
美国的国务卿是美国政府中的1号内阁成员。如果总统无法有效行使总统权力能力或者意外死亡(in the event of the disability or death of the President),按照美国总统的继承顺序,国务卿排在第4位,即,排在美国副总统(the Vice President)、众议院议长(the Speaker of the House)和美国参议院临时议长(the President pro tempore of the United States Senate)之后。
美国国务院总部设在美国首都华盛顿雾谷街坊(the Foggy Bottom neighborhood)C街2201号的杜鲁门大楼(the Harry S Truman Building),离白宫只有几个街区(block)距离。就其字面及其实质而言,the United States Department of State译成“美国国务部”更适合,这样就很容易让人看出美国的Department of State与我国的国务院级别是不同的:我国的国务院(State Council)的负责人是政府首脑(head of government),而美国国务院仅相当于我国的“外交部”,因为美国的总统既是国家元首(head of state)又是美国政府首脑(head of government)。美国联邦政府的其他department均译作“部”,如:美国的财政部(the Department of Treasury)、司法部(the Department of Justice)、国防部(the Department of Defense)、商务部(the Department of Commerce)和教育部(the Department of Education)等,其首长(secretary)均译作“部长”,而Department of State中的department及其首长(Secretary of State)头衔都搞了特殊化,分别译成了“国务院”和“国务卿”。就字面而言,Department of State或许译作“国务部”或者“外交部”更容易理解,而其首脑Secretary of State或许译作“国务部长”或者“外交部长”才利于与其他国家机构接轨,不过,在英汉翻译历史上,一直习惯上将Department of State译成“国务院”,将Secretary of State译作“国务卿”。

【珍藏】美国政府结构名称中英文对照GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES美国政府CONSTITUTION宪法一、LEGISLATIVE BRANCH立法部门Congress国会Senate参议院House of Representatives众议院Architect of the Capitol国会大厦Congressional Budget Office国会预算办公室General Accounting Office总会计署Government Printing Office印刷局Library of Congress美国国会图书馆Office of Technology Assessment国会技术评估办公室Stennis Center for Public Service :Stennis公众服务中心二、EXECUTIVE BRANCH行政部门President总统Vice President副总统Executive Office of the President总统行政办公室Council of Economic Advisers总统经济顾问委员会Council on Environmental Quality总统环境质量委员会National Economic Council国家经济委员会National Security Council国家安全委员会Office of Management and Budget管理与预算办公室Office of National AIDS Policy国家艾滋病政策办公室Office of National Drug Control Policy国家麻醉品控制政策办公室Office of Science and Technology Policy科技政策办公室President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Boa rd总统国外情报顾问委员会U.S. Trade Representative美国贸易代表White House Office for Women’s Initiatives and Out reach 白宫妇女办公室Department of Agriculture农业部Department of Commerce商业部Department of Defense国防部Department of Education教育部Department of Energy能源部Department of Health and Human Services卫生和公共事业部Department of Housing and Urban Development住宅与城市发展部Department of the Interior内务部Department of Justice司法部Department of Labor劳工部Department of State国务院Department of Transportation交通部Department of the Treasury财政部Department of Veterans Affairs退伍军人事务部Independent Establishments, Government Corporations, and Quasi-official Agencie s独立机构、政府法人社团和半官方中介机构Advisory Council on Historic Preservation历史保护咨询委员会Central Intelligence Agency中央情报局Commission on Civil Rights民权委员会Commodity Futures Trading Commission商品期货贸易委员会Consumer Product Safety Commission消费者产品安全委员会Corporation for National Service国家服务团Environmental Protection Agency环保局Equal Employment Opportunity Commission平等就业机会委员会Export-Import Bank of the United States美国进出口银行FarmCredit Administration农业信贷管理局Federal Communications Commission联邦通讯委员会Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation联邦储蓄保险公司Federal Election Commission联邦选举委员会Federal Emergency Management Agency联邦紧急事务管理局Federal Labor Relations Authority联邦劳工关系局Federal Maritime Commission联邦海事委员会Federal Reserve System联邦储备银行系统Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board联邦退休储蓄和投资委员会Federal Trade Commission联邦贸易委员会General Services Administration总务管理局Merit Systems Protection Board功绩制保护委员会National Aeronautics and Space Administration国家航空航天局National Archives and Records Administration国家档案局National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities国家艺术人文基金会National Labor Relations Board国家劳工关系委员会National Railroad Passenger Corporation国家铁路客运公司National Performance Review国家绩效评估委员会National Science Foundation国家科学基金会National Transportation Safety Board国家交通安全委员会Nuclear Regulatory Commission核管理委员会Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission职业安全与健康管理局Office of Government Ethics政府道德办公室Office of Personnel Management人事管理办公室Office of Special Counsel特别检察官办公室Overseas Private Investment Corporation海外私人投资公司Peace Corps和平队Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation养老金受益担保公司Postal Rate Commission邮政费率委员会Railroad Retirement Board铁道职工退休委员会Securities and Exchange Commission证券交易委员会Selective Service System义务兵役管理部Small Business Administration小企业主利益保护局Smithsonian Institution史密森学会Social Security Administration社会保障部Tennessee Valley Authority田纳西州河谷授权委员会U.S. Agency for International Development美国国际开发署U.S. International Trade Commission美国国际贸易委员会U.S. Postal Service美国邮政服务局U.S. Trade and Development Agency美国贸易及发展署Voice of America美国之音三、JUDICIAL BRANCH司法机构Supreme Court最高法院U.S. Courts of Appeals美国地区法院U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit美国联邦巡回地区法院U.S. District Courts联邦地方法院U.S. Court of Federal Claims联邦申诉法庭U.S. Court of International Trade国际贸易法院U.S. Tax Court税务法院U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces武装部队地区法院U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals退伍军人地区法院Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts美国法院行政管理办公室Federal Judicial Center联邦司法中心。

美国政府机构名称|机构组织名称翻译词汇U.S. Institutions 美国行政机构总统办事机构:(Executive Office of the President)copyright englishtang白宫办公厅(The White House Office)副总统办公厅(Office of the Vice President of the United States)行政管理和预憔?(Office of Management and Budget)经济顾问委员会(Council of Economic Advisers)国家安全委员会(National Security Council)美国贸易代表办公室(Office of United States Trade Representatives) 政策制定办公室(Office of Policy Development)科学和技术政策办公室(Office of Science and Technology Policy)改善环境质量委员会(Council on Environmental Quality)国家麻醉品控制政策办公室(Office of National Drug Control Policy) 行政办公室(Office of Administration)政府各部:(Cabinet Department)国务院(Department of State)财政部(Department of Treasury)国防部(Department of Defense)司法部(Department of Justice)商务部(Department of Commerce)能源部(Department of Energy)内政部(Department of Interior)农业部(Department of Agriculture)教育部(Department of Education)运输部(Department of Transportation)劳工部(Department of Labor)卫生与公众服务部(Department of Health and Human services)住房和城市发展部(Department of Housing and Urban Development) 退伍军人事务部(Department of Veterans Affairs)军事机构:(Military Bodies)国防部(Department of Defense)参谋长联席会议(Joint Chiefs of Staff)陆军(Army) 空军(Airforce) 海军(Navy)海军陆战队(Marine Corps)海岸警卫队(Coast Guard)后备役部队(Reserves)联合作战司令部(United Combatant Commands)。

英美国家机构地物名称一.美国国家机构和主要地物名称The United States of America(U.S.A)美利坚合众国(美国)the Federal Constitution《联邦宪法》presidential republic system总统制共和制two-party system两党制separation of three powers including administration,legislation,and jurisdiction三权分立(行政立法、行政、司法)Congress国会Senate参议院senator参议员Senate Speaker参议院院长the House of Representatives众议院a member of the House of Representatives(M.H.R)众议员House Speaker参议院院长the White House白宫National Security Assistant(NSA)总统国家安全事务助理美国内阁各部门一律用department,首长为secretary Department of State国务院Department of Treasury财政部Department of Interior内务部Department of Veterans Affairs退伍军人事务部FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)联邦调查局CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)中央情报局DIA(Defense Intelligence Agency)国防情报局NSA(National Security Agency)国家安全局NSC(National Security Council)国家安全委员会SEC(Security and Exchange Commission)国家证券交易会JCS(Joint Chiefs of Staffs)参谋长联席会议NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)美国国家航空和宇宙航行局FAA(Federal Aviation Administration)联邦航空局Federal Reserve美国联邦储蓄银行AP(Associated Press)联合通讯社(美联社)ABC(American Broadcasting Company)美国广播公司DJI(Dow Jones Index)道琼斯指数Standard&Poor’s Composite Index(标准普尔指数)NYSE(New York Stock Exchange)纽约证券交易所AMEX(American Stock Exchange)美国证券交易所NASDAC(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)全美证券商自动报价系统the Democratic Party of the United States民主党the Republican Party of the United States共和党the Supreme Court of the United States最高法院United States Sentencing Commission上诉法院the Lower Courts地方法院二.英国国家机构和主要地物名称the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(UK)大不列颠北爱尔兰联合(英国)Great Charter《大宪章》the Bill of Rights/an Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown《权利法案》/《全民权利与自由和王位继承宣言》Parliamentary Constitutional Monarch议会制君主立宪制the Parliament of the Untied Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland英国国会the House of Lords上院(贵族院)Lords Spiritual上议院神职议员Lords Temporal上议院世俗议员the House of Commons下院(平民院)Palace of Westminster维斯密斯特宫the Anglican Church英国圣公会No.10Downing Street唐宁街十号the Coalition Government联合政府Prime Minister首相Deputy Prime Minister副首相First Secretary of State首席大臣State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs外交与联邦事物部the Exchequer财政部Chancellor财政大臣Chief Secretary to the Treasury英国财政部首席秘书the Conservative Party保守党the Labor Party工党Tory托利党Whig辉格党Square Mile伦敦金融区British Bank Holidays英国银行节Buckingham Palace白金汉宫British Museum大英博物馆RGO(Royal Greenwich Observatory)格林尼治天文台GMT(Greenwich Mean Time)格林尼治标准时间Prime Meridian本初子午线Big Ben大笨钟。

Institution 机关;机构Congress 国会court 法院;法庭Constitution 宪法Amendment 修正案;修订案the Bill of Rights (美)人权法案ambassador 大使;使节envoy 使节embassy 大使馆federalism 联邦主义;联邦制度the Supreme Court (美)最高法院the Cabinet 内阁bicameralism 两院制the chamber 议院the Senate 参议院impeachment 弹劾parliament 议会the House of Representatives 众议院the district courts 地方法院levy tax 征税the courts of appeals 上诉法院Democrat 民主党员two-party system 两党制Republican 共和党员Democratic party 民主党platform(美)政党竞选纲领Libertarian 自由党者Department of Justice 司法部jury Socialist 社会党员government intervention 政府干预global economy 全球经济Monetary and fiscal policies 财政政策protectionist 保护贸易论tariff 关税foreign affairs 外交magistrate (张有司法权的)行政长官;治安法官administration 政府intermediate courts of appeals 中级上诉法院agenda 议事日程appellate court of last resort 最终求助上诉法院arbitration 仲裁bill 议案cabinet 内阁Capitol Hill 美国国会checks and balances 权力制衡committee 委员会cold war 冷战congressional record 国会记事录convention 政党代表大会federal reserve system 联邦储备系统First Amendment 第一修正案floor 议员席foreign policy 外交政策governor 州长;省长;镇长incumbent 现任者Internal Revenue Service(IRS)(美国)国内收入署left-wing 左翼legislation 立法Pentagon 五角大楼President 总统primary 初选Prime Minister 首相shirtsleeve diplomacy 非正式外交diplomat 外交官socialism 社会主义imperialism 帝国主义speaker 众院议长subcommittee 小组委员会revolution 革命amnesty 赦免apartheid 种族隔离arms race 军备竞赛balance of power 力量均势banishment 驱逐bilateralism 双边关系Common Market 公共市场communism 共产主义confederation 联邦consul 领事consulate 领事;领事馆courier 外交信使delegate 代表developing nation 发展中国家dictatorship 独裁human rights 人权diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权AIDS SARS respire respiratory conspire inspire Disarmament 裁军draft 征兵propaganda politician politics statesman dragon dry winenews reader announcer news anchor anchorage talk show host guest moderatorpresenter ceremony master M.C. emcee coined wordInternational Court of Justice 国际法庭international law 国际法internationalism 国际主义interpreter 议员Kremlin 克里姆林宫league 联盟multilateralism 多边主义nationalism 国家主义;民族主义nationality 国籍;民族neutrality 中立NATO= The North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北约premier 总理Peaceful coexistence 和平共处police state 极权国家refugees 难民Secretary of state 国务卿Security Council 安理会sovereignty 主权summit 峰会;首脑会议superpower 超级大国terrorism 恐怖主义totalitarianism 极权主义unilateralism 单边行动war games 军事演习National Security Council 国家安全委员会the Treasury (英国)财政部Her Majesty’s Government (英国)女王陛下政府the civil service 文官部;文职部门First Lord of Treasury (英国)首席财政大臣Minister for the Civil Service (英国)文官部大臣The Chancellor of the Exchequer\the Chancellor (英国)财政大臣The secretary of state for Home Affairs\the Home Secretary (英国)内务大臣The Secretary of state for Defense\ the Defense Secretary (英国)国防大臣Secretary of State (英国)国务大臣state government (美国)州政府The Federal Government (美国)联邦政府general assembly (美国)州议会Military government 军人政府dictator 专政者;独裁者provisional government 临时政府political pluralism 政治多元化national government 国民政府the White House 白宫radical party 激进党conservative party 保守党the judiciary 司法部门law-enforcement official 司法官员Act of Parliament 议会法案Agency 政府分支机构magistrate\Justice of the Peace地方法官;治安法官administration 行政当局anarchism 无政府主义antigovernment 反政府的anarchy 无政府状态appoint 任命asylum 政治避难authorities 当局;官方chauvinism 沙文主义CIA=Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局Donkey 驴(指代美国民主党)Downing Street 唐宁街(英国政府或首相府)Elephant 象(指代美国共和党)Elysee Palace 爱丽舍宫(法国政府或总统府)FBI=Federal Bureau of Investigation (美)联邦调查局Foggy Bottom 雾谷(指代美国国务院)The Department of the Interior (美)内政部the Secretary of the Interior (美)内政部长Joint Intelligence Service (英)联合情报委员会Communications Intelligence 通讯情报处Defense Intelligence Staff 国防情报处plenary (指会议)全体出席的Plenary session 全会white paper 白皮书(政府真是报告)Chairman (中、朝等国)主席,委员长,议长king (丹麦等国)国王chancellor(英)大臣;(德等一些欧洲国家)总理mayor 市长the Chancellor of the Exchequer (英)财政大臣the Minister of Education 教育部长the Minister of Foreign Affairs 外交部长the Prime Minister 首相,总理,行政院长parliamentarian (国会)议员politician 政客premiership 总理、首相之任期president (中)国家主席,(美等国)总统secretary of state 国务卿 a Cabinet Minister 内阁大臣a cabinet member\officer 阁员Chamber of Deputies (意大利)众议院Congress 美国国会the Senate 参议院The House of Representative 众议院(the House)House Representative 众议员Member of Congress 国会议员Department of State (美)国务院Council of State (印)联邦院(上院)House of the People 人民院(下院)Federal Assembly (德)联邦议院Federal Council (德)联邦参议院Indian National Congress 印度国民大会党LD=Liberal Democracy (法)自由民主党KPRF=Communist Party of the Russian Federation (俄)联邦共产党LDP=Liberal Democratic Party (日)自民党National Assembly (法、波兰等国)国会Parliament 英国议会the House of Parliament 上下两院The House of Lord 上议院Lord High Chancellor 议长Lords Spiritual 上议院神职人员(高级神职人员)Lord Temporal 上议院世俗议员(柜组成员)The House of Commons 下议院(Lower House)Member of Parliament 下议院People’s Party (印度等国)人民党PS=Socialist Party (法)社会党Buckingham 白金汉宫(指代英国皇室)crown prince 皇太子,王储Czar(Tzar)(俄国)沙皇barnstorm (尤美)巡回演说ASEAN=Association of Southeast Asian Nation 东南亚国家联盟Asian-African Conference 亚非会议Commonwealth 英联邦ASPAC=Asian and Pacific Council 亚洲及太平洋理事会CAEC=Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation 亚欧合作理事会CSCAP=Council on Security Cooperation on Asia and Pacific Region 亚太安全合作理事会EAC=East African Community 东非共同体ECHR=European Commission of Human Rights 欧洲人权委员会EU=European Union 欧洲联盟G7=Group of Seven 七国集团(八国集团的前身)G8 summit 八国峰会NACC=North Atlantic Cooperation Council 北大西洋合作理事会NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NC=Nordic Council 北欧理事会OIC=Organization of the Islamic Conference 伊斯兰会议组织OSPAALA=Organization of Solidarity of the people of Africa, Asia and Latin American亚非拉人民团结组织WPC=World Peace Council 世界和平理事会South-South Conference 南南会议WEU=Western European Union 西欧联盟UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织WHO=World Heath Organization 世界卫生组织IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织The people's Republic of China (P. R. China) 中华人民共和国Province (Hebei Province) 省Prefecture (Cangzhou Prefecture) 区Municipality (Beijing Municipality) 市City (Cangzhou City) 市County (Cangxian County) 县Autonomous 自治(Autonomous District [ Prefecture/ County]) Capital (Provincial Capital) 省会Communist Party of China 中国共产党National Party Congress 全国代表大会Fifteenth National Congress 第十五次全国代表大会(十五大)First Plenary Session 第一届中央全会(一中全会)Central Committee 中央委员会member of the Central Committee 中央委员alternate member of the Central Committee 候补中央委员Political Bureau 政治局member of the Political Bureau 政治局委员alternate member of the Political Bureau 政治局候补委员Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常务委员会member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常委Secretariat of the Central Committee 中央书记处General Secretary 总书记Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 中央纪律检查委员会Military Commission of the Central Committee 中央军事委员会International Liaison Department 对外联络部Organization Department 组织部United Front Work Department 统战部Propaganda Department 宣传部State President 国家主席President of PRC 中华人民共和国主席Vice President of PRC 中华人民共和国副主席National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会Standing Committee 常务委员会Chairman 委员长Vice Chairpersons 副委员长Members of the NPC Standing Committee 常务委员会委员Central Military Committee 中央军事委员会Chairman 主席Vice Chairman 副主席CMC Members 委员Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院President 最高人民法院院长Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院Procurator-General 最高人民检察院检察长State Council 国务院Premier 总理Vice Premier 副总理State Councillors 国务委员Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部Ministry of National Defense 国防部State Development Planning Commission 国家发展计划委员会State Economic and Trade Commission 国家经济贸易委员会Ministry of Education 教育部Ministry of Science and Technology 科学技术部Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense 国防科学技术工业委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission 国家民族事务委员会Ministry of Public Security 公安部Ministry of State Security 安全部Ministry of Supervision 监察部Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部Ministry of Justice 司法部Ministry of Finance 财政部Ministry of Personnel 人事部Ministry of Labor and Social Security 劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Land and Natural Resources 国土资源部Ministry of Construction 建设部Ministry of Railways 铁道部Ministry of Communications 交通部Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications 信息产业部Ministry of Water Resources 水利部Ministry of Agriculture 农业部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation 对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Culture 文化部Ministry of Health 卫生部State Family Planning Commission 国家计划生育委员会People's Bank of China 中国人民银行Auditing Administration 审计署Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议National Committee 全国委员会Standing Committee 常务委员会Chairman 主席Vice-Chairpersons 副主席democratic party 民主党派Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang 中国国民党革命委员会(民革)China Democratic League 中国民主同盟(民盟)China Democratic National Construction Association 中国民主建国会(民建)China Association Promoting Democracy 中国民主促进会(民进)Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party 中国农工民主党China Zhi Gong Dang 中国致公党Jiu San Society 九三学社Taiwan Democratic self-government 台湾民主自治同盟(台盟)people's organization 人民团体All-China Federation of Trade Unions 中华全国总工会(全总)Communist Youth League of China 中国共产主义青年团(共青团All-China Federation of Youth 中华全国青年联合会(全国青联)All-China Students' Federation 中华全国学生联合会(全国学联)China Young Pioneers 中国少年先锋队(少先队)All-China Women's Federation 中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)China Association for Science and Technology 中国科学技术协会(中国科协)China Federation of Literary and Art Circles 中国文学艺术界联合会(文联)All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese 中华全国归国华侨联合会(全国侨联)China Welfare Institute 中国福利会Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字会Chinese People's Liberation Army 中国人民解放军Headquarters of the General Staff 总参谋部General Political Department 总政治部General Logistics Department 总后勤部General Armament Department 总装备部State Ethnic Affairs Commission 国家民族事务委员会。

美国国家机构简称及主要领导人美国国家机构简称FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation, a bureau within the Department of Justice 联邦调查局CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, an independent government agency 中央情报局NSA - National Security Agency, an intelligence/combat support agency within the Department of Defense 国家安全局DOD - Department of Defense 美国国防部USDA - Department of Agriculture 美国农业部DOC - Department of Commerce 美国商业部DOI - Department of the Interior 美国内务部DOL - Department of Labor 美国劳动部DOS - Department of State 美国国务部DOT - Department of Transportation 美国交通部DOJ- Department of Justice 美国司法部ED - Department of Education 美国教育部HHS - Department of Health and Human Services 美国卫生部DOE - Department of Energy 美国能源部VA - Department of Veterans Affairs 美国老兵部HUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development 美国房屋和城市发展部DHS - Department of Homeland Security 国土安全部DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration 麻醉品管制局ICE - United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement 美国移民和海关执法局IRS - Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives 烟酒、武器及爆炸(PS:U.S. Bureau Of Alcohol.美国烟草及火器管理局。

Institution 机关;机构Congress 国会court 法院;法庭Constitution 宪法Amendment 修正案;修订案the Bill of Rights (美)人权法案ambassador 大使;使节envoy 使节embassy 大使馆federalism 联邦主义;联邦制度the Supreme Court (美)最高法院the Cabinet 内阁bicameralism 两院制the chamber 议院the Senate 参议院impeachment 弹劾parliament 议会the House of Representatives 众议院the district courts 地方法院levy tax 征税the courts of appeals 上诉法院Democrat 民主党员two-party system 两党制Republican 共和党员Democratic party 民主党platform(美)政党竞选纲领Libertarian 自由党者Department of Justice 司法部jury Socialist 社会党员government intervention 政府干预global economy 全球经济Monetary and fiscal policies 财政政策protectionist 保护贸易论tariff 关税foreign affairs 外交magistrate (张有司法权的)行政长官;治安法官administration 政府intermediate courts of appeals 中级上诉法院agenda 议事日程appellate court of last resort 最终求助上诉法院arbitration 仲裁bill 议案cabinet 内阁Capitol Hill 美国国会checks and balances 权力制衡committee 委员会cold war 冷战congressional record 国会记事录convention 政党代表大会federal reserve system 联邦储备系统First Amendment 第一修正案floor 议员席foreign policy 外交政策governor 州长;省长;镇长incumbent 现任者Internal Revenue Service(IRS)(美国)国内收入署left-wing 左翼legislation 立法Pentagon 五角大楼President 总统primary 初选Prime Minister 首相shirtsleeve diplomacy 非正式外交diplomat 外交官socialism 社会主义imperialism 帝国主义speaker 众院议长subcommittee 小组委员会revolution 革命amnesty 赦免apartheid 种族隔离arms race 军备竞赛balance of power 力量均势banishment 驱逐bilateralism 双边关系Common Market 公共市场communism 共产主义confederation 联邦consul 领事consulate 领事;领事馆courier 外交信使delegate 代表developing nation 发展中国家dictatorship 独裁human rights 人权diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权AIDS SARS respire respiratory conspire inspire Disarmament 裁军draft 征兵propaganda politician politics statesman dragon dry winenews reader announcer news anchor anchorage talk show host guest moderatorpresenter ceremony master M.C. emcee coined wordInternational Court of Justice 国际法庭international law 国际法internationalism 国际主义interpreter 议员Kremlin 克里姆林宫league 联盟multilateralism 多边主义nationalism 国家主义;民族主义nationality 国籍;民族neutrality 中立NATO= The North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北约premier 总理Peaceful coexistence 和平共处police state 极权国家refugees 难民Secretary of state 国务卿Security Council 安理会sovereignty 主权summit 峰会;首脑会议superpower 超级大国terrorism 恐怖主义totalitarianism 极权主义unilateralism 单边行动war games 军事演习National Security Council 国家安全委员会the Treasury (英国)财政部Her Majesty’s Government (英国)女王陛下政府the civil service 文官部;文职部门First Lord of Treasury (英国)首席财政大臣Minister for the Civil Service (英国)文官部大臣The Chancellor of the Exchequer\the Chancellor (英国)财政大臣The secretary of state for Home Affairs\the Home Secretary (英国)内务大臣The Secretary of state for Defense\ the Defense Secretary (英国)国防大臣Secretary of State (英国)国务大臣state government (美国)州政府The Federal Government (美国)联邦政府general assembly (美国)州议会Military government 军人政府dictator 专政者;独裁者provisional government 临时政府political pluralism 政治多元化national government 国民政府the White House 白宫radical party 激进党conservative party 保守党the judiciary 司法部门law-enforcement official 司法官员Act of Parliament 议会法案Agency 政府分支机构magistrate\Justice of the Peace地方法官;治安法官administration 行政当局anarchism 无政府主义antigovernment 反政府的anarchy 无政府状态appoint 任命asylum 政治避难authorities 当局;官方chauvinism 沙文主义CIA=Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局Donkey 驴(指代美国民主党)Downing Street 唐宁街(英国政府或首相府)Elephant 象(指代美国共和党)Elysee Palace 爱丽舍宫(法国政府或总统府)FBI=Federal Bureau of Investigation (美)联邦调查局Foggy Bottom 雾谷(指代美国国务院)The Department of the Interior (美)内政部the Secretary of the Interior (美)内政部长Joint Intelligence Service (英)联合情报委员会Communications Intelligence 通讯情报处Defense Intelligence Staff 国防情报处plenary (指会议)全体出席的Plenary session 全会white paper 白皮书(政府真是报告)Chairman (中、朝等国)主席,委员长,议长king (丹麦等国)国王chancellor(英)大臣;(德等一些欧洲国家)总理mayor 市长the Chancellor of the Exchequer (英)财政大臣the Minister of Education 教育部长the Minister of Foreign Affairs 外交部长the Prime Minister 首相,总理,行政院长parliamentarian (国会)议员politician 政客premiership 总理、首相之任期president (中)国家主席,(美等国)总统secretary of state 国务卿 a Cabinet Minister 内阁大臣a cabinet member\officer 阁员Chamber of Deputies (意大利)众议院Congress 美国国会the Senate 参议院The House of Representative 众议院(the House)House Representative 众议员Member of Congress 国会议员Department of State (美)国务院Council of State (印)联邦院(上院)House of the People 人民院(下院)Federal Assembly (德)联邦议院Federal Council (德)联邦参议院Indian National Congress 印度国民大会党LD=Liberal Democracy (法)自由民主党KPRF=Communist Party of the Russian Federation (俄)联邦共产党LDP=Liberal Democratic Party (日)自民党National Assembly (法、波兰等国)国会Parliament 英国议会the House of Parliament 上下两院The House of Lord 上议院Lord High Chancellor 议长Lords Spiritual 上议院神职人员(高级神职人员)Lord Temporal 上议院世俗议员(柜组成员)The House of Commons 下议院(Lower House)Member of Parliament 下议院People’s Party (印度等国)人民党PS=Socialist Party (法)社会党Buckingham 白金汉宫(指代英国皇室)crown prince 皇太子,王储Czar(Tzar)(俄国)沙皇barnstorm (尤美)巡回演说ASEAN=Association of Southeast Asian Nation 东南亚国家联盟Asian-African Conference 亚非会议Commonwealth 英联邦ASPAC=Asian and Pacific Council 亚洲及太平洋理事会CAEC=Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation 亚欧合作理事会CSCAP=Council on Security Cooperation on Asia and Pacific Region 亚太安全合作理事会EAC=East African Community 东非共同体ECHR=European Commission of Human Rights 欧洲人权委员会EU=European Union 欧洲联盟G7=Group of Seven 七国集团(八国集团的前身)G8 summit 八国峰会NACC=North Atlantic Cooperation Council 北大西洋合作理事会NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NC=Nordic Council 北欧理事会OIC=Organization of the Islamic Conference 伊斯兰会议组织OSPAALA=Organization of Solidarity of the people of Africa, Asia and Latin American亚非拉人民团结组织WPC=World Peace Council 世界和平理事会South-South Conference 南南会议WEU=Western European Union 西欧联盟UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织WHO=World Heath Organization 世界卫生组织IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织The people's Republic of China (P. R. China) 中华人民共和国Province (Hebei Province) 省Prefecture (Cangzhou Prefecture) 区Municipality (Beijing Municipality) 市City (Cangzhou City) 市County (Cangxian County) 县Autonomous 自治(Autonomous District [ Prefecture/ County]) Capital (Provincial Capital) 省会Communist Party of China 中国共产党National Party Congress 全国代表大会Fifteenth National Congress 第十五次全国代表大会(十五大)First Plenary Session 第一届中央全会(一中全会)Central Committee 中央委员会member of the Central Committee 中央委员alternate member of the Central Committee 候补中央委员Political Bureau 政治局member of the Political Bureau 政治局委员alternate member of the Political Bureau 政治局候补委员Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常务委员会member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常委Secretariat of the Central Committee 中央书记处General Secretary 总书记Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 中央纪律检查委员会Military Commission of the Central Committee 中央军事委员会International Liaison Department 对外联络部Organization Department 组织部United Front Work Department 统战部Propaganda Department 宣传部State President 国家主席President of PRC 中华人民共和国主席Vice President of PRC 中华人民共和国副主席National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会Standing Committee 常务委员会Chairman 委员长Vice Chairpersons 副委员长Members of the NPC Standing Committee 常务委员会委员Central Military Committee 中央军事委员会Chairman 主席Vice Chairman 副主席CMC Members 委员Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院President 最高人民法院院长Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院Procurator-General 最高人民检察院检察长State Council 国务院Premier 总理Vice Premier 副总理State Councillors 国务委员Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部Ministry of National Defense 国防部State Development Planning Commission 国家发展计划委员会State Economic and Trade Commission 国家经济贸易委员会Ministry of Education 教育部Ministry of Science and Technology 科学技术部Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense 国防科学技术工业委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission 国家民族事务委员会Ministry of Public Security 公安部Ministry of State Security 安全部Ministry of Supervision 监察部Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部Ministry of Justice 司法部Ministry of Finance 财政部Ministry of Personnel 人事部Ministry of Labor and Social Security 劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Land and Natural Resources 国土资源部Ministry of Construction 建设部Ministry of Railways 铁道部Ministry of Communications 交通部Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications 信息产业部Ministry of Water Resources 水利部Ministry of Agriculture 农业部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation 对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Culture 文化部Ministry of Health 卫生部State Family Planning Commission 国家计划生育委员会People's Bank of China 中国人民银行Auditing Administration 审计署Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议National Committee 全国委员会Standing Committee 常务委员会Chairman 主席Vice-Chairpersons 副主席democratic party 民主党派Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang 中国国民党革命委员会(民革)China Democratic League 中国民主同盟(民盟)China Democratic National Construction Association 中国民主建国会(民建)China Association Promoting Democracy 中国民主促进会(民进)Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party 中国农工民主党China Zhi Gong Dang 中国致公党Jiu San Society 九三学社Taiwan Democratic self-government 台湾民主自治同盟(台盟)people's organization 人民团体All-China Federation of Trade Unions 中华全国总工会(全总)Communist Youth League of China 中国共产主义青年团(共青团All-China Federation of Youth 中华全国青年联合会(全国青联)All-China Students' Federation 中华全国学生联合会(全国学联)China Young Pioneers 中国少年先锋队(少先队)All-China Women's Federation 中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)China Association for Science and Technology 中国科学技术协会(中国科协)China Federation of Literary and Art Circles 中国文学艺术界联合会(文联)All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese 中华全国归国华侨联合会(全国侨联)China Welfare Institute 中国福利会Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字会Chinese People's Liberation Army 中国人民解放军Headquarters of the General Staff 总参谋部General Political Department 总政治部General Logistics Department 总后勤部General Armament Department 总装备部State Ethnic Affairs Commission 国家民族事务委员会。

美国国家机构简称(附中文译名) ZT美国国家机构简称FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation, a bureau within the Department of Justice 联邦调查局CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, an independant government agency 中央情报局NSA - National Security Agency, an intelligence/combat support agency within the Department of Defense 国家安全局DoD - Department of Defense 美国国防部USDA - Department of Agriculture 美国农业部DoC - Department of Commerce 美国商业部DoI - Department of the Interior 美国内务部DoL - Department of Labor 美国劳动部DoS - Department of State 美国国务部DoT - Department of Transportation 美国交通部DoJ - Department of Justice 美国司法部ED - Department of Education 美国教育部HHS - Department of Health and Human Services 美国卫生部DoE - Department of Energy 美国能源部VA - Department of VeteransAffairs 美国老兵部HUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development 美国房屋和城市发展部DHS - Department of Homeland Security 国土安全部DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration 麻醉品管制局ICE - United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement 美国移民和海关执法局IRS - Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives 烟酒、武器及爆炸物局NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service 美国海军犯罪调查处JAG - Judge Advocate General 美国海军军法署(A)USA - (Assistant) United States Attorney 美国政府律师委员会USCIS - United States Citizenship and Immigration Service 美国公民归化与移民服务处USPS - United States Postal Service 全美邮政管理局SEC - Security and Exchange Commission 国家证券交易委员会FCC - Federal Communication Commission 美国联邦通信委员会FTC - Federal Trade Commission 美国联邦贸易委员会FAA - Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board 美国国家交通安全委员会GSA - General Service Administration 美国联邦政府总务管理局DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency 国防情报局NRO - National Reconnaissance Office 美国国家侦察办公室NGA - National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 美国国家地理空间情报局EPA - Environmental Protection Agency 美国环境保护署FEC - Federal Election Commission 联邦选举委员会NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局NSF - National Science Foundation 国家自然科学基金会AMTRAK - National Railroad Passenger Corporation 美国国家铁路客运公司SSA - Social Security Administration 美国社会保障管理局NOAA - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration 美国海洋与大气管理局USGS - United States Geological Survey 美国地质调查局FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency 联邦紧急措施署CBP - United States Customs and Border Protection 美国海关和边境保护管理处CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 疾病控制和防御中心FDA - Food and Drug Administration 国家食品与药品管理局NIH - National Institutes of Health 全美医学研究院DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 美国国防部高级研究规划署。

美国国家机构简称及主要领导人美国国家机构简称FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation, a bureau within the Department of Justice 联邦调查局CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, an independent government agency 中央情报局NSA - National Security Agency, an intelligence/combat support agency within the Department of Defense 国家安全局DOD - Department of Defense 美国国防部USDA - Department of Agriculture 美国农业部DOC - Department of Commerce 美国商业部DOI - Department of the Interior 美国内务部DOL - Department of Labor 美国劳动部DOS - Department of State 美国国务部DOT - Department of Transportation 美国交通部DOJ- Department of Justice 美国司法部ED - Department of Education 美国教育部HHS - Department of Health and Human Services 美国卫生部DOE - Department of Energy 美国能源部VA - Department of Veterans Affairs 美国老兵部HUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development 美国房屋和城市发展部DHS - Department of Homeland Security 国土安全部DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration 麻醉品管制局ICE - United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement 美国移民和海关执法局IRS - Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives 烟酒、武器及爆炸(PS:U.S. Bureau Of Alcohol.美国烟草及火器管理局。

美国国务院主要部门及主要职务名称漫谈美国国务院英文名为the United States Department of State,也常常称the State Department,该机构实质上是美国政府中内阁级别(the Cabinet-level)中的外交事务机构(foreign affairs agency),相当于其他国家的外交部(the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,the Department of Foreign Affairs)。
美国国务院总部设在美国首都华盛顿雾谷街坊(the Foggy Bottom neighborhood)C街2201号的杜鲁门大楼(the Harry S Truman Building),离白宫只有几个街区(block)距离。
就其字面及其实质而言,the United States Department of State译成“美国国务部”更适合,这样就很容易让人看出美国的Department of State与我国的国务院级别是不同的:我国的国务院(State Council)的负责人是政府首脑(head of government),而美国国务院仅相当于我国的“外交部”,因为美国的总统既是国家元首(head of state)又是美国政府首脑(head of government)。
美国联邦政府的其他department均译作“部”,如:美国的财政部(the Department of Treasury)、司法部(the Department of Justice)、国防部(the Department of Defense)、商务部(the Department of Commerce)和教育部(the Department of Education)等,其首长(secretary)均译作“部长”,而Department of State中的department及其首长(Secretary of State)头衔都搞了特殊化,分别译成了“国务院”和“国务卿”。

General introduction1.The State System国家体制A state of dictatorship of the bourgeoisie 资产阶级专政国家Federalism 联邦制度The separation of powers 三权分立Respect for the constitution and the rule of law 尊重宪法和法律规定2.The Constitution 宪法3.The Federal Government 联邦政府The executive 行政权→president 总统The legislative 立法权→congress 国会→Senate 参议院& the House of Representatives 众议院The judicial 司法权→Supreme Court 最高法院& Lower Federal Courts 下属联邦法院Checks and balances 制约与平衡"Tripartite" Political System 三权分立1.Executive Branch 行政机构Propose legislation to Congress 向国会建议立法Veto 否决Override 推翻Vacant occur 有空缺Succession 继任Impeachment 弹劾2.Legislative BranchLevy(征收)federal taxescongress 国会Senate 参议院the House of Representatives 众议院Representative 众议院议员Senator 参议院议员3.Judicial BranchThe Supreme Court 最高法院The chief justice 首席法官Associate justices 大法官Federal courts of appeal 上诉法院Federal district courts 地方法院Interpret the Constitution of the United States 解释宪法Resolve disputes 调解争端judicial review(司法审查)13 departmentsState 国务院Treasury 财政部Defense 国防部Justice 司法部Interior 内政部Agriculture农业部Commerce商业部Labor劳工部Education 教育部Transportation 交通部Energy 能源部Health and Human Service卫生与公共服务事业部Housing and Urban Development住房与城市发展部American electionCaucus 核心会议Conservative 保守派Debate 辩论Divided government 分治的政府Federal Election Campaign Act(FECA) 联邦竞选法Federal Election Commission(FEC) 联邦选举委员会Front loading 前期吃重Front runner 领先者Gender gap 性别差异Hard money/Soft money 硬钱/软钱Liberal 自由派Matching funds 对等资金Midterm election 中期选举Platform 政纲Plurality rule 简单多数原则Primary 初选Protest vote 投抗议票Public funding 公共资助Push polling导向性民意调查Redistricting 选区重划Single member district 单一席位选区Super Tuesday 超级星期二Coattails燕尾提举力Convention bounce会后弹升Front-loading前置Electoral College选举团Plurality简单多数Primary election预选选举Single-member district单一席位选区Ticket splitting选票分散Town meeting社民会议Tracking survey跟踪调查universal sufferage 普选exit poll 出口民意Political Parties 政党Democratic Party 民主党Republican Party 共和党Ballot 投票presidential campaign 总统竞选Presidential candidate 总统候选人。

地方民航局:Administration of Civil Aviation
d.国家知识产权局=>State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
地方知识产权局,译作:Intellectual Property Office
e.但”环保局”似乎可作为一个例外,因为虽然”国家环境保护总局”=> State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA),然而,北京环保局、上海环保局、浙江环保局及全国大多数环保局的网站名称中都使用了epb(即Environmental Protection Bureau),后者的用法看来相当普遍,故本书推荐采用Environmental Protection Bureau作为各地环保局的译名。
干部司=>Personnel Department
礼宾司=>Protocol Department
交通厅=>Department of Communications
地方中医药管理局=> Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(3)工商行政管理局=> Administration for Industry and Commerce
(4)机关事务管理局=> Government Offices Administration

美国政府机构United States GovernmentLegislative Branch Excutive Branch Judicial Branch PresidentVice PresidentCongressMembers of CongressSenate 参议院President 主席(副总统兼)President pro tempore 临时主席Majority LeaderMinority LeaderMajority Whip多数党督导员Minority WhipStanding Committees of the Senate参议院常设委员会House of Representatives 众议院Speaker 议长Majority LeaderMinority LeaderMajority WhipMinority WhipStanding Committees of the HouseHouse Special Committees众议院特别委员会Congressional Joint Committees 国会联合委员会General Accounting Office 总审计局Copyright Royalty Tribunal 版权裁判所Excutive Office of the President 总统办事机构White House Office 白宫办公厅Chief of Staff 主任Assistants to the President for:Economic & Domestic AffairsNational Security......Office of Managerment and Budget 行政管理和预算局Council of Economic Advisers 经济顾问委员会National Economic Council 国家经济委员会National Security Council 国家安全委员会Office of Policy Development 政策制定办公室Office of the U.S. Trade Representative 美国贸易代表办公室Council on Environmental Quality 环境质量委员会Office of Science and Technology Policy 科技政策办公室Office of Administration 行政管理办公室Office of National Drug Control Policy国家药品政策管制办公室National Critical Materials Council 国家重要物资委员会National Space Council 国家空间委员会Excutive Departments 政府各部门Department of State 国务院Secretary of State 国务卿Deputy Secretary (第一)副国务卿Under Secretary for Political AffairsUnder Secretary for ManagementUnder Secretary for Global AffairsLegal Advisor 法律顾问Assistant Secretaries for:East Asian & Pacific AffairsHuman Rights & Humanitarian Affairs负责人权和人道主义事物的助理国务卿... ...Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary助理国务卿高级帮办Deputy Assistant SecretaryDepartment of the Treasury 财政部Secretary of the TreasuryDeputy SecretaryUnder Secretary for Domestic FinaceUnder Secretary for International AffairsGeneral Council 总顾问Assistant Secretaries for:Economic Policy... ...Department of Defense 国防部Secretary of DefenseDeputy SecretaryUnder Secretary for Acquisition负责武器采购的副部长Under Secretary for PolicyAssistant Secretaries for:International Security Policy负责国防安全政策的助理部长......Chairman,Joint Chiefs of Staff参谋长联席会议主席Secretary of the ArmySecretary of the NavySecretary of the Air ForceDepartment of Justice 司法部Attorney GeneralDeputy Attorney General (第一)副部长Associate Attorney General 副部长Solicior Genera 副总检察长Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局Office of Inspector General 督察长办公室Excutive Office for U.S. Attorneys联邦检察官办公室U.S. parole Commission 美国假释委员会U.S. Marshals Service 美国执法官局U.S. National Central Burear of International Criminal Police Organization国际刑事警察组织美国全国中心局Department of Interior 内政部Secretary of the InteriorDeputy SecretaryAssistant Secretaries for:Indian Affairs... ...Department of Agriculture 农业部Secretary of AgricultureDeputy SecretaryAssistant Secretaries for:Congressional Relations负责国会关系的助理部长......Department of Commerce 商务部Secretary of CommerceDeputy SecretaryChief of Staff 参事室主任General CounselAssistant Secretaries for:Import Administration... ...Department of Labor 劳工部Secretary of LaborDeputy SecretaryChief of StaffAssistant Secretaries for:Emplyment & Training... ...Department of Health and Human Services 卫生与公众服务部Secretary of HHSUnder SecretaryAssistant Secretaries for:Management & Budget... ...Department of Housing and Urban Development住房与城市发展部Secretary of HUDDeputy SecretaryAssistant Secretaries for:Public & Indian Housing... ...Department of Transportation 运输部Secretary of TransportationDeputy SecretaryAssistant Secretaries for:Budget & Programs... ...Department of Energy 能源部Secretary of EnergyUnder SecretaryDeputy SecretaryAssistant Secretaries for:Conservation & Renewable Energy负责能源保护和更新的助理部长... ...Department of Education 教育部Secretary of EducationUnder SecretaryDeputy SecretaryAssistant Secretaries for:Adult & Vocational Education负责成人和职业教育的助理部长Elementary & Secondary Education... ...Department of Veterans Affairs 退伍军人事物部Secretary of Veterans AffairsDeputy SecretaryAssistant Secretaries for:Congressional Affairs... ...Local GovernmentState Legislature 州议会State Government 州政府Governor 州长Lieutenant-Governor 副州长District of Columbia = Washington,D. C.哥伦比亚(或华盛顿哥伦比亚)特区County 县City,Township,Village 市、镇、村School District 学区Territory and Trust Territory 美国属地和托管地JudiciarySupreme Court of the United States 美国最高法院District Court 地方法院Claims Court 索赔法院Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 联邦巡回上诉法院Court of International Trade 国际贸易法庭Territorial Courts 属地法院Court of Military Appeals 军事上诉法院Court of Veterans Appeals 退伍军人上诉法院Administrative Office of the Courts 法院行政管理局Federal Judicial Center 联邦司法中心。

美国政府主要部门缩写及全称FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation, a bureau within the Department of Justice 联邦调查局(隶属司法部)CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, an independant government agency 中央情报局(独立的政府机构)NSA - National Security Agency, an intelligence/combat support agency within the Department of Defense 国家安全局(隶属国防部,也称国家保密局)DoD - Department of Defense 美国国防部(由于美国国防部的办公地址位于波托马克河町阿灵顿镇的五角大楼—the Pentagon,加之一些新闻媒体在报道有关美国国防部的新闻时总是会先出现一个五角大楼的外景。
久而久之,the Pentagon便渐渐成为DoD的代名词。
)USDA - Department of Agriculture 美国农业部DoC - Department of Commerce 美国商业部DoI - Department of the Interior 美国内务部DoL - Department of Labor 美国劳动部DoS - Department of State 美国国务部DoT - Department of Transportation 美国交通部DoJ - Department of Justice 美国司法部ED - Department of Education 美国教育部HHS - Department of Health and Human Services 美国卫生部DoE - Department of Energy 美国能源部VA - Department of VeteransAffairs 美国老兵部HUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development 美国房屋和城市发展部DHS - Department of Homeland Security 国土安全部DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration 麻醉品管制局ICE - United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement 美国移民和海关执法局IRS - Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署/美国国税局ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives 烟酒、武器及爆炸物局NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service 美国海军犯罪调查处JAG - Judge Advocate General 美国海军军法署(A)USA - (Assistant) United States Attorney 美国政府律师委员会USCIS - United States Citizenship and Immigration Service 美国公民归化与移民服务处USPS - United States Postal Service 全美邮政管理局SEC - Security and Exchange Commission 国家证券交易委员会FCC - Federal Communication Commission 美国联邦通信委员会FTC - Federal Trade Commission 美国联邦贸易委员会FAA - Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board 美国国家交通安全委员会GSA - General Service Administration 美国联邦政府总务管理局DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency 国防情报局NRO - National Reconnaissance Office 美国国家侦察办公室(局)NGA - National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 美国国家地理空间情报局EPA - Environmental Protection Agency 美国环境保护署FEC - Federal Election Commission 联邦选举委员会NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局NSF - National Science Foundation 国家自然科学基金会AMTRAK - National Railroad Passenger Corporation 美国国家铁路客运公司SSA - Social Security Administration 美国社会保障管理局NOAA - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration 美国海洋与大气管理局USGS - United States Geological Survey 美国地质调查局FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency 联邦紧急措施署CBP - United States Customs and Border Protection 美国海关和边境保护管理处CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 疾病控制和防御中心FDA - Food and Drug Administration 国家食品与药品管理局NIH - National Institutes of Health 全美医学研究院DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 美国国防部高级研究规划署Welcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。


美国国家和政府机构及其首长的法文名称美国政府administration américaine〔泛指,因实行总统制,一般不说«gouvernement»〕国务院Département d'État〔首长中文称呼:国务卿,法文称呼:«Secrétaire d’État»〕国防部Département de la Défense des États-Unis (United States Department of Defense[英])〔首长中文称呼:国防部长,法文称呼:«Secrétaire à la défense»〕其它各部一般也皆用«Département»为主体词,其首长中文称呼通常为“……部长”,而法文称呼为«Secrétaire à …»。
如:内政部Département de la Sécurité intérieure des Etats-Unis/Département des Affaires intérieures (United States Department of Homeland Security[英])〔首长中文称呼:内政部长,法文称呼:«Secrétaire à la sécurité intérieure»,下同〕总统:巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马Barack Hussein OBAMA, Président副总统:小约瑟夫·拜登Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., Vice-Président内阁部长国务卿希拉里·克林顿Mme Hillary Diane RODHAM CLINTON, Secrétaire d’État财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳M. Timothy Geithner, Secrétaire au Trésor国防部长罗伯特·盖茨M. Robert Michael GATES, Secrétaire à la Défense司法部长埃里克·霍尔德M. Eric Himpton HOLDER, Attorney General〔非洲裔〕,内政部长肯尼斯·萨拉查M. Kenneth Lee SALAZAR, Secrétaire au Domaine Public/aux Affaires intérieures农业部长托马斯·维尔萨克M. Thomas James VILSACK, Secrétair e à l’Agriculture商务部长骆家辉M. Gary Faye LOCKE, Secrétaire au Commerce〔华裔〕劳工部长希尔达·索利斯Mme Hilda L. SOLIS, Secrétaire au Travail卫生与公众服务部长凯瑟琳·西贝利厄斯Mme Kathleen SEBELIUS, Secrétaire à la Santé住房与城市发展部长肖恩·多诺万M. Shaun DONOV AN, Secrétaire au Logement et auDéveloppement urbain运输部长雷蒙德·拉胡德M. Ray H. LAHOOD, Secrétaire aux Transports〔阿拉伯裔〕能源部长朱棣文M. Steven CHU, Secrétaire à l’Energie〔华裔〕教育部长阿恩·邓肯M. Arne DUNCAN, Secrétaire à l’Éducation退伍军人事务部长埃里克·新关M. Eric Ken SHINSEKI, Secrétaire aux Anciens Combattants〔日裔〕国土安全部长珍妮特·纳波利塔诺Mme Janet Ann NAPOLITANO, Secrétaire à la Sécurité intérieure 担任部长级职务(Fonctions avec rang ministériel/«Cabinet level»)的还有:总统经济顾问委员会主席克里斯蒂娜·罗默Mme Cristina ROMER, Présidente du Comité des Conseillerséconomiques:环境保护署署长莉萨·杰克逊Mme Lisa Pe rez JACKSON, Présidente de l’Agence pour la protection de l’environnement (EPA)〔非洲裔〕管理与预算办公室主任彼得·奥斯泽格M. Peter Richard ORSZAG, Directeur du Budget:美国贸易代表罗纳德·柯克大使M. Ronald KIRK〔Ron KIRK罗恩·柯克〕, Ambassadeurreprésentant américain au commerce (USTR):美国常驻联合国大使苏珊·赖斯Mme Susan Elizabeth RICE, Ambassadeur auprès des Nations Unies 白宫办公厅主任拉姆·伊曼纽尔M. Rahm Israel EMANUEL, Secrétaire général de la Maison Blanche。
英美政府机构名称, 英美政府首长名称汉译

英国ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The Department of State
The Department of Defense
Ministry of Defense
National Security Council
Unified Command
European Command
Director Operational Test & Evaluation
Director Defense Research & Engineering
Minister of Defense
President of the Board of Trade
First Lord of the Admiralty
Secretary of State for War
Secretary of State for Air
Minister of Transport
Minister of Economic Affairs
Secretary of the Navy
Secretary of the Air Force
ASD (Assistant Secretary of Defense)
USD (Under Secretary of Defense)

酒精、烟草核武器管理局(-the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms)
外国资产控制办公室(the office of foreign assets control)
金融机构办公室 the office of the assistant secretary for financial institutions)
技术政策办公室(office of technology policy)
国家技术信息局(national technical information service)
国家标准和技术研究所(the national institute of standards and technology, nist)
地方法院(lower courts)
特别裁判权的法院(special courts)
联邦司法中心(federal judicial center)
国家安全委员会(the national security council )
总统经济顾问委员会(council of economic advisers)
国际贸易局(international trade administration)
小企业发展局(minority business development agency)
国家海洋和大气管理局(national oceanic and atmospheric administration)
普查局( bureau of the census)
经济分析局(bureau of economic analysis)
出口管理局(bureau of export administration)
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U.S. Institutions 美国行政机构
总统办事机构:(Executive Office of the President)
白宫办公厅(The White House Office)
副总统办公厅(Office of the Vice President of the United States)
行政管理和预算办公室(Office of Management and Budget)
经济顾问委员会(Council of Economic Advisers)
国家安全委员会(National Security Council)
美国贸易代表办公室(Office of United States Trade Representatives) 政策制定办公室(Office of Policy Development)
科学和技术政策办公室(Office of Science and Technology Policy)
改善环境质量委员会(Council on Environmental Quality)
国家麻醉品控制政策办公室(Office of National Drug Control Policy)
行政办公室(Office of Administration)
政府各部:(Cabinet Department)
国务院(Department of State)
财政部(Department of Treasury)
国防部(Department of Defense)
司法部(Department of Justice)
商务部(Department of Commerce)
能源部(Department of Energy)
内政部(Department of Interior)
农业部(Department of Agriculture)
教育部(Department of Education)
运输部(Department of Transportation)
劳工部(Department of Labor)
卫生与公众服务部(Department of Health and Human services)
住房和城市发展部(Department of Housing and Urban Development) 退伍军人事务部(Department of Veterans Affairs)
军事机构:(Military Bodies)
国防部(Department of Defense)
参谋长联席会议(Joint Chiefs of Staff)
陆军(Army) 空军(Airforce) 海军(Navy)
海军陆战队(Marine Corps)
海岸警卫队(Coast Guard)
联合作战司令部(United Combatant Commands)。