Baseball in America 美国的棒球

Baseball is America's national sport. So it is not unusual that many popular expressions come from baseball. But first, let me explain a little about the game.棒球是美国最流行的运动项目。
Each baseball team has nine players. The pitcher of one team throws the ball to a batter from the other team. The batter attempts to hit the ball. If he misses, it is called a strike. If a batter gets three strikes, he loses his turn at bat and is called out. The batter also is out if he hits the ball in the air and an opposing player catches it. But if the batter hits the ball and it is not caught, the batter tries to run to one or more of the four bases on the field. The batter can run to all four bases if he hits the ball over the fence or out of the ballpark. Such a hit is called a home run.每个棒球队有9名球员,一队的投手将球投向另一队的击球员。

1845年,纽约基洼岱俱乐部(New York Knickerbockers)制定了第一套棒球规则,这标志着现代棒球运动的诞生。
例如,巴德·塞利格的小说《The Art of Fielding》就通过一个小型文理学院的棒球队伍,探讨了个人成长和人际关系的主题。
此外,每年的美国职棒大联盟世界系列赛(World Series)更是全国上下关注的焦点,体现了棒球作为美国传统的一部分,如何将人们聚集在一起,共同庆祝这项运动的魅力。
baseball 单词来历 -回复

baseball 单词来历-回复Baseball 单词来历Baseball(棒球)这个单词的来历可以追溯到18世纪末的英国和美国。
阿尔伯特·史贝尔(Albert Spalding)是美国棒球早期的知名人物,他不仅是一位优秀的球员,也是一位杰出的商人。
史贝尔联合其他棒球领导者,通过建立纽约棒球会(National League of Professional Baseball Clubs)等组织,为现代棒球运动奠定了坚实的基础。

主要作品美国1. 棒球之爱For Love of the Game导演 : Sam Raimi主演 : Kelly Preston/Kevin Costner/John C. Reilly评语 :一部令人感动的电影2. 心灵投手The Rookie导演 : 约翰李汉考克(John Lee Hancock)主演 : Dennis Quaid评语 : 不论我们的年纪,都有追逐梦想的权利3. 完美比赛The Perfect Game导演 : William Dear主演: Clifton Collins Jr./Cheech Marin/Moises Arias/Jake T. Austin评语 : 完美比赛在球场上用表现去打破部分美国人的种族歧视的观念,用奇迹去战胜自己、实现自己未竟的目标……4. 魔幻大联盟Angels in the Outfield导演 : William Dear5. 红粉联盟A League of Their Own导演 : Penny Marshall主演 : Tom Hanks/Geena Davis/Madonna/Bill Pullman/David Strathairn评语 : 女子棒球队,因梦想而聚集在一起6. 追梦高手Hard Ball导演 : 布赖恩罗宾斯 (Brian Robbins)主演 : Keanu Reeves评语 : 一个沉迷颇深的赌徒康纳欧尼尔,他非常喜欢在运动比赛上下赌注,弄得他常常生活拮据、四处借贷,使得他的朋友也不堪其扰,最后他的朋友要他接下一份工作否则就不帮他清偿赌债-他要成为一个企业赞助的青少年棒球队的教练。

堪萨斯市皇家(Kansas City Royals),是美国职棒大联盟中, 隶属于美国联盟的棒球队伍之一。 主场位于密苏里州的堪萨斯市。 在美国联盟的分区中,属于美国 联盟中区。皇家的主场是考夫曼 体育场(Kauffman Stadium), 从1973年使用至今。队史第1座 世界大赛冠军,是在1985年获得。 皇家这一个名字的使用,起源于 1899年堪萨斯市进行牛仔竞技比 赛的美国皇家(American Royal)
底特律老虎(Detroit Tigers),是美 国职棒大联盟中,隶属于美国联盟的棒 球队伍之一。主场位于密歇根州的底特 律。在美国联盟的分区中,属于美国联 盟中区。 创建:1893年在威斯康辛州密尔瓦基 作为青年西部联盟的一员创建。该联盟 在1900年改名为美国联盟,1901年成 为成年棒球联盟。老虎是原西部联盟创 始成员中唯一一个留在原来城市的队伍
旧金山巨人(San Francisco Giants)是一支 位于美国加州旧金山的职业 棒球队,隶属大联盟国家联 盟西区。 巨人队为国联老球队,原为 纽约皇后区霸主,曾在纽约 夺冠5次。但是西迁后却一 直敌不过老对手纽约道奇队。
圣地亚哥教士(San Diego Padres)是一支在加利福尼亚州 圣地亚哥的美国职棒大联盟球队, 隶属国家联盟西区。 圣地亚哥教士队自1969年加入大 联盟后的最初10多年中表现并不 佳,直到1984年神父勇夺国联西 区冠军,并一举打进世界大赛(最 后惜败给老虎队),才受到人们的 关注。
芝加哥小熊队(Chicago Cubs)是美国职棒大联盟 (MLB)的一支球队。 该球 队的经济实力相对雄厚,有 超过100年的历史,而且球 迷也广泛的分布在全美各地, 但却有100年未赢得世界大 赛(World Series)冠军。这 是大联盟连续未获冠军时间 最长的球队。

Ice hockey
• Ice hockey is a team sport played on ice, in which skaters use wooden or composite sticks to shoot a hard rubber puck into their opponent's net.
1891年,加拿大人詹姆斯· 奈史密斯博士,为了给学 生们找一个冬季体育锻炼的方式,用2只破筐和一个破足 球创造了篮球运动。今天被人熟知的NBA成立于1946年6 月6日。成立时叫BAA,即全美篮球协会,是由十一家冰 球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在NHL比赛以外的时间, 不至于闲置而共同发起成立的。因NHL为NBA最初的发展 提供了一块创业场地,所以NBA也被称之为“NHL的小弟 弟”。1949年改名为国家篮球协会(NBA)并沿用到现 在。协会总部位于纽约第五大道645号的奥林匹克塔大厦, 现任总裁为大卫· 斯特恩。NBA同时也是北美四大职业体 育联盟之一,但是却排在NFL和MLB之后位列第三位。
世界五大最赚钱体育赛事:NBA联 赛仅居末席
• • 1.美国职业橄榄球联盟 利润: 9.845亿美元
我们现在需要看一看职业体育利润之王美国职业橄榄球联盟NFL的情况了。 据《福布斯》网站公布的材料,NFL的32支球队的运营利润在2005年达到 了9。845亿美元。你应当考虑到,NFL球队的平均价值为8。98亿美元,比 1998年高出了212%。
• NBA标志是由一位纽约平面设计师阿 兰· 西格尔设计的,并在1969年首次出现在 NBA官方的宣传资料上。不过NBA官方没 有正式公布过标志的设计者。标志的图案 是一名侧身控球的篮球员的剪影;整个标 志由红、白、蓝三种颜色构成,这与MLB (美国职棒大联盟)的配色一样,西格尔 解释说是为了“在两个联盟的标志之间营 造一种视觉和谐”

The game is traditionally known as America's national pastime. It`s very popular, for instance, in Japan, in Cuba, and in Dominican Republic. Baseball may still be the great American game, even though many other countries are deeply involved with the game.
• Before World War 2, there were two major baseball leaguerican League. Baseball was supposed to stand for American beliefs like equality and the chance to succeed. But the sport was representative of society at the time. The National League was for white players only.
Baseball politics
对于美国总统来说,棒球是台“政治提款机”。不 过要想按对“密码”,还要深谐“棒球政治”这门 学问。在历任美国总统里,第27任的塔夫脱没有大 作为,只干了4年就被赶下台,倒是因为在任期内签 署了将棒球定为“国球”的法令而名垂青史。担任 开球嘉宾是总统们必会的基本功。即使对棒球不感 冒,美国总统也一定要有自己支持的球队。更重要 的是,他既不能摇摆不定,也不能站错队伍。 奥巴马在竞选总统期间曾被问到一个敏感问题:“如果 芝加哥)的两支MLB球队(小熊队和白袜队)都打进世 界大赛(类似于NBA总决赛),要替谁加油?”他出人 意料地没有模糊处理,而是明确表态:“当然是白袜…… 你到Wrigley Field(小熊主场),你喝着啤酒,看到漂 亮女人,就不会把注意力放在球场上,但白袜则不然, 那才是棒球。”此言一出,立即引发了轩然大波。

1. Baseball棒球的英语名称是“baseball”。
2. Pitcher在棒球比赛中,投手扮演着极其重要的角色。
3. Batter打击手在棒球比赛中负责面对投手的球,并尽力击打出来。
4. Home Run在棒球中,击球手打出的最佳结果就是“home run”。
这个词组的英文表达方式是“home run”,其中“home”指的是得分的最终目标,而“run”则代表运动员跑完全垒的动作。
5. Infield棒球场地分为内场和外场。
6. Outfield棒球场地中,除了内场之外的区域称为外场。
7. Inning棒球比赛分为9局(9 innings)。
8. Strike当击球手没有击球、击球界定线之前被投手击中球,这就被称为“strike”。
9. Ball当投手投出的球不被击球手触击到,或触击之后落地有异常的弧度或落在投手板之外的位置时,就被称为“ball”。
【最新2019】中学生奥运会英语词汇:Baseball 棒球-实用word文档 (2页)

【最新2019】中学生奥运会英语词汇:Baseball 棒球-实用word文档
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中学生奥运会英语词汇:Baseball 棒球
棒球( Baseball )运动是一种以棒打球为主要特点,集体性、对抗性很强
baseball 棒球 ; 棒球运动 ; 棒球版 ; 棒球拍
ninja baseball batman 忍者棒球
baseball player 棒球运动员 ; 棒球
world baseball classic 世界棒球经典赛
baseball cap 棒球帽
baseball shoe 棒球鞋
baseball game 棒球比赛
baseball shoes 棒球鞋
Major League Baseball 2 K 9 美国职业棒球大联盟2 K
baseball park 棒球场
Dick fell for baseball when he was a little boy .

一、棒球:“美国国家消遣” ( America's national pastime)
• 课堂延伸——美语中源自棒球的习惯用语
一、棒球:“美国国家消遣” ( America's national pastime)
一、棒球:“美国国家消遣” ( America's national pastime)
一、棒球:“美国国家消遣” ( America's national pastime)
• 《纽约客》 ( The New Yorker) 杂志插画家史坦 博格(S. Steinberg )说,“棒球是一出蕴含美国精 神的表演,它有关于勇气、恐惧、幸运与坚韧, 严肃自尊而又复杂精妙,如果一个人缺乏棒球知 识,那么他便不可能了解美国。”
一、棒球:“美国国家消遣” ( America's national pastime)
• 在目前大联盟架构稳定以前,共有四个短命的职 业联盟,成立的先后依序为美国协会(American Association, 1882-1891)、 联合协会(Union Association,1884)、球员联盟(Player League, 1890)和联邦联盟(Federa动自流行之初即被赋以鲜明的美国式印记, 现代棒球之父查德维克(H. Chadwick)在最早提 倡棒球运动时 ,就指出棒球不仅是少数可以为所 有美国人 (包括女人与小孩)参与的运动。
一、棒球:“美国国家消遣” ( America's national pastime)
• (一)现代棒球运动的产生 • 已知最早的职业棒球运动员于1860年首先于美国;
一、棒球:“美国国家消遣” ( America's national pastime)


以前一般都是唱《Take me out to the ball game》,但是自从911事件发生后,就改唱《God Bless America》这首歌。
God Bless AmericaGod Bless America,Land that I love.Stand beside her, and guide herThru the night with a light from above.From the mountains, to the prairies,To the oceans, white with foamGod bless America, My home sweet home.美国人对棒球可谓情有独钟,他们不仅爱打,爱看,还热衷为棒球作歌。
英语阅读二(第十二课)中英对照Baseball in America

4. This was a publicity stunt.... in order to create a sense of nationalism around the game in order to make the fans believe that this was their game and it belonged to no other country. It was an attempt to popularize baseball to the highest degree. The legend"'' states that Abner Doubleday at Cooperstown invented baseball in 1839. This myth was generated in 1907 by the Commission of Baseball when Albert Spalding hired his friend, Abraham Mills, to form a commission to investigate the origins 6f the game. These men gathered information from some of the oldest players known to have played the game. Spalding recognized the appeal of patriotism and the dynamics of myth making. Historical myths and legends play a large role in forming national identity and patriotic pride. This myth enabled baseball to break all traces and origins of the game from England. This was in fact a farce"". Scholars and historians both disprove this myth and trace baseball's origins to old English games of rounders and criquet. In 1939, Baseball celebrated its one hundredth birthday and created the Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, New York. In the same year, the United States government created a commemorative stamp, which made 1839 the official birth day of baseball. This enabled Baseball to establish itself as a strange American religion in which people could return to the birthplace of the game to celebrate and remember it. Although this myth was pure falicy, the intent of the myth did enable baseball to distinguish itself as purely American and contributed to the sport becoming America's National Pastime.

美国职业棒球大联盟1919年的世界大赛,爆发了大联盟历史上最严重的放水打假球事件,史称“黑袜事件” (Black Sox Scandal)。当年交战的二支球队分别是国家联盟的辛辛那提红人队和美国联盟的芝加哥白袜队。
白袜队是当年战绩最佳的球队,也一致被看好能拿下世界大赛冠军,但先发一垒手甘地尔(ChickGandil) 和当地的职业赌徒苏利文(Joseph "Sport" Sullivan)合作,买通七位对白袜老板不满的球员(包括明星外野 手"Shoeless" Joe Jackson和二位先发投手),在比赛中放水让红人拿到冠军。大赛结束,红人果然以五胜三 负(当时采九战五胜制)击败白袜获得冠军。隔年(1920年)球季,放水传闻不胫而走,
美国职业棒球大联盟比赛现场图片(16张)美国职棒每年在六月份的第一个礼拜二举行业余(Amateur)选秀, 官方的正式名称为第一年球员选秀(First-YearPlayerDraft)。选秀一共进行50轮,而从2005年开始,选秀顺 位完全依照球队胜率来决定(以往必须要国联和美联球队穿插),由胜率最低的球队开始选起,依序直到胜率最 高的球队。选秀会将有两天时间可以进行,但联盟也有排定第三天的时程以备不时之需。第一天通常进行20轮, 剩下的30轮则留到第二天再进行。轮到的球队有2分钟的时间可以考虑,接下来球探一般会马上播**通知被选上 的球员,而球队有15天的时间可以单独跟球员签约,如果球队没能在15天内签下该球员,球员即取得任意球员资 格,如果高中球员选择进入4年制大学,则球队在球员到校上课前都还保有签约权利。如果球员选择进入2年制大 学,则球员在隔年选秀权的前一周,球队都可以签约,这个方式称为Draft-and-Follow程序,这个做法的好处是 球队可以多观察一个球员几乎多出一年,使得有些球队特别喜爱在选秀后半段选择2年制大学的球员。

美国打棒球英语简介作文Baseball, often referred to as America's pastime, is a beloved sport in the United States with a rich history dating back to the 18th century. It is played and followed by millions of people across the country, from professional leagues to amateur teams in local communities. In this essay, we'll explore the fundamentals of baseball, its cultural significance, and the passion it ignites among fans.Origins and Evolution:Baseball traces its origins to English games like rounders and cricket, which immigrants brought to America in the 18th century. Over time, these games evolved into what we now know as baseball. The formalization of the rules occurred in the mid-19th century, with the Knickerbocker Rules of 1845 serving as a foundation for modern baseball.Rules and Gameplay:Baseball is played between two teams of nine players each. The objective is to score runs by hitting a ball thrown by the opposing team's pitcher and successfully making it around a series of bases arranged in a diamond shape on the field. The team with the most runs at the end of nine innings wins the game.The pitcher, positioned in the center of the diamond on a raised mound, throws the ball towards the batter standing at home plate. The batter attempts to hit the ball and then runs counterclockwise around the bases. Meanwhile, the defensive team tries to prevent the batter from reaching base safely and to record outs by catching the ball, tagging base runners, or striking out batters.Professional Leagues:Major League Baseball (MLB) is the premier professional baseball league in the United States, consisting of 30 teams divided into two leagues: the American League (AL)and the National League (NL). Each league is further divided into three divisions based on geography: East, Central, and West.The MLB season typically runs from late March or early April to late September or early October, followed by postseason playoffs and the World Series, which determines the champion of professional baseball. The World Series is a best-of-seven series between the champions of the American League and the National League.Cultural Impact:Baseball holds a special place in American culture, often serving as a metaphor for the national identity and reflecting societal values. It has inspired countless works of literature, film, and art, capturing the imagination of fans and non-fans alike.From the legendary players like Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson, and Willie Mays to iconic moments such as Hank Aaron's record-breaking home run and the "Miracle on Ice"in the 1980 Olympics, baseball's history is filled with memorable milestones and moments that resonate beyond the ballpark.Fan Engagement:The passion for baseball extends beyond the field, with fans demonstrating unwavering loyalty to their favorite teams. Ballparks become communal gathering spaces where friends and families come together to cheer for their team, indulge in ballpark cuisine like hot dogs and peanuts, and experience the thrill of the game firsthand.In addition to attending games, fans engage with baseball through various mediums, including television broadcasts, radio commentary, and online platforms. Fantasy baseball leagues and video games also provide avenues for fans to immerse themselves in the sport and showcase their knowledge and skills.Conclusion:In conclusion, baseball is more than just a game—it's a cultural phenomenon that unites people of all backgrounds and ages. Whether played professionally or recreationally, baseball embodies the spirit of competition, teamwork, and perseverance. Its enduring popularity and timeless appeal ensure that it will remain a cherished part of American society for generations to come.。

美国打棒球英语简介作文英文回答:Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two opposing teams who take turns batting and fielding. The game proceeds when a player on the fielding team, called the pitcher, throws a ball which a player on the batting team tries to hit with a bat. The objective of the batting team is to hit the ball into the field of play, allowingits players to run the bases and score points. Theobjective of the fielding team is to prevent batters from hitting the ball, or to catch or field the ball after it is hit and return it to the infield in order to prevent batters from advancing around the bases.Baseball is played on a field that is divided into two main areas: the infield and the outfield. The infield is a diamond-shaped area where the pitcher, catcher, and four infielders play. The outfield is the area beyond theinfield where the outfielders play.The game is played in nine innings, each of which is divided into two halves, the top and the bottom. The top of the inning is when the visiting team bats and the bottom of the inning is when the home team bats. The visiting team bats first in the first inning and the home team bats first in the second inning.The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins. If the game is tied at the end of nine innings, extrainnings are played until one team wins.Baseball is a popular sport in the United States and is played by both professional and amateur teams. The Major League Baseball (MLB) is the highest level of professional baseball in the United States and is made up of 30 teams. The World Series is the championship series of MLB and is played between the winners of the American League (AL) and the National League (NL).中文回答:棒球是一种击球运动,由两个对立的球队交替击球和守备进行比赛。
棒球:美国的传统运动 英语作文

Title:Baseball:America's Traditional SportIntroduction:In this essay,I will explore the rich history and enduring popularity of baseball,often referred to as America's traditional sport.Baseball has deep roots in American culture and has captured the hearts of fans for generations.The sport's blend of strategy,teamwork,and nostalgia makes it a cherished part of American sports heritage.Body:Historical Significance:Baseball holds significant historical importance in the United States.It originated in the mid-19th century and quickly became a popular pastime.The sport has witnessed iconic moments and players who have left a lasting impact on American sports history.Baseball's connection to the nation's past adds to its cultural significance and solidifies its position as a traditional sport.Strategy and Mental Acuity:Baseball is a strategic game that requires mental acuity and decision-making skills.Players and coaches must analyze the game situation, anticipate the opposing team's moves,and make split-second decisions. The strategic elements of baseball,such as pitch selection,defensive positioning,and base running,add depth and complexity to the sport. The ability to outsmart opponents is a key aspect of baseball's appeal.Teamwork and Collaboration:Baseball is a team sport that emphasizes collaboration and teamwork. Players must work together to achieve common goals,such as scoring runs and making successful defensive plays.Each player has a specific role and contributes to the overall success of the team.The camaraderie and unity displayed by baseball teams foster a sense of community and shared purpose.Nostalgia and Tradition:Baseball evokes a sense of nostalgia and tradition.The sport has a timeless quality that connects different generations of fans.Baseball's traditions,such as singing the national anthem,the seventh-inning stretch,and the ceremonial first pitch,create a sense of continuity and reverence for the game's history.The nostalgia associated with baseball adds to its enduring appeal.Fan Engagement and Atmosphere:Baseball games provide a unique fan experience and create an electric atmosphere.The lively cheers,chants,and interactions between fans create a sense of excitement and unity.The ballpark is a gathering place for fans to bond over their love for the game,creating a vibrant and memorable experience.The fan engagement and atmosphere contribute to baseball's status as a beloved sport.Skill and Athleticism:Baseball requires a combination of physical skills and athleticism.Players must possess hand-eye coordination,agility,and throwing accuracy to excel in the sport.Hitting a pitched ball,making diving catches,and throwing with precision are skills that showcase the athleticism of baseball players.The display of skill and athleticism adds to the spectacle and entertainment value of the game.Cultural Impact:Baseball has had a significant cultural impact in the United States.It has been featured in literature,movies,and music,becoming a symbol of American identity.Baseball has transcended the realm of sports and has become ingrained in the fabric of American society.The sport's cultural impact further solidifies its status as America's traditional sport.Conclusion:Baseball's historical significance,strategic elements,teamwork,nostalgia, and cultural impact make it a beloved and traditional sport in America. The sport's enduring popularity and connection to American culture have solidified its place in the hearts of fans.Embracing the world of baseball allows individuals to appreciate the rich history,strategic nuances,and sense of community that make it a cherished part of American sports heritage.。

美国棒球文化英文作文英文:Baseball is a quintessential American sport that has been a part of the country's culture for over a century. It is a game that is loved and followed by millions of Americans across the country, and its popularity continues to grow. The sport has its own unique culture that is deeply ingrained in American society.One of the most important aspects of baseball culture is the idea of teamwork. Baseball is a team sport, and success on the field depends on the ability of players to work together and support each other. This is reflected in the way that players interact with each other on and off the field, as well as in the way that fans support their favorite teams.Another important aspect of baseball culture is the emphasis on statistics. Baseball is a game of numbers, andfans and players alike are obsessed with analyzing and interpreting these statistics. From batting averages to ERA to WAR, there are countless statistics that are used to evaluate players and teams. This emphasis on statistics has led to the development of a rich and complex statistical language that is unique to baseball.Finally, baseball culture is characterized by a sense of nostalgia and tradition. The sport has a long andstoried history, and many fans feel a deep connection to the game's past. This is reflected in the way that baseball is played and celebrated, with many teams and fans embracing the sport's traditions and rituals.中文:棒球是一个典型的美国运动,已经成为美国文化的一部分超过一个世纪了。
major league baseball读法

major league baseball读法全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Major League Baseball,中文译为美国职业棒球大联盟,是美国最大的职业棒球比赛联盟,由美国国家联盟(National League)和美国美国联盟(American League)两个联盟组成。
作为世界上最高水平的职业棒球比赛之一,Major League Baseball拥有悠久的历史和庞大的球迷群体。
Major League Baseball的赛程通常从四月持续到十月,其中包括常规赛和季后赛。
Major League Baseball的球队总共有30支,其中15支位于美国国家联盟,15支位于美国美国联盟。
Major League Baseball的比赛规则与其他职业棒球比赛相似,采用九局制比赛,每局有三次上场机会。
Major League Baseball除了比赛外,还有一系列相关活动和节目,如全明星赛、本垒打大赛、最有价值球员奖等。
Major League Baseball是一项令人热血沸腾、激情澎湃的体育比赛,其精彩的比赛和众多的球星都吸引着无数人的关注和喜爱。
希望Major League Baseball能够继续发展壮大,为球迷们带来更多的精彩,也为整个棒球界带来更多的活力和创新。
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Baseball in America 美国的棒球INTRODUCTION1. American Sports represent a fabric of American culture. Sports act as a unifying factor between people of all ages. Of all the sports that America has to offer, baseball is considered the pastime of this country. Americans did not always regard baseball and other sports in such a benign manner. Rather, sports during the early colonial times were seen as pagan and devilish things to do. Many elite"' and .wealthy gentry who embodied the Victorian ideals regarded any type of games or sports as ill vices. It was the common people who directly related sports to their religion. On days of religious celebration, early Americans joined together to play games. These folk games were unstructured and unruly; however, the unity that these games brought, created a need for professional sporting games. Folk games provided the foundation of sports. They created a sense of companionship and unison among individuals. These unorganized folk games created the threshold for organized sports and led to the transformation of the players' roles and the role of the audience. Amateurs`'' became professional athletes, and the game an organized business. The game of baseball evolved from the English game of cricket and rounders. It was not until the time of the Civil War that baseball began to be played frequently.在美国,运动是其文化的组成部分.运动是任何年龄的人所共同的生活因素.在美国人所从事的运动中,棒球被看作是整个国家的娱乐活动.美国人并不总是将棒球和其他运动看作是无害的行为.在殖民初期,运动被看作是异教的古怪的东西,许多社会上的精英和富裕人士都带有维多利亚的观念,把任何类型的运动都看作是邪恶和堕落的行为.是普通民众将运动和宗教联系起来,在宗教庆祝日,早期的美国人聚集在一起开始运动.这些民间的运动缺少组织和规则,然而这些民间运动为专业体育项目的诞生奠定了基础.它们在个体这间培养了友谊和团结的观念.这些无组织的民间活动是有组织体育项目的开端,并导致了运动员和观众角色的转变.业余选手成为了专业运动员,比赛成为商业活动.棒球是从英国的板球和圆场棒球演变而来的.直到内战时期,棒球才渐渐流行起来.2. However with the transformation of the nation, society and technology, folk games too began to evolve into spectator sports. After the Civil War, baseball became a popular sport and no longer an archaic folk game. Structure and organization were introduced gradually into the game and increased public participation. The sport at first excluded the public, but as economic interests infiltrated.... the game, the need for audiences and spectators arose. The audience of baseball was instrumental in the transformation of baseball. The battlingleagues and team rivalries created a sector for the American public to participate in baseball. The process of the transformation of American folk games into spectator games was due to capitalism, evolution of American society, urban settings, level of player performance, technological advances and the addition of structure and organization to the games; thus, transforming the sport of baseball into a monopolized and professional business.然而随着国家、社会和技术的转型,民间运动才开始演变成观众参与的运动.内战后棒球非常流行,而且不再是过时的民间运动.组织和机构逐渐参与到这项运动中,并提高了公众的参与性.这项运动最初排斥公众,但随着经济利益的渗透,迫切需要观众的参与.观众是棒球运动变革的一种手段.球队的对抗为美国公众参与到棒球运动创造了前提.棒球作为美国的民间运动向观众参与的运动转型,主要归因于资本主义、美国社会的演变、城市的建立、球员的技术水平、技术的发展以及相关组织和机构的加入.棒球这项运动逐渐演变成垄断性的专业性的商业活动.THE MYTH 传说3. Organized Baseball and the Commission have propagated the myth that General Abner Doublday invented the game of baseball. This was an attempt to make baseball an American game. The Com-mission wanted to distinguish baseball as a truly American game that originated in Cooperstown, New York.棒球组织及其委员会宣称阿博纳?杜伯戴将军发明了棒球这项运动.这试图使棒球成为美国的运动.委员会称棒球起源于纽约的库伯城,从而使棒球成为真正的美国运动.4. This was a publicity stunt.... in order to create a sense of nationalism around the game in order to make the fans believe that this was their game and it belonged to no other country. It was an attempt to popularize baseball to the highest degree. The legend"'' states that Abner Doubleday at Cooperstown invented baseball in 1839. This myth was generated in 1907 by the Commission of Baseball when Albert Spalding hired his friend, Abraham Mills, to form a commission to investigate the origins 6f the game. These men gathered information from some of the oldest players known to have played the game. Spalding recognized the appeal of patriotism and the dynamics of myth making. Historical myths and legends play a large role in forming national identity and patriotic pride. This myth enabled baseball to break all traces and origins of the game from England. This was in fact a farce"". Scholars and historians both disprove this myth and trace baseball's origins to old English games of rounders and criquet. In 1939, Baseball celebrated its one hundredth birthday and created the Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, New York. In the same year, the United States government created a commemorative stamp, which made 1839 the official birth day of baseball. This enabled Baseball to establish itself as a strange American religion in which people could return to the birthplace of the game to celebrate and remember it. Although this myth was pure falicy, the intent of the myth did enable baseball to distinguish itself as purely American and contributed to the sport becoming America's National Pastime.这显然是为宣扬棒球所显示的爱国广义而耍的花招,目的是让球迷相信棒球是他们的运动,不属于其他任何国家.这企图将棒球的流行推向最高峰.传说是这样的: 阿博纳?杜伯戴于1839年在库伯城发明了棒球这项运动.这一传说是棒球委员会在1907年杜撰的.那时阿尔伯特?斯伯丁派他的朋友阿布罕穆?米尔成立一个小组,负责调查棒球运动的起源.这些人从老棒球运动员那里搜集信息.斯伯丁意识到爱国主义的吸引力和传说的推动力.历史神话和传说对于形成民族特色和民族自豪感起着重要的作用.这一传说打破了棒球起源于英国的说法.这实际上是一场闹剧.学者和历史学家一致反对这个传说,他们都认为棒球起源于英国的圆场棒球和板球.1939年人们庆祝棒球诞生一百周年,并在纽约的库伯城建造了费姆堂.同年美国政府发行了纪念邮票,将1839年定于棒球的正式诞生时间.这使棒球成为美国奇怪的宗教节日,人们回到这项运动的诞生地以示纪念.尽管这一传说仅仅是误传,但传说真的使棒球成为美国所特有的东西,这大大推动了棒球成为美国的精粹.BASEBALL TODAY 今天的棒球5. Baseball today has been grown by issues such as revenues, advertising, marketing and other economic aspects. The concept of baseball as a sport has been forgotten. Rather it has become a business. Television hurt baseball but the sport has recovered. Organized Baseball has remained a fabric of American culture. It has though lost touch with the common man. Players are obsessed about salaries and stock options instead of playing the game for fun. The audience has still remained a vital part of baseball and the game's success. However, the sport has been tainted. There have been numerous strikes by baseball players against the owners. There have been scandal and drugs and steroids"'' have infiltrated the game, tainting its purity. The game has become revolved around money. Despite such problems, some players have kept baseball in the hearts of all Americans. Through their performance on and off the field, sports heroes continue to impact our daily lives. The errors of the past still haunt baseball and are still seen in the game's modern form, yet the sport of baseball is still intact and remains the nation's pastime. Television has improved and such record breaking events have been captured so that all Americans can enjoy the spoils. Baseball today is no longer a game of mystique that lures' the audiences in. It has become a business and the drama that used to be a part of the game that increased fan participation has been lost. Nevertheless, the game is an American game and is the pastime of this nation. The thrill of the game can still be recognized. Ballparks have become more vital to the sports success in this new era of sports. The numerous fans of baseball have found other sports or activities but the game has continued to spread and keep the public's interest.今天的棒球通常是和收入、广告、营销和其他经济方面联系起来的.棒球作为一项运动已经被人们所遗忘.相反它变成了商业.电视让棒球受创,然而棒球又复苏了.有组织的棒球运动是美国文化的一部分.然而它与普通人失去了联系.运动员热衷于薪金和股票交易特权,而不是为了娱乐而打球.观众依然是棒球和这项运动取得成功的重要力量.然而这项运动已经被玷污了.棒球球员对抗雇主的罢工现象大量存在着.丑闻、毒品和兴奋剂事件使这项运动受损,玷污了它的纯洁.这项运动与金钱紧密相连.尽管如此,有些球员仍然使棒球深深地印在全美国人的心中.通过赛场上和赛场外的精彩表现,这些运动场上的英雄依旧影响着我们的生活.过去的错误还在困扰着棒球,并在棒球当前的形式上有所体现.然而棒球这项运动依然是完好的,它仍然是国家的精粹.电视技术在改进,打破纪录的瞬间被记录下来,使所有美国人能够享受战利品.今天的棒球不再带有神秘色彩,引诱观众进入其中.它成为了商业活动,歌剧曾经作为这项运动的一部分,增加了球迷的参与性,但现在也没有了.然而,这项运动是美国人的运动,是这个国家的精粹.运动带来的强烈的兴奋依然清晰.在这项运动的新时期,球场对于比赛的成功至关重要.尽管许多棒球球迷发现了其他运动或活动,但棒球这项运动还在继续传播着,吸引着公众的注意力.CONCLUSION 结论6. Baseball emerged after the end of Civil War as popular game. The popularity of rivalries fueledthe attraction of the game and caused it to become the national pastime. The sport transformed from being a game of amateurs into a sport played by professionals. With that transformation, the innocence of baseball has been lost. The game of baseball went through many transformations. Once the owners took control, Baseball had its ups and downs. The sport experienced a dead ball era in which pitching was well below the standard of today. Also, with new technological advances in the game, the sport reached its pinnacle. With improved balls, bats, and gloves the sport took off and the dead ball era came to a close. The live ball era increased the role of the audience.棒球出现在内战结束后,并成为一项流行的运动.竞争和对抗使这项运动更有吸引力,使它成为国粹.这项运动从业余选手参与转变为专业运动员的比赛.随着这一转变,棒球的纯洁性丧失了.棒球这项运动发生了很多转变.当雇主掌控后,棒球经历了起起伏伏.这项运动经历了死球时代,那时投球要远远低于现在的标准.随着比赛中新技术的应用和发展,这项运动达到了巅峰.由于球、球棒和手套的改进,死球时代结束了.现场比赛使观众的作用更加突出.7. Despite all the atrocities of racism and discrimination and the ugliness of big business and greed, baseball is still the National Pastime. It still holds that status because it is American; it is unique and that aspect will always endure. The sport of baseball has migrated to other nations like Mexico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Japan, and Korea. The popularity has dwindled in the United States due to other social distractions, but the game has been absorbed by other cultures, demonstrating the attractiveness of the sport and the importance of the fans.尽管存在着种族主义、种族歧视、商业活动的丑陋和贪婪等令人不愉快的事情,棒球依然是美国的国粹.它仍然占据着这个地位,因为它是美国的,是独特的,而且将持续下去.棒球这项运动已传播到其他国家,像墨西哥、多米尼肯共和国、古巴、日本和韩国.由于社会上其他娱乐方式的出现,在美国,棒球对人们的吸引力已有所减弱,但是这项运动被其他文化所接受,从而显示了该运动的吸引力和球迷的重要性.。