

商务合同英语的特点及翻译范文Commercial Contract Characteristics and Sample Translation of Business ContractsIntroduction:In the global business landscape, the importance of commercial contracts cannot be overstated. As businesses expand their operations internationally, the need for effective communication and understanding of contractual terms becomes vital to ensure smooth transactions. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of commercial contracts in English and provide a sample translation to showcase their complexity and significance in the business world.1. Clarity and Precision:Commercial contracts in English are characterized by their clarity and precision in language. Every term, condition, and obligation is stated explicitly to eliminate any ambiguity or room for misinterpretation. The use of plain language is preferred to avoid any confusion or legal disputes that may arise due to vague or overly complex wording.For example, consider the following excerpt from a commercial contract:"Party A shall deliver the products, as specified in Exhibit 1, in accordance with the quantity, quality, and specifications agreed upon by Party A and Party B. Failure to deliver the products as per the agreed terms shall result in penalties as outlined in Clause 5.2."2. Binding Nature:Commercial contracts in English are legally binding documents that govern the relationship between parties involved in a business transaction. These contracts create obligations, duties, and rights for each party and are enforceable by law. The language used in commercial contracts reflects the gravity of these obligations and the consequences of a breach.For instance, consider the following excerpt from a commercial contract:"This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. Any assignment of rights or obligations under this agreement shall require the prior written consent of the other party."3. Specificity in Terms and Conditions:Commercial contracts in English are characterized by their specific and detailed terms and conditions. These contracts address various aspects such as payment terms, delivery schedules, warranties, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms. The inclusion of specific provisions reduces the potential for misunderstandings and ensures that each party's rights and responsibilities are clearly outlined.For example, consider the following excerpt from a commercial contract:"The payment shall be made by Party B to Party A within thirty (30) days from the receipt of a valid invoice. In case of any disputes or disagreements regarding the invoice, Party B shall notify Party A in writing within ten (10) days from the receipt of the invoice. Failure to notify Party A within the specified timeframe shall be deemed as an acceptance of the invoice."4. Language of International Business:Commercial contracts in English serve as the lingua franca of international business. English is widely used in global commerce due to the historical influence of English-speaking countries in trade and economics. The language used in commercial contracts reflects the established conventions, practices, and standards of the international business community.Translation Sample:Original English Excerpt:"The Seller shall deliver the Goods in accordance with the terms specified hereunder. The Buyer shall make the payment as per the agreed schedule. In case of any disputes, the Parties agree to resolve the matter through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce."Translated Excerpt (Chinese):"卖方应按照下文规定的条款交付商品。

01 一、英文合一、英文合同的语言 特征
二、英文合同的翻译 方法
05 参考内容
合同是一种具有法律效力的文件,因此,英文合同的语言必须准确、正式、 明确,以避免可能的误解或争议。以下我们将探讨英文合同的语言特征以及如何 进行准确的翻译。
3、表达方式:合同的语言通常清晰、直接、明确。很少使用修辞手法,如 比喻、拟人等,以避免可能的歧义。
1、理解合同原文:合同翻译的首要步骤是准确理解原文的含义。这需要对 合同所涉及的法律、法规,以及英文合同的语言特征有深入的了解。
5、校对和审查:在完成合同的翻译后,应进行校对和审查,以确保翻译的 准确性和专业性。如果有必要,可以寻求专业的法律或语言专家的帮助。
总的来说,英文合同的翻译需要高度的专业知识和严谨的态度。只有准确的 翻译,才能确保合同的有效性和双方的权益。英文合同语言特征及翻译
英文合同是国际商务活动中非常重要的一环,其语言特征和翻译方法也是我 们需要了解和掌握的。本次演示将从英文合同的语言特征和翻译两个方面进行探 讨。
总之,英文合同语言特征及翻译是一个非常复杂的话题。在翻译英文合需要 遵循原文意思、语法规则和语言表达的流畅性等原则,同时需要注意合同条款的 明确性、准确性和严谨性。只有这样,才能确保合同的准确性和完整性,为国际 商务活动的顺利开展奠定基础。
商务合同是商业活动中必不可少的一部分,其目的是明确双方的权利和义务, 保障双方的利益。作为国际商业交流的通用语言,商务英语合同具有独特的语言 特征和翻译技巧。本次演示将从商务合同英语的语言特征和翻译两个方面进行深 入探讨。

一、商务英语合同的语言特色1. 正式与精确商务英语合同的语言应严格、正式、精确,不使用生活中的口语,以确保双方在合同中的权益清晰明确。
2. 双方平等协商合同语言应体现交易双方的平等协商,即使在表示原因、目的或方法时,也应当避免片面或过度表达其中一方的立场。
3. 条款层次分明商务英语合同中通常包含一系列的条款和子条款,这些条款需要层次分明,以便双方理解和遵守。
4. 具有法律效力商务英语合同是法律文书,要求具备法律效力。
二、商务英语合同的翻译技巧1. 准确把握合同意图在翻译商务英语合同时,首先要准确把握合同双方的意图,理解双方所要达成的交易内容和目的,以便更好地进行翻译。
2. 语言简练明确合同翻译应当注意简练明确的语言表达。
3. 词义准确一致在翻译合同时,词义的准确性和一致性非常重要。
4. 保持合同的法律效力商务英语合同的翻译应当保持其法律效力。
5. 考虑文化差异在翻译商务英语合同时,应当考虑到双方文化背景的差异。

关键词:商务英语合同;语言特征;翻译技巧ASTRACTBusiness contract belongs to a means of restricting the parties’ transactions, and the language should be formal and rigorous with the characteristics of qualified specialization. The business English contract involves not only the content of business English, but also some content of legal English. In order to translate the business contracts accurately, reduce the possible contract disputes in the foreign economy. Through the study of a series of documents, the lexical features in business English contracts are summarized, except for formal words, ancient words, technical terms and modal verbs are also used more in contracts. Secondly, list some sentence features and their translation skills. The translation of business contracts does not need to be particularly gorgeous rhetoric, it requires logic and strict language, to be objective, fair expression of literary meaning. In translation, word usage must be more accurate, precise and appropriate.Key words:Business English Contract; Linguistic Features; Translation SkillsContentsINTRODUCTION (2)CHAPTER I LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF BUSINESS ENGLISH CONTRACTS (5)1.1 Use of Formal Words (5)1.2 Use of Technical Terms (6)1.3 Use of Ancient Words (6)1.4 Use of Modal Verbs (8)CHAPTER II SENTENCE FEATURES OF BUSINESS ENGLISH CONTRACTS (9)2.1 Fixed Sentences (9)2.2 Long Sentences (9)2.3 Passive V oice (10)CHAPTER III SENTENCE FEATURES OF BUSINESS ENGLISH CONTRACTS (10)3.1 Translation Principle (10)3.2 Translation Skills (11)3.2.1 Modal Verbs Sentences Translation (11)3.2.2 Long Sentences Translation (12)3.2.3 Translation of Passive V oice (14)CONCLUSION (15)REFERENCES (16)ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。

“The payment shall be made within 30 days afterthe delivery of the goods”(付款应在货物交付后 30 天内进行。
“In the event that the Seller fails to deliver the goods as stipulated in the contract, and such failure is not attributable to force majeure or any other circumstances beyond the Seller's control, the Seller shall be liable for breach of contract and compensate the Buyer for all losses incurred”(如果卖方未能按照合同规定交付货物,且这种违约并非由于不可抗力或卖方无法控制的任何其他情况所致,卖方应承担违约责任,并赔偿买方所遭受的一切损失。

1.词汇特点1.1 使用公文惯用副词商务合同和协议属于法律公文,所以进行英文翻译时,需使用英语惯用的公文语副词,以便译文结构严谨、逻辑严密、言简意赅。
This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.例2.兹特由双方授权的代表,与上述首开日期和签署本合同为依据。
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the panties hereto have executed this Contract by their authorized representatives as of the date first above written. 1.2 准确用词商务合同是一种特殊的应用文体,用词行文的一大特点就是准确与严谨。
Both parties shall abide by the contractual stipulations./All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations.英语中abide by与comply with均意味“遵守”。

例如,在国际贸易合同中,“FOB”(Free on Board,船上交货)、“CIF”(Cost, Insurance and Freight,成本、保险加运费)等术语,其定义和应用都有严格的规范。

一、英语商务合同的语言特征1. 严谨性和准确性:商务合同要求用清晰、简明、准确的语言表达各项权利和义务,确保各方明确理解和遵守合同内容。
2. 具体性和明确性:商务合同应具体明确地规定合同双方的权益和义务,确保各方在履行合同时不会存在模糊、不确定的情况。
3. 条款的层级结构:商务合同通常采用层级结构来组织条款,分为标题、序言、定义、主要条款和附则等部分,以提高合同的可读性和可理解性。
4. 法律性和强制性:商务合同是法律文件,通常涉及法律条款和法律术语,具有法律效力和强制约束力。
二、英语商务合同的汉译原则1. 忠实准确原则:在汉译商务合同时,要遵循忠实准确的原则,确保所译文字与原文无实质性差异,并准确传达合同的法律意义。
2. 清晰明确原则:汉译商务合同应避免模糊、含糊不清的表达,要用准确明确的汉语词语和表达方式,以确保合同双方理解一致。
3. 语言简练原则:商务合同语言应尽量简练,避免冗长的句子和过多的修辞手法,以提高合同的可读性和可理解性。
4. 顺应法规原则:汉译商务合同应顺应相关法规和法律要求,尤其是针对特定合同领域的法律和行业术语,确保翻译的准确性和合规性。
5. 保持格式原则:在汉译商务合同时,应尽量保持原文的格式和结构,包括标题、条款、分节等,以确保双方在阅读合同时的便利性和一致性。
6. 文化转换原则:商务合同涉及到的文化差异和法律概念在英文和中文之间存在差异,翻译时应充分考虑这些差异,进行文化转换和法律等价转换。

在合同书的撰写过程中,可以使用一些连接词和词组,如“furthermore”、“moreover”、“in addition”等,以确保句子之间的连贯性和逻辑性。

F o r p e s n a u s e o n y s u d y a n d r e s a c h n o f r c m me r c a u s eFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use商务合同的语言特点及其汉英翻译商务合同是一种特殊的应用文体,重在记实,用词行文的一大特点就是准确与严谨。
为了探讨商务合同的汉英翻译,本文拟从英文合同的语言特征中寻找翻译时应遵循的原则, 从而介绍商务合同汉英翻译的一些特殊手段。
一、英文合同的语言特征作为具有法律效应的商务合同或协议,基本具备以下特征:1. 用词准确明晰。
例1 :Whereas , the Seller is desirous of exporting the undermentioned products to the territory stipulated below. (卖方欲出口下列产品至下面规定的地方。
)例2 : Whereas , the Purchaser is desirous of importing the said goods for sale in the said territory. (而买方欲进口所述货物在所述地点出售。

2372018年42期总第430期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS 分析商务英语合同的语言特征及其翻译文/冉倩引言随着经济全球化的发展,在现代化的整体发展中,为保障国际合作的质量,合作双方需要签订相应的合同作为合作的依据,以此保障合作双方的利益。

着自身独特的语言特征,这与日常英语大 1999),这与日常口语及文学作品有很大区 sured(被保险人)。
有不同。如果能够充分掌握这些特征,将有 别。下面略举几例。
财务术语:financing (融资)、per-
formance guarantee(履约保函)、audit
约罚款),grace period(宽限期),alleged one’s best effort to do,exert one’s 在当今的法律语言中。合同文本中也不例
infringement(s 被指控的侵权),breac(h 违 best effort to do,而一般不用较随意的的 外,这种古为今用的用法突出体现了合同
在表示“根据(依照)合同、规定、贸 吃透吃准,否则,翻译出来的意思会有失偏
款的严谨性和准确性,因此,合同英语中多 易惯例“等时,合同中一般用pursuant to, 颇。术语的翻译基本上无多少技巧可言,译
使用法律词汇。如:In witness whereof (以 或in compliance with 或in line with或 者应当多查阅资料,或请教行业专家,边学
(鉴于)、W h e r e b y (因此,据此)等。
在上述复合副词中,here 表示 this, 当”或“必须”。
there 表示that,where 表示what 或which。
例句 4. The WORK shall be per-
合同中,here 指本合同文件,there 指另一 formed by CONTRACTOR strictly as


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原创Q 799 75 79 3814 大学英语课堂教学中师生互动的重要性15 An Analysis of David’ s Dual Personality in David Copperfield16 网络英语资源对英语学习的影响17 从《人生的枷锁》中三个女性看毛姆的婚爱观18 英语外贸电子邮件的语篇分析19 浅析国际商务谈判文化因素及其对策20 论英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵差异21 基于概念隐喻的英语习语研究22 英语影视作品中字幕翻译的幽默转化策略——以老友记为例23 与苦难嬉戏——透析《查尔斯兰姆散文集》24 《西风颂》两个汉译版本的文体分析25 《紫色》所体现的“黑人性”26 “家有儿女”VS“成长的烦恼”——对比研究中西方家庭教育27 中美人际关系比较28 分析形成性评价在英语教学中的应用29 英语政治委婉语的语用功能30 概念隐喻理论在英语词汇教学中的应用31 中西方时间观差异分析32 浅谈《圣经》对英语习语的影响33 初中英语教学中的角色扮演34 A Comparison of the English Color Terms35 A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries36 英语中的汉语词汇37 从语用角度谈英汉称赞语及其回应策略38 海明威短篇小说的叙述艺术--以《一个明亮干净的地方》为例39 分析《等待》的悲剧40 论译文质量保证的途径41 Oscar Wilde’s Aestheticism on The Picture of Dorian Gray42 《夜访吸血鬼》中的模糊性别观43 浅析《小妇人》中乔的女性意识及其成长过程44 论中西教育观的差异45 试用标记模式理论分析广告语中的语码混用现象46 埃德加•爱伦•坡恐怖小说的哥特式特征分析47 新经济原则在商品买卖会话中的运用48 从词汇对等角度看《红楼梦》中“笑”一词的英译49 小学英语课堂任务设计的研究50 关于《哈利波特》中对种族主义批判的研究51 如何有效地扩展大学生英语词汇52 茶文化交流用语的翻译:理论与实践53 A Comparative Study of Jane Eyre and Vanity Fair——From the Perspective of Governess in Victorian Age54 Women in the Roaring Twenties– A Comparative Study of Female Characters in The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises55 马丁伊登的自我认知和社会认知及其悲剧56 论英语口语教学中存在的问题及对策57 An Analysis of Cultural Differences between China and English-Speaking Countries through Idioms58 英语体育新闻标题的特点及翻译对策59 从传递文化信息视角探讨《红楼梦》翻译中“异化”与“归化”策略60 海明威小说硬汉形象的悲剧色彩61 论华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观62 从许渊冲“三美论”看中国古典诗歌翻译的不可译和创造性再现63 以实玛利是谁--《白鲸》与康德哲学64 Social Causes for Tess’s Tragedy65 Yellow Peril–the Image of Fu Manchu in the West66 语境与英语词汇教学67 模糊限制语的语用功能及在广告中的应用68 高中英语新课标在xx中实施情况调查与分析69 《紫颜色》对女性主义概念的延伸及新阐述70 《西游记》和《哈利波特》的对比71 An Interpretation of A Tale of Two Cities from the Perspective of Symbolism72 希望失落的机械天堂——析《加算器》中的人性失落主题73 英汉广告文化和翻译74 中美大学生道歉策略对比研究75 The Process of Anna’s Spiritual Integration in Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook76 英语广告中仿拟的关联分析77 译者的身份78 浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中两位男主人公79 高中英语写作教学交往的模式及其策略80 英语教学中非言语交流与跨文化交际中能力的培养81 对圣经文学性之赏析82 从违反合作原则研究《生活大爆炸》83 词汇的语义关系及其在初中英语词汇教学中的运用84 法国大革命对《西风颂》创作的影响85 中美家庭教育的比较研究86 语境视角下的“吃”字翻译研究87 《汤姆·索亚历险记》中所反映的社会问题88 浅析《简爱》的主人公简爱89 从消费心理学角度谈汽车品牌名称的翻译90 从主人公的悲剧命运看《推销员之死》的现实意义91 浅谈商务活动中的语言92 中西方饮酒礼仪的比较93 浅析莫里森名作《最蓝的眼睛》中查理的性格特点94 拒绝话语跨空间映射的认知解读—以商务洽商为例95 浅析当今网络英语交流中的缩略语96 英文电影对英语学习的影响97 大陆高等教育中英语课堂上教师使用汉语的状况及分析98 幼儿英语口语培养99 中西方新闻报道看道德观差异100 交际式语言测试在初中英语课堂中的应用101 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究102 产品说明书的翻译技巧103 浅析合作学习在英语专业口语教学中的应用104 《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的重生105 A Brief Analysis of the Differences and Similarities of Chinese and British Wedding Culture 106 浅谈高中英语教师课堂提问与课堂互动107 从《红字》看霍桑对清教主义的批判与妥协108 黑人英语克里奥起源论109 浅析商务谈判中非言语交际的核心地位110 论《野性的呼唤》中对人和自然和谐的呼唤111 试论电子商务英语的特点和翻译112 从异化与归化看网络上美剧的字幕翻译113 《弗兰肯斯坦》的悲剧性114 英汉习语的概念隐喻对比研究115 从《尼罗河上的惨案》看阿加莎•克里斯蒂小说的魅力和价值116 中英文称谓语的比较与翻译117 浅析爱伦·坡小说《黑猫》的写作艺术手法118 从接受美学的角度研究电影名字的翻译119 从《朗读者》中汉娜的形象论道德盲视现象120 “本我,自我,超我”—《飘》中玫兰妮性格分析121 从“进步”话语解读《苔丝》中环境因素与人物性格122 浅谈《红楼梦》诗词的文化意象翻译123 英语语句模糊性分析124 英语新闻的用词和翻译125 对抗还是和谐——论《白鲸》人与自然的关系126 从语言角度看中英广告翻译中的文化差异127 《希腊古瓮颂》中的艺术和永恒之美128 欧•亨利短篇小说艺术手法浅析129 《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的美国梦的破灭130 侦探小说的发展131 Approaching English V ocabulary Teaching—a Lexicological Perspective132 广告英语中委婉语的语用研究133 从《道林•格雷的画像》看王尔德的唯美主义134 哲学视角下的中英数字对比研究135 商务英语合同的翻译特点及策略研究136 On Stylistic Features of Obama’s Victory Speech137 中英文颜色词的文化内涵及翻译138 爱伦坡侦探小说中恐怖气氛的营造方法139 古诗词英译关于夸张的翻译策略研究140 浅谈数字翻译中的文化因素141 A Comparative Study of “Two Roses”in Wuthering Heights--Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton142 高中英语课堂教学中的口语教学143 浅析华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观144 论《宠儿》中的象征意象145 论《西游记》中文化因素的翻译策略——以詹纳尔和余国藩的英译本为例146 浅析《老人与海》中人与自然的和谐之美147 商务英语书面语语言特色的语用分析148 笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁宾逊形象解析149 《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究150 中英文化的差异对英汉互译的影响151 从警察与赞美诗中分析欧亨利的写作风格152 论《黑夜中的旅人》中主人公的信仰冲突与融合153 浅谈非语言交际中的手势语154 超越和世俗——对《月亮和六便士》中Strickland和Stroeve的对比分析155 星巴克营销策略研究156 双重人格——《化身博士》的启示157 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究158 分析露丝的觉醒《接骨师之女》159 《老人与海》和《热爱生命》的生态比较160 论《金色笔记》的多元主题161 《推销员之死》中男主人公悲剧命运分析162 A Study on the Translation of News Headlines from English Into Chinese163 Advertising and Its Application164 世纪以来英汉委婉语的语义变迁165 《动物农场》中隐喻的应用及其政治讽刺作用166 On Womanism in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple167 Different Cultural Connotations of Animal glossaries in Chinese and English168 从用餐礼仪看中美核心价值观差异169 爱与孤独的互生——舍伍德安德森《曾经沧海》与戴维劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》对比研究170 基督教及《圣经》对西方文化的影响171 从成长小说角度解读《马丁•伊登》172 由王尔德的《莎乐美》探究法国象征主义对其唯美主义的影响173 从《简•爱》的多译本看中国两性关系的变化174 目的论视角下的广告翻译175 从跨文化交际的发展看西方饮食文化对中国饮食文化的影响176 《暮色》两中译本中文化缺省重构的对比研究177 论海明威作品中的悲剧意识178 英汉语言性别歧视对比研究179 论杰克•伦敦的个人经历和信仰对《野性的呼唤》主人公巴克命运的影响180 英汉文化中颜色词语象征意义的对比研究181 浅析简•奥斯汀《理智与情感》中的婚姻观182 提高中学生听力的有效策略183 当诗意邂逅商业---解读中英诗型广告意境之美184 英语公益广告中隐喻的应用及翻译研究185 Feasibility of Popularizing Bilingual Teaching186 从圣诞节和春节看中西方文化差异187 Pursuing a Harmonious Man-Woman Relationship In The Thorn Birds188 中美肢体语言的差异189 金钱与婚姻—论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻价值与导向190 The Self-image of Charles Dickens in David Copperfield191 国际商务合同的英语语言特点及其翻译探析192 The Analysis of Narrative Techniques in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”193 大学生通过联想记忆词汇的方法194 A Comparison of the English Color Terms195 On the Feminist Consciousness in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter196 探究中西方委婉语产生的文化背景197 英汉习语渊源对比及其常用分析方法198 Some Writing Skills for Senior High School Students in NMET199 论《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的悲剧原因200 Reflections—Emily Dickinson’s Life in Her Poems。

关键词:国际商务合同;用词特点;目的论;翻译技巧ABSTRACTOn the basis of the conception and importance of international business contracts, this thesis analyzes the diction characteristics from the aspects of professionalism and formality, including the business terms, legal terms, technical terms, archaic words, literary words, and coordinate words. Under the guidance of the Skopos Theory, this thesis employs several practical translation strategies in English-Chinese translation and Chinese-English translation by analyzing some examples that are easily misunderstood in daily commercial life. The thesis aims to offer business people the relative translation guidelines while doing the international business contract translation so as to better their translation skills.Key words:International Business Contract; Diction Characteristics; Skopos Theory; Translation strategiesContents1.Introduction (51)2. A Survey of International Business Contract (52)2.1 Definition of International Business Contract (52)2.2 Categories of International Business Contract (52)3. The Diction Characteristics of International Business Contract (54)3. 1 Professionalism (54)3. 2 Formality (57)4. Translation of International Business Contracts (61)4.1 Present Situation of International Business Contracts Translation (61)4.2 Skopos Theory in International Business Contract Translation (62)5.Conclusion (69)Acknowledgements (69)References (71)1.IntroductionSince the implementation of reform and opening policy in China, in particular, with China’s entry into WTO, China has been deeply melting into the world. Especially in its field of trade, more and more business people tend to contract with foreigners. A contract is an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced or recognized by the law[1]1. Since all the parties need contracts to restrict each other’s behavior and protect their own legal rights and benefits, international business contract is now playing an important role in international trades. On the other hand, there are varieties of inaccuracies or even errors in the translation of international business contract, which may make a negative impact on international trade. Hence, translation of international business contract increasingly shows its importance and necessity.According to Vermeer’s Skopostheorie, “Any form of translation action, including therefore translation itself, may be conceived as an action, as the name implies. Any action has an aim, a purpose.”[2]Therefore, this thesis mainly attempts to explore approaches towards contract translation from the new perspective of Skopos. It proves the rationality and applicability of the Skopos approach in international business contract translation. Meanwhile, the thesis includes the study of basic knowledge of international business contract and its diction characteristics, which paves the way for the analysis of both English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation of international business contracts under the direction of Skopostheorie.2. A Survey of International Business Contract2.1 Definition of International Business ContractIn the modern commercial society today, contracts have become so much a part of living in society. Then, what is the definition of a contract? The answer may differ from country to country. The United States defines a contract as“a promise or set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty”[3]1. According to “The Law of Contract” by G . Trietel, the definition of contract is an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced or recognized by the Law. While in China, Article 2 in Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (1999) gives its own defi nition of a contract: “A contract in this law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations.” [4]From the definitions above, we can see that a contract,in the simplest definition, is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties.” [5]19 Once the parties are from different countries, their agreement becomes international. Generally speaking, an international business contract can be valid under the following three situations:A. Contract should be deemed as a business contractB. One or more contracting parties do not have Chinese nationalityC. The contractual subject matter shall be shipped across the border of China[6]62.2 Categories of International Business ContractSo far as a certain country is concerned,a business contract is also called a foreign contract, written agreements that are signed and entered into in accordance with relevant laws to specify the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto by and between enterprises or other economic organizations of China and foreign enterprises, economic organizations or natural persons forcertain economic purposes,such as exchange of commodities, financing and economic and technical cooperation and exchange[7]. On the basis of the subject matter and obligations of the parties concerned in the contract, international business contracts fall into many specific categories, which mainly including: 1) Contracts for International Sale of Goods; 2) Contracts for International Technology Transfer; 3) Contracts for Sino-foreign Joint Ventures; 4) Contracts for Sino-foreign Contractual Joint Ventures; 5) Contracts for International Engineering Projects; 6) Contracts for Compensation Trade; 7) Contracts for Sino-foreign Cooperative Development of Natural Resources; 8) Contracts for Foreign Labor Services; 9) Contracts for International Leasing Affairs; 10) Contracts for Sino-foreign Credits and Loans; 11) Contracts for International Build-Operate-Transfer[8]23-32.In addition to the above contracts involving foreign interests, there are many other types of business contracts, such as insurance contracts, storage contracts, agency contracts, contracts for employment of foreign staff members, and contracts for international transportation, etc.3. The Diction Characteristics of International BusinessContractInternational business contract is a legally binding contractual document. The language it used does not seek the goal of artistic beauty like literary works. In fact, what it pursues is the precise and rigorous logic, norms of professional presentation, clear thought, clarity and orderliness. Words are the building blocks of communication. The language of English contract is dramatically different from daily English in terms of vocabulary and style [9]11. Therefore, before we start exploring the translation strategies of international business contract, it is necessary to discuss the diction characteristics of international business contract from the perspectives of professionalism and formality..3. 1 ProfessionalismA specialized and technical vocabulary is the first and most obvious way to adjust to a domain of social experience or activity. The use of technical terms marks the feature of professionalism of international business contract. Technical terms in the international business contract, which include legal terms and business terms, boast a whole glossary of standard vocabulary and wide applications, and have their own precise, unique and unambiguous meanings.3.1.1 Business termsThere are a number of professional business vocabularies in some kinds of economic professions, such as international trade, international commercial law and corporate governance and so on. The practical professional business terms in international business contract relate to all the trading sessions and the related documents, so it must be done right. The so-called “right” does not only indicate that the spelling and punctuation is correct, more importantly, it alsomeans the content should be consistent with the facts, as the specific performance in the facts, data and terminology [10].As contracts are related to various sectors of business, lots of business terms can be easily found in contracts. such as equity joint venture(合资经营企业), articles of association(公司盖章), know-how(专有技术),and negotiable instruments(可流通票据). Pertinent business terms concisely and accurately communicate the intended content [11].3.1.2 Legal termsA contract is legally binding economic document. Its language belongs to the area of law. Legal terms, which are generally more concise and comprehensive to stipulate the contact parties’rights and obligations, are indispensable in international business contract. The following table is some common words in international business contract with its unique legal meaning.Different from their ordinary meanings, words of this category have their legal connotations in international business contract. And they reflect the dignity of the law. Such words are termed as “legal homonyms”by Peter M. Tiesma in his book Legal Language. Failure to identify legal homonyms may cause false and distorted translation. The examples will be discussed in Chapter 4 about the translation of international business contract.In addition, according to Frederick Bowers [12]30, “shall”, “may”, and “shall not”are the most common legal performative verbs and act with the illocutionary forces of obligation “shall”, permission “may”, and prohibition “shall not”.3.1.3 Other Professional TermsSince a contract is heavily specialized and involves many other fields like trade, finance, insurance, transportation, customs, commodity inspections and other aspects of professional knowledge, it is important to choose the right meanings of these words depend in their different fields, such as “down payment (预付定金),expenditure(支出)”from the insurance field. Another detailed example will be explained in Chapter about “choosing the right meaning in context”.In addition, technical terms is another professional terms that marked the features of contracts. These words are specialized in scientific fields including natural scientific field and social scientific field; certain technical words have to be used. The function of these technical words is partly to donate things or processes which have no corresponding names in ordinary life, and partly to increase the precision on the part of the reader.For example, a contract of purchases and sales of products must sign out the name and the size of the products, which involves many technical words, such as PTA (material of chemical fiber), MEG (chemical solution), DC MOTOR (a mechanism), link mechanism, etc.Technical terms also involve many words exclusively employed in legal terms and business terms. A number of common words have been converted into technical words with only one of their meanings adopted in contracts, such as action(诉讼),negligence(过失),acceptance(承兑,承诺),confirm(保兑),arbitration award(仲裁裁决),more or less(溢短装) and infringement(特权).Common words used in such a special way help mark out a text belonging to the field of legal and business documents[6]26.All the professional words in different fields mentioned above help increase precision of business contracts and dislodge ambiguity or confusion on the part of the involved parties, but they also make it difficult for the common readers to comprehend the business contracts.3. 2 FormalityB usiness contracts stipulate the contracting parties’ rights,obligations and activities directly and clearly, so the words it used must be formal, precise and serious. Contract English has long been characterized by frequent use of archaic words, literary words, coordinate words and nominalization. These words used in such a special way can help to prove a text regarding to business contract only, which show the formality and sanctity of business contracts.3.2.1 Archaic wordsThere is a frequent use of archaic words in international business contract. In order to pretext a professional monopoly, you can lock the trade secrets in the safe of an unknown tongue, while the legalese is the way of meeting the need [13].Archaic words are rooted in the Old and Middle English and are kept till now in the legal documents. Although they appeared old-looking and out-dated, they are indispensable in business contract. It is justified in saying that it is these archaic words that not only make contracts highly formal and dignified but also abstract the contractual language to keep its strong formal flavor, and shield itself from language repetition and ambiguity.The archaic words often appear in the form of compound adverbs, like “here, there, and where”combining with some particles “after, at, by, in, of, from, to, under, with, upon”etc. We should understand the rule that “here”means “this”, “there”equals “that”, and “where”stands for “which”. For example, look at the following table [8]355-366:According to David Crystal and Derek Davy[14]205, archaisms nearly always seem to add a touch of formality to the language in which they occur. There is no doubt that the frequent use of these words provides the business contract formal veracity and conciseness. What’s more, it is more precise and competent in leading a sense of elegance and solemnity to legal documents. 3.2.2 Literary WordsAlso as big words or formal word, literary words mainly appear in formal writings, such as theoretical works, formal addresses and legal documents. These words are also frequently employed in English business contracts, to help increase precision and seriousness of the content in business contracts. For example, the following words in Column A are used to take the place of commonly used words in Column B even though they are of the same meaning.[15]Word in the left column exceed their colloquial counterparts in the right column, because they are more compatible with the greater solemnity demanded by English contracts. Because literary vocabulary contributes to increasing solemnity and formality in English contracts, five literary words“terminate”, “principle”, “notification”, “assistant”, and “confidentiality”are more frequently adopted in English rather than their colloquial counterparts “end”, “rule”, “notice”, “help” and “secret”[9]14.The main originations of these formal words are French, Latin and Greek. It is known that in history French became the official language of England after Norman Conquest. Later, even though English gradually replaced French and became the official language, many French words still remained as formal words in official documents and contributed to increasing solemnity in English contracts. Until now, these words have become part of English and functioned as formal words in such areas as politics, military and law, etc.3.2.3 Coordinate WordsI t is a common phenomenon that coordination of synonyms or relevant words is widely employed in English business contracts. Look at the following example [16]27:The parties may, through consultation, make amendments and revision of this contract as and when the need arises.The synonyms “amendments and revision”and “as and when”are rendered into “修改”and “在……时”respectively. They are two pairs of coordinate words.There are many other examples in international business contract, like terms and conditions; loss or damage; sole and exclusive; sublicense or subcontract; modifications or improvements; whole or part; expiration and termination; disputes and differences; etc.The combinations of synonyms or relevant words are another embodiment of the archaism and formalism of international business contract. They make the contracts more exact and precise and help avoid ambiguity or loopholes. For example, in order to avoid any loophole and make the meaning clear, the combination of developments, improvement, modifications or inventions lists all kinds of possible innovations that may happen on the licensed products.3.2.4 NominalizationWe find that nouns are most frequently used in English contracts. Due to the authority and solemnity of such a special language register, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions are selected from a limited rage. The reason may be that nouns make it much easier to organize into an argument. Nominalization,as a distinctive feature of English contracts, refers to a noun phrase whose headword is an abstract noun derived form another word class, usually a verb or an adjective. What’s more, nouns and noun phrases are in conformity with the formal style required by international business contracts. The following examples may shed some light on how such transformations are completed.It demonstrates that frequent use of nouns is an important feature that helps to distinguish English legal documents from others because nouns are in perfect conformity with the formal style required by English legal documents.4. Translation of International Business Contracts4.1 Present Situation of International Business Contracts TranslationIt is revealed from the above discussion that research on contract translation between English and Chinese are a major player in China’s foreign business activities. Early studies in this regard can be traced back to the middle of the twentieth century, when English stylistics began to advance with great strides and more attention was paid to pragmatic style other than the literary language. At that time, studies on the contract translation were mostly done by the abroad scholars, such as A Short Course in International Contracts (1999) by Karla C .Shippey, and A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting (2002) by Kenneth A. Adams[17]3.In recent years, a large number of translation approaches to the study of contracts have been developed in China, according to the data available. For example, Hugengshen[8], a professor of Tsinghua University, wrote a book “Formulation and Translation of International Business Contracts; Rufei[17], a professor of Shanghai Foreign Languages University, analyzed the international business contracts translation from register perspective; Zhou Yan and Liao Ying[18] compared the linguistic difference between English and Chinese basedon a pragmatic analysis of the two languages, and provided some practical skills for translating long sentences in business contracts;Xuyan[19]conducts a systematic study on creating a model for international business contracts translation by integrating the macro-level theories of translation studies with the micro-level translation practice, and then make use of translation examples to verify the practicability of the model. He gives a general description of the translation model and then establishes a translation model for international business contracts translation.As Huang Guowen[20] puts forward, “To analyze a translation or tackle a translation problem, one must be guided by a specific theory.”Since Skopos Theory provides a reasonable and satisfactory approach to guide the contract translation, this chapter will study the application of the Skopos Theory in the translation of international business contract and discuss what translation strategies are appropriate for it.4.2 Skopos Theory in International Business Contract Translation4.2.1 An Introduction to Skopos TheoryTo carry out the translation strategies of international business contract from the new perspective of Skopos, it is necessary to be clear about what Skopos is.“Skopos Theory is an approach to translation which was developed in Germany in the late 1970s, and which reflects a general shift from predominantly LINGUISTIC and rather formal translation theories to a more functionally and socio-culturally oriented concept of translation”[21]235. Generally speaking, the representatives, Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer and Justa Holz-Manttari represent three stages of the development of modern functionalism in translation study. They are all German scholars, so we call them “German school of functionalism” [22]4.Skopos is a Geek word for “purpose”. The Shopos theory is the core of German functionalism. It views translation from a different perspective, takes translation as an action and claims the success of a translation depends onwhether it has achieved its purpose. The Skopos Theory includes three rules, the Skopos rule, coherence rule, and fidelity rule (Inter-textual Coherence), in which, the most important rule for any translation is, in Vermeer’s terms, the Skopos rule, which says that a translational action is determined by its Skopos, namely, “the end justifies the means”[23]101. That is to say, the choice of strategies to be used in a particular translation is determined by its particular purpose; the supreme goal of a translation is to fulfill that purpose; faithfulness is only one of the possible purposes to be fulfilled.“In an ideal case, the client (i.e. the initiator) would give as many details as possible about the purpose, explaining the addresses, time, place, occasion and medium of the intended communication and the function the text is intended to have. This information would constitute an explicit translation brief.” [22]30 The translation brief is one of the most valuable aspects in Skopostheorie. Traditional translation theories generally consider that a translation primarily has three participants: the source text producer, the translator and the receiver. Translation is a kind of international interaction. It is a relationship among initiators, senders and receivers. According to the Skopos Theory, the most important factor determining the purpose is the addressee, who is the intended receiver of the target with his culture- specific-knowledge, his expectations and communicative need. Vermeer as the following explains: Any form of translation action, including therefore translation itself, may be conceived as an action, as the name implies. Any ac tion has an aim, a purpose. […]Further, an action leads a result, a new situation or event, and possibly to a new objects [2]173-174. In the translation process, the translator first act as receiver of both the translation brief (the initiator’s translation instructions) and the source text (is usually part of the brief). And then the translator produces a target text that they regard as purpose in the sense that the demands of the translation brief. In a word, the process focuses on the target text, and it is reader-oriented, thus it leaves more space for translator’s creative work.4.2.2 Case Studies of International Business Contract TranslationThe ultimate purpose of a contract is to persuade its clients to sign the contract. However, due to the barriers of language and culture, the source text, when translated, may be misunderstood by the target audience in some cases.Then according to the framework of Skopos Theory, translation is not merely a process of transcoding but involves many factors, such as original author, initiator who has commissioned the translation assignment, target text receiver, source language culture, target language social norm, etc. The mentioned factors may influence the translator’s choices of translation strategies. Thus Vermeer’s idea is to be in accordance with the contract translation process. The contract translator can flexibly adopt different translating strategies to achieve his target under the guidance of Skopos theory.The following part is some practical examples that are easily mistranslated in daily life. The analysis includes several kinds of translation strategies for contract translation from the aspects of Chinese to English and English to Chinese translation in the guidance of Skopostheorie. Chinese to English Translatio nAccording to the above analysis, target-language-culture oriented strategy should be considered as the basic strategy of international business contract translation. The Skopos theory holds the idea that translators must take the target readers’ expectation into consideration. Under the guidance of this theory, the strategies of omission, conversion, and combination, etc. are basic techniques in translating international business contract. These strategies that can be called as “free transfer”try to convey the meaning and spirit of the original text even though it may require quite a lot of changes in linguistic properties of the original text.1) Omission is a part of the translating techniques in which some parts of the original text can be omitted in accordance with the target readers’description. An indispensable element in one language may be a superfluous one in the other so that omission enables us to omit redundant part of the original.Example: 本工程建设方应落实与管理、资金有关的法律法规,并接受有关行政部门的监督和检查。

英文商务合同论文英语商务合同的语言特点与翻译方法English Business Contract: Language Features and Translation MethodsIntroductionEnglish is the dominant language in the field of international business, and thus, English business contracts play a significant role in facilitating global trade. However, understanding and accurately translating these contracts can be complex due to their specific language features. This article explores the unique characteristics of English business contracts and provides insights into effective translation methods.1. Conciseness and PrecisionEnglish business contracts are known for their concise and precise language. The use of clear and specific terminology is crucial to avoid ambiguity and ensure mutual understanding between parties. Sentences are often structured in a straightforward manner, with minimal use of flowery or redundant language. This conciseness enables the contract to convey information efficiently and reduces the chances of misinterpretation.Translation Approach: When translating English business contracts, it is crucial to maintain the same level of conciseness and precision. Translators should prioritize accuracy and ensure that the translated version captures the original intent without introducing any ambiguity. Moreover, maintaining a clear and straightforward style will help ensure that the translated contract is easy to comprehend for all parties involved.2. Legal Terminology and JargonEnglish business contracts involve extensive use of legal terminology and jargon. These terms have specific meanings within the legal context and carry legal consequences. They often require precise translation to preserve their intended legal implications. Examples of such terms include "liability," "indemnification," and "force majeure."Translation Approach: When translating legal terminology and jargon, it is essential to have a deep understanding of both legal systems involved. Translators should conduct thorough research to identify the equivalent terms in the target language that carry the same legal weight. If no direct translation exists, explanatory footnotes or annotations can be added to ensure clarity.3. Conditionality and Precision in ObligationsEnglish business contracts frequently employ conditional language to specify obligations. This enables parties to outline the conditions under which certain obligations must be fulfilled. The use of precise language is crucial to avoid misunderstandings regarding the timing, extent, or triggering events of obligations.Translation Approach: Translating conditional language requires meticulous attention to detail. The translator must ensure that the conditions and obligations are accurately conveyed in the target language, including any specific requirements or triggering events. It is essential to maintain clarity and precision to prevent any misinterpretation by the parties involved.4. Cultural Considerations and International ApplicabilityEnglish business contracts are typically drafted with an international audience in mind. They aim to be culturally neutral and applicable across different jurisdictions. However, certain country-specific laws or cultural practices may need to be considered during the translation process.Translation Approach: Translators should possess a thorough understanding of both the source and target cultures to ensure accurate translation. They must research and consider any legal or cultural nuances that may impact the interpretation of the contract in the target language. Consulting legal experts from the target jurisdiction can also be beneficial to ensure compliance and address any potential conflicts.ConclusionEnglish business contracts have distinct language features that require careful attention during the translation process. Maintaining conciseness, accuracy, and cultural adaptability are essential for ensuring mutual understanding and effective communication between parties. By employing appropriate translation methods and considering legal and cultural nuances, translators can accurately convey the intent and obligations of English business contracts in the target language, thereby facilitating smooth international business transactions.。
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中美家庭教育的比较研究86 语境视角下的“吃”字翻译研究87 《汤姆·索亚历险记》中所反映的社会问题88 浅析《简爱》的主人公简爱89 从消费心理学角度谈汽车品牌名称的翻译90 从主人公的悲剧命运看《推销员之死》的现实意义91 浅谈商务活动中的语言92 中西方饮酒礼仪的比较93 浅析莫里森名作《最蓝的眼睛》中查理的性格特点94 拒绝话语跨空间映射的认知解读—以商务洽商为例95 浅析当今网络英语交流中的缩略语96 英文电影对英语学习的影响97 大陆高等教育中英语课堂上教师使用汉语的状况及分析98 幼儿英语口语培养99 中西方新闻报道看道德观差异100 交际式语言测试在初中英语课堂中的应用101 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究102 产品说明书的翻译技巧103 浅析合作学习在英语专业口语教学中的应用104 《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的重生105 A Brief Analysis of the Differences and Similarities of Chinese and British Wedding Culture106 浅谈高中英语教师课堂提问与课堂互动107 从《红字》看霍桑对清教主义的批判与妥协108 黑人英语克里奥起源论109 浅析商务谈判中非言语交际的核心地位110 论《野性的呼唤》中对人和自然和谐的呼唤111 试论电子商务英语的特点和翻译112 从异化与归化看网络上美剧的字幕翻译113 《弗兰肯斯坦》的悲剧性114 英汉习语的概念隐喻对比研究115 从《尼罗河上的惨案》看阿加莎•克里斯蒂小说的魅力和价值116 中英文称谓语的比较与翻译117 浅析爱伦·坡小说《黑猫》的写作艺术手法118 从接受美学的角度研究电影名字的翻译119 从《朗读者》中汉娜的形象论道德盲视现象120 “本我,自我,超我”—《飘》中玫兰妮性格分析121 从“进步”话语解读《苔丝》中环境因素与人物性格122 浅谈《红楼梦》诗词的文化意象翻译123 英语语句模糊性分析124 英语新闻的用词和翻译125 对抗还是和谐——论《白鲸》人与自然的关系126 从语言角度看中英广告翻译中的文化差异127 《希腊古瓮颂》中的艺术和永恒之美128 欧•亨利短篇小说艺术手法浅析129 《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的美国梦的破灭130 侦探小说的发展131 Approaching English Vocabulary Teaching—a Lexicological Perspective132 广告英语中委婉语的语用研究133 从《道林•格雷的画像》看王尔德的唯美主义134 哲学视角下的中英数字对比研究135 商务英语合同的翻译特点及策略研究136 On Stylistic Features of Obama’s Victory Speech137 中英文颜色词的文化内涵及翻译138 爱伦坡侦探小说中恐怖气氛的营造方法139 古诗词英译关于夸张的翻译策略研究140 浅谈数字翻译中的文化因素141 A Comparative Study of “Two Roses” in Wuthering Heights--Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton142 高中英语课堂教学中的口语教学143 浅析华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观144 论《宠儿》中的象征意象145 论《西游记》中文化因素的翻译策略——以詹纳尔和余国藩的英译本为例146 浅析《老人与海》中人与自然的和谐之美147 商务英语书面语语言特色的语用分析148 笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁宾逊形象解析149 《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究150 中英文化的差异对英汉互译的影响151 从警察与赞美诗中分析欧亨利的写作风格152 论《黑夜中的旅人》中主人公的信仰冲突与融合153 浅谈非语言交际中的手势语154 超越和世俗——对《月亮和六便士》中Strickland和Stroeve的对比分析155 星巴克营销策略研究156 双重人格——《化身博士》的启示157 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究158 分析露丝的觉醒《接骨师之女》159 《老人与海》和《热爱生命》的生态比较160 论《金色笔记》的多元主题161 《推销员之死》中男主人公悲剧命运分析162 A Study on the Translation of News Headlines from English Into Chinese163 Advertising and Its Application164 世纪以来英汉委婉语的语义变迁165 《动物农场》中隐喻的应用及其政治讽刺作用166 On Womanism in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple167 Different Cultural Connotations of Animal glossaries in Chinese and English168 从用餐礼仪看中美核心价值观差异169 爱与孤独的互生——舍伍德安德森《曾经沧海》与戴维劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》对比研究170 基督教及《圣经》对西方文化的影响171 从成长小说角度解读《马丁•伊登》172 由王尔德的《莎乐美》探究法国象征主义对其唯美主义的影响173 从《简•爱》的多译本看中国两性关系的变化174 目的论视角下的广告翻译175 从跨文化交际的发展看西方饮食文化对中国饮食文化的影响176 《暮色》两中译本中文化缺省重构的对比研究177 论海明威作品中的悲剧意识178 英汉语言性别歧视对比研究179 论杰克•伦敦的个人经历和信仰对《野性的呼唤》主人公巴克命运的影响180 英汉文化中颜色词语象征意义的对比研究181 浅析简•奥斯汀《理智与情感》中的婚姻观182 提高中学生听力的有效策略183 当诗意邂逅商业---解读中英诗型广告意境之美184 英语公益广告中隐喻的应用及翻译研究185 Feasibility of Popularizing Bilingual Teaching186 从圣诞节和春节看中西方文化差异187 Pursuing a Harmonious Man-Woman Relationship In The Thorn Birds188 中美肢体语言的差异189 金钱与婚姻—论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻价值与导向190 The Self-image of Charles Dickens in David Copperfield191 国际商务合同的英语语言特点及其翻译探析192 The Analysis of Narrative Techniques in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”193 大学生通过联想记忆词汇的方法194 A Comparison of the English Color Terms195 On the Feminist Consciousness in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter196 探究中西方委婉语产生的文化背景197 英汉习语渊源对比及其常用分析方法198 Some Writing Skills for Senior High School Students in NMET199 论《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的悲剧原因200 Reflections—Emily Dickinson’s L ife in Her Poems. .。