.NET Compact Framework 2.0中的新事物介绍.NET Compact Framework 2.0版在以前版本——.NET Compact Framework1.0版——上提供许多改善。
虽然普遍改善,但他们都集中在共同的目标——改进开发商生产力、以完整的.NET Framwork提供更强的兼容性,以及加大对设备特性的支持。
这篇文章提供一个.NET Compact Framework2.0的变动和改进的高水平的概要。
为了简化创造应用用户界面的任务,.NET Compact Framework2.0提供许多关于这方面描述的新特性。
窗口形式控制存在于用户界面中心的是控制;.NET Compact Framework2.0提供了很多新的控制。
这种控制是.NET Compact Framework有的与.NET Framework一样充分的控制。
当显示信息时,DateTimePicker控制与正文框相似;但是,当用户选择了一个日期, 可能显示一个类似于MonthCalendar控制的弹出日历。
以下是一些常见的参考文献中文和英文对照:1. 书籍 Book中文:王小明. 计算机网络技术. 北京:清华大学出版社,2018.英文:Wang, X. Computer Network Technology. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2018.2. 学术期刊 Article in Academic Journal中文:张婷婷,李伟. 基于深度学习的影像分割方法. 计算机科学与探索,2019,13(1):61-67.英文:Zhang, T. T., Li, W. Image Segmentation Method Based on Deep Learning. Computer Science and Exploration, 2019, 13(1): 61-67.3. 会议论文 Conference Paper中文:王维,李丽. 基于云计算的智慧物流管理系统设计. 2019年国际物流与采购会议论文集,2019:112-117.英文:Wang, W., Li, L. Design of Smart Logistics Management System Based on Cloud Computing. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Logistics and Procurement, 2019: 112-117.4. 学位论文 Thesis/Dissertation中文:李晓华. 基于模糊神经网络的水质评价模型研究. 博士学位论文,长春:吉林大学,2018.英文:Li, X. H. Research on Water Quality Evaluation Model Based on Fuzzy Neural Network. Doctoral Dissertation, Changchun: Jilin University, 2018.5. 报告 Report中文:国家统计局. 2019年国民经济和社会发展统计公报. 北京:中国统计出版社,2019.英文:National Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Communique of the People's Republic of China on the 2019 National Economic and Social Development. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2019.以上是一些常见的参考文献中文和英文对照,希望对大家写作有所帮助。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 : 信息工程学院专 业: 计算机科学与技术姓 名: xxxxxx 学 号: xxxxxxxxx外文出处: Thinking.In.Java.4th.Edition附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
指导教师评语:签名:2011年 月 日(用外文写)附件1:外文资料翻译译文一切都是对象“如果我们说另一种不同的语言,那么我们就会发觉一个有些不同的世界”。
—Ludwig Wittgenstein(1889-1951) “尽管以C++为基础,但Java是一种更纯粹的面向对象程序设计语言”。
在本章,我们将探讨Java 程序的基本组件,并体会为什么说Java乃至Java程序内的一切都是对象。
1.1 用句柄操纵对象每种编程语言都有自己的数据处理方式。
中英文对照外文翻译JSP 和SQL Server 2000相关介绍JSP(JavaServer Pages)是由Sun Microsystems公司倡导、许多公司参与一起建立的一种动态网页技术标准。
JSP技术有点类似ASP技术,它是在传统的网页HTML 文(*.htm,*.html)中插入Java程序段(Scriptlet)和JSP标记(tag),从而形成JSP 文件(*.jsp)。
网页还能通过tags和scriptlets 访问存在于服务端的资源的应用逻辑。
Web 服务器在遇到访问JSP网页的请求时,首先执行其中的程序段,然后将执行结果连同JSP文件中的HTML代码一起返回给客户。
JSP与Java Servlet一样,是在服务器端执行的,通常返回该客户端的就是一个HTML文本,因此客户端只要有浏览器就能浏览。
Java Servlet 是JSP的技术基础,而且大型的Web应用程序的开发需要Java Servlet和JSP配合才能完成。
重庆三峡学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译设计(论文)题目图书管理系统院系计算机科学与工程学院专业计算机科学与技术年级2009级1班学生学号**********学生姓名管金凤外文出处CHINA-USA Business ReviewCombining JSP and ServletsThe technology of JSP and Servlet is the most important technology which use Java technology to exploit request of server, and it is also the standard which exploit business application .Java developers prefer to use it for a variety of reasons, one of which is already familiar with the Java language for the development of this technology are easy to learn Java to the other is "a preparation, run everywhere" to bring the concept of Web applications, To achieve a "one-prepared everywhere realized." And more importantly, if followed some of the principles of good design, it can be said of separating and content to create high-quality, reusable, easy to maintain and modify the application. For example, if the document in HTML embedded Java code too much (script), will lead the developed application is extremely complex, difficult to read, it is not easy reuse, but also for future maintenance and modification will also cause difficulties. In fact, CSDN the JSP / Servlet forum, can often see some questions, the code is very long, can logic is not very clear, a large number of HTML and Java code mixed together. This is the random development of the defects.Early dynamic pages mainly CGI (Common Gateway Interface, public Gateway Interface) technology, you can use different languages of the CGI programs, such as VB, C / C + + or Delphi, and so on. Though the technology of CGI is developed and powerful, because of difficulties in programming, and low efficiency, modify complex shortcomings,it is gradually being replaced by the trend. Of all the new technology, JSP / Servlet with more efficient and easy to program, more powerful, more secure and has a good portability, they have been many people believe that the future is the most dynamic site of the future development of technology.Similar to CGI, Servlet support request / response model. When a customer submit a request to the server, the server presented the request Servlet, Servlet responsible for handling requests and generate a response, and then gave the server, and then from the server sent to the customer. And the CGI is different, Servlet not generate a new process, but with HTTP Server at the same process. It threads through the use of technology, reduce the server costs. Servlet handling of the request process is this: When received from the client's request, calling service methods, the method of Servlet arrival of the first judgement is what type of request (GET / POST / HEAD…), then calls the appropriate treatment (DoGet / doPost / doHead…) and generate a response.Although such a complex, in fact, simply said to Servlet is a Java class. And the general category of the difference is that this type operating in a Servlet container, which can provide session management and targeted life-cycle management. So that when you use the Servlet, you can get all the benefits of the Java platform, including the safety of the management, use JDBC access the database and cross-platform capability. Moreover, Servlet using thread, and can develop more efficient Web applications.JSP technology is a key J2EE technology, it at a higher level of abstraction of a Servlet.It allows conventional static and dynamic HTML content generated by combining an HTML page looks like, but as a Servlet to run. There are many commercial application server support JSP technology, such as BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JRun, and so on. JSP and Servlet use more than simple. If you have a JSP support for Web servers, and a JSP document, you can put it Fangdao any static HTML files can be placed, do not have to compile, do not have to pack, do not have to ClassPath settings, you can visit as ordinary Web It did visit, the server will automatically help you to do other work.JSP document looks like an ordinary static HTML document, but inside contains a number of Java code. It uses. Jsp the suffix, used to tell the server this document in need of special treatment. When we visit a JSP page, the document will first be translated into a JSP engine Java source files, is actually a Servlet, and compiler, and then, like other Servlet, from Servlet engine to handle. Servlet engine of this type loading, handling requests from customers, and the results returned to the customer.After another visit this page to the customer, as long as the paper there have been no changes, JSP engine has been loaded directly call the Servlet. If you have already been modified, it will be once again the implementation of the above process, translate, compile and load. In fact, this is the so-called "first person to punishment." Because when the first visit to the implementation of a series of the above process, so will spend some time after such a visit would not.Java servlets offer a powerful API that provides access to all the information about therequest, the session, and the application. combining JSP with servlets lets you clearly separate the application logic from the presentation of the application; in other words, it lets you use the most appropriate component type for the roles of Model, View and Controller.Servlets, Filters, and ListenersA servlet is a Java class that extends a server with functionality for processing a request and producing a response. It's implemented using the classes and interfaces defined by the Servlet API. The API consists of two packages: the javax.servlet package contains classes and interfaces that are protocol-independent, while the javax.servlet.http package provides HTTP-specific extensions and utility classes.What makes a servlet a servlet is that the class implements an interface named javax.servlet.Servlet, either directly or by extending one of the support classes. This interface defines the methods used by the web container to manage and interact with the servlet. A servlet for processing HTTP requests typically extends the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class. This class implements the Servlet interface and provides additional methods suitable for HTTP processing.Servlet LifecycleThe web container manages all aspects of the servlet's lifecycle. It creates an instance of the servlet class when needed, passes requests to the instance for processing, and eventually removes the instance. For an HttpServlet, the container calls the followingmethods at the appropriate times in the servlet lifecycle.Besides the doGet( ) and doPost( ) methods, there are methods corresponding to the other HTTP methods: doDelete( ), doHead( ), doOptions( ), doPut( ), and doTrace( ). Typically you don't implement these methods; the HttpServlet class already takes care of HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE requests in a way that's suitable for most servlets, and the DELETE and PUT HTTP methods are rarely used in a web application.It's important to realize that the container creates only one instance of each servlet. This means that the servlet must be thread safe -- able to handle multiple requests at the same time, each executing as a separate thread through the servlet code. Without getting lost in details, you satisfy this requirement with regards to instance variables if you modify the referenced objects only in the init( ) and destroy( ) methods, and just read them in the request processing methods.Compiling and Installing a ServletTo compile a servlet, you must first ensure that you have the JAR file containing all Servlet API classes in the CLASSPATH environment variable. The JAR file is distributed with all web containers. Tomcat includes it in a file called servlet.jar, located in the common/lib directory. On a Windows platform, you include the JAR file in the CLASSPATH.. Reading a RequestOne of the arguments passed to the doGet( ) and doPost( ) methods is an object that implements the HttpServletRequest interface. This interface defines methods that provide access to a wealth of information about the request.Generating a ResponseBesides the request object, the container passes an object that implements the HttpServletResponse interface as an argument to the doGet( ) and doPost( ) methods. This interface defines methods for getting a writer or stream for the response body. It also defines methods for setting the response status code and headers.Using Filters and ListenersThe servlet specification defines two component types beside servlets: filters and listeners. These two types were introduced in the Servlet 2.3 specification, so if you're using a container that doesn't yet support this version of the specification, I'm afraid you're out of luck.FiltersA filter is a component that can intercept a request targeted for a servlet, JSP page, or static page, as well as the response before it's sent to the client. This makes it easy to centralize tasks that apply to all requests, such as access control, logging, and charging for the content or the services offered by the application. A filter has full access to the bodyand headers of the request and response, so it can also perform various transformations. One example is compressing the response body if the Accept-Language request header indicates that the client can handle a compressed response.A filter can be applied to either a specific servlet or to all requests matching a URL pattern, such as URLs starting with the same path elements or having the same extension. ListenersListeners allow your application to react to certain events. Prior to Servlet 2.3, you could handle only session attribute binding events (triggered when an object was added or removed from a session). You could do this by letting the object saved as a sessionattribute(using the HttpSession.setAttribute() method)implement the HttpSessionBindingListener interface. With the new interfaces introduced in the 2.3 version of the specification, you can create listeners for servlet context and session lifecycle events as well as session activation and passivation events (used by a container that temporarily saves session state to disk or migrates a session to another server). A new session attribute event listener also makes it possible to deal with attribute binding events for all sessions in one place, instead of placing individual listener objects in each session.The new types of listeners follow the standard Java event model. In other words, a listener is a class that implements one or more of the listener interfaces. The interfaces define methods that correspond to events. The listener class is registered with the container when the application starts, and the container then calls the event methods at theappropriate times.Initializing Shared Resources Using a ListenerBeans like this typically need to be initialized before they can be used. For instance, they may need a reference to a database or some other external data source and may create an initial information cache in memory to provide fast access even to the first request for data. You can include code for initialization of the shared resources in the servlet and JSP pages that need them, but a more modular approach is to place all this code in one place and let the other parts of the application work on the assumption that the resources are already initialized and available. An application lifecycle listener is a perfect tool for this type of resource initialization. This type of listener implements the javax.servlet.ServletContextListener interface, with methods called by the container when the application starts and when it shuts down.Picking the Right Component Type for Each TaskThe Project Billboard application introduced is a fairly complex application. Half the pages are pure controller and business logic processing, it accesses a database to authenticate users, and most pages require access control. In real life, it would likely contain even more pages, for instance, pages for access to a shared document archive, time schedules, and a set of pages for administration. As the application evolves, it may become hard to maintain as a pure JSP application. It's easy to forget to include the access control code in new pages.This is clearly an application that can benefit from using a combination of JSP pages and the component types defined by the servlet specification for the MVC roles. Let's look at the main requirements and see how we can map them to appropriate component types:●Database access should be abstracted, to avoid knowledge of a specific dataschema or database engine in more than one part of the application: beans in therole of Model can be used to accomplish this.●The database access beans must be made available to all other parts of theapplication when it starts: an application lifecycle event listener is the perfectcomponent type for this task.●Only authenticated users must be allowed to use the application: a filter canperform access control to satisfy this requirement.●Request processing is best done with Java code: a servlet, acting as the Controller,fits the bill.●It must be easy to change the presentation: this is where JSP shines, acting as theView.Adding servlets, listeners, and filters to the mix minimizes the need for complex logic in the JSP pages. Placing all this code in Java classes instead makes it possible to use a regular Java compiler and debugger to fix potential problems.Centralized Request Processing Using a Servletover the page flow of the application. The servlet can decide which type of response to generate depending on the outcome of the requested action, such as returning a common error page for all requests that fail, or different responses depending on the type of client making the request. With the help from some utility classes, it can also provide services such as input validation, I18N preparations, and in general, encourage a more streamlined approach to request handling.When you use a servlet as a Controller, you must deal with the following basic requirements:●All requests for processing must be passed to the single Controller servlet.●The servlet must be able to distinguish requests for different types of processing.Here are other features you will want support for, even though they may not be requirements for all applications:● A strategy for extending the application to support new types of processingrequests in a flexible manner.● A mechanism for changing the page flow of the application without modifyingcode.Mapping Application Requests to the ServletThe first requirement for using a Controller servlet is that all requests must pass through it. This can be satisfied in many ways. If you have played around a bit with/myApp/servlet. This is a convention introduced by Suns Java Web Server (JWS), the first product to support servlets before the API was standardized. Most servlet containers support this convention today, even though it's not formally defined in the servlet specification.将Servlet和JSP组合使用Servlet和JSP技术是用Java开发服务器端应用的主要技术,是开发商务应用表示端的标准。
全文从系统分析、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计到系统实施、系统运行、系统维护等几个方面详细阐述了图书综合管理信息系统的开发过程.在系统开发过程中运用Visual Basic 6.0编程, 实现过程主要运用了ActiveX控件、ADO应用技术;以及由微软开发的适合中小型应用的1款关系数据库产品Aess等。
关键字:综合管理信息系统 ; Visual Basic; 模块设计; 登陆The books synthetical management information systemAbstractSince the intensely petition, the more and more many people attach importance to the aumulation of knowledge and the cultivating of ability. So that people must possessrich book resource, the rapid channel for supplying books and the platform for municating with each other. The Hunan university of science and technology centre bookshop grasps this chance tightly, and takes the lead in bining the book marketing and the book being borrowed, which not only has promoted the book marketing, but also has satisfied a few people having no way to buy more books. The inputting andusing of the system has improved greatly the enterprise management level and has economized large amount of manpower, material resources and financial resources.The thesis taking the books synthetical management information system’s development as background,has discusse d the significance of the system’s developing and the principle and method for system’s realization etc. It from the system’s analysis, the demand’s analysis, the outline design, the detailed design, the system’s implementation, the system’s movement, the system’s maintenance and so on several aspects elaborated in detail the books synthetical management information system’s performance history. Visual Basic 6.0 is wielded for programming in the process of the system’s development , the system’s realization wielded mainly ActiveX control and ADO applied technique; As well as the relation data base aess which is used by middle and small enterprise.The system interface is pleasing to the eye and the software has stable operation, is easy to be put into use and takes up less memory. It has realized the original basic function, which has reached the books synthetical management’s basic requirements. In addition the system still has very big augmentability besides on the function, so enterprise can develop further and perfectly aording to oneself need.Key words: synthetical Management Information System; Visual Basic; Module design; Registration debarkation。
用户机器系统的概念暗示了, 一些任务最好由人执行, 其他的最好由机器做。
图书馆查询系统 英语作文
![图书馆查询系统 英语作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/70a06776a4e9856a561252d380eb6294dd8822a1.png)
图书馆查询系统英语作文Title: The Library Search System: Enhancing Access to Knowledge。
In today's digital age, the role of libraries has evolved significantly. With the advent of technology, traditional libraries have transformed into digital hubs of knowledge, offering extensive collections accessible through sophisticated search systems. The Library Search System (LSS) stands as a testament to this evolution, revolutionizing the way we interact with information. This essay explores the significance of LSS in facilitating access to knowledge, its impact on education and research, and the challenges it faces in ensuring inclusivity and efficiency.LSS serves as a gateway to a vast reservoir of information, enabling users to explore diverse topics with ease. Through its user-friendly interface, individuals can browse through digital catalogs, access electronicresources, and retrieve relevant materials within seconds. Gone are the days of laborious manual searches; LSS streamlines the process, allowing users to locate books, journals, articles, and multimedia resources effortlessly. Moreover, the system's advanced search algorithms provide personalized recommendations based on users' preferences, enhancing their overall experience and expanding their intellectual horizons.One of the most notable benefits of LSS is its role in promoting lifelong learning. By granting users access to an extensive array of educational materials, including e-books, scholarly articles, and online courses, the system empowers individuals to pursue self-directed learning journeys. Whether seeking to acquire new skills, delve into aparticular subject, or stay abreast of the latest developments in their field, users can rely on LSS as a reliable source of information and inspiration. Consequently, the system fosters a culture of continuous learning, equipping individuals with the knowledge andskills needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.Furthermore, LSS plays a pivotal role in advancing academic research and scholarship. Researchers and scholars can leverage the system's comprehensive database to conduct literature reviews, gather data, and access seminal works relevant to their areas of study. By facilitating seamless access to scholarly resources, LSS accelerates the pace of discovery, fueling innovation and intellectual discourse. Collaborative features embedded within the system also enable researchers to connect with peers, share insights, and engage in interdisciplinary collaborations, thereby enriching the scholarly community and driving collective progress.Despite its myriad benefits, LSS faces certain challenges that warrant attention. Accessibility remains a critical issue, particularly for underserved communities with limited internet connectivity or digital literacy skills. Efforts must be made to bridge the digital divide and ensure equitable access to library resources for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background or geographical location. Moreover, the reliability and accuracy of search results are contingent upon the qualityof metadata and indexing. To enhance the effectiveness of LSS, librarians and information professionals must continually refine metadata standards, improve cataloging practices, and implement quality control measures to ensure the integrity of the information ecosystem.In conclusion, the Library Search System represents a paradigm shift in the way we access and engage with knowledge. By harnessing the power of technology, LSS empowers individuals to explore, learn, and discover in ways previously unimaginable. As we navigate the digital landscape, it is imperative to harness the full potential of LSS while addressing the challenges that lie ahead. By embracing innovation, promoting inclusivity, and upholding the principles of information integrity, we can harness the transformative power of LSS to create a more enlightened and interconnected world.。
毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班姓 名:学 院:专指导教师:2014 年 6 月软件学院 软件工程An Introduction to JavaThe first release of Java in 1996 generated an incredible amount of excitement, not just in the computer press, but in mainstream media such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Business Week. Java has the distinction of being the first and only programming language that had a ten-minute story on National Public Radio. A $100,000,000 venture capital fund was set up solely for products produced by use of a specific computer language. It is rather amusing to revisit those heady times, and we give you a brief history of Java in this chapter.In the first edition of this book, we had this to write about Java: “As a computer language, Java’s hype is overdone: Java is certainly a good program-ming language. There is no doubt that it is one of the better languages available to serious programmers. We think it could potentially have been a great programming language, but it is probably too late for that. Once a language is out in the field, the ugly reality of compatibility with existing code sets in.”Our editor got a lot of flack for this paragraph from someone very high up at Sun Micro- systems who shall remain unnamed. But, in hindsight, our prognosis seems accurate. Java has a lot of nice language features—we examine them in detail later in this chapter. It has its share of warts, and newer additions to the language are not as elegant as the original ones because of the ugly reality of compatibility.But, as we already said in the first edition, Java was never just a language. There are lots of programming languages out there, and few of them make much of a splash. Java is a whole platform, with a huge library, containing lots of reusable code, and an execution environment that provides services such as security, portability across operating sys-tems, and automatic garbage collection.As a programmer, you will want a language with a pleasant syntax and comprehensible semantics (i.e., not C++). Java fits the bill, as do dozens of other fine languages. Some languages give you portability, garbage collection, and the like, but they don’t have much of a library, forcing you to roll your own if you want fancy graphics or network- ing or database access. Well, Java has everything—a good language, a high-quality exe- cution environment, and a vast library. That combination is what makes Java an irresistible proposition to so many programmers.SimpleWe wanted to build a system that could be programmed easily without a lot of eso- teric training and which leveraged t oday’s standard practice. So even though wefound that C++ was unsuitable, we designed Java as closely to C++ as possible in order to make the system more comprehensible. Java omits many rarely used, poorly understood, confusing features of C++ that, in our experience, bring more grief than benefit.The syntax for Java is, indeed, a cleaned-up version of the syntax for C++. There is no need for header files, pointer arithmetic (or even a pointer syntax), structures, unions, operator overloading, virtual base classes, and so on. (See the C++ notes interspersed throughout the text for more on the differences between Java and C++.) The designers did not, however, attempt to fix all of the clumsy features of C++. For example, the syn- tax of the switch statement is unchanged in Java. If you know C++, you will find the tran- sition to the Java syntax easy. If you are used to a visual programming environment (such as Visual Basic), you will not find Java simple. There is much strange syntax (though it does not take long to get the hang of it). More important, you must do a lot more programming in Java. The beauty of Visual Basic is that its visual design environment almost automatically pro- vides a lot of the infrastructure for an application. The equivalent functionality must be programmed manually, usually with a fair bit of code, in Java. There are, however, third-party development environments that provide “drag-and-drop”-style program development.Another aspect of being simple is being small. One of the goals of Java is to enable the construction of software that can run stand-alone in small machines. The size of the basic interpreter and class support is about 40K bytes; adding the basic stan- dard libraries and thread support (essentially a self-contained microkernel) adds an additional 175K.This was a great achievement at the time. Of course, the library has since grown to huge proportions. There is now a separate Java Micro Edition with a smaller library, suitable for embedded devices.Object OrientedSimply stated, object-oriented design is a technique for programming that focuses on the data (= objects) and on the interfaces to that object. To make an analogy with carpentry, an “object-oriented” carpenter would be mostly concerned with the chair he was building, and secondari ly with the tools used to make it; a “non-object- oriented” carpenter would think primarily of his tools. The object-oriented facilities of Java are essentially those of C++.Object orientation has proven its worth in the last 30 years, and it is inconceivable that a modern programming language would not use it. Indeed, the object-oriented features of Java are comparable to those of C++. The major difference between Java and C++ lies in multiple inheritance, which Java has replaced with the simpler concept of interfaces, and in the Java metaclass model (which we discuss in Chapter 5). NOTE: If you have no experience with object-oriented programming languages, you will want to carefully read Chapters 4 through 6. These chapters explain what object-oriented programming is and why it is more useful for programming sophisticated projects than are traditional, procedure-oriented languages like C or Basic.Network-SavvyJava has an extensive library of routines for coping with TCP/IP protocols like HTTP and FTP. Java applications can open and access objects across the Net via URLs with the same ease as when accessing a local file system.We have found the networking capabilities of Java to be both strong and easy to use. Anyone who has tried to do Internet programming using another language will revel in how simple Java makes onerous tasks like opening a socket connection. (We cover net- working in V olume II of this book.) The remote method invocation mechanism enables communication between distributed objects (also covered in V olume II).RobustJava is intended for writing programs that must be reliable in a variety of ways.Java puts a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible problems, later dynamic (runtime) checking, and eliminating situations that are error-prone. The single biggest difference between Java and C/C++ is that Java has a pointer model that eliminates the possibility of overwriting memory and corrupting data.This feature is also very useful. The Java compiler detects many problems that, in other languages, would show up only at runtime. As for the second point, anyone who has spent hours chasing memory corruption caused by a pointer bug will be very happy with this feature of Java.If you are coming from a language like Visual Basic that doesn’t explicitly use pointers, you are probably wondering why this is so important. C programmers are not so lucky. They need pointers to access strings, arrays, objects, and even files. In Visual Basic, you do not use pointers for any of these entities, nor do you need to worry about memory allocation for them. On the other hand, many data structures are difficult to implementin a pointerless language. Java gives you the best of both worlds. You do not need point- ers for everyday constructs like strings and arrays. You have the power of pointers if you need it, for example, for linked lists. And you always have complete safety, because you can never access a bad pointer, make memory allocation errors, or have to protect against memory leaking away.Architecture NeutralThe compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format—the compiled code is executable on many processors, given the presence of the Java runtime sys- tem. The Java compiler does this by generating bytecode instructions which have nothing to do with a particular computer architecture. Rather, they are designed to be both easy to interpret on any machine and easily translated into native machine code on the fly.This is not a new idea. More than 30 years ago, both Niklaus Wirth’s original implemen- tation of Pascal and the UCSD Pascal system used the same technique.Of course, interpreting bytecodes is necessarily slower than running machine instruc- tions at full speed, so it isn’t clear that this is even a good idea. However, virtual machines have the option of translating the most frequently executed bytecode sequences into machine code, a process called just-in-time compilation. This strategy has proven so effective that even Microsoft’s .NET platform relies on a virt ual machine.The virtual machine has other advantages. It increases security because the virtual machine can check the behavior of instruction sequences. Some programs even produce bytecodes on the fly, dynamically enhancing the capabilities of a running program.PortableUnlike C and C++, there are no “implementation-dependent” aspects of the specifi- cation. The sizes of the primitive data types are specified, as is the behavior of arith- metic on them.For example, an int in Java is always a 32-bit integer. In C/C++, int can mean a 16-bit integer, a 32-bit integer, or any other size that the compiler vendor likes. The only restriction is that the int type must have at least as many bytes as a short int and cannot have more bytes than a long int. Having a fixed size for number types eliminates a major porting headache. Binary data is stored and transmitted in a fixed format, eliminating confusion about byte ordering. Strings are saved in a standard Unicode format. The libraries that are a part of the system define portable interfaces. For example,there is an abstract Window class and implementations of it for UNIX, Windows, and the Macintosh.As anyone who has ever tried knows, it is an effort of heroic proportions to write a pro- gram that looks good on Windows, the Macintosh, and ten flavors of UNIX. Java 1.0 made the heroic effort, delivering a simple toolkit that mapped common user interface elements to a number of platforms. Unfortunately, the result was a library that, with a lot of work, could give barely acceptable results on different systems. (And there were often different bugs on the different platform graphics implementations.) But it was a start. There are many applications in which portability is more important than user interface slickness, and these applications did benefit from early versions of Java. By now, the user interface toolkit has been completely rewritten so that it no longer relies on the host user interface. The result is far more consistent and, we think, more attrac- tive than in earlier versions of Java.InterpretedThe Java interpreter can execute Java bytecodes directly on any machine to which the interpreter has been ported. Since linking is a more incremental and lightweight process, the development process can be much more rapid and exploratory.Incremental linking has advantages, but its benefit for the development process is clearly overstated. Early Java development tools were, in fact, quite slow. Today, the bytecodes are translated into machine code by the just-in-time compiler.MultithreadedThe benefits of multithreading are better interactive responsiveness and real-time behavior.If you have ever tried to do multithreading in another language, you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is in Java. Threads in Java also can take advantage of multi- processor systems if the base operating system does so. On the downside, thread imple- mentations on the major platforms differ widely, and Java makes no effort to be platform independent in this regard. Only the code for calling multithreading remains the same across machines; Java offloads the implementation of multithreading to the underlying operating system or a thread library. Nonetheless, the ease of multithread- ing is one of the main reasons why Java is such an appealing language for server-side development.Java程序设计概述1996年Java第一次发布就引起了人们的极大兴趣。
图书管理制度英文Introduction:A library is a repository of knowledge where people can access a wide range of resources such as books, journals, magazines, and digital material. In order to efficiently manage these resources and provide excellent service to users, it is essential to have a well-structured and organized library management system in place. This system helps in the smooth operation of the library and ensures that the needs of patrons are met in a timely manner.Library management system is a software solution that automates various tasks related to the administration and operation of a library. It helps in cataloging and classifying of library materials, tracking of borrowed items, managing user accounts, and generating reports on library activities. This system is crucial for libraries of all sizes as it streamlines processes and enhances the overall user experience.Key Features of Library Management System:1. Cataloging and Classification:One of the primary functions of a library management system is cataloging and classification of library materials. This involves assigning unique identification numbers to each item, categorizing them based on subjects or genres, and creating metadata records for easy retrieval. The system should support various cataloging standards such as MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging), AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules), and RDA (Resource Description and Access) to ensure consistency and accuracy in cataloging.2. Circulation Management:Circulation management is another important feature of a library management system. It includes tasks such as issuing and returning of library materials, tracking overdue items, placing holds on items, and managing fines and fees. The system should be able to handle multiple circulation policies, generate due date reminders, and automatically update item statuses based on user actions.3. User Management:User management involves creating and maintaining user accounts, assigning user access rights, and managing user information. The library management system should support user authentication mechanisms such as login credentials, barcode scanning, or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags to ensure secure access to library resources. It should also allow users to request materials, renew items, and update their personal details online.4. Acquisitions and Budgeting:Acquisitions module of the library management system helps in managing the procurement of library materials, tracking vendor orders, and managing budgets. It should supportworkflows for selecting items for purchase, creating purchase orders, receiving and processing shipments, and updating inventory records. The system should also provide budgeting tools to monitor expenditures, analyze spending patterns, and generate financial reports.5. Reporting and Analytics:Reporting and analytics feature of a library management system enables librarians to track library usage, analyze collection data, and generate reports on various library activities. It should provide pre-defined templates for generating standard reports such as circulation statistics, collection usage, and user demographics. The system should also offer customization options to create ad-hoc reports based on specific requirements.6. Interlibrary Loan:Interlibrary loan functionality allows libraries to borrow materials from other libraries on behalf of their users. The library management system should support interlibrary loan requests, track loaned items, and manage delivery logistics. It should integrate with national and international interlibrary loan networks to facilitate resource sharing among libraries.7. Digital Resource Management:Digital resource management feature of the library management system enables libraries to manage electronic resources such as e-books, e-journals, databases, and multimedia content. It should support authentication protocols for accessing digital materials, provide federated search capabilities, and offer tools for managing licenses and usage rights. The system should also enable users to access digital resources remotely through web portals or mobile apps.Benefits of Library Management System:Implementing a library management system offers several benefits to libraries, librarians, and library users. Some of the key benefits include:1. Improved Efficiency:Library management system automates routine tasks such as cataloging, circulation, and reporting, thus reducing manual effort and saving time for librarians. It streamlines workflows, eliminates redundancies, and enhances overall operational efficiency of the library.2. Enhanced User Experience:Library management system provides a seamless and user-friendly interface for patrons to search, reserve, and borrow library materials online. It offers self-service options, personalized recommendations, and access to digital resources, thereby enhancing the user experience and increasing user satisfaction.3. Better Resource Utilization:Library management system helps in optimizing library resources by tracking circulation patterns, analyzing usage data, and identifying popular materials. It enables librarians to make informed collection development decisions, allocate budgets effectively, and improve resource utilization in the library.4. Enhanced Security:Library management system enhances the security of library materials and user information by implementing access controls, audit trails, and encryption mechanisms. It protects against unauthorized access, data breaches, and theft of library resources, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of library operations.5. Data-driven Decision Making:Library management system provides real-time insights into library activities through comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. It enables librarians to analyze trends, monitor performance indicators, and make data-driven decisions to improve library services and optimize resource allocation.Conclusion:Library management system is an indispensable tool for modern libraries to streamline operations, enhance user experience, and manage resources effectively. By leveraging the key features of a library management system such as cataloging, circulation, user management, acquisitions, reporting, and digital resource management, libraries can provide better services to users and adapt to the evolving information landscape. Implementing a robust library management system is essential for libraries to stay relevant, competitive, and responsive to the changing needs of patrons in the digital age.。
MISManagement Information System管理信息系统 MIT(management information technology)管理信息技术 model 建模 modules 模块 MRPMaterial Resources Planning物料需求计划 MRPⅡManufacturing Resources Planning制造资源计划 multimedia data 多媒体数据 neural networks 神经网络 news postings 新闻发布 nonsubstantive word 非实义词 OA Office Automation 办公自动化 OLAP(on-line analytical processing)联机分析处理 online display 联机显示 OOMObject-Orient Method面向对象方法 Order Point System (OPS) 定货点法 out-of-stock 缺货 outsourcing 外包 overassignment 过量赋词 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理 PERTProgram Evaluation and Review Technique计划评审技术 pervaded with 充满着 pin down 约束、控制 PM project management项目管理 PMC = Product Material Control 生产及物料控制 poll 轮流询问 practical setting 实际环境 precision ceiling 最高查准率 precision coefficient 查准率 precision 查准率 printed index 书本式索引 probability 概率 pros and cons 优劣势 Prototyping原型法 quality indicators 质量指标 query language 查询语言 Quick Response (QR) 快速反应 RAD (rapid application development)快速应用开发 recall level 查全率 recall performance 查全性 redirected links 重新分布的链接 relative frequency approach 相对词频方法 repository of data= data warehouse 数据仓库 representation of subject matter 对文献主题的描述
附录Ⅰ外文资料:Management Information SystemsWriter: Raymond McLeod, Jr·George Schell ,2007Information is one of the main resources available to the manager. Information can be managed just as any other resource, and interest in this topic stem from two influences. First, business has become more complex, and second, the computer has achieved improved capabilities.Computer information is used by managers, non-managers, and persons and organizations within the firm’s environment. Managers are found on all orga nizational levels of the firm and in all business areas. Managers perform functions and play roles; to be successful and they need skill in communication and problem solving. Managers should be computer literate, but, more important, they should be information literate.It is helpful if the manager has an ability to see his or her unit as a system composed of subsystems and existing within a larger super system. The firm is a physical system, but it is managed through a conceptual system. The conceptual system consists of an information processor that transforms data into information and represents the physical resources.The first major computer application was used to process accounting data. That application was followed by four others: management information systems, decision support system, the virtual office, and knowledge-based system. All five of these applications compose the computer-based information system.What are the information resources?The first efforts to engage in information management focused on data. These efforts occurred in conjunction with widespread adoption database management systems during the 1970s and 1980s. Firms reasoned that if they managed their data by implementing computer-based DBMSs, they would, in effect, manage their information.A broader view, however, is that you can manage information by managing the resources that produce the information. In other words, rather than concentrate on the input (the data)and the output (the information), attention should also be given to the information processor that transforms the input into the output. This processor includes the hardware and software, as well an the persons who develop, operate, and use the systems. Also included are the facilities that house the resources.Main Type of Resource sThe manager managers five main type of resources:●Personnel●Material●Machines(including facilities and energy)●Money●Information(including data)The task of the manager is to manage these resources in order to use them in themost effective way. The first four resource types are tangible; they exist physically and can be touched. We use the term physical resource to describe them. The fifth resource type, information, is not valuable form what it represents. That is we use the term conceptual resource to describe information and data. Managers use conceptual resources to manage physical resources.How Information is managedIt is easy to see how a manager managers physical resources, but management applies equally well to conceptual resources. The manager ensures that the necessary raw data is gathered and then processed into usable information. He or she then ensures that appropriate individuals receive the information in the proper form at the proper time so that it can be used. Finally, the manager discard information that has outlived its usefulness and replaces it with information that is current and accurate. All of this activity-acquiring information, using it in the most effective way, and discarding it at the proper time-is called information management.Increasing Complexity of Business ActivityBusiness has always been complex, but it is more so today than ever before. All firms are subject to international economic influences and compete in a worldwide marketplace, the technology of business is becoming more complex, the time frame for taking action is shrinking, and there are social constrains.International economic influences Firms of all size are subject to economic influences that can originate anywhere in the world. Such influence can be seen in the relative values of the currencies of each nation. Buyers make purchases in those countries where their currencies have the greatest value. For example, when Mexico devalued its peso during the late 1980s, tourists decided to take their vacations there, rather than in place like Hawaii.Worldwide competition Firms no longer compete in only their own geographic area. Rather, competition exists on a worldwide scale. The effects of this competition can be seen in the imports from foreign countries. The decision by General Motors in the early 1990s to close many of its plans indicates that even industry giants are not insulated from the effects of competition which can originate anywhere in the world.Increasing complexity technology We see example of technology in business every day-barcode scanners in supermarkets, computer-based airline reservation systems, automated teller technology that we do not see-factory robots and automated merchandise storage-and-handling equipment, for example. Firms invest in this technology to perform necessary operation. Just think what would happen if the L.L.Bean mail-order operation in Maine or Harrods’s department store in London could no longer use their computer!Shrinking time frames All phases of business operations are performed more rapidly than ever before. Sales representatives engage in telemarketing to contact their customers within seconds by telephone, sale orders are transmitted electronically from one computer to another, and manufacturers schedule raw material deliveries to arrive “just in time.”Social constraints Oddly enough, not all pressures favor production; some favor nonproduction. This is true in the case of products and services that society findsundesirable. Business decisions must be based on economic factors, but social costs and payoffs must be considered as well. Plant expansion, new products, new products, new sales outlets, and similar actions must all be weighed in term of their environmental impact.Each of these influences contributes to the complexity of business.Physical systems and conceptual systemsThe business firm is a physical system, composed of physical resources. A conceptual system, on the other hand, is a system that uses conceptual resources-information and data-to represent a physical system. A conceptual system exists, for example, as mental images in the manager’s mind, as figures or lines on a sheet of paper, or in the electronic form of the computer’s storage.The computer is a physical system, but the data and information stored in it can be viewed as a conceptual system. The date and information represent one or more physical system. How the date and information are stored is unimportant. What is important is what the data and information represent. The physical system is important for what it is; the conceptual system is important for its representation of the physical system.What stimulated end-user computing?End-user computing evolved because of four main influences.●An increase in computer literacy During the early 1980s, good computereducation programs at both the college and precollege level began to have an impact. Management ranks, especially on the lower levels, began to fill with computer-literate people.●The information services backing Information specialists have always had morework than they can handle. This situation became critical during the early 1980s, when users began making demands on information services for additional systems support. Information services could not respond quickly enough, and backlogs built up. Some users had to wait two or three year for their jobs to work their way through the backlog.●Low-cost hardware During this period, the market becomes flooded withlow-cost microcomputers. Users could obtain their own hardware by placing an order at the local computer store by telephone and making payment for the petty cash fund.●Prewritten software Both hardware and software firms produced software thatwould perform basic accounting tasks as well as provide information for decision making. This prewritten software offered enhanced support and ease of use, and it enabled firms and individual users with little or no computer expertise to implement computer-based system.The combination of these four influences accounted for the explosion of end-user computing.System ElementsNot all systems have the same combination of elements, but a basic configuration is illustrated in figure 1.5. Input resources are transformed into output resources. The resources flow from the input element, through the transformation element, and to theoutput element. A control mechanism monitors the transformation process to ensure that the system meets its objectives. The control mechanism is connected to the resource flow by means of a feedback loop, which obtains information from the system output and makes it available to the control mechanism. The control mechanism compares the feedback signals to the objectives and directs signals to the input element when it is necessary to change the system operation.When this arrangement of elements is used to explain a heating system, for example, the input represents the fuel, such as natural gas or coal. Combustion is the heating process that transforms the fuel into heat-the output. The control mechanism is the thermostat, the feedback loop is the wiring that connects the thermostat to the heater, and the objective is the temperature that is dialed into the thermostat.When the system elements represent a manufacturing firm, the input resources are the raw materials, which are transformed into finished products or services by the manufacturing process. The control mechanism is the firm’s management, the objectives are the goals that the firm seeks to achieve, and the feedback loop is the flow of information both to and from management.中文译文:管理信息系统作者:Raymond McLeod, Jr·George Schell 信息是管理者可以使用的主要资源之一。
外文文献翻译学生姓名:周千琪论文题目:基于的图书管理系统指导教师:武新丽技术职称:讲师原文:Visual Basic language and arithmeticThe summary of Microsoft Visual StudioMicrosoft Visual Basic (abbreviate VB) as tool the most of application program one of under Windows operating platform. No matter beginner or professional developer, VB has all offered a whole set of tools to them, Development application program that it can be relaxed and convenient. So VB as most computer first-selected the ABC of programming language of beginner." Visual" mean method to adopt visual user of development figure interface (GUI), need and write a large number of code go and describe interface appearance and position of element seldom, Tow and show controlling part that need corresponding position to get screen can help figure design interface, user of figure,; " Basic" means BASIC language, because VB is developed on the basis of already existing BAISC language.VB is a kind of programming language in common use of Microsoft, It, including VBA of the numerous Windows application software use VB language in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Accessed., For users to carry on the secondary development; Make web page use more VBScript script language sub collection of VB too at present.Utilize data of VB visit characteristic user can establish the data base to most data base forms including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprises data base With the application program of front, and adjustable service end part. Utilize ActiveX(TM) technology, VB can use word processor, electronic data list he Windows function that application program offers extremely, Excel of Microsoft,, Word of Microsoft,, Even can use by VB specialty edition or enterprise application program and target that edition establish directly.Integrated development environmentsIntegrated environment of VB call IDE, made up of a lot of parts , include title board, menu fence, tool fence, controlling part case, And window body window, engineering management devicewindow, attribute window, code window and window body overall arrangement window bodyoverall arrangement, etc. of designing etc.. Have covered all functions, such as design which develops the application program, editting, compiling and debugging, etc .In VB, the application program calls the project too. When start VB and open a new project for the first time, can see and pursue integrated development environment interface that show.VB come and organize development of application program through project, use project come and manage and form files of application program. One project uses the environment to make up by several window bodies, standard module generally. The system manages project through the project menu, for instance add the window body, quote . System allow turn on and manage a lot of projects besides.Visual Basic language brief introductionsBasic use and do the elementary high-level language that used often most. Its full name is Beginner' s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, abbreviate as BASIC. As its name suggests, Basic one specially for language that beginner design, because it easy to learn easy to know, So the body is popular. Early Basic language to belong to and solve translating type, so can carry out line by line , So it can see the result carried out at once , this is a very convenient design for beginner. But it have concept of structure either, one that is in procedure maintain and management have as much as other language problems. But back-end Basic correct shortcoming of the above (such as Quick Basic), make it may used for and develop the large-scaler procedure too.The language is the basic composition, which forms VB procedure. VB has stipulated the form ofsentences and function.Grammar:The sentence defines incantations [Sentence body]Sentence define agree with and used in fixed function of sentence, sentence body appoint concrete content or want concrete operation that carry out of sentence. All set of sentence VB language, carry on with VB sentence organic association finish a certain specific function the procedure. Interface + procedure can solve a certain application problem.VB application program code window write in" code editing machine" generally. " editing machine of code" is like the word processing software of a piece of height specialization, there aremany easies function of writing VB code, Pursue to show [Example Ex-Hello ]In" code editing machine" code that window written.“Editing machine of code” windowDevelop the application program with Visual BasicUse VB programming, design appearance of application program first generally, write every target procedure code or other treatment procedure of incident respectively, Work of programming should be light more.The procedure of establishing the application program is as follows:Establish application program interfaceThe interface is the mutual bridge of user and procedure, Generally formed of window body and vision frame of the button, menu, text frameset. with standard WINDOWS interface of application program that VB establish. Require according to function of procedure and user and need of information interchange of procedure, Come to confirm that need those targets , plan the overall arrangement of the interface.2. Design by each attributes of target in interfaceDemand and set up each attribute of target such as appearance, name,, size of targeted. according to interface of planning.Most attribute person who fetch can set up through the attribute window when design already, Too can set up revising when operating in procedure through programming in procedure code. Have the targets respond programming by procedure code3. Respond procedure code of programming targetInterface determine appearance of procedure only, design window add codes through" code editing machine" soon after the interface, Realize some make the tasks, such as responding, information processing,etc. after accepting external message, Add code , realize some response, information processing that make after accepting external information task.4. Keep projectOne VB procedure one project, at the time of designing a application program, system will set up one be expanded and called. Project file of vbp, project file include all relevant information of file that project set up this, Keep project keep associated documents of project this at the same time. For example the window body produced when design interfaces is kept and being expanded andbeing called. Frm sum. In the window body of foxfire. At the time of opening a project( file), this project relevant files load at the same time.5. Operate and debugged by procedureOperate the procedure thoroughpin operate" selecting in the menu, when the mistake appears, VB system can offer information prompt can looked for and get rid of the mistake thoroughpin debug" within operate" menus too.6. Can produce by executive programFor make procedure can break away from VB environment, order to become next life through" file"" producing project 1.exe" of menu but executive program (eyeful), Can carry out this file directly after this. In produce, + executive program, and then through install guide bale all associated documents, Can run independently after installation under the environment of windows 9 x/2000 as a software product.Visual Basic algorithmIn computer system's any software, is by the every large or small each kind of software constituent constitution, defers to the specific algorithm to realize respectively, the algorithm quality direct decision realizes the software performance fit and unfit quality. Designs the algorithm with any method, what resources designs the algorithm to need, requires how many running time, how many storage space, how to determine an algorithm the quality, when realizes a software, is must give to solve. In computer system's operating system, the language compiling system, the database management system as well as in various computer application system's software, must use each one concrete algorithm to realize. Therefore, the algorithm design and the analysis are the computer science and a technical core question.The algorithm is the problem-solving step, we may define the algorithm Cheng Jie a determination class question the random one special method. In the computer science, the algorithm needs to use the computer algorithmic language to describe, the algorithm represents with the computer solves a kind of question precisely, the effective method. The algorithm construction of data = procedure, solves one to assign may calculate or the solvable question, the different person may compile the different procedure, solves the identical problem, here has two problems: First, with computational method close related algorithm question; Second, programming technical question. Between the algorithm and the procedure has the close relationship. The algorithm is a group has the poor rule, they had stipulated solves some specifictype question a series of operations, is to the problem solving plan accurate and the complete description. Formulates an algorithm, generally must pass through stages and so on design, confirmation, analysis, code, test, debugging, time. To algorithm study including five aspect contents:①Design algorithm. The algorithm design work is impossible completely the automation, should study the understanding already by the practice to prove that was the useful some basic algorithm design method, these basic design method was not only suitable for the computer science, moreover was suitable for domains and so on electrical engineering, operations research;② Expresses the algorithm. The description algorithm's method has many kinds of forms, for example the natural language and the algorithmic language, have the suitable environment and the characteristic respectively;③Confirms the algorithm. The algorithm confirmed the goal is causes the people to believe firmly that this algorithm can work unmistakably correctly, namely this algorithm has the circularity. The correct algorithm describes with the computer algorithmic language, constitutes the computer program, the computer program moves on the computer, obtains the algorithm operation result;④ Parsing algorithm. The algorithmic analysis is requires how many computing time and the storage space to an algorithm makes the quota the analysis. The parsing algorithm may forecast that what environment this algorithm does suit in moves effectively, to solves the identical question different algorithm validity to make the comparison;⑤Confirmation algorithm. With machine language description algorithm whether can calculate effectively, reasonable, must carry on the test to the procedure, the test order work and makes the space and time distribution map by the debugging to be composed.But the algorithm has certain characteristic, it includes:① Determinism. Algorithm each kind of operation must have the determination significance, this kind of operation should carry out what kind of movement should not to have the ambiguity, the goal is clear;②Effectiveness. Requests the operation which in the algorithm waits for realizing is basic, each kind of operation can at least completes in the principle by the human with the paper and the pen in the limited time;③ Input. An algorithm has 0 or the many inputs, before the algorithm operation starts gives the algorithm to need the data the starting value, these inputs are from the specific object set;④Output. Does for the algorithm operation result, an algorithm has or many outputs, the output has some kind of specific relational quantity with the input;⑤ Has poor. An algorithm always after carrying out had the poor step operation has terminated, namely this algorithm was may reach.Satisfies a first four characteristic group of rule not to be able to be called the algorithm, can only be called the computational process, the operating system is a computational process example, the operating system uses for to manage the computer resources, controls the manufacture industry movement, when has not made industry the movement, the computational process does not stop, but is at the waiting status.The algorithm complexity is the algorithm efficiency measure, when appraises the algorithm performance, the complexity is an important basis. The algorithm complex degree with moves computer resources how many which this algorithm needs related, needs the resources are more, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is higher; Needs the resources are less, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is lower.The spatial resources, which computer’s resources, operate most importantly, needs the time which and the stored routine and the data need, the algorithm complexity has division time complexity and the spatial complexity.The algorithm carries out the operation on the computer, needs the data which certain storage space depositing description algorithm the procedure and the algorithm need, the computer completes the operation task to require certain time. The procedure which writes according to the different algorithm places when on the computer operates, needs the time and the space are different, the algorithm complexity is needs the time and the spatial one kind of measure to the algorithm operation. The different computer its operating speed difference is very big, is weighing an algorithm the complexity to note this point.Regarding question, which assigns willfully, a profitable target which designs, the complex low algorithm is as far as possible when designs algorithm considered. Moreover, when the question, which assigns already when has many kinds of algorithms, an important criterion which choice complexity low, is when selects algorithm should follow. Therefore, the algorithm complex analysis or selects to the algorithm design has the important guiding sense and the use value.外文文献中文翻译学生姓名:周千琪论文题目:基于的图书管理系统指导教师:武新丽技术职称:讲师译文:Visual Basic 语言与算法Visual Basic的概述Microsoft Visual Basic(简称VB)是在Windows操作平台下设计应用程序的最速度、最简捷的工具之一。
图书管理英语作文(中英文版)English:Managing a library is not an easy task, but it"s a rewarding one.The essence of library management lies in the organization and categorization of a vast collection of books.It requires a systematic approach to ensure that every book finds its place and is easily accessible to readers.The process begins with cataloging, where each book is assigned a unique identification number and labeled with its specific details.This step is crucial as it forms the foundation for a well-organized library.中文:图书管理绝非易事,然而却是一份充满成就感的任务。
English:When walking into a library, one is often greeted by the serene atmosphere, the smell of books, and the quiet determination of readers.This environment is maintained through strict rules and regulations that govern the behavior of visitors.Noise levels are kept to a minimum, and respect for the written word is fostered.Librarymanagement also involves the creation of a conducive reading environment, with proper lighting and comfortable seating arrangements.中文:走进图书馆,人们常被那宁静的氛围、书的气息以及读者们默默专注的神情所迎接。
在SQL Server数据库里存储SessionHTTP是个状态很不确定的协议,为了允许用户通过请求保存状态信息,提供了Session存储机制。
本文将探讨存储Session变量可伸缩性和可靠性都很好的方式之一的SQL Server 。
默认情况下,它们都保留在Web 服务器的内存中。
所谓的 Web集群是一组网络服务器并行运行,服务器集群里的每个Web服务器都有您的网站的一个镜像。
在Web服务器的内存里存储Session变量会阻碍Web集群的建立,下面将举例来说明:假定有三个Web服务器:S1 , S2 ,和S3 。
假定这个时候有一个请求R1来到服务器集群并且负载平衡逻辑判定 S2,S3都因为某些其他的任务而没有空闲,但是S1可以处理这个请求。
档案馆管理系统英文文献The archives management system is a pivotal component in the preservation and organization of historical documents. It ensures that records are systematically stored, easily retrievable, and preserved for future generations.Integrating digital technology into the archives management system has revolutionized the way we handle and access historical data. Digitization not only enhances the security of the documents but also facilitates faster and more efficient research processes.One of the key features of an effective archives management system is its ability to categorize and index documents according to various criteria, such as date, subject, or origin. This makes it easier for researchers to locate specific information without having to sift through countless physical files.Another advantage of a robust archives management system is its capacity to track the usage and movement of documents. This helps in maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the records, preventing unauthorized access or tampering.The system also provides a platform for collaboration among researchers, historians, and archivists. It allows for the sharing of insights and discoveries, fostering a community of learning that contributes to the broaderunderstanding of our past.In conclusion, the archives management system plays a crucial role in safeguarding our historical heritage. It is a testament to our commitment to preserving the knowledge and experiences of the past for the benefit of present and future generations.。
英语中英文对照书籍English-Chinese Parallel TextbooksIn the realm of language learning, parallel textbooksplay a pivotal role in bridging the gap between a learner's native language and the target language. For English learners, English-Chinese parallel textbooks are an invaluable resource that facilitates comprehension and enhances linguistic proficiency. These books present texts in both English and Chinese, allowing readers to compare and contrast the two languages directly.Structure and ContentParallel textbooks are typically structured with a line-by-line or paragraph-by-paragraph layout. The English text is presented on one side of the page, with the corresponding Chinese translation on the facing side. This format encourages readers to read in both languages simultaneously, which can be particularly helpful for understanding idiomatic expressions, cultural references, and grammatical structures that may not have direct equivalents between the two languages.Benefits for Learners1. Enhanced Comprehension: By having the Chinesetranslation at hand, learners can quickly grasp the meaningof unfamiliar English words or phrases without the need for a separate dictionary.2. Cultural Insights: These books often provide cultural context, helping learners to understand the nuances of English-speaking cultures.3. Improved Pronunciation: Learning pronunciation can be facilitated by reading the English text aloud while following the Chinese phonetic transcription.4. Vocabulary Expansion: Exposure to a wide range of vocabulary in context helps learners to expand their lexicon and understand usage in different settings.5. Grammar Understanding: The side-by-side comparison can clarify how grammatical structures differ between English and Chinese, aiding in the understanding of English syntax.Types of Parallel Texts1. Literature: Classic and contemporary literature are often translated into parallel texts to help learners appreciate the beauty of the English language while understanding the story.2. Textbooks: Academic subjects like science, history, and mathematics are sometimes presented in parallel texts to assist non-English speaking students in their studies.3. Newspapers and Magazines: Current affairs and articlesfrom newspapers and magazines can be found in parallel format, keeping learners informed about global events.4. Technical Manuals: For professional development, technical manuals and guides are available in parallel textsto help learners in specific industries.Selecting the Right BookWhen choosing an English-Chinese parallel textbook, consider the following:- Level of Difficulty: Ensure the book is appropriate for your current language proficiency.- Relevance: Select texts that align with your interestsor professional needs.- Quality of Translation: Look for books with accurateand idiomatic translations.- Annotations: Some parallel texts include annotationsthat explain cultural or linguistic points, which can be very beneficial.ConclusionEnglish-Chinese parallel textbooks are a powerful toolfor language learners. They not only aid in the learning process but also provide a deeper understanding of theEnglish language and culture. By using these resourceseffectively, learners can accelerate their language acquisition and achieve fluency more confidently.。
VC database with ADO access to all Raiders1, ADO OverviewADO is Microsoft for the latest and most powerful data access paradigm designed OLE DB is an easy to use application layer interfaces. ADO allows you to write applications through OLE. DB provider to access and manipulate the data in the database server. ADO The main advantage is ease of use, speed, memory and disk less expenditure remains small. ADO in critical applications using the least network traffic, and front-end and data sources used the least number of layers, all of which are to provide a lightweight, high-performance interface. Is called ADO, is a familiar metaphor, OLE Automation interface.OLE DB is a set of "Component Object Model" (COM) interface, a new database low-level interface that encapsulates the ODBC functions, and in a uniform way to access information stored in different data sources. OLE DB is Microsoft UDA (Universal Data Access) technology base strategy. OLE DB data source provided for any high-performance access to these data sources including relational and non-relational databases, e-mail and file systems, text and graphics, custom business objects, and more. In other words, OLE DB is not limited to ISAM, Jet and even relational data source, it can handle any type of data, regardless of their format and storage methods. In practice, this diversity means to access resides in Excel spreadsheets, text files, e-mail / directory service or e-mail server, such as Microsoft Exchange in the data. However, OLE DB application programming interface is intended to provide the best variety of application functions, it does not meet the requirements of simplicity. You need to be an API to connect applications and OLE DB bridge, which is ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).Second, the use of VC ADO (developed as follows:)1, the introduction of ADO libraryUse ADO in the works before the stdafx.h header file # import symbols with the introduction of direct introduction of ADO libraries to enable the compiler to compile correctly. Code is as follows:With the introduction of ADO library files # import# Import "c: program filescommon filessystemadomsado15.dll" no_namespaces rename ("EOF" adoEOF ")This line statement used in the project statement ADO, but ADO does not use the name space, and in order to avoid constant conflict, the constant EOF renamed adoEOF. Now no need to add another header file, you can use ADO interface to the.2, initialize OLE / COM library environmentImportant to note that, ADO COM library is a set of dynamic libraries, which means that the application before calling the ADO, you must initialize the OLE / COM library environment. In the MFC application, where a better approach is the application's InitInstance member functionof the main class is initialized OLE / COM library environment.BOOL CMyAdoTestApp:: InitInstance ()(if (! AfxOleInit ())// initialize the COM library which is(AfxMessageBox ("OLE Initialization Error!");return FALSE;)... ...)3, ADO Interface DescriptionADO library consists of three basic interfaces: _ConnectionPtr interfaces, _CommandPtr interface and _RecordsetPtr interfaces._ConnectionPtr Interface to return a record set or a null pointer. Often use it to create a data connection or perform a non-SQL statement that returns no results, such as a stored procedure. Use _ConnectionPtr Interface returns a recordset is not a good use. To return records for the operation is usually achieved with _RecordserPtr. The use of _ConnectionPtr operation to obtain a number of records may traverse all the records, but does not need to use _RecordserPtr._CommandPtr Interface returns a recordset. It provides a simple way to implement a stored procedure that returns a recordset and SQL statements. Using _CommandPtr interface, you can use the global _ConnectionPtr interface can also be used directly in the _CommandPtr interfaces in connection string. If you only implement one or more data access operation, which is a better choice. But if you want frequent access to the database, and to return many records set, then you should use the global _ConnectionPtr interface to create a data connection, and then use _CommandPtr interface to execute stored procedures and SQL statements._RecordsetPtr Is a recordset object. Compared with the above two objects, it provides a record set more control features, such as record locking, cursor control. Interface with _CommandPtr as it does not necessarily have to use an already created data connection, you can connect using a connection string instead of a pointer member variable assigned to _RecordsetPtr the connection, let it create a data connection. If you want to use multiple record sets, the best method is the same as with the Command object has already created a data connection using the global _ConnectionPtr Interface, And then use _RecordsetPtr SQL statement stored procedures and implementation.4, using _ConnectionPtr Interface_ConnectionPtr Is primarily a connection interface, made with the database. Its own direct connection string can be written, you can also point to an ODBC DSN._ConnectionPtr PConn;if (FAILED (pConn.CreateInstance ("ADODB.Connection")))(AfxMessageBox ("Create Instance failed!");return;)CString strSRC;strSRC = "Driver = SQL Server; Server =";strSRC + = "suppersoft";strSRC + = "; Database =";strSRC + = "mydb";strSRC + = "; UID = SA; PWD =";CString strSQL = "Insert into student (no, name, sex, address) values (3,''aaa'','' male'','' beijing'')";_variant_t varSRC (strSRC);_variant_t varSQL (strSQL);_bstr_t bstrSRC (strSRC);if (FAILED (pConn-> Open (bstrSRC ,"","",- 1)))(AfxMessageBox ("Can not open Database!");pConn.Release ();return;)COleVariant vtOptional ((long) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);pConn-> Execute (_bstr_t (strSQL), & vtOptional, -1);pConn.Release ();AfxMessageBox ("ok!");5, using _RecordsetPtr interface (to connect to SQL Server as an example)_RecordsetPtr PPtr;if (FAILED (pPtr.CreateInstance ("ADODB.Recordset")))(AfxMessageBox ("Create Instance failed!");return FALSE;)CString strSRC;strSRC = "Driver = SQL Server; Server =";strSRC + = "";strSRC + = "; Database =";strSRC + = "mydb";strSRC + = "; UID = sa; PWD =";strSRC + = "sa";CString strSQL = "select id, name, gender, address from personal";_variant_t varSRC (strSRC);_variant_t varSQL (strSQL);if (FAILED (pPtr-> Open (varSQL, varSRC, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText))) (AfxMessageBox ("Open table failed!");pPtr.Release ();return FALSE;)while (! pPtr-> GetadoEOF ())(_variant_t varNo;_variant_t varName;_variant_t varSex;_variant_t varAddress;varNo = pPtr-> GetCollect ("id");varName = pPtr-> GetCollect ("name");varSex = pPtr-> GetCollect ("gender");varAddress = pPtr-> GetCollect ("address");CString strNo = (char *) _bstr_t (varNo);CString strName = (char *) _bstr_t (varName);CString strSex = (char *) _bstr_t (varSex);CString strAddress = (char *) _bstr_t (varAddress);strNo.TrimRight ();strName.TrimRight ();strSex.TrimRight ();strAddress.TrimRight ();int nCount = m_list.GetItemCount ();int nItem = m_list.InsertItem (nCount, _T (""));m_list.SetItemText (nItem, 0, strNo);m_list.SetItemText (nItem, 1, strName);m_list.SetItemText (nItem, 2, strSex);m_list.SetItemText (nItem, 3, strAddress);pPtr-> MoveNext ();)pPtr-> Close ();pPtr.Release ();6, using _CommandPtr Interface_CommandPtr Returns a Recordset object interfaces, and provides more control recordset, the following code sample using _CommandPtr interface methods:Code: access to data using _CommandPtr Interface_CommandPtr PCommand;_RecordsetPtr PRs;pCommand.CreateInstance (__uuidof (Command));pCommand-> ActiveConnection = pConn;pCommand-> CommandText = "select backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar.gz xml2dict-read-only from student ";pCommand-> CommandType = adCmdText;pCommand-> Parameters-> Refresh ();pRs = pCommand-> Execute (NULL, NULL, adCmdUnknown);_variant_t varValue = pRs-> GetCollect ("name");Cstring strValue = (char *) _bstr_t (varValue);7, about data type conversion because COM objects are cross-platform, it uses a generic way to handle all types of data, Cstring classes and COM objects are not compatible, we need a set of API to convert the COM object and C + + types of data. _vatiant_t and _bstr_t are two such objects. They provide a common way to convert C + + COM object and t he type of data.。
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中英文对照外文翻译JSP 和SQL Server 2000相关介绍JSP(JavaServer Pages)是由Sun Microsystems公司倡导、许多公司参与一起建立的一种动态网页技术标准。
JSP技术有点类似ASP技术,它是在传统的网页HTML 文(*.htm,*.html)中插入Java程序段(Scriptlet)和JSP标记(tag),从而形成JSP 文件(*.jsp)。
网页还能通过tags和scriptlets 访问存在于服务端的资源的应用逻辑。
Web 服务器在遇到访问JSP网页的请求时,首先执行其中的程序段,然后将执行结果连同JSP文件中的HTML代码一起返回给客户。
JSP与Java Servlet一样,是在服务器端执行的,通常返回该客户端的就是一个HTML文本,因此客户端只要有浏览器就能浏览。
Java Servlet 是JSP的技术基础,而且大型的Web应用程序的开发需要Java Servlet和JSP配合才能完成。
(2) Java的运行速度是用class常驻内存来完成的,所以它在一些情况下所使用的内存比起用户数量来说确实是“最低性能价格比”了。
JSP六种内置对象:request, response, out, session, application, config, pagecontext, page, exception.一.request对象:该对象封装了用户提交的信息,通过调用该对象相应的方法可以获取封装的信息,即使用该对象可以获取用户提交信息。
但是与session 不同的是,所有客户的application对象都是同一个,即所有客户共享这个内置的application对象。
2.application对象常用方法:(1)public void setAttribute(String key,Object obj): 将参数Object指定的对象obj添加到application对象中,并为添加的对象指定一个索引关键字。
(2)public Object getAttribute(String key): 获取application对象中含有关键字的对象。
它们最常存放的地方是:c:\windows\cookies(在Window2000中则是C:\Documents and Settings\您的用户名\Cookies )Cookie是以“关键字key=值value“的格式来保存纪录的.2.创建一个Cookie对象,调用Cookie对象的构造函数可以创建Cookie。
Cookie 对象的构造函数有两个字符串参数:Cookie名字和Cookie值。
Cookie c=new Cookie(“username”,”john”);3. JSP中如果要将封装好的Cookie对象传送到客户端,使用response的addCookie()方法。
Struts 是 Apache软件基金会(ASF)赞助的一个开源项目。
它最初是 Jakarta 项目中的一个子项目,并在2004年3月成为ASF的顶级项目。
它通过采用 Java Servlet/JSP 技术,实现了基于Java EE Web应用的 Model-View-Controller〔MVC〕设计模式的应用框架〔Web Framework〕,是 MVC 经典设计模式中的一个经典产品。
在 Java EE 的Web应用发展的初期,除了使用 Servlet 技术以外,普遍是在JavaServer Pages (JSP)的源代码中,采用 HTML 与 Java 代码混合的方式进行开发。
为了摆脱上述的约束与局限,把业务逻辑代码从表现层中清晰的分离出来,2000年,Craig McClanahan 采用了 MVC 的设计模式开发Struts。
后来该框架产品一度被认为是最广泛、最流行 JAVA 的 WEB 应用框架。
SQL Server关系数据库简介1、SQL Server是由Microsoft开发和推广的关系数据库系统(DBMS),它最初是由Microsoft、Sybase和Ashton-Tate三家公司共同开发的,并于1988年推出了第一个OS/2版本。
2、关系数据库(RDBMS)管理系统功能:》维护数据库数据之间的关系;》保证数据存储的正确性;》当出现系统故障的时候,将所有数据恢复到能够保证一致行的某种状态3、RDBMS:SQL Server,Oracle,DB/2,Sybase,Informix4、Non-RDBMS(File-based):Foxpro,Access二、SQL Server 2000的版本1、SQL Server 2000常见版本有:》企业版(Enterprise Edition)支持所有SQL Server 2000的功能。
》标准版(Standard Edition)》个人版(Personal Edition)。
》开发者版(Developer Edition)1.1 SQL Server特点》与因特网的集成:SQL Server 2000的数据库引擎全面支持XML(Extensive Markup Language,扩展标记语言),能使用户很容易地将数据库中的数据发布到Web页面上。
》可伸缩性与可用性:可跨越从运行Windows 95/98的膝上型电脑到运行Windows 2000的大型多处理器等多种平台使用。
另外,对联合服务器,索引视图等的支持,使得SQL Server 2000企业版可以升级到最大Web站点所需的性能级别。
》企业级数据库功能:SQL Server 2000分布式查询可以引用来自不同数据库的数据,而且这些对于用户来说是完全透明的;分布式数据库将保证任何分布式数据更新时的完整性;复制可以使我们能够维护多个数据复本,这些用户能够自主地进行工作,然后再将所做的修改合并到发布数据库;SQL Server 2000关系数据库引擎能够充分保护数据完整性,还可以将管理并发修改数据库开销到最小。