lie to me英语课件.ppt


lie to me

lie to me

• Name:Brendan Hines (布伦丹.海因斯) • Birthday:1976,12,28 • Birthplace:Maryland • Vocation:player and singer • Band:The Brendan Hines • Main work:Heavy Petting, Terminator, The Middleman
Eli Loker and Ria Torres
• Eli Loker, initially an employee of The Lightman Group. Loker is academically educated and acquired his skills in "reading" people through practice. He also adheres to radical honesty, and thus rarely lies, even if that makes him appear rude or undiplomatic. Monica Raymund as Ria Torres, an employee of The Lightman Group, and a protegee of Dr. Lightman's . Torres was abused as a child, a common pattern among naturals, by her father. Though talented and loyal, she lacks academic training and sometimes lets her emotions cloud her judgment.
Expression analysis


The lying one may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary details to convince you… they are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation.
THE science of microexpressions
take a Overview
Lie to Me is an U.S. American television series that originally ran on the Fox network from January 21, 2009 to January 31, 2011. In the show, Dr. Cal Lightman (Tim Roth) and his colleagues in The Lightman Group accept assignments from third parties (commonly local and federal law enforcement),and assist in investigations, reaching the truth through applied psychology: interpreting microexpressions, through the Facial Action Coding System, and body language.
other Example: Someone says, "I love it!" when receiving a gift and then smiles after making that statement, rather then at the same time ,the statement is made.

lie to me

lie to me
10 在韩国,鞠躬的程度可以表明两人的关系。
11 耸肩表明在隐藏什么。
12 动物受惊后的反应是惊呆,眼睛、嘴巴紧闭。当回过神来会保护重要的东西
1 每100个美国人 就会有一个人入狱。
2 咬嘴唇,摸耳朵 说明控制欲在增长 也是焦虑的表现
3 反应潜伏期是指问答之间的时间差。
4 鼻孔外翻,嘴唇紧闭 说明在生气。
5 连带的心理活动,频繁地眨眼:表明在隐藏什么。
6 犹豫和重复,说话的时候结结巴巴:表明在说谎。
7 眼睛朝一个方向,而手指(或其他肢体)指向另一个方向,说明在说谎。因为你的大脑在努力的编造故事时,你的肢体并不可能同步。
8 说话声音更高,频率更快:说明情绪高涨。
9 无意的竖中指是一个象征性的,无意识的,有特殊含义的手势---有敌意。
2. 声音的高低表明说话人的重视程度。
1 维特效应(即自杀消防现象):自杀会造成自杀效仿:如玛丽莲梦露,科特柯本。
2 说话时也学会不停地转换时态。
3 说话使用大量的小鸡词汇,说明心里有愧。
11.重读音过高:说谎 但是人耳难以分辨
8.真正的凶手看到受害人的照片时 表现 恶心 轻蔑 以致于害怕
1 眉毛往下皱在一起,眼见上扬,眼袋紧绷:说明进行有计划的行动,带有攻击倾向。


though the Facial Action Coding System(面部编码识别e,
assisting the law enforcement and government agencies to expose the truth behind the lies.
Do you know some typical action when somebody is lying? Do you hate somebody tell you a lie in a bad way? Do you want to know some tips to spot the lie?
leading him to discovering and researching microexpressions. The character is based on Dr. Paul Ekman
A buffer(缓冲) against Cal„s extreme personality
Based on Paul Ekman's research and work,
who was a pioneer(先驱者,开拓者) in the study of emotions
and their relation to facial expressions,
as an American psychologist at University of California.
Acquired his skills
in "reading" microexpressions
through academic education and practice. Adheres to Radical Honesty, and thus rarely lies,

lie to me英语课件

lie to me英语课件

见到某人时,把某物举起放到胸口,产生阻隔形式,表示焦虑,害怕见 这个人。 说话时抿嘴,或产生后撤姿势,表示模棱两可,对自己说的话没信心。 (说谎) 回答问题时手摸脖子—如果脖子没病,就是在说谎(经典的强迫行为)。 揉眼睛(哪怕是盲人),表达不情愿的做某事。 说话时手突然向外摆一下—说谎 说话时,下巴上扬—愤怒。 当人表达某种情绪时,脸部的表情左右不对称—那个情绪是假装出来的。 用手指磨擦自己的手—一种自我安慰的姿态,当他说的话自己都不信时, 试图使自己安心。
Lie To Me
别对我撒谎 《Lie to me》 》
中文名: 中文名: 外文名: 外文名: 其它译名: 其它译名: 出品公司: 出品公司: 制片地区: 制片地区: 编剧: 编剧: 主演: 主演: 类型: 类型: 上映时间: 上映时间: 别对我撒谎 Lie To Me 千谎百计 FOX—福克斯 美国 萨穆尔.包姆 罗斯, 蒂姆·罗斯,凯莉·威廉姆斯 悬疑,心理, 悬疑,心理,剧情 2009-1-21
The end
If the other party to your query disdain, usually you can query is true. 如果对方对你的质问表示不屑,通常你的质问会是真的。 如果对方对你的质问表示不屑,通常你的质问会是真的。
Hand on shame,Near said brow. 手放在眉骨附近表示羞愧。
• 《Lie to me》是一部描述心理学的美国电视剧,于 2009年1月21日首播于福克斯电视网。普通人在每 十分钟的谈话中会说三个谎话, 通过分析一个人的 脸、身体、声音和话语来察觉真相, 研究面部表情 和随机肢体语言来探索你是否撒谎以及为何撒谎 。 对脸部表情的分析,读懂一个人的感情--从隐藏 在心底的憎恶,到性的冲动,再到嫉妒。


Let's watch a vedeo
Li speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes’ conversation.”
a genius psychologist
with an expertise in body language, predominantly microexpressions, and a founder of The Lightman Group. His mother committed suicide while he was still young,
TV shows in mainland named Don’t Lietome
Hosted by LeJia in Shenzhen TV
Hosted by LuZhirui In Jiangsu TV
book store
Let's watch a vedeo
Is our prime minister telling a lie?
e.g. Touching the neck when
answering questions—If there is nothing wrong with the neck, it is an action of lying. classic compulsive behavior
compulsive [kəmˈp ʌlsɪv] adj.极有趣的; 令人着 迷的; 因着迷而引起 的; 强迫性的
That’s all thank you
dubious[ˈdju:biəs] 形容词(对事情等)半信 半疑的 (of; about); 犹 豫不决的。 a dubious reply 含糊 的回答。 a dubious battle 胜负难卜的战争。


t ----to make sure that the listener believe him 人在撒谎的时候并不会转移视线,而会有更 多的眼神交流,来确认听者是否相信自己所说的话 Can not repeat the whole thing upside down 对发生的事 情顺序不能倒着说出来-----------根本没发生,没有记忆所 以说不出来 Change of appellation or tense 两个人对话的时候,有 人转换了称谓,比如“Mom”换成“Mother”,或者不断变 化时态 ,那转换的那个人就是在说谎 Recalling the details of things说实话的时候,会认为没有 必要去说细节。也就是说,当有人在回忆某事的时候,总 说一些无关紧要的细节,那就是在说谎。 Repeat of some words frequently or suddenly raise one’s tone词汇有重复,并且个别地方声调变高便是撒谎的表现 …………..
• I never saw him hang out with anybody. He’s kind of intense. 我从未见过他和谁一起。他有点神经兮兮。 • We don’t go through people’s dirty laundry. 帮人擦屁股的事情我们不干。
lay it on thick: 乱吹捧;露骨地恭维 • bask: 享受乐趣,得到满足 • cheat on: 对„不忠 • well-timed: 正合时宜的,时机正好的 • foremost: 第一流的,最重要的 • deception: 欺骗,诡计 • cool: [俚语]极妙的,极好的,出色的 • make out: 书写,填 • big-time: 一流的 • evastate: 使不知所措,使陷于混乱,使混乱

lie to me讲稿

lie to me讲稿





Lie to me 中的light man的原型是保罗·艾克曼保罗·艾克曼[Paul Ekman 1934.02.15],Ekman 博士将担任本剧的特别顾问。



1991 年获美国心理学会颁发的杰出科学贡献奖。

本剧的灵感来源于行为学专家Paul Ekman博士的真实研究,Ekman博士的研究是微表情,主要集中在四个领域--即对人的面部、身体、声音和语言的研究,这些在本剧中都将有所体现。






艾克曼开发了面部动作编码系统(Facial Action Coding System,FACS)来描述面部表情。






It is a very interesting series, with a lot of humor and a very interesting premise. In addition the 4 Cast members all play their role very good and add to the show's freshness.
Concealed scorn.
break eye contact in order to remember
Men have erectile tissue in there noses. Itches when they're hiding something.
隐藏的讯息:说谎的象征性手势, 含有特殊特定含义的潜意识手势
It's a classic physiological flight response. If his hands get colder then the person would be very scared.
Eyebrows go up, like this, the person knows the answer to the question they're asking.
说谎者一般语言和 表情相互矛盾。如 果一个人的表情并 非发自内心,他一 般会把脸部的肌肉 运动集中在嘴巴的 部分。如果一个人 皱着眉头对你说 ‘我爱你’,你一 定不要相信。”
more eye contact ----to make sure that the listener believe him 人在撒谎的时候并不会转移视线,而会有更多的眼神交流, 来确认听者是否相信自己所说的话 Can not repeat the whole thing upside down 对发生的事情顺 序不能倒着说出来-----------根本没发生,没有记忆所以说不出来 Change of appellation or tense 两个人对话的时候,有人转 换了称谓,比如“Mom”换成“Mother”,或者不断变化时态 , 那转换的那个人就是在说谎 Recalling the details of things说实话的时候,会认为没有必要 去说细节。也就是说,当有人在回忆某事的时候,总说一些无关 紧要的细节,那就是在说谎。 Repeat of some words frequently or suddenly raise one’s tone词汇有重复,并且个别地方声调变高。撒谎的表现 …………..

Lie To Me

Lie To Me

< Lie To Me >I am enjoying an American series these days which is called < Lie To Me >. In this series, Dr. Cal Lightman and his colleagues tell us how to see through one’s fraud, how to judge one person if he is honest only by his micro-expression_r.Looking at your eyes, watching every detail of your action, listening to your voice and shaking hand with you all can let Dr. Cal Lightman to know whether you are telling the truth. Facing the human lie detector like them, on one dares to tell lies.There are some methods that I learned from the series, for example:The expression_r of fear and surprise last over one seconds on your face, it’s the evidence of telling lie.When you trump up a succession of things, you may describe it vividly in the normal order because you have prepared it. But you can’t describe it from the end correctly, because you have never experienced it.If one person shows disdain to your question, you touch him on his most sensitive spot and maybe your doubt is right.When you try to recall you memory, your eyeball will turn move to the lower left corner, but when you tell the lie, you don’t need any time to recall it.…There are many tips like these to teach us how to see through the lie. There is an other point which make this series attractive. All the theory came out from the episode can be integrated with the reality. We saw the shame and embarrassment from Clinton when he talked about the “zipper-gate”. We saw the symbolic sign of despise and and disdain from Obama and Mccain when they were debating during the general election. This series also analyze the expression_r from Diana, Bush, Saddam, etc. We can get the lesson from almost every episode and try to practice them in our lives.In the beginning of this series, it tell us that one person may tell 3 lies in his 10 words. I think it is not exaggerated, especially in this complex socity, it is not that you want to tell the lie, but that the situation forces you to tell the lie.I like this series not because I want to be the one like Dr. Cal Lightman, to learn the skill of judging others. But I want to learn the skill of telling a perfect lie in the proper time which will never be exposed. We all know that there is a problem with telling a lie,there are so many other lies you ha ve to come up with. I don’t want to do that, it will mess up my life. But I do need some lies in my life, because the fact is that truth or happiness, never both. Sometime we tell a white lie merely to protect someone, to prevent the situation from deteriorating. We are not malicious. When we clearly know the boundary of the black and white, we can be allowed to tell the lie to others.It is a successful and meaningful series. But there is something that happened out of people’s expectation. It also set off a trust crisis in the society between husbands and wives, teachers and students, bosses and employees… some people tend to doubt the other under the instruction from < Lie To Me > and others feel themselves like transparent man who doesn’t dare to say any words. A father made his complaint on the web-side: I told my son that there was something wrong with the television so as to let him do the homework, not to watch TV. But he said, No, I know you lied, you put your hand on the forehead, that’s the sign of lying. I learned it from <Lie To Me>. Now, more and more people are wondering whether they should love or hate this big hit.Actually, I had a dream when I was in the elementary school. I wanted to be a psychologist. I thought it was magic to find outpeo ple’s true feelings through appearance. But I changed my mind when I knew more about psychology. I can’t live in a world without lies and secret. I don’t want to talk with my friends with judging eyes. It is always said that people will never fell in love with a person who is a psychologist, even if they get married, they will never get the happy ending. Maybe it’s true. Dr. Cal Lightman’s divorce supported that opinion. We are human beings, we have our private room, we don’t want be stark-naked in front of anyone.Undoubtedly, the skill of detecting is helpful when we face some sticky case. But it can also hurt people, destroy friendship, kinship and loveship. So we must know how to use the skill properly, to make our work more efficient and effective.。



6. Lie to me is a crime series, the 3 seasons of which originally ran on the FOX network from January 21, 2009 to January 31, 2011. What a pity, Lie to me was cancelled on May 11, 2011 because of the declining audience rating, despite its popular in so many areas but America. There are specific information about seasons and episodes of Lie to me.7. In the plot, a corporation named The Lightman Group assist the law enforcement and government agencies to expose the truth behind the lies. The deception experts in the group interpret micro-expressions, though the Facial Action Coding System(面部编码识别系统), and body language. All the plot is based on Paul Ekman's research and work. Paul Ekman was an American psychologist at University of California, and also a pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions. Therefore, some conclusions and methods mentioned in the drama really exist other than fictional.8. Now I want to give you a short video to show the process of Dr. Lightman or Dr. Paul Ekman. In the Video, Lightman is assisting the FBI to find out where the criminal has dropped bombs.9. In the video, the sentence”Statistically speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes’ conversation” is a result of Paul Ekman’ s research. Now I want to introduce the 4 leading roles.First of all, Dr. Cal Lightman, played by Tim Roth. In particular, Tim Roth also played the leading role of the famous film the legend of1900(海上钢琴师). In the drama, Dr. Lightman is a genius psychologist, good at interpreting microexpressions and body language. His mother’s suicide when he was young led him start his research on microexpressions and found the Lightman group then.The character of Dr. Lightman is based on Dr. Paul Ekman.10. Second, the character of Dr. Gillian Foster, played by Kelli Williams, based on a emeritus(荣誉退休的) professor of psychology at the University of San Francisco,Dr. Maureen O’Sullivan. In the series, Gillian has a open pact with Lightman: not to let their professional skill interfere with coworkers' personal lives. She is so gentle to be a buffer(缓冲) against Dr. Lightman's extreme personality.11.Now I will show you the scene they two work toghther. In the scene, they just finished an interrogation against a juvenile offender, and was questioned by the baillifs.12. Third, Ria Torres, played by Monica Raymund. She is a natural in telling from lies, and she owes it to having dated many boyfriends. That’s why I want to share the wisecrack with you first, you can’t trust a man’s words even the punctuation between them. But the drama also shows, a natural need systemic training, too, or her judgment could be clouded by emotions.13. The forth one, Eli Locker, played by Brendan Hines. Unlike Torres, Locker acquired his skills through academic education and practice. Headheres to radical honesty, which usually brings some jokes. So I call him…14. And there is a video part about Locker’s radical honesty(彻底的诚实), that’s the first meet between Torres and Locker.15. Funny, ah? After all the videos, I want to show you what an expression of real emotion includes and how to tell from lies, according to Lie to me.17. People usually tend to hide the expression of contempt, but when you see someone’s…he is felling contempt.20. If you don’t find all these characteristics, the happiness could be false.23. Let’s have some examples I found in the network. All of the left pictures are from Chinese entertainment business, and all of the right pictures and explanations are from the drama. I suggest we just watch it, feel interesting, and have fun. Don't take it seriously.30. Lie to me is very popular and has a great influence in entertainment industry.31. First of all, different countries and areas have remade Lie to me on their own….33. There are various books published after Lie to me’s premiere. Here I just choose a few of them from the .37. …just as Dr. Lightman and Dr. Foster, they both divorced finally.Different expressions or body language have different meanings. For example, when a person shows disgust,he may be nose wrinkling and upper lip raised. When a person shows fear,may be his eyebrows raised and pulled together,he also raised upper eyelids. When a person shows anger,his eyebrows down and together.。

lie to me

lie to me

People lie to you with polite conversation Then when they finally show themselves to yo You realize you’ve spent all that time with a stranger .
Also a terrible curse
After Watching
• • • • • Event clear, small confused About white lie A godsend blessing, also a terrible curse Find a balance Have a happy life
A godsend blessing
Before watching
• We can not have both truth and happiness • even the believe ,there is a lie inside • We can choose what we want
Believe lie
Dr.Lightman uses any psychological technique he deems necessary to reach the truth, however elaborate or truculent.
Dr. Gillian Foster
He also adheres to radical honesty, and thus rarely lies, even if that makes him appear rude or undiplomatic.Such as in the pilot, when he first meets Torres, he bluntly tells her that he wants to have sex with her. Lightman demoted him to an unpaid intern after, despite Foster's warnings, he divulged sensitive information to the SEC while working on a case, calling his actions, which includes the fact that Loker made Torres lie about knowing it, "disrespectible, selfish, and just plain stupid."



• • • •
Tim Roth ... Dr. Cal Lightman Kelli Williams ... Dr. Gillian Foster Brendan Hines ... Eli Loker Monica Raymund ... Ria Torres
• 卡尔.莱特曼领导着当地一家名叫“莱特曼集团” 卡尔.莱特曼领导着当地一家名叫“莱特曼集团” 的私人研究机构,只要政府、FBI、当地警察、 的私人研究机构,只要政府、FBI、当地警察、法 律公司、 律公司、大型企业乃至于个人在寻找某件事真相 的过程中遇到了什么麻烦,卡尔.莱特曼和他的研 的过程中遇到了什么麻烦,卡尔. 究小组就会前来帮忙。协助卡尔. 究小组就会前来帮忙。协助卡尔.莱特曼开展调查 是行为主义心理学早期的创始人和著名专家: 的,是行为主义心理学早期的创始人和著名专家: 格丽安.福斯特。格丽安是具有天赋的心理学家, 格丽安.福斯特。格丽安是具有天赋的心理学家, 也是莱特曼的专业搭档, 也是莱特曼的专业搭档,两人在这领域既棋逢对 又相得益彰-- --格丽安关注大局而莱特曼关 手,又相得益彰--格丽安关注大局而莱特曼关 注细节,他们在一起能很好地平衡合作。 注细节,他们在一起能很好地平衡合作。莱特曼 正需要格丽安这样能够透视人类行为的人来指导 自己--不管他是否觉察到了这一点。 --不管他是否觉察到了这一点 自己--不管他是否觉察到了这一点。
• 莱特曼的另一个助手名叫艾里.劳克尔,首 席研究员,善于思考但是不善言辞,似乎 从来就不是说谎的料。相反的,他对于人 类喜欢撒谎而感到不快,因此决定实施他 所谓的“激进诚实”。他说出任何时候他 脑中所想的任何事,且经常为此付出代价。
• 里娅.托勒斯是这个团队中的第一个新成员, 里娅.托勒斯是这个团队中的第一个新成员, 莱特曼博士把她从机场安监保安的位置上 发掘出来。由于幼年时期的经历, 发掘出来。由于幼年时期的经历,她在洞 察肢体语言方面颇有天赋,似乎“天生” 察肢体语言方面颇有天赋,似乎“天生” 就是个完美的“活测谎仪”--不需经过 就是个完美的“活测谎仪”--不需经过 训练,便能看透人们的内心。 训练,便能看透人们的内心。这种能力使 得她在团队中的作用极其重要-- --同事们 得她在团队中的作用极其重要--同事们 忽略掉的细节,丽娅. 忽略掉的细节,丽娅.托勒斯往往能敏锐地 注意到其中的蹊跷。 注意到其中的蹊跷。在剧中莱特曼博士对 其能力极其青睐。 其能力极其青睐。

lie to me图文

lie to me图文

lie to me……对于整个人类来说,很多表情及其表现的情绪都是很常见的,因此大脑能够搜寻并理解这些面部信息。







根据Paul Ekman博士(本剧人物原型)的研究,不论有怎样的文化差异,人类都至少拥有七种表情:高兴、伤心、害怕、愤怒、厌恶、惊讶、轻蔑。




















第一集人在每10分钟的谈话中要说3次谎微表情持续不到五分之一秒的表情单肩耸动表示他多所说的话极不自信撒谎时人们更倾向于盯着你想看你相不相信他们的谎言生硬的重复是典型的谎言眉毛倾斜悲伤男人鼻子里有海绵体当他们想要掩饰时鼻子就会痒经典的摸棱两可摇头之前先轻轻地点一下头祝贺你拆穿了一个谎言还有无数个等着你左手插在裤袋里顶着大腿紧张真相和快乐不可兼得撒谎时很难把事情倒叙说出来因为都是编的撒谎者按顺序编故事从没想过倒过来顺一遍害怕愤怒性欲能使人的瞳孔放大害怕时人就会尽力保持现状虚情假意不会有眨眼五指向上紧贴在身体一侧很紧张有意识的手势表示停下住口典型的生理逃跑反应血液从四肢回流至腿部做好逃跑准备人的手部首先冰凉眼眉向上抬表示发问的人知道问题的答案第二集撤退的手势倒退一步表示他对自己的话毫无信心语速快将篮球放在胸前在彼此之间竖起了一道屏障这些都是焦虑的表现那次强奸没有预谋而且只有一次没有其他暴力行为这样的强奸犯一般都是为了证明自己力量的男性主义崇尚者纵火和强奸有非常高的相关性他们都是为了自我证明而出现的犯罪行为惊讶眉毛上扬下颚张开撇嘴经典的泄漏内心的表情这表示他对自己说的话没有信心人们说谎的时候就会摸脖子平放在桌面上手心朝下的手掌以小拇指一侧为轴向上翻起当女性听强奸受害者描述时他们会有某些固有的情绪他们会脸红移开眼睛或者耸肩向前伸出下巴生气的表现眉毛挑起向中间靠近害怕的表现第三集词语重复声调升高说谎的表现肉毒杆菌会麻痹面部肌肉致使前额和眼部无法正常活动通常杀害女儿的母亲都会表现出内疚除非她有反社会倾向据调查在学校的越受欢迎的孩子越会撒谎当一个人的两侧面部表情不对称时很可能他在伪装情感激眩晕:有时在自杀者身上会出现该反应据统计学的数据 15岁的女生正开始酗酒尝试毒品传染上疾病说话缓慢而柔和说明他处于极度悲伤和焦虑之中MPH:用来治疗注意力不集中的药物它能帮助你集中精神下意识地摸自己的手是一种自我安慰的手势在自己并不完全相信自己说的话时尽量打消自己的疑虑人真正发怒的时候表现生气的言语和行为应该是同步的基本上只有清白的人才会承认与被害人争吵过有罪的人不会承认任何让自己有嫌疑的事情文拉法辛(译名):是治疗抑郁和焦虑的这种药的副作用是失去时间和方向感并致人头晕眼花研究表明受欢迎的孩子大多能说会道他们善于隐藏自己真实情感因此他们很受欢迎真正的凶手如果面对他的受害者会表现出厌恶轻视甚至害怕但绝不会惊讶第四集眉毛朝下紧皱上眼睑扬起眼周绷紧表示行为人将要实施血腥的罪行的表情如果你看到这种表情这个人很可能准备袭击别人韩国人不喜欢表露情感那是有损尊严的在西方文化中上述规律是谈话的时候要直视对方的眼睛而在韩国这被视作不礼貌眉毛上扬并挤在一起是害怕担忧和恐惧的表现说话时2边嘴角下拉眼睛向下看表示尴尬欺骗的快感:说谎者发现他的谎言被人相信所产生的满足感过去40年里亚洲大概发生了1000起自杀袭击事件在越南印度和韩国最为常见90%的枪击案犯是男性多数是在17到49岁之间眨眼睛说明当事人隐瞒了什么人说谎时会犹豫说话也会重复会没法组织好自己该说的话说谎的典型症状他的手指指向一边而他的眼睛却看向另一边这是因为他要绞尽脑汁捏造事实而他的肢体则完全跟不上说话时语速加快意味着他的感情加重了说谎时人会下意识地耸肩膀第五集消防队是纪律部队面对逆境时他们会更团结紧张的表现:咬嘴唇摸耳朵这意味着当事人的控制欲在增长反应潜伏期:回答之间的时间差在谎言突然说出时很多人以为撒谎要花更多时间来反应但如果谎言已提前准备好你会迫不及待说出来鼻孔外翻嘴唇紧闭是生气的表现眉毛往下眼皮上扬说明当事人是个好斗的人眉毛向上拉紧是恐惧的表现人在撒谎时会下意识地弓起身子第六集孩子离家出走前的普通征兆:家庭暴力忽视小孩吸毒酗酒Medcoprogesterone:一种控制睾丸素分泌量的药物眼睛睁大表明当事人感到意外吞咽动作是强烈感情的一种表示对话时前后文细节相联系说明说话人说的是事实人感到紧张时会触碰自己的脸这是情绪控制第七集“我只说一次”——典型的掩饰性言论美军部队都会教士兵们故意含混字词,如果他们被抓后被强迫坦白的话,敌人是听不出差别的,但这暗示这些人还没有彻底击垮你。

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• 《lie to me》的剧情是 根据真人真事改编。其 中提到的一些测谎技术 也是立足于科学研究的 。
剧中最让人感觉贴近生 活的便是一些对美国或 世界知名人士的真实照 片的引用。
• 不过这样的苦心也只有 在美国可以行得通,在 中国,就算广电总局勉 强答应此类连续剧的播 出,恐怕也没有人敢在 剧中引用表现领导们正 直之外的照片吧。
- lying.
The liar like usual understanding that will avoid the other eye,
instead more need to judge whether your eyes that he said. 撒谎者不像惯常理解的那样会回避对方的眼神,反而更需要眼神交流来 判断你是否相信他说的话。
Lie To Me
别对我撒谎 《Lie to me》
中文名: 外文名: 其它译名: 出品公司:
制片地区: 编剧: 主演: 类型: 上映时间:
Lie To Me 千谎百计
美国 萨穆尔.包姆 蒂姆·罗斯,凯莉·威廉姆斯 悬疑,心理,剧情
• 《Lie to me》是一部描述心理学的美国电视剧,于 2009年1月21日首播于福克斯电视网。普通人在每 十分钟的谈话中会说三个谎话, 通过分析一个人的 脸、身体、声音和话语来察觉真相, 研究面部表情 和随机肢体语言来探索你是否撒谎以及为何撒谎 。 对脸部表情的分析,读懂一个人的感情--从隐藏 在心底的憎恶,到性的冲动,再到嫉妒。
expression. 说话时抚摸双手多半是对自己的表述不自信。
Really surprised expression fleeting, more than a second is
pretending. 真正的吃惊表情转瞬即逝,超过一秒钟便是假装的。
The speech was accidentally, unconscious of a symbolic gesture of meaning, have special - hostile.
• When people are asked to facts, small action will appear.
• 当人们在被质问到事实时, 会出现些小动作。(如摸
Men are filled, below nose nose representative want to hide
If the other party to your qБайду номын сангаасery disdain, usually you can query is true. 如果对方对你的质问表示不屑,通常你的质问会是真的。
Hand on shame,Near said brow. 手放在眉骨附近表示羞愧。
Mouth is classic, and down on his face, make mistakes if no confidence
something. 男性鼻子下方有海绵体,摸鼻子代表想要掩饰某些内容。
The body and language, said he was lying. 身体和语言不一致,表示他在撒谎 。
I did not have sexual relations with that women, Ms. Lewinsky. 而不是用的 didn‘t,还有that woman, 这是为了刻意拉开距离
7.People got the slightest head nod "yes" before they shook their head "no". 摇头之前先轻轻地点一下头,是谎言。
When talking has put pockets or against the thigh, is nervous. 说话时一直把手放在裤兜里或抵着大腿,是紧张的表现 。
Smile is happiness, blinking. 微笑时眨眼睛,说明是幸福 的笑。
There is no false smile canthus wrinkles. 假笑眼角是没有皱纹的。
People will lie neck, it is the classic touched the mechanical response.
When talking to his touch hands is probably not confident of
说谎者一般语言和 表情相互矛盾。如 果一个人的表情并 非发自内心,他一 般会把脸部的肌肉 运动集中在嘴巴的 部分。如果一个人 皱着眉头对你说 ‘我爱你’,你一 定不要相信。”
1.The average person tells three lies per ten minutes' conversation. 人在每10分钟的谈话中要说3次谎。 2.One-sided shrug shows I've absolutely no confidence of what I just said. 单肩耸动 表示他对所说的话极不自信。 3.Surprise lasts for less than a second when it comes across face. 惊讶的表情不会超过1秒。 4.When someone lie, they often make more eye contact, because they need to watch, see if you believe lies. 撒谎时人们更倾向于盯着你,想看你相不相信他们的谎言。 5.Rigid repetition is a typical of a lie. 生硬的重复是典型的谎言。 6.Oblique eyebrows show sadness. 眉毛倾斜代表悲伤。