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摘要............................................................................ I Abstract ........................................................................ n 前言........................................................................... 川第1章无功补偿的概念 (1)
1.1无功补偿的原理 (1)
1.2无功补偿的作用 (2)
1.3无功补偿补偿的方式 (3)
1.4功率因数指标 (4)
第2章电容器无功补偿的原理 (5)
2.1电容器无功补偿的原理 (5)
2.2补偿容量的计算 (5)
2.3电容器无功补偿装置的选择应注意的问题 (6)
2.3.1控制器的选型 (6)
2.3.2电容器投切开关的选型 (7)
2.3.3电容器的选型 (8)
第3章低压补偿电容器柜控制电路的设计 (10)
3.1问题提出 (10)
3.2方案分析 (11)
3.3低压无功补偿装置的原理 (12)
3.4无功补偿装置的主要元件 (12)
3.4.1控制器 (12)
3.4.2交流接触器 (13)
3.4.3电容器 (13)
3.5控制策略 (14)
3.6装置原理接线图 (14)
3.7无功补偿装置的运行维护 (15)
3.7.1电容器组的巡视检查 (16)
3.7.2运行注意事项 (16)
3.7.3常见故障及处理 (16)
结论 (18)
致谢 (19)
参考文献..................................... 20 附图:A-001,B-001
在电网中安装并联电容器等无功补偿设备以后,可以补偿感性负载所消耗的无功功率,减少了电网电源向感性负荷提供、由线路输送的无功功率,由于减少了无功功率在电网中的流动,因此可以降低线路和变压器因输送无功功率造成的电能损耗,无功补偿是保持电力系统无功功率平衡、降低损耗、提高供电质量的一种重要手段。无功功率补偿装置是电力供电系统中不可缺少的、非常重要的组成部分。合理的选择补偿装置,可以做到最大限度的减少电网的损耗,提高电网的供电质量。本设计选用了 WZK-A型无功功率自动补偿器进行无功功率的补偿,可使功率因数提高,减小主变压器的容量及补偿点以前供电系统中各原件上的功率损耗。
In the grid power load such as electric motors, transformers, most belong to the perceptual load, result ing in a large nu mber of idle work load in the system, coupled with the impact load, the power loss and voltage loss is appeared in the tran sfer process, the customer power caused serious in flue nee quality, so the real-time compe nsati on of wattless power tech no logy has become the key to solve this problem.
In the power of installation parallel capacitor and reactive compensation equipment after, can provide the perceptual load con sumpti on in the reactive power, reduce the power grid to perceptual load by lines of conveying provide, reactive power, because the reduct ion in the grid power in reactive power flow, so can reduce the lines and transformer for con vey ing reactive power caused by electric power, this is the
reactive power compe nsati on. The reactive power compe nsati on is to keep the store system reactive power bala nee, reduce loss to the quality of power supply, one important method. Reactive power compensation device is electric power supply system of in dispe nsable, very importa nt part. The choice of reas on able compe nsatio n device, can do mi ni mize losses in the power grid, and improve the quality of power supply of power grid. This design choose the WZK-A type of reactive power compe nsati on for automatic reactive power compe nsati on, can make the power factor improvement reduce the capacity of the main transformer and power supply system of compe nsatory point before the power loss of on the orig in al.
Key Words :Low voltage capacitor compensator, Compensation capacity , Power factor , Wattless power