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八年级英语(下)模块测试题Module 4 New technology



( ) 1. You can take a photo ______the mountain ______ your mobile phone.

A. of; with

B. with; of

C. for; with

D. of; at

( ) 2. The snake bit him ______ the hand.

A. by

B. on

C. in

D. from

( ) 3. –What ______ snake is it? –I don’t know.

A. kinds of

B. a kind of

C. kind of

D. all kinds of

( ) 4. The doctors didn’t know _______ with him.

A. what is wrong

B. what wrong was

C. what was wrong

D. is what wrong ( ) 5. Can you ______ Jay’s CD to me? And I’ll return it in 2 days.

A. borrow

B. keep

C. give

D. lend

( ) 6. Connect the keyboard ______ the computer.

A. with

B. on

C. in

D. to

( ) 7. Can you show me the ______ of how to use the camera?

A. invention

B. Invitation

C. instructions

rmation ( ) 8. It’s time for us to listen to the news on the radio. Please _______.

A. turn it off

B. turn it on

C. turn up it

D. turn down it ( ) 9. ______! Your mother is angry with you for waiting so long.

A. Take it off

B. Come on

C. Be quiet

D. Look out

( ) 10. If you ________time tomorrow, please come to my party.

A. have

B. will have

C. had

D. has

( ) 11. The P.E teacher threw a basketball _______the playground and it landed on the grass.

A. across

B. cross

C. through

D. pass

( ) 12. My mother is a good _______. She makes delicious food.

A. cooker

B. cook

C. cooking

D. to cook ( ) 13. The news was ________. We were very ________ to head about it.

A. surprising; surprising

B. surprised; surprised

C. surprising; surprised

D. surprised; surprising

( ) 14. I’ll send the photos to you _______ email.

A. in

B. use

C. with

D. by

( ) 15. It’s easy ______ us to find out the latest news on the Internet.

A. of

B. to

C. about

D. for

( ) 16. Don’t worry ________ me. I’ll be fine soon.

A. at

B. on

C. of

D. about

( ) 17. If you don’t know the word, you can ____________ in the dictionary.

A. look for it

B. look after it

C. look it up

D. look it down ( ) 18.


( ) 21.

( ) 22.

( ) 23.

( ) 24.

( ) 25.


A). 根据所给中文写出一个形式正确的英语单词。

26. The doctor told him to take the ___________ (药物) three times a day.

27. There are sixty ____________ (秒钟) in a minute.

28. You can’t ___________ (复制) my homework. You should do it yourself.

29. My mobile phone has only a small ___________ (内存).

30. When will the star __________ (出现) at the airport? We’ve waited for so long.

B). 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。

31. Jimmy couldn't walk. He _________ (hurt) his feet in the basketball match


32. The snake climbed out of the box and _________ (hide) under the dish.

33. A few days __________ (early), Lily went to hospital because she was ill.

34. She suggested ________ (get) up early so that we could catch the first train.

35. If he comes back tomorrow, _________(tell) me about it.


36. 那个医生去年救了他的命吗?

Did the doctor _________ his _________ last year?

37. 当坏事情发生时我们要保持冷静。

We should __________ __________ when bad things happen.

38. 请问你能为我捡起地上的书吗?

Could you please __________ __________ the book on the ground for me?

39. 如果红灯亮了,请开始录音。

If the red light __________ __________, please begin to record.

40. 女士们先生们,请欢迎我们的明星音乐家。

__________ and ____________, please welcome our star musician.
