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There be 句型专项练习题

一 . 用be动词填空:

1 There a teacher in the front of the classroom.

2 There some food on the plate.

3 there many children on the playground?

4 there any beautiful flowers in the room?

5 There not many fruits on the plate.

二 . 根据汉意填空:

1 a big cake on the table. (在桌子上有一个大蛋糕。)

2 pictures on the wall? No, there aren’t.(在墙上有一些图片吗?不,没有。)

3 There apples on the tree. (在树上没有一些苹果。)

4 There many fruits the plate. (在盘子里有许多水果。)

5 a tree in front of the house? (在房子前有一棵树吗?)

6 a party in my house tonight. (今晚在我家有一个聚会。)

7 There on the plate. (在盘子里没有一些桃子。)

8 There on the table.(桌子上没有一些蛋糕。)

9 There under the table. (桌子下有两条狗。)

10 There on the wall. (墙上有三幅图片。)


1 There is many fruits on the table.

2 Are there three pears ? No, there isn’t.

3 There aren’t some books in the bag.

4 Are there a flower in my hand ? Yes, there is.

5 Is there a apple on the tree ? Yes, there is .


1 在墙上有三幅图片。

2 在桌上有一块大蛋糕。

3 在门的后面有一个球。

4 在房子的前面有三棵树。

5 在树上没有一些橘子。


1.There are _____ days in a week.

A.the seven


C.the seventh


2.There ____ a school at the foot of the hill.

A.have B.stand C.are D.stand

3.There ____ a lot of good news in today's newspaper.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

4.There ____ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of them.

A. are

B. is

C. has

D. Have

5.____ any flowers on both sides of the street?

A.Is there B.Are there C.Has D.Have

There be句型用法口诀

There be句型有特点,主语放在be后边。主语单三用is,复数主语要用are。变否定,很简单,be后要把not添。变问句也不难,把be提到there前。肯定句中用some,否定疑问any换
