最经典的广告语_成功的广告语(2)最经典的双语广告语52句:1、Just do it.(nike)只管去做。
(耐克运动鞋 )2、Ask for more.渴望无限。
(百事)3、One World One Dream同一个世界、同一个梦想。
(2008北京)4、build your dreams.(BYD)建立你的梦想。
----(比亚迪)5、We lead,others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。
(理光复印机)6、Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。
(佳能)7、Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢)8、The relentless pursuit of perfection. (lexus)不懈追求完美。
(凌志轿车)9、Come to where the flavour is.( marlboro country)光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。
(万宝路)10、To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却一直是彩色的。
(轩尼诗酒)11、Let's make things better.让我们做得更好。
(飞利浦电子)12、Buy Australia, Buy you a job.买澳大利亚货,给你买份工作。
(澳大利亚)13、Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天长地久。
(斯沃奇手表)14、Make yourself heard.(Ericsson)理解就是沟通。
(爱立信)15、Engineered to move the human spirit.(Mercedes-Benz)人类精神的动力。
(梅塞德斯-奔驰)16、Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up)提神醒脑,喝七喜。
世界知名品牌广告语1.Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
(麦斯威尔咖啡)2.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。
(雪碧)3.The new digital era.数码新时代。
(索尼影碟机)4.We lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。
(理光复印机)5.Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。
(佳能打印机)6.Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)7.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。
(凌志轿车)8.Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。
(丰田汽车)9.Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。
(万宝路香烟)10.To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。
(轩尼诗酒)11. Just do it.只管去做。
(耐克运动鞋)12. Ask for more.渴望无限。
(百事流行鞋)13. The taste is great.味道好极了。
(雀巢咖啡)14. Feel the new space.感受新境界。
(三星电子)15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。
(摩托罗拉手机)16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。
(百事可乐)17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。
(三菱电工)18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。
国外饮食品牌英语广告词以下是一些国外知名饮食品牌的英语广告词示例:1. McDonald's:- "I'm lovin' it." - 这是麦当劳全球统一的品牌口号,意思是“我就喜欢”。
2. Coca-Cola:- "Taste the Feeling." - 尝尝这份感觉。
- "Open Happiness." - 打开快乐。
- "Share a Coke." - 分享一瓶可乐。
3. Nescafé:- "It all starts with a Nescafé." - 一切从一杯雀巢咖啡开始。
- "Good food, good life." - 美味食品,美好生活。
4. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken):- "Finger lickin' good." - 吮指回味,美味无比(注:由于卫生原因,此口号已不再使用)。
- "So good." - 如此之好。
5. Starbucks:- "A place for everyone and every occasion." - 每个人的每种场合,星巴克都在。
- "Great coffee, responsibly sourced." - 优质咖啡,负责任采购。
6. Red Bull:- "Red Bull gives you wings." - 红牛给你翅膀,寓意赋予能量和活力。
7. Nestlé KitKat:- "Have a break, have a KitKat." - 休息一下,吃块奇巧巧克力。
8. Subway:- "Eat Fresh." - 吃得新鲜。
精彩品牌英文广告词(2)经典英文广告语(最新)1. 润迅通讯:一呼天下应出自:润迅通讯2. 孔府家酒:孔府家酒,叫人想家出自:孔府家酒3. 康师傅:好吃看得见出自:康师傅4. 商务通:科技让你更轻松出自:商务通5. 尝尝欢笑,常常麦当劳出自:麦当劳6. 深入成就深度出自:南方周末7. 精彩湖南,红网了然! 出自:红网8. 因为网络,地球如村! 出自:第四媒体9. 一种质感,两种表情出自:熊猫手机10. 恒久期盼演绎维一出自:厦新彩屏手机11. 繁荣民族文化传播艺术经典出自:某文化传播公司12. 不信,死给你看! 出自:灭蟑药13. 天生的,强生的出自:强生14. 雪津啤酒,真情的味道! 出自:雪津啤酒15. 听世界,打天下出自:海尔手机16. 雅芳比女人更了解女人出自:雅芳17. Sun是太阳,Java是月亮。
出自: Sun18. 中国网通由我天地宽出自:中国网通19. 无线你的无限出自:英特尔20. 家有三洋,冬暖夏凉出自:三洋空调经典英文广告语(热门)1. 四海一家的解决之道出自: IBM2. 娃哈哈纯净水:爱你等于爱自己出自:娃哈哈3. 农夫山泉:有点甜出自:农夫山泉4. 博大精深,西门子出自:西门子5. 一切尽在掌握出自:爱立信6. 声声百思特,遥遥两相知出自:百思特7. 一呼天下应出自:润讯8. 让我们做得更好! 出自:飞利浦9. 温暖亲情,金龙鱼的大家庭。
出自:金龙鱼10. 自然最健康,绿色好心情出自:康师傅11. 支起网络世界出自:赢海威12. 立邦漆:处处放光彩! 出自:立邦漆13. fm365:真情互动! 出自: fm365网14. 庄重一生,吉祥一生。
出自:庄吉西服15. 人人都为礼品愁,我送北极海狗油。
出自:北极海狗油16. 如果说人生的离合是一场戏,那么百年的好合更是早有安排! 出自:百年润发17. 一品黄山天高云淡出自:一品黄山18. 上上下下的享受! 出自:三菱电梯19. 我是、我行、我素出自:伊氏女人网20. 让无力者有力,让悲观者前行出自:南方周末21. 一直被模仿,从未被超越出自:汽车广告22. 幸福生活我有一套出自:避孕套广告经典英文广告语(精选)1. 经典精铸,隽永典藏出自:明基2. 因智慧而不同出自:多普达3. 长城永不倒,国货当自强出自:奥尼皂角洗发浸膏4. 一种可以世袭的古典浪漫出自:房产5. 实力创造价值出自: cctv6. 世间百事皆不同,唯有——百事可乐。
1. 让生活有点田园味。
2. 瓶装水,就选农夫山泉。
3. 陪伴,是最长情的告白。
英文广告词汇总1. Apple thinks different. 苹果电脑,不同凡想。
(苹果电脑)2. Not all cars are created equal. 并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。
(三菱汽车)3. Anything is possible. 没有不可能的事。
1. Time always follows me. (Rossini) 时间因我存在。
(罗西尼表)2. Buickyour key to a better life and a better world. ( Buick) 别克通往美好生活的秘诀。
(别克)3. To be true forever. (Haier) 真诚到永远。
你只看到富帅的中华,却没看到屌丝的红塔你有你的男神,我有我的女屌你嘲笑我三分女友,我可怜你为钱生逼你可以轻视我的眼光,我会证明屌丝虽比富帅穷,但心比富帅红屌丝是注定默默地逆袭,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑,但那又怎么样,哪怕1, beautiful from here.2, our clothing will give you sufficient self-confidence!3, I served my clothes4, no pomegranate skirt, the same let you bow down!5, until the long-Jun not to, continued from clothing edge.1. Swatch: time is what you make of it.斯沃奇手表:天长地久2. Kodak: a Kodak moment柯达相纸/胶卷:就在柯达一刻3. Olympus: focus on life奥林巴斯:瞄准生活。
4. The new digital era.数码新时代。
1. Goldman Sachs: Our Clients Interests Always Come First2. Hilton Hotels: Take Me To The Hilton3. Honda: Power of Dreams4. Hudsons Bay Company: We are Canadas Merchants5.1. Kohls: Expect Great Things2. Konica Minolta: The Essentials of Imaging3. Kroger: Right Store, Right Price4. Lehman Brothers: Where Vision Gets Built5. LevelVision LLC: Engaging People6. LOreal: Because Im Worth It7.1. Crest toothpaste: behind that healthy smile, there's a Crest kid. 佳洁士牙膏:健康笑容来自佳洁士2. Levi's: quality never goesout of style 列维斯(牛仔服装):质量与风格共存。
1. 喝农夫山泉,回归自然。
2. 陪你喝过更多的山泉。
3. 健康要自然,选择要明智。
4. 你值得拥有纯净的世界。
5. 农夫山泉,每一滴都不简单。
6. 每一滴水都是来自自然的礼物。
7. 点滴生命,来自农夫山泉。
农夫山泉广告语 篇一:农夫山泉广告创意英文翻译 农夫山泉广告创意 英文版本 Have You altered the Fresh Water You Need in Your Body?NongFu Spring---the porter of fresh water The water of NongFu Spring come from the nature, where the springs has never been polluted. As a producer, we just port safe and healthy water to your body. The water in human’s body need to be altered every 18 days. NongFu Spring----the sweet healthy water The water is from the high mountains, where on human being’s activities conduct. What is more important is the taste of the water is fantastic. The natural sweet taste overwhelms other ordinary bottle water, because you are enjoying the nature while drinking NongFu Spring! NongFu Spring---- not only change the water but your life Your life will be changed if you keep having NongFu Spring, because you have been changing the most important element. Do you want to have a change in your life? Let us begin with the water! 篇二:农夫山泉广告案例分析 农夫山泉广告案例分析 它通过一杯水,水的倒入与更换,向我们讲述一个健康知识一、广告内容介绍 “人体中 的水,每 18 天更换一次,水的质量决定生命的质量”。
农夫山泉,广告词篇一:农夫山泉广告创意英文翻译农夫山泉广告创意英文版本HaveYoualteredtheFreshwaterYouneedinYourBody?nongFuSpring---thep orteroffreshwater ThewaterofnongFuSpringcomefromthenature,wherethespringshasneverbe enpolluted.asaproducer,wejustportsafeandhealthywatertoyourbody.Thewa terinhuman’sbodyneedtobealteredevery18days.nongFuSpring----thesweethealthywater Thewaterisfromthehighmountains,whereonhumanbeing’sactivitiesconduct.whatismoreimportantisthetasteofthewaterisfantastic.Th enaturalsweettasteoverwhelmsotherordinarybottlewater,becauseyouareenj oyingthenaturewhiledrinkingnongFuSpring!nongFuSpring----notonlychangethewaterbutyourlife YourlifewillbechangedifyoukeephavingnongFuSpring,becauseyouhavebe enchangingthemostimportantelement.doyouwanttohaveachangeinyourlife ?Letusbeginwiththewater!篇二:农夫山泉广告策划书农夫山泉广告策划书班级:广告3班姓名:艾胜伟学号:20XX1022353封面目录:一、前言二、市场分析1.营销环境分析2.消费者分析3.产品分析4.企业和竞争对手分析5.企业与竞争对手的广告三、广告策略1.目标策略2.定位策略3.媒体选择4.诉求策略四、广告战略规划五、营销策略分析六、广告计划1.广告的目标2.广告的时间3.广告的发布计划4.广告的诉求对象5.广告的诉求重点6.广告的表现7.广告的媒介计划8.广告预算七、效果预测一、前言农夫山泉自投入市场以来,一直以塑造品牌形象为核心展开广告宣传。
1. 愈农愈纯,农夫山泉。
2. 天然泉水,农夫的味道。
3. 来自深山的关怀,农夫山泉。
4. 洒脱自然,农夫山泉。
5. 清澈岁月,农夫山泉。
6. 纯净源泉,农夫山泉。
7. 生命之泉,农夫山泉。
8. 自然的馈赠,农夫山泉。
9. 一泉一世界,农夫山泉。
10. 天然好礼,农夫山泉。
11. 天籁之音,农夫山泉。
12. 心灵的泉水,农夫山泉。
13. 渐渐的感动,农夫山泉。
14. 相拥的味道,农夫山泉。
15. 纯粹的幸福,农夫山泉。
16. 迷人的味道,农夫山泉。
17. 健康是你我共同的选择,农夫山泉。
18. 纯净清爽,农夫山泉。
19. 纯净世界,农夫山泉。
20. 健康源泉,农夫山泉。
农夫山泉英文广告词及文案农夫山泉英文广告文案1. Water is the mother of tea2. Well water for the river water3. Spring for the farmer's tea4. In the mountains of the British water source5. Very good tea with very good water6. Intention to brew a good tea good water tea good drink7. The body of water every 18 days to replace once, we do not produce water, we are just nature's porters! Natural weak alkaline water, Nongfushangquan.8. Nongfushangquan a bit sweet9. When you drink a bottle of Nongfushangquan, you donatea penny to the poor mountain children10. For health, you should measure a test, you drink water!农夫山泉Have You altered the Fresh Water You Need in Your Body? NongFu Spring---the porter of fresh waterThe water of NongFu Spring come from the nature, where the springs has never been polluted. As a producer, we just port safe and healthy water to your body. The water in human’s body need to be altered every 18 days.NongFu Spring----the sweet healthy waterThe water is from the high mountains, where on human being’s activities conduct. What is more important is the taste of the water is fantastic. The natural sweet taste overwhelms other ordinary bottle water, because you are enjoying the nature while drinking NongFu Spring!NongFu Spring---- not only change the water but your lifeYour life will be changed if you keep having NongFu Spring, because you have been changing the most important element. Do you want to have a change in your life? Let us begin with the water!农夫山泉英文广告1, Nongfushangquan a bit sweet2, you drink a bottle of Nongfushangquan, for the poor mountain children to donate a penny3, for health, you should test a test, you drink water!4, water for the mother of tea, tea waterWell water for the river waterSpring for the farmer teaIn the mountains of the water sourceVery good tea with very good waterIntention to brew a good tea good water tea good drink5, the body of water every 18 days to replace once, we do not produce water, we are just nature porter! Natural weak alkaline water, Nongfushangquan.。
1. 登上世界之巅,农夫山泉助您一饮而尽!
2. 农夫山泉,汇聚世界最纯净的力量!
3. 勇攀高峰,农夫山泉助您一统江湖!
4. 在世锦赛舞台上,选择农夫山泉,成就不一样的传奇!
5. 让农夫山泉陪您驰骋世锦赛,享受绝佳的活力!
6. 世锦赛场上,只有农夫山泉才是最佳的水源!
7. 农夫山泉,为您补充最佳体能,征战世锦赛!
8. 农夫山泉,与您共同攀登技艺的顶峰!
9. 在世锦赛的征程中,农夫山泉为您提供持久的动力和补给!
10. 农夫山泉,一饮即畅,赢尽世锦赛!。
下面是我带来的关于的内容,欢迎阅读!矿泉水英文经典广告词1. "Drink" collar fashion, xxx, holy water health.Pure mountain pure, good water go hand in hand.3. The milk of the earth, the generation of children4. Underground deep water, drink is the taste5. Oriental magic water, xxx supreme.6. A little more, life is healthier! - Master Kong mineral water7. High "silicon" good water, natural treasure - Lu Po mineral water8. Alpine seek water, Concert in the world.9. Who do you drink? I want me!10. good mountain with good water, Huiyan know health.11. Fortunately, natural, expensive in quality12. Drink the door ring the water, sing the world.13. drink, cool look.14. Hongxing Yang mineral water, sweet warm drip.15. Healthy new life, starting from "Robust" - Robust16. Healthy new life, from the beginning to drink Yan Yongquan - Yan Yongquan17. 9,000 licensing mineral water, to give you the taste of nine thousand years ago - nine thousand years of glacier spring18. Aerobic mineral water that can be used for fish farming.19. From the bottom of the Alps - Evian mineral water20. Longmenquanquan, hear the good mountain water! - ring of water holes文案Want to be jealous, jealous, health garden fruit vinegar drink. Choose quality, choose Nest.Run Tian pure water, drip Run heart.Tianchuan Le active water, so you are full of vitality of the water.New fresh fresh plum garden.Health accompanied by every day, small foreigners.Natural every day, Yili pure milk.Season 5, really self.Mengniu high calcium milk, good calcium from good milk.Tomatoes are healthy.Mengniu milk full of the End of the World.Let the natural flow of vitality, Lulu.Election nutrition, election Hengkang.Nutrition from Hengkang start.Chinese people own cola, very cola.There are happy things of course very cola.Through the heart cool, through the heart light, Sprite.Seize this feeling, Coca-Cola.Junle everywhere; Sanlu Junle Po, good yogurt. Nongfuguoyuan, shake before shaking.英文广告词1. Drink a little every day, a little more healthy2. Your healthy life, your rock springs. Yan Yongquan, healthy living every day. - Rock springs3. Are you hungry? Xxx is your best companion!4. You and I Yi Bao - Cestbon5. Nongfushangquan a little sweet - Nongfushangquan6. hammer million hit the mountains, drinking health in the world.7. pro-not pro, hometown, the United States is not the United States, the hometown of water.8. clear license mineral water, cool you and me.9. How deep the spring, how true love.10. Shangshiruo Shui, perseverance, memorable!11. the good water, Houdezaiwu!12. on good water, food for thought!13. Mountain green out of good water, drink water to drink rock springs. - Rock springs14. Life in the natural breeding! Good quality of water from the fountain of life, enjoy the natural flavor.15. Shigu-dong, drink out of the moving! . - Shigu dong16. The essence of water, is pure, natural!17 water aristocratic - King Tin hundred years mineral water18. Sound of nature, health, you and me.19. natural, is healthy! - Kunlun Mountains mineral water20. My beautiful water nursing - Nestle water nursing。
汇源英文广告语汇源英文广告语参考内容:1. "Refresh your day with the natural goodness of Huizhan juices."2. "Taste the pure joy of Huizhan juices, crafted from the finest fruits."3. "Elevate your senses with the vibrant flavors of Huizhan juices."4. "Indulge in the refreshing escape of Huizhan juices, a moment of bliss in every sip."5. "Nourish your body and soul with the wholesome goodness of Huizhan juices."6. "Experience the power of nature with Huizhan juices, packed with vitamins and minerals."7. "Juice up your life with Huizhan, the perfect blend of health and taste."8. "Discover the art of juicing with Huizhan, a symphony of flavors in every bottle."9. "Quench your thirst and revitalize your day with the invigorating range of Huizhan juices."10. "Huizhan, the choice of those who believe in a healthier, happier lifestyle."11. "Start your day with a burst of vitality, powered by Huizhan juices."12. "Celebrate life's moments with the refreshing goodness of Huizhan juices."13. "Huizhan juices, a delicious way to fuel your body and stay hydrated."14. "Delight your taste buds with the natural brilliance of Huizhan juices."15. "Experience a burst of flavor with every sip of Huizhan juices,the essence of nature."16. "Revitalize your senses with the invigorating range of Huizhan juices."17. "Savor the pure essence of fruits with Huizhan juices, a tropical getaway in every bottle."18. "Choose Huizhan for a healthier tomorrow, one sip at a time."19. "Experience the true taste of freshness with Huizhan juices, directly from farm to bottle."20. "Huizhan, your trusted companion for a well-balanced lifestyle."Remember, when using these phrases or creating your own, it's important to ensure they align with the brand values and the target audience. The choice of words should be enticing, engaging, and true to the essence of Huizhan juices.。
1.“Refresh your senses with the natural goodness of Huiyuan.”2.“Experience the pure essence of nature with Huiyuan.”3.“Indulge in the finest fruits with Huiyuan.”4.“Elevate your taste buds with the vibrant flavors of Huiyuan.”5.“Stay refreshed and revitalized with Huiyuan’s refreshing fruitbeverages.”6.“Savor the authentic taste of freshly squeezed fruits withHuiyuan.”7.“Discover a world of fruity delights with Huiyuan’s wide rangeof flavors.”8.“Quench your thirst with the thirst-quenching power of Huiyuan.”9.“Start your day right with the nourishing power of Huiyuan.”10.“Escape to a tropical paradise with Huiyuan’s tropical fruitblends.”11.“Stay healthy and hydrated with Huiyuan’s nutritious fruitjuices.”12.“Embrace the goodness of nature with every sip of Huiyuan.”13.“Immerse yourself in the refreshing world of Huiyuan’s fruitbeverages.”14.“Treat yourself to a burst of natural goodness with Huiyuan.”15.“Experience the pure joy of fruit with Huiyuan’s delectablecreations.”16.“Revitalize your body and mind with the invigorating flavors ofHuiyuan.”17.“Discover the perfect harmony of taste and nutrition withHuiyuan.”18.“Experience the epitome of freshness with Huiyuan’s meticulouslycrafted juices.”19.“Elevate your lifestyle with Huiyuan’s premium fruit beverages.”20.“Join the millions who have embraced the Huiyuan experience andtaste the difference.”。
洗发水广告语英文版大全洗发水英文广告语Fong:lovelife,loveLafang!2.QingYi:ThereQingyi,moreelegant.3.HeadShoulders:Dandrufftogowithoutatrace,hairismoreoutstand ing.Rejoice:Rejoice,thatissoconfident!5.YiranUnitedStatessoftcareshampoo:truecharmfromthehair6.HeadShoulders:Neophelia,thatis,dandruff.7.SpringoftheleavesShampoo:healthyandnaturalvitality(Chinese herbal+natural+livebrain)8.Dicolorshampoo:Dicolorshampoo,verysmooth.9.GoodDi:Helloeveryoneisreallygood.10.Piaoying:plantextracts/greenhaircare.11.HaiSi:Dandrufftogowithoutatrace,hairismoreoutstanding.14.HeadShoulders:todandruff,soyourelyonthemorerecent.15.Clairol:DoyouwanttobeafairytaleintheCinderellaIhelpyoutoa chieve!16.Sunsilk:vitalityfromnutrition,vitalityfromtheyoung,energy fromthepassion.洗发水英文广告语推荐1.Panteneshampoo:haveahealthy,ofcourse,glossy.2.Sassoonshampoo:ourgloryfromyourstyle.3.MeetthefragranceCOCOESSENCE:Nomatterwhereyouareintheworld, Icanfindyoubyincense.4.HeadShoulders:Youdonothaveasecondchancetomakeafirstimpress ion.5.Rejoice:two-in-onecare,sogentlehairflowing6.Runfashampoo:Auseihair,edgeofahundredyears.7.Panteneshampoo:3000worrysilk,health,anewbeginning.Rejoice:issoconfident!9.Tianshun:Tianshun,everydayalong10.Longliqi:reallygoodbenefitsFang:lovelife,loveLafangiTong:reallydifferent13.pedicleoftheshow:pedicleoftheshowyouthgoodfriends!14.Clairol:asmellportrait15.Ouni:blackhair,Chinesegoods.16.ONeill:Blackhair,Ilikeit.17.Panteneshampoo:ahealthy,ofcourse,glossy.18.Rejoice:Rejoice,issoconfident.洗发水英文广告语精选1.Piaoying:afloatingshadow,moreself-confidence.2.ONAvon:haircleverinvestment.3.GoodDi:Helloeveryoneisreallygood.4.Piaoying:plantextracts,greenhaircare.5.GonewiththeWind:afloatingshadow,moreconfident!6.Sunsilk:vitalityfromnutrition,vitalityfromtheyoung,energyf romthepassion.7.Avon:haircleverinvestment.8.Overlord:Chinesehaircare,blackanddense,familymedicine,Over lord!9.Guinness:IonlyuseLux.10.ShiFen:tocreatehairexpression.11.Chhnang:Chhnang,dandruffisnolonger12.ShuLei:themostbeautifulhealth,ShuLei13.Herd:aHerd,antidandruffitchingiseasy.14.Herd:Chinesemedicinedander,thatis,Herd15.miningmusic:dandruffsmooth,dandruffandhair16.BoLisi:lifehasyoumoreexciting17.brightmakeup:peoplerelyonclothing,didnotengageinbrightmak eup18.LOreal:Youdeserveit19.Dicolor:beautifulback,dryworship20.BlackKnight:BlackKnight,blackhair!。
矿泉水英语广告词IntroductionAre you feeling thirsty? Want something refreshing and pure? Look no further! Introducing our premium mineral water, the perfect choice for ultimate thirst-quenching and hydration. Our mineral water is sourced from pristine natural springs, capturing the essence of nature in every sip. Let us take you on a journey of revitalization with our exceptional range of mineral water products.Why choose our mineral water?1.Purity: Our mineral water undergoes rigorous filtrationprocesses to ensure that it is pure and free from any impurities.Drink with confidence, knowing that you are consuming the highest quality water.2.Natural Minerals: Our mineral water is rich in essentialminerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are vital for mntning a healthy lifestyle. Experience the goodness of nature with every bottle.3.Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for optimumperformance and well-being. Our mineral water provides superior hydration, replenishing your body with electrolytes and minerals lost during physical activities or dly routines.Our Product Range1. Classic Spring WaterOur Classic Spring Water is a timeless choice for those seeking a refreshing and crisp taste. Sourced from natural springs, this water is renowned for its smooth texture and pure flavor. Take a sip and feel instantly refreshed.2. Sparkling Mineral WaterFor those who crave a little fizz, our Sparkling Mineral Water is the perfect alternative. Effervescent and invigorating, this lightly carbonated water will awaken your taste buds while providing all the benefits of our mineral-rich water.3. Flavored Spring WaterLooking for a touch of flavor? Try our range of Flavored Spring Water, avlable in various delicious options. From zesty lemon to mouthwatering berry, these refreshing and naturally flavored waters are a treat for your senses.4. Sports Performance WaterFor athletes and fitness enthusiasts, we offer our Sports Performance Water. Specially designed to enhance performance and d in recovery, this water is fortified with essential electrolytes, giving you the competitive edge you need.Sustnability and Ethical StandardsWe care about the environment and the communities we operate in. That’s why we strive to mntn the highest standards of sustnability a nd ethics in our production process. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint, using eco-friendly packaging materials, and supporting initiatives that promote clean water access to disadvantaged areas.Where to find usOur mineral water products are avlable at leading supermarkets, convenience stores, and online platforms. Experience the refreshing taste and benefits of our premium mineral water at your convenience.ConclusionQuench your thirst and revitalize your body with our premium mineral water. With its purity, natural minerals, and superior hydration properties, our water is the perfect choice for a healthy and revitalizinglifestyle. Experience the difference today and make our mineral water a part of your dly routine. Cheers to good health!。
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农夫山泉英文广告词篇一:英语广告词创作英文广告语创作习题内衣品牌中英文广告语征集”诗意女人“ 广告语要求:1、要求背景:公司产品:高档女式内衣,文胸,内裤,睡衣。
广告语要求:1、广告语以6—12 个字为宜,最多不得超过20个字。
[1] 标题是一则广告的灵魂,是诱惑读者的主要工具,经过美国一项调查显示,看标题的人平均是看广告全文的人的 5 倍。
? 简洁凝练广告语应简明扼要,抓住重点,没有多余的话。
一般来说,广告语的字数以 6 ——12 个字(词)为宜,一般不超过12 个。
如我国知名民族企业海尔集团的广告语海尔——真诚到永远;爱立信手机沟通就是爱;耐克just do it ;海飞丝洗发水头屑去无踪,秀发更出众等等,最少的还有一个词的,比如ibm 公司的think ,都是非常简练的。
正是应了那句话:浓缩的都是精华!? 明白易懂广告文字必须清楚简单、容易阅读、用字浅显,符合潮流,内容又不太抽象,使受过普通教育的人都能接受。
? 朗朗上口广告语要流畅,朗朗上口,适当讲求语音、语调、音韵搭配等,这样才能可读性强,抓住受众的眼球和受众的心。
? 新颖独特,富有情趣要选择最能为人们提供最信息的广告语,在新字上下功夫。
? 主题突出广告的标题是广告正文的高度概括,它所概括的广告主体和信息必须鲜明集中,人们看到它就能理解广告主要宣传的是什么。
阿迪hi, i’m gilbert arenas and this is my story,hi,我是吉尔伯特·阿里纳斯,这是我的故事。
wheni entered the nba,当我刚进入nbathe first 40 games of my career i sat on the bench.职业生涯的前40场,我是在板凳上度过的。
they said i was gonna play zero minutes.他们认为我打不上比赛,you know i just think they didn’t see the talent that i had.我想,他们根本没看到我的天赋。
they thought i was a zero.他们觉得我就是个0,一无是处。
instead of sitting there being bitter,i just practiced, practiced.但是我并没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不断的训练,训练。
if no one believes in you,anything you do is a positive.在没有人相信你的时候,你的任何努力都会为自己加分。
it wasn’t even about basketball any more,这已经不是我能否打好篮球的问题了,it was about proving them wrong,而是我要证明他们是错误的。
now the reason i wear no. 0 is because it lets me know that i need to go out there and fight every day.现在我仍然穿着0号球衣,因为我要告诫自己每天都要努力。
阿迪加内特:你被耍了麦迪:每当我扣篮阿里纳斯:砍下分邓肯:你还真以为加内特:那是我一个人干的比鲁普斯:不过说真的麦迪:比赛,是五个人的加内特:信不信由你李宁who can make the match to fear?谁能令对手恐惧?who can call the king under the basket?谁能在篮下称霸?who can continuously three time include total champion mvp?谁能拿下3届总决赛mvp?who can win the fifth total champion ring?谁能拿到5个总冠军?the world is mine!世界是我的!他们说我不会有机会出场比赛they said:i wouldnt make the team他们说我当不了首发they said:i wouldnt be a starter后来他们又说我的球队是鱼腩then they said: my team was too small我不是一个领袖that i wasnt a leader我们进不了季后赛that we missed a playoffs我们过不了首轮that we couldnt get passed the first round他们说,他们说,他们说they said ,they said, they said你们尽管说好了you keep talking而我会奋斗不息i keep shootingi love this familyi love this pigi love this moneyi love this game阿迪达斯:没有不可能!李宁:一切皆有可能!移动全球通:我能!全部连起来是:我能让一切不可能变为可能!科比81分耐可广告爱我或恨我。