13. Eases digestion (R)
14. Never changes (A) 15. Unique/distinctive taste (T) 15. Makes me feel closer to people (R) 16. Part of a group (R)
10 5 5
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Top 20 Breakout: Authenticity Taste Refreshment
14. Pure/fresh taste (T)
15. Unduplicated (A) 16. Indulgent reward (R) 17. Never changes (A) 18. Trusted quality (A) 19. Genuine/real/authentic (A) 20. Timeless (A)
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Previous Architecture早先的体系
Real Cola Taste 真的可乐味道

Refreshment (for)
Body Satisfies a thirst Deep down refreshment Goes well with food Energizes Mind Stimulates Invigorates Spirit Rejuvenates Uplifts Revitalizes

Coca-Cola Advantages
Tastes great Has a fresh taste Taste complements fast food Right balance of sweetness and carbonation
taste Unforgettable taste Immediately recognizable taste Unique cola flavor Perfect cola taste Real cola taste Sweet refreshing flavor Flavor all its own
10 6 4
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Localizing the Brand Position: Identifying Opportunity
Using the quantitative data, the 204 dimensions were classified into three categories:

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Top 20 Most Influential Dimensions: RTDs
1. Great taste (T) 2. Leadership (A) 2. Cools/refreshes me (R) 3. Part of our lives (A) 4. Energizes (R) 9. Complements food (T) 10. Family routine (R) 11. Self-renewal (R) 11. Genuine/real/authentic (A) 12. Indefinable/unforgettable (T)
appearance, the overall impression it leaves.
Localizing: Taking that same structure, the same impression, and giving it
a local twist.
Coca-Cola Architecture
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What is Architecture?

The construction of the brand in the consumer抯 mind 在消费者心里建立品牌联系

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Examples of Articulations清晰度的例子

Gives me a treat请我吃个饭

Great tasting很棒的口味
Has a flavor all its own具有它所拥有的所有风味
Renews me/recharges me让我焕发一新/让我充满精力

Special relationships Coca-Cola moments Genuine things Always part of your life Folklore
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Recognizes the significance of...认识到它们的意 义 Taste口味 Refreshment恢复活力 Authenticity真切性 ...as key brand components 关键品牌要素 Places equal importance on all three给与三个方 面同样的重要性
4. Part of our lives (A)
5. Leadership (A) 6. Is for all people/everybody (A) 7. The real cola/the standard (A) 8. Right sweetness/balance (T) 9. Cools/refreshes me (R) 10. Family routine (R)

111-year-old secret recipe Enduring values

Burn and bite at the back of your throat 喉咙有焦味 Big, bold cola flavor 重而粗的可乐风味 Ice cold 冰冻的 Carbonation 碳酸的