The Ron Clark Story 热血教师 For Fun.PPT


热血教师 人物

热血教师 人物

• 2006, Matthew Perry, who plays Ron Clark, was nominated for the Best Actor Golden Globe and again at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. • 2007 金球奖(Golden Globe) Best Performance by an Actor in a Miniseries or a Motion Picture Made for Television(提名)《热血教师》 • 2006艾美奖 Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or Movie(提名) • 演员工会奖(Actor) Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries(提名)
Awards and nominations
• On March 10, 2007, the 28th Annual Young Artists Association honored the film as the “Best Family Television Movie or Special,”
• In 1986, Haines made her theatrical[θi‘ætrikəl] feature debut named by Children of a Lesser God(《悲怜上帝的 女儿》), which earned much attention at the Academy Awards and a best actress of Oscar. • In 2002, Haines produced Denzel Washington's directorial debut Antwone Fisher .

The Essential 55(By Ron Clark)《热血教师》

The Essential 55(By Ron Clark)《热血教师》

The Essential 55(By Ron Clark)教育的55个细节--一个美国优秀教师的教学心得罗恩.克拉克:美国北卡罗来纳州人,1995年起执教,2001年赢得了年度迪斯尼美国优秀教师奖。


Ron Clark has been a teacher since 1995. Originally fromNorth Carolina, he has taught in some of the most difficultschools in the country, most recently in Harlem, New York.Since winning the 2001 Disney Teacher of the Year Award,Clark has spoken to teachers, PTAs, and school boards acrossthe country. He lives in Atlanta.An Award-Winning Educator's Rules for Discovering theSuccessful StudentThe runaway bestseller that's a must-have for every parent andteacher.Rule 1: Responding to adultsWhen responding to any adult, you must answer by saying “Yes ma’am” or “No sir.” Just nodding your head or saying any other form of yes or no is not acceptable.Rule 2: Making eye contactMake eye contact. When someone is speaking, keep your eyes on him or her at all times. If someone makes a comment, turn and face that person.Rule 3: Congratulating a classmateIf someone in the class wins a game or does something well, we will congratulate that person. Claps should be of at least three seconds in length.Rule 4: Respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideasDuring discussions, respect other student’s comments, opini ons, and ideas. When possible, make statements like, “I agree with John, . . .” or “I disagree with Sara. She made a good point, but…”Rule 5: If you win, do not brag; if you lose, do not show anger.Instead, say something like, “I really enjoyed the competition,” or “Good game,” or don’t say anything at all.Rule 6: If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.It is only polite to show others that you are just as interested in them as they are in you.Rule 7: Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and say excuse me.Rule 8: Do not show disrespect with gestures.Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.Rule 9: Always say thank you when given something.There is no excuse for not showing appreciation.Rule 10: When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver.never insult that person by making negative comments about the gift.Rule 11: Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness.Go out of your way to do something surprisingly kind and generous for someone at times. Rule 12: When grading other students’ papers, give only the correct grade.Rule 13: When we read together in class, you must follow along. If I call on you to read, you must know exactly where we are and begin reading immediately.Rule 14: Answer all written and oral questions with a complete answer.e.g.-- “How are you?” don’t respond: “Fine,”but“I’m doing fine, thank you. How about yourself?”Rule 15: Do not ask for a reward.It is rude to ask if you are getting something for good behavior. You should be good and try your best because you are trying to better yourself, not because you are anticipating a reward. Rule 16: You must complete your homework everyday.Homework will be turned in each day for each subject by every student with no exceptions. Rule 17: Subject transitions will be swift, quiet, and orderly.We should be consistently able to turn from one book or assignment to another, complete with all homework and necessary materials, as quickly as possible.Rule 18: Make every effort to be as organized as possible.Rule 19: When homework is assigned, do not moan or complain.Rule 20: When a substitute teacher is present, all class rules still apply.While you are with a substitute teacher, you will obey the same rules that you follow.Rule 21: Follow the specific classroom protocols.We will be organized, efficient, and on task. Examples: Do not get out of your seat without permission. Exceptions: sick…Rule 22: You may bring a bottle of water to class; you may not leave for a drink of water during class.Rule 23: Know all teachers’ names and greet them in the hall by name.Rule 24: Keep yourself and the restrooms clean and germ-free.Flush the toilet and wash your hand after using the rest room.Rule 25: Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.Rule 26: Do not save seats.If someone wants to sit down, let him or her. Do not try to exclude anyone. We are a family, and we must treat one another with respect and kindness.Rule 27: Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded.If I or any other teacher in the school is speaking to or disciplining a student, do not look at that student. You wouldn’t want others looking at you if you were in trouble or being reprimanded, so don’t look at others in that situation. If you are the student I am talking to, do not get angry or fuss at students who are looking at you. Let me know and I will handle the situation.Rule 28. Call me if you have a question about homework, and leave a message--once.Rule 29: The ABC’s of etiquette.(A-Z)e.g. Never talk to waiters or waitresses as if they are servants. Treat them with respect and kindness.Rule 30: After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere, be responsible for your trash.Rule 31: In a hotel room, leave a tip for the hotel workers who clean your room.Rule 32: On a bus, always face forward, never turn around to talk or play.Rule 33: When meeting new people, shake hands and repeat their names.Rule 34: When offered food, take only your fair share. Don’t be greedy or disrespectful.Rule 35: If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up and hand it back. Rule 36: Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them.Rule 37: If someone bumps into you, say excuse me, even if it was not your fault.Rule 38: On a field trip, enter a public building quietly.Rule 39: On a field trip, compliment the place you are visitingRule 40: During an assembly, do not speak or call out to friends.Uphold an image that shows we have our act together.Rule 41: At home, answer your phone in a polite and appropriate manner.Rule 42: When returning from a trip, shake the hands of every chaperone.These people have gone out of their way for you, be respectful and appreciative.Rule 43: On escalators, stand to the right, walk to the left. (In stairwells/hallways, walk on the right)Rule 44: When walking in line, keep your arms at your sides and move quietly.Rule 45: Never cut in line.Rule 46: No talking in a movie theater during the movie.Rule 47: Do not bring Doritos into the school building.Rule 48: If any child in this school is bothering/bullying you, let me know.As your teacher, I will protect you and avoid making you feel uncomfortable.Rule 49: Stand up for what you believe in. You shouldn’t take no for an answer if your heart and mind are leading you in a direction that you feel strongly about.Rule 50: Be positive and enjoy life. Some things just aren’t worth getting upset over. Keep everything in perspective and focus on the good in your life.Rule 51: Live so that you will never have regrets. If there is something you want to do, do it! Never let fear, doubt, or other obstacles stand in your way. If there is something you want, fight for it with all of your heart in order to live out that dream.Rule 52: Accept that you are going to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.Rule 53: No matter what the circumstances, always be honest. Even if you have done something wrong, it is best to admit it to me, because I will respect that, and oftentimes I will forget and disciplinary measures because of your honesty or at the very least reduce the measures, significantly.Rule 54: Carpe diem. You only live today once, so don’t wast e it. Life is made up of special moments, many of which happen when caution is thrown to the wind and people take action and seize the day.Rule 55: Be the best person you can be.Assignments 1. understand each rule2.brainstorm about each rule, explore more, and form your own able to open your heart and talk about your ideas。



他来到纽约, 租住在一间小房子中 开始了梦想的追求……
没有老师愿意去带这个班级, 一年就更换了六位教师……
他却坚持要带这 个班级……
走访 他开始
CLARK 走进了我们的课堂
他会抓住任何一个机会 让我们能够学习些知识
创作知识歌曲, 让我们学习一些总统知识
时时的小奖励激发我们 不断进步
辛苦劳累 他晕倒在了课堂上……
不能来学校 他就用录像为我们上课……
他教的5年级班的考试成绩位居福特郡第一名 但是 他选择了离开 去最需要他的纽约公立学校继续教师生涯……
RON CLARK 一位教师 从北卡罗来纳前往纽约大都市一所中 学开始了他新的教师生涯……
当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的, 所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End 演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
带病回到课堂 为我们做考前辅导

B6M2 Reading the story of J.K.Rowling公开课优秀课件

B6M2 Reading the story of J.K.Rowling公开课优秀课件
a delayed train between Manchester and London
What happened
She grew up the idea for Harry Potter came to her she worked as an English teacher and added flesh and the bones to the first Harry Potter story
Say as much information as you know about her.
J. K. Rowling, is a British novelist, best
known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The Potter books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple
and the PhSiolorscoeprehre’sr’s Stone F
Part 3 ()
What’s the effect of the Harry Potter series?
on society:
The Harry Potter books_a_p_p_e_a__l _to__readers of all ages.
she developed the format of the Harry Potter series
Part 2 (para.2--para.3)
True or False 1) She wrote the first novel by tyhpaenwdriter while

The Ron Clark Story 热血教师 For Fun

The Ron Clark Story 热血教师   For Fun

The Giving Up
Fight(口头吵架) with the Headmaster
The Birthday: turning point
New Ways to Teach
Creative Ways to Teach
• Drink a bottle of milk every 15 seconds if they focus on listening without talking • Teach them history of American presidents by making a song of Hip-Hop.
The First Class
"My school,my rules, my way"
No Line No Lunch
No Cutting in Line and No Lie
Broken Chairs ,Unfinished Homework and the Fight
"Give Yourself Another Chance"
The Ron Clark Story
For Fun
Ron Clark
• 罗恩· 克拉克,出生在北卡 罗来纳州,大学毕业后周游 列国,23岁开始在家乡的一 所乡村学校任教,5年后来 到纽约市哈莱姆区,取得巨 大的教育成功。年仅28岁, 他就获得“全美最佳教师” 的殊荣。 • 罗恩· 克拉克带领他的学生 第一次来到中国长沙,参加 2012年5月4日湖南卫视 《天天向上》节目,现场再 现了他的教学风采。



The film is from a novel written by Mary Shelly in 1816.
How was the monster created?
The 1931 film is still the most famous film of all horror films.
What happened to the monster then?
Read part 1 and find the general idea of the paragraph.
The general story of Frankenstein
Main idea: __________________________
1. The monster began to hate his creator because ( )
Retell the story using the first person according to these questions.
• What did you create? • What did the monster look like ? • What did the monster ask you to do? • What happened in the end?
1. In order to give life to a lifeless body, Frankenstein ( D ) A. had worked hard for nearly two years with more than one aim B. could sleep well as before C. was tired of doing this before giving life to it D. hadn’t slept for this and had destroyed his own health


三、面对“新问题”,明星教师怎样创新教学方法?受国际大环境以及个体成长环境等的影响,90后已经形成了自己独具特色的张扬个性。中小学教师是最先感受到新生代群体所具有的独特特征的专业工作者之一,他们在对“90 后”的学生的教育过程中,深刻体会到他们与之前学生的不同。而新生代学生的出现也自然而然的对明星教师提出了的新的挑战、新的要求——“了解学生,因材施教,创新教学方式”。他们也必须在深入了解新生代学生特点的基础上,因材施教,有针对性地调整自身原已固定化的教育理念与教授方法,才可能实现他们的教育目标。明星教师克拉克,针对不同学生的个性特点,采用独特的方式帮助他们更好的学习。他利用学生的好奇心与叛逆心理,以喝牛奶的极端方式使学生认认真真的听完了一堂语法课;利用胡里奥对数学的敏感,以边打牌边教学的方式培养他的数学才能;他还利用学生的爱好和学习状况,将历史知识改编为Rap (美国黑人的流行音乐),让学生在说唱音乐的过程中轻轻松松地掌握了历史知识。所以明星教师面对新问题时,要想找到一条行之有效的发展之路首先需要了解学生,了解学生是一个换位思考的过程,它要求明星教师平等地看待每一位学生,并且要站在学生的角度考虑问题,了解他们的真实需求。第二要敢于创新教学,不受传统教学方法的禁锢,这样才能继续开创出自身的特色发展之路。
周圹芳 初教11302 56号
所谓明星班主任就是经验丰富且又在一定范围内有较高知名度和美誉度的班主任。这类班主任一般都很有带班经验,大多不自觉地形成比较固定的带班模式。电影《热血教师》(The Ron Clark Story)中的主人公克拉克,作为一名明星班主任通过自己坚持不懈的努力,将多数人眼中的一群“问题学生”转变成了优秀学生。克拉克坚守“勇于梦想,敢于冒险”的人生信念,不顾众多人的不解与劝阻,毅然接手了人人见而避之的哈林中学成绩最差的一个班,这个班就如同一个问题结合体,所有人都对他们无能为力,就连他们自己都觉得自己是“Loses”。面对这一群“无可救药”的孩子,明星班主任克拉克也一度疯狂过、想要放弃过。如当他们没有按时写日记,并得到莎美卡不尊重的回应时,克拉克疯狂的摇晃桌子,绝望的离开教室,并决定认输,选择离开。那最终究竟是发生了什么样的转变,使成绩最差的学生变成全州最优秀的学生的呢?本文试图谈谈从克拉克的教学实践中对明星教师带新班的启示。



今年这里不仅只是一个学校。今年我们要成为一家人,我要成为你 的家人,你们也要成为我的家人,这就意味着我不会离开,你们也 不会离开。
Shameika, this is a family, and family treat each other with respect, they never, ever, lie to on another. 莎美卡,这是一个家庭,家人之间是要互相尊重的,他们永远也不 会对彼此撒谎的
He focus on the importance of respect for students, encourage and communicate with parents. Beside, he tought students to learn to respect others and help each other.
In order to attract the attention of the students in the teaching , he used a variety of ways. He wrote about the American history into rap songs and tought them to his students.
What, you felt helpless? They feel that way every day. 怎么,你觉得无助?这种感觉他们每天都能感受。 These kids can do anything I am asking them to do , and even more. They just won’t. So… today I gave up.
The problem is not the kids, the problem is what you except them to achieve.



Brad said: "hope is a hard habit to break." Even if the 24 schools were rejected, he still knocked twenty-fifth school gate...... He has now become one of the most famous teachers in America, He never give up any one of their children, as he never give up himself.
When an understanding school principal offers him encouragement, amazingly, Brad decides to become the teacher that he never had. 当一个了解真实情况的 校长给了他鼓励之后, 令人惊讶的是,布拉德 决定成为一名老师,这 是他曾经从未想过的。
布拉德说:“希望是很难戒掉的习惯。” 哪怕被24所学校拒绝,他依然敲开了第25所学校的大 门…… 他现在已经成为了全美最著名的老师之一, 他从未放弃任何一个孩子,就像他从未放弃自己一样。
My feelings after watching this movie
determination braveness humor optimism strong belief 决心 勇敢 幽默的 乐观主义 坚定的信念
这是一个根据布拉德科恩真实 事件改编的故事,剧中讲述了 患有妥瑞氏综合征的主人公克 服了令人难以置信的障碍成为 一个极有天赋的老师的历程。
When he was growing up, Brad started making strange action all the time. Only Brad and his supportive mother knew that he couldn't control it. He was teased, misunderstood and punished for disrupting class. 当他长大,布拉德开始在所有 的时间做奇怪的动作。只有布 拉德和支持他的母亲知道他无 法控制。他被人取笑,误解和 因扰乱课堂被惩罚。



Mufasa's younger brother, simba's uncle .Ambitious he acted in collusion with the elephant graveyard hyenas, set the plot in an attempt to kill the young samba To save his son, mufasa's death in the beasts run (is actually died in his hand).He blames on unwitting simba, expelling the glory of countries, which, of course, to sit on the throne.But he wan unexpectedly will come back one day.
Character 角色介绍
Simba naughty, noisy, not afraid of everything, !Once made him but his father's death, disoriented, deported him and Timon and pumbaa lived as xanadu .Until nana, father and the mage's advice, the young... grasped the significance of his responsibility, and returned to the kingdom, challenge uncle scar.
This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土, 我不为她而战斗, 谁为呢?



教育电影经典台词《热⾎教师》 The Ron Clark StoryR: I shook a desk with a 12-year-old kid in it. I wanted to throw it.. And her, right out the window.G: Well, they’ve seen that kind of anger before.R: Well, not from me. I totally lost it.G: What, you felt helpless?They feel that way every day.R: These kids can do anything I’m asking them to do, more. They just...won’ I gave up.G: Don’t give up, Ron.R: Oh, yeah? How long has it been since you’ve auditioned?G: I don’t know. 2 years and 7 months. What? Broadway’s gonna miss me if I’m gone.Those kids, they will miss you. Maybe you can be that one guy that turns it around for them.R: 我疯狂地摇⼀张桌⼦⾥⾯还坐着⼀个12岁的孩⼦。


G: 他们以前见过⼈这么⽣⽓的。

R: 但不是我我...我完全失控了G: 怎么? 你觉得⽆助?这种感觉他们每天都能感受R:这些孩⼦能做到我的任何要求甚⾄更多. 他们只是...不想做.所以.... 今天我放弃了G: 不要放弃伦R: 噢是吗? 你从开始试镜到现在有多久了?G: 我不知道,.两年零7个⽉. 怎么了? 如果我⾛了.百⽼汇会想念我的..这些孩⼦也会想你的,或许你可以做那么为他们回头的⼈。
























热血教师读后感ReflectiononTheRonClarkStory(精选5篇)第一篇:热血教师读后感 Reflection on The Ron Clark Story Reflection on The Ron Clark StoryThe Ron Clark Story tells us a story about a white teacher from a small town, who moves to New York City and tries to and do make a difference in the lives of his minority students despite nobody, including the students themselves, believing in them.What impresses me most is his passion and love for teaching, espe cially the passion.It’sthe passion for teaching that keeps Ron Clark teaching students no matter how poor they do in their exams and never say die to the difficulties in teaching and daily life.Even when he is infected with severe pneumonia and can’t go to classes by himself, he help the students take classes via video he makes.It’sthe passion for teaching that keeps Ron Clark creating more teaching methods to make classes funny and interesting so that students can learn better and absorb knowledge more eff iciently.It’sthe passion for teaching that keeps Ron Clark caring almost everything about his students except for the marks.Not only does he help the students get high marks in exams ,but also he helps them grow up and realize their limitless potential.It’salso the passion for teaching that keeps Ron Clark moving forward and seeking happiness.We all know that the ending is a happy one.What leads to the happy ending is that Ron Clark never loses his passion for teaching and love.It reminds me of a simple fact that everyone are looking for happiness in their whole life, but they’re kind of losing passion for seeking happiness in the half way in most cases.That’s probably why they don’t get real happiness in the end.Fromwhat I have stated we know how important it is to have passion.Since passion is of great significance to us, we should find what our real passion is and follow it, then you will find your life more meaningful and colorful as well.第二篇:热血教师读后感《热血教师》观后感摘录办公室看着克拉克老师这么辛苦的一路走过来,我真的被他感动了,感动于他的执着,感动于他的毅力,感动于他最后的成功。


自由作家Freedom Writers
卡特教练/Coach Carter
听见天堂Red Like the Sky
为了霍洛维茨/My Piano
我的神奇符号/An Invisible Sign of My Own
叫我第一名Joe Somebody
风雨哈佛路Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story
舞动天地Take the Lead
心灵访客/寻找佛罗斯特Finding Forrester
萤火虫之星Fireflies River of Light
功夫梦The Karate Kid
光荣之路Glory Road

半个尼尔森Half Nelson
百万宝贝Million Dollar Baby
超龄插班生Billy Madison
尘封笔记本Closed Note
二十四只眼睛Twenty-Four Eyes
放牛班的春天The Choir
非常教师Dangerous Minds
面对巨人Facing the Giants
热血教师 The Ron Clark Story
死亡诗社Dead Poets Society



1.CLARK 犯的主观错误(视频:rule)
Clark积累了丰富的教 学经验,于是他主观 的认为,让学生快速 听从他的指令的方法 便是制定规则,并利 用惩罚的方法加以强 化实施,然而他的方 法增大了学生的抵制 情绪,他的决策失败 了。 (视频:抵抗结果)
几乎没有简单而普适的原理能解释组织行为。 一位著名的行为科学家精辟地总结道:“上 帝把所有容易的问题都给力物理学家。”人 类之所以复杂是因为他们各不相同,这使我 们很难总结出简单准确的 理论也应该是复杂的。 要充分调研所处组织的情境,才能做出正确 的决策。
积极强化和消极强化都导致了学习。它们强 化了反应,增加了其重复的可能性。前面已 提出,表扬巩固并增加了学生努力学习的行 为,因为表扬是令人愉快的。惩罚和忽视削 弱了行为,并减少了以后类似行为发生的频 率。 强化需要及时。
(视频谈心) 最终考试将近,学生的成 绩仍不容乐观,clark让学 生在一起讨论为什么成绩 考不好,让学生各抒己见, 并消除学生忧虑,灌输我 们就是一个团体的精神, 让大家相互扶持,全力以 赴,结果考出了好成绩。
Clark为了营造良好的 Clark的教学方式初有 学习氛围,把课室油 成效,学生的考试成 漆成蓝色,学生却不 绩提升许多,为此, 卖他的帐,把教师弄 他准备了一个糖罐子, 给每位考到A的学生发 得乱七八糟,对于学 生的不良行为,clark 放糖果,以奖励他们 取得的成绩。 选择了忽视,结果学 生没有继续破坏课室。 (视频:糖果)
高效团队需要一起工作和承担共同的责任, 以完成重要的任务。 高效团队队员之间彼此信任,而且,他们也 表现出对领导者的信任。 高效团队具有一个大家公认的、有意义的目 的,它能够为队员指引方向、提供推动力, 让团队成员为之做出承诺。 团队功效:高效团队很自信,他们相信自己 能够成功。我们把这特点叫做团队功效。
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Thank you for your attention
By Zack
Sickness Before the Important Test
Will these students help him?
Did these students finally pass the test like what we would like to see happen?
Two Clues
• Ron clark and his new students • Mr.clark and his "close female friend"
Students and Their Families
• Question:
If you were their teacher,do you think it's right for you to quit the job halfway?
How did these students treat his kindness after all these things ?
What about his love?
Please find the answers to the first 3 questions on your own.
Such a good teacher deserves a ture lover!
Leading Role:Ron Clark
• Matthew Perry • Friends---Chandler Bing
Ron Clark in the movie: a talented teacher , had a nice job in a good school , moved to New York to get a change.
The First Class
"My school,my rules, my way"
No Line No Lunch
No Cutting in Line and No Lie
Broken Chairs ,Unfinished Homework and the Fight
• Drink a bottle of milk every 15 seconds if they focus on listening without talking
• Teach them history of American presidents by making a song of Hip-Hop.
"Give Yourself Another Chance"
.பைடு நூலகம்
The Giving Up
Fight(口头吵架) with the Headmaster
The Birthday: turning point
New Ways to Teach
Creative Ways to Teach
The Ron Clark Story
For Fun
Ron Clark
• 罗恩·克拉克,出生在北卡 罗来纳州,大学毕业后周游 列国,23岁开始在家乡的一 所乡村学校任教,5年后来 到纽约市哈莱姆区,取得巨 大的教育成功。年仅28岁, 他就获得“全美最佳教师” 的殊荣。
• 罗恩·克拉克带领他的学生 第一次来到中国长沙,参加 2012年5月4日湖南卫视 《天天向上》节目,现场再 现了他的教学风采。