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• 双龙湾景区位于河南省三门峡市卢氏县磨沟口乡,面积约 二十平方公里。这里山清水秀,历史悠久,文化丰富。双 龙湾也因此被公认为著名的旅游胜地。
the Cave of Nine Dragons
• The Cave of Nine Dragons is in southwestern countryside of Lushi, Shuanghuaishu.There is a legend about the Cave of Nine Dragons. A long time ago,there was a beautiful and kind girl,named Runyu.One day in winter when Runyu was 18 years old,Runyu helped her elder brother‘s wife to wash clothes,she suddenly looked a big and red peach on water.Later Runyu ate the peach,then she has borne nine dragons and she lived in a cave with her children.So the cave was named Nine Dragons Cave. • 九龙洞位于卢氏县西南的双槐树乡,关于九龙洞名字的由来有一个古 老的传说。很久以前,有一个美丽而善良的女子,名叫润玉。在她十 九岁那年冬天,一次她帮她嫂子洗衣服,突然看见水上漂来一又大又 红的桃子。后来她吃掉了那个桃子,然后生下了九条小龙,然后她和 她的孩子一起居住在一个山洞里,这个洞就被后来的人们命名为九龙 洞。
• The grand canyon of western henan is located in the town of Guandaokou,which lies on the border of Henan,shanxi,and shanxi provinces.
• There are flowing springs, gurgling streams, clear water of a lakes there.If you take the pneumatic boat to thrashed the water on the blue waves.you will enjoy the excitement of drifting.Besides the virgin forest of longquan ditch is rounding ranges of hills, folkcustom assembling. • 豫西大峡谷风景区位于豫、 • 豫西大峡谷内飞湍瀑流,溪水 淙淙,潭幽池清。乘橡皮艇挥 秦、晋三省结合部的三门 桨击水,尽享漂流激情。另外, 峡市卢市县官道口镇境内。 龙泉沟原始森林峰峦叠嶂,民 俗荟萃。
The geographical ([英] [dʒɪə′græ fɪkɵl]) position of Lushi • Lushi,located in the west of Henan,China, belonged to the upper reaches of the Luohe, which is the branch of the Yellow River. The northern neighbour of Lushi is Lingbao, and its eastern neighbour is Luoning,Luanchuan, and the western neighbour of Lushi is shanxi province.Lushi looks like a diamond.
• 卢氏位于中国河南的西部边陲,属于洛河上游,而洛河乃 是黄河的支流。卢氏北邻灵宝,东邻洛宁、栾川,西邻陕 西省。卢氏县的地形整体看来就像一个菱形。
My Alma Mater --Lushi senior high school
the Park of Luoshen
the Grand Canyon of Western Henan
Mountain of Jade Emperor
The Hotspring of Tanghe
The Ravine of Cherries
Baidu Nhomakorabea The Valley of Peachblossoms
Welcome to Lushi
--Thank you!
the Bay of Double Dragons
• The bay of double dragons is in countryside of Mokou,Lushi,whose area is approx 20 square kilometers.There are picturesque scenery,long history and rich culture there. So the Bay of Double Dragons is hereby known as the famous tourist resort.