
三、测试策略1. 测试范围:确定测试的范围,包括功能测试、性能测试、安全测试等方面。
2. 测试工具:选择适当的测试工具,如自动化测试工具、性能测试工具等。
3. 测试环境:搭建适当的测试环境,包括硬件设备、操作系统、网络环境等。
4. 测试资源:确定测试所需的人力、物力和时间资源,确保测试能够按计划进行。
四、测试方法1. 功能测试:验证软件的功能是否符合用户需求和设计规格。
2. 性能测试:测试软件在不同负载和压力下的性能表现,如响应时间、吞吐量等。
3. 安全测试:测试软件的安全性,包括数据加密、权限控制等方面。
4. 兼容性测试:测试软件在不同平台、不同浏览器等环境下的兼容性。
5. 自动化测试:使用自动化测试工具进行测试,提高测试效率和准确性。
以下是测试计划的主要内容:1. 测试目标:明确测试的目标和要求。
2. 测试方法:详细描述测试的方法和步骤。
3. 测试进度:制定测试的时间计划和里程碑。
4. 测试资源:确定测试所需的人力、物力和时间资源。
5. 风险评估:评估测试过程中可能遇到的风险,并制定相应的应对措施。
七、测试报告测试报告是对测试结果的总结和分析,它应包括以下内容:1. 测试概述:对测试工作的总体情况进行概述。

软件测试说明书的模板(精选)软件测试说明书1. 引言软件测试是确保软件质量的重要环节。
2. 测试目标本次软件测试的目标是验证软件的功能和性能,确保其符合设计规范和用户需求。
具体包括以下几个方面的测试目标:2.1 功能测试目标- 验证软件的主要功能是否满足用户需求。
- 发现并修复软件中存在的功能缺陷。
2.2 性能测试目标- 测试软件在不同负载下的性能表现。
- 确定软件的最大并发能力和响应时间要求。
2.3 安全测试目标- 检测软件的安全漏洞,保护用户的隐私和数据安全。
3. 测试策略针对上述测试目标,制定以下测试策略:3.1 功能测试策略- 基于用户需求和功能设计文档,编写测试用例,覆盖各个功能点。
- 执行功能测试用例,记录测试结果,包括通过和未通过的用例。
- 修复功能缺陷,并进行再次测试,确保问题得到解决。
3.2 性能测试策略- 根据软件预期的并发用户数和负载情况,设计性能测试方案。
- 使用相应的性能测试工具,模拟并发请求,记录系统的响应时间和吞吐量。
- 分析测试结果,找出性能瓶颈,并优化系统性能。
3.3 安全测试策略- 进行安全测试,检测软件的漏洞,包括输入验证、身份认证、访问控制等方面。
- 执行安全测试用例,验证软件的安全性能,并记录测试结果。
- 针对发现的安全问题,及时修复并进行再次测试,确保软件的安全性。
4. 测试环境和工具在进行软件测试时,需要准备相应的测试环境和工具,以保证测试质量和效率。
4.1 测试环境- 硬件环境:列举所需的硬件设备,例如服务器、客户端设备等。
- 软件环境:列举所需的操作系统、数据库、中间件等软件环境。
- 网络环境:描述所需的网络配置,例如局域网或互联网环境。
4.2 测试工具- 功能测试工具:列举常用的功能测试工具,如Selenium、JUnit等。

安全性测试软件界面测试系统管理测试点:1. 验证用户管理功能的正确性。
2. 验证系统信息设置的正确性。
3. 验证打印模板设置的正确性。
4. 验证系统自检功能的正确性。

软件系统测试方案第1篇软件系统测试方案1. 引言1.1 编写目的本文档旨在明确软件系统测试的目标、策略、方法、资源及时间安排,以确保软件产品的质量满足用户需求及法律法规要求。
1.2 背景随着信息化建设的不断深入,软件系统已成为企业运营的重要支撑。
1.3 定义与缩略词- 软件系统测试:对软件产品进行的功能、性能、兼容性、安全性等方面的测试活动。
- 缺陷:软件产品在设计、编码、实现等方面存在的不足或错误。
2. 测试策略2.1 测试范围本次测试范围包括但不限于以下内容:- 功能测试:验证软件产品功能是否符合需求规格说明书。
- 性能测试:评估软件产品的响应时间、吞吐量等性能指标。
- 兼容性测试:检查软件产品在不同操作系统、浏览器、硬件配置等环境下的运行情况。
- 安全性测试:确保软件产品在面临恶意攻击、非法操作等情况下仍能正常运行。
2.2 测试方法采用黑盒测试、白盒测试、灰盒测试相结合的测试方法,全面评估软件产品的质量。
- 黑盒测试:测试人员无需了解软件内部实现,仅关注输入输出是否符合预期。
- 白盒测试:测试人员需了解软件内部实现,通过检查代码、路径覆盖等手段进行测试。
- 灰盒测试:结合黑盒测试和白盒测试的特点,测试人员部分了解软件内部实现。
3. 测试资源3.1 人力资源- 测试组长:负责测试方案制定、进度把控、资源协调等。
- 测试工程师:负责执行测试用例、提交缺陷、跟踪缺陷修复等。
- 开发人员:负责缺陷修复、配合测试人员定位问题等。
3.2 硬件资源- 测试服务器:用于部署测试环境,进行性能测试等。
- 测试终端:用于执行功能测试、兼容性测试等。
3.3 软件资源- 测试工具:如Selenium、JMeter等,辅助完成自动化测试、性能测试等。
- 项目管理工具:如Jira、Trello等,用于跟踪测试进度、管理测试用例等。

用户和密码验证功能 正确,权限设置正 确。
运行稳 在软件的测试运行中 定性 进行判定。
没有发生由于软件错 误而导致的系统崩溃 和丢失数据现象。
d) 用户界面
序 号
测试内 容
1 界面输 在软件的测试运行中 光标可以正确定位到输
检查界面输入是否正 入域结算、销 列表中选中一条记录
售价、客户价格。 按“删除” 后在列表中
业务管 理
单、销售单、销售退 货单、调拨出仓新 单、调拨入仓新单、
输入数据后可生成相 应表单且数据无误。
查询、销售查询、调 输入查询条件后可生
业务查 询
拨出仓查询、调拨入 成相应表单,并可修 仓查询、成品库盘点 改或作废表单数据。 查询、成品库存查 相应操作后查询数据
ROM 和 1.44软驱
软件环境:Windows NT 4.0/98/95操作系统 3、测试方法:使用以用户文档为基础构造的测试用例来测试程序和数 据。 4、测试项目: a) 系统安装与卸载(对于说明书中注明由开发方提供系统安装和配置 服务的软件,该部分可免测,请在测试方法中注明)
序 号
测试内 容
序 号
测试内 容
界面中 1 文符合
字库中 2 文符合
性 f) 用户文档
序 测试内 号容
检查软件界面是否使 用简体中文。
软件无自带中文字 库。
界面使用统一的简体中 文。
免测。(对于自带字库 的软件要求对字库进行 检测)

软件测试(验收)大纲1. 引言1.1 目的为了尽可能的找出软件的不足,提高软件的质量,促进软件的成功验收,专门制定了本大纲。
1.2 术语本大纲所提及的术语,其定义遵照GB/T 11457标准。
1.3 参照标准●GB/T 11457—1995软件工程术语●GB 8566—1995;信息技术软件生存期过程●OGB 8567—1988*计算机软件产品开发文件编制指南●GB 9385*计算机软件需求说明编制指南●GB 9386—1988*计算机软件测试文件编制指南●GB/T 12504—1990计算机软件质量保证计划规范●OGB/T 12505—1990计算机软件配置管理计划规范●OGB/T 14079—1993软件维护指南●OGB/T 14394—1993计算机软件可靠性和可维护性管理●GB/T 16680一1996软件文档管理指南●开发者企业规范软件开发者有关软件工程的规范●其它文件例如:合同书等,法律文件中的有关规定。
2. 测试日期安排开发方如期交付软件的基础上,由业主审核确定具体日期安排。
3. 测试小组及成员由业主聘请具有一定的分析、设计、编程和软件测试经验的测试组长和其他专业人员组成。
4. 测试具体内容测试内容应该包括:合法性检查、文档检查、软件一致性检查、软件系统测试与测试结果评审等几项工作。
4.1 合法性检查检查开发者在开发本软件时,使用的开发工具是否合法。
Silk Central 测试管理软件说明书

Silk CentralOpenT ext Silk Central is an open solution that addresses test management by aligning goals and requirements with testing, technology, and processes. It provides an integrated framework for im-proving productivity, traceability, and visibility for all types of software testing and ensures control over application readiness.Product HighlightsEffective collaboration across teams, pro-cesses, and tools drives successful projects.Yet software delivery teams see testing astime-consuming, poorly focused, and a hin-drance to project goals. Silk Central providesgoal- and requirement-driven test manage-ment. It coordinates technologies, resources,team capabilities, and meaningful deliverablesto promote quality, collaboration, efficiency,and confidence. Silk Central scales from sup-porting a single project to being the axis thatunites software development teams in differ-ent locations, right across an organization. Silk Central delivers control over application quality by providing consistent, repeatable processes from traditional methodologies—such as waterfall—right through to more itera-tive approaches, including agile. As a unified framework for managing manual and auto-mated tests, it integrates with unit, functional, and performance test suites; issue and require-ment management systems; and continuous integration (CI) and DevOps tools. Business Process T estingThe Business Process Testing (BPT) capa-bilities in Silk Central support an organiza-tion’s need to validate end-to-end business processes implemented in the application. Besides demonstrating end-to-end process quality, BPT also enables control among tes-ters, such as the hand-off between teams and the behavior on test failure.Figure 1. Business Process T estingT est Asset WorkflowDrive improved management and controlacross your tests while maintaining auditability.Figure 2. Workflow statesData SheetData Sheet Silk CentralT ransition tests through a review process from Draft, Under Review, to Approved state with full audit control at each stage, and use dedi-cated role permissions to control the process. Redundant tests can be marked as Obsolete at any stage of the workflow, ready for final review before deletion.Collaboration Using Microsoft T eamsThe integration of Silk Central with Microsoft T eams provides a means of team collaboration for manual testers working together on a proj-ect. A set of predefined actions trigger mes-sages to be sent to Microsoft T eams. These messages deliver the crucial information and links to jump to the relevant items in Silk Central or to perform the next steps.Client and Project StructureSilk Central supports your diverse needs, and the scales of deployment, by using clients (dis-tinct units within a Silk Central instance) to sup-port a multi-tenancy structure. This enables organizations to separate projects by clients while maintaining security and control, with additional ability to manage license allocation, e ither within a single database or across mul-tiple database instances.Key FeaturesRequirement ManagementMANAGE REQUIREMENTS FROMMULTIPLE SOURCESSilk Central enables you to unite requirements, regardless of source, into a single project. Achieve a centralized end-to-end view in one location to enhance collaboration and control across your project.TEST AGILE REQUIREMENTSSilk Central offers strong integrations with leading agile planning and tracking tools such as Atlassian Jira Agile. Silk Central manual e xecution planning supports agile develop-ment through progress reporting, burndown charts, planning, and personal dashboards. Optimized to test both agile and traditional re-quirements, Silk Central accelerates test ex-ecution and increases collaboration on qualityassurance activities.MITIGATE RISK USING QUALITY GOALSSilk Central helps testers prioritize, execute,and demonstrate how their efforts respondto risk-based and requirement-driven test-ing. Silk Central reports illustrate how test-ing has responded to these defined qualitygoals, ultimately enabling the critical go/no-go decision.T est Design and Asset ManagementKEYWORD-DRIVEN TESTINGKeyword-driven testing closely couples SilkCen t ral management with Selenium or Silk T estautomation capabilities:■Involve different professional groups in thetest automation process by separatingtest design and implementation.■Achieve maintenance benefits by reusingtest code or keywords, and enjoy the easyabstraction of low-level automation andhigh-level business scenarios throughmulti-level keyword sequences.■Enable a seamless transition from manualto automated testing by basing keywordtests on current manual test steps.■Get recommended keywords based on theautomatic analysis of existing keyword-driven tests when creating a new test.SHARE TEST ASSETS ACROSS PROJECTSDrive improved reuse and lower maintenanceoverheads by sharing tests across projects.Defining a central test repository and enablingprojects to reference tests in it improves pro-cess and practice within your organization.REUSABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITYOF ASSETSSilk Central efficiently maintains and re-uses test assets. Mandatory Attributes andMandatory Properties help standardize datausage to ensure they are always used in as-set creation. Use the Global List attributesto centrally maintain a set of items and usethem in multiple projects. This enables datastandardization and increases reusability andmaintainability across requirements, tests, andexecution plans. Utilize Linked Fields for man-agement of related fields to reduce the likeli-hood of wrong input and User List attributes toautomatically populate tests or execution plansto project users.T est Planning and ExecutionADVANCED MANUAL EXECUTION PLANNINGSilk Central increases efficiency and productiv-ity by making it easy to identify, plan, and sched-ule manual tests. It allows users to decide:■What to test through quality goals andfilters■When to test by planning test cycleswithin specified timeframes■Where to test by choosing which systemsor configurations to use■Who to test by allocating based onresource and time capacityPARALLEL TEST EXECUTIONSOrganizations need efficient test execution.The parallel testing capabilities within SilkCentral execute automated tests across ev-ery execution server (physical or virtual) at thesame time—reducing overall test time anddriving project efficiency. Silk Central providesusers with the flexibility to decide what to ex-ecute in parallel and what not to.KUBERNETES PLUGINReduce resource consumption and cost bymaking Kubernetes pods available for test ex-ecution as virtual execution servers.MOBILE TESTING■Execute mobile device testing withUFT Digital Lab and Silk T est Workbenchintegration, including automated functionaltests and manual tests.■Use Silk Central when manually testing mobile applications. It mirrors the mobile device on your desktop for convenient interaction with remote test devices.■Enjoy the flexible scheduling control of manual and automated tests as if any remote iOS or Android device were connected locally. T est teams can also select mobile test devices using multiple filtering options, including device type, platform, application, or device name.TESTING FROM EVERY ANGLEIntegration with many testing tools means Silk Central offers coverage of every angle of your application through unit, functional, and perfor-mance testing, whether manual or automated. ■Unit T est: JUnit, NUnit, UFT Developer■Functional T est: UFT One, Silk T est■Performance T est: Silk Performer, LoadRunner Professional■Regression T est: UFT One, Silk T est■Any T est: The ProcessExecutor test type can be used to execute any script from command line.CODE AND CONFIGURATION COVERAGESilk Central helps identify functionality gaps in current test definitions by providing code cov-erage analysis for manual and automated tests for .NET or Java apps.Configuration testing ensures test scripts exe-cuted against multiple configurations need no duplication, providing script reuse and report-ing on coverage of test environments.EXECUTION SNAPSHOTExporting the ‘Document View’ of the Execution Planning unit to Microsoft Excel creates a snapshot of execution status and progress for management, analytics, and reporting. Filters, sorting, grouping and order settings of the col-umns in DocumentView are also applied to the exported data.T racking and ReportingTESTBOOK: INSIGHT INTO MANUAL TESTSThe T estbook delivers real-time updates onall activities during manual testing. It simplifiescollaboration among testers and test manag-ers by displaying who did what and when.SIDE-BY-SIDE RESULTS COMPARISONFOR AUTOMATED TESTSUse side-by-side result analysis for fast in-sight into the status of automated test runs.Compare runs using visual reports showingthe execution status across every individualconfiguration.TEST RESULT CONSOLIDATIONImprove result analysis by extending test ex-ecution tooling eco-systems:■Consume results for automated teststhat are executed outside of Silk Centralexecution servers.■Collect all artifacts—such as requirements,tests, and results—in a single repositoryfor holistic reporting and decision-making.REPORTING AND ANAL YTICSUse the reports to view a full audit status ofmanual test results and associated defects.Y ou can also trace issues raised, associated re-sult files, and progress status in a format view-able online or exported to a PDF. Use video andscreen capture for manual and automated testactivities to reproduce issues and compile evi-dence to support compliance and audit needs.As well as rich metrics and analytics avail-able through default reports, Silk CentralFigure 3. User defined dashboardaccommodates custom reporting needs. Itsupports Microsoft Word and BIRT for ad-vanced reporting and can export data to PDFor Microsoft Excel.BUILT-IN ISSUE TRACKINGUse the built-in issue tracking capabilities toraise, track, and manage issues against testassets and a defined workflow relevant to yourorganization.UsabilityADVANCED MANUAL TEST INTERFACEThis web-based interface requires no installa-tion and needs little or no training. Users canexecute tests and capture evidence to supporttest execution with screenshots, videos, au-dios, result files, code coverage, and defects.FACILITATE ACCESSIBILITY NEEDSBy supporting keyboard navigation and fa-cilitating audible feedback through a screenreader, Silk Central is accessible for blind orvisually impaired users. It supports both NVDAand JAWS.SIMPLIFY USER MAINTENANCE WITHLDAP OR ACTIVE DIRECTORY (AD)Automatically create and authenticate users ondemand. Eliminate the need to manually cre-ate accounts for users who are interested orinvolved in test activities with Silk Central.Supported IntegrationsFigure 4. Silk Central integrations landscapeINTEGRATIONS VIA OPENTEXT CONNECTThe OpenT ext Connect portfolio of integrations provides extensive integration capabilities. Its Silk Central T est Manager Connector simpli-fies integration setup, optimizes require m ent synchronization performance, and enables better visibility into test asset relationships and traceability between tests and defects. INTEGRATIONS VIA SILK CENTRAL APISilk Central offers SOAP-based Web Services for the integration of third-party applications, as well as a REST API for managing results of external execution plan runs.OPENTEXT SOFTWARE INTEGRATIONS■Silk Performer■LoadRunner Professional■Silk T est■UFT One■UFT Developer■StarT eam■AccuRev■Silk T estPartner■Atlas■Deployment Automation■Release Control■Solutions Business Manager ■UFT Mobile■OpenT ext Connect■Jenkins, Hudson■Microsoft TFS■SeleniumTHIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE INTEGRATIONS■IBM DOORS, DOORS Next Generation■Bugzilla■Atlassian Jira and Jira Agile■JUnit and NUnit■Subversion■Git■T eam Foundation Server■Microsoft Office Word and Excel■Microsoft T eams■Amazon and Azure Cloud execution■Kubernetes■Apache Commons Virtual File System (VFS)■Microsoft Visual Studio/Visual Studio T estAgent■Plug-in API for additional integrations Please consult your OpenT ext account repre-sentative for supported versions and additional integrations.System RequirementsOperating System Support■W indows Server 2016, 2019Additional for Mobile Device T esting■A ndroid 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x and 10.x■i OS 10.x,11.x, 12.x and 13.xAdditional for Execution Server■W indows 8.1 (32/64bit), Windows 10 (32/64bit)■U buntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Debian, SUSE Linux Web Server Support■I IS 8, 10 (32/64Bit)■S tandalone web server (T omcat)Web Browser Support■I nternet Explorer 11 or later (no compatibility mode), Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome,Microsoft EdgeDatabase Support■M icrosoft SQL Server 2016 SP2, 2017, 2019■Oracle 19cPlease refer to Installation and System Con fi guration Help in Silk Central documentation for fur-ther details.。

1引言 (2)1.1编写目的 (2)1.2背景 (2)1.3定义 (3)1.4参考资料 (3)2任务概述 (4)2.1目标 (4)2.2用户的特点 (4)2.3假定和约束 (4)3需求规定 (4)3.1对功能的规定 (4)3.2对性能的规定 (4)3.2.1精度 (7)3.2.2时间特性要求 (7)3.2.3灵活性 (8)3.3输人输出要求 (8)3.4数据管理能力要求 (8)3.5故障处理要求 (8)3.6其他专门要求 (8)4运行环境规定 (9)4.1设备 (9)4.2支持软件 (9)4.3接口 (9)4.4控制 (10)软件需求说明书的编写提示1引言1.1编写目的随着银行业务的推陈出新以及这些业务为客户带来的便利,使银行吸引了越来越多的客户,一切都使银行账户的管理越来越重要。

软件测试工作标准作业指导书第1章软件测试概述 (4)1.1 软件测试的定义与目的 (4)1.1.1 定义 (4)1.1.2 目的 (5)1.2 软件测试的基本原则 (5)1.2.1 测试的全面性 (5)1.2.2 尽早测试 (5)1.2.3 独立性 (5)1.2.4 重复性 (5)1.2.5 缺陷跟踪 (5)1.3 软件测试生命周期 (5)1.3.1 测试计划 (5)1.3.2 测试设计 (5)1.3.3 测试执行 (5)1.3.4 缺陷管理 (5)1.3.5 测试评估 (6)1.3.6 测试维护 (6)第2章测试计划与策略 (6)2.1 测试计划的制定 (6)2.1.1 目标与范围 (6)2.1.2 测试资源 (6)2.1.3 测试方法与工具 (6)2.1.4 测试进度安排 (6)2.1.5 风险评估与应对措施 (6)2.2 测试策略的制定 (6)2.2.1 功能测试策略 (6)2.2.2 功能测试策略 (6)2.2.3 安全性测试策略 (6)2.2.4 兼容性测试策略 (6)2.2.5 界面和用户体验测试策略 (7)2.3 测试计划的实施与监控 (7)2.3.1 测试用例管理 (7)2.3.2 缺陷管理 (7)2.3.3 测试进度监控 (7)2.3.4 测试质量保证 (7)2.3.5 沟通与协作 (7)第3章测试用例设计 (7)3.1 测试用例的基本概念 (7)3.1.1 测试目的:明确测试用例的目的,如验证功能、功能、安全性等。
(7)3.1.2 测试对象:指明测试用例针对的软件模块、功能点或需求。
(7)3.1.3 测试输入:列出执行测试所需的输入数据,包括有效输入、无效输入和边界输入。
3.1.4 执行条件:描述测试执行的环境、配置、前置条件等。
(7)3.1.5 测试步骤:详细描述测试的执行过程。
(7)3.1.6 预期结果:明确测试执行后预期的输出结果。
(7)3.1.7 实际结果:记录测试执行后的实际输出结果。

小饭店管理(菜单信息)中国石油大学Fax:0101111Tel: 0102313版本历史目录0. 文档介绍............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
0.1文档目的........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
0.2文档范围........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
0.3读者对象........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
0.4参考文献........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
0.5术语与缩写解释 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1. 接口-路径测试用例 (5)1.1被测试对象(单元)的介绍 (6)1.2测试范围与目的 (6)1.3测试环境与测试辅助工具的描述 (6)1.4测试驱动程序的设计 (7)1.5接口测试用例 (7)1.6路径测试的检查表 (7)2. 功能测试用例 (8)2.1被测试对象的介绍 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2.2测试范围与目的 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.5 用户并发测试用例
用户并发测试是性能测试最主要的部分,主要是通过增加用户数量来加重系统负担,以检 验测试对象能接收的最大用户数来确定功能是否达到要求。 测试目的
前提条件 测试需求 输入(并发用户数) 用户通过率
功能 1
功能 2
期望性能(平 实际性能(平均值) 均值)
1 引言
1.1 编写目的
1.测试系统中的各个功能模块是否满足用户要求,并测试是否存 bug。预期达到能够使 系统进行快速的改进和系统的提高。为了在软件投入生产性运行之前,尽可能多地发现软件 的错误。
2、 确保产品完成了它所承诺或公布的功能,并且所有用户可以访问到的功能都有明确 的书面说明;而汉化测试则必须先测试出原版中承诺的功能是否都具有,还要测试出汉化后 的功能与原版是否相同,并找出原因。
表 2-3 人员需求安排表
角色 测试经理 测试设计 测试人员 记录人员
具体职责/备注 负责软件测试的总体安排监督工作 负责设计测试方案以及测试用例 负责对对项目按照测试方案进行具体测试 负责系统测试过程中记录测试信息
3.4.2 测试用例过程
1 车辆入库测试等价类以奔驰 s600 为例
SWTBot GUI软件自动化测试工具说明说明书

International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Informatics (AMEII 2015) Design and implementation of an automated testing tool for GUI basedon SWTBotChun Shan1, Zequn Yu1, Yifei Jin1, Rui Ma1 & Jingfeng Xue1, Yifei Jin2 1School of Software, Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing, China2Development center,Agricultural bank of China,Beijing, China ******************.cn,*****************,********************,************.cn,*************.cn,********************Keywords: automated testing; Testing tool; SWTBot; GUI softwareAbstract. The born of GUI is a milestone in the development of software. It is very popular and welcomed by the consumers because of its friendly user interface and easy straightforward operation. Meanwhile it brings new challenges for the automation software testing technology. This paper begin to discuss with a company’s GUI software testing project, finally, designing and implementing a set of GUI software test automation tool which based on understanding of testing strategy and requirement as well as characteristics of the software which to be tested. This tool based on SWTBot,an open-source testing framework, conducting a customized development of under test software, which has the features of stable, effectiveness, easy to maintenance, at the same time, has a strong portability. This tool has been successfully applied to the testing project, operating over 1000 test cases. It is nearly replaced all the manual testing in the regression testing. The efficiency and maintainability have high reputation from the QA engineers who are participated. IntroductionWith the the software applied to all walks of life, the quality of software has become more and more important. As an important means to ensure software quality, software testing technology has been paid more and more attention. In many kinds of software, graphical user interface software is the most popular, referred to as GUI software. Before the extensive application of automatic test technology, GUI software is tested by manual testing. With the continuous expansion of the scale of software, the continuous integration of model, the increase of function, there are some drawbacks in the traditional manual GUI test:First of all, for the typical GUI software, the testing is mostly accomplished by a single keystroke and data entry. The repetitive and mechanical work can easily make tester tired and affect the accuracy and efficiency of software testing.Secondly, some software defects can only be found through rapid and repetitive pressure test, it’s mentioned in brackets [1].In addition, now software updates frequently, software development and testing are often carried out at the same time. Testers must find the hidden defects as early as possible, then correct them timely in the new version. This requires the guarantee of test efficiency, as mentioned in brackets [2].Miu Liu [3] found that GUI software products often have complex function, numbers of modules, and the production cycle is often very short, the traditional manual testing is not competent to this heavy work, so more testers tend to use automated testing. Therefore, the development of automated test tool for GUI has been put on the agenda.Correlational studiesSome enterprises, scientific research institutions and software technology communities have invested into the research of GUI automated test, and have developed different tools to adapt the different characteristics. At present, GUI automated testing tools can be divided into three types:(1) recording and playback typeThis type generally uses the method of direct recording to realize. It is convenient but poor in stability and compatibility. It’s found that it is difficult to find hidden defects because of the lack of verification of test results in brackets [4]. Chengchuan Yang and Li Yao [5] said that such testing tools are generally used for the regression testing of known defects.(2) automated test cases typeThis type refers to change test cases into automated code. The test tool runs them and collects test results. It’s mentioned in brackets [6] that this kind of automated testing tools is the most flexible and stable, not only can find more software defects, but also performs better in coordination with test plan. Automated testing tools of this type are used widely which was said in brackets [7].(3) automatic test typeThis type refers to create test cases automatically and execute test cases automatically. Intelligence is the biggest advantage of this type. Edward Kit [8] said that this type has high investment in the early and the technology is difficult, its effect is restricted by its intelligent degree. Sun Y and Jones E L [9] said that the research of this type is frontier domains of test technology, the available technology can’t be used in automated testing products.An automated testing tool based on SWTBotA company has developed a comprehensive data management tool based on Eclipse. This new product updates frequently, poses a big pressure on test. This tool is designed to solve this problem.Test tool based on SWTBot framework combines the inherent advantages of SWTBot. It’s layered by structure, simple to maintain, easy to expand. The encapsulation and extension of its function makes it easy to understand and use. Simple maintenance will be able to adapt to the change of product.A.Overall designIn the three layer of GUI automated testing tool, some of the basic operations are placed in the bottom. For example, control atomic operation, general test tools and some common controls and so on.The second layer packages all the components of the software under testing. These components include all the window objects in software. The window objects are generally the combination of basic control such as menu, dialog box, list and tree structure. In addition, component layer also contains classes and methods for obtaining configuration file.The top layer of the architecture is the user case layer, it is the container of test case scripts. Developers of test cases achieve the simulation of manual operation through calling the method and interface first and second layer provides. To sum up, the system structure of the GUI automation testing tool is shown in Figure 1.B.Design of instrumentation layer1)Function of instrumentation layerInstrumentation layer based on SWTBot atomic components provide simulation operation support to Eclipse products. This layer not only adapts to a particular software, but also adapts to all Eclipse products. It’s a general layer. It should be good in portability of the code to reduce associated workload when change software. This layer is mainly composed of these function in Figure 2.Eclipse general module: encapsulates generic functions provided by Eclipse, such as dialog box confirmation and cancel, project import and so on.Controls atomic operation module: encapsulates the atomic operation of every control, such as editing text box, getting table contents.General tools module: encapsulates methods which are often used in testing process, such as changing character format and screenshot function etc..Log module: output and storage log.In addition, the SWTBot framework is based on the JUnit, so the instrumentation layer should communicate with JUnit, such as driving test cases, relevant information’s input and output.2)Design of instrumentation layerThe structure of instrumentation layer is shown in Figure 3.SWTBotFigure 1. System structure of the GUI automation testing tool.instrumentation layerEclipse general module Control atomicoperationmoduleGeneral toolsmodule Log module...Figure 2. Instrumentation layer function model.Figure 3. The structure of Instrumentation layer.Eclipsebase package: the package contains Dialog, View, Welcome, Workbench, Outline, Project classes, these classes encapsulate generic components of Eclipse and prepare corresponding methods in the light of the operation of these components.Finders package: the package contains the Bot class and ItemFinder class, mainly realizes the extension of the SWTBot framework.Internal package: the package contains SWTBotEditorX, SWTBotMenuX, SWTBotTextX, SWTBotEclipseEditorX, SWTbotLinkX, SWTBotTableX, ContextMenuFinderX classes. These classes encapsulate some atomic operations of SWTBot, including the text box editor, right-click menu etc..Matchers package: the package contains MatchPattern, HasPattern, WithPatternedText, WithPatternedLabel, WithPatternedTooltip classes, these classes encapsulate matching method used in the preparation of test cases.Utils package: the package contains ButtonUtil, MouseUtil, MenuUtil, EditorUtil, WaitUtil, TableUtil classes, provides a simulation method for atomic operation of various control objects.Waits package: the package contains Condition, WaitForItem, WaitForShellClosed classes. It Inherits and extends SWTBot's Condition class. WaitForItem and WaitForShellClosed provide some waiting methods for software to be measured.Figure 5. The basic architecture of user case layer.TABLE I. T HE TEST CASE CLASSES IN T ABLE T EST S UITETest case classes DescriptionAlterPrimaryKeyTableColumn.class change primary keyAlterTableColumnDataType.class change data type ofcolumnAlterTableCreateColumn.class Add columnAlterTableDropColumn.class Drop columnAlterTableGroupPrivileges.class Change groupprivilegesAlterTableRenameTableWithTrigger.class Rename table withtriggerAlterTableUserPrivileges.class Change userprivilegesCreateTable.class Create tableDropTable.class Drop tableApplication and analysis of test toolsThe test case number in test case library is up to 1325, 1026 of them are consistent with the demand. Regression testing result is shown in Table II. 958 test cases were executed successfully, 35 cases failed and 33 cases were wrong. The passing rate is as high as 93%. Software defects or environmental factors may cause failure. Interface changes when software update may cause error, if test tools are not adjusted. So these cases need manual test to verify.TABLE II. STATISTICS OF TEST RESULTSTest suite Testcases Pass Fail Error PassingrateTestSuite1347315221091%TestSuite2425399 10 16 94%TestSuite3 168 166 0 2 99%TestSuite4 86 78 3 5 91%sum 1026 958 35 33 93% This automated testing tool is developed for the software to be tested, it is used to replace the traditional manual testing. It has properties like low development cost, low maintenance cost, high resource utilization rate and strong stability.ConclusionWith the wide application of GUI software, GUI software testing becomes more and more important. The quality of test will directly affects the quality of the software. The introduction of GUI automatic testing tool makes automated testing apply to GUI level. At present, most of the open source GUI automated test frameworks have just started, there are many problems need to be solved. In addition they also need the inspection of practical software testing project.References[1]Z.Z. Gan, Implementation of a automatic testing management tool. 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软件测试流程与方法指导书第1章软件测试概述 (4)1.1 软件测试的定义与目的 (4)1.2 软件测试的基本概念 (4)1.3 软件测试的发展历程 (4)第2章软件测试生命周期 (4)2.1 测试计划阶段 (4)2.2 测试设计阶段 (4)2.3 测试执行阶段 (4)2.4 测试总结阶段 (4)第3章软件测试方法 (4)3.1 黑盒测试 (4)3.2 白盒测试 (4)3.3 灰盒测试 (4)3.4 静态测试与动态测试 (5)第4章软件测试类型 (5)4.1 单元测试 (5)4.2 集成测试 (5)4.3 系统测试 (5)4.4 验收测试 (5)第5章测试用例设计 (5)5.1 测试用例的组成 (5)5.2 测试用例设计方法 (5)5.3 测试用例的优先级与分类 (5)5.4 测试用例的维护 (5)第6章缺陷管理 (5)6.1 缺陷生命周期 (5)6.2 缺陷报告 (5)6.3 缺陷跟踪与解决 (5)6.4 缺陷分析 (5)第7章自动化测试 (5)7.1 自动化测试概述 (5)7.2 自动化测试工具选择 (5)7.3 自动化测试框架设计 (5)7.4 自动化测试脚本编写 (5)第8章功能测试 (5)8.1 功能测试概述 (5)8.2 功能测试指标 (5)8.3 功能测试方法 (5)8.4 功能测试工具 (5)第9章安全测试 (5)9.1 安全测试概述 (5)9.3 安全测试工具 (6)9.4 安全测试策略 (6)第10章兼容性测试 (6)10.1 兼容性测试概述 (6)10.2 硬件兼容性测试 (6)10.3 软件兼容性测试 (6)10.4 网络兼容性测试 (6)第11章用户体验测试 (6)11.1 用户体验测试概述 (6)11.2 用户体验测试方法 (6)11.3 用户体验测试工具 (6)11.4 用户体验测试流程 (6)第12章软件测试团队与项目管理 (6)12.1 测试团队组织结构 (6)12.2 测试人员职责与技能要求 (6)12.3 软件测试项目管理 (6)12.4 测试过程改进与优化 (6)第1章软件测试概述 (6)1.1 软件测试的定义与目的 (6)1.2 软件测试的基本概念 (7)1.3 软件测试的发展历程 (7)第2章软件测试生命周期 (7)2.1 测试计划阶段 (7)2.2 测试设计阶段 (8)2.3 测试执行阶段 (8)2.4 测试总结阶段 (9)第3章软件测试方法 (9)3.1 黑盒测试 (9)3.1.1 测试方法 (9)3.1.2 应用场景 (10)3.2 白盒测试 (10)3.2.1 测试方法 (10)3.2.2 应用场景 (10)3.3 灰盒测试 (10)3.3.1 测试方法 (10)3.3.2 应用场景 (10)3.4 静态测试与动态测试 (11)3.4.1 静态测试 (11)3.4.2 动态测试 (11)第4章软件测试类型 (11)4.1 单元测试 (11)4.2 集成测试 (12)4.3 系统测试 (12)第5章测试用例设计 (12)5.1 测试用例的组成 (12)5.2 测试用例设计方法 (13)5.3 测试用例的优先级与分类 (13)5.4 测试用例的维护 (14)第6章缺陷管理 (14)6.1 缺陷生命周期 (14)6.1.1 缺陷生命周期的阶段 (14)6.1.2 缺陷状态转换 (15)6.2 缺陷报告 (15)6.2.1 缺陷报告的要素 (15)6.2.2 缺陷报告的撰写规范 (15)6.3 缺陷跟踪与解决 (15)6.3.1 缺陷跟踪 (15)6.3.2 缺陷解决 (15)6.4 缺陷分析 (16)6.4.1 缺陷分布分析 (16)6.4.2 缺陷原因分析 (16)6.4.3 缺陷预防与改进 (16)第7章自动化测试 (16)7.1 自动化测试概述 (16)7.2 自动化测试工具选择 (16)7.3 自动化测试框架设计 (17)7.4 自动化测试脚本编写 (17)第8章功能测试 (17)8.1 功能测试概述 (17)8.2 功能测试指标 (18)8.3 功能测试方法 (18)8.4 功能测试工具 (18)第9章安全测试 (19)9.1 安全测试概述 (19)9.1.1 安全测试的定义 (19)9.1.2 安全测试的意义 (19)9.1.3 安全测试与其他测试类型的区别 (19)9.2 安全测试方法 (19)9.2.1 静态分析 (19)9.2.2 动态分析 (20)9.2.3 渗透测试 (20)9.3 安全测试工具 (20)9.3.1 静态分析工具 (20)9.3.2 动态分析工具 (20)9.3.3 渗透测试工具 (20)9.4 安全测试策略 (20)9.4.2 风险评估 (21)9.4.3 分阶段进行安全测试 (21)9.4.4 结合自动化测试和手工测试 (21)9.4.5 持续安全测试 (21)第10章兼容性测试 (21)10.1 兼容性测试概述 (21)10.2 硬件兼容性测试 (21)10.3 软件兼容性测试 (21)10.4 网络兼容性测试 (22)第11章用户体验测试 (22)11.1 用户体验测试概述 (22)11.2 用户体验测试方法 (22)11.3 用户体验测试工具 (23)11.4 用户体验测试流程 (23)第12章软件测试团队与项目管理 (24)12.1 测试团队组织结构 (24)12.2 测试人员职责与技能要求 (24)12.3 软件测试项目管理 (25)12.4 测试过程改进与优化 (25)以下是软件测试流程与方法指导书的目录结构:第1章软件测试概述1.1 软件测试的定义与目的1.2 软件测试的基本概念1.3 软件测试的发展历程第2章软件测试生命周期2.1 测试计划阶段2.2 测试设计阶段2.3 测试执行阶段2.4 测试总结阶段第3章软件测试方法3.1 黑盒测试3.2 白盒测试3.3 灰盒测试3.4 静态测试与动态测试第4章软件测试类型4.1 单元测试4.2 集成测试4.3 系统测试4.4 验收测试第5章测试用例设计5.1 测试用例的组成5.2 测试用例设计方法5.3 测试用例的优先级与分类5.4 测试用例的维护第6章缺陷管理6.1 缺陷生命周期6.2 缺陷报告6.3 缺陷跟踪与解决6.4 缺陷分析第7章自动化测试7.1 自动化测试概述7.2 自动化测试工具选择7.3 自动化测试框架设计7.4 自动化测试脚本编写第8章功能测试8.1 功能测试概述8.2 功能测试指标8.3 功能测试方法8.4 功能测试工具第9章安全测试9.1 安全测试概述9.2 安全测试方法9.3 安全测试工具9.4 安全测试策略第10章兼容性测试10.1 兼容性测试概述10.2 硬件兼容性测试10.3 软件兼容性测试10.4 网络兼容性测试第11章用户体验测试11.1 用户体验测试概述11.2 用户体验测试方法11.3 用户体验测试工具11.4 用户体验测试流程第12章软件测试团队与项目管理12.1 测试团队组织结构12.2 测试人员职责与技能要求12.3 软件测试项目管理12.4 测试过程改进与优化第1章软件测试概述1.1 软件测试的定义与目的软件测试作为软件开发过程中的重要环节,旨在保证软件产品满足既定需求,并具备高质量、高可靠性和高稳定性。

芯片自动测试软件使用说明书编写人:张继璠编写日期:2012-3-30一、 软件运行环境及说明1、本测试软件为免安装软件,使用时将整个文件夹拷贝到电脑中即可;如果要把该软件删除,只要把整个文件夹删除即可。
3、本软件适用于Windows XP4、本软件通讯方式为232串口,其参数为波特率9600、数据位8为、停止位2位、校验位和控制流均为None二、 使用说明1、点击“AutoTestTool.exe”文件运行测试程序2、在“串口设置”页面上选择存在的串口号,然后点击“串口连接”。


软件测试工作手册作业指导书第1章软件测试概述 (4)1.1 软件测试基础 (4)1.1.1 定义与概念 (4)1.1.2 测试对象与范围 (4)1.1.3 测试类型与方法 (4)1.2 软件测试目的与原则 (4)1.2.1 测试目的 (4)1.2.2 测试原则 (4)1.3 软件测试生命周期 (4)1.3.1 测试计划阶段 (4)1.3.2 测试设计阶段 (5)1.3.3 测试执行阶段 (5)1.3.4 缺陷分析阶段 (5)1.3.5 缺陷修复与回归测试阶段 (5)1.3.6 测试总结阶段 (5)第2章测试计划与策略 (5)2.1 测试计划制定 (5)2.1.1 目标与范围 (5)2.1.2 风险评估 (5)2.1.3 测试标准与验收准则 (5)2.1.4 测试环境与工具 (5)2.1.5 交付物 (6)2.2 测试策略制定 (6)2.2.1 测试类型 (6)2.2.2 测试方法 (6)2.2.3 测试层次 (6)2.2.4 缺陷管理 (6)2.3 测试资源与进度安排 (6)2.3.1 人力资源 (6)2.3.2 硬件与软件资源 (6)2.3.3 进度安排 (6)2.3.4 测试评估与改进 (6)第3章测试类型与级别 (6)3.1 功能测试 (7)3.1.1 目的 (7)3.1.2 范围 (7)3.2 功能测试 (7)3.2.1 目的 (7)3.2.2 范围 (7)3.3 兼容性测试 (7)3.3.1 目的 (7)3.4 安全性测试 (8)3.4.1 目的 (8)3.4.2 范围 (8)第4章测试用例设计 (8)4.1 测试用例编写规范 (8)4.1.1 用例编号规则 (8)4.1.2 用例标题 (8)4.1.3 用例前提条件 (8)4.1.4 用例步骤 (8)4.1.5 用例期望结果 (8)4.1.6 用例优先级 (8)4.1.7 用例状态 (9)4.2 测试用例设计方法 (9)4.2.1 等价类划分法 (9)4.2.2 边界值分析法 (9)4.2.3 错误推测法 (9)4.2.4 因果图法 (9)4.2.5 决策表法 (9)4.3 测试用例管理 (9)4.3.1 测试用例库 (9)4.3.2 用例维护 (9)4.3.3 用例复用 (9)4.3.4 用例版本控制 (9)4.3.5 用例评审 (9)第5章缺陷管理 (9)5.1 缺陷报告与跟踪 (9)5.1.1 缺陷报告 (10)5.1.2 缺陷跟踪 (10)5.2 缺陷生命周期 (10)5.3 缺陷分析 (10)第6章自动化测试 (11)6.1 自动化测试概述 (11)6.1.1 自动化测试定义 (11)6.1.2 自动化测试分类 (11)6.1.3 自动化测试适用场景 (11)6.2 自动化测试工具选择 (12)6.2.1 支持的测试类型 (12)6.2.2 易用性和可维护性 (12)6.2.3 支持的编程语言和开发平台 (12)6.2.4 扩展性和集成性 (12)6.2.5 成本 (12)6.3 自动化测试脚本编写 (12)6.3.1 脚本编写规范 (12)第7章功能测试 (13)7.1 功能测试基础 (13)7.1.1 功能测试概述 (13)7.1.2 功能测试类型 (13)7.1.3 功能测试指标 (13)7.2 功能测试工具 (13)7.2.1 常用功能测试工具 (13)7.2.2 功能测试工具选型 (14)7.3 功能瓶颈分析 (14)7.3.1 功能瓶颈概述 (14)7.3.2 功能瓶颈分析方法 (14)7.3.3 功能优化策略 (14)第8章非功能测试 (14)8.1 可用性测试 (15)8.1.1 目的 (15)8.1.2 范围 (15)8.1.3 方法 (15)8.2 可靠性测试 (15)8.2.1 目的 (15)8.2.2 范围 (15)8.2.3 方法 (15)8.3 压力测试与稳定性测试 (16)8.3.1 目的 (16)8.3.2 范围 (16)8.3.3 方法 (16)第9章验收测试与上线 (16)9.1 验收测试 (16)9.1.1 目的 (16)9.1.2 测试范围 (16)9.1.3 测试流程 (17)9.2 上线审批流程 (17)9.2.1 提交上线申请 (17)9.2.2 审批流程 (17)9.2.3 上线通知 (17)9.3 上线支持与监控 (17)9.3.1 上线支持 (17)9.3.2 上线监控 (17)第10章测试团队建设与管理 (18)10.1 测试团队组织结构 (18)10.1.1 团队组织概述 (18)10.1.2 团队组织架构 (18)10.2 测试人员能力要求 (18)10.2.1 基本能力 (18)10.3 测试团队绩效评估与改进 (18)10.3.1 绩效评估指标 (18)10.3.2 绩效改进措施 (19)第1章软件测试概述1.1 软件测试基础1.1.1 定义与概念软件测试是在规定的条件下,对软件产品进行操作以发觉错误、验证功能、功能等是否满足需求的过程。

软件系统测试与验收作业指导书第1章软件测试概述 (3)1.1 软件测试基础 (4)1.2 测试与验证的区别 (4)1.3 软件测试流程 (4)第2章测试计划与策略 (5)2.1 制定测试计划 (5)2.1.1 测试目标 (5)2.1.2 测试范围 (5)2.1.3 测试资源 (5)2.1.4 测试时间表 (5)2.1.5 风险评估 (5)2.2 测试策略的制定 (5)2.2.1 测试方法 (5)2.2.2 测试工具 (6)2.2.3 测试级别 (6)2.2.4 回归测试策略 (6)2.3 测试计划的实施 (6)2.3.1 测试用例设计 (6)2.3.2 测试环境搭建 (6)2.3.3 测试执行 (6)2.3.4 缺陷管理 (6)2.3.5 测试报告 (6)2.3.6 测试总结 (6)第3章测试用例设计 (6)3.1 测试用例基础知识 (7)3.1.1 测试用例概念 (7)3.1.2 测试用例构成要素 (7)3.1.3 测试用例分类 (7)3.2 测试用例设计方法 (7)3.2.1 等价类划分法 (7)3.2.2 边界值分析法 (7)3.2.3 错误推测法 (8)3.2.4 因果图法 (8)3.3 测试用例管理 (8)3.3.1 测试用例创建 (8)3.3.2 测试用例维护 (8)3.3.3 测试用例执行 (8)3.3.4 测试用例评估 (8)第4章单元测试 (9)4.1 单元测试概述 (9)4.2 单元测试方法 (9)4.2.2 黑盒测试 (9)4.3 单元测试工具 (9)第5章集成测试 (10)5.1 集成测试基础 (10)5.1.1 概述 (10)5.1.2 集成测试的目标 (10)5.1.3 集成测试的范围 (10)5.2 集成测试策略 (11)5.2.1 自底向上集成测试 (11)5.2.2 自顶向下集成测试 (11)5.2.3 大豆集成测试 (11)5.2.4 基于功能的集成测试 (11)5.3 集成测试用例设计 (11)5.3.1 集成测试用例设计原则 (11)5.3.2 集成测试用例设计方法 (11)5.3.3 集成测试用例设计步骤 (11)第6章系统测试 (12)6.1 系统测试概述 (12)6.2 功能测试 (12)6.2.1 测试目的 (12)6.2.2 测试方法 (12)6.2.3 测试用例设计 (12)6.2.4 测试执行 (12)6.3 功能测试与优化 (13)6.3.1 测试目的 (13)6.3.2 测试方法 (13)6.3.3 测试用例设计 (13)6.3.4 测试执行与优化 (13)第7章验收测试 (13)7.1 验收测试基础 (13)7.1.1 目的 (13)7.1.2 范围 (13)7.1.3 原则 (14)7.2 验收测试方法 (14)7.2.1 测试用例设计 (14)7.2.2 测试执行 (14)7.2.3 测试评审 (14)7.3 验收测试报告 (14)7.3.1 报告内容 (14)7.3.2 报告格式 (15)7.3.3 报告提交 (15)第8章回归测试与自动化测试 (15)8.1 回归测试 (15)8.1.2 回归测试策略 (15)8.1.3 回归测试方法 (15)8.2 自动化测试概述 (16)8.2.1 自动化测试定义 (16)8.2.2 自动化测试层次 (16)8.2.3 自动化测试的优势与局限 (16)8.3 自动化测试工具 (16)8.3.1 自动化测试工具概述 (16)8.3.2 测试工具选型依据 (16)8.3.3 常见自动化测试工具介绍 (16)8.3.4 自动化测试工具的集成与维护 (16)第9章测试团队与项目管理 (16)9.1 测试团队组织结构 (16)9.1.1 团队组成 (16)9.1.2 岗位职责 (17)9.1.3 人员能力要求 (17)9.2 测试团队协作 (17)9.2.1 内部协作 (17)9.2.2 与开发团队协作 (17)9.2.3 与其他团队协作 (17)9.3 测试项目管理 (18)9.3.1 测试计划 (18)9.3.2 测试执行 (18)9.3.3 测试监控 (18)9.3.4 测试收尾 (18)第10章软件测试质量评估与改进 (18)10.1 软件测试质量评估 (18)10.1.1 评估目的 (18)10.1.2 评估方法 (18)10.1.3 评估指标 (19)10.2 软件测试过程改进 (19)10.2.1 改进目标 (19)10.2.2 改进方法 (19)10.2.3 改进措施 (19)10.3 持续集成与测试驱动开发在实际应用中的探讨 (19)10.3.1 持续集成 (19)10.3.2 测试驱动开发 (19)10.3.3 实际应用探讨 (20)第1章软件测试概述1.1 软件测试基础软件测试作为软件开发过程中的重要环节,其目的在于评估软件产品的功能、功能、可靠性和安全性等是否满足用户需求和设计要求。

软件测试部手册Quectel-ST.Dept文件管控表文件变更记录修订日期最新版本修订内容编制人批准人2020-03-10 V1.0 初始版Fannie.Hong James.Cai2020-03-23V1.11.新增:内部条约下增加“助力办卡”2.新增:增加第五章节“岗位职责”3.修改:内部条约-就餐部分修改说明Fannie.Hong James.Cai2020-06-24V1.21.修改:入职指引-物资领取变更负责人2.修改:常用系统部分变更管理员Fannie.Hong James.Cai2020-08-11 V1.3 1.修改:组织架构2.修改:常用系统统一改为ST门户地址进入Fannie.Hong James.Cai2021-02-07 V1.4 1.修改:组织架构2.修改:助力办卡-SIM卡经办人改为王青云3.修改:常用系统变更开通方式,细化账号密码Candice.Xu James.Cai2021-02-26 V1.4.1 1.修改:常用系统-软件部SVN、Confluence变更管理员与开通方式Candice.Xu James.Cai2021-03-10 V1.4.2 1.修改:助力办卡-SIM卡经办人改为卢明珠2.修改:常用系统-申请开通账号需科长/副经理审批(自动开通的除外)Candice.Xu James.CaiQ u e c t e lC o n f i de n ti a l目录软件测试部手册 ............................................................................................................................................... 0 文件管控表 ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 前言 ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 一、入职指引 ................................................................................................................................................... 4 1、事务安排 ................................................................................................................................................. 4 2、学习导向 ................................................................................................................................................. 4 3、群组添加 ................................................................................................................................................. 4 4、邮箱设置 ................................................................................................................................................. 4 5、物资领取 ................................................................................................................................................. 4 6、组织架构 ................................................................................................................................................. 5 二、 内部条约 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 1、工作纪律 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 2、职业操守 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 3、薪资保密 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 4、会议室使用 ............................................................................................................................................. 6 5、电梯使用 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 6、吸烟 ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 7、就餐 ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 8、下班打卡 ................................................................................................................................................. 7 9、节约用电 ................................................................................................................................................. 7 10、爱护资产 ............................................................................................................................................... 7 11、文明用厕 ............................................................................................................................................... 7 12、助力办卡 ............................................................................................................................................... 8 三、 常用系统 ................................................................................................................................................. 0 四、 部门规范 ................................................................................................................................................. 0 1、办公礼仪 ................................................................................................................................................. 0 2、实验室5S ................................................................................................................................................ 0 五、 岗位职责 . (1)Q u e c t e l Co n f i d e n t i a l前言亲爱的同事,首先欢迎您加入Quectel-软件测试部,在未来的日子里,我们将共同携手,为这个大家庭增光添彩。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1范围 (1)
1.1标识................................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2系统概述 (1)
1.3文档概述 (1)
2引用文档 (1)
3测试准备 (1)
3.1功能性测试 (1)
3.1.1 硬件准备 (1)
3.1.2 软件准备 (1)
3.1.3 其它测试前准备................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
4测试说明 (1)
4.1功能测试 (1)
4.2性能测试 (5)
4.3接口测试 ............................................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5需求的可追踪性 ............................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6注解.......................................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
附录A........................................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.1.1 硬件准备
3.1.2 软件准备
操作系统:windowsXP SP2
数据库:SQL Server 2005