


冠词专项训练(定冠词:t h e,不定冠词:a、a n,零冠词)

l. Rome was not built in ______ day.

2. Jim is ______ honest boy. We all like him.

3. —Can ______ child finish the job?

—No, at least two children can.

4. We have a music class once ______ week

5. It's ____ pleasure to talk with you.

6. ______ hundred and twenty people attended the meeting.

7. I'd like ______ coffee and two beers.

8. Come in,or you'll catch ______ bad cold.

9. Li Lei, take _____ medicine . Three times _____ day.

10. He bought _____ new house. I have been to _____ house.

11. This is _____ umbrella that I lost yesterday.

12. _____ rich are not always happier than _____ poor.

13. _____ man/Man is _____ only animal who can talk.

14. Autumn is _____ best season in Beijing. Many people from all over the world come here in autumn.

15. Do you know _____ girl in red?

16. _____ fifth lesson is very easy.

17. Lucy is _____ taller of the two girls.

18. I like playing _____ violin, while he likes playing _____ football.

19. Look, all _____ books are here now.

20. June lst is _____ Children's Day.

21. Tom works as _____ worker in the restaurant and he is paid by

_____ hour.

22. _____ Greens live next the door.

23. _____ music/Music can bring people pleasure.

24. I have visited many cities since _____ September 2007.

25. She is not so smart _____ girl as I thought.

26. Could you tell me _____ answer to the question? I can't work it out myself.

27. In the United States, _____ Father's Day falls on _____ third Sunday in June.

28. I like _____ chemistry though it's a bit difficult.

29. Wendy was made _____ monitor for this month.

30. _____ doctor/Doctor, I'm not feeling myself today.

31. What do you usually have for _____ breakfast?

32. Today, I have _____ special breakfast.

33. I was ill _____ last week.

34. Did you go there by _____ ship or by air?

35. —Did you enjoy your stay in Shenzhen?

— Yes. I had _____wonderful time.

36. Two birds were sitting in _____tree not far from the airport.

37. _____ China is _____ old country with _____ long history.

38. _____ Changjiang River is one of _____ longest rivers in _____ world.

39. He dreamed _____ sweet dream last night.

40. Some old men play _____ chess under the tree every evening.



1. Japan lies _____ east of China.

A.The B.An C.A D. /

2. _____ wounded and _____ sick must be taken to _____ hospital at once.

A. The; the; a B./; /; the

C. The; the;/

D. The;/; the

3. This is _____ only expensive dress I've got.

A. a

B. an

C. the D. /

4. —Will you get there by _____ train?

—No, I'll take _____ taxi.

A. /; a

B. a; the

C. /;/

D. the; a

5. —It's _____ nice day, isn't it?

—Yes, what _____ fine weather!

A. a; a

B. the; the

C. a;/

D. the;/

6.What _____ exciting football matchl Our team beat Tom's team at last.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

7. The differences between _____ are not clear.

A. the town and the country

B. a town and the country

C. town and country

D. a town and a country

8.Jim is now making _____ kite.He is going to fly _____ kite after lunch.

A. a; a

B. a; the

C. the; the

D. the; a
