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一、Test 17

Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below.

Column A Column B





6 13. hostage ____________ 14. hovercraft___________

15. humble_____________ 16. illegal______________

17. illegible_____________ 18.


19. immigrant___________ 20. imperial ____________

Section C. Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with correct forms.

1. After the reconstruction of the building, it was twice the_______ of what it used to be.

2. He didn't wear a helmet when he rode a bike, _____ he was safe.

3. The soldiers' ______deeds in the anti-Japanese war moved all of us to tears.

4. The performance was not satisfactory, because his frequent_______ annoyed the audience.

5. All the high officials present sang _______ praise for the Emperor's new clothes which were noth-

ing at all.

6. There is a monument on the_______ spot where the two armies had a fierce battle.

7. The host and hostess are so friendly that there is a_______ atmosphere in the hall.

8. Our_______ guests will attend our conference, so we must make full preparation for it.

9. "I am sure we will find it before dark." He said_______.

10. Most of the students are making rapid progress, but Jane seems a _____ case.

11. It is hard to appreciate the full_______ of life in a prison camp.


12. The government decided to sell its 21%_______in the firm.

13. Her new book is supposed to be the_______ thing since Harry Potter.

14. John was sentenced to be _____________ for his crime after the evidence had been found.

15. The hotel was located for enjoying the beauty of Yorkshire.

Section D. Put the following sentences into English.


2.在测试中我们反对给参赛者任何暗示。(object ; hint)


3.不要浪费时间去隐藏这些无用的东西,重要的是提供证据(waist time; hold)

4.他愿意主持这次庆典来向英雄表示敬意。(feel; host)

5.我们怎么能容忍你犹豫不决这么长时间呢?(stand; hesitate)

6.他的建议不值得采纳是怎么回事?(how; worth)

7.由这位年轻的科学家开发的尖端技术是值得实验的。(hi-tech; worthy)

8.究竟是什么阻止了他们劫持这架直升机。(keep; hijack; helicopter)


9.这孩子因为帮助别人解了两道数学题而骄傲。(help; proud)

10.他匆匆忙忙地向后跑,结果正好没有被落下的花瓶击中。(hurry; only; escape)

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Section A:

1-5 AC EG I 6-10 BKMON 11-15 LJDHF


16-20 o I j h d 21-25 f b a c e 26-30 g i k m n

Section C:

1. height

2. otherwise

3. heroic

4. hesitation

5. high

6. historic

7. homely

8. honourable

9. hopefully 10. hopeless

11. horror 12. holding 13. hottest 14. hanged 15. ideally

Section D:

1. They are looking forward to somebody's helping them out.

2. In the test, we object to giving the contestants any hint.

3. Don't waste time hiding such useless things. What is important is to hold out evidence.

4. He feels like hosting the ceremony in honour of the heroes.

5. How can we stand your hesitating for such a long time?

