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What is a summary?

A summary is a short piece of writing that gives the main facts or ideas of a story or article,etc. The qualities of a good summary?

It should be objective,that is,the writer does not include any ideas of his/her own.

It should be complete ,that is,the writer does not leave out important facts or ideas.

It should be balanced,in other words,the writer gives equal attention to each main idea.

The goal of a summary?

It is to give readers an objective,complete,accurate and balanced view of something(an article,a story ,a novel,a play,etc)

Paragraph unity

A unified paragraph contains only sentences that explain or support the general statement made in the topic sentence.Any sentence that does not relate to (=is not connected in some way)the main idea will not develop it.

How to achieve paragraph unity?

Begin with a discussable point and express it in a topic sentence.

Stick to this single point throughout,that is,all other sentence should be about this point.

Prove or develop the point;don’t merely repeat it.

Link your sentence to make your ideas easy to follow.

How to outline (=to give the main facts about something) a story?

Divide the story into smaller parts.

Summarize each part in one sentence.

Number your sentence summaries to make them an outline of the story.

What is a narrative paragraph?

A narrative paragraph is one that briefly describes an incident or a personal experience. Requirements that a good narrative paragraph should meet?

Though its length is limited,it is complete,that is,it has a beginning,middle and end.

It includes as little conversation as possible.

Its sentences are connected by suitable linking words or expressions.

Here are some common time linking words/expressions.

Afterward later when shortly afterward soon while the next day/night then Paragraph coherence(Coherence is connection )

A coherent paragraph is one in which every sentence after the first is connected to the one before it,to the topic sentence ,or to both ,and readers can readily follow the writer’s train of thought(= a related series of thoughts)

An incoherence paragraph is one in which the sentences are badly connected or not connected at all,and the readers are likely to lose their way.

How to achieve paragraph coherence?

Arrange sentence in a clear order.

Use correct pronouns

Use correct linking words and expressions.

What is exposition?

Exposition is explanatory writing.Its purpose is to explain or clarify a point.

Patterns of exposition

