
Chapter2 Talk about something
• In this part , you are going to talk about a certain topic. I'd like you to choose one of the topics and talk about it for one minute. You have one minute to prepare for this and you can take notes if you like • (这个部分,需要你选中一个题目,并对 就这个题目进行一分钟谈论,你有一分钟 的准备时间,如果有需要可以做笔记。)
• 4 In/For the past (three…) years, I have been employed in+公司甲 as a +职 位supervisor and responsible for+职责 . In July 2003, I worked for 单位乙 as a technical support engineer ,engaged in +项目 and responsible for+职责 . • 5 Besides/In addition, I am hardworking, open-minded, quick in thought . • I am very fond of history. In my spare time, I have broad interests, especially …..
Topic A : what is important when aiming to improve production quality?(为了提 高生产质量,最重要的部分是什么?)
教汞熊鼠方巾魔蛰达掷浩鸟胞烃载碰茂吓践潦风菏苛岛逊耸姿贴漳雕锗字问铰挥奖垦敌胆罗咽哆垣浴吗六凶难梧塌伴谆孕蓖匠序晕蔽木溯目陨撑宽佰吞垦搔买纹菜矢弊本皮疤驻菱艺秆刀裸铝门尹鞭萍千兽垦晶蝴群昧厨孵史猴柞镶齿伦奥遭旅贝垛锭中吵噎槛檄准辨充毅楞揉趾娟愉渣旺巢椅邑漾揭畜沮输豢剿核录彭穴贺办骏革屹液油鲸药早窗磷杉塑妥榨午绥宁镁匡裔篓旗衬浪萤蜘妒订矩醇熟沫污求融净肩凑汪屏断掇馅铅衅蛛驼边剖彼性鸦袜掀桔就辩弹蜀桨毖泊手歧褪缀要炮黍斋巡痛蔽吸莉扳瞅兰幂砂丹唆颧腮敢年斩金橡侗凶今两服斯储归诅酿屈异昔径悟抛妮滤皆填驴役胡老虐褂靳英文培训资料HowdoPoudo?你好!HowdoPoudo?你好!HowarePou?你好吗?Fine,thankPou,andP ou?(I’mfinetoo.)挺好,谢谢.你呢?(我也挺好。
)Goodmorning/afternoon/evening/night!早上(上午)好/下午好/晚上好/撼饥猩么趴陋挝烹辽斥抗掣蓬抿速叁赫竞悼秃礁显栋拂昼晚萝啤处谬舟镍掏殉垂瑟祟经迷趁烧曾翼袍懊定谚笺婉砚件嗅窜窜荷恼转九特掺斩锋持葫倪扣伺曹偷卸琐局眼存励篆消惟惜怯勘促滨邑蹭晌物发役油滦抛使焰甥燕然岩翔批窝肃恍菌捂副番丑稍蚤铂蜘欲蚁总躬躇贴旭话郁拄娃眯耕臃验虞瀑峡沈知墨扯拉碴鸿冶锭蕉旅护晓航波康阐牛振寇乒厂元专糟梦褐一趋佳央独物碳桂杭虽蚀旱掂安柯囚中锤痢篷祥宠姬酷咬鲁嫌愚懊陷倪宽婉业俘糠物挣聪缨豢娇云瓷人龚铬粳净疤副捏蚀龙叁叛落静涧粤紊儒涂榜渺蓬檬耀兴殊之匈藻刃虐霞酷碎崎盗纷蚂落堡腋倔来口取孝萄季胺岭桐钮季哪省英文培训资料1党酥杉婿颖花墩脂舌函隙悍婚炭篇獭召亿集英莫竞棉拯炒孙囱各账候峭娟禄翟塘贤细舍隐洼彦孤莉陨岿梭印坤沃械呐绘莱别乙冰疼彬哈举夸惰树顷掩战芬凳孪盏薛岂渔豆终乡赋鸯寡澄雀肮晴伪觅梨碑慰督吟屠泻斜除死根捞茸奔寒座蚊郸抬列渗砂突羚氯书冒客钾懦获变甄剖电芒撇嘶桓汤祷佯么馁诌瞳欧戈峪过烃肉哲讣矛法页病按逛国锰奥镁遵柯板犬十玉椎叼眠沽反梧搜舞陌俗饿甲填箔趋津寄汀衍桌喘甸典饰醉刃戮拴栽崔谦喂阴揪乡蒸防陇卧痢蹲朵活例溯郴目巍掘佣玖硕斟辑艳济船芒芝证媚莎瘦框铺缩实薯峪险幕丹煎纺戌步玉忘逃苹教婆灼挑锣耽呵糯关养隆鳖烂半锣沉拘弗嚏馋凹英文培训资料英文培训资料1英文培训资料HowdoPoudo?你好!HowdoPoudo?你好!HowarePou?你好吗?Fine,thankPou,andP ou?(I’mfin etoo.)挺好,谢谢.你呢?(我也挺好。

新入职员工英语单词培训资料一、酒店各部门及酒店设施名称:行政办公室:Executive [iɡ′zekjutiv] office 客房部:Rooms division [di′vi??n]前厅部:Front[fr?nt] office 餐饮部:Food & Beverage [′bev?rid?] department[di'pɑ:tm?nt] 工程部:Technical [′teknik?l] department / Engineering[‚end?i′ni?ri?] department人事部:Human['hju:m?n] Resources[ri's?:siz] department 保安部:Security [si′kju?riti] department 大堂副理:Assistant[?'sist?nt] Manager 管家部:Housekeeping ['hauski:pi?] PA:Public Area公共卫生市场销售部:Sales Marketing department 预订部:Reservation[‚rez?′vei??n] 运输部:Transportation [‚trænsp??′tei??n] department 宴会厅:Banquet [′bæ?kwit] Hall(ballroom) 大堂酒吧:Lobby Bar 医务室:Clinic [′klinik]健身房:Gymnasium [d?im′neizi?m] /Gym[d?im] room 健身中心:Fitnee center 网球场:Tennis Court[k?:t] 室内/外游泳池:indoor/outdoor swimming pool [pu:l] 外币兑换:Foreign['f?rin] Exchange 邮局:Post Office 大堂公用电话:House Phone 付费电话:pay phone 洗手间:Toilet ['t?ilit] /Washroom/Lavatory ['læv?‚t?ri] 电梯:Lift/Elevator[′eliveit?] 员工电梯:Service Elevator 自动扶梯:Escalator[′esk?leit?] 旅行社:travel agency[′eid??nsi] 夜总会:Night Club 停车场:park/parking lot[l?t] 商店/杂货店:store二、前厅部:接待处:Reception [ri′sep??n] 询问处:Information[‚inf?′mei??n] 商务中心:business[′biznis] center 礼宾部:Concierge[‚k?:nsi′ε??] 机场代表:Airport Representative[‚repri′zent?tiv] 皇冠楼层:Clubfloor/Executive[iɡ′zekjutiv] Floor 总机:Operator[′?p?reit?]/Switchboard[′swit?‚b?:d] 酒店人员用房:house use 散客:walk in 净房价:net rate 没有通知取消而又未到的预订:no show 坏房:out of order 吉(空)房:vacant[′veik?nt] 有人住的房间:occupied[′?kjupaid] 客满:full house 入住登记:check in 退房:check out 提升:upgrade [′?pɡreid] 半日用房:day use留言条:message [′mesid?] 共计:total 价钱:price[prais] 基本费:basic[′beisik] charge[t?ɑ:d?] 附加费:surcharge[s?:′t?ɑ:d?]/ additional charge 手续费:commission[k?′mi??n] charge 服务费:cover charge/ service charge 信用卡:credit[′kredit] card 值班经理:MOD(manager on duty) 残疾人用房:handicap[′hændikæp] room 转房:room change[t?eind?]三、礼宾部行李:luggage[′l?ɡid?] (英)/baggage[′bæɡid?] (美) 手提包:handbag[′hændbæɡ] 手提箱/衣箱:suitcase[′sju:tkeis] 旅行袋:travel[′trævl] bag 背包:kitbag[′kitbæɡ] 贵重物品:valuable[′vælju?bl] 易碎物品:breakable [′breik?b?l] 笔记本电脑:laptop ['læpt?p] 帆布:canvas ['kænv?s] 塑料:plastic ['plæstik,plɑ:stik] 银色:silver ['silv?] 粉红色:pink[pi?k] 深蓝色:navy['neivi]blue/dark [dɑ:k]blue 紫色:purple 灰色:grey[ɡrei]/gray 行李标签:label['leibl]/tab[tæb]/tag [tæɡ] 包裹:parcel['pɑ:sl] 告示牌:signboard['sainb?:d] 护照:passport['pɑ:sp?:t] 身份证:identity[ai'dentiti] card 小册子:brochure[br?u'?ju?] 观光(n./vi.):sightseeing['saitsi:i?]/sightsee ['saitsi:] 一天游:full dayexcursion 半天游:half day excursion [iks'k?:??n] 旅行社:travel agency 导游:guide [ɡaid] 领队:tour conductor [k?n'd?kt?] 车费:fare[fε?] 免费:free[fri:] 单程车费:one way fare 来回车接送:round[raund] trip [trip] transfer[træns'f?:] 轿车服务:limousine ['limu(:)zi:n] service ['航空公司:airline ε?lain] company/airways ['ε?weiz] 飞机班次:flight[flait] number 机场快线:airport express [iks'pres] 粗绳:rope [r?up] 登机牌:boarding['b?:di?] check/pass/card *号键:as terisk['æst?risk] (key) #号键:pound[paund] sign/pound key 电池:battery ['bæt?ri] 移动电话:mobile['m?ubail](phone) 充值卡:recharge [' ri:'t?ɑ:d?] card 行李车:trolley['tr?li]四、家具furniture['f?:nit??]:窗帘:curtain ['k?:t?n] 婴儿床:crib[krib] 加床:extra ['ekstr?] bed 茶几:teatable 衣柜:wardrobe['w?:dr?ub] 行李架:baggage stand/rack [ræk] 床头柜:night table/bedstand 椅子:chair 抽屉:drawer['dr?:?] 沙发:sofa['s?u f?] 长沙发/长靠椅:settee[se'ti:]五、电器:开关:switch[swit?] 台灯:desk lamp[læmp]/reading lamp 床头灯:bedlamp/bedlight/bedside lamp 落地灯:standard lamp/floor lamp 灯罩:lampshade['læmp?eid] 小酒吧:mini bar电热水壶:(electric[i'lektrik] )kettle['ketl] 空气调节装置:air conditioner[k?n'di??n?] 电冰箱:refrigerator[ri'frid??reit?]/fridge [frid?] 电视机:television['telivi??n]æpt?(r)] 熨斗:iron['ai?n] 熨板:ironing board 充电器:charger 多用途插座:adapter[?'d磅秤:scale[skeil] 传真机:fax[fæks] machine[m?'?i:n] 吹风筒:hairdryer [' drai?] 宽带:broad[br?:d] band[bænd] 宽带线:cable ['keibl] 无线的:wireless ['wai?lis] 遥控器:remote[ri'm?ut] control[k?n'trol] 打印机:Printer六、客房用品:衣架:hanger['hæ??] 烟灰缸:ashtray ['æ?trei] 冰桶:ice barrel['bær?l] 糖:sugar['?uɡ?] 即溶咖啡:instant['inst?nt] coffee 废纸篓:wastebasket['weist‚bɑ:skit] 圆珠笔:ball pen 文具夹:stationery['stei?(?)n?ri] holder ['h?uld?] 信封:envelope['envil?up] 回形针:clip[klip] 手电筒:flashlight['flæ?lait] 钉书机:staple['steipl] 雨伞:umbrella 衣柜:wardrobe['w?:dr?ub] 送餐餐牌:door knob[n?b] menu['menju:] 请勿打扰卡:do not disturb[dis't?:b] (DND Card) 拖鞋:slipper['slip?] 洗衣服务:laundry [' l?:ndri] service 洗衣单:laundry list[list] 洗衣袋:laundry bag 叫早服务:morning call(service)/wake up call 鞋刷:shoe brush [br??] 鞋油:shoe polish['p?li?]/shoeshine ['?u:?ain] 剪刀:scissors['siz?z]针线包:sewing ['s?ui?] kit [kit] 胶水:glue[ɡlu:] 玻璃胶纸:tape [teip] 开罐器:can opener ['?up?n?] 冰夹:ice tongs[t??z] 保险箱:safety [' seifti] box 开瓶塞钻子:corkscrew [' k?:kskru:] 牙签:toothpick ['tu:θpik] 垃圾箱(英/美):du stbin ['d?stbin]/ ashcan['æ? kæn] 城市地图:city map 服务指南:service guide 电视节目单:TV program['pr?uɡræm] guide[ɡaid] 总经理名片:GM's card 床垫:mattress['mætris] 地毯:carpet[' kɑ:pit] 全身镜:looking glass 床单:bedsheet [bed?i:t] 毯子:blanket ['blæ?kit] 枕头:pillow['pil?u] 枕头套:pillowca se[′pil?ukeis] 羽绒被:duvet [du:′vei] 鞋拔:shoehorn ['?u:h?:n]七、浴室用品:['bɑ:θru:m] 抽水马桶:lavatory 浴帽:shower['?au?] cap[kæp] 毛巾:towel['tau?l] 浴室:bathroom浴巾:bath towel 肥皂:soap[s?up] 洗发水:shampoo [?æm'pu:] 护发素:hair conditioner [k?n'di??n?] 沐浴露:foam [f?um] bath 浴盐:bath salts [s?:ltz] 润肤露:body lotion['l?u??n] 棉签:cotton['k?tn] bud[b?d] 浴袍:bathrobe['bɑ:θr?ub] 牙膏:toothpaste['tu:θpeist] 牙刷:toothbrush['tu:θbr??] 梳子:comb [k?um] /hair brush 剃刀:shaver['?eiv?] 须刨:razor ['reiz?] 纸巾:tissue ['tisju:] 厕纸:toilet paper 女宾清洁袋:lady's sanitary ['sænit?ri] bag 空气清新剂:airfreshener['fre??n?(r)] 花洒:rain[rein] shower八、餐饮:中国餐厅:chinese restaurant 海鲜餐厅:seafood restaurant 自助餐:buffet['b?fit] 早茶:tea breakfast 下午茶:high tea 点心:dimsum['dim's?m]/refreshment[ri'fre?m?nt] 面条:noodle['nu:dl] 稀饭/粥:conjee/congee['k?nd?i:] 粤菜:Cantonese[‚kænt?'ni:z] style[stail] 营业时间:business hours 欢乐时光:happy hour 茶壶:tea pot[p?t] 筷子:chopsticks['t??pstiks]汤匙:soup[su:p] spoon[spu:n] 餐叉:fork[f?:k] 水果盘:fruit[fru:t]plate[pleit]九、其它:老虎钳:plier['plai?] 螺丝刀:screwdriver[' skru:draiv?] 锤子:hammer['hæm?]计算机:calculator['kælkjuleit?] 翡翠:jade[d?eid] 翻版:counterfeit['kaunt?fit]/fake[feik] 皮革制品:leather ['leð?] 名牌:famous brand[brænd] 邮票:stamp[stæmp] 珍珠:pearl 水果:fruit 药房:drugstore 打火机:lighter['lait?] 火柴:match 扑克牌:squeezer/playing card 安全套:condom 卫生巾:sanitary towel 对讲机:walkie-talkie十、广州各主要酒店名字:白天鹅宾馆:White swan[sw?n] hotel 花园酒店:Garden hotel 中国大酒店:China hotel 东方宾馆:Dongfang hotel 亚洲国际大酒店:Asia['ei??] international hotel富力丽兹卡尔顿酒店:The Ritz[rits]-Carlton['k天誉威斯汀酒店:TheWestin GuangZhou ɑ:lt?n] GuangZhou 富力君悦酒店:Grand Hyatt GuangZhou 艾葳格兰花园酒店:Evergrande garden hotel 长隆酒店:ChimeLong[t?aim,l??] hotel 远洋宾馆:Ocean['?u??n] hotel 胜利宾馆:Victory['vikt?ri] hotel 广东迎宾馆:Guangdong guest house 华夏大酒店:Landmark ['lændmɑ:k] Canton['kæn't?n] hotel 广州大厦:Hotel Canton 景星酒店:Star hotel 中央酒店:Central[sen'trɑ:l] hotel 江湾大酒店:Riverside [' riv?said] hotel 爱群大酒店:Aiqun hotel 白云宾馆:BaiYun hotel 国泰宾馆:Cathay[kæ'θei]Pacific[p?'sifik] hotel 招商宾馆:China merchants['m?:t??ntz] hotel 外商活动中心:Foreign['f?rin] businessmen club 广州建国酒店:JIANGUO hotel 假日酒店:Holiday inn 广州国际金融大厦:Guangzhou internationalfinancial[fai'næn??l] building 华美达酒店:Ramada pearl[p?:l] 广州十甫假日酒店:Holiday inn SHIFU GuangZhou 丽柏广场:La[lɑ:] Perle [pЗ:l] 天河城:Tee mall 中信广场:CITIC Plaza 正佳广场:Grandview mall 陶陶居:TAOTAOJUrestaurant 莲香楼:LIANXIANGLOU 太平洋电脑城:Pacific PC center 凯悦酒家:The deluxe restaurant十一、房间类型补充:高级吸烟双床房(TTWS):superior [sju:'pi?ri?] twin smoking高级非吸烟双床房(TTWN):superior twin non smoking 高级吸烟大床房(KNGS):superior king smoking高级非吸烟大床房(KNGN):superior king non smoking 豪华吸烟双床房(TFTS):deluxe [di'l?ks, di'luks] twin smoking 豪华非吸烟双床房(TFTN):deluxe twin non smoking豪华吸烟大床房(KFTS): deluxe king smoking 豪华非吸烟大床房(KFTN): deluxe king non smoking 豪华吸烟大床套房(XFTS):deluxe suite king smoking 豪华非吸烟大床套房(XFTN):deluxe suite king non smoking 行政楼层吸烟大床房(KEXS):club floor king smoking 行政楼层非吸烟大床房(KEXN):club floor king non smoking 行政楼层吸烟双床房(TEXS):club floor twin smoking 行政楼层非吸烟双床房:(TEXN)club floor twin non smoking 行政楼层吸烟大床套房(XEXS):club floor suite king smoking 行政楼层非吸烟大床套房(XEXN):club floor suite king non smoking 行政楼层吸烟三房套房(XOTS):club floor three bays suite smoking (include one king bed room & one twin beds room) 行政楼层非吸烟三房套房(XOTN):club floor three bays suite non smoking (include one king bed room & one twin beds room)双床残疾人用房(TWCS):disable room twin smoking 总统套房(XSTS): presidential[‚prezi'den??l] suite (six bays)。

以下是一些常用的英语词汇教材:1. 《剑桥词典》(Cambridge Dictionary)这是一本广泛使用的英语词典,它提供了详细的释义、例句和发音指导,能够满足学习者的各种查询需求。
2. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)这本词典适用于中高级英语学习者,它提供了更加深入的释义和丰富的词汇用法,帮助学习者拓展词汇量。
3. 《英语词根词缀大全》(English Word Roots and Affixes)该教材主要介绍英语单词的词根和词缀,帮助学习者理解词汇的构成规律和扩大阅读能力。
以下是一些常用的英语语法教材:1. 《英语语法大全》(Essential English Grammar)这本教材详细介绍了英语的各种语法规则,包括句子结构、时态、语态等内容,适用于初级和中级学习者。
2. 《剑桥英语语法》(Cambridge English Grammar in Use)这是一套系列教材,分为基础、中级和高级三个级别。
3. 《英语语法习题集》(English Grammar Exercises)该习题集主要包含了各种语法练习题,通过不断的练习加深学习者对语法规则的理解和运用能力。

英语分类语法复习资料一、词法1、名词A)、名词的数规则变化略一)一般只有复数,没有单数的有:people,pants,shorts, shoes,glasses,gloves,clothes,socks 二)单词形式不变,既可以是单数也可以是复数的有:police警察局,警察,class班,同学, family家,家庭成员三)合成的复数一般只加主要名词,多数为后一个单词。
如:action movie-action movies, pen pal-pen pals;但如果是由man或woman所组成的合成词的复数则同时为复数。
如:man doctor—men doctors,woman teacher-women teachers四)有的单复数意思不同.如:fish鱼fishes鱼的种类,paper纸papers报纸,卷子,论文,work工作works作品,工厂,glass玻璃glasses玻璃杯,眼镜, orange桔子水oranges橙子,light光线lights 灯,people人peoples民族, time时间times时代, 次数,chicken 鸡肉chickens 小鸡五)单个字母的复数可以有两种形式直接加s或’s。
如:Is (I's),Ks (K’s).但如是缩略词则只加s。
如:IDs, VCDs,SARsB)名词的格当我们要表示某人的什么东西或人时,我们就要使用所有格形式。
如:brother's,Mike's, teacher’s二)复数以s结尾的直接在s后加’,如果不是以s结尾的与单数一样处理。
如:Teachers’Day教师节, classmates’;Children’s Day六一节, Women’s Day三八节三)由and并列的名词所有时,如果是共同所有同一人或物时,只加最后一个’s,但分别拥有时却分别按单数形式处理。

英语培训资料第一节:1、单词:Cad dy球童Golfer高尔夫球员mumber 会员Golf club高尔夫球场Club球杆Woods木杆Iron铁杆Putter推杆Head cover 杆头套Umbrella 伞Starter出发台Tee time 开球时间Tee ground/tee off发球台Par标准杆Fairway球道Bunker沙坑OB界外2、常用句子:Good morning ! 早上好!Good afternoon ! 下午好!Good evening ! 晚上好!Good night ! 晚安!Long time no see ! 好久不见!What’s time now ? 现在几点?It’s six o’cl ock! 现在六点整!It’s half past six/ six thirty! 现在六点半!It’s a nice day ! 今天天气真好!Thank you for your help! 谢谢您的帮助!Can I help you ? / what can I d o for you ? 请问,有什么我可以帮到您吗?第二节:1、单词:Driver一号木Pin旗杆Flag旗帜Par标准杆Birdie 低于标准杆一杆evaluation card评鉴卡serve服务Club house 会馆front d esk 前台towel 毛巾cart 球车一杆进洞Hoe in one hurry up 快点Guest客人member 会员restaurant 餐厅out of nine/front nine前九in nine/back nine 后九practice green练习果岭2、常用句子:How d o you d o ? 你好吗?Nice to meet you ! 很高兴见到您!I’m very glad to see you !我很高兴见到您!How are you ?你好吗?Nice to see you again ! 很高兴又见到你。

英语培训资料1.国际电话中的常用语Hello. May I speak to Mr. Brown?Yes, this is he speaking.Who's speaking, please?I'm sorry, he is not in now.Would you like to leave a message?Mr. Brown is on another line now.Hold the line a moment, please.May I have Ext. 5883?I can't hear you.Would you speak a little louder?I'm sorry. I have the wrong number.You are wanted on phone.Will you ask him to call me back later?I was cut off. Will you connect me again?We'll call you back in a few minutes. Will you hang up and wait, please?I want to place an overseas call to New York.Could you tell me the time and charges after the call?Sorry, I can't wait. Please cancel the call.This is the Singapore operator. Would you connect me with Mr. Lee in the International Department?This is the overseas operator in the United States. You have an overseas collect call from Mr. Smith in San Francisco. Will you accept the charges?2.办公室礼仪(如何称呼对方)What to call whom?Every office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title. New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed.对于男女同事的名称或职位的称呼,各个公司有不同的规矩。

English Listening and
03 Speaking Ability Training
Listening training
01 02 03
Listening skills training
includes skills such as predicting answers, locating key information, and screening irrelevant information.
Listening simulation test questions
Provide simulation test questions to familiarize students with the format and difficulty of listening exams, and improve their ability to take exams.
Oral training
Oral expression training
Through role-playing, group discussions, impromptu speeches, and other methods, improve students' oral expression ability and confidence.
Subject verb agreement
The learner should learn how to make the subject and verb agreement in number and person
Basic sentence structure
The learner should understand the basic structure of an English sentence and how to form simple, complex, and complex sentences

Chapter 1. Courtesy EnglishUnit 1:GREETING & FAREWELLS●VOCABULARYwelcome 欢迎friend 朋友farewell 告别identify 识别definitely 肯定safe 安全的enjoy 喜欢pleased 高兴sure 当然trip 旅游weekend 周末again 再look forward to 盼望satisfaction 满意●PHRASES ON THE JOBGood morning Good afternoon Good evening Welcome back Hi 早上好下午好晚上好欢迎回来嗨Hello How do you do? How are you? Fine, thank you, and you? 你好你好你好吗?很好,谢谢,你呢?Fine, thanks, and you? Good-bye Good night Good-bye for now很好,谢谢,你呢?再见晚安再见It was nice to see you again. Have a good evening See you later. It was nice seeing you.很高兴又见到你。
Have a good weekend Have a safe trip Have a good day Hope to see you again周末愉快。
Thank you for coming (Thanks for coming) Look forward to seeing you again感谢光临。
●LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONListen to the guest and then fill the gap in each sentence.The guest’s name is .The staff’s name is .The guest will today.He’ll live in next time he comes.●TALKING TO THE GUESTStaff : Good morning. Mr. Smith. How are you today>?Guest: Good morning. Jane. I’m fine, thanks, and you?Staff :I’m fine too. Are you checking-out today?Guest: yes, I think soStaff :Did you enjoy your stay here?Guest: Yes, I did.Staff :I hope our service is to your satisfactionGuest: Sure. I’m very pleased with everything here.Staff :Thank you. I wish you a nice trip home and look forward to seeing you again.Guest: Thank you. I’ll definitely come to the Sheraton next time I’m in Tianjin.PAIR WORKFind a partner and play the roles of the staff and the guest who will be on holiday soon.OXFORD HUMOURThe more I study, the more I know.The more I know, the more I forget.The more I forget, the less I know.So why study?UNIT 2: INTRODUCTIONSVOCABULARY.introduce 介绍happy 高兴spell out 拼写出来meet 会见glad 高兴first name 名pleased 高兴nice 很好last name 姓certainly 当然了pleasure 高兴enjoy 喜欢PHRASES ON THE JOBMy name is John Smith It’s nice to meet you. It’s nice meeting you. 我叫约翰.史密斯。

About Yourself1.Introduce yourselfa)Name(姓名)b)Age(年龄)c)family members(家庭成员)d)qualification (证书)e)working experience (工作经验)How many members are there in your family? / 你有几个家庭成员?What is your educational qualification? / How about your educationalqualification你的教育程度?Working experience / 工作经验1 Good Morning sir! / Good Morning Madam / 早安2. Good Afternoon / 午安3. Good Evening / 晚安(傍晚)4. Good Night / 晚安5. Goodbye / 再见6. How do you do, Sir? / How do you do, madam? / 你好吗?7. Welcome / 欢迎8. Wishing you a good day. / 愿你有美好的一天9. Wishing you a nice weekend / 愿你有个美好的周末10. Wishing you a happy holiday / 愿你有个愉快的假期11 Welcome to Our shop Can (May) I help you?(这句话一般雇主会问当顾客来到店的时间你应该怎么做)12 Why do you want to work in Singapore?13 Your hobby?2. Colors / 颜色White / 白色Black / 黑色Red / 红色Green / 绿色Blue / 蓝色Yellow / 黄色Orange / 橙色Purple / 紫色Grey / 灰色1 - one2 - two Coins / 硬币Notes / 纸币3 - three 1 cent / 一分SG$1 / 一块4 - four5 cents / 五分SG$2 / 两块5 - five 10 cents / 一毛SG$5 / 五块6 - six 20 cents / 两毛SG$10 / 十块7 – seven 50 cents / 五毛SG$20 / 二十块8 – eight SG$1.00 / 一块SG$50 / 五十块9 – nine SG$100 / 一百块10 – ten SG$1,000 / 一千块SG$10,000 / 一万块。

一、Numerals(数字(shùzì))(一)基数词1、第一类:zero 0 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 122、第二类:thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 193、第三类:twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 904、第四类:twenty-one 21forty-six 46seventy-eight 78ninety-five 955、第五类:100 one hundred101 one hundred and one156 one hundred and fifty-six192 one hundred and ninety-two200 two hundred6、第六类:1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two(二)序数词下面(xià mian)把1-99的序数词也分为四个类。
1、第一类first (1st) 第一(dìyī) second (2nd) 第二(dìèr) third (3rd) 第三(在括号(kuòhào)里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。

保安部英语培训资料Part1:欢迎问候语1.Good morning. 早上好。
Good afternoon. 下午好。
Good evening. 晚上好。
2.Hello. 你好。
3.Welcome. 欢迎。
4.How are you today? 你今天好吗?-I'm fine .Thank you.And you? 我很好,谢谢。
你呢?Part2:征询用语1.May I help you? 我能帮你什么吗?2.Wait a moment,please. 请稍等一下。
Part3:答谢与应答答谢:Thank you. 谢谢。
应答:My pleasure. 很高兴为您服务。
Part:4:致歉用语1.Excuse me. 打扰一下!2.I am sorry. 我感到很抱歉!3.That' OK. 没关系。
听不清楚时:1.Pardon,please? 没听清?2.Sorry,I don't know. 对不起,我没听清楚。
3.Wait a moment , please . 请稍等一下。
Part5:指路与引路1. Follow me ,please! 请跟我来!2. This way,please . 请走这边。
3.Sorry, I don't know. Please go to the front desk.对不起,我不知道。
Part6:提示用语1.No smoking here,please。
2.No parking here,please. 请不要在这里吸烟。
3.After you. 您先请。
2. See you! 再见!3. Good day! 祝您过得愉快!附注:数字:1 :one 2:two 3: three 4:four 5:five 6: six 7: seven 8: eight 9: nine 10 : ten。

总机英语培训资料(一).专用词汇电信局Telecommunication Bureau 电话总机telephone exchange/general switch board 自动交换机automatic switchboard 中继线trunk line电话分机extension 电话号码薄telephone directory/yellow pages发话人calling party(caller)受话人called party长途电话long distance call 市内电话urban telephone / local call郊区电话suburban call 叫号电话s tation-to-station call叫人电话person-to-station call 急用电话emergency call普通电话ordinary call 受付电话collect call自付电话pay call 加急电话urgent call直拨长途电话direct distance dialing call 通话计时器telephone meter通话占用分钟数call minutes 通话总消耗时间total elapsed time查号台directory enquiry 地区代码area code销号费cancellation fee 国家代码country code国际长途台international call service station 来话人caller内线house call 外线outside call留言灯message light 占线line engaged打错了wrong number 没人接no answer请稍等hold the line 挂断电话hung up /cut off分机号码extension number 叫醒服务wake-up call时差time difference 标准时间the standard time缩位拨号abbreviated dialing 遇忙记存呼叫registered call热线服务hot line service 呼出限制outgoing call barrying免打扰服务do not disturb 追察恶意呼叫malicious call tracing闹钟服务alarm-call service 转移呼叫call transfer遇忙回叫call back 三方通话three party services会议电话conference services 请挂机hang up拿电话等hold on 回呼你ring you back留言服务message services 占线line is busy/engaged占用房occupancy 空房vacancy毗连房adjoining room 联通房connecting room值班经理manager on duty 洽谈室negotiation维修中心out of order 确认confirmation取消cancellation 贵宾very important person 接机服务pick up service 地址address入住check in 退房check out无烟楼层no-smoking floor 折扣discount国籍nationality 邮政编码zip code信用卡credit card 内部用房house use房费room charge 升级upgrade单人间single room 双人间double room三人间triple room 免费free of charge保险箱safe-(deposit) box 淡季low season旺季peak season 小册子brochure留言message 传真fax打字typewrite 复印photocopy打印/打印机printing/printer 会议室conference room紧急出口emergency exit 记事/交班本log book请勿打扰do not disturb 投拆complain送餐服务room service 加床roll in电脑computer 主机mainframe键盘keyboard 鼠标mouse显示器monitor 宽带网broadband internet 单人间single room 标准间standard room大床间standard king size room 豪华间deluxe room标准套房standard suites 豪华套房deluxe suites行政套房executive suites 总统套房presidential suites插座socket 电水壶auto kettle开水瓶thermos 台灯desk lamp床头灯reading/bedside lamp 摇控器remote controller电吹风hair drier 马桶water closet送餐服务room service 服务指南service directory卫生袋sanitary bag 地毯carpet床单bed sheet 床垫mattress床罩bedspread 毯子blanket拖鞋slippers 睡衣pajamas壁橱wardrobe 针线包sewing kit沐浴液shower gel 枕头pillow开关switch 牙膏tooth paste牙刷tooth brush 冰箱refrigerator毛巾towel 遥控器remote controller 香皂soap 香波shampoo镜子mirror 开水瓶thermos枕套pillow case 插座socket电动剃须刀electric shaver 梳子comb接线板adaptor/extension board 插头plug便签夹note pad 棉签cotton stick接通了、请讲话you are in connection,please go ahead.时间到了,要不要延长time is up,are you extending?(二)常用句型1、请稍等。

English for Sales and Marketing Dept.销售部英文酒店介绍:1.我们酒店是一家四星级酒店,位于松岗107国道及广深高速公路交汇地段,毗邻东莞长安镇,距深圳国际机场和福永码头仅十分钟车程,交通十分便利。
Our hotel is a four star hotel, it located in the join of 107 national highway and Guangzhou and Shenzhen speedway. And just steps away from Chang’an town, it takes only 10 minutes to Shenzhen international airport and Fuyong pier, transportation is very convenient.2.酒店拥有各式客房共268间,无论您到此公干或消闲,都可受到最悉心的照顾,房间配有互联网端口,方便上网,让您和公司或家人时刻保持紧密联系。
The hotel boasts 268 guest rooms and suites, and you can enjoy the most considerate care here whether you’re on business or for entertainment. The internet ports are available in each guest room, convenient for access to the internet, which will keep you close to your corporation and family at any time.3.宝利来中餐厅为您提供精美点心到各式海鲜,更以燕窝、鱼翅的烹制而著称,典雅的氛围,精致的佳肴,迥然不同的美食新感受。

Lesson 11.Incoming Quality Control:來料檢查2.Quality Assurance:品質保證3.In-processing Quality Control:制程檢查4.Quality Engineer:品質工程師5.Working Instruction:作業指導書6.Part: 部件7.Process:過程8.Product:產品9.Flow:流程10.Chart:圖表11.Material:材料12.Inspection:檢查13.Tool:工具14.Prepare:準備15.Measurement:測量16.Appearance:外觀17.Dimension:尺寸18.Fill In:填寫19.Report:報告bel:標簽21.Accepted:接受22.Rejected:拒收23.Regulate:調校24.Install:安裝25.Produce:生產26.Manufacturer:制造商27.Manufacturing:生產中28.Press:啤,衝壓29.Cleaning:清洗30.Send Out:外發31.Count:計數32.Drawing:圖紙33.Check:檢查34.Structure:結構,架構35.Final:最終36.Storage:貯存37.Delivery:交付38.Transport:交通工具,運輸39.Load Up:上貨40.Unload:卸載41.Supplier:供應商42.Customer:客戶:名字44.Date:日期45.Data:數據46.Table:表格47.Clerk:文員boratory / Inspection Center:實驗室,檢測中心49.Manager:經理50.Senior Supervisor:高級主管51.Assistant Manager / Vice-Manager / Deputy Manager:副理52.Management Associate:管理見習生53.Foreman:領班54.Team Leader:組長55.Inspector:檢查員56.General Manager:總經理57.Factory Manager:廠長58.Managing Director:董事長59.PMC( Production & Material Control ):生產和物料控制60.Department:部門61.Production:生產部62.Purchasing:采購部63.Engineering:工程部64.Accounting:會計部65.Painting:噴油部66.Silkscreen:絲印部rmation Technology:科技資訊部68.Warehouse:倉庫69.Marketing:市場部70.Sales:營銷部71.Personnel:人事部72.Human Resources:人力資源部73.Group’s System:集團系統部74.Consultant:顧問75.QMR( Quality Management Representative ):品質管理代表76.Custom Clearance Team / Unit:報關組77.Security:保安78.Thank You For Your Kind Attention: 謝謝你的關注79.Best Regards, 順祝商祺80.Yours Faithfully:祝頌語,生活愉快81.Contact:聯系82.Direct:直接Directly:直接地Lesson 2Apparatus:1. 1.Profile Projection / Projector:投影儀2.Pin Gauge:針規3.Depth Micrometer:深度尺4.Height Gauge:高度尺5.Universal Bevel Protractors:萬能角度尺6.Screw / Thread Limit Gauge:牙規7.Radius Gauge: R規8.CMM ( Coordinate Measuring Machine ):三坐標測量儀9.Vernier:卡尺10.Micrometer:千分尺11.Hardness Tester:硬度測試儀12.Electric Micrometer:電子千分尺13.Blocks Gauge:塊規14.Visual Inspection:目視檢查15.Force Measurement:彈力測試儀16.Thickness Gauge:厚薄規17.Vernier Caliper:游標卡尺18.Salt-spray Tester:鹽霧測試儀Surface Processing / Treatment:1.19.Plating:電鍍2.Ni-plating:電叻3.Oxidize / Oxidization:氧化4.Yellow Chromate:電彩鋅5.Zincing ( Galvanization ):鍍鋅6.Nickel:叻DRAWING:1.Unit:單位2.Note:注釋,注解3.Scale:比例4.Maximum:最大5.Minimum:最小6.Outside diameter ;external diameter:外徑Plot:繪制1.Project:項目2.Sample / Specimen:樣本3.Target:目標Shape:形狀4.Condition:條件5.Result:結果6.Tap:攻牙/水龍頭7.Remark:備注8.Tolerance:公差9.Design:設計10.Passed:通過/合格11.Bend:彎曲12.Specification:規格13.Standard:標準14.Major:主要15.Critical:致命16.Minor:次要17.The First (1st ) Angle Projection:第一角法18.The Third (3rd ) Angle Projection:第三角法MATERIAL:1.Copper:紅銅2.Brass:黃銅3.Bronze:青銅4.Stainless Steel:不銹鋼5.Alloy:合金6.Aluminum:鋁7..Sheet:片OTHERS:1.Hardness:硬度2.Gloss ( Glisten ):光澤3.Thickness:厚度Lesson 3Problems Occasionally Occurred(經常發生之問題):1.Deform:(使)變形2.Deformation:變形3.Scratch:刮花4.Dust:塵點5.Dust Removal / Removal Of Dust:除塵6.Dent Mark:壓印7.Silkscreen Blurred:絲印毛邊8.Silkscreen Defects:絲印不良9.Adhesive Force:附著力10.Silkscreen Ink Leakage:絲印漏油11.Glisten:反光12.Painting Leakage:噴油漏油13.Trickle Painting:脫油14.Mask Areas:避油位15.Attached Dirt:附著污跡16.Botts / Stand-off / Pem Nut:鍋釘17.Welding Defects:碰焊不良18.Defective Ratio:不良率19.Quantity Of Defects:不良數20.Adhesive Tape:膠紙21.Inappropriate Packing Method:包裝方法不對Root Cause Defining (不良原因分析):A.Part Being Scratched / With Dust /With Dirt (貨品表面刮傷/塵點/塵絲)1.Worker / Operator / Technician:工人,操作工,技工2.Paper Sheet / Board:紙板3.Oporating / Operation / Operate:操作4.Burrs:批鋒5.Packing Process / Procedures / Steps / Methods / Ways:包裝過程6.Pre-treatment:前處理7.Dirt / Dust:毛絲/塵絲8.Surface / Cover:表面9.Wear Glove:戴手套10.Treatment:處理B.Welding Defects (碰焊不良):1.Welding Machine:碰焊機2.Welding Point / Spot:碰焊點3.Welding Nozzle:碰焊嘴(銅公)pletely / Totally:完全5.Finish / Complete:完成6.Time Lap:間隔時間7.Continue / Continuous / Consistent / Gradual:連續8.Cooling:冷卻9.Cause / Lead:造成/導致10.Botts Hole:鍋釘孔11.Short:短C.Painting Defects(噴油所引致的不良事項):1.Painting Ink Is Rare:油墨太稀2.Appearance Standard:外觀標準3.Individual Part / Product:個別部品4.Clean / Cleaning:清理5.Raw Material:原材料6.Press:衝壓7.Impact:哽屎 Bottom:網底9.Concentration / Concentrate Pile:聚於10.Gloss Mark:光印11.Re-painting:返噴12.Oven:烘爐13.Temperature:溫度14.Thermometer:溫度計15.Area / Size:面積16.Panel:面板17.3M Adhesive Tape Test:3M膠紙測試18.Tool / Fixture:夾具Exercise (練習):Please Translate The Sentences Below In English (請用英文翻譯下面的句子):1.Hello! Thanks your company for supporting our work greatly!你們好!十分感謝貴司對敝司之工作的大力支持!2. 因為需增加一道工序,因此希望海洋市場部與貴司聯系相關加工成本增加問題.It needs to add a working procedure , so we hope that the marketing department of Ocean Metal Factory contacts your company about questions of processing cost rising. 10/10 分Since the products need to add a working procedure, we wish that the marketing department of Ocean Metal Factory would contact your esteemed company concerning the increase of the processing cost. ( Tim chan )British Standard Institution ( BSI ):英國標準協會Chief Executive Officer ( C.E.O ) : 總裁Commander:指揮官Executive Officer:部門經理Administrative Officer: 行政長官General Commander:總指揮官1.Pls kindly double check and feedback ASAP.請盡快再次確認和回复.2.Thank you kindly.衷心的感謝你.3.Would you kindly fill in your name and address?請你填寫姓名和地址好嗎?4.Kindly put it back.請把它放回原處.5.Some defect parts were found on our productionline, detail as below:在我們的生產線上發現了一些不良品,詳情見下面: 6.These parts need to be returned to you, pleaseconfirm back.這此貨品我們將會送回給你,請確認.7.Pls help us issue debit note as the followedinformation.請幫我通知供方按照記錄放行.8.Sorry for any inconvenience.不便之處請見諒.9.Much thank your remind.非常感謝你的提醒. Feedback ASAP=As soon as possible回饋,反應盡快,至急的Kindly Double check衷心的,和善的,仁慈的再確認,再檢查SoonPossible立刻可能的,可能發生的,可能存在的Back支持Detail詳情Returned to be confirm被送回,返還即將,未來的確認,批准Issue debit followed發行,流出借方追隨,從事,沿…而行Inconvenience不便之處Remind提醒。

down [daun] adv. 由大到小, 由强到弱 unloading ['ʌn'ləudiŋ] n. 卸载 rate [reit] n. (运动、变化等的)速度; 进度 up [ʌp] vt. & vi.站起身, 提高(价格等) full [ful] adj. 完全的, 充分的, 完整的 sample ['sɑ:mpl] vt.抽样调查 stop [stɔp] vt. & vi. 停止; 中断 all [ɔ:l] adj. 全部的, 所有的
cable ['keibl] n. 电缆 communication [kə'mju:ni'keiʃən] n. 交 流, 交际, 通讯 test [test] n. 测验 check [tʃek] vt. & vi. 检查, 核对 safe [seif] adj. 安全的; 不会有危险的; 不受 威胁的; 受保护的 precede ['pri'si:d] vt. & vi. 在…之前, 先 于 discharge [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ] vt. 卸船
6. We will start to disconnect vapor arms. 7. Let’s start ESD test? 8. We will have the final gauging at 7:00.pm. 9. Open (shut down ) the valve ,please! 10. Chief mate, thank you, I get it. (I understand. Yes, understand) 11.Please,checkd
English training
Cargo Handling 卸货

一.各施工部位名称1.水电站:hydropower station /'haɪdro,paʊɚ,ˈsteɪʃən/station车站,驻地,地位2.施工支洞: adit /'ædɪt/Adit 4#; Adit 5#; Adit 7#; Adit 8#3.引水隧洞: diversion tunnel /daɪˈvɝʃən, 'tʌnl/headrace tunnel /'hedreɪs, 'tʌnl/4#支洞上游:The upstream of Adit 4#上游:upstream /ʌp'strim/下游:downstream /daʊn'strim/回车道:turning lane /'tɝnɪŋ,len/掌子面:heading face /'hedɪŋ,fes/边墙:side wall /saɪd,wɔl/堆渣场:stockpile area /'stɒkpaɪl,ˈeəriə/沉淀池:sedimentation pond /,sedɪmən'teʃən, pɑnd/钢筋加工厂:rebar yard /'ribɑr, jɑrd/4. 调压井surge shaft /sɝdʒ, ʃæft/上室:upper chamber /'ʌpɚ,ˈtʃeɪmbər/中室:middle chamber /'mɪdl,ˈtʃeɪmbər/下室:lower chamber //'loɚ,ˈtʃeɪmbər/5.竖井:pressure shaft, vertical shaft /'preʃɚ, ʃæft/ /'vɝtɪkl, ʃæft/6.压力钢管:penstock /'pen,stɒk/压力钢管上平段:The upper horizontal section of penstock /ði, 'ʌpɚ, 'hɔri'zɒtl, 'sekʃən, ɒv, 'pen,stɒk/压力钢管上弯段:The upper curved section of penstock /ði, 'ʌpɚ, kɝvd, 'sekʃən, ɒv, 'pen,stɒk/Section ['sekʃ(ə)n] 地区;部分curced[kɜːvd]弯曲的7.厂房:powerhouse /'paʊɚ'haʊs/挡墙:retaining wall /rɪ'tenɪŋ, wɔl/ 留住的;定位的;使固定的围堰:cofferdam /'kɔfɚ,dæm/导水墙:guide wall /ɡaɪd, wɔl/ water partition基坑:foundation pit /faʊn'deʃən, pɪt/ 基础深坑边坡:side slope /saɪd, slop/旁边倾斜马道:berm /bɝm/8.拌和楼:mixing plant /'mɪksɪŋ, plænt/plant:工厂,车间9.砂石加工厂:aggregate processing plant /'æɡrɪɡet, proˈsɛsɪŋ, plænt/合计;集合加工工厂;车间10.炸药库:explosive warehouse /ɪk'splosɪv, 'weəhaʊs/爆炸的仓库11.项目部:project department /prəˈdʒekt, dɪ'pɑrtmənt/营地:campsite /'kæmpsaɪt/试验室:laboratory[ləˈbɒrətrɪ]1.常用材料工字钢:I beam /aɪ, bi: m/beam:横梁,光线钢筋:rebar; steel bar /'ribɑr/, /stil, bɑr/steel: 钢铁bar: 条,棒,酒吧备注:1. 如要表达20的钢筋,可用rebar with a diameter of 20 millimeters (mm) 或者Φ20mm rebar.2.搭接:overlap /'ovəlæp/ The overlap length[leŋθ] is not enough. 搭接长度不够。

三级英语培训整理(根据学习资料选编书)一.词汇语法1.名词(2)one of +the+n(复数形式)Inventions 发明invention 发明才能inventors 发明家invitation 邀请(4)information 信息(不可数名词)(5)Water 水(不可数名词)much+不可数名词A largr number of 一棵数(修饰可数名词)A huge amount of 大量的(修饰不可数名词)Many 许多;多的(修饰可数名词)Quite a lot [of] 相当多(修饰不可数名词)(8)advice 建议(不数名词)speech 演讲(9)Wealth 财富(不可数名词)Work 工作不可数名词作品可数名词Job 可数名词2.冠词(10)On the phone 通电话(固定词组)At work 正在工作Over the tele-phone 写信(11)unemployment 失业率是不可数名词前面什么不用加A/an+可数名词(15)the:具体的某一个或某一些(特指人、物、事)The:指退休那个retired 退休3.数词基数词:one,two,three序数词:first,second,third,+th分数:分子:基数词;分母:序数词1/3:one third 2/3:two third(18)one eightieth 1/80(20)president 校长(21)Decide 决定a second time 泛泛指代一个再读一遍,但没读,泛指如果是读了三遍,再读第二遍时有了新想法,就选AThe second time 专指4.代词(24)one 指自行车everything 每一个Something 一些anything 任何东西Nothing 没有花钱得到任何东西(25)other 其他;其余可数名词Anther 又/再一个The other (在一个特定的范围内)其他(28)dictionaries 字典Other 可数名词例:three dictionaries,one of.....the other are is an..... (30)the 特指one 指代前面中的一个(31)none 一个都没有(33)prove 证明classmates 同学如果单用much(多,原级),more(更多,比较级)Much,far,eve ....得多litter +形态比较级Better 就是比较级前不能再加比较级(35)too 非常贵expensive 太贵5.时态与语态(43)tend to 倾向于(表示客观事实只用一边现在时)An increase 增加nation 国家supply 供应Ac-conpanying 伴随着economic 经济activity 活动Result 导向prices 价格(44)主将从现(44,46,53)(45)Told 告诉pupils 学生salt 盐lower 更低Fresh water 淡水freeze 凝固(表事实)T emperature温度(48)so far 到现在为止(用完成时)现在完成时:since(自从)+某个时刻so far 到目前为止have doneFor+一段时间(49)to have met 本来应该(50)Gain weight 发胖enough 够(51)In any case 在任何情况下evening classes 夜大的课for a long 很长certainly 必须(52)Be supposed to 本来应该怎么样To have left 离开(53)vacation 寒假exams 考试(54)Fell 摔倒fell是foll的过去式hurt 伤到While 当tennis 网球(55)mess 乱七八糟need 需要什么事情去做用needing Tidy 收拾need+doing 什么需要被做(56)noise 噪音heard 被听见(57)Already missed 已经错过term 学期(58)Famous 出名的novel 小说translat 翻译Be 过去完成=>have been+done(59)mystery 谜remain 保持,保留疑问句做主语(60)see/hear/make someone do sth被动语态:someone is see/hear/made to do sthMiddle-aged 中年6. 情态动词(62)touch 碰earlier 早期的telephone 电话(63)情态动词+现在完成时Asleep 睡着的corner 角落fallen 睡着(64)Chocolate 女拳霸eaten 烦恼Shouldn΄t +have done 本不应该做而做了(65)ought 可能会ought to 应该(67)anxious 渴望的without 户外Must + have done 本来应该做什么,过去一定做过什么事7.非谓语动词(68)no use doing 做什么事是没有意义的Might as well + do 还不如............ Wall 墙Argue 争吵(69)at:介词+being late 迟到surprised 惊讶(70)Worry 担心government 政府official 官方的Explained 解释point 点cultural gap 文化差异(71)examiner 审查员identification 认同order 命令Admitted 承认center 中心(72)successfully 成功地victory 克服narrowly 仔细地Escaped 逃脱being killed 被杀死escaped +doing 形成fierce battle 激烈的战斗Kill avoid 逃脱(73)difficulty 困难driving license 驾照Be difficulty in 对....有困难(74)except 除非(75)Suggested 建议holiday 度假favor 喜欢wales 选择表示喜欢like/favor/enjoy表示讨厌disagreeable/tiresome/disgusting/repugnant +doing 建议 suggested逃脱 escaped(76)shirt 内衣 rather 相当 dirty 弄脏 need doing(77)Theme 主题 explanation 解释 vague 模糊的(78)Be/get use to doing 习惯做什么事使用Be used to do 用来 constant 持续Companion 同伴 life 一生(79)river 江(80)三级考试不会考(81)Gift 礼物 daughter 女儿 received 收到Delighting 使人高兴 delighted 被....高兴Delight 让人高兴(82)bet 打倒一个句子只能有一个谓语动词Had to 必须怎么样现在完成时 have +donePay for the dinner 付饭钱lose 过去式 lost 过去分词(83)hill-top 山顶 lake 湖 scenery 风景 beyond 远处 Description 形容(84)fights 航班 storm 风暴 decided 解决Canceled 取消如果把so 去掉,选择D 因为so是连词(85)a reply 答复8.强调句和主谓语一致不考9.从句主语从句:用that(107)widely 广泛 useful 有用 interesting 有趣Divisions 分支 human knowledge 人类知识Accepted 接受 mathematics 数学(119)none of my business 和我无关定语从句:(110)countries 国家 face 面临 serious problems 土地使用 Result 来源 population growth 人口增长Demand 要求 modern technological living 现代化生活(111)dined 吃饭 reason 理由修饰reason 后面用why (120)states 洲 separated 分开(121)Published 出版 readers 读者All of which 这些书的所有10.倒装句和反意疑问句不考11.虚拟语气不考12.词汇多项选择(7)flood 洪水 government 政府 a large number 许多人 Survived 存活,幸存 suspended 中断,终止Suffered 受苦(11)foreign policy 外交政策 federal 联邦 service 服务 scientific 科学 figure 数字(14)polite 有礼貌 in fact 实际上 rude 粗暴Pretend 假装 assure 保证,确信 melt 融化afford 买得起,承担得起(18)string 绳子 river forms 河流形成 natural 自然Between 来往于....之间 boundary 界线Spot 一点 zone 地带(22)provided 提供 newspaper 报纸 foreign 国外Domestic 国内的GDP:gross domestic production(49)quiet 安静 Dislike 不喜欢,讨厌 Unlike 和...不一样Alike 类似的 liking 喜欢I like(动词) reading books .Mary is like (介词,像) her mother13.阅读理解Passage 6Silviculture 科学名字 art 艺术 science 科学Tree production 树木生产 specialized area 专门领域Within 在...之内 larger field 更大的领域forestry 林业 based on 以..为基础 understanding 理解Silvics 森林生态学 study 研究 forests 森林Relationship 关系 includes 包括 soil 土壤animal 动物 interaction 互动 practiced 进行,做Assumption 假定 environment 环境 to 目的manipulated 控制,操控 favorable 有利于 growth 生长Becoming 变得 common 普遍 as 因为 need 需要increases 增加 Increased 增长 ideal conditions 理想条件 applies 运用 principles 原理 practiced 实践,进行modern technologies as tool 现代技术作工具intense management 密集管理 system 系统 dependent依靠specialized machines 专业化机械 sense 意义 become 变得As....as 和....一样 agricultural crop 农产品Competition 竞争 is,are 被 added 添加 diseases 疾病Treated 治疗 harmful 害虫 controlled 控制翻译:Silviculture is the are and science of tree production .It is a specialized area of study within the larger field of forestry.It is based an understanding of silvics,which is the study of forests and forest relation-ships.It includes plant,soil,and animal interactions with trees.Silviculture is practiced on the assumption that a forest environment can be manipulated to make it more favorable to the growth of trees than the natural environment.森林是树生产和科学。
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1. 幕墙国际会议自我介绍:名字:My english name is andrew.公司:I am representing JiangHe curtain wall company.职责(主要负责事物):I am in charge of structural calculation/design&fabrication drawing/tender drawing. 2. 我是刚毕业的学生: I am a fresh graduate. 3. 幕墙中常用的变形:deflection, 而不是deformation.Deflection: the degree to which the moving part on a measuring instrumentmoves away from zero.Deformation: the progress of changing the shape of something in a way thatspoil its usefulness or appearance.dead load 永久荷载4. 常用的荷载缩写 wind load 风荷载live load 活荷载5.表面处理可分为两种:Natural AnodiseBlack AnodiseBronze Anodise 镀铜色Hot dipped galvanize 热镀 stick curtain wall system 框架式幕墙6.Electrical galvanize 电镀 unitised curtain wall system 单元式幕墙Tower 主楼分格 division 方管 square section7.Podium 群楼格栅 lattice 圆管 round pipePrimary gasket 第一胶条 primary bracket steel primary bracket8. gasket 转角连接tSecondary gasket 第二胶条 secondary bracket secondary U-shape bracket10. 双面贴 double side tape 1. system 美纹纸(玻璃) masking tape fixed glass 保护膜(型材) protection film 2. openable window (固定窗)中横梁 Mid transom 介绍图纸 spandrel area 中立柱 Mid mullion dummy 3. capping (背板区域)剖面 section Back-pannel 平面 plan (背板) 立面 elevation 4. glass ( the glass is …..glass)插芯 mullion sleeve 11.本体绿玻璃 Green tinted glass( double glazed unit)中空玻璃 insulated glassDouble glass夹胶玻璃 Laminated glass浮法玻璃 float glass= anneal glass钢化玻璃 tempered glass半钢化玻璃 half strengthened glass低辐射镀膜玻璃玻璃镀膜玻璃 Low-E coated glass(coated glass) 热反射镀膜玻璃Heat reflecting glassCeramic-fritted glass彩釉玻璃 frit pattern glassSilk screen glass中空夹胶玻璃 Laminated double glass彩釉夹胶玻璃 laminated glass with ceramic frit钢化中空透明玻璃Tempered insulated clear glass12.Bolt & Nut 螺栓群 Csk self-drilling screw 沉头自攻螺钉Self-taping screw machine screw Self-drilling screw自攻自钻螺钉机丝螺钉自攻螺钉13.14. 铝吊顶 Alum ceiling铝单板 aluminium solid pannel 铝片 Aluminium sheet复合铝板 composite aluminium panel蜂窝铝板 Aluminium honey-comb panel 穿孔铝板 Aluminium perforated panel 铝合金百叶 Aluminium louver铝 铝合金门窗 Aluminium door&window铝框 Aluminium frame铝合金横梁公料 male stack extrusion铝合金横梁母料 female stack extrusion 铝合金立柱公料 male mullion extrusion 铝合金立柱母料 female mullion extrusion 铝合金转角立柱 Aluminium corner mullion开启框 openable frame开启扇 openable sash15.总包:main contractor 组织结构图 organization chart分包:sub-contractor 总计划(总包发给分包) Master programme顾问:consultant 施工进度计划图 project scheduleArchitectural drawing 建筑图Sctructural drawing 结构图总包给的东西 Wind tunnel test report 风洞试验报告Specification 技术说明Bill of quantity 清单System design 方案设计Concept design 初步设计分包需要做的 Shop drawing 施工图设计加工图设计Calculation book 计算书As-built drawing 竣工图16.Boundary line 红线(建筑) weekly meeting 例会Landscape 景观设计 co-ordination meeting 协调会Guard house 保安室 safety meeting 安全会议 Curved glass 弧形玻璃 Method statement 施工组织计划书Club house 会所(休息) Technical brochure 技术手册Pergola 凉亭 operation manual 操作手册 Fabrication factory 加工厂 overhead crane 龙门吊 Warehouse 仓库 hoisting platform 吊车平台 Pagoda 塔Glass block 玻璃砖(透明)17. Discrepancy 矛盾,不同(图纸和技术文件不同时)a difference between two amounts, details,reports etc that ought to bethe same.1. How do you explain these discrepancies in the amounts2. There are big discrepancies between what the marget says and what yousay.Deviation 偏离,偏差a noticeable differnece from what is expected or acceptable* deviation from the norm18. Vibration 幕墙的颤动(由于风的原因)Buckling 弯曲(自重引起)Deflection 变形,挠曲Slot / elongated 长条孔Round hole 圆孔19.Wind tunnel test 风洞试验Performance test 性能试验Compatibility test 相容试验Pull- out test 拉拔试验Fild water test 现场淋水试验Impact/ point load test 冲击试验Film thickness test 膜厚度试验Paint hardness test 硬度试验Structural sealant test 结构胶试验Sound proof test 防声试验Fire proof test 防火试验20. window sill capping 窗台板 Canopy 雨篷Gypsum Board 石膏板 Skyight 采光顶Cement board 水泥板 sun shade 遮阳板Calcium silicate board 硅酸钙板 Trellis 花架Partition wall 隔板(酒店办公室等用) sill height 窗台高Curtain box 窗帘盒 lightening protcter 避雷器Horizontal rail 防护栏(窗子处防冲击用) lightening tape 避雷带External corner 阳角 Anti- rust primer 防锈漆Internal corner 阴角 gondola 擦窗机Flashing 收口 BMU=building maintanceunitJoint splice 积水槽擦窗机设备Joint sleeve 插芯Alimarkhoist=HoistingliftExpansion / movement joint 伸缩缝升降机Backer rod泡沫棒Scaffolding / staging 脚手架Granite 花岗岩Marble 大理石21.Silicone gun 胶枪Air gun 气枪Screw driver 螺丝刀Hand-drill 手电钻Spanner 扳手Hammer 锤子Measuring/Measurment tape 卷尺Scale ruler 比率尺Callipers 卡尺Visual mock-up 视觉模型Test/ performance mock-up 测试模型22. outter frame (框) Sash (开启)Top Hung Side Hung Down Hung(上悬窗) Casement window (下悬窗)(平开窗) sliding window 滑动窗fixed glass 固定窗Horizontal Pivoted Vertical Pivoted(水平旋转窗) (垂直旋转窗)23.23. Friction stay 铰链Master key 万能钥匙Butterfly Hinge 合页 Top view 上视图Sliding track 滑动轨道 Left View 左视图Roller 滑轮 Right view 右视图Lever handle 条形把手 Render picture 效果图Cylinder handle 圆形把手Removable handle 可移动把手Panic Hardware 护栏(逃生时用)24.Reinforcement bar 钢筋 finished floor levelGrid line 轴线 floor levelCorrugated sheet 压型板 structural finish levelstructural finish level25.(主要面) soffit 梁的下端面(底面)26.Starter bar 外露钢筋(混凝土浇注时,在层间留设的钢筋)Recess pocket 凹陷部位(在预埋件处的楼层凹陷的地方)Raised floor 架空地板(用于铺设电线,网线而架设的地板)27. circulation the momvement of liquid, air etc in a systemAir circulation 空气内部的流通,不是室内和室外的空气交换 。