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1. We’ve published some very impressive articles, each month somehow surpassing the quality and depth of the previous month’s edition.

2. Our creative and talented staff won five writing awards and seven photographic awards. This year some 119,000 people subscribed to our magazine.

3. About six years ago we had an idea for a nature-oriented magazine, but we all had doubts about the general acceptance of the idea, whether there would be enough interest from people to sustain us.

4. Today, it’s a wonderful feeling to know that we have succeeded, and everyone here shares the credit for making this magazine what it has become.

5. While it is a formidable task for us all, I’m sure that next year at this time we’ll have more awards, and more subscribers, and feel an even greater sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

1. 会议期间,来自不同国家和地区的专家、学者畅所欲言、各抒己见,积极为搞好老城保护和更新献计献策。(10%)

During the meeting, the experts and scholar from different countries and areas speak out their minds and offer suggestions to help the ancient city preserve and renew.

2. 在此,我代表市委、市政府对各位专家的辛勤劳动表示衷心的感谢。(10%)

Here, on behalf of Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, I would express my sincere thanks to every hardworking expert.

3.龙城是座古老而美丽的城市,已有2500年的建城史,是国务院公布的首批历史文化名城。(10%) Longcheng, an ancient and beautiful city, has had 2, 500 years’ history, being one of the first batch of historical and cultural cities which the State Council announced.

4. 这座城市最大的特色在于它有丰厚的文化内涵,其中精髓在老城。(10%)

The greatest characteristic of this city is its rich cultural connotations, and its essence is in the ancient city.


This is the heritage from our ancestors and precious resources. She belongs to Longcheng, to China, even to all over the world.



1. Today, in almost every industry in almost every part of the world there are many examples of enterprises applying information technology to increase their competitiveness.


2. I think we’re seeing this technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a small group of skilled professionals.


3. Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has already reached the point where we can call it a new mass medium.


4. Less than 5 years after the birth of the Internet, some 90 million people are online around the world, and that number will soon be hundreds of millions.
