

Don't push, don't push, care about others and love yourself.2、文明礼让我先锋,安全伴你一路行。
Civilized courtesy let me pioneer, safety accompany you all the way.3、红灯停,绿灯行,危险停,安全行。
Stop at red, green, dangerous, safe.4、乘文明车,走文明路,做文明人。
Take a civilized car, take a civilized road and be a civilized person.5、讲安全,记安全,让安全陪伴左右。
Speak of safety, remember safety, let safety accompany around.6、路旁风景学校给,路上安全大家给。
Roadside Landscape School, Road Safety.7、文明交通,从小做起,从我做起。
Civilized transportation, starting from childhood, startingfrom me.8、上下楼梯靠右行,严禁拥挤保安全。
Go up and down the stairs on the right. Crowding is strictly prohibited.9、只要安全心中记,平安一定伴你行。
As long as safety is in mind, peace will accompany you.10、课余时间不疯狂,损坏公物易受伤。
After-school time is not crazy, damage to public property is vulnerable to injury.11、落实安全规章制度,强化安全防范措施。

文明礼仪英语格言Civility and Etiquette: English ProverbsIntroduction:In today's globalized world, where cultural diversity has become the norm, it is crucial to understand and practice civility and etiquette. By cultivating good manners and showing respect to others, we can create a harmonious and inclusive society. English proverbs, with their concise yet profound wisdom, serve as valuable reminders to uphold civility and etiquette in our daily lives. This article explores a selection of English proverbs that emphasize the importance of manners and respect.1. "Manners maketh man."This proverb highlights the significance of good manners and proper behavior. It suggests that one's character and social position are determined by their behavior and etiquette. Showing respect, being considerate, and having good manners can greatly influence how others perceive us and our place in society. It reminds us to act politely and with decorum in all situations.2. "Courtesy costs nothing."Courtesy refers to being polite, respectful, and considerate towards others. This proverb reminds us that being courteous requires no monetary expense, yet it can have a significant impact on our interactions and relationships. Simple acts of kindness, such as holding the door for someoneor saying "please" and "thank you," go a long way in creating a positive and respectful environment.3. "Treat others as you wish to be treated."This proverb, often referred to as the "golden rule," emphasizes the importance of empathy and treating others with kindness and fairness. By putting ourselves in others' shoes, we become more aware of their feelings and needs. Practicing this proverb encourages us to be mindful of our actions and consider how they may affect others. It promotes mutual respect and helps build strong and harmonious relationships.4. "Actions speak louder than words."This proverb underscores the significance of demonstrating good conduct rather than merely professing it. It suggests that our behavior and actions have a greater impact on others than what we say. Therefore, it is essential to translate our values and beliefs into tangible actions that reflect courtesy, respect, and good manners. By doing so, we establish credibility and build trust with those around us.5. "It's better to be kind than to be right."This proverb recognizes the importance of prioritizing kindness and understanding over being right or winning arguments. In conflicts or disagreements, it is more beneficial to approach the situation with empathy and a willingness to find common ground. By showing kindness and respect towards others' perspectives, we foster a sense of mutual understanding and avoid unnecessary conflicts.6. "Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing."Similar to the proverb about courtesy, this saying emphasizes the value of politeness. Politeness involves being respectful, considerate, and mindful of others' feelings. It can significantly impact our personal and professional relationships, creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere. Despite its tremendous value, politeness does not require any financial investment, making it accessible to everyone.Conclusion:English proverbs provide valuable insights into the importance of practicing civility and etiquette in our daily lives. By embracing these teachings and incorporating them into our actions and attitudes, we can nurture a society that thrives on respect, understanding, and kindness. Remember, manners matter, and even the simplest acts of politeness can have a profound and lasting impact on our personal and professional relationships. Let us heed these proverbs as guiding principles in our quest to create a more civil and courteous world.。


Please Protect Cultural Relics 请爱护文物
No photography 禁止拍照
Leave a clean,take away a happy. 留下一路洁净,带走一身快乐。
In addition to the foot steps and smile nothing left. 除了足迹和微笑,什么都不要留下。
Flower not intentional, defloration must relentlessly. 落花未必有意,摘花一定无情。
Hold feet, stay green lawn. 脚下留情,草坪留青。
Road Traffic Warnings
No passing 禁止通行
No pass ,No passage 无通行证者,不得通行
No nuisance 禁止倒垃圾
No scribbling 禁止涂写
Post no bills 禁止招贴
No spitting 请勿吐痰
No swimming 禁止游泳
Wet paint 油漆未干
No fishing 禁止钓鱼
No smoking 禁止吸烟
No climbing 禁止攀爬
Please take care of public property 请爱护公物
Shut the door behind you 随手关门
No Crossing 请勿跨越
No parking 禁止停车
No stopping 禁止停留
Emergency Exit 紧急出口
Quite Please 请勿大声喧哗

文明礼仪标语中英文Civility and etiquette are essential components of a harmonious society. 文明礼仪是和谐社会的重要组成部分。
Respect and courtesy towards others not only reflect one's upbringing but also contributeto a peaceful coexistence among diverse individuals. 尊重和礼貌不仅体现一个人的教养,还有助于不同个体之间和平相处。
In today's fast-paced and often chaotic world, the practice of good manners and civility seems to be increasingly forgotten. 在当今快节奏且混乱的世界中,遵循良好的礼仪和文明的实践似乎日益被遗忘。
It is imperative that we rediscover the importance of civility and incorporate it into our daily interactions with others. 我们迫切需要重新认识文明礼仪的重要性,并将其融入到我们日常与他人的互动中。
One of the key aspects of practicing civility is showing respect towards others regardless of their background or beliefs. 尊重他人是实践文明礼仪的关键方面之一,无论其背景或信仰如何。
By treating each individual with kindness and consideration, we can create a more inclusive and accepting community. 通过善待每个个体并加以考虑,我们可以创造一个更具包容性和接纳性的社区。

文明出行警示语英文1 not speeding do not grab the line, semifast peace2 Department of traffic safety, peace is happiness3 traffic accident endangering others hurt themselves4 corners Mo parking, parking more dangerous5 a slogan slogan, to achieve three compliance6 "let" peace, "grab" a curse7 driver compliance thousand Kellogg, safe and smooth baiyexing8 victims have been driving anger9 drivers a glass of wine, relatives of the two lines of tears10 Ning stop very safe, do not grab a second security11 please be careful, across the fence is the cliff of life;12 fatigue driving equal to the direction of failure13 things to do, money to earn, safe driving is guaranteed14 a little more careful less a disaster, less a paralysis more security15 don't worry, the light is red1 the safety of your trip affects the hearts of the family2 speed, safety and comity30 times a car accident nine times, thought paralysis accident4 accident prevention in peace, obey the rules for happiness5 pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, across the road to take the crosswalk6 safety and compliance with the accident and violations7 driving a cell phone, the accident staring at you8 unlicensed driving is hard, ten times with nine killed9 - room for comity -- grab as boundless as the sea and sky, unexpected trouble10 enhance the concept of traffic laws, traffic behavior norms11 ride for illegal vehicles, endangering others, hurt themselves12 you are the master of Heyuan, you are a model for civilized comity13 people's city people's building, people's traffic people14 paralysis is the bane of the accident!15 your relatives look forward to your safe return16 turn the hand to indicate the protection of traffic safety17 road traffic should establish the idea of safety first, implement the principle of prevention18 walk, please take care of your child19 consciously abide by traffic regulations, to become civilized people of Heyuan20 drivers comrades: you and I half a lifetime, in your hands1 car accident danger be covered with confusion.2 pedestrians cross the road to look at the left, look right, right and left to see through3 wise men to stop the bloody lessons, lessons in exchange for a fool to bleed4 "drive", often with hidden elbot5 grasp the speed and steering wheel of your life6 people listen to the car, people lazy car fork7 correct your violation, give you a love8 create a good traffic order, flash the light of spiritual civilization!9 mo fast, the whole family10 drunk driving is strictly prohibited non driver fatigue driving!11 compliance with traffic laws is a virtue!12 remember the rules, cherish life13 Ning around a hundred steps, do not take a step risk14 grab the line for a while, a lifetime of regret15 bid farewell to all uncivilized traffic behavior感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

21、Speak gentl and alk slol,keep quiet. 轻声慢步,保持安静。
22、The busier e are,the more autel e feel that e live,the more onsious e are of lift. ——Lmmanuel Kant 我们越是忙碌,越能强烈地感受到我们是在生活着,越能意识到生命的存在。
——康德 2 2、Upstairs or donstairs,please don’t rod eah other.上下楼梯,请勿拥挤。
23、Imagination is more important than knoledge. ——Albert Einstefin 想象力比知识更重要。
——爱因斯坦 24、Where there is a ill,there is a a.有志者事竟成。
25、Knoledge is a treasure,but pratie is the ke to it. 知识是一座宝库,而实践就是开启宝库的钥匙。
26、 What is dignit ithout honest? 不诚实又谈什么尊严呢?一.在学校各个办公室、教室以及主要地方贴上相应的标语校长室1:Offie of Shool Master 校长室2:Offie of Vie-Shool Master 书记室:Offie of Seretariat 教务处:Offie of Dean 办公室:Offie 教科室:Offie of Eduation Researh 财务处:Offie of Finane 政教处:Offie of Moral Eduation 总务处:General Affairs Offie 工会:Labor Union 少先队大队部:Young Pioneers Group Headquarters 一年级办公室:Offie of Grade One 二年级办公室:Offie of Grade To篇三:英语活动标语主题:Bring English to life 英语文化节,精彩无极限 Ativit 1 Come on, kids. Enjo ourselves and do our best! 英语文化节,展现我风采 Ativit 2 Alas tr! Have fun learning English! 英语文化节,快乐你我他 Ativit 3 Working together for a better future!Be proud of our ahievements! 英语文化节,你我新舞台 Ativit 4 Suessful learning together. You’re the best. 英语文化节,秀出真自我英语文化节,放飞我梦想英语文化节,激情永飞扬。

Reading is good, learning is home.2、安全警句千条万条,安全注意第一条。
Safety aphorism thousands of bars, safety first note.3、书卷之香飘校园,文明之魂留心中。
The book Xiangpiao campus, civilization soul of the mind.4、加强学风建设,创建文明校园。
Strengthening the construction of study style and creating civilized campus.5、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
An idle youth, a needy age.6、用脑用心讲文明,惜花惜草爱世界。
Civilized brain at heart, love the e from you.11、理想,只有在安全的直行线上才会绽放美丽的花朵。
Ideal, only in the safe straight line hing.20、人人为评估作贡献,个个为学校添光彩。
Everyone contributed to the assessment, and all of them added luster to the school.21、知识汇聚力量,汗水凝成辉煌。
The knowledge gathering strength, sweat made brilliant.22、只有学习精彩,生命才精彩;只有学习成功,事业才成功。
Only learning wonderful, life is wonderful; only learning success, career success. 23、人生有限,学习无限。
Life is limited, learning is infinite.24、天下难事必作于易,天下大事必于细。

文明出行安全经典英文警示语1 not speeding do not grab the line, semifast peace.2 Department of traffic safety, peace is happiness.3 traffic aident endangering others hurt themselves.4 corners Mo parking, parking more dangerous.5 a slogan slogan, to achieve three pliance.6 "let" peace, "grab" a curse.7 driver pliance thousand Kellogg, safe and smooth baiyexing.8 victims have been driving anger.9 drivers a glass of wine, relatives of the two lines of tears.10 Ning stop very safe, do not grab a second security.11 please be careful, across the fence is the cliff of life.12 fatigue driving equal to the direction of failure.13 things to do, money to earn, safe driving is guaranteed.14 a little more careful less a disaster, less a paralysis more security.15 don't worry, the light is red.1 the safety of your trip affects the hearts of the family.2 speed, safety and ity.30 times a car aident nine times, thought paralysis aident.4 aident prevention in peace, obey the rules for happiness.5 pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, across the road to take the crosswalk.6 safety and pliance with the aident and violations.7 driving a cell phone, the aident staring at you.8 unlicensed driving is hard, ten times with nine killed.9 - room for ity -- grab as boundless as the sea and sky, unexpected trouble.10 enhance the concept of traffic laws, traffic behavior norms.11 (ride) for illegal vehicles, endangering others, hurt themselves.12 you are the master of Heyuan, you are a model for civilized ity.13 people's city people's building, people's traffic people.14 paralysis is the bane of the aident!15 your relatives look forward to your safe return.16 turn the hand to indicate the protection of traffic safety.17 road traffic should establish the idea of safety first, implement the principle of prevention.18 walk, please take care of your child.19 consciously abide by traffic regulations, to bee civilized people of Heyuan.20 drivers rades: you and I half a lifetime, in your hands.1 car aident danger be covered with confusion.2 pedestrians cross the road to look at the left, look right, right and left to see through.3 wise men to stop the bloody lessons, lessons in exchange for a fool to bleed.4 "drive", often with hidden elbot.5 grasp the speed and steering wheel of your life.6 people listen to the car, people lazy car fork.7 correct your violation, give you a love.8 create a good traffic order, flash the light of spiritual civilization!9 mo fast, the whole family.10 drunk driving is strictly prohibited non driver fatigue driving!11 pliance with traffic laws is a virtue!12 remember the rules, cherish life.13 Ning around a hundred steps, do not take a step risk14 grab the line for a while, a lifetime of regret.15 bid farewell to all uncivilized traffic behavior.模板,内容仅供参考。
文明标语 英语

下面是一些常见的文明标语英语:1. No littering. 不要乱扔垃圾。
2. Keep off the grass. 不要践踏草坪。
3. Please queue up. 请排队。
4. No smoking. 禁止吸烟。
5. Mind your manners. 注意礼仪。
6. Keep the environment clean. 保持环境清洁。
7. Use the trash bin. 使用垃圾桶。
8. Respect each other. 相互尊重。
9. No spitting. 禁止随地吐痰。
10. Don't cut in line. 不要插队。
11. Don't make noise. 不要制造噪音。
12. Help keep the city clean. 帮助保持城市的清洁。
13. Say no to litter. 拒绝乱扔垃圾。
14. Please use the designated smoking area. 请使用指定的吸烟区。
15. Keep public areas clean. 保持公共区域的清洁。
16. Be polite and courteous. 要有礼貌,彬彬有礼。
17. Respect public property. 尊重公共财产。
18. No vandalism. 禁止破坏公物。
19. Keep the streets clean. 保持街道干净。
20. Be responsible for your actions. 对自己的行为负责。

30条英语警示语Warning signs are an essential tool for communicating important information and promoting safety in various settings. From workplaces to public spaces, these signs serve as visual reminders to help prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of individuals. In this article, we will explore 30 common English warning signs and their meanings to increase awareness and promote a culture of safety.1. Caution: Wet Floor This sign warns of slippery surfaces and the risk of falls. It is commonly seen in areas where floors are being cleaned or have recently been mopped.2. Danger: High Voltage This sign indicates the presence of high electrical voltage, warning individuals to stay away to avoid the risk of electric shock.3. Warning: Biohazard This sign alerts individuals to the presence of biological hazards, such as infectious materials or chemicals, and the need for proper precautions.4. Caution: Hot Surface This sign warns of surfaces that can cause burns or injuries due to high temperatures. It is often found near equipment or machinery that generates heat.5. Danger: Flammable Material This sign warns of the presence of materials that are highly flammable and can easily ignite, posing a fire hazard.6. Warning: Hazardous Chemicals This sign indicates the presence of dangerous chemicals that can cause harm if not handled properly. It serves as a reminder to use caution and follow safety protocols.7. Caution: Falling Objects This sign warns of the risk of objects falling from above, such as in construction sites or warehouses, where items may be stored at heights.8. Danger: Confined Space This sign indicates areas that are confined or enclosed, posing risks such as lack of ventilation or escape routes. It warns individuals to proceed with caution.9. Warning: High Noise Area This sign alerts individuals to areas with high levels of noise that can cause hearing damage. It reminds individuals to wear ear protection.10. Caution: Heavy Machinery This sign warns of the presence of heavy machinery or equipment that can cause serious injuries if not operated safely. It reminds individuals to stay clear of the area.11. Danger: Toxic Gas This sign warns of the presence of toxic gases that can be harmful or fatal if inhaled. It indicates the need for proper ventilation and safety precautions.12. Warning: Slippery Surface This sign alerts individuals to surfaces that are slippery or slick, increasing the risk of slips and falls. It reminds individuals to proceed with caution.13. Caution: Sharp Objects This sign warns of the presence of sharp objects or edges that can cause cuts or injuries. It reminds individuals to handle objects carefully.14. Danger: Explosive Materials This sign indicates the presence of explosive materials that can detonate if mishandled. It serves as a reminder to keep the area clear and follow safety procedures.15. Warning: Radiation Hazard This sign warns of the presence of radiation hazards, such as in medical facilities or nuclear plants. It reminds individuals to limit exposure and wear protective gear.16. Caution: Low Clearance This sign warns of low clearance areas where individuals may hit their heads or bodies. It reminds individuals to watch their surroundings and proceed with caution.17. Danger: Falling Rocks This sign warns of the risk of falling rocks or debris in areas prone to landslides or rockslides. It advises individuals to stay clear of the area.18. Warning: High Temperatures This sign alerts individuals to areas with high temperatures that can cause burns or heat-related illnesses. It reminds individuals to stay hydrated and seek shade.19. Caution: Uneven Surface This sign warns of surfaces that are uneven or bumpy, increasing the risk of trips and falls. It reminds individuals to watch their step.20. Danger: Open Pit This sign indicates the presence of open pits or excavations that pose a falling hazard. It advises individuals to stay clear and use caution.21. Warning: Suffocation Hazard This sign warns of areas where suffocation can occur due to lack of oxygen or presence of gases. It reminds individuals to ensure proper ventilation.22. Caution: Moving Parts This sign warns of machinery or equipment with moving parts that can cause injuries if not operated safely. It reminds individuals to keep hands and clothing clear.23. Danger: High Pressure This sign indicates the presence of high-pressure systems or equipment that can cause explosions or injuries. It advises individuals to stay clear of the area.24. Warning: Electrical Hazard This sign warns of electrical hazards, such as exposed wires or faulty equipment, that can cause electric shock or fires. It reminds individuals to use caution.25. Caution: Slippery Stairs This sign warns of stairs that are slippery or wet, increasing the risk of falls. It reminds individuals to use handrails and watch their step.26. Danger: Asbestos Hazard This sign indicates the presence of asbestos, a hazardous material that can cause serious health risks if disturbed. It advises individuals to avoid contact and seek professional help.27. Warning: Sharp Turns This sign warns of sharp turns or curves in roads or pathways that require caution when navigating. It reminds individuals to slow down and be alert.28. Caution: Overhead Crane This sign warns of overhead cranes or hoists that can move heavy loads above. It reminds individuals to stay clear of the area to avoid injuries.29. Danger: Laser Radiation This sign warns of laser radiation hazards that can cause eye damage or skin burns. It reminds individuals to avoid direct exposure and wear protective eyewear.30. Warning: No Smoking This sign indicates areas where smoking is prohibited due to fire hazards or health concerns. It reminds individuals to comply with regulations and maintain a safe environment.In conclusion, warning signs play a crucial role in promoting safety and preventing accidents in various environments. By understanding the meanings of these signs and following their instructions, individuals can help create a culture of safety and reduce risks to themselves and others. Remember, safety is everyone's responsibility, so stay alert, follow the signs, and prioritize safety in all activities.。

Please use polite language.2、好好学习,天天向上。
Study hard and make progress every day。
Don't run in the hallway about.4、慎独。
Shendu. Sensible. Modest。
Unite and make progress, striving for the best schools.6、请保持安静。
Quiet Please。
Do not scribble.8、⼩草青青,⼩脚轻轻。
The grass is green and the feet are small.9、请使⽤⽂明礼貌⽤语。
Please use polite language.10、饭前便后要洗⼿。
Wash your hands before meals and after meals.11、⽂明是彼此沟通的桥梁。
Civilization is a bridge to communicate with each other.12、爱护公共财物。
Protect public property.13、请勿乱扔果⽪纸屑。
Please don't litter.14、⽂化礼貌切勿喧哗。
Cultural courtesy must not be noisy.15、⼼中有情,脚下留情。
The hearts of love, at the foot of mercy.16、请⾃觉遵守纪律。
Be conscious of discipline.17、⽆烟世界,清新⼀⽚。
A world without smoke, a fresh one.18、爱我是为了驱⾛⿊暗。
Love me to drive away the dark.19、不要⾼声语,休惊学习⼈。

a4纸警示标语英语版1. safety knowledge let you change danger into safety2. safe and hard-working3. safety production and economic development4. dissemination of safety culture to promote safety knowledge5. security to guard against accidents due to paralysis6. check erroneous ideas at the outset alarm bells ringing7. everyone says safe family peace8. strict is the love, the pine is the evil, good securitybenefits three generations9. the spring bloom plant safety production efficiency high10. ignore the safety catch production is out of security and efficiency as the gain profit in risk11. happiness is tree safety is the fertile soil12. safety and health is not gold13. factory safety must be safe for production14. system is not inevitable accident15. factory safety measures are fine1. zunzhangshouji glory shameful violation2. crops can not be separated from the sun safety rules3. compliance is the guarantee of happiness4. tree brand awareness create quality projects5. anti accident mid heian fukuma door tell the security of health for all le6. a healthy body can not be separated from the exercise of a happy family can not do without security7. security is to ensure that the accident of a happy family is the bane of the tragedy of life8. labor creates wealth and safety brings happiness9. quality is the life safety of the enterprise is the life of the staff and workers10. establish the concept of quality legal system and improve the quality consciousness of the whole staff11. safety is the biggest saving accident is the biggest waste12. paralysis is the biggest hidden dangers of dereliction of duty is the greatest curse13. safety in production, flourishing production; construction of civilization14. do not tighten the safety of the string can not play the tune of production15. a person of illegal people suffer16. violation of no harm to others and pay close attention to the country17. the pile is not high in violation of the matter is not small18. take an umbrella to prevent rain out accident prevention compliance posts19. you speak of illegal human accident showed little mercy on you20. and after suffering runny nose than prior zunzhangshouji1. compliance is the forerunner of safety is the harbinger of accidents2. factory safety first quality3. safety regulations strictly depend on not to forget4. keep to the concept of all-time preparedness in5. small moth daliang hidden trouble brewing6. safety comes from a long warning that the accident comes from an instant paralysis7. it is not only not impossible to guard against anti8. perfecting quality system and strengthening engineering quality9. no matter often wary of failing to steady as a mountain10. strict quality products11. would rather not loose a thousand days without incident can not be a day not anti brewing12. careful construction of scientific management13. factory safety first prevention14. everybody talks about safety and security for everyone15. everyone talks about security, everything is safe; always want to be safe, safe everywhere。

公共场所的英文警示语1. Do not be small and evil, do not be small and not good2. Civilization is the flower of success, is the ideal boat sails3. Science, health and environmental protection4. It is not difficult to say "good" to the teacher, but it is difficultto insist on saying "good" to the teacher5. Get rid of the bad habits, healthy and civilized.6. The birds fly freely because of the wings, the flowers are beautiful because of the fragrance, the campus will be more advanced because of the civilization7. Cherish every drop of water, so that mother earth is not crying8. Give me a clean sky, I can fly; give me a piece of blue ocean, I can travel; give me a beautiful and tranquil campus civilization, I can sail inthe ocean of knowledge set sail!9. Speak civilization, science, anti SARS, with action10. Green life needs our common care11. The smooth flow of anti SARS million people united as one man, Ourwills unite like a fortress..12. Pick up a piece of paper is the pure spirit of their own.13. All the patriotic health campaign, the eradication of bacteriabreeding ground.14. Take water as a disgrace to save water15. Pay attention to public health, public facilities, public order and public morals1. Care about the school, our duty; take good care of the school, our duty; love school, our heart2. Let's say goodbye to uncivilized behavior3. Civilization is a bridge to communicate with each other4. The stars for our contribution to the brilliant, blue sky for our contribution for our contribution to the green forest, beautiful flowers for our contribution, nature is easily picked upa piece of paper, pure is his spirit; intends to remove a stain, purify the soul of its own.5. The turning point of the road, the turning point of life6. "Today, you smile? Greetings to you? You comity? You help others?"7. Let us demonstrate the quality and civilization in every word and action!8. Pay attention to social morality and public environment9. Civility and civilization are the golden keys to our coexistence10. It is not difficult to say to the teacher, it is difficult to insist on to the teacher to say good11. Don't hurt flower and grass!12. Get rid of the bad habits advocate of civilization, to declare war on the poor health habits.13. In addition to bad habits, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices.14. Don't let the strong life, you become ghosts. The lawn15. Learn moral construction outline, Yang civilized behavior of fresh air1. Let us together: the collective concern and caring for public property, protect the environment!2. Flowers dress up the world with beauty, we beautify the campus with action!3. Clean and beautiful environment, healthy life science, social civilization and progress4. Let our hearts as beautiful as flowers5. Politeness is the easiest thing to do, but also the most easily overlooked things, but she is the most precious thing6. Let the breath of civilization in every corner of the school7. We contribute ourselves, and what should we contribute to nature?8. Green civilization is hope, let us sow hope!9. Speak of civilization, health, science, the new tree10. Say to uncivilized behavior: "NO!"11. Cherish yourself, love others, get rid of bad habits, begin from me.12. Good boy = civilization + value + love + strength13. The sky is the warmth of the cradle, don't smoke into the sky, let the earth sad; the grass is beautiful carpet, no littering, let the earth!14. Get rid of bad habits, fighting against SARS.15. A piece of dirt that is intended to wipe away is the purification of the soul16. Overcome bad habits, cultivate civilized behavior17. School is the place of study, civilization is the foundation of success18. Fly your youth, run your passion19. Smile is our language, civilization is our faith20. Civilization is the source of happiness感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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Carry forward the spirit of the times, to become the vanguard of civilization. 你们听说文明警示语英文版有哪些吗?那么学习啦小编为大家整理了文明警示语英文版,欢迎阅览!
文明警示语英文版(热门) 1 fulfill the Convention of citizens, and promote the new civilization
to add a brick building civilization every word and action, promote the development of Anyang warm every act and every move to create a civilized city.
work together to create a civilized city, of one heart and one mind build a beautiful home.
open a civilized car, take the road of civilization, civilized people
make the city more beautiful, make Anyang more beautiful
strengthen neighborhood unity and harmony and build a harmonious interpersonal relationship stresses civilized new wind, do civilized and polite Unicom
for the “youth civilization”, striving to be the
young skilled positions.
everyone is a civilized city volunteers
10 create a civilized unit to become civilized employees.
11 implementation of the “youth civilization servi ce card” is the guarantee of quality service
1road car culture as well as the best; fast slow secure.
1for the “youth civilization”, offering quality service society.
1city is the soul of civilization, virtue is the foundation.
1implementation of the quality of the people to enhance the project, to create a civilized city in the province
文明宣传标语英文版(集锦) 1 create a civilized unit to promote enterprise development
families more than a warm, more peaceful society red light green light is to make the curve straight road carefully
comply with traffic regulations, care for life journey
build a beautiful environment, maintain good order red light constraint for the freedom of the green light
only one life and peace to life.
to be a civilized pioneer youth as Butterfly Island. there is a kind of noble called civilization there is a state called harmony
10 are the main force to create a civilized city
11 carry forward the spirit of the times, to become the vanguard of civilization.
1abide by civilized travel, enjoy the wonderful life
1deepen the construction of civilization to create Unicom brand
1create a civilized community, to build beautiful homes.
1do a good job in the construction of civilized communities, consolidate the foundation of civilized city
1insist on focusing on the moral civilization in action.
1carry out the “youth civilization” activities
1safety is the life of the violation is the source of the accident
1the mobilization of the people to create a civilized city
0 honor and Disgrace in the heart of civilization
I first create a civilized city
文明温馨警示语英文版 (最新) 1 every word and action always love to create a civilized city.
walking traffic does not cut, the most important safety of civilization.
create the “youth civilization”, quality service for the people
blue sky white Yunhuan blue, green shade hanging Anyang new.
improve the environment for everyone to create civilization on everyone
create civilized units, improve staff quality
with the love of a land, build a civilized home.
speak personal qualities, do a person with conscience
create a “youth civilization” to promote the construction of spiritual civilization
10 the political material spirit of the Trinity to build civilization
11 create civilized window, tree fire image
1love home safe method on law-abiding warm home. 1create a civilized city, build a better home
1show every word and action of Anyang civilization, the ancient capital of the image shaping every act and every move.
1health and civilized behavior, between hands