Oracle 大数据库考试重点

2.说明数据库、表空间和数据文件之间的关系?ORACLE数据库的逻辑结构和物理结构的对应关系,一个ORACLE数据库可以拥有多个表空间,每个表空间有多个段组成,每个段由若干个区间组成,每个区间包含多个ORACLE 数据块,每个ORACLE数据块包含多个OS屋里磁盘快。
第二章1.写出以scott用户登录到数据库orcl,然后查看该用户可以访问的表,视图的相关命令?CONN scott/tiger@orclSELECT * FROM tab;2.设置查询结果的显示格式:每页24行,每行100个字符,SAL列的显示格式为¥99.990.0. SET PAGESIZE 24SET LINESIZE 100COLUMN sal FORMAT $99,990.00第三章1.写出查看某个用户说有用的角色的SQL语句。
CONN stu01/stu01pwd@orclCOLUMN USERNAME FORMAT A10SELECT username,granted_role FROM user_role_privs;2.写出查询当前用户将哪些表的访问权限授予给其他用户的SQL语句。
CONN scott/tiger@orclCOLUMN GRANTEE FORMAT A10SELECT grantee,table_name,grantor,privilege,grantableFROM user_tab_privs_made;3.以系统管理员的身份登录,在SQL*plus中查询各用户获得的系统特权和角色。

一、数据库基础知识1. 什么是数据库?数据库是一个有组织的数据集合,可以通过计算机系统来存储和访问。
2. 请简要解释关系数据库的概念。
3. 什么是SQL?SQL(Structured Query Language)是一种用于管理关系数据库的标准化语言。
二、SQL查询1. 编写一条SQL查询,从表格"Employees"中选择所有员工的姓名和工资。
SELECT Name, SalaryFROM Employees;2. 编写一条SQL查询,计算表格"Orders"中每个客户的订单总数。
SELECT CustomerID, COUNT(OrderID) AS TotalOrdersFROM OrdersGROUP BY CustomerID;3. 编写一条SQL查询,选择表格"Products"中价格在100到200之间的所有产品。
SELECT *FROM ProductsWHERE Price BETWEEN 100 AND 200;三、数据库管理1. 什么是数据库事务?数据库事务是一系列数据库操作的逻辑单元,它要么全部执行成功,要么全部回滚。
2. 请简要解释什么是数据库索引。

Oracle 数据库复习大纲一、Oracle 数据库概述(第1章、第2章)① Oracle10g 中的g 的含义二、创建数据库 ① Oracle 支持数据库的类型有哪三种② Oracle 支持的数据存储方式有哪三种③ 利用Oracle 中哪个应用程序(数据库配置助手)可以创建数据库④ 创建数据库时缺省的5个表空间⑤ 文本初始化参数文件与服务器初始化参数文件的格式差别 ⑥ Oracle 数据库的启动和关闭的3个步骤 三、Oroacle 企业管理器① OEM 通过采用何种方式(通过采用何种方式(Web Web 应用)实现对Oracle 运行环境的完全管理 ② Oracle 提供了三种不同类型的OEM OEM(数据库控制(数据库控制OEM OEM、网格控制、网格控制OEM 和应用服务器控制OEM OEM))③在默认情况下,只有SYS ,SYSTEM 和SYSMAN 三个数据库用户才能登录和使用OEM 控制台。
其中SYSMAN 用户是OEM 控制台的超级用户,是在安装OEM 的过程中创建的,用于执行系统配置、全局配置等任务。
④设置”首选身份证明”的目的是用户通过OEM 控制台访问该目标时,不需要进行显式登录。
四、物理存储结构① Oracle 数据库系统结构由哪两部分组成。
② 物理存储结构是② 物理存储结构是Oracle Oracle 数据库外部数据在操作系统中如何组织和管理数据,与具体的操作系统有关;逻辑存储结构是Oracle 数据库内部数据的组织和管理方式,与操作系统无关。
⑤Oracle 数据库能够把已经写满了的重做日志文件保存到指定的一个或多个位置,被保存的重做日志文件的集合称为归档重做日志文件,这个过程称为归档。

一名词解释:(5*2 共10分)1. 角色:一组相关权限的集合称之为角色。
2. PL/SQL 语言:是Oracle 数据库专⽤的⽤种⽤级程序设计语⽤,是对标准SQL 语⽤进⽤了过程化的扩展。
3. 游标:用来存储多条查询数据的一种数据结构(结果集或缓冲区),它有一个指针,用来从上往下移动,是指向该缓冲区的句柄或指针,从而达到遍历每条记录的作用。
P2324. 表空间(tablespace):Oracle数据库在逻辑上可以划分为一系列的逻辑区域,每个逻辑区域成为一个表空间,表空间是Oracle数据库中的最大逻辑存储结构,有一系列的段组成。
P495. 段(segment):段是由一个或多个连续或不连续的区组成的逻辑存储单元。
6. 区间(extent):区是由一系列连续的数据块组成的逻辑存储单元,是存储空间分配与回收的最小单元。
7. 数据块(block):Oracle数据块是数据库中最小的逻辑存储单元,也是数据库的执行输入/输出操作的最小单位,由一个或多个操作系统块构成。
8. 索引:是一种可选的与表相关的数据库对象,用于提高数据的查询效率。
P989. Oracle 实例:处于用户与物理数据库之间的一个中间层软件称之为实例,由一系列内存结构和后台进程组成。
P65(第五章)10. 序列:是用于产生唯一序号的数据库对象,可以为多个数据库用户依次生成不重复的连续整数,通常使用它自动生成表中的主键,并且不占用实际存储空间。
P115(第七章)11. 同义词:同义词是数据库中表、索引、视图或其他模式对象的⽤个别名。
二单选(10*2 共20分)这些只是范围,没有明确的题,所以基本了解就可以答选择1.在Oracle 数据库的存储结构包括物理存储结构和逻辑存储结构。
2.SGA 中包括数据高速缓冲区、日志缓冲区、共享池、大型池、Java 池、流池等。

2.简述Oracle操作模式有哪两种,它们有什么关系?在Oracle数据库中,数据库的操作模式分为专用服务器(DELICATED SERVER)模式和多线程服务器(MULTITHREADED SERVER)模式两种。
alter tablespace usersadd datafile ‘d:\Oracle\userdata03.dbf’size 50M;(2)为EXAMPLE表空间添加一个数据文件,文件名为example02.dbf,大小为20MB。

)7、教材5.4 (P56),掌握控制文件的作用和主要内容;掌握数据字典v$controlfile的用法。
最新Oracle 数据库考试重点

1、Which two statements about online redo log members in a group is true?B、All members in a group are the same sizeC、The members should be on different disk drivers2、Which command does a DBA user to list the current status of archiving?A、ARCHIVE LOGLIST3、How many control files are required to create a database?A、one4、Complete the following sentence: The recommended configuration fro control files is?C Two control files on two disks5、When you create a control file, the database has to be:C Open6、Which data dictionary view shows that the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode? C、V$DATABASE7、What is the biggest advantage of having the control files on different disks? B Guards against failure8、Which file is used to record all changes made to the database and is used only when performing an instance recovery? A,Archive log file9、How many ARCn processes can be associated with an instance? C ten10、Whichtwo parameters cannot be used together to specify the archive destination?A.LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST第七章1、A collection of segments is a (an): C、TABLESPACE2 When will the rollback information applied in the event of a database crash? C immediately after re-opening the database before the recovery3、The data dictionary tables and views are stored inB、SYSTEM tablespace4 PCTFREE and PCTUSED together should not exceed:A 1005 Which of the following three portions of a data block are collectively called as Overhead?C table directory, row directory and data block header6 When the database is open , which of the following tablespace must be online? A,SYSTEM7 Sorts can be managed efficiently by assigning _____ tablespace to sort operations B TEMPORARY8 The sort segment of temporary tablespace is created:A at the time of the first sort operation9 Which of the following segments is self administered?B ROLLBACK10 What is the default temporary tablespace, if no temporary tablespace is defined? D SYSTEM11 Rollback segments are used for: D ,all of the above12 Rollback segment stores:A old values of the data changed by each transaction第八章1 An Oracle instance is : D All of the above2 The SGA consists of the following items:D All of the above3 The area that stores the blocks recently used by SQL statements is called: B Buffer Cache4 Which of the following is not a background server processes in Oracle?B LGWR5 Which of the following is valid background server processes in Oracle?D All of the above6 The process that writes the modified blocks to the data files is: A DBWR7 The process that records information about the changes made by all transactions that commit is :D None of the above8 Oracle does no consider a transaction committed until:B The LGWR successfully writes the changes to redo9 The process that performs internal operations like tablespacecoalescing is :B SMON10 The process that manages the connectivity of user sessions is: A PMON第十章1 The Database must be in this mode for in instance to be started: C NOMOUNT2 When Oracle startups up , what happens if a datafile or redo file no available or corrupted due to OS Problems?B Oracle returns a warning message and does not open the database3 The RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege should be given toB DBA, who perform structural maintenance exports and imports the data4 When Starting up a database, If one or more of the files specified in the CONTROL_FILES parameter does not exist ,or cannot be opened?A Oracle returns a warning message and does not mount the database5 Bob tried to shutdown normal, Oracle said it was unavailable, and when he tried to startup, oracle said that it was already started. What is the best mode that bob can use to force a shutdown on the server? B ABORT6 Tom issued a command to startup the database. What modes does the Instance and Database pass through to finally have the database open?B NOMOUNT, MOUNT, OPEN7 Diane is a new DBA and issued a shutdown command while her server is being used. After a while she figures that oracle is waiting for all the users to sign off. What shutdown mode did she use: A NORMAL 8 Which script file creates commonly used data dictionary views? B catalog.sql9 In order to perform a full media recovery, the Database must be :C Mounted and Opened using ARCHIVELOG option10 When is the parameter file read during startup?C During instance startup第十二章1 The default tablespace clause in the create user command sets the location for:A Database Objects created by the user2 What does sessions_per_user in a resource limit set?B No. of Sessions Per User3 What value sets the no activity time before a user is disconnected?A IDLE_TIME4 Which of the following statements is incorrect when used with ALTER USER usera? A 、ADD QUOTA 5M5 What view consists information about the resource usage parameters for each profile? B、DBA_PROFILES6 Which of the following is not a system privilege?A SELECT7 What keyword during the create user command, limits the space used by users objects in the database? D QUOTA8 What operations are limited by the Quota on a tablespace? D All of the above9 Profiles cannot be used to restrict which of the following? D time spent reading blocks10 Which of the following is not a role?D CREATE SESSION第十三章1 What option of Exporting allows quicker data extractions? D、Direct = y2 How are exports useful? C Can be used to recover dropped tables due a user error3 What are the 3 levels of Exports?B FULL, USER, TABLE4 The following methods can be used to run exports:D all of the above5 Which of the following are valid parameters for an Export utility? DAll of the above6 What Incremental Parameters can be used with exports?D all of the above7 What can you do to reduce the burden on a rollback segment during the import of a large table?C、COMMIT= Y8 What is an Incremental Export?B Export of rows that have changed since last export9 An Incremental Export is a good strategy for:C all of the aboveD none of the above10 What is a Cumulative Export? A Export of the objects that have changed since last export11 What option of export utility allows for faster extraction of data? B DIRECT = Y简答题:1,为EXAMPLE表空间添加一个数据文件,文件名为example02.dbf,大小为20MB.ALTER TABLESPACE EXAMPLE ADD DATAFILE‘D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\example02.dbf’ SIZE 20M’;2,修改USERS表空间中的userdata03.dbf为自动扩展方式,每次扩展5MB,最大为100MB。

1、Which two statements about online redo log members in a group is trueB、All members in a group are the same sizeC、The members should be on different disk drivers2、Which commanddoes a DBA user to list the current status of archivingA、ARCHIVE LOGLIST3、How many control files are required to create a databaseA、one4、Complete the following sentence: The recommended configuration fro control files isC Two control files on two disks5、When you create a control file, the database has to be:C Open6、Which data dictionary view shows that the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode C、V$DATABASE7、What is the biggest advantage of having the control files on different disks B Guards against failure8、Which file is used to record all changes made to the database and is used only when performing an instance recovery A,Archive log file9、How many ARCn processes can be associated with an instance C ten10、Whichtwo parameters cannot be used together to specify the archive destination A.LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST 第七章1、A collection of segments is a (an): C、TABLESPACE2 When will the rollback information applied in the event of a database crash C immediately after re-opening the database before the recovery 3、The data dictionary tables and views are stored inB、SYSTEM tablespace4 PCTFREE and PCTUSED together should not exceed:A 1005 Which of the following three portions of a data block are collectively called as OverheadC table directory, row directory and data block header6 When the database is open , which of the following tablespace must be online A,SYSTEM7 Sorts can be managedefficiently by assigning ___________ tablespace to sort operations B TEMPORARY8 The sort segment of temporary tablespace is created:A at the time of the first sort operation9 Which of the following segments is self administeredB ROLLBACK10 What is the default temporary tablespace, if no temporary tablespace is defined D SYSTEM11 Rollback segments are used for: D ,all of the above12 Rollback segment stores:A old values of the data changed by each transaction 第八章1 An Oracle instance is : D All of the above2 The SGA consists of the following items:D All of the above3 The area that stores the blocks recently used by SQL statements is called: B Buffer Cache4 Which of the following is not a background server processes in Oracle B LGWR5 Which of the following is valid background server processes in OracleD All of the above6 The process that writes the modified blocks to the data files is: A DBWR7 The process that records information about the changes made by all transactions that commit is : D None of the above8 Oracle does no consider a transaction committed until:B The LGWR successfully writes the changes to redo9 The process that performs internal operations like tablespace coalescing is : B SMON10 The process that managesthe connectivity of user sessions is: A PMON 第十章1 The Database must be in this mode for in instance to be started: C NOMOUNT2 When Oracle startups up , what happens if a datafile or redo file no available or corrupted due to OS ProblemsB Oracle returns a warning message and does not open the database3 The RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege should be given toB DBA, who perform structural maintenance exports and imports the data 4 When Starting up a database, If one or more of the files specified in the CONTROL_FILESparameter does not exist ,or cannot be openedA Oracle returns a warning message and does not mount the database5 Bob tried to shutdown normal, Oracle said it was unavailable, and when he tried to startup, oracle said that it was already started. What is the best mode that bob can use to force a shutdown on the server B ABORT6 Tom issued a command to startup the database. What modes does the Instance and Database pass through to finally have the database openB NOMOUNT, MOUNT, OPEN7 Diane is a new DBA and issued a shutdown command while her server is being used. After a while she figures that oracle is waiting for all the users to sign off. What shutdown mode did she use: A NORMAL8 Which script file creates commonly used data dictionary views B9 In order to perform a full media recovery, the Database must be :C Mounted and Opened using ARCHIVELOG option10 When is the parameter file read during startupC During instance startup第十二章1 The default tablespace clause in the create user command sets the location for:A Database Objects created by the user2 What does sessions_per_user in a resource limit setB No. of Sessions Per User3 What value sets the no activity time before a user is disconnected A IDLE_TIME4 Which of the following statements is incorrect when used with ALTERUSER usera A 、ADD QUOTA 5M5 What view consists information about the resource usage parameters for each profileB、DBA_PROFILES6 Which of the following is not a system privilegeA SELECT7 What keyword during the create user command,limits the space used by users objects in the database D QUOTA8 W hat operations are limited by the Quota on a tablespace D All of the above9 P rofiles cannot be used to restrict which of the following D timespent reading blocks10 Which of the following is not a roleD CREATE SESSION 第十三章1 What option of Exporting allows quicker data extractions D、Direct =y2 How are exports useful C Can be used to recover dropped tablesdue a user error3 What are the 3 levels of ExportsB FULL, USER, TABLE4 The following methods can be used to run exports:D all of the above5 Which of the following are valid parameters for an Export utility D All of the above6 What Incremental Parameters can be used with exportsD all of the above7 What can you do to reduce the burden on a rollback segment during the import of a large table C、COMMIT= Y8 What is an Incremental ExportB Export of rows that have changed since last export9 An Incremental Export is a good strategy for:C all of the aboveD none of the above10 What is a Cumulative Export A Export of the objects that have changed since last export11 What option of export utility allows for faster extraction of data B DIRECT = Y简答题:1, 为EXAMPL表空间添加一个数据文件,文件名为,大小为20MB.ALTER TABLESPACE EXAMPLE ADD DATAFILE‘D: ' SIZE 20M';2, 修改USERS表空间中的为自动扩展方式,每次扩展5MB最大为100MBALTER DATABASE DATAFILE‘D: ' AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE 100M;3, 将表空间USER卿的数据文件更名为,将表空间EXAMPLES的数据文件更名为. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE;在操作系统中重命名、分别为、STARTUP MOUNT;ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE‘D: ', ‘D: ' TO‘D: ', ‘D: ';ALTER DATABASE OPEN;4, 为数据库添加一个重做日志文件组,组内包含两个成员文件,分别为和, 大小分别为5MBALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP 4( ‘D: ', 'D: ')SIZE 5M;5, 为新建的重做日志文件组添加一个成员文件,名称为。

在Oracle系统的体系结构中,主要涉及到以下5个组件:连接数据库实例的能⼒,这是Oracle系统的体系结构中协同⼯作的⽅式;服务器进程;⽂件系统的结构层次;内存区域的管理,尤其是系统全局区域(system global area,SGA)的特点和作⽤;后台进程。
第四题:Oracle的逻辑存储结构:答:1、Oracle 逻辑结构oracle 逻辑结构决定了如何使⽤⼀个数据库的物理空间。
Oracle 的逻辑结构包括:表空间(tablespaces)段(segments)扩展区(extents)数据块(data block)2、表空间的特性表空间是数据库中最⼤的逻辑单位。
3创建表空间:CREATE [ SMALLFILE | BIGFILE] //⽂件类型[PERMANENT | TEMPORARY | UNDO] //表空间类型TABLESPACE tablespace_name //表空间名称DA TAFILE | TEMPFILE ‘path\filename_X’//数据(临时)⽂件[SIZE integer [ K∣M ] ][ AUTOEXTEND [OFF∣ON] ][ NEXT integer [ K∣M ] ][ MAXSIZE [ UMLIMITED∣integer [ K∣M ] ] ][EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL|DICTIONARY] //表空间管理⽅式[ AUTOALLOCATE|UNIFORM SIZE integer [ K|M ] ] //区分配⽅式[SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT MANUAL|AUTO] //段管理[ LOGGING∣NOLOGGING ] //是否⽣成重做⽇志[ ONLINE∣OFFLINE ]; //脱机联机状态———————————————————————————————————————CREATE TABLESPACE TBS_data LOGGINGDATAFILE'C:\ORADATA\ORCL\TEST_DATA01.DBF ' SIZE 32M,'D:\ORADATA\ORCL\TEST_DA TA02.DBF ' SIZE 5MAUTOEXTEND ONNEXT 32M MAXSIZE 2048MEXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCALSEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;4删除表空间:DROP TABLESPACE tablespace_name[ INCLUDING CONTENTS[AND DATAFILES]];5修改表空间:1、添加⽂件alter tablespace test dd datafile(Tempfile)'c:\temp\test1.dbf' size 2048k;2、改变⽂件⼤⼩alter database datafile(Tempfile)'c:\temp\test.dbf'resize 4096k;3、⽂件⾃动扩展alter database datafile(Tempfile)'c:\temp\test.dbf'autoextend onnext 1M maxsize 20M;1、修改表空间的可⽤性ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ONLINE | OFFLINE;2、修改表空间的读写性ALTER TABLESPACE tbs_nameREAD ONL Y|READ WRITE3、修改表空间的名称alter tablespace testrename to test1;4、设置查询默认表空间设置数据库默认表空间Alter Database Default TableSpace mytbs;设置数据库默认临时表空间Alter DatabaseDefault TemporaryTableSpace myTMPtbs;查询数据库默认表空间select username,Default_TableSpace, Temporary_TableSpacefrom dba_users6表空间查询:查询表空间的名称,区管理⽅式,存储分配⽅式,类型等基本信息SELECTTABLESPACE_NAME,EXTENT_MANAGEMENT,ALLOCATON_TYPE,CONTENTS FROM DBA_TABLESPACES;查询表空间的数据⽂件信息SELECT FILE_NAME,BLOCKS,TABLESPACE_NAME FROM DBA_DATA_FILES;查询数据⽂件的基本信息SELECT NAME ,FILE#,RFILE#,STATUS,BYTESFROM V$DATAFILE;询数据⽂件的⾃动增长⽅式SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME,FILE_NAME,AUTOEXTENSIBLE FROM DBA_DATA_FILES;查询临时数据⽂件的信息SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME,FILE_NAME,AUTOEXTENSIBLE FROM DBA_TEMP_FILES;第五题:Oracle的安全管理:(Oracle数据库的实施)答:⼀)oracle安全管理:1.⽤户(使⽤oracle资源的对象,每个对象的权利不⼀样,所拥有的权限或⾓⾊不⼀样(安全))2.权限(分为系统权限和对象权限)3.⾓⾊(⾓⾊是⼀组权限的集合)1. SQL>Create user ⽤户名2. IDENTIFIED BY ⼝令3. Default tablespace 表空间名4. TEMPORARY tablespace 临时表空间名5. Profile profile ⽂件名6. Quota 限制空间⼤⼩on 表空间名;create user dahongidentified by a123456;--dahong没有创建create session的权限grant xxx_priv to xxx_user/xxx_role;grant create session to dahong;--到底有哪些系统权限?select sp.grantee,sp.privilegefrom dba_sys_privs spwhere sp.grantee='SYS';select sp.grantee,sp.privilegefrom dba_sys_privs spwhere sp.grantee='DBA';--没有权限创建表,赋予权限grant create table to dahong;--没有空间使⽤权,修改⽤户alter user dahongidentified by a123456default tablespace xiaoqiangtemporary tablespace TEMPXIAOQIANGquota 2M on xiaoqiangquota 2m on usersquota 1m on example;--对象权限scott.empgrant select on scott.emp to dahong;grant delete,insert,update on scott.emp to dahong;--赋予权限很⿇烦,叫role的create role dahong_role;--赋予dahong_role权限grant create session,create table to dahong_role;--赋予dahong_role对象权限grant select,insert,update on scott.emp to dahong_role;--查找roleselect r.rolefrom dba_roles rwhere r.role ='DAHONG_ROLE';--查找role的系统权限?select sp.grantee,sp.privilegefrom dba_sys_privs spwhere sp.grantee='DAHONG_ROLE';--查找role的对象权限select sp.grantee,sp.privilege,sp.table_name,sp.owner,sp.grantor from dba_tab_privs spwhere sp.grantee='DAHONG_ROLE';---create user dadahongidentified by a123456default tablespace xiaoqiangtemporary tablespace TEMPXIAOQIANGquota 2M on xiaoqiangquota 2m on usersquota 1m on example;--只需要进⾏⾓⾊赋予就ok了grant DAHONG_ROLE to dadahong;Oracle⽤户、权限、⾓⾊管理⼀、权限分类:系统权限:系统规定⽤户使⽤数据库的权限。

大型数据库复习-2013--Oracle10g第一部分:Oracle数据库体系结构1.oracle数据库服务器的两个主要组件是什么? 数据库物理存储结构包括哪些内容?3.Oracle数据库逻辑存储结构包括哪些内容?4.什么是Oracle数据库实例?其组成是什么?与Oracle数据库的区别是什么?5.掌握C r e a t e D A T A B A S E语句创建O r a c l e数据库。
6.Oracle实例的内存结构包括哪些,各自的作用是什么?7.Oracle实例的后台进程包括哪些进程?各自的作用是什么?8.如何打开一个oracle数据库?数据库实例启动过程经历了哪几个状态?9.如何关闭一个oracle数据库?有哪几种关闭方式,各自的特点是什么?10.如何进行Oracle net配置?第二部分Oracle数据库管理2.1 实例的管理1.什么是初始化参数文件?有哪两种类型?各自的特点?2.如何转换init.ora到spfile?3.如何在启动数据库时是指定初始化参数文件?4.通过哪些方法可查看初始化参数的设置情况?5.如何修改初始化参数设置?6.使用ALTER SYSTEM修改参数时SCOPE的取值的意义。

6. 显示工作简历表中所有人的姓名、工作名称和 部门名称。 (employees,jobs,job_history,departments) select st_name,d.department_name, jj.job_title from employees e, job_history j, jobs jj, departments d where e.employee_id=j.employee_id and j.department_id = d.department_id and j.job_id=jj.job_id
15. 显示Taylor以前工作过的部门名称、工作岗位、所在 城市。显示格式 姓名 部门名称 工作岗位 城市 select st_name 姓名,d.department_name 部门名称, j.job_title 工作岗位, 城市 from employees e, departments d,jobs j,locations c,job_history jj where st_name='Taylor' and e.employee_id = jj.employee_id and d.department_id = jj.department_id and j.job_id = jj.job_id and d.location_id=c.location_id 16. 按从大到小的顺序显示出所有工资大于9000的姓名、 工资。 select last_name ||‘ ’ || first_name 姓名,salary 工资 from employees where salary >=5000 order by
11. 显示Smith的工作岗位和该岗位的最高工资和最低工 资。(employees,jobs) select st_name,j.job_title,j.min_salary,j.max_salary from employees e,jobs j where st_name='Smith' and e.job_id = j.job_id 12. 显示每个部门经理的编号及管理的人数。 select manager_id,count(*) from employees group by manager_id 13. 统计1999年1月1日以后参加工作的人数。 select count(*) from employees here hire_date>=date ‘1999-1-1’ 或to_date() 14. 统计1995年到1998年参加工作的人数。 select count(*) from employees where hire_date between to_date('1995-1-1') and date '1998-12-31'

Oracle 大数据库考试重点

1、Which two statements about online redo log members in a group is true?B、All members in a group are the same sizeC、The members should be on different disk drivers2、Which command does a DBA user to list the current status of archiving?A、ARCHIVE LOGLIST3、How many control files are required to create a database?A、one4、Complete the following sentence: The recommended configuration fro control files is?C Two control files on two disks5、When you create a control file, the database has to be:C Open6、Which data dictionary view shows that the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode? C、V$DATABASE7、What is the biggest advantage of having the control files on different disks? B Guards against failure8、Which file is used to record all changes made to the database and is used only when performing an instance recovery? A,Archive log file9、How many ARCn processes can be associated with an instance? C ten10、Whichtwo parameters cannot be used together to specify the archive destination?A.LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST第七章1、A collection of segments is a (an): C、TABLESPACE2 When will the rollback information applied in the event of a database crash? C immediately after re-opening the database before the recovery3、The data dictionary tables and views are stored inB、SYSTEM tablespace4 PCTFREE and PCTUSED together should not exceed:A 1005 Which of the following three portions of a data block are collectively called as Overhead?C table directory, row directory and data block header6 When the database is open , which of the following tablespace must be online? A,SYSTEM7 Sorts can be managed efficiently by assigning _____ tablespace to sort operations B TEMPORARY8 The sort segment of temporary tablespace is created:A at the time of the first sort operation9 Which of the following segments is self administered?B ROLLBACK10 What is the default temporary tablespace, if no temporary tablespace is defined? D SYSTEM11 Rollback segments are used for: D ,all of the above12 Rollback segment stores:A old values of the data changed by each transaction第八章1 An Oracle instance is : D All of the above2 The SGA consists of the following items:D All of the above3 The area that stores the blocks recently used by SQL statements is called: B Buffer Cache4 Which of the following is not a background server processes in Oracle?B LGWR5 Which of the following is valid background server processes in Oracle?D All of the above6 The process that writes the modified blocks to the data files is: A DBWR7 The process that records information about the changes made by all transactions that commit is :D None of the above8 Oracle does no consider a transaction committed until:B The LGWR successfully writes the changes to redo9 The process that performs internal operations like tablespace coalescing is :B SMON10 The process that manages the connectivity of user sessions is: A PMON第十章1 The Database must be in this mode for in instance to be started: C NOMOUNT2 When Oracle startups up , what happens if a datafile or redo file no available or corrupted due to OS Problems?B Oracle returns a warning message and does not open the database3 The RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege should be given toB DBA, who perform structural maintenance exports and imports the data4 When Starting up a database, If one or more of the files specified in the CONTROL_FILES parameter does not exist ,or cannot be opened?A Oracle returns a warning message and does not mount the database5 Bob tried to shutdown normal, Oracle said it was unavailable, and when he tried to startup, oracle said that it was already started. What is the best mode that bob can use to force a shutdown on the server? B ABORT6 Tom issued a command to startup the database. What modes does the Instance and Database pass through to finally have the database open?B NOMOUNT, MOUNT, OPEN7 Diane is a new DBA and issued a shutdown command while her server is being used. After a while she figures that oracle is waiting for all the users to sign off. What shutdown mode did she use: A NORMAL8 Which script file creates commonly used data dictionary views? B catalog.sql9 In order to perform a full media recovery, the Database must be :C Mounted and Opened using ARCHIVELOG option10 When is the parameter file read during startup?C During instance startup第十二章1 The default tablespace clause in the create user command sets the location for:A Database Objects created by the user2 What does sessions_per_user in a resource limit set?B No. of Sessions Per User3 What value sets the no activity time before a user is disconnected?A IDLE_TIME4 Which of the following statements is incorrect when used with ALTER USER usera? A 、ADD QUOTA 5M5 What view consists information about the resource usage parameters for each profile? B、DBA_PROFILES6 Which of the following is not a system privilege?A SELECT7 What keyword during the create user command, limits the space used by users objects in the database? D QUOTA8 What operations are limited by the Quota on a tablespace? D All of the above9 Profiles cannot be used to restrict which of the following? D time spent reading blocks10 Which of the following is not a role?D CREATE SESSION第十三章1 What option of Exporting allows quicker data extractions? D、Direct = y2 How are exports useful? C Can be used to recover dropped tables due a user error3 What are the 3 levels of Exports?B FULL, USER, TABLE4 The following methods can be used to run exports:D all of the above5 Which of the following are valid parameters for an Export utility? D All of the above6 What Incremental Parameters can be used with exports?D all of the above7 What can you do to reduce the burden on a rollback segment during the import of a large table?C、COMMIT= Y8 What is an Incremental Export?B Export of rows that have changed since last export9 An Incremental Export is a good strategy for:C all of the aboveD none of the above10 What is a Cumulative Export? A Export of the objects that have changed since last export11 What option of export utility allows for faster extraction of data? B DIRECT = Y简答题:1,为EXAMPLE表空间添加一个数据文件,文件名为example02.dbf,大小为20MB.ALTER TABLESPACE EXAMPLE ADD DATAFILE‘D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\example02.dbf’ SIZE 20M’;2,修改USERS表空间中的userdata03.dbf为自动扩展方式,每次扩展5MB,最大为100MB。

oracle数据库试题及答案一、单选题1. Oracle数据库的特点是()A. 高安全性B. 高性能C. 可扩展性D. 全面支持ACID特性答案:D2. 在Oracle数据库中,数据存储在()中。
A. 数据块B. 数据段C. 数据文件D. 表空间答案:D3. 下面哪个是Oracle数据库的管理工具?A. SQL DeveloperB. ToadC. PL/SQL DeveloperD. SQL*Plus答案:A4. Oracle数据库中,用于创建和修改数据库对象的语言是()。
A. DMLB. DDLC. DCLD. TCL答案:B5. 在Oracle数据库中,用于查询和操作数据库对象的语言是()。
A. DMLB. DDLC. DCLD. TCL答案:A二、多选题1. 下列哪些是Oracle数据库的特点?()A. 支持事务处理B. 支持分布式数据库C. 支持并发控制D. 支持网络编程答案:A、B、C2. Oracle数据库的体系结构包含以下几个部分:()A. 数据块B. 数据文件C. 表空间D. 实例答案:A、B、C、D3. 下列哪些是Oracle数据库的安全机制?()A. 用户权限管理B. 数据加密C. 访问控制D. 数据备份答案:A、B、C4. Oracle数据库的存储结构包括以下几个层次:()A. 数据库B. 表空间C. 数据文件D. 段E. 数据块答案:A、B、C、D、E5. Oracle数据库的备份与恢复策略包括以下几种:()A. 完全备份B. 增量备份C. 差异备份D. 恢复点备份E. 日志备份答案:A、B、C、E三、判断题1. Oracle数据库是面向对象的数据库。
答案:错误2. Oracle数据库可以跨平台使用。
答案:正确3. Oracle数据库的事务具有原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性。
答案:正确4. Oracle数据库可以使用PL/SQL语言进行存储过程和触发器的编写。
答案:正确5. Oracle数据库的数据存储采用以行为单位的方式。

NOMOUNT状态:Instance 被开启的状态,会去读取初始化参数文件。
答:(1)正常关闭(SHUTDOWN NORMAL):不允许新的USER连进来。
(2)事务关闭(SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL):等待所有未提交的事务完成后再关闭数据库(3)立即关闭(SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE):任何未提交的事务均被回退。
(4)终止关闭(SHUTDOWN ABORT):立即终止当前正在执行的SQL语句,任何未提交的事务均不被回退。

不同类型的段:数据段、索引段、回滚段、临时段10、oracle的结构化查询语言:SQL Plus:输入、编辑、存储、检索和运行SQL命令以及PL/SQL块的工具iSQL Plus:与SQL类似,但可以通过浏览器进行访问PL/SQL:SQL的扩展11、SQL命令的类别:数据定义语言。
12、oracle主要数据类型:Character、Number、Date、Raw和Long Raw、LOB13、数据定义命令:create、alter、drop、truncate(把…截短;缩短)14:、数据操纵命令:insert、select、update、delete15、事务处理控制命令:commit、savepoint、rollback16、数据控制语言:grant、revoke(废除;撤回,取消)17:、oracle的语句处理:解析:对提交的语句进行语法和语义检查优化:生成一个可在Oracle中用来执行语句的最佳计划行资源生成:为会话取得最佳计划和建立执行计划执行:完成实际执行查询的行资源生成步骤的输出到目前为止,当Oracle完成了所有工作,并且找到了匹配查询,它就可以从解析过程中返回,报告已经进行了一次软解析,如果没有找到匹配查询,就需要进行硬解析。

②运行脚本手动创建:使用create database 语句和Oracle预定义脚本手动创建数据库,比DBCA方式具有更大的灵活性和效率,适合有经验的DBA7. 数据库启动步骤:①创建并启动实例:根据数据库初始化参数文件,为数据库创建实例,启动一系列后台进程和服务进程。

)2.oracle中,用来判断列值为空的操作符是(IS NULL)3.下列选项中,那一部分不是oracle实例的组成部分?(控制文件)4.使用传统导出工具EXP导出SCOTT用户的所有对象时,应该选择下列哪一项?(SCHEMAS)5.在oracle中,一个用户拥有所有数据库对象统称:(模式)6.在oracle中,使用HAVING子句亦可以进行条件查询,以下选项说法正确的是(HAVING子句用于对已分组结果的条件查询)7.视图头部中的RETURN语句的作用是什么?(声明返回值的数据类型)8.有字符串数据“TEST”,分别存放到char(10)和varchar(10)类型的字段中,其实际存储长度为:(10 4)9.下列哪一个动作不会激发一个触发器?(查询数据)10对于下面的函数,哪个语句将成功调用?(Sum:=Calc_Sum(23,12))11.DELETE FROM S WHERE 年龄>60的语句功能:S表中年龄大于60岁的记录被加上删除标记12.GROUP BY子句的作用是什么?(查询结果的分组条件)13.查看下面的语句构建了哪一种索引?(复合索引)14.下列哪个语句会终止事务(COMMIT)1.(表空间)是oracle中可以使用的最大的逻辑存储结构,(数据块)是oracle逻辑存储结构中最小的I/O单元。
6.在SQL PLUS命令行下,查看EMP表的结构应使用(describe)命令。
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1、Which two statements about online redo log members in a group is true?B、All members in a group are the same sizeC、The members should be on different disk drivers2、Which command does a DBA user to list the current status of archiving?A、ARCHIVE LOGLIST3、How many control files are required to create a database?A、one4、Complete the following sentence: The recommended configuration fro control files is?C Two control files on two disks5、When you create a control file, the database has to be:C Open6、Which data dictionary view shows that the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode? C、V$DATABASE7、What is the biggest advantage of having the control files on different disks? B Guards against failure8、Which file is used to record all changes made to the database and is used only when performing an instance recovery? A,Archive log file9、How many ARCn processes can be associated with an instance? C ten10、Whichtwo parameters cannot be used together to specify the archive destination?A.LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST第七章1、A collection of segments is a (an): C、TABLESPACE2 When will the rollback information applied in the event of a database crash? C immediately after re-opening the database before the recovery3、The data dictionary tables and views are stored inB、SYSTEM tablespace4 PCTFREE and PCTUSED together should not exceed:A 1005 Which of the following three portions of a data block are collectively called as Overhead?C table directory, row directory and data block header6 When the database is open , which of the following tablespace must be online? A,SYSTEM7 Sorts can be managed efficiently by assigning _____ tablespace to sort operations B TEMPORARY8 The sort segment of temporary tablespace is created:A at the time of the first sort operation9 Which of the following segments is self administered?B ROLLBACK10 What is the default temporary tablespace, if no temporary tablespace is defined? D SYSTEM11 Rollback segments are used for: D ,all of the above12 Rollback segment stores:A old values of the data changed by each transaction第八章1 An Oracle instance is : D All of the above2 The SGA consists of the following items:D All of the above3 The area that stores the blocks recently used by SQL statements is called: B Buffer Cache4 Which of the following is not a background server processes in Oracle?B LGWR5 Which of the following is valid background server processes in Oracle?D All of the above6 The process that writes the modified blocks to the data files is: A DBWR7 The process that records information about the changes made by all transactions that commit is :D None of the above8 Oracle does no consider a transaction committed until:B The LGWR successfully writes the changes to redo9 The process that performs internal operations like tablespace coalescing is :B SMON10 The process that manages the connectivity of user sessions is: A PMON第十章1 The Database must be in this mode for in instance to be started: C NOMOUNT2 When Oracle startups up , what happens if a datafile or redo file no available or corrupted due to OS Problems?B Oracle returns a warning message and does not open the database3 The RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege should be given toB DBA, who perform structural maintenance exports and imports the data4 When Starting up a database, If one or more of the files specified in the CONTROL_FILES parameter does not exist ,or cannot be opened?A Oracle returns a warning message and does not mount the database5 Bob tried to shutdown normal, Oracle said it was unavailable, and when he tried to startup, oracle said that it was already started. What is the best mode that bob can use to force a shutdown on the server? B ABORT6 Tom issued a command to startup the database. What modes does the Instance and Database pass through to finally have the database open?B NOMOUNT, MOUNT, OPEN7 Diane is a new DBA and issued a shutdown command while her server is being used. After a while she figures that oracle is waiting for all the users to sign off. What shutdown mode did she use: A NORMAL8 Which script file creates commonly used data dictionary views? B catalog.sql9 In order to perform a full media recovery, the Database must be :C Mounted and Opened using ARCHIVELOG option10 When is the parameter file read during startup?C During instance startup第十二章1 The default tablespace clause in the create user command sets the location for:A Database Objects created by the user2 What does sessions_per_user in a resource limit set?B No. of Sessions Per User3 What value sets the no activity time before a user is disconnected?A IDLE_TIME4 Which of the following statements is incorrect when used with ALTER USER usera? A 、ADD QUOTA 5M5 What view consists information about the resource usage parameters for each profile? B、DBA_PROFILES6 Which of the following is not a system privilege?A SELECT7 What keyword during the create user command, limits the space used by users objects in the database? D QUOTA8 What operations are limited by the Quota on a tablespace? D All of the above9 Profiles cannot be used to restrict which of the following? D time spent reading blocks10 Which of the following is not a role?D CREATE SESSION第十三章1 What option of Exporting allows quicker data extractions? D、Direct = y2 How are exports useful? C Can be used to recover dropped tables due a user error3 What are the 3 levels of Exports?B FULL, USER, TABLE4 The following methods can be used to run exports:D all of the above5 Which of the following are valid parameters for an Export utility? D All of the above6 What Incremental Parameters can be used with exports?D all of the above7 What can you do to reduce the burden on a rollback segment during the import of a large table?C、COMMIT= Y8 What is an Incremental Export?B Export of rows that have changed since last export9 An Incremental Export is a good strategy for:C all of the aboveD none of the above10 What is a Cumulative Export? A Export of the objects that have changed since last export11 What option of export utility allows for faster extraction of data? B DIRECT = Y简答题:1,为EXAMPLE表空间添加一个数据文件,文件名为example02.dbf,大小为20MB.ALTER TABLESPACE EXAMPLE ADD DATAFILE‘D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\example02.dbf’ SIZE 20M’;2,修改USERS表空间中的userdata03.dbf为自动扩展方式,每次扩展5MB,最大为100MB。