
The theme of SpongeBob SquarePants
The Importance of Friendship
Friendship is the cornerstone of the story
SpongeBob and his friends, Patrick and Sandy, form an unbreakable bond through their shared experiences and mutual support.
Introduction to SpongeBob SquarePants
The Origin of SpongeBob SquarePants
The character of SpongeBob SquarePants was created by Stephen Hillenburg in 1999.
Some notable friends include Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks, and Squidward Tentacles.
The friendship between SpongeBob and his friends is a key aspect of the show's warmth and humor.
Loyalty and trust
The characters are loyal to each other and trustworthy, even in the face of adversity, which is a valuable lesson in building and maintaining relationships.

Pink starfish. IQ is extremely low. do what things will fail, but it has been unusually severe sailing, help SpongeBob SquarePants cheated. To live in a large circular stone. The interior is sometimes concave and can be placed in furniture (almost all of the sand laziness and rather childish, often inadvertently sluggish flow of saliva, and hate baths, nor love hands, preference sleep. The interest is not like watch TV, picture signal. Friendship with the sponge baby best; and often encouraged Spongebob Squarepants made some dangerous action, often let the other troubled. Part time will instantly highlight the rich side of knowledge, such as the valuable proposals or quotes.
From Texas, a female squirrel, scientists, explorers and inventors. Love sports and science. Wearing space suits and helmets on the seabed. Live in a large circular reinforced glass shield under the seabed tree house, if the marine creatures to wear the helmet installed in the water. 来自德克萨斯州的雌性松鼠,身兼科学家、探险家和发明家。热爱 运动和科学。在海底穿著太空衣和头盔。居住在大型圆形强化玻璃 防护罩下的海底树屋,若海洋生物入内须配戴装水的头盔。

大鼻子章鱼。容易愤怒且势利眼。相当自恋, 自以为拥有艺术才能。目前是光头,但曾有 过黄色长卷发,并希望头发再长回来。居住 在一栋仿复活节岛人像的房屋。担任"蟹堡 王餐厅"的柜台人员,但并不喜欢自己的工 作,实而望能成为举世闻名的艺术家;喜欢 吹奏竖笛及采用多种风格画自画像。讨厌海 绵宝宝和派大星,尤其是海绵宝宝,且在他 们面前往往冷淡以对,但偶尔会对海绵宝宝 表达认同(通常是对章鱼哥自己有利)。 虽然讨厌海绵宝宝,但有几集中,显得没海 绵宝宝而感到寂寞。在海底世界加入二十几
Yellow rectangle, sponge body composition as a clean sponge. Birthday is on July 14, 1986. With two left hand, four fingers. With brown pants, white shirt and red tie as the main clothing. Although there are normal food, but the pure filter-feeding seawater can survive. Live in beach fort pineapple house; And as the local famous fast-food restaurant "king crab fort restaurant chef." Another win very many times "best employee this month" award, and set up the large closet to receive the trophy. The interest is catch jellyfish, blowing bubbles and practicing karate..

《The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie》 《Atlantis SquarePantis》November 12,
November 19,2004剧场版(棉球方 2007 TV Movie 电视电影(海绵宝宝的
块历险记/海绵宝宝 海神王皇冠)
"Spongebob Squarepants" is the famous cartoon in American , began broadcasting in 1999, was originally called the "wearing
sponge Bob".The name of the cartoon characters are also called SpongeBob squarepants.The cartoon movie hit was
adapted into movies and games.
《海绵宝宝》是美国著名卡通影片 ,于1999年开始播出,原名是《穿 方形裤子的海绵鲍勃》。 该卡通 片的主角名字也叫海绵宝宝。该卡 通影片热播后被改编成电影和游戏
Spongebob Squarepants is living in Bikini Bottom . It is yellow sponge, he is a lovely, generous . Feature: wearing square pants, yellow sponge, revealing two large teeth . Naively optimistic, full of good intentions, naive cute, never seem to have any trouble, every day happy; but despite his good intentions, are still unavoidable in trouble, a lot of jokes.
海绵宝宝介绍 英语演讲

SpongeBob•●Show Description: So Fantastic●•Deep down in the Pacific Ocean in the city of Bikini Bottom lives a square yellow spongenamed SpongeBob SquarePants, becausehe always wears square pants. SpongeBoblives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary,loves his job as a cook at the Krusty Krab,and has a knack ([næk]本领)for getting into trouble without really trying. When he's notgetting on the nerves of his cranky(['kræŋki]暴躁的)next-door neighbor, Squidward,SpongeBob can usually be foundsmack( [smæk]滋味)in the middle of all sorts of strange situations with his best buddy, the simple yet lovable starfish, Patrick , or histhrill-seeking surfer-girl squirrel Sandy. InBikini Bottom, fish walking, blowing bubbles is art, and the tastiest undersea treat is a deep-fried Krabby Patty ['pæti] Burger. Everything is so fantastic!SpongeBob is optimistic and earnest[’ə:nist(认真的,热心的), but despitehis best intentions, he can‘t seem toavoid creating problems forhimself —and usually everyone elsearound him, too. While trying toohard, he tends to do things wrong,which usually spells(招致)disaster.But SpongeBob is always looking onthe bright side of life, and hisenthusiasm(热情)about everythingmakes him downright irresistible(无敌的)[,iri'zistəbl]..↑SpongeBob —A trouble-makerPatrick‘s big ambition in life can be summed up infour words: Uh[ən] ...I...Uh...forget. As SpongeBob’sbest friend, Patrick is always offering his advice andencouragement. Unfortunately, Pat‘s not exactly thebrightest starfish in the sea, and he usually ends uphelping SpongeBob into a heap[hi:p]11) of (一堆)trouble. Even their simplest plans end up in disaster.But for better or worse, Patrick will always beSpongeBob's loyal buddy.Patrick —SpongeBob's loyal buddyGary is a snail, who leaves a trail ofslime [slaim](粘液)everywhere hegoes. He may not be so good atcatching Frisbees [‘frizbi:](飞碟)or fetching (拿来)slippers 拖鞋,but Gary is the best pet aninvertebrate [in ’və:tibrət (无脊椎动物)sea sponge with square pantscould possibly ask for .Gary —SpongeBob's loyal pet Sandy is a sea dome [dəum]-dwelling 朵squirrel[‘skwə:rəl,(松鼠)who lives for action andadventure. Since she is a land creature, sheneeds to wear a pressurized [’preʃəraizd](加压的密封的)suit under the sea. Sandy is BikiniBottom‘s only resident rodent [’rəudənt](啮齿动物), and SpongeBob‘s karate [kə’rɑ:te](空手道)sparring [‘spɑ:riŋ](对打)partner. ForSandy, SpongeBob is the sea bottom’s beststunt (表演特技)[stant] buddy, and when theyget together, crash helmets andparachutes['pærə,ʃu:t] are usually required.Sandy —the apple of SpongeBob's eyeSquidward is a mean,whiny[‘hwaini],(烦躁的;爱抱怨的;常发牢骚的)stick-in-the-mud (守旧的人;顽固保守)者squid [skwid]乌贼whothinks he’s better thananyone else. Everythingannoys him. The Krusty Krabannoys him. The customersannoy him. Mr. Krabs annoyshim. But most of all,SpongeBob annoys him —almost 24 hours a day.Besides working side by sidewith SpongeBob at the KrustyKrab, he is SpongeBob‘snext-door neighbor. If itweren’t for the fact thatSpongeBob is the only onewho likes listening to hisclarinet[,klæri‘net](单簧管)playing, Squidward would have nothing to do with him..Squidward —SpongeBob'slunch partnerMr. Krabs is the owner of theKrusty Krab. Making money iswhat it‘s all about for him, and hecan usually be found in his office counting his cash and adding upthe day’s receipts[ri‘si:t](收入).Although SpongeBob gets on hisnerves, Mr. Krabs likes that he’swilling to work long hours for littlepay, and sometimes acts like his mentor['mentɔ:](指导者). ith.Sheldon J. Plankton is an evilflea,and he always wants to getBoss Crab's secret of makinghamburgersSheldon J. Plankton Mr. Krabs —SpongeBob's bosshonourThe film won the U.S. animated children's television ratings winner, each month has nearly 60 million viewers, in addition to child viewers, there are half of the audience are adults. Had a row in 2002 to 2004 was the best children's programs Emmy Award, and in 2004 the U.S. television commentators Award for best children's programs. Film creators and executive producer Steven Xilunboge Nick is the most popular children's channel one of the creators, the 2002 winner of the Princess Grace Film Fund Award, and was the first Southern California environmental charity organization " Save the Beach "the highest honor. SpongeBob SquarePants•The world is complex,but life can be full of simple pleasures.If we have dream and live seriously,we can realize our dreams by the incomparable confidence, the spirit of a pathbreaker and The passion That Shall Never Die.This is the spongebob squarepants's faith.。

【Show Description:So Fantasitic 剧情如此奇妙】Deep down in the Pacific Ocean in the city of Bikini Bottom lives a square yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, because he always wears square pants. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple with his pet snail,Gary,loves his job as a cook at the Krusty Krab,and has a knack for getting into trouble without really trying.When he’s not getting on the nerves of his cranky next-door neighbor,Squidward, SpongeBob can usually be found smack in the middle of all sorts of strange situation with his best buddy,the simple yet lovable starfish,Patrick,or his thrill-seeking surfer-girl squirrel pal,Sandy.In Bikini Bottom,fish walking,blowing bubbles in art,and the tastiest undersea treat is a deep-fried Krabby Patty Burger.Everything is so fantastic.在太平洋深处一个叫做比基尼堡的城市里,住着一个方块形的黄色海绵,名叫海绵鲍勃方短裤,因为它总是穿着方形短裤。

• 蟹老板(Eugene H. Krabs) • 是一只螃蟹,「蟹堡王餐厅」的老板,本名蟹阿金,视钱如命,经常为了一块钱
而去冒生命危险。和痞老板是死对头,为了蟹黄堡秘方常常明争暗斗,曾经在海 军服过役,外号“金钟罩”。女儿是只鲸鱼,名叫珍珍。赢过一次马拉松,就因 为有人在终点掉了一分钱,曾因为海绵宝宝拣到一块像一块钱而实际上是像口香 糖的500元钞票而几乎得了强迫症。
• 特色:穿着方形裤子的黄色海棉,有两颗可爱的龅牙 • 家:太平洋比基尼海滩贝壳街124号的菠萝屋 • 职业:在蟹堡王餐厅当厨师 • 宠物:只会“猫~猫~”叫的蜗牛“小蜗”(是“猫~猫~”叫不是“喵~喵~”叫) • 好朋友:海星派大星、松鼠珊迪、章鱼哥
• 本动画的主角是一块居住在海洋深处的黄色海绵(住所是一个大菠萝中),他是一个可爱、慷慨大方、友好、 可信赖的朋友。他露出龅牙的笑容,非常富有表现力的脸和身体,以及他纯真美好的天性使他非常可爱。
• 痞老板(Sheldon J. Plankton) • 蟹老板的死对头,一只海臭虫,最大的愿望是偷到蟹堡王的美味秘方,给自己那从没客人的餐厅招揽到客
人。本名是希尔顿(Sheldon)。老婆是家里的一台电脑,名为凯伦(Karen)。他那没人光顾的店开在蟹 堡王对面,名叫海之霸。
• 海绵宝宝:“你知道小鸡为什么要过马路吗?” 派大星:“不知道。” 海绵宝宝:“因为小鸡要到马路对面去。”
• 海绵宝宝:“我准备好了,我准备好了,我准备好了…… (满怀激动说N遍)” • 海绵宝宝:“我们去抓水母!” • 海绵宝宝:“hi~章鱼哥~” • 海绵宝宝:“你说得对,章鱼哥。”

海绵宝宝作为本动画的主角,拥有善良、乐观、乐于助人等优秀品质,深受观众喜爱。他与 他的好朋友们一起,在比基尼海滩上度过了一段又一段美好的时光。
比基尼海滩是一个充满欢笑和友爱的海洋小镇。这里的居民 们互相帮助、共同成长。海绵宝宝和他的朋友们一起探索海 洋的奥秘,解决各种问题,共同抵抗外敌,保卫家园。
海绵宝宝主题展览和活动也取得了商业成 功,吸引了大量粉丝和游客参与。
海绵宝宝作为一部成功的电视动画片,在全球范围内拥有庞大的观众群体,对品牌传播 起到了重要作用。
海绵宝宝的形象和故事在网络上广泛传播,通过社交媒体、短视频等渠道扩大影响力, 提高了品牌知名度。
章鱼威廉经常找海绵宝宝的麻烦,海 绵宝宝需要发挥聪明才智应对挑战。
海绵宝宝在冒险过程中需要克服内心 的恐惧,勇敢面对未知的挑战,培养 自信和勇气。
海绵宝宝和朋友们一起寻找失落的宝 藏,通过克服困难培养团队协作精神 。
03 海绵宝宝的个性与价值观
海绵宝宝在冒险过程中关注海洋环 境保护,倡导大家珍惜自然资源, 减少污染,保护美丽的海洋家园。
海绵宝宝与派大星之间的 搞笑互动,展现他们纯真 无邪的友谊。
海绵宝宝在蟹老板的餐厅 打工,学习职场规则和人 际关系处理。

【Show Description:So Fantasitic剧情如此奇妙】Deep down in the Pacific Ocean in the city of Bikini Bottom lives a square yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, because he always wears square pants. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple with his pet snail,Gary,loves his job as a cook at theKrusty Krab,and has a knack for getting into trouble withoutreally trying.When he ’s not getting on the nerves of his cranky next-door neighbor,Squidward,SpongeBob can usually be found smack in the middle of all sorts of strange situation with his best buddy,the simple yet lovable starfish,Patrick,or histhrill-seeking surfer-girl squirrel pal,Sandy.In Bikini Bottom,fish walking,blowing bubbles in art,and the tastiest undersea treat is a deep-fried Krabby Patty Burger.Everything is so fantastic.在太平洋深处一个叫做比基尼堡的城市里,住着一个方块形的黄色海绵,名叫海绵鲍勃方短裤,因为它总是穿着方形短裤。

Spongebob and Patrick Star.
Patrick['pætrik] Star is Sponge’s neighbour and best friend. They often do funny and venturesome['ventʃəs(ə)m] things.
Although both of them have faults, they are still good friends.
Sometimes I am as silly as Spongebob. But I am happy.
Spongebob and Mr.Crab
Spongebob is MR.Crab’s employee. MR.Crab is a man who love money very much.
Patrick Star said to Sponge,“Spongebob, please remember that I will be right by your side and be your good friend forever.”
Spongebob never said I was a fool. He is my cute friend.
Both of us are dovelike [‘dʌvlaik]( 纯洁可爱的) child.
Spongebob and Squidward
“You are right, Squidward。”
Although sometimes Spongebob is very annoying,
But he is still a warmhearted man. Even if we have some conflicts, we are still good friends.

SpongeBob SquarePants has had a significant impact on pop culture and has become a global phenomenon The series has won numerical awards, including Emmy Awards, and has been translated into over 50 languages
The Story of SpongeBob SquarePants and His Friends
SpongeBob SquarePants and his friends, Patrick Star and Sandy Cheeks, share a close friendship
They often go on adventures together, supporting and helping
The show has been running for over two decks, making it one of
the longest running animated series in history
The show has won numerical awards and has been recognized
each other
The trio's friendship is a cornerstone of the show, teaching children the importance of loyalty,
friendship, and teamwork

介绍海绵宝宝的演讲稿英文Ladies and gentlemen, 。
Today, I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce to you one of the most beloved and iconic characters in the world of animation – SpongeBob SquarePants, also known as SpongeBob. Created by marine science educator and animator Stephen Hillenburg, SpongeBob has captured the hearts of audiences of all ages with his optimistic outlook on life and his hilarious adventures in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom.SpongeBob is a yellow sea sponge who lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary. He works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, a popular fast-food restaurant run by the greedy Mr. Krabs. SpongeBob's best friend is a pink starfish named Patrick, and together they embark on all sorts of escapades, much to the chagrin of their grouchy neighbor, Squidward Tentacles.One of the reasons why SpongeBob has become such a beloved character is his unwavering positivity and enthusiasm. No matter what challenges he faces, SpongeBob always manages to find the silver lining and approach every situation with a smile. His catchphrase, "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!" has become a symbol of optimism and determination for fans around the world.In addition to his sunny disposition, SpongeBob is also known for his quirky sense of humor and his love of jellyfishing, karate, and playing with bubbles. His childlike innocence and boundless energy make him a lovable and relatable character for people of all ages.Furthermore, SpongeBob has also been praised for his strong work ethic and his dedication to his friends and community. He is always willing to lend a helping hand and go above and beyond to make others happy, even if it means sacrificing his own needs. His selfless nature and kind heart serve as an inspiration to viewers, teaching valuable lessons about friendship, perseverance, and the importance of staying true to oneself.SpongeBob's impact extends far beyond the realm of entertainment. His influence can be seen in the countless memes, merchandise, and even a Broadway musical that bear his likeness. The show itself has won numerous awards and accolades, and its timeless appeal continues to resonate with new generations of fans.In conclusion, SpongeBob SquarePants is more than just a cartoon character – he is a cultural phenomenon that has left an indelible mark on popular culture. Through his optimism, humor, and unwavering kindness, SpongeBob has become a symbol of hope and joy for millions of people worldwide. So, whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the world of Bikini Bottom, there's no denying the enduring appeal of the one and only SpongeBob SquarePants. Thank you.。

介绍海绵宝宝的演讲稿英语Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,。
Today, I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce to you one of the most beloved and iconic characters in the world of animation – SpongeBob SquarePants, also known as 海绵宝宝 in Chinese. Created by marine science educator and animator Stephen Hillenburg, SpongeBob has captured the hearts of audiences of all ages with his infectious optimism, quirky personality, and unforgettable adventures in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom.SpongeBob SquarePants made his debut on television in 1999, and since then, he has become a cultural phenomenon, spawning a successful animated series, movies, merchandise, and even a Broadway musical. The show has been praised for its humor, creativity, and ability to appeal to both children and adults. It has also been recognizedfor its positive messages about friendship, perseverance, and the importance of having a positive attitude.One of the reasons why SpongeBob SquarePants has resonated with so many people is the character of SpongeBob himself. He is an eternal optimist, always looking on the bright side of life, and approaching every challenge with enthusiasm and a can-do attitude. His innocence and childlike wonder at the world around him remind us to embrace our inner child and find joy in the simple things. SpongeBob's unwavering loyalty to his friends, especially his best friend Patrick Star, teaches us the value of friendship and the importance of being there for one another.In addition to his endearing personality, SpongeBob SquarePants has also become a pop culture icon, with his distinctive appearance and catchphrases making him instantly recognizable. His pineapple house, his love for jellyfishing, and his job as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab have all become synonymous with the character, and have contributed to his enduring popularity.Furthermore, SpongeBob SquarePants has had a lasting impact on popular culture and has become a source of inspiration for countless fans and creators. His influence can be seen in everything from memes and internet culture to fashion and art. The show's theme song, "The Best Day Ever," has become an anthem for positivity and has been covered and remixed by musicians around the world.In conclusion, SpongeBob SquarePants is not just a cartoon character – he is a symbol of joy, friendship, and optimism. His appeal transcends generations and has left an indelible mark on the world of animation and popular culture. As we celebrate the legacy of SpongeBob SquarePants, let us remember the valuable lessons he has taught us about embracing life with a smile, finding strength in friendship, and never losing sight of the power of positivity.Thank you for allowing me to share the magic of SpongeBob SquarePants with you today. Let's all take a page out of SpongeBob's book and continue to spread happiness and laughter wherever we go. Thank you.。
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海绵宝宝的宠物蜗牛,只会“猫~”地叫。 拥有理解自然语言并进行沟通的能力。多数 时候待在海绵宝宝的凤梨屋。虽然是蜗牛, 但偶尔会穿布鞋,所以底部是有藏脚的;甚 至曾教导海绵宝宝如何绑鞋带。内壳藏有海 绵宝宝的我爱蟹堡 T-shirt 、 CD 播放器、小 蜗的照片、吃饭用时钟及黏液。外壳附有降 落伞机制。若是底部卡了东西会因不适而发 飙咬人。讨厌洗澡。在梦境可以使用自然语 言交谈,智商甚至超过海绵宝宝,是形裤子的海绵鲍勃》(SpongeBob SquarePants) 是美国电视节目历史上最受孩子们喜爱的动画系列片之一。该片曾获得全美儿童 电视动画片收视冠军,每个月都有将近6000万观众收看,除了儿童观众以外, 还有一半观众都是成年人。2006年央视引进国内,中文片名定为“海绵宝宝”。 《纽约时报》编辑梅尔曼对它的评价:“这是电视上所曾出现的最有魅力的卡通, 它有着干净单纯的快乐,集合了成人的幽默和儿童的纯真。” 故事场景设定于太平洋中,是一座称为比奇(基)堡(Bikini Bottom)的城市。 这部动画除了绘制的卡通场景与人物之外,也会穿插
Pink starfish. IQ is extremely low, between the mind and only use the plug body; After accident to replace coral brain intelligence have risen sharply, character will change along with it. Strong body strong, wide. What do mess up, sailing is severe, once there is help spongebob cheating. Living under a large circular stone. Lazy and pretty childish, often unwittingly dull drooling, and make some dangerous action, often encourage spongebob tend to let each other get into trouble.
红色螃蟹,本名蟹阿金,在海军服役的外号 为“铁甲金钟罩(Armor Abs)”。视金钱 如生命,经常为了一块钱而去冒生命危险, 极为自私。爱女是只鲸鱼,名叫珍珍。快餐 店"蟹堡王餐厅"的经营者,招牌口号是 POOP,现任员工有海绵宝宝与章鱼哥。多 次向员工宣导要有时间观念,因为 "时间就 是金钱 " 。只要发现能发短财的产品,就会 忽视老本美味蟹堡并转换目标(如:美味热 狗和蟹蟹水果报)。营业时间常於办公室看 报纸、数钱、洗金钱浴等。 和皮老板是死 对头,为了美味蟹堡秘方常常明争暗斗。一 生最痛恨三件事情:小孩在他家的院子玩、 花钱、有人碰他的调温器。
Red crabs, specimen crab arkin, serve in the nav y 's n ic kname d "the re al compression (Armor Abs)". Regard money as life, often to risk his life for the sake of a dollar, is very selfish. Daughter of whales, whose name was jean jean. Fast-food restaurant "king crab fort restaurant operators," placard slogan is a POOP, the current staff have spongebob and octopus. Many times to promote staff should have the concept of time, because "time is money". Life the most hated three things: young children playing in his yard, spend m o n e y, s o m e o n e t o u c h e d h i s thermostat.
Big nose octopus. Easy to anger and snobbery. Quite a narcissistic, thinks he has artistic talent. As a "king crab fort restaurant" on the counter, but not like his job, and hope can become a worldfamous artist; Hate spongebob and sent great stars, especially a spongebob squarepants, and in front of them often indifferent to, but occasionally the expression of spongebob squarepants. Although hate sponge, but there are a few focus, appear not spongebob and feel lonely.
《海绵宝宝》虽然是低龄动画,但由于剧情幽默而充满想象力,同时也吸引 了很多成人喜欢,成为风靡世界的作品。
在太平洋深处的比基尼海滩上住着一只黄色的方形海绵,他的名字叫海绵宝宝。 海绵宝宝和他的小宠物一只叫小蜗的蜗牛一起住在一颗菠萝里。海绵宝宝总是不 费吹灰之力就能遇上各种各样的麻烦。他如果没有和坏脾气的邻居章鱼哥较上劲, 那就一定正和他的亲密战友单纯又可爱的海星派大星,或是和他那追求刺激爱冲 浪的松鼠伙伴珊迪,陷入千奇百怪的事件中……这是一个大背景~
Lived deep in the Pacific in a bikini on the beach a yellow square sponge, his name is spongebob squarepants. Spongebob and his pet, a little worm snails live in a pineapple. Spongebob is always a breeze can meet all kinds of troubles. His neighbor without and bad temper of the octopus is, as I want it must be with his comrades-in-arms, pure and lovely starfish sent great stars, or the pursuit of stimulation love surfing squirrel partner sandy, into a strange event..
Spongebob squarepants pet snail, will only be called "the cat ~". Have the ability to understand natural language and communication. Most of the time stay in the spongebob squarepants pineapple house. Even taught spongebob how to tie my shoelace. The shell with parachute mechanisms. If it is at the bottom of the card what will angry bite because of discomfort. Hate baths. In dreams can use natural language to talk , even IQ than spongebob, is a philosopher.
黄色长方形海绵,其身体构成如同清洁用海 绵。生日是1986年7月14日。拥有两只左手 ,各四根手指。以棕色短裤、白色衬衫和红 色领带为主要服装。不死之身,即使身体如 何被破坏皆可恢复原状。虽然有正常进食, 但纯滤食海水也能继续存活。体力薄弱,且 所谓的哑铃其实是绒毛玩具;居住在比奇堡 的凤梨屋;并担任当地著名快餐店"蟹堡王 餐厅"厨师。为人乐观并开朗,却相当神经 质,时常惹出麻烦。视自己目前的工作为荣 耀,对招牌料理"美味蟹堡"(Krabby Patties)有崇敬之意。另获得极多次的"本 月最佳员工"奖项,并设置大型壁橱以收纳 奖杯。兴趣是抓水母、吹泡泡和练习空手道 。
粉红色的海星。智商极低,头脑与身体仅 使用插头连结;曾因意外替换珊瑚脑使之 智力大幅上升,性格也跟著改变。体型宽 壮、力气大。做什麼事都会搞砸,开船却 异常厉害,曾有帮海绵宝宝作弊过。居住 在一块大型圆形石头底下,内部有时候是 凹洞并能放置家具。懒惰并相当孩子气, 时常在无意间呆滞的流口水,讨厌洗澡、 不爱洗手、爱睡觉。兴趣是看电视,跟海 绵宝宝的交情最好;并时常鼓励海绵宝宝 做出一些危险行动,往往让彼此陷入困境。
The female squirrel from Texas and scientists, explorers and inventor. Love sports and science, also is the rodeo champion. Usually live in a large circular glass bottom tree house under guard, internal environment and the land is the same, and can be seasonal rotation; If the sea creatures inside must wear a helmet that hold water. Once a police in Texas. Need to hibernate, during quite irritable mood