

常见的几款迈思肯扫描器的产品参数:1.MS-3 超小型条码扫描器:解码/秒:最多1000读取范围:2至10“(51至254 mm)广阔的扫描角度/IP54外壳MS-3激光条码扫描仪在嵌入式紧凑型条码扫描器中提供最快的读取性能。
高扫描速度:可调节扫描速度从每秒300到1000个解码,Microscan 世界级的解码算法确保每次都能准确读取。
2.QX-870 工业光栅激光扫描器:每秒扫描次数:300 至1400 次读取范围:1 至30"(25 mm 至762 mm)可选的嵌入式以太网TCP/IP 和EtherNet/IP 协议/IP65 封装QX-870 激光扫描器配有最新的条形码读取技术,并可连接至易于使用的条形码追踪、跟踪和控制应用程序解决方案。
凭借即插即用设置及最具效率的编码算法,QX-870 成为所有工业应用的理想激光扫描器。
快速连接系统:M12 Ultra-Lock™ 连接器和线缆套件,即插即用设置一台或多台扫描器解决方案X-Mode 技术:解码受损、印刷不良或未对齐的码,确保高读取率和扫描量高性能:高效的解码能力,能以长达10"(25.4 cm)的光束宽度可靠读取长达30"(762 cm)的条码。

总部设在美国,MEI曾是Mars,Inc 旗下的公司,与2006年6月独立。
产品范围:主营自动交易设备,包括纸币和硬币处理,及其他自助支付设备产品型号和特点:品牌产品有CASHFLOW®,Conlux®,MEI®,GEO ®,SODECO,VTI Conlux为日本的公司,2003年被收购。
用于游戏博彩、自动售货产品多功能支付是发展趋势产品分析:MEI按照地域不同,根据市场推出不同的产品1.在中国分为4块:售货机,博彩,零售,交通1.1售货机推广模块分为硬币管理器与纸币接收器硬币主推MEI CASHFLOW® 7000系列、Conlux CCM5G特点:5条钱管集合硬币接收,找零实时读取数量交易数据记录,诊断功能纸币接收为MEI VN2600特点:可靠,低阻塞率,较少售后服务定期升级容量500张的钞箱防钓现Coupon application?支持RMB1,5,10,20暂存一张1.2博彩市场模块分为纸币接收器,硬币接收,支持工具纸币接收为CASHFLOW® SC系列和GEOGEO专供casino and amusement,无须堆叠,是MEI提供技术,与另一家公司合作的品牌SC83特点:•Widely deployed in casinos throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia•Highest first-time bill acceptance rates in the industry with unsurpassed counterfeit detection technology maximizes uptime and customer throughput•Proven market leading in-field jam performance ensures highest reliability levels •Secure cash storage within advanced polymer alloy cassette designed to withstand frequent and rough handling•Lowest jam rate ensures market leading uptime results, and maximizes operator profitability•Lockable removable cashbox ensures high security•Rapid fraud response through online or local updates•Multi-Width banknote acceptance up to 85mm suitable for most global currencies •Extended range of consumer interfaces available, including EBDS, Netplex, and USB硬币主推MEI CASHFLOW® 9500支持工具STS/PPM"Portable Programming Module" and "Support Tool Suite"1.3零售市场模块分为纸币接收器,硬币找零,硬币接收纸币接收器:CASHFLOW® SC系列,SODECO系列产品特点硬币找零模块为CASHFLOW® 7900系列MEI CASHFLOW 690产品特点:690的双色硬币识别技术4个钱管handling dual coin sets?硬币找零模块为CASHFLOW® 9500产品特点5" coin acceptor ideal for self service kiosks where footprint and ease of integration are the priority. Widely deployed within self checkout and kiosk applications globally.•Widely deployed global coin acceptor - ideal for Self Checkout, kiosk Self Service and other demanding environments•Remote download capability ensures easy software upgrades for new coins•Superior sensing technology ensures highest level of security including discrimination of bicolor coin technology•Accepts up to 22 coin denominations•Multiple interface, voltage and mounting options•Available alone, or with 4 and 8 way separation options•Automatic coin population adjustment•Lowest cost of ownership with quick and easy product configuration using iButton and MEI CPM (Cashflow Programming Module)1.4交通市场模块分为大规模运输纸币接收器,大规模运输硬币产品,停车场纸币接收器,停车场硬币设备大规模运输纸币接收器:SODECO系列产品特点大规模运输硬币产品:MEI CASHFLOW® 7000系列、CASHFLOW® 9500产品特点停车场纸币接收器:CASHFLOW® SC系列,SODECO系列停车场硬币设备:MEI CASHFLOW® 7000系列、CASHFLOW® 950 还需要分析其他地域的产品产品特点:•可靠,低阻塞率,结构坚固可用于户外•流通币高识别率•高防伪•支持远程下载和诊断•全球服务,价格便宜美洲地区:售货机,赌场,零售,交通,娱乐1.售货机: Bill Validators&Coin Mechs,Cashless2.赌场业:纸币模块,支持工具,没有硬币型号同国内3.零售业:市场方向为三个,源自网站的产品调查:/global/americas/retail/retail_products/recommend_a_product/?region=/ usa/1).自服设备如自助支付设备,自动拍照机,命令输入支付终端,高级A TM,自动存款系统,水泵支付系统等。
Metrix数字趋近式系统(DPS) MX8031 延长电缆说明书

MX8031延长电缆是标准的双屏蔽电缆和VibeLock™5 接头。
MX8031 和MX2031 延长电缆都兼容MX8030和MX2030 5mm/8mm 探头和BN4 3300 和 3300XL 5mm/8mm 探头。
MX8031 & MX2031 延伸电缆Datasheet0598C USMX8030 和 MX2030探头系列由5mm and 8mm 顶端直径构成。
MX8030 带有标准的双屏蔽电缆和VibeLock™5 接头。
MX2030 带有标准的同轴电缆和圆形,滚花接头。
两种探头都提供满量程80 mil (2mm) 线性范围,并且设计去完全满足670 规格当与一个匹配的 MX8031 或 MX2031 延长电缆和MX2033 前置器或MX2034 变送器。
MX8030 和 MX2030 探头可与Bently Nevada (BN)4, 3300 和 3300XL 5mm/8mm 探头完全互换。
MX8030 & MX2030 探头系列注释: 上述部件可以提供螺丝端子或者压接端子。
选择前置器或者变送器,取决于信号输出类型:MX2033 3-线制前置器监测系统,而MX2034 4-20mA 变送器用于控制系统。
这些型号完全兼容Metrix ,BN 和其他厂家的各种各样的探头和延伸电缆。
MX2033 3-线制探头前置器动态电压输出(mV/μm or m V/mil)MX2033信号输出兼容API670制定格式的工业标准持续振动监测系统它使用-24Vdc 供电并且提供mV/um 信号输出。
典型的7.87mv/um (200 mv/mil).MX2034 4-20 mA 变送器 静态电流输出(mA/µm or mA/mil)MX2034 s 信号输出提供振动,轴向位移或转速信号, 可以直接连接到 PLCs, DCSs, SCADA 系统, 或其他可接收标准4-20mA 信号的仪表,不需要使用独立的监测系统。

POWERSCAN™ PM9501aladdin特性• 高性能液态透镜增强了景深,可高效读取标准条码、宽条码和高密度条码• 高速全向读取性能• 直观的瞄准系统• 柔和白光照明• 提供可选显示器以及4键或16键键盘• 高速433 MHz和910 MHz无线电通信• 点对点和多点传输• 组网和无缝漫游• 多接口可供选择• 以太网连接(标准及工业)• 在三秒钟内即可更换锂离子电池!• Datalogic Motionix™移动感应技术• 人体工程学设计• Datalogic3绿光(3GL™)技术和响亮的蜂鸣声可提供良好的读取反馈• 防水防尘的防护等级:IP65• 可现场更换的窗口和支架触点• EASEOFCARE年保服务计划提供一系列的服务级别,以保障您投资无忧,• 并实现生产效率和投资回报率最大化瞄准、触发、解码:易如反掌!PowerScan™ 9501系列产品希望为用户提供一种直观、轻松的扫描体验。
可移动,更高效专为窄带无线通信而开发的Datalogic得利捷STAR CordlessSystem™,旨在最大程度地提高手持式扫描枪数据采集应用的效率和可靠性。
PowerScan PM9501机型配备了新一代STAR系统,可进一步改善其原本出色的多功能性、易用性和无线电范围。
人性化设计无论是流线型的手柄外形,完美平衡的产品重量还是方便直观的瞄准系统,PowerScan 9501的设计符合人体工程学,不仅拥有超高的首次扫描通过率,同时减少了不自然的腕部转动以实现更高的用户舒适度。

Fluke 123/124 Industrial ScopeMeter
CH 2002 年 9 月 Rev. 4, 09/2009Байду номын сангаас
© 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 Fluke Corporation. 版权所有。 所有产品名称均为其所属公司的商标。
在正常使用与维修情况下,Fluke 保证每一个产品无质地及工艺问题。自发货之日算起,测试工具保修期为三年,附件保修期为一年。零配件及产品修理与维护的 保修期为 90 天。此保修只限于原始购买者和 Fluke 指定经销商的产品使用客户保修不适用于保险丝和普通电池,亦不适用于任何 Fluke 认为因错误使用、改装、 疏忽或因事故或非正常条件下操作或处置而导致损坏之产品。在 90 天内,Fluke 保证软件运转符合功能规范,且保证软件正确录制于完好无损的介质上。Fluke 不保证软件毫无差错或无操作中断情况。
或者与下列任何电话联系: 在美国与加拿大:+1-888-993-5853
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DESCRIPTIONMegger’s new range of DC insulation testers MIT515, MIT525,MIT1025 and MIT1525 are targeted at original equipment manufacturers and industrial companies. The top of the rangeMIT1525 performs insulation resistance tests up to 15 kV with a30 TΩ maximum resistance and an accuracy of ±5 % from 1 MΩup to 3 TΩ. The MIT515 offers IR, DAR and PI functions but has no memory functionality. MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 have a full suite of test modes as well as on-board memory and the ability to stream data/download data to a PC/laptop. Instrument productivity is a focus of the new MIT range which offers rapid charge batteries and operation from an AC source if the batteries are flat. Rapid charge batteries enable > 60 minutes testing after a 30 minute charge.MIT515: 5 kV IRT with PI and DAR but no memoryMIT525: 5 kV IRT with all test modes including a ramp test plus advanced memory functions with recall to screen, RTC for time/dat stamp of results and USB cable interface to PC/PowerDBMIT1025: 10 kV IRT with all test modes including a ramp test plus advanced memory functions with recall to screen, RTC for time/dat stamp of results and USB cable interface to PC/PowerDBMIT1525: 15 kV IRT with all test modes including a ramp test plus advanced memory functions with recall to screen, RTC for time/dat stamp of results and USB cable interface to PC/PowerDBSafety rating is not compromised on the MIT range with all terminals safety rated to CAT IV 600 V to 3000 m (5 kV, 10 kV) or CAT IV 1000 V to 3000 m (15 kV). A range of 5 kV and 10 kV test leads are available plus dedicated 15 kV test leads which are double insulated with clips designed for 15 kV creepage paths. The 15 kV leads are supplied in a holdall. Suitably rated HV gloves and other personal protection equipment are required to be worn when testing.The MIT range share dual case design which includes a tough outer case to protect the tester from knocks/drops and an inner fire retardant case. The IP rating is IP 65 case closed eliminating moisture and dust ingress.An intuitive user interface ensures no lost time remembering how to use the tester. Simplicity of operation is achieved with two rotary switches and the large backlight display which enables multiple results to be displayed simultaneously. A graphical quick start guide is provided inside the lid to assist first time users.Five preset voltage ranges are provided in insulation test mode, plus a user settable lock voltage range. Preconfigured diagnostic tests include Polarisation Index (PI), Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR), dielectric discharge (DD), Stepped Voltage (SV) and ramp test. Advanced memory storage includes time/date stamping of results, logging of data and recall of results to screen. A fully isolatedUSB interface is used for safe transfer of data to Megger’s asset management software; PowerDB Pro, Advanced and Lite packages.Test leads are double insulated t with clamps rated at 3 kV t equivalent to 6 kV single insulation for the medium clip leadset and 5 kV t equivalent to 10 kV single insulation for the large clip. The 15k V leadset is insulated to 15 kV.Advanced memory storage includes time/date stamping of results, logging of data and recall of results to screen. A fully isolated USBMIT515, MIT525, MIT1025, MIT15255 kV, 10 kV, 15 kV DC Insulation Resistance TestersMIT515, MIT525, MIT1025, MIT15255 kV, 10 kV, 15 kV DC Insulationresistance testers■■Measures up to 30 TΩ■■Safety rated up to CAT IV 1000 V to 3000 m■■Unique dual-case design - additional userprotection■■Operates from battery or AC mains supply■■Rapid charge Li-ion battery■■Advanced memory with time/date stampdevice interface (type B) is used for safe transfer of data to Megger’s PowerDB / Pro, Advanced and Lite asset management software. (MIT525, MIT1025 nd MIT1525 only)APPLICATIONThe Insulation Resistance (IR) test is a quantitative test which indicates the effectiveness of a product’s electrical insulation. Applications include cables, transformers, motors/generators, circuit breakers and bushings. Common insulation tests are the “spot test”, a 1 minute IR test and a 10 minute Polarisation Index (PI) test, where PI is the ratio R10min / R1min and is temperature independent.FEATURES AND BENEFITS■■Insulation resistance up to 30 TΩ @ 15 kV , 20 TΩ @ 10kV , 10 TΩ@ 5 kV■■IR, Timed IR, DAR, PI, DD, SV and ramp diagnostic tests ■■High current – 3 mA short circuit current■■High noise immunity – 3 mA (5 kV and 10 kV) 6 mA (15 kV) ofnoise rejection■■Li-ion battery – up to 6 hrs continuous testing @ 5 kV with a100M load, battery meets IEC 2133■■Safety rating: CAT IV 600 V to 3000 m (5 kV , 10 kV) CAT IV 1000V to 3000 m (15 kV)■■Large LCD display with backlight■■Dedicated voltmeter function (30 V to 660 V)■■Advanced memory, on screen recall and real time clock for date/time stamped results (MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)■■Download of on-board results via USB interface (MIT525,MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)■■Recorded temperature (measured by independent instruments)can be saved with test result (MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)■■PowerDB Lite asset management software supplied (MIT525,MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)■■MIT515, MIT525 and MIT1025 safety rated at CAT IV 600 V(maintained to 3000 m altitude)■■MIT1525 safety rated at CAT IV 1000 V (maintained to 3000 maltitude)SPECIFICATIONSAC voltage (auto-ranging)5 kV , 10 kV: 90-264 V rms, 47- 63 Hz 100 VA15 kV: 90-264 V rms, 47- 63 Hz 200 VABattery charge time 2.5 hours deep discharge, 2 hours normal dischargeBattery life11.1 V , 5.2Ah Li-ion batteries, meet IEC 62133:2003, MIT1525 has 2 battery packsBattery life MIT515, MIT525: 6 hours (typical) continuous testing at 5 kV with a 100 MΩ load Battery life MIT1025: 4.5 hours (typical) continuoust esting at 10 kV with a 100 MΩ load Battery life MIT1525: 4.5 hours (typical) continuous t esting at 15 kV with a 100 MΩ load Test voltageMIT515, MIT525:250 V , 500 V , 1000 V , 2500 V , 5000 V , V L MIT1025:500 V , 1000 V , 2500 V , 5000 V , 10000 V , V L MIT1525:1000 V , 2500 V , 5000 V , 10000 V , 15000 V , V L Lock test voltage100 V L to 1 kV in 10 V steps, 1 kV to 5 kV in 25 V steps, 5 kV to 15 kV in 25 V steps Test voltage accuracy+4%, -0%, ±10 V nominal test voltage at 1 GΩ load (0°C to 30°C)Resistance range10 kΩ to 15 TΩ @ 5 kV , 10 kΩ to 20 TΩ @ 10 kV , 10 kΩ to 30 TΩ @ 15 kVAccuracyMIT515, MIT525 accuracy (23 °C) 5000 V 2500 V 1000 V 500 V250 V±5% from 1MΩ to 1 TΩ 500 GΩ 200 GΩ 100 GΩ 50 GΩ ±20% from 1MΩ to 10 TΩ 5 TΩ 2 TΩ 1 TΩ 500 GΩ MIT1025 accuracy (23 ºC) 10 kV 5000 V 2500 V 1000 V500 V±5% from 1MΩ to 2 TΩ 1 TΩ 500 GΩ 200 GΩ 100 GΩ±20% from 1MΩ to 20 TΩ 10 TΩ 5 TΩ 2 TΩ1 TΩMIT1525 accuracy (23 ºC) 15 kV 10 kV 5000 V 2500 V 1000 V ±5% from 1MΩ to 3 TΩ 2 TΩ 1 TΩ 500 GΩ 200 GΩ±20% from 1MΩ to 30 TΩ20 TΩ10 TΩ5 TΩ2 TΩGuard terminal performanceGuards out parallel leakageresistance down to 250 kΩ with a maximum additional resistance error of 1% with a 100 MΩ load DisplayAnalogue : 100 kΩ to 10 TΩDigital: 10 kΩ to max a above Short circuit/charge current 3 mA @ 5 kV , 10 kV , 15 kV Insulation testAlarm: 100 kΩ to 10 GΩTEST LEADS SUPPLIEDThe MIT515. MIT525, MIT1025 and the MIT1525 are all supplied with test leads that are compliant with the requirements ofIEC61010-031:2008. The 5 kV models are supplied with one 3m lead-set with medium sized clips. The 10 kV models are supplied with two 3m lead-sets, one with medium sized clips and the other with large clips with insulation suited to 10 kV use and the 15 kV models supplied with a 3m lead-set, with large clips with insulation suited to 15 kV use.These leads are designed based on Megger’s extensive knowledge of insulation testing using the latest technology. The leads are in compliance with IEC61010-31:2008 which requires a fully insulated clip design.MEDIUM INSULATED TEST CLIP 3 M X 3 LEADSET - 5 KV AND 10 KVThese test leads are supplied as standard on MIT515, MIT525 and the MIT1025.These clips are designed for clamping on larger diameter test pieces but where space is at a premium.The insulation is designed only to protect the user from the output of Megger 5 kV and 10 kV (set below 6 kV) insulation resistance testers. The clips cannot in any circumstance be relied on to protect the user from live ac systems above 600 V a.c., r.m.s. in an CAT IV environment.Cable insulation rating: 12 kV dc (marked on cable)Cable type: flexible dual insulated silicon (inner insulation layer coloured white tohighlight damageCapacitor chargeMIT515, MIT525 <3 s/μF at 3 mA to 5 kV MIT1025 <5 s/μF at 3 mA to 10 kV MIT1525 <7.5 s/μF at 3 mA to 15 kV Capacitor discharge<120 ms/μF to discharge from 5000 V to 50 V (MIT515 and MIT525)<250 ms/μF to discharge from 10000 V to 50 V (MIT1025)<3500 ms/μF to discharge from 15000 V to 50 V (MIT1525)Capacitance range With test voltage set above 500 VMIT515, MIT525 MIT1025: 10 nF to 25 μF MIT1525: 10 nF to 50 μFCapacitance measurement accuracy ±10% ±5 nF Current range 0.01 nA to 6 mACurrent accuracy ±5% ±0.2 nA at all voltages (23 °C)InterferenceMIT515, MIT525: 3 mA from 450 V to 5 kV MIT1025: 3 mA from 960 V to 10 kV MIT1525: 6 mA from 2100 V to 15 kV Voltmeter range 30 V to 660 V ac or dc, 45Hz – 65Hz Voltmeter accuracy ±3%, ±3VTimer range Up to 99 minutes 59 seconds, 15 second minimum setting Memory capacity5.5 hours logging @ 5 sec intervals(MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)Test modesMIT515: IR, IR(t), DAR, PIMIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525: IR, IR(t), DAR, PI, SV , DD, ramp testInterfaceUSB type B (device)(MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)Real time output1 Hz output readings (V , I, R) (MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)ENVIRONMENTAL Maximum altitude3000 m (5 kV , 10 kV)3000 m (15 kV)Operating temperature range -20 °C to 50 °C Storage temperature range -25 °C to 65 °CHumidity 90% RH non-condensing at 40 °C IP rating IP65 (lid closed), IP40 (lid open)SAFETYMIT515, MIT525 MIT1025: CAT IV 600 V to 3000 m altitude MIT1525: CAT IV 1000 V to 3000 m altitude Meets the requirements of IEC 61010-1,TEST LEADS SUPPLIED CONT.MEDIUM INSULATED TEST CLIP 3 M X 3 LEADSET - 15 KVThese test leads are supplied as an option on the MIT1525.These clips are designed for clamping on larger diameter test pieces but where space is at a premium.The insulation is designed only to protect the user from the output of Megger 15 kV (set below 6 kV) insulation resistance testers.The clips cannot in any circumstance be relied on to protectthe user from live ac systems above 1000 V a.c., r.m.s. in an CAT IV environment.Cable insulationrating: 15 kV dc(marked on cable)Cable type: flexibledual insulated silicon(inner insulation layercoloured white tohighlight damage These test leads may also be supplied in none standard lengths to suit a particular application.Please contact Megger for a quotation. Minimum order quantities may apply.LARGE INSULATED TEST CLIP 3 M X 3 LEADSET These test leads are supplied as standard on MIT1025 and MIT1525 Models (different leadset dependant on model)These clips are designed for clamping on larger diameter test pieces. The insulation is designed only to protect the user from the output of Megger 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation resistance testers.The clips cannot in any circumstance be relied on to protect the user from live ac systems above 600 V a.c., r.m.s. in an CAT IV environment.10 kV lead setCable insulation rating:12 kV dc (marked on cable)Cable type: flexible dualinsulated silicon (innerinsulation layer colouredwhite to highlight damage)15 kV lead setCable insulation rating:18 kV dc (marked on cable)Cable type: flexible dualinsulated silicon (innerinsulation layer colouredwhite to highlight damage) The design of the lead sets is intended to facilitate connectionto a variety of de-energized systems for the purpose of making insulation resistance measurements. In all cases it is the responsibility of the user to employ safe working practices and verify that the system is safe before connection. Even isolated systems may exhibit significant capacitance which will become highly charged during the application of the insulation test. This charge can be lethal and connections, including the leads and clips, should never be touched during the test. The system must be safely discharged before touching connections.DESIGNED FOR EVERYDAY USETest leads are a key component of any precision instrument and that safety, long life, and the ability to provide reliable connections to a variety of test pieces found in everyday applications are of the utmost importance. Megger design test leads for both safety and practical operation.LOCKING HV INSULATED PLUGS/NON-REMOVABLE TEST CLIPSAll Megger 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation testing test leads are fitted with unique locking HV plugs and non-removable test clips. This reduces the likelihood of a plug or clip inadvertently losing electrical connection and the capacitance of a long cable remaining lethally charged.With the arrows on the plug finger guard horizontal on the instrument as shown to lock. Twist 90º to to unlock. In addition,for the same reason, the test clips are not removable from the test lead.PRACTICAL INSULATION DESIGNMoving jaw fingers maintain the clips touch proof safety when clip is closed but flex back to allow metal teeth of the clip to contact test piece unimpeded when in use.Megger clip beingtested with IECstandard testfinger for creepageand clearance.PRACTICAL JAW DESIGNCurved jaws allow reliable connection around test piecesand flat jaw tips provide excellent connection and grippingof individual wires.OPTIONAL TEST LEADSMEDIUM AND LARGE TEST CLIPSTest leads above with medium and large size insulated clips are available supplied as an option in 5m, 8m, 10m and 15m lengths. These are listed in the ordering information panel at the endof this data sheet. These test leads may also be suppliedin non-standard lengths to suit a particular application/ requirement. Please contact Megger for a quotation, minimum order quantities may apply.Versions available for all MIT modelsCOMPACT TEST CLIP LEADSThese clips are designed for clamping on test pieces where access is limited. There is no insulation on these clips.Extreme caremust be taken toavoid electric shockwhen connecting/disconnecting dueto the bare metallicclips.Cable insulationrating: 12 kV dc(marked on cable) Cable type: flexible dual insulated silicon (inner insulation layer coloured white to highlight damage)Fits: MIT515, MIT525 and MIT1025COMPACT TEST CLIP WITH 5 OR 10 KV SCREENED CABLEThe clips are designed for clamping on test pieces where access is limited. There is no insulation on these clips. Extreme care must be taken to avoid electric shock when connecting/ disconnecting due to the bare metallic clips.The screened test lead set consists of:■■A black/negative test lead that has been screened.■■A red/positive test lead that is not screened.Cable insulation rating: 5 kV or 10 kV dcCable type: flexible screened PVCNote: Screened test leadsare an important accessoryfor those working in highnoise environments, and/or locations where testlead leakage could be aproblem.Fits: MIT515, MIT525 andMIT1025LARGE TEST CLIP WITH 15 KV SCREENED CABLE Relative motion between unshielded long leads for a D.C. test causes a variation in capacitance between them. This in turn causes very low frequency currents to flow, creating interference with the D.C. being measured. In addition induced current from nearby cables or radiated noise from corona around HV bushings can interfere with measurements causing unstable readings. This can be greatly reduced by using a screened lead set.The screened test lead set consists of:■■A black/negative test lead that has been screened.■■A red/positive test lead that is not screened.Cable insulation rating: 15 kV dcCable type: flexiblescreened PVCNote: Screened test leadsare an important accessoryfor those working in highnoise environments, and/or locations where test leadleakage could be a problem.Fits: MIT1525CONTROL CIRCUIT TEST LEAD SETSThis probe and clip leadset is designed for testing low voltage circuits with test voltages up to 1 kV.The insulation is designed only to protect the user from the outputof Megger 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kVinsulation resistance testers setto a maximum output voltage of1 kV. Do not use this leadset atvoltages above 1 kV.Cable insulation rating: 1 kV dcFUSED TEST PROBE AND CLIP LEAD SETThis fused probe and clip leadset is designed for testing low voltage circuits with test voltages up to 1 kV. The leadset is GS38 compliant, fitted with FF500mA 50 kA fuses, which allows voltage measurements to be made in safety when using the user selectable voltage measuring range on the MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 instruments.The insulation is designed only toprotect the user from the output ofMegger 5 kV and 10 kV insulationresistance testers set to a maximumoutput voltage of 1 kV. Do not usethis leadset at voltages above 1 kV.Cable insulation rating: 1 kVMore detailed information can be found on the 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation tester lead sets application note. This document can be downloadedfrom: UKArchcliffe Road Dover CT17 9EN EnglandT +44 (0) 1304 502101 F +44 (0) 1304 207342 ******************UNITED STATES4271 Bronze WayDallas TX 75237-1019 USAT 800 723 2861 (USA only)T +1 214 333 3201F +1 214 331 7399******************OTHER TECHNICAL SALES OFFICESValley Forge USA, College Station USA,Sydney AUSTRALIA, Danderyd SWEDEN,Ontario CANADA, Trappes FRANCE,Oberursel GERMANY, Aargau SWITZERLAND,Kingdom of BAHRAIN, Mumbai INDIA,Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA, Chonburi THAILANDCERTIFICATION ISORegistered to ISO 9001:2000 Cert. no. Q 09290MIT515--MIT525--MIT1025--MIT1525_DS_en_V06Megger is a registered trademarkDescription Order Code Description Order CodeMIT515-UK 1001-935 MIT515-US 1001-936 MIT515-EU 1001-937 MIT515-AU 1001-938 MIT525-UK 1001-939 MIT525-US 1001-940 MIT525-EU 1001-941 MIT525-AU 1001-942 MIT1025-UK 1001-943 MIT1025-US 1001-944 MIT1025-EU 1001-945 MIT1025-AU 1001-946 MIT1525 UK 1002-907 MIT1525 US 1002-909 MIT1525 EU 1002-908 MIT1525 AU 1002-910Included AccessoriesPower leadUSB cablePowerDB Lite softwareProduct information CDIncluded accessories (5 kV, 10 kV, 15kV)3 m lead set, medium size insulated clips(MIT515 and MIT525 only) 1002-531 3 m leadset x 3, large insulated clips(MIT1025 only) 1002-534 3m leadset x 3, large 15 kV insulated clips(MIT1525 only) 1002-949Optional Accessories 1 kV test lead sets(MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025 only)Fused test probe and clip lead set 1002-913 CONTROL CIRCUIT TEST SET 6220-822Optional accessories – 1 kV test lead sets(MIT1525 only)Fused test lead set with probes and clips(2 x leads, 1.25m) 1005-265 Control circuit test lead set (2 x leads, 3m) 1005-264HV test leads sest (MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025 only)* These test leads may also be supplied in non-standard lengths to suit a particular application / requirement. Please contact Megger for a quotation, minimum order quantities may apply.3 x 5 m with large insulated clips 1002-6453 x 8 with large insulated clips 1002-6463 x 10 m with large insulated clips 1002-6473 x 15 m with large insulated clips 1002-6483 x 5 m with medium insulated clips 1002-6413 x 8 m with medium insulated clips 1002-6423 x 10 m with medium insulated clips 1002-6433 x 15 m with medium insulated clips 1002-644 COMPACT, BARE TEST CLIP: Lead length: 3 m 8101-181 COMPACT, BARE TEST CLIP: Lead length:5 m 8101-182 COMPACT, BARE TEST CLIP: Lead length: 15 m 8101-183HV test lead sets (MIT1525 only)5 m lead set, large size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-25910 m lead set, large size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-26015 m lead set, large size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-2613 m lead set, medium size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-26210 m lead set, medium size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-263Screened - HV test lead sets(MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025 only)1 x 3 m, wtih 5 kV screened un-insulatedsmall clips 6220-8351 x 15 m, with 5 kV screened un-insulatedsmall clips 6311-0803 m, 10 kV screened un-insulated small clips 6220-83410 m, 10 kV screened un-insulated small clips 6220-86115 m, 10 kV screened un-insulated small clips 6220-833Screened HV test lead sets (MIT1525 only)3 m, 15 kV screened, large size insulated clips,supplied in carry holdall 1005-26610 m, 15 kV screened, large size insulated clips,supplied in carry holdall 1005-26715 m, 15 kV screened, large size insulated clips,supplied in carry holdall 1005-26820 m, 15 kV screened, large size insulated clips,supplied in carry holdall 1005-269OtherCB101; 5 kV Calibration Box 6311-077 Calibration certificate - CB101 1000-113 UKAS calibration certificate CB101 1000-047。
ZEBEX 激光扫描枪 Z-3051HS Z-3021 Z-3001 说明书

Z-3051HS 扫描枪状态显示及故障排除
扫描枪的顶部有三种指示灯颜色(蓝色、红色和绿色),这 三种指示灯颜色可以反映扫描枪的各种状态信息。
Full ASCII ---Y Full ASCII ---回车
Full ASCII ---Z Full ASCII ---空格
感谢信 _________________________________________
扫描枪状态显示及故障排除……… 1 接口模式设置……………………… 5 扫描模式设置……………………… 6 声音调节…………………………… 7 条码开放设置……………………… 8 读码长度范围设定………………… 8 相同条码扫描时间间隔………… 9 条码标识符………………………… 9 各种接口模式下的数据处理………10
绿灯亮 蓝灯闪烁 绿灯 一直亮
红绿灯 一直亮
蓝灯 持续闪烁
* 解码成功但商品还没有从扫描窗口 移开 * 扫描枪处于条码设置模式 这表明扫描枪的马达或激光头出现故 障。当马达有故障时,会发出哔哔的声 音。请将机器送修。 当扫描枪置于支架上时,将条码放在扫 描区域中,激光会打开并自动解码传 输。
祝您万事如意! ZEBEX 巨普致上
EAN/ UPC 条码设定……………13
加载前后缀/ 截除前后字符………13
ASCII Table………………………… 14
感谢信……………………………… 17
Full ASCII ---W
任何设定,首先扫描“开始 设定”,最后扫描“结束设定”


Detection of access into critical zones. The reference boundary monitoring feature improves safety by detecting gaps around the protection zone and any sensor misalignment.
Configurations created on PC can be stored on a SD Card and then used to program a UAM. SD Card configurations are password and serial number protected.
FUNCTION Power Power Output Output Output
Output Input Input Input
Input Input Input Input
Input Input Input Output Output Communication Communication -
Power supply: DC 24V Power supply : DC 0V Potection zone output 1 Protection zone output 2
Protection zone output 3 Warning zone output 1
Protection zone output 4 Warning zone output 2
Area switching input A Area switching input B/ Muting input 3 Area switching input C/ Override input 1/ Encoder input 1_A

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伟迪捷 1210是1000系列上市的第二种机型,不仅为标识性能树立了更高的标准,还能达到最大正常运行时间。
更少的维护VJ 1210运行 6000 小时 (超过24个月在一个班次运行的状态下)无需预防性维护。
可达科技 CA30CAN CAF 第四代三重电磁盾感应靠近传感器数据手册说明书

Proximity Sensors Capacitive Thermoplastic Polyester Housing Types CA30CAN/CAF.....• 4TH Generation TRIPLESHIELD TM• Adjustable sensing distance: 2 - 20 mm flush or 4-30 mm non-flush• Protection: short-circuit, transients and reverse polarity • Dust and humidity compensation • Dust or temperature alarm output • Rated operational voltage: 10-40 VDC • Output: DC 200 mA, NPN or PNP • Standard Output: NO and NC• LED indications for power-supply, output and stability • IP67, IP68, IP69K, Nema 1, 2, 4, 4X, 5, 6, 6P, 12• Cable and M12 connector versions availableProduct DescriptionThe CA30CA.. capacitive proximity switches feature an improved 4TH generation TRI-PLESHIELD TM technology. F urthermore, these sensors feature increased immunity to electromagnetic interfer-ence (EMI), especially to fre-quency drives. Not only does 4TH generation TRIPLESH-IELD TM feature an increased EMI, but it also increases the immunity to humidity and dust. The implementation of stability indication eases the setup procedure, as both Stable ON and Stable OF F positions are indicated bythe green and yellow LEDs.increased by 20 – 25 % allowing room for additional stable detection.gives an early warning that have to be cleaned.The temperature alarm func-tion raises an alarm if the sensing surface goes beyond 60 degree Celsius.The sensor housing is featur-ing IP69K as well as approval by ECOLAB for cleaning and disinfection agents. Rated operating distance (S n ) Non-flush mounted sensor 0 - 25 mm (factory setting 25 mm), (ref. target 75x75 mm ST37, 1 mm thick, grounded) Flush mounted sensor 0 - 16 mm (factory setting 16 mm - non-flush mounted) (ref. target 48x48 mm ST37, 1 mm thick, grounded)Specifications EN 60947-5-2Housing Sensor Output OutputConnectionRated operating Ordering no. Ordering no. Ordering no.diameter type type function distance (S n ) StandardDust alarmTemperature alarmM 30 Flush NPN NO+NC Cable 0 - 16 mm CA30CAF16NA M 30 Flush NPN NO+NC M12 Plug 0 - 16 mm CA30CAF16NAM1M 30 Flush PNP NO+NC Cable 0 - 16 mm CA30CAF16PA M 30 Flush PNP NO+NC M12 Plug 0 - 16 mm CA30CAF16PAM1M 30 Flush PNP NO Cable 0 - 16 mm CA30CAF16PODU CA30CAF16POTAM 30 Flush PNP NC Cable 0 - 16 mmCA30CAF16PCDU CA30CAF16PCTA M 30 Flush PNP NC M12 Plug 0 - 16 mm CA30CAF16PCM1DUM 30 Non-Flush NPN NO+NC Cable 0 - 25 mm CA30CAN25NA M 30 Non-Flush NPN NO+NC M12 Plug 0 - 25 mm CA30CAN25NAM1M 30 Non-Flush PNP NO+NC Cable 0 - 25 mm CA30CAN25PA M 30 Non-Flush PNP NO+NC M12 Plug 0 - 25 mm CA30CAN25PAM1M 30 Non-Flush PNP NO Cable 0 - 25 mm CA30CAN25PODU CA30CAN25POTA M 30Non-FlushPNPNCCable0 - 25 mmCA30CAN25PCDU CA30CAN25PCTAType SelectionCA30CAN/CAF.....Specifications (cont.) EN 60947-5-2* The IP69K test according to DIN 40050-9 for high-pressure, high-temperature wash-down applications. The sensor must not only be dust tight (IP6X), but also able to withstand high-pressure and steam cleaning. The sensor is exposed to high-pressure water from a spray nozzle that is fed with 80°C water at 8’000– 10’000 KPa (80–100bar) and a flow rate of 14–6L/min. The nozzle is held 100 –150 mm from the sensor at angles of 0°, 30°, 60° and 90° for 30s each. The test device sits on a turntable that rotates with a speed of 5 times per minute. The sensor must not suffer any damaging effects from the high pressure water in appear-ance and function.90°60°30°0°The environments in which capacitive sensors are installed can often be unsta-ble as regards temperature, humidity, object distance and industrial (noise) inter-ference. This is why Carlo Gavazzi offers, as a stand-ard feature in all TRIPLESH-IELD™ capacitive sensors, a user-friendly sensitivity adjustment instead of a fixed sensing range. Likewise, these sensors provide an extended sensing range to accommodate mechanicallydemanding areas and tem-perature stability to ensure high immunity to electromag-netic interference (EMI) and a minimum need for adjusting sensitivity if the temperature varies.Note:The sensors are factory set (default) to nominal sensing range S n .Adjustment GuideCA30CAN/CAF.....Wiring DiagramDetection DiagramCA30CAN/CAF.....Detection Stability IndicationDimensionsInstallation HintsCapacitive sensors have a unique ability to detect al-most any material in li q uid or solid form. Capa c i t ive sen-sors are able to detect me-tallic as well as non-metallic ob j ects. How e ver, their tradi-tional use is for non-metallic materials such as:• Plastics Industry Resins, regrinds or mould-ed products.• Chemical IndustryCleansers, fertilizers, liq-uid soaps, corrosives andpe t r o c hemicals.• Wood IndustrySaw dust, paper products,door and window frames.• Ceramics & GlassI ndustryRaw materials, clay orfinish e d products, bottles.• Packaging IndustryPackage inspection for lev-el or contents, dry goods,fruits and vegetables, dairyproducts.Materials are detected due totheir dielectric constant. Thebigger the size of an object,the higher the density of ma-terial, the better or easier it isto detect the object.The nominal sensing di s tan-ce for a capacitive sensoris refe r r ed to a groundedme t al plate (ST37). For addi-tional information regardingdi e lec t ric ratings of materi-als please re f er to TechnicalInformation.Relief of cable strain Protection of the sensing face Switch mounted on mobile carrier To avoid interference from inductive voltage/current peaks, separate the prox. switch pow-er cables from any other power cables, e.g.motor, contactor or solenoid cablesNot correctCorrectThe cable should not be pulled A proximity switch should not serve asmechanical stopAny repetitive flexing of thecable should be avoided Delivery Contents•Capacitive switch: CA30CAN/CAF.......• User manual• 2 x M30 fingernuts• Screwdriver• Packaging: Cardboard boxAccessories• Connector type CONB14NF-... -series.• Mounting Brackets AMB30-S.. (straight),AMB30-A.. (angled)CA30CAN/CAF.....。

1、通讯可靠,工作范围大,空旷处通信距离可达 300米。 2、一拖多模式,一只基座可以同时与99只扫描配对 使用。 3、极其舒适的操作手感,手动触发、连续扫描(自 动感应可选)。 4、全部自主知识产权(获多项国家专利)。 5、丰富的解码种类,全身防震防摔设计,按键寿命 高达5000万次。 6、支持超过20个不同国家的键盘输出,支持RS232、 PS2键盘、USB等接口。
1、欣技1266蓝牙激光扫描器可漫游100米(328 英尺)到工作和客户需要的地方。即使超出蓝牙 范围,它仍能批量采集和储存数据或存入缓冲区, 一旦返回范围后即可上传。超出范围时可进行多 达256次扫描,或者进行批量扫描并存储多达 8192次扫描。 2、1266的通信底座最多可与七款CipherLab蓝 牙扫描器共享,令您的投资能够发挥更大作用。 3、1266蓝牙激光扫描器将给您带来高效率和高 附加值,适合零售、制造、仓储和医疗保健业。 4、适合恶劣环境,可耐受多次摔落至水泥地。
1、比手机更轻巧的欣技1600系列口袋型扫描器,是专为 满足医疗保健业、端点销售与外勤服务的扫描需求而设计。 除了能读取高密度的一维条码,也新增了二维条码的读取 功能,欣技1600系列能让您跟上二维条码日益普及的应用 趋势。 2、只需要2颗3A电池或充电式锂电池,欣技1600系列就能 持续运作一整天,增进生产力。欣技1600系列可以储存超 过1万笔的扫描数据,藉由蓝牙联机功能,可与PDA或智能 型手机进行实时的数据传输,让您的后端系统随时保持在 最新状态。
MODEL2030 粉尘仪 用户手册说明书

目录一、系统简介 (4)1.1概述 (4)1.2应用场合 (4)二、测量原理、特点与技术指标 (4)2.1测量原理 (4)2.2技术特点 (5)2.3技术指标 (6)三、粉尘仪安装及连接 (6)3.1安装准备 (6)3.2设备安装 (6)3.3系统校准 (9)3.4仪器动态测量范围的设置 (10)四、系统故障诊断及维护 (11)4.1维护 (11)4.2故障诊断 (11)4.2.1.第一类故障 (11)4.2.2.第二类故障 (11)4.2.3.第三类故障 (12)五、粉尘仪安装调试说明 (13)5.1安装说明 (13)5.2调试说明 (15)保修说明 (16)一、系统简介1.1概述欢迎选购本公司MODEL2030粉尘分析仪。

2014-08-28目录1标准配置 (1)2可选配置 (2)3注意事项 (3)3.1安全注意事项 (3)3.2使用注意事项 (3)4功能描述 (4)5性能参数 (5)6熟悉FM30 (6)7系统的安装连接 (7)8如何读码 (9)8.1LCD阅读 (9)8.2纸面码的阅读 (9)9系统设置 (10)9.1照明灯设置 (10)9.2提示音设置 (11)9.2.1启动/关闭静音 (11)9.2.2解码提示音设置 (11)9.2.3解码成功提示音音量/音长设置 (12)9.3识读模式设置 (13)9.4出厂默认设置 (13)9.5数据码 (14)9.6保存和取消 (17)10RS-232通讯设置 (18)11USB通讯设置 (20)11.1HID-POS (20)11.2USB虚拟串口 (20)11.3USB HID-KBW (20)11.3.1标准键盘输入模式 (21)11.3.2键盘仿真输入控制字符模式 (21)11.3.3键盘仿真输入字符模式 (23)11.3.4键盘布局 (24)12条码参数设置 (29)12.1简介 (29)12.2综合设置 (29)12.2.1禁止识读所有条码 (29)12.2.2允许识读所有条码 (29)12.2.3允许识读所有一维条码 (30)12.2.4禁止识读所有一维条码 (30)12.2.5允许识读所有二维条码 (30)12.2.6禁止识读所有二维条码 (30)12.3Code128 (31)12.3.1恢复默认值 (31)12.3.2允许/禁止识读Code128 (31)12.4UCC/EAN-128 (32)12.4.1恢复默认值 (32)12.4.2允许/禁止识读UCC/EAN-128 (32)12.5AIM128 (33)12.5.1恢复默认值 (33)12.5.2允许/禁止识读AIM128 (33)12.6EAN-8 (34)12.6.1恢复默认值 (34)12.6.2允许/禁止识读EAN-8 (34)12.6.3设置是否传送校验位 (35)12.6.4设置是否允许识读2位附加码 (36)12.6.5设置是否允许读5位附加码 (37)12.6.6设置是否把结果扩展成EAN-13 (38)12.7EAN-13 (39)12.7.1恢复默认值 (39)12.7.2允许/禁止识读EAN-13 (39)12.7.3设置是否传送校验位 (40)12.7.4设置是否允许识读2位附加码 (41)12.7.5设置是否允许读5位附加码 (42)12.8ISSN (43)12.8.1恢复默认值 (43)12.8.2允许/禁止识读ISSN (43)12.9ISBN (44)12.9.1恢复默认值 (44)12.9.2允许/禁止识读ISBN (44)12.9.3ISBN数据位设置 (45)12.10UPC-E (46)12.10.1恢复默认值 (46)12.10.2允许/禁止识读UPC-E (46)12.10.3设置是否传送校验位 (47)12.10.4设置是否允许识读2位附加码 (48)12.10.5设置是否允许读5位附加码 (49)12.10.6设置是否传送系统字符“0” (50)12.10.7设置是否结果扩展成UPC-A (50)12.11UPC-A (51)12.11.1恢复默认值 (51)12.11.2允许/禁止识读UPC-A (51)12.11.3设置是否传送校验位 (52)12.11.4设置是否允许识读2位附加码 (53)12.11.5设置是否允许读5位附加码 (54)12.11.6设置是否传送前导字符 (55)12.12Interleaved2of5 (56)12.12.1恢复默认值 (56)12.12.2允许/禁止识读Interleaved2of5 (56)12.12.3设置是否传送校验位 (57)12.13ITF-6 (58)12.13.1恢复默认值 (58)12.13.2允许/禁止识读ITF-6 (58)12.14ITF-14 (59)12.14.1恢复默认值 (59)12.14.2允许/禁止识读ITF-14 (59)12.15Matrix2of5(European Matrix2of5) (60)12.15.1恢复默认值 (60)12.15.2允许/禁止识读Matrix2of5 (60)12.15.3检验设置 (61)12.16Industrial25 (62)12.16.1恢复默认值 (62)12.16.2允许/禁止识读Industrial25 (62)12.16.3设置是否传送校验位 (63)12.17Standard25 (64)12.17.1恢复默认值 (64)12.17.2允许/禁止识读Standard25 (64)12.17.3设置是否传送校验位 (65)12.18Code39 (66)12.18.1恢复默认值 (66)12.18.2允许/禁止识读Code39 (66)12.18.3设置是否传送起始符和终止符 (67)12.18.4ASCII码识别范围设置 (67)12.18.5检验设置 (68)12.19Codabar (69)12.19.1恢复默认值 (69)12.19.2允许/禁止识读Codabar (69)12.19.3检验设置 (70)12.19.4起始符与终止符设置 (71)12.20Code93 (72)12.20.1恢复默认值 (72)12.20.2允许/禁止识读Code93 (72)12.20.3检验设置 (73)12.21Code11 (74)12.21.1恢复默认值 (74)12.21.2允许/禁止识读Code11 (74)12.21.3检验设置 (75)12.22Plessey (77)12.22.1恢复默认值 (77)12.22.2允许/禁止识读Plessey (77)12.22.3检验设置 (78)12.23MSI-Plessey (79)12.23.1恢复默认值 (79)12.23.2允许/禁止识读MSI-Plessey (79)12.23.3检验设置 (80)12.24RSS-14 (82)12.24.1恢复默认值 (82)12.24.2允许/禁止识读RSS-14 (82)12.24.3AI(01)字符发送设置 (83)12.25RSS-Limited (84)12.25.1恢复默认值 (84)12.25.2允许/禁止识读RSS-Limited (84)12.25.3AI(01)字符发送设置 (85)12.26RSS-Expand (86)12.26.1恢复默认值 (86)12.26.2允许/禁止识读RSS-Expand (86)12.27PDF417 (87)12.27.1恢复默认值 (87)12.27.2允许/禁止识读PDF417 (87)12.27.3允许/禁止PDF417宏上送 (88)12.28Data Matrix (89)12.28.1恢复默认值 (89)12.28.2允许/禁止识读Data Matrix (89)12.28.3设置是否识别镜像Data Matrix (90)12.28.4矩形码识别设置 (90)12.29QR Code (91)12.29.1恢复默认值 (91)12.29.2允许/禁止识读QR Code (91)12.29.3设置允许/禁止识读Micro QR (92)13数据编辑 (93)13.1AIM ID前缀 (93)13.2CODE ID前缀 (98)13.3结束符后缀 (100)14常见故障和排除方法 (101)1标准配置1.NLS-FM30系列固定式条码扫描器1部B 接口数据通讯线1根3.快速使用指南1份快速使用指南_____________________________________________________________12可选配置1.RS-232串口数据通讯线1根2.DC5V电源适配器1只请向您购买产品的经销商索取保修卡。
霍尼韦尔 EX30 扫描采集设备说明书

• Near and Extended FlexRange™ read ranges of 10 cm to 20 m [4 in to 66 ft]allow both near and far barcode reading in the same device.• MIPI interface provides compatibility with newer processors.• Patented, embedded, auto-focus lensmechanism enables fast, aim-and-scan operation, allowing job efficiency.• Compact dimensions of 13 mm x 30,5 mm x 22,2 mm [0.51 in x 1.2 in x 0.87 in] allow easier fit into slimmer mobile device designs.• Fully compatible with Honeywell’s N670X, N660X, and N360X Series scan engines, reduces integration time and increases design flexibility.• Flexible choice of decoder software or hardware (Honeywell Gen7 DB Decoder Board) options allow integration into both OS and non-OS supported devices.Extended FlexRange EX30 2D Scan EngineThe Extended FlexRange EX30 2D ScanEngine for warehouse and distribution center operations seamlessly reads barcodes from 10 cm to 20 m [4 in to 66 ft] using the latest technology for a fast auto-focus mechanism.Warehouse and distribution center operation managers need barcode scanning solutions that can read barcodes at close distances as well as those farther away, such as package labels on shelves as high as 10 cm to 20 m [4 in to 66 ft]. The EX30 answers this key requirement by enabling a wide angle read range of 42° at close distances and up to 20 m [66 ft].Operators reading barcodes at both near and far distances expect to switchseamlessly between both operations. The Extended FlexRange EX30 uses the latest technology for a fast auto-focus lens mechanism that provides the focus change multiple times faster than its predecessor. At this level of performance, the operator feels no latency in reading across the entire distance range, allowing an efficient and comfortable work pace.The Extended FlexRange EX30's electrical interface is fully compatible withHoneywell's N670X Series, N660X Series, and N360X Series fixed-focus, compact scan engines. This compatibility provides customers with a complete barcodescanning performance offering, ranging from better to best, that fits into the same mobile device, keeping design time and resources to a minimum. The Extended FlexRange EX30 is available with either a parallel or the MIPI interface, now commonly used with the newest generation of processors.The Extended FlexRange EX30 may easily be embedded into mobile devices running under an OS by using the resources of the device's main processor. Honeywellsupports its customers with integrating decoder software into their solutions, saving the cost of ownership by eliminating hardware and also enhancing performance by using the main processor's power.EXTENDEDFLEXRANGE™ EX302D Scan Engine, Undecoded, Auto-FocusThe Extended FlexRange EX30 may also be powered by the new Honeywell Gen7 DB Decoder Board, allowing easy integration into non-OS devices such as drones, mobile accessories and sleds.POTENTIAL APPLICATIONSBoth near and far barcode scanning in same device for use in warehouse and distribution centers.FEATURES AND BENEFITSEXTENDED FLEXRANGE™ EX30 2D SCAN ENGINE | /optical-sensing |21 Based on MIL-HDBK-217F (releasedDecember 1, 1991). The calculation is based on the part count method for the Ground Benign (GB) environmental conditions.2 Barcode quality and environmental conditions may affect performance.3 Code resolution: 1D: 13 mil, 2D: 20 mil 1. 4 Extreme temperatures will reduce the depth of field. 5 Extreme ambient light conditions will reducethe depth of field.FIGURE 1. LASER AIMEREXTENDED FLEXRANGE™ EX30 2D SCAN ENGINE Technical Specifications007629-3-EN US | 3 | 10/20© 2020 Honeywell International IncFind out moreTo learn more about Honeywell scan engines and barcode decoding software, visit /optical-sensingHoneywellSensing and Internet of Things 830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX 75081NOTICEMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION• The information presented in this datasheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.。

) 每套MS3590移动扫描器标准配置包括:移动扫描器一个,USB连接线一根和CD光盘一个(内含软件和电子文档使用手册)。
) 除另外说明,术语“扫描器”在本指引中皆指代MS3590移动扫描器。
) 请使用柔软的干布清洁扫描器。
) 无线数据传送的有效范围:在天气晴朗,温度27℃,能见度5公里以上的条件下,通信距离可达30米。
) 蓝牙和无线局域网(WLAN)都使用2.4GHz 频段并且后者发射功率较大。
) 扫描器有多种无线工作模式,支持离线数据保存等多种功能。
1. 依次从电源后盖拧开4个螺钉。
2. 然后在挂钩上系上绳扣/腕带。
3. 合上电源后盖并拧紧扫描器的4个螺钉。
更换电池1. 依次从电源后盖拧开4个螺钉。
2. 适当放置电池,将插头滑入插座至连接牢靠。
扫描器外观○1蓝色LED (蓝牙电源指示); 绿色LED (解码成功指示); 红色LED (充电指示) ○2液晶屏○3~○4软键 ○5~○8导航键 ○9扫描/选择键○10返回键 ○11蓝牙开/关键 ○12电源开关/睡眠键 ○13扫描窗 ○14标签 ○15蜂鸣器出声口 ○16电池盖 ○17迷你USB 接口 / 电池充电口 ○18绳扣/腕带挂钩 电池充电1. 第一次使用扫描器前,请先给电池充电。

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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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h:三种工作模式(无线、盘点、安全),盘点模式在可存储5000条的条码信息(超过5000条需要定制). i:自动休眠,休眠电流小于10UA,大大延长电池待机时间.
L; 接上线材不仅可以充电,可以自动切换有线模式,充电传输两不误。
M: 电池容量1800毫安,一次充电后每天扫描5000次,可以连续工作10天。
光源类型: CCD
误码率: 1/5000万
受光强度: 3000-12000Lux
解码能力: UPC/EAN/JAN、UPC/EAN with Supplementals、UCC/EAN 128、Code 39、MSI、Code11
Code 39 Full ASCII、Code 39 TriOptic、Code 128、Code 128Full ASCII
重量: 200g
充电接口类型: RJ-45水晶头,长1米(配5V充电器,红灯时正在充电,绿灯时电池充满)
外壳材质: ABS+PC
温度: 0℃至50℃(工作):-40℃至60℃(存储)
EMC 电磁兼容性: EN55022,EN55024
电气安全: EN60950-1
封装等级: IP52