
银行常用英语口语情景对话从事银行业的工作,有时候需要我们去学习一些银行常用的英语口语,下面店铺为大家带来银行常用英语口语对话,欢迎大家学习!银行常用英语口语对话篇一A:Is there anything I can do for you?有什么我可以帮您的吗?B:Yes. I've received this Remittance Advice from the bank.是的。
A:Could I take a look at it, please? Let me just check these details ... right.请让我看一看,好吗?让我检查一下内容……没错。
B:Mr CK Chen contacted me this morning and asked me to come in for the remittance.今天早上CK Chen先生与我联系,让我来接收汇款。
A:I've got the details here. 10,000 RMB sent by Mr CK Chen from Guangzhou. Could I see some ID? You passport, for example?我已经在这儿查到了详情。
CK Chen先生从广州汇来10000元。
我能看一下身份证件吗?比如,您的护照?B:Here you go. Can I deposit some into my account and take some in cash? I need 1,000 RMB for my expenses, you see.给你。
A:That's no problem. Could you please sign here? Here's the 1,000 RMB in cash,your passport back, and the remaining balance has been deposited in your account.没问题。

银行里常用的英文对话1. 开立账户:I would like to open a checking account. 我想开一个支票账户。
Do you have any ID with you? 你带身份证了吗?What is the minimum deposit required for this account? 这个账户的最低存款要求是多少?2. 存款:I want to deposit $1000 into my account. 我想在我的账户里存1000美元。
How much cash do you want to deposit? 你想存多少现金?I want to deposit these cheques into my account. 我想把这些支票存入我的账户。
3. 取款:I want to withdraw $500 from my checking account. 我想从我的支票账户里取500美元。
I want to cash this check. 我想兑现这张支票。
How much cash do you want to withdraw? 你想取多少钱?4. 转账:I want to transfer $2000 from my checking account to my savings account. 我想从我的支票账户转2000美元到我的储蓄账户。
How much would you like to transfer? 你想转多少钱?What is the name of the account you would like to transfer to? 你要转到哪个账户?5. 查询余额:Could you check my balance, please? 请帮我查一下我的余额,可以吗?What is the balance in my account? 我账户里的余额是多少?6. 贷款:I would like to apply for a home loan. 我想申请住房贷款。

A:Anything I could do for you?
B:Well.I have a time deposit here, maturing two months later. But I need the money for an emergency.Can I get it out now?
A:Yes,of course.You may withdraw your funds by cashing the certificate before the maturity date.
B:How about the interest?
A:According to the regulation,the interest shall be paid at the rate on a current deposit.That means you would lose some interest.
B:I see.

银行柜台常用英语口语表达对话带翻译在银行柜台接待外国友人或者是出国去银行办理业务,都是需要我们学习一些银行柜台常用的英语口语,下面为大家带来银行柜台常用英语口语表达,欢迎大家学习!1.你想开一个活期存款帐户吗?Do you like to open a current account?2.请告诉我你想存何种户头?Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money.3.你想开哪种帐户?What kind of account did you have in your mind?4.定期还是活期?A deposit or current account?5.支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。
There's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings.6.你有多钱要存入呢?How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account?7.请填张存款单,写明要存的数额以及你的姓名,地址和工作的单位,好吗?Would you please fill in the depositing form, giving thesum of money you're to deposit as well as your name, address and professional unit?8.这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。
Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it.9.如果想兑支票,请在底线上签名。
有关取款银行英语情景对话 取款实用银行英语口语

有关取款银行英语情景对话取款实用银行英语口语B: Hello. I'm here today to pay in some foreign currency. Is that possible at this counter?你好。
这个柜台行吗?A: Of course, Sir. What kind of currency would you like to deposit? And what is the amount youwould like to pay in?当然可以,先生。
您要存那种货币呢?还有,您要存多少钱?B: 10,000 Japanese yen.10000 日元。
A: OK, Sir. Would that be Fixed or Current Deposit?好的,先生。
是存定期的还是活期的?B: Fixed.定期的。
A: And how long are you depositing for?您要存多长时间?B: For one year, that's what I usually do. Better interest, you know.存一年,我经常这样做。
有关取款银行英语情景对话二A: Morning,Madam. This is the window for Foreign Exchange Savings.How can I help you?早上好,夫人。
我如何为您效劳?B: I want to save some US dollars into my account.我想存一些美元到我的账户里。
A: That's fine. Is it a Time Deposit?那好。
是定期存款吗?B: Yes, that's what my husband advised me to do. But I'm not sure how long I should save for.是的,是我的丈夫让我这样做的。

银行英语情景口语对话:询问1 A:Excuse me.May I inquire about the balance of my account?B:Yes.Your account number,please. A:OK.My account number is 221233(two-two-one-two-three-three).My name is Jim.B:One moment,please.Mr Jim,you've got the balance of 400 yuan in your account. A:Thank you.B:You're welcome. 1 A:请问我账户上的余额是多少?B:您的账户号码是多少? A:我的账号是221233。
2A:Hello.Would you tell me something about time deposit?B:Yes.We offer time certificates of deposit.It pays a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do. A:Well.How long do I have to keep the money in the account?B:You may choose from three-,six-,twelve-months maturity or a two-year maturity.More information is posted on the bulletin board on the left side in the lobby. A:Does the rate go up depending on how long I keep the account?B:Yes.But you must determine what maturity you want in the beginning. Naturally,certificates with the longermaturities bear a higher rate of return. A:By the way,what maturities are the most popular?B:Oh…,I think most of our customers use six- or twelve-month plans. A:Can I renew the certificate on maturity?B:Of course.You may renew it if you wish. 2 A:您好。


Dialog 1: Opening a Bank Account对话1:开立银行账户Customer: Good morning. I would like to open a bank account.顾客:早上好。
Bank Teller: Good morning. Sure, I can help you with that. Do you have any specific type of account in mind?银行职员:早上好。
您有什么特定类型的账户想要开立吗?Customer: I would like to open a checking account.顾客:我想要开立一份支票账户。
Bank Teller: Okay, we have different options for checking accounts. Are you interested in a basic checking account or one with added benefits?银行职员:好的,我们有不同的支票账户选项。
您对基本支票账户还是有附加福利的账户感兴趣?Customer: I would like a basic checking account for now.顾客:我暂时想要一个基本支票账户。
Bank Teller: That's not a problem. Could you please fill out this application form? And do you have your identification documents with you?银行职员:没问题。

有关使用银行卡的英语口语对话我们的生活已经离不开银行了,下面小编今天就给大家整理关于银行的英语情景口语,有需要的可以收藏起来哦英语口语A: How can I help you this afternoon?今天下午我能如何为您效劳呢?B: I want to take out some money,but there's a massive queue for the ATM so I thought I'd do it over the counter.我想取一些钱,但是自动取款机前的队排得太长了,所以我想在柜台取钱。
A: Unfortunately, an ATM is being refilled because it ran out of money. That's what's causing the hold up.很抱歉,由于一台自动取款机没钱了,正在加钞。
B: Oh, I see. I thought maybe it was just the time of the day, although it isn't usually busy at 2:30 in the afternoon.噢,我明白了。
A: You are right, you've just missed the lunchtime rush. Could you fill out a withdrawal slip,please?您说得对,您刚刚错过了中午的高峰。
请您填写一张取款单,好吗?B: I did that already, while I was waiting. Also, here's my card.我刚才等着的时候已经填好了。
A: Thank you. And you require....谢谢。

Customer: Thank you indeed. I will do that.
Clerk: Not at all.
B: How would you like them?
A: In ten dollar bill, please.
B: Is there anything else?
A: Yes, I'd like to know how to send money to France.
Customer: Hello, I would like to open an account, but I do not know what account it should be.
Clerk: Do you often deposit money and draw money ?
Customer: All right ,if that account will make.
Dialogue Two
对话(ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ)
Customer: Good morning, sir. I am from Japan. My English is poor. Can you help me?
The Foreign Exchange Dealings for Individual Accounts refers to the firm foreign exchange dealings conducted by the individuals through the service personnel behind the counter or through other electronic banking service methods within the time for dealings set by the Bank. 个人实盘外汇买卖是指个人客户在银行规定的交易时间内,通过柜面服务人员或其他电子金融服务方式,进行的实盘外汇买卖。 Dealings can be carried out through the service personnel behind the counter, by telephone and on self-service devices, etc. The three methods each have their advantages Dealings at the counter can offer the good services which can be felt in a human atmosphere. It is particularly suitable for the investors who have just begun to be involved in the foreign exchange dealings for the individual accounts. Dealings by telephone can make prompt transactions and can be done in different places. It is particularly suitable for the white-collar investors who are occupied with their work. Self-service dealings can provide substantial information with various charts for technical analysis. It is particularly suitable for the investors who are experienced in the foreign exchange dealings. 目前可以通过柜面服务人员、电话、自助交易设备等方式进行。三种方式各有优点: 柜面交易,服务周到,并可感受到人气氛围,特别适合初涉外汇交易的投资者。 电话交易,成交迅捷,并可异地操作,特别适合工作繁忙的白领投资者。 自助交易,信息丰富,并提供多种技术分析图表,特别适合对外汇交易有一定经验的投资者。 Dealings can both be made at the current market prices and on agent basis. A dealing made as per the market price is otherwise called real-time dealing, which is concluded as per the current prices offered by the Bank. A dealing made on agent basis is otherwise called a dealing as per offered prices, which means an investor can leave the order for a dealing to the Bank first, and when the quote the bank offers reaches the level expected by the investor, the computer system of the bank will conclude the business immediately in line with the order of the investor. A dealing made through telephone is an operating method that saves both time and energy to the fullest extent. 既可进行市价交易,又可进行委托交易。 市价交易,又称时价交易,即根据银行当前的报价即时成交。 委托交易,又称挂盘交易,即投资者可以先将交易指令留给银行,当银行报价到达投资者希望成交的汇价水平时,银行电脑系统就立即根据投资者的委托指令成交。 通过电话进行委托交易,是最省时省心的操作方式。 1.Dealings at the counter The customer with a certain amount of foreign currency deposits should go to the designated branch of the Bank to fill out the relevant forms and documents, and then give them to the tellers across the counter. 1、柜面交易 客户具有一定金额的外币存款,到指定的银行分支机构填妥相关单据交柜面服务人员即可。 2.Dealings by telephone Get a current All-In-One passbook or a debit card of the Bank and deposit certain amount of foreign currencies. Make an application at any of the networks of the Bank with the valid credentials, fill out the relevant application form and sign an agreement and then give them to the tellers across the counter together with the current All-In-One passbook or the debit card. Insert the six digits password for the account and then the account for dealings by telephone opens. Using the system of dealings by telephone, the customer can use an audio-frequency phone. The dealings can be conducted by dialing the number and inserting the correct account number and the password. 2、电话交易 办理银行活期一本通或借计卡,存入一定金额的外币。 持有效身份证件,至银行任一网点提出申请,填妥相关申请表并签署协议,与活期一本通或借计卡一起交柜面服务人员。 输入6位数账户密码后,电话交易账户即已开通。 使用电话交易系统的,客户可使用音频电话机,拨通交易电话,输入正确的账号及密码后,即可进行交易。 3.Self-service dealings

有关于银行卡业务的英语情景口语我们在银行不会讲英语吗?下面小编今天就给大家整理关于银行的英语情景口语,大家快来看看吧英语口语A: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to IBJ, what can I do for you?早上好,先生。
欢迎光临IBJ银行,我有什么可以效劳的吗?B: Hi. I hope you can help me. I contacted your Client Services Department last night. Unfortunately, I've misplaced my card.你好。
A: Oh dear, Sir. I am sorry.哎呀,先生。
B: I was told to go to the Emergency Assistance Service.我被告知来办紧急援助业务。
A: That's correct. What you need to do is fill in this form for the loss of your card, then we can get authorisation to let you have some cash.是的。
B: Great. Sign here and here, right? How long do you think this will take?太好啦。
是在这里还有这里签字,对吗?你认为这将需要多久啊?A: It'll just be a moment, Sir. We are contacting the card-issuing office to get authorisation for a withdrawal.就一会儿,先生。

那你知道有关银⾏的英语对话有哪些吗?下⾯是⽆忧考收集整理的⼀些有关银⾏的英语对话,⼤家⼀起来看看吧!【篇⼀】有关银⾏的英语⼝语对话 Clerk: How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account? 职员:您有多少钱要存⼊呢? Customer: I want to deposit 300 yuan in my account. 顾客:我想在我的户头上存300元。
Customer: Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account. 顾客:请告诉我开个储蓄帐户需要什么⼿续。
Clerk: Please fill in the depositing form, the sum of money,your name, address and professional unit. 职员:请填张存款单,写明数额、姓名,地址和⼯作单位。
Clerk: Please fill in your name, the number of the certificate and your telephone. 职员:请写上您的姓名、证件号码和联系⽅式。
Clerk: Words and figures differ. 职员:您填写的⽂字与数字不符。
Clerk: Signatures differ. 职员:您的签名有误。
Clerk: keep your receipt please. 职员:请收好单据. Clerk: Here is your passbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. 职员:这是您的存折,以后存取款时请带来。

店铺整理了银行英语情景对话,欢迎阅读!银行英语情景对话一Mary:Hi, I want to open a savings account. Which kind of account has the highest interest rate?你好,我想存个定期。
可是定期哪个利率最高呢?Clerk:The interest rates are outlined on the board behind you. The interest rates for lump-sum deposit & withdrawal are the highest.您身后的显示牌就显示了利率,整存整取的利率最高。
Mary:Oh, I can see that. But I'm planning on withdrawing this money in the near future. Which kind of account is suitable for me?哦,我看到了。
不过我计划短期内就把钱取走,那我存哪个才比较合适呢?Clerk:You can take a three-month or half-year lump-sum deposit & withdrawal account.您可以存三个月或半年的整存整取。
Mary:OK, then I'll take a three-month lump-sum deposit & withdrawal account.嗯,那我就办个三个月定期吧。
银行英语情景对话二Good morning, sir. Can I help you?早上好,先生。

店铺整理了关于在银行的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于在银行的英语对话一a:is there anyting i can do for you?b:i want to open a current account.a:please fill in this application form.b:(a moment later)here is the filled out application form.is everything all right?a:yes,quite all right.please show me your id card.b:here it is.a:by the way, you will have to make a deposit when you open an account.b:fine.here is 100 rmb yuan.a:well, everything is done.here is your deposit book.b:thanks a lot.a:我能为你做点儿什么吗?关于在银行的英语对话二a:can i help you?b:yes.i want to withdraw some money from my peony card.a:please fill out a withdrawal slip.the red one.b:all right.a:will you give me your card with the slip?b:okay.here they are.a:how much do you want?b:400 rmb yuan.a:please show me your id card and enter your secret code.b:okay.关于在银行的英语对话三A:good morning. How can I help you?早上好,有什么能帮忙的吗?B:I'd like to open a new account.我想开个新账户。

银行英语情景口语对话下面是整理的一些关于银行英语情景对话示例,欢迎大家阅读!银行英语情景对话一:1、我想从户头里提出一些钱May:I’d like to withdraw some money from my account.我想从户头里提出一些钱。
Clerk:Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip, please?可不可以让我看您的存折及提款单呢?May:Sure.当然可以。
Clerk:Let me just make sure. You want to withdraw one thousand dollars?让我确定一下。
您要提1000 美元?May:That’s right.是的。
2、您要办理什么业务?Clerk:What can I help you with?您要办理什么业务?Denny:I'd like to deposit some money.我要存钱。
Clerk:How much would you like to deposit?您要存多少?Denny:Twenty thousand.两万。
Clerk:Give me your money and passbook.把您的钱和存折给我。
Denny:Here you are.好的。
Clerk:Hold on. Please sign on the deposit receipt. 稍等. 请在这张存款凭条上签一下字。
Clerk:Please take good care of your passbook.请收好您的存折。
3、帮我查一下卡里现在总共有多少钱吧Mary:Hello, I'd like to deposit ten thousand RMB. 你好,我要存一万元。
Clerk:Please give me your money and bank card.请把您的钱和卡给我。

银行英语口语对话金融英语口语对话银行英语口语对话银行英语口语对话银行英语情景对话(1):A:Hi,Mike,long time no see.I am glad to meet you here,How are you B:Fine,thanks.What are you doing here A:I want to open an account in the bank. What about you B:I’d like to deposit some money in my account. Oh ,It’s my turn, waiting for a moment. A:Ok. C:What can I do for you, sir B: I“d like to deposit 5,000 RMB yuan in my account. 我想在我的账户上存5,000元人民币。
C:Please give me your money with the passbook. 请把您的钱和存折递过来B:All right. Here you are. 好,给您C:Oh,we find it is a counterfeit note. 噢,我们发现这是一张假钞。
B:ReallyI don“t remember where I got it from.Please return it to me. 是真的吗我记不起是从哪儿得来的。
C:Well,according to the regulation, a counterfeit note should be confiscated. 嗯,根据规定,假钞须没收。
B:Then I"ll loss a note of 100 RMB yuan. 那我就要损失100元人民币。
C:It"s the only way we could do, but we’ll issue a receipt to you that shows the note you presented to us has been proved counterfeit and has been confiscated by our bank. 我们只能这样做,但我们将开一张收据给您,证明您交给我们的那张纸币是假币,被我行没收。

描述使用银行卡的英语情景口语银行已经和我们的生活时时紧闭了,下面小编今天就给大家整理关于银行的英语情景口语,仅供参考英语口语A: Welcome. What can I do for you this morning?欢迎光临。
今天早晨我能为您效劳吗?B: I'm here on holiday and I don't have a local debit card. Is it possible to withdraw money on my Visa credit card here?我是来这里度假的,而且我没有本地的借记卡。
我是否可以在这里从我的Visa信用卡里取钱呢?A: Well, welcome to our country. I trust you are having a pleasant stay?嗯,欢迎您到我们国家来。
B: Oh, yes. It's amazing here. I don't think I ever want to go home again!哦,是的。
我简直不想回家啦!A: That's the opinion of most people. Do you have your passport with you? I'll need to see that and you'll need to fill in this withdrawal form.大多数人都这么想。
B: Fine. Here you go.好的。
A: How much would you like to withdraw?您想要取多少钱?B: Is it OK to withdraw USD?取美元可以吗?A: That's fine.可以。

银行英语情景口语对话银行英语情景口语对话引导语:下面是我整理关于银行英语的情景对话,大家可以看看,特别有用呢!A: Mr Edgar, hello again. May I introduce Zhu Fengwei, your new Personal Manager?Edgar先生,您好。
C: Nice to meet you, Mr Edgar.很兴奋见到您,Edgar先生。
B: The same to you, Mr Zhu. Tell me a little about yourself很兴奋见到你,朱先生。
告知我一些关于你的状况C: Im the Head of this branchs Corporate Section and Ill be dealing with all your financing affairs, requests and anything else linked to your ccMnpany.我是这家分行公司部的负责人,我将负责全部您的融资事务、需求和其他任何与责公司有关的业务。
B: Thats wonderful. Im very pleased that we have got this sorted out so quickly.那太好了。
C: We aim to please, Sir.我们的'目标就是让您满足,先生。
B: What we really require at the moment is some help with cash collection. Recently, since wc started doing a lot of cash business, we seem to have so much lying around. I have to send one of my assistants to the bank every day with a big bag of cash, which I dont think is very safe.我们目前真正需要的就是关心我们收现金。

银行英语情景口语对话货币兑换如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些银行货币兑换英语情景口语对话,希望这些实用口语会对大家有所帮助!银行英语情景口语对话:货币兑换一A:May I help you?B:Yes.Do you exchange foreign money here?A:Yes.Our bank is authorized to deal with the foreign exchange business.B:What kinds of currencies do you change?A:Nowadays, we can change three currencies,US dollars,Japanese Yen and HK dollars.B:Could you tell me what today's exchange rate for US dollars is?A:您需要什么服务吗?B:需要。
B:您能告诉我今天的美元汇率是多少吗?A:The buying rate is 826.44 RMB for 100 US dollars.B:I want to change some US dollars to cover my expenses here.A:Please go to Counter No. 2. That's the foreign exchange counter.It’s over there.B:Thank you.A:银行买价是100美元换826.44元人民币。
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A:Could I take a look at it, please? Let me just check these details ... right.请让我看一看,好吗?让我检查一下内容……没错。
B:Mr CK Chen contacted me this morning and asked me to come in for the remittance.今天早上CK Chen先生与我联系,让我来接收汇款。
A:I've got the details here. 10,000 RMB sent by Mr CK Chen from Guangzhou. Could I see some ID? You passport, for example?我已经在这儿查到了详情。
CK Chen先生从广州汇来10000元。
我能看一下身份证件吗?比如,您的护照?B:Here you go. Can I deposit some into my account and take some in cash? I need 1,000 RMB for my expenses, you see.给你。
A:That's no problem. Could you please sign here? Here's the 1,000 RMB in cash,your passport back, and the remaining balance has been deposited in your account.没问题。
银行常用英语口语对话(二)A:Hello, you seem a little lost. Can I help
我能帮您吗?B:I've got a Remittance Advice and I'd like to cash it.我接到一张汇款通知,我想兑现。
A:I can do that for you. Could I see the Remittance slip?我可以为您办理。
我能看一下汇款通知单吗?B:Here you are. I'm here on business and this is from my boss, it's for my expenses so I need cash.给你。
A:That's no problem. The amount is 2,000 RMB,is that correct?没问题。
其金额为2000元,对吗?B:Yes, that's right.是的,没错。
A:I just need to sec some identification before I hand over the cash.在我给您现金之前,我还需要看一下您的身份证件。
B:Here's my passport. Is that OK?这是我的护照。
A:That's no problem. There are 3 ways you can do this, firstly you can send the money account to account,or you can choose to send cash to account or you can send cash to individual. Which service would you like?没问题。
您要选哪一种服务方式?B:I think account to individual would be best. But which is the quickest way?我认为账户到个人最好。
但哪个是最快的方法?A:If you choose our Urgent Remittance Service the money can be there within 2 hours. There will be a 1% handling fee and then you need to pay 12 RMB for the Express Delivery Service.如果您选择我们的加急汇款服务,钱可以在两小时内到。
B:Right, that's fine. I'd like it to get there as quickly as possible.行,没问题。
银行常用英语口语对话(四)A:Hello, Madam. What can I do for you today?您好,女士。
今天我有什么可以帮您的吗?B:Hello. I'd like to send 600 RMB in cash to my daughter.How long will it take for her to receive the money?你好。
她要多久才能收到?A:It's very quick and easy. It just takes 24 hours, we guarantee that. All you need to do is fill in this slip and we can proceed.这项业务非常快速、简便。
B:Are there any extra charges, like commission?还有任何额外的费用吗,比如手续费?A:There is a service commission that you must pay.It's 1% of the funds to be remitted, so you should pay an extra 6 RMB.您是得付手续费。
银行常用英语口语情景对话相关文章:1.常见银行英语情景对话2.关于银行的英语对话3.银行英语情景对话4.在银行英语对话At a bank5.常用英语口语100句。