精密电器清洁剂 CO Contact Cleaner说明书
![精密电器清洁剂 CO Contact Cleaner说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/af9e3ee9dc3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b171b015.png)
化学品安全技术说明书根据GB/T 16483-2008标准和GB/T 17519-2013标准编写精密电器清洁剂CO Contact Cleaner2.0版本生效日期:2014年10月28日修订时间:2017年08月01日1. 化学品及企业标识1.1 产品的确认产品名:精密电器清洁剂化学品英文名:CO Contact Cleaner其他名称:-产品代码:PR02016C产品的识别信息:参见第3部分1.2 产品的推荐用途与限制用途1.2.1 推荐用途:精密电器清洁剂1.2.2 限制用途:未知1.3 供应商的具体信息名称:希安斯贸易(上海)有限公司地址:中国上海市静安区武宁南路488号1710室,邮编200042 联系人(电子邮箱):-固定电话:+86 (0)21 6236 6035传真:Website:-1.4应急咨询电话(24h):+86 (0)532-838890901-703-527-3887 (International)2. 危险性概述紧急情况概述:极易燃气溶胶。
2.1物质或混合物的分类2.1.1 GHS危险性分类:物理危险气溶胶类别1健康危险急性经皮肤毒性皮肤腐蚀/刺激生殖毒性(生育能力)吸入危害特异性靶器官系统毒性一次接触类别5类别3类别2类别1类别3 麻醉效应特异性靶器官系统毒性反复接触类别2(神经系统,皮肤,眼睛,生殖系统)环境危险其他不影响分类的危害性对水生环境的危害-急性危害对水生环境的危害-长期危害未分类类别2类别22.2 标签要素象形图:警示词:危险危险性说明:极易燃气溶胶。
长期或重复接触可能对器官(神经系统, 眼睛, 皮肤, 呼吸系统) 造成伤害。
清洁剂 KRONES colclean EV 60 化学品安全技术说明书
![清洁剂 KRONES colclean EV 60 化学品安全技术说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/69bd6a7642323968011ca300a6c30c225901f0c2.png)
化学品安全技术说明书产品名称: 清洁剂 KRONES colclean EV60修订日期: 2020年08月20日最初编制日期: 2020年08月20日依据GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制版本: 1.0第 1 部分化学品及企业标识化学名称 (中文名): 清洁剂 KRONES colclean EV 60化学名称 (英文名) : Cleaning agent KRONES colclean EV 60企业名称: KIC KRONES Internationale Cooperationsgesellschaft mbH 地址: Böhmerwaldstraße 5邮政编码: 93073 Neutraubling电话号码: +49-940170-3020传真: +49-940170-3696电子邮件地址: ******************进口商: KRONES Trading (Taicang) Co. Ltd.地址: No. 9 Ning Bo Dong Lu邮编: 215400 Taicang Jiangsu Suzhou电话号码: +86 512 5373 9300电子邮件地址: **************.com应急咨询电话: +86 400 120 6011 (NCEC, National Chemical EmergencyService)0532-8388-9090 (NRCC National Registration Centre forChemicals)建议用途: 用作清洁剂。
使用限制: 无相关信息。
第 2 部分危险性概述紧急情况概述无色液体,轻微的气味。
GHS 分类物理性危险: 易燃液体类别4健康危害: 吸入危害类别1上述未涉及的其他危险性,分类不适用或无法分类标签要素象形图 (GHS CN) :警示词 (GHS-CN) : 危险。
sMICROMASTER Eco &MIDIMASTER Eco参考手册HV AC-专用变频器0.75kW~315kWECO 参考手册1内容第1 部分1. 安全性和规则1-1第2 部分2. 简介2-1产品描述及应用2-1Eco 操作指导手册2-1Eco 参考手册2-1第3 部分3. 变频器运行的原理3-1简介3-1变速传动装置3-1变频器3-4第4 部分4. Eco 系列产品的优点4-1节能4-1控制和调节4-1内置PID 调节4-1噪声4-1磨损及破损4-2装置的合理性4-2带RS485 串行通讯的扩展能力4-2第5 部分5. 技术概括及总表5-1标准特性5-1技术特性5-2选件5-9第6 部分6.节能程序6-1能量控制优化(P077) 6-1第7 部分7. 脉宽调制(PWM) 输出方案7-1 低电机噪声下的开关频率7-1第8 部分8. Eco 选择标准—尺寸,类型等8-1 总体考虑8-1电源侧要求8-1电源容量8-1电源波动8-2未接地电源8-3低频噪声8-3MICROMASTER Eco 8-3MIDIMASTER Eco 8-3对于所有产品的电磁兼容性限制8-3电机限额8-6负载考察8-8可变转矩应用8-9其它负载8-10环境要求8-11IP 保护等级8-11ECO 参考手册2第9 部分9. 机械安装9-1安全信息和环境要求9-2间隔和尺寸—MICROMASTER Eco 9-3间隔和尺寸—MIDIMASTER Eco 9-5第10 部分10. 电气安装10-1安全信息和总体指南10-1电源和电机的连接—MIDIMASTER Eco 10-2 电源和电机的连接—MICROMASTER Eco 10-4 推荐的保险丝及其额定值10-7旋转方向10-8星型或三角形电机连接10-8多电机连接10-8电机过载保护10-8MICROMASTER Eco 10-9MIDIMASTER Eco 10-9第11 部分11. 应用实例11-1第12 部分12. 电磁兼容性指南12-1电磁兼容性(EMC) 12-1电磁干扰(EMI) 12-6将电磁干扰效应减至最小的接线指南12-7框架尺寸4-7 12-9第13 部分13. 编程13-1键盘13-1双列式选择开关DIP 13-1参数类型13-2参数范围13-2选择参数并改变其数值13-3显示模式参数13-3基本模式参数13-5专家模式参数13-8故障码13-27PID 过程控制13-29硬件设置13-29参数设置13-30PID 闭环控制13-31第14 部分14.额定值降低信息14-1热保护和自动降低额定值14-1最大电机电缆长度14-1在升高温度下的最大输出电流—可变转矩应用14-3在带长的未屏蔽电缆情况下的最大输出电流—可变转矩应用14-4 在带长屏蔽电缆情况下的最大输出电流—可变转矩应用14-5与海拔相应的电压和电流额定值降低14-6ECO 参考手册3第15 部分15. 选件15-1文本显示操作面板OPE 15-2EMC 滤波器15-5输入EMC 滤波器序列号15-7滤波器的安装15-9谐波输入电抗器15-18谐波输入电抗器序列号15-204EP 三相电抗器15-24输出电抗器15-28输出电抗器序列号15-30输出电抗器的安装15-31输出电抗器(铁芯) 15-31输出电抗器(铁氧体芯) 15-32输出电抗器(铁氧体芯) 15-33dv/dt 输出滤波器15-34dv/dt 输出滤波器的安装15-35第16 部分16. 范围16-1内容表16-21. 总体说明16-32. 设计16-33. 质量保证及标准16-44. 性能要求16-45. 基本参数设置16-56. 专家/先进参数设置16-57. 保护功能及其特性16-68. 控制信号16-69. 通讯16-710. 电源系统的谐波16-711. 电磁兼容性(EMC) 16-812. 输出电抗器16-813. 调试及记录16-914. 优选16-9第17 部分17. 您的参数设置17-1参数总表17-2请遵守所有的与高压安装工作有关的总体和部分安装规则及安全规则,以及和正确使用工具及个人保护性设备有关的规定.注意以下端子可能带有危险性的电压,即使当变频器不运行时:电源端L/L1, N/L2 和L3 (MICROMASTER Eco.) L1, L2 和L3 (MIDIMASTER Eco.)电机端子U, V, W直流回路端B+/DC+ 和B-(MICROMASTER Eco.) DC+ 和DC-(MIDIMASTER Eco.)该装置能够提供符合UL508C 的42 节的电机内部过负载热保护.请参考P074. 也可以用一个外部的正温度系数的热敏电阻PTC.(参考电气安装部分)该装置适合于在能够输出不大于100000 安培对称电流的电路中应用,最大电压230/460V,反时限保险丝进行保护**各细节在9.1 和10.7 节中.不要使用高于变频器额定功率的电机,或低于变频器额定功率一半的电机.只能当P083 中的额定电流符合电机铭牌上的额定电流时才能运行变频器.在电机起动之前,输入电机铭牌参数(P080-P085) 并且进行一次自动校验(P088).如果不做的话,就有可能出现不稳定/未预料的电机运行状态(如反转).如果出现此不稳定情况,必须将变频器的电源断开.当应用模拟输入时,拔位开关DIP 必须正确设置,且模拟输入类型必须在用P006 进行模拟输入使能之前加以选择(P023),如果不进行此项操作,电机可能会突然起动.1. 安全性和规则在将此装置安装并投入运行之前,请仔细阅读这些安全指南和警告.并请阅读和遵循所有贴到此设备上的警告标志.确保警告标签处于可视状态并将任何丢失和损坏的标签加以替换.警告该设备中包含危险电压,并且控制的是危险的旋转机械部件,如果不遵守此手册中的指南,就会发生死亡,严重的个人损伤或财产损坏.只有经过适当培训的人员才能够对此装置进行操作,且只能在对所有安全指南,此手册中包含的安装,运行和维护过程熟悉之后进行.只能运用永久接线的输入电源连接.此设备必须接地. (按照IEC 536 类1,NEC 和其它可应用的标准)如果需要电流运行保护装置,只能应用B 类残余电流运行保护装置.在电源切断后,在打开此装置之前必须等候至少5 分钟.即使当电源去除之后,直流回路的电容器仍然保持充电为危险电压.当对去除端盖的装置进行操作时,注意通电部分是暴露的,不要触摸这些部位.不要将带三相电源并安装有电磁兼容性滤波器的装置通过有对地漏电流的断路器连接到电源上. (有对地漏电流的断路器—见DIN VDE 0160, 6.5 部分)注意有些参数设置可能会造成变频器在断电后又重新恢复时自动地重新起动.不要将此装置用作"紧急停车"装置.(见EN 60204,安全性和规则ECO 参考手册1-1ECO 参考手册安全性和规则1-2欧洲低电压规程MICROMASTER Eco 和MIDIMASTER Eco 的产品范围符合经93/68/EEC 修正的低压规程73/23/EEC 的要求.各部件经校验符合以下标准:EN60146-1-1 半导体器件变频器—一般要求EN60204-1 机械及其电气设备的安全性欧洲机械规程MICROMASTER Eco 和MIDIMASTER Eco 的产品范围并不在机械规程的范围之内.但是,当应用于典型的机械应用场合时,该产品已经被全面进行了评价,以符合规程中所必须的健康和安全要求.如果需要,可以得到符合规范的声明.欧洲电磁兼容性规程当根据此手册中所推荐的方法进行安装时, MICROMASTER Eco 和MIDIMASTER Eco 的所有产品范围都符合由用于功率装置系统的电磁兼容性产品标准EN 61800-3 所规定的电磁兼容性规程的所有要求.注意不要允许小孩或一般人员接触此装置.不要将此装置安装在可能遭受冲击,抖动,电磁射线,水患或有诸如粉尘或腐蚀性气体类空气污染的地方.将操作指南放在容易接触的地方,并将他们给所有的用户.只能将此装置用于由制造者指定的用途.不要进行任何修改,或安装任何没有出售或没有经制造商推荐的部件,这样可能造成火灾,电击或其它伤害.所列的UL 和CUL 功率转换设备可用于污染度为2的环境中.ISO9001西门子产品符合ISO9001 质量管理系统Eco 运行指导手册Eco 运行指导手册(必须和此手册联合阅读) 给出了设备安装和编程的基本信息,以及控制风机和水泵电机的功能.该手册针对供暖,通风和空调安装的技术员和电气工程师进行现场的工作调试,且试图给出一个快速, 直接的指南来安装且对Eco 单元进行简易操作.Eco 参考手册该手册—Eco 参考手册可由大范围的供暖,通风和空调专业人员使用.例如,Eco 参考手册可由楼宇自动化工程师用来规划他们的设备和布线方案,并且估计他们的材料需求.它还可被供暖,通风和空调顾问用作将他们标书规格的相应部分联系起来.Eco 参考手册还对电气柜制造商,楼宇自动化工程师,质量检测/评估人员,电气工程经理和维护承包商有用.2. 简介产品描述及应用MICROMASTER Eco 和MIDIMASTER Eco 提供了特殊开发的用于供暖,通风和空调工业的一系列变频调速控制器.主要的设计特点包括:自动能量优化电机过载热保护产品最小化可听噪音的自动开关频率优化电机定额的充分应用起动时的自动电机测定接地故障保护短路保护内置式电抗器允许电机电缆长至150 米具有对泵或风机速度很容量控制的能力,使其能够对过程进行更好的调节和控制,这样就能够对房间温度和个人舒适水平进行最佳化.Eco 系列的产品将安装和调试的简易以及维护和运行费用的低廉结合起来.另外,特定的供暖,通风和空调产品功能(和类似的面向"高技术"多种应用的产品相比) 意味着产品的成本能够降到最小,且用户无须为并不需要的功能进行付费.日常的运行费用能够得到急剧的降低—在某些应用中高至60%.能量的消耗和相应的辐射也减至最低的可能水平.简介ECO 参考手册2-1变频器运行的原理ECO 参考手册3-1现代交流感应电机简单,成本低,可靠,且在整个世界上都得到了广泛的应用.为控制交流感应电机的速度,就需要一种更加复杂的控制器,即能够变频且变压的控制器,这通常被叫作变频器.感应电机为理解一台变频器如何工作,首先必须懂得感应电机如果工作.一台异步感应电机的工作就象变压器.当定子(固定的,外部绕组) 被连接到三相电源时,一个按照所设电源频率旋转的磁场便建立起来.3. 变频器运行的原理简介本手册这一节的意图是想帮助变速传动装置的首次用户来理解基本的运行原理,并且对MICROMASTER Eco 类的变速传动装置的成功安装和应用得到一些深入的理解.变速转动一套变速传动系统包括一台电机和某种类型的速度控制器.历史早期的电气变速传动包括交流和直流电机的机组,它们被用作旋转式交流到直流的转换器.直流电源被用作通过控制直流发电机的励磁电流来改变加到直流电机上直流电压,以使直流电机运行到不同的速度.最早的电子控制器用晶闸管整流器来控制电压,以控制直流电机的速度.这些直流传动装置现在仍旧被广泛应用着,并且具有非常复杂的控制性能.然而,直流电机是庞大,贵重的设备,并且需要周期性的电刷维护. 简化的感应电机模型—横截面定子绕组气隙转子轴ECO 参考手册变频器运行的原理3-2该电磁场穿过在定子和转子之间的气隙,在转子绕组中产生电流.这样,当电流和变化的磁场进行作用时, 就产生了对转子的作用力(转矩),使转子进行旋转.如果绕组的极对数增加,磁场的旋转频率就减小.(即两极= 50/60Hz=3000/3600rpm, 而四极=50/60Hz=1500/1800rpm)然而,如果转子按照旋转磁场同样的速度旋转,就不会产生感应的磁场,也就没有转矩.由于转子电流必须被用于产生输出转矩,转子就总是比旋转磁场转得慢一些.速度上的这种差异被称为转差率,一般为3% 左右.电机的速度取决于所加电源的频率,以及绕组的排列,在某种程度上也取决于负载.这样,为了控制电机的速度,必须控制电源的频率.如果频率被降低,则电压必须被降低,否则定子电流和磁通就会很高,电机的磁场就会饱和.因此,电压必须同时被控制.如果频率被升高至超过额定值,一般来说电压必须升高才能维持最大磁通;这一般是不可能的,所以在高速(即速度超过电源频率) 时,就得到了较小的转矩.感应电机的转矩速度特性转矩失步(最大) 转矩额定工作点变频运行速度转差率基本以上的转矩下降这样,为了控制标准交流电机的速度,必须控制所加电源的频率和电压.将标准的感应电机和变频速度控制器一起使用能构成一台价格合理的速度控制系统.转矩磁通,电压转矩容量速度(x50/60)变频器运行的原理ECO 参考手册3-3ECO 参考手册变频器运行的原理3-4变频器一台能够将直流电流转换为交流电流的电子转换器被称为逆变器.交流电机的电子速度控制器通常用一整流器将交流电源转换为直流,然后用逆变桥将其再转换为变频,变压的交流电源.整流器和逆变器之间的连接叫做直流回路.速度控制器(通常被称为变频器) 的框图如下所示:变频器方块图整流器直流回路逆变器电源三相电源被输入全波整流器,以供给直流回路的电容器电压.电容器能够降低电压波动(尤其在单相应用时),且在短时间的电源断路情况下能够继续提供能量.加到电容器上的电压是不可控的,且取决于交流电源电压的峰值.直流电压运用脉宽调制(PWM) 技术被转换为交流.理想的波形通过输出晶体管(绝缘栅极晶体管IGBT) 在固定频率(开关频率) 下的开关切换而建立.通过改变IGBT 的开关时间,能够得到理想的电流.输出电压仍为一系列的方波脉冲,电机绕组的电感使其变成正弦的电机电流.脉宽调制如下所示:MICROMASTER Eco 和MIDIMASTEREco 是三相的.脉宽调制测试结果图电流电压时间OV变频器运行的原理ECO 参考手册3-5Eco 变频器的优点ECO 参考手册4-1内置PID 调节运用标准比例,积分,微分控制的闭环过程控制.为反馈传感器提供了15V, 50mA 的电源.噪声通过减少以下参量,能够减轻噪声:电机和风扇转速.空气流动速度.平衡风门被调在更加开放的位置.减少周期性的开/关动作,以免产生比连续运行更高,更坏的噪声.4. Eco 变频器的优点节能Eco 系列变频器在以下领域提供了相当的节能潜力. 空气流动需求能够和所要求的精确对应.最佳的系统调整意味着需要少的能量/功率.减少了对空气清洁滤除器的更换需求.控制和调节Eco 系列变频器在系统控制和调节上具有下列优点: 由于Eco 能够精确跟随设定点,所以给出了更好的系统控制功能.给出了运用标准比例,积分,微分控制的闭环过程控制.对预设参数减少的超调提供了最佳化的舒适程度.在过滤器被堵塞时,进行自动系统补偿.功率(kW)节能潜量固定速度风门调节Eco流量(m3/m)设定点反馈传感器PID 控制Eco PID .控制器ECO 参考手册Eco 变频器的优点4-2设备的合理性运用Eco 系列变频器能够显著减少系统元件的数额, 并且一般能够提供更加有效的空间:机械元件可以被省略,包括风门,执行器.(以及运用串行通讯进行的扩展.)能够使电气接触器,控制和过载继电器,端子和PID模块的运用减少.另外,减小了控制板的复杂度,以及接线和劳力的费用.用RS485 串行通讯后的扩展能力通过RS485 串行连接,及采用USS 通讯协议,其远程控制能力能够达到31 台变频器.磨损和破损Eco 逆变器能够使维护和运行费用的大大减少成为可能.更少的停止/起动次数意味着减少了机械磨损.延长了设备的寿命,并且少数的元器件只需要更小的维护等级.空气流通量的减少意味着清洁次数的减少.对消耗性元件,如风扇带,电机轴承和风扇轴承的更换需求的减少.100%Eco起动转矩直接在线转矩(Nm)起动转矩速度(rpm)技术概括及总表ECO 参考手册5-15. 技术概括及总表MICROMASTER Eco 和MIDIMASTER Eco 变频器可以用于世界上任何一个地方,这样,该类变频器就能适用于很宽的电源电压范围:3 相208-240V+/-10%3相380-460/480/500V+/-10%3相525-575V+/-15% (只对MIDIMASTER Eco)标准特性程序安装和调试方便.快速电流限制,可靠的无跳闸操作.能够到50° C 的范围运行.(对于MIDIMASTER Eco 为0-40°C)出厂参数设置已经按照欧洲,亚洲和北美洲的需求预先编好.输出频率(及电机速度) 可被以下参量控制:1. 用键盘进行的频率设定2. 高分辨率的模拟设定点(电压或电流输入)3. 外部电位计来控制电机速度4. 通过二进制输入设定8 个固定频率5. 电动电位计功能(用按钮进行速度的上升和下降)6. 串行RS485 接口加速/减速时间.两个完全可编程的继电器输出(13 个功能)完全可编程的模拟输出(1 个用于MICROMASTER Eco, 2 个用于MIDIMASTER Eco).外接可选的多种语言清晰字符显示面板.如果安装了清晰的字符显示面板,就能够显示多组电机的参数.用集成软件控制的冷却风扇.无间隙并排安装(IP20/21 模块).对于MIDIMASTER Eco 变频器,可选IP56 保护.标准开环平方的V/F 控制,对简单的应用如风机和水泵是理想的.所有装置内含PID 控制器用于闭环的系统调节.所有产品利用了相同的,便于应用的标准用户界面,包括按钮和七段码显示.用户友好的无螺钉的接线端用于控制连接.(只对MICROMASTER Eco).RS485 串行接口是标准的,允许上至31 台装置连接到PLC 或楼宇管理系统形成网络.装置能够通过键盘,数字输入或标准RS485 串行接口起动.电机速度设置点能够被运用数字设定点,电动电位计,设定频率,模拟输入或通过RS485 串行界面加以选择.可以进行多种模式控制,允许从不同来源的传动控制和设定点输入.在电源断开或故障恢复之后,装置能够被设为自动起动.参数在不同的产品类型之间是完全兼容的,这样就减少了学习时间.所有装置都根据VDE, UL 和加拿大UL 标准进行了认证,并且根据ISO9001 进行制造.所有装置符合EC 低电压指南73/23/EEC 的要求,并且被授予CE 标志.ECO 参考手册技术概括及总表5-2技术特性变频器MICROMASTER Eco MIDIMASTER Eco输入电压3 相交流208-240V+/-10% 3 相交流208-240V+/-10%3 相交流380-500V+/-10% 3 相交流380-500V+/-10%3 相交流525-575+/-15%功率范围3 相交流208-240V 0.75kW-4.0kW 5.5kW-45kW (1.1kW-45kW) IP563 相交流380-500V 1.1kW-7.5kW 11kW-315kW (3kW-90kW) IP563 相交流525-575V 4kW-45kW (4kW-45kW) IP56保护等级IP20/NEMA1 IP20/NEMA1 或IP56/NEMA4/12或IP20/NEMA1 集成有A 级EMC 滤波器符合电磁兼容性EN55011,A 级3 相交流208-240V背板式滤波器集成或外部滤波器3 相交流380-460V集成或背板式滤波器集成或外部滤波器3 相交流525-575V未提供未提供符合电磁兼容性EN55011,B 级3 相交流208-240V背板式滤波器外部滤波器3 相交流380-460V背板式滤波器外部滤波器3 相交流525-575V未提供未提供温度范围0-50 度0-40 度,或在更高的温度下降额,见14 部分控制方法能量控制优化Eco 模式或多电机模式保护特征欠压,过压,过负载,短路,接地故障,电机失步,电机超温,装置超温最长电机电缆长度见14 部分见14 部分过载能力150%, 60 秒110%, 60 秒数字输入6 个,可设定6 个,可设定固定频率88继电器输出2 个,可设定2 个,可设定(230 伏交流/1.0A) (230 伏交流/1.0A)模拟量输入22模拟量输出1 个,可设定2 个,可设定串行接口RS485动力制动复合制动复合制动制动直流制动直流过程控制PID PID技术概括及总表ECO 参考手册5-3MICROMASTER Eco 3ph 380-500V±10% IP20/NEMA1产品电机额定输出电流输入电流H x W x D重量订货号功率400V 500V(kW) (A) (A) (A) (mm) (kg)ECO1-110/3 1.1 3.0 2.6 4.9 147 x 73 x 141 0.95 6SE9513-0DA40ECO1-150/3 1.5 4.0 3.6 5.9 147 x 73 x 141 0.95 6SE9514-5DA40ECO1-220/3 2.2 5.9 5.3 8.8 184 x 149 x 172 1.6 6SE9516-0DB40ECO1-300/3 3.0 7.7 6.9 11.1 184 x 149 x 172 1.6 6SE9517-7DB40ECO1-400/3 4.0 10.2 9.1 13.6 215 x 185 x 195 3.6 6SE9521-0DB40ECO1-550/3 5.5 13.2 11.8 17.1 215 x 185 x 195 3.6 6SE9521-3DC40ECO1-750/3 7.5 17.0 15.2 22.1 215 x 185 x 195 3.6 6SE9521-7DC40 MICROMASTER Eco IP20/NEMA1 (集成有A 级EMC 滤波器) 3ph 380-480V±10% IP20/NEMA1产品电机额定输出电流输入电流H x W x D重量订货号功率400V 480V(kW) (A) (A) (A) (mm) (kg)ECO1-220/3 2.2 5.9 5.3 8.8 184 x 149 x 172 2.4 6SE9516-0DB50ECO1-300/3 3.0 7.7 6.9 11.1 184 x 149 x 172 2.4 6SE9517-7DB50ECO1-400/3 4.0 10.2 9.1 13.6 215 x 185 x 195 4.8 6SE9521-0DC50ECO1-550/3 5.5 13.2 11.8 17.1 215 x 185 x 195 4.8 6SE9521-3DC50ECO1-750/3 7.5 17.0 15.2 22.1 215 x 185 x 195 4.8 6SE9521-7DC50 MICROMASTER Eco 3ph 208-240V±10% IP20/NEMA1产品电机额定输出电流输入电流H x W x D重量订货号功率(1 rms)(A)(kW) (A) 3ph (mm) (kg)ECO1-75/2 0.75 3.9 4.7 147 x 73 x 141 0.95 6SE9513-8CA40EC01-110/2 1.1 5.5 6.4 184 x 149 x 172 1.9 6SE9515-5CB40EC01-150/2 1.5 7.4 8.3 184 x 149 x 172 1.9 6SE9517-5CB40EC01-220/2 2.2 10.4 11.7 215 x 185 x 195 3.8 6SE9521-0CC40EC01-300/2 3.0 13.6 16.3 215 x 185 x 195 3.8 6SE9521-4CC40EC01-400/2 4.0 17.5 21.1 215 x 185 x 195 3.8 6SE9521-8CC40ECO 参考手册技术概括及总表5-4* 最大电压480V,防护等级IP20MIDIMASTER Eco - IP21/NEMA1 标准3ph 208-240V±10%产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流(A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-550/2 23 5.5 7.5 450 x 275 x 210 11 6SE9522-3CG40ECO1-750/2 28 7.5 10 450 x 275 x 210 11 6SE9522-8CG40ECO1-1100/2 42 11 15 550 x 275 x 285 14.5 6SE9524-2CH40ECO1-1500/2 54 15 20 650 x 275 x 285 26.5 6SE9525-4CH40ECO1-1850/2 68 18.5 25 650 x 275 x 285 26.5 6SE9526-8CJ40ECO1-2200/2 80 22 30 650 x 275 x 285 27 6SE9528-0CJ40ECO1-3000/2 104 30 40 850 x 420 x 310 55 6SE9531-0CK40ECO1-3700/2 130 37 50 850 x 420 x 310 55 6SE9531-3CK40ECO1-4500/2 154 45 60 850 x 420 x 310 55.5 6SE9531-5CK40 MIDIMASTER Eco - IP21 (IP20)/NEMA1 标准3ph 380-(480)/500V±10%产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流400V [500V] (A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-1100/3 23.5 [21] 11 15 450 x 275 x 210 11.5 6SE9522-4DG40ECO1-1500/3 30 [27] 15 20 450 x 275 x 210 12.0 6SE9523-0DG40ECO1-1850/3 37 [34] 18.5 25 550 x 275 x 210 16.0 6SE9523-7DH40ECO1-2200/3 43.5 [40] 22 30 550 x 275 x 210 17.0 6SE9524-3DH40ECO1-3000/3 58 [52] 30 40 650 x 275 x 285 27.5 6SE9525-8DJ40ECO1-3700/3 71 [65] 37 50 650 x 275 x 285 28.0 6SE9527-1DJ40ECO1-4500/3 84 [77] 45 60 650 x 275 x 285 28.5 6SE9528-4DJ40ECO1-5500/3 102 [96] 55 75 850 x 420 x 310 57.0 6SE9531-0DK40ECO1-7500/3 138 [124] 75 100 850 x 420 x 310 58.5 6SE9531-4DK40ECO1-9000/3 168 [152] 90 125 850 x 420 x 310 60.0 6SE9531-7DK40ECO1-110K/3* 210 110 150 1480 x 508 x 480 155 6SE9532-1EL40ECO1-132K/3* 260 132 200 1480 x 508 x 480 155 6SE9532-6EL40ECO1-160K/3* 315 160 250 1480 x 508 x 480 155 6SE9533-2EL40ECO1-200K/3* 370 200 300 1480 x 508 x 480 155 6SE9533-7EL40ECO1-250K/3* 510 250 350 2230 x 870 x 680 510 6SE9535-1EM40ECO1-315K/3* 590 315 400 2230 x 870 x 680 510 6SE9536-0EM40技术概括及总表ECO 参考手册5-5MIDIMASTER Eco - IP21 (IP20)/NEMA1 标准3ph 525-575V±10%产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流(A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-400/4 6.1 4 5 450 x 275 x 210 11.0 6SE9516-1FG40ECO1-550/4 9 5.5 7.5 450 x 275 x 210 11.5 6SE9521-0FG40ECO1-750/4 11 7.5 10 450 x 275 x 210 11.5 6SE9521-1FG40ECO1-1100/4 17 11 15 450 x 275 x 210 11.5 6SE9521-7FG40ECO1-1500/4 22 15 20 450 x 275 x 210 12.0 6SE9522-2FG40ECO1-1850/4 27 18.5 25 550 x 275 x 210 16.0 6SE9522-7FH40ECO1-2200/4 32 22 30 550 x 275 x 210 17.0 6SE9523-2FH40ECO1-3000/4 41 30 40 650 x 275 x 285 27.5 6SE9524-1FJ40ECO1-3700/4 52 37 50 650 x 275 x 285 28.0 6SE9525-2FJ40ECO1-4500/4 62 45 60 650 x 275 x 285 28.5 6SE9526-2FJ40MIDIMASTER Eco - IP20/NEMA1 带集成A 级滤波器3ph 208-240V±10% 产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流(A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-550/2 23 5.5 7.5 700 x 275 x 210 18 6SE9522-3CG50ECO1-750/2 28 7.5 10 700 x 275 x 210 18 6SE9522-8CG50ECO1-1100/2 42 11 15 800 x 275 x 210 21.5 6SE9524-2CH50ECO1-1500/2 54 15 20 920 x 275 x 285 37 6SE9525-4CJ50ECO1-1850/2 68 18.5 25 920 x 275 x 285 37.5 6SE9526-8CJ50ECO1-2200/2 80 22 30 920 x 275 x 285 37.5 6SE9528-0CJ50ECO1-3000/2 104 30 40 1150 x 420 x 310 85 6SE9531-0CK50ECO1-3700/2 130 37 50 1150 x 420 x 310 85.5 6SE9531-3CK50ECO1-4500/2 154 45 60 1150 x 420 x 310 85.5 6SE9531-5CK50ECO 参考手册技术概括及总表5-6MIDIMASTER Eco - IP20/NEMA1 带集成A 级滤波器3ph 380-460V±10% 产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流400V [460V] (A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-1100/3 23.5 [21] 11 15 700 x 275 x 210 18.5 6SE9522-4DG50ECO1-1500/3 30 [27] 15 20 700 x 275 x 210 19 6SE9523-0DG50ECO1-1850/3 37 [34] 18.5 25 800 x 275 x 210 23 6SE9523-7DH50ECO1-2200/3 43.5 [40] 22 30 800 x 275 x 210 24 6SE9524-3DH50ECO1-3000/3 58 [52] 30 40 920 x 275 x 285 38 6SE9525-8DJ50ECO1-3700/3 71 [65] 37 50 920 x 275 x 285 38.5 6SE9527-1DJ50ECO1-4500/3 84 [77] 45 60 920 x 275 x 285 39 6SE9528-4DJ50ECO1-5500/3 102 [96] 55 75 1150 x 420 x 310 87 6SE9531-0DK50ECO1-7500/3 138 [124] 75 100 1150 x 420 x 310 88.5 6SE9531-4DK50ECO1-9000/3 168 [152] 90 125 1150 x 420 x 310 90 6SE9531-7DK50 MIDIMASTER Eco - IP56 (NEMA4/12) 3ph 208-240V±10%产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流(A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-110/2 5.5 1.1 1.5 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9515-5CS45ECO1-150/2 7.4 1.5 2.0 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9517-4CS45ECO1-220/2 10.4 2.2 3.0 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9521-0CS45ECO1-300/2 13.6 3.0 4.0 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9521-4CS45ECO1-400/2 17.5 4.0 5.0 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9521-8CS45ECO1-550/2 23 5.5 7.5 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9522-3CS45ECO1-750/2 28 7.5 10 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9522-8CS45ECO1-1100/2 42 11 15 775 x 360 x 422 39 6SE9524-2CS45ECO1-1500/2 54 15 20 875 x 360 x 483 50 6SE9525-4CS45ECO1-1850/2 68 18.5 25 875 x 360 x 783 53.5 6SE9526-8CS45ECO1-2200/2 80 22 30 875 x 360 x 783 54 6SE9528-0CS45ECO1-3000/2 104 30 40 1150 x 500 x 570 95 6SE9531-0CS45ECO1-3700/2 130 37 50 1150 x 500 x 570 96 6SE9531-3CS45ECO1-4500/2 154 45 60 1150 x 500 x 570 97 6SE9531-5CS45技术概括及总表ECO 参考手册5-7MIDIMASTER Eco - IP56/NEMA4/12/ 带集成A 级滤波器3ph 208-240V±10% 产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流(A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-110/2 5.5 1.1 1.5 675 x 360 x 351 34 6SE9515-5CS55ECO1-150/2 7.4 1.5 2.0 675 x 360 x 351 34 6SE9517-4CS55ECO1-220/2 10.4 2.2 3.0 675 x 360 x 351 34 6SE9521-0CS55ECO1-300/2 13.6 3.0 4.0 675 x 360 x 351 34 6SE9521-4CS55ECO1-400/2 17.5 4.0 5.0 675 x 360 x 351 34 6SE9521-8CS55ECO1-550/2 23 5.5 7.5 675 x 360 x 351 34 6SE9522-3CS55ECO1-750/2 28 7.5 10 675 x 360 x 351 34 6SE9522-8CS55ECO1-1100/2 42 11 15 775 x 360 x 422 43 6SE9524-2CS55ECO1-1500/2 54 15 20 875 x 360 x 483 58 6SE9525-4CS55ECO1-1850/2 68 18.5 25 875 x 360 x 783 61 6SE9526-8CS55ECO1-2200/2 80 22 30 875 x 360 x 783 62 6SE9528-0CS55ECO1-3000/2 104 30 40 1150 x 500 x 570 105 6SE9531-0CS55ECO1-3700/2 130 37 50 1150 x 500 x 570 106 6SE9531-3CS55ECO1-4500/2 154 45 60 1150 x 500 x 570 107 6SE9531-5CS55MIDIMASTER Eco - IP56 (NEMA4/12) 3ph 380-500V±10%产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流400V [500V](A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-300/3 7.7 [6.9] 3 4 675 x 360 x 351 29 6SE9517-7DS45ECO1-400/3 10.2 [9.1] 4 5 675 x 360 x 351 29 6SE9521-0DS45ECO1-550/3 13.2 [11.8] 5.5 7.5 675 x 360 x 351 29 6SE9521-3DS45ECO1-750/3 17 [15.2] 7.5 10 675 x 360 x 351 29 6SE9521-7DS45ECO1-1100/3 23.5 [21] 11 15 675 x 360 x 351 29 6SE9522-4DS45ECO1-1500/3 30 [27] 15 20 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9523-0DS45ECO1-1850/3 37 [34] 18.5 25 775 x 360 x 422 39 6SE9523-7DS45ECO1-2200/3 43.5 [40] 22 30 775 x 360 x 422 40 6SE9524-3DS45ECO1-3000/3 58 [52] 30 40 875 x 360 x 483 50 6SE9525-8DS45ECO1-3700/3 71 [65] 37 50 875 x 360 x 483 52 6SE9527-1DS45ECO1-4500/3 84 [77] 45 60 875 x 360 x 483 54 6SE9528-4DS45ECO1-5500/3 102 [96] 55 75 1150 x 500 x 570 97 6SE9531-0DS45ECO1-7500/3 138 [124] 75 100 1150 x 500 x 570 99 6SE9531-4DS45ECO1-9000/3 168 [152] 90 125 1150 x 500 x 570 100 6SE9531-7DS45ECO 参考手册技术概括及总表5-8MIDIMASTER Eco - IP56/NEMA4/12 带集成A 级滤波器3ph 380-460V±10% 产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流(A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-300/3 7.7 [6.9] 3 4 675 x 360 x 351 33 6SE9517-7DS55ECO1-400/3 10.2 [9.1] 4 5 675 x 360 x 351 33 6SE9521-0DS55ECO1-550/3 13.2 [11.8] 5.5 7.5 675 x 360 x 351 33 6SE9521-3DS55ECO1-750/3 17 [15.2] 7.5 10 675 x 360 x 351 33 6SE9521-7DS55ECO1-1100/3 23.5 [21] 11 15 675 x 360 x 351 33 6SE9522-4DS55ECO1-1500/3 30 [27] 15 20 675 x 360 x 351 34 6SE9523-0DS55ECO1-1850/3 37 [34] 18.5 25 775 x 360 x 422 43 6SE9523-7DS55ECO1-2200/3 43.5 [40] 22 30 775 x 360 x 420 44 6SE9524-3DS55ECO1-3000/3 58 [52] 30 40 875 x 360 x 483 58 6SE9525-8DS55ECO1-3700/3 71 [65] 37 50 875 x 360 x 483 60 6SE9527-1DS55ECO1-4500/3 84 [77] 45 60 875 x 360 x 483 62 6SE9528-4DS55ECO1-5500/3 102 [96] 55 75 1150 x 500 x 570 107 6SE9531-0DS55ECO1-7500/3 138 [124] 75 100 1150 x 500 x 570 109 6SE9531-4DS55ECO1-9000/3 168 [152] 90 125 1150 x 500 x 570 110 6SE9531-7DS55MIDIMASTER Eco - IP56 (NEMA4/12) 3ph 525-575V±10%产品变频器额定电机额定功率H x W x D重量订货号输出电流(A) (kW) (HP) (mm) (kg)ECO1-400/4 6.1 4 5 675 x 360 x 351 28 6SE9516-1FS45ECO1-550/4 9 5.5 7.5 675 x 360 x 351 29 6SE9521-0FS45ECO1-750/4 11 7.5 10 675 x 360 x 351 29 6SE9521-1FS45ECO1-1100/4 17 11 15 675 x 360 x 351 29 6SE9521-7FS45ECO1-1500/4 22 15 20 675 x 360 x 351 30 6SE9522-2FS45ECO1-1850/4 27 18.5 25 775 x 360 x 422 39 6SE9522-7FS45ECO1-2200/4 32 22 30 775 x 360 x 422 40 6SE9523-2FS45ECO1-3000/4 41 30 40 875 x 360 x 483 50 6SE9524-1FS45ECO1-3700/4 52 37 50 875 x 360 x 483 52 6SE9525-2FS45ECO1-4500/4 62 45 60 875 x 360 x 483 54 6SE9526-2FS45技术概括及总表ECO 参考手册5-9选件可从下表中选用一系列特殊设计的选件使MICROMASTER Eco 和MIDIMASTER Eco 变频器功能得到增强.选件订货号防护等级变频器MICROMASTER MIDIMASTEREco EcoEMC 滤波器,用于EN55011A/见15 部分IP20背板式集成或EN61800-3外部连接EMC 滤波器,用于EN55011B见15 部分IP20背板式外部连接多语种的文本显示6SE9590- IP54可供货的可供货的操作面板(OPe) 0XX87-8BF0面板安装电缆附件(3m) 6SE3290- IP20可供货的用于多语种文本显示0XX87-8PK0操作面板(OPe)SIMOVIS 5.2 软件版本数据库,6SE3290- n.a.可供货的用于调试和参数设置,读取/ 0XX87-8SA2下载和存储.接口电缆附件,用于连接PC 机6SE3290- IP20可供货的到文本显示操作面板的RS232 0XX87-8SK0通讯接口.电源输入电抗器见15 部分IP00可供货的可供货的ECO 参考手册技术概括及总表5-10电磁兼容滤波器,用于MICROMASTER Eco (防护等级只有IP20)变频器类型滤波器类型订货号滤波器类型等级ECO1-75/2 - ECO1-110/3 - ECO1-150/3背板式6SE3290-0DA87-0FA1 AECO1-110/2 - ECO1-150/2 - ECO1-220/3 - ECO1-300/3背板式6SE3290-0DB87-0FA3 A ECO1-220/2 - ECO1-300/2 - ECO1-400/2 - ECO1-400/3背板式6SE3290-0DC87-0FA4 A- ECO1-550/3 - ECO1-750/3ECO1-110/3 - ECO1-150/3背板式6SE3290-0DA87-0FB1 BECO1-110/2 - ECO1-150/2 - ECO1-220/3 - ECO1-300/3背板式6SE3290-0DB87-0FB3 B ECO1-220/2 - ECO1-300/2 - ECO1-400/2 - ECO1-400/3背板式6SE3290-0DC87-0FB4 B- ECO1-550/3 - ECO1-750/3注意:某些规格的MICROMASTER Eco 出厂时可能集成有 A 级滤波器—见第 5 部分表格.电磁兼容滤波器,用于MIDIMASTER Eco (防护等级为IP21&IP56)变频器类型滤波器类型订货号滤波器类型等级ECO1-110/2* - ECO1-150/2* - ECO1-300/3* - ECO1-外部滤波器6SE6290-0DG87-0FA5 A 220/2* - ECO1-300/2* - ECO1-400/2* - ECO1-400/3* -ECO1-550/3* - ECO1-750/3* - ECO1-550/2 - ECO1-750/2 - ECO1-1100/3 - ECO1-1500/3ECO1-1100/2 - ECO1-1850/3 - ECO1-2200/3外部滤波器6SE3290-0DH87-0FA5 AECO1-1500/2 - ECO1-1850/2 - ECO1-2200/2 - ECO1-外部滤波器6SE3290-0DJ87-0FA6 A 3000/3 - ECO1-3700/3 - ECO1-4500/3ECO1-3000/2 - ECO1-3700/2 - ECO1-4500/2 - ECO1-外部滤波器6SE3290-DK87-0FA7 A 5500/3 - ECO1-7500/3 - ECO1-9000/3ECO1-110K/3, ECO1-132K/3, ECO1-160K/3外部滤波器6SE7033-2ES87-0FA1 AECO1-200K/3, ECO1-250K/3, ECO1-315K/3外部滤波器6SE7036-0ES87-0FA1 AECO1-110/2* - ECO1-150/2* - ECO1-300/3* - ECO1-外部滤波器6SE2100-1FC20 B220/2* - ECO1-300/2* - ECO1-400/2* - ECO1-400/3* -ECO1-550/3* - ECO1-750/3* - ECO1-550/2 - ECO1-750/2 - ECO1-1100/2 - ECO1-1100/3 - ECO1-500/3 -ECO1-1850/3 - ECO1-2200/3ECO1-1500/2 - ECO1-1850/2 - ECO1-2200/2 - ECO1-外部滤波器6SE2100-1FC21 B300/3 - ECO1-3700/3ECO1-3000/2, ECO1-3700/2, ECO1-4500/2, ECO1-外部滤波器6SE3290-0DK87- B4500/3, ECO1/5500/3, ECO1-7500/3, ECO1-9000/3 0FB7注意:* 表示MIDIMASTER Eco 防护等级只有IP56A 级MIDIMASTER Eco 滤波器可以安装在防护等级为IP56 的MIDIMASTER Eco 装置内.B 级MIDIMASTER Eco 滤波器仅用于外部单机安装.某些规格的MIDIMASTER Eco 出厂时可能集成有A 级滤波器—见第5 部分的表格.技术概括及总表ECO 参考手册5-11用于MIDIMASTER Eco 的电源输入电抗器变频器输入进线电抗器(2%)尺寸重量2%,用于低阻抗电源(H x W x D) mm (kg)208V-240V 50/60HzECO1-75/2 4EP3200-1US 108 x 88.5 x 57.5 0.7ECO1-110/2 4EP3200-1US 108 x 88.5 x 57.5 0.7ECO1-150/2 4EP3400-2US 122 x 124 x 73 1.4ECO1-220/2 4EP3400-1US 122 x 124 x 73 1.4ECO1-300/2 4EP3500-0US 139 x 148 x 68 1.9ECO1-400/2 4EP3600-4US 139 x 148 x 78 2.5ECO1-550/2 4EP3600-5US 139 x 148 x 78 2.8ECO1-750/2 4EP3700-2US 159 x 178 x 73 3.3ECO1-1100/2 4EP3800-2US 193 x 178 x 88 4ECO1-1500/2 4EP3800-7US 153 x 178 x 88 5ECO1-1850/2 4EP3900-2US 181 x 219 x 99 6.5ECO1-2200/2 4EP3900-2US 181 x 219 x 99 6.5ECO1-3000/2 4EP4000-2US 181 x 219 x 119 8.2ECO1-3700/2 4EU2451-2UA00 220 x 206 x 105 12.0ECO1-4500/2 4EU2551-4UA00 220 x 206 x 128 15.3380V 50Hz-500V 60Hz (500V 50Hz)ECO1-110/3 4EP3200-1US [4EP3200-2US] 108 x 88.5 x 57.5 0.7ECO1-150/3 4EP3200-1US [4EP3200-1US] 108 x 88.5 x 57.5 0.7ECO1-220/3 4EP3400-2US [4EP3200-2US] 122 x 124 x 73 (108 x 88.5 x 57.5) 1.3ECO1-300/3 4EP3400-1US [4EP3300-0US] 122 x 124 x 73 (122 x 124 x 64) 1.4ECO1-400/3 4EP3400-1US [4EP3400-3US] 122 x 124 x 73 1.4ECO1-550/3 4EP3500-0US [4EP3600-8US] 139 x 148 x 68 (139 x 148 x 78) 1.9ECO1-750/3 4EP3600-4US [4EP3600-2US] 139 x 148 x 78 2.5ECO1-1100/3 4EP3600-5US (4EP3600-3US) 139 x 148 x 78 2.8ECO1-1500/3 4EP3700-2US (4EP3700-6US) 159 x 178 x 73 3.3ECO1-1850/3 4EP3700-5US (4EP3700-1US) 159 x 178 x 73 3.8ECO1-2200/3 4EP3800-2US (4EP3801-2US) 193 x 178 x 88 4ECO1-3000/3 4EP3800-7US (4EP3900-1US) 153 x 178 x 88 (181 x 219 x 99) 5ECO1-3700/3 4EP3900-2US (4EP4000-1US) 181 x 219 x 99 (181 x 219 x 119) 6.5ECO1-4500/3 4EP4000-2US (4EP4000-8US) 181 x 219 x 119 8.2ECO1-5500/3 4EP4000-6US (4EP4000-8US) 181 x 219 x 119 9.6ECO1-7500/3 4EU2451-2UA00 (4EU2551-2UA00) 220 x 206 x 105 (220 x 206 x 128) 12ECO1-9000/3 4EU2551-4UA00 (4EU2551-6UA00) 220 x 206 x 128 15.3ECO 参考手册技术概括及总表5-12变频器输入进线电抗器(2%)尺寸重量2%,用于低阻抗电源(H x W x D) mm (kg)380V 50Hz-480V 60HzECO1-110K/3 4EU2551-8UA00 220 x 206 x 128 16.4 ECO1-132K/3 4EU2751-0UB00 250 x 235 x 146 22.8 ECO1-160K/3 4EU2751-7UA00 250 x 235 x 146 23 ECO1-200K/3 4EU2751-8UA00 250 x 235 x 146 26.8 ECO1-250K/3 4EU3051-5UA00 280 x 264 x 155 38.2 ECO1-315K/3 4EU3051-6UA00 280 x 264 x 155 40.3 525V-575V 50/60HzECO1-400/4 4EP3400-3US 122 x 124 x 73 1.3ECO1-550/4 4EP3600-8US 139 x 148 x 78 2.3ECO1-750/4 4EP3600-2US 139 x 148 x 78 2.5ECO1-1100/4 4EP3600-3US 139 x 148 x 78 2.4 ECO1-1500/4 4EP3700-6US 159 x 178 x 73 3.4 ECO1-1850/4 4EP3700-1US 159 x 178 x 73 3.7 ECO1-2200/4 4EP3801-2US 193 x 178 x 88 4.2 ECO1-3000/4 4EP3800-1US 193 x 178 x 88 4.6 ECO1-3700/4 4EP3900-1US 181 x 219 x 99 6.4 ECO1-4500/4 4EP4000-7US 181 x 219 x 119 7.7技术概括及总表ECO 参考手册5-13变频器输入进线电抗器(4%)尺寸重量4%,用于减少谐波电流(H x W x D) mm (kg)(和低阻抗电源)208V-240V 50/60HzECO1-75/2 4EP3200-1US 108 x 88.5 x 57.5 0.7 ECO1-110/2 4EP3200-1US 108 x 88.5 x 57.5 0.7 ECO1-150/2 4EP3400-1US 122 x 124 x 73 1.3ECO1-220/2 4EP3400-1US 122 x 124 x 73 1.4ECO1-300/2 4EP3500-0US 139 x 148 x 68 1.9ECO1-400/2 4EP3600-4US 139 x 148 x 78 2.4ECO1-550/2 4EP3600-5US 139 x 148 x 78 2.8ECO1-750/2 4EP3700-2US 159 x 178 x 73 3.3ECO1-1100/2 4EP3800-2US 193 x 178 x 88 4ECO1-1500/2 4EP3800-7US 153 x 178 x 88 5ECO1-1850/2 4EP3900-2US 181 x 219 x 99 6.5 ECO1-2200/2 4EP3900-2US 181 x 219 x 99 6.5 ECO1-3000/2 4EP4000-2US 181 x 219 x 119 8.2 ECO1-3700/2 4EU2451-2UA00 220 x 206 x 105 12.0 ECO1-4500/2 4EU2551-4UA00 220 x 206 x 128 15.3 ECO1-110/3 3x4EM4605-4CB 61 x 51 x 73 each 0.5380V 50Hz-500V 60Hz (500V 50Hz)ECO1-150/3 3x4EM4605-6CB 61 x 51 x 73 each 0.5ECO1-220/3 3x4EM4605-6CB 79 x 69 x 86 each 1.0ECO1-300/3 3x4EM4807-4CB 79 x 69 x 86 each 1.0ECO1-400/3 3x4EM4807-6CB 79 x 69 x 86 each 1.1ECO1-550/3 4EP3700-7US [4EP3800-8US] 159 x 178 x 73 (159 x 178 x 88) 3.3ECO1-750/3 4EP3801-0US [4EP3800-8US] 193 x 178 x 88 3.8ECO1-1100/3 4EP3900-5US [4EP4001-0US] 181 x 219 x 99 (181 x 219 x 119) 6.1ECO1-1500/3 4EP3900-5US [4EP4001-0US] 181 x 219 x 99 (181 x 219 x 119) 6.1ECO1-1850/3 4EP4001-1US [4EP4001-2US] 220 x 219 x 119 7.6ECO1-2200/3 4EU2451-4UA00 [4EU2451-5UA00] 220 x 206 x 104 (220 x 206 x 104) 4.6 ECO1-3000/3 4EU2451-4UA00 [4EU2551-1UB00] 220 x 206 x 104 (220 x 206 x 104) 11.1 ECO1-3700/3 4EU2551-2UB00 [4EU2551-3UB00] 220 x 206 x 128 (220 x 206 x 128) 15.5 ECO1-4500/3 4EU2751-1UB00 [4EU2551-3UB00] 250 x 235 x 146 (220 x 206 x 128) 16.7 ECO1-5500/3 4EU2751-1UB00 [4EU2751-3UB00] 250 x 235 x 146 (250 x 235 x 146) 23.4 ECO1-7500/3 4EU2751-1UB00 [4EU2751-6UB00] 250 x 235 x 146 (250 x 235 x 146) 22.8 ECO1-9000/3 4EU2751-2UB00 [4EU3051-0UB00] 250 x 235 x 146 (280 x 264 x 155) 24.2 ECO 参考手册技术概括及总表5-14变频器输入进线电抗器(4%)尺寸重量4%,用于减少谐波电流(H x W x D) mm (kg)(和低阻抗电源)380V 50Hz-480V 60HzECO1-110K/3 4EU2751-5UB00 250 x 235 x 146 25.5ECO1-132K/3 4EU3051-7UA00 280 x 264 x 155 37ECO1-160K/3 4EU3051-3UB00 280 x 264 x 155 39ECO1-200K/3 4EU3651-3UB00 335 x 314 x 169 47.1ECO1-250K/3 4EU3651-4UB00 335 x 315 x 169 55.2ECO1-315K/3 4EU3651-6UC00 335 x 314 x 169 58525V-575V 50/60HzECO1-400/4 3x4EM4807-1CB 79 x 69 x 86 each 1.1ECO1-550/4 3x4EM4911-7CB 85 x 85 x 91 each 1.8ECO1-750/4 4EP3800-8US 193 x 178 x 88 5ECO1-1100/4 4EP3800-8US 193 x 178 x 88 5ECO1-1500/4 4EP4001-0US 181 x 219 x 119 8.8ECO1-1850/4 4EP4001-0US 181 x 219 x 119 8.8ECO1-2200/4 4EP4001-2US 181 x 219 x 119 8.3ECO1-3000/4 4EP4001-2US 181 x 219 x 119 8.3ECO1-3700/4 4EU2551-1UB00 220 x 206 x 128 15.5ECO1-4500/4 4EU2551-1UB00 220 x 206 x 128 15.56. 节能程序能量优化控制(P077)特征包括:"能量优化控制" (Eco)。
RYDLYME ——环保清洗剂使用说明书珠海市瑞德蓝环保科技有限公司RYDLYME环保清洗剂使用说明一、瑞德蓝说明书瑞德蓝(RYDLYME)工业级清洗剂技术说明1. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗剂是一种无公害、无腐蚀、不可燃、无伤害、无毒的清洗剂。
2. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗剂在操作温度范围内:–18℃ - 82℃可以直接使用,建议在20℃-30℃时清洗效果最佳。
3. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗剂在一年之内不会变质、氧化、皂化,变稠或是失效。
4. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗剂在清除用水设备所形成的水垢、氧化钙、泥和锈的沉淀物时,是释放热量的,但是不会随着温度的升高,变成固体物质。
5. 1加仑瑞德蓝工业级清洗剂原液在21℃时,大约可以溶解2磅碳酸钙。
6. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗液是安全无害的,即使倒在手上,也没有损害。
7. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗液无异味并有一种淡香味,不会使人感到不舒服,而且不会挥发有毒性物质。
8. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗剂即使在直接使用时也不会对以下金属或材质产生侵蚀、点蚀、氧化或其它有害的反应,例如:紫铜、纤维、皮革、铁、橡胶、钢、钛、铅。
9. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗剂原液,会对镁、锌、和铝产生氧化或点蚀。
10. 瑞德蓝工业级清洗剂的汽化温度为100℃。
Instructions for useThe normal mixing ratio for calcium carbonate and other inorganic scale is 1 part AlfaPhos to 9 parts of water.* ** The normal mixing ratio for metallic oxides and rust is 1 part AlfaPhos to 4 parts of water.* **The recommended cleaning temperature is 50–70°C (122–158°F).The recommended cleaning time is 2–6 hours.***AlfaPhos can be mixed with AlfaAdd (0.5–1 vol% to total diluted solution) to provide better cleaning results on oily and fatty surfaces and where biological growth occurs. AlfaAdd also reduces any foaming.AlfaNeutra is used after cleaning is completed in order to neutralize the solution to be disposed of. AlfaNeutra is added until the pH level of the disposal solution reaches 6–8.****base. It is specifically designed for the removal of metallic oxides, rust, calcium carbonate and other inorganic scale. AlfaNeutra can be used for the neutralization of used AlfaPhos prior to disposal.Features and benefits•AlfaPhos is environmentally friendly, and is easily biodegradable.•Tested in Alfa Laval’s own laboratories, which means that Alfa Laval guarantees that plates, gaskets or glue are not damaged.•Can be used in combination with AlfaAdd, which provides even better cleaning results on oily and fatty surfaces and where biological growth occurs. AlfaAdd also reduces any foaming.•AlfaPhos inhibit the corrosion (passivation) of metal surfaces in heat exchangers and related equipment.* Water must be added first.** The pH level must never be more than 2.5 during thecleaning process. To lower the pH level, more AlfaPhos mustbe added to the solution.*** Depends on the amount of fouling present in the heatexchanger, the size of the heat exchanger, the cleaningtemperature and the concentration of the cleaning liquid.**** There is a risk of chemical precipitation in the tank ifneutralization is carried out too rapidly, or if too muchAlfaNeutra is used.Ordering InformationSupplied in a red 25 litre or a blue 200 litre (6.5 or 52.5 USgallons) plastic container or in a white 1000 litre container.Art. no. 31801-2612-531 kg (~20 l)Art. no. 31801-2617-1312 kg (~200 l)Art. no. 31801-2619-21560 kg (~1000 l)Technical specification (physical and chemical properties)Physical state LiquidColour Clear, colourlessOdour OdourlesspH 1.5 ±0.5Density at 20°C (g/ml) 1.55 ±0.05Storability 1 year in closed, original containers (0–40°C)PPS00032EN 0303Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.How to contact Alfa LavalContact details for all countries arecontinually updated on our web site.Please visit toaccess the information direct.。
CommScope HMFOC 清洁剂说明书
![CommScope HMFOC 清洁剂说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/215db3f7b1717fd5360cba1aa8114431b90d8eab.png)
Page 1 of 4Visit our website or contact your local CommScope ® representative for more information. The following product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders: VIAVI, IBC, DINO-LITE, TEPE, Chemtronics, US Conec, Sticklers MicroCare. Their use herein does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by the trademark owner .All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. © 2018 CommScope, Inc. All Rights Reserved.This product is covered by one or more U.S. patents or their foreign equivalents. For patents, see /ProductPatent/ProductPatent.aspx For technical assistance, customer service, or to report any missing/damaged parts, visit us at: /SupportCenter CommScope® is not responsible for damage caused by cleaning that is not the result of defective product.Installation InstructionsHMFOC CLEANING860642039 Rev B 1. Cleaning the Pinned HMFOC Connector1.1. Inspect the pinned HMFOC connector with a low-resolution microscope (e.g. VIAVI FBP-P5000i Probe; VIAVI FBPT-COD-MTA Inspection Tip) as specified in IEC 61300-3-35 or equivalent. Inspect the complete ferrule surface including the area around the pins for dirt or guide pin damage. If dust, dirt or contaminants are detected, proceed to step The following are directions for cleaning an HMFOC pinned connector using US CONEC IBC brand cleaning tool - MT Series (PN 15639).HMFOC Pinned Connector and Cleaning Tool Locate the red adapter on the cleaning tool and place it on the tip of the cleaning tool. Orientate the red adapter on the cleaning tool so that the outside key slot is on the top. Locate the square notch on the threaded portion of the pinned HMFOC connector . Hold the connector so the square notch is facing up. Insert the cleaning tool into the pinned HMFOC until the cleaning tool is flush against the connector end face. Push the cleaning tool forward into the HMFOC connector until a click is heard, then release the tool. Repeat this cleaning motion as required *.Cleaning Tool Pushed into HMFOC Pinned Connector* Always follow the cleaning tool manufacturer’s cleaning instructions for best results.Square notch (top)HMFOC pinned connector Outside Key slot (top)Cleaning tool1. Cleaning the Pinned HMFOC Connector (1)2. Cleaning the Non-Pinned HMFOC Connector (2)2.1. General cleaning instructions (2)2.2. Cleaning the Pinholes on the Non-Pinned HMFOC Connector (3)ContentsTC-1374-IP Rev B, November 2018© 2018 CommScope, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 41.3. Inspect the connector . If there are still contaminants, use a small amount of non-isopropyl alcohol solvent (e.g. Chemtronics PX Wash, Sticklers MicroCare Cleaning Fluid FPF, etc.) on one or more 2.5mm fiber optic swabs (e.g. Chemtronics Coventry, Sticklers Clean Stixx MCC-S25, etc.) to remove any remaining dust, dirt or contaminants from the ferrule end face and/or from around the guide pins. Always use a new swab for each connector and always follow-up with a dry clean using the cleaning tool procedure from step 1.2.Cleaning Swab for Pinned HMFOC Connector1.4. Connect the pinned connector to a non-pinned HMFOC or assemble the dust cap back on to the pinned connector until ready to install.2.Cleaning the Non-Pinned HMFOC Connector 2.1. General cleaning instructions2.1.1. Inspect the non-pinned HMFOC connector with a low-resolution microscope (e.g. VIAVI FBP-P5000i Probe; VIAVI FBPT-COD-MTA Inspection Tip) as specified in IEC 61300-3-35 or equivalent. If dust, dirt or contaminants are detected, proceed to step 2.1.2. 2.1.2. The following are directions for cleaning an HMFOC non-pinned connector using US CONEC IBC brand cleaning tool - MT Series (PN 15639).HMFOC Non-Pinned Connector and Cleaning Tool HMFOC non-pinned connectorIndented key (Bottom)key (Bot tom)Cleaning tool© 2018 CommScope, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 4Locate the blue adapter on the cleaning tool and place it on the tip of the cleaning tool. Orientate the blue adapter so that the key on the bottom inside is facing downward. Locate the outside indented key on the non-pinned HFMOC connector and hold the connector so this indent is also facing downward. Insert the cleaning tool over the non-pinned connector until it stops. Push the cleaning tool forward into the HMFOC connector until a click is heard, then release the tool. Repeat this cleaning motion as required*.Cleaning Tool Pushed into HMFOC Non-Pinned Connector2.1.3. Inspect the connector . If there are still contaminants, use a small amount of non-isopropyl alcohol solvent (e.g. Chemtronics PX Wash, Sticklers MicroCare Cleaning Fluid FPF, etc.) on one or more 2.5mm fiber optic swabs (e.g. Chemtronics Coventry, Sticklers Clean Stixx MCC-S25, etc.) to remove any remaining dust, dirt or contaminants from the ferrule end face. Always use a new swab for each connector and always follow-up with a dry clean using the cleaning tool procedure from step Connect the non-pinned connector to a pinned HMFOC or assemble the dust cap back on to the non-pinned connector until ready to install.2.2. Cleaning the Pinholes on the Non-Pinned HMFOC ConnectorNote: Cleaning the pinholes on HMFOC connectors is the last resort for trouble-shooting a high loss connection, and only applicable for experienced personnel.2.2.1. Inspect the connector with 50x inspection scope (e.g. Dino-Lite brand AM4815ZTL handheld digital microscope or equiva -lent). If there are contaminants around the pinholes, they may need to be cleaned according to the following procedure.Example of HMFOC Endface with Dirty Pinholes2.2.2. Wet the pink (0.4 mm) T ePe brand dental (pinhole) brush with MicroCare FCC2 connector cleaner or equivalent cleaning solution and insert the brush into the pinhole while turning the brush 90 degrees. The brush will bottom-out before the handlereaches the ferrule end-face.* Always follow the cleaning tool manufacturer’s cleaning instructions for best results.© 2018 CommScope, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 42.2.3. Pull the brush out of the hole while rotating 90 degrees and then inspect the pinhole with an inspection scope. With the scope at 50x magnification, inspect the leading edge of the pinhole for debris. Then focus down the pinhole (at least to the inner step diameter) for any remaining contamination. If additional cleaning is needed, verify that the cleaning solution has not dried on the brush. If it has, apply more solution and proceed with the cleaning.2.2.4. With the brush bottomed-out in the pinhole, rotate the handle back and forth at least three times (180 degrees in each direction).2.2.5. Pull the brush out of the hole while rotating 90 degrees and then inspect the pinhole with a scope. With the scope at 50x magnification, inspect the leading edge of the pinhole for debris. Then focus down the pinhole (at least to the inner step diameter) for any other contamination.Example of a Clean HMFOC Endface with Clean Pinholes2.2.6. Connect the non-pinned connector to a pinned HMFOC or assemble the dust cap back on to the non-pinned connectoruntil ready to install.。
Eco Checker II 商品说明书
![Eco Checker II 商品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f3fe521a777f5acfa1c7aa00b52acfc788eb9f6c.png)
Thank you for purchasing Eco Checker II,a corrosive gas measuring kit.Before starting measurement,please read this instruction manual and use this kit properly.◇What does “Eco Checker II”estimate?Electronics devices sometimes fall in troubles due to metal corrosion caused by corrosive gasses in the atmosphere.By using “Eco Checker II”,you are able to assess the corrosive attack from environment,such as the level of corrosion and the metals tend to corrode.You can also estimate the kinds and quantities of corrosive gasses,though they are not absolute concentration.◇Estimation of corrosive gassesAfter 30days of Eco Checker II exposure,you can estimate the kinds and quantities of corrosive gasses by comparing the colors of metal pieces with color samples.The color samples and estimation method are posted on our Home Pages below,https:///jp/fql/en/products/To evaluate the effects of corrosive gases quantitatively,you need to request the X-ray fluorescence analysis.◇Specification◇AccessoriesThe package encloses an Eco Checker II kit,this manual,the following accessories:(1) Hanging string (2) Poly-ethylene bag (3) Sticker (4) Color sample◇Usage①Quantitative diagnosis of corrosive gases in the atmosphere※It is recommended that the transparent cover remains to be mounted and the kit is exposed where the wind is weak.a) Please take out the Eco Checker from a bag just before exposure. Please do not remove the cover.b) Please tie the attached string firmly to the hole on the case.c) Please fill “Measurement Point” and “Start date” in the attached sticker,then put it into the string, as shown in Fig. 1.d) Please expose the kit in 14 or 30 days to the point where you want to measure.e) After exposure,pick up the kit and fill “End date”in the sticker.f)Compare the color of test pieces with color sample as soon as possible.When you need several days from picking up to comparing, keep the kitin the provided Poly-ethylene bag.②In situ diagnosis of corrosion rate※It is recommended that the transparent cover would be removed,you need not tocare the wind.a) Please take out the Eco Checker from a bag just before exposure.b) Please snap the fixing part shown in Fig. 2 (one place).(Please be careful that you do not get hurt.)c) The transparent cover can be removed by shifting the cover as shown in Fig.3.[Note]・Please do not discard the transparent cover.It is used as a protective cover of the test pieces during transporting the kit.・After the cover removal, never touch the surface of the test pieces.The surface of the metal pieces were cleaned with special handling.If you touch the surface, you will not be able to get correct diagnose due tothe influence of the human body oil.d) Please fill “Measurement Point” and “Start date” in the attached sticker.e) Please exposing the kit in 14 or 30 days to the point where you want to measure.※As shown in Fig. 4, please fix the kit not to rotate.f) After exposure,pick up the kit and fill “End date”in the sticker.g)Compare the color of test pieces with color sample as soon as possible.When you need several days from picking up to comparing, keep the kitin provided Poly-ethylene bag.③Quantitative analysis of corrosion degree of metal test pieces by XRF analysis.We can report the quantity of the corrosion degree as “Estimated concentration”,”Sulfidecorrosion rate of silver”by analysis of the test pieces with X-ray fluorescence analysis.・“Estimated concentration”is the value that is obtained by converting the amount ofcorrosion into the corrosive gas concentration in the atmosphere.(It is not the actual absolute value of the gas concentration.)・“Sulfide corrosion rate of silver”is the value that is obtained from the correspondencebetween the cathodic reduction analysis and X-ray fluorescence intensity.How to request the analysis is in the following page.“Eco Checker II” Operation ManualDetectable gasses Sulfurous acid gas, Hydrogen sulfide gas, Chlorinated gas*Any particles that may cause the corrosion can be detected as correspondent gases, such as;Sulfur => hydrogen sulfide, Sea salt => chlorinated gasLocation to exposure Indoors, under eaves (when outside)Suspend the case with the string. Exposing outside, keep the case from rain surely.Duration30days,or 14days (for XRF analysis only )the fixing part (clear)Fig.1Fig.2shift the transparent cover Fig.3Fig.4Attached to the wall with double-sticked tape Held in the clamp (snap)the hole onthe case。
Eco Clear 产品说明书
![Eco Clear 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/63add3dadc88d0d233d4b14e852458fb770b38c4.png)
Eco Clear ®target USE:Remember, always read, understand and complywith the label. Eco Clear and Nisus Corporation areregistered trademarks of Nisus Corporation. ©2017Nisus Corporation #EC-FL Y-0117SIMPLE ADD-ON BUSINESS TOHELP CUSTOMERS AVOID SEWER PIPE & SEPTIC TANK ISSUES WITH THIS SIMPLE SERVICESewerStreetPrivateArea whereClogs Occur PublicAreas WhereClogs OccurClogs in septic systemsClogs in sewer systemsClogs in plumbingAreas Where Clogs OccurSeptic Tank Areas WhereSeptic Clogs OccurDistributionBoxDrain FieldAPPLICATION INSTRUCTIONSEco Clear is a special blend of highly active, non-pathogenic bacterialcultures that work with or at very low oxygen. It is non-corrosive, non-hazardous and safe for all plumbing. Regular addition to plumbingpipes, septic systems and drain fields reduces hardened scum,reduces solids and helps maintain plumbing systems.Eco Clear’s natural bacteria produce enzymes that are scientificallyproven to break down household waste. Enzymes include Lipase (oils& greases), Protease (foods such as meat), Amylase (starches) andCellulase (paper, vegetables), NOTICERead and understand the entire label before using. Use onlyaccording to label directions. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Eco Clear is provided in powdered form packaged in easy-to-use 2-oz. water-soluble packets. Remove packets from container. Place one packet in each commode and flush. Water-saving toilets may require more than one flush. If toilet does not flush completely, wait 10 minutes and flush again. To treat up to 3 drains or sinks, dissolve one 2-oz. packet in one gallon of water. Shake well to mix. Pour into drain(s) or sink(s) using 1/3 gallon to one gallon of mixed solution per drain or sink. Continue monthly or quarterly applications to keep drain(s) flowing. May also be used in garbage disposals. If necessary, application can be repeated once per week for 4 weeks during a time when drain(s) are least active. Note: Eco Clear is a preventative product and will not open drains that are fully closed or clogged. Before buying or using this product, read Warranty Limitations and Disclaimer statement found elsewhere on this label. If terms are unacceptable, return unopened package to seller for full refund of purchase price. Otherwise, use by the buyer or any other user constitutes acceptance of the terms under Warranty Limitations and Disclaimer. Storage and Disposal Storage: Store in a cool, dry (preferably locked) storage area inaccessible to children and pets. Do not freeze. Disposal: If empty: Do not reuse this container. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partly filled: Place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain or in commode/toilet.First Aid If in Eyes IMMEDIATELY rinse eyes with water. Remove any contact lenses and continue rinsing eyes for at least 15 minutes. If irritation develops, get medical attention. If Inhaled Move to fresh air. If irritation occurs, get medical attention. If on Skin Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if an irritation/reaction develops. If Ingested Rinse mouth and throat and drink water to dilute. Ifsymptoms occur, seek medical advice. Warranty Disclaimer Manufacturer warrants that this product conforms to the chemicaldescription on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated onthe label when used in strict accordance with the directions, subject tothe inherent risks set forth below. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATEDHEREIN, MANUFACTURER MAKES NO OTHER EXP RESS ORIMP LIED WARRANTY AND EXP RESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHERWARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR P URP OSEOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY.Inherent Risks of UseThe directions for use of this product are believed to be adequate andmust be carefully followed. It is impossible to eliminate all risksassociated with use of this product. Lack of performance or otherunintended consequences may result because of such factors as useof the product contrary to label instructions, abnormal conditions, thepresence of other materials, climatic conditions or the manner ofuse/application, all of which are beyond the control of theManufacturer. The buyer/user assumes all such risks.Limitation of RemediesThe sole and exclusive remedy for losses or damages resulting fromthis product (including claims based on contract, negligence, strictliability or other legal theories) shall be limited to, at Manufacturer’selection, one of the following:1. Refund of purchase price paid by buyer or user for product bought,or2. Replacement of amount of product used.Manufacturer shall not be liable for losses or damages resulting fromhandling or use of this product unless Manufacturer is promptly notifiedof such loss or damage in writing; and IN NO CASE SHALLMANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL ORINCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING WITHOUTLIMIT, HEALTH RELATED DAMAGES OR INJURIES.The terms of this Warranty Disclaimer and Limitation of Remediescannot be varied by any written or verbal statements or agreements.No employee or sales agent of Manufacturer or the seller is authorizedto vary or exceed the terms of this Warranty Disclaimer or Limitationof Remedies in any manner.100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853 USA • (800) 264-0870Eco Clear and Nisus are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nisus Corporation. • ©2009 Nisus Corporation #EC-SL-0510aSAFETY DATA SHEETHealth Emergencies: CHEMTREC® (800) 535-50531. PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATIONProduct Identity:Eco Clear®Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use: Bacterial treatment.Distributed By:Nisus Corporation100 Nisus DriveRockford, TN 37853Telephone:Phone: (800) 264-0870Fax: (865) 577-5825Emergency Phone: 800-535-5053 (INFOTRAC)SDS Date of Preparation: 01/12/162. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS Classification: This product is not considered hazardous by the 2012 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) GHS Label Elements:Signal Word: Warning!Statements of HazardMay form combustible dust concentrations in air.Precautionary StatementsAvoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.Wear protective gloves and eye protection.SkinIF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Precautionary Statements – StorageNonePrecautionary Statements – DisposalDispose of contents/container in accordance withlocal/regional/national/international regulations.Hazards not otherwise classified (HNOC)Not applicableOther informationCauses mild skin irritationRepeated or prolonged skin contact may cause allergic reactions with susceptible persons.Interactions with Other ChemicalsNo information available3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSThis product is a wheat-bran based powder containing naturally-occurring viable bacterial cultures.4. FIRST AID MEASURESFirst aid measuresGeneral Advice: Show this safety data sheet to the Doctor in attendanceEye Contact: Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water, also under eyelids. If symptoms persist, call a physician. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. In the case of skin irritation or allergic reactions, see a physician.Inhalation: Remove to fresh air.Ingestion :Rinse mouth immediately and drink plenty of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed NoneIndication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNotes to Physician: None5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable Extinguishing MediaUse extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment.Unsuitable Extinguishing MediaCAUTION: Use of water spray when fighting fire may be inefficient. Specific Hazards Arising from the ChemicalNoneUniform Fire Code: NoneHazardous Combustion ProductsCarbon oxides.Explosion DataSensitivity to Mechanical Impact: NoSensitivity to Static Discharge: NoProtective equipment and precautions for firefightersAs in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus, pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPersonal Precautions: Avoid contact with skin and eyes Environmental precautionsRefer to protective measures listed in Sections 7 and 8Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Containment Prevent further leakage orspillage if safe to do so. Cleaning up Pick up and transfer toproperly labeled containers. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handlingHandling: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Storage: Keep container tightly closed.Incompatible Products: Strong acids and alkalis, and strong oxidizing agents may react with product and de-nature stable enzymes and inactivate bacterial cultures.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONControl ParametersExposure Guidelines: This product, as supplied, does not contain any hazardous materials with occupational exposure limits established by the region-specific regulatory bodies.Other Exposure Guidelines: Vacated limits revoked by the Court ofAppeals decision in AFL-CIO v. OSHA, 965 F.2d 962 (11th Cir., 1992) Appropriate Engineering ControlsEngineering Measures: Showers, Eyewash stations, Ventilationsystems. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/Face Protection: None required for consumer use. If powdergeneration is likely to occur, wear safety glasses and a dust mask.Skin and Body Protection: None required for consumer use.Repeated or prolonged contact: Wear protective gloves and protectiveclothing.Respiratory Protection: No protective equipment is needed undernormal use conditions. If exposure limits are exceeded or irritation isexperienced, ventilation and evacuation may be required.Hygiene Measures: Handle in accordance with good industrialhygiene and safety practices. Take off contaminated clothing and washbefore reuse. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical State PowderAppearance TanOdor CharacteristicOdor threshold No information availablepH NoneMelting/Freezing Point No data availableBoiling Point/ Boiling Range NoneFlash Point NoneEvaporation Rate No data availableFlammability (solid, gas) NoneUpper/Lower flammability Limits No data availableVapor Pressure No data availableVapor Density No data availableSpecific Gravity No data availableWater Solubility DispersibleSolubility in other solvents No data availablePartition coefficient:n-octanol/water No data availableAutoignition Temperature No data availableViscosity No data available VOC Content (%) Negligible 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY ReactivityNo data available. Chemical StabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.Possibility of Hazardous ReactionsNone under normal processing. Hazardous PolymerizationHazardous polymerization does not occur.Conditions to AvoidDo not exposed to extreme temperatures for long periods of time.Close containers when not in use.Incompatible MaterialsStrong acids and alkalis, and strong oxidizing agents may react withproduct and de-nature stable enzymes and inactivate bacterialcultures.Hazardous Decomposition Products Carbon oxides. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONProduct InformationInhalation: Specific test data for the mixture is not available. Eye Contact: Specific test data for the mixture is not available. Skin Contact: Specific test data for the mixture is not available.Ingestion: Specific test data for the mixture is not available.Component Information: No information available.Information on toxicological effectsSymptoms: None known.Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects fromshort and long-term exposureSensitization: No information available. Mutagenic Effects: No information available. Carcinogenicity: Contains no ingredient listed as a carcinogen. Reproductive Toxicity: No information available. STOT – single exposure: No information available. STOT – repeated exposure: No information available. Chronic Toxicity: No known effect based on available information. Target Organ Effects: Skin. Aspiration Hazard: No information available. Numerical measures of Toxicity Not applicable 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Eco-toxicity, Persistence and Degradability, and Bioaccumulation This product is not expected to be dangerous to the environment with respect to mobility, persistency and biodegradability, bio-accumulative potential, aquatic toxicity, and other data related to eco-toxicity. Other adverse effects : None known. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION Disposal Methods This material, as supplied, is not a hazardous waste according to Federal Regulations (40 CFR 261). This material could become a hazardous waste if it is mixed with or otherwise comes in contact with a hazardous waste, if chemical additions are made to this material, or if the material is processed or otherwise altered . Consult 40 CFR 261 to determine whether the altered material is a hazardous waste. Consult with the appropriate State, Regional, or Local regulations for additional requirements. Contaminated Packaging: Dispose of contents/containers in accordance with local regulations. 14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT Not Regulated Proper Shipping Name Not Regulated Hazard Class N/A TDG Not Regulated MEX Not Regulated ICAO Not Regulated IATA Not Regulated IMDG/IMO Not Regulated RID Not Regulated ADR Not Regulated ADN Not Regulated 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION International Inventories TSCA Complies DSL All components are listed either on the DSL or NDSL TSCA – United States Toxic Substances Control Act – Section 8(b) Inventory DSL/NDSL – Canadian Domestic Substances List/Non-Domestic Substances List US Federal Regulations SARA 313 Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product does not contain any chemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Act and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 372 SARA 311/312 Hazard Categories Acute Health Hazard Yes Chronic Health Hazard No Fire Hazard No Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard No Reactive Hazard No CWA (Clean Water Act) This product does not contain any substances regulated as pollutants pursuant to the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 122.21 and 40 CFR 122.42)CERCLAThis material, as supplied, does not contain any substances regulated as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act (CERCLA) (40 CFR 302) or the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) (40 CFR 355). There may be specific reporting requirements at the local, regional, or State level pertaining to releases of this material.US State RegulationsCalifornia Proposition 65This product does not contain any Proposition 65 chemicalsUS State Right-to-Know RegulationsThis product does not contain any substances above threshold limits that are regulated by State right-to-know.16. OTHER INFORMATIONHMIS Rating:Health = 1 Flammability = 0 Physical Hazard = 0 Personal Protection = ESDS Revision History: 04/27/15: New SDS01/12/16: RevisedWARRANTY DISCLAIMERThe information, data and recommendations contained herein are believed to be accurate but may not be all inclusive and should only be used as a guide. The information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the product for his particular use and on condition that they assume the risk of the use thereof. With respect to this publication and the product related thereto, unless otherwise expressly provided by Manufacturer in writing, MANUFACTURER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY.Remedy/Liability LimitsThe exclusive remedy for losses or damages resulting from this publication or the related product (including claims based on contract, negligence, strict liability or other legal theories) shall be limited to, at Manufacturer’s sole election, one of the following:1. Refund of purchase price paid by buyer or user for productbought, or2. Replacement of amount of product used.Manufacturer shall not be liable for losses or damages resulting from use of this publication or handling or use of this product, IN NO CASE SHALL MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMIT, HEALTH RELATED DAMAGES OR INJURIES.The terms of this Warranty Disclaimer and Remedy/Liability Limits cannot be varied by any written or verbal statements or agreements. No employee or sales agent of Manufacturer or the seller is authorized to vary or exceed the terms of this Warranty Disclaimer or Limitation of Remedies in any manner.100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853 USA • (800) 264-0870EcoClear and Nisus Corporation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nisus Corporation. ©2016 Nisus Corporation• #EC-SDS-011216a100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, T N 37853 USA800-264-0870。
Testomat ECO中文操作说明 在线硬度
![Testomat ECO中文操作说明 在线硬度](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/77a5997baf1ffc4ffe47acab.png)
Water hardness TH 2100 1.0 - 10.0 (0.2) 1.79 - 17.9 (0.4) 17.9 - 179 (3.8) 0.18 - 1.79 (0.04)
Water hardness TH 2250 2.5 - 25.0 (0.2) 4.48 - 44.8 (0.4) 44.8 - 448 (3.8) 0.45 - 4.48 (0.04)
选择和输入.......................................... 12 开始菜单........................................... 12 选择............................................... 12 输入............................................... 12 结 束 菜 单........................................ 12
具有小曝气器的操作..................................4 污水排放............................................4 调试.................................................4 安装图(案例)........................................4
《EcoTech Toilet Wipes安全用料单》说明书
![《EcoTech Toilet Wipes安全用料单》说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/60543d594b7302768e9951e79b89680203d86ba6.png)
as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 1 of 11SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBST ANCE / PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING1.1 Product identifier Toilet WipesOther means of identification ETTS1001.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstUses: A wet wipe with biocidal activity for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces etc.Effective against MRSA, C-Diff & H1N1.Not to be used for:1.3 Details of the supplier of the Safety Data SheetCompany Name: EcoTech (Europe) LimitedAddress: EcoTech HouseFalkland CloseCharter Avenue Industrial EstateCoventryWest MidlandsCV4 8AUUnited KingdomTelephone: +44 (0)24 7647 1894Fax: +44 (0)24 7647 4743E-mail:Web Site www.ecotec 1.4 Emergency telephonenumberTelephone: National Poisons Information Service (UK) +44 (0)844 8920111 SECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture- 67/548/EECMain hazards.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 2 of 11- EC 1272/2008 Skin Irrit. 2: H315; Eye Irrit. 2: H319; Skin Sens. 1: H317:2.2 Label elementsSignal Word WarningHazard StatementEye Irrit. 2: H319 - Causes serious eye irritation.Skin Sens. 1: H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction.Precautionary Statement: Prevention P102 - Keep out of reach of children. P103 - Read label before use.Precautionary Statement:ResponseP101 - If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.P301+P312 - IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor / physician ifyou feel unwell.P305+P351+P338 - IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.P321 - Specific treatment (see on this label).P332+P313 - If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.P337+P313 - If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.2.3 Other hazards This product does not contain any PBT or VPvB substances.SECTION 3: COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1 Substances67/548/EEC / 1999/45/ECChemical Name Index No.CAS No.EC No.REACHRegistration Conc.(%w/w)Classificationas amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 3 of 11Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)meth yl]dimethyl, chlorides 85409-23-0 287-090-7 0 – 0.5% C; R34 Xn; R22N; R50Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 68391-01-5 269-919-4 0 – 0.5% C; R34 Xn; R22N; R50D-Limonene 601-029-00-7 5989-27-5 227-813-5 0 – 0.05% R10 Xi; R38R43 N; R50/533,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal (Citral)5392-40-5 226-394-6 0 – 0.05% Xi ; R38-R433,7-dimethyloct-6-en- 1-ol (Citronellol) 106-22-9 203-375-0 0 – 0.01% Xi-N ; R38-R43-R51/53linalool 78-70-6 201-134-4 0 – 0.001% H315, H3193,7-Dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol (Geraniol) 106-24-1 203-377-1 0 – 0.001% H315, H317,H318EC 1272/2008Chemical Name Index No.CAS No.EC No.REACHRegistrationNumber Conc.(%w/w)ClassificationQuaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)meth yl]dimethyl, chlorides 85409-23-0 287-090-7 0 – 0.5% Acute Tox. 4:H302; SkinCorr. 1B: H314;Aquatic Acute1: H400;Aquatic Chronic1: H410;Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 68391-01-5 269-919-4 0 – 0.5% Acute Tox. 4:H302; SkinCorr. 1B: H314;Aquatic Acute1: H400;Aquatic Chronic1: H410;D-Limonene 601-029-00-7 5989-27-5 227-813-5 0 – 0.05% Flam. Liq. 3:H226; Skin Irrit.2: H315; SkinSens. 1: H317;as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 4 of 11Aquatic Acute 1: H400;Aquatic Chronic 1: H410; 3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal (Citral) 5392-40-5 226-394-6 0 – 0.05% SCI 2-SS1;H315, H317, H411 3,7-dimethyloct-6-en-1-ol (Citronellol) 106-22-9 203-375-0 0 – 0.01% SCI 2-SS 1;H315 H317 linalool78-70-6 201-134-4 0 – 0.001% H315, H319 3,7-Dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol (Geraniol) 106-24-1 203-377-1 0 – 0.001% H315, H317, H3183.2 Mixtures See section 3.1 for further information.Further information For full text of H-statements and R-phrases: see SECTION 16.SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 Description of first aid measures Inhalation Inhalation is highly unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate.Considered to be not hazardous by inhalation. Seek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist.Eye contact Eye contact is unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate. IF INEYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.Skin contact Seek medical attention ifirritation or symptoms persist.Ingestion Ingestion is highly unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate. Rinsemouth thoroughly. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Seek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Inhalation No specific symptoms noted. Eye contact May c ause eye irritation.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 5 of 11Skin contact May cause allergic reactions in susceptible people.Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.Ingestion No specific symptoms noted.4.3 Indication of any immediatemedical attention andspecial treatment needed If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). No specific first aid measures noted.SECTION 5: FIREFIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Extinguishing media This product is not flammable. Use extinguishing media appropriate to thesurrounding fire conditions.5.2 Special hazards arising fromthe substance or mixture In the event of a large fire toxic fumes containing oxides of carbon may be formed, which would necessitate the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus.5.3 Advice for firefighters Standard protective equipment should be worn by fire fighters, in particular eye / faceprotection.SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal precautions,protective equipment andemergency procedures Avoid contact of the impregnating fluid with the eyes.6.2 Environmental precautions Large spillages are highly unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate.Advise local authorities if large spills cannot be contained. Do not allow product toenter drains. Do not flush into surface water. Prevent further spillage if safe.6.3 Methods and material forcontainment and cleaning up Large spillages are highly unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate Absorb with inert, absorbent material. Transfer to suitable, labelled containers for disposal. Clean spillage area thoroughly with plenty of water.6.4 Reference to other sections For recommended personal protective equipment see Section 8. For disposal seeSection 13.SECTION 7: HANDELING AND STORAGE7.1 Precautions for safehandling Avoid contact with eyes.Adopt best Manual Handlingconsiderations when handling, carrying and dispensing.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 6 of 117.2 Conditions for safe storage,including anyincompatibilities Keep out of the reach of children. Keep in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. Keep containers tightly closed. Store in correctly labelled containers. Do NOT allow to freeze.7.3 Specific end use No relevant information availableSECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parameters The product is impregnated onto a fabric substrate so free liquid will not be availableand exposure significantly mitigated.8.1.1 Exposure Limit Values-8.2 Exposure controls8.2.1 Appropriate engineeringControlsKeep in a cool, dry, well ventilated area.8.2.2 Individual protectionmeasuresNone8.2.3 Environmentalexposure controls Do not empty into drains. Do not flush into surface water. Prevent further spillage if safe.8.2.3. Further information Information valid at the time of review of safety data sheet.SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesa Appearance: White nonwoven fabric impregnated with a colourless solution.b Odour: Characteristic Lemon odour.c Odour threshold: Not available.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 7 of 11d pH: 6.0 – 7.0e Melting point / freezing point: Not available.Not available.f Initial boiling point andboiling range:g Flash point: Not determined.h Evaporation rate: Not available.i Flammability (solid, gas): Not applicable.j Upper / lower flammability orNot available.explosive limits:k Vapour pressure: Not available.l Vapour density: Not available.m Relative density: 0.99 – 1.00n Solubility(ies): Impregnating fluid immiscible with water.Completely immiscible with water.o Partition coefficient: n-octanol/ water:p Auto-ignition temperature: Not available.q Decomposition temperature: Not available.r Viscosity: Water thin.s Explosive properties: Not available.t Oxidising properties: Not available.9.2 Other information None available.SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1 Reactivity This preparation is stable under normal conditions of storage / use and no chemicalincompatibility is known.10.2 Chemical Stability Stable under recommended storage and handling conditions. The product is notflammable.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 8 of 1110.3 Possibility of hazardousreactionsStrong acids and Strong bases. Strong oxidising agents.10.4 Conditions to avoid Avoid excessive heat. Do Not allow to freeze.10.5 Incompatible materials Strong acids and Strong bases. Strong oxidising agents.10.6 Hazardous decompositionproducts Combustion of the product will generate toxic fumes containing oxides of carbon may be formed.SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1 Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity Based on available data the classification criteria are not met.Skin corrosion / irritation May c ause skin irritation..Serious eye damage / irritation May c ause eye irritation.Respiratory or skinsensitisationMay cause allergic reactions in susceptible people.Germ cell mutagenicity No mutagenic effects reported.Carcinogenicity No carcinogenic effects reported.Reproductive toxicity No teratogenic effects reported.STOT-single exposure Not classified as a specific target organ toxicant after a single exposure.STOT-repeated exposure Not classified as a specific target organ toxicant after repeated exposure.Aspiration hazard Based on available data the classification criteria are not met.11.1.4 Toxicological InformationQuaternary ammoniumcompounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chloridesOral Rat LD50: 301 - 2000 mg/kgQuaternary ammoniumcompounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chloridesOral Rat LD50: 301 - 2000 mg/kgas amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 9 of 11SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 ToxicityQuaternary ammoniumcompounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chloridesDaphnia EC50/48h: 0.016 mg/lQuaternary ammoniumcompounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chloridesDaphnia EC50/48h: 0.016 mg/lD-Limonene Daphnia EC50/48h: 0.400000 mg/l Algae IC50/72h: 4.000000 mg/lFathead minnows LC50/96h: 0.71 mg/l12.2 Persistence anddegradability The surfactant(s) contained in this preparation complies (comply) with the biodegradability criteria as laid down in the Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004 on detergents. Data to support this assertion are held at the disposal of the competent authorities of the Member States and will be made available to them, at their direct request or at the request of a detergent manufacturer.12.3 Bio accumulative potential No data available.12.4 Mobility in soil No data available.12.5 Results of P BT and vPvBassessmentThe product does not contain any PBT or vPvB substances.12.6 Other adverse effects Not known.SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION13.1 Waste treatment methods Contact a licensed waste disposal company. Dispose of as special waste incompliance with local and national regulations. For disposal within the EC, theappropriate code according to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC) should beused. Empty containers can be sent to landfill after cleaning, if in compliance withlocal and national regulations.SECTION 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION14.1 UN number -14.2 UN proper shipping name -14.3 Transport hazard class(es) This preparation is not classified as “Hazardous” for transport purposes.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 10 of 1114.4 Packing group14.5 Environmental hazards14.6 Special precautions for user Not applicable.14.7 Transport in bulk accordingto Annex II of MARPOL 73/ 78 and the IBC CodeNot applicable.SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION15.1 Safety, health andenvironmental regulations /legislation specific for thesubstance or mixture Commission Directive 2000/39/EC of 8 June 2000 established a first list of indicative occupational exposure limit values in implementation of Council Directive 98/24/EC on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work. Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Regulation, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, including amendments. Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 with amendments. Commission Directive 91/322/EEC of 29 May 1991 on establishing indicative limit values by implementing Council Directive 80/1107/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents at work.15.2 Chemical safety assessment No assessment has been carried out. SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATIONR34 Causes burnsHarmful if swallowedSAFETY DATA SHEETIn accordance with REACH Regulation EC No. 1907/2006as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 11 of 11Text of risk phrases in Section 3 R10 - FlammableR22 - Harmful if swallowedR24 - Causes burnsR38 - Irritating to skin.R41 - Risk of serious damage to eyesR43 - May cause sensitisation by skin contact.R50 - Very toxic to aquatic organismsR50/53 - Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.R51/53 - Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environmentText of Hazard Statements in Section 3 Flam. Liq. 3: H226 - Flammable liquid and vapour.Acute Tox. 4: H302 - Harmful if swallowed.Skin Corr. 1B: H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.Skin Irrit. 2: H315 - Causes skin irritation.H318: Causes serious eye damageSkin Sens. 1: H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction.H319: Causes serious eye irritationAquatic Acute 1: H400 - Very toxic to aquatic life.Aquatic Chronic 1: H410 - Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Aquatic Chronic 2: H411 - Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effectsGlossary ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of DangerousGoods by RoadIATA International Air Transport AssociationIMDG International Maritime Dangerous GoodsPBT Persistent, bio accumulative, toxicRID Convention concerning International Carriage by RailvPvB very persistent, very bio accumulativeSTOT Specific Target Organ ToxicityWEL Workplace Exposure Limit.General Information No relevant information availableFurther Information The information supplied in this Safety Data Sheet is designed only as guidance forthe safe use, storage and handling of the product. This information is correct to thebest of our knowledge and belief at the date of publication however no guarantee ismade to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. This information relates only tothe specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used incombination with any other materials or in any other process. It is the user'sresponsibility to satisfy him/herself as to the suitability of such information for his /her own particular use.。
![ALPACON DESCALANT 清洁剂说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d7778f1f021dd36a32d7375a417866fb84ac0f3.png)
•Tested and documented in the Harmonized Offshore Chemical Notification Format (HOCNF) and environ-mentally acceptable according to the guidelines of the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority.•Efficient cleaning results in man-hour savings.®, a uniqueInstructions for useRecommended mixing ratio is 1 part of ALPACON DESCALANT to 7 parts of water.For best performance, mix the solution thoroughlybefore use.Recommended cleaning temperature is 50–70°C.Higher temperatures increase cleaning efficiency.Normal cleaning time is 3 to 6 hours.The best way of controlling the cleaning process is to continuously monitor pH in the recirculated liquid. In general the cleaning procedure will increase the pH, which will stabilise in a few hours.If the pH stabilizes in less than 1 hour, the deposits are probably covered with oil or grease.To remove oil or grease deposits, it is recommended to add ALPACON DEGREASER to the cleaning solution.If the pH rises above 3.5 (often due to large lime deposits), an additional amount of ALPACON DESCALANT must be added.Technical dataAppearance: Transparent liquid, light pink Odour:Weak pH value: 1.3±0.3 Solubility:Water-solubleContentFermented wheyFruit acidsWater Transport & storage informationALPACON DESCALANT is not classified as a hazardous substance under current transport regulations.ALPACON DESCALANT can be ordered in 12 or 25 litre plastic cans, 200 litre steel barrels or 1000 litre plastic containers.Storage should be done at 0–50°C.Can be frozen and thawed without impairing performance.Check the product visually after 3 years and verify that pH is within the prescribed limits.Regulatory informationSymbols:Xi IrritatingR-phrases:R36Irritating to eyesS-phrases:S25Avoid contact with eyesPart no.12 litre plastic can585828-01 25 litre plastic can1796404-13 200 litre steel barrel1796404-15 1000 litre plastic container1796404-19How to contact Alfa LavalContact details for all countries arecontinually updated on our web site.Please visit toaccess the information direct.EPS00002EN 0808Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.。
ecolab 手动清洁剂 MAXI PLONG 在化妆品制造厂的应用说明书
![ecolab 手动清洁剂 MAXI PLONG 在化妆品制造厂的应用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fbeb3893185f312b3169a45177232f60dccce76c.png)
Full time employees allocated to cleaning reduced from 9 to 4, with new COP tank and Ecolab’s Maxi Plonge Manual DetergentSITUATIONA global cosmetics manufacturerneeded to increase plant throughput without expanding the number of lines. At the same time, the plant manager was tasked to decrease costs associated with cleaning of manufacturing equipment.The manual washroom was particularly resource-intensive: for cleaningmake-up, water-in-oil face creams, and mascara, the established process involved 9 operators standing and manually scrubbing small parts (fillers and pucks) in the sink, requiring 8 hours to return them to acceptable cleaning standards, all while consuming nearly 1922 gallons of water per cleaning. An in-house powdered laundry detergent, provided at no cost, was used.SOLUTIONThe plant manager at the facility had previous experience in working with Ecolab’s technical team to resolve cleaning issues and requested a site survey. The team focused on maximizing process time reduction. A new COP tank was introduced and validated with Ecolab’s assistance. After the tank installation, a detergent that could allow further reduction of cleaning time, water and energy was tested. Coupon studies were performed with Ecolab’s Maxi Plonge, a non-corrosivepH product, specifically developed to effectively remove cosmetic soils.Upon implementation, cleaning studies were conducted onsite regarding the process and to verify the projected savings. It was discovered that the Maxi Plonge detergent dissolved the cosmetics completely . A 3%solution was proposed but was further optimized to a 2% solution in order to reduce the level of foam in the tank and avoid potential overflows. Ecolab team members remained onsite to provide support throughout the various tests and validation efforts.RESUL TSUsing these solutions, the plant was able to optimize their process for cleaning small parts. The previous SOPs created the desired result, but required more time, energy and water . After instituting Ecolab’s recommended process and product, the following client supplied results were achieved. It is estimated that water and wastewater were reduced by 79%. Cleaning time was reduced by 63% as each cleaning cycle only required 180 minutes compared to the previous cycle time of 480 minutes. This directly impacts labors expenses as well, as $130,000 per year will be saved having only four operators required per day for cleaning , down from the nine needed previously.Application:S egment: C hallenge: Recommended product:Oversaved per year*Client supplied dataINDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CLEANINGECOLAB’S BIOQUELL NORTH AMERICA 702 Electronic Dr., Suite 200Horsham, PA 19044 WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS 1 Ecolab PlaceSt. Paul, MN 55102 /lifesciences© 2023 Ecolab USA Inc. All rights reserved. 16JAN23/NA11423How Ecolab Adds ValueWORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS 1 Ecolab Place St. Paul, MN 55102USA/lifesciences /pharmaceutical Ecolab offers site-surveys from a trained technical team to review new or existing manufacturing and cleaning process.VALUE+� Technical recommendations are matched to your most relevant objectives and key performance indicators (safety, water savings, efficiency, etc.)�Formal report summarizes potential savings�Delivers implementation strategy that minimizesproduction disruptionsSite SurveysEcolab can assist with the complex validation process and change controls by providing guidance and documentation.VALUE+�G uidance includes: ⚫Cleaning process design and development ⚫Cleaning process validation⚫Continuous cleaning process verification� Helps ensure process stays in line with regulatory expectations and acceptance criteriaValidation AssistanceEcolab leverages industry expertise to deliver insights and guidance on regulatory expectations, trends and available tools to help ensure compliance for product safety and quality.VALUE+� Helps ensure compliance with cGMP to ensure cleaning and disinfection meet product safety and quality requirements�Help implement validations that meet regulatory expectationsDedicatedRegulatory TeamEcolab offers a laboratory team that can analyze soils, identify residues and test samples.VALUE+� Creates a quicker and more successful cleaning recommendation� Ensures the chemistry solution is effective against your unique, targeted soils� Helps determine optimal dilution and implementationparametersLab StudiesEcolab can help implement a validated strategy to clean CIP systems with registered chemical disinfectants as an alternative to water .VALUE+�S aves water which can help meet sustainability goals� Reduce energy and time needs by removing need to heat water to required temperatureDisinfection with Chemistry vs. WaterEcolab’s team is comprised of experts to help youimplement, manage, and maintain quality & compliance requirements and protocols.VALUE+�Gain valuable best-practices and implementation strategies from trained field and technical experts� Reduce troubleshooting time from on-site support and process training to resolve problems quicklyCustomer Training。
SAFETY DATA SHEETCLEENOL LIFT ORIGINAL MULTIPURPOSE CLEANER1.1. Product identifierProduct name CLEENOL LIFT ORIGINAL MULTIPURPOSE CLEANER1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstIdentified uses Cleaning agent.1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetSupplier Cleenol Group LtdNeville HouseBeaumont RoadBanburyOxon OX16 1RBUKTel : +44 (0)1295 251721Fax : +44 (0)1295 269561Manufacturer Cleenol Group LtdNeville HouseBeaumont RoadBanburyOxon OX16 1RBUKTel : +44 (0)1295 251721Fax : +44 (0)1295 2695611.4. Emergency telephone numberEmergency telephone Poisons Information SpecialistNational Poisons Information ServiceBirminghamB18 7QHTel: 0121 507 51222.1. Classification of the substance or mixtureClassificationPhysical hazards Not ClassifiedHealth hazards Eye Dam. 1 - H318Environmental hazards Not ClassifiedXi;R36.Classification (67/548/EEC or1999/45/EC)2.2. Label elementsPictogramSignal word DangerHazard statements H318 Causes serious eye damage.Precautionary statementsP280 Wear protective gloves.P280 Wear eye protection.P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor if you feel unwell.P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water.ContainsFATTY ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATEDetergent labelling < 5% amphoteric surfactants,Contains BRONOPOL (INN)2.3. Other hazards Other HazardsNoneThe Full Text for all R-Phrases and Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section 16.4.1. Description of first aid measuresInhalation Rinse nose and mouth with water. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. Ingestion Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.Skin contact Remove affected person from source of contamination. Remove contaminated clothing. Washskin thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.Eye contact Remove affected person from source of contamination. Remove any contact lenses and openeyelids wide apart. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention.4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedInhalation May cause respiratory irritation.Ingestion May cause irritation.Skin contact May cause skin irritation.Eye contact May cause eye irritation.4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededSpecific treatmentsSeek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist. Symptomatic treatmentSuitable extinguishing media The product is not flammable. Use fire-extinguishing media suitable for the surrounding fire. 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureSpecific hazards Burning may produce irritating, toxic and obnoxious fumes.Oxides of Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur.5.3. Advice for firefightersWear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and appropriate protective Special protective equipmentfor firefightersclothing.Personal precautions Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet.6.2. Environmental precautions Environmental precautionsAvoid or minimise the creation of any environmental contamination.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Methods for cleaning upStop leak if possible without risk. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place intocontainers. Flush contaminated area with plenty of water. Avoid the spillage or runoff entering drains, sewers or watercourses.6.4. Reference to other sections Reference to other sectionsSee section 3,8 & 13 for further information7.1. Precautions for safe handling Usage precautionsAvoid spilling. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Storage precautionsStore in tightly-closed, original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep only in the original container.Storage classChemical storage.7.3. Specific end use(s)Specific end use(s)The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section Control parameters Occupational exposure limits 1-METHOXY-2-PROPANOLLong-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 100 ppm(Sk) 375 mg/m3(Sk)Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 150 ppm(Sk) 560 mg/m3(Sk)PROPAN-2-OLLong-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 400 ppm 999 mg/m³Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 500 ppm 1250 mg/m³WEL = Workplace Exposure Limit Ingredient comments WEL = Workplace Exposure Limits8.2. Exposure controls Protective equipmentEye/face protectionEyewear complying with an approved standard should be worn if a risk assessment indicates eye contact is possible. The following protection should be worn: Chemical splash goggles or face shield.Hand protectionChemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn if a risk assessment indicates skin contact is possible.Other skin and body protectionWear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of skin contact.Hygiene measures Wash promptly if skin becomes contaminated. Promptly remove any clothing that becomescontaminated. Use appropriate skin cream to prevent drying of skin. When using do not eat,drink or smoke.9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesAppearance Clear liquid.Colour Green.Odour Characteristic.pH6-8Initial boiling point and range100°C @ 760 mm HgRelative density 1.002 @ 20C°C9.2. Other informationOther information None.10.1. ReactivityReactivity No test data specifically related to reactivity available for this product or its ingredients.10.2. Chemical stabilityStability Stable at normal ambient temperatures.10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactionsNone known.Possibility of hazardousreactions10.4. Conditions to avoidConditions to avoid Avoid excessive heat for prolonged periods of time.10.5. Incompatible materialsMaterials to avoid None known.10.6. Hazardous decomposition productsFire creates: Carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon dioxide (CO2).Hazardous decompositionproducts11.1. Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity - oralATE oral (mg/kg)7,142.85714286Inhalation Gas or vapour in high concentrations may irritate the respiratory system. Symptoms followingoverexposure may include the following: Coughing.Ingestion May cause discomfort if swallowed.Skin contact Liquid may irritate skin.Eye contact Irritating to eyes.Ecotoxicity Not regarded as dangerous for the environment.12.1. ToxicityToxicity The product is not believed to present a hazard due to its physical nature.12.2. Persistence and degradabilityPersistence and degradability The product is biodegradable.12.3. Bioaccumulative potentialBioaccumulative potential Not known.12.4. Mobility in soilMobility The product is soluble in water.12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentThis product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.Results of PBT and vPvBassessment12.6. Other adverse effectsOther adverse effects None known.13.1. Waste treatment methodsDisposal methods Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of thelocal Waste Disposal Authority.Road transport notes Not classified.Rail transport notes Not classified.Sea transport notes Not classified.Air transport notes Not classified.14.1. UN numberNot applicable.14.2. UN proper shipping nameNot applicable.14.3. Transport hazard class(es)Not applicable.14.4. Packing groupNot applicable.14.5. Environmental hazardsEnvironmentally hazardous substance/marine pollutantNo.14.6. Special precautions for userNot applicable.14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC CodeNot applicable.Transport in bulk according toAnnex II of MARPOL 73/78and the IBC CodeNational regulations The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009No. 716).Guidance Workplace Exposure Limits EH40.CHIP for everyone HSG228.Safety Data Sheets for Substances and PreparationsApproved Classification and Labelling Guide (Sixth edition) L131.15.2. Chemical safety assessmentA chemical safety assessment has been carried out.Revision10Supersedes date25/09/2015SDS number D21ORisk phrases in full R10 Flammable.R11 Highly flammable.R22 Harmful if swallowed.R36 Irritating to eyes.R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.Hazard statements in full H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour.H226 Flammable liquid and vapour.H302 Harmful if swallowed.H312 Harmful in contact with skin.H315 Causes skin irritation.H318 Causes serious eye damage.H319 Causes serious eye irritation.H335 May cause respiratory irritation.H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness.H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date indicated. However, no warranty, guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his own particular use.。
CRX210If your engine is not working properly or if there are parts missing or broken, please DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE. Contact our Customer Service Department at 1-877-362-4271 or **********************NOTE: Line drawings used in this manual are for reference only and do not represent a specific model. 7110703 Rev C JULY 202213This engine will have proper engine performance and emission control when it is operated at or below an altitude of 5000 feet (1524 meters). This engine requires a high altitude carburetor kit to ensure proper engine performance and emission control when it is operated at altitudes above 5000 feet (1524 meters). Operating the engine with the wrong engine configuration above 5000 feet (1524 meters) may increase its emissions and decrease fuel efficiency and performance. To obtain a high altitude carburetor kit, contact FNA Group at**************************************.DipstickSee SPECIFICATIONS for oil capacity and oil type; Page 10.See SPECIFICATIONS for fuel capacity (rated); Page 10.3. Turn the ON/OFF switch to the ON position.6. Grasp the recoil starter handle and pull it slowly until resistanceis felt. Pull rapidly to avoid kickback.7. When the engine is running, slide the choke lever back to the RUN position.See SPECIFICATIONS for rated oil capacity; Page 10.Dipstick6. See SPECIFICATIONS (Page 10) for rated oil; fill to the upperlimit. Reinstall and fully tighten the dipstick.1. Unscrew the wingnut. Remove the air filter cover.2. Remove the filter element.3. Clear away internal dirt and debris.4. Replace the filter.5. Reinstall the air cover filter, tighten the wingnut.7. After the spark plug is seated, use a toque wrench to tightento 15-18 ft. lb. (20 – 25 N.m)If your engine is not working properly or if there are parts missingor broken, please DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE PLACE OFPURCHASE. Contact our Customer Service Department at 1-877-********************************Using an external sparktester, assure that thecylinder has proper spark.If the spark is weak ormissing altogether, contactyour local authorizedservice dealer.70542088.6:14.3/3600Valve arrangement Number of cylinders Cylinder diameter(mm)Rated power per SAE J1349 Net Power (Kw/rpm)Spark plug gapWeight (net)0.004 – 0.006” (0.10 – 0.15mm)0.006 – 0.008” (0.15 – 0.20mm)0.024 – 0.031” (0.6 – 0.8mm)SAE 10W-30 API SG or newer0.57 gal (2.6L)21oz (0.6L)14.37 x 12.60 x 13.58” (365 x 320 x 345mm)34.2 lbs. (15.5Kg)CRX210CRX210All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) except for thread callouts.WARRANTY COVERAGE TERMS:This warranty replaces all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and all such warranties are hereby disclaimed and excluded by the manufacturer. The manufacturer’s warranty obligation is limited to repair and replacement of defective products as provided herein and the manufacturer shall not be liable for any further loss, damages, or expenses - including damages from shipping, accident, abuse, acts of God, misuse, or neglect. Neither is damage from repairs using parts not purchased from the manufacturerThe manufacturer of this product agrees to repair or replace designated parts that prove defective within the warranty period listed below at the manufacturer’s sole discretion. Specific limitations/extensions and exclusions apply.These warranties pass through to the end user and are non-transferable. As a factory authorized and trained Warranty Service Center, the factory will honor the terms of allcomponent warranties and satisfy claims of the appropriate warranty provisions.The FNA Group assumes no responsibility for incidental, consequential, or other damages including,but not limited to, expenses related to transporting the product to or from an authorized service, a mechanic’s travel time, any telephone or communication charges, the rental of a like product while the warranty service is being performed, any other travel time or expenses, loss or damage to personal property, loss ofrevenue, loss of use of the product, loss of time, or any other inconvenience. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.This warranty covers defects in material and workmanship and not parts failure due to normal wear, depreciation, abuse, accidental damage due to chemical deterioration, scale buildup, rust corrosion or thermal expansion, negligence,improper use, maintenance, water quality or storage. To make a claim under the terms of the warranty, all parts said to be defective must be retained and available for return uponrequest to a designated Warranty Service Center for warranty inspection. The judgments and decisions of the manufacturer concerning the validity of warranty claims are final.Normal wear items include, but are not limited to, spark plugs, carburetor adjustments, ignition adjustments, filters, oil changes, recoil starter ropes, electric motor brushes, cotter pins, gaskets, valves, pistons or any other parts considered to be wear items, which are not covered by this warranty. The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all otherwarranties whether written, oral, expressed, or implied. There are no warranties of merchantability or fitness of any product for a particular purpose. The FNA Group’s only liability shall be the repair or replacement of parts as stated above. In no event shall the FNA Group be responsible for any losses or damages that are indirect, consequential, punitive, special, exemplary, or for economic loss, commercial loss, lost revenues, lost profits, or lost business opportunities, regardless of whether such liability is based on breach of contract, tort, strict liability,breach of warranties, failure of essential purpose or otherwise, or is a direct result of the FNA Group’s own actions orinactions. Because some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, the above limitation may not apply to you.3 YEAR COMMERCIAL LIMITED WARRANTYUse reasonable care in the operation and maintenance of the product as described in the Operator’s Manual(s).RESPONSIBILITY OF ORIGINAL PURCHASER (INITIAL USER):or alterations performed by non-factory authorized personnel. Failure to install and operate equipment according to the guidelines put forth in the instruction manual shall void warranty.Retain original cash register sales receipt as proof of purchase for warranty work.To process a warranty claim, report the concern to 1-877-362-4271*******************************************direction to the nearest authorized service center in your area.FEDERAL and CALIFORNIA EXHAUST AND EVAPORATIVE EMISSIONSCONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENTYOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONSThe United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the California Air Resources Board, and FNA Group (FNA) are pleased to explain the exhaust and evaporative emissions (“emissions”) control system’s warranty on your 2022 small off-road engine or equipment (SORE). In California, new equipment that use small off-road engines must be designed, built, and equipped to meet the State’s stringent anti-smog standards. FNA must warrant the emissions control system on your SORE for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect or improper maintenance of your small off-road engine or equipment leading to the failure of the emissions control system.Your emissions control system may include parts such as the carburetor or fuel-injection system, the ignition system, catalytic converter, fuel tanks, fuel lines (for liquid fuel and fuel vapors), fuel caps, valves, canisters, filters, clamps and other associated components. Also included may be hoses, belts, connectors, and other emission-related assemblies.Where a warrantable condition exists, FNA will repair your SORE at no cost to you including diagnosis, parts and labor.MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY COVERAGE:This exhaust and evaporative emissions control system on your SORE is warranted for two years. If any emissions-related part on your SORE is defective, the part will be repaired or replaced by FNA.OWNER’S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILITIES:As the SORE owner, you are responsible for performance of the required maintenance listed in your owner’s manual. FNA recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your SORE, but FNA cannot deny warranty coverage solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance.As the SORE owner, you should however be aware that FNA may deny your warranty coverage if your SORE or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance or unapproved modifications.You are responsible for presenting your SORE to a FNA distribution center or service center as soon as the problem exists. The warranty repairs shall be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact FNA Groupat 1-877-362-4271 or at **********************.DEFECTS WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS:(a) Applicability. This section applies to emissions control systems on small off-road engines or equipment that use small off-road engines subject to the emission standards in this Article. The warranty period begins on the date the engine or equipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser.(b) General Emissions Warranty Coverage. The engine or equipment must be warranted to the ultimate purchaser and any subsequent owner that the emissions control system when installed was:(1) Designed, built, and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations; and(2) Free from defects in materials and workmanship that causes the failure of a warranted part for a period of two years.(c) The warranty on emissions-related parts will be interpreted as follows:(1) Any warranted part that is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the written instructions furnishedwith each new engine or equipment must be warranted for the warranty period defined in subsection (b)(2). If any such part fails during the period of warranty coverage, it must be repaired or replaced by FNA according to subsection (4) below. Any such part repaired or replaced under the warranty must be warranted for a time not less than the remaining warranty period.(2) Any warranted part that is scheduled only for regular inspection in the written instructions furnished with each newengine or equipment must be warranted for the warranty period defined in subsection (b)(2). A statement in such written instructions to the effect of “repair or replace as necessary” shall advise owners of the warranty coverage for emissions related parts. Replacement within the warranty period is covered by the warranty and will not reduce the period of warranty coverage. Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty must be warranted for a time not less than the remaining warranty period.(3) Any warranted part that is scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the written instructions furnished witheach new engine or equipment must be warranted for the period of time prior to the first scheduled replacement point for that part. If the part fails prior to the first scheduled replacement, the part must be repaired or replaced by the manufacturer according to subsection (4) below. Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty must be warranted for a time not less than the remainder of the period prior to the first scheduled replacement point for the part.(4) Repair or replacement of any warranted part under the warranty provisions of this article must be performed at nocharge to the owner at a warranty station.(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (4) above, warranty services or repairs must be provided at distributioncenters that are franchised to service the subject engines or equipment.(6) The owner must not be charged for diagnostic labor that leads to the determination that a warranted part is in factdefective, provided that such diagnostic work is performed at a warranty station.(7) Throughout the emissions control system’s warranty period set out in subsection (b)(2), FNA must maintain a supply ofwarranted parts sufficient to meet the expected demand for such parts and must obtain additional parts if that supply is exhausted.(8) Manufacturer-approved replacement parts that do not increase the exhaust or evaporative emissions of the engine orevaporative emission system must be used in the performance of any warranty maintenance or repairs and must be provided without charge to the owner. Such use will not reduce the warranty obligations of FNA.(9) The use of add-on or modified parts may be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim made in accordance with thisArticle. FNA will not be liable under this Article to warrant failures of warranted parts caused by the use of an add-on or modified part.(10) FNA shall provide any documents that describe FNA’s warranty procedures or policies within five working days ofrequest by the Executive Officer.(d) A list of all emissions warranty parts must be included with each new engine or equipment subject to this Article. The emissions warranty parts list shall include all parts whose failure would increase exhaust or evaporative emissions, and contains the following parts (if applicable):(1) Fuel Metering System● Carburetor and internal parts (and/or pressure regulator or fuel injection system).● Air/fuel ratio feedback and control system.● Cold start enrichment system.(2) Air Induction System● Controlled hot air intake system.● Intake manifold.● Air filter.(3) Ignition System● Spark Plugs.● Magneto or electronic ignition system.● Spark advance/retard system.(4) Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System● EGR valve body, and carburetor spacer if applicable.● EGR rate feedback and control system.(5) Air injection System● Air pump or pulse valve.● Valves affecting distribution of flow.● Distribution manifold.(6) Catalyst or Thermal Reactor S ystem● Catalytic converter.● Thermal reactor.● Exhaust manifold.(7) Particulate Controls● Traps, filters, precipitators, and any other device used to capture particulate emissions.(8) Miscellaneous items Used in Above Systems● Vacuum, temperature, and time sensitive valves and switches.● Electronic controls.● Hoses, belts, connectors, and assemblies.(9) Evaporative Controls● Fuel Tank● Fuel Cap● Fuel Lines (for liquid fuel and fuel vapors)● Fuel Line Fittings● Clamps**● Pressure Relief Valves**● Control Valves**● Control Solenoids**● Electronic Controls**● Vacuum Control Diaphragms**● Control Cables**● Control Linkages**● Purge Valves● Gaskets● Liquid/Vapor Separator● Carbon Canister● Canister Mounting Brackets● Carburetor Purge Port Connector**Note: As they relate to the evaporative emission control system.Note: Any other warranty statements apply to engines or equipment units shall not limit the emissions warranty period (two years) or its applicability to subsequent owners after the ultimate purchaser.。
ECOLAB LTD PO BOX 11WINNINGTON AVENUE,NORTHWICH CHESHIRE CW8 4DX Website: /arpal Phone: 01750 23780PRODUCT GUIDANCE SHEETRP Adam Ltd (Arpal Group) North Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Selkirk, TD7 5DU (UK) Email *******************.uk Web Blog Customer Services 01750 23780 Engineering Services 01750 23798 Issue Date: June 2015 RP Adam Ltd products are manufactured under ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 registered Quality and Environmental Management Systems. Established 1891BLITZ FLOOR CLEANER & HEAVY DUTY DEGREASERA powerful low foaming, odourless detergent degreaser for the removal of the heaviest grease and ingrained organic soiling from a wide range of hard surfaces and process equipment. It is particularly effective at removing ingrained grease and grime from most types of flooring within the commercial catering environment where extra chemical energy is required. Ideal for use with scrubber dryers, it is a work horse formulation for all commercial cleaning applications. Product Name: Description: Pack Size(s): Pallet Size(s): Product Code(s): BLITZ Floor cleaner and heavy duty degreaser 2x5Lt 80 1300000 HOW TO USE It must be diluted correctly with water to prepare effective cleaning solutions. Product is dispensed via a standard 5lt pelican pump, manual wall mounted bottle/bucket pump or via an automatic chemical/water mixing station available from us on a free-on-loan agreement basis.Weekly Heavy Duty Floor Cleaning: Add 3-4 plunges o f dispenser per 3lt to 8lt, and 6 plunges per 12lt bucket capacity. For best results in commercial kitchens, mop the chemical/hot water solution onto the floor, leave the solution to work on the grease and grime for at least two minutes, then using an appropriate hard bristled brush, deck-scrub the floor. When completed, take a fresh, clean warm water solution and mop the floor free of chemical and residues.Issue Date: September 2019Riverside Road, Selkirk, TD7 5DU (UK) Email *******************.uk Web Blog Customer Services 01750 23780Engineering Services 01750 23798 Issue Date: June 2015 RP Adam Ltd products are manufactured under ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 registered Quality and Environmental Management Systems. Established 1891 BLITZ FLOOR CLEANER & HEAVY DUTY DEGREASER A powerful low foaming, odourless detergent degreaser for the removal of the heaviest grease and ingrained organic soiling from a wide range of hard surfaces and process equipment. It is particularly effective at removing ingrained grease and grime from most types of flooring within the commercial catering environment where extra chemical energy is required. Ideal for use with scrubber dryers, it is a work horse formulation for all commercial cleaning applications. Product Name: Description: Pack Size(s): Pallet Size(s): Product Code(s): BLITZ Floor cleaner and heavy duty degreaser 2x5Lt 80 1300000 HOW TO USE It must be diluted correctly with water to prepare effective cleaning solutions. Product is dispensed via a standard 5lt pelican pump, manual wall mounted bottle/bucket pump or via an automatic chemical/water mixing station available from us on a free-on-loan agreement basis.Weekly Heavy Duty Floor Cleaning: Add 3-4 plunges o f dispenser per 3lt to 8lt, and 6 plunges per 12lt bucket capacity. For best results in commercial kitchens, mop the chemical/hot water solution onto the floor, leave the solution to work on the grease and grime for at least two minutes, then using an appropriate hard bristled brush, deck-scrub the floor. When completed, take a fresh, clean warm water solution and mop the floor free of chemical and residues. North Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Selkirk, TD7 5DU (UK) Email *******************.uk Web Blog Customer Services 01750 23780 Engineering Services 01750 23798 Issue Date: June 2015 RP Adam Ltd products are manufactured under ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 registered Quality and Environmental Management Systems. Established 1891 BLITZ FLOOR CLEANER & HEAVY DUTY DEGREASER A powerful low foaming, odourless detergent degreaser for the removal of the heaviest grease and ingrained organic soiling from a wide range of hard surfaces and process equipment. It is particularly effective at removing ingrained grease and grime from most types of flooring within the commercial catering environment where extra chemical energy is required. Ideal for use with scrubber dryers, it is a work horse formulation for all commercial cleaning applications. Product Name: Description: Pack Size(s): Pallet Size(s): Product Code(s): BLITZ Floor cleaner and heavy duty degreaser 2x5Lt 80 1300000 HOW TO USE It must be diluted correctly with water to prepare effective cleaning solutions. Product is dispensed via a standard 5lt pelican pump, manual wall mounted bottle/bucket pump or via an automatic chemical/water mixing station available from us on a free-on-loan agreement basis.Weekly Heavy Duty Floor Cleaning: Add 3-4 plunges o f dispenser per 3lt to 8lt, and 6 plunges per 12lt bucket capacity. For best results in commercial kitchens, mop the chemical/hot water solution onto the floor, leave the solution to work on the grease and grime for at least two minutes, then using an appropriate hard bristled brush, deck-scrub the floor. When completed, take a fresh, clean warm water solution and mop the floor free of chemical and residues.Floor Scrubbing Machine: Add 500mls per 80lt of water in the machine tank, or use a HI-FLOW chemical/water mixing station. Scrub floor to remove grime and remove the slurry. Floor Cleaning in Hard Water Areas: If lime scale is present in the wash water it is a barrier to effective cleaning. It builds up over time and forms an invisible coating, preventing grease and grime removal. To remove scale films, clean the flooring periodically with a diluted solution of acid descaler. Please seek advice from the manufacturer first. Caution: This product must not be used on sealed or polished floors, as it may affect the finish. It should not be used on zinc, aluminium or similar alloys as it may cause damage to the surface. Follow the recommended dilution rates and rinse thoroughly after use, as using an over-concentrated solution or poor rinsing can leave a white chemical residue that may be difficult to remove. The product is a concentrate designed for economy in use, so follow the recommended dilution rates as over concentration of chemical may cause smearing on surfaces or leave them tacky. If this happens wipe down with a damp cloth or mop with cold clean water. SAFETY ADVICE – WHEN HANDLING or DISPENSING THE CONCENTRATEDANGER Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. May be corrosive to metals. Wear protective gloves, protective clothing and eye or face protection. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor. Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. For further detailed information on this product please refer to the Safety Data Sheet. SAFETY ADVICE – WHEN USING THE DILUTED SOLUTION Wearing eye protection is recommended when dispensing concentrate into bottle, but generally not needed for normal use of the cleaning solution. Wear suitable gloves. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention. Keep out of reach of children.COSHH STATEMENT COSHH is a law that requires all employers to take steps to control substances (chemicals) that may cause harm to employees, contractors and visitors to the workplace. Every work environment will be different in terms of the hazardous chemicals that are present, and how these are used, and individual assessments may be necessary to consider how chemicals can be handled and stored safely, in addition to ensuring that appropriate PPE and training is provided for employees. Product MSDS and Product Guidance Sheets are intended to help when carrying out a COSHH assessment, however if further advice is needed with regard to specific issues in your work environment we are happy to provide advice . For a technical query e-mail us at : *****************************.ukFloor Scrubbing Machine: Add 500mls per 80lt of water in the machine tank, or use a HI-FLOW chemical/water mixing station. Scrub floor to remove grime and remove the slurry. Floor Cleaning in Hard Water Areas: If lime scale is present in the wash water it is a barrier to effective cleaning. It builds up over time and forms an invisible coating, preventing grease and grime removal. To remove scale films, clean the flooring periodically with a diluted solution of acid descaler. Please seek advice from the manufacturer first. Caution: This product must not be used on sealed or polished floors, as it may affect the finish. It should not be used on zinc, aluminium or similar alloys as it may cause damage to the surface. Follow the recommended dilution rates and rinse thoroughly after use, as using an over-concentrated solution or poor rinsing can leave a white chemical residue that may be difficult to remove. The product is a concentrate designed for economy in use, so follow the recommended dilution rates as over concentration of chemical may cause smearing on surfaces or leave them tacky. If this happens wipe down with a damp cloth or mop with cold clean water. SAFETY ADVICE – WHEN HANDLING or DISPENSING THE CONCENTRATE DANGER Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. May be corrosive to metals. Wear protective gloves, protective clothing and eye or face protection. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor. Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. For further detailed information on this product please refer to the Safety Data Sheet. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY SAFETY ADVICE – WHEN USING THE DILUTED SOLUTION Wearing eye protection is recommended when dispensing concentrate into bottle, but generally not needed for normal use of the cleaning solution. Wear suitable gloves. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention. Keep out of reach of children. COSHH STATEMENT COSHH is a law that requires all employers to take steps to control substances (chemicals) that may cause harm to employees, contractors and visitors to the workplace. Every work environment will be different in terms of the hazardous chemicals that are present, and how these are used, and individual assessments may be necessary to consider how chemicals can be handled and stored safely, in addition to ensuring that appropriate PPE and training is provided for employees. Product MSDS and Product Guidance Sheets are intended to help when carrying out a COSHH assessment, however if further advice is needed with regard to specific issues in your work environment we are happy to provide advice . For a technical query e-mail us at : *****************************.uk Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Wear protective gloves/ eye protection/ face protection. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water or shower. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.For further detailed information on this product please refer to the Safety Data Sheet.FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY COSHH STATEMENT COSHH is a law that requires all employers to take steps to control substances (chemicals) that may cause harm to employees, contractors and visitors to the workplace. Every work environment will be different in terms of the hazardous chemicals that are present, and how these are used, and individual assessments may be necessary to consider how chemicals can be handled and stored safely, in addition to ensuring that appropriate PPE and training is provided for employees. Product MSDS and Product Guidance Sheets are intended to help when carrying out a COSHH assessment, however if further advice is needed with regard to specific issues in your work environment we are happy to provide advice.。
179104 Fuel injector cleaner None known.
Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information
Company Name
Ford Motor Company
Attention: SDS Information, P.O. Box 1899
6. Accidental release measures
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up
In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. Combustible liquid.
1. Identification
Product identifier
Premium Fuel Injector Cleaner
Other means of identification FIR No.
Recommended use Recommended restrictions
Trade Secret 91-20-3
Certol ProEZ 2 双酶洗涤剂说明书
![Certol ProEZ 2 双酶洗涤剂说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/de87050d59fafab069dc5022aaea998fcc2240ad.png)
Fast-Acting Dual EnzymeP R E Z /P P 05 09/126120 East 58th Avenue • Commerce City, CO 80022 • (800) 843-3343 • Multiple Use •L ow foam formula may be used in manual, ultrasonic and automated washer systems.• Presoak to prevent soils from drying on instruments.• S oak and flush all types of submersible endosopes. Chelating and Rinsing Agents • H ard or untreated water can inhibit the cleaning effectiveness of detergents.• C ertol’s unique system disperses active agents to“capture” minerals that interfere with cleaning action. This system reduces spotting and provides free-rinsing.Robust Anti-Corrosive System • A nti-corrosive system protects vulnerable box locks, jointed items and carbon steel during presoak and through multiple wash cycles.• P reventing corrosion and prolonging the use life of instruments helps reduce overall costs.Odor Suppressant • O dor suppressants are included in every Certol enzyme formula to mask the naturally musky odor of enzymes and unpleasant odors from soiled instruments.Safe for Delicate Instruments • N eutral pH formula is gentle to instruments, and reduces pitting. Easy to Use • L iquid concentrate mixes andacts quickly unlike powders and tablets.•O ne ounce unit dose tubes and metered dispensing pump take the guess work out of measuring.55 Gallon Drum1PREZ550Speeds Instrument Turnaround with True Dual Enzyme Formula: • P rotease and amylase enzymes work together to quickly dissolve blood protein and starch soils in as little as one minute.• E conomical formulation for sticky retentive soils associated with endoscopy and complex surgery. • P rovides effective cleaning on complex instrument surfaces including channels, box locks and serrations. • M any competitive enzyme detergents claim dual or multi-enzyme formulas but in fact only target protein soils.Description:ProEZ 2 is a neutral pH, concentrated liquid detergent with protein (protease) and starch (amylase) digesting enzymes - plus an odor suppressant to neutralize organic or chemical odors carried on instruments.Intended Use:ProEZ 2 is intended for cleaning medical and dental instruments by dissolving and lifting organic soils. ProEZ 2 is designed to minimize manual scrubbing of contaminated items. It is especially useful for cleaning instruments with complex surfaces such as box locks and serrated edges; or cleaning complex equipment such as flexible endoscope channels.Product Specifications:Dilution Ratios: 1/2 - 1 oz. per gallon.For difficult or dried on soils, 2 oz. per gallon.Removal Time: 1 minute minimum or until soilsare dissolved or removed.pH: Neutral.Temperature of Use: E ffective at room temperature68°F (20°C), but use of product with warmer water 90° - 110°F (32° - 43°C) will optimize the performance of the enzymes.Odor: Clean, fresh scent.Shelf Life: 2 years from date of manufacture.Disposal:B iodegradable and safe to pour down the drain as non-regulated waste.More Chemical Action when compared to Superconcentrates:• H igh dilutions of liquid and “brick” superconcentrates limit the volume of chelating and anticorrosive agents delivered in each cycle. • E conomy detergents may skimp on costly water treatment and anti-corrosive agents.• P owdered detergents may not fully dissolve into active solution until short wash cycle is nearly completed.Product Capabilities:• R apidly digests protein and starch, the principlecomponents of organic soils. The powerful cleaning system facilitates penetration of enzyme cleaning action into crevices and channels; and includeschelating and rinsing agents to disperse digested soils away from instrument surfaces.• O dor suppressants reduce unpleasant odors from surgical soils.• A nti-corrosives and neutral pH combine to protect delicate instruments including carbon steel, gold, brass and lensed items.Use Precautions:ProEZ 2 is an eye irritant and mild skin irritant. Wear eye protection and water resistant non-latex gloves when using ProEZ 2.ProEZ 2™Dual Enzymatic DetergentProSpray™Ready-to-Use Surface Disinfectant/Cleaner Accessory Products:Other products available from Certol include:ProSpray™ wipes Surface Disinfectant/Cleaner Towelettes ProEZ foam™Ready-to-Use FoamingEnzymatic Spray ProLube™ RTUInstrument Lubricant Ready-to-Use。
USAGE: z May be used neat or diluted by up to 1 part to 40 parts
of water according to requirement-from removal of
severe oily soiling to light hard surface cleaning. z Do not use neat on Asphalt or Tarmac surfaces.
: Mild citrus
: 11.0 typical
Specific Gravity : 0.99 typical
: Fully miscible with water
Flash Point
: Not determinable
Shelf Life
: Twelve months
Enviro-clean emulsions allow a good split lf entrained
oil which is highly advantageous where recovery of oil prior to
effluent disposal is required , As the solvent is fully
to remove oil and grease soiling, and diluted by up to 40:1 for
less arduous general hard surface cleaning , lt. promotes a
pleasant and healthy working environment.
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中色: 还原清洗剂 ECO 1.0-1.5G/L
深色: 还原清洗剂 ECO 1.5-3.0G/L