linux gfortran的module详细用法
![linux gfortran的module详细用法](
linux gfortran的module详细用法gfortran是GNU项目中的Fortran编译器,使用该编译器可以编译Fortran语言的程序。
下面是一个简单的module示例:module mymoduleimplicit none! 定义一些全局变量integer, parameter :: n = 10real :: a(n)contains! 定义一些子程序subroutine initialize()! 子程序的定义end subroutine initializefunction calculate(x)! 函数的定义real :: x, calculate! 函数的实现end function calculateend module mymodule在上述示例中,我们定义了一个名为mymodule的module,其中包含了一个参数n和一个数组a。
下面是一个简单的示例:program mainuse mymoduleimplicit noneinteger :: i! 使用module中定义的变量和数据类型a = 1.0! 调用module中定义的子程序call initialize()! 使用module中定义的函数do i = 1, na(i) = calculate(a(i))end doend program main在上述示例中,我们使用了use语句来引入之前定义的module mymodule。
编译make的出错提⽰解决⽅案编译出错笔记:start.s:20: Error: no such instruction: `ldr r0,=WTCON'错误:没有这样的指令解决:编译⽂件后缀名必须为⼤写S,改为start.Sstart.S:34: Error: bad instruction `ldr,r0,=0x4C000004'错误:坏的指令,指令名ldr后⾯不能跟逗号解决:改为ldr r0,=0x4C000004start.S:52: Error: bad expression -- `ldr r0,#0'错误:指令参数出错,使⽤#0参数是使⽤mov,不是ldr解决:改为mov r0,#0start.o(.text+0xc8): In function `SDRAM_CONFIG': : undefined reference to `lr'错误:在start.S中对LR未定义的引⽤解决:在start.S中找到 ldr pc,=lr ,编译器误解lr是⼀个变量,这⾥应该写成mov pc,lr(完成⼀个⼦程序返回)12: error: syntax error before "int"错误:'int'符号之前有语法错误13: warning: comparison of distinct pointer types lacks a cast错误:指针与其它不同类型的值⽐较,没有使⽤强制转换解决:使⽤强制转换使两个变量改为相同类型comparison: ⽐较distinct pointer types: 不同的类型指针a cast:强制转换19: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'strcpy'错误:strcpy函数与内置函数库冲突,(⽐如:printf,strlen,puts,scanf等都是内置函数库)解决: 1.在arm-linux-gcc编译命令后⾯加上-fno-builtin或者-fno-builtin-FUNCTION 选项,你就可以⾃⼰实现这些函数⽽不冲突了。
The copyright belongs to InnoLux. Any unauthorized use is prohibited.INNO L U X DISPLAY CORPORATIONLCD MODULESPECIFICATIONCustomer: Model Name: AT070TN94SPEC NO.: A070-94-TT-01 Date: 2009/12/02 Version:01□Preliminary Specification ■Final SpecificationFor Customer ’s AcceptanceApproved byCommentApproved byReviewed by Prepared byJoe Lin2009/12/08James Yu2009/12/08David Lee2009/12/02InnoLux copyright 2004All rights reserved,Copying forbidden.Record of RevisionVersion Revise Date Page ContentPre-Spec.01 2009/07/07 All Initial ReleaseFinal-spec.01 2009/12/02 All The first version final specification.6 Modify V COM to 3.8V(Typ.), 3.6V(Min.) and 4.0V(Max.).9 Add Input Clock and Data Timing Diagram.18 Update the Mechanical Drawing.The copyright belongs to InnoLux. Any unauthorized use is prohibited.I NNO L U XContents1. General Specifications (1)2. Pin Assignment (2)3. Operation Specifications (5)3.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings (5)3.1.1. Typical Operation Conditions (6)3.1.2. Current Consumption (7)3.1.3. Backlight Driving Conditions (7)3.2. Power Sequence (8)3.3. Timing Characteristics (9)3.3.1. AC Electrical Characteristics (9)3.3.2. Input Clock and Data Timing Diagram (9)3.3.3. Timing (10)3.3.4. Data Input Format (11)4. Optical Specifications (12)5. Reliability Test Items (16)6. General Precautions (17)6.1. Safety (17)6.2. Handling (17)6.3. Static Electricity (17)6.4. Storage (17)6.5. Cleaning (17)7. Mechanical Drawing (18)8. Package Drawing (19)8.1. Packaging Material Table (19)8.2. Packaging Quantity (19)8.3. Packaging Drawing (20)The copyright belongs to InnoLux. Any unauthorized use is prohibited.1. General SpecificationsNo. Item Specification Remark1 LCD size 7.0 inch(Diagonal)2 Driver element a-Si TFT active matrix3 Resolution 800 × 3(RGB) × 4804 Display mode Normally White, Transmissive5 Dot pitch 0.0642(W) × 0.1790(H) mm6 Active area 154.08(W) × 85.92(H) mm7 Module size 164.9(W) ×100.0(H) ×5.7(D) mm Note 18 Surface treatment Anti-Glare9 Color arrangement RGB-stripe10 Interface Digital11 Backlight power consumption 1.674W (Typ.)12 Panel power consumption 0.226W (Typ.)13 Weight 150g (Typ.)Note 1: Refer to Mechanical Drawing.2. Pin AssignmentFPC Connector is used for the module electronics interface. The recommended model is FH12A-50S-0.5SH manufactured by Hirose.Pin No. Symbol I/O Function Remark1 V LED+P Power for LED backlight (Anode)2 V LED+P Power for LED backlight (Anode)3 V LED-P Power for LED backlight (Cathode)4 V LED-P Power for LED backlight (Cathode)5 GND P Power ground6 V COM I Common voltage7 DV DD P Power for Digital Circuit8 MODE I DE/SYNC mode select Note 19 DE I Data Input Enable10 VS I Vertical Sync Input11 HS I Horizontal Sync Input12 B7 I Blue data(MSB)13 B6 I Blue data14 B5 I Blue data15 B4 I Blue data16 B3 I Blue data17 B2 I Blue data18 B1 I Blue data Note 219 B0 I Blue data(LSB) Note 220 G7 I Green data(MSB)21 G6 I Green data22 G5 I Green data23 G4 I Green data24 G3 I Green data25 G2 I Green data26 G1 I Green data Note 227 G0 I Green data(LSB) Note 228 R7 I Red data(MSB)29 R6 I Red data30 R5 I Red data31 R4 I Red data32 R3 I Red data33 R2 I Red data34 R1 I Red data Note 235 R0 I Red data(LSB) Note 236 GND P Power Ground37 DCLK I Sample clock Note 338 GND P Power Ground39 L/R I Left / right selection Note 4,540 U/D I Up/down selection Note 4,541 V GH P Gate ON Voltage42 V GL P Gate OFF Voltage43 AV DD P Power for Analog Circuit44 RESET I Global reset pin. Note 645 NC - No connection46 V COM I Common Voltage47 DITHB I Dithering function Note 748 GND P Power Ground49 NC - No connection50 NC - No connectionI: input, O: output, P: PowerNote 1: DE/SYNC mode select. Normally pull high.When select DE mode, MODE=”1”, VS and HS must pull high.When select SYNC mode,MODE= ”0”, DE must be grounded.Note 2: When input 18 bits RGB data, the two low bits of R,G and B data must be grounded.Note 3:Data shall be latched at the falling edge of DCLK.Note 4: Selection of scanning modeSetting of scan control inputU/D L/R Scanning direction GND DV DD Up to down, left to right DV DD GND Down to up, right to left GND GND Up to down, right to left DV DDDV DDDown to up, left to rightNote 5: Definition of scanning direction. Refer to the figure as below:Note 6: Global reset pin. Active low to enter reset state. Suggest to connect with an RCreset circuit for stability. Normally pull high.Note 7: Dithering function enable control, normally pull high. When DITHB=”1”,Disable internal dithering function, When DITHB=”0”,Enable internal dithering function,RightLeft DownUp3. Operation Specifications3.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)ValuesItem SymbolMin. Max.Unit RemarkDV DD -0.3 5.0 VAV DD 6.5 13.5 VV GH -0.3 40.0 VV GL -20.0 0.3 V Power voltageV GH-V GL- 40.0 V Operation Temperature T OP -30 85 ℃Storage Temperature T ST-30 85 ℃LED Reverse Voltage V R- 1.2 VEach LEDNote 2 LED Forward Current I F- 25 mA Each LEDNote 1: The absolute maximum rating values of this product are not allowed to be exceeded at any times. Should a module be used with any of the absolute maximum ratingsexceeded, the characteristics of the module may not be recovered, or in an extremecase, the module may be permanently destroyed.Note 2: V R Conditions: Zener Diode 20mA3.1.1. Typical Operation Conditions( Note 1)ValuesUnit Remark Item SymbolMin. Typ. Max.DV DD 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Note 2AV DD 10.2 10.4 10.6 VPower voltageV GH 15.3 16.0 16.7 VV GL -7.7 -7.0 -6.3 VInput signal voltage V COM 3.6 3.8 4.0 VInput logic high voltage V IH 0.7 DV DD - DV DD VNote 3 Input logic low voltage V IL 0 - 0.3 DV DD VNote 1: Be sure to apply DV DD and V GL to the LCD first, and then apply V GH.Note 2: DV DD setting should match the signals output voltage (refer to Note 3) of customer’s system board.Note 3: DCLK,HS,VS,RESET,U/D, L/R,DE,R0~R7,G0~G7,B0~B7,MODE,DITHB.3.1.2. Current ConsumptionValuesItem SymbolMin. Typ. Max.Unit RemarkI GH - 0.2 1.0 mA V GH =16.0VI GL - 0.2 1.0 mA V GL = -7.0V IDV DD - 4.0 10 mA DV DD =3.3VCurrent for DriverIAV DD - 20 50 mA AV DD =10.4V3.1.3. Backlight Driving ConditionsValuesItem SymbolMin. Typ. Max.Unit Remark Voltage for LED backlight V L 8.4 9.3 10.2 V Note 1 Current for LED backlight I L 170 180 200 mALED life time - 20,000 - - Hr Note 2Note 1: The LED Supply Voltage is defined by the number of LED at Ta=25℃ andI L =180mA.Note 2: The “LED life time” is defined as the module brightness decrease to 50% original brightness at Ta=25℃ and I L =180mA. The LED lifetime could be decreased ifoperating I L is lager than 180mA.3.2. Power Sequencea. Power on:Note: Data include R0~R7, B0~B7, GO~G7, U/D, L/R, DCLK, HS,VS,DE.DV DD→VGL→AVDD→VGH→Data→B/LB/L→Data→VGH→AVDD→VGL→DV DD3.3. Timing Characteristics3.3.1. AC Electrical CharacteristicsValuesItem SymbolMin. Typ. Max.Unit Remark HS setup time T hst8 - - nsHS hold time T hhd 8 - - nsVS setup time T vst8 - - nsVS hold time T vhd8 - - nsData setup time T dsu8 - - nsData hole time T dhd8 - - nsDE setup time T esu 8 - - nsDE hole time T ehd8 - - nsDV DD Power On Slew rate T POR - - 20 ms From 0 to 90% DV DDRESET pulse width T Rst 1 - - ms DCLK cycle time T coh 20 - - ns DCLK pulse duty T cwh 40 50 60 %3.3.2. Input Clock and Data Timing Diagram3.3.3. TimingValuesUnit Remark Item SymbolMin. Typ. Max.Horizontal Display Area thd- 800 - DCLKDCLK Frequency fclk26.4 33.3 46.8 MHzOne Horizontal Line th862 1056 1200 DCLKHS pulse width thpw 1 - 40 DCLKHS Blanking thb46 46 46 DCLKHS Front Porch thfp 16 210 354 DCLKValuesItem SymbolUnit RemarkMin. Typ. Max.Vertical Display Area tvd- 480 - THVS period time tv 510 525 650 THVS pulse width tvpw 1 - 20 THVS Blanking tvb23 23 23 THVS Front Porch tvfp7 22 147 TH3.3.4. Data Input Format4. Optical SpecificationsValuesItem Symbol ConditionMin. Typ. Max.Unit RemarkθL Φ=180°(9 o’clock) 60 70 -θRΦ=0°(3 o’clock) 60 70 -θTΦ=90°(12 o’clock) 40 50 -Viewing angle(CR≥ 10)θBΦ=270°(6 o’clock) 60 70 -degree Note 1T ON - 10 20 msec Note 3 Response timeT OFF - 15 30 msec Note 3 Contrast ratio CR 400 500 - - Note 4W X 0.26 0.31 0.36 -Color chromaticityW Y 0.28 0.33 0.38 -Note 2Note 5Note 6 Luminance L 320 400 - cd/m² Note 6 LuminanceuniformityY UNormalθ=Φ=0°70 75 - % Note 7Test Conditions:1. DV DD=3.3V, I L=180mA (Backlight current), the ambient temperature is 25℃.2. The test systems refer to Note 2.Note 1: Definition of viewing angle rangeFig. 4-1 Definition of viewing angleNote 2: Definition of optical measurement system.The optical characteristics should be measured in dark room. After 30 minutesoperation, the optical properties are measured at the center point of the LCD screen. (Response time is measured by Photo detector TOPCON BM-7, other items are measured by BM-5A/Field of view: 1° /Height: 500mm.)Normal line θ=Φ=0°Photo detectorΦ=90°12 o’clock directionΦ=270° 6 o’clock directionΦ=0°Φ=180°Active Area500mmLCMNormal line θ=Φ=0°Φ=90°12 o’clock directionΦ=270°6 o’clock directionΦ=0°Φ=180°Active AreaθLθTθBθRLCMNote 3: Definition of Response timeThe response time is defined as the LCD optical switching time interval between“White” state and “Black” state. Rise time (T ON) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 90% to 10%. And fall time (T OFF) is the timebetween photo detector output intensity changed from 10% to 90%.Fig. 4-3 Definition of response timeNote 4: Definition of contrast ratiostateBlack""theonLCDwhenmeasuredLuminancestateWhite""theonLCDwhenmeasuredLuminance(CR)ratioContrast=Note 5: Definition of color chromaticity (CIE1931)Color coordinates measured at center point of LCD.Note 6: All input terminals LCD panel must be ground while measuring the center area of the panel.The LED driving condition is I L=180mA .90%10%0%Photodetectoroutput(Relativevalue)ONTWhite (TFT OFF) Black (TFT ON) White (TFT OFF)Note 7:Definition of Luminance UniformityActive area is divided into 9 measuring areas (Refer to Fig. 4-4 ).Every measuring point is placed at the center of each measuring area.maxminBB(Yu)UniformityLuminance=L-------Active area length W----- Active area widthWW/3W/3W/6L/3L/3L/6LFig. 4-4 Definition of measuring pointsB max: The measured maximum luminance of all measurement position.B min: The measured minimum luminance of all measurement position.5. Reliability Test Items(Note3)Item Test Conditions Remark High Temperature Storage Ta = 85℃240hrs Note 1,Note 4 Low Temperature Storage Ta = -30℃240hrs Note 1,Note 4 High Temperature Operation Ts = 85℃240hrs Note 2,Note 4 Low Temperature Operation Ta = -30℃240hrs Note 1,Note 4 Operate at High Temperatureand Humidity+60℃, 90%RH 240hrs Note 4Thermal Shock -30℃/30 min ~ +85℃/30 min for a total 100cycles, Start with cold temperature and endwith high temperature.Note 4Vibration Test Frequency range:10~55Hz Stroke:1.5mmSweep:10Hz~55Hz~10Hz2 hours for each direction of X. Y. Z.(6 hours for total)Mechanical Shock 100G 6ms,±X, ±Y, ±Z 3 times for each directionPackage Vibration Test Random Vibration :0.015G*G/Hz from 5-200HZ, -6dB/Octave from 200-500HZ2 hours for each direction of X. Y. Z.(6 hours for total)Package Drop Test Height:60 cm1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfacesElectro Static Discharge ± 2KV, Human Body Mode, 100pF/1500ΩNote 1: Ta is the ambient temperature of samples.Note 2: Ts is the temperature of panel’s surface.Note 3: In the standard condition, there shall be no practical problem that may affect the display function. After the reliability test, the product only guarantees operation,but don’t guarantee all of the cosmetic specification.Note 4: Before cosmetic and function test, the product must have enough recovery time, at least 2 hours at room temperature.6. General Precautions6.1. SafetyLiquid crystal is poisonous. Do not put it in your mouth. If liquid crystal touches your skin or clothes, wash it off immediately by using soap and water.6.2. Handling1. The LCD panel is plate glass. Do not subject the panel to mechanical shock or toexcessive force on its surface.2. The polarizer attached to the display is easily damaged. Please handle it carefullyto avoid scratch or other damages.3. To avoid contamination on the display surface, do not touch the module surfacewith bare hands.4. Keep a space so that the LCD panels do not touch other components.5. Put cover board such as acrylic board on the surface of LCD panel to protect panelfrom damages.6. Transparent electrodes may be disconnected if you use the LCD panel underenvironmental conditions where the condensation of dew occurs.7. Do not leave module in direct sunlight to avoid malfunction of the ICs.6.3. Static Electricity1. Be sure to ground module before turning on power or operating module.2. Do not apply voltage which exceeds the absolute maximum rating value.6.4. Storage1. Store the module in a dark room where must keep at 25±10℃ and 65%RH or less.2. Do not store the module in surroundings containing organic solvent or corrosivegas.3. Store the module in an anti-electrostatic container or bag.6.5. Cleaning1. Do not wipe the polarizer with dry cloth. It might cause scratch.2. Only use a soft sloth with IPA to wipe the polarizer, other chemicals mightpermanent damage to the polarizer.7. Mechanical Drawing8. Package Drawing8.1. Packaging Material TableNo. ItemModel(Material)Dimensions(mm)UnitWeight(kg)Quantity Remark1 LCMModuleAT070TN94 164.9 × 100.0 × 5.7 0.150 50pcs2 Partition BC Corrugatedpaper512 × 349 × 226 1.466 1set3 CorrugatedPaperB Corrugatedpaper510 × 350 0.071 4pcs4 CorrugatedBarB Corrugatedpaper512 × 11 × 3 0.046 4pcs5 Dust-ProofBagPE 700 × 530 0.048 1pcs6 A/S Bag PE 180 × 133 × 0.2 0.002 50pcs7 Carton Corrugatedpaper530 × 355 × 255 1.100 1pcs8 Total weight 10.682 kg± 5%8.2. Packaging QuantityTotal LCM quantity in Carton: no. of Partition 2 Rows × quantity per Row 25 = 508.3. Packaging Drawing。
MQL4 Reference MQL4命令手册(本手册采用Office2007编写)2010年2月目录MQL4 Reference (1)MQL4命令手册 (1)Basics基础 (12)Syntax语法 (12)Comments注释 (12)Identifiers标识符 (12)Reserved words保留字 (13)Data types数据类型 (13)Type casting类型转换 (14)Integer constants整数常量 (14)Literal constants字面常量 (14)Boolean constants布尔常量 (15)Floating-point number constants (double)浮点数常量(双精度) (15)String constants字符串常量 (15)Color constants颜色常数 (16)Datetime constants日期时间常数 (16)Operations & Expressions操作表达式 (17)Expressions表达式 (17)Arithmetical operations算术运算 (17)Assignment operation赋值操作 (17)Operations of relation操作关系 (18)Boolean operations布尔运算 (18)Bitwise operations位运算 (19)Other operations其他运算 (19)Precedence rules优先规则 (20)Operators操作符 (21)Compound operator复合操作符 (21)Expression operator表达式操作符 (21)Break operator终止操作符 (21)Continue operator继续操作符 (22)Return operator返回操作符 (22)Conditional operator if-else条件操作符 (23)Switch operator跳转操作符 (23)Cycle operator while循环操作符while (24)Cycle operator for循环操作符for (24)Functions函数 (25)Function call函数调用 (26)Special functions特殊函数 (27)Variables变量 (27)Local variables局部变量 (28)Formal parameters形式变量 (28)Static variables静态变量 (29)Global variables全局变量 (29)Defining extern variables外部定义变量 (30)Initialization of variables初始化变量 (30)External functions definition外部函数的定义 (30)Preprocessor预处理 (31)Constant declaration常量声明 (31)Controlling compilation编译控制 (32)Including of files包含文件 (32)Importing of functions导入功能 (33)Standard constants标准常数 (35)Series arrays系列数组 (35)Timeframes图表周期时间 (35)Trade operations交易操作 (36)Price constants价格常数 (36)MarketInfo市场信息识别符 (36)Drawing styles画线风格 (37)Arrow codes预定义箭头 (38)Wingdings宋体 (39)Web colors颜色常数 (39)Indicator lines指标线 (40)Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (41)Moving Average methods移动平均方法 (41)MessageBox信息箱 (41)Object types对象类型 (43)Object properties对象属性 (44)Object visibility (45)Uninitialize reason codes撤销初始化原因代码 (45)Special constants特别常数 (46)Error codes错误代码 (46)Predefined variables预定义变量 (50)Ask最新卖价 (50)Bars柱数 (50)Bid最新买价 (50)Close[]收盘价 (51)Digits汇率小数位 (51)High[]最高价 (51)Low[]最低价 (52)Open[]开盘价 (53)Point点值 (53)Time[]开盘时间 (53)Volume[]成交量 (54)Program Run程序运行 (56)Program Run程序运行 (56)Imported functions call输入函数调用 (57)Runtime errors运行错误 (57)Account information账户信息 (68)AccountBalance( )账户余额 (68)AccountCredit( )账户信用点数 (68)AccountCompany( )账户公司名 (68)AccountCurrency( )基本货币 (68)AccountEquity( )账户资产净值 (68)AccountFreeMargin( )账户免费保证金 (69)AccountFreeMarginCheck()账户当前价格自由保证金 (69)AccountFreeMarginMode( )账户免费保证金模式 (69)AccountLeverage( )账户杠杆 (69)AccountMargin( )账户保证金 (69)AccountName( )账户名称 (70)AccountNumber( )账户数字 (70)AccountProfit( )账户利润 (70)AccountServer( )账户连接服务器 (70)AccountStopoutLevel( )账户停止水平值 (70)AccountStopoutMode( )账户停止返回模式 (71)Array functions数组函数 (72)ArrayBsearch()数组搜索 (72)ArrayCopy()数组复制 (72)ArrayCopyRates()数组复制走势 (73)ArrayCopySeries()数组复制系列走势 (74)ArrayDimension()返回数组维数 (75)ArrayGetAsSeries()返回数组序列 (75)ArrayInitialize()数组初始化 (75)ArrayIsSeries()判断数组连续 (75)ArrayMaximum()数组最大值定位 (76)ArrayMinimum()数组最小值定位 (76)ArrayRange()返回数组指定维数数量 (76)ArrayResize()改变数组维数 (77)ArraySetAsSeries()设定系列数组 (77)ArraySize()返回数组项目数 (78)ArraySort()数组排序 (78)Checkup检查 (79)GetLastError( )返回最后错误 (79)IsConnected( )返回联机状态 (79)IsDemo( )返回模拟账户 (79)IsDllsAllowed( )返回dll允许调用 (80)IsExpertEnabled( )返回智能交易开启状态 (80)IsLibrariesAllowed( )返回数据库函数调用 (80)IsOptimization( )返回策略测试中优化模式 (81)IsStopped( )返回终止业务 (81)IsTesting( )返回测试模式状态 (81)IsTradeAllowed( )返回允许智能交易 (81)IsTradeContextBusy( )返回其他智能交易忙 (82)IsVisualMode( )返回智能交易“图片模式” (82)UninitializeReason( )返回智能交易初始化原因 (82)Client terminal客户端信息 (83)TerminalCompany( )返回客户端所属公司 (83)TerminalName( )返回客户端名称 (83)TerminalPath( )返回客户端文件路径 (83)Common functions常规命令函数 (84)Alert弹出警告窗口 (84)Comment显示信息在走势图左上角 (84)GetTickCount获取时间标记 (84)MarketInfo在市场观察窗口返回不同数据保证金列表 (85)MessageBox创建信息窗口 (85)PlaySound播放声音 (86)Print窗口中显示文本 (86)SendFTP设置FTP (86)SendMail设置Email (87)Sleep指定的时间间隔内暂停交易业务 (87)Conversion functions格式转换函数 (88)CharToStr字符转换成字符串 (88)DoubleToStr双精度浮点转换成字符串 (88)NormalizeDouble给出环绕浮点值的精确度 (88)StrToDouble字符串型转换成双精度浮点型 (89)StrToInteger字符串型转换成整型 (89)StrToTime字符串型转换成时间型 (89)TimeToStr时间类型转换为" hh:mi"格式 (89)Custom indicators自定义指标 (91)IndicatorBuffers (91)IndicatorCounted (92)IndicatorDigits (92)IndicatorShortName (93)SetIndexArrow (94)SetIndexBuffer (94)SetIndexDrawBegin (95)SetIndexEmptyValue (95)SetIndexLabel (96)SetIndexShift (97)SetIndexStyle (98)SetLevelStyle (98)SetLevelValue (99)Date & Time functions日期时间函数 (100)Day (100)DayOfWeek (100)Hour (100)Minute (101)Month (101)Seconds (101)TimeCurrent (101)TimeDay (102)TimeDayOfWeek (102)TimeDayOfYear (102)TimeHour (102)TimeLocal (102)TimeMinute (103)TimeMonth (103)TimeSeconds (103)TimeYear (103)Year (104)File functions文件函数 (105)FileClose关闭文件 (105)FileDelete删除文件 (105)FileFlush将缓存中的数据刷新到磁盘上去 (106)FileIsEnding文件结尾 (106)FileIsLineEnding (107)FileOpen打开文件 (107)FileOpenHistory历史目录中打开文件 (108)FileReadArray将二进制文件读取到数组中 (108)FileReadDouble从文件中读取浮点型数据 (109)FileReadInteger从当前二进制文件读取整形型数据 (109)FileReadNumber (109)FileReadString从当前文件位置读取字串符 (110)FileSeek文件指针移动 (110)FileSize文件大小 (111)FileTell文件指针的当前位置 (111)FileWrite写入文件 (112)FileWriteArray一个二进制文件写入数组 (112)FileWriteDouble一个二进制文件以浮动小数点写入双重值 (113)FileWriteInteger一个二进制文件写入整数值 (113)FileWriteString当前文件位置函数写入一个二进制文件字串符 (114)Global variables全局变量 (115)GlobalVariableCheck (115)GlobalVariableDel (115)GlobalVariableGet (115)GlobalVariableName (116)GlobalVariableSet (116)GlobalVariableSetOnCondition (116)GlobalVariablesTotal (117)Math & Trig数学和三角函数 (119)MathAbs (119)MathArccos (119)MathArcsin (119)MathArctan (120)MathCeil (120)MathCos (120)MathExp (121)MathFloor (121)MathLog (122)MathMax (122)MathMin (122)MathMod (122)MathPow (123)MathRand (123)MathRound (123)MathSin (124)MathSqrt (124)MathSrand (124)MathTan (125)Object functions目标函数 (126)ObjectCreate建立目标 (126)ObjectDelete删除目标 (127)ObjectDescription目标描述 (127)ObjectFind查找目标 (127)ObjectGet目标属性 (128)ObjectGetFiboDescription斐波纳契描述 (128)ObjectGetShiftByValue (128)ObjectGetValueByShift (129)ObjectMove移动目标 (129)ObjectName目标名 (129)ObjectsDeleteAll删除所有目标 (130)ObjectSet改变目标属性 (130)ObjectSetFiboDescription改变目标斐波纳契指标 (131)ObjectSetText改变目标说明 (131)ObjectsTotal返回目标总量 (131)ObjectType返回目标类型 (132)String functions字符串函数 (133)StringConcatenate字符串连接 (133)StringFind字符串搜索 (133)StringGetChar字符串指定位置代码 (133)StringLen字符串长度 (134)StringSubstr提取子字符串 (134)StringTrimLeft (135)StringTrimRight (135)Technical indicators技术指标 (136)iAC比尔.威廉斯的加速器或减速箱振荡器 (136)iAD离散指标 (136)iAlligator比尔・威廉斯的鳄鱼指标 (136)iADX移动定向索引 (137)iATR平均真实范围 (137)iAO比尔.威廉斯的振荡器 (138)iBearsPower熊功率指标 (138)iBands保力加通道技术指标 (138)iBandsOnArray保力加通道指标 (139)iBullsPower牛市指标 (139)iCCI商品通道索引指标 (139)iCCIOnArray商品通道索引指标 (140)iCustom指定的客户指标 (140)iDeMarker (140)iEnvelopes包络指标 (141)iEnvelopesOnArray包络指标 (141)iForce强力索引指标 (142)iFractals分形索引指标 (142)iGator随机震荡指标 (142)iIchimoku (143)iBWMFI比尔.威廉斯市场斐波纳契指标 (143)iMomentum动量索引指标 (143)iMomentumOnArray (144)iMFI资金流量索引指标 (144)iMA移动平均指标 (144)iMAOnArray (145)iOsMA移动振动平均震荡器指标 (145)iMACD移动平均数汇总/分离指标 (146)iOBV能量潮指标 (146)iSAR抛物线状止损和反转指标 (146)iRSI相对强弱索引指标 (147)iRSIOnArray (147)iRVI相对活力索引指标 (147)iStdDev标准偏差指标 (148)iStdDevOnArray (148)iStochastic随机震荡指标 (148)iWPR威廉指标 (149)Timeseries access时间序列图表数据 (150)iBars柱的数量 (150)iClose (150)iHigh (151)iHighest (151)iLow (152)iLowest (152)iOpen (152)iTime (153)iVolume (153)Trading functions交易函数 (155)Execution errors (155)OrderClose (157)OrderCloseBy (158)OrderClosePrice (158)OrderCloseTime (158)OrderComment (159)OrderCommission (159)OrderDelete (159)OrderExpiration (160)OrderLots (160)OrderMagicNumber (160)OrderModify (160)OrderOpenPrice (161)OrderOpenTime (161)OrderPrint (162)OrderProfit (162)OrderSelect (162)OrderSend (163)OrdersHistoryTotal (164)OrderStopLoss (164)OrdersTotal (164)OrderSwap (165)OrderSymbol (165)OrderTakeProfit (165)OrderTicket (166)OrderType (166)Window functions窗口函数 (167)HideTestIndicators隐藏指标 (167)Period使用周期 (167)RefreshRates刷新预定义变量和系列数组的数据 (167)Symbol当前货币对 (168)WindowBarsPerChart可见柱总数 (168)WindowExpertName智能交易系统名称 (169)WindowFind返回名称 (169)WindowFirstVisibleBar第一个可见柱 (169)WindowHandle (169)WindowIsVisible图表在子窗口中可见 (170)WindowOnDropped (170)WindowPriceMax (170)WindowPriceMin (171)WindowPriceOnDropped (171)WindowRedraw (172)WindowScreenShot (172)WindowTimeOnDropped (173)WindowsTotal指标窗口数 (173)WindowXOnDropped (173)WindowYOnDropped (174)Obsolete functions过时的函数 (175)MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) 是一种新的内置型程序用来编写交易策略。
u-blox D9纠正数据接收器数据手册说明书
![u-blox D9纠正数据接收器数据手册说明书](
NEO-D9S-00Bu-blox D9 correction data receiverData sheetAbstractTechnical data sheet describing the u-blox D9 correction data receiver.The module provides global and easy access to satellite L-band GNSScorrections.UBX-18012996 - R07C1-PublicDocument informationTitle NEO-D9S-00BSubtitle u-blox D9 correction data receiverDocument type Data sheetDocument number UBX-18012996Revision and date R0724-Jan-2022 Disclosure restriction C1-PublicProduct status Corresponding content statusIn development /Objective specification Target values. Revised and supplementary data will be published later. prototypeEngineering sample Advance information Data based on early testing. Revised and supplementary data will bepublished later.Initial production Early production information Data from product verification. Revised and supplementary data may bepublished later.Mass production /Production information Document contains the final product specification.End of lifeThis document applies to the following products:Product name Type number FW version IN/PCN reference Product statusNEO-D9S NEO-D9S-00B-00PMP 1.04UBX-22001724Mass productionu-blox or third parties may hold intellectual property rights in the products, names, logos and designs included in this document. Copying, reproduction, modification or disclosure to third parties of this document or any part thereof is only permitted with the express written permission of u-blox.The information contained herein is provided "as is" and u-blox assumes no liability for its use. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited to, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability and fitness for a particular purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time without notice. For the most recent documents, visit .Copyright © 2022, u-blox AG.Contents1 Functional description (4)1.1 Overview (4)1.2 Performance (4)1.3 Supported GNSS augmentation systems (4)1.3.1 Satellite L-band (4)1.4 Supported protocols (5)2 System description (6)2.1 Block diagram (6)3 Pin definition (7)3.1 Pin assignment (7)4 Electrical specification (9)4.1 Absolute maximum ratings (9)4.2 Operating conditions (9)4.3 Indicative power requirements (10)5 Communications interfaces (11)5.1 UART (11)5.2 SPI (11)5.3 I2C (12)5.4 USB (13)5.5 Default interface settings (14)6 Mechanical specification (15)7 Reliability tests and approvals (16)7.1 Approvals (16)8 Labeling and ordering information (17)8.1 Product labeling (17)8.2 Explanation of product codes (17)8.3 Ordering codes (17)Related documents (18)Revision history (19)1 Functional description1.1 OverviewNEO-D9S-00B is a satellite data receiver for L-band correction broadcast, which can be configured for use with a variety of correction services. It decodes the satellite transmission and outputs a correction stream, enabling a high precision GNSS receiver to reach accuracies down to centimeter level.1.2 PerformanceParameter SpecificationReceiver type NEO-D9S correction data receiverL-band satellite SpecificationTime to first frame 1< 10 s at 2400 bpsSensitivity acquisition 2-133 dBm for BER <10e-5 at 2400 bit/sSpecification compliance L-band SESTB28ABoot time<1 sCenter frequency configuration steps 1 HzCenter frequency search window0 to 65 kHzUser data rates600, 1200, 2400, 4800 bpsService identifier ConfigurableDe-scrambler ConfigurableDe-scrambling initialization vector ConfigurablePre-scrambler Enable/disableNumber of concurrent reception1channelsUniqueWord ConfigurableFrequency range1525 MHz to 1559 MHzCommunication interface UART/USB/I2C/SPICommunication speed Up to 921600 baud UART, USB 2.0Software back-up mode AvailableDynamics+/- 2g acceleration for all data rates (600 bit/s, 1200 bit/s, 2400 bit/s,4800 bit/s)Vehicle dynamicsVelocity Up to and including 300 km/hTable 1: NEO-D9S-00B performance1.3 Supported GNSS augmentation systems1.3.1 Satellite L-bandThe satellite L-band communication system allows GNSS correction service providers to broadcast a variety of services on specific channels, satellites and beams. Consult your service provider on the region their service covers and the specific frequency used. The NEO-D9S-00B must be configured1With respect to an L-band signal using a 20-25 dB external LNA2Success rate of acquiring an L-band signal > 95% using a 20-25 dB external LNAaccording to the specific service as initial identification and decoding of the service provider stream is required.1.4 Supported protocolsThe NEO-D9S-00B supports the following protocols:Protocol TypeUBX Input/output, binary, u-blox proprietaryTable 2: Supported protocolsFor specification of the protocols, see the interface description [2].2 System description2.1 Block diagramFigure 1: NEO-D9S-00B block diagramAn active antenna is mandatory with the NEO-D9S-00B.3 Pin definition3.1 Pin assignmentThe pin assignment of the NEO-D9S-00B module is shown in Figure 2. The defined configuration of the PIOs is listed in Table 3.Figure 2: NEO-D9S-00B pin assignmentPin I/O Description1SAFEBOOT_N I SAFEBOOT_N (used for FW updates and reconfiguration, leave open) 2D_SEL I UART 1 / SPI select. (open or high = UART 1)3TXD2O UART 2 TXD4RXD2I UART 2 RXD5USB_DM I/O USB data (DM)6USB_DP I/O USB data (DP)7V_USB I USB supply8RESET_N I RESET (active low)9VCC_RF O External LNA power10GND I Ground11RF_IN I Active antenna L-band signal input12GND I Ground13GND I Ground14ANT_OFF O External LNA disable - default active highPin I/O Description15ANT_DETECT I Active antenna detect - default active high16ANT_SHORT_N O Active antenna short detect- default active low17EXTINT I External interrupt pin18SDA / SPI CS_N I/O I2C data if D_SEL = VCC (or open); SPI chip select if D_SEL = GND 19SCL / SPI SLK I/O I2C clock if D_SEL = VCC (or open); SPI clock if D_SEL = GND20TXD / SPI MISO O UART1 output if D_SEL = VCC (or open); SPI MISO if D_SEL = GND 21RXD / SPI MOSI I UART1 input if D_SEL = VCC (or open); SPI MOSI if D_SEL = GND 22V_BCKP I Connect to VCC or leave it open23VCC I Supply voltage24GND I GroundTable 3: NEO-D9S-00B pin assignmentFor detailed information on the pin functions and characteristics see the integrationmanual [1].4 Electrical specificationThe limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System(IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. Operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given below is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.Where application information is given, it is advisory only and does not form part of thespecification.4.1 Absolute maximum ratingsParameter Symbol Condition Min Max Units Power supply voltage VCC-0.5 3.6VVoltage ramp on VCC3208000µs/VInput pin voltage Vin-0.5VCC + 0.5VVCC_RF output current ICC_RF100mASupply voltage USB V_USB–0.5 3.6V-0.5V_USB + 0.5VUSB signals USB_DM,USB_DP10dBmInput power at RF_IN Prfin source impedance =50 Ω, continuous waveStorage temperature Tstg-40+85°CTable 4: Absolute maximum ratingsThe product is not protected against overvoltage or reversed voltages. Voltage spikesexceeding the power supply voltage specification, given in the table above, must be limited to values within the specified boundaries by using appropriate protection diodes.4.2 Operating conditionsAll specifications are at an ambient temperature of 25 °C. Extreme operating temperatures can significantly impact the specification values. Applications operating near thetemperature limits should be tested to ensure the specification.Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Units Condition Power supply voltage VCC 2.7 3.0 3.6VSW backup current I_SWBCKP0.36mAInput pin voltage range Vin0VCC VDigital IO pin low level input voltage Vil0.4VDigital IO pin high level input voltage Vih0.8 * VCC VDigital IO pin low level output voltage Vol0.4V Iol = 2 mA Digital IO pin high level output voltage Voh VCC – 0.4V Ioh = 2 mAIpin5mADC current through any digital I/O pin(except supplies)VCC_RF voltage VCC_RF VCC - 0.1VVCC_RF output current ICC_RF50mA3Exceeding the ramp speed may permanently damage the deviceParameter Symbol Min Typical Max Units Condition Receiver chain noise figure4NFtot11dBRecommended LNA gain into module LNA_gain20dBOperating temperature Topr-40+2585°CTable 5: Operating conditionsOperation beyond the specified operating conditions can affect device reliability.4.3 Indicative power requirementsTable 6 lists examples of the total system supply current including RF and baseband section for a possible application.Values in Table 6 are provided for customer information only, as an example of typicalcurrent requirements. The values are characterized on samples by using a cold startcommand. Actual power requirements can vary depending on FW version used, externalcircuitry, number of satellites tracked, signal strength, type and time of start, duration, and conditions of test.Unit Symbol Parameter Conditions L - bandSESTB28AI PEAK Peak current Acquisition & tracking130mAI AVERAGE Average current Acquisition & tracking35mATable 6: Currents to calculate the indicative power requirementsAll values in Table 6 are measured at 25 °C ambient temperature.4Only valid for the L-band band5 Communications interfacesThere are several communications interfaces including UART, SPI, I2C5 and USB.5.1 UARTUART1 is the main UART interface for UBX protocol host control and message output.Symbol Parameter Min Max UnitR u Baud rate9600921600bit/sΔTx Tx baudrate accuracy-1%+1%-ΔRx Rx baudrate tolerance-2.5%+2.5%-Table 7: NEO-D9S-00B UART specifications5.2 SPIThe NEO-D9S-00B has an SPI slave interface that can be selected by setting D_SEL = 0. The SPI slave interface is shared with UART1. The SPI pins available are: SPI_MISO (TXD), SPI_MOSI (RXD), SPI_CS_N, SPI_CLK. The SPI interface is designed to allow communication to a host CPU. The interface can be operated in slave mode only. Note that SPI is not available in the default configuration because its pins are shared with the UART1 and I2C interfaces. The maximum transfer rate using SPI is 125 kB/s and the maximum SPI clock frequency is 5.5 MHz.This section provides SPI timing values for the NEO-D9S-00B slave operation. The following tables present timing values under different capacitive loading conditions. Default SPI configuration is CPOL = 0 and CPHA = 0.Figure 3: NEO-D9S-00B SPI specification mode 1: CPHA=0 SCK = 5.33 MHzTimings 1 - 12 are not specified here.Timing value at 2 pF load Min (ns)Max (ns)"A" - MISO data valid time (CS)14385I2C is a registered trademark of Philips/NXPTiming value at 2 pF load Min (ns)Max (ns)"B" - MISO data valid time (SCK) weak driver mode2138"C" - MISO data hold time114130"D" - MISO rise/fall time, weak driver mode14"E" - MISO data disable lag time2032Table 8: NEO-D9S-00B SPI timings at 2pF loadTiming value at 20 pF load Min (ns)Max (ns)"A" - MISO data valid time (CS)1952"B" - MISO data valid time (SCK) weak driver mode2551"C" - MISO data hold time117137"D" - MISO rise/fall time, weak driver mode616"E" - MISO data disable lag time2032Table 9: NEO-D9S-00B SPI timings at 20pF loadTiming value at 60 pF load Min (ns)Max (ns)"A" - MISO data valid time (CS)2979"B" - MISO data valid time (SCK) weak driver mode3578"C" - MISO data hold time122152"D" - MISO rise/fall time, weak driver mode1541"E" - MISO data disable lag time2032Table 10: NEO-D9S-00B SPI timings at 60pF load5.3 I2CAn I2C compliant interface is available for communication with an external host CPU. The interface can be operated in slave mode only. It is fully compatible with the I2C industry standard fast mode. Since the maximum SCL clock frequency is 400 kHz, the maximum bit rate is 400 kbit/s. The interface stretches the clock when slowed down while serving interrupts, therefore the real bit rates may be slightly lower.The I2C interface is only available with the UART default mode. If the SPI interface isselected by using D_SEL = 0, the I2C interface is not available.Figure 4: NEO-D9S-00B I2C slave specificationMax Unit Symbol Parameter Min (Standard /Fast mode)f SCL SCL clock frequency0400kHzt HD;STA Hold time (repeated) START condition 4.0/1-µst LOW Low period of the SCL clock5/2-µst HIGH High period of the SCL clock 4.0/1-µst SU;STA Set-up time for a repeated START condition5/1-µst HD;DAT Data hold time0/0-µst SU;DAT Data set-up time250/100nst r Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals-1000/300 (for C 400pF)nst f Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals-300/300 (for C 400pF)nst SU;STO Set-up time for STOP condition 4.0/1-µst BUF Bus-free time between a STOP and START5/2-µs conditiont VD;DAT Data-valid time-4/1µst VD;ACK Data-valid acknowledge time-4/1µsV nL Noise margin at the low level0.1 VCC-VV nH Noise margin at the high level0.2 VCC-VTable 11: NEO-D9S-00B I2C slave timings and specifications5.4 USBThe USB 2.0 FS (Full Speed, 12 Mbit/s) interface can be used for host communication. Due to the hardware implementation, it may not be possible to certify the USB interface. The V_USB pinsupplies the USB interface.5.5 Default interface settingsInterface SettingsUART9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit.Output protocol: UBX.Input protocols without need of additional configuration: UBX.USB Output messages activated as in UART. Input protocols available as in UART.I2C Output messages activated as in UART. Input protocols available as in UART.SPI Output messages activated as in UART. Input protocols available as in UART.Table 12: Default interface settingsThe boot message is still output using $GNTXT messages. The messages are output when the NEO-D9S-00B is powered up.Refer to the applicable interface description [2] for information about further settings.6 Mechanical specificationFigure 5: NEO-D9S-00B mechanical drawingSymbol Min (mm)Typical (mm)Max (mm) A15.916.016.6B12.112.212.3C 2.2 2.4 2.6D0.9 1.0 1.3E 1.0 1.1 1.2F 2.9 3.0 3.1G0.9 1.0 1.3H0.720.820.92K0.70.80.9M0.80.9 1.0N0.40.50.6 Weight 1.6gTable 13: NEO-D9S-00B mechanical dimensions7 Reliability tests and approvalsNEO-D9S-00B modules are based on AEC-Q100 qualified GNSS chips.Tests for product family qualifications are according to ISO 16750 "Road vehicles – environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment”, and appropriate standards.7.1 ApprovalsThe NEO-D9S-00B is designed to in compliance with the essential requirements and otherrelevant provisions of Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU.The NEO-D9S-00B complies with the Directive 2011/65/EU (EU RoHS 2) and its amendmentDirective (EU) 2015/863 (EU RoHS 3).Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is available on the u-blox website.8 Labeling and ordering informationThis section provides information about product labeling and ordering. For information about moisture sensitivity level (MSL), product handling and soldering see the integration manual [1]. 8.1 Product labelingThe labeling of the NEO-D9S-00B modules provides product information and revision information. For more information contact u-blox sales.8.2 Explanation of product codesThree product code formats are used. The Product name is used in documentation such as this data sheet and identifies all u-blox products, independent of packaging and quality grade. The Ordering code includes options and quality, while the Type number includes the hardware and firmware versions.Table 14 below details these three formats.Format Structure Product codeProduct name PPP-TGV NEO-D9SOrdering code PPP-TGV-NNQ NEO-D9S-00BType number PPP-TGV-NNQ-XX NEO-D9S-00B-00Table 14: Product code formatsThe parts of the product code are explained in Table 15.Code Meaning ExamplePPP Product family NEOTG Platform D9 = u-blox D9V Variant S = L-band correctionsNNQ Option / Quality grade NN: Option [00...99]Q: Grade, A = Automotive, B = ProfessionalXX Product detail Describes hardware and firmware versionsTable 15: Part identification code8.3 Ordering codesOrdering code Product RemarkNEO-D9S-00B NEO-D9S correction data receiver u-blox D9 correction data receiver for L-bandbroadcastTable 16: Product ordering codesProduct changes affecting form, fit or function are documented by u-blox. For a list ofProduct Change Notifications (PCNs) see our website at: https:///en/product-resources.Related documents[1]NEO-D9S Integration manual UBX-19026111[2]PMP 1.04 Interface description UBX-21040023For regular updates to u-blox documentation and to receive product change notifications please register on our homepage https://.Revision historyRevision Date Name Status / commentsR0126-Mar-2018jhak Objective SpecificationR0226-Apr-2019jhak Objective SpecificationR0328-June-2019ghun Objective Specification - V_BCKP removedR0426-Nov-2019ghun/jhak Advance Information - V_BCKP pin connect to VCC. I2C, SPI, antennasupervisor, EXTINT, software back-up mode added.R0505-Feb-2020ghun/jhak Early production information - USB added to Absolute maximun ratingstable. Vil and Vih updated in Operating conditions table.R0627-Oct-2020dama USB Interface section update. UART interface section updateR0724-Jan-2022dama Production information - Voltage ramp on VCC value added in Absolutemaximum ratings table. V_BCKP gerenal update.ContactFor complete contact information visit us at .u-blox OfficesNorth, Central and South America Headquarters Asia, Australia, PacificEurope, Middle East, Africau-blox America, Inc.u-blox AG u-blox Singapore Pte. Ltd.Phone:+1 703 483 3180Phone:+41 44 722 74 44Phone:+65 6734 3811E-mail:******************E-mail:***************E-mail:******************Support:******************Support:********************* Regional Office West Coast Regional Office AustraliaPhone:+1 408 573 3640 Phone:+61 3 9566 7255E-mail:****************** E-mail:*******************Support:********************* Technical Support Regional Office China (Beijing) Phone:+1 703 483 3185 Phone:+86 10 68 133 545E-mail:********************* E-mail:******************Support:********************* Regional Office China (Chongqing) Phone:+86 23 6815 1588E-mail:******************Support:********************* Regional Office China (Shanghai)Phone:+86 21 6090 4832E-mail:******************Support:********************* Regional Office China (Shenzhen) Phone:+86 755 8627 1083E-mail:******************Support:********************* Regional Office IndiaPhone:+91 80 4050 9200E-mail:******************Support:********************* Regional Office Japan (Osaka)Phone:+81 6 6941 3660E-mail:******************Support:********************* Regional Office Japan (Tokyo)Phone:+81 3 5775 3850E-mail:******************Support:********************* Regional Office KoreaPhone:+82 2 542 0861E-mail:******************Support:********************* Regional Office TaiwanPhone:+886 2 2657 1090E-mail:******************Support:*********************。
3.2.7 STOP ...............................................................................................................18
3.2.8 AUTO..............................................................................................................18
3.3.1 运算符.............................................................................................................19
3.3.2 ABS.................................................................................................................22
3.2.3 SUB.................................................................................................................17
3.2.4 ON GOSUB ....................................................................................................18
雷赛运动控制器 BASIC 语言编程手册
Version 2.1
integer a,b
使得a,b使用同一块内存。这样可以节省内存;有时可精简代码。如:equivalence(很长名 字的变量如三维数组的某个元素,a),之后使用a来编写程序就简洁多了。
输入:read(*,*) a
先看一看所谓的"Hello Fortran"程序。
program main
write(*,*) "Hello" !主程序
end [program[main]] !end用于封装代码,表示代码编写完毕。[ ]中的内容可省略, 下同。
Fortran 90:自由格式(free format), 扩展名:.f90
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(1)integer: 短整型kind=2, 长整型kind=4
integer([kind=]2) :: a=3
7 寸 TFT显示屏规格书
![7 寸 TFT显示屏规格书](
CUSTOMER APPROVAL SHEETCompany NameMODELA070FW03 VDCUSTOMERAPPROVEDTitle : Name :□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS ONLY (Spec. Ver. )□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND ES SAMPLE (Spec. Ver. ) □ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND CS SAMPLE (Spec. Ver. ) □CUSTOMER REMARK :AUO PM : Orion PengP/N : 97.07A04.D00Comment :1 Li-Hsin Rd. 2. Science-Based Industrial ParkHsinchu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: +886-3-500-8899 Fax: +886-3-577-2730Doc. version : 0.0 Total pages : 28A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Product Specification7.0" COLOR TFT-LCD MODULEModel Name :A070FW03 VDPlanned Lifetime: From 2009/Dec To2011/DecPhase-out Control:From 2011/Jul To 2011/DecEOL Schedule:2011/Jul< >Preliminary Specification < >Final SpecificationNote: The content of this specification is subject to change.© 2009 AU Optronics All Rights Reserved, Do Not Copy.A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:1/28Record of RevisionVersion Revise Date Page Content0.0 2009/03/10All First DraftA UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:2/28ContentsA. General Information.....................................................................................................................................3B.Outline Dimension (4)1. TFT-LCD Module – Front View....................................................................................................................42. TFT-LCD Module – Rear View....................................................................................................................5 C.Electrical Specifications .............................................................................................................................6 1. TFT LCD Panel Pin Assignment .................................................................................................................6 2. Backlight Pin Assignment............................................................................................................................7 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings.........................................................................................................................7 3. Electrical DC Characteristics.......................................................................................................................8 4. Electrical AC Characteristics.....................................................................................................................10 6. Power On/Off Characteristics....................................................................................................................17 D. Optical Specification .................................................................................................................................18 E. Reliability Test Items .................................................................................................................................21 F.Packing and Marking.................................................................................................................................24 1. Packing Form............................................................................................................................................24 2. Module/Panel Label Information ...............................................................................................................25 3. Carton Label Information...........................................................................................................................25 G.Precautions (26)A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:3/28A. General InformationThis product is for portable DVD and digital photo frame application. NO. ItemUnit Specification Remark1 Screen Sizeinch 7.0(Diagonal)2 Display Resolution dot480RGB(W)×234(H)3 Overall Dimensionmm 164.9 (W)×100(H)×5.7(D) Note 1 4 Active Area mm154.08(W)×86.58(H) 5 Pixel Pitchmm 0.107(W)×0.370(H)6 Color Configuration --R. G. B. Stripe Note 2 7 NTSC Ratio% 48%8 Display Mode -- Normally White 9Panel surface Treatment -- Anti-Glare, 3H10 Weight g TBD 11 LCD Module Power ConsumptionW 2.212 Viewing direction6 o’clock (gray inversion)Note 1: Not include blacklight cable and FPC. Refer next page to get further information. Note 2: Below figure shows dot stripe arrangement.( 1………………………..234)A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om aPage:4/28ALL RIGHTS STRICTLY RESERVED. ANY PORTION OF THIS PAPER SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR TRANSFORMED TO ANY OTHER FORMSWITHOUT PERMISSION FROM AU OPTRONICS CORP.B. Outline Dimension (D00)1. TFT-LCD Module – Front ViewA UOPage:5/28ALL RIGHTS STRICTLY RESERVED. ANY PORTION OF THIS PAPER SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR TRANSFORMED TO ANY OTHER FORMSWITHOUT PERMISSION FROM AU OPTRONICS CORP.2. TFT-LCD Module – Rear ViewA UPage:6/28C. Electrical Specifications1. TFT LCD Panel Pin AssignmentPin no Symbol I/O DescriptionRemark1 GND - Ground for logic circuit2 V CC I Supply voltage of logic control circuit for scan driver3 V GL I Negative power for scan driver4 V GH IPositive power for scan driver5 STVR I/O Vertical start pulse Note 16 STVL I/O Vertical start pulse Note 17 CKV I Shift clock input for scan driver 8 U/D I UP/DOWN scan control input Note 1,29 OEV I Output enable input for scan driver 10 VCOM I Common electrode driving signal 11 VCOM I Common electrode driving signal12 L/R I LEFT/RIGHT scan control input Note 1,213 MOD I Sequential sampling and simultaneous sampling setting14 OEH IOutput enable input for data driver15 STHL I/O Start pulse for horizontal scan lineNote 1 16 STHR I/O Start pulse for horizontal scan lineNote 1 17 CPH3 I Sampling and shifting clock pulse for data driver18 CPH2 I Sampling and shifting clock pulse for data driver19 CPH1 I Sampling and shifting clock pulse for data driver20 V CC I Supply voltage of logic control circuit for data driver21 GND - Ground for logic circuit22 VRIAlternated video signal input(Red) 23 VGI Alternated video signal input(Green) 24VBI Alternated video signal input(Blue)25 AV DD I Supply voltage for analog circuit 26AV SS-Ground for analog circuitA UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:7/28I: Input pin; P: Power pin; G: Ground pin; C: capacitor pinRefer to figure as below:Pin26 Pin12. Backlight Pin AssignmentRecommended connector : E&T H201K-P020N-02BPin no Symbol I/O Description Remark1 VLEDPLED power supply2GNDLEDP LED ground3. Absolute Maximum RatingsItemSymbol Condition Min. Max. Unit RemarkV CCGND=0-0.3 7 V AV DD AGND=0-0.3 7VV GH -0.3 18 V V GL GND=0-15 0.3 V Power voltageV GH -V GL-33VV i-0.3 AV DD +0.3 VNote 3 V I-0.3 V CC +0.3 V Note 4 Input signal voltageVCOM-2.9 7.5 VNote 1: Functional operation should be restricted under ambient temperature (25℃).Note 2: Maximum ratings are those values beyond which damages to the device may occur. Functionaloperation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics chapter.Note 3: VR, VG, VB.Note 4: STHL, STHR, OEH, LRC, CPH1~CPH3, STVD, STVU, OEV, CKV, UDC, MODA UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:8/283. Electrical DC Characteristicsa. Typical Operation Condition (AGND =GND = 0V)ItemSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark V CC3 3.3 5.5 VDigital powerAV DD4.5 55.5 V Analog PowerV GH 14.3 15 15.7 V Positive power supply for gate driver Power VoltageVGL-10.5 -10 -9.5 V Negative power supply for gate driverV iA 0.4 - AV DD -0.4V Refer to Horizontal timing V iAC - 4- V AC component Video signal amplitude(VR,VG,VB) V iDC -AV DD /2 -VDC componentH LevelVIH 0.8xVCC - VCC VInputSignal Voltage L Level VIL GND - 0.2xVC VNote 1. V CAC 3.5 5.6 6.5 VAC component Gamma referencevoltageV CDC1.41.72.0VDC component Note 1: STHL, STHR, OEH, LRC, CPH1~CPH3, STVD, STVU, OEV, CKV, UDC, MOD.Note2: Must follow power On/Off Sequence.Note 3: If input signal amplitude is 3.3V, recommend value for Vcc is 3.3VIf input signal amplitude is 5V, recommend value for Vcc is 5Vb. Current Consumption (AGND=GND=0V)ParameterSymbol ConditionMin. Typ. Max. Unit RemarkInput current for V GH I GH V GH =15V- 0.12 1.0 m A Input current for V Gl I GL V Gl =-10V- 0.15 1.0 mA Input current for Vcc I CC DV CC =3.3- 2 6.0 mA Input current for Avdd I DDAV DD =5V-5.330mAA UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:9/28c. Backlight Driving ConditionsThe backlight (LED module, Note 1) is suggested to drive by constant current with typical value.ParameterSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark LED light bar CurrentI L-- 200 -- mABL Power ConsumptionP BL --2.1 --WNote 1 LED Life TimeL L 10,000 ---- Hr Note 2, 3Note 1: The LED driving condition is defined for LED module (24 LED). The voltage range will be 8.7 to 11.6V based on suggested driving current set as 200mA .Note 2: Define “LED Lifetime”: brightness is decreased to 50% of the initial value. LED Lifetime isrestricted under normal condition, ambient temperature = 25℃ and LED lightbar current =200mA .Note 3: If it uses larger LED lightbar voltage more than 200mA , it maybe decreases the LED lifetime.A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2Page:10/284. Electrical AC Characteristicsa. Signal AC CharacteristicsParameterSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit. Remark Clock cycle time t CPH100 103 107 ns CPH1 CPH pulse duty t CWH 405060%CPH1CPH pulse delay t C12 30 t CPH /3 t CPH /2 ns CPH1STH setup time t SUH 20 - - ns STHR,STHL STH hold time t HDH 20- - ns STHR,STHL STH pulse width t STH 1 t CPH STHR,STHL STH period t H 61.8 63.7 66.1 μs STHR,STHL OEH pulse width t OEH 1 - - t CPH OEH (Note 1)Sample and hold disable timet DIS1 1 - - t CPH Note 2 OEV pulse width t OEV 2.0 3.4 6.5 μs OEV CKV pulse width t CKV 1.0 3.1 4.68 μs CKV Clean enable timet DIS2 1.0- 1 t OEVμs Note 3 Horizontal display start t SH 1t CPH Horizontal display timing ranget DH 480t CPH STV setup time t SUV 400 -- ns STVU, STVD STV hold time t HDV 400 -- ns STVU, STVD STV pulse width t STV - -1t H STVU, STVDVertical display start t SV 3t H Vertical display timing ranget DV 234 t HVCOM rising time t rCOM - 5 μs VCOM falling time t fCOM- 5 μs VCOM delay time t DCOM 2 - - μs TFT charging time t ch 55 - - μs Output time delay t del 3 - - μs Setup time of analog VR/VG/VBt asu 60 - - ns Hold time of analog VR/VG/VBt ahd 40 - - ns Frame rate5060-HzNote 1: The maximum pulse width of OEH should refer to the minimum of tDIS1 and the hsyncback porch.Note 2: t DIS1 is time difference between OEH and STHL.Note 3: t DIS2 is time difference between OEV and CKVA UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Sampling clock timingVersion:0.0Page: 15/28ALL RIGHTS STRICTLY RESERVED. ANY PORTION OF THIS PAPER SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR TRANSFORMED TO ANY OTHER FORMS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM AU OPTRONICS CORP.Vertical timing (From up to down)a lUs e On ly / 2010/1/5Version:0.0Page: 16/28ALL RIGHTS STRICTLY RESERVED. ANY PORTION OF THIS PAPER SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR TRANSFORMED TO ANY OTHER FORMS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM AU OPTRONICS CORP.Page: 17/28 6. Power On/Off CharacteristicsPower OnPage:18/28D. Optical SpecificationAll optical specification is measured under typical condition (Note 1, 2)Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark Response TimeRise FallTr Tfθ=0°-- --12 1824 36ms ms Note 3 Contrast ratioCRAt optimizedviewing angle 300 400 -- Note 4TopBottom LeftViewing AngleRight 30 50 50 5040 65 65 65 -- -- -- -- deg. Note 5Brightness Y Lθ=0° 320 400 -- cd/m 2 Note 6 X θ=0° 0.25 0.30 0.35 ChromaticityWhiteY θ=0° 0.27 0.32 0.37 UniformityΔY L%7075 -- %Note 7Note 1: Ambient temperature =25℃, and LED lightbar current I L = 200 mA . To be measured in the dark room.Note 2: To be measured on the center area of panel with a viewing cone of 1° by Topcon luminance meterBM-5A, after 15 minutes operation.Note 3: Definition of response time:The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from“black” to “white”(falling time) and from “white” to “black”(rising time), respectively.The response time is defined as the time interval between the 10% and 90% of amplitudes.Refer to figure as below.A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om 1/5Note 4.Definition of contrast ratio:Contrast ratio is calculated with the following formula.statusBlack"" at is LCD when output detector Photo statusWhite"" at is LCD when output detector Photo (CR) ratio Contrast =Note 5. Definition of viewing angle, θ, Refer to figure as below.Note 6. Measured at the center area of the panel when all the input terminals of LCD panel areelectrically opened.Note 7: Luminance Uniformity of these 9 points is defined as below:A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er nA UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:21/28E. Reliability Test ItemsNo. Test itemsConditions Remark1 High Temperature Storage240Hrs2 Low Temperature Storage Ta= -2240Hrs3 High Ttemperature Operation Tp240Hrs4 Low Temperature Operation Ta= -1 240Hrs5 High Temperature & High HumidityTp= 580% RH 240Hrs Operation6 Heat Shock -20d/1hr~70d/1hr judge 50cyclesNon-operation7 Electrostatic DischargeContact = ± 4 kV, class B Air = ± 8 kV, class BNote 4 8Image Sticking25, 4hrsNote 5Frequency range : 10~55HzStoke: 1.5mmSweep: 10 Hz ~55 Hz 2 hours for each direction of X,Y,Z9Vibration4 hours for Y directionNon-operationJIS C7021, A-10condition A : 15 minutes10 Mechanical Shock100G . 6ms, ±X,±Y,±Z3 times for each directionNon-operation JIS C7021,A-7condition C 11 Vibration (With Carton)Random vibration:0.015G 2/Hz from 5~200Hz–6dB/Octave from 200~500Hz IEC 68-3412 Drop (With Carton)Height: 60cm1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfaces13 Pressure5kg, 5sec Note 6Note 1: Ta: Ambient Temperature. Tp: Panel Surface TemperatureNote 2: In the standard conditions, there is not display function NG issue occurred. All the cosmeticspecification is judged before the reliability stress.Note 3: All the cosmetic specification is judged before the reliability stress.Note 4 : All test techniques follow IEC6100-4-2 standard.A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:22/28Contact Discharge :330Ω, 150pF, 1sec, 8 point, 25times/pointgray pattern. After 20 minutes, the mura is less than JND 2.5Note 6: The panel is tested as figure. The jig is ψ10 mm made by Cu with rubber and the loadingspeed is 3mm/min on position 1~5. After the condition, no glass crack will be found and panelfunction check is OK.( no guarantee LC mura 、LC bubble)A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt eUs eOn l y / 201Page:23/28A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5Page:24/28F. Packing and Marking1. Packing FormA UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pn l y2. Module/Panel Label InformationThe module/panel (collectively called as the “Product”) will be attached with a label of Shipping Numberwhich represents the identification of the Product at a specific location. Refer to the Product outline drawing for detailed location and size of the label. The label is composed of a 22-digit serial number and printed with code128 with the following definition:Example:501M06ZL06123456781Z05: Product Manufacturing Week Code: WK50 Product Version: Version 1 Product Manufactuing Factory: M063. Carton Label InformationThe packing carton will be attached with a carton label where packing Q’ty, AUO Model Name, AUO PartNumber, Customer Part Number (Optional) and a series of Carton Number in 13 or 14 digits are printed. TheCarton Number is apparing in the following format:Refer to the drawing of packing format for the location and size of the carton label.A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5G. Precautions1. Do not twist or bend the module and prevent the unsuitable external force for display module during assembly.2. Adopt measures for good heat radiation. Be sure to use the module with in the specified temperature.3. Avoid dust or oil mist during assembly.4. Follow the correct power sequence while operating. Do not apply the invalid signal, otherwise, it will cause improper shut down and damage the module.5. Less EMI: it will be more safety and less noise.6. Please operate module in suitable temperature. The response time & brightness will drift by different temperature.7. Avoid to display the fixed pattern (exclude the white pattern) in a long period, otherwise, it will cause image sticking.8. Be sure to turn off the power when connecting or disconnecting the circuit. 9. Polarizer scratches easily, please handle it carefully. 10. Display surface never likes dirt or stains.11. A dewdrop may lead to destruction. Please wipe off any moisture before using module.12. Sudden temperature changes cause condensation, and it will cause polarizer damaged.13. High temperature and humidity may degrade performance. Please do not expose the module to the direct sunlight and so on.14. Acetic acid or chlorine compounds are not friends with TFT display module.15. Static electricity will damage the module, please do not touch the module without any groundeddevice.16. Do not disassemble and reassemble the module by self.17. Be careful do not touch the rear side directly.18. No strong vibration or shock. It will cause module broken.19. Storage the modules in suitable environment with regular packing.20. Be careful of injury from a broken display module.21. Please avoid the pressure adding to the surface (front or rear side) of modules, because it will causethe display non-uniformity or other function issue.A UOCo n fi de n ti a lF or Pr om a t eI nt er na l Us eOn l y / 2010/1/5。
RemoDAQ-8017B 模块用户手册说明书
![RemoDAQ-8017B 模块用户手册说明书](
V1.1 2008.12.18RemoDAQ-8017B ModuleUser’s ManualBeijing Gemotech Intelligent Technology Co.,LtdCopyright NoticeThis document is copyrighted, 2005, by Beijing GEMOTECH Technology Co.,Ltd.All rights are reserved. Beijing GEMOTECH Technology Co.,Ltd reserves the right to make improvements to the products described in this manualat any time without notice.No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Beijing GEMOTECH Technology Co.,Ltd. Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Beijing GEMOTECH Technology Co.,Ltd assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements upon the rights of third parties, which may result from its use.AcknowledgmentsRemoDAQ is a trademark of Beijing GEMOTECH Technology Co.,Ltd.Edition 1.1Dec. 2008Additional Information and Assistance1. Visit the GEMOTECH websites at where you can find the latest information about the product.2. Contact your distributor, sales representative, or GEMOTECH's customer service center for technical support if you need additional assistance. Please have the following information ready before you call:●Product name and serial number●Description of your peripheral attachments●Description of your software (operating system,version,application software, etc.)● A complete description of the problem●The exact wording of any error messagesTable of Contents1 INTRODUCTION (6)1.1P IN A SSIGNMENT &S PECIFICATIONS (7)1.2F EATURES (8)1.3B LOCK D IAGRAM (9)1.4W IRING I LLUMINATION (9)1.5D EFAULT S ETTING (11)1.6J UMPER S ETTING (11)1.7C ALIBRATION (12)1.8I NSTALL L IST (13)2 COMMAND SET (15)2.1%AANNTTCCFF (16)2.2#AA (18)2.3#AAN (19)2.4$AA2 (20)2.5$AA5VV (21)2.6$AA6 (22)2.7$AAF (23)2.8$AA7C I R RR (24)2.9$AA8C I (25)2.10$AAX NNNN (26)2.11$AAY (27)3 APPLICATION NOTES (28)3.1 PIN INIT* OPERATION (28)3.2M ODULE S TATUS (28)1 IntroductionThe RemoDAQ-8000 Series is data aquisition and control module based on RS-485 net. They provide analog input, analog output, digital input/output,timer/counter, collection AC, wireless communication, and other functions. These modules can be long-range controlled by command.RemoDAQ-8017B is RemoDAQ-8017 with Modbus, it provides programmable input ranges in all channels, its features are given as following:● 3000VDC Isolated● Software calibration●24-bits ADC to provide excellent accuracy.1.1 Pin Assignment & Specifications1.2 Features●Analog Input Channels:8 differential, or 6 differential,2 single-ended input (jumper to choose)● Input type:mV, V and mA● Input range:±150mV, ±500mV, ±1V, ±5V, ±10V, ±20mA,4-20mA●Over-voltage protection:±35V● Conversion rate:10 times/sec● Bandwidth:13.1Hz● Accuracy:±0.1%● Input impedance:20M Ohms● Zero drift:±6µV/°C● Span drift:±25ppm/°C● CMR(50/60Hz):92dB● Watchdog timer:Yes● Power consumption:1.2W/24VDC● Isolation voltage:3000VDC● Operating Temperature:-20 ~ 70° CHumidity:5 ~ 90%, non-condensing1.3 Block Diagram1.4 Wiring IlluminationRemoDAQ-8017B:AI Channel 0 to 5 Wire ConnectionAI Channel 6 and 7 wre connection (while is in 8 differential mode)AI Channel 6 and 7 wre connection (while is in 6 differential and2 single-ended mode)The jumper setting of RemoDAQ-8017B are as follows:JP0~JP7:20mA input setting Voltage input settingDefaultJP9~10:6-diff and 2 single-8-diff modeendedSW1 set Init* state:INIT mode Nomal mode1.5 Default Setting● Address:01●Analog output type:-10V~+10V● Baudrate:9600 bps●Checksum disable, 60Hz filter rejection, engineer unit format●RemoDAQ-8017B set as 6 differential and 2single-ended mode1.6 Jumper SettingThe jumper setting of RemoDAQ-8017B are as follows:Channel input mode (JP0~JP7):20mA input setting Voltage input settingDefaultINIT* mode setting (JP9~10):6-diff and 2 single-ended8-diff modedefaultIn 8-diff mode use SW1 set Init* state:INIT mode1.7 CalibrationType code 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D Zero input 4mA 0V 0V 0V 0mV 0mV 0mARange Input +20mA +10V +5V +1V +500mV +150mV+20mACalibration sample order:(type 08)1. Module electricity preheat for 30 minutes2. Set the type to 083. Calibration allows4. Given a zero calibration Voltage5. Perform Zero calibration command6. Given a full scale calibration voltage7. Perform Full scale calibration command8. Repeat step 4~7 for three times1.8 Install ListBaudrate Setting (CC)Code 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0ABaudrate 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 Analog Input Type Setting (TT)Type 07 08 090A 0B 0C 0D Min 4mA -10V -5V-1V-500mV -150mV -20mAMax +20mA +10V +5V +1V +500mV +150mV +20mA Data format setting(FF)7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0*1 *2 0 0 0 0 *3 *1:Integration time: 0=60Hz 1=50Hz*2:Checksum:0=Disabled; 1=Enable*3:00 = Engineer Unit Format01 = Percent Format10 = 2’s Complement HEX FormatAnalog Input Type And Data Format TableCodeInput span Data format +F.S. Zero -F.S07 4~20mAProject Unit 20mA +000.00 4mA%(FSR)+100.000 +000.00 25.00 2’s ComplementHEX7FFF 0000 199908 -10V~+10V ProjectUnit +10.000 +00.000 -10.000%(FSR)+100.000 +000.00 -100.00 2’s ComplementHEX7FFF 0000 800009 -5V~+5VProject Unit +5.000 +0.000 -5.000%(FSR) +100.000 +000.00 -100.00 2’s ComplementHEX7FFF 0000 80000A -1V~+1VProject Unit +1.000 +0.000 -1.000%(FSR) +100.000 +000.00 -100.00 2’s ComplementHEX7FFF 0000 80000B -500mV~+500mVProject Unit +500.000 +000.000 -500.000%(FSR) +100.000 +000.00 -100.002’s ComplementHEX7FFF 0000 80000C -150mV~+150mVProject Unit +150.000 +000.000 -150.000%(FSR) +100.000 +000.00 -100.002’s ComplementHEX7FFF 0000 80000D -20mA~+20mAProject Unit +20.000 +00.000 -20.000%(FSR) +100.000 +000.00 -100.00 2’s ComplementHEX7FFF 0000 80002 Command SetCommand Format:(Leading)(Address)(Command)(CHK)(cr)Response Format:(Leading)(Address)(Data)(CHK)(cr)[CHK] two character checksum[cr] is the terminating character, carriage return(0x0D) Calculate Checksum:1. Calculate ASCII sum of all characters of command (or response) string except the character return(cr).2. Mask the sum of string with 0ffh.Example:Command string:$012(cr)Sum of string=‘$’+‘0’+‘1’+‘2’=24h+30h+31h+32h=B7h The checksum is B7h,and [CHK] = “B7”Command string with checksum:$012B7(cr)Response string:!01070600(cr)Sum of string:‘!’+‘0’+‘1’+‘0’+‘7’+‘0’+‘6’+‘0’+‘0’=21h+30h+31h+30h+37h+30h+36h+30h+30h=1AFh The checksum is AFh,and [CHK] = “AF” Response string with checksum:!01070600AF(cr)General Command SetsCommandSyntax Response Syntax Command Description Notes%AANNTTCCFF !AASets the address, input range,baudrate, dataformat, checksum status 2.1#AA >(Data) Return the input value from themodule in the currently configureddata format2.2 #AAN >(Data) Return the input value from themodule channels N in the currentlyconfigured data format2.3 $AA2 !AATTCCFFReturn the configurationparameters for the module2.4 $AA5VV !AA Enable or disable the individualchannels 2.5$AA6 !AAVV Get the enable/disable status of allchannels2.6 $AAF !AA(Data) Return the firmware versioncode2.7 $AA7CiRrr !AA Configure the input type andrange of the specified channel2.8 $AA8Ci !AACIRRR Get the input type and range ofthe specified channel 2.9$AAXnnnn !AA Set communication WDT cycletime from 0000~99992.10$AAY !AAXNNNN Read the cycle time setting of communication WDT2.112.1 %AANNTTCCFFName:ConfigurationDescription:Sets address, type code, baudrate, data formatSyntax:%AANNTTCCFF[CHK](cr)% delimiter character.AA address of setting module (00-FF)NN New address (00-FF)TT New typeCC New baudrateFF New data formatWhen changing baudrate or checksum, we should be in INIT mode . Response:valid command:!AA[CHK] (cr)valid command:?AA[CHK] (cr)Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! valid commandinvalid commandAA module address (00-FF)Example:Command:%010*******(cr) Response:!02(cr) Change address from 01 to 02, return success.Command:%020*******(cr) Response:!02(cr) Change data format 00 to 02, it means change project unit format to HEX format, return success. Relative command: Section 2.6, $AA22.2 #AAName:Analog Data InputDescription:Command will return the input value from module in the currently configured data format.Syntax #AA[CHK](cr)# delimiter character.AA module address (00~FF)(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).Response: valid command: >(data)[CHK](cr) Syntax error or communication error may get no response.> valid command delimiter AI input value, the data is the combination foreach channel respectively.Example:Command:#04 Response:>+05.123+04.153+07.234-02.356+10.000-05.133+2.345+08.234 Read analog input value at address 04, return values of 8 channels.Relative command: Sec.2.1, %AANNTTCCFF;Sec.2.6, $AA2Relative theme: Sec.1.8, setting list2.3 #AANName:Analog Data From channel NDescription:The command will return the input value from one of the 8 channels of a specified (AA)module in the currently configured data format. Syntax:#AAN[CHK](cr)# delimiter character.AA module address (00~FF)N channel (0~7)(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh). Response:valid command: >(data)[CHK](cr)invalid command: ?AA[CHK](cr)Syntax error or communication error may get no response.> valid command delimiter character.invalid command delimiter AI input value.Example:Command:#032 Response:>+02.513Read channel 2 of the module at address 03, return +02.513Relative command: Sec.2.1, %AANNTTCCFF;Sec.2.6, $AA2Relative theme: Sec.1.8, setting list2.4 $AA2Name:Read Configuration StatusDescription:The command requests the return of theconfiguration data from the analog input module ataddress AA.Syntax:$AA2[CHK] (cr)$ delimiter character.AA module address (00~FF)2 command to read the Configuration Status Response:valid command: !AATTCCFF[CHK](cr) invalid command: ?AA[CHK](cr)Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! command is valid.command is invalid.AA address of module(00~FF)TT represents the type code.CC represents the baud rate code.FF data formatExample:Command:$012 Response:!01080600Read address 01 configuration, and return success. Relative command: Sec.2.1, %AANNTTCCFF; Relative theme: Sec.1.8, setting list; Sec.3.1, pin INIT* operation2.5 $AA5VVName:Enable/Disable Channels for Multiplexing Description:Enables/disables multiplexingsimultaneously for separate channels of a specified input moduleSyntax:$AA5VV[CHK](cr)$ delimiter character.AA module address (00~FF)5 enable/disable channels command.VV channel enable/disable, 00 is all disabled and FF is all enableResponse:valid command: !AA[CHK] (cr)Invalid command: ?AA[CHK] (cr)Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! command is valid.command is invalid.AA address of the module (00~FF)Example:Command:$0155A Receive:!01Set address 01 to enable channel 1,3,4,6 and disable channel 0,2,5,7,return success.Command:$016 Receive:!015ARead status of channels at address 01, return channel 1,3,4,6 enable and channel 0,2,5,7 disable. Relative command: Sec.2.8, $AA62.6 $AA6Name:Read Channel StatusDescription:Asks a specified input module to return the status of all channelsSyntax:$AA6[CHK](cr)$ delimiter character.AA module address (00~FF)6 command to read channel status Response:valid command: !AAVV[CHK](cr)Invalid command: ?AA[CHK](cr)Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! command is valid.command is invalid.AA address of the module (00~FF)VV channel enable/disable, 00 is all disabled and FF is all enable Example:Command:$015A5 Receive:!01Set address 01 to enable channel 0,2,5,7 and disable 1,3,4,6 channel,return success.Command:$016 Receive:!01A5Read status of channels at address 01, return channel 0,2,5,7 enable and 1,3,4,6 channel disable. Relative command: Sec.2.7, $AA5VV2.7 $AAFName:Read Firmware VersionDescription:The command requests the module ataddress AA to return the version code ofits firmwareSyntax:$AAF[CHK](cr)$ delimiter character.AA address of reading module(00~FF)F identifies the version command.Response:valid command: !AA(data)[CHK](cr)invalid command: ?AA[CHK](cr)Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! command is valid.command is invalid.AA address of response module(00~FF)Data is the version code of the module’s firmware. Example:Command:$01F Receive:!0120051201Read address 01 firmware version,return version 20051201Command:$02F Receive:!0120040101Read address 02 firmware version,return version 200401012.8 $AA7CiRrrName:Channel Input Range Configuration command Syntax:$AA7CiRrr[CHK](cr)$ delimiter character.AA address of setting module(00~FF)7 channel range configuration command.Ci the specified input channel you want to configure. Rrr represents the type and range you want to set Response:valid command: !AA[CHK](cr)invalid command: ?AA[CHK](cr) Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! command is valid.command is invalid.AA address of the module (00~FF)Example:Command:$017C5R08 Response:!01 The command configures the range of channel 8 in themodule at address 01 as ±10V, and return success.2.9 $AA8CiName:Read Channel Range Configuration commandSyntax:$AA8Ci[CHK](cr)$ delimiter character.AA address of reading module(00~FF)8 read channel range configuration command.Ci the specified input channel you want to read Response:valid command: !AACiRrr[CHK](cr)invalid command: ?AA[CHK](cr) Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! command is valid.command is invalid.AA address of the module (00~FF)Ci the specified input channel you want to read.Rrr represents the type and range you want to set Example:Command:$0128C5 Response:!01C5R08 The command read the range of channel 5 in the module at address 01.The response ‘R08’ means ±10V.2.10 $AAXnnnnName:Watchdog Timer Setting command Description:This command set the communication watchdog timer (WDT) cycle timeSyntax:$AAXnnnn[CHK](cr)$ delimiter character.AA address of setting module(00~FF)X the watchdog timer setting commandnnnn watchdog timer value 0000~9999Response:valid command: !AA [CHK](cr)invalid command: ?AA[CHK](cr) Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! command is valid.command is invalid.AA address of the module (00~FF)Example:Command:$01X1234 Response:!01The command set the WDT cycle as 1234 in the input module at address 01, and return success.2.11 $AAYName:Read Watchdog Timer Setting command Description:This command read the setting ofcommunication watchdog timer (WDT) cycle time Syntax:$AAY[CHK](cr)$ delimiter character.AA address of reading module(00~FF)Y the read watchdog timer setting commandResponse:valid command: !AAnnnn [CHK](cr)invalid command: ?AA[CHK](cr)Syntax error or communication error may get no response.! command is valid.command is invalid.AA address of the module (00~FF)nnnn watchdog timer value 0000~9999 Example:Command:$01Y Response:!011234Read the WDT in the module at address 01, and return1234.3 Application Notes3.1 pin INIT* operationEvery RemoDAQ-8000 module has an EEPROM inside, use to save the configuration information of the module, such as: address, baudrate, message type and other parameters. Sometimes, user may forget to configure the module. So, RemoDAQ-8000 series have a special mode: “INIT mode”, which can help user to solve this problem. Under “INIT mode”, the module is forced to set as Address=00, baudrate=9600, no checksum.If you want to enable INIT mode, only need to do as follows:1. to be in INIT mode2. Set command $002(cr) at 9600bps, then it will readmodule configuration information from EEPROM. 3.2 Module StatusPower on the module will make the current output value change to power-on value, and the module output value can set by receive the command of PC.When main watchdog overtime and overflow, the current output value will change to safe value. Here, the module status (read by command ~AA0) is 04, and all output command will be omitted.。
自动生化仪常见英语及分类日立生化仪HITAGENT日立无磷清洗液Empty waste resevoir清倒废液Printer error打印机错误Operation monitor运行监控Stand-by待机Routine job menu日常工作菜单、常规操作ROUTINE试剂设置MONITOR反应曲线PARAMETER参数MAINTE维护BACKSPACE退格GUIDANCE指导、指引、下一页MASTER控制Automatic analyzer自动化分析System parameters系统参数Calibrator test selection校准界面Maintenance job menu维护保养工作菜单Reagent check level试剂检测水平Reagent status试剂状态Repeat calibration重复校准Start up calibration起始校准Chemistry parameters化学分析参数Calibrator list校准列表、校准清单Sample NO样本号Cancel取消、注销、撤销Repeat function批量输入Display S.NO显示样品号Start conditions起始条件Photometer mantenance检测杯空白吸光度Operation monitor运行监测Routine常规的、日常的BUZEER OFF关蜂鸣器、关掉报警声音Probe wash探针清洗Start test selection开始测试选择Utility功能、主功能键、主菜单Perform执行Cell blank杯空白吸光度检测Data review数据审查、结果回顾Delete record删除记录Installation安装、填装、装载Start control启动条件Sequence NO样品序列Edited编辑Demographics统计Define profile定义配置文件Previous以前的、前面的、在前面的Go to…查找样本Requisition list申请表Measurement Data测量数据(结果打印)Reaction-process date反应曲线Precision check精密度检测Profiling list组合列表Rerun list复查列表Data source数据来源Reaction monitor反应监测Update更新Format floppy格式化软盘Automatic自动复查Rerun only手工复查Repeat range重复界限Sensitive range灵敏度允许范围App code分析编码Abs limit吸光度界限值Weight加权系数Control interval质控间隔Instrument factor仪器常数Standard标准System系统Diluted sample volume稀释后取样量Calculated test计算项目Calculated method计算方法Sample class样本类型Barcode reader样本条码Barcode条形码QC setting质控设定Accumulation method积累方法Application适用、应用、申请、编辑Installation安装、安置、设置Operation运行Send to host传输结果、发送给主机Edit concentration校准品浓度设置Host communication主机通讯Rerun mode复查模式Cumulative积累的、日间质控Real time QC实时质控Profile definition组合定义、组合编辑Support function支持的功能、拥有的功能Channel assignment通道分配Reagent dummy(试剂空?)Working curve工作曲线Input test via keyboard用键盘输入测试Input放入、投入、输入Utility主菜单Perform执行运行Delete record删除记录Mean靶值、中间的、意思SD控制限Start cond(condition)起始条件2point试剂空白和量程校准品Disk-position磁盘位置、样本盘位置号Sequence NO样本序列编号Requisition list申请表Working database工作数据库Floppy backup软盘备份Sample record count样本记录计数Update result更新结果File type文件保存模式Back up test result备份测试结果Standard cup样本杯Default profile默认配置文件、默认组合Record space记录空间、储存空间Profile组合、轮廓Default默认的、缺省的Replace result结果覆盖App code分析编码Diluent稀释液(编号、效期)Prozone check distinction Abs前带检查吸光度Cell detergent洗涤剂、反应杯洗涤剂、单元清洗剂Communication trace通讯痕迹/记录、查找Auto calibration定时校准SD limit允许收敛吸光度检查Duplicate limit偏差允许吸光度Sensitive range灵敏度允许范围S1Abs range第一标准允许吸光度Control interval质控间隔Date mode数据模式Use qualitative定性结果Default sex默认性别Class1technical range样本类型1技术界限Calibrator code标准条码Expected range参考值Formula calculator编辑计算公式Define profile自定义组合、组合设置Profile name组合名称From reagent造成污染的项目To reagent受污染的项目Sample class样本类型Optional clogging detection选择性堵孔设置barcode reader样本条码Remote service远程监控Real time data print实时打印Accumulation method积累方法Edit flag编辑记号、编辑标记Operator ID操作员IDPassword密码Log on/of mode操作员注册Remaining tests剩余测试Details试剂详细信息Manual setting手工登录ISE remaining volumes ISE试剂设置Default sample type样本类型缺省设置QC table质控表Profile definition组合定义Default profile默认组合Currently sampling当前样本Calibration trace校正曲线Individual QC list单个质控列表Individual QC monitor单个质控监控Accumulated/cumulative积累、(日间质控)Individual chart单值图(日内质控图)Cumulative QC chart日间质控图Real time date monitor实时数据监测Expected Value预期值Inactivate灭活、遮蔽First Measurement Point第一测光点Reference material参考材料日立7600-120DANGER危险WARNING警告CAUTION注意HICARRYNON日立配套酸性清洗液HIALKALI-D日立配套碱性清洗液HICHLOGENT-A含有次氯酸钠的日立配套清洗液HITERGENT含有抑菌剂的日立配套清洗液Change Light Source Lamp更换光源灯Workplace常规操作Data Review数据回顾Demographics样品属性Delete All全部删除Cancel取消Close关闭Print Screen打印键Scroll Lock打印停止键Back space退格键Space空格键Contents目录File-Exit退出Refresh更新View监视Delete删除Utility实用工作Alarm报警System Overview系统监视Preventive Action事前确认Daily Maintenance日保养Inc.Water Exchg反应槽水交换Air Purge排气Photometer check光度计检查Sample Data Clear样品数据删除QC VIEW质控观察Backup and Clear数据保存及删除File Name文件名File Format文件形式Binary二进制Reagent Load/Unload List试剂交换信息Setting设定Reagent试剂管理Manual Registration手动登记Volume试剂量Status状况Reagent Volume Reset试剂残量再设定/试剂量再设定Standby待机Reagent Level Registration试剂残量登记Execute执行Bottle Set Information试剂瓶设置信息Break Up解除IS内部标准液DIL稀释液REF参比电极液Work Flow Guide操作流程指南Reagent Prime试剂灌注Parameter参数Rinse and Prime清洗和灌注Prime Cycles试剂灌注次数Test项目名Module分析模块Select选择Caution level注意级别Photometer check光度计检查Reset复位Calibration and QC Select校准及质控选择Routine QC常规质控Stand By Bottle备用试剂质控Calib.Method校准方法Cause要因Manual手动Span程量Start Up Pipe Setting起始任务组设定Host Setting通讯设定Test Selection项目选择Sequence No.样品号Demographics样品属性Sample Cup样品杯Sample Volume样品量Normal标准、常量Decrease减量Increase增量Last Sequence No结束样品号Requisition List工作单打印Rack Assignment样品架分配Start Sample No.分析开始样品号Automatic Rerun自动复查设定Channel Masking通道遮蔽Default Profile默认组合Rack No.-Pos样品架号位置Repeat一括登记、重复Last Rack No.-Pos最后样品架位置Sample Tracking样品追踪Show Result显示分析结果Sample Search样品检索Rack Archival Report Print样品收纳信息打印Reagent Overview试剂监视Active使用中Warning残量注意Caution无剩余量Stand-by备用试剂Used使用完毕Empty/Wrong空位置Home固定Reag.Line Purge试剂喷嘴清洗Wash Cycles清洗次数Test Review详细结果Reaction Monitor反应过程监视Arrived Date/Time到达日期/时间Filter过滤Data Print数据打印Run Type数据种类Application应用程序Order顺序Overlay覆盖Scale比例调整Add追加Send to Host主机通信Wavelength波长S1Abs第一标准液吸光度Working Information工作曲线Calibration Result List校准结果清单Analyze分析Previous前次数据Standard标准液Abs Data测量次数Calibration Trace校准追踪Data Range日期范围EMF电动势Slope斜率Technical Limit技术界限Repeat Limit复查界限Automatic Rerun自动复查Start Condition开始条件Rerun Rack Assignment复查样品架分配Code No.编码Pre-dilution手动稀释Pipe Setting任务组Mode selection方式转换开关Pipe Name任务组名Maintenance Item List维护保养项目列表Pipe Item List任务组列表Power Off关机Wash with Rack清洗架清洗Power Up Pipe开机任务组Start Up Pipe Setting起始任务组Pipe Function任务组功能Bottle Size试剂瓶号码Barcode条形码Masking遮蔽Module masking模块遮蔽Patient Sample Masking患者样品遮蔽Module Setting模块设定Edit Reagent Probe Wash编辑试剂针清洗Special Wash特殊清洗Edit Cell Wash编辑反应杯清洗Reagent Level Check试剂水平检查Warning Level(Red)警告级别(红色)Module Overview模块监视Caution Level(Yellow)注意级别(黄色)Preparation Level(Purple)准备级别(紫色)Remaining Tests剩余项目数Reagent Level Registration试剂残量登记Calc.Test计算项目Unit of Measure单位Report Name报告书名Formula公式Expected Values正常值范围Update更新Key setting键设定Profile Name组合名称Assigned Test设定项目Test Key Assignment实验键设定Test and Profile实验和组合Default Profile默认组合Sample Type Profile样品类型组合Precision Check再现性检查FD Utility软盘实用Backup Data数据备份File Name文件名File Format文件格式With double quotation mark双引号In a previous file format旧的文件格式FD drive软盘驱动器Backup Disk软盘备份Read Backup Disk备份数据读出FD Write软盘写入FD Read软盘读出Partial or Full部分或全部Maintenance Items维护保养项目Parameter W/R参数读出/写入Write Floppy Disk写入软盘Line行Column列Comment Title注释标题Print Order打印顺序Preview预览Host Communication Setting主机通信设定TS Ask in Barcode Read Error条形码读出不良样品询问Host Setting主机设置Communication On通信连接Send to Host主机传送Qualitative定性判断Test Key Setting实验键设定Automatic Printout Setting自动打印设置Maintenance Parameter Setting维护保养参数设定Operation运行Real Time实时Comment注释Maintenance Report维护保养报告书Calibration Mask Setting校准遮蔽设定Reject拒绝校准Operator ID操作者编号Log On/Off登陆/退出Supervisor主管Administrator系统管理员Review By Exception输出除外报警Remaining Time剩余时间Calib Now立即校准Print View打印预览Sample Tracking样品收纳部Rack Archival Report Print样品架收纳信息打印Lot On批号Expiration Data有效期Target Mean质控平均值Target SD质控SD值Install设定Active Test激活项目QC Rack Assignment质控架登记Remove取消Accumulation Method积累方法QC Calculation QC计算Routine QC Test Selection常规质控项目选择QC after calibration校准后质控Routine QC Assign常规质控分配Stand By Bottle QC备用试剂质控Control Interval Time质控间隔时间Timeout超时Individual日内质控Chart图表Realtime QC实时QCReject Data删除数据Delete Individual Data删除日内数据QC View质控监视Accumulate Data数据积累Individual QC Chart日内质控图表Exclude排除Cumulative日间质控Cumulative QC Chart日间质控图表Barcode Setting条码设定Stat急查Change变更Check Digit数字检查Sample Barcode样品条码Barcode Read Error条形码识别错误Previous前一样品Next后一样品Requisition List工作单Search Option检索选项Filter筛选Reagent Nozzle Wash/Reag.Line Purge试剂喷嘴清洗Reagent Flowpath Wash试剂分注流路清洗Air Purge吸量器排气Probe Adjust针调整S.Probe(Horiz)样品针(回转)Mechanism Check机构检查S.Probe(Vert)样品针(上下)Wash Cycles清洗次数Deselect排除Cell Wash杯清洗Change Reaction Cell更换反应杯Cancel Maintenance取消维护保养Change Light Source Lamp光源灯交换Prime Cycles灌注次数Rinse and Prime清洗和灌注Check List检查清单报警信息Reagent exchange request试剂更换要求Audible Alarm on Core核心部报警音Caution注意Emergency stop紧急停止Insufficient Sample样品不足Insufficient Reagent试剂不足Excessive Absorbance吸光度超限Prozone Error前带错误Substrate Depletion底物耗尽限制Linearity Abnormality线性异常Duplicate Error离散度错误STD Error校准失败Sensitivity Error标准液灵敏度异常Calibration Error校准异常Over/Under the Repeat Limit重复限超限Random Error偶然误差System Error系统误差Calculation Disabled不能计算Over/Under the Normal Limit正常值范围超限Cell Blank Abnormal杯空白异常Slope Abnormal斜率异常Abnormal Stirrer1/2搅拌机构1/2运动异常Abnormal Rinse Unit Movement清洗机构运动异常Reaction Disk Positioning Failure反应盘位置异常Abnormal Sample Probe Movement样品针运动异常Inc.Water Exchange Interval Exceeded反应槽换水超期Inner Cell Blank out of Limits内圈杯空白超限Sensitivity Error标准液灵敏度异常Isozyme Parameter Error同工酶参数不良Cell Rinse Cleaner Replace反应杯清洗剂不足Abnormal Sample Probe Movement样品针运动异常Pozone Check Point Error前带检查测光点不良东芝常用英语PAUSE暂定ROUTINE常规操作OPTIONS参数设置DATA HST历史数据查看SET PROFILE组合设置CALCULATION计算项目SERUM INOICES血液状态REFERENCE TEST ID参考测试的IDCVETTE VOLUME反应杯体积SLOPE FACTOR斜率因数BASE FACTOR截距因数CALIBRATION INTERVAL定标间隔DETECTION LIMIT检测限ABSORBANCE ADJVSTMENT POINTS调整吸光度Library名称界面Reagent Template Library试剂登录Stable Period稳定期Alert Number of Test报警编号Expiration Date有效期Chag Sheet设置界面Urgent Sample急诊样本Comment稀释Serum Indices血清指标Assay code名称缩写Lipemia脂血Hemolysis溶血Icterus黄疸Quantitative Ranges定量范围Calibrator Replicates重复次数奥林巴斯、贝克曼Pure Detergent洗液原液BID Water tank去离子水桶Current Time当前时间Data Index数据指示Operator Name操作者Emergency急诊Cuvette Status比色杯状态Electrode电极、电位Reagent of Group试剂组Test Display显示试剂量Calibration Stability校准稳定期Sequence序列号、顺序Test Oriented Display显示试剂余量Shot测定次数Reset Only复位Check Specified Position检查指定项目Check Specified Position(with ID)用条形码检查指定项目Online实时传输RB Only只作空白Calibration Option校准选项Auxiliary辅助功能Logout退出、注销Test Requisition测定项目录入Demographics统计Data Display显示结果Expired过期、失效Data Transfer开始传数据First inject注入第一试剂Third inject注入R2Component A组分AComponent B组分BDispense Volume样品量分配Duplicate Limit双份界限Flex Rate弹性速率法Prozone cheek Limit前带检查界限Line Limit线性范围Technical Limit技术界限Reagent Blank Rate试剂空白速率Instrument Factor仪器常数Response direction反应放向Substrate Exhaust Limit底物耗尽值Cuvette Status比色杯状态Data Management数据管理Rack ID架子条码Inverter断电保护INITAL初始化WARM UP预热ISE Reference Solution ISE参比液ISE MID Standard ISE MID标准液ISE Buffer ISE缓冲液ISE LOW/HIGH Serum Standard ISE低值/高值血清标准液Onboard Stability试剂稳定期Calibration Trace校准跟踪Multi多规则Single单规则Cumulative累积Mean靶值Twin Plot Display二维质控图Measured Date已测定的标本结果Measuring Date正在测定的样本结果Data Correction数据校正Repeat Common重复测定通用参数Repeat Data Verification重测数据确认Execute Rewrite更新结果Men Check Range平均检查范围Photocal光电校正Retrieve Repeat Data恢复重测数据Twin Plot双坐标质控图Online传输数据Common Test Parameter通用分析参数Round选择在线项目Specific Test Parameter指定测定项目参数Repeat Parameter重复测定参数Inter Related Test内部相关测定项目QC common质控通用参数QC Specific指定质控参数STAT Table QC急诊台质控参数STAT Table Calibration急诊台校准参数Requisition Format测定项目录入格式List Format报表格式Contamination Parameter防止污染参数Data Check Parameter数据检查参数Option选项Auto Power On自动开机参数Password设定操作者密码Login Name注册操作者权限User Menu建立用户常用菜单Comments Master对分析结果附加备注Data Statistics数据统计Correlation Chart相关性图行Reagent Consumption试剂消耗情况Parameter Management参数管理、备份参数Calibration Verification校准确认Standby Set从预热状态转换到待机状态FD Data Management用软盘存储数据Retrieve Data Base恢复数据库Offline Output脱机输出Consumable Maintenance消耗品维护Periodic Maintenance定期保养Maker Maintenance厂方维修Program Version程序版本ANL Diag分析仪诊断File Maintenance文件维护STANDBY待机状态WARM UP光源灯预热状态MEASURE检测状态STOP停止状态PHOYOCAL进行光电校正Cuvettes比色杯Program download to the analyzer自动下载程序Start Condition初始界面Current time当前日期和时间Long Name名称选项卡Specific Test Parameter项目参数设置Sequence序列Fixed Reagent固定的试剂Reset Only复位(只改变了参数而没改变试剂的情况下使用)Check Specified position检查指定项目的试剂位Check Specified position(with ID)用条形码检查指定的试剂项目Check Changed position(with ID)用条形码检查位置改变了的试剂位Check All positions检查全部试剂位Reagent Blank(RB)只做试剂空白Check Selective检查电极选择性Sequential顺序Xn-Enter批量编程、批量输入Data Display数据显示PhotoCal光电校正(检测杯空白)Save Reference保存杯空白吸光度罗氏生化Assay、Time、Point分析方法、出报告时间、反应点数ABS Limit吸光度限Prozone Limit前带限制Cell Detergent选择碱液(Detergent1)还是酸液(Detergent2)清洗该比色杯Twin Test双测试Update Type升级类型Cancel清除Weight加权系数Isozyme Q Channel同工酶Q通道Auto Calibration自动定标Time out定标过期Technical Limit测试项目线性范围Control Interval Time质控间隔时间Qualitative定性测试Expected Value按性别输入期望值(参考范围)Hitergent无磷洗液、除菌液Expiration有效期Rack Assignment反应架分配Assign分配好Remove移走Accumulate结果累积Execute执行Option选项自动生化仪常见英语Assay分析、测试Calibration校准、标准、定标Config配置、参数设置(试剂界面)、进程信息Configure配置、设定、下一页Database数据库、资料库、信息库、数据查询Errorlog出错日志、错误日志、报警Factor系数、参数、因素、因子Interpretation解释、说明、演绎Library(主功能键)、文库、总功能键Order命令、秩序、顺序、要求Parameters参数设置、因素、特征、界限Graph图表、曲线Rxn Graph反应曲线Reagent试剂、反应物Stat急诊、立刻、马上、被放置的Wavelength波长Primary wavelength主波长Second wavelength次波长Diagnostics诊断学Sample volume样本量Normal正常样本量Decrease样本减量Increase样本曾量Reagent volume试剂体积、试剂量Diluent稀释液、样本稀释Twin test双测试Cell detergent清洗杯子、单元清洗Calibration Type选择定标类型Point点、读点、光点Auto Calibration自动定标Time out定标过期2point两点法Changeover改变、变化Report name报告名称Date Mode数据模式、反应模式、定标模式Calibration code定标物代码Concentration定标物浓度Individual日内质控、单个的、个体Cumulative日间质控、积累的、多的Smart wash智能清洗Stable period稳定期Expiration Date有效期Alert Number of Test报警编码、报警序号Type类型、测定MC:Modular chemistry电解质模块CC:Cartridge chemistry生化模块ISE电解质No sample无样本分析Regular sample常规样本Urgent sample急诊样本Control质控Unused Calibrator/Control未用校准/质控Disk sheet样本盘模式、(磁)盘片Assay code分析、检测代码Photometoric吸光度检测、测试Order sample项目组合Specimen disc样本盘Specimen cup样本杯Specimen stook样本架Barcode条形码Analysisdie-block分析模块Reagent chamber转盘式试剂室Reaction cup反应杯Reaction disc反应盘Sample assembly取样装置Crossing contamination取样针防交叉污染Chemistry inertia fluid化学惰性液Light source光源Halogen tungsten filament lamp卤素钨丝灯Raster光栅Monochromato单色器Detergent清洗剂Detectot检测器Laboratory antomation system LAS:实验室自动化系统End assay终点法Hemolysis溶血Icterus黄疸Lipo-turbid脂血Fixed-time assay固定时间法Continuous monitoring assay连续监测法Rate assay速率法Transmission turbidimetry透射比浊法Analysis parameter分析参数Test code试验名称、测试名称Assay mode方法类型、反应模式Temperature反应温度Response direction反应方向Fist reagent volume第一试剂量Second reagent volume第二试剂量Total reacting volume总反应体积Incubate time孵育时间Continuous monitoring time连续监测时间Calibrator coefficient校准K值/理论K值Linearity range线性范围Decimal point小数位数Substrate exhaust limit底物耗尽值Flexrate弹性速率法Procedure程序Interval time间隔时间Simple cycle取样周期Maintenance常规维护Channel通道Enzyme酶Upper limit of normal正常上限Fixed time assay固定时间法Two point assay两点法Lag phase延滞期Linear phase线性期Non linear phase非线性期Definitive method确认方法Reference method参考方法Routine method常规方法Certified reference materials一级参考品Reference materials二级参考品Analyzer分析仪Master calibrator一级校准品Quality control质量控制Print打印Select all全选Delete删除Reagent template library试剂模块Alert test/alert volume报警试验Stable稳定Expiration date有效期Reagent configulation试剂结构Chg sheet设置界面Calculated test计算测试Serum血清Urine尿液Assay#实验序号Assay名称缩写Serum indices血清指数Outline梗概、大纲、要点Base基本Curry over延迟Rerun rules运行规律Qualitative ranges定性范围Reaction mode反应模式Calibrator mode校准模式QA:quality assurance品质保证QC:quality control质量控制。
Cakewalk SONAR 7官方中文手册美国Cakewalk公司 原著云天音乐网 饶磊 编译云天音乐网()版权所有 抄袭必究本文档所涉及的信息如有更改,孰不另行通知,Twelve Tone Systems公司不承担相应的义务。
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SONAR和Cakewalk标志是Twelve Tone Systems公司的注册商标。
SONAR 7 官方中文手册0.目录0. 目录 (3)1. 编者的话 (6)2. 中文SONAR系列图书 (7)3. 前言 (9)4. SONAR 7 介绍 (11)7 新特性概览 (12)4.1. SONAR7 的系统需求 (13)4.2. SONAR4.3. SONAR7 新特性详解 (13)7 的峰值限制器-Boost 11 (17)4.4. SONAR7 包含的虚拟乐器 (17)4.5. SONAR4.6. SONAR7 的母带后期处理插件 (19)7Producer Edition(制作人版)和Studio Edition(工作室版)功能比较 (21)4.7. SONAR4.8. 选择SONAR 7的20个理由 (21)5. 安装 (28)6. 指南 (38)6.1. 指南1——基础 (39)6.1.1. 打开工程 (39)6.1.2. 回放准备 (39)6.1.3. 播放工程 (42)6.1.4. 自动重新开始工程 (44)6.1.5. 更改速度 (46)6.1.6. 静音和独奏 (47)6.1.7. 更改音轨乐器 (48)6.1.8. 在MIDI键盘上演奏音乐 (49)6.2. 指南2——录制MIDI (51)6.2.1. 创建新工程 (51)6.2.2. 录制MIDI音轨 (51)6.2.3. 保存 (54)6.2.4. 循环录制 (54)6.2.5. 插入录制 (56)6.3. 指南3——录制数字音频 (58)6.3.1. 设置采样率 (58)6.3.2. 设置音频驱动器的精度和录制精度 (58)6.3.3. 新建一个工程 (59)云天音乐网()版权所有 抄袭必究6.3.4. 设置音频轨 (59)6.3.5. 检查输入电平 (59)6.3.6. 录制数字音频 (60)6.3.7. 聆听录制结果 (60)6.3.8. 录制另外一个动机 (61)6.3.9. 输入监听 (61)6.3.10. 循环和插入录制 (62)6.3.11. 多通道录制 (62)6.4. 指南4——编辑MIDI (63)6.4.1. 移调 (63)6.4.2. 用托放的方法复制事件条 (63)6.4.3. 在钢琴卷帘视图里编辑音符 (64)6.4.4. 滑动编辑 (65)6.4.5. 绘制MIDI包络线 (66)6.4.6. 把MIDI转换成音频 (67)6.5. 指南5——编辑数字音频 (69)6.5.1. 打开工程 (69)6.5.2. 导入音频文件 (69)6.5.3. 移动以及循环事件条 (70)6.5.4. 对事件条进行滑动编辑 (70)6.5.5. 自动交叠淡变 (71)6.5.6. 合并音轨 (71)6.6. 指南6——使用智能事件条 (72)6.6.1. 添加智能事件条到工程里 (72)6.6.2. 循环智能事件条 (73)6.6.3. 更改智能事件条的音高 (75)6.6.4. 更该工程的速度 (76)6.6.5. 创建你自己的智能事件条 (76)6.7. 指南7——混音 (80)6.7.1. 添加实时的音频效果 (80)6.7.2. 对单独的效果设置自动控制 (80)6.7.3. 编组控制 (81)6.7.4. 对混音自动控制 (81)6.7.5. 导出MP3文件 (82)6.8. 指南8——使用软件合成器 (84)6.8.1. 把Cakewalk TTS-1插入到工程里 (84)6.8.2. 通过软件合成器播放MIDI音轨 (85)6.8.3. 将软件合成器音轨转换成音频 (85)6.9. 指南9——鼓映射 (87)SONAR 7 官方中文手册6.9.1. 创建一个新工程 (87)6.9.2. 创建鼓映射 (87)6.9.3. 创建一条鼓音轨 (87)6.9.4. 映射鼓音符到不同的输出端口上 (88)6.10. 指南10——Cyclone软件合成器 (91)6.10.1. Cyclone概述 (91)6.10.2. 添加文件到节奏垫 (91)6.10.3. 设置节奏垫的音量和相位 (92)6.10.4. 演奏Cyclone (92)6.10.5. 在循环编辑器里编辑循环 (93)7. 版权说明 (95)云天音乐网()版权所有 抄袭必究1.编者的话云天音乐网()是专门从事电脑音乐研究和教学的专业网站,自从2000年开办以来一直得到广大电脑音乐爱好者的喜爱。
前言 (IV)1范围 (1)2术语 (1)3代码标准 (1)3.1命名规范 (1)3.1.1文件命名 (1)3.1.2HDL代码命名总则 (2)3.2注释 (4)3.2.1文件头 (4)3.2.2其它注释 (5)3.3编程风格 (7)3.3.1编写代码格式要整齐 (7)3.3.2使用二到四个空格符缩排 (7)3.3.3一行一条Verilog语句 (7)3.3.4一行一个端口声明 (7)3.3.5在定义端口时,按照端口类型或端口功能定义端口顺序。
(8)3.3.7声明内部net (8)3.3.8在一个段内声明所有内部net (8)3.3.9每行长度不超过80字符....................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.3.10代码流中不同结构之间用一空行隔开 (8)3.4模块划分和重用 (10)3.4.1不能访问模块外部的net和variable (10)3.4.2不使用`include编译指令 (10)3.4.3建议模块的端口信号尽可能少。
(10)3.4.4时钟产生电路单独构成一个模块 (10)3.4.5划分时钟域 (10)3.4.6物理和逻辑边界的匹配 (10)3.4.7特定应用代码要单独划分出来 (10)3.4.8关键时序逻辑划分 (10)3.4.9数据流逻辑划分 (11)3.4.10异步逻辑划分 (11)3.4.11状态机划分 (11)3.4.12控制逻辑和存储器划分 (11)3.5逻辑设计经验 (11)3.5.1时钟域要尽可能少,所用时钟尽可能加全局BUFF (11)3.5.2异步接口信号同步化 (11)3.5.3避免寄存器的数据与时钟异步 (11)3.5.4使用无毛刺的门控时钟使能信号 (11)3.5.5直接作用信号无毛刺 (11)3.5.6初始化控制存储元件 (12)3.5.7使用同步设计 (12)3.5.8避免组合反馈环 (12)3.6常用编程技巧 (12)3.6.1条件表达式的值必须是一个单bit值 (12)3.6.2总线位顺序按高到低保持一致 (12)3.6.3不要给信号赋x值 (12)3.6.4寄存器变量只能在一个always语句中赋值 (12)3.6.5对常量使用参数而不使用文本宏 (12)3.6.6不能重复定义参数 (12)3.6.7不能重复定义文本宏 (12)3.6.8保持常量之间的联系 (12)3.6.9状态编码的参数使用 (13)3.6.10`define、`undef配合使用 (13)3.6.11用基地址+地址偏移量生成地址 (13)3.6.12使用文本宏表示寄存器字段位置和值 (13)3.6.13`ifdef的嵌套限制在三层以内 (13)3.6.14操作数的位宽必须匹配 (13)3.6.15模块调用时端口要显式引用 (14)3.6.16矢量端口和net/variable声明的位宽要匹配 (14)3.6.17避免inout类型的端口 (14)3.6.18在复杂的表达式中使用括号 (14)3.7常用综合标准 (14)3.7.1always 的敏感列表要完整 (14)3.7.2一个 always 的敏感列表中只能有一个时钟 (14)3.7.3只使用可综合的结构 (15)3.7.4组合逻辑的条件需完备 (15)3.7.5循环结构中禁用disable语句 (15)3.7.6避免无界循环 (15)3.7.7端口连接禁用表达式 (15)3.7.8禁用Verilog primitive (15)3.7.9边沿敏感结构中使用非阻塞赋值(<=) (15)3.7.10Latch使用非阻塞赋值 (15)3.7.11模块闲置的输入端不要悬空 (15)3.7.12连接模块闲置的输出端 (16)3.7.13函数中不要使用锁存器 (16)3.7.14禁用casex (16)3.7.15多周期路径的信号使用单周期使能信号 (16)3.7.16三态元件建模 (16)3.7.17避免顶层胶合逻辑 (16)3.7.18在case语句中使用default赋值语句 (16)3.7.19full_case综合命令的使用 (16)附录1 HDL编译器不支持的Verilog结构 (18)附录2 Verilog和VHDL关键词列表 (19)前言编写本标准的目的是为了统一部门内部FPGA\EPLD设计用verilog语言编程风格,提高Verilog设计源代码的可读性、可靠性和可重用性,减少维护成本,最终提高产品生产力;并且以此作为代码走查的标准。
Quartus常见问题Quartus常见错误1.Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net ……解析:不能在两个以上always内对同一变量赋值,这个细节一般看书看资料会看到,但是编程时,就是没想到。
2.Error (10158): Verilog HDL Module Declaration error at clkseg.v(1): port\解析:大意了,端口类型还没定义啊!3.Error (10110): variable \Assignments -- must be all blocking or all nonblocking assignments解析:en在程序中有时用非阻塞赋值,有时用阻塞赋值,这是禁止的。
4.Error (10161): Verilog HDL error at clkseg.v(36): object \is notdeclared解析:这个错误应该很明显啦,只要能读得懂。
5.Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at clkseg.v(37) near text \expecting \解析:意思应该也很简单,就是检查的时候要细心点。
6.Error (10171): Verilog HDL syntax error at ir_ctrl.v(149) near end offile ;expecting an identifier, or \解析:最后上了endmodule。
7.Error (10278): Verilog HDL Port Declaration error at ir_ctrl.v(11):input port\解析:在Altra官网中就有该解释/support/kdb/solutions/rd03102021_162.html 官网上有很多东西值得我们发现学习。
python sample函数用法
![python sample函数用法](
python sample函数用法sample函数是一个python语言中重要的内置函数,它的主要作用是从给定的序列中随机采样指定数量的元素,并以列表的形式返回。
此外sample函数还有两个可选参数,一个是weight用于指定每个元素的抽样几率,另一个是replace用于表示是否允许重复抽样,具体语法如下:random.sample(population, k, replace=True/False,weight=None)最后,要注意的是sample函数是安全的,即返回的元素永远不会大于输入的源的元素数量,不存在选取重复的元素的情况。
第4章CH32V307编译过程分析第4章 CH32V307编译过程分析使⽤这款集成开发环境(IDE)对RISC-V MCU进⾏嵌⼊式开发时,⼯程师不⽤关注RISC-V MCU 繁杂的底层编译过程,只需⽤C语⾔编写相应的⼯程代码,点击build编译按钮,即可⽣成hex或bin⽬标⽂件,下载后即可运⾏。
4.1 编译过程⽽将.C⽂件转变为最终的.hex或.bin⽬标⽂件,需要经过预处理、编译、汇编、链接这四个步骤。
(切记及时打开,以提升编译速度)可以通过取消MRS的简洁输出模式,Project -> Concise Build Output Mode,观察整个编译过程。
MRS默认是不保存编译过程中的.i和.s等临时⽂件,为了更好的分析编译的过程,可配置保存这些⽂件,操作如下:4.1.1 预处理(Pre-Processing)主要包括宏定义(#define),⽂件包含(#include),条件编译(#ifdef)三部分。
预处理期间将检查包含预处理指令的语句和宏定义,并对其进⾏响应和替换,并删除程序中的注释和多余空⽩字符,最后会⽣成 .i ⽂件。
4.1.2 编译(Compiling)编译器会将预处理完的 .i ⽂件进⾏⼀些列的语法分析,并优化后⽣成对应的汇编代码,⽣成 .s ⽂件。
当然,各⼚家会根据⾃家的内核设计,修改对应的⼯具链以⽀持其特⾊功能,如沁恒微电⼦的RISC-V MCU所特有的HPE硬件压栈和VTF免表中断技术,需要在中断服务函数增加指令__attribute__((interrupt("WCH-Interrupt-fast"))),然后在编译时会识别并省略软件压栈的过程。
4.1.3 汇编(Assembling)通过汇编器将编译器⽣成的 .s 汇编程序汇编为机器语⾔或指令,也就是可以机器可以执⾏的⼆进制程序,⽣成 .o ⽂件。
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2. 经历将实际问题抽象为方程模型的过程,初步体会方程是刻画现实世界的有效数学模型和数学建模思想;
2. 能够在实际问题中验证方程解的合理性。
教学重点、难点1. 将实际问题抽象为方程模型的过程
2. 列方程时未知数的选择
教学活动1 (一)师生互动,激趣导入
3. 解决实际问题经历怎样的思维过程?
教学活动5 (五)课外研讨,迁移创新。